Rheravdsl.F N ( (R: Itoed Frips

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Itoed frips
Saturday, December 18 we are heading to the SwayBackBridge trail in Elmore County / Wetumpka. Chris Snyder has informed us that a complete loop now exists. We will meet at the McDonalds off at I-65 and Hwy ll9 (Oak Mtn Exit) at 8:30 am (sharp).Drive takes about 2 hours and no water exists at the trail. Keith Bryant (42+0556) is the ride leader.

Highlights and UpcomingEvents

Dec 18 Elmore County Ride Dec 19 BBCHoliday Ride Jan.4 Meeting May21, 2000BUMP & Grind Call our hotline592-BUMP (2867)for any recordedchangesor additionsin BUMPevents.

Meet for work days at the South Trailheadat the BUMP shed. Time to meet is 9:00 a.m. Call the hotline for any possible changes. Workdays to subject weather cancellation. - Saturday January 8 February6 Sunday - Saturday March4 - Sunday April 9 - Saturday May 6 -Sunday June 11 - Saturday July 8 - Sunday August 6 September9 - Saturday - Sunday October I ilovember 4 Saturday Decemlrer !0 - Sunday

to allorrv for the creationof several new multi-use trailsin their SportsComplex. The new trailswill compliment the existingtrail systemvaryingfrom gravel roads to singlefoot-paths. All *'al!s a!'eopen to the public.Gunentuser$ are hikers,bikers,runners;and horse riCers. The new trailswouldbe designedto a@ommodate horsesand all othernon-motorized recreational users. David Passmorehas spent several hours on the trail system and was instrumental in getting the proposedtrails moving fonrvard. Accordingtq David,the trails will consistof three areas spurringoff of the existingtrAil system. Thesewill add 3 milesto the existing 4 milesof trail. Once the final papers are in place, construction will begin. Severalwork weekends will be plannedto beginruttingthe newtrail.Trussville Park Board has been very supportive of the idea, but will not be able to assist in the Workday Completes construction or maintenance. The new trailswill requirevolunteer supportto Y2KPrcparations constructand maintain.SomethingBUMP has been very successfulat providingand looks forward to constructionassistance.Look fur more Bill Ganett, Terry, Mike, Carl4 information on schedule, location map,etc. nextmonthin localshops. Will, Bill Johnson,and Denick

MrM nr"tsuMROrg TWAilLJ D[JqqJJED ilN TKqJJVilLLE Trussville has giventhe verbalgo-ahead

New BoardMembers Elected
The last board meetingdetermined the Director positions.Thesepositionsare selected annually after the club members have elected the candidates. Your new leaders are: President-8illJohnson; Vice President-Joel Robertson' Treasurer-Anne Seys; SecretaryLaura Cotlin; andBoard MembersPaul Brookes, David Passnore, andBarry Hair.

participated in the December workdayat Oak Mountain.Fallen logs and berm-buildup in the Chimney area were addressed in preparationfor Y2K. Low headhunter logs and the sloughbuild up were removedto avoid injury and facilitate drainage. This workday completed BUMP's Y2K preparations and we are confidentwe are Y2K compliant. Come seewhat is in storefor the next work day and if we indeed are complianton January8. Will the trail be there?

Th. BUIP Club ln..t!

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of cvlrlr nonth .t ?:0O p,m. at tftG V..tayh


of Educ.tlon,


Checkthe BUMPHotline for any changes in datesand time. Sy2-BtJMp eE67)

It Doesn't Hurt to be Nice on the Trails

By Jim HasenauerIMBA We humansare socialanimals. We identiffwith our groupsand sometimes that identity is drawnin opposition to other identifiablegroups.That's at the root of all kinds of national,ethnic and racial conffictand thafs at the root of tail conflict.We stereotypeothers; exaggeratetheir differences, sometimeswe fear them. Heck, sometimeswe hate them. lt doesn'ttake too much of this to polarizeus, Then, the very sight of the other arousesfear, anger,and the rest of our human lt seems like the only relief comes underbelly. whenthe otherisn'taroundat all. Certainly, we mountain bikershavebeen cast as the other often enough. I was recently at a meeting where riders were accused of almost everykind of criminal and dangerous intent.The cappercame when an anti-bike realtorclaimed that cyclists would drive down property values. Geesh. All this pointsto the factthat ifs difficultto build a community,and harder yet if there are afready Still,we humanbeingshave bad feelings. to sharethis planet andthereare somethings that makea difference. Sincewe'retying to heal here, lefs not forget the first tenet of the Hippocratic oath,'Trst, do no harm."The numberone hiker complaint that I hear is about speed especially when the hiker is startled. We have to do evefihing we can to anticipateothers and act accordingly. Signaling that we'recoming(l use a bell), slowing down and establishing communication is at the very heart of yieldingto other users. Not doing this is just selfish.We1l probablykeep up our pace and keepthe trait, but v,'e'llleavebad feetingis behindand anyonewfiob , been to an access meeting knows that bad feelings comebackto bite us. Smallhlk is a sociallubricant. Slowing and saying hellogoesa longway in breaking downanonyritt and fear. lf it seems appropriate, commenton what's blooming.lf you're stopped,and time allows, talk aboutsomeupcoming workday or protail polficalwork. Compliment their dog or their horse,their pack or their walkingstick. This way, thet'll see that you share their values.We can beat each other nicelyon the tail and then be on ourway. I'm not advocatingharanguingour fellow trail goers and when fails are crowded,continuous greetingsmay be intrusive, but if we act like sfrangers, well be treatedthat way. Patience and humilitycome into play here too. Most of us have had the experience of havingour friendly greetings metby scowlsor silence.lfs easyto get resentful, but thats their problem.lf we focuson our side of it, do the right thing, sooner or later we'll break through their defenses. Being human is contagious. Researchsays that the best way to overcome conflict is to work toward goals that pquire cooperation. Workingtogetherrequiresus to join othergroup'sactivitiesor invitethem to ours. lts great that mountain bikers have been so amazingly proactive in tailwork and other programs, but ifs befter yet when we're working shoulder to shoulder with non-bikers. That builds community. lt soundstoo simple,but being nice helps overcome stereotypes, quell fears and builds community withothertrailusers. The above was repinted from NEMBA Singletracks Decttnb? 1999 tult mc|nbalr ]tcclv!

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Christmas Cheer Served at Party

Joel and Margot hosted our annual christmas party with a great tumout. Hardwick provided video entertainment with footage from one of the areas first ATB races in 1990. Several racens appeared to resemble current BUMP members, but the spandex covered helmets and dark beards tended to blur the picturel My how bikes have changed. Joel's Potstickers were the hit of the party. lf you missed the party, or want to re-live the experience, try them out. COMBINE A}TDMD(: I Lb ground turkeyor pork 3 green onions chopped garlicchopped 1-4cloves fine 1-2 Tbs grated glnger root it. an{ slice ..$int,..Freeze ,__*,. grainoi grate) aeross I smallcanofwater chestnuts or bamboo shoots chopped I Tbssoysauce I tspsugar I tspvinegar I tsp . sesame oil ([IOT preferred) I egg I tspcornstarch or Tspflour Spooninto unappers (Goyza skins availablefrozen from oriental market...TryChai's cornerof 22nd, and 7th ave). Placein a bamboosteamer and steam15 min on high
heat. SAUCE: l tsp sugar ltsp vinegar 1 tsp soy sauce I tsp hot sesame oil water to dilute to taste

#I I Dexter Avenue, Mountain Brook Village

(20s) 87e-62ss

Birmingham Bicycle Club is againorganizing a holiday ride on Sunday, December 19, 1999. TheChristmas LightsRide is 8 Mileslong startingfrom DavenporfsPizzain Mountain Brook,The following was suppliedby BBC / BUMp rider DougDaughhetee. Hopeto seeyouthere. Meet at 6:00PMat Davenporfsfor a piaa dinner.At 7:00 PMjoin Howard for a nightridethroughresiderilial steeb to see Christmas lights.To rideyou MUSThavea workingfront white headlight and a red rear reflector. Be sureto decorate yourbikeappropriately for the season. Thisis an easypaced ride,mostyflatwitha fewshorthills. To get to the ride start 2837 Cahaba Road, From intersection of US-280and Shades Creek Parkway(near Brookwood Shopping Center)go east(awayfiom the malt)I block. Turn left onto Cahaba Road. Drive past Robert JemisonPark on your right. Pass a yellowblinkycaution lightthen a taffic signal.Davenporfsis in the shopson the right.Rolldown the window andsnifffor piza.

BBC LightedHoliday RideSet

Hoover 822.66,00 Cahaba Heights 967-2003 Oak Mh 9874043

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In tlib ncut|.t'tr!|r,

The November TurkeyBurn ride at BankheadNational Forest had an excellint turnout. I supposeseveralfactors worked together to produceone memorableride. It all startedofi with bellies still full from Thanksgivingdays before. The majority headedup t-Ol to Bankhead to meetthe remainder nearDouble Springsor at the tiait treaa.After convening at the Pine Torch Loop trail, we totaledseventeln. It lookedto be a greatride,and several horses were on the trail. We would haveto keepour eyesopen.Fortunately, Leo would not be leadingpoint. ..I After seeingCharlesand Nancy donningbright GT airshowjerseys,Leo had a sudden cando that" feelingcomeover him. Well, air he took. In the parkingiot, he demonstrated a great wheelie that becametoo great. Over he went. Not to be ouJ doneby his prwious BROOKHIEHLAND PLMAr wERitEss actions,he would bust a spokeenteringthe trail, followed by an unequalled n"t ctranging (205) 991-3335 experience. The smelly, muddy,road-apple-like materialproclaimed;Wrong placetJput your saddlefor a tire change"ashe turnedthe bike back wer! So, a mere30 minutes since we arrived,Leo hadwon the covetedBad Brake Award. Oh sure,otherswould compete,but the broken spokes,"hardwood" suspension spring and taco wheels of others would pale in comparison. The ride did do its intendedfunction. Julian, tlardwich and others of the lead group would take off and ride all 26 milesof the trails while othersstuck with the shorter 12 miles of the pine Torch Loop. Bill Garrett took the more adventurous route. Doing a little road riding, he made30 miles in a roundabout-way. Everyone enjoyed a beautiful day and had a great time exchanging pleasantries with the numerous horseriders. l@&-_qLqstg,t,&rrJtrg_month: A sing!e person burns an average of 700 caloriesper hour riding. Eight of the seventeen peoplepedaled for abotrt1.5 hours on the shorter ride (lotta breaks) andthe remainderof the group rode for fvfrshtyFine Nding... three hours. How many pounds of Nancy, Charles, yield andAnne thetrailandadmire a fewof themany horses thatwerepresent turkey were burned?Hint: plain turkey on the Bankheadride. is 170 caloriesper 4 ounces.Seeback for answer.

BankheadRide Enjoyedby Many


lf you would like to run a classified ad, pleasesubmitby the next meetingfor inclusion in next month's newsletter. For Sale: ?utp and GrindT-shirts. Severalshirtsremainftom previous races.Sizesare limited. www.BUMP.org pricevariesare910 (l ggg)and$15 (1gggi Vppee! See sndfieor Gontact Joe,Kenor oneof the boardfor purchase. For Sale: New ridingjeT.ey?featuringBUMP artwork.Orders are being taken and the final artwork will be approved beforethe end of the year.Startoutthe newyeai with a newjersey. Wanted:COOLold bikes1930's- 1960'sEspecially Schwinn. Absolutely any condition. Call Joel252-1612
us onllne!

1410 Montgomery Hwy,Vestavia

The lA0DfUNffPis published to inform the local mor:ntain biking commr:nity of current in the area, and promote safe and responsible use of mormtain bicycles. If you would like to submit inforrration of any kind please let BUMP know. your ideas and suggestions will be appreciated. Leave a messageon or:rHotline at (205) 592-BUMp or send an e-mail to iByl0oU@aolcon.

2OOO BUIUIP Board of Directors

BUMP is a notfor profit organization President BillJohnson 678-975A Vice Pres. Joel Robertson Z5,Z-t6lZ Tressurer AnneSeys 9BT-3827 Secretory LouruCotlin 5gt-2337 ftlenben PoulBrookes 3eO-0919 iiember DovidPossrnore 661-9800 Jflenber Barry lfuin Newsfetfer DenrickSeys 9gT-3927

Dccc|rbcr 1999 chcck the BUl|p llotlln. ior .ny ch.ngG! in d.r.. rnd dn..



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INTER}IATIOf{A,I, &tOUNTA]H SI(Y{LIil6 At$${tATtot'r

How can one mountain biker make a difference? Start by riding responsibly. Then join your local rnountain biking club and IMBADo some trail work. This is a small price to pay for the pleasures of mountain biking-


Join or renew with BUMP!- BUMP is an organaationformed to promotefun and safety in recreational mountainbike riding, the preservation anddevelopment of trails, fun and fellowship for all-terrain bicyclists in Alabama. Your membershipfee goes toward materialsfor trail printing, andoccasional maintenance and bridgebuilding, newsletter partiesandclub sponsored help protectand supportmountainbiking in Alabama.Contactone of the Board events. Please Membersfor further information.
Answer to amount of turkey bumed during Bankhead ride: 40 porrrtds. Surely less with all the fixins!

Birmingham Urban Mountain Post Office Box 590061 Birmingham, AL 35259-0061 page www.BUMP.org Internet





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