The Female Pelvic Floor and Goldilocks-Handout
The Female Pelvic Floor and Goldilocks-Handout
The Female Pelvic Floor and Goldilocks-Handout
Just Right…
The Female Pelvic Floor and
Goldilocks { Specific grouping of muscles,
ligaments and fascia which interlace
Too weak, too tight and just right! and provide support-includes
pubococcygeus and levator ani
(or just right, too weak and too tight)
{ Keep pelvic organs in the pelvis
z Bladder
Meagan Matteson, RN, MS, CNP
z Uterus
z Rectum
Feel free to contact me with ?s
Too Weak…
Causes for pelvic floor relaxation Causes for pelvic floor relaxation
{ Heredity { Age
z Genetic predisposition to poor tissue z GRAVITY!!
integrity { Anything that increases abdominal
Can be seen in need for multiple
z Prolapse and incontinence can often z Runners
“run in the family” z Horseback riders
z Gymnasts
{ 1 in three women will have leaking { 40% of women over the age of 40
with stress maneuvers within 5 have some pelvic organ prolapse
years of a vaginal delivery
{ 50% of women who deliver
{ 50-75%
50 75% of women who have it vaginally
i ll hhave some d
degree off
won’t even tell their physician. Of
those who did, 61% waited 4 years prolapse
{ In the U.S. more feminine pads are
used for incontinence than for
{ Talk about the pelvic floor with your { Done at time of bimanual exam
patients or your clinician { Ask patient to squeeze around your
z Initiate honest discussion about pelvic fingers, aka…
health or symptoms!! z Squeeze like you are trying to hold in
{ Start young-easier for patients to gas in a crowded room
identify and strengthen when they
are young and muscles are strong
{ Elicit pelvic floor history to aid in
{ Continue to add 2 until patient can { These are fast up and down
ultimately hold… exercises
z 12 seconds and do 12 in a row without { Do these daily at stop signs, red
fatigue! li ht meals,
lights, l bbrushing
hi th
i tteeth
z Can you??????
{ Attach to a daily activity for best
z Rest period is as important as the
contraction for a healthy pelvic floor
Pregnancy Delivery
Pre-menopausal Post-menopausal