E Lunar9 1
E Lunar9 1
E Lunar9 1
To whose temple the Arch is starlit, In whose temple the Sun is the image of gold, To whose temple the Moon goes every month And brings the message out every full-moon, And whose message the Moon sings as a word of sixteen letters, His religion I belong to, His temple I visit, His name I utter, His glory I live in. To Him I offer the lotus of my day, To Him I offer the lotus of my night.
These seed thoughts from the Spiritual Psychology meditations of Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya give the note for the Lunar Messenger of the Circle of Good Will. The moon is the reflective principle and symbol of the mind. When pure and calm, it reflects impressions from higher circles. Especially the time of the full moon is conducive for higher alignment, if we are poised enough. The alignment of the sun, moon and earth in the sky helps experiencing the magic of the light of the soul and its manifestation down to the physical. The Lunar Messenger is published every month in time for the full moon. It contains thoughts from the teachings of eternal wisdom. Its purpose is to inspire us to put them into practical life.
is also not visible. We cannot realise it unless we function as souls, because it is beyond the subjective.
Through meditation and prayer the fire in the body is also stirred and emerges as Kundalini fire. Master CVV says, I will start a movement in you which serves to kindle fire in you.
Fiery Transformation
The fire is strengthened by fiery aspiration called tapas. Regular engagement with wisdom is like an inner rubbing which generates heat and strengthens the alchemy of transformation. The fiery signs in the zodiac support the fiery transmutations. But even if you dont have any planets in fiery signs you can get the needed fire for transformation through the transits of the big planets through fiery signs. Also when planets move through a fiery sign by progression, we can use the time for the fiery work. When many planets are in airy signs the work of fire has already been done to a certain degree. The three fiery signs symbolise the three great fires: Sagittarius represents the fire by friction which helps to purify matter from inertia. Leo belongs to the solar fire which represents the soul. It transforms the personality and leads us into the fields of light. Aries, the electric fire, stands for the head above the brows where the highest enlightenment can take place. The seed sound of fire is RA or RAM. It is the oldest mantram on the planet. The mantram SRI RAM helps for a faster transformation. SRI stands for the splendour, the Divine Nature. SRIYAM is the light of Ajna. VAM is the sound of Ajna, SRIM the fire of Ajna. HRIM is the fire of golden light. AIM is the light as the Word. The light of joy is KLIM. We find all these sounds in the fire ritual: AIM, KLIM, SRIM, HRIM, in this way. In Hierarchy Master Morya represents the fire aspect. His statements sound bitter, but if we chew them, they become sweet. If we delve more into the meaning of the Treatise on Cosmic Fire, we transform our life. To read it does not mean to study it. A person who studies it automatically becomes more responsible because it contains so much fire. It is in fact fire arranged in the form of paper. Each time we touch it we will experience changes in the personal actions. It helps us to gain more fire and thus to keep on changing our life. Sources: K.P. Kumar: Agni The Symbolism and the Ritual of Fire / Mantrams / notes from seminars. E. Krishnamacharya: Agni Yoga Yoga of Synthesis. The World
Teacher Trust - Dhanishta, (www.worldteachertrust.org ) Visakhapatnam, India