Comparison of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Structure of Cells: Margie L. Stinson

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Margie L.



Characteristic Examples of Organisms that have prokaryotic cell structure Prokaryotic Cell Domain Archae (= Archaebacteria) Domain Bacteria (= Eubacteria) Eukaryotic Cell Domain Eukarya Kingdoms: Protista Fungi Animalia Plantae Some species are unicellular. These include all heterotrophic protistans plus unicellular algae (autotrophic) and yeast (the only unicellular fungi). Some species are multicellular, including the multicellular algae (protista) also known as kelp or seaweed; all plants and all animals. All cells in a multicellular organism are eukaryotic. Huge 10-100 microns Eukaryotic cells are approximately 10 times larger. If you were to draw a line 1 (2.54 cm) in length, you could place a chain of 50,000 prokaryotic cells (bacteria) or 5,000 eukaryotic cells on that line. more complex Earliest eukaryotic cell (protistan) existed 1.5 G y ago.

Number of Cells in Organism

Almost all are unicellular Some unicellular forms form aggregates. Only 1 form, discovered in 1999, appears to possibly be a colony with specialized cells (thus making it a multicellular bacterium).

Relative Size

Tiny 1-10 microns

Relative Complexity Structurally & Functionally Evolutionary Appearance on Earth

simpler Evidence of bacteria 3.5 billion years ago.


Cell (plasma) Membrane Cytosol (also called cytoplasm or cytoskeleton) Ribosomes Nucelic Acids DNA Type: Quantity: Structure: YES YES YES YES

YES YES single-stranded double-stranded small amount. Majority of DNA molecule exists as one chromosome (also called a DNA loop). Parts of DNA can be transcribed and these segments form circles called plasmids. Any plasmid only carries the genetic code of part of the DNA molecule.

YES YES double-stranded (only) 1000 times more Cut into linear segments Called chromosomes. Plasmids do not exist.

3 Chromosomes Attached to cell membrane? The ends of the main DNA chromosome or loop are attached to the plasma membrane. Plasmids are not attached, but would float in the cytoplasm. Plasmids can be passed through a conjugation tube, made by pili, to neighboring bacteria (= a form of sex). In cytoplasm. Area, where the DNA is most concentrated is called the nucleoid, nut this nucleoid area is not enclosed in membranes and thus is not a nucleus. Plasmids can float anywhere within the cytoplasm. The chromosomes are not attached to any membrane.

DNA Location:

Found within a nucleus, enclosed in a double-layered, porous membrane connected to the plasma membrane and to other organelles of the endomembrane system. Importantantly, the ends of the chromosomes are not attached to any membrane. Found in chloroplasts. Found in mitochondria.

RNA: Type: Location:

Single-stranded Double-stranded Associated with DNA and Ribosomes.

Single-stranded (only) Associated with DNA and ribosomes in nucleus, chloroplasta and mitochondria. Floats in cytoplasm.

4 Organelle Nucleus Nucleolus Ribosomes Cytosol ~ Cytoplasm Endoplasmic Reticulum Golgi Apparatus Mitochondria Chloroplasts Prokaryotic Cell Structure no no yes yes no no no No Chlorophyll on cyanobacteria is located on extensions of the plasma mambrane membrane. These membranes are analagous to membranous thylakoids in the mitochondria of chloroplasts of photosynthetic eukaryotic cells. no no no Eukaryotic Cell Structure yes no yes yes yes yes yes yes (only in in photosynthetic cells)

Lysosomes Peroxisomes and microbodies Plastids

yes yes yes, in certain plant cells

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