Overlay Design of Pavement
Overlay Design of Pavement
Overlay Design of Pavement
Flexible Pavement
Types of Overlays
Asphalt overlay over asphalt pavements
Asphalt overlays on CC pavements
CC overlays on asphalt pavements
CC overlays on CC pavements
he = hi Ci
i =1
hi = thickness of layer i
Ci = conversion factor for layer i
0.1 0.2
0.5 0.7
0.7 0.9
0.9 1.0
Thickness of existing pavement
250 mm GSB
250 mm WBM
100 mm BM
40 mm AC
Condition of old pavement layers
GSB and WBM layers are in good condition with PI
of fines more than 6
Conversion factor = 0.1
Equivalent thickness of new pavement in terms
of AC
hn = (300+250)0.2 + (100+40)1.0
= 250 mm
Thickness of Overlay
= hn he
= 250 124
= 126 mm
Provide 90 mm DBM + 40 mm AC as overlay
Deflection Approach
The structural strength of pavement is
assessed by measuring surface deflections
under a standard axle load
Larger pavement deflections imply weaker
pavement and subgrade
The overlay must be thick enough to reduce the
deflection to a tolerable amount
Rebound deflections are measured with the
help of a Benkelman Beam
Placement of Probe
Analysis of Data
Leg correction, if any, at each point of deflection
- If (Di ~ Df) is less than 0.025 mm (2.5 div.), D = 0.02
(D0 ~ Df)
- If (Di ~ Df) is more than 0.025 mm (2.5 div.), D = [
0.02 (D0 ~ Df) + 0.0582(Di Df) ]
Mean deflection, D
Characteristic Deflection, Dc = ( D + 2 ) for
important roads to cover
97.7 % deflection values, or Dc = ( D + )
for low traffic roads, to cover 84.1 % deflection values
Application of temperature correction factor @ 0.01
mm per oC variation from the standard temperature
of 35o C or 0.01 (t~35)
365 * A[(1 + r ) X 1]
Deflection values:
36,1.46,1.5,1.52,1.45 mm
Pavement Temparature = 30oC
Subgrade moisture content = 8%, clayey soil, PI>15
Average annual rain fall = 1500 mm
Two lane single carriageway
ADT of Trucks = 1000
Annual growth rate = 5%
VDF = 4.5
Mean deflection = 1.45 mm
Standard Deviation = 0.107 mm
Characteristic deflection = 1.45 + 2(0.107)
= 1.664 mm
Correction for temperature = 0.01(35-30)
= 0.05 mm
Characteristic deflection after temp. correction = 1.664 +
0.05 = 1.714 mm
Seasonal correction factor = 1.4
Corrected characteristic deflection = 1.4 (1.714)
= 2.3996 mm
Design traffic = 1000 * 365*12.57*4.5*0.75
= 15.5 msa
Thickness of overlay in terms of BM from the
chart = 190 mm
Thickness in terms of DBM/AC = 190*0.7
= 133 mm
Provide 40 mm AC and 95 mm DBM
AI Deflection Method
The overlaid pavement is considered as a two layer
system with AC overlay as layer 1 and the existing
pavement as layer 2.
By considering the existing pavement as a
homogeneous half space, and using the characteristic
deflection the modulus value of layer 2 is found out
E2 = (1.5 p a) / Dc
p = contact pressure (483 kPa)
a = radius of contact, (163) mm
Dc = Characteristic deflection in mm
a E1
1/ 3 2
+ 1 + 0.8
a E2
h1 = thickness of overlay
E1 = modulus of overlay assumed as 3.5 GPa
Allowable Deflection
It is assumed that there is a unique relationship
between design deflection in mm and the
allowable ESAL as shown by the following
Da = 26.322 (ESAL)-0.2438
Remaining Life
Determine the characteristic deflection (Dc)
Obtain remaining life (ESAL) from Eq. (C) by
assuming Dc as Da.
Find the Growth Factor knowing the current
year (ESAL)0
Growth factor = (ESAL)r / (ESAL)0
Estimate the traffic growth rate and find the
design period corresponding to the growth