PALMER by Jennifer O. Bungay

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Situation: Harry a new research staff of the Research 8. He develops methods for data gathering. Which of
and Development Department of a tertiary hospital is the following criteria of a good instrument refers to the
tasked to conduct a research study about the in- ability of the instrument to yield the same results upon its
creased incidence of nosocomial infection in the hospi- repeated administration?
tal. A. Validity C. Sensitivity
B. Specificity D. Reliability
1. Which of the following ethical issues should he con-
sider in the conduct of his study? 9. Harry is aware of the importance of controlling
1. Confidentiality of information given to him by the threats to internal validity for experimental research,
subjects which include the following examples EXCEPT:
2. Self-determination which includes the right to with- A. History C. Attrition
draw from the study group B. Maturation D. Design
3. Privacy or the right not to be exposed publicly
4. Full disclosure about the study to be conducted 10. His colleague asks about the external validity of the
A. 1, 2, 3 C. 2, 3, 4 research findings. Which of the responses of Harry is ap-
B. 1, 3, 4 D. 1, 2, 3, 4 propriate? The research findings can be
A. generalized to other settings or samples
2. Which of the following is the best tool for data gath- B. shown to result only from the effect of the independ-
ering? ent variable
A. Interview schedule C. reflected as results of extraneous variables
B. Questionnaire D. free of selection biases
C. Use of laboratory data
D. Observation Situation: You are fortunate to be chosen as part of the
research team in the hospital. A review of the following
3. During data collection, Harry encounters a patient IMPORTANT nursing concepts was made:
who refuses to talk to him. Which of the following is a
limitation of the study? 11. A professional nurse can do research for varied rea-
A. Patient’s refusal to fully divulge information. sons except:
B. Patients with history of fever and cough a. Professional advancement through research
C. Patients admitted or who seeks consultation at the participation
ER and doctors offices b. To validate results of new nursing modalities
D. Contacts of patients with history of fever and cough c. For financial gains
d. To improve nursing care
4. What type of research is appropriate for this study?
A. Descriptive- correlational C. Quasi-experiment 12. Each nurse participant was asked to identify a prob-
B. Experiment D. Historical lem. After the identification of the research problem,
which of the following should be done?
5. In the statement, “Frequent hand washing of health a. Methodology
workers decreases the incidence of nosocomial infec- b. Review of related literature
tions among post-surgery patients”, the dependent var- c. Acknowledgement
iable is d. Formulate hypothesis
A. incidence of nosocomial infections
B. decreases 13. Which of the following communicate the results of
C. frequent hand washing the research to the readers? They facilitate the de-
D. post-surgery patients scription of the data.
a. Hypothesis
6. Harry knows that he has to protect the rights of hu- b. Statistics
man research subjects. Which of the following actions c. Research problem
of Harry ensures anonymity? d. Tables and graphs
A. Keep the identities of the subject secret
B. Obtain informed consent 14. In quantitative data, which of the following is de-
C. Provide equal treatment to all the subjects of the scribed as the distance in the scoring units of the var-
study. iable from the highest to the lowest?
D. Release findings only to the participants of the study a. Frequency
b. Mean
7. He is oriented to the use of electronic database for c. Median
nursing research. Which of the following will he likely ac- d. Range
A. MEDLINE 15. This expresses the variability of the data in reference
B. National Institute of Nursing Research to the mean. It provides as with a numerical estimate
C. American Journal of Nursing of how far, on the average the separate observation
D. International Council of Nurses are from the mean:
a. Mode
b. Standard deviation
c. Median
d. Frequency
Situation: Survey and statistics are important part if re-
search that is necessary to explain the characteristics of 24. Which of the following is not true about a pure ex-
the population. perimental research?
a. There is a control group
16. All but one of the following is a measure of central b. There is an experimental group
tendency: c. Selection of subjects in the control group is ran-
a. Mode domized
b. Mean d. There is a careful selection of subjects in the ex-
c. Median perimental group
d. Range
25. The researcher implemented a medication regimen
16. All but one of the following in not a measure of cen- using a new type of combination drugs to manic pa-
tral tendency: tients while another group of manic patients re-
a. Mode ceives the routine drugs. The researcher however
b. Variance handpicked the experimental group for they are the
c. Standard deviation clients with multiple episodes if bipolar disorder. The
d. Range researcher utilized which research design?
a. Quasi experimental
18. In the values: 87, 85, 88, 92, 90, what is the mean? b. Pure experimental
a. 88.2 c. Phenomenological
b. 88.4 d. Longitudinal
c. 87
d. 90 Situation: As a nurse, you are expected to participate in
initiating or participating in the conduct of research stud-
19. In the values: 80, 80, 80, 82, 82, 90, 90, 100, what is the ies to improve nursing practice. You have to be updated
mode? on the latest trends and issues affecting the profession
a. 80 and the best practices arrived at by the profession.
b. 82
c. 90 26. You are interested to study the effects of mediation
d. 85.5 and relaxation on the pain experienced by cancer
patients. What type of variable is pain?
20. In the values: 80, 80, 10, 10, 25, 65, 100, 200, what is a. Dependent
the median? b. Correlational
a. 71.25 c. Independent
b. 22.5 d. Demographic
c. 10 and 25
d. 72.5 27. You would like to compare the support system of pa-
tient with chronic illness and those with acute illness.
21. Draw lots, lottery, table of random numbers or a How will you best state your problem?
sampling that ensures that each element of the a. A descriptive study to compare the support sys-
population has an equal and independent chance tems of patients with chronic illness and those
of being chosen is called: with acute illness in terms of demographic data
a. Cluster and knowledge about intervention
b. Simple b. The effects of the types of support system of pa-
c. Stratified tients with chronic illness and those with acute
d. Systematic illness
c. A comparative analysis of the support system of
22. An investigator wants to determine some of the patients with chronic illness and those with
problems experienced by diabetic clients when us- acute illness
ing insulin pump. The investigator went to a clinic d. A study to compare the support system of pa-
where he personally knows several diabetic clients tients with chronic illness and those with acute
having problem with insulin pump. The type of sam- illness
pling done by the investigator is called: e. What are the differences of the support system
a. Probability being received by patient with chronic illness
b. Purposive and patients with acute illness?
c. Snowball
d. Incidental 28. You would like to compare the support system of pa-
tients with chronic illness to those with acute illness.
23. If the researcher implemented a new structured Considering that the hypothesis was: “Clients with
counselling program with a randomized group of chronic illness have lesser support system than clients
subject and a routine counseling program with an- with acute illness.” What type of research is this?
other randomized group of subject, the research is a. Descriptive
utilizing which design? b. Correlational, non experimental
a. Quasi experimental c. Experimental
b. Experimental d. Quasi experimental
c. Comparative
d. Methodological
29. In any research study where individual persons are 35. “A supposition or system of ideas that is proposed to
involved, it is important that an informed consent of explain a given phenomenon”, best defines:
the study is obtained. The following are essential in- a. A paradigm
formation about the consent that you should dis- b. A concept
close to the prospective subjects except: c. A theory
a. Consent to incomplete disclosure d. A conceptual framework
b. Description of benefits, risks, and discomforts
c. Explanation of procedure Situation: Mastery of research design determination is es-
d. Assurance of anonymity and confidentiality sential in passing the NLE.

30. In the hypothesis: “The utilization of technology in 36. Monette wants to know if the length of time she will
teaching improves the retention and attention of study for the board examination is proportional to
the nursing students,” which is the dependent varia- her board rating. During the November 2017 board
ble? examination, she studied for six months and gained
a. Utilization of technology 68%. On June 2018 board exam, she studied for 6
b. Improvement in the retention and attention months again for a total of one year and gained
c. Nursing students 74%. On November 2018, she studied for 6 months
d. Teaching for a total of one and a half year and gained 82%.
The research design she used is:
Situation: You are an actively practicing nurse who has a. Comparative
just finished your graduate studies. You learned the value b. Correlational
of research and would like to utilize the knowledge and c. Experimental
skills gained in the application of research to the nursing d. Qualitative
service. The following questions apply to research.
37. Rodrigo was always eating high fat diet. You want
31. Which type of research inquiry investigates the issues to determine if what will be the effect of high cho-
of human complexity (e.g. understanding the hu- lesterol food to Rodrigo in the next 10 years. You will
man expertise)? use:
a. Logical position a. Comparative
b. Naturalistic inquiry b. Correlational
c. Positivism c. Historical
d. Quantitative Research d. Longitudinal

32. Which of the following studies is based on quantita- 38. Community A was selected randomly as well as
tive research? Community B, nurse Crystal conducted teaching
a. A study examining the bereavement process in both and assessed if Community A will have a better
spouses of clients with terminal cancer status than Community B. This is an example of:
b. A study exploring factors influencing weight a. Comparative
control behavior. b. Correlational
c. A study measuring the effects of sleep depriva- c. Experimental
tion on wound healing d. Qualitative
d. A study examining client’s feeling before, during
and after a bone marrow aspiration 39. Faye researched in the development of a new way
to measure intelligence by creating a 100-item
33. Which of the following studies is based on qualitative questionnaire that will assess the cognitive skills of an
research? individual. The design best suited for this study is:
a. A study examining clients reactions to stress after a. Historical
open heart surgery b. Methodological
b. A study measuring nutrition and weight loss/gain c. Survey
in clients with cancer d. Case study
c. A study examining oxygen levels after endotra-
cheal suctioning 40. Jay is conducting a research study on how Ralph, an
d. A study measuring differences in blood pressure AIDS client lives his life. A design suited for this is:
before, during and after a procedure a. Historical
b. Case study
34. An 85-year old client in a nursing home tells a nurse, c. Phenomenological
“I signed the papers for that research study because d. Ethnographic
the doctor was so insistent and I want him to con-
tinue taking care of me”. Which client right is being 41. Maecee is to perform a study about how nurses per-
violated? form surgical asepsis during World War II. A design
a. Right of self determination best for this study is:
b. Right to privacy and confidentiality a. Historical
c. Right to full disclosure b. Case study
d. Right not to be harmed c. Phenomenological
d. Ethnographic
42. Medel conducts sampling at Barangay Maligaya.
He collected 100 random individuals and determine 48. The recipients of experimental treatment in an ex-
who is their favorite actor. 50% said Piolo, 20% said perimental design or the individuals to be observed
John Lloyd, while some answered Sam, Dingdong, in a non-experimental design are called:
Richard, and Derek. Medel conducted what type of a. Setting
research study? b. Subjects
a. Phenomenological c. Treatment
b. Case study d. Sample
c. Non experimental
d. Survey 49. The device or techniques that Vinz employs to col-
lect data is called:
43. Mark and Robert visited a tribe located somewhere a. Sample
in China, it is called Shin Jea tribe. They studied the b. Instrument
way of life, tradition, and the societal structure of c. Hypothesis
these people. They will best use which research de- d. Concept
a. Historical 50. The use of another person’s ideas or wordings with-
b. Case study out giving appropriate credit results from inaccurate
c. Phenomenological or incomplete attribution of materials to its resources.
d. Ethnographic Which of the following is referred to when another
person’s idea is inappropriately credited as one’s
44. Jezza and Jenny researched about TB – its transmis- own?
sion, causative agent and factors, treatment, signs a. Plagiarism
and symptoms, as well as medication and all other b. Quotation
in-depth information about tuberculosis. This study is c. Assumption
best suited for which research design? d. Paraphrase
a. Historical
b. Case study 51. Centralized organizations have some advantages.
c. Phenomenological Which of the following statements are TRUE?
d. Ethnographic 1. Highly cost-effective
2. Makes management easier
45. Diana, Arlene, and Sally are to conduct a study 3. Reflects the interest of the worker
about relationship of the number of family members 4. Allows quick decisions
in the household and the electricity bill, which of the A. 1 & 2
following is the best research design suited for this B. 2 & 4
study? C. 2, 3& 4
1. Descriptive D. 1, 2, & 4
2. Exploratory
3. Explanatory 52. Stephanie delegates effectively if she has authority
4. Correlational to act, which is BEST defined as:
5. Comparative A. having responsibility to direct others
6. Experimental B. being accountable to the organization
C. having legitimate right to act
a. 1 and 4 D. telling others what to do
b. 2 and 5
c. 3 and 6 53. Regardless of the size of a work group, enough staff
d. 1 and 5 must be available at all times to accomplish certain
e. 2 and 4 purposes. Which of these purposes in NOT included?
A. Meet the needs of patients
Situation: As a nurse researcher, Vinz must have a very B. Provide a pair of hands to other units as needed
good understanding of the common terms of concept C. Cover all time periods adequately.
used in research. D. Allow for growth and development of nursing staff.

46. The information that an investigator like Vinz collects 54. Which of the following guidelines should be least
from the subjects or participants in a research study considered in formulating objectives for nursing care?
is usually called: A. Written nursing care plan
a. Hypothesis B. Holistic approach
b. Data C. Prescribed standards
c. Variable D. Staff preferences
d. Concept

47. Which of the following usually refers to the inde-

pendent variables in doing research?
a. Result
b. Cause
c. Output
d. Effect
55. Stephanie considers shifting to transformational 61. She knows that performance appraisal consists of all
leadership. Which of the following statements best de- the following activities EXCEPT:
scribes this type of leadership? A. Setting specific standards and activities for individual
A. Uses visioning as the essence of leadership. performance.
B. Serves the followers rather than being served. B. Using agency standards as a guide.
C. Maintains full trust and confidence in the subordi- C. Determine areas of strength and weaknesses
nates D. Focusing activity on the correction of identified be-
D. Possesses innate charisma that makes others feel havior.
good in his presence.
62. Which of the following statements is NOT true about
56. As a manager, she focuses her energy on both the performance appraisal?
quality of services rendered to the patients as well as A. Informing the staff about the specific impressions of
the welfare of the staff of her unit. Which of the follow- their work help improve their performance.
ing management styles does she adopt? B. A verbal appraisal is an acceptable substitute for a
A. Country club management* written report
B. Organization man management C. Patients are the best source of information regarding
C. Team management personnel appraisal.
D. Authority-obedience management D. The outcome of performance appraisal rests primar-
ily with the staff.
57. Katherine is a young Unit Manager of the Pediatric
Ward. Most of her staff nurses are senior to her, very ar- 63. There are times when Katherine evaluates her staff
ticulate, confident and sometimes aggressive. Kathe- as she makes her daily rounds. Which of the following is
rine feels uncomfortable believing that she is the scape- NOT a benefit of conducting an informal appraisal?
goat of everything that goes wrong in her department. A. The staff member is observed in natural setting.
Which of the following is the best action that she must B. Incidental confrontation and collaboration is al-
take? lowed.
A. Identify the source of the conflict and understand C. The evaluation is focused on objective data system-
the points of friction atically.
B. Disregard what she feels and continue to work inde- D. The evaluation may provide valid information for
pendently compilation of a formal report.
C. Seek help from the Director of Nursing
D. Quit her job and look for another employment. 64. She conducts a 6-month performance review ses-
sion with a staff member. Which of the following actions
58. As a young manager, she knows that conflict occurs is appropriate?
in any organization. Which of the following statements A. She asks another nurse to attest the session as a wit-
regarding conflict is NOT true? ness.
A. Can be destructive if the level is too high B. She informs the staff that she may ask another nurse
B. Is not beneficial; hence it should be prevented at all to read the appraisal before the session is over.
times C. She tells the staff that the session is manager-cen-
C. May result in poor performance tered.
D. May create leaders D. The session is private between the two members.

59. Katherine tells one of the staff, “I don’t have time to 65. She came across a theory which states that the
discuss the matter with you now. See me in my office leadership style is effective dependent on the situation.
later” when the latter asks if they can talk about an is- Which of the following styles best fits a situation when
sue. Which of the following conflict resolution strategies the followers are self-directed, experts and are matured
did she use? individuals?
A. Smoothing A. Democratic
B. Compromise B. Authoritarian
C. Avoidance C. Laissez faire
D. Restriction D. Bureaucratic

60. Kathleen knows that one of her staff is experiencing 66. She decides to illustrate the organizational structure.
burnout. Which of the following is the best thing for her Which of the following elements is NOT included?
to do? A. Level of authority
A. Advise her staff to go on vacation. B. Lines of communication
B. Ignore her observations; it will be resolved even with- C. Span of control
out intervention D. Unity of direction
C. Remind her to show loyalty to the institution.
D. Let the staff ventilate her feelings and ask how she 67. She plans of assigning competent people to fill the
can be of help. roles designed in the hierarchy. Which process refers to
A. Staffing
B. Scheduling
C. Recruitment
D. Induction
on certain conditions stipulated in RA 9173
68. She checks the documentary requirements for the D. Will remain unable to practice professional nursing
applicants for staff nurse position. Which one is NOT
necessary? 75. The Board of Nursing has quasi-judicial power. An
A. Certificate of previous employment example of this power is:
B. Record of related learning experience (RLE) A. The Board can issue rules and regulations that will
C. Membership to accredited professional organization govern the practice of nursing
D. Professional identification card B. The Board can investigate violations of the nursing
law and code of ethics
69. Which phase of the employment process includes C. The Board can visit a school applying for a permit in
getting on the payroll and completing documentary re- collaboration with CHED
quirements? D. The Board prepares the board examinations
A. Orientation
B. Induction 76. When a nurse causes an injury to the patient and
C. Selection the injury caused becomes the proof of the negligent
D. Recruitment act, the presence of the injury is said to exemplify the
principle of:
70.In a horizontal chart, the lowest level worker is lo- A. Force majeure
cated at the B. Respondeat superior
A. Leftmost box C. Res ipsa loquitur
B. Middle D. Holdover doctrine
C. Rightmost box
D. Bottom 77. Ensuring that there is an informed consent on the
part of the patient before a surgery is done, illustrates
71. A nurse who would like to practice nursing in the the bioethical principle of:
Philippines can obtain a license to practice by: A. Beneficence
A. Paying the professional tax after taking the board ex- B. Autonomy
ams C. Truth telling/veracity
B. Passing the board exams and taking the oath of pro- D. Non-maleficence
C. Paying the examination fee before taking the board 78. When the doctor orders “do not resuscitate”, this
exams means that
D. Undergoing the interview conducted by the Board A. The nurse need not give due care to the patient
of Nursing and taking the board exams since s/he is terminally ill
B. The patient need not be given food and water after
72. Reciprocity of license to practice requires that the all s/he is dying
country of origin of the interested foreign nurse com- C. The nurses and the attending physician should not
plies with the following conditions: do any heroic or extraordinary measures for the patient
A. The country of origin has similar preparation for a D. The patient need not be given ordinary care so that
nurse and has laws allowing Filipino nurses to practice in her/his dying process is hastened
their country.
B. The Philippines is recognized by the country of origin 79. Which of the following statements is TRUE of abortion
as one that has high quality of nursing education in the Philippines?
C. The country of origin requires Filipinos to take their A. Induced abortion is allowed in cases of rape and in-
own board examination cest
D. The country of origin exempts Filipinos from passing B. Induced abortion is both a criminal act and an un-
their licensure examination ethical act for the nurse
C. Abortion maybe considered acceptable if the
73. Which of the following is TRUE about membership to mother is unprepared for the pregnancy
the Philippine Nurses Association (PNA)? D. A nurse who performs induced abortion will have no
A. Membership to PNA is mandatory and is stipulated in legal accountability if the mother requested that the
the Philippine Nursing Act of 2002 abortion done on her.
B. Membership to PNA is compulsory for newly regis-
tered nurses wanting to enter the practice of nursing in 80. A 92-year-old client fell as he attempted to get out
the country of bed on his own. Which information should the
C. Membership to PNA is voluntary and is encouraged nurse include in her documentation of the incident?
by the PRC Code of Ethics for Nurses A. Describe what she saw and heard and the actions
D. Membership to PNA is required by government hospi- she took when she reached the client
tals prior to employment B. Mention that an incident report was completed
C. Describe what she thinks occurred
74. When the license of the nurse is revoked, it means D. Describe what the client said occurred
that the nurse:
A. Is no longer allowed to practice the profession for
the rest of her life
B. Will never have her/his license re-issued since it has
been revoked
C. May apply for re-issuance of his/her license based
81. A client failed to administer a medication to a client C. Describe what she thinks occurred
according to accepted standards. Consequently, D. Describe what the client said occurred
the client suffered adverse effects. Failure to provide
client care and following appropriate standards is 88. An RN is orienting a graduate nurse to the unit. A
called which of the following: client is admitted with end-stage leukemia. Which
A. Breach of duty statement made by the graduate nurse should be
B. Breach of promise corrected by the RN?
C. Imprudence A. “The client can inform the physician that he doesn’t
D. Tort want CPR if his heart stops beating”.
B. “The client could designate another person to make
82. A client refuses to take his 9 pm medication. How end-of-life decisions when he’s no longer able”.
should the nurse document this on the medication C. “The client can write a living will indicating his
administration record? end-of-life preference”
A. Leave the space blank where her initials would typi- D. “The law dictates that the client must write a new liv-
cally be written ing will each time he’s admitted to the hospital”
B. Circle the time the drug was to be administered
C. Cross out the time the drug was to be administered 89. A client refuses to take his 9 pm medication. How
D. Circle the time the drug was to be administered and should the nurse document this on the medication
record the reason for the omission in the progress notes. administration record?
A. Leave the space blank where her initials would typi-
83. In relation to obtaining an informed consent from a cally be written
17 y/o adolescent the nurse should remember that B. Circle the time the drug was to be administered
the adolescent: C. Cross out the time the drug was to be administered
A. Does not have the legal capacity to give consent D. Circle the time the drug was to be administered and
B. Is not able to make an acceptable or intelligent record the reason for the omission in the progress notes.
C. Is not able to give voluntary consent when par- 90. Upon entering from lunch, the nurse is approached
ents are not available. in the elevator by a hospital employee from another unit.
D. Will most likely to unable to choose between alterna- The employee states that a close friend is a client on the
tives when asked to consent. nurse’s unit. She asks how the friend is doing and if all of
her test were normal. The nurse should
84. Lorna is a freshman college student with measles. A. Answer the employee’s question softly so other peo-
She has an examination in Ethics and wants to go ple will not hear
to school even if she is contagious. Under the prin- B. Decline to discuss her friend’s medical condition and
ciple of double effect, Lorna should: suggest that she visit her friend
A. Not go to school and take the exams C. Give the employee the name of the client’s physician
B. Continue in taking the exams and suggest that she call for this information
C. Ask the teacher for permission D. Tell the employee about the results of the client’s test
D. Take the exam at the back of the room only if they were within normal limits

85. A client has suffered an extensive brain injury and 91. The professional obligation of the nurse to assume
can’t make his own treatment choice. Which writ- responsibility for actions is referred to as
ten document is recognized by the law and pro- A. Accountability
vides directions for provision at a time when the cli- B. Individuality
ent can’t make his own choices? C. Responsibility
A. Advanced directive D. Bioethics
B. Living will
C. Durable power of attorney Situation – Ninety year old Purita is confined at the
D. Last Will and Testament medical unit for respiratory ailment for which a breath-
ing apparatus is prescribed for her to use while she
86. The nurse places a new heating pad on a client and sleeps. She refuses to wear it continuously though she
after 15 minutes realizes that the client has been burned fully understands the medical indication for it.
because the setting were incorrect. Which principle
would legally apply? 92. Which of these ethical principles can guide the
A. No one could be held liable for new equipment. nurse in her action?
B. The nurse could be held liable for the injury that oc- A. Beneficence
curred. B. Fidelity
C. The nurse did what a reasonable, prudent nurse C. Autonomy
would do. D. Non-maleficence
D. The manufacturer is liable for new equipment.

87. A 92 year old client fell as he attempted to get out of

bed on his own. Which information should the nurse in-
clude in her documentation of the incident?
A. Describe what she saw and heard and the actions
she took when she reached the client
B. Mention that an incident report was completed
93. Purita has six children who are already adults. They 98. A nurse administers a dose of penicillin to a client
differ in their opinion whether or not to allow their who suddenly develop hives and difficulty of breath-
mother to decide for her. The nurse would encour- ing. He notifies the physician and takes emergency
age family conference for: measures. Which of the following should the nurse in-
A. The eldest child’s opinion to be given priority clude in his documentation?
B. Allowing the medical staff to decide in their behalf A. Document the time, date, and site which
C. Majority of the children to decide the dose was administered
D. Consensus building B. In addition to normal drug charting infor-
mation, include the information about
94. Breathing treatments are given to Purita. In antici- the client’s reaction
pation that Purita might refuse, Dinio one of the C. In addition to the normal drug charting
children requests that he be the one to sign the information, include information about
consent in behalf of their mother. The nurse ex- the client’s reaction, and any medical
plains that Purita is rational in her thinking and or nursing intervention taken
which of this client’s right must be regarded? D. Include information about the client’s re-
A. Right to refuse treatment action and any nursing intervention
B. Right to privacy given.
C. Right to informed consent
D. Right to habeas consent 99. After a medication error is made in her unit, the
nurse-manager will expect to receive which of the
95. The physician prescribed Digoxin 4 mg I.V. for a client following?
with rapid Atrial Fibrillation. How should the nurse A. Incident report
proceed? B. Oral report from the nurse
A. Assess the client’s apical heart rate then C. Copy of the medication Kardex
administer the dose D. Order change signed by the physician
B. Administer 0.4 mg I.V. because the physi-
cian most likely meant to write the dos- 100. A nurse administers a unit of blood to a client with-
age out receiving informed consent. Performing a proce-
C. Question the physician about the order dure, such as administration of blood products with-
D. Administer the dose then monitor the cli- out receiving informed consent can lead to which
ent closely. of the following charges?
a. Assault and Battery
96. A client undergoing bronchoscopy needs to sign an b. Fraud
informed consent form before the procedure. Which of c. Breach of confidentiality
the following is true about informed consent? d. Harassment
A. The client cannot refuse the procedure
after the consent is signed
B. If the client refuses to sign the consent ***END***
form, another family member can sign
for him
C. If the client refuse to sign the consent
form, other treatments will be withdrawn
D. Informed consent should include an ex-
planation of alternative treatments or

97. A Jehovah’s Witness is admitted to the hospital with

upper G.I. bleeding. The physician orders: 2 units of
packed RBC to be administered over 2 hours each.
When the nurse tells the client about the order, the
client refuses the transfusion. How should the nurse
A. Follow the Physician’s order and admin-
ister the transfusion
B. Tell the client that she is being ridiculous
because she’ll die without the transfu-
C. Refuse to care for the client because you
don’t agree with her religious belief
D. Tell her you understand her religious con-
cerns and notify the physician

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