The Gayatri Mantra - Essence of The Vedas

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The Gayatri Mantra - Essence of the Vedas



Mantras - The Power of Sound in Vedic Astrology

The Gayatri Mantra

The Essence of the Vedas
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Mantras - The Power of Sound in Vedic Astrology Bija (Seed) Mantras Best Time to recite Mantras Know your own suitable Mantra Why people are seeking Mantra? The Mantras for : Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu Mantras for specific purposes Gayatri Mantra More About Mantras Useful links related to Mantras Astrological Remedies About Shyam S Kansal Consult Shyam Testimonials

This great mantra consists of three parts. The first is the chants to the seven worlds. The second is the mantra proper of twenty-four syllables. The third is a summary of the mantra's energies. The following is a brief explanation of the mantra as presented in the Mahanarayana Upanishad.

The Head of the Gayatri

OM Bhuh! - the physical realm or earth, realm
of being or food realm of becoming or breath OM Suvah! - the mental plane, space or heaven, realm of illumina on OM Mahah! - the sphere of cosmic mind, realm of Dharma OM Janah! - the realm of crea on or bliss OM Tapah! - the realm of consciousness-force OM Satyam! - the realm of absolute truth

OM Bhuvah! - the vital plane or atmosphere,

The power of Mantras & Shlokas has been acknowledged since time immemorial. A Mantra can consist of a powerful word or a combination of words and can be used for self realization, for freedom from worries, to fulfill one's desires, to ward off the effects of malefic planets, to bring you success, peace and contentment -- the range is truly vast. You can choose for yourself. Know your own suitable Mantra

The Body of the Mantra

OM Tat - That Savitur - Of Savitar, the solar Creator Varenyam - Supreme Bhargo - Effulgence Devasya - Of the God Dhimahi - We meditate Dhiyo - Intelligences, minds Yo - Who Nah - Our Prachodayat - May direct "We meditate upon the supreme effulgence of the Divine Solar Creator that he may direct our minds."

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The Tail of the Gayatri

OM Apo - the Cosmic Waters Jyoti - the Cosmic Light Rasomritam - the Immortal Essence Brahma - the Absolute Bhur - the physical Bhuvas - the atmospheric Suvar - the realm of space OM - the four higher realms "OM, the waters, the light, the immortal essence, Brahman, earth, atmosphere, heaven, OM."
For ge ng the maximum spiritual benet, the mantras should be recited at designated mings.

Some useful related links

"Dasha Vichaar" - Analysis of Vimsho ari dasha (planetary) periods. Which life-aspect would get most eected during various planetary periods? Suitable astral-gem, one of the best remedies to help to alleviate or mi gate some of the challenging energies of the planets.

The Gayatri Mantra - Essence of the Vedas

The Gayatri mantra (Rig Veda III.62.10) is perhaps the greatest Vedic mantric chant. It was first cognized by the Rishi Vishwamitra, who himself is a form of the Sun that is the friend (Mitra) of all (Vishwa). Rishi Vishwamitra is the embodiment of tapas or ascetic force and his mantra carries that power of light, energy and transformation. Through it one can be born again (dwija) or twice born in truth, in the heavenly stream of Divine wisdom. The mantra is chanted at sunrise, noon and sunset. At dawn it is called Gayatri, the youthful form of the Goddess, consort of Lord Brahma, the creator. It is called Savitri, the mature form, at noon, the consort of Lord Shiva. It is called Sarasvati, the elderly form, at sunset, the consort of Lord Vishnu. The Supreme Self, Paramatman, or Savitar, is the conscious being within the cosmic sun or Light of lights. The mantra is his creative force, the Divine Word. Savitar is the master of all transformations and the director of all higher evolution. He is the Self of Brahman, the pure being of the Absolute.

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Harnessing the Power of the Inner Sun

This mantra releases the supreme solar power, the power of the inner sun of Self-realization and cosmic creation. Those wishing to bring about a new creation or new dawn for humanity of this dark age, should chant this mantra. Those wishing to transcend this world of Samsara can also use the mantra as a stairway to the infinite. This mantra also grants intelligence, creative vision and healing powers. Used with the chants to the seven worlds it unfolds all the secrets of the universe outwardly and inwardly. The Gayatri mantra is central to Yoga, Vedanta, Ayurveda and Vedic astrology. For Yoga it sets in motion the Divine will toward transformation, stimulating the Kundalini force. For Vedanta it grants Self-knowledge, knowledge of the solar Self. For Ayurveda it gives the power of the cosmic prana that is born of the sun. For Jyotish it gives knowledge of the movements of the heavenly bodies ruled by the cosmic sun. Note: the exact pronunciation and intonation of the mantra requires personal instruction. This mantra is not something to be merely toyed with but requires entering into the stream of transmission of Vedic knowledge.

Antarjyoti bahirjyoti pratyagjyoti paratparah Jyotirjyoti swayamjyoti atmajyoti shivosmyaham Light is on the inside, light is on the outside, Light is in myself, beyond the beyond. The Light of lights, I myself am light, the Self is light, I am Shiva.

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