July 2013 Newsletter PDF
July 2013 Newsletter PDF
July 2013 Newsletter PDF
MASTERS TABLE DINNER FOR JULY Come join us for the Masters table at Christs church July21st at 4-5:30 pm. There will be no dinner in August. All are welcome and donations are gladly welcome. LOTS OF CHANGES AT THE CLUB
Due to her many, many outside responsibilities Donna K feels that she can not fulfill her duties as Vice President. Because of this she decided to step down. To fill the position the membership decided to ask Sylvia our Secretary to step into the position. Luckily she accepted. This opened the position of club Secretary. Once again the members picked a new person to take the position. They decided to ask Elaine Mc. to take the job. Once again luck smiled on the club and Elaine said yes. Good luck to all our new executive members.
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Isabella continued :
The trip to Isabella Freedman was a wonderful experience for me. This was the first time going and I hope not the last. Getting away from the day to day complexities of our lives was refreshing and renewing. The place was gorgeous place to go. Because of the rain I have never got so soaked in my life and the rain caused all 160 guest to stay under one tent together. But this gave me the opportunity to meet a diverse group of people and our heroic staff. This was a well rounded enjoyable time away. Julie P. I would like to thank the staff at the Valley Social Club for allowing me the wonderful opportunity to attend this years Isabella Freedman retreat. It came just at the right time for me and I greatly enjoyed the pleasant experiences of the surrounding woods and lakes, the farm, the tasty meals and entertainment. I also liked meeting new people and making friends. Thanks to the staff at the resort and again to the V.S.C. for truly wonderful trip. Marilyn K. Boy its great to be home ! The resort is always a great trip. This year was the same despite the rain. Monday and Tuesday was a little slow we could not use the pool or have a campfires due to the rain. Wednesday was much better. We stayed busy all day and got a lot of exercise. The food was great , all of tit healthy and uniquely tasty. We met the female goats that staff milk and make cheese from which was really interesting. We also saw the staff pickle vegetables for sale. We met new people too. All in all it was a great time but Im happy to be home.
Its summer time and once more our club members are fortunate to get fresh produce from Masaro Farms. Our first trip got us lettuce, Bok Choy and my favorite kale. Our member Luis says he likes the fresh Bok Choy because it's tasty, and fresh. Members can come into the club on Wednesday's after 11:00am and help themselves to the fresh produce.
Sign up
$ - Bring cash
7 Club Closed
Computer lab 10am Sleeping Giant Trip 10:30am Free lunch 12-12:30
13 * Picnic Indian
Wells 10am-2pm
14 Club Closed
Breakfast 8:30-10 Strawberry picking Jones farm 10:30 Special Bingo 2-3pm
20 Club Closed
21 Club Closed
Masters Table dinner 4-5:30 pm Christ Church
27 Club Closed
28 Club Closed
*Club Dinner
NUMBERS: Phyllis 305-7895 Jacques 430-1466 Mike 732-7089 Social Club 735-9106
NUMBERS: NUMBERS: BHcare 736-2601 Valley Transit (Clinic Ex.380) 735-6408 Hill Health 503-3570 Taxi 735-8294