Raharris - Illumina Infinium 450K Array
Raharris - Illumina Infinium 450K Array
Raharris - Illumina Infinium 450K Array
Alan Harris
Baylor College of Medicine Epigenomics Workshop
Array Design
487,557 probes assaying 12 samples
CpG 482,421 CpH 3,091 methylated in embryonic stem cells rs SNPs 65
Color of bead types: 350,076 (70%) Both (M,U) Design II 46,298 (10%) Green (M,U) Design I 89,203 (20%) Red (M,U) Design I
Beta Values
Beta value () - estimate of methylation level using ratio of intensities between methylated and unmethylated alleles
= Methylated allele intensity (M) / (Unmethylated allele intensity (U) + Methylated allele intensity (M) + 100)
Probe Annotations
In Illumina Manifest Genomic Coordinates UCSC RefGene Name UCSC RefGene Accession UCSC RefGene Group UCSC CpG Islands Name Relation to UCSC CpG Island (Island, Shore, Shelf) Phantom DMR Enhancer HMM Island Regulatory Feature Name Regulatory Feature Group
et al. (2010) BMC Bioinformatics. 11:587 2Du et al. (2008) Bioinformatics. 24:1547 3Davis et al. Bioconductor R package
Preprocessing - Normalization
Illumina claims probe design differences do not significantly affect differential methylation detection; can detect delta beta of 0.2 with 99% confidence1 Design I signals more stable and have an extended dynamic range of methylation values compared with design II signals2 Software to normalize between probe designs
Illumina Methylation Analyzer (IMA)3 (R) peak correction Complete Pipeline4 (R) subset quantile normalization BMIQ5 (R) - beta-mixture quantile normalization
et al. (2011) Genomics. 98:288 2Dedeurwaerder et al. (2011) Epigenomics. 3:771 3Wang et al. (2012) Bioinformatics. 28:729 4Touleimat et al. (2012) Epigenomics. 4:325 5Teschendorff et al. (2013) Bioinformatics. 29:189
Originally designed for detecting differential expression from arrays1
Article 3