Challenges For A Total System Analysis On Deepwater Floating Systems

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The document discusses challenges in analyzing the interaction between a floating structure, its mooring system, and risers in deep waters.

The three main components are the floating hull, mooring system, and risers.

Total system analysis considers the complete coupled dynamic behavior of all three components of the floating system.

The Open Mechanics Journal, 2008, 2, 28-46 28

1874-1584/08 2008 Bentham Open

Open Access
Challenges for a Total System Analysis on Deepwater Floating Systems
Subrata Chakrabarti*
Offshore Structure Analysis, Inc.13613 Capista Drive, Plainfield, IL 60544, USA
Abstract: In the design of floating systems, three major system components need special attention: the floater, the moor-
ing system, and the riser system. This paper will focus on one the most unique areas in the structural design of these com-
ponents, namely, the fluid-induced effects on floating structure systems and the associated structural response. Due to the
rapid growth in the offshore field, particularly in deep waters, this analysis is seeing a phenomenological growth, and con-
siderable research is ongoing in this area, with steady advancement in the design procedure. The state-of-the-art in the
treatment of the individual components of the floating structure, namely, the floater, the mooring system, and the riser
system will be briefly described. The importance of their interactive coupling effects with fluid is the special subject that
will be emphasized. In particular, the Total System Analysis of the floating system consisting of all three of its dynamic
components will be laid out. A possible systematic approach for the complete system and various simplifications available
for an efficient practical solution will be elaborated. The paper will conclude with a discussion of the present-day deep
water design challenges that remain and the research that is needed to meet these challenges.
The design life span of offshore structures ranges from a
few years to as many as 25 years based on their applications.
Often their useful life extends beyond their design life, and
they remain operational longer. In most instances, the float-
ing offshore structures are required to stay in position in all
weather conditions. Offshore structures [1] are defined by
either their function or their configuration. The functions of
an offshore structure may be one of the following (even
though multiple functions may be possible for a structure):
Exploratory Drilling Structures: A Mobile Offshore
Drilling Unit [MODU] configuration is largely deter-
mined by the variable deck payload and transit speed re-
Production Structures: A production unit can have sev-
eral functions, e.g. processing, drilling, workover, ac-
commodation, oil storage and riser support.
Storage Structures: Used in storing the crude oil tempo-
rarily at the offshore site before its transportation to the
shore for processing.
The configuration of offshore structures may be classi-
fied by whether the structure is a fixed structure, either piled
or gravity, a compliant or articulated structure, or a floating
structure. The requirements of a floating structure are that it
be moored in place and that, subject to the environment, the
floater remains within a specified circle of operation from a
desired mean location, which is generally achieved by moor-
ing lines (or a dynamic positioning system).
Floating offshore system [1] illustrated in Fig. (1) con-
sists of three principal structural components:

*Address correspondence to this author at the Offshore Structure Analysis,
Inc.13613 Capista Drive, Plainfield, IL 60544, USA;
Floating hull: providing the space for the operation of the
production work, and the space for storage of supplies,
Mooring system: providing a connection between the
structure and the seafloor for the purposes of securing
the structure (generally called station-keeping) against
environmental loads, and
Risers achieving drilling operation or product transport.
The station-keeping may also be achieved by a dynamic
positioning system solely using thrusters, or in combination
with mooring lines. The dynamic positioning, however, will
not be part of this paper. The mooring lines provide the re-
storing force to the floater.

Fig. (1). Floating offshore systems.

It appears from the research done to date on the subject
of coupled system and the results presented here that, for
some systems, the complete coupled system analysis is im-
portant, whereas it does not provide appreciably different
responses for other floating systems. However, whether such
analysis is warranted for a particular system cannot be easily
determined a priori at the present time with the present state
of knowledge about the systems. More comprehensive re-
Challenges for a Total System Analysis The Open Mechanics Journal, 2008, Volume 2 29
search into such analysis is required to generate such guide-
lines. Therefore, further systematic research should be made
to answer the lingering question regarding the importance of
the coupled system analysis [2-20]. The goal should be to
generate a region of applications chart for various systems
that can be used by the designer as a guide to determine the
level of sophistication required in the analysis of a given
floating system.

Fig. (2). Sequential approximation from a Total System Analysis
(TSA) to a more practical method.

The total system analysis (TSA) is defined here as the
analysis of the complete floating system, in which no em-
pirical simplifications are made regarding the loading or the
responses of the system components. Thus, the system con-
siders the fluid structure interaction of the entire system,
including the coupling among them concurrently. Ideally, it
means that both the fluid loading and structure response will
include the entire fluid-floater-mooring-riser interaction,
(with the incorporation of any soil interaction, as needed)
without an ad hoc empiricism. In other words, the fluid flow
past the system is represented in a computational fluid dy-
namics (CFD), while the complete structure system is de-
scribed in a Finite Element (FE) representation. However,
while it is generally possible to incorporate such a complete
model in software with the current state of knowledge, in
practice, it becomes an insurmountable problem and a pro-
hibitively time-consuming task to accomplish under the pre-
sent hardware environment. Therefore, the complete analysis
must be simplified to achieve a practical limit, but in a logi-
cal step with fewer empiricism. These simplifications are
proposed here, which may be achieved in a hierarchical se-
quence, as illustrated in Fig. (2). The sequence is shown
starting with the most complete analysis and ending with the
simplest and most used analysis adopted today in the design
of an offshore system. Thus, any intermediate step in the
figure may be considered a refinement in the analysis. Of
course, one can come up with a variation of the proposed
intermediate steps. But the proposed ones appear logical.
In the complete analysis, the system includes the floater,
and all the mooring lines and risers. The fluid field past this
complete system is described in a CFD code and the mutual
interaction of all the components with the fluid is solved in
terms of Navier Stokes equation, in which the floater is rep-
resented as a rigid body, but the mooring lines and risers are
input in a structural FE code. In the next simplification (step
2), the fluid loading on the floater is determined by the more
complete numerical wave tank analysis (NWT, to be elabo-
rated later). In this case, the mooring lines and risers are in-
dividually analyzed by a 3-D FE analysis, and iteration is
performed to achieve convergence. In step 3 of simplifica-
tion, the floater NWT is approximated before coupling with
the mooring/riser finite element (FE) analysis. If further
simplification is needed, then the simple 3-D diffraction the-
ory may be used for the floater (step 4). For simplification
step 5, instead of full 3-D approach, the appendages (moor-
ing lines and risers) may be handled by a segmented 2-D
strip CFD to represent the 3-D fluid flow field. Finally (in
step 6), the risers and mooring lines are solved by a struc-
tural finite element analysis or like, in which the fluid load-
ing on them is determined via empirical formulas. This is the
most common method of design technique for the offshore
system today. For some systems, this simplified technique
may become too simplified an approach.
In these cases, one practical method of simplification is
to consider that the presence of the floater and other append-
ages will not influence the fluid loading on the mooring/riser
component and vice versa. Thus, for a practical analysis un-
der the present-day hardware platform, the following practi-
cal coupled TSA method illustrated in a flow chart in Fig. (3)
is recommended. In this method the floater is considered a
rigid body for which a nonlinear time domain analysis is
invoked. The mooring lines and risers are individually ana-
lyzed using CFD method. Even though it is still a time-
consuming process, the larger and faster hardware can han-
dle it today.
For risers, such CFD analysis is being successfully car-
ried out and good progress has been achieved with execution
time that is not prohibitively high on available hardware. The
method may be extended to the mooring lines with a modest
amount of effort. A time domain method will be needed for
both the floater and the appendages, so that at each time step,
iterations may be performed among their boundaries for
convergence, before the next time step is reached. Initially
some further simplification may be warranted in the CFD
analysis, e.g., strip 2-D for a 3-D CFD.
Additionally, as illustrated in the chart (Fig. 3), these
types of mooring line and riser analysis will be able to pro-
vide sufficiently accurate hydrodynamic coefficients for ris-
ers and mooring geometry for application to the complete
coupled system after appropriate validation. Once the coeffi-
cients are generated, the simpler empirical methods that are
used today can also be applied in a design achieving higher
accuracy in the results. The technique, while still computa-
tionally time consuming, is possible with todays fast com-
30 The Open Mechanics Journal, 2008, Volume 2 Subrata Chakrabarti
puters and will provide better and more accurate response of
the floating system without arbitrarily choosing these coeffi-
cients or depending on limited small scale test data. Once
such analysis is extensively made, a data bank of coefficients
may be generated for future use in the analysis of the cou-
pled system.
In the subsequent sections, the state of the art for the
analysis of these systems will be discussed starting with the
uncoupled system followed by the individual components.
The uncoupled analysis [21-27] considers the traditional
methodology, in which the numerical analysis tool is based
on the hydrodynamic behavior of the floater, uninfluenced
by the nonlinear dynamic behavior of the mooring lines or
risers. It is still the common design practice for floating pro-
duction systems. In the uncoupled analysis procedure, gener-
ally few or no integration between the moored system and
the risers take place. The uncoupled methodology in design
is identified as a distinct two-step procedure as shown in Fig.
Step 1
The first stage is the design of the floating structure. For
the floater, the mooring system is taken as an external non-
linear stiffness term. The stiffness of the riser system is often
ignored in this analysis, even though the inclusion of risers,
similar to the mooring lines, is generally straightforward
without additional complications. In this case, the hydrody-
namic model of the floating hull is analyzed for its motion
response either in the frequency domain using linear waves
or in the more elaborate time domain retaining the nonlinear-
ity in the environment and responses. For the frequency do-
main analysis, the mooring line (as well as the riser) stiffness
is represented by an equivalent overall spring having the
slope at the pretension level of the nonlinear stiffness curve
(see step 1, Fig. 4). The 6-DOF equations of motion of the
floater includes the hydrodynamic inertia, damping, and
stiffness terms equated to the forcing function due to waves
and current and is solved by a simple matrix inversion. In the
time domain, the coupled nonlinear equation of motion is
solved by a forward integration scheme.
Step 2
The second stage of the analysis consists of the design of
mooring lines and risers. These components in the floating
system are considered individually in their design. The
floater motions that result from step 1 (expressed either as
RAOs or time series) are applied in three orthogonal compo-
nents to the top of each individual mooring line and riser at
the floater attachment point (see step 2, Fig. 4). In addition,
the distributed environmental loads in the form of wave and
current loads are applied to the component line or riser. The
structural response of the component is computed by em-
ploying a lumped mass or a finite-element method.
Floater Dynamics
The floaters in Fig. (1) that are considered for deepwater
exploration and production are mostly large structures. These
structures provide considerable obstruction to the incoming
waves, and the wave pattern in the vicinity of the floater ex-
periences significant change. Wave forces on large structures
are computed by an elegant numerical method on the as-
sumption that the flow past the structure remains essentially
potential and the irrotationality assumption for the flow is
Linear Diffraction/Radiation Forces
The general analytical approach based on linear theory
(commonly called the linear diffraction/radiation theory)

Fig. (3). Flow chart for a Total System Analysis (TSA).
Challenges for a Total System Analysis The Open Mechanics Journal, 2008, Volume 2 31
includes the diffraction and radiation effect from the sub-
merged portion of a structure due to linear progressive
waves. In the linear theory, the submerged part of the struc-
ture, only under the mean water line (Fig. 5), is considered.
Several methods may be used to solve the problem numeri-
cally, e.g., fluid finite element method, panel method, hybrid
method, etc. [28-48] The most commonly accepted method
by the industry is the boundary element panel method
(BEM). It makes use of Greens mathematical function and
Greens theorem. The spatial part of the total wave potential
is written as:

in which

= incident potential,
= scattered potential, and
=radiated potential due to forced oscillation of unit
amplitude in the k
mode. The incident wave potential at a
point (x, y, z) in the fluid is obtained from

(x, y, z) = i
coshk(y + d)

Fig. (5). Illustrative sketch of the linear force calculation on a float-
ing vertical cylinder.

in which i =imaginary quantity, g =gravitational accelera-
tion; H =wave height; =wave frequency; k =wave num-
ber; and d =water depth. In the numerical computation, the
submerged surface of the structure is discretized into small
flat panels (Fig. 5). The scattered part of the velocity poten-
tial in the fluid due to the continuous source distribution on
the structure surface is given as

(x, y, z) =
(a, b, c)

G(x, y, z; a, b, c)ds
in which represents the source strength, (a, b, c) represents
the source point on the surface of the structure, (x, y, z) the
field point in the fluid, and ds is the flat area of the panel on
the submerged surface. The function G(x, y, z; a, b, c) repre-
sents the near-field Greens function given in a series or an
integral form. The source strength function, , is computed
(x, y, z)
(a, b, c)

(x, y, z; a, b, c)ds = 4u
(x, y, z)
where u
=known normal fluid velocity at (x, y, z) due to
the incident wave. Equation 4 is solved numerically by set-
ting it up in a matrix form in terms of the centers of the pan-
els. Assuming the field points coinciding with the source
points, an NxN complex matrix is formed to describe Eq. 4
where N is the total number of panels on the submerged part
of the structure. The solution for the source strengths at the
center of each panel is obtained by the inversion of the com-
plex matrix. For a large value of N, this computation is time
For the radiated potential, the right hand side of Eq. 4 is
replaced by the normal unit displacement of the structure at
one of six degrees of freedom. Since the only difference here
with the diffraction problem is the right hand side, the radia-
tion problem may be solved at the same time, once the in-
verted matrix is known. The radiated potential provides the
added mass and damping coefficients of the structure in 6
degrees of freedom.
Once the diffraction/radiation potentials are known at the
center of each panel, the external forces on the submerged
body due to the total diffracted (subscript D) and radiated
(subscript R) potential are obtained respectively from the

Fig. (4). Schematic of uncoupled analysis method (adapted from
32 The Open Mechanics Journal, 2008, Volume 2 Subrata Chakrabarti
= i
( )

= i

where k =1,2, 6 and S =submerged surface area up to
SWL (Fig. 5). Thus, the exciting wave forces (and moments)
by the linear wave theory are obtained from Eq. 5, while the
hydrodynamic added mass and radiation damping are de-
rived from Eq. 6 (see, [49] for details).
Frequency Domain Floater Response
The environmental forces on the floater are determined at
the equilibrium position of the body for a linear analysis.
Once the forces on the structure are computed, taken as a
rigid body, in a simplest response analysis, the moorings and
risers are treated as linear or linearized nonlinear springs,
externally attached to the floater at their attachment points.
Moreover, the free motions of the body generate the lin-
ear hydrodynamic added mass and damping effect. In par-
ticular, the radiated potential from the body produces a 6x6
force matrix. When nondimensionalized by structure dis-
placements and the oscillation frequency or frequency
squared, the radiated forces give rise to a 6x6 damping coef-
ficient matrix and a 6x6 added mass coefficient matrix, re-
The motions are obtained by solving a coupled set of
equations of motion. In a linear analysis, it is even possible
to introduce a nonlinear damping in an approximate manner.
If a Morison type nonlinear damping is included in a line-
arized form, the equations of motion become

l =1
+ N
l 0
+ C
) = f
; k =1, 2,...6
where m
=mass or moment of inertia in the k-th mode, x
displacement in the k-th direction, dots are time-derivatives,
and subscript 0 denotes amplitude, while the variables M
, D
, C
, =added mass, linear and nonlinear damping and
linear restoring force coefficients respectively due to l-th
degree of freedom in the k-th direction. The restoring force
includes the stiffness arising from the structure as well as the
mooring lines. The stiffness due to risers are generally ig-
nored in this analysis, but can be easily accommodated in
Eq. 7. The stiffness is linear or linearized in a frequency-
domain solution. The solutions for 6 DOF motion x
are ob-
tained by the inversion of the 6x6 matrix on the left-hand
side by assuming the motions to be harmonic.
A simple iterative technique is chosen to solve the above
linearized equation. In the first step, a linear harmonic solu-
tion is obtained assuming x
=0 on the left-hand side of Eq.
7. This first iteration value is introduced on the left-hand side
in the next step and the process repeated. Generally, 2 to 3
iterations produce convergence.
An example of the computed heave motion of a Truss
Pontoon Semisubmersible from Eq. 7 is given in Fig. (6).
Note that the TSP has a series of rectangular plates in the
bottom structural part of the 4 legs. Different responses
shown in the figure refer to the cases with and without the
heave plates, which produce additional added mass and addi-
tional nonlinear damping in heave.

Fig. (6). Example heave response of a Truss Pontoon Semisub-
mersible including additional heave plate added mass and damping.

Time Domain Approach
While the above simple linear (or linearized) solution is a
useful design tool for a variety of floating offshore struc-
tures, it is limited by the linear restoring force, linear (or
linearized) damping and linear waves. Some of the nonlinear
aspects of the floater motion are well-established, including
steady drift force, as well as second-order low frequency
(slow drift) and high frequency (TLP tendon) loads.
Approximations for these terms are available that are
often used in practice, e.g., Newmans approximation for the
steady drift force. While widely used, these approximations
are not a significant time-saving computation today. The
more complete steady drift force by the pressure-area
method is easily computed within the linear diffraction/ ra-
diation program, as this second-order component is derived
directly from the first-order potential. The low or high fre-
quency force calculations, however, are much more involved
in terms of a quadratic transfer function, which is extremely
time-consuming to apply routinely in a design. Therefore,
simplified assumptions are often applied to slow drift or high
frequency loads using fewer frequency pairs around the
resonance frequency to reduce the computation effort. This
type of approximation is a common design practice.
In order to account for the nonlinearity properly, a time
domain solution is sought. The analysis is still uncoupled
and is generally carried out in the time domain assuming the
floater to be a rigid body, and the solution is generated by a
Challenges for a Total System Analysis The Open Mechanics Journal, 2008, Volume 2 33
forward integration scheme. The analysis can easily accom-
modate the nonlinearities present in the excitation forces
(e.g., wind, current, steady wave drift, slow drift, etc.),
damping (both linear and nonlinear) and restoring forces
typically encountered in a moored floating system. The
waves can have single frequency or can compose of multiple
frequency components following a given spectral model
(e.g., PM or J ONSWAP). Note, however, that the nonlineari-
ties in the free surface forces are generally only approxi-
mated by empirical means in such analyses.
For the series representation of long crested waves for a
given wave energy spectrum, the wave profile may be de-
composed as:
x, t ( ) = a
cos [k

where N is the number of decomposed wave components and
, w
, k
are the component wave amplitude, frequency,
number and random phase respectively. The linear and non-
linear excitation, structure displacement and velocity de-
pendent forces are computed for each of these wave compo-
nents at each step time. At the given time step, a set of sec-
ond-order differential equations (similar to Eq. 7, but retain-
ing all the nonlinearities present in the system) is solved to
obtain the accelerations of the system. For example, for a
single degree of freedom system, the current value of accel-
eration is computed from the equation of motion for a ran-
dom force at time t, F(t) as:

= (F(t ) c x
) / m (9)
where the subscripts c and p stand for the current and previ-
ous values respectively. The force time history F(t) may be
composed of nonlinear wind and current forces including
wind spectrum, the linear diffraction forces, 2nd order steady
and oscillating forces and Morison and lift forces. The solu-
tion is initiated with prescribed values for the displacements
and velocities, and these values are calculated for the next
time step from the derived accelerations by the forward inte-
gration scheme, e.g., finite-difference:

= x
+ 0.5 *( x
+ x
) *dt (10)

= x
+ 0.5 *( x
+ x
) *dt (11)
The inclusion of interconnected floating structures in a
multi-floater analysis is rather straightforward. The computa-
tion is quite efficient and can be accomplished on a medium-
sized Personal Computer.
The time-domain analysis has been shown to work quite
well in a variety of moored floaters. An example of a time
domain solution for a moored floater with multiple mooring
lines in intermediate water depth is shown in Fig. (7). The
roll and pitch motion of the floater in a strong current and the
tension in one of the mooring lines are shown.
Time Domain Fully Nonlinear Forces
Numerous articles are available on nonlinear wave-body
interaction with offshore structures (for example, [30, 37, 38,
48]). Many of these not only consider the nonlinear forces on
the floating structure, but the nonlinear response of the struc-
ture as well. The consistent nonlinear numerical solutions are
quite elaborate and extremely time-consuming. The fully
nonlinear wave-structure interaction boundary-value prob-
lem may be solved by the Mixed Eulerian-Lagragian (MEL)
method (see [28,29,38]) without any analytical approxima-
tions. This method of solution requires prohibitively large
computational efforts and is not yet practical for routine in-
dustry use. Moreover, several technical issues are yet to be
satisfactorily resolved before this approach can be success-
fully applied for complex 3-D offshore structures [27]. To
address the need of the industry, several time-domain solu-
tion methods have been proposed, which minimize this ex-
cessive use of computational efforts, but account for the es-
sential nonlinearities in approximate ways (see, for example,
[24, 5, 27]). In most cases, the hydrodynamic interaction due
to radiation and diffraction effects is linearized. This allows
the use of the usual 2-D or 3-D linear diffraction/radiation
theory. Considerable development in the area of Numerical
Wave Tanks (NWT) has been made in the last decade [47,
50]. A review article [51] summarizes some of these works.
They have been applied to a variety of simulations like fully
nonlinear free-surface waves, wave radiation by forced oscil-
lated body (radiation problem), wave and fixed body interac-
tion (diffraction problem) and floating body dynamics (ra-
diation and diffraction problem). In order to apply NWT to
the design of offshore structures, simulated hydrodynamic
forces must be accurate and reliable.
Here a 2-D nonlinear wave - fixed structure interaction
problem is formulated using a potential-based fully nonlinear
NWT. Fig. (6) shows the definition sketch for a vertical cyl-
inder assumed frozen at an instant in wave (thick line). The
theory is based (closely following the work of Kim and Koo
[40]) on mode-decomposition, and Mixed Eulerian-
Lagrangian (MEL) material-node time marching scheme
(e.g. [42]), and uses the boundary element method (BEM).

Fig. (7). Time history of motions and load due to a random wave
on an SPM.
34 The Open Mechanics Journal, 2008, Volume 2 Subrata Chakrabarti

Fig. (8). Illustrative sketch of the fully nonlinear force calculation
on a fixed vertical cylinder.

As in the case of linear diffraction/radiation theory, an
ideal fluid is assumed so that the fluid velocity can be de-
scribed by the gradient of velocity potential . A Cartesian
coordinate system is chosen such that y is positive upwards
corresponding to the still water level. Then, the governing
equation of the velocity potential is given by

= 0 (12)
The boundary conditions consist of
Fully nonlinear dynamic free surface condition, satisfied
on the exact free surface (thick line in Fig. 8):

= g

Fully nonlinear kinematic free surface condition, satisfied
on the exact free surface:


Body boundary condition on the structure:

= 0
Inflow boundary condition: At the inflow boundary, a
theoretical particle velocity profile is fed along the verti-
cal input boundary. The exact velocity profile of a truly
nonlinear wave under the given condition is not known a
priori. Therefore, the best theoretical wave profile is in-
put. Since the fully nonlinear free-surface condition is
applied in the computational domain, the input wave
immediately takes the feature of fully nonlinear waves.
Any unnecessary spurious waves inside the domain is
accounted for and corrected.
To simulate the open-sea condition, a proper outgoing
wave condition at the radiation boundary needs to be im-
posed. The most physically plausible open boundary condi-
tion is Sommerfeld/Orlanski outgoing wave condition [44].
The Orlanski radiation condition, for example, was used by
[30] for the simulation of nonlinear regular and irregular
waves and by Isaacson and Cheung [35] and Kim and Kim
[39] for wave-current-body interaction problems. There ex-
ists other open-boundary conditions, such as absorbing
beaches by artificial damping on the free surface ([28, 29,
31, 33, 41] etc.) or matching with linear time-domain solu-
tions at far field [32]. A properly designed artificial damping
on the free surface need not be far from the body and can
damp out most wave energy, if its length is greater than two
wave lengths. Therefore, the Orlanski condition is consid-
ered more effective than the matching technique and is ideal
in damping out relatively short waves [40]. The artificial
wave absorbing damping zone (Fig. 9) is introduced in the
free surface boundary conditions.

Fig. (9). Dissipation of waves in the artificial damping zone [51].

An integral equation in terms of two-dimensional Green
function satisfying Laplace equation is adopted. To update
the fully nonlinear kinematic and dynamic free-surface con-
ditions at each time step, Runge-Kutta 4
-order time-
integration scheme [23] and the Mixed Eulerian-Lagrangian
approach are adopted. Lagrangian approach for which the
free-surface nodes move with the water particle is used. At
each time step, (i) the Laplace equation is solved in the Eule-
rian frame, and (ii) the moving boundary points and values
are updated in a Lagrangian manner. To avoid non-physical
saw-tooth instability on the free surface in the time marching
scheme, smoothing and regriding methods are used. In the
case of fully Lagrangian approach, the free-surface nodes
need to be updated and rearranged at every time step. The
regriding scheme prevents the free-surface nodes from cross-
ing or piling up on the free surface, and thus makes the inte-
gration more stable.
When the simulation is started, a ramp-function [23] at
the input boundary may be applied. The ramp function pre-
vents any impulse-like behavior and consequently reduces
the corresponding unnecessary transient waves. As a result,
the simulation is more stable and soon reaches the steady
state. Towards the end of the computational domain, an arti-
ficial damping zone is applied on the free surface so that the
wave energy is gradually dissipated in the direction of wave
propagation. The profile and magnitude of the artificial
damping is designed to minimize possible wave reflection at
the entrance of the damping zone, while maximizing the
wave energy dissipation.
Accurate calculation of the time derivative of velocity
potential is very crucial in obtaining correct pressure and
force on the body surface at each time step. There are several
ways to achieve it. Backward difference is the simplest way
using the potential values of previous time steps. In case of a
stationary structure, more accurate finite-difference formulas
[23] can also be used. The wave force on the body surface is
calculated by integrating Bernoullis pressure over the in-
stantaneous wetted surface from the nonlinear wave. While
the above development is shown for a wave force computa-
tion, the method can be extended to include moving struc-
tures as well (see [40]).
During the preliminary design and analysis of the float-
ing structure response, as stated, the mooring lines are suc-
Challenges for a Total System Analysis The Open Mechanics Journal, 2008, Volume 2 35
cinctly assumed to be merely nonlinear springs and the ef-
fects of the environment on the lines themselves are ignored,
on the assumption that their overall effect on the floater re-
sponse is small. In the design of these lines themselves,
however, the environmental forces may be an important cri-
terion and may need to be considered in the final design
analysis [52-59].
In the process of designing and developing an offshore
system with mooring lines, one first selects the lines layout,
geometry, and the initial mechanical and structural proper-
ties. Different types of mooring and anchoring methods for
todays floating offshore systems are shown in Fig. (10). The
lines (typically 8 to 12) are arranged in a symmetric ar-
rangement, except to make room for risers, if needed. There
are principally two types of mooring systems in use today
catenary (or, semi-taut) mooring and taut mooring system.
The catenary lines often consist of chain-wire-chain combi-
nation. The taut lines could be steel wires or synthetic poly-
ester. It is customary to use drag anchors for the catenary
lines. For the taut polyester lines, a vertically loaded plate or
a suction anchor (Fig. 10) may also be suitable.

Fig. (10). Schematic layout of mooring and anchoring system.

For the taut mooring system the restoring force comes
primarily from the line stretch. The restoring force for the
conventional catenary system results, primarily, from their
submerged weight and changes in catenary shapes, as the
line displaces with the floater due to environmental loading.
Design of Mooring Lines
Fig. (11) shows a catenary mooring line spread between
the anchor point on the ground and the fairlead point at the
structure subjected to the environmental loads. A portion of
the line lies on the ground. The line will lift off the touch-
down point under loads and will take a different catenary
shape giving an increase in the tension at the fairlead point.
The design of a mooring line is performed in several ways
depending on the design stage and the sophistication re-
quired in the analysis. Quite often the design is static, in
which the load characteristics for a single line as well as the
mooring spread are established from the horizontal excursion
of the line ignoring dynamic environmental loads on the line
itself. The static mooring design analysis employs the fol-
lowing steps.
The load-elongation characteristics are first computed for
each line, given the line end-point coordinates, lengths and
elasticity. The forces for all lines in the mooring spread are
then summed based on their orientation to yield the resultant
horizontal and vertical restoring force vs. displacement of
the vessel. The overall mean offset of the vessel caused by
only the steady loads from wind, current, and wave drift is
estimated. The restoring force and tension in the most loaded
line are computed by displacing the vessel through this dis-
placement. The safety factor for the most heavily loaded line
is computed based on the breaking strength of the line. If it is
too low, some of the selected design parameters, e.g., line
pre-tension, material specifications, the end co-ordinates or
the number of lines, are adjusted and the above calculations
are repeated. The design is checked again with the balance of
the lines, assuming that the most loaded line is broken.

Fig. (11). Schematic of a typical mooring line under load [59].

In a quasi-static design, the line dynamics are still ig-
nored, but the dynamic loads on the floater are included in
the analysis as a quasi-static load. Thus, in addition to the
vessel offset from the mean wind, current and wave drift
forces on the vessel, the maximum excursion from the wave
induced vessel motion at wave and slow drift frequencies are
computed. Then the maximum line tensions resulting from
the total vessel offset for each possible environmental direc-
tion are determined. The line tensions with a safety factor
(generally taken as 2) are compared with the minimum
breaking load. DNV currently suggests separate safety fac-
tors for the mean load and the dynamic load amplitude to
avoid excessive conservatism, since mean loads are much
higher and more reliably predictable. As before, the maxi-
mum peak line loads with one broken line are recalculated. If
the proposed mooring specification fails the safety factor
test, then a new specification is tried.
The dynamic design of the mooring lines includes addi-
tional loads on the mooring lines themselves. In an uncou-
pled analysis, the motions of the platform independent of the
line dynamics are firstly calculated to determine the top-end
oscillation of lines (Fig. 4, step1). The external loads on the
floater in this part include steady and fluctuating wind, wave
and wave drift, and current. In the second part (Fig. 4, step
2), the mooring line dynamics are determined, for which a
time domain analysis is required. Loads and responses on the
mooring lines include XYZ motions of the floater at the fair-
lead point, current, and wave loads on the line, and the sea-
bed lateral friction on the grounded portion of the line, in-
cluding soil spring and soil damping.
In discretizing the mooring lines, either a finite element
model, e.g., [55] or a lumped mass approach [56, 57] may be
employed. The lumped mass method is more straight for-
36 The Open Mechanics Journal, 2008, Volume 2 Subrata Chakrabarti
ward and more efficient. In a lumped mass method, the line
is de-composed into a number of straight elements (bars)
with linear shape function (Fig. 12). The distributed mass
plus added mass is lumped at the end nodes.

Fig. (12). Numerical analysis model for dynamic effect on a moor-
ing line (adapted from Inoue and Surendran [56]).

The hydrodynamic damping term includes the relative
motion between the line and the fluid and a damping coeffi-
cient. Damping levels may vary significantly depending on
water depth, soil properties for grounded cable (Fig. 12), line
make up, offsets and top-end excitation. Similarly, the iner-
tial effect between the line and the fluid may be included
(though this influence is often small). At each time step, a
standard set of matrix equation is developed composed of the
inertia, damping and stiffness matrix at the lumped masses.
The solution is obtained by the inversion of this matrix equa-
In order to study the effect of the seabed interaction, Ong
and Pellegrino [59] performed a parametric study with two
chosen lines: a 0.14m diameter chain (Cable 6) in shallow
waters and a 0.13m diameter cable (Cable 7) in deep waters.
Six different configurations (A-F) shown on the left hand
side of Fig. (13) were chosen.
The results obtained from quasi-static, frequency and
time domain analyses were compared. The cables were ex-
cited in still water at the fairlead by a horizontal excitation of
1m over wave periods of 4s to 40s. For Cable 6, the dynamic
amplification was found to be relatively insensitive to the
configurations. Fig. (13) shows the dynamic amplifications
of fairlead tension for Cable 7 for different models. Signifi-
cant reduction in tensions can be seen in Models A, D and E
where seabed interaction is included. Note that there is no
dynamic amplification for Model F, since it is based purely
on a static calculation. For both cables, catenary action ap-
pears to be less important than stretching of the grounded
cable. The effect of catenary action became more prominent
(Fig. 14) when the amplitude of excitation increased up to
It is often important to check the fatigue life of the moor-
ing line. In this case, a mooring line fatigue analysis may be
based on long term cycle of dynamic tension due to time
varying wave forces. In fatigue, the recommended factor of
safety (FOS) is between 3 and 10 depending on the lines
being inspectable or not. Because of the low level of experi-
ence of lighter polyester lines in deepwater application, to-
day the FOS for a polyester line is taken to be high, as much
as 60.

Fig. (13). (a) Cable configurations and (b) Fairlead dynamic ampli-
fication of cable no.7 [59].
Challenges for a Total System Analysis The Open Mechanics Journal, 2008, Volume 2 37

Fig. (14). Dynamic amplification at the mooring fairlead vs. floater
surge amplitude for a 10s period [59].

As noted earlier, the riser is an important component of
an offshore structure and, for floating structures, there are a
variety of risers in use today. They are schematically identi-
fied in Fig. (15). The vertical risers are still most common
and used for the drilling operation. These risers for drilling
and production operations are pre-tensioned (Top Tension
Risers, TTR). The production risers may have a catenary
shape (Steel Catenary Riser, SCR) or may be flexible as
well. Flexible risers may have additional buoyancy elements
giving it an S-shape.

Fig. (15). Typical risers in use today with a variety of floaters.

Dynamics of Risers
Today almost all practical riser design analyses are per-
formed by empirical methods. Static analysis is generally
based on steady loads and provides the riser deflections, top
and bottom angles, mode shapes, and riser stresses. Dynamic
analysis considers the inline and transverse unsteady loads.
In addition to the riser shapes and stresses, it provides the
vortex induced vibration, and fatigue life of the riser.
In order to implement more advanced design of risers
[61-77] in practice, the current development of riser technol-
ogy is advancing the coupled riser FE/CFD numerical analy-
sis, in parallel with small-scale laboratory, and larger scale or
full-scale in-situ testing. In addition, several commercially
available large CFD programs are updated to make them
more suitable for offshore applications. Today, the limita-
tions of such analyses, in part, has been large computational
time, limitations in flow solver (including convergence), and
high Reynolds number. They also need systematic validity
with reliable benchmark tests, which are in most part still
lacking. The laboratory testing is generally performed at the
water channels, and wave tanks at a University research
laboratory. They are sometimes limited by small scales,
modeling problems, and accurate measurements. The princi-
pal purpose of these tests is to increase the understanding of
the fluid flow problems past risers under various conditions,
as well as to generate empirical coefficients. The advantage
of such testing is the control of various independent parame-
ters that influence riser dynamics in a systematic way. Field
measurements often include in-situ testing in full scale and
face the constraints of cost, environment, practicality, and
Mathematical Model
In this section a basic mathematical model for the riser
analysis is developed. It should, however, be recognized that
there are many approaches in the dynamic analysis of risers
and their more comprehensive numerical details are consid-
ered outside the scope of this paper. Therefore, the develop-
ment below should be taken as an exercise to introduce the
basic parameters and the governing equations for the riser

Fig. (16). Schematic of vertical top-tension riser in current.
38 The Open Mechanics Journal, 2008, Volume 2 Subrata Chakrabarti
Consider a vertical top-tensioned riser exposed to ocean
waves and currents, as illustrated in Fig. (16), in which the
waves and current are shown as collinear. The definition of
the co-ordinate system is shown in the figure. The riser is
shown attached to a floater at top and near the ocean floor
with appropriate joints which allow rotations of the riser.
These risers are generally pre-tensioned (TTR). The upper
end is constrained to the floater through the top tensioner,
but free to move with the floater both in the horizontal and
vertical directions. The various component forces on the
riser are indicated in the figure. Considering only current
loads acting on the riser, the motion of the riser is governed
by the following equations.
For the static analysis of the riser in the inline direction,
the right hand side of the equation represents the current
) ( ) ( ) (
) ( ) ( ] ) ( [ ) ) ( (
y U y D y C
x y c x y m
y F
x d
y EI
+ +
where x =direction of current, y =vertical direction, m =
total mass (including hydrodynamic added mass) per unit
length of riser section, c =damping coefficient of riser sec-
tion, =mass density of water, F
(y) =effective tension due
to axial tension as well as internal and external fluid pressure
forces, U(y) =current velocity as a function of the vertical
coordinate y, and C
(y) =drag coefficient along the riser.
For transverse riser analysis, the right hand side is the
transverse (or lift) force in a static sense:
) ( ) ( ) (
) ( ) ( ] ) ( [ ) ) ( (
y U y D y C
z y c z y m
y F
z d
y EI
+ +
where z =transverse direction, and C
(y) =maximum lift
coefficient for the riser. It is assumed that the riser bottom
end is connected to a frictionless ball joint. Note that the
transverse (or lift) force is oscillatory and, therefore, a dy-
namic analysis will be more appropriate for it.
For a mathematical solution of the system governed by
the above equations, suitable initial conditions are also
needed. For example, the initial conditions may be given by
the static solutions with zero initial velocities. The standard
modal superposition method may be used to solve the prob-
lem. Alternatively, a finite element model may be applied.
For the dynamic riser solution in waves, the right-hand
sides of Eqs. 16-17 are replaced by the forces due to wave.
In this case the modified Morison equation may be used for
the inline direction (Eq. 16), and the appropriate form of the
oscillatory lift force is used in the transverse direction (Eq.
17). The static and dynamic loads may also be combined in a
single analysis, even though it is rarely found in the litera-
There are several empirical codes to analyze the vortex-
induced vibration (VIV) problem, most of which analyze
only the cross-flow (i.e., transverse) response in current. A
few of these applications are SHEAR7 (MIT), VIVA (MIT),
ABAVIV (Technip). Some of them also perform the in-line
static deflection using amplified C
values from the cross-
flow oscillation, in order to take into account the increase in
the drag due to riser motion.
CFD Numerical Model
While the empirical method of riser design is the current
accepted method, considerable efforts are being spent in the
more elegant numerical approach. The numerical analysis
considers the turbulent incompressible Navier-Stokes equa-
tions describing the conservation of mass and momentum in
three-dimensions. In this case, a CFD type analysis incorpo-
rating the fluid and the structure is desirable. Due to high
Reynolds number encountered in such problems, the CFD
analysis is quite involved and time-consuming. However, the
recent results look promising [68].
At high Reynolds number, there exist a number of differ-
ent size vortical structures. If the small ones are not modeled
correctly, the computed energy transfer from large-scale to
small-scale will be incorrect, and the large vortices will be in
error. This is a major problem with the current state of turbu-
lence modeling in CFD. This, in reality, involves two prob-
lems: (1) having the correct (or a good) turbulence model
(i.e., the proper mathematical model), and (2) accurately and
efficiently solving the mathematical model. The finite ele-
ment analysis approach, using the present formulation pro-
vides the most accurate practical solution method. The stabi-
lizing operators do not damp out the solution for robustness.
It only adds enough and in the direction needed to counteract
the destabilizing effects of the convective and divergence
free terms. Regarding the first item, this is still an open issue.
Mathematical Model
The following transient turbulent incompressible Navier-
Stokes equations are considered in a CFD numerical analysis
[64]. They describe, respectively, the conservation of mass
and momentum in three-dimensions:


u = 0 (18)

= p + .
where =operator, u

=velocity vector; =fluid density;

and p =fluid pressure. The left hand term of Eq. 19 is the
material derivative; and is the stress tensor, which models
the total contributions from the viscous and turbulence Rey-
nolds stress,
= ( +
)(u +
u) (20)
where and
are the molecular and turbulent eddy viscosi-
ties, respectively and the superscript T represents the trans-
pose. The one-equation RANS turbulence model [76] repre-
sents the eddy-viscosity with the Detached-Eddy Simulation
(DES) modification. This model is written as

D v
= c

S v +
V.(v + v)V v + c
(V v)
( )


where the quantity v
is the unknown field. The definition of
and f
and constants c
=0:1355; =2/3; c
=0:622; c

Challenges for a Total System Analysis The Open Mechanics Journal, 2008, Volume 2 39
+1 - c
/; =0.41 [77]. The quantity v
is closely
related to the kinematic eddy viscosity. The turbulence eddy
viscosity is given by

= v


+ c
= v /
The above equations constitute a system of five equations
with five unknowns. These equations are solved using the
Galerkin/Least-Squares finite element technique (see [73]
and references therein for an in-depth description). Equal-
order nodal interpolations for all working variables, includ-
ing pressure, are used with low-order elements. Moreover,
the semi-discrete generalized- method of Chung and Hul-
bert [69] is used to resolve the time dependency. The
Galerkin finite element formulation provides the base algo-
rithm. This formulation, which is equivalent to the central
difference formulation in a finite difference method, does
not, however, yield stable discretization for the solution of
the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. The difficulties
in the stability arise from two main sources: (1) the diver-
gence-free constraint, i.e., the continuity equation; and (2)
the convective term in the momentum equations. The least-
squares operator is designed to add the needed stability
without sacrificing accuracy.
If the above numerical method is applied to a marine
riser in deep water, one of the fundamental problems in the
simulation of the long riser is the large size of the CFD prob-
lem itself [68]. For a riser in several thousand meters of wa-
ter depth, the use of three dimensional CFD solutions is im-
practical by todays computing capabilities. Therefore, a
more practical approach to riser response analysis in fluid is
to divide up the riser into smaller segments along its axis and
to apply a series of 2-D fluid flow solutions within these
segments. These 2-D fluid strips are combined with the 3-
D structural model of the riser in a practical way to predict
the riser response. In order words, the trick is to reduce the
large 3-D CFD problem to a large number of smaller 2-D
fluid structure interaction problems. However, this strip
method has some serious shortcomings. In particular, the
flow around bluff bodies, e.g., a riser, is inherently three
dimensional so that the 2-D strip solutions can only be ex-
pected to be approximate. In addition, the flow is often at a
steep angle to the riser, such as, steel catenary risers (SCRs)
creating strong axial flow components. Also, VIV suppres-
sion devices like helical strakes that have a very strong three
dimensional wake cannot be modeled well by the 2-D ap-
proximation. Finally, the strip method requires an interpola-
tion method to estimate the forces across the adjacent strips.
There is currently no general rules available to make such
interpolations [68].
Additionally, other difficulties remain, as explained by
Constantinides, et al. [68]. Although the nonlinear material
response is small for the riser, nonlinear geometric effects,
such as displacements and rotations, are quite large. Thus, a
nonlinear structural model must eventually be incorporated
in the numerical solution. Also, large motions of the gener-
ated meshes must be accommodated and the flow speed and
direction are expected to change over the entire length of the
riser. A general solution must be able to treat these effects.

Constantinides, et al. [68] used a linear structural model
including changes in the current speed and direction with
depth. The risers are modeled as tension members and the
bending stiffness of the riser is considered negligible com-
pared to the stiffness due to tension. If the eigenmodes are
assumed sinusoidal, then the eigenvectors have the form:

y n

sin (23)
where the
is the eigenvector associated with the nth
mode and the index i indicates the orthogonal x or z direc-
tions across the riser axis, n is the mode number, L is the
riser length, and y is the distance along the riser axis. The use
of a sine shape in Eq. 23 implies that the riser tension is con-
stant along the riser length. With this approach, the motion
of the riser is assumed to be a linear superposition of the
various eigenmodes. The riser response is computed from
the matrix equation:


{ }
+ c

{ }
+ k

{ }
= f
y are the modal amplitudes, and
k are
the associated mass, linear damping and stiffness for each
mode. The forces
f are computed at each time step using
the corresponding eigenvector and the displacement of the
riser for the particular mode is then computed before moving
to the next time step.

Fig. (17). Mean and max RMS riser response (A/D) values in uni-
form flow (L/D=1407) -- CFD vs. Experiment [68].
40 The Open Mechanics Journal, 2008, Volume 2 Subrata Chakrabarti
Experimental Verification
Modeling a full scale deepwater riser was possible with
this analysis (Eq. 24) using a medium-sized computational
cluster. Satisfactory experimental validation was obtained
from the solution [68] within the limitations, uncertainties
and assumptions of the available data and CFD model. An
example of the response amplitude/ riser diameter (A/D) ver-
sus uniform current flow (equivalent to simulated tow speed)
from their simulation is compared with measurements in Fig.
(17). The number of nodes and tetra/prism elements used in
the CFD analysis for this example were 3.1M and 10.9M,
However, some refinements of CFD results are still
needed for a successful correlation before confidence in such
analysis is established. This is illustrated by the following
case. A test was performed (Fig. 18) by towing a long riser
model in water and measuring the detailed inline and cross-
flow response of the riser model [66]. The test setup and
input data were supplied to several available software devel-
opers, both research type and commercial type for a blind
correlation check.
The results from this analysis are given on the right hand
side of Fig. (16). It shows the measured inline and cross-flow
response compared with results from the various tools. The
names of the tools used in this blind test are shown on the
left (see the original paper for their identification). It is clear
that the correlation is quite varied with different degrees of
success without any consistent trends in them. After this
comparison test was completed, the results of the physical

Fig. (18). Test set up and mode shapes of riser response in steady current [67].
Challenges for a Total System Analysis The Open Mechanics Journal, 2008, Volume 2 41
tests were made available to the developers/users of the tools
for further verification. This latter set of correlations turned
out to be much better than the original blind test.
Thus, this type of analysis tool appears to have the capa-
bility to predict the results reasonably well, but needs further
experience, benchmarking and validation. In order that such
validation can be achieved, more accurate benchmark results
should be made available. Only then is it possible to make
use of such tools in the design or design verification of
deepwater risers with confidence.
Among the more complete numerical methods, most of
the CFD codes are 2-D assuming parallel planes. They in-
clude finite element, finite difference, discrete vortex, vor-
tex-in-cell, and vortex tracking method. A few examples are
FSI-Navsim (Norsk Hydro), USP, DeepFlow (IFP), VIVIC
(Imperial College), TACC, Orcina VT, and Orcina WO of
OrcaFlex. There are also a few large 3-D Commercial Codes
currently being adopted for offshore applications, e.g., Flu-
ent, and Acusolve.
Because of the numerous uncertainties in the riser design,
a large factor of safety is generally recommended in the fa-
tigue life design of a riser. The guidelines, e.g., API, suggest
values of FOS =3, for inspectable riser applications, and
FOS =10-20, for un-inspectable applications including in-
creased uncertainties, e.g., VIV.
The biggest difficulty and most challenging in the ap-
proximate hybrid numerical/empirical computations of the
system response today is an accurate determination of the
hydrodynamic coefficients. The hydrodynamic coefficients
for the computation of the environmental loads include the
inertia, drag and lift coefficients. For the system response
calculations, the added mass and damping coefficients are
important. The availability of accurate appropriate values
applicable to real system components is often rare.
Typical sources of damping [78-84] for a coupled system
are: floater drag/viscous damping (which is an important
contribution to damping), floater wave drift damping (which
is important in the overall structure dynamics), mooring sys-
tem damping (by far the most important contribution), riser
system damping (hydrodynamic type), line inter-
nal/material damping (friction forces of individual wires or
chain links), damping caused by mooring line on seabed
(which generally has a large effect), and thruster damping
(only applicable for thruster assisted mooring). The relative
contributions of damping from waves, viscous and mooring
lines shows that the mooring line has the highest percentage
contribution reaching about 80 % overall.
The knowledge of the wave frequency damping of the
floater itself is generally adequate. Accurate radiation damp-
ing can be computed numerically. The information on the
viscous damping is also sufficiently known from numerous
model tests and field data. However, the higher order damp-
ing, especially in slow drift oscillation of soft-moored ves-
sels or high frequency load on the stiff vertically moored
vessels, e.g., TLP, which are critical in the computation of
accurate response is difficult to estimate from the available
data. For example, the typical damping ratio for a TLP in
heave is found from model tests to be about 0.05 percent for
both round and square vertical columns, while the same for
horizontal pontoons are 0.176 and 0.278 percent (ref: [3, 79,
82, 83]).
An example on the variation of drift damping value with
the drift amplitude of a moored system is shown in Fig. (19)
for a water depth of 82.5m, and a drift period of 100s, having
no wave frequency oscillation. Note that damping increased
by afactor of 4.5 when the drift amplitude increased from
10m to 20m.

Fig. (19). Chain line damping vs. drift induced top-end amplitude.

The drag coefficients on mooring lines depend on their
sectional geometry and magnitudes of current. For example,
the drag on chain sections is expected to be much higher
than that on wires. If the wires are sheathed, then the drag
effect should be small, equivalent to smooth circular cylin-
ders. Typical values of normal drag coefficients on chains
are taken as 2.4 2.6, while that for wires is between 1.2
1.8. The tangential drag component for these components
vary from 0.2 to 0.8. Unfortunately, however, the availability
of such data is quite limited and no dependence on the cur-
rent velocities (or equivalently, the Reynolds number) can be
For accurate prediction of the riser response empirically,
the knowledge of the hydrodynamic coefficients applicable
to the riser geometry is essential. These include the drag and
lift coefficients due to waves and current and added mass
coefficients. Essentially all the numerical models in riser
response development have been concentrated with the cur-
rent loading. Since the riser geometry is generally close to
circular cylinders, it is somewhat easier to determine a rea-
sonable value of the riser hydrodynamic coefficient. How-
ever, the values of hydrodynamic coefficients specifically
applicable to riser geometry is lacking in the literature.
The drag coefficients for various suppression devices on
cylindrical risers vary considerably. The straked risers have
the highest value (about 1.4) for C
, while it is lowest for
fairings. The inline drag coefficients for a fairing mounted
riser as functions of Reynolds number is given in Fig. (20)
from extensive experiments conducted by Shell Global Solu-
tions. This is the type of information needed for other
shapes, which are rarely available.
It has been found that when the cylinder vibrates, such as
a riser, the drag coefficients increase in magnitute based on
the amplitude of vibration. The drag coefficient of a
vibrating cylinder is given by the formula [78]:
42 The Open Mechanics Journal, 2008, Volume 2 Subrata Chakrabarti

Fig. (20). Drag coefficients for Fairings [Shell Global Solution].



= C
D( A=0)



in which ( )= D A C
/ drag coefficient for a vibrating cylinder,
= ) ( 0 A D
drag coefficient for a fixed cylinder, A
value of cross-flow vibrations, D =hydrodynamic diameter
of the cylinder. The plot of this amplification factor vs. the
normalized vibration amplitude is shown in Fig. (25). As an
example, assume 0.2, / = D A
and , 1
) 0 (
= A D
C then
( ) 57 . 1 / = D A C
, which is over a 50% increase over fixed
Risers often appear in a bundle. API [78] Guidelines give
the composite blockage factor for a dense structure (com-
posed of many circular members e.g., a riser bundle) in
steady current as follows:
) (

+ =

i D
where N =no. in the bundle, A =individual member area,
and A =overall structure area, projected normal to the flow
The risers mounted with fairings appear to have the high-
est added mass coefficients of about 1.25, while the riser
with strakes has about the same value as a bare cylinder.
Modest efforts have already been made to couple these
components. This area is briefly reviewed here. The effects
of the appendages become increasingly important, as the
structure moves into deeper waters. Thus, their effects in a
total system analysis may not be ignored in these cases.
However, since a fully coupled time domain analysis of the
floater, lines and risers is extremely time consuming with
high computational costs, enhanced refinements to the un-
coupled system have been proposed, e.g., [15, 19, 20] which
try to balance the accuracy and efficiency [13]. Generally,
some level of integration among the floater, mooring lines
and risers has been considered in the system analysis [19],
even when only uncoupled analysis is used. Such refine-
ments consist in employing enhanced procedures for the de-
termination of the scalar coefficients that are introduced in
the floater equations of motion to represent certain important
behavior of the mooring lines and risers. A few examples are
given below:
Compute current loads on the mooring lines and include
part of it as a floater coefficient at the floater fairlead
Include a composite value of damping due to the mo-
tions of mooring lines (and, occasionally, the riser) as a
damping coefficient to the hull damping to obtain the
overall damping of the system. For example, a scalar
damping coefficient may be calibrated from experimen-
tal decay test.
Include a portion of the mass and added mass of the
mooring lines to the total mass of the system by intro-
ducing an approximate mass coefficient.
However, it has been recognized (refs. [7, 10, 11, 15, 19,
20, 27, 37, 38, 48]) that the most accurate design methodol-
ogy for floating offshore systems should employ analysis
programs based on coupled formulations. Ideally, a coupled
analysis should incorporate, in a single code and data struc-
ture, a hydrodynamic model for the representation of the
vessel, coupled to a 3-D finite-element model for the repre-
sentation of the hydrodynamic and nonlinear structural dy-
namic behavior of the mooring lines and risers. The charac-
teristics and advantages of this so-called fully-coupled
methodology are described by [7]. As already mentioned,
one characteristic of this methodology is its excessive com-
puter costs. Therefore, in order to circumvent this problem
and to gradually advance towards a fully coupled and inte-
grated design methodology, hybrid methodologies and
analysis procedures are adopted.

Fig. (21). Schematic for a coupled system analysis (adapted from

In a coupled analysis, quite often, the linear frequency-
dependent potential theory is applied for the floater coupled
with a 3-D bar/cable finite element for the mooring lines and
a 3-D beam element for the riser (Fig. 21). The environ-
mental excitations on the mooring lines and risers are com-
puted by the Morison equation. For the analysis of the indi-
vidual components, the 6 DOF motions of the floater are
introduced as nodal components in the finite-element model
Challenges for a Total System Analysis The Open Mechanics Journal, 2008, Volume 2 43
In reality, an iterative approach is necessary, since the
mooring line/ riser response is coupled to the floater mo-
tions. In a complete coupled analysis, two sets of equations
of motion are solved, which iterate at a given time step one
for the floater and one for the appendages. In the simulation,
the mooring forces in the equation of motion are kept con-
stant over the time step. The 6 DOF motions of the floating
vessel is solved at the given time step. During this interval,
the equation of motion is integrated with a Runga-Kutta type
scheme and the position and velocity of the floater is ob-
tained. The position of the floater is then applied to the top
of each of the lines in its dynamic analysis. A finite element
or a lumped mass method for the mooring line is applied. For
example, to compute the dynamic position of the entire
mooring line at each time step in the simulation, a lumped
mass method is used (see, for example, [54]), as shown in
Fig. 12. In this lumped mass method, the mass of the moor-
ing line is lumped to a finite number of nodes that are con-
nected by linear springs, corresponding to the axial stiffness
of the line. Bending stiffness may be required for the riser,
but is not taken into account for lines. The current (and
wave) loads on the mooring line elements at their nodes are
computed. Each mooring line dynamics provide the location
and tension at the fairlead point of the lines at this new time
step. These new values are imposed to the floater and the 6
DOF of the floater is solved again. Iterations continue until a
convergence is reached before proceeding to the next time
step. The procedure is similar for the riser.
The difference between the time and frequency domain
analysis for a coupled system is illustrated by an example
from [13]. It represents a spread moored FPSO using an
equivalent four-line mooring system in a water depth of
2000m. The standard deviation of the line tension (domi-
nated by WF) from the bottom end of a line due to an
oblique 15.7 m (H
) J ONSWAP wave is plotted in Fig. (22).
While the time domain simulation provided higher tension
throughout, the difference in the results from the two analy-
ses is minimal. Thus, in this example, the simpler and more
efficient frequency-domain analysis appears to give similar

Fig. (22). Time vs. frequency domain line tension for a coupled
system analysis [13].

The line tension for the most loaded line is compared by
the coupled (C) and uncoupled (U) analysis in Fig. (23)
(from [15]). The floater is a turret moored ship with 8 sym-
metric mooring lines (M) with and without risers (R). The
mean and dynamic loads for coupled (M, or M+R attached)
and uncoupled are shown separately in the results. For the
uncoupled analysis (U), the difference between inclusion
(M+R LF) and exclusion (No LF) of the low frequency loads
on the riser and mooring are shown separately. There is
some difference evident in the results between the coupled
and uncoupled analysis, especially when the risers are in-

Fig. (23). Mean and dynamic line tensions compared for a coupled
(C) vs. uncoupled (U) system (source: [15]).

While deepwater development is continuing at a steady
pace and considerable progress has been made in the design
of offshore structures, several challenges in the analysis of
deepwater floating structures remain. The design of large
floating systems consisting of floater, mooring lines and ris-
ers has, in most part, been carried out using the traditional
uncoupled analysis, in which the dynamics of the floater are
determined by treating the mooring lines and risers as exter-
nal stiffness terms. The frequency domain analysis considers
the stiffness to be linear, while, if the appropriate nonlinear-
ity is maintained, a time domain method is used. Once the
floater dynamics are known, the XYZ floater motions at the
appendage connections are applied to the individual mooring
line or riser to determine their responses for the design.
For the uncoupled floater, the theory is well-established
and several commercially available codes, most of them
based on the frequency-domain linear diffraction/radiation
theory, are routinely used in the design of such structures.
While this method is quite satisfactory, in many cases, the
radiation damping is often inadequate for the floater re-
sponse in the resonance area. Therefore, simple experimental
technique (e.g., pluck test) is used to determine the supple-
mental damping in the overall system. Some quantitative
values for them are available, but inadequacy still exists in
the availability of these types of data and in their possible
One other area where further development is being car-
ried out is in the application of NWT. Such methods are ca-
pable of handling a variety of problems, not possible with
the frequency domain BEM, such as, nonlinear steep waves,
wave run-up on floaters, and high wave overtopping on the
floater deck. The effects in these specific areas may be a
serious design consideration in certain floating offshore sys-
tems for which more complete reliable and practical NWT
solutions are desirable.
Todays design of risers and mooring lines is generally
empirical in nature in which the environmental loading is
treated in terms of hydrodynamic coefficients applied to
44 The Open Mechanics Journal, 2008, Volume 2 Subrata Chakrabarti
these components and a detailed structural analysis of the
mooring or riser is carried out based on this loading. Due to
lack of knowledge of hydrodynamic data, often a single av-
erage coefficient value is used over the entire length of the
component, irrespective of its location in the fluid. More
systematic analysis should be undertaken to generate more
accurate coefficients for these components including appro-
priate validation.
Moreover, ultradeep water and relatively smaller size of
floaters may necessitate the interaction of the appendages
and the environmental effects on themselves to be incorpo-
rated in a more complete coupled analysis with the floater.
This area is still mostly in the developmental stage, even
though some limited design verification is currently being
carried out by the offshore industry with this type of tool. In
this paper, specific recommendations have been made for a
systematic procedure into more complete analysis, which is
termed the Total System Analysis (TSA).
Progress is being made in the development of more com-
plete and sophisticated numerical analysis for the floating
system design. This area needs further development for im-
proved efficiency and accuracy with less dependence on em-
piricism. Moreover, these techniques need careful validation
before their practical application may be warranted in a rou-
tine manner by the industry.
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Received: February 20, 2008 Revised: April 18, 2008 Accepted: April 24, 2008

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