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Keller-Liquefaction Potential Around Pile Foundations

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Publications of the Geotechnical Institute of the Technical University of Berlin

Issue No. 57, Berlin 2011, pp. xx-xx

Presentation to the 7th Hans Lorenz Symposium on 6 Oct 2011 (translation)

Ground improvement to reduce the liquefaction potential

around pile foundations
Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Sondermann
Dr.-Ing. Jimmy Wehr
Dipl.-Ing. Jrgen Keil
Keller Holding GmbH

Experience shows that buildings on conventionally designed pile foundations can be substantially
damaged by earthquakes. Reason for this is often a liquefaction of the soil around the piles. With
modern methods of ground improvement in the surrounding area, like deep vibration or deep soil
mixing methods, this liquefaction risk is crucially decreased. Some international examples are
presented and recommendations for practice are given.


Ground liquefaction can occur due to strong vibrations, which are caused by earthquakes. It arises
particularly in loose to medium dense, homogeneous fine sands with low permeability. By the
vibrations of the earthquake an excess pore water pressure is created in saturated soils, the ground
loses its shear strength and the granular structure breaks down. Apart from the loss of vertical bearing
capacity of the piles within the liquefied soil, enormous horizontal forces can be exerted on the pile
foundations by the liquefaction. If piles are situated in a loose liquefaction-endangered layer and
embedded into a dense bearing layer, they can be over-stressed or buckle due to large bending
moments. Other possible failure mechanisms are presented in figure 1.
The liquefaction risk around the pile foundations can be reduced crucially by modern ground
improvement methods. In the context of this publication, after a short review of design processes on
projects with liquefaction risk, international projects are presented where the liquefaction risk around
the pile foundations was reduced by ground improvement, like vibro replacement, vibro compaction
and deep soil mixing.

W. Sondermann, J. Wehr

Fig. 1:

Schematic failure mechanisms of piles in liquefied soil (Boulanger et al., 2003)

A short view of the planning process of projects in areas with

liquefaction risk


Determination of the liquefaction potential

In a first step for the estimation of the liquefaction potential, the cyclic (seismic) stress ratio

SSR = h / vo
is determined dependent on the depth (with an assumed earthquake acceleration).

The most common estimation can be made with the following formula (Seed, Idriss, Arango, 1983):


= 0.65 max v 0 rd
v 0
g vo

seismic shear stress [kN/m]


total ground pressure [kN/m]

v 0

effective ground pressure [kN/m]


maximum earthquake acceleration [m/sec]


Ground improvement for the reduction of the liquefaction potential around pile foundations


average value of acceleration in relation to the maximum amax

gravity acceleration [m/sec]


depth dependent reduction value [~ 1 0,012 z]

depth [m]


Determination of the cyclic resistance ratio

In a second step the cyclic stress ratio determined above is compared to the cyclic resistance ratio. The
cyclic resistance ratio is the stress ratio, at which liquefaction occurs. This is known from the statistic
evaluation of soundings in seismic zones.
The first evaluations in such way were based on standard penetration tests, similar to the chart in
figure 2.

Figure 2:

Relationship between liquefaction resistance and number of blows N of the standard

penetration test in sandy soil with varying fines content (Seed, De Alba, 1986).

Recent diagrams prefer correlating the tip resistance qc of the cone penetration test (CPT) with the
cyclic stress ratio, see figure 3.
Safety against ground liquefaction is given if the cyclic resistance ratio is larger than the cyclic stress

W. Sondermann, J. Wehr

Figure 3:


Relationship between liquefaction resistance and CPT cone resistance in sandy soil
with varying fines content (seismic intensity M=7.5), (Stark, Olson, 1995)

Detailed review of pile foundations

For pile foundations further considerations can be made during planning, like

the interaction between building and subsoil

the load bearing capacity and the settlement behavior of the foundation (e.g. consideration of
the loss of the skin friction by liquefaction or negative skin friction by ground settlements)

the displacements of the soil surrounding the foundations and the resulting additional forces
and moments

Therefore in particular analytic and numeric methods are used (like e.g. LPILE, GROUP, SHAKE,
FLAC, etc.), which are not described in detail here.
In case the proof of safety against liquefaction around the pile foundations cannot be provided in the
design, ground improvement methods are specifically suitable, in order to increase the shear strength
of the subsoil and to minimize the risk of the ground liquefaction.

Ground improvement for the reduction of the liquefaction potential around pile foundations


Consideration of ground improvement design by means of an example with vibro


By means of the vibro replacement method (Priebe 1998) it is shown how the risk of liquefaction
potential can be minimized.
Fig. 4 yields a ground improvement factor for vibro replacement with simplifying assumptions. This
factor depends both on the ratio of the grid area A to the area of the column Ac, and on the friction
angle c of the column material.

Figure 4:

Design chart by Priebe, 1998 to calculate the soil improvement factor for settlements

The reciprocal value of this improvement factor corresponds to the relationship of the remaining stress
ps, which acts on the ground between the vibro replacement columns, and the total stress p without
vibro replacement. Thus the presentation of the so-called reduction factor ps/p = results in figure 5.

Figure 5:

W. Sondermann, J. Wehr

Reduction factor for the seismic stress ratio using vibro replacement (Priebe 1998)

With the plausible assumption that the area of the gravel columns and also the loads taken by it do not
contribute to liquefaction, this reduction factor can equally be used to reduce the seismic stress ratio
created during the earthquake. Thus the density requirements of the subsoil exposed to liquefaction are
reduced accordingly. Figure 6 shows, how the required cone penetration resistance decreases due to
the reduced seismic stress ratio CSR.



Figure 6:

qc1 > 4 required

qc1 > 8 required

(with soil improvement)

(w/o soil improvement)

An example of reduction of the required cone penetration resistance qc due to ground

improvement (vibro replacement)

Ground improvement for the reduction of the liquefaction potential around pile foundations

Ground improvement methods to reduce the liquefaction potential

around pile foundations

As already mentioned, ground liquefaction arises due to earthquakes in particular, however not
exclusively, in loose to medium dense homogeneous fine sands with low permeability. The range of
these soils, which are effected mainly by liquefaction, is represented in figure 7 (hatched area). Further
the application ranges of vibro compaction and vibro replacement methods are included. While in
clean sands both ground improvement methods are applicable, vibro replacement method is more
effective with increasing fines content.

Figure 7:

Application range of vibro compaction and vibro replacement methods by Priebe,


Based on recent information in clayey and silty sands the risk of ground liquefaction in such soils must
be examined as well. In accordance with Eurocode EC8 part 5 (DIN EN 1998-5) the risk of
liquefaction should not be neglected in sands with a clay content of up to 20% (plasticity index PI>
10) or with a silt content of up to 35% (SPT-ratio of N1 (60) > 20).

Even cohesive soils are endangered of liquefaction. As an example the so-called Chinese criteria is
shown (see fig. 8), which makes a principle classification into potentially liquefiable and nonliquefiable soils depending on the water content and the liquid limit.

Figure 8:

W. Sondermann, J. Wehr

Chinese Criteria (modified by ASTM definitions) for ground liquefaction by Perlea,


Beside the vibro compaction and vibro replacement methods mentioned above a further ground
improvement measure is the deep soil stabilization (Deep Mixing Method, briefly DMM), which is
applicable in all soil types.
For special applications also earthquake drains can be used for the reduction of the liquefaction
potential in soils.

Reference Projects for Vibro Replacement


Full-scale test: Reduction of the ground liquefaction by means of vibro replacement

around a pile foundation (Scott et al., 2002)

As co-operation between the University OF California and the Brigham Young University a full-scale
test, the so-called Treasure Island Liquefaction test (TILT), was executed in 1998/1999, in order to
investigate the behavior of horizontal loaded piles in a liquefiable ground. The tests were executed
first without ground improvement before and after liquefaction and afterwards with ground
improvement (vibro replacement) before and after ground liquefaction. The ground liquefaction was
produced by controlled explosions in the sand layer. The subsoil consisted of predominantly loose
homogeneous silty sand up to a depth of 6m, underneath was soft fat clay with a thickness of
approximately 10m. The ground-water level was 1.5m under ground surface. The horizontal forces on
the 12 to 14m piles were applied by jacking a 4 pipe pile group (diameter 324mm) and a cast in place
concrete pile (cast-in-steel-shell CISS, diameter 600mm) horizontally against each other by means of
hydraulic presses.

Ground improvement for the reduction of the liquefaction potential around pile foundations

The results can be summarized as follows:

Due to the installation of stone columns the top soil layers have been improved (increase of
the cone resistance from 4 MPa on average up to over 20 MPa). The conclusion was that the
increase of the cone resistance goes along with a corresponding reduction of the liquefaction
potential of these top sand layers.

After installation of the stone columns the dissipation rate of the excess pore water pressure
released by explosion (with ground liquefaction) was clearly increased.

A certain time after the explosion the horizontal stiffness of the foundation system improved
with stone columns was higher (factor 2.5 to 3.5) than without ground improvement.


Risk of the ground liquefaction in the Fraser Delta / British Columbia: Protection of a
liquid gas tank by means of vibro replacement (Chambosse, 1983)

The Fraser River delta located in the south of Vancouver in British Columbia is one of the most
strongly endangered seismic zones in Canada. Generally there are several meters of clay, silt or peat
on top of up to 45m thick sand layers. Beneath silt, clay and glacial deposits follows. The in-situ rock
is located in 200m depth or below it.
B.C. Hydro built a liquid gas tank with a capacity of 17 million cbm gas on 15m long wooden piles
(grid spacing 0.9m) in the Fraser River Delta. The piles driven into medium dense sand were used
primarily as compaction piles, i. e. the pile heads are not embedded into the foundation. A 50cm
crushed rock layer and a 2m thick sand and gravel backfill separate the circular foundation of the tank
from the upper edge of the piles (see fig. 9).
Due to increased requirements of safety against earthquakes and ground liquefaction the client and
planner required a subsequent densification of the sand package surrounding the pile foundation by
means of vibro replacement. Thus the pile foundation of the tank should be supported horizontally, in
order to enhance the safety in case of an earthquake.
Thus on a width of 25m and a depth from 16.5 to 23.5m stone columns had to be installed
subsequently around the tank. 38,000 tons of gravel material were installed in 1100 stone columns in a
grid of 2.5m. Standard penetration tests (SPT) and cone penetration tests (CPT) confirmed the
densification success.


Figure 9:

W. Sondermann, J. Wehr

Cross section LNG-tank (existing) with planned virbo replacement

From special interest at that time was the realization that also in silty sands (with an average fines
content of 17%), an improvement of the SPT-blows around the factor 3 was reached by vibro
replacement. Thus it became obvious that also these grounds (silty fine sands) can be improved
economically with vibro replacement.


Khalifa Bin Zayed National Stadium, Abu Dhabi: Vibro stone columns around bored
piles (2009)

The Khalifa Bin Zayed National Stadium in Abu Dhabi was built on cast in-situ concrete piles with
diameters 900mm and 1200mm and a pile spacing of 2.7m. At the time of the construction work the
ground consists of a 2.4m thick fill (sand and gravel) placed as working platform, followed by 6-7m
loose to medium dense silty, partly clayey sands, beneath gypsum-, sand- and claystone. In accordance
with the official regulations the stadium was to be designed for an earthquake of magnitude 6.8 with a
peak earthquake acceleration (PGA) of 0.22g. In order to avoid ground liquefaction of the top soil

Ground improvement for the reduction of the liquefaction potential around pile foundations

layers in such case, ground improvement became necessary around the piles (extent of the ground
improvement, see fig. 10, typical grid of the vibro replacement columns around the piles, see fig. 11).

Figure 10:

Stadium layout with pink colored range of the ground improvement

Since the subsoil predominantly consists of silty/clayey sands (the fines content well over 10%), the
vibro replacement method (vibro stone columns) was used. Apart from the increase of shear
resistance, increased load-bearing capacity and increase in soil density, a high permeability of the
stone columns was recognized as large advantage as well. In case of an earthquake with accompanying
excess pore water pressures it could be assumed that a significantly faster reduction of the water
pressure and thus avoidance of ground liquefaction takes place.

Figure 11:

Typical arrangement of the vibro stone columns (crosses) around the bored piles
(circles), with marked test field for load test



W. Sondermann, J. Wehr

The assessment of the ground liquefaction risk and the design of vibro replacement were based on 74
cone penetration tests (see example calculation, fig. 12).

Figure 12:

Calculation of vibro replacement by Priebe (1998)

In fig. 13 the cone penetration resistance of the unimproved soil (qc,actual) and the calculated
penetration resistance required for the safety against ground liquefaction are presented both with (qc2)
and also without stone columns (qc0). As shown, the risk of ground liquefaction in the depth between
1.0m and 2.7m can be avoided by the installation of stone columns.

Ground improvement for the reduction of the liquefaction potential around pile foundations

Figure 13:

Cone penetration test including required tip resistance with and without vibro stone

Based on the site investigations the diameter of the vibro stone columns was set to 0.80m, the spacing
to 1.35m and the depth to 6-7m.
The work sequence performed by Keller / UAE was as follows:

Vibro stone columns had to be installed after the pile installation

Level measurement of the working platform for the installation unit (vibrocat)

Execution of pre-treatment CPTs ( 1 per 1000m)

Setting out installation points of the vibro stone columns in a square grid with spacing of

Due to the partially very dense top layer the upper 2m of the installation points had to be
predrilled and further 2m of soil had to be loosened

Installation of vibro stone columns by means of vibrocat, including electronic recording of

depth, time, energy consumption, etc.

Execution of post-treatment CPTs, plate load tests and large-scale load tests in order to
confirm the design requirements

In only 2.5 months 50,000 m gravel were installed in 13,000 nos. vibro stone columns.




W. Sondermann, J. Wehr

Anpara Thermal Power Plant, India: Improvement of fly ashes by vibro stone columns
(V. R. Raju, 2011)

The unavailability of suitable construction sites for extension of existing power plants makes it
necessary to consider deposits of fly ashes as foundation subsoil. The Anpara Thermal Power Plant in
Uttar Pradesh is an example where the extension of the plant had to be founded on those fly ash
deposits. The thickness of the deposits varied from 3m to 13m, the in-situ density was loose to
medium dense. Beneath the fly ash dense sandy silt or hard clayey silt was found. A typical sectional
profile is shown in figure 14.

Figure 14:

Typical subsoil profile at the Coal Handling Plant location / Anpara

During the design phase a potential risk of liquefaction was identified and comprehensive
investigations with respect to the effectiveness of ground improvement techniques were done. As a
result the installation of vibro stone columns by means of the bottom-feed method was planned, see
figure 15.

Figure 15: Schematic of stone column installation (Dry bottom feed method)

Ground improvement for the reduction of the liquefaction potential around pile foundations

The foundation design of bored piles required a design lateral load capacity of 7 tons (ultimate load 21
tons). After the installation of bored piles and vibro stone columns with two different spacings and
diameters within a test field, lateral load tests were conducted on these two grid patterns. The layout of
both test fields is presented in figure 16.

Figure 16:

Layout of both test fields

Figure 17 presents the observed load displacement curves of the test piles of both test fields, and the
execution of the load test.
Load Vs Deflection
Load [T]





Settlement [mm]


0.5m dia. Stone Column


0.75m dia. Stone Column



Figure 17:

Load displacement curves and execution of the load test

At both test fields the horizontal displacements were in the required range (<5mm at a load of 7 tons).
A typical foundation layout is shown in figure 18. Figure 19 displays the construction site during
installation of the bored piles and vibro stone columns.



W. Sondermann, J. Wehr

Figure 18:

Typical foundation layout Stacker Reclaimer Area

Figure 19:

Installation of bored piles and vibro stone columns by Keller India

In summary the vibro stone columns combine the following advantages:

The in-situ density of the fly ash at the construction site was varying and the allowable soil
pressure for shallow foundations was insufficient (< 100 kN/m). By means of vibro stone
columns with embedment into the stiff subsoil beneath the fly ash, the bearing capacity of the
subsoil was improved considerably.

In the case of an earthquake there was the potential risk of liquefaction as the present SPT
blow counts from 3 to 8 were below 20, which is the corresponding requirement according to
Indian Standard. In comprehensive field tests the most adequate subsoil improvement
technique and the optimum grid were determined in order to fulfil the design requirements.

The vibro stone columns were arranged within the pile foundation in a manner, that the in-situ
density of the fly ash was improved and thus the lateral capacity of the pile foundation as well.

Ground improvement for the reduction of the liquefaction potential around pile foundations

Reference Projects for Vibro Compaction


Soil improvement by means of Vibro Compaction: Fort Calhoun Nuclear Station

(Fischer et al., 1972)

The construction of the Nuclear Station Fort Calhoun adjacent to the Missouri River in Nebraska
started in 1968. It was founded on open steel pipe piles with a diameter of 50cm. The subsoil consisted
mainly of fine sands with varying silt content in the upper part and with depth increasing in-situ
density (from loose to medium dense). In the depth of about 20m rock is encountered. When pile
installation works were under way, more rigorous requirements by the regulatory agencies made a
revision of the seismic design criteria necessary. Consequently the sand between the piles had to be
densified up to 20m depth in order to mitigate the risk of liquefaction. As by pile driving alone (open
pipe piles) no considerable densification was observed, the subsoil had to be densified by other means.
Within a test program the following methods were investigated: Sand piles and wooden piles
(compaction piles), densification by blasting and vibro compaction. Whereas the compaction piles
could not be installed up to the required depth (due to increasing in-situ density of the fine sands) the
densification by blasting resulted to be unreliable and uneconomic. Finally vibro compaction was
chosen as the most economic and effective soil improvement method. During a series of further tests
a) the effectiveness and consistency and b) the optimum spacing (considering the given pile spacing)
were determined for the densification target.
As result of the investigations it was found that by means of the vibro compaction method both clean
and silty sands could be densified successfully up to a depth of 20m. For the successful densification
of the silty sands a tighter grid, or the addition of imported clean sand, resulted beneficial.


Golden Ears Bridge in British Columbia, Canada (Naesgaard et al, 2008)

In the south-western British Columbia / Canada a six-lane cable-stayed bridge, the Golden Ears Bridge
was built. It crosses the Fraser River near Vancouver (see figure 20). The main bridge (river crossing)
is 968m long and the total length, including approaches is 3.6 km. The bridge structure is situated in
an area of seismic activity as at the west coast of Canada and the north-western USA the eastwards
drifting Juan de Fuca plate subducts the westwards drifting continental North American plate.



Figure 20:

W. Sondermann, J. Wehr

Golden Ears Bridge (model), (Naesgaard et al, 2008)

In the area of the four river piers fluvial sands of up to 20m to 35m thickness with high liquefaction
potential were deposited. These sands are underlain by more than 100m thick soft to stiff silts and
clays with occasional sand interlayers. A simplified subsoil profile is presented in figure 21.

Figure 21:

Subsoil profile Golden Ears Bridge (Naesgaard et al, 2008)

The bridge design required vibro compaction in the area of the main bridge piers, which are founded
on bored piles (diameter 2.5m, length 75 to 85m), in order to enhance the stiffness of the foundation
system in case of an earthquake with accompanying ground liquefaction. A typical cross section
through the main bridge piers outlining the extent of the planned and executed vibro compaction is
shown in figure 22.

Ground improvement for the reduction of the liquefaction potential around pile foundations

Figure 22:

Typical cross section through main bridge pier indicating bored piles and extent of
vibro compaction, (Naesgaard et al, 2008)

Due to the presence of a sand-silt mixture at the southern river bank vibro stone columns were
installed adjacent to the foundation piles of the southern main pier. In direct vicinity to a settlementand vibration-sensitive water main crossing the construction site, vibro stone columns were replaced
by earthquake drains manufactured by NILEX.


The Guggenheim Abu Dhabi/ Saadiyat Island: Vibro compaction prior to pile
installation (2010)

The Guggenheim Foundation will construct their biggest museum of modern and contemporary art in
Abu Dhabi. The over 30,000 square-foot large museum will be built on the Saadiyat Island according
to the design by the American architect Frank Gehry. The subsoil at the construction site consists of
loose to medium dense sands to a depth of about 4m with embedded thin silt and clay layers (0.100.30 m thick) beginning at 1.50m depth. Below the depth of 4m the in-situ density of the sands
increases from dense to very dense. The exploration depth of cone penetration tests was approximately
5 to 7m.



W. Sondermann, J. Wehr

Figure 23:

Layout of building with densification points (left), detail of densification grid with pile
locations (right)

In order to eliminate the risk of ground liquefaction during an earthquake event of magnitude 6 with a
peak earthquake acceleration of 0.20g, the reclaimed sand masses had to be densified by means of
vibro compaction up to a depth of 5m. According to the recommendations by the Geotechnical
Consultant the subsoil improvement had to be executed prior to the installation of the pile foundation.
Figure 23 shows the layout of the building (left) and a detail of the densification grid with the planned
pile locations (right).
In order to determine the required spacing between the densification points field trials with 3 different
spacings (triangular grid), 3.5m, 4m & 4.5m, were performed. The trials included as well the
execution of 33 Pre-compaction cone penetration tests (CPTs) and 57 Post-compaction CPTs.
The interpretation of the field trials, including liquefaction analyses, led to the following conclusions:

With a grid spacing of 3.5m and 4.0m the required cone resistance could be achieved up to a
depth of 5m in all compactable layers

Although the required cone resistance could not be achieved in the non-compactable layers
(layers with a high fines content), even there the risk of liquefaction could be reduced

Based on the above mentioned conclusions the densification was performed with a grid spacing of 4m.
The densification success was proofed by means of pre-treatment and post-treatment CPTs (see
comparison in figure 24, the required cone tip resistance is drawn as vertical line).

Ground improvement for the reduction of the liquefaction potential around pile foundations

CPT Summary - Pre 1 to 33


CPT Summary - Grid "B" (4.0m) Post






CPT 20
CPT 22
CPT 23
CPT 24

Elevation [mNADD]




Figure 24:

Pre CPT 1
Pre CPT 2
Pre CPT 3
Pre CPT 4
Pre CPT 5
Pre CPT 6
Pre CPT 7
Pre CPT 8
Pre CPT 9
Pre CPT 10
Pre CPT 11
Pre CPT 12
Pre CPT 13
Pre CPT 14
Pre CPT 15
Pre CPT 16
Pre CPT 17
Pre CPT 18
Pre CPT 19
Pre CPT 20
Pre CPT 21
Pre CPT 22
Pre CPT 23
Pre CPT 24
Pre CPT 25
Pre CPT 26
Pre CPT 27
Pre CPT 28
Pre CPT 29
Pre CPT 30
Pre CPT 31
Pre CPT 32
Pre CPT 33
Performance Line

CPT 25
CPT 26
CPT 27
CPT 28
CPT 29
CPT 30
CPT 31

CPT 32
CPT 33
CPT 34
CPT 35
CPT 36
CPT 37


CPT 38
Perf ormance Qc Line

Elevation [mNADD]









Pre-compaction CPTs (left, before vibro compaction) and post-compaction CPTs

(right, after vibro compaction)

The results of two exemplary liquefaction analyses (before and after execution of the densification) are
compared in figure 25. It can be seen that the liquefaction risk in the depth from 2.5m to 3.6m
(horizontally hatched) was eliminated successfully.

Figure 25:

Liquefaction analysis (left before densification, right after densification)



W. Sondermann, J. Wehr

Reference Projects for deep soil mixing (Deep Mixing Method,


The effectiveness of the deep mixing method (DMM) in respect to the elimination or reduction of
liquefaction was confirmed during the earthquake in Kobe in the year 1995 (Topolnicki, 2004). A
hotel building under construction founded on bored piles on a reclaimed sand area stayed intact
because the foundation piles were protected by means of DMM-elements against large-scale ground
liquefaction and corresponding flow pressures and additional forces. On the other hand neighboured
structures without DMM suffered large displacements towards the waterfront.
Especially the cell- or honeycomb-like arrangement of DMM-elements around piles is regarded as
particularly effective, see figure 26. The single cells isolate and enclose the soil being liquefied during
an earthquake event and prevent lateral spreading. In addition the cell-like arrangement reduces
settlements as well and increases the safety against ground failure (Topolnicki, 2004).

Figure 26:

Example DMM Application for the reduction of soil liquefaction, (Topolnicki,


Babasaki und Suzuki (1996) reported about further examples of executed DMM in the harbour area of
Tokyo in order to reduce the liquefaction risk.

Ground improvement for the reduction of the liquefaction potential around pile foundations


By means of the presented ground improvement methods the risk of ground liquefaction
around pile foundations can be reduced. Thus a more economical design of pile foundations is

With the help of the diagrams of Priebe (1998), the planner has an instrument at hand to
consider ground improvement quantitatively, particularly to reduce the seismic resistance ratio
due to the application of vibro replacement and vibro compaction around pile foundations.

While vibro compaction is suitable in coarse-grained soils, vibro replacement is applicable in

both fine-grained and mixed soils.

By means of the deep mixing method (DMM) honey-comb like DMM elements can be
installed virtually in all soil types around piles in order to isolate individual soil blocks, and
thus minimizes the effects of soil liquefaction.

Earthquake Drains can be installed in the immediate vicinity of settlement- and vibrationsensitive structures or supply lines.

In some cases the presented ground improvement methods can be performed even
subsequently (seismic retrofit).



W. Sondermann, J. Wehr


Boulanger, R. W., Kutter, B. L., Brandenberg, S. J., Singh P., Chang D., [2003]. Pile foundations in
liquified and lateral spreading ground during earthquakes: centrifuge experiments &
analyses, Bild 1-1, Seite 1-4, Univeristy of California
Chambosse, G., [1983]. Liquefaction problems in the Fraser Delta and protection of a LNG tank,
Beitrge zu Staudammbau und Bodenmechanik Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von o. Prof.
em. Dr.-Ing. Herbert Breth Darmstadt 1983
Fischer, J. A., Harcharan, S., Tully, T. E., [1972]. Densification of sands by vibroflotation at Fort
Calhoun nuclear station, in ASCE Annual and National Environmental Engineering
Meeting Oct 16-22, 1972
Naesgaard, E., Azizian, A., Yang, D., Uthayakumar, M., Amini, A., Byrne, P. M., [2008]. Golden
Ears Bridge Geotechnical seismic design aspects, in 61st Canadian Geotechnical
Conference, Canadian Geotechnical Society, Edmonton, Alberta
Perlea, V. G., [2000]. Liquefaction of Cohesive Soils, Geotechnical Special Publication: Soil
dynamics and liquefaction 2000
Priebe, H.-J., [1998]. Rttelstopfverdichtung zur Vorbeugung gegen Bodenverflssigung bei
Erdbeben, Fachaufsatz 12-57D, in Vortrge zum 5. Darmstdter Geotechnik-Kolloquium
am 19. Mrz 1998
Raju, V. R., [2001]. Ground Improvement Using Vibro Techniques in Fly Ash Deposits, in National
Conference on Recent Advances in Ground Improvement Techniques, CBRI Roorkee, India
Scott A., Rollins, K. M., Bradford V, S. C., Weaver, T. J., Baez, J. I., [2000]. Liquefaction Mitigation
Using Stone Columns Around Deep Foundations/ Full-Scale Test Results, in Journal of the
Transportation Research Board, pp. 110-118
Topolnicki, M., [2004]. In situ soil mixing, liquefaction mitigation, in Ground Improvement, 2nd
edition, M. P. Moseley & K. Kirsch, 2004, p. 383

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