ENVR 1401 Online - Invasive Species FA2016

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Invasive Species Lab

PLEASE TYPE YOUR ANSWERS IN RED! THANK YOU! DO NOT Change/remove/add question numbers
to this lab, just put in your answer, in RED!

1. Discuss the differences between native, exotic, and invasive species.
2. Identify the importance of invasive species for biodiversity.
3. Explain how exotic species can be introduced into a new area.
4. Prepare and share a presentation on an invasive species of local concern.
5. Analyze and evaluate an invasive species of local concern.

Activity 1: Invasive Species

In the process of humans moving around the world, they have transported other organisms
around the world. Some species were intentionally moved, such as bringing livestock and food
with them. Other species were accidentally moved, such as stowaway rats that followed the
humans. A native (indigenous) species is one that occurred naturally in a habitat before
humans migrated to the area. Thus a species is native to a particular area and habitat. For
instance, Dallas was originally Blackland Prairie with many grass and wildflower species
occurring here. The Eastern gray squirrel, which lives in forests, is native to the forests of
eastern Texas but not to the Dallas region. An exotic (introduced) species is a species that was
somehow moved by humans. An invasive species is an exotic species that is reproductively
uncontrolled. These species cause environmental, economic, and sometimes health problems.

 Exercise 1: Invasive Species Movie

 For this activity you will watch a movie about invasive species. Watch “Silent Invasion” by
Oregon Public Broadcasting at:


This is a video exploring the problem of invasive species. Students should take notes during
the video to answer the following questions.

 1. What is the difference between native, exotic, and invasive species? (3 points)

 2. How do species spread to new areas? (2 points)

 3. What environmental and economic affects can invasive species have? (2 points)

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Activity 2: Invasive Species in Texas
Many invasive species have been introduced to Texas throughout the years. Only recently has
it become obvious that invasive species cause an enormous amount of damage both
environmentally and economically. Most citizens, however, cannot describe what an invasive
species is and cannot name one that is a problem in their region.

 Exercise 2: Invasive Species in Texas

Students will research one of the invasive species in north central Texas and will share a
PowerPoint presentation to the class about the species.

Choose a species from the following list. Each student will have a different topic. This is first-
come, first served. Submit your species in the discussion board.

Plants 19- Nandina (Nandina domestica)

1- Bastard cabbage (Rapistrum 20- Pincushions (Scabiosa
rugosum) atropurpurea)
2- Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) 21- Privet (Ligustrum spp.)
3- Brazilian vervain (Verbena 22- Redtip photinia (Photinia spp.)
4- Chinaberry tree (Melia azedarach) Animals
5- Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense) 23- Asian clam (Corbicula fluminea)
6- Chinese tallow tree (Triadica 24- Africanized honeybee (Apis mellifera
sebifera) scutellata)
7- Chinese wisteria (Wisteria sinensis) 25- Red imported fire ant (Solenopsis
8- Common periwinkle (Vinca minor) invicta)
9- Field bindweed (Convolvulus 26- Rock pigeon (Columba livia)
arvensis) 27- European starling (Sturnus vulgaris)
10- Giant reed (Arundo donax) 28- House sparrow (Passer domesticus)
11- Glossy privet (Ligustrum lucidum) 29- Feral cat (Felis catus)
12- Golden bamboo (Phyllostachys 30- Feral pig (Sus scrofa)
aurea) 31- Nutria (Myocastor coypus)
13- Guineagrass (Urochloa maxima) 32- Zebra mussels (Dreissena
14- Heavenly bamboo (Nandina polymorpha)
15- Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera
16- Johnson grass (Sorghum halepense)
17- King Ranch bluestem (Bothriochloa
ischaemum var. songarica)
18- Lilac chastetree (Vitex agnus-

The presentation must be in Microsoft PowerPoint and contain the following #1-3:
1. An introduction, stating your name(s) and the title of your presentation.

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2. Species information (they do not have to be in this order, but each slide needs to be titled
clearly with what information is being presented):
 Common and scientific names of the species
 Photographs or images of the species
 Information on how to identify the species
 Native distribution of the species
 History of invasion
 Distribution in Texas
 Basic information/interesting facts about your species
 Ecologic and economic impact of species
 Legality of buying/owning species
(30 points for #1-2)

3. Include a reference page to cite all the materials you used to develop your presentation
(needs to be in APA format and should be the last page of your presentation). If you are
using websites, you must give the entire website address of the page you found the
information and the date you accessed the website. References must be from reliable
sources (.gov, .edu), not “.com’s”, “.org’s”, or a blog on plants. (5 points)

*Note: Do not “cut and paste” material from websites into your presentation. Everything must
be in your own words. All PowerPoint presentations will be randomly checked for plagiarism.
Any instances of plagiarism will result in a grade of zero (0%).

Invasive Species Concluding Questions

1. Are invasive species considered invasive everywhere? (2 points)

2. Why are invasive species a concern for biodiversity? Doesn’t adding new species to an
ecosystem increase biodiversity? (4 points)

3. How have invasive species affected your life? Nothing is not an acceptable answer.(2 points)

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 Learn More: the sites below contain more information on the issue

 Read “Attack of the Alien Invaders” by National Geographic at


 Watch “Silent Invasion” by Oregon Public Broadcasting at


 Explore more at NOVA’s website on invasive species at


 Watch National Geographic’s “Strange Days on Planet Earth: Invaders” at


 Learn about invasive plants in Texas at http://www.texasinvasives.org/

 Download an information sheet on Texas invasive species at


 Investigate invasive species at http://www.invasivespeciesinfo.gov/index.shtml

 A coalition of organizations in Texas has developed a program to document invasive plant

species throughout the state. They have a database online at www.texasinvasives.org
where citizen scientists can input data about where invasive species have been found.

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