Kevin Chiu - Solving Procrastination v1.1
Kevin Chiu - Solving Procrastination v1.1
Kevin Chiu - Solving Procrastination v1.1
Being a part of an industrial society, we all share the same time requirement as an identical task initialized by
experience of being assigned tasks. These tasks are typi- the same person at another moment in time.
cally states with either explicit or implied deadlines and
difficulty levels. "Have essay completed by 11:30pm on
Sunday," "learn how to typeset a document in LaTeX,"
and "eat a doughnut" are examples of tasks. Procrastinat-
ing on a task is the delaying or postponing of action that
would contribute to completion of said task. This pro-
crastination may be caused by one of myriad situations;
however, one of the most common is that the person at-
tempting a task finds the task too difficult or of insuffi-
cient importance to warrant immediate completion.
This deferral process tends to repeat until a task's
deadline is imminent. For the procrastinator this may
result in stress, as the person is continually reminded that
the task is incomplete while the possible time allocable for
the task is constantly shrinking. People depending on the
procrastinator may also experience stress and loss of pro-
ductivity for the same reasons. As it stands, procrastina- Figure 1. This graph illustrates the relationship between the
tion seems profoundly undesirable. perceived difficulty of a task and the perceived ability of the
Several methods have been introduced by productiv- person doing the task. As the person completes more tasks at
ity pundits that aim to eliminate procrastination. One of increasing difficulties, their perceived ability increases. Assign-
the most successful is GTD, or Getting Things Done, by ing a task that is beyond their perceived ability will result in
stress. Assigning a task beneath their perceived ability will result
David Allen. 1 GTD was built upon various ad-hoc rules
in boredom.
that David found to enhance his productivity, which, al-
To understand this phenomenon, we need to under-
though they provide decent coverage of the problem
stand the concept of what Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in-
space, do not address the underlying causes of procrasti-
troduced to the world of Western psychology as Flow.
nation. Kleinberg and Tardos, in Algorithm Design,
Flow is a state of mind in which a person experiences
claim that if one models time management as interval
heightened engagement and optimal performance. This
scheduling problem, where one is given a set of jobs to
state is achieved by performing an increasingly challeng-
complete, each of which has a deadline and fixed time
ing series of tasks that are particularly suited to one’s per-
requirement, that completing the jobs with the closest
ceived ability level at any given moment in time. The
deadlines first irrespective of job length is actually opti-
concept is nothing new. Athletic trainers, trade teachers,
mal behavior. 2 However, their method does not address
and game designers have known about it for many years. 3
the spontaneous addition of tasks by distraction-based
The strategy most people implement when faced
procrastination. Additionally, the model they present does
with a multitude of tasks is the optimal interval schedul-
not take into account that the a task performed by some-
ing strategy presented by Kleinberg and Tardos. In real-
one at one moment in time will not necessarily have the