Aib - MS
Aib - MS
Aib - MS
Quality of education had been of major concern in Management Studies. Various efforts have been made in recent years and are being made to improve upon the quality & standard of Management Education
All India Board of Management Studies (AIB-MS) of All India Council for Technical Education had been pursuing the improvement in quality of Management programmes Books being the major source imparting knowledge to the students are well scrutinized by the AIB-MS and have come out with a comprehensive list of books, which are required for a good Management School. The list of books covers wide spectrum of Management Programme and its related specializations. It is well realized that for state of art exchange of knowledge availability of these books are the genuine necessity. As a fulfillment of minimum norms of AICTE pertaining to the books, it is desired that the Management School should procure these books in Institute library,
I look forward for cooperation of the Management Institutions in our mission to improve the quality of Management Education, including the procurement of books in library as per the list proposed by All India Board of Management Studies.
1. ADVERTISING..........................................................................................................................................1 2. COMMUNICATION..................................................................................................................................6 3. CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR....................................................................................................................11 4. DATA BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM..............................................................................................16 5. DESIGING WORK ORGANIZATION....................................................................................................22 6. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT................................................................................................................24 7. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT................................................................................................29 8. INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT.....................................................................................................35 9. INTERNATIONAL TRADE....................................................................................................................41 10. INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT..........................................................................................................46 11. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY.........................................................................................................50 12. LAW........................................................................................................................................................53 13. MARKETING MANAGEMENT...........................................................................................................54 14. MARKETING RESEARCH...................................................................................................................60 15. MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS....................................................................................64 16. MATERIALS MANAGEMENT............................................................................................................69 17. ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR.....................................................................................................74 18. OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT..........................................................................................................80 19. PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT............................................................................................................85 20. PRODUCT MANAGEMENT.................................................................................................................89 21. STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT.............................................................................................................94 22. TAX PLANNING..................................................................................................................................102 23. SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT.....................................................................................................103 24. TEAM BUILDING................................................................................................................................105 25. VENTURE CAPITAL...........................................................................................................................107 26. AUTHOR INDEX.................................................................................................................................108
1. ADVERTISING 1. 2. Aaker, David A. Brand equity & advertising: advertising's role in building strong brands Hillsdale: LEA, 1993. ISBN : 0-8058-128 Advertisers world 98-99: the reliable ready reckoner and who's who on media advertising & marketing / edited by Jawahar, Goyel New Delhi: Utkarsh Communications, 1998 The Advertising advantage. Boston: HBS, 1991 The advertising business: operations, creativity, media planning, integrated communications / edited by John Philip Jones: Sage, 1999 Advertising exposure, memory, and choice / Edited by Andrew A. Mitchell New Jersey: LEA, 1993. ISBN : 0-8058-0685-7 Agarwal, P K Advertising management: an Indian perspective Meerut: Pragati Prakashan, 1999. ISBN : 81-7556-109-2 Aitchison, Jim Cutting edge advertising: how to create the World's best print for brands in the 21st centurySingapore: Prentice Hall, 1999. ISBN:0-13-012897-X Applegate, Edd Personalities and products: a historical perspective on advertising in America: Greenwood Press, 1998 Arens, William F. Contemporary advertising 6th ed Chicago: Irwin, 1996 The Art of writing advertising. Lincolnwood: NTC Business Books, 1990 Attention, attitude, and affect in response to advertising / Edited by Eddie M Clark, Timothy C Brock & David W Stewart New Jersey: LEA, 1994. ISBN : 0-8058-0756-X Balsara, Sam Advertising works: papers from the seminar Bombay: The Advertising Club, 1990 Balsara, Sam Advertising works: papers from the seminar Bombay: The Advertising Club, 1990 Banerjee, Subrata Advertising as a career New Delhi: National Book Trust, 1996 Barrett, Neil Advertising on the Internet: how to get your message across on the World Wide Web London: Kogan Page, 1997. ISBN : 0-7494-216 Batra, Rajeev. Advertising management / Rajeev Batra, John G Myers and David A Aaker 5th ed New Delhi: PHI, 1996. ISBN : 81-203-1219-6 Belch, George E. Advertising and promotion: an integrated marketing communications perspective / George E Belch and Michael A Belch 4th ed Boston: Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 1998. ISBN : 0-07-116088-4 Belch, George E. Introduction to advertising & promotion: an integrated marketing communications perspective 2nd ed Burr Ridge : Irwin, 1993 Bennett, Roger. The Handbook of European advertising: media planning, marketing analysis and country-by-country profiles London: Kogan Page, 1993
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
12. 13.
18. 19.
Bogart, Leo. Strategy in advertising: matching media and messages to markets and motivations 3rd ed Lincolnwood: NTC, 1996. ISBN : 0-8442-301 Burton, Philip Ward. Advertising copywriting7th ed: NTC, 1998. ISBN: 08442 3206 8 Chandan, J S. Essentials of advertising New Delhi: Oxford & IBH Pub., 1990 Chauhan, Meenakshi R. Advertising: the social ad challenge New Delhi: Anmol, 1995 Chunawalla, S A. Advertising: theory and practice 2nd rev ed Bombay: Himalaya Pub., 1994 Chunawalla, S A. Foundations of advertising theory & practice 4th rev.edMumbai: Himalaya Pub., 1997 Clemente, Mark N. The Marketing glossary: key terms, concepts and applications in marketing management, advertising, sales promotion. New York: AMACOM, 1992 Davis, Joel J. Advertising research: theory and practice New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1997. ISBN : 0-13-221813-5 Dayal, Raghubir. Advertising and promotion management New Delhi: Mittal, 1996 De Mooij, Marieke K Advertising worldwide: concepts, theories and practice of international, multinational and global advertising New York: Prentice Hall, 1991 Diwan, Parag. Advertising management New Delhi: Deep & Deep, 1997 Dutka, Solomon. DAGMAR: defining advertising goals for measured advertising results 2nd ed Lincolnwood: NTC Business Books, 1995 Evans, Robin B. Production and creativity in advertising Allahabad: Wheeler Pub., 1992 Fearon, Robert. Advertising that works: how to create a winning advertising program for your company New Delhi: Capital Books International, 1992 Feldwick, Paul. Advertising works 5 London: Cassell Educational, 1990 Fowles, Jib. Advertising and popular culture London: Sage, 1996. ISBN : 08039-5483-2 Fraser-Robinson, John. Total quality marketing: what has to come next in sales, marketing and advertising New Delhi: Wheeler, 1991. ISBN : 81-85814-5 Gandhi, D V. Advertisers handbook 95: reference annual for marketing, advertising and media professionals with who's who New Delhi: Indraprastha Prakashan, 1995 Gandhi, Dharma Veer. Advertisers handbook 94: a reference annual on press, T. V., Radio and outdoor advertising with who's who New Delhi: Indraprastha, 1994 Gatignon, Hubert ADSTRAT: an advertising decision support system San Francisco: The Scientific Press, 1991. ISBN : 0-89426-18
Global and multinational advertising / Edited by Basil G Englis New Jersey: LEA, 1994. ISBN : 0-8058-1137-0 Haskins, Jack. Successful advertising research methods Lincolnwood: NTC Business Books, 1993 How advertising works: the role of research / edited by John Philip Jones London: Sage, 1998. ISBN : 0-7619-1240-1 Ind, Nicholas. Great advertising campaigns: how they achieve both creative and business objectives London: Kogan Page, 1993 International advertising: standardization & adaptation / edited by V H (Manek) Kirpalani and Michel laroche Chicago: AMA, 1993 Jones, John Philip. How much is enough? getting the most from your advertising dollar New York: Macmillan, 1992 Jones, John Philip. When ads work: new proof that advertising triggers sales New York: Lexington, 1995 Kaatz, Ron. Advertising & marketing checklists: 77 proven checklists to save time & boost advertising effectiveness Englewood Cliffs: NTC Business Books, 1990 Keding, Ann. How to produce creative advertising: proven techniques & computer applications Lincolnwood: NTC Business Books, 1991 Lewis, Herschell Gordon. Advertising age: handbook of advertising / Herschell Gordon Lewis and Carol Nelson Lincolnwood: NTC, 1999. ISBN : 0-84423670-5 The Lintas golden book of advertising 1939-1989. [Bombay?]: [s.n.], 198Marra, James L. Advertising creativity: techniques for generating ideas Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1990 Marwah, Raj. Buy this book!: understanding advertisng and making the most out of your advertising dollar Chicago: AMA, 1991 McAllister, Matthew P. The Commercialization of American culture: new advertising, control and democracy London: Sage, 1996. ISBN : 0-8039-53798 McCorkell, Graeme. Advertising that pulls response London: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1990 Menin, Ben. The Power of point-of-purchase advertising New York: AMACOM, 1992 Messaris, Paul. Visual persuasion: the role images in advertising Thousand Oaks: Sage, 1996. ISBN : 0-8039-7245-8 Mishra, M N. Sales promotion and advertising management Bombay: Himalaya, 1994 Mohan, Manendra. Advertising management: concepts and cases New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Pub, 1990 Mooij, Marieke de. Global marketing and advertising: understanding cultural paradoxes London: Sage, 1998. ISBN : 0-8039-5969-9
48. 49.
Moriarty, Sandra. Creating & delivering winning advertising & marketing presentations 2nd ed Lincolnwood: NTC Business Books, 1995 Mueller, Barbara. International advertising: communicating across cultures Belmont: Wadsworth, 1996 Nadin, Mihai. Creating effective advertising using semiotics New York : The Consultant Press, 1994 Nelson, Carol. The New road to successful advertising: how to integrate image and response Chicago: Bonus Books, 1991 Nevett, Terence. Cases in advertising management Lincolnwood: NTC Business Books, 1992 Nevett, Terence. Cases in advertising management: case analysis manual Lincolnwood: NTC Business Books, 1992 O'Guinn, Thomas C. Advertising / Thomas C O'Guinn, C T Allen and R J Semenik Cincinnati: South-Western College Publishiing, 2000. ISBN : 0-32400661-6 Parente, Donald. Advertising campaign strategy: a guide to marketing communication plans 2nd ed Fort Worth: Dryden, 2000. ISBN : 0-03021114-X Patti, Charles H. The Making of effective advertising Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1990 Ramacitti, David F. Do-it-yourself advertising New York: AMACOM, 1992 Ramaswamy, M S. Marketing salesmanship and advertising New Delhi: Sterling Pub, 1991 Ramu, S Shiva. Advertising agencies: global and Indian perspectives Jaipur: Printwell, 1991 Rijkens, Rein. European advertising strategies: the profiles and policies of multinational companies operating in Europe London: Cassell Professional, 1993. ISBN : 0-304-32813-8 Ring, Jim. Advertising on trial: managing your agency for effective results London: Pitman Pub., 1993 Rossiter, John R. Advertising communications & promotion management / John R Rossiter and Larry Percy2nd ed Boston: Irwin McGraw Hill, 1997. ISBN : 007-053943-x Rossiter, John R & Percy, Larry. Advertising communications and promotion management -2nd- Chicago: AMA, 1997 Rothenberg, Randall. Where the suckers moon: the life and death of an advertising campaign New York: Vintage, 1995 Russell, J Thomas. Kleppner's advertising procedure / Thomas J Russel and Ronald W Lane 14th ed London: Prentice Hall, 1999. ISBN : 0-13-961913-5 Russell, J Thomas. Kleppner's advertising procedure 13th ed Englewood Clieffs: Prentice Hall, 1996. ISBN : 0-13-34883 Sarkar, Manoj Kumar Sales and advertising management New Delhi: Crest,
73. 74.
2000. ISBN : 81-242-0217-6 80. 81. Schulberg, Bob. Radio advertising: the authoritative handbook Illinois: NTC Business Books, 1990 Shimp, Terence A, Advertising promotion: supplemental aspects of integrated marketing communications 5th ed Fort Worth: Dryden, 2000. ISBN : 0-03021113-1 The Showcase of the Indian advertising.: IAA, 2000 Sissors, Jack Z. Advertising media planning 5th ed Lincolnwood: NTC, 1996. ISBN : 0-8442-350 Sissors, Jack Z. Advertising media planning 4th ed Lincolnwood: NTC Business Books, 1993 Smith, Jeanette. Breaking into advertising: how to market yourself like a professional New Jersey: Peterson's, 1998. ISBN : 0-7689-0122-7 Surmanek, Jim. Introduction to advertising media: research, planning, and buying Lincolnwood: NTC Business Books, 1993 Tanaka, Keiko. Advertising language: a pragmatic approach to advertisements in Britain and Japan London: Routledge, 1994 Tellis, Gerald J. Advertising and sales promotion strategy Reading: AddisonWesley, 1998. ISBN : 0-321-01411-1 Unnikrishnan, Namita. The Impact of television advertising on children New Delhi: Sage, 1996 Vesper, Karl H. Advertising creativity: techniques for generating ideas Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1990 Wells, William. Advertising: principles and practice 3rd ed Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1995 White, Roderick. Advertising 4th ed London: McGraw-Hill, 2000. ISBN : 0-07-118366-3 Wiechmann, Jack G. NTC's dictionary of advertising 2nd ed Lincolnwood: NTC Business Books, 1993 Woods, Gail Baker. Advertising and marketing to the new majority Belmont'. Wadsworth, 1995 World advertising review. London: Cassell, 1996-98
82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95.
1. 2. Adelstein, Michael E. Business communications New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1983 Adler, Ronald B. Communication at work: principles and practices for business and the professions 6th ed. Boston: McGraw- Hill, 1999. ISBN : 0 07 116009 4 Allen, R.R. Communication: interaction through speech / R. R. Allen, Sharol Parish and C. David Mortensen Columbus: Charles E Merrill, 1974 Ashley, A. A Handbook of commercial correspondence Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1984 Axtell, Roger E. Do's and taboos around the world New York: John Wiley, 1985 Bahl, Sushil. Business communication today New Delhi: Response, 1996. ISBN : 0-8039-932 Bakos, Brian D, Business communications at work Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1988 Bearpark, Keith. Computer communications: a business perspective London: McGraw-Hill, 1993 Beresford, Cynthia. Business communication: practical written english for the modern business world Rugby: BBC English, 1984 Bogert, Judith B W. Managing business communication: an applied process approach Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1988 Boone, Louis E. Contemporary business communication New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1994 Bosche, Marc. How to communicate with French business men?: a cultural/interactional perspective for Korean executives - Cergy Pantoise Cedex: CERESSEC, 1990 Bovee, Courtland L. Business communication today 4th ed New York: McGraw- Hill, 1995 Bowbrick, Peter. Effective communication for professionals and executives London: Graham & Trotman, 1988 Bowman, Joel P. Business communication: fro process to product Chicago: The Dryden Press, 1987 Brown, Leland. Communicating facts and ideas in business 3rd ed New Delhi: Prentice Hall, 1982 Comstock, Thomas W. Communicating in business and industry New York: Delmer Pub, 1985 Czerniawska, Fiona. Corporate-speak: the use of language in business Hampshire: Macmillan, 1998. ISBN : 0-333-67477-4 D'Arcy, Jan. Technically speaking: proven ways to make your next presentation a
success New York: AMACOM, 1992 20. Dimond, Lynn. Effective videoconferencing: techniques for better business meetings / Lynn Diamond and Stephanie Robert California: Crisp, 1996. ISBN : 1 56052 354 9 Dwyer, Judith. The Business communication handbook 4th ed Sydney: Prentice Hall, 1997. ISBN : 0-7248-0134-0 Ellsworth, Jill H. The Internet business book New York: John Wiley, 1994 Ferguson, Sherry D. Communication planning: an integrated approach Thousand Oaks: Sage, 1999. ISBN : 0-7619-1314-9 Ferraro, Gary P. The Cultural dimension of international business 2nd ed Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1994 Fersyth, Patrick. How to be better at writing...reports & proposal New Delhi: Kogan Page India, 1998. ISBN : 81-7554-085-0 Figgins, Ross. Business communication basics: application and technology New York: John Wiley, 1984 FitzGerald, Jerry. Business data communications: basic concepts, security, and design New York: John Wiley, 1984 Genua, Robert L. Managing your mouth: as owner's manual for your most important business asset New York: AMACOM, 1992 Gould-Marks, Langton. Management communication through audio-visual aids London: Leonard Hill, 1966 Gronstedt, Anders. The Customer century: lessons from world class companies in integrated marketing and communications New York: Routledge, 2000. ISBN : 0-415-92199-6 Guide to internal communication methods / edited by Eileen Scholes Hampshire: Gower, 1999. ISBN : 0-566-08217-9 Hanna, Michael S. Communicating in business and professional settings 4th ed. New York: MGH, 1998. ISBN : 0-07-026022-2 Harcourt, Jules. Business communication Cincinnati: South-Western Pub, 1987 Hargie, Owen. Communication in management / Owen Hargie, David Dickson, and Dennis Tourish Hampshire: Gower, 1999. ISBN : 0-566-07986-0 Hattersley, Michael E. Management communication: principles and practice / Michael E. Hattersley and Linda McJannet New York: McGraw-Hill, 1997. ISBN : 0-07-027041-4 Heller, Robert. Communicate clearly London: Dorling Kindersley, 1999 Himstreet, William C. Business communications: principles and methods 8th ed Boston: Kent Pub, 1987 Huseman, Richard C. Business communication: strategies and skill 2nd ed Chicago: Dryden Press, 1985 Huseman, Richard C. Readings and applications in business communication:
21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
strategies and skills Chicago: Dryden Press, 1985 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. International communication and globalization: a critical introduction / edited by Ali Mohammadi London: Sage, 1997. ISBN : 0-7619-5554-2 Janis, J Harold. Writing and communicating in business 8th print London : Macmillan, 1971 Kaul, Asha. Business communication New Delhi: PHI, 1998. ISBN : 81-2031248-1 Kaumeyer, Richard A. How to write and speak in business New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1985 Kell, Carl L. Let's talk business: improving communication skills Boston: Little Brown, 1983 Kimberley, Paul. Electronic data interchange: a review of the current status of electronic data interchange throughout the world New York: McGraw-Hill, 1991. ISBN : 0-07-03455 Knight, Sue. NLP at work: the difference that makes a difference in business London: Nicholas Brealey, 1995 Kohut, Gary F. Business communication: a functional perspective Columbus: Merrill Pub, 1987 Koul, Omkar N. Effective communication skills New Delhi: Creative, 1994 Kumar, Keval J. Business communication: a modern approach Bombay: Jaico Pub, 1982 Leech, Thomas. How to prepare, stage & deliver winning presentations updated ed New York: AMACOM, 1993 Makay, John J. Business communication skills: principles and practice 2nd ed New Delhi: Prentice Hall, 1984 Margerison, Charles J. The Art of effective communication: conversation control skills for managers New Delhi: Excel Books, 1996 McCann, John T. Business Systems Group's: netWareprogrammer's guide New Delhi: BPB Pub., 1993 McMillan, Sandy. How to be a better...communicator New Delhi: Kogan Page India, 1998. ISBN : 81-7554-076-1 Melrose, John. BUCOMCO : a business communication simulation 2nd ed Chicago: Science Research Associates, 1987 Morrisey, George L. Effective business and technical presentations 10th ed Readings: Addison Wesley, 1987 Munger, Susan H. The International business communications desk reference New York: AMACOM, 1993 Munter, Mary. Business communication: strategy and skill Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1987 Networks in marketing / edited by Dawn Iacobucci Thousand Oak: Sage, 1996. TSBN : 0-7619-0139-6
46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59.
Neuhauser, Peg C. Corporate legends and lore: the power of story telling as a management tool - New York: McGraw-Hill, 1993 Niemeier, Susanne. The Cultural context in business communication Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1998. ISBN : 90-272-2176-6 Nixon, Robert. Practical business communications San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Pub., 1984 Oiler, John W. Images that work: creating successful messages in marketing and high stakes communication / J W Oiler and J R Giardetti Westport: Quorum Books, 1999. ISBN : 1-56720-184-9 Parkinson, C Northcote. Communicate Parkinson 's formula for business survival Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1977 Pearce, C Glenn. Business communication: principles and applications 2nd ed New York: John Wiley, 1988 Poe, Roy W. Business communication: a problem solving approach 3rd ed New Delhi: McGraw-Hill, 1984 Power and influence in organizations / edited by R M Kramer [et al] Thousand Oaks: Sage, 1998. ISBN : 0-7619-0861-7 Quible, Zane K. Introduction to business communication 2nd ed Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1988 Rada, Juan F. Communication regulation and international business: proceedings New York: North-Holland, 1984 Rai, Urmila. Business communication 2nd rev ed Bombay: Himalaya Pub, 1989 Ray, Reuben. Communication today Mumbai: Himalaya Pub., 1997 Raymond A, Dumount. Business communcations Boston: Little Brown, 1985 Ricks, Betty R. Business communication systems and applications New York: John Wiley, 1987 Robbins, Harvey A. How to speak and listen effectively New York: AMACOM, 1992 Robbins, Larry M. The Business of writing and speaking: a managerial communication manual New York: McGraw-Hill, 1985 Robbins, Larry M. The Business of writing and speaking: a managerial communication manual New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996. ISBN : 0-07-053091-2 Shaping organization form: communication, connection, and community / edited by Gerardine DeSanctis and Janet Fulk - Thousand Oaks: Sage, 1999. ISBN : 07619-0495-6 Sigband, Norman B. Communication for management and business 5th ed Glenview: Scott, Foresman & Co., 1989 Simons, Chris. Effective communication for managers: getting your message across / Chris Simons and Belinda Naylor-Stables - London: Cassell, 1997. ISBN : 0-304-33125-2
64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77.
78. 79.
80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98.
Smith, Judson. Designing and developing business communications program that work Illinois: Scott, Foresman, 1985 Sorrels, Bobbye D. Business communication fundamentals London: Charles, 1984 Stevens, Michael. How to be better presentations New Delhi: Kogan Page India, 1998. ISBN : 81-7554-079-6 Stewart, Marie M. Business english and communication 6th ed New York: McGraw Hill, 1985 Stohl, Cynthia. Organizational communication connectedness in action Thousand Oaks: Sage, 1995. ISBN : 0-8039-3425-4 Thill, John V. Excellence in business communication 3rd ed New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996. ISBN : 0-07-11405 Thomsett, Michael C. The Little black book of business meetings New York: AMACOM, 1989 Thomsett, Michael C. The Little black book of business speaking New York: AMACOM, 1989 Tierney, Elizabeth P. How to make effective presentations Thousand Oaks: Sage, 1996. ISBN : 0-8039-595 Treece, Malra. Successful business communication 3rd ed Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1980 Turner, Barry. Readymade business speeches London: Kogan Page, 1989 Victor, David A. International business communication New York: Harper Collins, 1992 Vilanilam. More effective communication New Delhi: Sage, 2000, ISBN : 817036-831-6 Virtual culture: identity and communication in cybersociety / edited by Steven G Jones London: Sage, 1997. ISBN : 0-7619-5526-7 Weiss, Donald H. Winning on the telephone New York: AMACOM, 1988 Wells, Walter. Communications in business 4th ed Boston: Kent Pub, 1985 Whalen, D Joel. / see what you mean: persuasive business communication New Delhi: Response, 1996. ISBN : 81-7036-58 Wolf, Morris Philip. Effective communication in business 7th ed Cincinnati: South Western, 1979 Wood, Gill. Customer communications 1999-2000 New Delhi: Viva, 2000. ISBN : 81-7649-127-6
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Advertising exposure, memory, and choice / Edited by Andrew A. Mitchell New Jersey: LEA, 1993. ISBN : 0-8058-0685-7 Allison, James. Behavioural economics New York: Praeger, 1983 Antonides, Gerrit. Consumer behaviour: a European perspective Chichester: John Wiley, 1998. ISBN : 0-471-97513-3 Assael, Henry. Consumer behavior and marketing action 5th ed Cincinnati: South Western College, 1995 Assael, Henry. Consumer behavior and marketing action 3rd ed Boston: Kent Pub, 1987 Bacon, Rober W. Consumer spatial behaviour: a model of purchasing decisions over space and time Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1984 Bearden, William O. Handbook of marketing scales: multi-item measures for marketing and consumer behavior research / William O Bearden and Richard G' Netemeyer 2nd ed Thousand Oaks: Sage, 1999. ISBN : 0-7619-1000-X Bearden, William O. Handbook of marketing scales: multi-item measures for marketing and consumer behavior research Newbury Park: Sage, 1993 Bennett, Peter D. Consumer behaviour Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1972 Berkman, Harold W. Consumer behavior Illinois: NTC, 1997. ISBN : 0-8442367 Berkman, Harold W. Consumer behavior: concepts and strategies 3rd ed Boston: Kent Pub, 1986 Bettman, James R. An Information processing theory of consumer choice Reading: Addison: Wesley, 1979 Blackwell, Roger D. Contemporary cases in consumer behavior rev ed Chicago : Dryden Press, 1985 Blackwell, Roger D. Contemporary cases in consumer behavior 3rd ed Chicago : The Dryden Press, 1990 Cases in consumer behaviour / edited by Gerrit Antonides and W Fred Van Raaij Chichester: John Wiley, 1999. ISBN : 0-471-98781-6 Chadha, Rajni. The Emerging consumer: a changing profile of the urban Indian house-wife and its implications New Delhi: Wiley Eastern, 1995 Chisnall, Peter M. Marketing: a behavioural analysis 2nd ed London: McGraw Hill, 1985 Consumer behavior in Asia: Issues and marketing practice / edited by Tsang-Sing Chan New York: International business Press, 1999. ISBN : 0-7890-0691-X Consumer behaviour and marketing action / Assael, Henry 5th ed. South Western College, 1995. Consumer marketing strategies. Boston: HBS, 1991
8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42.
Costa, Janeen Arnold. Marketing in a multicultural world: ethnicity, nationalism, and cultural identity Thousand Oaks: Sage, 1995 Debruicker, F Stewart. Cases in consumer behaviour New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1986 Dutka, Alan. AMA handbook for customer satisfaction Lincolnwood: NTC Pub., 1994 East, Robert. Changing consumer behaviour: Cassell Professional, 1991 East, Robert. Consumer behaviour: advances and applications in marketing London: Prentice-Hall, 1997. ISBN : 0-13-359316-9 Engel, James F. Consumer behavior 6th ed Chicago: The Dryden Press, 1990 Engel, James F. Consumer behaviour 4th ed Chicago: Dryden, 1982 European perspectives on consumer behaviour / edited by Mary Lambkin [et al] London: Prentice Hall, 1997. ISBN : 0-13-552382-6 Evans, Martin J. Applied consumer behaviour / Martin J Evans, Luiz Moutinho and W Fred Van Raaij Harlow: Addison-Wesley, 1996. ISBN : 0 201 56501 3 Foxall, Gordon. Marketing psychology: the paradigm in the wings London: Macmillan Business, 1997 Foxall, Gordon R. Consumer behaviour: a practical guide London: Routledge, 1980 Foxall, Gordon R. Consumer psychology for marketing London: Routledge, 1994 Fulop, Christiana. Advertising, competition and consumer behaviour: public policy and the market London: Holt Rinehart and Winston, 1981 Gabbott, Mark. Consumer and services Chichester: John Wiley, 1998. ISBN : 0-471-96269-4 Gabriel, Yiannis. The Unmanageable consumer: contemporary consumption and its fragmentation London: Sage, 1995. ISBN : 0-8039-774 Gail, Tom. Applications of consumer behaviour: readings and exercises New Delhi: Prentice Hall, 1984 Ghatak, Anita. Consumer behaviour in India New Delhi: D K Agencies, 1985 Global and multinational advertising / Edited by Basil G Englis New Jersey: LEA, 1994. ISBN : 0-8058-1137-0 Greens, Jerome D. Consumer behaviour models for non-statisticians: the river of time New York: Pracger, 1982 Harbury, Colin. Economic behaviour: an introduction London: G.Allen & Unwin, 1980 Hawkins, Del I. Consumer behavior: implications for marketing strategy 3rd ed Piano: Business Pub, 1986 Health marketing and consumer behavior: a guide to basic linkages / edited by William J Winston New York: Haworth, 1985. ISBN : 0-86656-463-2
43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64.
Horton, Raymond L. Buyer behavior: a decision-making approach Columbus: Charles E Merrill, 1984 Howard, John A. Consumer behavior in marketing strategy Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1989 Ian, Fenwick. Consumer behaviour for marketing managers Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1984 Jenkins, Mark. Advances in consumer marketing London: Kogan page, 1994 Kassarjian, Harold H. Perspectives in consumer behavior 4th ed New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1991 Keat, Russell. The Authority of the consumer London: Routledge, 1994 Lele, Milind M. The Customer is key: gaining an unbeatable advantage through customer satisfaction New York: John Wiley, 1987 Loudon, David L. Consumer behavior: concepts and applications 4th ed New York: McGraw-Hill, 1993 Loudon, David L. Consumer behaviour: concepts and Applications 3rd ed New York: McGraw-Hill, 1988 Loudon, David L. Consumer behaviour: concepts and applications 2nd ed. New Delhi: McGraw Hill, 1984 Loudon, David L. Consumer behaviour: concepts and Applications 3rd ed New York: McGraw-Hill, 1988 Loudon, David L. Consumer behaviour: concepts and Applications 3rd ed New York: McGraw-Hill, 1988 Lytle, John F. What do your customers really want?: here's a surefire way to find out New Delhi: Excel Books, 1993 Mahajan, B M. Consumer behaviour in India: an econometric study New Delhi: Concept Pub, 1980 Mariger, Randall P. Consumption behaviour and the effects of government fiscal policies Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1986 Massy, William F. Stochastic models of buying behaviour Cambridge: MIT, 1970 Mathur, Navin. Advertising and consumer reaction in India Jaipur: Printwell, 1986 McDonald, Malcolm. Market segmentation: a step-by-step approach to creating profitable market segments Houndmills: Macmillan, 1995 McQuarrie, Edward F. Customer visits: building a better market focus Newbury Park: Sage Pub., 1993 Miles, Steve. Consumerism: as a way of life London: Sage, 1998. ISBN : 07619-5215-2 Mowen, John C. Consumer behavior New York: Macmillan, 1987 Title : Instructor's manual accompanying consumer behavior. Author : Mowen, John C Author : Minor, Michael, Edition : 5th ed. Place : New Jersey, Publishr :
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Banerjee, Utpal K. Banner, David K. Barber, David Bardhan, P. Barker, Raymond F. Barnes, Lan Baron, James N. Barrett, Neil Barsoux, Jean-Louis Bartlett, Christopher A. Bartlett, Hale C. Basil G Englis Bassett, Glenn Batra, Rajeev Baumback, Clifford M. Baxi, Upendra Bayles, Deborah L. Bearden, William O. Bearpark, Keith. Becken, Franklin Begin, James P. Behl, Ramesh Belch, George E. Belenky, Alexander S. Bell, Daniel Bellur, Venkatakrishna Beniger, James R. Bennett, David Bennett, P.A. Bennett, Peter D. Bennett, Roger. Bentley, Trevor J. Benton, Douglas A. Beresford, Cynthia Berger, M.L. Berger, Mel Beri, G.C. Berkman, Harold W. Berman, Barry Bernhardt, Kenneth L. Bernstein, Philip A. Berry, Brian J.L. Bettman, James R. Bhagwati, Jagdish N. Bhalla, V.K. Bhasin, M.L. Bhaskar, K.N. Bhatia, S.K.
74 84 97 48 69 19 34 1 41 41 106 3, 14 91 1 120 61 57 13 7 26, 84 34 48 1 91 120 62 57 91 57 13 2 74 84 7 118 118 69 13 62 62 19 48 13 48 29, 41, 53 62, 106 57 97
Bhattacharya, S.C. Bhote, Keki R. Bicheno, John Bill McKelvey Bingham, Frank G. Black, John Blackwell, Roger D. Blake, Robert R. Blake, Susan Blankenship, A.B. Block, Stanley B. Blokdijk, Andre Bloom, Helen Blunt, Peter Bly, Robert W. Boddy, David Bogart, Leo Bogert, Judith B.W. Bohl, Don Lee Bonoma, Thomas V. Boone, Louis E. Boone, Mary E. Bosche, Marc. Boseman, Glenn Boston Bottomley, Michael H. Boulton, William R. Bourgeois, L.J. Bovee, Courtland L. Bowbrick, Peter. Bowersox, Donald J. Bowman, Cliff Bowman, Joel P. Bowonder, B. Boyd, Harper W Bozeman, Barry Brackett, Michael H. Bradley, D.A. Bradley, Stephen P. Braithwaite, Timothy Bramham, John Brathwaite, Ken S. Bratton, John Brewster, Chris Brian J. Terry Bridge, John Brigham, Eugene F. Brimson, James
106 79 91 89 62 48 13, 62, 116 26, 118 61 69 29 74 41 84 101 74 2 7 74 62 7 57 7 106 14 97 106 106 7 7 79, 116 106 7, 101 57 62, 69 106 19 101 57 74 34 19 34 34 43 97 29, 30 53
Britt, Steuart Henderson Brooke, Michael Z. Brown, F.E. Brown, Leland Brown, 0. Brown, Richard Brunsson, Nils Bryant, Donald T. Bryce, Herrington J. Bryman, Alan Buckley, Adrian Buckley, Jo Ann. Budhiraja, S.B. Buell, Victor P. Buffa, Elwood S. Buggie, Frederick D. Bullinger, HJ. Burch, John G. Burgelman, Robert Burns, Alvin C. Burton, Philip Ward Buxmann, Peter Buzzell, Robert D. Byars, Lloyd L. Byers, Robert A. Cadwell, Charles M. Cafarelli, Eugene J. Calingo, Luis Ma R. Capacino, William Cardenas, Alfonso F. Cardozo, Richard N. Carlyle, Dennis Carroll, Glenn R. Carter, Roger Cary L. Cooper Casson, Mark Castro, Luis Casuo, Wayne F. Celi, Louis J. Ceri, Stefano Ceriello, Vincent R. Certo, Samuel C. Cespedes, Frank V. Chacholiades, Miltiades Chacko, George K. Chadha, Rajni Chakraborty, S.K. Chakravarti, K.P.
62 53 69 7 26 41 84 26 107 84 41 19 107 62 91 101 57 74 107 62, 69 2 116 41, 62 107 19 118 53, 101 107 116 19 101 57 84 57 89 42 19 97 42 19 34 107 101 48 74 13 34 61
Chanda, Ashok Chandan, J S. Chandra, Durgesh Chandra, Prasanna Chang, Shi-Kuo Chang, Yih-Long Channon, Derek F. Charnes, A. Chary, S.N. Chase, Richard B. Chatterjee, B.K. Chatterjee, S.K. Chaturvedi, Abha Chaturvedi, K.K. Chauhan, Meenakshi R. Cherrington, David J. Cherunilam, Francis Chia, Robert Child, John Childress, John R. Chisnall, Peter M. Chorafas, Dimitris N. Chris Brewster Christel Lane Christopher Voss Christopher, Martin Chryssochoidis, George Chunawalla, S A. Churchill, Gilbert A. Clare, Chris Clark, Kim B. Clement, Jerry Clemente, Mark N. Cobham, David Cohen, Jerome B. Cohen, William A. Cole, G.A. Collier, Mel Collier, Richard A. Comerford, Robert A. Compton, H.K. Comstock, Thomas W. Conner, Daryl Connolly, Michael B. Conyne, Robert K. Cook, H.E. Cook, Thomas M. Cooley, Philip L.
34 2 97 30 74 92 107 26 92 92 63 97 84 34, 97 2 34, 84, 97 48, 84, 107 84 42 118 13, 69 19 36, 43 89 95 116 42 2, 69 69 74 101 80 2, 63 48 53 63 97 19 101 107 80 7 84 49 85 101 92 30
Cooper, Cary L. Cor'tada, James W. Costa, Janeen Arnold Cotterell, Arthur Courtney, James F. Covington, J. Cowdell, Paul Cowling, Alan Cox, B. Cox, Jeff Cox, Taylor Craig, C. Craig, James C. Cravens, David W. Crawford, C. Merle Crawford, Richard D. Crimp, Margaret Crouch, Sunny Culbert, Samuel A. Cuming, Maurice W. Curzon, L.B. Cushway, Barry Cusumano, Michael A. Czander, William M, Czerniawska, Fiona D.M. Lambert D'Arcy, Jan Dale, Barrie Dalrymple, Douglas J. Damodaran, Aswath Dana, Daniel Danton de Fouffignac, PeterDilip K. Das, Das, Ranjan Dasu, Sriram Date, C J. Datta, A.K. Dave Ulrich David A. Klein David S. Reiner David W Stewart David, Fred R. Davidson, William H. Davis, Brian Davis, Joel J. Davis, Kenneth R. Davis, Margaret R. Dawn Iacobucci
85 63 14 57 19 11 6 49 34 53 120 85 70 107 63 101 107 70 70 85 98 61 26, 35, 85 101 85 7 81 8 35 63 53 42 42 49 107, 108 101 20 80 35 113 23 1 108 108 20 2 63 26, 85 10
Dayal, Raghubir De Bruicker, F. De Mooij, Marieke K De Pace, M. de Vries, Manfred F.R. Kets Percy De, Nitish R. Dean, Burton V. Debi S. Saini Debruicker, F. Stewart Deen, S.M. Deeson, Eric Deetz, Stanley A. DeGarmo, E.P. Denise M. Rousseau Dervitsiotis, Kostas N. Desai, Bipin C. Deschamps, Jean-Philippe Dess, Gregory G. Dessler, Gary Dhaka, B.P. Dhawan, O.P. Dholakia, Ruby Roy Diana Winstanley Dickler, Howard Dickson, Gary W. Dillon, William R. Dilworth, James B. Dimancescu, Dan Dimond, Lynn Dinerstein, Nelson T. Diwan, Parag Dixit, Avinash Dixon, Nancy M. Dobbins, Richard Dobler, Donald W. Dolan, Robert J. Don S. Batory Donald F. Wood Doswell, R. Douglas, Susan P. Doust, Peter Doz, Yves Dreifus, Shirley B. Dresang, Dennis L. Dsouza, Derrick E. Dubey, Sumati Duncan, W. Jack DuPont, Kay
2, 63, 70 2 20 85 35 108 36 14 20 57 85 80 89 92 20 102 108 26, 35, 80 115 42, 70 35 20 74 70 92 102 8 74 2 49 85 53 80 63, 102 23 43 57 70 63 108 42 98 108 26 108 85
Durell, William. Durganand Sinha Dutka, Alan F. Dutka, Alan Dutka, Solomon Dutta, Soumitra Dwivedi, R.S. Dwyer, Judith Dyer, William G. Dziggel, Enderlyn Eales-White, Rupert Earl, Michael J. East, Robert Eastman, Robert M. Ebert, R.J. Eckles, Robert W. Eddie M Clark Edward Mozley Roche Edwards, Chris Eggert, Nancy J. Eileen Scholes Eilon, Samuel Ein-Dor, Phillip Eiteman, David K. El-Agraa, Ali M. Elaine Biech Ellis, John Ellsworth, Jill H. Elmasri, Ramez Elton, Edwin J. Emery, Douglas R Emery, James C. Engel, James F. Enger, Norman L. England, Willur B. Ensign, Marie S. Eto, Hajime Eun, Cheol S. Evans, James R. Evans, Martin J. Evans, P. Evans, Robin B. Everest, Gordon C. Fabozzi, Frank J. Fareena Sultan Farmer, David Farris, Paul L. Fatehi, Kamal
Fearon, Robert Federico, Pat-Anthony Feenstra, Robert C. Feketekuty, Geza Feldwick, Paul Ferber, Robert Ferguson, Sherry D. Fernandez, John P. Feraandez-Ranada, Miguel Ferraro, Gary P. Ferris, Gerald R. Fersyth, Patrick. Figgins, Ross Finch, Byron J. Firth, Don Fischer, Donald E. Fish, George Fitz-enz, Jac FitzGerald, Jerry FitzRoy, Peter T. Flamholtz, Eric G. Flippo, Edwin B. Flueck, William F. Folger, Robert Forrer, Stephen E. Fortier, Paul J. Fottler, Myron D. Fowles, Jib Foxall, Gordon R. Francis Cherunilam Francis, Dave Francis, Jack Clark Frank J Fabozzi Fraser-Robinson, John Frederick, Amling Freeman, R. Edward Froot, Kenneth A. Frost, Peter J. Frost, Richard Fulop, Christiana Gabbott, Mark. Gabel, H. Landis Gabriel, Yiannis Gail, Tom Gaither, Norman Galbraith, Jay R. Gallagher, John P. Gallagher, M.L.
Gallo, Thomas E. Gandhi, D V. Gandhi, Dharma Veer Gannon, Thomas Gapenski, Louis C. Gardarin, Georges Garg, M.K. Garg, Pulin K. Garland, John L. Gary L. Lilien Gatignon, Hubert Gautam, Vinayshil Gaydasch, Alexander Genua, Robert L. George Stonehouse Gerardine DeSanctis Gerloff, Edwin A. Gerrit Antonides Gerstein, Marc S. Gessner, Robert A. Ghatak, Anita Ghosh, Biswanath Ghosh, Pradip K. Ghosh, Subratesh Gibb, John Michel Gilley, Jerry W. Ginsburg, Anthony Glueck, W.F. Glueck, William F. Godet, Michael Goel, B.S. Golden, James R. Goldstein, Robert C. Goley, George F. Gomez-mejia, Luis R. Gompers, Paul Goobey, Alastair Ross Gopal, Ji Gopalakrishnan, P. Gorchels, Linda Gordon, Judith R. Gorham, Kenneth D. Gorman, Michael M. Gorton, Keith Goss, David Gould-Marks, Langton Gowler, Dan Goyel, Jawahar
75 2 3 102 29 20 30 26 75 103 3 86 20 8 42 11 26 13 75 75 14 86, 98 49 35 120 35 115 107 109 109 70, 93 58 20 20 36 120 55 98 80 102 86 21 21 70 36 8 36, 86 1
Grabher, Gemot Grandori, Anna Gray, H. Peter Green, Milford B. Greenaway, David Greenberg, Philip Greene, James H. Greenlaw, Paul S. Greens, Jerome D. Grimwade, Nigel Grinold, Richard C. Gronstedt, Anders Groocock, J.M. Grosse, Robert Grunwald, Joseph Guest, David A. Guest, Robert H. Guiltinan, Joseph P. Gumpert, David E. Gunther, Richard C. Gupta, C.B. Gupta, R.C. Gupta, Raj Kumar Gupta, Rajen Guy, Vincent H. Igor, Ansoff H. Mintzberg, Bruce Ahlstrand H.J. Fombrun Haas, Robert W. Haberler, Gottfried Hadjiconstantinou, E. Hague, Paul Hair, Joseph F. Haksar, Ajit N. Haley, Usha C.V. Hall, Owen P. Hammer, Michael Hammett, M.A. Handa, P. Handfield, Robert B. Handscombe, Richard S. Handy, Charles Hanna, Michael S. Harari, O. Harbury, Colin Harcourt, Jules Hardy, Hugh S. Hargie, Owen
86 86 49 120 49 21 93 98 15 49 55 8 102 42 49 98 118 64 64 102 64 75 36 36 42 109 111 39 64 49 117 70 70 55 113 93 102 49 30 116 102 86 8 86 15 8 70 8
Harper, Sally Harrington, Jan L. Harrington-Mackin, Deborah Harris, E. Harrison, Richard Harrison, Tony Harrod, Roy Hartley, John Hartley, Robert F. Hartzler, Meg Harvey, Don Harvey, Donald F. Harzing, Anne Harzing, Anne-Wil Haskins, Jack Haskins, Mark E. Hatten, Kenneth J. Hattersley, Michael E. Hawkins, Del Hawryszkiewycz, I T. Hax, Arnoldo C. Haynes, David Hazari, Bharat R. Hecht, Myron Hegewisch, Ariane Heineke, Janelle N. Heisler, William J. Heizer, Jay Heller, Robert Helme, Mark Hendrick, H.W. Hendry, Chris Henry S.R. Kao Hertz, David Hicks, James 0. Higgins, James M. Higgins, Robert C. Hilary Harris Hill, D.A. Hill, Ned C. Hill, Terry Himstreet, William C. Hinkelman, Edward G. Hinkle, Charles L. Hitchens, D.M.W.N. Hodge, Bartow Hodgetts, Richard M. Hofer, Charles W. Author Index 127
98 21 118 70 120 102 50 116 70 118 109 109 42 36 3 42 109 8 15 21 109 58 50 21 36 93, 102 36 93 8 58 26 36 87 55 75 109 30 36, 43 30 30 93, 109 9 50 64 43 75 43 109
Hofstede, Geert Holbeche, Linda Holbert, Neil Bruce Holland, James Holloway, Simon Holoviak, Stephen J. Holt, Knut Hong, Han Kang Hopeman, Richard J. Home, James C. Van Horton, Raymond L. Hosmer, LaRue T. Howard, John A. Howe, D.R. Huang, Stanley S.C. Huat, Tan Chwee Hudson, Robert Hufbauer, Gary Clyde Hughes, G. David Hukku, V.N. Humphrey, Susanne M. Hunger, J. David Huseman, Richard C. Hussey, D.E. Hutt, A.T.F. Hutt, Michael D. Hyde, Dana G. Ian, Fenwick Illenson, Mark L. Ind, Nicholas Ingersoll, Virginia Ingmar Bjorkman Inmon, W.H. Inmon, William H. Inose, Hiroshi J.R. Stock Jackson, Terence Jacob, K.K. Jagannathan, G. Jain, Abhinandan K. Jain, Arun K. Jain, P.K. Jain, Subhash C. Jain, Vijay K. Jakhotia, G.P. James H. Gilmore Jan ter Wengel Jan, Mian
86 36 71 61 21 55 102 55 93 30 15 110 15 21 55 43 30 50 64 36 21 110 9 110 21 64 86 15 20 3 86 44 21 21 58 81 43, 86 98 102 71 71 31, 43, 64 43, 64 64 31 103 49 98
Janavaras, Basil John Janet Fulk Janis, J. Harold Jarett, Irwin M. Jarrett, Dennis Jauch, L.R. Jean Woodall Jeannet, Jean-Pierre Jeffrey L. Cruikshank Jelinek, Mariann Jenkins, David Jenkins, Mark Jerald Greenberg Jermier, John M. Jha, S.M. Jhingan, M.L. Joel A.C. Baum Johansson, Johny K. John A. Woods John F. Sherry John 0, Mcclaim John Philip Jones John, Jones Philip Johne, F.A. Johns, D.T. Johns, R.A. Johnson, Phil Jones, John Philip Jones, Kelvin Jones, Ronald W. Jones, Tim Joseph L. Cavinato Joseph Lampel Joseph Wolfe Joynson, Sid. Jucius, Michael J. Juran, J.M. Justis, Robert T. Kaatz, Ron Kakabadse, Mario A. Kalseth, Karl Kanungo, Shivraj Kapur, S.K. Kapur, Sudarshan Kr. Karnik, V.G. Kasper, Daniel M. Kasper, Hans Kassarjian, Harold H.
Kassem, M. Sami Kathpalia, Ravi Katiyar, Rakesh Chandra Kaufman, PJ. Kaul, Asha Kaumeyer, Richard A. Kaur, Parvinder Kaynak, Erdener Keat, Russell Keding, Ann Keegan, Warren J. Keeling, Ralph Keidel, Robert W. Keith Sisson Kell, Carl L. Keller, Thomas Kelley, Lane Kelly, Margaret Ken Robbie Kennedy, Charles R. Kennedy, Gavin Kenneth G. Beauchamp Kent, Allen Keown, J. Kerin, Roger A. Kerlinger, Fred N. Kerschberg, Larry Kets de Vries, Manfred Key, Sydney J. Khan, M.Y. Khandwalla, Pradip N. Khanna, Sri Ram Khanzode, V.V. Khurana, Rakesh Kierzkowski, Henryk Kilcourse, Tom Killing, J. Peter Kim, Suk H. Kim, Won Kimberley, Paul Kinnear, T.C. Kinnear, Thomas C. Kirby, J. Philip Kirkbride, Paul S. Kirpalani, V.H. (Manek) Kleijnen, Jack P.C. Klein, Robert A. Klingner, Donald E.
Knecht, Ken Knight, Sue Knolmayer, G. Kohli, Uddesh Kohut, Gary F. Koopman, Albert Koory, Jerry L. Korman, Abraham K. Koshy, Abraham Kotabe, Masaaki Kotler, Philip Kotter, John P. Koul, Omkar N. Krajewski, Lee J. Kramer, R.M. Kramer, Roderick M. Kress, George Krishna Kumar Krishnama Chary, P. Krishnaswamy, K.N. Kroenke, David M. Krouwel, Bill Krugman, Paul R. Krumm, Rob Kuczmarski, Thomas D. Kuglin, Fred A. Kumar, Harish Kumar, Keval J. Kumar, Krishna Kumar, Satish Kumar, V. L.M. Ellram La Valle, Deanna Lai, B.B. Lanfer, Arthur C. Laric, Michael V. Larry Percy Larson, James A. Laurie, Peter Lawrence R., Jauch Lay, G. Lazer, William Lee, Donald D. Lee, James R. Leech, Thomas. Legge, Karen Lehmann, Donald R. Leigh, William E.
21 9 116 37 9 44 75 87 116 44, 65 65 27 9 93 10, 88 87 71 107 55 93 21, 22 37 51 22 103 116 76 9 110 51 71 81 44 115 93 65 71 22 22 110 103 65 71 51 9 58 71, 103 22
Lele, Milind M. Leonard-Barten, Dorothy Leong-Hong, Belkis W. Levi, Maurice D. Lewis, CD. Lewis, Herschell Gordon Lewis, Jordan D. Lewis, Richard D. Li, Deyi A. Ligon, Helen H. Lilien, Gary L, Lincolnwood Lindinberg, Siegwart M. Littler, Dale Litton, Gerry M. Livy, Bryan Liwei, Chen Lofthouse, Stephen Long, Larry Longstaff, J, Longstreth, Bevis Loudon, David L. Love, Bruce Loveridge, Ray Lowel Bryan Lowendahl, Bente R Lucas, Henry C. Luck, David J. Lumby, Stephen Lundeberg, Mats Luthans, Fred Lynton, Rolf P. Lytle, John F. M.J. Wooldridge M.K. Rampal Mabin, Victoria J. MacKay, Ian Mackay, Lesley Maddux, Robert B. Madeley, John Madnick, Stuart E. Magnusen, Karl O. Mahajan, B.M. Mahajan, Y.S. Maheshwari, B.L. Maier, David Maim, Levy Majumdar, Ramanuj
15 76 22 31, 44 93 3 81 44 22 76 65, 71, 103 1 87 103 22 99 58 55 76 21 55 15 58 110 45 110 76 65 55 76 87 87 15 57 63 44 37 99 118 51 59, 76 27 IS 37 37 22 56 71, 103
Makay, John J. Malcolm Warner Malhotra, Naresh K. Mamoria, C.B. Manis, Rod Mansell, Wade Mansfield, Roger Manz, Charles C. Marcus, Burton H. Margerison, Charles J. Mariger, Randall P. Markowitz, Harry M. Markusen, James R. Marra, James L. Marsh, William H. Martin, Daniel Martin, James Martin, Murray S. Martinich, Joseph S. Marwah, Raj Mary A. Devauna Mary Lambkin Mascarenhas, Oswald A. J. Maslow, Abraham Mason, J. Barry Massy, William F. Mathur, B.L. Mathur, J.S. Mathur, Navin. Mats Forsgren Mayer, Raymond R. Mayne, Alan Mc Donald, William J. McAllister, Matthew P. McBeath, Gordon McCann, John T. McClain, John O. McCorkell, Graeme McDaniel, Carl McDonald, Malcolm McFadden, Fred R. McFarlan, F. Warren McGee, John McGlashan, Robert McGown, K.L. McGrath, Michael E. McHugh, Patricia Mcllwee, Terry
Mckenney, James L. McLeod, Raymond McMaster, Michael D. McMenamin, Jim McMillan, Sandy McNamee, Patrick B. McNichols, Charles W. McQuarrie, Edward F. Mead, Richard Meadow, Charles T. Megginson, Leon C. Meier, Robert Mellett, Howard Melrose, John Mendenhall, Mark Menin, Ben Menipaz, Ehud Merrill, Ronald E. Mescon, Debbie L. Mescon, Timothy S. Messaris, Paul Metzelaar, Lawrence C. Meyer, Marc H. Michael James Blaine Michael, V.P. Michel laroche Mike Wright Miles, Steve Miller, Alex Miller, Gary J. Miller, Lawrence M. Mills, Gordon E. Minford, Patrick A. Minor, Michael Mintzberg, Henry Mishra, Asim Kumar Mishra, M N. Mital, A.A. Mitroff, Ian I. Mittra, Sid Mittra, Sitansu S. Mockler, Robert J. Mohan, C. Mohan, Manendra Mohana Rao, P. Mohindra, S. Molander, Christopher Moller, K.H.
59 76 27 31 9 110 23 16 44 76 99 94 31 9 44 3 94 120 110 110 4 23 103 58 44, 111 3 120 16 111 87 27 37 51 16 27, 111 120 4, 51, 66, 99 81 87 56 76 44 23 4 30 81 37 103
Monappa, Arun Mondy, R. Monks, Joseph Montgomery, Douglas C. Mooij, Marieke de. Moore, Arthur B. Moore, Franklin G. Moore, Lynden Moore, Perry Moore, William L. Moorhead, Gregory Morgan, Colin Morgan, Gareth Moriarty, Sandra Morrisey, George L. Moss, Marvin A. Moss-Jones, John Mott, Graham Mountinho, Luiz Mowen, John C. Mueller, Barbara Mullins, Laurie J, Munger, Susan H. Munter, Mary Murdick, Robert G. Murray, John P. Murthy, S.S. Myers, John G. Nadin, Mihai Nadler, Leonard Nagaraji, J. Nagpal, C.S.A. Nahil R. Adam Nair, K. Nair, M.R.R. Nair, N.G. Nair, R.K. Narayan, B. Neal, Shirley Negandhi, Anant R. Neidell, Lester A. Nelson, Carol Neuhauser, Peg C. Nevett, Terence Newstrom, John Nicholas R. Jennings Nielsen, Jacob Niemeier, Susanne
37 37 94 103 4 66 94 51 99 104 88 44 88 4 10 104 59 56 66, 72 16 4 88 10 10 76, 94 77 23 66, 72 4 37 81 51 103 66 37 94 31 30 23 111 66 4 10 4 88, 118 57 77 10
Nigel South way Niv, Amittai Nixon, Robert Noel M. Ticky Nohria, Nitin Noori, Hamid Norgan, Susan North, Ken Northey, Patrick Novit, Mitchell S. Noyelle, Thierry J. Nystrom, Paul C. O'Brien, Thomas J. O'Callaghan, Ramon O'Connor, Dennis J. O'Guinn, Thomas C. O'Leary, T.J. O'Shaughnessy, John Oakley, Mark Odagiri, Hiroyuki Ohno, Taiichi Oliver, Richard L. Olle, T. William Olle, T.W. Oiler, John W. Ordiorne, George S. Orlicky, Joseph Ouchi, William G. P.C. Rao Pahwa, H.P.S. Paine, Frank T. Paliwoda, Stanley J. Pandey, I.M. Panneerselvam, R. Paranjpe, Vivek Parasuraman, A. Paredaens, J. Databases Pareek, Udai Parente, Donald Park, C. Whan Parkinson, C. Northcote. Patheja, Anju Patil, S.G. Patrick Northey Patrick, Jerry Pattanayak, Biswajeet Patti, Charles H. Paul R. Lowrence
104 88 10 39 88 94 66 23 104 99 51 27 31, 44 88 31, 45 4 77 16 104 111 104 16 23 77 10 111 81 119 61 45 111 45 31, 32, 120 94 37 72 23 37, 88 4 66 10 32 72 104 104 38, 88 4 36
Paul S. Myers Paul, Samuel Paulden, Sydney Pearce, C. Glenn. Pearce, John Peeters, Theo Peppard, Joe Percy Barnevik Percy, Larry Perkinson, Richard C. Perlman, Kalmani Pestonjee, D.M. Peter, J. Paul Peterson, Richard B. Peterson, Robert Pettman, Barrie 0. Pheysey, Diana C. Philip B, Sochary Philip Kotler Philippakis, Andreas S. Philippe de, Roland Calori Piatetsky-Shapiro, Gregory Pieper, Rudiger Pike, Richard Pine, B. Joseph Pirow, Peter C. Pitts, Robert E. Piatt, Stephen Plummer, James L. Poe, Roy W. Poirier, Charles Pollio, Gerald Pomfret, Richard Pooler, Victor H. Pope, Jeffrey L. Power, Daniel J. Prabhu, Vas Prague, Cary N. Prakash, Naveen Prasad, Kesho Prasad, S. Pratt, K.J. Preda, Stefano Premchand, A. Proctor, Tony Ptak, Carol Pucik, Vladimir Punnett, Betty Jane
27 111 81 10 111 51 59 88 5 23 81 89 16, 66 38 16, 72 38 88 81 66, 67 77 45 23 38, 45 56 104 77 16 119 111 10 81, 116 45 51 81 72 111 81 23 23 88 45 99 45 32 72 116 -45 45
Punset, Eduardo Quelch, John Quelch, John A. Quible, Zane K. Quick, Thomas L. R.S. Bhatia Rabin, Jack Rada, Juan F. Raddock, David M. Radford, K.J. Raghuram, G. Rai, Urmila Rajagopal Raj at Joseph Rajwade, A.V. Ralph G. Kauffman Ramacitti, David F. Ramaswami, N. Ramaswamy, E.A. Ramaswamy, M S. Ramaswamy, V.S. Ramnarayan, S. Ramu, S. Shiva. Rao, A. Amruth Rao, H.R. Rao, M.B. Rao, P. Subba Rao, T.V. Rao, V.L. Ratnam, C.S. Ravi, N. Ravichandran, N. Ravishankar, S. Rawnsley, Alan Ray, H.N. Ray, Reuben Ray, Wild Raymond A., Dumount Raymond R, Collon Reddy, W. Brendan Reddy, Y.R.K. Reijmer, A.J.M. Reilly, Frank K. Reimann, Bernard C. Reinertsen, Donald G. Reinhard Bachmann Reizer, Aiala Render, Barry
77 45, 66 66, 104 10 119 54 77 10 45 77 117 10 67 43 45 82 4 38 111 4 67 88 4 99 111 120 111 38 49 38, 99 59 .82 38 72 32 10 95 10 82 119 38 .88 56 111 104 89 23 95
Renner, Sandra L. Rexroad, Robert A. Reynolds, Fred D. Rhinesmith, Stephen H.A. Richard D. Crawford Richard E. Walton Ricks, Betty R. Ricks, David A. Riggs, David A. Rijkens, Rein Riley, Michael Ring, Jim Rishe, Naphtali Robbins Stephen P. Robbins, Harvey A. Robbins, Larry M. Robbins, Stephen P. Robert A Baron Robert Boyden Lamb Robert, Michel Roberts, Karlene H. Roberts, Mary Lou Robertson, Andrew Robertson, Thomas S. Robey, Daniel Robinson, C.G. Robson, Wendy Roche, Edward M. Rodgers, Ulka Rogers, Beth Rogers, Len Rolland, Colette Rolph, Paul Ron Sanchez Root, Franklin R. Ross, David Frederick Rossiter, John R Rothberg, Robert R. Rothenberg, Randall Rothwell, Roy Rothwell, William J. Rowbottom, Ralph Rowe, Alan J. Rowland, Kendrith M. Rowley, Jennifer Roy, Dilip Roy, P.N. Rubin, Seymour J.
45 67 16 46 107 36 10 46 82, 117 4 38 4 23 88 11 11 27 86 107 104 89 67 16 16 27 111 111 59 23 104 67 59 77 107 51 117 4, 5 104 5 104 38 27 111 99 112 112 51 51
Rue, L.W. Rue, Leslie W. Rugman, Alan Rugman, Alan M. Rullo, Thomas A. Rumble, John R. Runyon, Kemmeth E. Russell, J. Thomas Russell, R.S. Rustagi, R.P. Rylance, Paul S.L. Gupta Sadler, Philip Sahay, B.S. Saini, D.R. Salzberg, Betty Joan Sami A. Khan Samli, A. Samuels, John Sanchez, Ron Sankar, Yassin Sapru, R.K. Saraf, B.P. Sarin, Rakesh K. Sarkar, Manoj Kumar Sounders, Malcolm J. Schaffer, Clifford A. Schellinck, D. Schermerhorn, John R. Schiffman, Leon G Schmenner, Roger W Schmitt, Bernd Schroeder, Roger G. Schulberg, Bob Schutte, Hellmut Schutz, Will Schwartz, David J. Scott, Gini Graham Scott, Michael S. Sedlik, Jay M. Sekine, Kenichi Senge, Peter M. Senju, Shizuo. Senn, James A. Sethi, Narendra K. Sethi, S. Sethi, T.T. Sgro, Pasquale M.
113 112 46 46, 112 23 24 16 5 95 32 61 63 46 117 16 24 36 67 32 112 89 99 61 95 5, 67 117 24 72 89 16, 17 95 113 95 5 17 38 72 119 59 24 104 89 56 59, 77 95 67 52 52
Shafritz, Jay M. Shah, B.G. Shah, N.M. Shah, Tushaar Shapiro, Alan C. Shapiro, Benson P. Shapiro, Roy D. Sharan, V, Sharan, Vyuptakesh Sharma, D.D. Sharma, R.D. Sharma, V.K. Sharman, Geoff Sharplin, Arthur Shaw, Sieven J. Shea, Gordon F. Sherlekar, S.A. Sherman, Arthur W. Sherry, John F. Sheth, Jagdish N. Shim, Jae K. Shimp, Terence A. Shingo, Shigeo Shook, Dale Shore, Barry Shtub, Avraham Shukla, Madhukar Shultz, Clifford J. Siegel, Joel G. Sigband, Norman B. Sikula, Andrew F. Silberschatz, Abraham Silvera, D.M. Simchi-Levi, David Simonetti, Jack L. Simons, Chris Simpson, Alan Sims, Henry P. Simyar, Farhad Singh, A.K. Singh, Avtar Singh, Jagjit Singh, M.K. Singh, N.K. Singh, P.N. Singh, Preeti Singh, Raghbir Singh, U.K.
99 38 82 27 32, 46 17 82 32, 46 32 72 72 38 24 113 67 38 17, 67 38 17 17, 67, 113 32, 46 5 104 67 95 95 89 17 32 11 39 24 39 117 39 11 24 89 113 100 61 46 95 100 39 56 17 30
Singhania, Vinod K. Sinha, Dharni P. Sinkey, Joseph F. Sinn, Gerald Sisson, Keith Sissors, Jack Z. Slack, Nigel Slatter, Stuart St P. Smith, Jeanette Smith, Judson Smith, N. Craig Snape, E.D. Snow, H. Soares, Eric J. Somogyi, Elizabeth K. Sorge, Arndt Sorrels, Bobbye D. Sower, Victor E. Sowrey, Trevor Spaccapietra, Stefane Spiro, Melford E. Spitz, A. Edward Sridhar Tayur, Ram Srinivas, E.A. Srinivasan, S. Srivastava, P.K. Srivastava, R.M. Stacey, Ralph D. Stephen Bach Sterling, Jay U. Sternthal, Brain Steven G. Jones Stevens, G.T. Stevens, Michael Stevenson, William J. Stewart, Marie M. Stimson, Nancy Stacker, P.M. Stohl, Cynthia Stone, Raymond J. Storey, John Strickland, A.J. Stultz, Russell A. Sudman, Seymour Sulochana, M. Summers, Donald B. Surmanek, Jim Sushil Jajodia
115 39, 119 32 95 100 5, 67 91 113 5 11 17 39 119 72 77 89 11 95 104 24 120 104 116 115 59 67 33, 113 113 99 82 17 12 56 11 95 11 82 24 11 39 39, 46 113 24 72 33 100 5 43
Swales, Christine Swami, Hari R. Swaminathan, M.S. Swanson, Richard A. Sweeney, Patrick J. Syrett, M. Szakonyi, Robert Taggart, R.A. Tanaka, Keiko Tang, Roger Y.W. Taylor, Allen G. Taylor, David H. Teare, Richard Tellier, Richard D. Tellis, Gerald J. Terrine, Richard J. Thakur, Manab Thierauf, Robert J. Thill, John V. Thomas K. McCraw Thomas, Joe G. Thomas, L. Joseph Thomas, R. Roosevelt Thomas, Robert J. Thomason, George F. Thompson, Arthur A. Thompson, John L. Thomsett, Michael C. Thornhill, Adrian Tierney, Elizabeth P. Timmerman, Frederick W. Timothy C Brock Tiwari, R.A. Tjosvold, Dean Tobin, Daniel R. Toffler, Alvin Tom, Paul L. Tompkins, James A. Tongren, Hale N. Tootelian, Dennis H. Torrington, Derek Towers, Brian Toyne, Brian Tozer, Edwin E. Traber, Michael Tracey, William R. Treece, Malra Tricker, R.I.
89 82 59 39 105 56 105 56 5 46 24 117 46 95 5 82, 95 46 77 11 120 113 96 39 105 100 113 113 11 37 11 59 1 105 119 39 46 77 117 17 67 100 39 67 78 59 39 11 78
Tripp, Alan R. Trippi, Robert R. Tsang-Sing Chan Tucker, Ken Tull, Donald S. Tung, Rosalie L. Turk, Thomas A. Turner, Barry Turner, Louis Twiss, Brian A. Tyagi, Archna Tyndall, Gene U.S. Kumar Udai Pareek Ukalkar, Sanjay Ullman, Jeffrey D. Ungson, Gerardo R. Unnikrishnan, Namita Urban, Glen L. Usunier, Jean Claude V. Sisodia Vaghefi, M. Reza Valduriez, Patrick Vale, Philip A. Van Home, James C. Van Minden, Jack J.R. Van Schaik, Edward A. Van, Andrew H. Varkkey, Biju Varshney, R.L. Vaughan, Tay Venkataramani, Raja Verma, J.C. Verma, Madan Mohan Verma, Pramod Vernon-Wortzel, Heidi Verzariu, Popiliu Vesely, Eric Garrigue Vesper, Karl H. Vetter, M. Victor, David A. Vijayagopalan, E. Vilanilam Vince, Ralph Vithal, M. Vora, M.N. Vorstman, H.R. W Fred Van Raaij
105 56 13 52 68, 72 114 24 11 47 96 89 117 78 36 83 24 47 5 105 47 36 114 24 33 33 72 78 28 39 47, 68 78 120 120 39 39, 100 114 52 24 5 24 11 33 11 56 78 73 105 13
Wagner, John A. Waklilu, Arun Wallendorf, Melanie Waller, Derek Walsh, Myles E. Walters, David Walters, Richard F. Ward, John Ward, Keith Warrior, S.K. Watson, Charles E. Watson, Hugh J. Waxman, Leonard Webb, Alan Weiers, Ronald M. Weilbacher, William M. Weinstein, Art Weiss, David S. Weiss, Donald H. Wells, Walter Wells, William D. Wells, William Wentz, Walter B. Werther, William B. Wertz, Charles J. West, Michael Westing, J.H. Whalen, D. Joel Wheatley, Margaret J. Wheelen, L. Wheelen, Thomas L. Wheelwright, Steven C. White, Lawrence J. White, Roderick Whiting, D.P. Wiechmann, Jack G. Wiederhold, Gio Wild, Ray Wildman, Steven S. Wilkie, William L. Wilkinson, Joseph W. William H, Inmon William J. Winston William Sheffield
89 90 17 96, 117 24, 78 68 25, 59 105 33, 114 100 40 78 52 105 73 68 17 40 12 12 17 5 73 100 25 119 83 12 90 114 114 105 52 5 52 6 25 96 52 17 78 25 15 61
William W. Sihler Williams, Alex O. Williams, Bernard C. Wilpert, B. Wilson, Bob Wilson, John Wilson, Richard M.S. Witt, Phillip R. Wolf, Morris Philip Won Kim Wong-Rieger, Durhane Wood, Gill Woodall, Jack Woodland, A.D. Woods, Gail Baker Woods, Robin Woods, Walter A. Woodsidee, Arch G. Wortmann, J.C. Wortzel, Heidi Vernon Wragg, David Wright, M.G. Wright, Peter Wright, Susan Wriston, Walter B. Yang, Chao-Chih Yeung, A Yewdall, G.A. Yngstrom, Louise Yoder, Dale Yoffie, D.B. Yoffie, David B. Yoga, M. Yoshimura, Noboru Young, George Zaltman, Gerald Zeidner, Joseph Zenz, Gary J. Zif, Jehiel Zikmund, William G. Zimmerman, Steven M Zorkoczy, P.I. Zorkoczy, Peter Zwass, Vladimir
107 52 59 87 40 52 68 105 12 23 47 12 60 52 6 17 18 18 105 114 68 56 114 90 60 25 88 78 60 100 52 47, 52 100 90 120 18 28 83 105 73 96 60 60 78