A Special Paper Presented to The Faculty of the College of Agriculture Central Philippine University Iloilo City
In partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management
Presented by Ma. AIZA JOY F. CLARITO In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT
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ACKNOWLEDGMENT The researcher would like to extend her heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to all those who have, in one way or another helped in the completion of this project report. Sincere thanks are expressed to the following: To Engr. Aries Roda D. Romallosa, her Adviser, for the encouragement and motivation, as well as her invaluable assistance all throughout the conduct of this study; To Prof. Hope G. Patricio, Student Research Coordinator, for her suggestions for the improvement of the study, as well as her patience in correcting the manuscript; To Dean Reynaldo N. Dusaran of the College of Agriculture, for the inspiration and support; To her classmates, Kathleen, Mitch, Rose and Roy, for their gift of friendship and for the constructive criticisms they made for the improvement of the study; To her parents, brothers and special someone, for their unconditional love and support and for the sacrifices they have made for her education. Special thanks is extended to Mama Jane Tan without whom this study would not have been accomplished and to her children, especially Nanay Tintin, for welcoming the researcher into their home whenever she needed emotional nourishment and affirmation. Above all, to God Almighty, for the gift of life and knowledge, and for making all these happen.
TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE ACKNOWLEDGMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS... LIST OF TABLES. LIST OF FIGURES ABSTRACT OF THE SPECIAL PAPER.. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION...... Statement of the Problem.. Significance of the Study... Theoretical Framework.......... Conceptual Framework.......... Hypothesis......... Definition of Terms II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE............................................................ III. METHODOLOGY......................................................................................... The Research Design................................................................................ Setting of the Study................................................................................... Respondents.............................................................................................. Data Gathering Instrument....................................................................... Data Gathering Procedure......................................................................... 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 14 14 14 14 15 15 iii iv vi vii viii
Statistical Treatment................................................................................. CHAPTER IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION.................................................................. Extent of Implementation of the Solid Waste Management Act........... Extent of Implementation in each Barangay in Lapaz, Iloilo City........ Distribution of Barangays as to Percent Implementation of RA 9003........................................................................................ Factors Related to the Extent of Implementation................................... V. SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS................. Summary.................................................................................................. Conclusions.............................................................................................. Recommendations.................................................................................... BIBLIOGRAPHY.....................................................................................................
15 PAGE 16 16 16
19 19 21 21 22 22 24
1. Extent of Implementation........................................................................... 17 2. Extent of Implementation per Barangay.................................................... 18 3. Distribution of Barangays as to Percent Implementation........................... 19 4. Correlation Analysis of Extent of Implementation and Factors Related to the Extent of Implementation................................................ 20
ABSTRACT OF THE SPECIAL PAPER THE EXTENT OF IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ECOLOGICAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ACT OF 2000 IN THE DISTRICT OF LAPAZ ILOILO CITY By Ma. Aiza Joy F. Clarito Aries Roda D. Romallosa, Adviser This study was conducted in order to determine the extent of implementation of the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 as well as the factors that influenced the extent of implementation in Lapaz, Iloilo City. Using the questionnaire as data gathering instrument, this descriptive-survey research study involved 23 barangays in the District of Lapaz, Iloilo City, randomly selected to compose the study. Representatives of the barangay were the Barangay Captains, Barangay Secretaries and other Barangay Officials. Findings revealed that extent of implementation in Lapaz, Iloilo City of RA 9003 was 70.2% with the highest implementation in the aspect of regular collection of garbage in the barangay level. Among the factors studied, only the level of barangay policy support was determined to have significantly influenced the extent of implementation with barangays having higher level of policy support, also having a higher extent of implementation of RA 9003.
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION At present, environmental issues has caught the attention of the global populace. In the Philippines, rapid development and population growth have made the situation into a major problem specifically in terms of waste management. According to the Solid Waste Management Options, at the local level, with today's lifestyle, it is estimated that one person can generate as much as half a kilo of waste and this does not include other sources of waste such as agricultural, industrial and others. Today, the Philippine government established some measures to address the proper management of solid wastes. Republic Act (RA) 9003, known as the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 was formulated to this effect. It emphasizes the importance of minimizing waste through recycling, resource recovery, reuse and composting. At times, however, the efforts of the national government are futile. People are keeping pace with modernization that the environment seems to have been sacrificed over it. A probable reason why environmental destruction continues is that people lack awareness on the existing solid waste management procedures. Moreover, the said deficiency could probably be tied up with the socio-economic activities where the people are continually engaged in keeping pace with modernization.
2 Statement of the Problem Considering the importance of proper Solid Waste Management in the city of Iloilo, the researcher will conduct a survey to determine the extent of implementation of the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 in the District of Lapaz, Iloilo City. Specifically, it intends to answer the following objectives: 1. To determine the extent of implementation of RA 9003 in Lapaz, Iloilo City; 2. To determine the level of awareness, level of financial support, level of organizational support, level of technical support, and level of barangay policy support to solid waste management; and 3. To determine the relationship of the level of awareness, level of financial support, level of organizational support, level of technical support, and level of barangay policy support to the extent of implementation of RA 9003 in the different barangays of Lapaz, Iloilo City. Significance of the Study The conduct of this study will give more information on the extent of implementation of RA 9003 and enhance the effectiveness of its implementation particularly in Lapaz, Iloilo City. Specifically, it will be significant to the following: 1. City government of Iloilo - The study will provide the local city government information on the extent of implementation of the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 in Lapaz. It will help identify significant factors that affect the implementation of RA 9003 in the said district.
3 2. City Barangays - This will provide basic information and awareness to the barangays of Lapaz, Iloilo City about the implementation of Ecological Solid Waste Management Program. 3. Citizens of the City - It will be a source of information to the public in general on the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 as well as it could be a basis or guide for future studies on the same topic. 4. Students - The study will serve as a reference to other students who want to know more about the implementation of RA 9003 in the City of Iloilo. 5. NGO's - It will provide data as basis for non-government organizations on the implementation of the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 in the city of Iloilo. Theoretical Framework The Philippine government has recognized the harshness of the garbage problem and has prioritized the establishment of appropriate measures to address it. The most comprehensive legislation is Republic Act 9003 which assigns the primary task of implementation and enforcement to local government units, emphasizes the importance of minimizing waste by using techniques such as recycling, resource recovery, reuse, and composting. (Solid Waste Management: Options and Solutions at the Local Level 2003) The implementation of Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 is a complex and controversial issue that the local government unit will face the limited options to address its mandatory condition in the law which already identified what they have to do.
4 However, in spite of the simplified implementing rules and regulation, local government units still face so many factors that significantly affect the effectiveness in the implementation of this act in their respective locality and the city of Iloilo is not spared from this problem. Conceptual Framework This study is based on the concept that the extent of implementation of RA 9003 in the city of Iloilo is influenced by several factors and the extent of implementation varies among barangays in the District of Lapaz in the City of Iloilo (Figure 1). In this study, the factors that influence the implementation will serve as the independent variable with effective implementation as the dependent variable. The extent of implementing RA 9003 will depend on whether or not a certain barangay has enough financial resources to keep the program going. It will also depend on how the respondents react to technical issues surrounding them, the level of their awareness and the existing policies currently implemented in their area.
Independent Variable
Dependent Variable
Factors Awareness Technical Support Barangay Policy Support Financial Support Organizational Support Extent of Implementation of the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000
Figure 1. Paradigm of the Study Hypothesis In view of the foregoing questions, the researcher will test the following hypothesis: The following factors enumerated below are not significantly related to the implementation of Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 in the city of Iloilo. a. Level of Awareness b. Technical Support c. Barangay Policy Support d. Financial Support e. Organizational Support
6 Definition of Terms For clarity and greater understanding of this study, the following words and phrases have been defined: Extent of Implementation. This refers to the level to which a certain program or project is implemented. In this study, it refers to the degree to which the barangays in Lapaz, Iloilo City implement the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000. Solid Waste. This refers to all discarded household and commercial waste, nonhazardous institutional and industrial waste, street sweepings, construction debris, agricultural waste and non-hazardous/non-toxic solid waste. Solid Waste Management. This refers to activities pertaining to the control, transfer and transport solid waste in accordance with the best principles of public health, economics, engineering, and other environmental considerations. In this study, this refers to the management of solid waste in the District of Lapaz, Iloilo City. Ecological Solid Waste Management Act. Also known as Republic Act 9003, this act provides for a systematic and comprehensive Ecological Solid Waste Management (ESWM) program for all sectors of society to adopt and implement. This refers to the systematic administration of activities which provide for segregation at sources, segregated transportation, storage, transfer, processing treatment and disposal of solid waste and all other waste management activities which do not harm the environment.
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE AND STUDIES Readings and surveys of several studies which have relevance to this present study are presented here to provide the necessary background information and concepts for the development of this study. Solid Waste Management is the systematic administration of activities which provide for the collection, source separation, storage, transportation, transfer, processing, treatment, and disposal of solid waste, usually ones produced by human activity, in an effort to reduce their effect on human health or local amenity. A subfocus in recent decades has been to reduce waste materials' effect on the environment and to recover resources from them (;_ylt=AoCYAK.IUBP9MJWfFWSM9.IjzKIX? qid=20060627204305AA9dnVy). RA 9003 specifically declares in Section 2 that it is the policy of the state to adopt a systematic, comprehensive and ecological solid waste management system. To understand the essence of this system, it would be necessary to identify: 1) solid wastes and how the law classifies these, and 2) the limitations of the law. The types of wastes identified by RA 9003 are Solid Wastes, Special Wastes, Hazardous Wastes and Infectious Wastes. With these classifications, RA 9003 is seen to be comprehensive enough in taking action on solid wastes and to some extent special wastes as outlined in the preceding list. The law, however, does not provide exact treatment and absolute management of hazardous waste, infectious wastes or waste resulting from mining.
8 Prokop (1992) reported that in 1972, the United Nations Environment held in Stockholm, Sweden marked the beginning of the era of the environment. Such conference aimed at making world leaders aware of environmental concerns. In terms of greening the environment, Stoner et al., (2003) specified that one approach in thinking how organizations can start applying sustainable development in individual decisions is to find out how much the stakeholders care about the environment. Knowledge in Relation to Compliance to Proper Waste Management Awareness, knowledge and understanding of environmental matters are usually considered to be precursors to behavioral change. According to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) survey (2001) most people were quite manageable about simple environmental issue but less knowledgeable as the issues became more complex. The physical and chemical composition of solid waste is very valuable in evaluating alternative components of the solid waste management system for a given community. The average composition of solid waste in the Philippines are the following: Yard and field waste, fines and inert, wood, food waste, paper and cardboard, plastic and petroleum products, textiles, metals, glass, and leather and rubber. The problem in solid waste and its management has become a genuine concern of the nation. The rapidly swelling population, increasing urbanization and intensifying economic activities have all contributed to the generation of solid wastes, especially in the urban centers and urbanizing areas. Even as the Local Government (RA 7160) devolved the responsibility for the enforcement of environmental laws on cleanliness,
9 sanitation, solid waste management and other environmental matters to local government units, they are still hard put in coping with the problem on solid waste management. In response to this problem, government has adopted measures and taken steps, among which are the expansion of solid waste management services, provision of more cost effective collection and hauling services, development and implementation of other solid waste disposal approaches such as sanitary landfill, incineration and waste-toenergy disposal schemes. An integrated waste management system using a combination of approaches (e.g., source reduction, reuse, recycling, composting, waste-to-energy technologies, volume reduction, combustion, and land filling) may be used to handle and manage a communitys waste steam. A countrys greatest resource is its people. However, not only is there a lack of personnel adequately trained in solid waste management and its operation; in general there is a lack of appreciation among the people of the consequences of improper waste handling and disposal practices. Because waste generation, is a matter of personal habit and lifestyle, it is only logical and fair that those who generate waste should pay the cost of its management and disposal. Everyone should practice personal waste management. Luoma (2003), an American environmentalist advises that we should all pay attention to these three Rs: Reducing, Reusing and Recycling. Reducing is avoiding wasteful consumption of goods. It begins by asking the question, do I really need it? In so doing, we minimize waste and conserve our natural resources. Conservation like charity begins at home. On the other
10 hand, reusing is whenever practicable, items that are useful are reused instead of being thrown away. It would greatly help if we patronize goods that are reusable, rather than throwaway types. Waste Minimization Danier (1998) described waste minimization as the reduction, to the extent feasible, of any wastes that are generated and subsequently treated, stored or disposed. It includes any source reduction or recycling activity undertaken by a generator undertaken by a generator that results in either (1) the reduction of total volume or quantity of waste; or (2) the reduction of toxicity or pollution load of waste, or both, so long as such reduction is consistent with the goal of minimizing present and future threats to human health and the environment. Related Studies The Philippines generates about 10,000 million tons of solid waste per year and only 12 percent of the waste is recycled and re-used. The single most dominant issue for solid waste management (SWM) is the inadequacy of disposal facilities. Presently, open dumping is still the most common waste disposal method as controlled dumpsites and sanitary landfills (SLFs) are very limited (National Solid Waste Management Commission). A study by Sajos (2004) stated that the city of Iloilo is planning to borrow from the world bank to finance its Solid Waste Management Program, there has been an active personal involvement in conducting research concerning the household and
11 business sectors willingness to pay for garbage management services. Since the garbage disposal situation is getting more serious in the city, particularly at the Barangay level, this inquiry highlights the reinventing of environmental rules and responsibilities of local officials and functionaries in collaboration with the civil society organization and the general public. Danier (1998) found out that, with very few exceptions, the higher a respondents education level, the more likely it was that she/he had participated in a waste and or toxic reduction activity and also had a much more liberal attitude about garbage reduction. On the other hand, there were not may other differences among the other demographic categories (e.g. gender and age) although all the respondents (55+) did tend to perform activities to a lesser amount. According to Brubacher (2000) correspondence theory of knowledge emphasized that truth was a result of direct apprehension of naked reality. For instance, pollution in the Boracays ground water would make the residence aware of the result of improper garbage disposal. Knowledge on physical and chemical composition of solid waste is very valuable in evaluating alternative components of the solid waste management system for a given community. When waste ends up where it is not suppose to be it becomes useless, causes pollution, and poses health risk. When it used and put in the right place it becomes a valuable resource. A rate of .05 kilogram per day is generally considered an accurate estimate for solid waste generation for many rural communities in the Philippines. In
12 addition, results of both surveys done by Gaac (2003) indicate that approximately 7075% (by volume) of household waste is biodegradable and compost of kitchen and yard waste. Based on 2003 data from National Solid Waste Management Commission (NSWMC), Metro Manila generated some 5,245 tons of garbage per day or 14.50% of the nationwide garbage generation. In urban areas, collection efficiency is 73% while only 40% is achieved in rural areas. According to NSWMC, Metro Manila has two controlled disposal facilities situated at Montalban and Navotas, which are commissioned to accommodate wastes collected from majority of the LGUs. These account for 3,000 tons collected everyday. On the other hand, Payatas dumpsite that is exclusively used by the Quezon City government has an average of 1,500 tons of solid waste. In Iloilo, approximate waste is about 0.604 kilogram/capita per day, or an average of 310.696 ton per day (DENR 2004). Another study by Gaac (2003) with a rapidly growing population and lack of adequate disposal sites, solid waste has become a major problem for most medium to large size cities. Tragically, excessive open dumping of solid waste combined with the seasonal monsoon rains at the Payatas site in July 2000 caused a large scale slope failure that resulted in the deaths of hundred of scavenger. The municipal government of Odiongan (Municipality) in the Province of Romblon is implementing an ecological solid waste management program (ESWMP). The objectives of the ESWMP include the following. Manage solid waste in a manner that protects the public health and minimizes impact to the environment by using systems that are simple, sustainable and economically affordable, create and promote alternative
13 livelihoods for community residents, provide beneficial resources (e.g. compost) to the community to reduce the dependence on outside resources. Environmental education is important to make people aware of environmental problems, to make them more knowledgeable about them, to provide them with skills and motivation to resolve those problems and to prevent new ones from occurring. As part of a community education program on solid waste management, environmental education is expected to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes of the members of the community towards proper handling of wastes (Rabago, 2003). According to Sharifali A. Harons study of September 2005, respondents basic or environmental knowledge was high, lower levels of education were reflected in the level of environmental knowledge.
CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY The Research Design This study used a descriptive survey design, whereby it determined the extent of implementation of the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 in the 24 barangays of Lapaz, Iloilo City. Setting of the Study The study was conducted among the 24 barangays in Lapaz, City of Iloilo through random sampling. The barangays included are Aguinaldo, Baldoza, Bantud, Banuyao, Burgos-Mabini, Caingin, Divinagracia, Gustilo, Hinactacan, Ingore, Laguda, Lopez Jaena Norte, Lopez Jaena Sur, Luna, Magdalo, Magsaysay, McArthur, Nabitasa, Railway, Rizal, San Isidro, San Nicolas and Tabuc-Suba. Respondents The respondents of this study were the 24 barangay captains or barangay officials of the different barangays in La Paz, Iloilo City, who were directly involved in the solid waste management of their locality. One barangay official failed to return the questionnaire.
15 Data Gathering Instrument The data gathering instrument used was a survey questionnaire which gathered data pertinent to the study. It included questions and statements about the barangay, and the extent of implementation of the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 through the different factors discussed in the study. Data Gathering Procedure The researcher sought permission from the city mayor and from different barangay captains involved in the study. When approved, the researcher personally distributed the copies of the questionnaire to the respondents and explained the purpose of the study and procedures in answering the questionnaire. Upon completion of the survey, the responses were tallied and processed. Statistical Treatment Data from this study were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics to present results of the study. Descriptive Statistics involved frequency counts and relative frequencies, while the inferential statistics tested the validity of the hypotheses advanced for this study. Inferential statistics involved the use of correlation analysis to determine the factors related to the extent of implementation.
CHAPTER IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Extent of Implementation of the Solid Waste Management Act Table 1 summarizes the extent of implementation of the different aspects of the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000. It is shown that the highest implementation (83.48%) was on the aspect of regular collection of garbage in the barangay level. This was followed by the education and information campaign among the citizens about source reduction, recycling and composting programs (77.83%). Moreover, the establishment of a Material Recovery Facility in the barangay was 76.04% implemented, while enforcement of Ecological Solid Waste Management through ordinances to effectively implement a collection system in the barangay was 73.09% implemented. Completing the top highest implementation was the promotion and assurance of the viability and effectivity of the implementation of the Ecological Solid Waste Management in the barangay, which is 72.22% implemented. The aspect with the least implementation was the establishment of a Multi-Purpose Environment Cooperatives and Associations in the City in which almost half only of the barangays (49%) had implemented it. Over-all mean percentage implementation of the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act in the District of Lapaz is 70.19%. Extent of Implementation in each Barangay in Lapaz, Iloilo City Based on the percentage implementation of each aspect of the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act in the barangay, the mean percentage implantation in each
17 Table 1. Extent of Implementation Implementation Aspects 1. Regular collection of garbage in the barangay level. 2. Educating and informing the citizens about the source reduction, recycling and composting programs. 3. Establishment of Material Recovery Facility in the barangay. 4. Enforcement of Ecological Solid Waste Management through ordinances to effectively implement a collection system in the barangay. 5. Promotion and assurance of the viability an effectivity of the implementation of Ecological Solid Waste Management in the barangay. 6. Prohibition on the use of open dumps for solid waste in the barangay. 7. Placement of properly labeled containers for each type of waste established in strategic area of the barangay. 8. Functionality of Ecological Solid Waste Management Committee in the City 9. Organization of Ecological Solid Waste Management Committee in the City. 10. Establishment of a Multi-Purpose Environment Cooperatives and Associations in the City Over-all Mean % Implementation for Lapaz District
Mean Percent Implementation
83.48 77.83 76.04 73.09 72.22 69.65 67.70 67.26 65.65 49.00 70.19
barangay surveyed in Lapaz, Iloilo City was obtained. As can be gleaned from Table 2, Brgys. Gustilo and San Nicolas had the highest extent of implementation with 90.2%. This was followed by Brgy. Burgos-Mabini (87.3%) and Brgy. Caingin (86.5%). Completing the top 5 barangays in terms of extent of implementation are Brgy. Hinactacan (82.0%) and Brgy. Laguda (78.0%).
18 The data further show that there were three barangays whose extent of implementation has not reached 50%. These barangays were Brgy. Ingore (40.50%), Brgy. San Isidro (44.0%) and Brgy. Baldoza (46.2%).
Table 2. Extent of Implementation Per Baranggay Baranggay Gustilo San Nicolas Burgos-Mabini Caingin Hinactacan Laguda Banuyao Nabitasan Lopez Jaena Norte Magdalo Divinagracia Rizal Railway Lopez Jaena Sur Luna Aguinaldo Tabuc-Subuc McArthur Bantud Magsaysay Baldoza San Isidro Ingore Over-all Mean Percent Implementation for Lapaz District Mean Percent Implementation 90.2 90.2 87.3 86.5 82.0 78.0 77.4 77.2 77.0 76.1 72.0 71.7 70.3 69.0 68.0 66.0 64.8 63.0 60.0 57.0 46.2 44.0 40.5 70.2
19 Distribution of Barangays as to Percentage Implementation of RA 9003 When the barangays were categorized as to their percent implementation of RA 9003, data in Table 3 reveal that there was an equal number of barangays who had 76 to 100% and 51 to 75% extent of implementation. Only 3 barangays or 13.04% of the sample barangays in this survey had not attained the half mark of implementation.
Table 3. Distribution of Baranggays as to % Implementation Percent Implementation 26 50 51 75 76 100 Total f 3 10 10 23 % 13.04 43.48 43.48 100.00
Factors Related to the Extent of Implementation The different factors such as level of awareness, technical, policy, financial and organization support were thought to be related to the extent of implementation of the Ecological Waste Management Act of 2000 in the barangays in Lapaz, Iloilo. When these factors were correlated with the extent of implementation, it was found out that only policy support was significantly related to extent of implementation (r = 0.531, P = 0.009). Level of Awareness (r = 0.283), Technical Support (r = 0.119), Financial Support (r = 0.050) and Organizational Support (r = 0.026) were not significantly related to extent of implementation.
20 Table 4. Correlation Analysis of Extent of Implementation and Factors Related to the Extent of Implementation Factors Awareness Technical Support Policy Support Financial Support Organizational Support Correlation Coefficient (r) 0.283 0.119 0.531** 0.05 0.026 Significance Level 0.191 0.590 0.009 0.821 0.908
CHAPTER V SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Summary This study was conducted to determine the extent of implementation of the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 in Lapaz, Iloilo City. It likewise sought to determine the factors that influenced extent of implementation in the barangay. Using the descriptive-survey research design, this study surveyed 23 barangays in the District of Lapaz, Iloilo City, randomly selected to compose the sample. Representatives of the barangay were the Barangay Captains, Barangay Secretaries and other Barangay Officials. Findings revealed that extent of implementation in Lapaz, Iloilo City of RA 9003 was 70.2%. Highest implementation was in the aspect of regular collection of garbage in the barangay level and the baranggays with the highest implementation rate were Brgys. Gustilo and San Nicolas. Findings also revealed that only 3 barangays were not able to meet the median mark of implementation. Moreover there were 10 barangays who had 51 to 75% extent of implementation and another 10 barangays with 76 to 100% extent of implementation of RA 9003. With regards to the factors that were significantly related to the extent of implementation, it was determined that the level of barangay policy support significantly influenced extent of implementation, with barangays having higher level of policy support, also having a higher extent of implementation of RA 9003.
22 On the other hand, level of awareness, technical, financial and organizational support was found not to significantly influence extent of implementation. Conclusions Based on the findings of this study, it is concluded that the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 is 70% implemented in Lapaz, Iloilo City. It is concluded that the level of barangay policy support was significantly related to the extent of implementation of RA 9003. It is likewise concluded that the level of awareness, technical, financial and organizational support are not significantly related to the extent of implementation of RA 9003. It is also concluded that there is still a need to strengthen the implementation of RA 9003. Recommendations Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, there is still a need to strengthen the implementation of RA 9003 in the District of Lapaz, Iloilo City through strict compliance to ordinances on segregation. Violators of these ordinances should be given appropriate sanctions. It is also recommended that barangays place properly labeled containers for each type of waste in strategic areas in the barangays and specific days be assigned for collection of specific wastes. It is also recommended that these results must be compared with the perceptions on the level of the barangay residents of Lapaz, Iloilo City.
23 It is likewise recommended that this study be replicated among the different Districts in the City of Iloilo to determine the extent of compliance in the barangays of these districts of the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000.
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