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LABOUR JURISDICTION from service on attaining the age of
superannuation. Smt Sudha Pillai, IAS (KL:72)
2.1 Under the Constitution of India, Labour is a
took over the charge of the post of Secretary
subject in the Concurrent List where both the
(Labour & Employment) on 01.01.2007. Shri
Central and the State Governments are competent
S.Krishnan, IAS (UP:75) took over the charge
to enact legislations subject to certain matters
of the post of Additional Secretary (Labour &
being reserved for the Centre. (Box 2.1) Employment) on 28.02.2007. Shri R.C.Ray
Box 2.1 (IES:74) Labour & Employment Adviser in the
rank and scale of Additional Secretary
LABOUR JURISDICTION: relinquished the charge of the post
CONSTITUTIONAL STATUS w.e..f.22.01.08. Dr. Ashok Sahu (IES:75) took
Union List Concurrent List over the charge of the post of Labour &
Employment Adviser in the rank and scale of
Entry No.55 - Entry No.22 - Trade Addtional Secretary w.e.f. 31.01.2008. Shri S.K.
Regulation of Unions; industrial and Srivasrtava, IAS (AM:78) continued to hold the
labour and labour disputes. post of Joint Secretary in the Ministry of Labour
safety in mines and Employment. Ms. Gurjot Kaur, IAS (RJ:81)
and oil fields. relinquished the post of Joint Secretary w.e.f
08.01.2008. Shri S.K. Dev Verman (IAS:MT 88)
Entry No.61 - Entry No.23 Social
has assumed charge of the post of Joint Secretary
Industrial security and social in the Ministry of Labour and Employment w.e.f.
disputes insurance; employment 25.2.2008. Shri Anil Swarup, IAS (UP:81)
concerning and unemployment. continued to hold the post of Director General,
Union Labour Welfare. Shri Sharda Prasad, IAS (UP:
employees. 81) continued to hold the post of Director General,
Employment & Training. Dr. Harcharan Singh
Entry No.65- Entry No.24 - Welfare
(ISS:80) continued to hold the post of Deputy
Union of labour including
Director General (in the rank of Joint Secretary)
agencies and conditions of work, .Shri S.K. Mukhopadhyay, Central Labour
institutions for provident funds, Service continued to hold charge of the post of
"vocational… employers' liability, Chief Labour Commissioner (Central).
training…" workmen's compensation,
invalidity and old age STRUCTURE AND FORMATION
pensions and maternity 2.3 The Ministry has the following four
benefit attached offices and ten subordinate offices, four
autonomous organizations, twenty-two
PERSONNEL adjudicating bodies and one arbitration body.
2.2 Shri Oscar Fernandes is holding charge of ATTACHED OFFICES
Hon'ble Minister of State for Labour &
Employment (IC). Directorate General of Employment &
Training (DGE&T)
Shri K.M.Sahni, IAS (AGMU:69) relinquished
the charge of the post of Secretary (Labour & 2.4 This Office is responsible for laying down
Employment) on 31.12.2006 on his retirement the policies, standards, norms and guidelines in

ANNUAL REPORT 2007-08 29

Ministry of Labour & Employment 29
the area of vocational training throughout the Labour Bureau
country and also for coordinating employment
2.7 The Bureau with its headquarters at
Chandigarh and Shimla, is responsible for
Office of Chief Labour Commissioner collection, compilation and publication of
(Central) [CLC(C)] statistical and other information regarding
employment, wages, earnings, industrial relations,
2.5 This Office is responsible for (a)
working conditions etc. It also compiles and
prevention, investigation and settlement of
publishes the Consumer Price Index Numbers for
industrial disputes in the central sphere; (b)
industrial and agricultural / rural workers. The
enforcement of awards and settlements; (c)
Bureau further renders necessary assistance to the
implementation of labour laws in industries and
States for conducting training programmes in
establishments in respect of which Central
labour statistics at State / District / Unit levels.
Government is the appropriate government; (d)
verification of membership of unions affiliated to SUBORDINATE OFFICES
the Central Organisations of workers for giving
Directorate General of Mines Safety
them representation in national and international
conferences and committees; and (e) fixation and
revision of dearness allowance component of 2.8 This Office is entrusted with enforcement
minimum wages under the Minimum Wages Act, of provisions of the Mines Act, 1952 and the Rules
1948 in the scheduled employments. and Regulations framed thereunder. The
provisions of the Indian Electricity Act, 1910 as
Directorate General of Factory Advice
applicable to mines and oil fields are also enforced
Service and Labour Institutes (DGFASLI)
by it.
2.6 This Directorate is concerned with
Welfare Commissioners
formulation of policy relating to the safety, health
and welfare of workers in factories and docks. It 2.9 The nine Offices of Welfare Commissioners
is responsible for coordinating the implementation are responsible for providing welfare facilities to
of the measures of the Factories Act, 1948 by the the workers employed in mica, limestone and
State Governments and formulation of Model dolomite, iron ore, manganese and chrome ore
Rules thereunder. It is also concerned with the mines and in the beedi and cinema industries.
administration of the Dock Workers (Safety, These offices are located at Allahabad, Bangalore,
Health and Welfare) Act, 1986. It undertakes Bhilwara, Bhubaneshwar, Kolkata, Hyderabad,
research in industrial safety, occupational health, Jabalpur, Karma (Jharkhand) and Nagpur.
industrial hygiene, industrial psychology and
industrial physiology. It provides training mainly
in the field of industrial psychology and industrial Employees' State Insurance Corporation
safety & health including a diploma course of one (ESIC)
year duration in industrial safety. The Diploma is
2.10 The Corporation is responsible for
an essential qualification for appointment of Safety
implementation of the Employees' State Insurance
Officers in factories. Regular in-service training
Act 1948, which provides for medical care and
of Factory Inspectors is another important activity
treatment to insured persons and their families.
of the Organisation.
Assistance is given in terms of benefits during
30 ANNUAL REPORT 2007-08
30 Ministry of Labour & Employment
sickness and maternity, compensation for provisions of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
employment injury, pensions for dependents on the for adjudication of the industrial disputes in
death of workers due to employment injury, etc. organisations for which the Central Government
is the appropriate Government. These Tribunals
Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
are located at Dhanbad (Jharkhand), Mumbai,
New Delhi and Chandigarh (two courts each)
2.11 This Organisation is responsible for and one each at Kolkata, Jabalpur, Kanpur,
administration of the Employees Provident Funds Nagpur, Lucknow, Bangalore, Jaipur, Chennai,
and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952. The Hyderabad, Bhubaneswar, Ahmedabad,
Schemes for Provident Fund, Family Pension and Ernakulam, Asansol and Guwahati.
Deposit Linked Insurance are implemented by the
Organisation for the benefit of workers covered
under the scheme. The Organisation is also Board of Arbitration (Joint Consultative
responsible for administration of Employees' Machinery)
Pension Scheme, 1995 that came into existence
2.15 The Board, with its headquarters at New
on 16.11.1995.
Delhi, set up under the Scheme for Joint
V.V. Giri National Labour Institute (VVGNLI) Consultative Machinery and Compulsory
Arbitration is an institution for compulsory
2.12 The Institute, with its headquarters at
arbitration of disputes between employees and the
Noida (U.P.), is a registered society, which
Government and on matters of pay and
conducts action oriented research and provides
allowances, weekly hours of work and leave of a
training to grass-root level workers in the trade
class or grade of employees.
union movement, both in urban and rural areas
and also to Officers dealing with industrial relations, Main Subjects dealt in the Ministry of Labour
personnel management, labour welfare etc. and Employment
Central Board for Workers' Education 2.16 In pursuance of the powers derived from
(CBWE) the respective entries in the Union List and the
Concurrent List of Seventh Schedule of the
2.13 The Board with its headquarters at Nagpur
Constitution, the Ministry of Labour and
is a registered society dealing with schemes for
Employment has been allocated the following items
training of workers in the techniques of trade
of work: -
unionism and in bringing about consciousness
among workers about their rights, duties and 2.17 Labour policy (including wage policy) and
responsibilities. The Board also undertakes legislation, Safety, health and welfare of labour,
programme for rural workers' education and Social security of labour, Policy relating to special
functional adult education. target group such as women, child labour,
Industrial relations and enforcement of labour laws
in the Central sphere, Adjudication of industrial
Central Government Industrial Tribunals- disputes through Central Government Industrial
cum-Labour Courts (CGITs) Tribunals-cum-Labour Courts and National
Industrial Tribunals, Workers' Education, Labour
2.14 In all, 22 (twenty two) Industrial Tribunal-
and Employment Statistics, Employment Services
cum-Labour Courts have been set up under the
ANNUAL REPORT 2007-08 31
Ministry of Labour & Employment 31
and Vocational training, Administration of Central WORK STUDY
Labour & Employment Services, International
2.21 With a view to bringing about
Cooperation in Labour & Employment matters.
administrative reforms, determining the staffing
Central Labour Service (CLS) patterns and designing suitable organizational
structure and methods of work, the Internal Work
2.18 The Central Labour Service (CLS) was
Study Unit has been conducting Work
constituted with effect from 3rd February 1987 to
Measurement Studies, Method Studies, Records
ensure better industrial relations, labour law
Management Studies and Organisations &
enforcement and labour welfare. Consequent upon
Methods (O&M) Inspections of various Sections
the Cadre Review, the Central Labor Service (CLS)
and field offices under the administrative control
was notified as an organized service in 2004.
of the Ministry of Labour & Employment. With
2.19. The factories and mines employing 500 regard to O&M matters, the unit is guided by the
or more workers and plantations employing 300 Department of Administrative Reforms and Public
or more workers are required to appoint a Grievances and in respect of work relating to
prescribed number of welfare officers under the Work Measurement Studies, the Staff Inspection
relevant statutes. Assistant Labour Welfare Unit of the Department of Expenditure guides it.
Commissioners (Central) and Deputy Labour At the beginning of the financial year, an Annual
Welfare Commissioners (Central) under the Action Plan of programmes of O&M activities and
supervision of Welfare Commissioners discharge studies is prepared in consultations with the
these statutory functions and they also advise and various Offices / Sections / Units including the
assist the management of the concerned establish- attached and subordinate offices. The Internal
ments in maintaining harmonious industrial relations Work Study Unit functions under the Financial
in the areas of safety, health and welfare of Adviser (L&E) and works through the Controller
workers etc. Moreover, by assisting in resolution of Accounts, Senior Analyst and Junior Analysts.
of workers grievances, these officers prevent them
2.22 During the year 2006-2007, the Internal
from escalating into industrial disputes.
Work Study Unit conducted O&M inspections
2.20 In addition, officers appointed as Assistant of eight field establishments including four coming
Labour Commissioners (Central), Regional under administrative control of the Directorate
Labour Commissioners (Central), Deputy Chief General of Employment and Training. In the
Labour Commissioner (Central) in the Central current financial year 2007-08, O&M inspection
Industrial Relations Machinery (CIRM) , headed of one field unit has been conducted. The
by the Chief Labour Commissioner (Central) are shortcomings noticed during the inspections, in the
also entrusted with the task of maintaining good areas of administrative matters (vacancy positions/
industrial relations in the Central sphere. The promotional aspects etc.), monitoring of court
officers of the CLS appointed as Assistant Welfare cases/ audit paras, implementation of provisions
Commissioners and Welfare Commissioners in the of Manual of Office Procedure and other day to
Welfare Organisation of the Ministry of Labour day functioning, were brought to the notice of the
and Employment under the Director General respective Wing heads for taking remedial actions
(Labour Welfare) administer the Welfare Funds so as to improve the functioning, efficiency and
for beedi, cine and certain categories of non-coal output of these offices. During the inspections,
mine workers. orientation sessions were also held to brush up
the knowledge of field staff on O&M matters
32 ANNUAL REPORT 2007-08
32 Ministry of Labour & Employment
especially in the areas of Records Management and other autonomous organizations under its
and Maintenance of Service Books as also on the administrative control, to the Institute of Secretariat
Right to Information Act, 2005. Training and Management as well as other such
Training Institutes for different training
programmes. Also this unit makes arrangements
2.23 With a view to reviewing and reducing the for the need based training programmes for
pendency in the Ministry, O & M Meetings were officers and staff members of the Ministry, viz.
convened on 23.10.2006 and 04.05.2007 under computer applications for the officers/officials
the Chairpersonship of Secretary (L&E) and through corporate trainers; and behavioural skills
Additional Secretary (L&E) respectively. All the and service matters for Group 'D' staff through
Bureau Heads including representatives from the corporate and in-house trainers.
Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO)
2.27 During the period from April 2007 to
and the Employees State Insurance Corporation
November 2007, 35 Officers and members of
(ESIC) attended the meetings.
staff have been sponsored for various training
2.24 In the above O&M meetings, cases programmes.
pending in the Ministry such as Prime Minister's
Office / Cabinet references, Public Grievance
Cases, Parliamentary Assurances, Court Cases, 2.28 Five meetings of the Consultative Committee
Audit Para, Record Management etc. were attached to this Ministry were held on 15.02.2007,
discussed and suitable directions were issued by 03.05.2007, 17.07.2007, 07.09.2007 and
the Chairman. 26.10.2007 respectively under the Chairmanship
of Hon'ble Minister of State for Labour &
Record Management
Employment (IC).
2.25. To ensure proper maintenance of records,
2.29 The following issues were discussed
regular special drives are held to focus on this
in these meetings: -
important aspect of Records Management. With
the enforcement of the Right To Information Act, (i) Occupational safety & health;
2005, this aspect of Organisation & Methods
(ii) Amending the Plantation Labour Act, 1951
(O&M) has regained its significance. In the
to make it more effective;
Ministry, a total of 3475 files were recorded, 7998
files were reviewed and 7783 files were weeded (iii) Amending the Employees' Provident Fund
out during the year 2006-07 for which special and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 for
drives were also launched. taking strong action against defaulting
TRAINING (CMT) (iv) Legislation on unorganised labour;
2.26 The substantial function of Career (v) Welfare of Beedi workers;
Management and Training (CMT) Unit is to
(vi) Maternity Benefit Act, 1961;
organize training programmes on a decentralized
basis for LDCs, UDCs and Stenographers etc. (vii) Performance of Central Board of Workers
and to nominate Officers and members of staff of Education (CBWE);
the Ministry and its attached & subordinate offices
ANNUAL REPORT 2007-08 33
Ministry of Labour & Employment 33
(viii) Vocational training; and l to associate itself with the evaluation of
(ix) Economic upliftment of tea plantation progress/performance in the case of projects
workers. and other continuing schemes and to see that
the results of such evaluation studies are taken
2.30 Out of 5 meetings, one meeting was held
into account in the budget formulation;
outside Delhi i.e. in Kochi on 26.10.2007.
FINANCE WING l to watch the settlement of audit objections,
Inspection Reports, draft audit paras etc.;
2.31 Finance Wing is mainly responsible for
scrutiny of all Plan Schemes and to give advice l to ensure prompt action on Audit Reports and
on all financial and allied proposals, preparation Appropriation Accounts, Reports, Reports of
of budget and revised estimates related to services the Public Accounts Committee, Estimates
concerning the Ministry of Labour and Committee and Committee on Public
Employment (Main Secretariat) proper and the Undertakings;
attached and subordinate offices, Performance
2.33 During the year 2007-2008, all budget and
Budget, expenditure control and financial review,
accounts matters were attended to within the time
work measurement studies, internal audit etc
schedule prescribed. By careful scrutiny of
2.32 A Controller of Accounts, who is proposals, it was ensured that the expenditure
responsible for cash management, heads the conformed to budgetary appropriations, the rules
accounting set-up. The important tasks and and regulations prescribed by the Finance Ministry
activities of the Integrated Finance Division are:- and that it was consistent with economy, efficiency
l to advise the Administrative Ministry on all and the objectives of the relevant schemes/
matters falling within the field of delegated programmes in connection with which it was being
powers; incurred. The guidelines with regard to fiscal
l to screen all expenditure proposals required prudence and austerity in Expenditure
to be referred to the Finance Ministry for Management as prescribed by the Ministry of
concurrence or comments; Finance, Department of Expenditure were also
sought to be enforced and guidelines relating to
l to ensure that the schedule for preparation of
effective cash management were also followed.
budget is adhered to by the Ministry and that
the budget is drawn up according to the PROGRESSIVE USE OF HINDI
instructions issued by the Ministry of Finance
2.34. The Ministry of Labour and Employment
from time to time;
has made several efforts to promote the use of
l to scrutinize budget proposals thoroughly Hindi in official work and create interest in officers/
before sending them to the Ministry of Finance; employees to work in Hindi during the year 2007-
l to see that complete departmental accounts are 2008. Steps were taken to ensure compliance of
maintained in accordance with the the provisions of the Official Language Act/Rules
requirements under the General Financial and orders / instructions / guidelines issued by
Rules; the Department of Official Language from time to
l to keep itself closely associated with the time. Hindi Division of the Ministry of Labour and
formulation of Schemes and important Employment is entrusted with the task of
expenditure proposals from their initial stages; implementation of the Official Language Policy of
the Government of India and translation of
34 ANNUAL REPORT 2007-08
34 Ministry of Labour & Employment
important documents such as papers to be placed pay slips & GPF statements to officers and
before the Parliament, Labour Laws , Hon'ble employees in Hindi.
Labour & Employment Minister's Speech, Press
2.37 All documents under section 3(3) of the
release etc. and the routine work of the Ministry.
Official Language Act, 1963 were issued both in
2.35 Hindi Month fortnight was observed Hindi and English. The Ministry of Labour and
during 14-30 September, 2007 to promote the Employment is making all efforts to ensure
use of Hindi in the Ministry. On this occasion, effective implementation of the Government's
nine. Hindi related competitions were conducted Official Language policy and is committed to fulfill
to promote use of Hindi among the officials. A this objective
large number Officials of the Ministry participated
2.38 Hindi Advisory Committee of Ministry of
in these competitions.
Labour and Employment has been re-constituted
2.36 The Hindi work is done on computer by and one meeting of it was conducted on
the Hindi Division. One stenographer and three 25.07.2007. Besides this Parliamentary
typists of the Hindi Section are working on the Committee has also visited the Ministry on
Computer. The Ministry is issuing computerized 03.10.2007 and expressed their satisfaction
regarding implementation of Official Language.

ANNUAL REPORT 2007-08 35

Ministry of Labour & Employment 35
36 ANNUAL REPORT 2007-08
36 Ministry of Labour & Employment
3.1 The Chief Labour Commissioner's (Central) sphere. CIRM has a complement of 18 officers at
[CLC(C)] Organisation, also known as Central the Head Quarters and 253 Officers in the field. The
Industrial Relations Machinery (CIRM), is an offices of CIRM are spread over different parts of
attached office of the Ministry of Labour and the country with zonal, regional and unit level
Employment. The CIRM is headed by the Chief formations.
Labour Commissioner (Central). It has been FUNCTIONS OF THE ORGANISATION:
entrusted with the task of maintaining Industrial
Relations, enforcement of Labour Laws and 3.2 The functions of CIRM are given as
verification of Trade Union Membership in central under:

l Prevention and settlement of Industrial Disputes, in the Central Sphere;
l Enforcement of Labour Laws and Rules made thereunder in the Central Sphere;
l Implementation of awards.
l Quasi-Judicial functions.
l Verification of the membership of the Trade Unions.
l Welfare.
l Other Miscellaneous functions.

PREVENTION AND SETTLEMENT OF l Implementation of settlements and awards.

l Enforcement of other provisions in the Industrial
3.3 The CIRM ensures harmonious industrial Disputes Act, 1947 relating to: (1) Works
relations in the Central Sphere establishments Committee, (2) Recovery of Dues, (3) Lay off,
through: - (4) Retrenchment, (5) Unfair Labour Practices,
l Monitoring of industrial relations in the Central
Sphere. 3.4 During the year 2006-2007 the CIRM
intervened in 454 threatened strikes and its
l Intervention, mediation and conciliation in conciliatory efforts succeeded in averting 445 strikes,
industrial disputes in order to bring about which represent a success rate of 98%. The
settlement of disputes. machinery handled the Industrial Disputes during the
l Intervention in situations of threatened strikes and year 2006-2007 as given as under: -
lockouts with a view to avert the strikes and

ANNUAL REPORT 2007-08 37

Ministry of Labour & Employment 37
Details of the Industrial Disputes handled by CIRM
No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of
Disputes Disputes Disputes Disputes Disputes in Disputes in Disputes
received which were which were which which which Pending
by considered settled without formal conciliation conciliation with the
CIRM unfit for holding C.P. proceeding proceedings CIRM
intervention formal were led to the ended in on the
by CIRM conciliation held settlement of failure close of
proceedings Disputes the year
8332 - 1685 3047 989 2058 3600

ENFORCEMENT OF LABOUR LAWS: (x) Chapter VI-A of Indian Railway Act; Hours
of Employment Regulations for Railways
3.5 Another important function of CIRM is the Employees.
enforcement of Labour Laws in the establishments
for which the Central Government is the Appropriate (xi) The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders)
Government. The machinery enforces following Act, 1946 & Rules.
Labour Laws and Rules framed there under: -
(i) The Payment of Wages Act, 1936 & Rules (xii) The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 (Mines and
made there under for Mines, Railways, Air Circus Rules, 1963) & Rules.
Transport Services & Docks, Wharves and
Jetties. (xiii) The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965.

(ii) The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 and Rules. 3.6 There are approximately 1.5 lakh
establishments in the Central Sphere. The Inspecting
(iii) The Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition)
Act, 1970 and Rules. Officers of CIRM inspect these establishments under
different Labour enactments through routine
(iv) The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976 & Rules. inspections, special drives for inspections under the
(v) The Inter-State Migrant Workmen (RE&CS) crash inspection programmes and taskforce
Act, 1979 and Rules. inspections to secure benefits of the beneficial
legislations to workers. Special emphasis is given to
(vi) The Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation)
Act, 1986 and Rules. enforcement of beneficial enactments such as the
Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act,
(vii) The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 and Rules. 1970, the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 and the
(viii) The Labour Laws (Exemption from Furnishing Building and Other Construction Workers
returns and Maintaining Registers by certain (Regulation of Employment & Conditions of Service)
Establishments) Act, 1988. Act, 1996 in the unorganised sector. Prosecutions
are launched against persistent defaulters and in
(ix) The Building and Other Constructions workers
(Regulation of Employment & Conditions of respect of major violations. Details for the year
Service) Act, 1996 and Rules. 2006-2007 are given as under -

38 ANNUAL REPORT 2007-08

38 Ministry of Labour & Employment
No. of No. of Irregularities No. of No. of
Inspections Prosecutions Convictions
Detected* Rectified launched
33926 725869 317513 13556 4940

*including brought forward from the previous year

IMPLEMENTATION OF AWARDS: Act, 1996, Appellate Authority under Industrial

Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946.
3.7 The officers of the CIRM implement Awards
issued by the Central Government Industrial Tribunal- Dy. CLC(C) Appellate Authority under the
cum-Labour Courts (CGITs). During the year 2006- Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946.
2007 , 2219 awards (including those brought Authority under Rule 25(2)(v)(a) and (b) of the
forward) were received. Out of these, 169 were Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition), Rules
implemented, implementation of 523 Awards was in 1971
progress, implementation of 838 Awards was stayed RLC (C)- Authority under the Minimum
by High Courts & implementation of 799 Awards Wages Act, 1948. Appellate Authority under the
was pending due to other reasons. Difficulties in Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition), Rules
implementing the awards are experienced as 1971. the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 and Equal
employers obtain stay orders from High Courts on Remuneration Act, 1976 . Certifying officer under
implementation. Besides, sanction for prosecution Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946
of employers by the employing Ministries as required , Supervisor of Railway Labour under Hours of
under section 197 of Cr PC seldom comes. Employment & Regulation Act, 1889
QUASI-JUDICIAL WORK: ALC(C)- Controlling Authority under
Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 ; Authority under
3.8 CIRM officers from the level of ALC (C) up Equal Remuneration Act, 1976 ; Registering and
to the level of CLC(C) also perform certain Quasi Licensing Officer under Contract Labour (Regulation
Judicial Functions as shown below: and Abolition) Act, 1970 .
CLC(C) -Director General (Inspection) under the 3.9 The cases decided by these officers under
Building and Other Construction Workers some of the above enactments / rules are given in
(Regulation of Employment & Conditions of Service) the table below: -

ANNUAL REPORT 2007-08 39

Ministry of Labour & Employment 39
Nature of Quasi Cases/ Cases/ Total Cases/ Amount
Judicial Work Applications Applications Applications Awarded
/ Claims B/F / Claims / Claims (in
from received disposed off Rupees)
previous during the
year year
Gratuity Applications 7589 3503 11092 3938 163974913
under the Payme nt of
Gratuity Act, 1972
Gratuity Appeals by 509 505 1014 395 10243540
RLCs under the
Payment of Gratuity
Act, 1972 (2006-2007)
Claim applications by 2992 1460 4452 1698 14008752
RLCs(C) under the
Minimum Wages Act,
1948 (2006-2007)
Applications for 46 27 73 30 5668611
on of Standing Orders
by RLCs(C) (2006-
Cases under BOCW 291 221 512 89 43400
(2007-08) (P)
P= All figures are provisional.

VERIFICATION OF MEMBER SHIP OF verification was declared by Ministry of Labour in

3.10 The General Verification of membership of 3.12 The fresh General Verification with date of
trade unions affiliated to Central Trade Union reckoning 31.12.2002 is being conducted in
Organisations (CTUOs) is an important exercise, compliance of order dated 25.7.2003 of Hon'ble
which is undertaken by the CLC(C) organization. High Court of Delhi. 13 Central Trade Union
The purpose of general verification is to give Organisations have filed their membership claim of
representation to CTUOs in the International and about 42 million workers through 18168 affiliated
National conferences, Committee, Councils, Wage unions. The first phase of General Verification i.e.
Boards, etc. checking of union's particulars from the records of
3.11 The last general verification of membership of various Registrars of Trade Unions is completed and
Trade Unions affiliated to 12 Central Trade Union the second phase of general verification i.e. checking
Organizations (CTUOs) was conducted with the date of records of individual unions and personal
of reckoning as 31.12.1989. The result of general interrogation of workers, is nearing completion.
Provisional results of general verification have been
40 ANNUAL REPORT 2007-08
40 Ministry of Labour & Employment
delivered to all the 13 Central Trade Unions. They four statutory rules / schemes viz. State Bank of
have also submitted their errors / omissions on the India (Appointment of Employee Director Rules,
provisional results. 1974); The Nationalized Banks (Management and
3.13 The errors / omissions received from Misc. Provisions) Scheme 1970; The Nationalized
CTUOs have been sent to the Dy. CLC (C) / Banks (Management and Misc. Provisions) Scheme
RLC(C) for their scrutiny and report. Report from 1980 and The Subsidiary Banks (Appointment of
some of the Dy.CLC (C) / RLC(C) are yet to be Employee director Rules, 1974).
received. Out of 13 Central Trade unions, objections 3.17 The verification is conducted by the CLC(C)
were reconciled in respect of 6 unions. All efforts office on the request of Ministry of Finance,
are being made to reconcile the objections in respect Department of Banking, for appointing Workmen
of the remaining unions. Director of Bank. The final report of verification of
Code of Discipline membership of unions operating in 7 banks (Vijaya
Bank, Union Bank of India, Canara Bank, State
3.14 Verification of memberships of trade unions
Bank Of India, Central Bank of India, State Bank
operating in establishments in the Central Sphere is
of Indore, State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur) was
conducted by CLC (C) office under the Code of
completed and results communicated to Ministry of
Discipline for recognition purpose, as and when
Finance during the period 01.04.2007 till date.
directed by the Ministry of Labour and Employment.
Verification of membership of unions operating in 7
3.15 Verification of membership of Unions Banks is in progress. The final verification result in
operating in 16 establishments (Rajasthan Atomic respect of two more banks i.e. Corporation Bank
Power Project Unit 1 to 6 in Nuclear Power and United Bank of India will be sent to Ministry of
Corporation of India Ltd. (NPCIL) Rawatbhata, Finance Department of Financial Services by the end
Rajasthan, Cambata Aviation Pvt. Ltd, IGI Airport of this year positively.
T-II New Delhi, IOCL(AOD) Digboi, Guwahati,
The Right to Information Act ,2005
Indian Govt. Mint, Hyderabad, Mahanagar
Telephone Nigam, Delhi and Mumbai, Bharat 3.18 About 65 petitions including those forwarded
Sanchar Nigam Ltd., Tuticorin Port Trust, Tuticorin, by Ministry of Labour & Employment to CLC(C)
NALCO, Orissa, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, organization were disposed off as per the provisions
Mines of Bisra Stone Lime Co. Ltd., Birmitrapur of the Right to Information Act,2005
Sundergarh (Orissa), Nuclear Fuel Complex, MISCELLANEOUS FUNCTIONS
Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh Mineral Development 3.19 The CIRM performs the following
Corporation Ltd., Hyderabad, Bhakra Beas miscellaneous functions also: -
Management Board (BBMB) (IW) Talwara, Punjab,
1. Conducting periodic meetings of Minimum
Kerala Minerals & Metals Ltd., Chavara, Cochin,
Wages Advisory Board and notifying Variable
Singareni Collieries Co. Ltd., Andhra Pradesh,
Dearness Allowance every six months as per
Konkan Railway Corporation Ltd., Mumbai)
A.I.C.P.I. number.
through Secret Ballot was conducted and final
verification reports were sent to Ministry of Labour 2. Defending the Ministry of Labour and
and Employment. Employment in Writ Petitions filed against the
Ministry in different High Courts.
Statutory verification of membership of unions
operating in Nationalized Banks: 3. Investigations of Complaints as per direction
of the Ministry of Labour and Employment.
3.16 Verification of membership of trade unions
operating in 27 nationalized banks, State Bank of 4. Assisting Central Advisory Contract Labour
India and their subsidiary banks is conducted under Board as conveners of different sub-committees

ANNUAL REPORT 2007-08 41

Ministry of Labour & Employment 41
to examine prohibition of contract Labour in Employees Union(ACEU) served a notice on
different employments. 15.05.2007 to the management of Indian Airlines
5. Assisting the Ministry in preparation of different proposing to observe two and half hours walk out
reports required to be submitted to between 9.00 AM to 11.30 AM all over India on
International Labour Organisation. 17.05.2007 and one day Mass Casual Leave on
Friday the 18th May, 2007. The ACEU was
6. Supplying information to the Ministry in replying
demanding wage revision w.e.f. 1.01.1997 in line
Parliament Questions on statutes enforced by
CLC(C) organization. with settlement arrived at by Air India for its 9000
employees with full arrear of wages. CLC(C)
7. Advising the Ministry of Labour and conciliated the matter on 17.05.2007, 28.05.2007
Employment in conflict situations like strikes of and 16.06.2007. The conciliation on 12.06.2007
All India Nature and other Labour matters. was adjourned due to divergent views held by the
8. Attending to Parliamentary Committees and parties. ACEU went on a flash strike without any
other important delegations as per the advice notice from 9.15 PM on 12.06.2007 causing large
of the Ministry. scale disruption in the operations of Indian Airlines
9. Keeping Liaison with State Government 3.22 As the matter was getting out of hand CLC(C)
Labour Departments for collection of issued a letter on 13.06.2007 addressed to the
information as per direction of the Ministry. President / General Secretary of the Union
10. Assisting the Ministry of Labour and impressing upon him the illegality of strike held during
Employment in training of Central Labour the conciliation process alongwith relevant provisions
Service Officers. of ID Act and invited them to come for negotiation
WELFARE before CLC(C) for meaningful dialogue across the
table. The management of Indian Airlines obtained
3.20 The Assistant Labour Welfare an order from the vacation judge of the Hon'ble High
Commissioners (ALWCs) and Deputy Labour Court of Delhi, which softened the attitude of trade
Welfare Commissioners (DLWCs) are posted in union and the strike, was called off from 3 PM on
Defence and other establishments, such as, CPWD, 14.06.2007. Conciliation was held by CLC(C) on
Security Presses, Mints, Ordnance Factories, 15.06.2007, which brought about settlement on all
Telecom Factories, and Hospitals etc., which are issues and a memorandum of settlement was signed
under the control of Central Government. The before the CLC(C) mainly to the effect of revision
LWCs are posted at the Head Quarters of these of payment allowances w.e.f. 1.01.1997, Payment
establishments. Together these officers ensure of arrears from 1.01.2000 arising out of revision of
harmonious Industrial Relations in their respective pay within 18 months, Revised career progression
establishments. They also look after the welfare and for workmen as per formula / pattern annexed to
redressal of grievances of the workers, administration MOU. About 12000 employees of Indian Airlines
of Welfare Schemes and advise the managements benefited by the settlement.
on various Labour matters including constitution of
bilateral committees, such as, Shop Councils, Works Oil Sector
Committees etc. 3.23 In pursuance of their demand for immediate
MAJOR INDUSTRIAL RELATION EVENTS Ad-hoc relief pending wage revision, 50% of DA
DURING THE YEAR (2007-2008) IN WHICH merger and Re-imbursement of perquisite tax, the
Oil Sector Offices Association (OSOA) had served
a notice to all the Oil Companies namely, IOC,
Air Transport ONGC, BPCL, HPCL Oil India Ltd and GAIL etc.
3.21 In pursuance of their demand for wage revision proposing/agitation plan including indefinite strike
and Career Progression, the Air Corporation from 21.08.2007.

42 ANNUAL REPORT 2007-08

42 Ministry of Labour & Employment
3.24 The RLC(C), Mumbai held conciliation his persuasion proposed the strike on 02.06.2007
proceedings on 17.08.2007 and 20.08.2007, which was averted.
was attended by representatives of management but Major Ports
none, attended on behalf of OASA. It was pointed
3.27 In pursuance of their 7- point charter of
out by RLC(C), Mumbai that Hon'ble High Court
Demand including restoration of age of retirement
of Delhi had given an ex-parte interim order on
of Port and Dock workers as 60, merger of 50%
17.08.2007 restraining the OSOA & its member
DA with pay w.e.f 01.01.2005 and interim relief @
associations from going on strike. Although OSOA
Rs. 1000/- per month to all the workers including
commenced the strike from 6.00 AM to 10.00 AM,
pensioners etc, 5 recognised Federations namely All
but following assurance given by Ministry of
India Port & Dock Workers Federation (workers),
Petroleum to consider interim relief for immediate
Water Transport Workers Federation of India, Indian
payment of adjustable advance ranging from
National Port & Dock Workers Federation and
Rs.60,000/- to Rs.1,20,000/- and re-instatement
Visakhapatnam Port & Dock Workers Sangh
of perks tax with board approval the proposed strike
affiliated to BMS (unrecognized) representing
was averted.
approximately 60,000 workers of major ports across
Banking Sector the country served notice of strike to commence on
3.25. In pursuance of their 3 point charter of or after 1.09.2007. Following the receipt of the strike
Demands, namely (i) Second option for pension (ii) notice the CLC(C) intervened and held conciliation
Restoration of compassionate Appointment Scheme proceedings on 28.08.2007. Stalemate in the
and (iii) Opposing outsourcing, the convener of discussion resulted in CLC(C) making a last- ditch
United Forum of Bank Unions served a strike notice effort to avert the strike by making a fresh appeal to
dated 22.08.2007 to the Chairman, Indian Bank the Federations to call off the strike or atleast to
Association, World Trade Centre, 5th Floor, Cuffe defer it so as to engage in further fruitful discussions
Parade, Mumbai to go on strike on 12.09.2007. for resolving the issues in a peaceful manner which,
The CLC(C) intervened in the matter and held the Federation after persuasion, agreed and decided
conciliation proceedings on various dates. After to defer their strike for 20 days from 1st September,
prolonged discussion and persuasion, management 2007 to allow management to solve the issues.
agreed to initiate discussion within a fortnight on all Conciliation proceedings were adjourned till 11AM
the issues in order to find amicable solution and the on 19th September, 2007. During the conciliation
United Forum of Bank Unions also agreed to defer proceedings held on 21.09.2007, the unions
the proposed strike. A Report on conciliation informed that Hon'ble Minister for Shipping &
proceedings under Section 12(4) of Industrial Transport, New Delhi had accepted the demands
Disputes Act, 1947 was sent to the Secretary of the union for the restoration of the age of
(Labour) on 11.09.2007. retirement of the Port & Dock workers as sixty years
Rail Transport and other issues will be resolved through bilateral
discussions with the Unions. With this assurance,
3.26 In support of their opposition to management
Union had unilaterally withdrawn the strike notice.
of Indian Railway's violating 4 year's transfer policy,
overlooking of registration priority and Transfer not VISION STATEMENT OF CLC(C)
for eligible Registrants, all India Station Master's ORGANISATION
Association, Madurai Division served notice l To simplify labour laws capable of protecting
proposing strike for a period of 48 hours. The modus the interests of social partners and economy.
operandi of the strike was to stop all trains at signals l To secure social security measures for workmen
for a period of 2 minutes. Dy. CLC(C) Chennai, in unorganised sectors through umbrella
who was advised to intervene, informed that due to legislation.
ANNUAL REPORT 2007-08 43
Ministry of Labour & Employment 43
l To further improve conciliation services, 3.31 Keeping in view the National Common
administration and enforcement of labour laws Minimum Programme (NCMP), that the changes in
to meet the expectations of social partner and labour laws must take place after consultation with
future changes in economy and global scenario the Industry and Trade Unions, Ministry of Labour
through a system of meaningful dialogue and and Employment has held tripartite consultations with
regular interactions with them. stakeholders and formulated certain draft proposals
l To secure national minimum wages for workers for amendment in the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.
in all employments. The draft proposals are at the stage of consultation
with the Central Ministries / Departments.
l To equip the CLC's(C) organisation with
trained and motivated officials with proper Plantations Labour Act, 1951
orientation through continuous training and 3.32 The Plantation Labour Act, 1951, is a
development programmes. Central Act enacted by the Union Government in
l To maintain a data bank at he national level 1951. The Act is in operation since 1954. The Act
relating to industrial relations, administration and is enforced by the respective State Governments,
enforcement of labour laws with facilities of who designate Chief Inspectors under the Act. The
continuous updating through computer network Chief Inspectors under the Act, on the basis of rules
across the country. framed by the respective State Governments, ensure
implementation of welfare measures relating to
The Trade Unions Act, 1926
medical facilities, educational facility, housing
3.28 The Trade Unions Act, 1926 provides facilities, drinking water facility, sanitation and
provisions for registration of trade unions of conservancy etc. However, since 1951, the socio-
employers and workers and in certain respects, it economic conditions, the infrastructure facilities and
defines the law relating to registered trade unions. It the welfare activities of the State Governments have
confers legal and corporate status on registered trade evolved significantly.
unions. The Act is administered by the concerned 3.33 In accordance with the National Common
State Governments. Minimum Programme (NCMP) that the changes in
3.29 The Trade Unions Act, 1926 has been labour laws must take place after consultation with
amended and enforced w.e.f. 09.01.2002. The the Industry and Trade Unions, Ministry of Labour
objective of these amendments, in brief, is to ensure and Employment has held tripartite consultations with
orderly growth of trade unions and reduce multiplicity stakeholders and formulated certain draft proposals
of trade unions and promote internal democracy. for amendment in the Plantation Labour Act, 1951
Amendment proposals to the Industrial . The draft proposals are at the stage of consultation
Disputes Act, 1947 with the Central Ministries / Departments.
3.30 The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 provides Industrial Employment (Standing Orders)
for investigation and settlement of industrial disputes. Central (Amendment) Rules, 2007
The main objectives of the Act are: promotion of 3.34 The Government had amended the Industrial
measures for securing and preserving amity and good Employment (Standing Orders) Central Rules, 1946
relations between the employer and workmen; to include "Fixed Term Employment Workman" in
investigation and settlement of industrial disputes, the Schedule of the Industrial Employment (Standing
between employers and employers, employers and Orders) Act, 1946 and Model Standing Orders
workmen or workmen and workmen, prevention of annexed to the Industrial Employment (Standing
illegal strikes and lock-outs; relief to workmen in Orders) Act, 1946 vide Notification No. GSR
the matter of lay-off and retrenchment; and collective No.936(E) dated the 10.12.2003.

44 ANNUAL REPORT 2007-08

44 Ministry of Labour & Employment
3.35 Keeping in view the National Common lockouts, while wage related issues were main cause
Minimum Programme, it was decided to rescind the for 19% of these unrests.
above Notification and accordingly the order Closure
rescinding the earlier notification was issued on
3.41 The number of units effecting closure in both
central and state spheres, has been 168 in 2006(P).
Monitoring of Industrial Relations Financial stringency led to closure in 32 cases, while
3.36 The Labour Relations Monitoring Unit, set lack of demand was the main reason for 7 closures
up in 1981, monitors the extent of industrial harmony during the period. All the closure took place in private
based on the information that it collects on the number sector.
and spatial dispersion of strikes/lockouts, number Lay-Off
of workers involved and man days lost, number of 3.42 Lay-off can be defined as the failure, refusal
units reporting retrenchment and the extent of lay or inability of an employer on account of shortage of
offs. power, raw materials, accumulation of stocks or
3.37 The total number of strikes and lockouts in breakdown of machinery, to give employment to a
2006(P) is 420 as compared to 456 in 2005. The workman whose name is borne on the muster rolls
workers affected due to these disturbances of his industrial establishment and who has not been
decreased by 38% as compared to 2005. retrenched. It is usually an indication of the supply
3.38 The spatial/industry wise dispersion of the side bottlenecks faced by the industrial unit leading
to low capacity utilization. The number of units
number of strikes and lockouts and the workers
effecting lay-off declined sharply from 104 in 2005
affected as a result of this is not uniform. Among the
to 50 in 2006(P). All 50 cases of lay off took place
States, West Bengal witnesses the maximum number
in states sphere. The number of workers affected
of the strikes & lockouts followed by Tamil Nadu,
Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh. West Bengal due to lay-off also declined significantly from 12255
in 2005 to 8299 in 2006(P).
witnessed 173 instances of strike & lockouts during
2006. Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Retrenchment
Rajasthan and Karnataka witnessed 61, 27, 20, 17 3.43 The number of units reporting retrenchment
and 16 strikes & lockouts respectively. decreased from 35 in 2005 to 24 in 2006(P). The
3.39 Mandays lost is a direct measure of the number of workers retrenched, declined from 2184
impact of industrial unrest on the workmen. At the in 2005 to 884 in 2006(P). Out of 24 cases of
aggregate level, maydays lost due to strikes and retrenchment registered in 2006(P), 19 took place
lockouts have decreased substantially in 2006 as in state sphere while 5 were in central sphere.
compared to 2005. The total Mandays lost due to 3.44 As per the provisions contained in Chapter
strikes & lockouts in 2006(P) was 20.27 millions as V-B of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947,
compared to 29.66 millions in 2005. establishments employing 100 persons or more are
3.40 Most of the industrial unrest, as indicated required to seek prior permission of the appropriate
by strikes and lockouts has been primarily related Government in the prescribed application form
to indiscipline & violence, non-payment of wages & before effecting closure, retrenchment or lay-off. In
allowances, personnel, bonus, retrenchment etc. this Ministry applications are received from CPSUs
During 2006(P), indiscipline & violence was the and other establishments falling in the Central sphere.
major causal factor behind 35% of strikes & These applications are examined and a hearing is

ANNUAL REPORT 2007-08 45

Ministry of Labour & Employment 45
held in order to provide an opportunity to both the Labour Courts. Five new CGIT-cum- Labour
management and the workers to make submissions Courts have been set up at Guwahati, Ahmedabad,
on issues pertaining to the proposed action of the Ernakulam (Cochin), Delhi and Chandigarh during
management. Based on the oral and written the year 2003-2004 and 2004-2005 thus taking the
submissions made by the parties, and considering total number of CGITs to 22. In addition, the
the reasonableness/ genuineness of the management's Industrial Tribunals-cum-Labour Court set up by the
application, a decision as to granting or not granting State governments and Union Territories
permission for closure, retrenchment or lay-off is Administrations are also utilized by the Central
taken. Wherever permission is granted, it is ensured Government for adjudication of industrial disputes,
that workers' interests are protected as far as where no Central Government Industrial Tribunal-
possible. cum-Labour Court in existence.
INDUSTRIAL TRIPARTITE COMMITTEES 3.48 In order to reduce the pendency of cases,
Lok Adalats are being organized by the CGIT-cum-
3.45 Industrial Tripartite Committees (ITCs) have
Labour Courts through which 1524 cases have been
been constituted with the view to promote the spirit
settled, out of which 326 cases have been settled
of tripartism. These tripartite bodies provide a forum
during 2006-07 and 42 during 2007-08 so far.
whereby the social partners through dialogue can
appreciate the problems of industries and workers BOARD OF ARBITRATION (JOINT
affected by Economic Reforms. These Committees CONSULTATIVE MACHINERY)
are non-statutory Standing Committees meetings of
3.49 Government of India had introduced in
which are convened as and when required.
1966 a Scheme for Joint Consultative Machinery
Government's proactive role has successfully
and Compulsory Arbitration for resolving
harmonized the interest of the employers and the
differences between the Government as an
workers resulting in a change of attitude from
employer and the general body of it employees.
confrontation to that of co-operation.
3.50 The Scheme provides for compulsory
3.46 There are eight Industrial Tripartite
arbitration on Pay and Allowances, weekly
Committees (ITCs) one each on Cotton Textiles,
hours of work and leave of a class or grade of
Jute, Road transport, Electricity Generation &
employees. Under the Scheme the Board of
Distribution, Engineering, Sugar, and Chemicals and
Arbitration (JCM) was set up in July, 1968. The
Plantation industry. Meeting of Industrial Tripartite
Board consists of a Chairman and two other
Committees on Plantation, Cotton Textiles, Road
members. The Chairman is a whole time person.
transport and Electricity Generation and Distribution
The Ministry of Labour appoints the other two
were held on 26.08.2005, 30.06.2006, 07.07.2006
members at the time of referring the dispute to
and 27.01.2007 respectively.
the Board out of a panel of members from the
ADJUDICATION Staff Side as well as from the Official Side
maintained by it.
3.47 For adjudication of industrial disputes, in
respect of which the Central Government is the 3.51 As on 30.11.2007, the Board has given
appropriate Government, there were 17 Central 257 Awards out of 259 references referred to
Government Industrial Tribunals (CGITs)-cum- them.

46 ANNUAL REPORT 2007-08

46 Ministry of Labour & Employment
4.1 Productivity is a measure of efficiency with 4.4 A statement giving the labour productivity
which resources, both human and material, are measured in terms of Gross Domestic Product
converted into goods and services: (Purchasing Power Parity) per Person Employed per
l Faster rate of economic growth can be ensured Hour and Overall Productivity - Real Growth i.e.
through accelerated production and higher Percentage Change of Real GDP per Person
productivity in all branches of economic activity. Employed in Asian Countries and four benchmark
The productivity of human resources (labour), countries during 2006 from the World
being an important input besides land and Competitiveness Year Book 2007 are given in the
capital, plays a significant role in determining Table 4.2.
the overall economic growth of a nation. 4.5 The comparison reveals that productivity in
l Apart from the level of human skills, the quality India during the year 2004 in comparison to other
of raw materials and the technology employed Select Asian countries is the lowest at 4.16 US $.
are also responsible for productive human The labour productivity in select 10 Asian Countries
resources. has been reported to be the highest at 32.22 US $
in case of Hong Kong followed by Japan (31.10
LABOUR PRODUCTIVITY US $) and Singapore (25.92 US $) and the
4.2 Comparison of Labour Productivity growth countries with labour productivity in proximity with
across Asian Countries during the year 1996 to 2002 India are Indonesia (4.42 US $), China - Mainland
as depicted in Table 4.1 shows that labour (6.02 US $) and Philippines (6.31 US $).
productivity growth in 2002 has been the highest in 4.6 The labour productivity in four benchmark
Vietnam (4.70%),followed by Republic of Korea countries during 2006 is measured to be much higher
(3.98%), Iran (3.87%), Singapore (3.60%), at 43.99 US $ for United States of America, 38.57
Bangladesh (3.03%), Indonesia (2.74%), India US$ for United Kingdom, 37.06 US$ for Germany
(2.57%) and so on. India ranks 7th among the 18 and 36.91 US$ for Australia.
Asian Countries for which the study has been made.
The labour productivity growth for India exhibited a 4.7 The growth in overall productivity estimated
decline during the latest year under consideration in terms of "Percentage Change of Real GDP per
Person Employed" in India during 2006 is, however,
4.3 The labour productivity growth in India
observed to be 6.55%, which is higher than four
measured in terms of growth in real GDP per person
benchmark countries as well as all other Asian
employed is worked out to be ranging from 3.12%
Countries except China (9.87%).
in 2000 to 6.84% during 1996 thus maintaining a
satisfactory level in labour productivity. The labour 4.8 The observations in World Employment
productivity growth in India was 4.41% and 2.57% Report, 2004-05, International Labour Organisation
during 2001 and 2002 respectively. It may be noted in respect of variations in Labour Productivity among
that India's Labour Productivity growth during 2001 different countries need to be kept in mind for
was the highest among the 18 Asian Countries. The comparing the labour productivity among different
labour productivity growth during 1996 to 2002 in countries. These observation are quoted below:
India has all along been better than the comparative "There is wide variation in labour productivity among
position in respect of benchmark countries like different countries in the world owing to a host of
Australia, Germany, United Kingdom and United factors, most of which are directly and positively
States (Excepting US in 2002), thus indicating the related to the level of economic development of the
shift towards betterment of Indian economy through countries concerned. It is important to underscore
higher labour productivity in all these years of the fact that differences in labour productivity levels
globalization. have essentially nothing to do with differences in how

ANNUAL REPORT 2007-08 47

Ministry of Labour & Employment 47
hard workers work- on the contrary they often l It aims at dissemination of knowledge and
indicate differences in working conditions. A poor experience in productivity, promotion of
worker in a developing economy can work long consciousness and improvement in productivity,
hours, strenuously, under bad physical conditions, strengthening of the performance and
but yet have low labour productivity and, therefore, competitiveness of the economy and improving
receive a low income because he or she lacks access the conditions and quality of working life.
to technology, education, or other factors needed to l It operates through Regional Professional
raise productivity. Similarly a worker in a highly Management Groups (RPMGs).
developed economy may have high labour
l Ministries of the Government of India and
productivity despite working relatively fewer hours'.
representatives of employers' and workers'
MEASURES FOR INCREASING LABOUR organizations are members of the council.
PRODUCTIVITY l It undertakes training programmes in the area
4.9 Labour productivity does not increase of management services, industrial training and
automatically. A developing country needs to have human resource development and also provides
a certain level of human capital, and technological consultancy services in both the formal and
and industrial endowment in order to reap the benefits informal sectors.
of higher labour productivity. Labour productivity l It has instituted National Productivity Awards
also requires substantial investment in vocational for selected sectors of the economy such as
training facilities in order to enable job aspirants to agriculture and food processing industries with
harness emerging employment opportunities while the objective to recognize the enterprises, which
making the final products globally competitive. excel in productivity performance and to
motivate other enterprises to increase their
4.10 The basic thrust for enhancing labour
productivity throughout the country is emphasized
by way of overall skill development and up-gradation 4.12 To give recognition to outstanding contribution
through: towards production and productivity, technological
innovations, cost saving, import substitution, saving
l Setting up of new ITIs/TCs under
of foreign exchange and for showing exemplary zeal
Craftsmen Training Schemes in the country
and enthusiasm in the discharge of duties, the Ministry
l Introduction of new Trades under
of Labour and Employment administers a scheme
Craftsmen Training Schemes and
entitled 'Prime Minister's Shram Awards' for workers
Apprenticeship Training Schemes
(as defined in Industrial Dispute Act, 1947) employed
l Up-gradation of 400 ITIs into Centres of
in departmental/public sector undertakings of the
Excellence from World Bank Assistance
Central/State Governments and the manufacturing
l Up-gradation of 1396 ITIs into Centres of
units employing 500 or more workers in the private
Excellence in PPP Mode
sector in recognition of their performance, devotion
l Up-gradation of ITIs in North-Eastern
to duty etc. Only those workers are eligible for the
States, Sikkim and Jammu & Kashmir, and
awards, who are engaged in manufacturing and
l Skill Development Initiatives to reach
those who have not derived the benefit of productive processes and whose performance is
formal training. assessable. These awards are announced every year
generally on the eve of either Republic Day or
Independence Day. The awards in the order of
4.11 The National Productivity Council is an precedence are Shram Ratna, Shram Bhushan,
autonomous body and is partly funded by the Shram Vir/Shram Veerangana and Shram Shree/
Government of India:-
48 ANNUAL REPORT 2007-08

48 Ministry of Labour & Employment

Devi. The cash prize and number of awards for 6 women, by the Hon'ble Prime Minister in the Award
each category are given in Table 4.3 Presentation Ceremony held on 27th April, 2007 at
4.13 Besides the cash prize, the awardees also Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi. The Prime Minister's
receive a "Sanad" from the Prime Minister. Shram Awards for the year 2005, announced on the
eve of Independence Day, 2007 to 68 workers
4.14 The Prime Minister's Shram Awards for the
including 9 women, are proposed to be given away
year 2004 were distributed to 45 workers, including
by the Hon'ble Prime Minister shortly.
Table 4.1
(Growth in real GDP per person employed)
Sl. Country/ year 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
01. Bangladesh 2.68 3.99 3.83 3.48 4.54 3.87 3.03
02. Republic of China 5.79 6.46 4.77 4.44 4.88 3.67 3.38
03. Fiji -1.13 -3.40 1.84 8.02 -0.91 N.A. N.A.
04. India 6.84 3.76 5.38 4.86 3.12 4.41 2.57
05. Indonesia 0.78 3.08 -13.74 -0.51 3.73 2.35 2.74
06. Iran 1.72 0.02 1.35 -1.11 1.98 0.43 3.87
07. Japan 5.25 2.70 0.01 1.64 0.93 4.31 1.34
08. Republic of Korea 10.01 7.37 -6.26 12.19 5.27 1.57 3.98
09. Malaysia 5.70 5.60 -1.79 3.86 6.10 0.29 2.46
10. Mongolia 2.09 4.61 -0.06 0.55 1.63 -1.80 -0.55
11. Nepal 1.62 -0.18 0.38 1.52 0.59 -1.54 0.72
12. Pakistan 4.09 -4.17 -1.49 1.87 5.19 0.02 -0.55
13 Philippines 0.42 2.72 -1.27 -0.42 11.86 -3.05 0.64
14. Singapore 1.80 2.30 -3.60 7.30 5.40 -5.20 3.60
15. Sri Lanka 0.35 4.99 -2.18 2.99 2.20 -0.37 N.A.
16. Thailand 2.02 -1.86 -12.87 9.37 2.85 0.08 2.52
17. Vietnam 6.98 5.85 3.54 2.61 4.67 4.13 4.70
Benchmark Countries
01. United States of 3.80 0.63 2.83 2.60 5.83 -4.13 2.77
02. Germany 1.13 1.81 0.44 2.49 2.33 0.54 1.04
03. Australia 2.66 4.49 2.50 1.72 -1.76 3.09 0.69
04. United Kingdom 1.53 1.40 1.97 1.58 2.47 1.14 0.48

Source : APO Asia Pacific Productivity data & Analysis 2004, Tokyo, Japan
ANNUAL REPORT 2007-08 49
Ministry of Labour & Employment 49
Labour Productivity – Asian Countries, 2004
Sl. No. Name of the Country Gross Domestic Product (at Percentage
Purchasing Power Parity) Change of Real
Per Person Employed Per GDP Per Person
Hour (in US $) Employed
01 China – Mainland 6.02 9.87
02 Hong Kong 32.22 4.62
03 India 4.16 6.55
04 Indonesia 4.42 4.99
05 Japan 31.10 1.79
06 Republic of Korea 19.78 3.66
07 Malaysia 12.30 3.52
08 Philippines 6.31 0.94
09 Singapore 25.92 0.27
10 Thailand 7.63 3.02
Benchmark Countries
01 United States of America 43.99 1.38
02 Germany 37.06 1.90
03 Australia 36.91 0.41
04 United Kingdom 38.57 1.79
Source: World Competitiveness Yearbook 2004, Institute of Management &
Development, Lausanne, Switzerland

Table 4.3
Prime Minister’s Shram Awards
The Cash Prize and Number of Awards under different Categories

Name of awards Amount of Cash Prize (in Rupees) Number of awards

Shram Ratna 2,00,000,00 01
Shram Bhushan 1,00,000,00 04
Shram Vir / Shram Veerangana 60,000,00 12
Shram Shri / Devi 40,000.00 16

50 ANNUAL REPORT 2007-08

50 Ministry of Labour & Employment
Introduction below which no wages may be fixed regardless of
5.1 Even though there is no uniform and the nature of work, nature of employment and other
comprehensive wage policy for all sectors of the considerations. In the absence of a Uniform National
economy in India, a mechanism exists for Minimum Wage, the Central Government introduced
determination of wages in the Organized and a National Floor Level Minimum Wage. Initially, it
Unorganized sectors and their enforcement. Wages was fixed at Rs.35/- per day in May, 1996 based
in the organized sector are determined through on the recommendations of the National Commission
negotiations and settlements between employer and on Rural Labour, 1991 and by taking into
employees. In the unorganized sector, where labour consideration the subsequent increase in price level.
is vulnerable to exploitation due to illiteracy and lack The Central Government has revised the National
of effective bargaining power, minimum rates of Floor Level Minimum Wage periodically to Rs.40/-
wages are fixed both by Central and State per day in 01.08.1998, Rs.45/- per day in
Governments in the scheduled employments falling 01.12.1999, Rs.50/- per day in 01.09.2002 and
within their respective jurisdictions under the Rs.66/- per day in 01.02.2004 and Rs. 80/- per
provisions of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948. The day with effect from 01.09.2007, on the basis of the
Act binds the employers to pay to the workers the increase in the Consumer Price Index for Industrial
minimum wages so fixed from time to time. Workers. The revision of National Floor Level
Minimum Wage is a non-statutory measure. Thus,
Minimum Wages Act, 1948
the State/UT Governments have been requested to
5.2 On the recommendation of the 8th Standing revise the minimum wages upwards so as to ensure
Labour Committee, the Minimum Wages Bill was that in none of the scheduled employments; the
introduced in the Central Legislative Assembly on minimum wages are less than the National Floor
11.04.1946 to provide for fixation of minimum wages Level Minimum Wage of Rs.80/- per day.
in certain employments. The Minimum Wages Bill
was passed by the Indian Dominion Legislature and Enforcement of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948
came into force on 15th March 1948. Under the 5.4 The UPA Government is committed to
Act both State and Central Government are enhance the welfare and well being of farm labour
"Appropriate Governments" for fixation/revision of and workers particularly those in the Unorganized
minimum rates of wages for employments covered sector and to ensure the fullest implementation of
by the Schedule to the Act. The minimum rates of Minimum Wage laws for labour. Minimum Wages
wages also include Special Allowance i.e. Variable under Central sphere are enforced through Central
Dearness Allowance (VDA) linked to Consumer Industrial Relations Machinery (CIRM). The position
Price Index Number, which is revised twice a year in respect of cases of enforcement by CIRM is
effective from April and October. The Central provided in Table 5.2.
Government and twenty-six States/UT Governments
have adopted VDA as a component of minimum 5.5 In the State Sphere, the State Industrial
wage. The range of wages for the unskilled workers Relations Machinery ensures enforcement of the
as fixed/revised in respect of employments covered Minimum Wages Act, 1948. The National Common
under Central and State sphere are at Table 5.1. Minimum Programme, the progress relating to
enforcement if the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 is
National Floor Level Minimum Wage
being sent regularly to Ministry of Statistics and
5.3 The 28th Indian Labour Conference in 1985 Programme Implementation for further transmission
recommended a national basic subsistence level wage to Prime Minister's Office. The position of
ANNUAL REPORT 2007-08 51
Ministry of Labour & Employment 51
enforcement of this Act in different States / UTs during WAGE BOARDS
2005-06 is shown in Table 5.3. 5.8 In the 1950s and 60s, when the organised
labour sector was at a nascent stage of its
5.6 The Minimum Wages Act 1948 was last
development without adequate unionization or with
amended in the year 1986 and further amendments
trade unions without adequate bargaining power,
are under consideration of the Government, which
Government in appreciation of the problems which
were discussed in the 40th session of ILC held on
arise in the arena of wage fixation, constituted various
9th & 10th Dec, 2005. The matter would be
Wage Boards. The Wage Boards are tripartite in
discussed further in the Central Advisory Committee
character in which representatives of workers,
on Minimum Wages after its re-constitution in order
employers and independent members participate and
to arrive at a consensus as mandated in the National
finalize the recommendations. The utility and
Common Minimum Programme (NCMP) before
contribution of such boards in the present context
finalizing the proposals.
are not beyond question. Except for the Wage
The Payment of Wages Act, 1936 Boards for Journalists and Non-Journalists
newspaper and news-agency employees, which are
5.7 The Payment of Wages Act, 1936 was statutory Wage Boards, all other Wage Boards are
enacted to regulate payment of wages to workers non-statutory in nature.
employed in industries and to ensure a speedy and 5.9 The National Commission on Labour (NCL)
effective remedy to them against illegal deductions has recommended that 'there is no need for any Wage
and/or unjustified delay caused in paying wages to Board, statutory or otherwise, for fixing wage rates
them. The wage ceiling under Payment of Wages for workers in any industry'. However, Government
Act, 1936, was fixed at Rs. 1600/- p.m. in 1982. decided not to accept its recommendations regarding
With a view to enhance the wage ceiling to Rs.6500/ constitution of statutory wage boards i.e. Wage
- p.m. for applicability of the Act, to empower the Boards for Working Journalists and Non-Journalists
Central Government to further increase the ceiling in Newspaper Employees under the Working
future by way of notification and to enhance the penal Journalists and Non-Journalists Newspaper
provisions etc., the Payment of Wages (Amendment) Employees (Conditions of Service) and
Act, 2005, which was passed by both Houses of Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1965.
Parliament, has been notified on 06.09.2005 as an
Act 41 of 2005 by the Ministry of Law & Justice.
Subsequently, the Ministry of Labour & Employment
has issued the Notification S.O. 1577(E) to make 5.10 The Working Journalists and other
the Payment of Wages (Amendment) Act, 2005 Newspaper Employees (Conditions of Service) and
effective from the 9th November 2005. In exercise Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1955 provides for
of the powers conferred by sub-section (6) of regulation of conditions of service of working
Section 1 of the Act, the Central Government, on journalists and other persons employed in newspaper
the basis of figures of the Consumer Expenditure establishments. Sections 9 and 13 C of the Act, inter
Survey published by National Sample Survey alia, provide for setting up of Wage Boards for
Organization, has enhanced the wage ceiling, further, fixation and revision of rates of wages in respect of
to Rs. 10,000/- per month vide gazette notification working journalists and non-journalists newspaper /
No. S.O. 1380 (E) dated 8th August, 2007. news agency employees respectively. According to
the Act, Wage Boards shall consist of the following:

52 ANNUAL REPORT 2007-08

52 Ministry of Labour & Employment
l Three persons representing employers in relation in relation to Newspaper establishments, three
to newspaper establishment; persons representing working journalists for Wage
Board under Section 9 and three persons
l Three persons representing working journalists
representing non-journalist Newspaper Employees
for Wage Board under Section 9 and three
under Section 13 C of the Act. The Wage Boards
persons representing non-journalists newspaper
have already started functioning from their
employees for Wage Board under section 13 C
Headquarter at New Delhi.
of the Act
l Four independent persons, one of whom shall
be a person who is or has been a judge of High 5.13 The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 provides
Court or the Supreme Court, and who shall be for payment of bonus to employees of factories and
appointed by the Government as the Chairman other establishments employing 20 or more persons.
5.14 The minimum bonus of 8.33% is payable
5.11 The Act does not lay down the periodicity by every industry and establishment under the section
for constituting the Wage Boards. The Wage Boards 10 of the Act. The maximum bonus including
for such employees were set up in the years 1956, productivity link bonus that can be paid in any
1963, 1975, 1985 and 1994. The previous Wage accounting year shall not exceed 20% of the salary/
Boards i.e. Manisana Wage Boards were constituted wage of an employee under the section 31 A of the
in the year 1994. Their reports were submitted to Act.
the Government on 25th July, 2000. Government
5.15 At present, employees drawing salary or
after examining the recommendations of the boards
wage not exceeding Rs.3,500/- per month in any
decided to accept them with some minor
industry to do any skilled or unskilled, manual,
supervisory, managerial, administrative, technical or
5.12 Government has, now constituted two new clerical work for hire or reward are eligibility for
Wage Boards one for Working Journalists and other payment of Bonus. The eligibility limit and calculation
for Non-Journalists Newspaper Employees under ceiling under clause 13 of section 2 and Section 12
Sections 9 and 13 C respectively of the Working of the Act respectively were last revised from
Journalists and Non-Journalists Newspaper Rs.2,500/- to Rs.3,500/- per month and from
Employees (Conditions of Service) and Rs.1600/- to Rs.2500/- per month, in the year 1995
Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1965 vide notification and made effective from 1st April, 1993.
in the Gazette of India (Extra Ordinary) S.O. Nos.
5.16 The second National Commission on Labour
809 (E) and 810 (E) dated 24.05.2007. The Wage
(NCL) has recommended that the present system
Boards have been given three years time to submit
of two wage ceiling for reckoning entitlement and
their reports to the Union Government. Dr. Justice
for calculation of bonus should be suitably enhanced
K. Narayana Kurup, as a common Chairman who
to 7,500/- per month and Rs.3,500/- per month
is a former Judge, High Court of Kerala and acting
respectively. The issue was taken up for discussion
Chief Justice of High Court of Madras, will head
in the 40th Session of the Indian Labour Conference
these Wage Boards. In addition, it has also been
held in New Delhi in 2005.
decided to have a common full time Member
Secretary besides two common independent 5.17 Considering the recommendation made by
members and three persons representing employers Second National Commission on Labour in respect

ANNUAL REPORT 2007-08 53

Ministry of Labour & Employment 53
of eligibility / calculation ceiling and further has been promulgated raising the eligibility limit from
developments, the amendments to Payment of Bonus Rs.3,500/- to Rs.10,000/- per month and calculation
Act, 1965 were again discussed in 41st Session of ceiling from Rs.2500/- to Rs.3500/- per month and
Indian Labour Conference (ILC) held during 27- omit clause (vi) of Section 32 to bring employees
28 April, 2007 at New Delhi. A consensus was employed through contractors on building operations
arrived at to enhance the eligibility limit from within the ambit of the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965.
Rs.3,500/- to Rs.10,000/- per month and calculation
5.19 So as to give effect to the changes
ceiling from Rs.2500/- to Rs.3500/- per month.
incorporate, the Payment of Bonus (Amendment)
Further, it was also decided to bring the employees
Bill, 2007 has been passed by both Houses of
employed through contractors on building operations
Parliament i.e. Lok Sabha on 27th November, 2007
within the ambit of the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965.
and Rajya Sabha on 3rd December, 2007 by
5.18 Accordingly, on 27th October, 2007 the replacing the Payment of Bonus (Amendment)
Payment of Bonus (Amendment) Ordinance, 2007 Ordinance, 2007 (No.8 of 2007).

54 ANNUAL REPORT 2007-08

54 Ministry of Labour & Employment
Table 5.1
Table 5.1
S.No. State/Union Territory Range of Minimum Wages per day (in rupees)
Central 66-115
States/Union Territories
1. Andhra Pradesh 45.00-128.00
2. Arunachal Pradesh 55.00-57.00
3. Assam 48.00-97.00
4. Bihar 66.00-75.00
5. Chhattisgarh 52.87-79.13
6. Goa 75.00-94.00
7. Gujarat 50.00-99.00
8. Haryana 94.00-95.00
9. Himachal Pradesh 70.00
10. Jammu & Kashmir 66.00
11. Jharkhand 50.06-77.57
12. Karnataka 63.00-103.00
13 Kerala 72.00-189.00
14. Madhya Pradesh 61.37-94.13
15. Maharashtra 45.00-155.22
16. Manipur 69.55-72.40
17. Meghalaya 70.00
18. Mizoram 91.00
19. Nagaland 66.00-70.00
20. Orissa 55.00
21. Punjab 90.44-94.24
22. Rajasthan 73.00-82.00
23. Sikkim 85.00
24. Tamil Nadu 54.44-150.00
25. Tripura 51.35-65.77
26. Uttar Pradesh 58.00-104.41
27. Uttaranchal 61.61-97.00
28. West Bengal 64.22-125.00
29. Andaman & Nicobar 100.00-107.00
30. Chandigarh 114.00
31. Dadra & Nagar Haveli 91.00
32. Daman & Diu 80.00
33. Delhi 127.38
34. Lakshadweep 70.00
35. Pondicherry 45.00-124.00

ANNUAL REPORT 2007-08 55

Ministry of Labour & Employment 55

Enforcement of Provisions of Wage Laws by Central Industrial

Relations Machinery (CIRM) during 2005-2006

Sl. Name of the Act No of Irregularities Prosecutions Convictions Claims

No Inspections Rectified Launched Obtained filed

1 Payment of Wages Act,1936

i) Mines 3084 47805 1410 1261 9
ii) Railways 1082 7178 13 0 0
iii) Air 118 770 22 18 0
2 Minimum Wages 12392 140307 4620 4616 2208

56 ANNUAL REPORT 2007-08

56 Ministry of Labour & Employment
ANNUAL REPORT 2007-08 57
Ministry of Labour & Employment 57
Table 5.4
S.No State / U.T QPR No. of Tripartite Impl
estt. Which have implemented Committee Cell
Fully Partially Not
01. Andhra Pradesh 05/05 37 8 29 - 0 -
02. Assam 09/04 91 6 2 83 03.04.2002 1
03. Arunachal Pradesh 09/05 6 - - 6 26.04.2004 -
04. Bihar 09/05 7 6 - 1 19.06.2002 -
05. Chhattisgarh 9/03 4 1 - 3 25.03.2003 -
06. Goa 09/05 7 6 1 - 25.09.2002 -
07. Gujarat 09/05 19 16 - 3 29.01.2003 -
08. Haryana N.R - - - - - -
09. Himachal Pradesh 12/03 22 - 16 6 17.04.2004 -
10. Jammu& Kshmir 12/03 62 - 62 - - -
11. Jharkhand N.R - - - - - -
12. Karnataka 12/04 103 17 28 58 07.04.2003 -
13. Kerala 12/04 46 5 6 35 -
14. Madhya Pradesh 09/04 126 35 10 81 - -
15. Manipur N.R - - - - - -
16. Maharashtra 12/04 136 114 - 22 22.02.2002 -
17. Meghalaya N.A. - - - - @@ -
18. Mizoram N.A - - - - @ -
19. Nagaland N.A. - - - - @@ -
20. Orissa 12/04 19 7 5 7 17.11.2001 1
21. Punjab 12/04 10 7 - 3 - -
22. Rajasthan 3/03 *243 5 1 237 04.04.2001 -
23. Sikkim N.A - - - - @ -
24. Tamil Nadu 06/05 90 85 1 4 21.08.2003 -
25. Tripura 09/04 18 - - 18 Yes -
26. Uttar Pradesh 03/04 260 67 1 192 20.09.2001 -
27. Uttaranchal 09/05 +149 4 - 145 Yes -
28. West Bengal N.R - - - - 24.04.2003 -
29. A & N Island N.A - - - - @@
30. Chandigarh 09/05 3 - - 3 - -
31. Delhi 6/05 36 28 - 8 06.05.2003 -
32. Daman & Diu N.A - - - - @@ -
33. D & Nagar Haveli N.A - - - - @ -
34. Lakshadweep N.A - - - - @@ -
35. Pondicherry 09/05 13 6 - 7 - -
Total 1507 423 162 922

* 207 estts. are one man estt. + 143 estts. are one man estt. NR: Not Received, N.A: Not Applicable
QPR: Quarterly Progress Report @ : The recommendations are not applicable in these States/Uts. as the
newspaper estt. are very small.
@@: There is no newspaper establishment in these States/UTs.

58 ANNUAL REPORT 2007-08

58 Ministry of Labour & Employment

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