Newsreel 060509
Newsreel 060509
Newsreel 060509
The Disney Newsreel is the proud recipient
of five 2008 APEX Awards for excellence in
18 D A TE L INE DI S NEY : 1 9 3 8
publication, including the prestigious Grand
Award, and 18 2008 Magnum Opus
Awards, including the Grand Award. Printed on recycled paper.
currently enjoying their golden anniver-
By Marina Draskovic saries. Additional special screenings
include Walt Disney Pictures’ upcom-
ing Tinker Bell: Lost Treasure, as well
one with their own brand of surprise day of the Expo, currently priced at $37, will be made available to Cast
icture a place where Dis- mental in Disney‘s success,” Disney The history and heritage of Walt entertainment, exclusive previews and Members and their dependents for FREE with a $5 processing fee per ticket.
ney’s timeless animation, President and CEO Bob Iger says. “The Disney and the entertainment empire celebrity appearances. Disney enthusi- Tickets can be purchased at Employee Centers, the Studio Store on the Lot
unforgettable movies, D23 Expo represents the finest in Disney he founded more than 85 years ago asts can also attend dozens of unique, and at Disneyland‘s Team Centers. Cast Members must purchase all tickets
iconic theme parks and entertainment from across our great will be on display in “Treasures of the specially created panels and celebrity- for the same date. Tickets are non-transferable and have no monetary value.
all the magical music, television and the- Company and will offer a one-of-a-kind, Walt Disney Archives,” a rare collec- speaker events, while younger Disney
ater productions that have become syn- unforgettable experience for people of tion of incredible props, artifacts and fans enjoy live Radio Disney broadcasts,
onymous with Walt’s uncompromising all ages.” costumes that will be made accessible watch “princess makeover” demos from
vision come together as never before. to the public for the first time in Disney’s the Bibbidi-Bobbidi Boutique, or revel in
Seem too good to be true? Well, it’s not. Among the many D23 Expo center- history. True Disney connoisseurs will be special interactive play areas from Baby
For four days, the “Fantasyland” you’ve pieces is a state-of-the-art cinema built amazed by the extraordinary pieces in Einstein and more.
imagined becomes a reality when The especially for the four-day event. Fans the exhibit, such as the fully restored,
Walt Disney Company presents the first- will be enchanted by special sneak 11-foot model of the Nautilus from With its exclusive merchandise and
ever D23 Expo. peeks at all-new Disney feature films, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, the ultimate pin-trading headquarters, the
including The Princess and the Frog, stunning, jewel-encrusted book used in incredible “Disney Dream Store” will be
From September 10–13, the recently Rapunzel, Disney‘s A Christmas Carol, the opening moments of Sleeping Beauty absolute heaven for avid collectors. And
renovated Anaheim Convention Center Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland, and so much more. for those Disney fans who like to bring
will be transformed into a wonderful TRON, Toy Story 3, Prince of Persia: the magic home, Disney Consumer Prod-
world of all things Disney. Pavilions The Sands of Time and The Sorcerer’s ucts will show guests how to give every
brimming with extraordinary, exclusive Apprentice. room in the house that Disney flair in an
events and opportunities will give guests eight-room home designed exclusively
a passport to go behind the scenes and They can also go behind the scenes for for the D23 Expo.
The Expo promises fun for the whole
experience the Com- a rare glimpse at what’s in store at Walt family. As Crush would say, “Totally
pany’s leg- Disney Imagineering (WDI) and see how The D23 Expo will also become home to And so much more has yet to be bring the little dudes!”
endary our Imagineers design and create the the 2009 Disney Legends Awards. The announced. For details about all the
creativ- sky’s-the-limit attractions that have been cherished, 22-year Walt Disney Com- entertainment, events and special guests
ity first hand. drawing visitors to Disney theme parks pany tradition that pays tribute to the tal- that will be part of the first-ever D23
“We hope this around the globe for decades. WDI will ented men and women who have made Expo, stay tuned to the official D23
will be the ulti- also share its incredible special effects indelible contributions to Disney enter- Web site at,
mate event for the and robotic technologies, including spe- tainment will honor this year’s recipients or by following “Disney D23”
multitude of fans cial visits with Lucky the Dinosaur and at a ceremony on Saturday, September 12. at Twitter or on Facebook. Who
who have been WALL•E. This is the first time this event has been knows? Maybe it’ll be just the way you
so instru- held outside of Disney property, and imagined. After all, if you can dream it,
In addition, Walt Disney Parks and only the third time it‘s been open to chances are D23 Expo can do it!
Resorts will allow D23 Expo guests the public!
Tickets to the D23 Expo are available at
to explore the rich legacy and excit- Admission includes access to
ing future of Disney‘s theme parks Disney movie buffs will delight in the all experiences and entertainment at the D23
and vacation destinations worldwide. “50 and Fabulous Film Festival,” featur- Expo and can be purchased for single days
Highlights will include a special look at ing Sleeping Beauty, The Shaggy Dog or for the full four days of festivities. Admission
Figment says, “Let your imagination run wild!”
is discounted* for members of D23: The Official
what‘s being imagineered for the future and Darby O’Gill and the Little People, Community for Disney Fans.
of Disney‘s California Adventure. each originally released in 1959 and *D23 members can save up to $84.
birthday on June 9, D23: butions to the Walt
ra g e
The Official Community Disney Studios. The
sound effects wizard Jimmy Macdonald sic group, The International Singers, and for Disney Fans is commis- last time a Duckster was
assumed speaking duties for Mickey in went on to record with such performers sioning an official portrait from those who know Donald best… awarded was nearly 20
1947 with “Mickey and the Beanstalk” as Bobby Vinton and Davie Allan and his fans! years ago, and only a
(from Fun and Fancy Free), and contin- the Arrows. few of these rare bronze
ued with it until 1977, when Wayne For more than 50 years, Disney Legend John Hench served statuettes of Donald Duck remain in the Walt Disney Archives.
took over the job. In 1966, he took a job in the mailroom as Mickey Mouse’s official portrait artist. Last year, in celebra- Among the past recipients of the Duckster are Disney Legend
at The Walt Disney Studios. From there, tion of Mickey’s 80th anniversary, the Walt Disney Archives Clarence Nash, the original voice of Donald Duck, and famed
Wayne recalled, “The main piece of he worked briefly in Wardrobe before sponsored “Mickey’s 80th Anniversary Portrait Competition,” Donald illustrator Carl Barks.
advice that Jim gave me about Mickey moving to Audio Post Production for a a Company-wide search for the next Disney artist who would
helped me keep things in perspective. seven-and-a-half-year stint under Jimmy. carry on John’s legacy. Now, to help celebrate Donald Duck’s “What do you give a duck that has everything on his 75th
ayne Allwine, a vet- He said, ‘Just remember, kid, you’re only diamond anniversary, D23 is paying homage to Donald by birthday? You let the ones who love him most offer this most
eran Disney voiceover filling in for the boss.’ And that’s the Wayne worked in sound effects editing letting members have a chance to submit a tribute to their sincere form of flattery, of course,” Steven Clark, head of D23,
talent and Emmy Award-winning sound way he treated doing Mickey for years on Disney films and television, includ- favorite duck. says. “Disney fans are some of the most passionate and cre-
effects editor, who provided the voice and years. From Walt, and now from ing Splash (1984) and Three Men and ative people anywhere, and we can’t wait to see their fun and
of Mickey Mouse for the past 32 years, Jimmy — I just feel like I’m filling in for a Baby (1987), as well as for other Finalists will be able to see their work displayed in the Fan Art imaginative depictions of our feisty, yet lovable, leading duck!”
passed away on May 18 in Los Ange- the boss too. And it really puts the whole studios. He received the Emmy Award Gallery at the D23 Expo this September 10–13, 2009 at the
les. He was 62 years old. His wife of job in perspective. Mickey’s the real and the Golden Reel Award for his con- Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California. Shown below are all the details and deadlines for this amaz-
20 years, Russi Taylor, who provides the star. You know, you just have to love the tributions to Steven Spielberg’s Amazing ingly “ducky” opportunity to show off your creative talents, as
voice of Minnie Mouse, was by his side little guy while you have him, because Stories and a second Golden Reel for The creator of the winning portrait will receive an authentic well as your love for our favorite duck! Good duck… oops,
at the time of his passing. he won’t be yours forever.” his work on The Great Mouse Detective “Duckster” — an award that Walt Disney personally commis- LUCK to all!
(1986). Wayne and Russi were both sioned in 1960, which has been presented fewer than two
Wayne had been providing the voice “There is a profound sense of loss and named Disney Legends in 2008.
of the world-renowned cartoon mouse sadness throughout our Company today
since 1977, when he first lent his famil- as we mourn the passing of our friend, CLASSIC COUPLE: Wayne Allwine and his wife, GUIDELINES 1. Members must submit a sketch of their proposed work to the Walt Disney Archives no later than June 15, 2009. No more than three
iar falsetto to animated segments for The colleague and Disney Legend Wayne Russi Taylor, were married for 20 years. (3) sketches may be submitted per member. Work will be judged by a panel of creative executives. 2. Artists whose work has been accepted by the panel
at the initial sketch stage will be notified by telephone or e-mail on or before July 15, 2009 and must respond to notification. If a response has not been
New Mickey Mouse Club. He went on Allwine,” Disney President and CEO received within 10 days of notification, the acceptance will become null and void. 3. Final art must be submitted to the Walt Disney Archives no later than
to provide Mickey’s voice for such efforts Bob Iger said. “Wayne dedicated his August 15, 2009. Entries received after this date will not be accepted, judged or returned. From the final artwork received, the panel will select one winner
as Mickey’s Christmas Carol (1983), entire professional life to Disney, and and several runners up, all of whom will have their artwork displayed at the D23 Expo. Those finalists will be notified no later than August 28, 2009. 4. The
winning entry will be announced during a special event at the D23 Expo on Saturday, September 12.
Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988), the over the last 32 years, gave so much
1997 Oscar®-nominated short Runaway joy, happiness and comfort to so many ARTIST ELIGIBILITY: This contest is open to any D23 member in good ENTRY FORMAT AND FINALIST SELECTION: Initial entries must be
Brain and the direct-to-DVD feature, around the world by giving voice to our standing, who is 18 years of age or older. original sketches of the planned work in any media and any size selected
PORTRAIT SPECIFICATIONS: The final work must be a full-length por- by the artist.
Mickey, Donald and Goofy: The Three most beloved, iconic character, Mickey trait of Donald, evoking the complex personality of our favorite duck. ENTRY FORMS: Entry forms must be downloaded from the D23 Web site
Musketeers (2004). His voice is heard Mouse. Wayne’s great talent, deep and must be fully completed, signed and affixed to the original sketch(es).
at Disney theme parks around the world, compassion, kindness and gentle way, Medium: oil, acrylic, or watercolor on canvas Entries submitted without completed forms will not be considered. Entries
Dimensions: 24”W x 36”H must be received on or before June 15, 2009. ENTRIES RECEIVED AFTER
on television (Mickey Mouse Clubhouse) all of which shone brightly through his
Notes: May be signed by artist THIS DATE WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED OR RETURNED. D23 is not
and at live stage events. alter ego, will be greatly missed.” responsible for late mail deliveries.
ELIGIBLE WORK: Works must be original in concept and created solely SPECIAL NOTE: Upon submission, all entries (sketches and final paint-
for this contest. Work may not have been previously published in any form ings) become the property of Disney Enterprises, Inc. (“Disney”) and may
Walt Disney himself provided the origi- Born in 1947 in Glendale, California,
whatsoever. Work done for The Walt Disney Company (“Company”) busi- be used in perpetuity at Disney’s sole discretion. Artists are responsible for
nal speaking voice for Mickey Mouse Wayne was active on stage and screen ness or with any help from or under the supervision of another person will all material costs including packaging and shipping. All finalists selected
in 1928 with Mickey’s talking debut most of his life. While still in high not be accepted. to have their work displayed at the D23 Expo will be eligible for two
in Steamboat Willie. Veteran Disney school, he formed his own acoustic mu- complimentary four-day passes for the 2009 D23 Expo. Go to Disney.
com/D23 to download an Artwork Submission Form, Artwork Submission
Agreement, and Rules and Procedures for Submission of Work.
By Paul Gaita
By Marina Draskovic DREAM BIG: This project, titled “Enchanted,” was conceived by students
From June 2 through 11, some of the sharpest, most from MIT. It proposed an E-ticket attraction based on the film Aladdin.
i Lovato
“The DCOM Extras bring our audience consumers,” says Jennifer Rogers-Doyle,
t a r s D e m
ip betwee
closer to the movie by showing the story vice president of Brand Management
r ie n d s h D is n e y C hannel
of the feelings behind the movie, the for Disney ABC Cable Networks Group.
fe st
The real-li e z in s p ir es the late story of the people making the movie,” “For kids to watch two of our biggest
a Gom
and Selen
explains Ron Pomerantz, vice president stars — Selena and Demi — in this
and creative director for Disney Chan- amazing DCOM, and then be able to
Original M
with a slew of challenges. Mark identified a sso stopped by
nel star Mitchel Mu
strong need to improve communications with and Disney Chan sp ea k to on-air personality
May 15 to
Radio Disney on an d his role as
vendors and spearheaded the process of draft- music, tour plans
Ernie D. about his s Ha nn ah Mo ntana.
hit serie
For everyone’s security, we remind ing a Vendor Welcome Packet — a detailed Oliver Oken on the
you that all employees are required to wear break-down of the Company’s procedure for dealing with construction vendors, sup-
their Company ID card at all times while on pliers, architects and engineers — in short, the ultimate reference. He also organized
Company property. In addition, please note a conference that 80 vendors attended this February; the informative seminar high- A WALK IN PARIS: Dozens of Disneyland Paris VoluntEARS take part in a
the following information: lighted all of the improvements being made to what was once a puzzling process for May 17 wellness walk to benefit the Laurette Fugain Association, a French
organization that supports leukemia research and cancer patient outreach.
all involved. The results of his efforts have been phenomenal — reducing the time it
• If you lose your ID or suspect it has been takes to pay out invoices and significantly improving relations with vendors and the
stolen, immediately notify the Global business units they coordinate construction projects for. Still surprised by this honor,
Security Communications Center (GSCC) Mark offered a humble thanks to those he depends on every day. “I couldn’t do what
at tie line 8228–3220. I do without the support of so many talented and knowledgeable people,” he says.
• If you forget your ID, go to your desig-
nated Access Control Office location to R ETI R EE
obtain a Temporary Day Pass ID. The ID
is only valid on the day of issuance. (Visit Lorraine Nickel, a senior credit administra-
Global Security on The Hub for a list of tor with Corporate Credit and Collections, is
Access Control Office locations.) retiring June 26 after 17 years of service. She
• IDs that are worn out or are no longer joined the Company on September 28, 1992.
functional will be replaced at no charge. ter), pose
Although she admits she has too many favorite
r S te ve n Clark (cen id n ig h t
e ight!, a m
ing found
Bring the ID to an Access Control Office Disney memories to single out just one, she is
e D 2 3 st aff, includ a y 2 8 fo r Up All N e ve n t.
DESSERT, Then FIREWORKS: D23 members enjoy special desserts before HT: Th e on M r-exclusive
to trade the ID for a replacement. quick to add that, “The people I work with are UP ALL NIG itan Theatr rst membe
IllumiNations: Reflections of Earth in their private viewing area at D23‘s o ut si d e the El Cap le a se a n d D23‘s fi
• It is Company policy that no more than a pic ewest re
an exceptional group. We’ve had a lot of good Flowers and Fireworks Celebration at Epcot on May 31. f Pixar’s n
showing o
one ID shall be issued to any one person. times, and the memories will last forever.” She
• If your ID is non-functional or worn out, says her proudest Disney moment was “to see ALL ABOARD: (L-R) Dick Cook, chairman, The Walt Disney Studios,
you can have a new photo taken at the the excitement on the faces of my granddaugh- star Jim Carrey and Producer/Director Robert Zemeckis officially kick
off Disney’s A Christmas Carol Train Tour on May 21.
time of replacement. However, ter’s friends when she told them my boss was
if your ID is in good working Mickey Mouse.” Next up for Lorraine is spend-
condition, a new photo will ing time with family and friends and traveling as much as she can!
not be taken.
• Company ID cards
are not transferable Ron Mclaughlin, a laborer
and remain the with the Labor Department of
property of the The Walt Disney Studios,
Company. They is retiring on July 31 after
must be pre- 19 years of service. Ron joined the
sented or surrendered upon leav- Company in 1990. His plans for
ing the Company or demand. retirement include moving to Florida,
spending time with grandchildren
and enjoying his free time by sailing
and fishing. CONDUCTING MAGIC: (L-R) Producer Steve Starkey, star Jim Carrey and Producer Jack
Rapke explore Disney’s A Christmas Carol Train Tour at Union Station on May 21 in
Los Angeles.
16 DISNEY NEWSREEL • JUNE 5, 2009 Have a great “Disney-at-work-or-play” photo you’d like to share with other Cast Members and employees? Send your pics for consideration to, subject line: Picture It
— Photo courtesy of Walt
Disney Archives.
In celebration of Donald Duck’s 75th anniver-
sary, our friends at the Disney Photo Library
wanted to share this little Donald treasure with
Newsreel readers — the first Donald Duck
comic book, which also happens to be the
first Walt Disney comic book ever printed.
from START...
The cantankerous duck was a mere 4 years
old when this printed in 1938 — and he
was already a fan favorite. Published by
Whitman Publishing/K.K. Publications, this
cardboard-cover comic had all black-and-
white interior pages with reprints from the
Sunday Donald Duck comic strips, writ-
ten by Ted Osborne and drawn by Al
Taliaferro, which appeared in newspa-
pers from 1936–37. Among these was
the first strip with Huey, Dewey and
Louie (10/17/37). Back in 1938, you
could have picked up a copy for 10¢
at your local newsstand. But accord-
ing to the Comic Book Price Guide,
if you happen to randomly find one
of these in your attic, you could now
get anywhere from $360 for it, if
it’s in good condition, to a hefty
$3,700 for one in mint condition.
Now isn’t that, um, ducky!
— Carmen Esquer
JUNE 19: HAPPY BIRTHDAY DONALD DUCK All events at the Walt Disney Archives your
This 1976 special celebrating Donald’s big day is Library (Frank G. Wells Building, second
a compilation of cartoons from the television show floor) begin at 12:30 p.m.
Federal Credit Union
For more details, contact your local ABE branch or visit us on-line at and click the autos tab.
June 4–June 18