Latin AS Vocab List

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AS Unit F361: AS Latin Language

This vocabulary list is required for AS Unit F361: Latin Language. In addition to the words printed in the list, candidates will be expected to be familiar with the following forms: all regular adverbs formed from the listed adjectives; comparative and superlative forms of all listed adjectives and corresponding adverbs; commonly occurring proper nouns of obvious formation (e.g. Romani, Britannia); compound verbs where the prefix does not change the root meaning (thus circumvenio would not be glossed, but circumdo, I surround, would); compound verbs of regular formation using all the common prefixes, including associated consonant and vowel changes, and where the prefix retains its normal meaning; prefixes: in addition to prefixes which retain their normal prepositional meaning, candidates should be familiar with the following usages: a, ab- = 'away', e.g. abeo, I go away con- = 'together', e.g. confero, I bring together, collect in- = 'not', e.g. infelix, unlucky per- = 'thoroughly, very', e.g. persaepe, very often re- = 'back, again', e.g. remitto, I send back. Teachers must check the Accidence and Syntax in Appendix C1 of the OCR GCE Classics Specification. Any vocabulary listed in this Appendix must be known (e.g. cardinal and ordinal numbers). All other words in an unseen will be glossed, unless they have obvious English derivatives (e.g. densus, theatrum).

Latin a, ab absum ac, atque accido accipio acer acies ad addo adeo adhuc adimo adipiscor adiuvo adsum adulescens advenio adversus adversus aedificium aedifico aequus ager aggredior agmen ago

Notes + abl abesse, afui indeclinable accidere, accidi accipere, accepi, acceptus acris, acre aciei, f + acc addere, addidi, additus indeclinable indeclinable adimere, ademi, ademptus adipisci, adeptus sum adiuvare, adiuvi, adiutus adesse, adfui adulescentis, m advenire, adveni + acc aedificii, n aedificare, aedificavi, aedificatus aequa, aequum agri, m aggredi, aggressus sum agminis, n agere, egi, actus gratias ago

Part of Speech prep verb irreg conjunction verb 3 verb 3 adj noun 5 prep verb 3 adverb adverb verb 3 verb 3 dep verb 1 verb irreg noun 3 verb 4 prep adverb noun 2 verb 1 adj noun 2 verb 3 dep noun 3 verb 3 verb phrase

Classification general general general general general general military general general general general general general general general general general general general general general general general military military general general

Meaning(s) from, by be absent, be away, be distant and happen accept, take in, receive, hear keen, sharp, fierce line, battle line, army to, towards, at, about, near add, join so much, so greatly, to such an extent till now, still take away, remove obtain help be here, be present youth, young man arrive against, up(hill) against, opposite building build equal, fair, favourable, calm field, land, territory attack, approach column of men, army do, act, drive thank, give thanks

aliquis alius

aliquid alia, aliud alii ... alii altera, alterum alta, altum ambulare, ambulavi amicae f amici m amittere, amisi, amissus amare, amavi, amatus amoris, m indeclinable angusta, angustum animadvertere, animadverti,animadversus animi, m anni, m + acc indeclinable indeclinable aperire, aperui, apertus apparere, apparui appropinquare, appropinquavi + dat

pron pron and adj pron pron and adj adj verb 1 noun 1 noun 2 verb 3 verb 1 noun 3 conjunction adj verb 3 noun 2 noun 2 prep adverb conjunction verb 4 verb 2 verb 1

general general general general general general general general general general general general general general general general general general general general general general

alter altus ambulo amica amicus amitto amo amor an angustus animadverto animus annus ante antea antequam aperio appareo appropinquo

someone, something, anyone, anything other, one, another, else some ... others the other, one (of two), another, a second high, deep walk girl-friend friend lose love, like love or narrow, confined notice, observe spirit, soul, mind, courage year before, in front of before, previously before open, reveal, disclose appear approach, come near to among, at the house of, according to, in the opinion of water eagle, standard altar tree summon, send for silver, money arms, weapons, armour art, skill climb but astonished, thunderstruck bold, daring dare hear, listen to take away, carry off, steal increase, exaggerate or, either but, however help; (pl ) (auxiliary) troops war well kindness, service, favour twice goods, possessions,

apud aqua aquila ara arbor arcesso argentum arma ars ascendo at attonitus audax audeo audio aufero augeo aut autem auxilium bellum bene beneficium bis bona

+ acc aquae, f aquilae, f arae, f arboris, f arcessere, arcessivi, arcessitus argenti, n armorum, n pl artis, f ascendere, ascendi, ascensus indeclinable attonita, attonitum audacis audere, ausus sum audire, audivi, auditus auferre, abstuli, ablatus augere, auxi, auctus indeclinable indeclinable auxilii, n belli, n indeclinable beneficii, n indeclinable bonorum, n pl

prep noun 1 noun 1 noun 1 noun 3 verb 3 noun 2 noun 2 noun 3 verb 3 conjunction adj adj verb semi-dep. verb 4 verb 3 verb 2 conjunction conjunction noun 2 noun 2 adverb noun 2 adverb noun 2

domestic general military religious general general general military general general general general military military general general general general general military military general general general general

bonus brevis cado caedes caelum campus canis cano capio captivus caput carus castra causa caveo cedo celer celo centurio cerno certamen certus ceteri cibus cingo circum, circa civis civitas clades clam clamo clamor clarus coepi cogito cognosco cogo cohors colo comes committo comparo condemno condo

bona, bonum breve cadere, cecidi, casus caedis, f caeli, n campi, m canis, m and f canere, cecini, cantus capere, cepi, captus captivi, m capitis, n cara, carum castrorum, n pl causae, f causa + gen cavere, cavi, cautus cedere, cessi, cessus celeris, celere celare, celavi, celatus centurionis, m cernere, crevi, cretus certaminis, n certa, certum certiorem facere ceterae, cetera cibi, m cingere, cinxi, cinctus + acc civis, m and f civitatis, f cladis, f indeclinable clamare, clamavi, clamatus clamoris, m clara, clarum coepisse, coeptus cogitare, cogitavi, cogitatus cognoscere, cognovi, cognitus cogere, coegi, coactus cohortis, f colere, colui, cultus comitis, m and f committere, commisi, commissus comparare, comparavi, comparatus condemnare, condemnavi, condemnatus condere, condidi, conditus

adj adj verb 3 noun 3 noun 2 noun 2 noun 3 verb 3 verb 3 noun 2 noun 3 adj noun 2 noun 1 noun 1 verb 2 verb 3 adj verb 1 noun 3 verb 3 noun 3 adj verb phrase adj noun 2 verb 3 prep noun 3 noun 3 noun 3 adverb verb 1 noun 3 adj verb defective verb 1 verb 3 verb 3 noun 3 verb 3 noun 3 verb 3 verb 1 verb 1 verb 3

general general general military religious military domestic general military military general domestic military legal general general military general general military general military general general general domestic general general political political military general general general general general general general general military general military military general legal general

property good short, brief fall, perish slaughter, killing, murder sky, heaven plain, field dog sing, sound, play (of trumpets etc.) take, catch, capture, choose captive, prisoner head, person, life, capital dear camp cause, reason, case for the sake of beware (of), take care yield, give up; (in compounds) go quick hide centurion see, perceive, decree contest, battle, struggle certain, sure, fixed inform the rest, the other food surround around, about citizen citizenship, state, city, tribe disaster, loss, defeat secretly shout, exclaim, proclaim shout, uproar, noise clear, famous, distinguished began think, consider get to know, find out, learn force, compel, drive, assemble cohort, company cultivate, worship, honour comrade, companion commit, fight, begin (battle) prepare, provide, obtain, compare convict, condemn found, establish, hide

confero conficio confido coniunx conor consilium consisto conspicio constituo consul consulo consumo contendo contra copiae corpus corripio cotidie cras credo crimen crudelis culpa cum cum cunctus cupidus cupio cur? cura

conferre, contuli, conlatus conficere, confeci, confectus confidere, confisus sum + dat coniugis, m and f conari, conatus sum consilii, n consistere, constiti, constitus conspicere, conspexi, conspectus constituere, constitui, constitutus consulis, m consulere, consului, consultus consumere, consumpsi, consumptus contendere, contendi, contentus + acc copiarum, f pl corporis, n corripere, corripui, correptus indeclinable indeclinable credere, credidi, creditus + dat criminis, n crudele culpae, f indeclinable + abl cuncta, cunctum cupida, cupidum + gen cupere, cupivi, cupitus indeclinable curae, f

verb irreg verb 3 verb semi-dep noun 3 verb 1 dep noun 2 verb 3 verb 3 verb 3 noun 3 verb 3 verb 3 verb 3 prep noun 1 noun 3 verb 3 adverb adverb verb 3 noun 3 adj noun 1 conjunction prep adj adj verb 3 adverb noun 1

general general general domestic general political military general general political general general military military military general military general general general legal general general general general general general general general general

curo curro custodio custos de dea deus debeo decipio defendo defessus deinde, dein deleo denique descendo desino despero dexter dextra dico

curare, curavi, curatus currere, cucurri, cursus custodire, custodivi, custoditus custodis, m and f + abl deae, f dei, m debere, debui, debitus decipere, decepi, deceptus defendere, defendi, defensus defessa, defessum indeclinable delere, delevi, deletus indeclinable descendere, descendi, descensus desinere, desii, desitus desperare, desperavi, desperatus dextra, dextrum dextrae, f dicere, dixi, dictus

verb 1 verb 3 verb 4 noun 3 prep noun 1 noun 2 verb 2 verb 3 verb 3 adj adverb verb 2 adverb verb 3 verb 3 verb 1 adj noun 1 verb 3

general general military military general religious religious general general military general general military general general general general general general general

collect, compare, contribute, bestow complete, wear out trust, believe, have confidence husband, wife, spouse try council, plan, advice, prudence halt, stand, stand firm notice, observe, see decide, establish consul consult, consider, advise eat, consume, spend hurry, march, contend, fight against troops, forces, supplies body seize, carry off every day, daily tomorrow believe, trust, entrust accusation, charge, crime cruel fault, blame when, since, although with all, whole eager (for), greedy desire, wish, want why? care, charge, anxiety care for, cure; with gerundive = get something done run guard guard about, from, down from goddess god owe, ought deceive defend tired then, next, afterwards destroy at last, finally, in short descend, come down cease despair right, on the right, right hand right hand, right side say, speak, tell

dies difficilis dignitas dignus diligens dimitto dirus discedo disco dissimilis diu dives divitiae divido do doceo doleo dolor dolus dominus domus donum dormio dubito dubius duco dum durus dux e, ex efficio effugio egeo ego egredior emo enim eo eo epistula eques equus erga ergo erro et etiam etsi excipio excito exemplum exercitus

diei, m, occasionally f difficile dignitatis, f digna, dignum + abl diligentis dimittere, dimisi, dimissus dira, dirum discedere, discessi discere, didici dissimile indeclinable divitis divitiarum, f pl dividere, divisi, divisus dare, dedi, datus docere, docui, doctus dolere, dolui doloris, m doli, m domini, m domus, f doni, n dormire, dormivi dubitare, dubitavi, dubitatus dubia, dubium ducere, duxi, ductus indeclinable dura, durum ducis, m + abl efficere, effeci, effectus effugere, effugi egere, egui + gen or abl mei egredi, egressus sum emere, emi, emptus indeclinable indeclinable ire, i(v)i epistulae, f equitis, m equi, m + acc indeclinable errare, erravi, erratus indeclinable indeclinable indeclinable excipere, excepi, exceptus excitare, excitavi, excitatus exempli, n exercitus, m

noun 5 adj noun 3 adj adj verb 3 adj verb 3 verb 3 adj adverb adj noun 1 verb 3 verb 1 verb 2 verb 2 noun 3 noun 2 noun 2 noun 4 noun 2 verb 4 verb 1 adj verb 3 conjunction adj noun 3 prep verb 3 verb 3 verb 2 pron verb 3 dep verb 3 conjunction adverb verb irreg noun 1 noun 3 noun 2 prep adverb verb 1 conjunction adverb conjunction verb 3 verb 1 noun 2 noun 4

general general political general general military general general general general general general general general general general general general general domestic domestic general domestic general general military general general military general general military general general general general general general general general military military general general general general general general general general general military

day difficult rank, dignity, importance, honour worthy (of), deserving (of) careful, diligent dismiss, scatter dreadful depart, leave learn different for a long time rich riches, wealth divide, separate give teach, inform hurt, be in pain, lament pain, sorrow, anger trick, fraud master house, home gift, present sleep doubt, hesitate doubtful, wavering lead, take, marry, consider while, until hard, harsh, rough leader, general, ruler from, out of; (in compounds) out carry out, accomplish escape need, be in want of, lack I, me go out, come out buy for thither go letter knight, horseman, (pl) cavalry horse towards therefore wander, make a mistake and, both also, even, still although receive, take, welcome wake, rouse, excite example, precedent army

exilium exitium exspecto extra facilis facinus facio fallo fama familia faveo felix femina fere fero ferox ferrum festino fidelis fides fido filia filius finis fio flamma flumen fodio foedus fortasse forte fortis fortuna forum fossa frango frater frigus frumentum frustra fuga fugio fundo furor gaudeo gaudium gens genus gero

exilii, n exitii, n exspectare, exspectavi, exspectatus + acc facile facinoris, n facere, feci, factus fallere, fefelli, falsus famae, f familiae, f favere, favi, + dat felicis feminae, f indeclinable ferre, tuli, latus ferocis ferri, n festinare, festinavi fidele fidei, f fidere, fisus sum filiae, f filii, m finis, m fieri, factus sum flammae, f fluminis, n fodere, fodi, fossus foederis, n indeclinable indeclinable forte fortunae, f fori, n fossae, f frangere, fregi, fractus fratris, m frigoris, n frumenti, n indeclinable fugae, f fugere, fugi fundere, fudi, fusus furoris, m gaudere, gavisus sum gaudii, n gentis, f generis, n gerere, gessi, gestus

noun 2 noun 2 verb 1 prep & adverb adj noun 3 verb 3 verb 3 noun 1 noun 1 verb 2 adj noun 1 adverb verb irreg adj noun 2 verb 1 adj noun 5 verb 3 semi-dep noun 1 noun 2 noun 3 verb irreg noun 1 noun 3 verb 3 noun 3 adverb adverb adj noun 1 noun 2 noun 1 verb 3 noun 3 noun 3 noun 2 adverb noun 1 verb 3 verb 3 noun 3 verb 2 semi-dep noun 2 noun 3 noun 3 verb 3

political general general general general legal general general general domestic general general general general general military military general general general general domestic domestic general general general general military military general general military religious general military general domestic general general general military military military general general general general general military

exile ruin, destruction wait for, expect outside, beyond easy crime, outrage, deed make, do deceive, cheat, escape one's notice rumour, fame, glory family, household favour, support fortunate, happy, prosperous woman nearly, about bear, carry, say fierce, cruel, brave iron, sword hurry trustworthy, faithful, loyal trust, faith, confidence, loyalty trust, rely upon daughter son end, boundary, pl territory become, be made, happen blaze, flame, passion river dig treaty, agreement perhaps by chance brave, strong, bold fate, luck, fortune (good or bad) forum, market place ditch, trench break, crush brother cold corn, grain in vain flight, escape flee, run away from, avoid pour, shed, rout rage, fury, madness, passion rejoice joy, delight race, people, family, tribe race, descent, birth, kind bear, wear, wage war,

gladius gratia

gladii, m gratiae, f gratias ago grave habere, habui, habitus habitare, habitavi, habitatus hastae, f indeclinable indeclinable hibernorum, n pl haec, hoc indeclinable hiemis, f indeclinable indeclinable hominis, m honoris, m horae, f hortari, hortatus sum hospitis, m hostis, m indeclinable humi, f iacere, iacui iacere, ieci, iactus (in compounds -icio) indeclinable non iam (indeclinable) indeclinable eadem, idem idonea, idoneum indeclinable ignis, m

noun 2 noun 1 verb phrase adj verb 2 verb 1 noun 1 adverb adverb noun 2 pron adverb noun 3 adverb adverb noun 3 noun 3 noun 1 verb 1 dep noun 3 noun 3 adverb noun 2 verb 2 verb 3 adverb adverb adverb pron adj adverb noun 3

military general general general general domestic military general general military general general general general general general military general military domestic military general general general military general general general general general general general

gravis habeo habito hasta haud heri hiberna hic hic hiems hinc hodie homo honor hora hortor hospes hostis huc humus iaceo iacio iam ibi idem idoneus igitur ignis

ignoro ille illic impedio imperator imperium impero impetus in in incendium incendo incipio incito inde infero

ignorare, ignoravi, ignoratus illa, illud indeclinable impedire, impedivi, impeditus imperatoris, m imperii, n imperare, imperavi, imperatus +dat impetus, m + abl + acc incendii, n incendere, incendi, incensus incipere, incepi, inceptus incitare, incitavi, incitatus indeclinable inferre, intuli, illatus/inlatus

verb 1 pron adverb verb 4 noun 3 noun 2 verb 1 noun 4 prep prep noun 2 verb 3 verb 3 verb 1 adverb verb irreg

general general general military political political military military general general general general general military general military

manage sword favour, thanks, esteem thank, give thanks heavy, serious, painful, important have, hold, consider live, dwell spear not yesterday winter quarters this here winter, storm from here, hence, henceforth today man, person honour, esteem, glory hour urge, encourage guest, host enemy here, to this place ground, earth lie (down) throw now, already no longer there, then the same suitable, convenient therefore, and so fire do not know, be ignorant, misunderstand that, he, she, it there delay, hinder, prevent emperor, general, leader command, power, empire order, command attack, impulse in, on into, onto, against, towards fire burn, set on fire, inflame, rouse begin urge on, arouse, encourage from there, thereupon, next inflict, bring to, cause, carry against

infra ingenium ingens ingredior inimicus iniquus initium iniuria inopia inquam insidiae insignis inspicio instruo insula intellego inter, intra interea, interim interficio intro invenio invito invitus ipse ira iratus is ita ita vero itaque iter iterum iubeo iudex iungo iustus iuvenis iuvo labor labor laboro laedo laetus latus latus laudo laus

signa inferre bellum inferre indeclinable ingenii, n ingentis ingredi, ingressus sum inimici, m iniqua, iniquum initii, n iniuriae, f inopiae, f inquit, inquiunt insidiarum, f pl insigne inspicere, inspexi, inspectus instruere, instruxi, instructus insulae, f intellegere, intellexi, intellectus + acc indeclinable interficere, interfeci, interfectus intrare, intravi, intratus invenire, inveni, inventus invitare, invitavi, invitatus invita, invitum ipsa, ipsum irae, f irata, iratum ea, id indeclinable indeclinable indeclinable itineris, n indeclinable iubere, iussi, iussus iudicis, m and f iungere, iunxi, iunctus iusta, iustum iuvenis iuvare, iuvi, iutus labi, lapsus sum laboris, m laborare, laboravi, laboratus laedere, laesi, laesus laeta, laetum lata, latum lateris, n laudare, laudavi, laudatus laudis, f

verb phrase verb phrase prep & adverb noun 2 adj verb 3 dep noun 2 adj noun 2 noun 1 noun 1 verb irreg noun 1 adj verb 3 verb 3 noun 1 verb 3 prep adverb verb 3 verb 1 verb 4 verb 1 adj pron noun 1 adj pron adverb adverb adverb noun 3 adverb verb 2 noun 3 verb 3 adj noun & adj verb 1 verb 3 dep noun 3 verb 1 verb 3 adj adj noun 3 verb 1 noun 3

military military general general general general general general general legal military general military general military military domestic general general general military general general general general general general general general general general general military general general legal general legal general general general general general military general general military general general


legati, m

noun 2


attack, charge make war on below character, ability huge enter, undertake (personal) enemy unfair, unjust, unfavourable beginning injustice, injury, wrong shortage, lack, poverty say ambush, trap, trick distinguished, glorious look at, inspect, examine draw up, prepare, equip, supply island understand, perceive, realise between, among, inside, within meanwhile, in the meantime kill enter find, discover invite unwillling, reluctant -self anger angry this, that, he, she, it in this way, so, thus yes and so, therefore journey, march, way again order, command judge, juror join, unite, fasten right, just, lawful, complete young man, young help glide, slip, fall work, toil, trouble work, toil, be in difficulty hurt, injure, harm happy, glad wide, broad side, wing praise praise, honour, credit (legionary) commander, ambassador, envoy

legio lego lentus levis lex libens liber liber liberi libero libertas libertus licet littera litus locus longus loquor lux magister magnus magnopere magis malo malus mando mane maneo manus mare mater medius mens mensis mercator metus meus miles minor mirabilis miror miser mitto modo modus moenia moneo mons monstro morbus morior mors moror mora mos

legionis, f legere, legi, lectus lenta, lentum leve legis, f libentis libera, liberum libri, m liberorum, m pl liberare, liberavi, liberatus libertatis, f liberti, m licere, licuit + dat litterae, f (usually pl. with sg. meaning) litoris, n loci, m longa, longum loqui, locutus sum lucis, f magistri, m magna, magnum indeclinable indeclinable malle, malui mala, malum mandare, mandavi, mandatus indeclinable manere, mansi manus, f maris, n matris, f media, medium mentis, f mensis, m mercatoris, m metus, m mea, meum militis, m minari, minatus sum + dat mirabile mirari, miratus sum misera, miserum mittere, misi, missus indeclinable modi, m moenium, n pl monere, monui, monitus montis, m monstrare, monstravi, monstratus morbi, m mori, mortuus sum mortis, f morari, moratus sum morae, f moris, m

noun 3 verb 3 adj adj noun 3 adj adj noun 2 noun 2 verb 1 noun 3 noun 2 verb impersonal noun 1 noun 3 noun 2 adj verb 3 dep noun 3 noun 2 adj adverb adverb comp verb irreg adj verb 1 adverb verb 2 noun 4 noun 3 noun 3 adj noun 3 noun 3 noun 3 noun 4 adj noun 3 verb 1 dep adj verb 1 dep adj verb 3 adverb noun 2 noun 3 verb 2 noun 3 verb 1 noun 2 verb 3 dep noun 3 verb 1 dep noun 1 noun 3

military general general general political general general general domestic legal legal legal general general general general general general general general general general general general general general general general military general domestic general general general general general general military military general general general general general general military general general general general military military general general general

legion read, choose slow light, slight law willing, glad free book children set free freedom freedman, ex-slave it is allowed letter sea-shore, beach place, position, situation, opportunity long speak, talk light, daylight teacher, master big, large, great very much, greatly more, rather prefer evil, bad commit, entrust, command in the morning, early remain, stay hand, band sea mother middle (of) mind month merchant fear my soldier threaten strange, wonderful wonder at, admire miserable, wretched, sad send, throw, let go just now, only manner, way, kind city walls, city warn, advise, teach mountain show, point out, indicate, instruct sickness, disease die death delay delay habit, custom, (pl)

moveo mox mulier multitudo multus munio munus murus muto nam narro nascor natura nauta navigo navis

-ne ne nec, neque necesse neco neglego nego negotium nemo nescio nihil nisi nobilis noceo nolo nomen non nondum nonne? nonnulli nos noster notus novi novus nox nullus num numerus numquam nunc nuntio nuntius ob

movere, movi, motus indeclinable mulieris, f multitudinis, f multa, multum munire, munivi, munitus muneris, n muri, m mutare, mutavi, mutatus indeclinable narrare, narravi, narratus nasci, natus sum naturae, f nautae, m navigare, navigavi navis, f navis longa navis oneraria indeclinable indeclinable indeclinable indeclinable necare, necavi, necatus neglegere, neglexi, neglectus negare, negavi, negatus negotii, n nullius nescire, nescivi indeclinable indeclinable nobile nocere, nocui + dat nolle, nolui nominis, n indeclinable indeclinable indeclinable nonnullae, nonnulla nostrum nostra, nostrum nota, notum notus nova, novum noctis, f noctu nulla, nullum indeclinable numeri, m indeclinable indeclinable nuntiare, nuntiavi, nuntiatus nuntii, m + acc

verb 2 adverb noun 3 noun 3 adj verb 4 noun 3 noun 2 verb 1 conjunction verb 1 verb 3 dep noun 1 noun 1 verb 1 noun 3

particle conjunction conjunction adj verb 1 verb 3 verb 1 noun 2 noun irreg verb 4 noun irreg conjunction adj verb 2 verb irreg noun 3 adverb adverb adverb adj pron pron adj verb 3 adj noun 3 adj adverb noun 2 adverb adverb verb 1 noun 2 prep

general general general general general military military general general general general general general military military military military military general general general general military general general general general general general general political general general general general general general general general general general general general general general general general general general general military general

character, morals move soon woman crowd, multitude much, many fortify, defend, guard service, duty, present wall, rampart change, alter for tell, relate am born nature sailor sail ship warship merchant ship (introduces question) lest, that not and not, nor, neither necessary kill neglect, disregard say no, deny, refuse, say that ...not business no one, nobody not know nothing unless, if not, except noble, famous hurt, harm not want, be unwilling, refuse name not not yet surely? some, several we, us our known, well-known, famous know new, fresh, recent night by night no, none, not any surelynot, whether number never now announce, report messenger, message, news because of, on account of

obliviscor obses obsideo obviam eo occasio occido occupo oculus odi odium offero officium olim omitto omnis

oblivisci, oblitus sum obsidis m and f obsidere, obsedi, obsessus ire, i(v)i + dat occasionis, f occidere, occidi, occisus occupare, occupavi, occupatus oculi, m odisse odii, n odio est + dat offerre, obtuli, oblatus officii, n indeclinable omittere, omisi, omissus omne omnino oneris, n operae, f operam do

verb 3 dep noun 3 verb 2 verb phrase noun 3 verb 3 verb 1 noun 2 verb irreg noun 2 verb phrase verb irreg noun 2 adverb verb 3 adj adverb noun 3 noun 1 verb phrase verb 2 impersonal noun 2 adj verb 3 verb 1 noun 3 noun 3 verb phrase noun 1 noun 3 noun 3 verb 4 dep verb 1 verb 1 noun 3 verb 3 noun 2 adverb adverb adj verb 3 noun 3 verb 2 verb 3 verb 1 noun 3

general military military military general military military general general general general political general general general general general general general general military general military military military general general general legal military general general general general general general general general general military domestic general general general general

onus opera

oportet oppidum opportunus opprimo oppugno (ops) opus ora oratio ordo orior orno oro os ostendo otium paene palam par parco parens pareo pario paro pars

oportere, oportuit oppidi, n opportuna, opportunum opprimere, oppressi, oppressus oppugnare, oppugnavi, oppugnatus opis, f operis, n opus est esse, fuit + abl (impersonal) orae, f orationis, f ordinis, m oriri, ortus sum ornare, ornavi, ornatus orare, oravi, oratus oris, n ostendere, ostendi, ostentus otii, n indeclinable indeclinable paris parcere, peperci + dat parentis, m and f parere, parui + dat parere, peperi, partus parare, paravi, paratus partis, f

forget hostage besiege, blockade meet, go to meet, oppose, resist opportunity, occasion kill seize, take possession of, occupy eye hate hatred be hated by present, offer duty, task, function once, formerly, one day neglect, disregard, make no mention of all, every altogether, at all, entirely burden, load work, effort, attention, trouble I take pains, give attention (to) be necessary, ought, must town suitable, opportune overwhelm, crush, weigh down attack help; (pl) resources, riches work, toil, construction there is need (of) coast speech rank, order, line rise, start, originate adorn, decorate, provide, equip beg mouth, face show, point out, indicate leisure, idleness, peace almost, nearly openly equal spare parent; (pl) relations obey win, acquire, gain, secure prepare, provide part, some, direction

parvus passim passus pater patior patria pauci paulatim paulisper paulum, paulo pauper pax pecunia pedes pello per perdo pereo perficio periculum peritus permitto persuadeo perterritus pervenio pes peto pilum placet plebs plenus plerique poena

parva, parvum indeclinable passus, m mille passus patris, m pati, passus sum patriae, f paucae, pauca indeclinable indeclinable indeclinable pauperis pacis, f pecuniae, f peditis, m pellere, pepuli, pulsus + acc perdere, perdidi, perditus perire, perii perficere, perfeci, perfectus periculi, n perita, peritum + gen or abl permittere, permisi, permissus persuadere, persuasi + dat perterrita, perterritum pervenire, perveni pedis, m petere, petivi, petitus pili, n placere, placuit + dat plebis, f plena, plenum pleraeque, pleraque poenae, f poenas do polliceri, pollicitus sum ponere, posui, positus pontis, m populi, m portae, f portare, portavi, portatus portus, m poscere, poposci posse, potui + acc indeclinable indeclinable indeclinable postrema, postremum indeclinable

adj adverb noun 4 noun 3 verb 3 dep noun 1 adj plural adverb adverb adverb adj noun 3 noun 1 noun 3 verb 3 prep verb 3 verb irreg verb 3 noun 2 adj verb 3 verb 2 adj verb 4 noun 3 verb 3 noun 2 verb 2 impersonal noun 3 adj adj noun 1 verb phrase verb 2 dep verb 3 noun 3 noun 2 noun 1 verb 1 noun 4 verb 3 verb irreg prep adverb adverb conjunction adj adverb

general general general domestic general political general general general general general military general military military general general general general general general general general general general general general military general political general general legal

small in all directions, far and wide pace mile father suffer, endure, allow homeland, native land few, a few gradually, little by little for a short time a little, somewhat poor peace money infantry push, drive, rout through, throughout, along destroy, lose die, perish, be ruined bring about, complete, perfect danger skilled (in) hand over, entrust, permit, allow persuade, convince very frightened reach, arrive foot seek, ask for, make for, attack javelin it pleases, suits, it is resolved the people, common people full, filled most, the majority punishment, penalty pay the penalty, am punished promise put, place, set up (camp) bridge people, nation gate carry, bear, take harbour, port demand, ask for can, be able behind, after afterwards, next afterwards, then after, when last on the next day

polliceor pono pons populus porta porto portus posco possum post post postea postquam postremus postridie

general general general political general general general general general general general general general general general

postulo potens potestas potior potius praebeo praeda praemium praeficio praesidium praesum praeter praeterea praetor precor pretium primus princeps prior prius priusquam pro procedo procul prodo proelium proficiscor progredior promitto prope propter provincia proximus publicus pudor puella puer pugna pugno punio puto quaero qualis? quam quamquam quando? quantus?

postulare, postulavi, postulatus potentis potestatis, f potiri, potitus sum + gen or abl indeclinable praebere, praebui, praebitus praedae, f praemii, n praeficere, praefeci, praefectus praesidii, n praeesse, praefui + dat + acc indeclinable praetoris, m precari, precatus sum pretii, n prima, primum principis, m prioris indeclinable indeclinable + abl procedere, processi indeclinable prodere, prodidi, proditus proelii, n proficisci, profectus sum progredi, progressus sum promittere, promisi, promissus + acc + acc provinciae, f proxima, proximum publica, publicum pudoris, m puellae, f pueri, m pugnae, f pugnare, pugnavi punire, punivi, punitus putare, putavi, putatus quaerere, quaesivi, quaesitus quale indeclinable quam + superlative indeclinable indeclinable quanta, quantum

verb 1 adj noun 3 verb 4 adverb verb 2 noun 1 noun 2 verb 3 noun 2 verb irreg prep adverb noun 3 verb 1 dep noun 2 adj noun 3 adj adverb conjunction prep verb 3 adverb verb 3 noun 2 verb 3 dep verb 3 dep verb 3 prep prep noun 1 adj adj noun 3 noun 1 noun 2 noun 1 verb 1 verb 4 verb 1 verb 3 adj adverb conjunction adverb adj

general general political general general general military general military military military general general political religious general general political general general general general general general military military general general general general general political general political general general general military military legal general general general general general general general

demand, ask powerful power, authority, opportunity seize, get possession of rather, more provide, give, show, offer booty, plunder prize, reward put in charge of protection, garrison, fortification be in charge of beyond, except, besides besides, moreover, in addition praetor (acted as judge or governor) pray, pray to, beg price, value first, chief emperor, chief, chieftain previous, former before, previously before, until in front of, for, on behalf of, in return for advance, proceed far away, distant betray, surrender battle set out, depart advance, proceed promise near on account of, because of province nearest, next, last public, common shame, modesty, honour, disgrace girl boy fight, battle fight punish think, consider, reckon search for, ask for, ask, inquire what sort of? how, than, as as ... as possible although when? how big? how much?

quasi -que queror qui quia quidam quidem ne ... quidem quies quis? quisquam quisque quisquis quo? quoad quod quomodo? quoniam quoque quot? quotiens rapio ratio recens recipio recito rectus reddo redeo refero reficio regina regnum rego regredior relinquo reliquus repente res res publica resisto respondeo responsum restituo retineo rex

indeclinable indeclinable queri, questus sum quae, quod indeclinable quaedam, quoddam indeclinable indeclinable quietis, f quid quicquam quaeque, quidque quicquid indeclinable indeclinable indeclinable quod si indeclinable indeclinable indeclinable indeclinable indeclinable rapere, rapui, raptus rationis, f recentis recipere, recepi, receptus me recipio recitare, recitavi, recitatus recta, rectum reddere, reddidi, redditus redire, redii referre, rettuli, relatus pedem/me refero reficere, refeci, refectus reginae, f regni, n regere, rexi, rectus regredi, regressus sum relinquere, reliqui, relictus reliqua, reliquum indeclinable rei, f rei publicae, f resistere, restiti + dat respondere, respondi, responsus responsi, n restituere, restitui, restitutus retinere, retinui, retentus regis, m

adverb conjunction verb 3 dep pron conjunction pron adverb adverb noun 3 pron pron pron pron adverb conjunction conjunction conjunction adverb conjunction conjunction adj adverb verb 3 noun 3 adj verb 3 verb phrase verb 1 adj verb 3 verb irreg verb irreg verb phrase verb 3 noun 1 noun 2 verb 3 verb 3 dep verb 3 adj adverb noun 5 noun phrase verb 3 verb 2 noun 2 verb 3 verb 2 noun 3

general general general general general general general general general general general general general general general general general general general general general military general general general military general general general general general general political political political general general general general general political military general general general general political

as if, just as, nearly and complain who, which, that because one, a certain, some indeed, in fact, however not ... even rest, peace, quiet who? what? any anyone, anything each, each one, every whoever, whatever where to? as long as, until because, (as to) the fact that but if how? in what way? since also, too how many? how often? as often as seize, grab, carry off, plunder account, reckoning, manner, reason recent, fresh regain, receive, welcome retreat, withdraw recite, read aloud straight, direct, right, proper give back, restore, hand over, make return, go back, come back bring back, report, refer retreat repair, restore, refresh queen kingdom, reign, rule rule, direct go back, return leave, leave behind, abandon the rest of, the other suddenly thing, affair, matter, business state, republic resist, oppose answer, reply answer, reply restore, give back hold back, restrain, keep king

ripa rogo rumpo rursus rus sacerdos saepe saevus salus saluto sanguis sapiens sapientia satis scelus scio scribo scutum se secundus sed sedes semel semper senator senatus senex sententia sentio sequor servo servus si sic sicut signum silentium silva similis simul simulac, sine sinister sinistra sino sive, seu socius sol soleo solum solus solvo

ripae, f rogare, rogavi, rogatus rumpere, rupi, ruptus indeclinable ruris, n sacerdotis, m and f indeclinable saeva, saevum salutis, f salutare, salutavi, salutatus sanguinis, m sapientis sapientiae, f indeclinable sceleris, n scire, scivi, scitus scribere, scripsi, scriptus scuti, n sui secunda, secundum indeclinable sedis, f indeclinable indeclinable senatoris, m senatus, m senis, m sententiae, f sentire, sensi, sensus sequi, secutus sum servare, servavi, servatus servi, m indeclinable indeclinable indeclinable signi, n silentii, n silvae, f simile indeclinable (simulatque) indeclinable + abl sinistra, sinistrum sinistrae, f sinere, sivi, situs indeclinable socii, m solis, m solere, solitus sum indeclinable sola, solum solvere, solvi, solutus

noun 1 verb 1 verb 3 adverb noun 3 noun 3 adverb adj noun 3 verb 1 noun 3 adj noun 1 adj noun 3 verb 4 verb 3 noun 2 pron adj conjunction noun 3 adverb adverb noun 3 noun 4 noun 3 noun 1 verb 4 verb 3 dep verb 1 noun 2 conjunction adverb adverb noun 2 noun 2 noun 1 adj adverb conjunction prep adj noun 1 verb 3 conjunction noun 2 noun 3 verb 2 semidep adverb adj verb 3

general general general general general religious general general general general general general general general legal general general military general general general domestic general general political political general legal general general general domestic general general general military general general general general general general general general general general military general general general general military

bank ask, ask for break, burst, break through back, again country priest, priestess often savage, cruel health, safety, greeting greet, salute blood wise, sensible wisdom, good sense enough crime, wickedness know write shield himself, herself, itself, themselves following, next, second, favourable but seat, temple, home once always senator senate old man opinion, judgement, sentence feel, notice, hear, judge follow, pursue, attend save, protect, keep slave if thus, in this way just as, like, as, as if sign, signal, standard silence wood, forest similar, like at the same time, together as soon as without left, on the left, unfavourable left hand, left side allow, permit or if, whether ally, comrade, companion sun, sunlight be accustomed only alone, only, alone loose, pay

somnus s soror spatium specto sperno spero spes spolium statim statuo sto studium stultus sub subito sum summus sumo supero supersum superus surgo suscipio suspicor suus tacitus talis tam tamen tandem tango tantum tantus tectum tego telum tempestas templum tempus teneo tergum terra terreo terror timeo timor tollo tot

navem solvo somni, m soni, m sororis, f spatii, n spectare, spectavi, spectatus spernere, sprevi, spretus sperare, speravi, speratus spei, f spolii, n indeclinable statuere, statui, statutus stare, steti studii, n stulta, stultum + abl or + acc indeclinable esse, fui summa, summum sumere, sumpsi, sumptus superare, superavi, superatus superesse, superfui supera, superum surgere, surrexi suscipere, suscepi, susceptus suspicari, suspicatus sum sua, suum tacita, tacitum tale indeclinable indeclinable indeclinable tangere, tetigi, tactus indeclinable tanta, tantum tecti, n tegere, texi, tectus teli, n tempestatis, f templi, n temporis, n tenere, tenui, tentus tergi, n terrae, f terrere, terrui, territus terroris, m timere, timui timoris, m tollere, sustuli, sublatus indeclinable

verb phrase noun 2 noun 2 noun 3 noun 2 verb 1 verb 3 verb 1 noun 5 noun 2 adverb verb 3 verb 1 noun 2 adj prep adverb verb irreg adj verb 3 verb 1 verb irreg adj verb 3 verb 3 verb 1 dep pron adj adj adverb adverb adverb verb 3 adverb adj noun 2 verb 3 noun 2 noun 3 noun 2 noun 3 verb 2 noun 2 noun 1 verb 2 noun 3 verb 2 noun 3 verb 3 adj

general general domestic general general general general general military general general general general general general general general general general military general general general general legal general general general general general general general general general general general military general religious general general military general general general general general general general

set sail sleep noise, sound sister interval, space, distance look at, watch despise, reject, scorn hope, expect hope booty, spoil(s) at once, immediately fix, determine, decide, arrange stand, stand firm eagerness, study, devotion stupid, foolish under, beneath; up to suddenly be highest, greatest, top (of) take, take up overcome, overpower be left, remain, survive upper, higher get up, stand up, rise take up, undertake, begin, bear mistrust, suspect his (own), her (own), its (own), their (own) quiet, silent, in silence such so however, nevertheless, yet at last, finally touch only so great, such a great, so much roof, house cover, protect, hide weapon, javelin, missile weather, storm, time temple time hold, keep, maintain back, rear ground, land, earth frighten terror, panic fear, be afraid fear, anxiety raise, lift up, remove, destroy so many

totus trado traho trans tristis tu tum tumultus turba tutus tuus ubi ubique ullus ultimus umquam una unda unde undique urbs usque usus ut ut uter? uterque utrum utor uxor valeo validus -ve vehementer veho vel velut venio ventus verbum vereor vero verto verus vesper vester vestis veto vetus

tota, totum tradere, tradidi, traditus trahere, traxi, tractus + acc triste tui indeclinable tumultus, m turbae, f tuta, tutum tua, tuum indeclinable indeclinable ulla, ullum ultima, ultimum indeclinable indeclinable undae, f indeclinable indeclinable urbis, f indeclinable usus, m usui est indeclinable + indic. indeclinable + subjunc. utra, utrum utraque, utrumque indeclinable uti, usus sum + abl uxoris, f valere, valui valida, validum indeclinable indeclinable vehere, vexi, vectus indeclinable indeclinable venire, veni venti, m verbi, n vereri, veritus sum indeclinable vertere, verti, versus terga verto vera, verum vesperis or vesperi, m vestra, vestrum vestis, f vetare, vetui, vetitus veteris

adj verb 3 verb 3 prep adj pron adverb noun 4 noun 1 adj pron adverb adverb adj adj adverb adverb noun 1 adverb adverb noun 3 adverb noun 4 verb phrase conjunction conjunction pron pron adverb verb 3 dep noun 3 verb 2 adj conjunction adverb verb 3 conjunction adverb verb 4 noun 2 noun 2 verb 2 dep adverb verb 3 verb phrase adj noun 2 + 3 pron noun 3 verb 1 adj

general general general general general general general military general military general general general general general general general general general general general general general general general general general general general domestic general general general general general general general general general general general general general general general general general general general

the whole, entire, all hand over, entrust, hand down, surrender pull, drag, draw across, over sad, gloomy, grim you (singular) then, next uproar, disturbance, civil war crowd, mob, disturbance, multitude safe your (singular) where? where, when everywhere any furthest, last, utmost ever together wave from where, whence from all sides, on all sides city, town, Rome all the way, right up to, continuously use, experience, practice it is useful as, where, when, how that, so that which (of two)? each (of two), both whether use, enjoy wife be strong, have influence strong, powerful or violently, loudly, strongly carry, bear, convey or, either just as, like, as, as if come wind word fear, be afraid indeed, in fact, however turn retreat true, real evening your (pl) clothes forbid, ordernot old

via victor victoria video videor villa vinco vir virtus vis vita vito vivo vivus vix voco volo vos vox vulnero vulnus vultus

viae, f victoris, m victoriae, f videre, vidi, visus videri, visus sum villae, f vincere, vici, victus viri, m virtutis, f pl vires, f vitae, f vitare, vitavi, vitatus vivere, vixi viva, vivum indeclinable vocare, vocavi, vocatus velle, volui vestrum vocis, f vulnerare, vulneravi, vulneratus vulneris, n vultus, m

noun 1 noun 3 noun 1 verb 2 verb 2 dep noun 1 verb 3 noun 2 noun 3 noun irreg noun 1 verb 1 verb 3 adj adverb verb 1 verb irreg pron noun 3 verb 1 noun 3 noun 4

general military military general general domestic military general military military general general general general general general general general general military military general

street, road, way, path victor, conqueror victory see seem, appear, be seen country-house, estate, farm conquer, defeat, win, be victorious man, husband courage, virtue force, violence; (pl) strength, forces life avoid live, be alive, (+ abl) live on alive, living hardly, scarcely, with difficulty call, summon, invite, name want, wish, be willing, intend you (plural) voice, shout, word wound, injure wound, injury face, expression

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