Succession Case Study - Krakatau

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Worksheet 4.

Krakatau Succession in action
Explain the relationships among ecosystem stability, diversity, succession and habitat.

Your task Find out about Krakatau and its famous eruption. Learn about ecological succession using Krakatau as a case study. Please read about the physical geology of Krakatau, the ecology after the eruption, and the regrowth of Krakataus rainforest. Also, view this presentation about ecosystems, featuring definitions and key terms.
Note: Press the full tab (bottom right of PowerPoint slide) after accessing the PowerPoint presentation.

Using these sources of information, answer the following questions. Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. In which year did Krakatau erupt? Which islands were formed following the eruption? Was there any life left on the islands? What type of succession occurred on the islands? What were the first organisms to arrive on the islands following the eruption? What is the name for this type of organism (in terms of ecological succession)? What changes did these pioneers make to the islands? What organisms came next? Why were they able to establish themselves on the islands? How did new species arrive on the island? (HINT: three ways) Why was this overall succession able to take place rapidly?

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10. What were the third and fourth stages of the succession? 11. Why was it possible for large trees to appear on the islands? 12. How did diversity change through the succession? Why did diversity change in this way? 13. A complex ecosystem, with its variety of nutrient and energy pathways, provides stability. What is the most complex ecosystem now on Krakatau? 14. Human activities often simplify ecosystems, rendering them unstable. Which human activities modify succession? What is plagioclimax? Check your answers using pages 184186 of the textbook. Pages 6471 contain further information about succession and about how human activities can modify succession (plagioclimax).

Pearson Education Ltd 2010. For more information about the Pearson Baccalaureate series please visit

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