FHT Guide Plan
FHT Guide Plan
FHT Guide Plan
Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 3 1. Purpose .............................................................................................................................................. 3 2. Background ....................................................................................................................................... 4 2.1 Business Plan and Operational Plan Summary................................................................................. 4 2.2 What is a Business Plan and Why is it Needed? .............................................................................. 4 2.3 What is an Operational Plan and How is it Different from a Business Plan? ................................. 4 2.4 Your Business Plan and Operational Plan Checklist ...................................................................... 4 3. Business and Operational Planning Framework................................................................................ 6 3.1 Planning Principles:.......................................................................................................................... 6 3.2 Planning Outcomes: ......................................................................................................................... 6 3.3 Quality Improvement and Innovation Partnership ........................................................................... 6 4. Business Plan Elements..................................................................................................................... 7 4.1 Required Elements ........................................................................................................................... 7 4.1.1. Governance and Accountability Structure.................................................................................... 7 4.1.2. Family Health Care Services ........................................................................................................ 7 4.1.3. Human Resources......................................................................................................................... 8 4.1.4 Collaborative Team Practice ......................................................................................................... 9 4.1.5 Physical Location(s) ...................................................................................................................... 9 4.1.6 Information Technology................................................................................................................ 9 4.1.7 Other Programs.............................................................................................................................. 9 4.1.8 Evaluation...................................................................................................................................... 9 4.2 Business Plan: Summary of Timelines........................................................................................... 10 5. Operational Plan (Budget/Service Plan) Template......................................................................... 10 5.1 Instructions ..................................................................................................................................... 10 5.2 Service Plan .................................................................................................................................... 10 5.3 Operational Budget......................................................................................................................... 11 6. Business Plan and Operational Plan Review and Approval............................................................ 11 7. Appendices ....................................................................................................................................... 12 Appendix A: Contact Information Template........................................................................................ 12 Appendix B: Quick Reference Form Critical Details........................................................................ 13 Appendix C: List of Family Health Team Services ............................................................................. 14 Core/Comprehensive Care/ Services (mandatory) ............................................................................... 14 Special Services/ Programs .................................................................................................................. 14 Optional Services ................................................................................................................................. 14 Appendix D: Where to Get More Information ..................................................................................... 16
Family Health Care for All The implementation of Family Health Teams is part of the governments Family Health Care for All Strategy, which will improve access to comprehensive family health care for all Ontarians. Through Family Health Teams, patients are able to establish a continuous relationship with health care providers for comprehensive, family health care close to home. As a collaborative team practice, Family Health Teams emphasize health promotion and improved management of chronic disease through both treatment and monitoring, as well as support their patients in improving self-management skills. Keeping patients healthier and chronic disease better managed are key to reducing Emergency Room visits. Family Health Teams are locally driven family health care delivery organizations that include family physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses and a range of other interdisciplinary healthcare providers who are committed to working together collaboratively to provide comprehensive, accessible, coordinated family health care to a defined population, including patients who do not currently have a family physician (e.g. unattached patients). This approach allows physicians to work as part of a team with other health care providers to focus on keeping patients healthy. The vision allows physicians, nurse practitioners and other members of the team to practice together in a positive working environment, sharing and benefiting from the complementary knowledge and skills of their colleagues. New Family Health Teams will support other Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (the ministry) initiatives including: enrolment of unattached patients, integrated cancer screening, and chronic disease prevention and management, with an increased focus on diabetes in support of Ontarios Diabetes Strategy. If your Family Health Team has not already received funding to support the development of your business and operational plan, please refer to the Guide for Development Grant Application. Additionally, this guide should be read in conjunction with other Family Health Team guides, including: Strategic and Program Planning, Interdisciplinary Provider Compensation, Physician Compensation, Collaborative Team Practice, Interdisciplinary Team Roles and Responsibilities, Chronic Disease Management and Prevention, Information Technology, and Transitional Funding. If you do not have a copy of these guides, please call your ministry contact. All guides are available at: www.health.gov.on.ca/familyhealthteams.
1. Purpose
This guide is intended to provide Family Health Teams with guidelines and requirements for developing the two components required for operational funding: A Business Plan that is a vision for the services and programs the Family Health Team plans to provide, including patient enrolment targets and staffing levels. The Business Plan should include a projection of the timing and costs to accomplish this. An Operational Plan that sets out detailed funding requirements for the Fiscal Year (April 1 to March 31). Each Family Health Team will submit annual Operating Plan for ongoing funding.
2. Background
2.1 Business Plan and Operational Plan Summary
All parties of your Family Health Team should agree to a governance and accountability structure and incorporate as a not-for-profit incorporation prior to the submission of a Business Plan and Operational Plan. Your Family Health Teams business and operational plans should build on the application submitted to the ministry and the initial feedback you received from your ministry contact. It is recognized that you may not adhere exactly to these initial plans as it is expected that they will evolve as you continue to consult, develop partnerships and assess both community and population needs. When estimating the length of your plans, we recommend that you be concise (including using the fewest number of pages possible). The length of the plan should correlate with your business scale and the objectives of the plan. Once your Business Plan and Operational Plan are submitted, the ministry will review and approve certain human resources, operational overhead and one-time costs through an agreement with the ministry. You will be expected to provide reports on progress in meeting your enrolment, program and service targets on recruitment and on financial expenditures. Please note that funding is allocated at the discretion of the ministry.
2.3 What is an Operational Plan and How is it Different from a Business Plan?
The Operational Plan (budget/service plan) is completed on an annual basis (by fiscal year) and provides detail on the resource requirements for implementing the Business Plan. For the initial Operational Plan, you should consider what the costs will be when your Business Plan is fully realized, both ongoing operational and one-time costs. The ministry requires completion of both the Business Plan and Operational Plan in order to prepare and finalize a funding agreement with your Family Health Team that will describe your services, funding, deliverables and reporting requirements. This agreement will recognize a phased implementation process and funding that will be provided to support this implementation. In return, your Family Health Team governance body will commit to the provision of the services according to the agreed-upon plan with the ministry through a funding agreement.
Below is a checklist of key steps to support the Family Health Team planning and budgeting process. Planning Steps Identify current status; Define future/proposed plan; Validate justification and assumptions; Identify and analyze options for achieving plan; Select best options and processes; Define key benchmarks (e.g. timelines for completing Business Plan and Operational Plan); Determine resources required; Identify major risks that may impact on plan achievement and create risk mitigation strategies; and Identify relevant performance management measures and evaluation criteria.
Working through the Business Plan and Operational Plan Requirements Below is a checklist of requirements that need to be addressed in your Family Health Team Business Plan and Operational Plan. Business Plan (Vision when Operational) Governance and organizational structure; Strategic and program planning; Population characteristics and enrolment plans; Implementation of collaborative team care, including service coordination with other organizations; Description of programs and services; List of providers, job descriptions and recruitment plans; Premises planning; Information technology and clinical information systems; and Timelines to becoming a fully operational Family Health Team.
Operational Plan (Annual Budget/Service Plan) Service Plan, including enrolment target; and Detailed annual resource requirements/budget.
Identify key milestones and timelines for implementing the staffing/recruitment plans. For those providers already committed, indicate approximate commencement date and attach a letter of commitment; and Identify the method of approved Family Health Team physician compensation and what the current compensation model is for existing physicians (where applicable).
4.1.8 Evaluation
If not addressed above, describe your plans for evaluating Family Health Team effectiveness, or how well the Family Health Team is achieving its intended goals and objectives according to the strategic plan. In the early stages of your Family Health Team, the evaluation could focus on short-term changes that are experienced by providers, patients or the broader community (e.g. patient and/or provider satisfaction, increased level of collaborative care, better management of health conditions, enhanced access to care) for Ontarians without a health care provider.
Capital Planning
5.1 Instructions
The Operational Plan (inclusive of the budget and Service Plan) template is to be used to confirm your annualized budget based on your Business Plan. Please review the instructions carefully before completing the Schedules.
This schedule identifies the types of programs and services provided and the allocation of interdisciplinary healthcare providers to each of these programs and services. All programs and services identified in the Business Plan must be included in the Service Plan.
Your budget should reflect principles of sound financial planning and management. It should be adhered to as closely as possible, as you move forward with implementation. Specify relevant components being contributed by community partners in the relevant column of the Family Health Team Operational Plan Template: Specify the name of the community organization and key contact person; Identify the status of the contribution (e.g. secured or anticipated date of securing); and Attach a letter of support.
Specify relevant components coming from other sources in the relevant column of the Family Health Team Operational Plan Template: Specify the name of any other contributing organization and key contact person; Identify the status of the contribution (e.g. secured or anticipated date of securing); and Attach a letter of support.
Please include in your Business Plan: Name of Family Health Team Mailing Address Contact Information Contact Name: Tel.: Fax: Email:
Please ensure your Operational Plan includes: Service Plan with enrolment targets; Operational Budget for your Family Health Team at full operation; and One-time start-up costs (capital, information technology, furnishings and equipment).
Special Programs may also include specialist services (e.g. psychiatry, internal medicine, geriatrics and paediatrics).
Optional Services
Depending on community needs and size, Family Health Teams may wish to provide a number of optional services. For example:
X-ray, ultrasound, sleep studies, pulmonary function studies, nuclear medicine (IHF-licensed Services); Laboratory services; and Some minor day surgery.
ISBN# 978-1-4435-0652-6 Cat. # 013376 July 2009 Queens Printer for Ontario