Didactic Unit Foods&Drinks
Didactic Unit Foods&Drinks
Didactic Unit Foods&Drinks
INTRODUCTION This didactic unit is designed for a group of 23 pupils in the 4th year of Primary Education -2nd Cycle- following the provisions in law 2/2006, issued on May 3rd, 2006 containing the main guidelines for the education system in Spain; in Decree 1513/2006 passed on December 7th, 2007 by the Ministry of Education and Science which includes the core curriculum for Primary Education in Spain; in Decree 230/2007 issued on July 31st, 2007 by the Department of Education and Science of Junta of Andaluca organizing Primary Education in our region, in the requirements and considerations about the evaluation of the teaching-learning process stated in the Order August 10th, 2007, and in the L.A.E. 17/2007 passed on December 10th, 2007. These education acts state that the aim of the Area of Foreign Languages of Primary Education is to teach pupils how to acquire communicative competence so that they can communicate orally and in the written form in an effective way, skills essential for personal development, for the acquisition of new knowledge and for further learning.
OBJECTIVES This didactic unit considers all the attainments stated by our Educational Acts, Decree 1513/2006, Article 3 and Decree 230/2007, Article 4. However, it is essential to mention some of the general aims for the stage that Decree 1513/2006 establishes to which this unit pays special attention: -Objective b, which aims to develop individual and team-working habits, effort, responsibility for their work, self-confidence, critical awareness, personal initiative, curiosity, interest and creativity in the learning process. -Objective d, which considers the importance of knowing, understand and respect different cultures and the differences between people, equal rights and opportunities of men and women and non-discrimination towards the disabled. On the other hand, Decree 230/2007 sets out four objectives for Primary Education. Consequently, the unit develop them, stressing the following one: -Objective b, which is to know ant appreciate the natural and culture heritage, preserve and improve it actively, to be aware of cultural and linguistic diversity as valuable characteristics of people and individuals and to develop respect and interest in that diversity. In addition to this, the unit regards all the objectives for the Area of Foreign Languages Decree 1513/2006 establishes.
Nevertheless, it is important to focus on the following ones: -Objective 2, dealing with interacting orally in common and usual situations with familiar contents and development, using verbal and non-verbal procedures and adapting a respectful and cooperative attitude. -Objective 7, which pays attention to the development of a respectful and confident attitude to the pupils capacity to learn and use a foreign language. Finally, it is necessary to define a series of didactic aims the pupils should acquire: -To use and recognize the vocabulary related to food. -To produce English messages using lexical and grammatical principles explained in this unit. -To promote responsible habits as consumers. -To familiarize pupils with common structures. -To ask and say how much things cost. -To answer YES/NO question with the properly intonation.
CONTENTS 1. LISTENING, SPEAKING AND COMMUNICATION - Listening comprehension of shorts texts in the foreign language by means of resources as the CD player, or through peer-interaction. - Oral production of short and simple texts in the foreign language associated to class activities and tasks. - Associating meaning, pronunciation and spelling of words. - Learning typical English songs. 2. READING AND WRITING - Reading comprehension of simple and easy texts in the foreign language in order to identify sounds and words, and extract specific information. - Written production of short and simple texts in the foreign language associated to class activities and tasks. 3. LANGUAGE AWARENESS A. LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE
- Functions:
-Asking and giving information about food and drink. -Expressing likes and dislikes. -Being able to ask and buy food in English, as well as to compare prices. -To ask about prices with how much is/ are?
- Structures: Revision and development of the following ones: I like/I dont like It is a; whats that? How much it is? ; It is more expensive than It is cheaper than - Vocabulary related to: Food and drink: Food: salad, Chicken, pizza, bacon, egg, bread, sandwich, rice, spaghetti, chips, taco, meat, soup, hamburger, cereal, cheese, fish, and hotdog. Fruits: apple, banana, orange, lemon, strawberry, pear, peach, cherry, grape, pineapple, watermelon, kiwi. Vegetables: onion, green pepper, tomato, mushroom, lettuce, broccoli, potato, carrot, pumpkin, jeans or peas, radish, cabbage, corn, eggplant, cucumber. Drinks: milk, juice, water, lemonade, iced tea, milkshake, hot chocolate, tea, coffee, beer, wine. Money: pounds, pences, expensive, cheap The timing of meals: Breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner. - Phonetics: Identification and differences between phonemes:
//, /: /, //
//, /: / /i: /, //
A. REFLECTION ON LEARNING - Understanding and respectful attitude towards the foreign language, its speakers and culture. - Showing and interesting and respectful attitude towards peoples opinions and ideas. - Showing an interesting attitude towards the teaching-learning process, participating actively in it. 4. SOCIO-CULTURAL ASPECTS AND INTERCULTURAL AWARENESS - Respect towards people who speak English and have a different culture. - Assessment of our own culture. - Recognition and use basic formulas and expressions of social relations. - Recognition of similarities and differences between aspects of daily life in countries where English is spoken and own (what food they prefer, ingredients in their dishes...). 5. VALUES
- Education for Health. - Consumer Education.
- Relationship with the Area of Art Education by means of the creation of wallcharts, posters...
- Relationship with the Area of Music Education by means of listening and sing songs.
METHODOLOGY First of all, it is important to stress that the criteria mentioned in the Didactic Planning also apply to this Didactic Unit. Consequently, only the most relevant principles will be pointed out in this section. This unit is designed according to the requirements of the communicative approach and Task-based approach establish for the development of the different units in the teachinglearning process in the Foreign Language Area. The main factor to consider is that all classes are mixed-ability. This means that it is necessary to take the pupils previous knowledge as the starting point in order to state a relationship with the new items to learn. Therefore, children should be encouraged to learn in a meaningful way, which helps them to organize the knowledge they build up. This will be carried out by means of tasks consisting of communicative situations whose
performance is developed in pairs or groups such as games, role-play, songs and so on. Nevertheless, these groups should not have more than five members due to the fact that lack of concentration and noise can arise. This idea is based on the principle of cooperative learning in which children learn from each other. These activities increase pupils motivation and interests, as they refer to their likes, needs and world of experiences. To cater for to every child in an appropriate way, the unit includes reinforcement and extension activities at the end of the sequence of activities. For the development of this didactic unit, the teacher and the pupils will use the following materials:
Session 1 Task 1: In this session the final task is presented. Then I will raise a brainstorm to know the students' previous ideas regarding this topic. First of all, I will present the vocabulary by means of flashcards. First I am going to teach the flashcards of the food one by one and I am saying the foods name appears in the picture. Then I will repeat this activity, but this time the students repeat what I said. To end this activity, I will be showing the flashcards and the students will say the name of what is shown in the picture. Then I will show a picture with food. I will point out some of them and students would tell what food is. After that, a volunteer student would adopt the role of the teacher. He should point the drawings and the rest of pupils would have to say what food is. The student with the role of the teacher says it is correct or not, in this way, volunteer pupil would work at the same time as his classmates. Finally students will present a card with names of food. I'll read those names and students will find in a box where lies their corresponding images of food (flashcards) and will stick next to the name with adhesive caulk, which will be pasted on the board. To review the new vocabulary and the vocabulary that students knew previously, I am going to do a bingo with pictures, in which I will say the vocabulary while pupils have to mark the pictures I am saying. Task 2:
Here I am going to show pupils a picture in which there is a food. With this picture I will introduce grammatical aspects such as I like/I dont likeHe likes/ he doesnt likes Then, we will work on the listening to a song. Firstly, in the pre-listening stage we will listen to the song once to introduce it without the lyrics of the song. Secondly, in the while-listening stage, we will hear again the song, and then we will do a second listening with messy lyrics on a sheet. Here, pupils have to work in groups of 4 or 5. In this stage it is interesting to do a 3rd listening with the ordered lyrics. Finally, we are going to do a post-listening while pupils have to fill gaps in the lyrics of the song. The song will be:
Session 2 Task 1:
In this session it is interesting to start with a warming up, in which we will review the song listened in the previously session. Pupils also have to do a crossword with pictures about the vocabulary learnt in session one. However, I will show students some cards of different written foods, but this time in the plural and every word with a different plural form, which will appear in a different color paper and added the plural form of each word in a bright color, so that the children observe the shape of each plural and will relate it to the color of each cardboard. Also I will put on the board the cards with the names of foods and I will ask students to put-s,-es,-ies next to the words or on them, as shown below:
Task 2: They will play in pairs with a domain in which we see a food on one side, and in the other one the name of a different food. Pupils should be putting the cards relating the name of the food with its corresponding image. Another game to make in pairs will be as follows: I will drawings of different baskets (one related to food, another for fruits, another for drinks and finally vegetables). I will provide food picture cards and cards with names of food. Students should paste both the names and pictures in their respective baskets. Pupils will also do a sheet in where they will join with arrows the different tastes of children in the picture with the image in which appear the corresponding food. Finally, they are going to do an alphabet soup in which they must find the hidden food. Drawings of foods are displayed for pupils for not to be so complicated. Session 3 Task 1: In this session we will do a warming-up activity. We will review vocabulary from previous sessions.
After review the vocabulary, we are going to raise an activity to acquire grammatical aspects. The activity consists of the presentation of a model by which pupil can make sentences following it: Model: I like banana/ I dont like banana/ he likes banana/ he doesn`t like banana. I like I... / I dont /I / he likes / he / he doesn`t / he
Then pupils should build sentences with other examples themselves. However it is interesting to do an activity about distinction of phonemes: // and /i: / in words fish and cheese; and phonemes // and // in milkshake and cherry or chicken. I will pronounce it and pupils have to repeat. Task 2: I will show pupils images in which appears different comparisons of prices of food images, using "it is more expensive Than ..." "It Is Cheaper Than ...", it is as expensive / cheap as ... "," it is The Most expensive / cheap. " Then I will throw the question of "how much it is?" that pupils should answer themselves while watching the images ("It's cost two pounds and fifty pence ", for example), then we will read the comparisons.
After that, they are going to describe in writing an invented food by means of the vocabulary known, for example an ice-cream of lettuce. When they finished, they have to make a wallchart, drawing, coloring and gluing it in a stick. It will be useful to the final task planted in this unit. Session 4 Task 1: In this session the warming up will consist of an activity in which I will tell likes and dislikes about food. Pupils should draw what I am saying: likes in the left square and dislikes in the right one, as follows:
After that, I will give out children cards with pictures of food and under each one, YES / NO. Students should ask their partner if they like or dislike the food, and must circle the correct answer. Then they change, asking who was asked before and answering who did the question before
Task 2: After I will provide the students a table in which they have to mark with an X, after hearing an oral text that I will read, food that I like or do not like. The text will present orally to the students on three occasions, the first to be heard, to mark the second and third choices to be observed and, if necessary, correct the markup. The text is as follows:
Then, we will use ICT to develop an activity in which pupils have to find in the Internet characteristics about the typical food about the foreign language culture, as well as the time they eat and so on. Then in groups should compare and share what they have found. Finally, each group have to do an activity in which they have to put in clocks the times that English people have breakfast, lunch, snack and diner, thus they will review the previous knowledge related to hours:
Session 5: Task 1: Firstly, in this session pupils are going to present orally their invented food (made in session 3) to the rest of the class. Thus, they develop respectful attitudes towards opinions and expression of other pupils. When all pupils had been exposed their wallcharts, they have to do a role-play in which some pupils will adopt the role of sellers and buyers others with the help of flashcards. In this activity they review not only the vocabulary learnt but also the grammatical expressions like: How much it is?, it is more expensive than And so on. When I said, pupils have to change the role, if he/she was the seller now he/she will be the buyers. Task 2: Here I will provide pupils a worksheet in which they are going to put the time in clocks and draw the food what I said. For example: I have breakfast at eight oclock. I like to eat bread, cereal, pear and milk for breakfast. I have lunch at two oclock. I like to eat salad, spaghetti, strawberry and juice for lunch. I have snack at five oclock. I like to eat cookies, orange and milkshake for snack. I have dinner at nine oclock. I like to eat soup, fish and water for dinner.
TREATMENT OF MIXED-ABILITY IN THE DIDACTIC UNIT The principle of quality of education for all citizens is supported by the Order July 25 , 2008 which states the theoretical framework for the treatment of mixed-ability and pupils with SEN in Andaluca.
The class is heterogeneous that means it is a mixed-ability class. All the process is based on such concept and this is justified in the activities along this didactic unit which are designed considering the capabilities, needs, interests and paces of every pupil. Therefore, the activities include co-operative work affording pupils chances to interact and learn from each other. Similarly, these are open-ended tasks which allow children perform them at different levels successfully.
EVALUATION Evaluation is an integral part of pupils learning process whose aim is to check their progress and make appropriate changes depending on circumstances. This evaluating process must be continuous, global and progressive, adjusting itself to the school context and the characteristics of the class.
Initial evaluation: This type refers to the conditions by which teachers can set the starting point for the development of the unit by means of studying the pupils previous knowledge through warming-up activities, and activities reviewing and introducing new contents.
Medial evaluation: This kind of evaluation is treated by facilitating and communicative tasks during the didactic unit.
Final evaluation: The teacher evaluates what pupils have achieved by means of a final task, which shows the level of competence acquired by the children in the development of the unit.
The teacher uses different instruments to evaluate the teaching-learning process. Among others, the following will be pointed out.
The teachers own observation, a dairy with notes taken during the activities, the pupils previous knowledge, the social and family background of the children, their performance of the activities and the final task, their involvement on the development of the unit, and their attitude in the teaching-learning process towards the Area of Foreign Languages, its speakers and culture, and their classmates opinions and ideas.
Finally, the evaluation criteria to check the pupils degree of fulfilment of the objectives stated at the beginning are linked with their ability:
-To take part in designed oral interaction on known topics in predictable communicative situations, respecting the basic rules in communication such as listening and looking at whoever is speaking.
-To write meaningful sentences and short texts in everyday and school issues from models with a specific purpose and format, both printed and digital. -To use forms and structures common in the foreign language including phonetic aspects such as rhythm, stress and intonation in different meaningful communicative contexts. -To value the foreign language as a communication tool with people and show curiosity and interest in people who speak the foreign language. -To identify some aspects of everyday life in the countries in which the foreign language is spoken, and compare them with the pupils.
On the whole, evaluation must include every aspect involved in the development of the teaching-learning process of the Foreign Language Area in Primary Education.