CD DRILLS (Communicable Diseases

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Situation: Knowledge of the nature of common diseases will able the health nurse to perform her functions effectively as a health educator. 1. The principal reservoir of this disease is man: A. All these diseases C. Diphtheria B. Measles D. Schistosomiasis 2. First of defense of the body against infection is: A. Physical Fitness C. An intact skin B. Full immunization D. Personal hygiene 3. Which of the following statements on breaking the chain of infection is true? A. Every link in the chain of infection can be interrupted B. A virulent agent can resist disinfection C. The mode of direct contact is often direct entry D. An inappropriate portal of entry will not support infection. 4. Newborn babies have limited ability to produce antibodies hence, immunization should not be given earlier than: A. 2 months C. 3 months B. 1 month D. 6 weeks 5. The supervised dose of the MDT drugs is given in the health center: A. Twice a month C. Daily B. Once a week D. Once a month Situation: The incidence of tetanus in a given community has increased. You decided to prepare a teaching program on the preventive aspects of the disease. 6. A cardinal symbol of tetanus is: A. Opisthotonus B. Pain and swelling around wound C. Extreme thirst D. Rigidity of jaw muscles 7. Tetanus is caused by microorganisms, which is: A. Water borne C. Airborne B. Anaerobic D. Aerobic 8. You know that tetanus microorganisms best thrive in: A. Pasture areas C. Moist wet garbage B. Filthy organic garbage D. Dry decaying leaves 9. Punctured wounds are best cleaned by: A. Thorough washing with soap and water B. Probing the wound and apply disinfectant C. Clean, apply disinfectant but omit dressing D. Allowing some bleeding before dressing the wound 10. In a patient who has allergy, tetanus injection may be administered: A. Combined with anti- allergic drugs C. In reduced doses B. In fractional doses D. After a negative skin test 11. Pertussis is a condition characterized by: A. Severe cough fits of coughing and cough followed by vomiting B. Loose of weight, cough and wheeze C. Myalgia, fever and sore throat D. Pharyngitis, runny nose and cough 12. An acute communicable infection characterized by fever, coryza, grayish spots on inner cheeks and rashes is: A. Diphtheria B. Measles C. Chickenpox D. Dengue fever Situation: Detection and prevention as well as treatment of tuberculosis inside the households. 13. IN the course of history taking, you ask the mother if anybody in the household has tuberculosis. This is a significant because tuberculosis: A. Is spread through respiratory droplets

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B. Is spread through contaminated food C. May be inherited D. May complicate whatever illness the child contacted 14. Which of the following set of signs and symptoms would best distinguish tuberculosis from a simple upper respiratory tract infection: A. Weight loss, hemoptysis, diarrhea B. Cough, weight loss, low-grade afternoon fever C. Dyspnea, wheezing, cyanosis D. Non-productive cough, weight loss, abdominal mass 15. Aside from the unusual pharmacologic therapy, the following measures are helpful in the treatment of TB, except: A. Hospitalized in all cases of tuberculosis B. Proper nutrition C. Improvement on environment and home conditions D. Treatment of intercurrent infections 16. The child was eventually diagnosed by the rural physician as having as simple upper respiratory tract infection. The following supportive measures would then be useful, except: A. Daily vigorous exercise B. Increase in fluid intake C. Steam inhalation D. Chest clapping 17. You further instruct the mother to make sure the prescribed antibiotics are taken properly so as minimize: A. Allergic reactions C. Complications B. resistance D. Reinfection Situation: The Public Health Nurse participates actively in the treatment and or control of tuberculosis (TB) in her place of assignment. 18. Under the National TB Control program of the Department of Health, the following cases are given priority for the short course chemotherapy: A. Sputum positive and cavitary cases B. Sputum positive cases C. Cavitary cases D. TB symptomatic 18. Which of the following is or are important methods of control of this disease? A. Examination of patients, contacts and suspects B. Provision of facilities for early treatment of cases and for persons at high risks infection C. Preventive treatment of contacts D. All these are important methods of control 19. Preventive treatments of isoniazid (INH) should not be given to patients with the following conditions: A. Pregnancy B. Acute liver disease C. All these conditions D. History of previous adverse reaction to INH 20. The short course chemotherapy (SCC) treatment is terminated when: A. Any of these conditions B. Patients failed to collect their drug supply for one month from date of the last collection C. Patients present reactions like jaundice and or shortness of breath D. Patients have completed the 168 daily collection of drugs within a period of 6 to 8 months 21. Patients who have completed treatment shall be followed up by sputum examination at the following interval and for a period of 1 year: A. Every 2 months C. Every 6 months B. Every month D. Every 3 months Situation: Joseph, 32 years old, is admitted in L.A. Ward suspected pneumonia 22. Nurse Ritas assessment that made her suspects he is suffering from bacterial pneumonia are the following, except: A. Hypoxia, cyanosis, pulmonary edema B. Recent history of URI C. Sputum rust-colored or blood-tinged D. Decreased tactile fremitus, presence of rales 23. When he is experiencing chest pain, Rita should encourage him to: A. Lie on the affected side B. Take a deep breath C. Cover his mouth when coughing

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D. Change position immediately 24. The best time to do postural drainage is: A. After breakfast B. Before retiring C. After waking up in the morning D. Before lunch

Situation: Pneumonia remains to be one of the leading causes of deaths. Hence, this was discussed in one of the conferences at the Rural Health Unit. 25. This disease is characterized by: A. Sudden onset with chills, fever, pleural pain and cough productive of rusty sputum B. Fever, headache, malaise, anorexia and non-productive cough C. Fever, fatigue, cough, chest pain and loss of weight D. Fever, cough, hoarseness and hemoptysis 26. Pneumonia is transmitted through which of these modes: A. Through articles freshly soiled with respiratory discharges B. By direct oral contact C. By droplet spread D. Any of these mode of transmission 27. The reservoir of the pathogenic organism causing pneumonia is: A. Air C. Main B. Infected food D. Infected water 28. During home visits and as a preventive measure, the patient and other members of the family will be advised to: A. Have the other members of the family immunized B. Avoid overcrowding in living and sleeping rooms whenever possible C. Properly prepare and cook food for the patient D. Boil drinking water if unsafe 29. The following is an appropriate control measures for pneumonia that should be discussed with the family: A. Concurrent disinfection of discharges from nose and throat B. Isolation of patient for at least 5 days C. Immunization of contracts D. All these measures Situation: Malaria is one of the major health problems in the community. Knowledge about this disease is necessary to be an effective health educator. 31. This diseases is transmitted through which of the following: A. Any of these models of transmission B. Use of contaminated needles or syringes C. Transfusion of blood of infected persons D. Bite of an infected female anopheline mosquito 32. The female anopheline mosquito bytes: A. Around midnight B. Early hours of the morning C. Any of these D. During early night hours Situation: Malaria is endemic in 73 provinces. Knowledge of the nature of this disease and its mode of transmission will help the nurse in planning and implementing preventive control measures. 33. Presence of signs and symptoms is only a presumption that a patient has malaria. Which of the following laboratory procedures will confirm her diagnosis? A. Stool examination B. Urine examination C. Cerebro-spinal fluid examination D. Blood smear 34. Control measures are aimed to prevent man-mosquito contacts by the use of which of the following: A. Mosquito net treated with insecticide B. All of these C. Use of repellant lotion D. Use of mosquito coils 35. The type of infection determines the kind of anti-malaria drugs to administer and the duration of treatment. For plasmodium falciparum infection, which of the following is/are used as first line of treatment? A. Pyrimethamine

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B. Chloroquine and primaquine tablet C. Tetracycline D. Rifampicin 36. Mrs. Dy consults in the health center because of attacks of fever and chills. Your presume that she has malaria. As you assess Mrs. Dy, the other clinical symptoms that you will take note of to confirm your presumptions are the following, except: A. Shaking chill, fever, pleural pain and dyspnea B. Profuse perspiration which lasts for 4 to 6 hours after chills and fever C. Slight fever and headache D. Tingling sensation and headache 37. Which of the following is an environmental control measure used by the community for the prevention and control of malaria: A. Use mosquito coils B. Releasing of larvivorous fishes in the breeding areas of the vector mosquitoes C. Residual horse spraying D. Alternation of the breeding places of mosquito vectors Situation: Jinky, 15 years old student was diagnosed to have conjunctivitis. 38. The etiology of conjunctivitis is: A. Bacterial or viral infection B. Any of these C. Foreign body or trauma D. Allergic reaction 39. The clinical signs and symptoms of this disease are: A. Mild irritation and mild photophobia B. All these are signs and symptoms C. Normal Vision and clear cornea D. Infected conjuctiva and sometimes conjucntival edema 40. The objective of your nursing care to Jinky is: A. All of these B. Treat the infection and prevent complication C. Decrease the discomfort and prevent the transfer of the disease to other members of the family D. Investigate close contacts and refer to health center 41. A nursing care for Jinky is to: A. Treat affected eye with tetracycline eye drops B. Apply cool compress to the affected eye C. Apply chloramphenicol ophthalmic solution two drops, 4 times daily D. Identify and treat patients close contact 42. Which of the following health teachings is not appropriate: A. Compliance to treatment as prescribed B. May attend classes during the course of the disease if desired C. Disinfection of the conjuctival discharges and articles soiled with discharges D. Personal hygiene 43. Common problem is children is the inflammation of the middle ear. The problem is related to the malfunctioning of the: A. Sympanic membrane B. Eustachian tube C. Adenoids D. Nasopharynx 44. For acute otitis media, the treatment is prompt antibiotic therapy. Delayed treatment may result in complications of: A. Tonsillitis C. Eardrum perforation B. Brain damage D. Infections 45. In antibiotic therapy for Otitis Media, the nurse should advise the parent that it should be given for a period of 10 days and a follow up visit is needed in: A. 3 day C. 5 day B. 10 day D. 7 day 46. Infection from this disease usually confers permanent immunity: A. Amebiases C. Malaria B. Leprosy D. Measles 47. A child with history of fever, cough, coryza and conjunctivitis is a probable case of: A. Pertussis C. Tuberculosis B. Measles D. Diptheria

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48. Lorena, a leprosy patient who is on multi-drug therapy complains of skin discoloration and flaking of her skin in the legs. These conditions are side effects of: A. Lamprene C. Pyrazinamide B. Rifampicin D. Dapsone 49. For the skin discoloration and flaking of the skin in Lorenas legs, your nursing interventions are the following: A. All these nursing intervention B. Inform Lorena that discoloration is expected as a side effect of the drug C. Advise Lorena to soak her legs in water and rub with oil D. Advise Lorena to minimize exposure to sunlight

Situation: 54 cases of measles were admitted in San Lazaro Hospital last year. Most of this came from an urban poor congested community where most of the families are not sold to importance of immunization. Ages of cases ranged from 5 months to 23 years 50. Measles can be transmitted from one person to another through: A. Fecal-oral route B. Direct contact with nasal/throat secretions of infected persons C. Any of these modes of transmission D. Milk and food stuffs 51. The incubation period varies from: A. 8 to 13 days B. 4 to 6 weeks C. 3 to 8 days D. 6 to 8 weeks 52. This disease is most communicable: A. Slightly before the beginning of the prodromal period up to 4 days after appearance of rash B. Immediately after the appearance of rashes C. During course of active infection D. During the appearance of the vesicles 53. The following are appropriate preventive and control measures against measles, except: A. A prompt reporting of suspected cases B. Isolation and concurrent disinfection C. Public education on measles: its nature and mode of transmission D. Immunization programs for all susceptible Situation: The nurse conducts proper assessment of patient and consider existing policies and guidelines in the provision care/treatment 54. The nurse recognizes the following signs/symptoms of chicken pox: A. Rashes which pass through stages of macules, papules, and vesicles and are more abundant on the face and extremities B. Rashes which begin on the head and neck and spreads caudally. C. Red blotchy rashes which appears on the 3rd and 7th day D. Rashes which begin on the trunk and spread peripherally and are more abundant on covered parts of the body. 55. Chicken pox is contagious: A. after the appearance of the rashes B. From onset of the catarrhal stage up to the third day of the rash C. From as early as 1 to 2 days before the rashes appear until the lesions have crusted D. From the onset of the rashes until the lesions have dried up 56. The following nursing intervention is not appropriate for a child with chicken pox: A. give aspirin for fever B. Wash rashes with soap and water to reduce secondary infection C. Apply calamine lotion to the lesions to decrease pruritus D. Chloroquine, Primaquine and lamprene. 57. Death from diarrhea is usually due to: A. Ignorance C. Dehydration B. Delay in seeking medical advice D. Infection 58. An infection characterized by fever, anorexia, rose spots on the trunk and diarrhea is: A. Cholera C. Dysentery B. Hemorrhagic fever D. Typhoid fever 59. The causative organism of this disease is a virus: A. Diphtheria C. Hepatitis A B. Schistosomiasis D. Measles 60. The following sign and symptoms is/are usually manifested is ascariasis: A. Intense itching of the perineal region B. Bloody and mucoid stool C. Fever, cough and abdominal pain D. Vomiting and passing out of worms

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61. Ascariasis is required through which of the following: A. Ingestion of ova through contaminated food B. Skin penetration of the host by the infective larvae C. eating of not well cooked pork or beef D. Inhalation through infected air of the parasites ova

Situation: Robert, a school employee came for consultation because of nausea and abdominal discomfort. You suspect that he is sick of hepatitis A. 62. In your assessment, what other symptoms would you expect to see to confirm your suspicion: A. Fever, backache, and vomiting B. Fever, malaise and rashes C. Fever, malaise and jaundice D. Fever, anorexia an non-productive cough 63. As you get the history of Roberts complaints, you have in mind the incubation period of hepatitis A which is: A. 15 to 50 days B. 5 to 10 days C. 10 to 15 days D. 2 to 5 days 64. Hepatitis A virus is transmitted through: A. Droplets from throat discharges of patients/carriers B. Contaminated food and water C. Eating raw fruits and vegetables D. Contaminated syringes and needles 65. Being the community health nurse, you will disseminate the following correct information about hepatitis A, except: A. The common vehicle of infection are insects and rodents B. The mode of transmission is from person to person by the fecal-oral route C. Hepatitis A is endemic in the Philippines D. Hepatitis A is a viral infection 66. For the prevention of Hepatitis A, you conduct public health education. Which of these is irrelevant: A. safe food preparation and handing of food by vendors B. Good sanitation and personal hygiene C. Sterilization of syringes an needles and avoidance of sharing of personal belongings D. Immediate reporting to MWSS of pipe leaks and illegal water connections Situation: In an orientation program of new nurses, you were requested to update them on Hepatitis B. The discussions were on the following. 67. On the nature of the disease, the following statements are correct, except: A. Most people get well completely and develop life-long immunity B. The reservoir of hepatitis B is man C. The period of communicability is only during the acute clinical course of disease D. Some infants infected with this disease are not able to develop immunity and they become carriers 68. The mode of transmission of these disease is/are the following: A. Through sharing of unsterilized razors or personal items B. Through sexual intercourse C. Any of these modes of transmission D. From mother-to-child during birth 69. Hepatitis vaccination have been incorporated with the plans of the Expanded Program on Immunization. The main target for this vaccination are the: A. Carriers C. School children B. Newborns and infants D. Preschoolers 70. Hepatitis B vaccination is give as follows: A. 2 doses at 3 weeks interval B. 2 doses at 4 weeks interval C. 3 doses at 4 weeks interval D. 3 doses at 5 weeks interval 71. Painful urination, frequent purulent vaginal discharge and pelvic pain are indicative of: A. Syphilis B. AIDS C. Gonorrhea D. Vaginitis 72. This is a serologic test for syphilis which involves antibody detection by microscopic flocculation of the antigen suspension: A. VDRL B. Fluorescent Treponemal Antigen Antibodies C. Treponema Pallidum Hemoglobin D. Treponemal Pallidum Immunoassay 73. Prevention of Gonococcal Ophthalmia is done through the prophylactic use of: A. Ophthalmic preparations with erythrocyn or tetracycline

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B. Any of these C. None of these D. 1% silver nitrate eyedrops 74. This organism may be a normal commensal of humans. In immunocompromised patients however, it may cause oral/vulvovaginal thrush: A. Candida albicans C. Histoplasma capsulatum . B. Coccidiodes immitus D. Blastomycis dermatitis

Situation: Your health center is a field training area for nursing students. In a conference with the students, you discuss Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) / Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). 75. The major route of transmission of HIV to the adolescents is: A. Through contaminated skin piercing equipments needles and syringe B. Sexual transmission C. Through transfusion of blood and blood products D. Transmission from an infected mother to child 76. The following are major signs of Pediatric AIDS: A. Chronic diarrhea of more than one month B. Prolonged fever of more than one month C. Weight loss or abnormally slow growth D. Any two of these signs 77. The following sexual practice has a low risk of transmission of HIV: A. Fallatio without a condom B. Anal intercourse without a condom C. Wet kissing D. Sharing of sex toy or objects that come into contact with body fluids 78. Detecting HIV is a must so that you can anticipate and provide for the necessary safeguards. Which of these signs relate to HIV infection, except: A. Profuse bleeding B. Swollen glands C. Mononucleosis-like illness D. Fatigue, fever 79. In AIDS-related complex, the affected persons manifest a variety of nonspecific symptoms. Common of which include all of these, except: A. Central nervous system dysfunction B. Tachycardia and shock C. Weight loss, malaise, lethargy, fever D. Generalized lymphadenopathy and opportunities infections 80. All these are methods to detect HIV infection: 1. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 2. Western blot 3. Jarisch-Herzheimer 4. Automated regain test A. 2 and 3 B. 1 and 4 C. 1, 2 and 3 D. 1 and 2 81. A nurse arranged for closed-door consultation as requested by drug user anonymous, homo and hetero-sexual group of concerned people in a community. Which of these statements is not correct? A. HIV may be transmitted by sexual penetration B. Non-sexual transmission may occur by inoculation with contaminated blood, blood products C. Inadvertent needle sticks by a health worker may cause HIV transmission D. HIV infection may remain active, yet non-transmittable for 2 to 10 years Situation: The Public Health Nurse is Able to differentiate AIDS related infections and provides nursing care to HIV infected patients: 82. Which of the following disease is/are indicative of AIDS and will therefore need further laboratory examination: A. All of these diseases B. Kaposis sarcoma C. PTB D. Acute diarrhea 83. A common AIDS related opportunistic caused by a yeast like fungus is characterized by low fever, mild headache, nausea, vomiting and lethargy is: A. Herpes simplex C. Cryptococcal meningitis B. Pneumocystic carnili pneumonia D. Candidiasis 84. The management of patients with AIDS covers the following, except: A. Routine isolation B. Management of on and out-patient basis C. Isolation in single separate rooms if with infection

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D. Regular consultation every 2-3 months 85. In order to prevent the transmission of the infection, the health teachings to a person with AIDS should include the following: A. Practicing safe sex B. Not sharing cups, glasses, plates and other eating utensils C. Not wearing second-hand clothing D. All these health teaching 86. One of your HIV infected patients is a primigravida and on her 32nd month of pregnancy. You nursing intervention for her includes which of the following: A. Discuss and preparations for delivery B. All of these C. Encourage patient to come to clinic at ;east once a week D. Encourage patient to talk about her fears for the baby Situation: Mrs. Lira lives in an urbanized community. She is positive to syphilis so she goes to the health center for proper management. 87. This disease is characterized by: A. Greenish yellow odorous discharge in females B. Feeling of dryness and discomfort about the genitals and conjunctivitis C. Painless chance at site of entry of germ with serious exudates D. Painful frequent urination and purulent discharge 88. The following facts will guide you in your health teachings except: A. A pregnant women can transfer syphilis to her unborn child B. There is no danger of any complication C. The community can be protected through the control of prostitution D. Aside from physical examination, diagnosis of this disease can be confirmed through blood tests 89. As part of your health teaching, you informed Mrs. Lira that syphilis can be transmitted to another through: A. Sexual contact C. Blood transfusion B. Any of these modes of transmission D. Indirect contact with contaminated articles 90. The incubation period of this disease is: A. 5 to 10 days B. 5 to 10 months C. 2 to 5 days D. 10 days to 10 weeks 91. Prevention and control of syphilis shall be one of the agenda in your conference with the midwives. Which of these is not relevant? A. Immunization of contacts B. Need to immediately report cases found and their contacts to health authority C. Need for early diagnosis and treatment D. Symptoms of syphilis and its mode of transmission 92. The incubation period of this disease is: B. 5 to 10 days B. 5 to 10 months C. 2 to 5 days D. 10 days to 10 weeks 93. This pertains to diseases which are caused by infectious agent that can be transmitted from an infected individual to a susceptible host either through direct or indirect contact: A. Communicable diseases B. Infectious diseases C. Contagious diseases D. Non-communicable diseases 94. Which reflects person to person transmission? A. transmission through contaminated articles C. direct contact B. transmission through infected food and water D. transmission through fomites 95. A person in close association with an infected person is known as: A. Contact B. suspect C. patient D. client 96. The time interval between the first exposure to the appearance of the first signs and symptoms: A. incubation period B. convalescence C. period of illness D. prodromal 97. The promotion of impending attack of a disease: A. incubation period B. convalescence C. period of illness D. prodromal 98. Vaccination of the liver attenuated from this organism is contraindicated if the women may become pregnant within 3 months: A. Tetanus B. Diphtheria C. Rubella D. Pertussis 99. The limitation of the freedom of movement of individuals based on the longest incubation period: A. sterilization B. Disinfection C. Isolation D. Quarantine 100. The separation of articles from infected person based on the period of communicability: A. sterilization B. Disinfection C. Isolation D. Quarantine

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