EN218 CMap
EN218 CMap
EN218 CMap
Integrated English for Effective Communication
First Edition
2 Curriculum
Grade 3
Unit 1 Building Connections Time Allotment: 43 days
Program Standard The student demonstrates mastery of basic skills in English language arts, communicates appropriately, fluently and
accurately, orally and writes for a variety of purposes in different social and academic context at his/her level while carrying
out real life tasks necessary to cope with the demands of a functionally literate and competent lo- cal, national and global
Grade Level Standards The student listens critically to one-two paragraphs; use appropriate expressions in varied situations; read texts for pleasure and
information critically in meaningful thought units; responds properly to environmental print like signs, posters, commands
and requests; and writes legibly simple sentences and messages in cursive form.
Content Standards The student demonstrates mastery of using nouns and pronouns, noting details, inferring, sequencing, visualizing
information, expressing opinions in different situations and writing activities and observing correct-subject verb agreement
Performance Standards The student transfers learning by showing application of reading and grammar skills in various real-life situations.
A – RC/SS (Reading Comprehension/Study Skills), B – LC (Listening Comprehension), C – VC (Viewing Comprehension), D – VD (Vocabulary Development), E – Lit (Litera- ture), F –
WC (Writing and Composition), G – OL/F (Oral Language and Fluency), H – GA (Grammar Awareness)
Integration to Other
Core Understandings
Topics Competencies Assessments Activities Subject Areas and
and Core Questions
Lesson 1 Students will understand A1 Note important Formative A1 Writing character Values Education
Arnold’s Big Day that: details • Graphic organizers lines based on Being courteous in
Worktext pages: U1 Without nouns, it is EN3LC-Ia-j-2.1 completion picture clues meeting new people.
Unit 1 lesson 1 3–14 hard to identify • Worktext oral exer-
people around you, A2 Infer feelings and cises A2 Making inference
7 days using a character
the things that you traits of characters • Worktext written
• Making an inference EN3LC-Ia-j-2.8 exercises profile chart
use, the places that
• Common nouns • Recitation
you visit, or the
and proper nouns A3 Write story ending • Presentations A3 Drawing a
events that happen to
EN3WC-Ia-j-8 • Group activities predicted scene
from a story read
Students will keep con- A4 Make and confirm Summative A4 Predicting
sidering: predictions about • Quizzes outcomes from a
Q1 Why are labels and text • Performance task text
names important? EN3RC-If-j-2.8
Q2 How can you dis- Self-assessment
cover new things? A5 Answer questions • Self-check rubric A5 Answering process
to clarify • Reflection logs questions about
understanding the story
before, during, and
after reading
al profile forms
using common
and proper
H2 Use nouns in sim- ple H2 Writing sentences
sentences using common and
EN3G-Ie-2.4 proper nouns based
on real-life experi-
H1 Using singular and H1 a. Choosing the
plural nouns using correct form
6 Curriculum
Lesson 5 The students will under- A1 Infer feelings and Formative A1 a. Identifying the Values Education
Accidents Happen, but stand that: traits of characters • Graphic organizers correct picture Learning from one’s
10 Curriculum
They Result in Amazing U1 Good readers EN3LC-Ia-j-2.8 completion in a story strip mistakes.
Discoveries can tell when • Worktext oral A1 b. Completing a
Worktext pages: characters act out exercises character trait
Unit 1 lesson 5 63–78 of character. • Worktext written chart
U2 New discoveries exercises A1 c. Completing a
11 days
come from fortu- • Recitation character trait
• Feelings and traits nate mistakes. • Presentations matrix
of characters • Group activities A1 d. Completing
• Subject pronouns The student will keep a survey form
I, you, we, they, he, considering: Summative of likes and
she, it • Quizzes dislikes
Q1 How do emotions
help us know char- • Performance task A1 e. Describing a
acters better? Self-assessment character trait
Q2 Should you be • Self-check rubric of another
afraid of making • Reflection logs person
A2 Answer questions
Q3 Why should we A2 Inferring character
to clarify
replace nouns? traits based on a
before, during, and story
after reading
Program Standard The student demonstrates oral and written fluency at his/her level while carrying out real life tasks necessary to cope with
the demands of a functionally literate and competent local, national and global citizen.
Grade Level Standards The student engages in different communicative activities and uses the skills gained in basic poem appreciation, creating
stories, posters and informative talk in classroom situations.
Content Standards The student demonstrates understanding of verbs and their tenses, identifying the meaning of content-specific words ,using
different types of context clues and predicting outcomes.
Performance Standards The student transfers learning by showing application of the different skills through oral and written communica- tion.
A – RC/SS (Reading Comprehension/Study Skills), B – LC (Listening Comprehension), C – VC (Viewing Comprehension), D – VD (Vocabulary Development), E – Lit (Litera- ture), F –
WC (Writing and Composition), G – OL/F (Oral Language and Fluency), H – GA (Grammar Awareness)
Integration to Other
Core Understandings
Topics Competencies Assessments Activities Subject Areas and
and Core Questions
Lesson 1 Students will understand A1 Follow instructions Formative A1 Sharing your thoughts Art
Androcles and the Lion that: orally given • Quizzes in a thought bubble Do a character mask.
U1 Good stories have EN2SS-IIIa-d-1.1 • Recitation
Worktext pages:
good values to • Assignments B1 Using a graphic
Unit 2 lesson 1 3–16
teach. B1 Identify and discuss • Journals organizer to identify
10 days the elements of the elements of a
U2 Verbs give mean- ing
• Fables to sentences. a story (theme, Summative story
• Elements of a story setting, characters,
• Linking verbs Students will keep con- and events) Self-assessment
sidering: EN2LC-IIa-b-2.2 • Oral presentation
Q1 Why do we need to be • Rubric assessment D1 Choosing the
grateful to peo- ple D1 Infer meaning of • Test meaning of the
who helped us? content specific underlined words
terms using context using context clues
Q2 Why is it important to
be hardworking?
Q3 What is the G1 Express apprecia- tion G1 a. Matching the
importance of for entertaining texts human traits
being contented? (anecdotes, jokes, that could de-
Q4 What are the fables, myths, tales) scribe the char-
benefits of being by recogniz- ing the acters from the
hardworking? punch lines fable “Androcle
Q5 What are the traits of EN7LC-IV-h-8.3 and the Lion”
a good friend? G1 b. Writing an origi-
nal fable
G1 c. Doing a
character mask
verbs based on a
given fable
Lesson 2 Students will understand A1 Follow instructions Formative A1 Coloring the picture Music
that: orally given • Quizzes that shows caring
14 Curriculum
Lesson 5 Students will understand A1 Follow instructions Formative A1 Identifying different Science
One Saturday Afternoon that: orally given • Short quizzes household chores Weather forecast
U1 The future inspires us EN2SS-IIIa-d-1.1 • Drills/Exercises (oral
Worktext pages: Home economics
Unit 2 lesson 5 68–84 to make better and written)
A2 Infer/predict out- A2 a. Predicting Doing house tasks
actions now. • Recitation
12 days comes what event will
U2 Achieving a better • Simulated
• Predicting future starts with a EN2RC-IVd-2.8 presentation come first and
outcomes goal. next given a set
• Reading dialogues U3 Predicting out- Summative of picture clues
• Simple future tense comes helps us A2 b. Studying the
of verbs avoid failures. pictures care-
fully. Predicting
• Oral presentation
Students will keep con- what event will
• Rubric assessment
sidering: happen next.
• Poster
Draw and
Q1 Do we run out of
explain your
Q2 Why set goals?
A2 c. Comparing
Q3 Is it possible to see
three situations
the future?
and predict
the next
outcome for
B1 Make a stand B1 a. Giving a
EN6LC-IIIe-3.1.13 reaction to the main
B1 b. Comparing the
three weekly
planners of three
pupils and make
write an opinion
for each
D1 Using context clues in
D1 Use clues from the a given sentence
context to figure
out what words
process for the
chore given.
Use the simple
future tense verbs
in the
G1 d. Doing a
weather forecast
20 Curriculum
A – RC/SS (Reading Comprehension/Study Skills), B – LC (Listening Comprehension), C – VC (Viewing Comprehension), D – VD (Vocabulary Development), E – Lit (Litera- ture), F –
WC (Writing and Composition), G – OL/F (Oral Language and Fluency), H – GA (Grammar Awareness)
Integration to Other
Core Understandings
Topics Competencies Assessments Activities Subject Areas and
and Core Questions
Lesson 1 Students will understand A1 Note details from a Formative A1 Answering com- Social Studies
The Lion, the Wolf, and that: story read • Quizzes prehensions ques- Writing details about
the Fox U1 Details make a EN2RC-IIId-e-2.10 • Recitation tions about the famous icons around
person unique. • Assignments story read the world.
Worktext pages: Unit
U2 Adjectives give rea- • Journals
3 lesson 1 3–20
sons why a person A2 Interpret pictures A2 Noting details through
9 days EN4SS-IIIh-1.2.6 Summative picture analysisD1
stands out.
• Noting details Com- pleting the
• Descriptive Students will keep con- Self-assessment word boggle task.
Curriculum Map
understanding of
State details of text
during and after
C1 Make connections
between informa-
tion viewed and
personal experi-
D1 Identify the
meaning of words
through context
E1 Explain how a
selection may be E1 Comparing and
influenced by contrast photos that
culture, history, en- are influenced by
vironment, or other history
F1 Participate in F1 a. Completing a
generating ideas word web
through prewriting F1 b. Creating a
EN2WC-IVa-c-1 story illustra-
– webbing tion using
EN2WC-IVb-1.2 sentences that
contain verbs
and adverbs
H1 Prepositions H1 a. Identifying
EN3G-IVg-7 the correct
Use the most fre- prepositions
quently occurring to be used in
prepositions(e.g., sentences
towards, beside, H1 b. Showing
into, etc.) understanding
EN3G-IVg-h-7.3 of prepositions
by drawing
specific objects
H1 c. Showing
of prepositions
by answering
questions to
locate objects
Lesson 5 Students will A1 Interpret pictures Formative A1 a. Interpreting Civics and Culture
Camping Day understand that: EN4SS-IIIh-1.2.6 • Short quizzes meaning of Create a summer camp
U1 Word meanings may • Drills/Exercises (oral homographs program of activities.
Worktext pages:
be very tricky. and written) though picture
Unit 3 lesson 5 78–95
• Recitation analysis
10 days • Simulated A1 b. Matching Values Education
Students will keep con
• Homographs - sidering: presentation correct homo- Time Management
• Preposition of time graphs through Responsible Leadership
Q1 How will you man -
Summative picture puzzles
age to fit many
• Unit test A2 a. Creating a time
activities in one day?
A2 Interpret simple • Performance task table based on a
Q2 Can words be
tables text read
Q3 What happens if we EN3SS- IVe-f-1.2.2 A2 b. Reading and
analyze time
can only de - code
one meaning for a
A2 c. Creating a
Q4 Is time manage - ment program of
necessary? activities in a
well orgranized
a time table
Curriculum Map
D1 Match words, phrases D1 Identifying the
and sen- tences meaning of vo-
containing these cabulary words using
30 Curriculum
D2 Homographs (e.g.,
read-read) D2 Identifying homo-
EN3V-IIIg-h-13.7 graphs using picture
D3 Clarify meaning of
words using D3 Finding the multi- ple
dictionaries meanings of a word
EN4V-IIa-8.1 (homograph) using a
F1 Give one’s reaction to
an event or issues F1 Writing a reaction to
EN1LC-IVa-j-3.12 erroneous use of
Infer important homographs
H1 Prepositions (prep-
ositions of time)
EN3G-IVg-7 H1 a. Identifying the
correct prepo-
sitions of time
in sentences
H1 b. Creating a
of activities
based on a
text read using
prepositions of
Unit 4 Exploring the World Time Allotment: 46 days
Program Standard The student demonstrates oral and written fluency at his/her level while carrying out real life tasks necessary to cope with
the demands of a functionally literate and competent local, national and global citizen.
Grade Level Standards The student engages in different communicative activities and uses the acquired skills in completing graphic organizers,
writing personal letters, feature articles, and autobiographies, making illustrations, following directions, and creating
informative posters, environmental slogans and scientific reports.
Content Standards The student demonstrates understanding of different parts, forms and functions of sentences, sequencing events using
transitional devices, interpreting pictures to make valid inferences, noting details from informational texts, interpreting
pictographs, purpose of folktales, and use of proofreading symbols.
Performance Standards The student transfers learning by showing application of the different skills through oral and written communica- tion.
A – RC/SS (Reading Comprehension/Study Skills), B – LC (Listening Comprehension), C – VC (Viewing Comprehension), D – VD (Vocabulary Development), E – Lit (Litera- ture), F –
WC (Writing and Composition), G – OL/F (Oral Language and Fluency), H – GA (Grammar Awareness)
Integration to Other
Core Understandings
Topics Competencies Assessments Activities Subject Areas and
and Core Questions
Lesson 1 Students will understand A1 Identify various Formative A1 Identifying the Values Education
A Surprise Visit that: text-types accord- • Quizzes arrangement of details Social and
U1 Events without order ing to structure • Recitation based on a text read Environmental
Worktext pages: Unit
are meaningless. -Time-order (se- • Assignments Awareness
4 lesson 1 3–16
U2 We communicate quence, recounts, • Journals
9 days Fostering Good
our ideas via process)
• Sequencing events sentences. EN4RC-IIIc-4.2 Summative
• Declarative • Unit test A2 Filling out a graphic
Curriculum Map
U3 Unclear sentences
sentences convey unclear A2 Use appropriate • Performance task organizer following
ideas. graphic organizers the specific order of
(to show sequence of Self-assessment events
events) • Oral presentation
EN4LC-IId-2.7.1 • Rubric assessment
• Test
Students will keep con- A3 Narrate events A3 Arranging events that
sidering: chronologically/ depict a routine
32 Curriculum
H2 Construct H2 Writing a
declarative and response to
interrogative signs that tell a
sentences reason that uses
Curriculum Map
D1 Interpreting
D1 Interpret pictures pictures through
EN4SS-IIIh-1.2.6 shapes assimilation to
decode mean- ings
of words in a
vocabulary activity
D2 Use context clues D2 a. Supplying the
(antonym) to find correct anto-
the meaning of nym of a given
unfamiliar words word based on
EN4V-Ic-13.2 context clues
found in
D2 b. Identifying op-
posite mean-
ings through
D2 c Drawing illus-
trations based
on decoded
H3 Construct H3 Creating
declarative and interrogative
interrogative sentences based on a
sentences given text
Lesson 3 Students will understand A1 Evaluate a variety of Formative A1 Reading an Science
How to Take Care of a that: informational texts • Short quizzes informational text Reading Scientific Texts
Rainbow Shark U1 Following direc- EN4RC-IVg-3.1.11 • Drills/Exercises (oral
tions saves lives. and written)
Worktext pages:
Unit 4 lesson 3 34–45 U2 Life follows a cer - tain A2 Follow simple writ- • Recitation
order. ten directions • Assignments A2 a. Evaluating one-
9 days EN3SS- IVa -1.3 self in following
• Following Students will keep con- Summative directions
directions sidering: • Quizzes A2 b. Arranging
• Imperatives • Performance task ideas in an
Q1 Why is it important to
follow directions? orderly manner
Self-assessment that creates a
Q2 What is the
• Oral presentation process and/or
importance of order
• Rubric assessment directions
in life?
B1 Identify and use the
elements of an B1 Listening to an
informational/fac- informational text
tual text heard that contains direc-
EN3LC- IIIi-j-3.7 tions
B2 Three-step
directions B2 Expressing orally
EN3LC-IVc-3.7.2 one’s understand-
ing by following
directions properly
C1 Interpret pictures
Curriculum Map
shapes assimilation
to decode mean-
ings of words in a
vocabulary activity
C1 Describe various
types of viewing C1 Choosing a photo
materials through pair work
EN4VC-IIId-3.1 and write a short
D1 Identify different D1 Analyzing a moon
meanings of con- tent calendar based to
specific words answer specific
40 Curriculum
we be able to connecting to a
understand each significant past
other? EN7LT-I-b-1
H5 Sentences
Curriculum Map