Background: PDF Files/downloads For GRLWEAP
Background: PDF Files/downloads For GRLWEAP
Background: PDF Files/downloads For GRLWEAP
Since its introduction in 1988, GRLWEAP (which is based on the WEAP program of 1976) has achieved wide popularity throughout the world. The program simulates the behavior of a pile (a slender elastic rod) and the surrounding soil (an elastic-plastic and viscous material) under the impact of a pile driving hammer. Powerful options combine the basic analysis of one hammer blow into the simulation of a complete pile driving process. Today the GRLWEAP software is recognized by many specifying agencies as the most reliable predictor of dynamic pile driving stresses, hammer performance, and either blow count or bearing capacity of an impact driven pile. PDF files/downloads for GRLWEAP: Software Description Sheet - New Features
Plotting or screen graphic display of results. Extensive help files including nearly 400 hammer models and associated driving system components. Automatic model generation.
Simple input/output file management. Screen display of analysis results in numerical or graphic form .
Bearing graph: capacity and stress maxima vs blow count. Driveability analysis: blow count and stresses vs. depth allowing for consideration of variable pile length, loss of soil set-up, cushion deterioration and others. Inspector's Chart: required blow count for variable stroke (energy) and fixed bearing capacity. Residual stresses for improved realism of simulation. Vibratory hammer analysis. Double pile analysis(e.g., mandrel driven piles). Variable (program calculated) or constant stroke analysis for diesel hammers. Bounce chamber pressure for closed end diesel hammers. SI or English units.
Diesel hammers with thermodynamic analysis. Smith-type lumped mass hammer and pile model with Newmark beta-method and predictor corrector type analysis. Non-linear/bilinear stress-strain analysis of slacks, splices, cushions and other material interfaces. Up to 498 pile segments for realistic analysis of piles with up to 500 m lenght. Smith type soil model with four additional soil damping options. Soil model extensions (for research applications) for soil plug, radiation damping among others