Design of Tooth Locked Quick Open Die Pressure Vessel

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DesignofToothLockedQuickOpendie PressureVessel
Abstract Inaccordancewiththeforeignrelevantstandards,thispaper designs the high pressure horizontal toothlocked quick closure pressure vessel, then put the emphasis on the design and intensity checking of the quick opening device according to the provided parameter requirements. This design method provides reference to structural design of similar equipments as well as to drawing a set of suitable designmethodforquickopeningdevice. Keywords PressureVessel,ToothLocked,QuickOpenDieProcesses

Themaindesignparameters:(1)thedesignpressureis 16MPa; (2) the design temperature is 100; (3) the inner diameter of the cylinder body is 1100mm; (4) the corrosion allowance is 2mm; (5) the cylinder material is 20MnMo; (6) the weld coefficient is = 1.0; (7) the working medium is argon; the allowable stress under designtemperatureisa=204MPa. Conditions of the fatigue life is shown as follows: (1) Design life: 15 years; (2) The number of operations: 1500 times/year; (3) The total number ofcycles:15 x15 =22500. JudgingCriteriaofStressofGearedStructure Allowable stress of evaluation position of geared quickopening device is shown as follows (in Fig.1): 1.5 a ( a istheallowable thestressS1atflangeneckis stress 204MPa of the material), the longitudinal shear 0.8 a , bending stress S2 at the root of flange claw is 1.0 a , the stress S3 at the root of flange claw is longitudinalshearingstressS4atthejunctionofflange 0.8 a , the peak stress S5 at the ring and flange neck is flange corner is 640 MPa (according to the fatigue analysis provisions of JIS B8281), the longitudinal 1.5 a ,theshearingstressS7atthe stressS6ofclampis 0.8 a ,thebendingstress rootoftheclampandclawis 1.0 a ,the S8 at the root of the clamp and claw is bearing stress S9 of the clamp and claw as well as the 1.6 a , the peak stress S10 at the claw flange claw is corner is 640 MPa (according to the fatigue analysis provisions of JIS B8281), the shearing stress S13 at the 0.8 a ,the bending root of claw of flat cover plate is stress S14 at the root of claw of flat cover plate is 0.8 a ,and the peak stress at the root of claw of flat cover plate is 640 MPa (according to the fatigue analysisprovisionsofJISB8281).

Introduction Pressure vessel with quick onandoff cover the quickopening pressure vessel for short) means the onewhichcanachieveopeningandclosingbyrotating the cover for a certain angle or moving the locking component for a certain distance. As there is no need to tighten or loosen bolts individually, the onandoff time of quickopening pressure vessel is very short, which contributes to the convenience of loading and unloading for goods, so it has been widely applied in frequently intermittent industries such as chemicals, building materials, food, textile, aerospace, healthcare industry, papermaking and so on. Although there are different kinds of quickopening pressure vessels, this paper studies the geared quickopening pressure vessel, which provides a basis for the design of high pressureweldingexperimentmodule. Design Conditions And Main Technical Parameters TheMainCriteriaandParameterS The research is carried out according to JIS 8284 2003 Japanese Industrial Standard Pressure vessel with Quick OnandOff Cover, JIS B 82811993 The Stress and Fatigue Analysis of Pressure Vessel, and JB4732AnalysisandDesignStandardofSteelPressure Vessel.




1100mm, the outer diameter of contact surface of clamp claw and flange claw C1=1456mm, the inner diameter of contact surface of clamp claw and flange claw C2=1344mm, the inner diameter of the top of clamp claw C3=1344mm, the distance between the inner edges of clamp Cg=240mm, the length of clamp cylinder body Ct=100mm, the length of clamp Cw=470mm, the outer diameter of flange neck D0=1320mm, the outer diameter of gasket G=1200mm, the thickness of the top of flange hub g0=60mm, the thickness of the flange neck g1=110mm, the length of flange claw g2=80mm, the length of flange hub h=80mm, the number of claws n=16, the length at the root of clamp claw L=151mm, the fillet at the corner of bodyflange and cover r = 12mm, the length of flange ring T = 90mm, the cover thickness T0=290mm, and Poissonsratio=0.3. CalculationResults (1) The load on the inside diameter area of flange of internalpressure:F=1.52107N (2) The torque generated on the contact surface of clampringandflangeneck:MH=1.75109Nmm (3)Thedifferencebetweenthetotalloadoftheinternal pressure and the load imposed on the inner diameter areaofflange:HT=2.89106Nmm (4)Thetorquegeneratedbythedifferencebetweenthe total load of the internal pressure imposed on flange and the load imposed on the inner diameter area of flange:MT=3.7108Nmm (5)Theshearingforcegeneratedonthecontactsurface between the flange ring and flange neck: QH=9.2106Nmm (6) Concentration factor of bending stress at the flange corner: KBF=1.82, concentration factor of tensile stress attheflangecorner:KTF=2.23 (7) The bending stress at the flange corner: SBF=228.85 N,membranestressattheflangecorner:STF=36.36N (8) The total torque acting on the flange: M0=2.2109 Nmm (9)The bending stress of the clamp: SBC=231.6N, the longitudinal membrane stress of the clamp: STC=37.11N (10) Torque generated on the contact surface of the flange ring and flange neck: MH=1.75109 Nmm, the shearing force generated on the contact surface of the flangeringandflangeneck:QH=9.2106Nmm

Structural Parameters and Calculations StructuralParameters Geared quickopening structure is characterized with uniform teeth at a head cover flange and end flange in the circumferential direction. The meshing and staggering of head cover flange teeth and the end flange teeth can be achieved in quality supervision through rotating the head cover flange at a certain anglesoastoachievethepurposeofquickopening. The geared structure is designed and calculated in accordance with JIS B 8284 standard,in addition, the size and symbols of the geared quickopening structureareshowninFig.2.


Inthispaper,thevalueofexamplesistakenasfollows: the outer diameter of clamp ring D0=1320mm, the outer diameter of flange claw A=1480mm, the inner diameter of cylinder body or the flange ring B =



(11)Concentration factor of the bending stress at the corner of clamp: SBC=1.77, concentration factor of tensilestressatthecornerofclamp:STC=2.2 StressCalculationandChecking (1) The longitudinal stress on the outer surface of the flangeneck:S1=132.60<1.5a (2) The longitudinal shearing stress at the root of flangeclaw:S1=140.26<0.8a (3) The bending stress at the root of flange claw:S3=170<1.0a (4)The radial shearing stress generated at the junction oftheflangeneckandflangering:S4=32.89<0.8a (5) The peak stress at S5=498.19<2Sa(Sa=318MPa) (6) The longitudinal S6=268.7<1.5a the flange of the corner: clamp:

At the beginning of the operation, it is ensured that various parts of the on and off cover device is assembled in the normal position by electrical or mechanicalformbeforeincreasingthepressure. (4)Confirmationatdischarging When the quickopening cover discharges, it is ensured that there is no residual pressure within the pressurevesselbyelectricalformorpressureindicator beforeopeningthecover; (5)Recordsofuse When put into use, the automatic operating recorder mustbeappliedtorecordthetotalnumberofusage. Conclusions Geared quickopening device is designed in accordance with relevant standards. The pressure vessel is mainly applied to conduct highpressure welding process test, which meets the requirements of highpressure welding process test and provides referencetotherelevantpressurevesseldesign.


(7) The bending stress at the root of clamp claw S7=101.74<0.8a (8) The bending stress at the root of clamp claw: S8=182.8<1.0a (9) The bearing stress of the clamp claw and flange claw:S9=153.1<1.6a (10) The peak stress at the corner of clamp: S10=589.7<2Sa (11) The shearing stress at the claw of the flat cover plate:S13=116.89<0.8a (12) The bending stress at the claw of the flat cover plate:S14=160.58<0.8a (13) The peak stress at the corner of the claw root of theflatcoverplate:S10=410.2<2Sa Other Security Requirements [11, 12] (1)Operationandemissions It is confirmed that light bulbs and buzzers must be installed in accordance with different states of the quickopeningdevicewithvariouscolors. (2)Securitydevices Thesafetyinterlockdevicethatguaranteesthesecurity must be equipped, such as safety valves, relief valves, interlockdevice,etc. (3)Confirmationatthestartoftheoperation

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Wang Zhonghui (1968), Currently, he is an associate professor with Ph.D. degree, and his research interest in the design of quickopening pressurevessel. Zhuangjunli (1989), Beijing Institute of Petro chemical Technology, and majored in process equipment and control engineering.


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