Narrative Report of Others For Students

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com November 18, 2008, it was the date when the trainee started the on the job training at Keppel Batangas Shipyard. It is a shipyard company which issituated along side of Batangas Bay at San Miguel, Bauan, Batangas.The trainee was assigned at the department which is called motor pool.This department serves as the general maintenance for the equipments andgadgets that were used inside the company. Also, at this department, alloperators of the cranes, lifters and trailers were assigned. Almost all of themwere regular workers of Keppel and served the company for almost 20 years.

Training supervisor provides PPEs for the trainees on the first day. PPEstands for personal protective equipment which consists of safety belt, helmet,safety goggle and gloves.Every morning, the supervisor calls for a mustering or a meeting. On thismeeting, safety personnel check all the workers on the assigned department if they were wearing in their proper PPE. Also, they discuss all about what theymust do on that day.The trainee started his work as an assistant and a helper. He helped inbringing the tools and parts that they need, assist them when they disassemblingengines and hold nuts and bolts as they detached it. They do not allow thetrainee to handle machine members especially to those sensitive parts likeinjectors, tubing, shafts and gears. Being a helper is unexciting; expecting it wasthe only work that the trainee do for rest of his OJT.Time came when he first handle machine members; it was a transmissiongears that detached from a fork lift crane. That time is when his co-worker askedhim to clean and take away greases that stock up on the gears. The traineethought that he was the one who will disassemble the transmission box. But atleast they let him handle a sensitive machine parts for the first time.A month later, new set of disassembled four cylinder engine was arrived.That was the first time when the trainee saw engine parts in reality. His co-worker, which is an expert on the engines, taught the trainee the different parts of the engine as he assembled it. And of course, the trainee already passed the 20

subject called ME LAB II under Engr. Aguila, so that is why the later can relateand can easily identify the parts that his co-worker instructs. He also taught thetrainee some technique in assembling and installing the engine parts. Some of itwas when installing piston ring, the tapered side of the ring must face downward.Piston of a diesel engine was different from piston of gasoline engine. The later has a hole on is face, but this hole was not in the center of the face. That is whyplacing the piston pointing the hole upward has a great difference when placing iton the opposite. The correct position was placing the piston that pointing the holeupward. This is because the fuel injector was placed on the upper side of theblock making it sprays fuel exactly at the hole. He also taught the trainee aboutthe proper timing of the valve and fuel injector, and also the sequence of firinginside the engine cylinders. For a 4-cylinder engine, order of firing was 1-3-2-4.For a 6-cylinder engine, firing was 1-4-2-6-3-5. And for an 8-cylinder,

v-typeengine, firing was 1-8-4-3-6-5-7-2. These firing orders were not constant at allengines; it is just only based on the trainees experience. Firing orders werevariable and based on the manufacturers design in order to minimize vibration.On the following days, the trainee had already worked just like a regular employee of the Keppel. Starting on that time, he was not an assistant or ahelper any longer just like on his first day of OJT, but one of maintenancepersonnel on that department. He experienced installing engine parts likeflywheel, injector s, radiator, manifolds, valves and timing gears. He alsoperformed top hauling a six cylinder engine, disassembling a v-type engine which composed of eight cylinders, removing water pump and making gaskets out of paper folder.Not only engines were repaired under maintenance department, they alsorepair pumps. Most common type of pump that was used on the Keppel shipyardwas the piston type pump. It consists of three cylinders and operated using highspeed motor. The trainee experienced reconditioning this type of pump; replacingnew gaskets, polishing the cylinder, installing bearing and gears, placing newpiston and connecting rod and changing the gear oil. Another type of pump thatthey handled on their department was the gear type pump. This type of pumpwas used commonly as a pump for crane and lifter hydraulic. This pump consistsof two gears that mesh to pump fluid by displacement. This type of pump is bestsuitable for pumping hydraulics and other substances which is of high viscosity.Being an apprentice on that kind of department was really remarkable. Allthe skills and techniques that they shared with the trainee will help him for hisfuture career.

Observation The trainee who was training at Keppel Batangas Shipyard for almost four months, observed the daily activities and practices that the workers inside thecompany performed, as well as rules and regulation that all workers andemployees must comply with. 22

The trainee easily observed that all workers inside the working zone mustwear their proper PPE during working hours. Even the sweeper or janitor whocleans the yard must wear complete PPE. Any workers who will notice without intheir proper PPE will be given a punishment which is by cleaning the whole yardfor one week and posting their pictures at the gate of the company; remindingeveryone that those people were violators. Safety inside the company was reallystrict.Another thing that the trainee observed was the rules and regulation thatthe company initiated. Before entering the company, regular frisking andbaggage inspections were conducted. Car without stickers cannot enter insidethe company except for the visitors. Trainees are not included as a visitor.Another was the NO smoking, sleeping and by standing rule. Any violators whowill be caught will fine an amount of one

thousand pesos. Gadgets like mobilephones and portable mp3 players are not allowed during working hours. Gadgetsmust be placed on the locker room. Requests like emergency calls are acceptedmaking sure that the call was important and entertain able. Participation The trainee participated in the normal operation of the company bymaintaining the equipments used in the shipyard in their good condition. Dailycheck on the important spots of the cranes like the pressure of the tires, fuellevels, gear and engine oil, lubrication of the joints and the water level of the 23

radiator. Errors must be predict and must be solved before it happened. Anytrouble happened to the equipment during the progression will cause a biginterruption on the whole process of the company.The trainee also participated as a tool keeper on maintenancedepartment. Tools and parts of the machine must be kept to avoid misplacing it.Tools must be clean before they were returned to the tool box. Bolts, nuts andsmall machine parts must be placed in a closed container. Interaction During the training at Keppel Batangas Shipyard, the trainee learned tointeract with other people. We know that people have different characteristics andattitudes; however, making friends with the trainees co-workers doesnt makedifficult.Even though he was only a trainee, they dont treat him like others. And asa trainee, dont feel uncomfortable as he worked with them. From the interactionthe trainee made with them, the later learned to work with patience. Althoughthoroughly working on something was time consuming, the quality of the outputproduct is the most important. He also learned from his co-workers experiencesand mistakes and apply them whenever he needed it. They also encouraged thetrainee to go on with his studies until he become a professional. 24

Although I worked and interact with them for a short period of time, Ilearned a lot to them; the skills and techniques that they shared with me thatcannot be find on the books. Challenges Challenge is test of one's abilities or resources in a demanding. Andchallenges are always present.During the trainees on-the-job training, he met some challenges that pushhim to work much better. First is when one of his co-workers challenged him tobe greedy in learning new things and skills. That is also the time when thetrainees supervisor said than if the later want high grade, he must work like areal employee. That was a big challenge for the trainee. He was only a trainee,so the supervisor must supervise him and not to let him handle a situation thanhe didnt know. And because of that, the trainee

learned to put a dedication to hiswork.Another challenge that the trainee met was the climate during his workinghours on the field. The heat coming from the sun makes him uncomfortable. Andthere is a time, halfway of his training, when he got sick.Lastly, one challenge that the trainee met is when his coworker asked himto remove a bolt from a crankcase of a 4-cylinder engine. The trainee thought itwas easy. But then, he was wrong. He asked other to hold the crankcase as he 25

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