Discontinuous Excitation Control

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Discontinuous Excitation Control

Properly applied PSS provides damping to both local and inter-area modes of oscillations Under large signal or transient conditions, the stabilizer generally contributes positively to first swing stability In the presence of both local and inter-area swing modes, however, the normal stabilizer response can allow the excitation to be reduced after the peak of the first local-mode swing and before the highest composite peak of the swing is reached Additional improvements in transient stability can be realized by keeping the excitation at ceiling, within terminal voltage constraints, until the highest point of the swing is reached Discontinuous excitation control scheme referred to as Transient Stability Excitation Control (TSEC) has been developed by Ontario Hydro to achieve the above improves transient stability by controlling the generator excitation so that the terminal voltage is maintained near the maximum permissible value of about 1.12 to 1.15 pu over the entire positive swing of the rotor angle

uses a signal proportional to change in angle of the generator rotor, in addition to the terminal voltage and rotor speed signals angle signal is used only during the transient period of about 2 seconds following a severe disturbance, since it results in oscillatory instability if used continuously angle signal prevents premature reversal of field voltage and hence maintains the terminal voltage at a high level during the positive swing of the rotor angle excessive terminal voltage is prevented by the terminal voltage limiter
When TSEC used on several generating stations in an area;

system voltage level in the entire area is raised increases power consumed by loads in the entire area, contributing to further improvement in TS

Fig. 17.7 Block diagram of TSEC scheme

Fig. 17.8 Effect of TSEC on transient stability

Integrating HVDC Parallel Links

HVDC links are highly controllable. Possible to take advantage of this unique characteristic of the HVDC link to augment the transient stability of the ac system Parallel application with ac transmission can be effectively used to bypass ac network congestion Often, provides the best option for using limited right of way Provides a firewall against cascading outages during major system disturbances For example, during the August 2003 Blackout of northeast US and eastern Canada,
Quebec was unaffected AC links from New York to New England tripped; however, HVDC links from Quebec continued to supply power to New England

With the present day technology based on self commutated voltage sourced converters, transient stability augmentation can also be achieved by controlling the HVDC converters so as to provide reactive power and voltage support.

Examples of HVDC Parallel Links

Pacific HVDC Inter-tie in the US west
1400 km long 440 kV bipolar HVDC overhead line from Columbia River in Oregon to Los Angeles, California Built in the early 1970s, with a capacity of 1,440 MW; upgraded over the years to 3,100 MW Has operated successfully for over 30 years in parallel with 500 kV AC transmission

Itaipu HVDC Link in Brazil

800 km long 600 kV bipolar HVDC overhead line from Foz du Iguacu hydro power plant to the load centre in the city of Sao Paulo 3,150 MW HVDC link built in the mid 1980s Has operated successfully for over 20 years in parallel with 765 kV AC transmission network

Quebec- New England multi-terminal HVDC system

1500 MW, 1500 km 450 kV bipolar HVDC link built in the early 1990s Brings power from James Bay Hydro plants to Boston, Massachusetts area Comprises five terminals; normally operates as a threeterminal link

VSC-Based HVDC Technology

HVDC transmission systems built over the years use converter bridge circuits that rely on natural voltage of the ac system for commutation: line-commutated converter technology
Results in generation of lower-order harmonics and consumption of reactive power, which in turn call for counter measures

In recent years, self-commutated voltage-sourced converter (VSC) technology has been developed and advanced for HVDC transmission application with the following technical benefits:
Active and reactive power can be controlled independently Excellent dynamic response Can be connected to very weak ac network Harmonic filter requirements are significantly less Good black-start capability Lower overall footprint requirements

VSC-based HVDC converters are more expensive and have higher losses
Depending on the nature of the application, these may not be significant issues

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