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Read Acknowledgement Based Routing Misbehavior in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (RACK)

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Read Acknowledgement Based Routing Misbehavior In Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (RACK)

Aravinda.C.V 1 and Dr.H.N.Prakash 2


Department of Computer Science & Engineering,Amrutha Institute Of Engineering & Management Sciences, Bengaluru 2 Head Department of Computer Science& Engineering, Rajeev Institute of Technology,Hassan

We study routing misbehavior in MANETs (Mobile Ad Hoc Networks) in this paper.In general, routing protocols for MANETs are designed based on the assumption that all participating nodes are fully cooperative. It is designed and developed to secure the routing misbehavior and to avoid the selsh node that will participate in discovery and maintenance processes but refuse to forward data packets. The main idea of the RACK scheme is to send two-hop acknowledgment packets in the opposite direction of the routing path. The RACK scheme that serves as an add-on technique for routing schemes to detect routing misbehavior and to mitigate their adverse eect.AdHoc network does not have trac concentration points such as gateway or access points which perform behavior monitoring of individual nodes.Delivery Report Channel,who will notify the sender that receiver has received the message/data he sent. Read Reply Channel, who will notify the sender that receiver has read the message/data he sent. Keywords Read Acknowledgement (RACK), routing & node misbehavior, network security, Dynamic Source Routing (DSR).
aravinda.cv@gmail.com prakash



A Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of mobile nodes (hosts) which communicate with each other via wireless links either directly or relying on other nodes as routers. The operation of MANETs does not depend on preexisting infrastructure or base stations. Network nodes in MANETs are free to move randomly.Therefore, the network topology of a MANET may change rapidly and unpredictably. All network activities, such as discovering the topology and delivering data packets, have to be executed by the nodes themselves, either individually or collectively. Depending on its application, the structure of a MANET may vary from a small, static network that is highly power-constrained to a large-scale, mobile, highly dynamic network.An individual mobile node may attempt to benet from other nodes, but refuse to share its own resources. Such nodes are called selsh or misbehaving nodes and their behavior is termed selshness or misbehavior [2]. One of the major sources of energy consumption in the mobile nodes of MANETs is wireless transmission [3]. A selfish node may refuse to forward data packets for other nodes in order to conserve its own energy. Several techniques have been proposed to detect and alleviate the eects of such selsh nodes in MANETs [4],[5], [6], [7], [8], [9]. In [4], three techniques were introduced,namely,ReadChanel, watchdog and pathrater, 1

to detect and mitigate the eects of the routing misbehavior, respectively. The Read Chanel is to identify that receiver has read the message successfully and report has sent to sender through proper channel.The watch- dog technique identies the misbehaving nodes by overhearing on the wireless medium. The pathrater technique allows nodes to avoid the use of the misbehaving nodes in any future route selections. The watchdog technique is based on passive overhearing. Unfortunately, it can only determine whether or not the next-hop node sends out the data packet. The reception status of the hop links receiver is usually unknown to the observer.In [15], each node maintains a counter termed the nuglet counter. The counter is decreased when the node sends packets of its own, but increased when it forwards packets for the other nodes. The counter should be positive before a node is allowed to send its packet. Therefore, the nodes are encouraged to continue to help other nodes. Tamper resistant hardware modules are used to keep nodes from increasing the nuglet counter illegally.Another credit-based scheme, termed Sprite, was pro- posed by Zhong et al. [8]. In Sprite, nodes keep receipts of the received /forwarded messages. When they have a fast connection to a Credit Clearance Service (CCS), they report all of these receipts. The CCS then decides the charge and credit for the reporting nodes. In the network architecture of Sprite, the CCS is assumed to be reachable through the use of the Internet, limiting the utility of Sprite.

functions. In [5], Buttyan and Hubaux used the concept of nuggets (also called beans) as payments for packet forwarding. They proposed two models: the Packet Purse Model and the Packet Trade Model. In the Packet Purse Model, nuggets are loaded into the packet before it is sent. The sender puts a certain number of nuggets on the data packet to be sent. Each intermediate node earns nuggets in return for forwarding the packet. If the packet exhausts its nuggets before reaching its destination, then it is dropped. In the Packet Trade Model, each intermediate node buys the packet from the previous node for some nuggets and sells it to the next node for more nuggets. Thus, each intermediate node earns some nuggets for providing the forwarding service and the overall cost of sending the packet is borne by the destination. Another credit-based scheme, termed Sprite, was proposed by Zhong et al. [8]. In Sprite, nodes keep receipts of the received/forwarded messages. When they have a fast connection to a Credit Clearance Service (CCS), they report all of these receipts. The CCS then decides the charge and credit for the reporting nodes. In the network architecture of Sprite, the CCS is assumed to be reachable through the use of the Internet, limiting the utility of Sprite.


Reputation Bases Scheme

Related Work

The security problem and the misbehavior problem of wireless networks including MANETs have been studied by many researchers, e.g., [11], [12], [13], [14]. Various techniques have been proposed to prevent selshness in MANETs. These schemes can be broadly classied into two categories: credit-based schemes and reputation-based schemes.


Credit Based System

The basic idea of credit-based schemes is to provide incentives for nodes to faithfully perform networking 2

The second category of techniques to combat node misbehavior in MANETs is reputation-based [4], [7]. In such schemes, network nodes collectively detect and declare the misbehavior of a suspicious node. The CONFIDANT protocol proposed by Buchegger and Le Boudec in [7] is another example of reputation-based schemes. The protocol is based on selective altruism and utilitarianism, thus making misbehavior unattractive. CONFIDANT consists of four important componentsthe Monitor, the Reputation System, the Path Manager, and the Trust Manager. They perform the vital functions of neighborhood watching, node rating, path rating, and sending and receiving alarm messages, respectively. Each node continuously monitors the behavior of its rst-hop neighbors. In [1], Miranda and Rodrigues adopted a similar ap-

proach. Each node i maintains a data structure about every other node j as an indication of what impression node i has about node j. Along with a credit counter, node i also maintains lists of nodes to which node j will and will not provide service. Every node periodically broadcasts relevant information in the form of a self-state message. Other nodes update their own lists based on the information contained in these selfstate messages.

power. The main issue is that the event of successful packet reception can only be accurately determined at the receiver of the next-hop link, but the watchdog technique only monitors the transmission from the sender of the next-hop link.


End-to-End Delay
Figure 1: Code Security

In the TCP protocol, end-to-end acknowledgment is employed. Such acknowledgments are sent by the end receiver to notify the sender about the reception of data packets up to some locations of the continuous data stream. The Selective Acknowledgment (SACK) technique is used to acknowledge outof-order data blocks.The Best-eort Fault-Tolerant Routing (BFTR) scheme due to Xue and Nahrstedt [18] also employs end-to-end ACKs. The BFTR scheme continuously monitors the quality (i.e., packet delivery ratio) of the path in use. This is compared with the predened expected behavior of good routes. If the behavior of the route in use deviates from the behavior of good routes, it is marked as infeasible and a new route is used. Since BFTR throws out the entire route before detecting the misbehaving nodes, the newly chosen route may still include the same misbehaving nodes. Even though the new route will be detected as infeasible by the source after a period of observation time, data packet loss will occur in trac ows when using protocols such as UDP. Such a repeated detection process is inecient. In contrast with BFTR, we try to identify such misbehaving links in this work. Therefore, more accurate information on routing misbehavior can be obtained in the 2ACK scheme.


Details of 2Ack

The 2ACK scheme is a network-layer technique to detect misbehaving links and to mitigate their effects. It can be implemented as an add-on to existing routing protocols for MANETs, such as DSR. The 2ACK scheme detects misbehavior through the use of a new type of acknowledgment packet, termed 2ACK. A 2ACK packet is assigned a xed route of two hops (three nodes) in the opposite direction of the data trac route.ig. 1 illustrates the operation of the 2ACK scheme.Suppose that N1 , N2 , and N3 are three consecutive nodes (triplet) along a route. The route from a source node, S, to a destination node, D, is generated in the Route Discovery phase of the DSR protocol. When N1 sends a data packet to N2 and N2 forwards it to N3 , it is unclear to N1 whether N3 receives the data packet successfully or not. Such an ambiguity exists even when there are no misbehaving nodes. The problem becomes much more severe in open MANETs with potential misbehaving nodes.

Case Study of 2Ack Scheme


Comparison of Techniques

The watchdog detection mechanism in [4] has a very low overhead. Unfortunately, the watchdog technique suers from several problems such as ambiguous collisions,receiver collisions, and limited transmission 3

Collision: It may occur at node N1 . When a well-behaved node N2 forwards the data packet toward N3 , it is possible that N1 cannot overhear the transmission due to another concurrent transmission in N1 s neighborhood.

Receiver collision:This collisions take place in the overhearing techniques when N1 overhears the data packet being forwarded by N2 , but N3 fails to receive the packet due to collisions in its neighbor hood. A misbehaving N2 will not retransmit the data packet, which costs extra energy. Limited Power: A misbehaving N2 may maneuver its transmission power such that N1 can overhear its transmission but N3 cannot. This problem is similar to the Receiver Collisions problem. It becomes a threat only when the distance between N1 and N2 is less than that between N2 and N3 .

3.3 Authenticating Packets



We look into the problem of 2ACK packet fabrication in this subsection. Since the 2ACK packets are forwarded by an intermediate node (e.g., node N2 in Fig. 1), without proper protection, a misbehaving node N2 can simply fabricate 2ACK packets and claim that they were sent by node N3 . Therefore, an authentication technique is needed in order to protect 2ACK packets from being forged.The rst technique is the transmission extension mechanism. Using this technique, N3 increases the transmission power to send the hn element directly to N1 . This technique bypasses N2 , the potential threat to the distribution of hn . While such a technique consumes more energy from node N3 , it takes place rather infrequently. It will be seen later that every 2ACK packet uses one element in the one-way hash chain in (7). The distribution of a new hn element is only needed when the entire chain has been used.

received. As a result, N1 declares the link N2 ! N3 as misbehaving and sends a misbehavior report to the source. Since N3 , as a misbehaving node, refuses to forward data packets, N2 will also declare the link of N3 ! N4 (the node following N3 ) as misbehaving. Thus, links around node N3 are declared misbehaving and will be avoided by future route selections. Similarly, when there are consecutive misbehaving nodes on the route, the rst misbehaving node and its forwarding link will be detected and reported to the source. Such a route will be avoided in the next round of route discovery. Topology changes may also lead to false misbehavior reports. When two well-behaved neighboring nodes move out of each others range, the link between them will fail interms of data delivery. In 2ACK, this is taken care of by the routing scheme in use (DSR). When the sender of the link notices that the receiver is out of range, it will submit a Route Error (RERR) message to report the link failure. The parameter timeout, will be used to set up a timer for 2ACK reception. If the timer expires before the expected 2ACK packet is received, the missing 2ACK packet counter, Cmis , will be incremented. Thus, an appropriate value of is important for the successful operation of the 2ACK scheme.

3.4 False Misbehavior Reports and Intentional Dropping of 2ACK

A misbehaving node N3 may refuse to send any 2ACK packet for the data packets that have been 4

Performance Evaluation
Column 2 Listener Delivery Notication Read Reply Notication Request Listener Request Listener Delivery Report Notication Read Report Notication Column 3 Port Number 17001 17002 7001 7002 27001

Column 1 Component Sender Sender Intermediate Receiver Delivery Report Channel Read Report Channel

Read Reply Channel: This is another channel who will notify the sender that receiver has read the message/data he sent. Delivery Report Channel: This is another channel who will notify the sender that receiver has received the message/data he sent.


we present our simulation results for performance evaluation. Since the RACK scheme works as an add-on technique for the DSR protocol, the performance of the RACK scheme is actually the performance of the DSR+RACK scheme. Sender: Is the request initiator. In reference to the mobile technology, sender will be referenced to Mobile user. Once the sender sends the request, two servers (listeners) will be waiting, one for delivery notication and another for read reply notication. Intermediate: This is the intermediate nodes on the network which carries or forwards the data to the recipient/receiver. There can/will be huge number of such intermediate routers in the production scenario. However, for the simulating environment we have used only one such intermediate carrier. Receiver: This is the actual nal recipient, who is supposed to receive the message. In reference to the mobile technology, receiver refers to either mobile user or the application (short code). Receiver will be waiting for the incoming messages and on once received, will send the delivery notication to the sender to acknowledge the message received. 5

Figure 2: A Simple Architecture of ow data

Data Structure Used to Simulate

1. Request Data Structure This is the data or the message sending from the sender to the receiver. MD5(SenderId:SenderPassword)|Base64(length) |Base64((message|messageID)|MD 5(End String) 2. Response data structure Response data structure refers to response message from the receiver to sender on request message sent, delivery notication message and read reply message 3. Response ACK:SUCCESS/ ACK:FAILURE. 4. Delivery Notication SUCCESS/FAILURE. 5. ReadReplyNoticationSUCESS/FAULURE.

Implementation Results Using Core Java

Figure 5: A DeliveryReport1 channel

Figure 3: A Reciever Channel

Figure 6: A ReadReport1 Channel highly vulnerable to selsh nodes. One such misbehavior is related to routing. When such misbehaving nodes participate in the Route Discovery phase but Figure 4: A Intermediate Channel refuse to forward the data packets, routing performance may be degraded severely. We have presented the RACK scheme in detail and discussed dierent aspects of the RACK scheme. Extensive simulation 7 Conclusion and Implementation of the RACK scheme have been Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) have been an performed to evaluate its performance. Our simulaarea for active research over the past few years due tion and implementation results show that the RACK to their potentially widespread application in mili- scheme maintains up to 95 percent packet delivery ratary and civilian communications. Such a network is tio even when there are 40 percent misbehaving nodes highly dependent on the cooperation of all of its mem- in the MANETs that we have studied. The regular bers to perform networking functions. This makes it DSR scheme can only oer a packet delivery ratio of 6

40 percent. The false alarm rate and routing overhead of the RACK scheme are investigated as well. One advantage of the RACK scheme is its exibility to control overhead with the use of the Rack parameter.

[6] S. Buchegger and J.-Y. Le Boudec, Performance Analysis of the CONFIDANT Protocol: Cooperation of Nodes, Fairness in Dynamic AdHoc Networks, Proc. MobiHoc, June 2002. [7] S. Zhong, J. Chen, and Y.R. Yang, Sprite: A Simple, Cheat-Proof, Credit-Based System for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks, Proc. INFOCOM, Mar.-Apr. 2003. M. Jakobsson, J.-P. Hubaux, and L. Buttyan, A Micropayment Scheme Encouraging Collaboration in Multi-Hop Cellular Net- works, Proc. Financial Cryptography Conf., Jan. 2003. D. Johnson, D. Maltz, Y.C. Hu, and J. Jetcheva, The Dynamic Source Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (DSR), Internet draft, Feb. 2002. L. Zhou and Z.J. Haas, Securing Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE Network Magazine, vol. 13, no. 6, Nov./Dec. 1999.

Future Extraction

It is more dicult to decide the behavior of a single [8] node. This is mainly due to the fact that communication takes place between two nodes and is not the sole eort of a single node. Therefore, care must be taken before punishing any node associated with the misbehaving links. When a link misbehaves, either of [9] the two nodes associated with the link may be misbehaving. In order to decide the behavior of a node and punish it, we may need to check the behavior of links around that node. This is a potential direction [10] for our future work.



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[11] F. Stajano and R. Anderson, The Resurrecting Duckling: Security Issues in Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks, Proc. Seventh Intl Workshop Security Protocols, 1999.

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