LABOUR JURISDICTION from service on attaining the age of
superannuation. Smt Sudha Pillai, IAS (KL:72)
2.1 Under the Constitution of India, Labour is a
took over the charge of the post of Secretary
subject in the Concurrent List where both the
(Labour & Employment) on 01.01.2007. Shri
Central and the State Governments are competent
S.Krishnan, IAS (UP:75) took over the charge
to enact legislations subject to certain matters
of the post of Additional Secretary (Labour &
being reserved for the Centre. (Box 2.1) Employment) on 28.02.2007. Shri R.C.Ray
Box 2.1 (IES:74) Labour & Employment Adviser in the
rank and scale of Additional Secretary
LABOUR JURISDICTION: relinquished the charge of the post
CONSTITUTIONAL STATUS w.e..f.22.01.08. Dr. Ashok Sahu (IES:75) took
Union List Concurrent List over the charge of the post of Labour &
Employment Adviser in the rank and scale of
Entry No.55 - Entry No.22 - Trade Addtional Secretary w.e.f. 31.01.2008. Shri S.K.
Regulation of Unions; industrial and Srivasrtava, IAS (AM:78) continued to hold the
labour and labour disputes. post of Joint Secretary in the Ministry of Labour
safety in mines and Employment. Ms. Gurjot Kaur, IAS (RJ:81)
and oil fields. relinquished the post of Joint Secretary w.e.f
08.01.2008. Shri S.K. Dev Verman (IAS:MT 88)
Entry No.61 - Entry No.23 Social
has assumed charge of the post of Joint Secretary
Industrial security and social in the Ministry of Labour and Employment w.e.f.
disputes insurance; employment 25.2.2008. Shri Anil Swarup, IAS (UP:81)
concerning and unemployment. continued to hold the post of Director General,
Union Labour Welfare. Shri Sharda Prasad, IAS (UP:
employees. 81) continued to hold the post of Director General,
Employment & Training. Dr. Harcharan Singh
Entry No.65- Entry No.24 - Welfare
(ISS:80) continued to hold the post of Deputy
Union of labour including
Director General (in the rank of Joint Secretary)
agencies and conditions of work, .Shri S.K. Mukhopadhyay, Central Labour
institutions for provident funds, Service continued to hold charge of the post of
"vocational… employers' liability, Chief Labour Commissioner (Central).
training…" workmen's compensation,
invalidity and old age STRUCTURE AND FORMATION
pensions and maternity 2.3 The Ministry has the following four
benefit attached offices and ten subordinate offices, four
autonomous organizations, twenty-two
PERSONNEL adjudicating bodies and one arbitration body.
2.2 Shri Oscar Fernandes is holding charge of ATTACHED OFFICES
Hon'ble Minister of State for Labour &
Employment (IC). Directorate General of Employment &
Training (DGE&T)
Shri K.M.Sahni, IAS (AGMU:69) relinquished
the charge of the post of Secretary (Labour & 2.4 This Office is responsible for laying down
Employment) on 31.12.2006 on his retirement the policies, standards, norms and guidelines in
l Prevention and settlement of Industrial Disputes, in the Central Sphere;
l Enforcement of Labour Laws and Rules made thereunder in the Central Sphere;
l Implementation of awards.
l Quasi-Judicial functions.
l Verification of the membership of the Trade Unions.
l Welfare.
l Other Miscellaneous functions.
ENFORCEMENT OF LABOUR LAWS: (x) Chapter VI-A of Indian Railway Act; Hours
of Employment Regulations for Railways
3.5 Another important function of CIRM is the Employees.
enforcement of Labour Laws in the establishments
for which the Central Government is the Appropriate (xi) The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders)
Government. The machinery enforces following Act, 1946 & Rules.
Labour Laws and Rules framed there under: -
(i) The Payment of Wages Act, 1936 & Rules (xii) The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 (Mines and
made there under for Mines, Railways, Air Circus Rules, 1963) & Rules.
Transport Services & Docks, Wharves and
Jetties. (xiii) The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965.
(ii) The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 and Rules. 3.6 There are approximately 1.5 lakh
establishments in the Central Sphere. The Inspecting
(iii) The Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition)
Act, 1970 and Rules. Officers of CIRM inspect these establishments under
different Labour enactments through routine
(iv) The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976 & Rules. inspections, special drives for inspections under the
(v) The Inter-State Migrant Workmen (RE&CS) crash inspection programmes and taskforce
Act, 1979 and Rules. inspections to secure benefits of the beneficial
legislations to workers. Special emphasis is given to
(vi) The Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation)
Act, 1986 and Rules. enforcement of beneficial enactments such as the
Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act,
(vii) The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 and Rules. 1970, the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 and the
(viii) The Labour Laws (Exemption from Furnishing Building and Other Construction Workers
returns and Maintaining Registers by certain (Regulation of Employment & Conditions of Service)
Establishments) Act, 1988. Act, 1996 in the unorganised sector. Prosecutions
are launched against persistent defaulters and in
(ix) The Building and Other Constructions workers
(Regulation of Employment & Conditions of respect of major violations. Details for the year
Service) Act, 1996 and Rules. 2006-2007 are given as under -
Source : APO Asia Pacific Productivity data & Analysis 2004, Tokyo, Japan
ANNUAL REPORT 2007-08 49
Ministry of Labour & Employment 49
Labour Productivity – Asian Countries, 2004
Sl. No. Name of the Country Gross Domestic Product (at Percentage
Purchasing Power Parity) Change of Real
Per Person Employed Per GDP Per Person
Hour (in US $) Employed
01 China – Mainland 6.02 9.87
02 Hong Kong 32.22 4.62
03 India 4.16 6.55
04 Indonesia 4.42 4.99
05 Japan 31.10 1.79
06 Republic of Korea 19.78 3.66
07 Malaysia 12.30 3.52
08 Philippines 6.31 0.94
09 Singapore 25.92 0.27
10 Thailand 7.63 3.02
Benchmark Countries
01 United States of America 43.99 1.38
02 Germany 37.06 1.90
03 Australia 36.91 0.41
04 United Kingdom 38.57 1.79
Source: World Competitiveness Yearbook 2004, Institute of Management &
Development, Lausanne, Switzerland
Table 4.3
Prime Minister’s Shram Awards
The Cash Prize and Number of Awards under different Categories
* 207 estts. are one man estt. + 143 estts. are one man estt. NR: Not Received, N.A: Not Applicable
QPR: Quarterly Progress Report @ : The recommendations are not applicable in these States/Uts. as the
newspaper estt. are very small.
@@: There is no newspaper establishment in these States/UTs.