Format Hill Slope

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Geology of the Area The study of rocks in and around to the mining lease area reveals that these belong to Krol Group. The name Krol Series was first given by Medlicot (1864) to a series of limestone, red and green shales and sandstones in the Krol mountain near Solan. Auden (1934) has given an excellent account of the Krol belts along with a detailed geological map. The Infra Krol formation exposed in kawal khad represents a dominantly argillaceous association of black and grey shale, slate and phyllite interbedded with thin bulfcoloured slaty quartzite. The general trend of formation is NW-SE with 50 -55 dip due NE. In order to demarcate different litho units, Geological Plan of mining lease area on 1:500 scale with 2 metres contour interval has been prepared. Alluvium Light brown to dark coloured soil/clay. Infra Krol Fromation Alternate bands of shale and slaty quartzite. View of Lease area 7.3 The nature of rocks and their attitude There are alternate bands of shals and slaty quartzite which is hard in nature. The rocks tread in NW-SE direction with 50 -55 amount of dip due NE. The rocks exposed in the area show the presence of discontinuities in the form of joints and fracture. Expose Rock 7.4 Estimate of Geological Reserves The Geological reserves have been estimated by the cross-sectional area method and 3 number of cross sections A-A', B-B' and C-C' were plotted at 20.00 metres interval. The cross section area of rock was measured separately and to obtain the volume it was multiplied by strike influence of each section. The volume thus obtained was multiplied by the specific gravity to obtain the reserves. Although, the specific gravity of the sandstone rock is 2.60 however lower specific gravity of 2.5 has been taken for calculation of reserves. As no exploration by way of boring has been done but it is implied from the field observations that same type of rock is available at depth as the beds are dipping in to the hill and they are visible on the surface. In view of above, the reserves in first five metres depth have been categorized as proved and at subsequent 5 metres depth under provable category.. The details of geological reserves of the rock are given below at Table No. -5 Table No.-3 Geological reserves in metric tonnes Section line Surface area in Section Reserves in metric Tonnes Square metres interval in Metres Proved Probable Proved Probable category (in category (in metric Metric Tonnes) Tonnes ) A-A' B-B' C-C' Under proved Metric Tonnes Under probable Metric Tonnes 7.5 Mineable Reserves All of the geological reserves occupying the lease hold area are not mineable during practical course of mining because there are constraints, like height and width of benches, angle of repose and physical obstruction like escarpments slope angle etc. In order to carry out scientific mining, bench formation of 6 x 6 metres is done and for individual benches reserves are calculated by multiplying the surface area of the bench with height of the bench taken as 6 metres and then multiplied with 2.5, the average specific gravity of the rock. Therefore, in order to arrive at mineable reserves 9 Nos. of benches from 1112 metres R.L. to 1064 metres R.L.(as per the ultimate pit limit) were plotted and bench wise/slice wise reserves were calculated and the detail is as given below at table No. 6 Table-4 Showing Calculation of Reserve Sr. R.L. Of Benches Reserves Reserves in metric Waste/ bench wise( in No in (m.R.L.) (in metric Tonnes) Tonnes after 10% losses Metric Tonnes) 1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 7.6 Development and production programme 7.6(a) Development Mining lease area is located on a hilly terrain and suitable material for extraction of stone is available in whole of mining lease. Keeping in view the suitability of material scientific mining & safe distance from road the mining is proposed between 1112 metres R.L. to 1064 m.R.L. and area below this R.L. shall be used as stacking place as shown in the map. Within the lease area, open cast method of mining by bench formation 6 x 6 metres from top to bottom shall be followed. This method is adopted on the basis of the concept of changing hill slope within the proposed limits of mining that the Ultimate pit limit and restoring the area by making benches and terracing the hill slopes there by affecting least disturbance of the area due to mining. Working in the area shall mostly be manual. Following conditions have been taken in to consideration while preparing this plan. 1 Demarcation of the area as shown in the field by Revenue authorities has been taken in the preparation of contour cum Geological plan. 2 280 working days have been taken for the purpose of calculation. 3 Angle of repose has been kept as 45 4 Insitu parapet walls shall always be maintained towards valley side of working benches, so that no sand rolls down. 5 An approach path of about 250 metres length from lease boundary to up hill side is to be constructed as shown in the map No. 8. It is proposed that the gradient of the proposed path shall be maintained in between 1 in 8 for labour to reach the topmost bench at 1112 metres R.L. The hard material shall be used for construction of parapet walls towards valley side and construction of check dams. 7.6(b) Year wise production programme (Refer Plate No. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) Details of the production of the stone from various benches from first to fifth year are given below at Table No.Table No.-5 Showing Year wise production programme Period Level of Opening reserves Production Closing Benches of bench from bench reserves of (MRL) (.M.T.) (.M.T.) bench (.M.T) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) First year Second year

Third year

Forth year Fifth year Thus during five year total production of sand shall be 17250 metric tonnes from 5 number of benches. 7.7(a) Development and Production at the end of the Ist year(Plat No.-8) Annual production proposed to meet the requirement of stone will be around 1500 metric tonnes for the 1st year. For this, bench at 1112 m. R.L. will be opened with a total reserve of 1500 metric tonnes. The extracted material will be transported through installing a chute as shown in the map. Plantation of bushes and local trees will be done at the location marked as 'P-1" where soil cover exist in the area. A check dam of 5.00 metres length with 1.5meter height will be constructed at the C-1 location shown in Plate-8. The top soil available on the surface shall be collected and stacked at soil dump-S-1 location marked on Plate No.-8. Activity during first year 1. Stone will be extracted from 1112 m.R.L. 2. Plantation will be carried out at P-1 Location

3. A Check Dam to arrest flow of debris will be constructed C-1 locations. 4. Top soil will be dumped at S-1 location. 7.7(b) Development and production at the end of 2nd year Plate N0-9 During this year 2750 metric tonnes of stone production is proposed to meet the proposed requirement. To fulfill this requirement, bench of 1106 m.R.L will be fully exhausted. The top soil generated shall be dumped at location marked on Plate No.-9 at soil dump S-2. The plantation of bushes and local trees will be done at location 'P-2" on the Plate No-9 on 1112 m.R.L.bench. A check dam of 5.00 meter length and 1.00 meter height shall bee raised at C-2 location shown on Plate No.-9 Activity during second year 1. Production of 2750 metric tonnes of stone will be met by excavating material from 1196 m.R.L and partly from 1106 m.R.L. benches. 2. Plantation will be done at P-2 location 3. A Check Dam to arrest flow of debris will be constructed at C-2 locations. 4. Top soil will be dumped at S-2 location. 7.7(c) Development and production at the end of the 3rd year Plate No.-10 During this year material from 1100 m.R.L. bench will be extracted to meet the requirement of 3000 metric tonnes of stone. The top soil generated shall be dumped at location marked on Plate No.-10 at soil dump S-3. The top soil dumped at Dump No.-2 shall be lifted and spread over the bench of the 1106 m.R.L. The plantation shall be raised on this bench at 'P-3. A check dam will be constructed with a length of 5.00 meter and 1.5 meter height at C-3 location. Activity during third year 1. Stone will be extracted from benches of 1100 m.R.L. bench. 2. Plantation will be carried out at P-3 Location. 3. Top soil will be dumped at S-3 location. 4. A Check Dam will constructed at C-3 location. 7.7(d) Development and production at the end of the 4th year Plate No.-11 During this year 4500 metric tonnes stone production is proposed. In order to meet the above requirement of stone, it shall be extracted from 1094 m. R.L. bench. The top soil shall be dumped at S-4 and top soil from soil Dump S-3 shall be spread on the bench of 1100 m.R.L. The plantation shall be raised over 1100 m.R.L. bench by growing bushes and trees at 'P-4" location. A check dam will be constructed with a length of 5.00 meter at C-4 location as shown in Plate No.-10 Activity during fourth year 1.Material from 1094 m.R.L bench will be extracted to meet the requirement of 4500 metric tonnes of stone. 2. Plantation will be carried out at P-4 location 3. A Check Dam to arrest flow of debris will be constructed at C-4 locations. 4. Top soil will be dumped at S-4 location. 7.7(e) Development and production at the end of the 5th year Plate No.-12 During this year 4950 metric tonnes of stone production is proposed. To meet this requirement of stone, 1088 m.R.L bench will be fully exhausted. The top soil shall be stacked at soil Dump-S-5. The soil Dump No-4 shall be spread over 1094 m R.L. bench and plantation shall be raised over this bench. A check dam will be constructed to check the flow of any debris at C-5 location. Activity during fifth year 1. About 4950 metric tonnes of stone will be extracted from 1088 m.R.L. bench. 2. Plantation will be carried out at P-5 location 3. Top soil will be dumped at C-5 location. 4. A Check Dam to arrest flow of debris will be constructed S-5 locations. 8. Waste disposal arrangement if any:As already explain in Para 7.6 about-1800 metric tonnes of top soil/waste will be generated which contains Silt and Clay mixture and it do not have any market value. The following quantity of waste/Topsoil shall be generated from the benches after extraction of mineral. Table No.-6 Showing waste disposal Sr. R.L. Of Benches in Waste/ bench wise( in No (m.R.L.) Metric Tonnes) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 This material will be used for plantation work after back filling the excavated pits. 9. Reclamation Plan (Plate No.-3) 9.1 Plantation The afforestation programme is the most important programme to improve the environment and ecological balance of the area. Grasses and bushes which have fibrous roots are at the first instance grown which give the binding property to the soil. After growing grasses and bushes, other tree species in consultation with the experts will be raised, based on the characteristics of soil, topography and climatic conditions. 9.2 Check Dam Five Nos of check dams will be raised at five different locations to check the flow of debris to downhill side. The location and dimension of check dams is shown in Plate No-8, 9, 10, 11, 12. 10 Estimated cost of Reclamation:To carry reclamation programme, a gardener on regular basis will be employed. The gardener will work 10 days per month. The total reclamation cost arrived for five years shall be total cost = 10 days x 12 months x 5 years x Rs. 100= Rs 60,000 or Rs 12,000/- per Annum.

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