Aug 1998
Aug 1998
Aug 1998
Itopcl frips
Auqust 30 - Kentycl{/Chocolocco (Sunday) on riding We are planning Kentuck and meeting at the Olive Gardenlocationat Eastwood 8:30 am. lf it is raining,we will change our plan and go to Chocolocco. of the heat Future Plans Because Stone we have been experiencing. Trailsin and the Olympic Mountain for Conyers, GA arebeingdiscussed ride. an October
Aug.30 Sept.2 Sept.5 Sept6 Sept12 Kentuck Ride Meeting Hoover Library WorkDayOakMountain - Anniston NEABC Race BBCCentury
Meetfor workdaysat the South Trailhead at the new BUMP shed. Time to meet is 9:00 a.m. Call the hotlinefor any possible changes. Workdays subject to weather canceltation. September5 - Saturday October11 - Sunday - SaturdaY NovemberT 6 SundaY December
xTR, Ti, DH, RSX,
I layWhat
the Confused about terrninologyusedin, rnountain bikingl Well, atiend the next receive a rneeting and cemplrnnentary copy o{ Etltt Provides you with the latest inforrnation on e{uiprnent, bikingtechnology, andgreatrides.
'98 MTN IRONLEGSCHALLENGE BIKE RACE is scheduled for 6' 1998 at Choccolocco September AL. The in WhitePlains, StateForest NORBA Sanctioned event will with a feature 21 raceclassifications cash purse of $4000 and merchandise over $3500. All categoriespay at least five deep fewerthanfive riders. unless lap will equalabout7.8 miles, Each 'and is considered by the organizers thanlastyear.The to be muchbetter NortheastAlabama Bicycle Club (NEABC) has improved the parking, stagingarea,and entire event. For piekup a brochure moreinformation, at yourlocalshop.
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I.ftll. B'A
thG EUIIP Ghb |fllctr'on the flrrt Wadncaday ot arr6ry lnonli
Our next scheduled woi'kday is Saturday September sth at Oak Mountain. Our past few workdays have been great successes,and please continue the appreciated wcrk. Tne July 12th workday at Oak Mountain repaired low spotsr':ear the RC track with the help of several you misseci mem'pers. the vrorkciay, it-. you probablyhave seen the great improvements that were madeon the trail. Thanks to CahabaCyclesfor donatingthe door prize,a new Oak Trail T-shirt. Mtn. / Red to David Passmore for Congratulations winning on hisfirsttrailday! Last Sunday,a work-dayat Elmore BridgeTrail was County/ Swayback another success. Nearly a dozen membersheadedsouthto assistthe Elmore County Trail Association (ECIA)in side-hilling of their a section newtrail.ln all,over20 people worked for several hoursto improve morethan 100 yardsof trail.Following the work, the ECTA showedtheir appreciation and hospitality witha cookout. All work and no play makesfor a longtrip, so, several membersenduredthe heat trail.And,if and rodethe newlyworked you missed the fun, it is feature<l it is a great inside. Ridethe Swayback, trail.
Libr.w, doyrnstalE,
Everridedowntown and thought, it wouldbe nice to park my bike somewhere other than next to a parking mete/'. Or maybeif was a beautiful day and you wanted to ride your bike to the localstoreor mall but didn'tbecause Hoover Cahaba Heights Oak Mountain you knewtherewas not a parking placefor yourbike. Well, 822-66N 967-2W3 987-4M3 here is your chance! There are bicycleparking racks available throughthe BicycleParkingProgram sponsored CAHABA CYCLES' SWAP MEET by the Birmingham (BRPC). Regional Planning Commission Got any old parts that you would like to swap for some To give.yoursuggestions, write,call or fax Meg Scullyat betterold parts? 211211'n Avenue South, Suite22O,Birmingham, AL 35205 Now you will have your chance! On October 4, CahabaCycles' phone: 251-8139fax 328-3304, BIKERS UNITE! They Oak Mountain location will be having their parts swap meet from wantyoursuggestions.
1-5 p.m. For further info, call any CahabaCycles location.
Rock'em U p"Gee,
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Trail Features
The Place: The place of this month'sfeatureis ElmoreCounty'sSwayback Bridge Trail. Located near Wetumpka, it is a short drive from Birrningham. BUMP recently assisted Elmore Ccunty Trail Association with maintenance. They greatly appreciated our help, and we enjoyedthe trail. Thanksto Johan, Chris, and all the othersfor tiie hospitality. To reach thetrail from Birmingham, takeI-65 south ic eait i.91.Go left towards Wetumpka on Route14 East.After 6.5 miles,makea right to relriainon 14 East.After another 4 miles or so, a left is required to stayon 14. When you intersect with US 231 (3 miles),turn North anddrive for another 3 milesto a signfor CampChandler, turn left. After 3 milesor so a sign for the Boat Ramp directsyou left. Just parkingarea. afterthis turn is a smalltriangular The trail headis at the gravelroadto the north.You will exit the fire roadto the south. The Trails: The trails are very new and are tight single track with a few fire road sections.The climbsare strenuous, but short.Be prepared for a toughride of 7 milesor so.This may be a southern trail, but it will soon gain your respect as a mountainbike trail. The ride starts with a fun downhill, and winds aroundLake Jordan.Several technicalsectionsand obstacles make for a very enjoyable ride. Make the trip and "Ride the Swayback". Thanks to Chris Snyderfor his contribution of the map. This is one map featuredin his new boo( Mountain Biking Alabama, The Skinny on the Stcte's Best Fat Tire Destinations. The book features 14 ridesaroundthe stateand is soonto be suppliedto local cycle shops.Ask for it at your favoriteshop.
/l0o/oaff purchases
ln this newsletter.
rn" lv\VDtLiNffP
TRAIL TALK The BUMP-HASH Joint Socialat the Red Bud Pavilion
By Amy Hunterand staff
The second BUMP Social of the year rolled merrilyalong Sunday July 26th at Oak Mountain State Park. Members of the BUMP club were most pleased Social ll. Also making respectableshowings in the log pull event were Colleen, Margo, Dan, and Chris. The winners received a BUMP jersey and the other places are now the proud owners of BUMP t-shirts.The big log has been retrofittedfor the next event, so start working
A little mountainbiking, a little running,a lot of eating, a spot of polo for the chaps, and an average quaffing were topped off with a challenginglog pull. Congratulations to Chris and Mickieour victorious logpullers for the BUMP
August {998
The polo matches saw intense competition and fierce battles, but did the score matter? Not really, everyone just played for fun. lf you didn't play, get ready for the next match. We enjoyed a fine summer afternoon. Thanks to everyone who participated.Special thanks go out to the Hashers, Jon Kirchoff for the music, Derrick Seys and Anne Traeger for outstanding food preparation; and Mark Richman for his cooking skills. Without him, we would have received a raw deal. And, BUMP wishes to thank the Hashers for their contribution of the "beverages". Anyone lookingforwardto Social lll ? Interestedin the MCH3 Club? They can be contactedon the Hash hotlineat (205) 942-MCH3
rn" lv\{JDtLiNffP
August {998
rr'" i\UljtiNffP
For Sale Rock Shock Indy-C with Dirfworks cartridge. $100 Call David661-9800. For Sale: 1998 Bump and Grind T-shirts.Severalshirtsremainfrom the race. Sizes are limitedto large and XL Contact Ken Hester or one of the board for purchasing at $10 each. For Sale: Pearl lzumi ridingjerseys featuring BUMP artwork.$65.00 only a few are left and sizes are limited.Call Ken Hester 879-8373 to purchase or if you are interestedin ordering a new one. BUMP is consideringhaving more made. We have to order a minimum quantity.So, if you are interestedplease let BUlvlPknow. Wanbd: COOL old bikes 1930's - 1960's Especially Schwinn. Absolutely any condition. CallJoel 252-1612
Haveyou recently the BUMPsignsoddlypositioned noticed aroundthe area and especially along l-20? lt wouldappear the signsare markingan extension of Oak Mountain's Red Trailor the Cheaha trails. Onecan'thelpbut notice the signs .BUMP'was (inBUMP orange) indicating or is present. Boardhas beenaskedif thiswas the plan,but they BUMP's plan deny any part in the signs.Was this a mysterious discussed at the last meeting, or any prior?Whateverthe planor whomever the organizers, theyappear to havea good approach to makingBUMPa recognized club,but their trail buildingneeds significant improvement. The trails are flat quadruple track interstate, or are we to ride the shoulder? Thewhole thingseems to be morein linewithroadbikes. The highway department simplystatesthe signsare thereto giveindication (sounds of roughterrain or roadconditions like a traifto me!).Eventually we may learnthat secretworkdays have been constructing milesof trails ccnnecting Alabema slmilar te the Robert TrentJonesgolf system. Thatwouldbe veryfine!!!
Any ideas on expanding the web page? Let the board know. Walls NewMedia has sponsored our site, and is looking of ideas on rvhat can be done to expand it.
$ Hr
Have ,you recently changed your address and not updated it with BUMP? Pled$e update
charges.Thank You
iflon..fii.: 10.6 Soturday: 9.5 #ll Dutsr ,{vsnue Crmtlinc Village S?g{25;
1998BUMPBoardof Directors
BUMPis a notforprofit organization Fresident Joe Cotlin VicePres. JimTyndal Vice Pres. JackBransdorf Treasurer MikeHerring Secretary Hendrik Snow Member JoelRobertson Member Jon Kirchoff Trail Czar Ken Hester Newsletter AnneTraeger 849-e298 879-6255 978-7079 663-6083 879-6255 252-1612 870-9538 879-8373 969-7033
ea5) se1-3335
August {998
The lv\0DfLfNffP is published to inform the local mountain biking community of current happenings in the area, and promote safe and responsible use of mountain bicycles. If you would like to submit information of any kind, please let BLIMP know. Your ideas and suggestions will be appreciated. Leave a message on our Hotline at (205) 592-BUMP or send an e-mril fo iBykDoU@aolcom.
Gheck the BUMP Hotline for any changes in dates and time.
592-BUilP (2SOZ)
rr'" lv\tJDtLiNffP
tsiri-rringharn Urban Mq:untain Pedalers Post Office Box 590061 Birmingham, AL 35259-0061 page lnternet