Rhe RV/VDSL - An ( (R: F$ ### FLNJP#
Rhe RV/VDSL - An ( (R: F$ ### FLNJP#
Rhe RV/VDSL - An ( (R: F$ ### FLNJP#
Highlights and llpcoming Events
Oct16 WorkDay8:00am Oct16 BikePolo3.00pm Trussville Oct24 OakMtnRide- 9:00am Oct24 SwapMeet- CahabaCycles Oct30 Kentuck Ride Nov12 IMBA / NOCCamp Oct Bankhead Ride??? Oct Halloween NiteRide??? May21,2000 Bumpand Grind Call our hotline592-BUMP(2867) for any recorded changesor additionsin BUMP events.
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SaturdavOctober30 Kentuck Ride - Meet @ Olive Garden in lrondale / Eastwood Mall 8:00 leave 8:30 sharp! This is rescheduled afterridersdecided to changelast month'sKentuckride. Joe Cotlinis the ride leader5912337. - A groupride is beingplanned to the BankheadNationalForestto ride the multi-useBlack Warrior trialsnearDouble Springs. Thistrip may occur late in the month and ride the area near the Owl Creek HorseTrails in place of the ORV trailrecently ridden by BUMP.
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Meet for workdays at the South Trailheadat the BUMP shed. Time to meet is 9:00 a.m. Call the hoiline for any possiblechanges.Workdays subjectto weather cancellation. The regular October workday was cancelled due to rain. lt has been rescheduled for Saturday the 16th" Hope to see you there even with such short notice.
- October16 at 8:00am Saturday - November Saturday 6 - December Sunday 5 Seeyou at the next workdayll
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that more traffic travels closer to the outer edge. Other causesof tread creep are constructing a trail that is too narrow or with outslopesthat are too steep. Your job is to bring the trail back uphill to its original location ad keep it there. One of the best ways to do this is to take advantage of large stationary objects (guide structures) to prevent animals and people from walking the edge. Trees, log ends,rocks, and stumpsleft close to the downhill edge of the trail will keep animals walking closer to the middle. Guide structures should be no more than I foot high so
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Does your sidehill trail display: Exposed bedrock or roots along the upper side of the tread? Daisy-chained tread alignment? Pack bumpers, jump-offs, and prominent tread anchors? All three are indications that the tread surface has been eroded and compacted by travel along the lower edge. Tread creep should be arrested or the trail will eventually become very diflicult or dangerous. What causes trea{-grgep? The a.4gweris simple. \4og livestock, two-wheeled traffic, and some people have a tendency to walk the outside edges of sidehill trails. "slffing" and is soil, rocks, Sloughing (pronounced downhill to the inside of the that has moved and debris tead) makes the edge the flattest place to walk. As the tread moves downhill. it also narrows. with the result
they will not catchthe animals' pack. Curb rocks need to be well anchored, and they should be placed at random distancesso they don't look like a wall or trap water on the tread. Tread between these anchors will creep downhilll creating a situation where the trail climbs over every tread anchor and descends again. At the bottom of "dips", water and sediment collect. This is the these weakest portion of the tread and most prone to catastrophic failures. The tread can be so soft the packstock may punch completely through the tread (called a step-through) or bicycles or dirt bikes may collapsethe edge.The result can be a bad wreck. Where soil is in short supply, you may have to install a short crib wall and haul in tread material. Thin tread on bedrock will not usually stay put without some support. If normal slough removal does not work on more substantial soils, the tread should be benched back into the slope in the original alignment. Guide structures should be installed on the outside edge of the tread to keep traffic toward the center.
October t99g
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BUIIP a n dG r i n d Y e K
The Sixth Annual Bump and Grind is tentatively set for May 21, 2OOA. Help build on the success of last year and become involvedwith next year's race. The plans have started and look for a meeting to share ideasand get involved.
Got any old partsthat you wouldlike to swapfor some betterotd parts?Lookingfor somegreat dealson outdoorgear? whether its Biking or Hiking, Campingor Canoeing, you'll find what you are lookingfor at the cahaba cycles / Alabamaoutdoars Swap Meet. The event will be at their lacations near oak Mountain (highway31 and 119junction) on SundayOctober24 and open to anyonewith partsfo se// or trade.For fuftherinformation and space reservation,caUCahaba CyclesPelhamlocationat (205) 987-4043.
JoeCotlin(2Sft) MathiasIhlenfeld ( 19ft) DavidPassmore Meg Scully BUN@wishes Joe,Mathias, David, Meg:anri,aii otherOctober babies a ,HappyBirthday
Hoover 822-6600
October {999
Gheck the BUMP Hotline for any changes in dates and time.
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This is oneof three a trail buildingschoolthe weekendof November13-14. IMBA is sponsoring importanteventsin Novemberat the NantahalaOutdoor Center(NOC) nearBryson City, North Carolina andthe Tsali trails. Nov $6 - National Mountain Bike Patrol will hold its annualInstnrctorTraining Conference for Land Managers Nov &11 - Kurt Loheit will teachtwo 2-day courseson Trail Management tools, techniques, and Nov 13-14- IMBA's last Trail building Schoolof the year will featurehands-on fun. Enjoy free lodging, cheapmeals,and an excellent expenence. or in attending anyof theseevents? Call NOC at (888) 662-1662,IMBAat (303)545-9011, lnteresied programs. the visit the web sitesat www.noc.comor www.imba.com for more information on BUMP member,will retum to this years Trail Campand would like to gettogetherwith Mark Smithers, Plan if you areinterested. BUMP members. CallMatk at223-1589or mnbkrdrl@aol.com otherinterested or can be free at Lodging is in the cabins, $16 on leavingFriday at noonfor the five hour drive to NOC. "it 'the basecamp(reservations required).Retum Sundayevening.How doesMark feel aboutthe camp, will totaily changethe way you look at the trail".
', r: Birmingham Urban Mountain Post Office Box 590061 Birmingham, AL 35259-0061 page www.BUMP.org Internet
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