Prescribe Com Refr4.9
Prescribe Com Refr4.9
Prescribe Com Refr4.9
Command Reference
We shall have no liability or responsibility to customers or any other person or entity with respect to any liability, loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by equipment sold or furnished by us, including, but not limited to, any interruption of service, loss of business or anticipatory profits, or consequential damages resulting from the use or operation of the equipment or software. NO LIABILITY WILL BE ASSUMED FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED BY IMPROPER INSTALLATION. Notice on Software SOFTWARE USED WITH THIS PRINTER MUST SUPPORT THE PRINTERS NATIVE MODE OR ONE OF ITS EMULATION MODES. Notice This manual, the computer programs in the page printer referred to in this manual, and any other copyrightable subject matter sold or provided with or in connection with the sale of the page printer, are protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. Copying or other reproduction of all or part of this manual, the computer programs, or any other copyrightable subject matter without the prior written consent of Kyocera Mita Corporation is prohibited. Any copies made of all or part of this manual, the computer programs, or any other copyrightable subject must contain the same copyright notice as the material from which the copying is done. The information in this manual is subject to change without notification. Additional pages may be inserted in future editions. The user is asked to excuse any omissions or errors in the present edition. No responsibility is assumed if accidents occur while the user is following the instructions in this manual. No responsibility is assumed for defects in the printers firmware. Regarding Tradenames: PRESCRIBE is a registered trademark of Kyocera Corporation. KPDL is a trademark of Kyocera Corporation. Diablo 630 is a product of Xerox Corporation. IBM Proprinter X-24E is a product of International Business Machines Corporation. Epson LQ-850 is a product of Seiko Epson Corporation. HP LaserJet III, HP LaserJet 4, HP LaserJet 4 Plus, HP LaserJet 5Si, HP LaserJet 5P, HP LaserJet 5M, HP LaserJet 2100, HP LaserJet 4000, and HP 7550A are products of Hewlett-Packard Company. Hewlett-Packard, PCL, and HP-GL are registered trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company. Centronics is a trade name of Centronics Data Computer Corp. Other product names and company names that appear in this manual are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Table of Contents
Overview of PRESCRIBE Commands by Function 2
Access Commands 2 Print System Setting Commands 2 Margin and Page Portrait/Landscape Orientation Commands 3 Font Commands 4 Cursor Movement Commands 5 Vector Graphics Commands 5 Path Mode Graphics Commands 6 Raster Graphics Commands 7 Color Commands 7 Barcode Commands 8 Macro Commands 8 Debug Commands 9 External Media Control Commands 9 e-MPS Commands 10
ACLI Add CoLor by Index ALTB A [ALlocate TaBle] Assign user-defined character table ALTB C [ALlocate TaBle] Convert character code ALTB D [ALlocate TaBle] Delete user-defined character table ALTB E [ALlocate TaBle] End defining combination characters ALTB G [ALlocate TaBle] Generate user-defined table ALTB R [ALlocate TaBle] Release user-defined character table ALTB S [ALlocate TaBle] Start to define the combination character ALTB T [ALlocate TaBle] define combined character by Table ALTF change to ALTernate Font AMCR call Automatic MaCRo APSG Assign Paper Source Group ARC draw filled-in ARC ASFN ASsign external characters for FoNt ASTK Assign STacKer trays BARC draw BARCode BKLT print in BooKLeT binding BLK draw filled-in BLocK BOX draw BOX CALL CALL macro CCPY Carbon CoPY CDSK Check hard DiSK CID Configure color-Image Data CIR draw CIRcle CLIP CLIP current path CLPR CLiP Rectangular area CLSP CLoSe Path CMNT CoMmeNT CMOD Color MODe COPY set number of COPIES CPAL Control PALette CPTH Character PaTH
12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 25 27 28 31 32 34 38 40 42 44 46 49 50 52 54 55 57 59 60 61 63 64
CSET Change symbol SET by symbol-set ID 65 CSTK select Collator STacKer 68 CTXT print Centered TeXT 69 DAF Delete All Fonts 71 DAM Delete All Macros 72 DAP Draw to Absolute Position 73 DELF DELete Font 75 DELM DELete Macro 76 DPAT select Dashed PATtern 78 DRP Draw to Relative Position 80 DRPA Draw to Relative Position specified by Angle 82 DUPX select/deselect DUPleX mode 84 DXPG select DupleX PaGe side 85 DZP Draw to Zero-relative Position 87 EMCR Enable MaCRo depending on paper source 89 ENDB END a two-dimensional Barcode string 91 ENDC END carbon Copy 92 ENDD END Dump 93 ENDM END Macro 94 ENDR END Raster data 96 EPL select EcoPrint Level 98 EXIT EXIT from PRESCRIBE mode 99 FDIR MP tray Feed DIRection 100 FILL FILL closed path 101 FLAT set FLATness 104 FLST print Font LiST 105 FOLD FOLD printed pages 107 FONT change current FONT 108 FPAT generate Fill PATtern 110 FRPO Firmware RePrOgram 112 FRPO INIT FRPO-INITialize 114 FSET change current Font SETting by characteristic 115 FTMD bitmap FonT MoDe 119 GPAT set Gray PATtern 122 GRAY represent GRAY 124 GRRD GRaphic data ReaD 125 HUE adjust HUE 127 INTL InterNaTionaL characters 129 JOBD JOB Deletion 132 JOBL print JOB List 134 JOBO JOB Output 136 JOBP JOB, print with Print options 138 JOBS JOB Start 140 JOBT JOB Terminate 144 JOG JOG output stacks for separation 145 LAPI LoaD API Program 146 LDFC LoaD Font Character 147 LDFN C generate bitmap character for LoaDing FoNt 149 LDFN F create header for LoaDing FoNt 151 LDFN S LoaD truetype FoNt 153 LGHT adjust LiGHTness 155 MAP Move to Absolute Position 157 MCLR Match CoLoR 159 MCRO define MaCRO 160 MDAT set MeDia type ATtribute 162 MID Multi-tray ID 164 MPSS e-MPS Storage 165
MPTE MP Tray Empty MRP Move to Relative Position MRPA Move to Relative Position specified by Angle MSTK select Mailbox STacKer MTYP select Media TYPe MZP Move to Zero-relative Position NEWP start NEW Path OTRY select paper Output TRaY PAGE start new PAGE PANT create PANTone color palette PARC in Path, draw ARC PAT select fill PATtern PCRP in Path, Curve to Relative Position PCZP in Path, Curve to Zero-relative Position PDIR set Print DIRection PDRP in Path, Draw to Relative Position PDZP in Path, Draw to Zero-relative Position PELP in Path, draw ELlipse PIE draw PIE chart PMRA in Path, Move to Relative position specified by Angle PMRP in Path, Move to Relative Position PMZP in Path, Move to Zero-relative Position PNCH PuNCH PRBX in Path, draw Round BoX PRRC in Path, at Relative position, draw aRC PSRC select Paper SouRCe PXPL PiXel PLacement !R! PRESCRIBE start sequence RCLT Rotated CoLlaTion RDMP Received-data DuMP RES RESet RESL select RESoLution RGBL control RGB Level RGST offset ReGiSTration RPCS Return to Previous Code Set RPF Return to Previous Font RPG Return to Previous Graphics state RPP Return to Previous Position RPPL Return to Previous PaLette RPU Return to Previous Unit RTTX RoTate TeXt RTXT print Right-aligned TeXT RVCD ReceiVe Compressed raster Data RVCL ReceiVe CoLor raster data RVRD ReceiVe Raster Data RWER D [Read/Write External Resource] Delete data on external media RWER F [Read/Write External Resource] Format external media RWER I [Read/Write External Resource] automatically print partition Information RWER L [Read/Write External Resource] print partition List RWER R [Read/Write External Resource] Read data from external media RWER S [Read/Write External Resource] Store TrueType font RWER T [Read/Write External Resource] set Terminate string RWER W [Read/Write External Resource] Write data to external media RWRF D [Read/Write Resource File] Delete data on external device RWRF F [Read/Write Resource File] Format external device RWRF L [Read/Write Resource File] print resource file List RWRF P [Read/Write Resource File] set hidden file
166 167 169 171 172 174 176 177 179 180 182 184 186 188 190 193 195 197 199 201 203 205 207 209 211 213 214 215 217 218 220 222 223 225 226 227 228 230 232 233 234 236 238 239 240 242 243 244 245 246 247 249 250 252 253 254 255
RWRF R [Read/Write Resource File] Read RWRF T [Read/Write Resource File] set Terminate string RWRF W [Read/Write Resource File] Write data to external device (API program) RWRF W [Read/Write Resource File] Write data to external device (font) RWRF W [Read/Write Resource File] Write data to external device (macro) RWRF W [Read/Write Resource File] Write data to external device (printable data) SATU adjust SATUration level SBM Set Bottom Margin SCAP Set line CAP SCCS Save Current Code Set SCF Save Current Font SCG Save Current Graphics state SCOL Select COLor SCP Save Current Position SCPI Set Characters Per Inch SCPL Save Current PaLette SCRC Set Command Recognition Character SCS Set Character Spacing SCSZ Set Custom paper SiZe SCU Save Current Unit SDP Store Dash Pattern SEM Set Emulation Mode SETF SET alternate Font SFA Set bitmap Font Attributes SFNT Select current FoNT by typeface SGPC Set kcGl Pen Color SHMI Set HMI SIMG Set IMaGe model SIMP create SIMPle color palette SIR Set Image Refinement level SLJN Set Line JoiN SLM Set Left Margin SLPI Set Lines Per Inch SLPP Set Lines Per Page SLS Set Line Spacing SMLT Set Miter LimiT SMNT Set MoNiTor simulation SPAL Select PALette SPD Set Pen Diameter SPL Set Page Length SPO Set Page Orientation SPSZ Set Paper SiZe SPW Set Page Width SRM Set Right Margin SRO Set Raster Options SROP Set Raster OPeration SSTK select Sorter STacKer STAK select paper STAcKer STAT STATus STM Set Top Margin STPC set STaPle Counter STPL STaPLe STR SeT dot Resolution STRK STRoKe current path SULP Set UnderLine Parameters TATR apply Tray ATtributes TEXT print TEXT
256 257 258 259 261 262 263 264 266 268 270 272 274 275 276 278 279 281 282 283 285 287 288 290 294 297 298 299 302 304 305 307 309 310 312 313 315 317 318 320 322 324 326 328 330 332 334 335 336 338 340 341 343 344 346 348 349
TPRS Text PaRSing TRSM TRansparency Separate Mode UNIT set UNIT of measurement UOM Unit Of Measurement per dots VMAL Virtual Mailbox ALias VMOB Virtual Mailbox Output Bin VMPW set Virtual Mailbox PassWord WIDE set WIDE A4 mode WRED WRite EnD XBAR print two dimensional barcode XBCP 0 select barcode type/reset all other XBCP parameters XBCP 1 specify narrowest element width XBCP 2 specify error correction level by percentage XBCP 3 set error correction level XBCP 4 set data code word rows XBCP 5 set data code word columns XBCP 6 determine aspect ratio of vertical height and horizontal width XBCP 7 determine bar height XBCP 8 automatically set rows and columns XBCP 9 enable truncation XBCP 10 enable file name XBCP 11 enable block count XBCP 12 enable time stamp XBCP 13 enable sender ID XBCP 14 enable addressee ID XBCP 15 enable file size XBCP 16 enable checksum XBCP 17 allow control of file ID XBCP 18 enable Macro PDF417 symbol mode XBCP 19 position symbols at the specified locations XBUF define a BUFfer name XPAT generate eXpanded fill PATtern
351 352 353 355 357 358 359 361 362 363 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 385 387 391 393
Index - 1
Access Commands
These commands provide access in and out of PRESCRIBE mode.
Command EXIT !R! SCRC Function EXIT from PRESCRIBE mode PRESCRIBE start sequence Set Command Recognition Character Page 99 215 279
For example, a right margin setting beyond the printable areas right edge would be brought back just inside the right edge of the printable area. In like manner, it is not possible to use a bottom margin setting that would place the bottom margin past the bottom edge of the printable area. An easy way to set the right and bottom margins to the very edge of the printable area is to use a large value such as 100 (centimeters). The margins and page orientation can be reset by using the RES command.
Command SBM SLM SLPP SPL SPO SPW SRM STM Function Set Bottom Margin Set Left Margin Set Lines Per Page Set Page Length Set Page Orientation Set Page Width Set Right Margin Set Top Margin Page 264 307 310 320 322 326 328 338
Margins and page orientation are more fully explained in Section 1.3. of the Technical Reference manual.
Character spacing
Using the font mode (FTMD command), the line spacing and character spacing can be set automatically when the bitmap fonts are selected. Refer to the sections on the FTMD and SFA commands for additional details.
Command SCPI SCS SHMI SLPI SLS SULP Function Set Characters Per Inch Set Character Spacing Set HMI Set Lines Per Inch Set Line Spacing Set UnderLine Parameters Page 276 281 298 309 312 346
Font Commands
The font commands are used to select fonts. Fonts can be selected using substitute numbers instead of a fonts specific number. It is also possible to change the attributes of fonts and print them in a unique style. Additionally, there are commands to download fonts to the printing system from an external source, and to generate fonts.
Command ALTB A ALTB C ALTB D ALTB E ALTB G ALTB R ALTB S ALTB T ALTF ASFN Function [ALlocate TaBle] Assign user-defined character table [ALlocate TaBle] Convert character code [ALlocate TaBle] Delete user-defined character table [ALlocate TaBle] End defining combination characters [ALlocate TaBle] Generate user-defined table [ALlocate TaBle] Release user-defined character table [ALlocate TaBle] Start to define the combination character [ALlocate TaBle] define combined character by Table change to ALTernate Font ASsign external characters for FoNt Page 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 31
Function Change symbol SET by symbol-set ID Delete All Fonts DELete Font print Font LiST change current FONT change current Font SETting by characteristic bitmap FonT MoDe InterNaTionaL characters LoaD Font Character generate bitmap character for LoaDing FoNt create header for LoaDing FoNt LoaD truetype FoNt Return to Previous Code Set Return to Previous Font Save Current Code Set Save Current Font SET alternate Font Set bitmap Font Attributes Select current FoNT by typeface Text PaRSing
Page 65 71 75 105 108 115 119 129 147 149 151 153 226 227 268 270 288 290 294 351
Fonts are more fully explained in Chapter 4 of the Technical Reference manual.
If an attempt is made to create figures outside of the printable area using these commands, the coordinates are adjusted automatically so that the figures print inside the printable area. As in the example below, this can produce printed results different from what is expected.
Print settings according to command
Printing extremely complex figures can exhaust printing system memory. Downloadable fonts can be particularly taxing on printing system memory, producing unexpected print results. It may be possible to correct the problem by removing some of the downloaded fonts or by simplifying the graphic. To determine current memory usage, refer to a status page.
Command ARC BLK BOX CIR DAP DPAT DRP DRPA DZP FPAT GPAT PAT PIE SPD XPAT Function draw filled-in ARC draw filled-in BLocK draw BOX draw CIRcle Draw to Absolute Position select Dashed PATtern Draw to Relative Position Draw to Relative Position specified by Angle Draw to Zero-relative Position generate Fill PATtern set Gray PATtern select fill PATtern draw PIE chart Set Pen Diameter generate eXpanded fill PATtern Page 28 40 42 52 73 78 80 82 87 110 122 184 199 318 393
Function FILL closed path set FLATness start NEW Path in Path, draw ARC iin Path, Curve to Relative Position in Path, Curve to Zero-relative Position set Print DIRection in Path, Draw to Relative Position in Path, Draw to Zero-relative Position in Path, draw ELlipse in Path, Move to Relative position specified by Angle in Path, Move to Relative Position in Path, Move to Zero-relative Position in Path, draw Round BoX in Path, at Relative position, draw aRC Return to Previous Graphics state Set line CAP Save Current Graphics state Store Dash Pattern Set IMaGe model Set Line JoiN Set Miter LimiT STRoKe current path
Page 101 104 176 182 186 188 190 193 195 197 201 203 205 209 211 228 266 272 285 298 305 313 344
Color Commands
Color commands are used to create a color palette, assign colors to a palette, and specify colors. In this manual, color commands are marked with COLOR under the command name.
Function Add CoLor by Index Configure color-Image Data Color MODe Control PALette represent GRAY GRaphic data ReaD adjust HUE adjust LiGHTness Match CoLoR create PANTone color palette control RGB Level Return to Previous PaLette ReceiVe CoLor raster data adjust SATUration level Select COLor Save Current PaLette Set kcGl Pen Color create SIMPle color palette Set MoNiTor simulation Select PALette
Page 12 50 60 63 124 125 127 155 159 180 223 232 239 263 274 278 297 302 315 317
Barcode Commands
Barcodes conforming to various specifications can be printed simply by specifying the type of barcode and the barcode data. It is also possible to print barcodes with check digits added.
Command BARC ENDB XBAR XBCP XBUF Function draw BARCode END a two-dimensional Barcode string print two dimensional barcode select barcode type/reset all other XBCP parameters, etc. define a BUFfer name Page 34 91 363 365 to 387 391
Macro Commands
A series of PRESCRIBE commands can be defined for sequential processing as a macro. Macros are selected using the CALL command and automatically using the AMCR command.
Command AMCR CALL CCPY 8 Function call Automatic MaCRo CALL macro Carbon CoPY Page 25 44 46
Function Delete All Macros DELete Macro Enable MaCRo depending on paper source END carbon Copy END Macro define MaCRO
Page 72 76 89 92 94 160
Debug Commands
These commands can be used to check the print data in hexadecimal format for print jobs with unexpected output.
Command ENDD RDMP Function END Dump Received-data DuMP Page 93 218
e-MPS Commands
The printing system features various job storing options e-MPS (enhanced Multiple Printing System) that utilize the hard disk. For this feature to be performed, a print job must be defined as an e-MPS job by the JOBS command. Once the job is defined and stored in the hard disk by the JOBS command, it can be retrieved from the hard disk for printing with various printing features such as stapling, duplex-printing, mailboxing, etc., added on the fly.
Command CDSK JOBD JOBL JOBO JOBP JOBS JOBT MPSS VMAL VMOB VMPW Function Check hard DiSK JOB Deletion print JOB List JOB Output JOB, print with Print options JOB Start JOB Terminate e-MPS Storage Virtual Mailbox ALias Virtual Mailbox Output Bin set Virtual Mailbox PassWord Page 49 132 134 136 138 140 144 165 357 358 359
2. PRESCRIBE Commands
In the command format descriptions below, the command is written in fixed-pitch CAPITAL letters. Parameters are indicated in lowercase italics. Optional parameters, which may be omitted, are enclosed in brackets [ ]. Three dots (...) mean that the preceding parameters may be repeated. Except for the initial !R!, PRESCRIBE commands may be written in lowercase letters if preferred. Example: !R! SFNT Helvetica; EXIT; Refer to Chapter 1 of the Technical Reference manual for the discussion on how PRESCRIBE follows the rule regarding upper- and lowercase letters. The functions of some PRESCRIBE commands are duplicated by the panel keys. For example, the same status page can be printed by the STAT command or by pressing the panel keys. The Users Manual provides a full description of the control panel functions. Many PRESCRIBE commands can be embedded commands within word processing software. This support depends upon the emulation mode and the software. See Emulation of the Technical Reference manual.
ACLI index, color1, color2, color3;
Parameters index:
integer from 1 to 255
value for red, integer from 0 to 255, in RGB color space value for lightness, number from 0.0 to 100.0, in L*a*b color space
value for green, integer from 0 to 255, in RGB color space value for red/green, number from 0.0 to 100.0, in L*a*b color space
value for blue, integer from 0 to 255, in RGB color space value for yellow/blue, number from 0.0 to 100.0, in L*a*b color space
The ACLI command adds a color to the currently active palette. This command is ignored when the currently active palette is a simple color palette or the Pantone color palette. If an index number larger than the palette size is given, this command is also ignored. If a color is added to the existing index number, the current color for that index number is automatically replaced with the new color. To add a color in a palette, the following guidelines must be used depending on the color space used: For RGB color space, specify the values for red, green, and blue with an integer from 0 to 255, where 0 = 0% and 255 = 100%. Any value outside this range is rounded to the minimum or maximum value, namely 0 or 255. A fractional value beyond the decimal point is discarded. For L*a*b color space, specify relative values for the lightness, red/green, and yellow/ blue with a number from 0.0 to 100.0. Any value outside this range is rounded to the minimum or maximum value, namely 0.0 or 100.0.
!R! RES; DAM; UNIT C; SFNT AntiqueOlive-Bd, 20; CPAL C; SPAL 1; CID 0, 1; ACLI 1, 0, 0, 255; ACLI 2, 0, 255, 0; ACLI 3, 255, 0, 0; MZP 1, 1; SCOL 1; TEXT This line is printed in blue.; MZP 1, 2.4; SCOL 2; TEXT This line is printed in green.; MZP 1, 3.8; SCOL 3; TEXT This line is printed in red.; EXIT;
Related Commands
ALTB A, table-id;
Parameter table-id:
number identifying the character table assigned to the resident font, from 1 to 65535
The ALTB A command assigns the user-defined character table to the current resident font.
See ALTB C on page 15.
Parameters table-id:
number identifying the character table to convert the character, from 1 to 65535
character code before conversion: 1-byte code = 0 to 255; 2-byte code = 0 to 65533, or in hexadecimal notation ($xxxx).
character code after conversion: 1-byte code = 0 to 255; 2-byte code = 0 to 65533, or in hexadecimal notation ($xxxx).
The ALTB C command converts the character code given as source-character to the character code given as target-character in the user-defined character table. If the character table having the identical number already exists, the existing character table is replaced by the new character table.
In the example below, the character table number 56535 is generated by ALTB G, in which the character \ (backslash, character code 92) is replaced with the Euro currency symbol a (character code 186 for Roman-9 symbol set). !R! SFNT "TimesNewRoman", 14; CSET 4U; CMNT Roman-9; ALTB G, 56535, 1; ALTB C, 56535, 92, 186; ALTB A, 56535; TEXT "The Euro currency is symbolized as \."; ALTB R, 56535; CMNT Release user table; PAGE; EXIT;
ALTB D, table-id;
Parameter table-id:
number identifying the character table, from 1 to 65535, to be deleted
The ALTB D command deletes the character table defined by the user. If the table to be deleted is currently allocated to the resident font (see ALTB A), terminate the allocation by using ALTB R before deleting. It is possible to delete all userdefined character tables at once by using ALTB D, 0;.
See ALTB C on page 15.
Related Commands
This command signals the end of defining combination characters in an already generated user-defined character table which was started by the ALTB S command. (page 20). The registered combined characters can be printed by specifying the character code which was assigned at the time of definition.
Related Command
Parameters table-id:
table ID number: 1 to 65535
1 = 1-byte, character codes 0 to 255 2 = 2-byte, character codes 0 to 65533
The ALTB G command generates a user-defined table in either 1-byte or 2-byte format. If the same table ID number already exists, the format table is replaced with the newly generated table.
ALTB R, table-id;
Parameter table-id:
number identifying the character table to be released
The ALTB R command terminates the assignment of the user-defined character table for the current resident font. It is also possible to terminate the assignment of all userdefined character tables by using ALTB R, 0;.
Parameters table-id:
number identifying the character table to define the combination character, from 1 to 65535
character code for which the combination character is defined. 1-byte code = 0 to 255; 2-byte code = 0 to 65533, or in hexadecimal notation ($xxxx).
overall width of the combined character, represented by number from 1 to 65535 in units where the width of the resident font character is 1000
overall height of the combined character, represented by number from 1 to 65535 in units where the height of the resident font character is 1000
X coordinate of the reference point, integer value converted in reference to 1000 units
Y coordinate of the reference point, integer value converted in reference to 1000 units
paint mode: 0 = normal (filled), non-zero = line width of outline character (stroked): 1 to 100 units
This command starts to define the combination of characters by specifying the region and coordinates. The characters to combine in this region are registered using the ALTB T command (page 21). The ALTB S sequence is terminated by the ALTB E command. If the identical table number already exists, the existing character table is replaced with the new character table.
Parameters code:
character code for which the combined character is defined, or hexadecimal notation ($xxxx), JIS code
character width: the value from 1 to the character width specified by ALTB S (page 20)
character height: the value from 1 to the character height specified by ALTB S (page 20)
X coordinate of the reference point, integer value calculated in 1000 unit basis
Y coordinate of the reference point, integer value calculated in 1000 unit basis
This command defines the region in which to store the combination of characters within coordinates (0, 0) to (1000, 1000) by specifying a rectangular area and reference point for the characters. There are no restrictions on the number of characters to be combined.
Y (1000, 1000)
(0, 0)
!R! res; unit c; SFNT TimesNewRoman, 48; ALTB G, 1000, 1; ALTB ALTB ALTB ALTB ALTB ALTB ALTB ALTB ALTB ALTB ALTB A, S, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, E; 1000; 1000, 64, 1800, 1000; 77, 700, 700, 0, 700; CMNT M; 65, 700, 700, 630, 700; CMNT A; 85, 700, 700, 1050, 700; CMNT U; 73, 700, 700, 1570, 700; CMNT I; 36, 700, 700, 0, 0; CMNT $; 57, 700, 700, 400, 0; CMNT 9; 57, 700, 700, 800, 0; CMNT 9; 57, 700, 700, 1200, 0; CMNT 9;
alternate-number: a number from 0 to 47
The ALTF command changes the current font to a font designated by an alternate number. The actual font assigned to this alternate number is set by a previous SETF command. The alternate number can be a bitmap font number or a number specifically assigned to the scalable font using the SFNT command (See File on the next page). If no font has been assigned to the specified alternate number, the ALTF command has no effect: the font does not change. The ALTF command enables you to prepare a document using several fonts, without deciding in advance which specific fonts to use. For example, you could use ALTF 1 to designate plain text and ALTF 2 to designate italics, and allow the specific size and style of type to be determined by SETF commands at a later time.
!R! RES; SFNT "Helvetica-Nr", 12, 1000; SFNT "TimesNewRoman-It", 11, 1001; SETF 1, 1000; SETF 2, 1001; MCRO BIBLIO; ALTF 1; TEXT %1, E; TEXT " ", E; ALTF 2; TEXT %2, E; TEXT " ", E; ALTF 1; TEXT %3, N; ENDM; ALTF 1; TEXT "Bibliography", N, U; TEXT, N; CALL BIBLIO, "Radin, Paul,", "Hero Cycles of the Winnebago,", "Indiana University Publications"; CALL BIBLIO, "Neumann, Erich,", "Amor and Psyche,", "Bollingen Press"; CALL BIBLIO, "Jung, Carl G.,", "Man and His Symbols,", "Bollingen Press"; PAGE; EXIT;
Parameters mode:
E = Enable automatic macro; Save and retain current printing parameters T = Enable automatic macro; Do not save current printing parameters D = Disable automatic macro
number of times the macro is executed
name defined by the MCRO command
values given to the dummy parameters in the macro definition
The AMCR command enables the automatic macro (overlay). It automatically executes the macro defined by a MCRO command each time a page is printed. For example, it would be used to print multiple copies of the same form, filled in with different text. The AMCR command closely resembles the CALL command; therefore, the user should refer to the section on the CALL command for further information. When the automatic macro is enabled using mode E, the following printing system settings are saved and retained upon completion of the macro: font information, margins, cursor position, line spacing, character spacing, page orientation, unit of measurement, underline parameters, and fill pattern. When the automatic macro is enabled with mode T, the printing system settings are modified according to the parameter settings contained in the macro. Color specifications may be used within macros. When an auto-macro (AMCR) is executed, the active palette and color index number are saved and restored after the macro has executed. The automatic macro remains enabled until the AMCR command with the mode set to D is encountered or the printing system is switched off. Note that mode D requires no other parameters such as repeat-count. The following commands are invalid within a macro: ASTK, PSRC, CCPY, DUPX, DXPG, JOBD, JOBL, JOBO, JOBP, JOBS, JOBT, JOG, LDFC, LDFN, MID, MSTK, RDMP, SEM, SPSZ, SSTK, STAK, STAT, STPL, VMAL, VMPW
!R! RES; MCRO CROPMARK; UNIT C; MZP 2.46, 3.96; SCP; SCP; SCP; MRP -.635, 0; DRP -1.9, 0; RPP; MRP 0, -.635; DRP 0, -1.9; RPP; MRP 14.85, 0; SCP; SCP; MRP .635, 0; DRP 1.9, 0; RPP; MRP 0, -.635; DRP 0, -1.9; RPP; MRP 0, 21; SCP; SCP; MRP .635, 0; DRP 1.9, 0; RPP; MRP 0, .635; DRP 0, 1.9; RPP; MRP -14.85, 0; SCP; MRP -.635, 0; DRP -1.9, 0; RPP; MRP 0, .635; DRP 0, 1.9; RPP; ENDM; AMCR E, CROPMARK; PAGE; UNIT C; SLM 3.6; STM 5.2; EXIT; The text starts here.
Related Command
Parameters group #:
Number representing the group to which the cassette is grouped, from the top (1) towards the bottom (6) cassette, as the following numbers: 0 = Ungroup the cassette 1 = Assign the cassette for group 1 2 = Assign the cassette for group 2 3 = Assign the cassette for group 3
The APSG command assigns the paper cassettes with group numbers, between 1 through 3, so that the grouped cassettes behave as a single paper source for bulk printing. The MP tray cannot be assigned to a group. All 6 parameters must be given even though the printer has less than 6 cassettes installed. For missing cassette numbers, specify 0. The printing system will automatically switch between the paper cassettes in the group when a cassette becomes empty. When a group contains paper of different paper sizes and types, printing will continue for the different paper sizes and types. If the automatic paper selection feature of the printer driver is used, APSG is disabled. To utilize paper source grouping, the paper source must be explicitly commanded by the printer driver.
To set six paper cassettes into group 1 (cassettes 1 and 4), group 2 (cassettes 2 and 5), and group 3 (cassettes 3 and 6), respectively: !R! APSG 1,2,3,1,2,3; EXIT; In this example, when cassette 1 becomes empty, printing will continue using cassette 4 which is the other part of group 1. The APSG sequence is valid after the printing system is switched off. To upgroup paper cassettes, use parameter 0 as the following example: !R! APSG 1,0,0,1,0,0; EXIT; Paper cassettes of 2 and 5, and 3 and 6 are ungrouped, keeping paper cassettes 1 and 3 (group 1) intact.
Parameters inner-radius:
inner radius of arc
outer radius of arc
starting angle
ending angle
The ARC command works in the standard graphics mode. It draws a filled-in arc-shaped area extending from the inner radius to the outer radius, and from the starting angle to the ending angle. The area is filled with the pattern designated by the previous PAT, FPAT, or GPAT command. The starting and ending angles are specified in integer degrees measured clockwise from the vertical. (Note that the PARC command measures the angles from the positive x axis.) The cursor is located at the center of curvature of the arc, and does not move. If the inner radius is zero, the area has a pie-slice shape, and can be used to fill in one sector of a pie chart. If the inner and outer radii are nearly equal and the fill pattern is the all-black pattern (PAT 1, for example), the result is a line arc. The line thickness is the difference between the two radii, rather than the value designated by the SPD (set pen diameter) command. The ARC command does not draw the boundary of the filled-in area.
!R! RES; UNIT C; MAP 5, 8; PAT 52; ARC 1, 2, -45, 45; MAP 5, 10; PIE 2, 0, 10, 20, 30; ARC 0, 2, 0, 60; PAT 20; ARC 0, 2, 60, 180; PAT 10; ARC 0, 2, 180, 360; PAT 1; NEWP; PMZP 4, 2; PARC 4, 3, 1, 90, 270; PARC 5, 4, 1, 180, 360; PARC 6, 3, 1, 270, 90; PARC 5, 2, 1, 0, 180; STRK; MRP 0.6, 1.1; SFNT "Univers-Md"; TEXT "ARC"; PAGE; EXIT;
Related Command
Parameters mode:
A = assign external characters R = release external characters
number identifying the external character font: 1000 to 65535
The ASFN command assigns external characters which are defined by the user to the current resident font. The external characters should be generated and downloaded in the printing system as an external font by using the LDFC or LDFN command. For the print systems supporting 2-byte font system, if the user-defined font is a 1-byte code font, it is assigned to the current resident roman (ANK) font. If it is a 2-byte code font, it is assigned to the current 2-byte font. This command has no effect if the resident font is a bitmap font and the font to be assigned is an outline font, or vice versa. mode = R is used to release the current resident font from the external characters. Note that it is necessary to release the external font assignment if you want to delete the external font.
The ASTK command assigns the sorter trays in groups so that the sorter can be shared among the multiple users. Each parameter represents the last tray in each group of trays. The maximum number of parameters must be equal to the number of the trays the sorter is equipped with. By the factory default, the trays are grouped as the following table:
Group 1 2 3 4 5 Equiv. ASTK command SO-6 1, 2 3, 4 5, 6 7, 8 9 to 15 ASTK 2, 4, 6, 8; Sorter model SO-30 1, 2 3, 4 5, 6 7, 8 9 ASTK 2, 4, 6, 8;
SO-60 1, 2 3, 4 5 ASTK 2, 4;
The ASTK command is ignored if parameters include the value greater than the actual number of trays. If the number of parameters is less than the maximum number of sorter trays, the printing system automatically groups the remaining trays in one, making it the last group. For example, the command sequence ASTK 2, 4, 6; is equivalent to ASTK 2, 4, 6, (bottom tray number);. The tray group setting made by ASTK is stored indefinitely in the printing systems permanent memory while the power is off, or until it is changed by another ASTK command. It is ignored in the normal sorter mode (FRPO S0, 0;) but the printing system automatically sets up the previous tray group setting when the sorter is again switched to the multiple environment mode (FRPO S0, 1; or FRPO S0, 2;).
The following command sequence delivers print jobs to trays 4, 5, 6, and 7 (the second group). !R! FRPO S0, 1; CMNT Enter multiple sorter mode; ASTK 3, 7, 9; CMNT Create three groups; MID 2; CMNT Send the output to 2nd grp.; SSTK; CMNT Sort; EXIT;
Related Commands
Parameters type:
There are the following barcode types: 0 = UPC A 1 = UPC A with two-digit supplement 2 = UPC A with five-digit supplement 3 = UPC D-1 4 = UPC D-2 5 = UPC D-3 6 = UPC D-4 7 = UPC D-5 8 = UPC E 9 = UPC E with two-digit supplement 10 = UPC E with five-digit supplement 11 = EAN-8 (Truncated JAN) 12 = EAN-13 (Truncated JAN) 13 = DUN-14 (Distribution Unit Number, EAN) 14 = DUN-16 (Distribution Unit Number, EAN) 15 = MSI with no check digit 16 = MSI with single mod-10 check digit 17 = MSI mod-10 followed by mod-10 check digit 18 = MSI mod-11 followed by mod-10 check digit 19 = CODE 39 with no check digit 20 = CODE 39 with mod-43 check digit 21 = Interleaved two of five with no check digit 22 =Identicon two of five with no checksum 23 = Code 128 (manual mode change) 24 = Code 128 (auto mode change) 25 = Code 11 with only c 26 = Code 11 with both c and k checksum 27 = Code 93 with both c and k checksum 28 = CODABAR with no check digit (narrow gap) 29 = Matrix two of five with no checksum 31 = Industrial two of five with no checksum 32 = Ames with no checksum 33 = Delta distance a (IBM) with no checksum 34 = Delta distance a (IBM) with no checksum 35 = EAN 8 with two-digit supplement 36 = EAN 8 with five-digit supplement 37 = EAN 13 with two-digit supplement 38 = EAN 13 with five-digit supplement 39 = POSTNET 40 = FIM 41 = Interleaved two of five with check digit 42 = UPC/EAN128
Y = Print the string under the barcode N = Do not print the string
Text to be converted to a barcode. The text must be enclosed with single or double quote marks.
Height of short bars in barcode types that have bars in two different heights. Height of all bars in other cases. Default value is 1.52cm (0.6 inches, 180 dots). The unit of measurement is determined by the UNIT command. Minimum value 0.254cm (0.1 inch, 30 dots) Maximum value 27.9cm (11 inches, 3300 dots)
Height of tall bars in barcode types that have bars in two different heights. Default values are the same as that of the short height.
Width of a bar. Minimum value 0.0085cm (0.0033 inches, 1 dot) Maximum value 1.6933cm (0.6667 inches, 200 dots)
The width of a space. The minimum and maximum values are the same as that of the bar width.
The BARC command converts a string to a barcode and prints it. The specification of the type, flag and string parameters is necessary. After printing, the cursor positions at the upper left corner of the barcode. If a value not mentioned above is specified as the barcode type, 12 EAN-13 will be automatically selected. Specify the flag parameter to Y when printing the text under the printed barcode or N when not printing the text. The text will be printed in the font currently selected for the printing system. However, a font selection command can be written ahead of the BARC command to print the text in an arbitrary font. Characters that can be converted The length of the string varies depending on the type of barcode to use. Characters that can be used for the most barcode type are described in the table below.
FS-600/FS-7000/FS-9100/FS-9500 only
Table 20 Characters that can be used Type Max 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 11 13 16 13 18 22 25 29 6 8 11 7 12 13 15 Characters to be used 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 Default 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 - 40 $%+-./0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ and spaces space 1 - 40 $%+-./0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ and spaces space 2 - 26 0123456789 1 - 25 0123456789 1 - 40 All (ASCII characters 32 - 126) 2 - 40 All (ASCII characters 32 - 126) 1 - 45 -0123456789 1 - 45 -0123456789 1 - 50 All (ASCII characters 32 - 126) 3 - 32 $+-./0123456789:abcdetn* 1 - 25 0123456789 1 - 25 0123456789 1 - 25 0123456789 1 - 25 -0123456789 1 - 25 0123456789KLMO 1 - 25 0123456789KLMO 9 12 14 17 139 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0 0 space space space space space 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -
Type Max 40 1
Characters to be used The following FIM pattern type A. Country Reply Mail with POSTNET B. Business Reply, Penalty and Franked Mail without POSTNET C. Business Reply, Penalty and Franked Mail with POSTNET D. OCR Readable Mail without POSTNET 0123456789 All (ASCII characters 32 - 126)
Default 0
41 42 43 44
125 80
0 -
Length of the bars For the UPC and EAN (JAN) barcode type, the length of the short and tall bars can be adjusted. When adjusting the length of the tall or short bars, specify that of both tall and short bars. If the length of only the tall or short bars is adjusted, the bars' length does not change. It is recommended to use the dot for the unit of measurement in order to avoid the translation error by the barcode reader. In the example below, the length of the short bar is specified as 1.5cm and the tall bar as 1.7cm. !R! UNIT D; BARC 8, Y, '123456', 180, 200; PAGE; EXIT;
Width and space of the bar It is possible to adjust the widths of the bars and space between the bars. When adjusting these widths, specify all of the eight width and space parameters. Specify the bar 1 to bar 4 in the ascending order. The values can be specified between 1 and 200 dots.
1dot bar1 < bar2 < bar3 < bar4 200dots 1dot space1 < space2 < space3 < space4 200dots
It is recommended to use the dot for the unit of width in order to avoid the translation error by the barcode reader. The example below specifies the width of the first bar and space as 5 dots and that of the remaining bars as 10 dots.
!R! UNIT D; BARC 19, Y, '0123ABC', 60, 60, 5, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5, 10, 10; PAGE; EXIT;
Parameter binding:
number representing binding mode: 0 = None 1 = Left-to-right binding 2 = Right-to-left binding
The BKLT command allows printing a job as a booklet, reordering and printing the pages two-up on a sheet of paper. Booklet printing requires the hard disk to be installed in the printing system.
a = First page b = Last page
a a b b
The job to booklet-print must be defined using the JOBS command. Used together with the FOLD command, the paper can be folded in the middle to form a booklet. Booklet printing is possible for documents of A4, A5, B5, letter, statement, or 16K size documents and are automatically printed on double size paper, namely A3, A4-R, B4, ledger, letter-R, or 8K. The original page size must be specified by the SPSZ command, for example, SPSZ 8; for A4 page size. It is also possible to reduce the original page size by commanding the second parameter for SPSZ. For example, to print two A4 pages on a A4 sheet, command SPSZ 8, 5;. For details on page size, refer to the SPSZ command page in this manual. The document must have the same page size for all pages. If the double size paper for the document is not available in the printing system, the printing system ignores the BKLT command and prints in the original paper size. Duplex printing is also possible by adding the DUPX command. To correctly arrange two neighboring pages in line, short-edge binding duplex must be used by commanding DUPX 2;. The order of print pages can be selected by binding in either of the following manners:
The following command sequence prints a copy of a 12-page A4 document in booklet mode, folding the stack in the middle. The printing system will require A4-R paper to be loaded. !R! RES; SPSZ 8, 5; UNIT C; BKLT 1; DUPX 2; FOLD; SFNT Helvetica-Bd, JOBS 0, 1, 0, 0; MZP 4, 5; TEXT Page PAGE; MZP 4, 5; TEXT Page PAGE; MZP 4, 5; TEXT Page PAGE; MZP 4, 5; TEXT Page PAGE; MZP 4, 5; TEXT Page PAGE; MZP 4, 5; TEXT Page PAGE; MZP 4, 5; TEXT Page PAGE; MZP 4, 5; TEXT Page PAGE; MZP 4, 5; TEXT Page PAGE; MZP 4, 5; TEXT Page PAGE; MZP 4, 5; TEXT Page PAGE; MZP 4, 5; TEXT Page PAGE; JOBT; EXIT;
Parameters width:
width of the block
depth of the block
B = Leave the cursor unmoved (Default) H = Move the cursor to the horizontally adjacent corner V = Move the cursor to the vertically adjacent corner E = Move the cursor to the diagonally opposite corner L = Move the cursor one line down N = Move the cursor to the beginning of the next line
B-option (No motion) H-option N-option Left margin V-option E-option L-option
The BLK command draws a block of a specified size with one corner at the current cursor position. The block is filled in with the pattern designated by the previous PAT, FPAT, or GPAT command. The cursor is moved as specified by the option. If the option is omitted, the cursor is not moved (same as option B).
!R! RES; UNIT C; MAP 5, 5; PAT 20; BOX 4, 1; BLK 4, 1; MRP 0, 1.5; BOX 4, 1; BLK 4, 1; MRP .9, .6; SFNT "Helvetica-Nr"; TEXT OVERPRINTING; MRP 0, 5; PAT 29; BOX 1, -4; BLK PAT 39; BOX 1, -3; BLK PAT 49; BOX 1, -2; BLK PAT 59; BOX 1, -1; BLK PAGE; EXIT;
1, 1, 1, 1,
H; H; H; H;
Parameters width:
width of the box
depth of the box
B = Leave the cursor unmoved (Default) H = Move the cursor to the horizontally adjacent corner V = Move the cursor to the vertically adjacent corner E = Move the cursor to the diagonally opposite corner L = Move the cursor one line down N = Move the cursor to the beginning of the next line
The BOX command draws a box of a specified size with one corner at the current cursor position. The line thickness is designated by the SPD (set pen diameter) command. The size and thickness is measured on the basis of value established in the UNIT command. The cursor is moved as specified by the option. If the option is omitted, the cursor is not moved (same as option B). The BOX command draws only the outline of the box. To fill in the box, use the BLK command. The width and depth may use either a positive or negative value.
!R! RES; UNIT C; SPD .1; SLM 2;
MAP 4, 0; SCP; SFNT "Helvetica-Nr", 10; BOX 4, 2, L; TEXT Text printed with option L; RPP; BOX 4, 2, N; TEXT Text printed with option N; PAGE; EXIT;
Parameters repeat-count:
number of times the macro is to be executed
name defined by a MCRO command
values given to the dummy parameters in the macro definition
The CALL command executes a macro previously defined by a MCRO command. The macro may be executed any desired number of times by specifying a repeat count. Note that the repeat count is not followed by a comma. If the repeat count is omitted, the macro is executed once. Only the first four characters of the macro name are significant. They must match the first four characters of a macro name defined by a previous MCRO command. A parameter value consists of the characters that occur between the delimiting commas, excluding the commas. These parameters are substituted without change for the corresponding dummy parameter in the macro definition, except that consecutive spaces are compressed to a single space. When a character-string parameter is enclosed in apostrophes or quotation marks, the enclosed string together with the enclosing apostrophes or quotation marks is substituted for the dummy parameter. In this case, consecutive spaces are not compressed. If a CALL command has too few parameters, it is still valid. The macro is partially executed; any commands in the macro body without appropriate parameters will be ignored. The CALL command, like other commands, is limited to 255 characters in length.
!R! RES; UNIT C; SLS .5; CMNT Requires BX and SCREEN macros; CMNT See ENDM command page; MAP 9, 3; CALL BX; MAP 7, 4; CALL 5 BX; MAP 5, 5; CALL 9 BX; MAP 8, 6; CALL SCREEN, 2.2, 1.7; MAP 8.6, 7; TEXT Narrow, L; TEXT screen; MAP 5,9; CALL SCREEN, 8.2,1.2; MAP 8,10; TEXT Wide screen; PAGE; EXIT;
Parameter mode:
E = enable carbon copy D = disable carbon copy
The CCPY command continuously executes different automacros using different paper sources, enabling to apply the different form overlay using the different paper type to a document to be carbon-copied, similarly to hand-writing carbon copy forms. The CCPY statement should be terminated with the ENDC command. The macro and paper source for each form should be described following the CCPY command in a separate line using the PSRC and AMCR command, and terminated by the TERM command. For example, the second line in the following example is applied to the first page of the document and executes the CROPMARK macro printing the page on the paper fed from cassette #2. The third line applies to the second page of the document, and so on. It is possible to add as many lines as required to match the number of pages of the document to print. CCPY E; PSRC 2; AMCR E, CROPMARK; TERM; PSRC 3; AMCR E, SIGNATURE; TERM; PSRC 4; AMCR E, COLOPHON; TERM; ENDC; During the carbon copy is executed, the copy count (COPY command) is forced to be 1. To apply no overlay to a specific page, describe only the TERM command in the line corresponding to the page. Note that the same paper source as the previous line is applied to that line. For example: CCPY E; PSRC 2; AMCR E, CROPMARK; TERM; TERM; PSRC 4; AMCR E, COLOPHON; TERM; ENDC; In the example above, the second page is printed using cassette #2 with no form overlay. In carbon copy, duplex printing is not possible. The paper size and the page orientation should be consistent for all pages in the document to be carbon copied. Otherwise, the carbon copy is cancelled. To terminate carbon copy, send CCPY D to the printing system.
!R! RES; DAM; CCPY D; UNIT C; MCRO COVER; UNIT C; SFNT 'Helvetica-Bd',14; TEXT 'Registration Form', L; SFNT 'Helvetica', 9; TEXT 'Please provide your personal details:'; MRP 0, .2; BOX 6, 1; MRP 0, .35; TEXT ' Your Name'; ENDM; MCRO MAIL; UNIT C; SFNT 'Helvetica-Bd',14; TEXT 'Mailing Information', L; SFNT 'Helvetica', 9; TEXT 'Shipping Department Use Only'; MRP 0, .2; BOX 6, 1; MRP 0, .35; TEXT " Client's Name"; ENDM; MCRO COPY; UNIT C; SFNT 'Helvetica-Bd',14; TEXT "Client's Copy", L; SFNT 'Helvetica', 9; TEXT 'Please retain this copy for future reference.'; MRP 0, .2; BOX 6, 1; MRP 0, .35; TEXT ' Registered Client'; ENDM; CCPY E; PSRC 1; AMCR E,COVER; TERM; PSRC 0; AMCR E,MAIL; TERM; PSRC 1; AMCR E,COPY; TERM; ENDC; EXIT; !R! CMNT Document to be carbon-copied; SFNT 'Helvetica', 12; MZP 0, 1.9; TEXT ' David Sumimoto'; PAGE; EXIT;
The CDSK command verifies data in the hard disk (garbage collection). It deletes garbage jobs such as page image data that were accidentally generated in the hard disk and normally inaccessible for deletion.
CID color-space, encoding;
Parameters color-space:
0 = Device-dependent RGB (Default) 1 = Device-dependent CMY 2 = Void 3 = CIE L*a*b
Pixel encoding 1 = Indexed by Pixel (Default) 3 = Direct by Pixel
The CID command creates a new color palette using the ID which is assigned to the currently active palette. Note that the currently active palette is deleted by this command. It is possible to add and change colors on this palette. However, the currently active colors do not change even though a new palette is created with this command. The same colors as simple colors are defined for index numbers 0 through 7 when the RGB color space is specified. The color assignments for these indices can be changed using the ACLI command. Indexed by Pixel encoding assigns colors onto the palette. This is used for rendering text and vector objects. Direct by Pixel encoding assigns colors directly to pixels. This is used for bitmap images. Changing a color palette does not affect color print quality on output pages.
!R! RES; DAM; UNIT C; SFNT Helvetica-Bd, 20; CPAL C, 1; SPAL 1; CID 0, 1; CMNT RGB Color Space used; ACLI 1, 0, 0, 255; MZP 1, 1; SCOL 1; TEXT An RGB color palette is used. CID 3, 1; CMNT L*a*b Color Space used; ACLI 2, 100, 75, 0; MZP 1, 2; SCOL 2; TEXT An L*a*b color palette is used.; PAGE; EXIT;
Parameter radius:
radius of the circle
In standard graphics mode, the CIR command draws a circle centered at the current cursor position. The line thickness used is designated by the SPD command. A circle can also be drawn by using the path mode graphics. Refer to the PARC command.
!R! RES; UNIT C; SLS .5; SPD .01; MAP 10, 1; CIR .1; MRP 0, .1; CIR .2; MRP 0, .2; CIR .4; MRP 0, .4; CIR .8; MRP 0, .8; SPD .02; CIR 1.6; MRP 0, 1.6; CIR 3.2; MRP 0, 3.2; SPD .2; CIR .1; MRP .2, .4; SFNT "Helvetica-Nr"; TEXT Cursor now here; PAGE; EXIT;
Parameter clip-mode:
1: EO clip 2: Non-zero winding clip
The CLIP command sets the current path as the clipped path. After this command is issued, no painting is done outside the area of the path. Executing this command does not delete the current path. The RES command initializes paths to a state with no clip area.
Parameters x1:
x coordinate of the top-left corner of the rectangle
y coordinate of the top-left corner of the rectangle
x coordinate of the bottom-right corner of the rectangle
y coordinate of the bottom-right corner of the rectangle
The CLPR command describes a rectangular path which intersects the inside of the texts, current path, or raster graphics objects. The clipping rectangle does not clip those graphics segments drawn in the standard mode graphics. Any painting operations outside the specified rectangle is erased and those segments within it are painted on the page.
The coordinates are measured from the top and left edge limits in the units designated by the UNIT command. If the parameters are omitted, the rectangle is equal to the size of the current page size. If an attempt is made to position the top-left corner to the right of the bottom-left corner [greater values for (x1, y1) than for (x2, y2)], the printing system exchanges the coordinate values with each other. The printing system resets the size of the rectangular clipping path to be equal to the maximum printable area of the current page size when a PSRC, RES, SPO, or SPSZ (Set Page SiZe) command is encountered.
!R! RES; UNIT NEWP; SPD 1; PMRA 6, 9, 3, PAT 1; PARC 6, 9, 3, CLPR 3, 6, 9, STRK; PAGE; EXIT; C; 0; 0, 360; 12;
The CLSP command closes an open path by adding a line segment extending from the end of the path to the beginning of the path. Simply ending a path at the paths starting point does not make it a closed path; such a path remains open until it is closed. Closure can be made either explicitly, by means of the CLSP command, or implicitly by means of the FILL (FILL current path) command.
!R! RES; UNIT C; NEWP; CMNT The 1 st path below is stroked without closing; SPD .25; PMZP 5, 10; PMRA 5, 10, 1, 90; PARC 5, 10, 1, 90, 270; PARC 7, 10, 1, 270, 90; STRK; NEWP; CMNT Next path PMZP 5, 14; PMRA 5, 14, 1, PARC 5, 14, 1, PARC 7, 14, 1, CLSP; STRK; PAGE; EXIT; is closed by CLSP before stroked; 90; 90, 270; 270, 90;
Related Command
CMNT string;
Parameter string:
any character string
The CMNT command adds a character string, typically a comment explaining the purpose of the following PRESCRIBE commands. The CMNT command statement will be ignored by the printing system. Although character strings are normally enclosed in apostrophes or quotation marks, this is unnecessary for comment strings as long as the string does not itself contain an apostrophe, quotation mark, or semicolon.
!R! RES; SLM 2; STM 2; SFNT TimesNewRoman; CMNT TimesNewRoman; EXIT; The CMNT command in the above program reminds you that SFNT represents the TimesNewRoman font.
CMOD mode;
Parameter mode:
color mode: 0 = Monochrome 1 = Color (Default)
The CMOD command switches between monochrome and color modes. In monochrome mode, other color commands are still enabled, but printing is converted to monochrome or grayscale. This command causes a page break.
Parameter number:
number of copies
The COPY command designates the number of copies for each page in a print job. This copy count value can be changed by sending the printing system another COPY command or by issuing a reset command. For best results, place the copy command near the start of a job or at the top of a page. If two or more copy commands are placed on the same page, the last one will be recognized.
!R! RES; SLM 0.5; UNIT P; SFNT Helvetica-Bd, 14.4; SLS 17; COPY 3; EXIT; Announcement Party Tonight at 6:00 !R! PAGE; EXIT;
CPAL mode[, palette-id];
Parameters mode:
palette control mode: A = Delete all palettes S = Delete all stacked palettes D = Delete the palette having the specified ID C = Copy the active palette to the specified ID
number from 0 to 32767 (Default is 0)
The CPAL command controls the palette identified by palette-id in the way described by the control mode. If palette-id is not specified, the command is applied to palette of ID 0. No check is made whether the palette ID number given already exists for another palette. The palette ID number is reset to 0 by RES command. Mode A deletes all existing palettes and brings the default palette back to the default state (ID 0). Note that non-active palettes are not deleted. Also, palette-id is not used when mode is A. Mode S deletes all palettes that are not active. The active palette is not affected. Also, any ID specified by palette-id is not used. Mode D deletes the palette having the ID specified by palette-id regardless of being active or inactive. If the palette deleted was active, then the current palette will be a monochrome palette having the same ID as that of the deleted palette. Mode C copies the currently active palette to a new palette with the new ID specified by palette-id. If the palette having the same ID already exists, that palette is overwritten. Deleting or copying a color palette does not affect color print quality on output pages.
Parameter string:
any character string except from ASCII code 31 (hex 1F) and lower
The CPTH command constructs a path which adds the outlines of characters to the current path. When stroked or filled, it prints the given string at the current cursor position and moves the cursor to the end of the string. The current font preceding this command must be a resident or a soft scalable font. The character path can be filled in with the pattern or shade of gray designated by the previous PAT, FPAT, or GPAT command.
!R! FSET 1p72v1s0b4148T; CMNT Univers-MdIt; NEWP; PMZP 2, 2; CPTH Enjoy; STRK; PAGE; EXIT;
Parameter symbol-set-id:
symbol set ID: 0D = ISO 60 Norway 0E = Roman Extension 0F = ISO 25 French 0G = HP German 0I = ISO 15 Italian 0K = ISO 14 JIS ASCII 0N = ECMA-94 Latin 1 0S = ISO 11 Swedish 0U = ISO 6 ASCII 1D = ISO 61 Norwegian 1E = ISO 4 U.K. 1F = ISO 69 France 1G = ISO 21 Germany 1S = ISO 15 Spanish 1U = US Legal 2K = ISO 57 Chinese 2N = ISO Latin 2 2S = ISO 17 Spain 2U = ISO 2 IRV 3R = PC Cyrillic* 3S = ISO 10 Swedish 4S = ISO 16 Portuguese 4U = Roman-9 5M = PS Math 5N = ISO Latin 5 5S = ISO 84 Portuguese 5T = ISO Windows Latin 5 6J = MS Publishing 6M = Ventura Math 6N = ISO8859/10 Latin 6 6S = ISO 85 Spanish 7J = Desktop 8G = Greek-8 8M = Math 8 8Q = PC Set 1 IBM 8T = Turkish-8 8U = Roman-8 9E = Windows Latin 2 9G = Windows 3.1 Latin/Greek 9J = PC-1004 9L = Ventura ITC Zapf Dingbats 9N = ISO Latin 9 9Q = PC Extension
9R = Windows 3.1 Latin/Cyrillic 9T = PC-Turkish 9U = Windows 3.0 10G = PC-851 Latin/Greek 10J = PS Text 10N = ISO8859/5 Latin/Cyrillic 10R = PC-855 Cyrillic/Serbia 10U = IBM PC-8 11G = PC-869 Latin/Greek 11U = IBM PC-8 Danish/Norwegian 12G = PC-8 Latin/Greek 12J = Macintosh 12N = ISO8859/7 Latin/Greek 12R = USSR-GOST 12U = IBM PC-850 13P = ABICOMP Brazil/Portugal 13R = PC-8 Bulgarian 13U = PC-858 14G = Greek Alternate 437G 14L = PS ITC Zapf Dingbats1 14P = ABICOMP International 14R = PC Ukrainian 15U = Pi Font 16U = PC-857 17U = PC 852 18N = ISO-10646 18U = PC-853 Turkish/Latin 3 19L = Windows 3.1 Baltic 19M = Symbol (Symbol-Set-SWM font only) 19U = Windows Latin 1 20U = PC-860 Portugal 21U = PC-861 Iceland 23U = PC-863 Canada-French 24Q = PC-8 Polish Mazovia 25U = PC-865 Norway 26U = PC-775 Baltic 27Q = PC-8 PC Nova 579L = Windings (More Wingbats-RegularSWM font only)
Symbol set refers to a specific group of alphabetic, numeric, and symbolic characters. The CSET command summons the symbol set to suit the various languages with the current font. The factory default symbol set is 0U (US ASCII). When the FSET command is used to select a font, the printing system selects a font based on a prioritization of the font characteristics. Among the given characteristics, the symbol set has the highest priority in the font selection process. Refer to the FSET command page. The available symbol sets depend on the printing system model and the fonts. If the specified symbol set does not exist, the symbol set remains unchanged.
!R! RES; SFNT Helvetica, 24; SLPI 3; CMNT Current symbol set is ISO 6: ASCII; TEXT @ABCDEFG, N; CSET 5M; CMNT Changed to PS math; TEXT @ABCDEFG; PAGE; EXIT;
Parameter tray:
number from 1 to the maximum (bottom)
The CSTK command is effective only when the optional sorter is installed to the printing system. It instructs the printing system to deliver printed pages to the sorter in the collator mode. Each tray specified receives all copies of one page. The copies of the first page go to the first tray, the copies of the second page to the second tray, and so on. If the tray parameter is omitted, the trays are used in order from top to bottom. The copy count must be selected with the COPY command. The maximum copy count is the maximum capacity of the sorter trays (which varies from sorter model to model). Upon receiving the CSTK command, the printing system automatically performs a form feed. The tray parameter of 0 (CSTK 0;) should be used only to deselect the collator mode and to receive the pages in the sorters bulk tray (if available). This command is irrelevant to certain combination of photocopier models and option finisher models.
!R! RES; CSTK 1, 2; COPY 2; EXIT; Page 1 (2 copies, tray 1) !R! Page 2 (2 copies, tray 2) !R! Page 3 (2 copies, tray 1) !R! Page 4 (2 copies, tray 2) !R! PAGE; PAGE; PAGE; PAGE; EXIT; EXIT; EXIT; EXIT;
Parameters string:
any character string
B = Leave cursor at center of string E = Move cursor at end of string L = Move cursor down one line N = Move cursor to beginning of next line
Underline text
The CTXT command prints the given string centered at the cursor location, then moves the cursor as designated by the option. The string must be enclosed in either single or double quotation marks. (If the string includes one kind of quotation marks, use the other kind to enclose it.) If the string is omitted, nothing is printed. If the option is omitted, the cursor is not moved. If the U-option is specified, the text is underlined. The underline thickness and location can be set by the SULP command. The string is not centered between the right and left margins unless the cursor is located halfway between the margins. Before the CTXT command, the cursor should be moved to the desired center position by a command such as MAP, MRP, or PMRP. The length of the string is unlimited, except that the command as a whole may not be longer than 255 characters. Carriage-return and linefeed codes in the string are ignored.
!R! RES; SLPI 3; SFNT "Helvetica-Bd", 16; MAP 4, 1; CTXT NEWS!, L, U; SFNT "TimesNewRoman-It", 16; CTXT Unforgettable Holidays in Sydney, L; CTXT For 6 Days Only at $1000!; PAGE; EXIT;
The DAF command deletes all nonresident fonts and the font numbers assigned to scalable fonts by the SFNT command from the printing systems memory. This enables the user to make room for new fonts, macros, and graphics.
!R! UNIT P; SLS 16; SFNT Helvetica-Bd, 15, 2000, 277, 2, 0; SFNT Helvetica, 15, 2001, 277, 1, .5; FONT 10; TEXT 1. FAREWELL TO , E; FONT 2000; TEXT FONT 2000, N; FONT 2001; TEXT AND FONT 2001, N; TEXT, N; DAF; FONT 10; TEXT 2. FAREWELL TO , E; FONT 2000; TEXT FONT 2000, N; FONT 2001; TEXT AND FONT 2001; PAGE; EXIT;
The DAM command deletes all macro definitions made by using the PRESCRIBE MCRO command from the printing systems memory. This enables the user to make room for new macros, fonts, or graphics.
!R! RES; UNIT C; CMNT Print ENDM file first.; SFNT "Helvetica-Bd"; MAP 5, 4; CALL SCREEN, 9.2, 1.7; MAP 7, 5; TEXT This text is enclosed by, L; TEXT SCREEN macro.; DAM; MAP 5, 6; CALL 10 BX; MAP 5, 7; CALL SCREEN, 9.2, 1.7; MAP 6, 8; TEXT SCREEN macro was deleted by DAM.; PAGE; EXIT;
Parameters x-coordinate:
distance from the left margin
distance from the top margin
The DAP command draws a line from the current cursor position to a position specified relative to the top and left margins. The thickness of the line is designated by the SPD (set pen diameter) command. The coordinates and line thickness are measured in the units designated by the UNIT command. The coordinates may be positive or negative. Negative coordinates cause the line to extend outside the margin. The DAP command is ignored in the path mode graphics.
!R! RES; UNIT C; CMNT Tree Diagram; STM 8; SLM 8; MAP 0, 0; DAP 2, 0.5; MAP 0, 1; DAP 2, 0.5; MAP 0, 1; DAP 2, 1.5; MAP 0, 2; DAP 2, 1.5; MAP 0, 2; DAP 2, 2.5; MAP 0, 3; DAP 2, 2.5; MAP 2, 0.5; DAP 4, 1; MAP 2, 1.5; DAP 4, 1; MAP 2, 1.5; DAP 4, 2; MAP 2, 2.5; DAP 4, 2; MAP 4, 1; DAP 6, 1.5; MAP 4, 2; DAP 6, 1.5; PAGE; EXIT;
Parameter font-number:
number identifying the font to be deleted
The DELF command deletes any designated non-resident font from the printing systems memory. This enables the user to make room for new fonts, macros, and graphics. The printing systems memory is large but not unlimited, and judicious use of the DELF command may prevent memory overflow. (If a memory overflow occurs, the printing system gives an overflow warning message.) The amount of memory still available can be viewed on a status page, available by executing the STAT command.
!R! UNIT P; SLS 16; SFNT Helvetica-Bd, 15, 2000, 277, 1.5, 0; SFNT Helvetica, 15, 2001, 277, 1, .5; FONT 2000; TEXT 1. FAREWELL TO , E; FONT 2001; TEXT ITALICS, N; TEXT, N; DELF 2001; FONT 2000; TEXT 2. FAREWELL TO , E; FONT 2001; TEXT ITALICS; PAGE; EXIT;
Parameter macro-name:
name defined by a previous MCRO command
The DELM command deletes a specified macro definition from the printing systems memory to make room for new macros, fonts, or graphics, or so that the same name can be used for another macro.
!R! UNIT C; MCRO BX; SPD .05; BOX .8, -.8; MRP 1, 0; ENDM; MCRO SCREEN %, width, depth; CMNT Draws box with rounded corners; CMNT Leaves cursor at previous position; SPD .08; SCP; MRP .25, .25; ARC .23, .30, 270, 0; MRP 0, -.25; DRP %1, 0; MRP 0, .25; ARC .23, .30, 0, 90; MRP .27, 0; DRP 0, %2; MRP -.27, 0; ARC .23, .30, 90, 180; RPP; MRP 0, .25; DRP 0, %2; MRP .25, 0; ARC .23, .30, 180, 270; MRP 0, .27; DRP %1, 0; RPP; ENDM; SFNT "Helvetica-Bd"; MAP 5, 4; CALL SCREEN, 9.2, 1.7; MAP 7, 5; TEXT This text is enclosed by, L; Text SCREEN macro.; DELM SCREEN; MAP 5,8; CALL SCREEN, 9.2, 1.7; MAP 6, 10; TEXT SCREEN macro was deleted by DELM.; PAGE; EXIT;
Parameter number:
number from 1 to 20 (11 to 20 are for user-defined patterns.)
The DPAT command specifies the pattern of alternating black and white dashes to stroke the current path. The resident patterns range in value between 1 and 10. Refer to resident patterns list on page 79. Numbers 11 to 20 are reserved for use with defining particular patterns using the SDP (Store Dash Pattern) command. If you specify a value between 11 to 20 when no user pattern has been defined, the path will be stroked in solid black. The DPAT command does not affect the line drawn by the standard graphics commands such as DRP, BOX, ARC, etc.
Related Command
Parameter x-coordinate/y-coordinate:
coordinates as measured from the current cursor position
The DRP command draws a line from the current cursor position to a specified relative position. The thickness of the line is designated by the SPD (set pen diameter) command. The coordinates and line thickness are measured by the value designated by the UNIT command. Multiple pairs of coordinates may be specified. The printing system then draws a connected series of line segments, proceeding from one point to the next. For example, DRP 1, 2, 3, 4; is equivalent to DRP 1, 2; DRP 3, 4;. The coordinates may be positive or negative. The DRP command is ignored in the path mode graphics. To add a line segment to a path, use the PDRP (in Path, Draw to Relative Position) command.
!R! RES; UNIT C; SPD .3; CMNT Cube; MZP 5, 10; DRP 4, 0, 2, -2, 0, -4, -4, 0, -2, 2, 0, 4; MRP 4, 0; DRP 0, -4, -4, 0, 4, 0, 2, -2; PAGE; EXIT;
Related Command
Parameters length:
length of the line
angle in degrees, measured clockwise from the vertical
The DRPA command draws a line of a specified length at a specified angle, starting from the current cursor position, with the thickness designated by the SPD command. This command is ignored if placed within a path.
!R! RES; UNIT C; MAP 2, 11; DRPA 2, 72; DRPA 2, 0; DRPA 2, 144; DRPA 2, 72; DRPA 2, 216; DRPA 2, 144; DRPA 2, 288; DRPA 2, 216; DRPA 2, 0; DRPA 2, 288; PAGE; EXIT;
Parameter mode:
a number representing one of the following binding mode: 0 = simplex mode 1 = duplex mode, long-edge binding 2 = duplex mode, short-edge binding
The DUPX command is effective only when the option duplexer is installed to the printing system. It instructs the printing system to select or deselect duplex printing and sets the binding mode.
Landscape, long-edge
Landscape, short-edge
See DXPG on page 85.
Parameter side:
a number representing the side of the ensuing page: 0 = Select next side (the same as form feed) 1 = Select front side 2 = Select back side
The DXPG command is effective only when the option duplexer is installed to the printing system. It ends printing on the current page in the same manner as a form feed. However, unlike the form feed, it also selects the paper side, front or back, on which printing of the ensuing page is printed. The side parameter 1 prints the ensuing page begins on the front side of the next sheet, regardless of whether the current page was printed on the front or back side of the current sheet. The side parameter 2 prints the ensuing page begins on the back side of the current sheet if the current page was printed on the front side, or on the back side of the next sheet if the current page was printed on the back side.
The following example selects the duplex mode with short-edge binding, a portrait page orientation which results in text printing on both sides of the page. !R! CMNT Initiates a PRESCRIBE command sequence; RES; CMNT Causes a page break and resets parameters; DUPX 2; CMNT Selects duplex mode, short-edge binding; SPO P; CMNT Selects portrait orientation; STAK 1; CMNT Select face-down delivery; EXIT; This text prints right-side up on the front side of the page !R! DXPG 0; CMNT Ends current page (front side of the paper); EXIT; This text prints upside-down on the reverse side of the page !R! RES; EXIT;
This text points right side-up on the front side of the page
Parameters x-coordinate:
distance from the left edge limit of paper
distance from the top edge limit of paper
The DZP command draws a line from the current cursor position to a position specified relative to the top and left edge limits of the paper. The thickness of the line is designated by the SPD (set pen diameter) command. The coordinates and line thickness are measured in the value designated by the UNIT command. The coordinates should be positive or zero. Negative coordinates are treated as zero. The DZP command is ignored within a path construction. To add a zero-relative line segment in a path, use the PDZP (in Path, Draw to Zero-relative Position) command.
!R! RES;UNIT C; MZP 0, 0; DZP MZP 1, 0; DZP MZP 2, 0; DZP MZP 3, 0; DZP MZP 4, 0; DZP MZP 5, 0; DZP PAGE; EXIT; 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5; 4; 3; 2; 1; 0;
Related Command
Parameters mode:
E = enable automatic macro D = disable automatic macro
0 = multi-purpose feeder 1 = cassette 1 (printing systems cassette) 2 = cassette 2 3 = cassette 3 4 = cassette 4 5 = cassette 5 6 = cassette 6 (bottom) 99 = envelope or universal feeder
side of the page the macro is executed when duplex-printing 0 = front 1 = back
number of times the macro is executed
name defined by the MCRO command
values given to the dummy parameters in the macro definition
The EMCR command allows separate auto macros to be assigned for each of the separate paper sources. In duplex printing, it is also possible to assign separate auto macros for both the front and back sides of a page. The following commands are invalid within a macro: AMCR, ASTK, PSRC, CCPY, DUPX, DXPG, JOBD, JOBL, JOBO, JOBP, JOBS, JOBT, JOG, LDFC, LDFN, MID, MSTK, RDMP, SEM, SPSZ, SSTK, STAK, STAT, STPL, VMAL, VMPW To disable the auto macro, use EMCR D. Note that EMCD D does not require other parameters such as paper-source.
The ENDB command terminates a barcode data string preceded by a XBAR or XBUF command. If there is no ENDB command after data input for the XBAR and XBUF commands, a malfunction may occur. As in the case of XBAR or XBUF command, if data length is omitted, 0, negative value or non integer, data string is counted, all characters until the program sees ;ENDB;. It is necessary to have no space and line feed between ; and ENDB. If the XBCP 18 command is executed, the second and subsequent macro PDF417 symbols will be output. When ENDB is used immediately after XBCP 18 is executed, it is used alone, without association with XBAR or XBUF. For details on two-dimensional barcodes, see Section 5.2. of the Technical Reference manual.
The ENDC command ends definition of the CCPY E command sequence. For details, refer to the CCPY command.
The ENDD command ends a hexadecimal dump initiated by the RDMP (Received-data DuMP) command and returns to the PRESCRIBE command mode.
See RDMP on page 218.
Related Command
The ENDM command ends a macro definition and returns to the PRESCRIBE command mode.
!R! RES; DAM; UNIT C; MCRO BX; SPD .05; BOX .8, -.8; MRP 1, 0; ENDM; MCRO SCREEN %, width, depth; CMNT Draws box with rounded corners; CMNT Leaves cursor at previous position; SPD .08; SCP; SCP; MRP .25, .25; ARC .23, .30, 270, 0; MRP 0, -.25; DRP %1, 0; MRP 0, .25; ARC .23, .30, 0, 90; MRP .27, 0; DRP 0, %2; MRP -.27, 0; ARC .23, .30, 90, 180; RPP; MRP 0, .25; DRP 0, %2; MRP .25, 0; ARC .23, .30, 180, 270; MRP 0, .27; DRP %1, 0; RPP; ENDM; PAGE; EXIT;
Related Commands
The ENDR command declares the end of raster data. To declare the start of raster data, a RVRD command is used.
The following example prints an illustrated crown using the RVRD and ENDR. !R! RES; DAM; DAF; UNIT C; SRO 1; MAP 5, 5; RVRD; 5, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0; 5, 0, 0, 24, 192, 0;5, 0, 0, 32, 32, 0; 5, 0, 0, 64, 16, 0; 5, 0, 0, 64, 16, 0; 5, 0, 0, 128, 8, 0; 5, 0, 0, 128, 8, 0; 5, 0, 0, 128, 8, 0; 5, 0, 0, 64, 16, 0; 5, 0, 0, 64, 16, 0; 5, 0, 0, 32, 32, 0; 5, 0, 0, 120, 192, 0; 5, 0, 0, 103, 0, 0; 5, 0, 0, 96, 0, 0; 5, 0, 0, 144, 0, 0; 5, 0, 0, 144, 0, 0; 5, 0, 0, 144, 0, 0; 5, 0, 1, 8, 0, 0; 5, 0, 1, 8, 0, 0; 5, 0, 1, 136, 0, 0; 5, 0, 2, 68, 0, 0; 5, 0, 2, 36, 0, 0; 5, 0, 2, 36, 0, 0; 5, 0, 6, 66, 0, 0; 5, 0, 5, 130, 0, 0; 5, 0, 4, 6, 0, 0; 5, 0, 8, 9, 0, 0; 5, 0, 8, 17, 0, 0; 5, 0, 14, 17, 0, 0; 5, 0, 17, 9, 128, 0; 5, 0, 16, 134, 128, 0; 5, 0, 16, 128, 128, 0; 5, 0, 32, 128, 64, 0; 5, 0, 49, 0, 64, 0; 5, 0, 46, 0, 64, 0; 5, 0, 64, 28, 32, 0; 5, 0, 64, 34, 32, 0; 5, 0, 64, 65, 32, 0; 5, 0, 128, 65, 16, 0; 5, 0, 184, 65, 16, 0; 5, 0, 196, 34, 16, 0; 5, 1, 130, 28, 8, 0; 5, 1, 130, 0, 8, 0; 5, 1, 130, 0, 120, 0; 5, 2, 68, 0, 132, 0; 5, 14, 56, 97, 7, 0; 5, 10, 0, 145, 5, 0; 5, 11, 255, 255, 253, 0; 5, 8, 0, 0, 1, 0; 5, 15, 255, 255, 255, 0; 5, 4, 0, 0, 2, 0; 5, 52, 8, 1, 2, 192; 5, 76, 8, 1, 3, 32; 5, 76, 8, 1, 3, 32; 5, 68, 62, 7, 194, 32; 5, 34, 8, 1, 4, 64; 5, 34, 8, 1, 4, 64; 5, 18, 8, 1, 4, 128; 5, 13, 0, 0, 11, 0; 5, 1, 0, 0, 8, 0; 5, 0, 128, 0, 16, 0; 5, 0, 131, 12, 16, 0; 5, 0, 64, 144, 32, 0;
0, 160, 96, 80, 0; 5, 1, 24, 1, 136, 0; 14, 134, 6, 23, 0; 5, 48, 65, 248, 32, 192; 192, 129, 8, 16, 48; 5, 0, 64, 144, 32, 0; 0, 32, 96, 64, 0; 5, 0, 16, 0, 128, 0; 0, 32, 0, 64, 0; 5, 0, 16, 0, 128, 0; 0, 8, 1, 0, 0; 5, 0, 6, 6, 0, 0; 0, 1, 104, 0, 0; 5, 0, 0, 144, 0, 0;
Parameter level:
0 = off 2 = on
The EPL command switches the Ecoprint on or off (default). Ecoprint is a standard feature of the print systems that enables the user to reduce the amount of toner placed on the page which saves on printing costs. With EPL 2;, the printing image appears lighter, yet remains readable. The following example simulates typical Ecoprint effect:
0 = off
2 = on
Only one EPL level is possible for a page. If more than one EPL command are put on a page, the last one is effective. The Ecoprint setting does not effect print speed.
!R! RES; SFNT "Helvetica-Bd", 24; SLPI 3; EPL 2; TEXT "Ecoprint is ON."; PAGE; EXIT;
When the printing system receives the EXIT command, it exits from the PRESCRIBE mode and treats the following information as characters to be printed. If the parameter E is added (EXIT, E;), the printing system ignores one carriagereturn/linefeed immediately following the command.
!R! RES; SFNT "Helvetica"; EXIT; Commands ending in EXIT; leave a gap in the output, !R! CMNT Like this; EXIT; while commands ending in EXIT, E; !R! CMNT Like this; EXIT, E; leave no trace of their presence except possibly a shortage of lines on the page. !R! PAGE; EXIT;
Parameter direction:
paper orientation on the MP tray 0 = Lengthwise 1 = Widthwise
The FDIR command specifies the paper orientation during feeding paper on the MP tray. This is possible when the paper is A4 or letter or B5 size although this depends on the printing system model. This command is enabled only when the MP trays operational mode is cassette or manual feed. Printing on A4 and letter size paper can only be done widthwise in first mode. This command causes a page break. This command is irrelevant to paper cassettes and envelope feeders. The paper orientation setting is restored to the default orientation (FRPO T8) when the printing system receives the RES command.
Parameter rule:
drawing rule: 1 = use even-odd rule 2 = use non-zero winding number rule
The FILL command fills the area enclosed by the current path with the current drawing rule. It also fills all independent subpaths contained in a path. An open subpath is implicitly closed before being painted (as done by a CLSP command). This command clears the current path after filling and moves the cursor to the end of that path. With drawing rule 1, even-odd, whether or not a point is deemed to be inside the path is determined by drawing a ray from that point in any direction and counting the number of times the ray crosses segments of the path. The point is deemed to be inside the path if the result is an odd number; if the result is an even number, the point is deemed to be outside the path. The non-zero winding rule also draws a ray from a point in any direction to determine whether or not that point is deemed to be inside the path and examines the points at which a segment of the path crosses the ray. However, it then starts counting from zero and adds one each time a segment in the path crosses the ray from left to right; and subtract one each time a segment in the path crosses the ray from right to left. If the result of counting all the crossings is zero, the point is deemed to be outside; otherwise the point is deemed to be inside the path. The way in which several filled-in parts are stacked with each other to produce transparent and opaque effects is controlled by the SIMG (Set IMaGe model) command.
Related Commands
!R! RES; UNIT C; SIMG 1; CMNT Drawing clusters; NEWP; PMZP 10, 12; PDRP -5.7, -1.75; PCRP 0, 0, 0, -3.4, 3.1, -3.6; CLSP; PAT 2; FILL; PMZP 10, 12; PDRP -2.6, -5.35; PCRP 0, 0, 2.5, -2.5, 4.9, .1; CLSP; PAT 3; FILL; PMZP 10, 12; PDRP 5.7, -1.75; PCRP 0, 0, 0, -3.5, -3.4, -3.5; CLSP; PAT 4; FILL; PMZP 12, 12; PDRP 5.7, -1.75; PCRP 0, 0, 1.5, 1.75, 0, 3.5; CLSP; PAT 5; FILL; PMZP 10, 12; PDRP -5.7, 1.75; PCRP 0, 0, 0, 3.4, 3.1, 3.6; CLSP; PAT 6; FILL; PMZP 10, 12; PDRP -2.6, 5.35; PCRP 0, 0, 2.5, 2.5, 4.9, -.1; CLSP; PAT 7; FILL; PMZP 10, 12; PDRP 5.7, 1.75; PCRP 0, 0, 0, 3.5, -3.4, 3.5; CLSP; PAT 8; FILL; PMZP 10, 12; PDRP -5.7, 1.75; PCRP 0, 0, -1.5, -1.75, 0, -3.5; CLSP; PAT 9; FILL; PAGE; EXIT;
Parameters flatness:
number from 1 to 100
The FLAT command determines how smoothly curves in paths are to be drawn when a STRK or FILL command is used. Higher number values produce rougher curves and lower number values create smoother curves which require greater computation. The number actually specifies the maximum error tolerance of a straight line segment approximation of any portion of the curve. The printing system resets the flatness to 1 when it receives the RES command.
!R! RES; FRPO N8,0; CMNT 300 dpi; UNIT C; SPD 0.02; NEWP; CMNT 1st circle (FLAT 1); PMRA 7, 16.5, 2, 0; PARC 7, 16.5, 2, 0, 360; STRK; NEWP; CMNT 2nd circle (FLAT 50); FLAT 50; PMRA 12, 16.5, 2, 0; PARC 12, 16.5, 2, 0, 360; STRK; PAGE; EXIT;
The FLST command prints a list of all resident and downloaded (user-defined) fonts in the printing system. The list provides information on each font such as font name, whether it is scalable or bitmap, font selection sequence using FSET, font ID, etc. The resident fonts are identified by the letter I (internal) in the font ID; the downloaded fonts are identified by the letter M or D depending on whether the font is stored in the memory card or the hard disk, respectively. The font list may differ depending on models.
Related Commands
Font ID
Parameter staple:
1 = stapling
The FOLD command is effective only when the optional document finisher having the booklet stitcher is installed to the printing system. This command is most conveniently used with the BKLT command that allows printing a job as a booklet, reordering and printing the pages two-up on a sheet of paper. The FOLD command outputs printed pages stapling and binding them together at its center. The job to be stapled and folded should be initiated by the JOBS command (See page 140). With the staple value given, the pages are stapled (two) and folded at its center in reference to the short edge of the paper.
Folding and stapling
Paper sizes available for this mode include A4-R, letter-R, B4, A3 and ledger. The job is automatically delivered on the face-down output tray of the document finisher.
!R! FOLD 1; JOBS 1,1,2,0,0; TEXT Stapled and folded with the next page; PAGE; TEXT Stapled and folded with the preceding page; JOBT; EXIT;
Parameter font-number:
number identifying the font
The FONT command specifies a typeface for all text that follows. The font-number should designate a resident bitmap font, a scalable font selected by the SFNT command, or a nonresident font generated by the LDFC command or downloaded from the computer. If an undefined font-number is specified, the font will not change. To print a font list, use the FLST command. For a bitmap font, depending on the font mode (FTMD) value, the FONT command also sets the line and character spacing and page orientation to match the attributes of the selected font. The scalable fonts, however, ignore the font mode setting. Line spacing must be specified by the user in this case using one of the line spacing commands (SLS, SLPI, etc.).
!R! RES; UNIT P; SFNT Univers-BdIt, 18, 2000; SFNT Univers-BdIt, 14, 2001; FONT 2000; EXIT; -- Font Guideline -!R! FONT 2001; EXIT; Be distinctive. !R! FONT 13; FTMD 15; EXIT; Use different font sizes and styles to set off titles, headings, footnotes, etc. !R! PAGE; EXIT;
Related Commands
Parameters #:
number from 0 to 255
The FPAT command establishes a new shading pattern, for use by the BLK, ARC, and FILL commands, as described in a 8 8 matrix of dots. Each number corresponds to one row of 8 dots. The value of the number is calculated according to the black dots in its row, counting 1 for a black dot in the rightmost column, 2 for a black dot in the next column left, 4 for a black dot in the next column, and so on.
Column Values
FPAT Parameters
To calculate the third number in the example above, add up the values of the columns that have black dots in the first row: 16+8 = 24. To calculate the forth number in the example above, add up the values of the columns that have black dots in the second row: 32+16+8+4 = 60, and so on. For printing system models that support 600/1200 dpi resolution printing, the default resolution generated by the FPAT command is 300 dpi; however, 600/1200 dpi can be selected using the FRPO B8 command. See Section 6.2. of the Technical Reference manual (FRPO B8). The printing system recognizes a dot in the pattern as having the size of 1/300 inch in the 300 dpi resolution, and 1/600 inch in the 600 dpi resolution, and 1/1200 inch in the 1200 dpi resolution. For an all-white row, specify 0. The FPAT command for creating all white rows is specified below: FPAT 0, 0, 24, 60, 60, 24, 0, 0; For an all-black row, specify 255 (1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 64 + 128 = 255). The default value is FPAT 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255; giving a solid black pattern which is equivalent to the PAT 1; command.
!R! RES; DAM; UNIT C; FSET 1p08V0s0b5T; MCRO PATTERN; FPAT %1, %2, %3, %4, %5, %6, %7, %8; BOX 5, 1; BLK 5, 1; MRP 0, 1.55; TEXT FPAT %1, %2, %3, %4, %5, %6, %7, %8;, L; ENDM; MAP 2, 2; SCP; CALL PATTERN, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0; CALL PATTERN, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0; CALL PATTERN, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 255; RPP; MRP 5.5, 0; CALL PATTERN, 0, 0, 24, 60, 60, 24, 0, 0; CALL PATTERN, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128; CALL PATTERN, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8; PAGE; EXIT;
Parameters parameter:
parameter stored in permanent memory
new parameter value
The FRPO command sets the various printing parameters stored in permanent memory. Each parameter is identified by a code consisting of a letter and a numeral, such as P1. Details of the parameters and their values are given in Chapter 6 of the Technical Reference manual. The FRPO command should be used only when it is necessary to change a parameter permanently. They are not effective as temporary changes in the middle of a print job. The FRPO command effects values for interface dependent and non-interface dependent parameters as they appear on the status page (See STAT on page 336.). Changes to the interface dependent parameters will effect the current interface only. Changes made with FRPO commands can be reset to the factory-set values by the FRPO INIT (FRPO-INITialize) command. Note that the RES command does not reset those changes made with the FRPO command.
!R! FRPO P1, FRPO P3, FRPO U6, EXIT; US Legal \^{|}~ 1; CMNT To power up in the IBM emulation; 2; CMNT To change the linefeed action to CR+LF; 9; CMNT To select the US Legal character set; characters:
Related Command
The FRPO INIT command resets all FRPO parameters to their original, factory default values. This reset applies to the interface dependent parameters for the current interface as well as all non-interface dependent parameters. For a list of the factory default values, see Chapter 6 of the Technical Reference manual. The FRPO INIT command causes a page break. To activate the changes made with the FRPO INIT command, turn the printer power off then on again or reset the printer using the control panel keys.
Parameters spacing:
fixed or proportional spacing, followed by a terminator P: 0 = fixed font 1 = proportional font
pitch in cpi, from 0.44 to 99.99 cpi (ignored in a proportional font), followed by a terminator H
the line-to-line spacing in points from 0.25 to 999.25; followed by a terminator V
upright or italic, followed by a terminator S: 0 = upright 1 = italic 4 = condensed 5 = condensed italic
degree of bolding, -7 to +7; followed by a terminator B: -7 = Ultra thin -6 = Extra thin -5 = Thin -4 = Extra light -3 = Light -2 = Demi light -1 = Semi light 0 = Medium 1 = Semi bold 2 = Demi bold 3 = Bold 4 = Extra bold 5 = Black 6 = Extra black 7 = Ultra black
typeface as represented by one of the following numbers, followed by a terminator T: 0 = LinePrinterBM8.5-Roman 3 = CourierBM 4 = Swiss721BM 5 = Dutch801BM 6 = LetterGothicBM 8 = PrestigeEliteBM 4099 = Courier 4101 = CG Times 4102 = LetterGothic 4113 = CGOmega 4116 = Coronet 4140 = Clarendon-Cd 4148 = Univers 4168 = AntiqueOlive 4197 = GaramondAntiqua 4297 = Marigold 4362 = Albertus 16602 = Arial 16686 = Symbol 16901 = TimesNewRoman 24579 = CourierPS 24591 = Palatino 24580 = Helvetica 24607 = ITCAvantGardeGothic-Bk 24703 = NewCenturySchoolbook 24623 = ITCBookman 25093 = Times 31402 = Wingdings 45099 = ITCZapfChancery-MdIt 45101 = ITCZapfDingbats 45358 = SymbolPS The typeface values for option fonts, if installed, can be obtained by printing a font list. To print a font list, use the FLST command or the control panel keys.
The FSET command can be used to select either bitmap fonts or scalable fonts. It is also convenient for changing one or several characteristics of the current font, e.g. changing the upright style to italic. The example at the end of this section demonstrates this function. Font selection is made based on the characteristics of the font, the fonts location in the printer, and the fonts orientation. In the list below, the characteristics of font are listed in order of priority, from highest to lowest: Symbol set Spacing (pitch) Point size (height) Style Stroke weight Typeface family Location Orientation Highest Priority Selection
In selecting a font, the printer engages in a process of elimination. It first examines all fonts to match based on symbol set (the highest priority). All matches are next examined based on spacing. When the printer has reduced the matches to one font, it selects that font. Bitmap fonts have priority over scalable fonts. FSET enables the user to select a general class of font first, then specify characteristics (e.g. size and appearance) later. It is still preferable to specify all font parameters to ensure correct selection. The pitch and height parameters are measured in cpi and points respectively, regardless of the current unit setting (UNIT). Terminators following each parameter (P, H, V, S, B, and T) can use either lowercase or uppercase. The example below shows an FSET command sequence that selects the fixed-pitch (0p), 12-cpi (12h), 12-point (12v), upright-style (0s), normal stroke weight (0b), Letter Gothic (6T) font. This command sequence may be followed by a CSET command which selects the desired symbol set.
Fixed or proportional
FSET 0p12h12v0s0b6T;
Pitch Style Typeface
!R! UNIT P; SFNT Swiss742SWC-Roman, 10; SLS 12; EXIT; First, this line is printed in a 10 point Swiss742SWC-Roman font. !R! FSET 14V; SLS 16; EXIT, E; Lets see if the height parameter is changed to 14 points by FSET 14V;. !R! FSET 1s3B; EXIT,E; Now this line demonstrates what happens with FSET 1s3B;. Only the style and stroke weight are changed. !R! FSET 4101T; SLS 14; EXIT,E; The FSET 4101T; command switches the typeface to CGTimes. All other characteristics remain unchanged. !R! FSET 0P; FTMD 15; EXIT,E; Now the FSET 0P; command requests a fixed pitch font. The method for selecting this font is based on the change from the previous pitch characteristic. !R! PAGE; EXIT;
Parameter value:
an integer from 0 to 15
The FTMD command determines which attributes will be changed automatically when a bitmap font (simulated based on scalable fonts) is selected by the FONT, ALTF, or RPF command. The attributes and values appear as follows:
Horizontal motion index (character spacing) Vertical motion index (line spacing) Fixed or proportional spacing Portrait or landscape orientation 1 2 3 4
The values 1, 2, 4, and 8 change a single font attribute using the FTMD command. When the FTMD command is executed, the printer adjusts the designated attributes of the current font. Later, if the current font is changed by a FONT, ALTF, or RPF command, the printer automatically changes the designated attributes to the values of the new font. The default value of the FTMD command depends on the emulation mode. The printer does not automatically change any attributes not designated by the FTMD command. If necessary, these attributes must be adjusted by other commands: SCS or SCPI for the character spacing; SLS or SLPI for the line spacing; and SPO for the page orientation. The FTMD command is ignored when the current font is a scalable font.
Font Mode Values
Font mode 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Portrait or landscape
Yes Yes
Font mode 11 12 13 14 15
Automatic changes Line Fixed or spacing proportional Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Emulation mode 0 (Line Printer) 1 (IBM X-24E) or 2 (Diablo 630) 5 (Epson LQ-850) 6 (HP LaserJet) 8 (KC-GL)
Font mode 15 0
Printers action when font is changed Adjusts page orientation, character spacing, line spacing. Does not adjust anything.
Adjusts page orientation and character spacing. Does not adjust line spacing.
!R! RES; SLM 1; STM 2; FTMD 5; CMNT Character spacing is automatically adjusted at each font change, but line spacing and page orientation are left alone; UNIT C; SLS 1; BOX .5, -.5; MRP 1, 0; FONT 47; TEXT Font 47, correctly spaced at 16.6 cpi, N; BOX .5, -.5; MRP 1, 0; FONT 37; TEXT Font 37, correctly spaced at 10 cpi, N; BOX .5, -.5; MRP 1, 0; FONT 52; TEXT Font 52, proportionally spaced, N; BOX .5, -.5; MRP 1.1, -.1; FONT 26; CMNT Landscape font in portrait orientation; TEXT = <><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< = ; RES; EXIT;
Parameter gray-level:
any number from 0 (black) to 1 (white)
The GPAT command specifies the shade of gray for painting a block in both the standard mode and path mode graphics. Numbers with up to four decimal places are accepted. The default value is 0 (solid black). The printer recognizes a dot in the pattern as having the size of 1/300 inch in the 300 dpi resolution, and 1/600 inch in the 600 dpi resolution, and 1/1200 inch in the 1200 dpi resolution. For printer models that support 600/1200 dpi resolution printing, the default resolution generated by the GPAT command is 300 dpi; however, 600/1200 dpi can be selected using the FRPO B8 command. See Section 6.2. of the Technical Reference manual (FRPO B8).
!R! RES; UNIT C; MCRO GP; NEWP; GPAT %1; PDRP 2, 0, 0, 2, -2, 0, 0, -2; FILL 1; PMRP .5, .5; ENDM; CALL GP,0; CALL GP,.125; CALL GP,.25; CALL GP,.375; CALL GP,.5; CALL GP,.625; CALL GP,.75; CALL GP,.875; PAGE; EXIT;
Related Commands
GRAY gray-mode;
Parameter gray-mode:
0 = represents gray in K (black, default) 1 = represents gray in CMY
The GRAY command determines whether gray in graphic images is represented using black or combination of cyan, magenta, and yellow. If each value of the RGB signals is the same, the corresponding area will be achromatic (grayed). For example, if R = G = B = 0, the corresponding area will be black. If R = G = B = 100, the corresponding area will be gray. If R = G = B = 255, the corresponding area will be white, that is, there will be no color components. (White and black are not colors. They are states in which all the light is reflected and absorbed respectively.) If each value of RGB is the same when processing images, the corresponding area can be represented by using either the same quantity of toner or only K toner for each of CMY. (If C = M = Y, the color is black in theory.) However, the black represented by C = M = Y is not the same as the black represented by K alone. When representing an image, for example, if it contains an area represented by R = G = B, the look and impression of that image will be completely different when it is represented by CMY and when it is represented by K alone. (Which look is better is dependent on the viewers taste, the contents to be printed, and so on.) The graying process defaults to representation using K toner alone. However, a toggle switch is provided since, as mentioned earlier, this process cannot be determined objectively. This command is irrelevant to models FS-8000C and KM-C830.
Parameters format:
image format: B = Bitmap J = JPEG T = TIFF
number from 0 to 65535
number from 0 to 65535
file name based on a specified format
The GRRD command allows the image data of a specified format to be drawn in a specified size at a specified location. This command is terminated with the ENDG command. The color space for each format is compatible only with RGB. In the case of TIFF format, the command is compatible with non-compression, LZW, and PackBit. Upon receipt of incompatible format and/or color-space data, this command is ignored. Width and height specifications are dependent on the current unit of measurement (UNIT). If the output image has a specified width of 0, the image will be printed in a width varying with the height of the output image, while retaining the vertical-horizontal ratio of the original image data as it is. If the output image has a specified height of 0, the image will be printed in a height varying with the width of the output image, while retaining the vertical-horizontal ratio of the original image data as it is. When the output image has both a specified width and height of 0, the output image pixels will be printed according to the raster resolution specified by the STR command. Since the command ends with ;ENDG; do not insert space between the preceding ; and ENDG. If space is inserted, the command is ignored. When monochrome mode is specified, the output is printed as a grayscale image.
The following example uses DOS to transfer both the command sequences and the graphics data to the printing systems parallel interface.
c:> echo !R! STR 300; MZP 1,1; GRRD J,0,0; > lpt1 c:> copy /b fluit.jpg lpt1 c:> echo ;ENDG; PAGE; EXIT; > lpt1
HUE color, angle[, type];
Parameters color:
number representing the color for hue adjustment: 0 = all colors 1=R 2=Y 3=G 4=C 5=B 6=M
angle of hue rotation in degrees: color = 0, 180 to 180 (default = 0) color = 1 6, 10 to 10 (default = 0)
object type
The HUE command shifts all the pixels around the color wheel to a different point for adjusting the tint of a color. For example, shifting the red pixels to green turns the green pixels to blue and yellow pixels to cyan.When color is 0, the HUE command shifts all hues at the specified angle. As shown in the figure below, shifting hues can be liken to rotating the color wheel. When the wheel is rotated by 60 degrees clockwise, red shifts to magenta and yellow to red.
When color is other than 0, a particular hue can be shifted. The example below shows that the yellow hue has been shifted in the direction of green indicating that yellow images will be slightly reddish and the image in the vicinity of yellowish green will be yellow. Note that hues cannot be set to move beyond their next hues.
If this command is issued to rotate a particular hue when all hues are rotated, the hues are controlled after they are reset to their default state. The HUE command is enabled for all color spaces, all color modes and all monitor simulation modes. If ink simulation is set to other than NONE, the HUE is disabled.
Parameters country-code:
0 = US ASCII 1 = France 2 = Germany 3 = UK 4 = Denmark/Norway 5 = Sweden 6 = Italy 7 = Spain 8 = Japan 9 = US Legal 10 = IBM PC-850 (Multilingual) 11 = IBM PC-860 (Portuguese) 12 = IBM PC-863 (Canadian French) 13 = IBM PC-865 (Norwegian) 14 = Norway 15 = Denmark 2 16 = Spain 2 17 = Latin America
0 = Epson code set 1 = HP LaserJet code set 2 = Daisywheel code set 4 = IBM/Line Printer code set
The INTL command selects a symbol set appropriate for the alphabet of a particular country. A symbol set includes the specific alphabetic and numeric characters and other symbols of a particular written language, country, or software application. Charts of the available symbol sets are displayed in Emulation of the Technical Reference manual, emulation by emulation. Depending on the current emulation, the printer selects one of the symbol sets of the emulated printer appropriate for the country as requested by the country-code value. For example, when the printer is set in the default emulation mode 6 (HP LaserJet), country code 0 (US ASCII) selects the ISO-6 ASCII symbol set of the HP LaserJet printer. If the current emulation mode is 1 (IBM), country code 0 selects the IBM US symbol set of the IBM Proprinter. Differences in symbol sets can be seen in the upper half of the character code table, consisting of character codes 128 through 254 (hex 80 through FE). The availability of the symbol sets to the country-code values appear in the table below.
For example, the character assigned to character code 93 (hex 5D) varies according to the country code as follows:
US France Germany Denmark Italy Spain ]
The code-set parameter adjusts for the different symbol sets. According to the code-set parameter specified, the printer selects a symbol set available to the current emulation. The default country-code value appears as the U6 parameter and can be set using an FRPO command. The factory setting is 0: the standard US ASCII symbol set. The default code-set value appears as the U7 parameter. The factory setting is 0.
Symbol Sets Available with INTL Code-set (emulation) Country-code 0b (US ASCII) 1 (France) 2 (Germany) 3 (UK) 4 (Denmark/Norway) 5 (Sweden) 6 (Italy) 7 (Spain) 8 (Japan) 9 (US Legal) 10 (IBM PC-850) 11 (IBM PC-860) 12 (IBM PC-863) 13 (IBM PC-865) 14 (Norway) 15 (Denmark 2) 16 (Spain 2)
0 (Epson) LQ US LQ France LQ Germany LQ U.K. LQ Denmark LQ Sweden LQ Italy LQ Spain LQ Japan LQ US Legal IBM PC-850 IBM PC-860 IBM PC-863 IBM PC-865 LQ Norway LQ Denmark 2 LQ Spain 2
1 (HP LaserJet)a ISO-6 ASCII ISO-25 France HP German ISO-4 U.K. ISO-60 Norway ISO-11 Swedish ISO-15 Italian HP Spanish US Legal IBM PC-850 IBM PC-860 IBM PC-863 IBM PC-865
2 (Daisywheel) Diablo US Diablo France Diablo Germany Diablo U.K. Diablo Denmark Diablo Sweden Diablo Italy Diablo Spain US Legal
ISO-14 JIS ASCII Diablo Japan US Legal IBM PC-850 IBM PC-860 IBM PC-863 IBM PC-865
!R! CMNT This file will not print correctly in the IBM; CMNT emulation (mode 1); RES; INTL 2, 2; SLM 1; STM 2; SFNT "Helvetica", 14; EXIT; Diese [pfel sind eine ]berraschung! !R! PAGE; EXIT;
Parameters mode:
mode of deletion: 1 = Deletes temporary jobs 2 = Deletes permanent jobs 8 = Deletes the jobs in the virtual mailbox specified by mailbox-id 9 = Deletes the virtual mailbox specified by mailbox-id 15 = Resets all virtual mailboxes to a clean state
job-id or mailbox-id:
an integer or character string that specifies the job ID or mailbox ID 0 = for modes 8, 9, and 15 only, affects all the mailboxes 1 to 255 = tray ID (specified by JOBS) Character string = job ID or alias of virtual mailbox, must be enclosed by single or double quotation marks
four-digit number specified by VMPW to secure the mailbox
The JOBD command deletes the jobs stored in the hard disk. This command may be used to make more free space in the hard disk by deleting unnecessary jobs. Modes 1 and 2 delete the temporary and permanent jobs, respectively. By giving a job ID (specified by the JOBS command), it deletes only the job having the matching job ID. Modes 8, 9, and 15 are used for deletion of the jobs stacked in the virtual mailbox: Mode 8 deletes all jobs stored in the mailbox which is specified by mailbox-id. It does not affect the alias and password for the mailbox, if any. (For details on aliasing and password-protection of the mailbox, see VMAL and VMPW, respectively.) Mode 9 deletes the mailbox and its contents at once. The alias and password for the mailbox is also deleted. Mode 15 resets all mailboxes to a clean state by deleting all the contents in the mailboxes and clearing the aliases and the passwords altogether (JOBD 15, 0, 0;).
To delete the temporary job with an ID of 28L016T50 from the hard disk: !R! JOBD 1, "28L016T50"; EXIT; To delete all permanent jobs in the hard disk: !R! JOBD 2; EXIT; To delete all temporary and permanent jobs in the hard disk: !R! JOBD; EXIT; To delete the jobs stacked in virtual mailbox number 3, which has the password of 9999: !R! JOBD 8, 3, 9999; EXIT;
Parameter mode:
1 = prints a list of temporary jobs in the hard disk 2 = prints a list of permanent jobs in the hard disk 8 = prints a list of virtual mailboxes to represent their usage status
The JOBL command prints a list of all permanent jobs in the hard disk, or all temporary jobs, for checking the stored contents in the hard disk and to selectively delete jobs. The jobs stored can be directly printed by reading barcodes on the job list with the barcode reader BC-1. The JOBL 8; command outputs a list representing the usage status of virtual mailboxes.
Example of VMB virtual mailbox usage status list output
Regardless of whether mailboxes contain any data, information is displayed for mailboxes which have been used at least once. The information displayed for each mailbox is: the mailbox (Bin) number, the alias set for the mailbox, the number of jobs in the mailbox, the number of pages, the size of jobs held in that mailbox only, and the size of jobs entered in other mailboxes as well. A is displayed over the mailbox number for virtual mailboxes which contain jobs. A Full!! is displayed next to the job size entry for virtual mailboxes containing jobs which caused an error during data is written to the mailbox. An error log indicating failure is also printed when jobs within such a mailbox are printed.
To print a permanent job list: !R! JOBL 2; EXIT;
Parameters mode:
0 = normal 8 = virtual mailbox
The JOBO command retrieves a temporary or permanent job or the jobs saved in the virtual mailbox and prints with the finishing arrangements previously made. Mode 0 is used to retrieve and print a temporary or permanent job. The job to be retrieved may be specified by the job ID which is given internally by the printing system. It is also possible to specify the page ID if only a particular page is required to be printed. The page is automatically assigned and printed on a page when one of the ID barcode position parameters of 128 though 135 is specified for JOBS. A list of job names currently stored in the hard disk can be obtained by printing a job list (See JOBL on page 134). Settings such as the number of pages to print, whether to print barcode ID on the printed pages, etc., for the job to be retrieved by JOBO can be made by issuing JOBP followed by a JOBO (See JOBP on page 138). If the job name does not exist or the job is corrupted in hard disk, an error is messaged on the operator panel display as follows:
Hard Disk Error 99 98 Meaning The job does not exist. The job is corrupted.
Mode 8 retrieves jobs stacked on a virtual mailbox for printing. In mode 8, the ID number (or the alias, if the mailbox has one given) for the mailbox should be specified in place of job-name. The mailbox ID number should be 1 to 255. All jobs in the mailbox specified by its mailbox ID are printed at once. After printing is finished, all jobs in the mailbox are automatically deleted.
All jobs are delivered to the current output stack (all jobs to the same stack). Note however the jobs with stapling enabled will be forcibly sent to the stapler. The master password, if set previously by VMPW, is valid for all virtual mailboxes for which a password is set. An error will be displayed on the operator panel if no password or an incorrect password is specified. An error will result also if no virtual mailbox corresponds to the alias given or if no job is present in the specified mailbox. It is not possible to select a virtual mailbox using the operator panel when no jobs are posted in the virtual mailbox. If the CANCEL key is pressed during virtual mailbox job output, processing will halt and the printing system will return to Ready status. The job being output and jobs in the virtual mailbox can be printed.
To output the job with job ID 4H90058I0 in the hard disk, with no barcode printed, in 7 copies: !R! JOBP 0, 7; JOBP 1, 2; JOBO 0, 4H90058I0; EXIT; To print the jobs stacked on virtual mailbox number 3, for which no password is set: !R! JOBO 8, 3; EXIT; To output the jobs stacked on the virtual mailbox with the alias Jonathan, for which the password 9999 is set: !R! JOBO 8, Jonathan, 9999; EXIT;
Parameters print-option:
an integer that specifies the print option from the ones below
an integer, the letter m, or character string that specifies the parameter for the print option as indicated in the table below
printoption 0 1 Function Copy count Printing barcode Parameter 1 to 999 0 = first-page only 1 = whole page 2 = disabled 0 = off 1 = long edge binding 2 = short edge binding 1 = face-down 2 = face-up 3 = finisher tray 0 = off 1 = bottom left, angled 2 = top left, automatic angled or upright 3 = two centered 0 to 7 or 128 to 135 (printing page IDs) M or m = staples the maximum number of sheets. For example, 20 sheets for models DF30/31. 0 = does not staple jobs that exceed the maximum number of sheets. 1 = staple only the sheets that exceed the maximum number of sheets. 2 to 20 = staples the number of specified sheets. 0 = off 1 = center stitch and stapling 0 = off 1 = main position 2 = alternate position 0 = off 1 = blank separator 2 = duplicated separator number representing the paper source (tray) 0 = off 1 = on JOBO Effective to:
Duplex printing
Destination stack
5 6
7 8
Transparency separator
10 11
printoption 13
Function Booklet
Parameter 0 = off 1 = longitudinal feeding, left binding 2 = longitudinal feeding, right binding 3 = lateral feeding, left binding 4 = lateral feeding, right binding
Effective to:
The JOBP command implements printing a print job which was prologued by JOBS and epilogued by JOBT in the similar manner as the JOBO command (See JOBO on page 136.). Use of the JOBP command allows to use the different settings for copy count, duplex printing, stapling, etc., from those originally set for the print job. For example, it is possible to duplex-print the print job (in which duplex-printing was not originally implemented) by commanding JOBP 2, 1; or remove stapling from the print job (in which stapling was originally implemented) by commanding JOBP 4, 0;. Print options 2, 3, 4, and 16 are valid only when the JOBP command follows the JOBO command to print the job. For example, the JOBP command sequence JOBP 2, 1; will not activate duplex printing if the preceding job to print was assigned by JOBS. A JOBP command sequence is cancelled if the host interface of the printing system is switched from one to another after the timer has expired for the interface.
To print the print job monthlyreport, disabling the original barcode printing option, in the number of copies of 15: !R! JOBP 0, 15; JOBP 1, 2; JOBO 'monthlyreport'; EXIT;
Parameters save-mode:
save mode: 0 = electronic sorting only 1 = temporary 2 = permanent 8 = (Print to) virtual mailbox
number of copies to print: 1 to 999
reserved: Must be 0
job name, character string up to 80 bytes
user name, character string up to 80 bytes
time stamp, character string up to 80 bytes
The JOBS command defines start of a job which is processed using e-MPS. The subsequent document is spooled in the hard disk or RAM disk. (Only HP mopier compatible spooling is possible if the printing system uses RAM disk.) Electronic sorting becomes possible in emulations other than PJL and KPDL. This command must be terminated by JOBT as exampled in Files below on page 144. Among the e-MPS finishing functions, not all of them require a hard disk. For example, using the staple function does not require a hard disk in the printing system. If the size of the permanent jobs saved in the hard disk has reached the maximum limit while the first parameter specifies the permanent job saving mode, the printing system indicates harddisk error 97 meaning that no more permanent jobs are storable. The printing system forcibly uses save-mode 0. With mode 0, 1, or 2, it is possible to print a barcode ID which is directly read by an option barcode scanner for reprinting the job at any later time. The position for the barcode ID can be one of the following positions depending according to the given barcode position parameter. Note that parameters 128 through 135 allow a humanreadable barcode ID printed along the barcode ID.
Barcode positions
virtual mailbox specification (See JOBP on page 138.), the job in question will not be saved to any virtual mailbox and no error will be displayed. While jobs are being stacked on a virtual mailbox, a message indicating that jobs are being stacked on virtual mailboxes (when the VMB-compatible printer driver is being used) will be displayed on the message display instead of Processing.
To print 25 copies of the job named Project-report1 with user name T. Anderson, and time stamp of July 29, 2002. The job is saved in HP mode. !R! JOBS 0,25,0,0,0, Project-report1, T. Anderson, 07/29/02; EXIT; To print 3 copies of the job named Beauty-parlor-list with user name Salt Lake and time stamp of January 12, 2002. The job is saved in permanent mode. !R! JOBS 2,3,2,2,0,Beauty-parlor-list, Saltlake,01/12/02; TEXT Page 1...; PAGE; TEXT Page 2...; PAGE; TEXT Page 3...; PAGE; JOBT; JOBL; EXIT; To print one copy of the job named Inventory List 2002 with user name Susan and time stamp of February 12, 2002. The job is saved in temporary mode. !R! JOBS 1,1,1,0,0,Inventory List 2002, Susan, 02/12/02; TEXT Page 1...; PAGE; TEXT Page 2...; PAGE; TEXT Page 3...; PAGE; JOBT; EXIT; To stack the jobs between JOBS and JOBT on the virtual mailbox named Sales. !R! JOBS 8, 3, Sales, 0, 0, Invoice, Sales, 01/14/02 16:30:25; UNIT C; MZP 5, 10; BOX 6, 6; PAGE; TEXT November Result; PAGE; TEXT To Mr. Johnson; PAGE; JOBT; EXIT; To stack the jobs between JOBS and JOBT on all virtual mailboxes having numbers 3 to 15.
!R! JOBS 8, 3, 3, 15, 0, Service, Repair, 01/14/02 16:30:25; UNIT C; MZP 5, 10; BOX 6, 6; PAGE; TEXT ABCDE; PAGE; TEXT Domestic; PAGE; JOBT; EXIT;
The JOBT command terminates defining a job which is started by JOBS. The JOBT command is used in combination with JOBS to constitute a job definition. The printing system prints the job in the number of copies as specified by the repeat count commanded by JOBS or JOBP in the cyclic manner. At execution, the JOBT command starts printing the job including stapling, job separation, job offset (if the relevant option device is installed).
The file below sorts and prints the defined job in 40 copies. The pages between JOBS and JOBT are output to virtual mailbox number 3. Pages after JOBT are output to the current physical stack. !R! JOBS 0,40,2,0; TEXT "Circulation Slip"; PAGE; TEXT "Response Slip"; PAGE; JOBT; EXIT;
It is possible to offset separate jobs in the output stack by explicitly repeating the JOG command so that the user can clearly distinguish his/her print jobs from the others. This command is only enabled when an optional stacker is attached. The STAK command must be used to explicitly forward printed pages to the optional stacker. The optional stacker has two modes for jogging: to jog only the first page or all pages of the job to the left or right. Selection of jog mode can be made by the FRPO S8 command as follows:
All pages First page only FRPO S8 = 0 FRPO S8 = 1
Unlike the job offset provided by HP PJL for each individual job, the JOG command affects any subsequent print jobs until another JOG command is issued. This is unaffected even by the reception of a command such as RES, FRPO and SEM which results in a reset of the printer. When JOG is issued with a job defined by JOBS and JOBT, jogging affects the individual job (in the similar way as PJL). Therefore, JOG placed between JOBS and JOBT is ignored (except for the first page). If used together with STPL, STPL overrides JOG, regardless of the order the commands are issued.
The example below prints 3 copies of the job defined between JOBS and JOBT (job name: My Trial, user name: Halle Berry, date: January 12, 2002) with the electronic sorting function and deliver printed pages to the face-down tray of the optional stacker in offset mode or separation mode. (A barcode is output on the first page only. The barcode position is 0.) !R! STAK 3; CMNT Face-down; JOG; JOBS 0,3,0,0,0,"My Trial", "Halle Berry", "01/12/02"; TEXT "Page One: Testing how JOG works."; PAGE; TEXT "Page Two: Testing how JOG works."; PAGE; TEXT "Page Three: Testing how JOG works."; PAGE; JOBT; EXIT;
Function name:
Name of the function that starts the user program (Only in the case of "PRE") Up to 31 characters
The LAPI command downloads the API program. As described in the example below, add the string "WRED" to the end of the downloading data as a terminator. It is possible to add a string other than "WRED." It is because if the downloading program includes the string "WRED," this must be changed. To change the terminator, use the RWRF T command. When storing a new PRESCRIBE command, if the specified command name has already been stored, the sending data will be invalid. Data downloaded with the LAPI command will be deleted (invalid) upon the system restart.
!R! LAPI "PRE" , "XXXX" , "XXXXXXXX" ;[Program Data]WRED; EXIT; After "WRED" is changed to "TEST" !R! LAPI "PRE" , "XXXX" , "XXXXXXXX" ;[Program Data]TEST; EXIT;
Parameters font-number:
font number (integer from 1000 to 65535). Same for all characters in the font. Must not duplicate any resident bitmap font number.
ASCII code of the character (0 to 255)
height of the character bitmap, in dots (integer from 0 to 3999)
width of the character bitmap, in dots (integer from 0 to 3999)
distance from the baseline to the top of the character bitmap, in micro dots [1/32 dot] (integer from -32768 to 32767); positive up, negative down
distance from the left edge of the character cell to the left edge of the character bitmap, in micro dots [1/32 dot] (integer from -32768 to 32767); positive up, negative down
total width of the character cell, in micro dots [1/32 dot] (integer from 0 to 65535). This parameter is used in proportional spacing.
distance from the left edge of the character cell to center of the character, in micro dots [1/32 dot] (integer from 0 to 65535)
0 = portrait 1 = upside-down landscape 2 = upside-down portrait 3 = landscape
resolution of the character, 300 [dpi], 600 [dpi], or 1200 [dpi]
dot pattern of the character, coded as a character string
The LDFC command defines one character of a new bitmap font. It can be used to create special characters such as the one shown below, which is defined as the + symbol (character code 43) of font 1000. Details and another example appear in Chapter 4 of the Technical Reference manual. The resolution is valid only on a 600/1200 dpi printer model.
!R! LDFC 1000, 43, 39, 29, 1216, 0, 1216, 608, 0; @@2@@0@@2@@0@@2@@0@@2@@0@@7@@0@@7@@0@@7@@0@@?@0 @@?@0@A?p@0@A?p@0@C?x@0@G?|@0@O?~@0@_?/@0@/?/0 A/?/p0G/?/x0O/?/~0//?//8O/?/~0G/?/x0A/?/p0@/?/0 @_?/@0@O?~@0@G?|@0@C?x@0@A?p@0@A?p@0@@?@0@@?@0 @@7@@0@@7@@0@@7@@0@@2@@0@@2@@0@@2@@0@@2@@0; FONT 1000; SLM 1; SCPI 6; SLPI 6; TEXT + + + + + + + + + + + + +, TEXT + + + + + + + + + + + + , TEXT + + + + + + + + + + + + +, TEXT + + + + + + + + + + + + , TEXT + + + + + + + + + + + + +, EXIT; N; N; N; N; N;
Parameters font-number:
font number (integer from 1000 to 65535)
ASCII code of the character code (0 to 255 for European; 0 to 65533 for Japanese) or in hexadecimal notation ($xxxx)
height of the character bitmap, in dots (integer from 1 to 65535)
width of the character bitmap, in dots (integer from 1 to 65535)
bitmap Y offset, in 1/32 dots (integer from -32768 to 32767)
bitmap X offset, in 1/32 dots (integer from -32768 to 32767)
character width, in 1/32 dots (integer from 1 to 65535)
bitmap transfer data (BBN format)
The LDFN C command defines bitmap characters for each character code for the downloaded font header already defined using LDFN F. Note that each character code defined must match the font number, symbol set (1- or 2-byte code), and other information of the font header already created. The bitmap data transferred at the end of this command is transferred under Kyoceras original BBN format. This is the transfer format used by the LDFC and LDKC commands. This command is recommended for use with downloading bitmap fonts. In other words, this command is intended as an equivalent for the old LDFC and LDKC commands. Use this command when creating a new bitmap font. LDFC, LDKC and CRKF will be deleted in the future. Units used in height, width, y-offset, x-offset and cell-width are dots of the resolution defined in the font header. The coordinate system used when defining bitmap fonts with this command is defined as follows. Note the sign of the offset value.
Font Registration Coordinate System
+ direction
Y + direction
A command error will result and the command has no effect if any of the parameters are outside the given range. This command is ignored if even one parameter error occurs.
Parameters font-number:
font number: 1000 to 65535
resolution: 0 = 300-dpi bitmap 1 = 600-dpi bitmap 3 = 1200-dpi bitmap (Fine mode)
font name (ASCII text string up to 31 characters long). This string must be enclosed in either single or double quotation marks.
symbol set: numeric value = 1-byte code symbol set (1 to 65535 [619: Shift JIS code]) J = 2-byte JIS code
spacing: 0 = fixed spacing 1 = proportional spacing
font width (in dots set by resolution): 3 to 3000
font height (in dots set by resolution): 4 to 4165
font style: 0 to 32767
stroke weight: -127 to +127
type face: 0 to 32767
font type: 0 = character codes from 32 to 127 1 = character codes from 32 to 127 and from 160 to 255 2 = character codes from 0 to 255
The LDFN F command creates a font header for downloading a font to the printer. After the header is created, you must continue with downloading bitmap characters using the LDFN C command. This command only generates a font information header; it includes no character definition information. Since the font header defined by this command is capable of registering extensions to ANK codes (a 1-byte code), it is necessary to select a font after assigning fonts using the ASFN command when using 2-byte characters. Refer to the ASFN command page for details. This command is recommended for use with downloading bitmap fonts. This command is intended as an equivalent for the old LDFC, LDKC and CRKF commands to create a new bitmap font. LDFC, LDKC and CRKF will be discontinued in the future.
Font Select Command FONT, SFNT KFNT, SKFT Description European character (1-byte code) emulation Japanese character (2-byte code) emulation (linked using ASFN)
A command error will result and the command has no effect if any of the parameters are outside the given range. This command is ignored if even one parameter error occurs.
Parameters format:
font format: 0 = TrueType font 1 = Japanese TrueType font 2 = Japanese TrueType Collection font
font number: 1000 to 65535 Since there are two font headers for Japanese TrueType fonts, the printer automatically creates a font number increased by 1.
font name: ASCII text string of up to 31 characters long. This string must be enclosed in either single or double quotation marks.
font data length: number of bytes sent as binary data
font symbol set value: 1 to 65535 (619 = Shift JIS code)
font style: 0 to 32767
stroke weight: 127 to +127
type face: 0 to 32767
font data (in TrueType format)
The LDFN S command allows outline fonts (TrueType fonts) to be downloaded to the printing system. A binary format is used to represent font data. The size of this data must match that given by length (font data length). Always explicitly terminate font data using WRED;. The five bytes represented by WRED; are not counted as part of the font data length. The maximum number of fonts that can be downloaded is up to the memory available or 256 fonts (512 when format is 2). Use FONT or SFNT command to select 1-byte fonts to be defined with this command. TrueType fonts defined using this command cannot be completely deleted unless both DELF n; and DELF n+1; are specified. A command error will result and the command has no effect if any of the parameters are outside the given range. This command is ignored if even one parameter error occurs. Although symbol-set, style, stroke and type-face may be omitted, we recommend that all parameters be used to define font selection information.
LGHT mode, degree;
Parameters mode:
mode of lightness adjustment: 0 = gamma control 1 = contrast control
degree of saturation level: number from 10 to 10 (Default is 0)
The LGHT command controls lightness and darkness balance based on the specified parameters. The gamma and contrast can be set independently of each other. In gamma control mode, the color bars below represent the lightness gamma variation using hue R as an example. The top color bar represents the default lightness variation ( = 1.0) with its median indicated by the symbol. The left side represents the lower lightness range and the right side the higher lightness range. The middle color bar is an example lightness balance made brighter (set to > 1.0). The bottom color bar is an example lightness balance made darker (set to < 1.0).
Default lightness gamma Lightness balance made brighter Lightness balance made darker
Varying the lightness gamma allows the lightness of the image to vary. (You can achieve lightness variation, such as making dark images brighter by reducing low lightness areas, for example.) In contrast control mode, the color bars below represent lightness contrast variations using hue R as an example. The top color bar represents the default contrast variation with its median indicated by the symbol. The left side represents the lower lightness range and the right side the higher lightness range. The middle color bar is an example application of strong contrast to the top bar. The bottom color bar is an example application of weak contrast to the top bar.
Varying the darkness contrast allows the difference between the light and dark shades of the image to be articulated and the intensity of control changes the difference between the light and dark shades of the image. Lightness gamma and darkness contrast cannot be controlled hue by hue. However, since impressions vary with hue, you need to control with care. The LGHT command is enabled for all color spaces, all color modes and all monitor simulation modes. If ink simulation is set to other than none, this command is disabled. This mode is not held permanently in the printing system. For this reason, saturation is reset to its default state when the power is turned on.
Parameters x-coordinate:
distance from the left margin
distance from the top margin
The MAP command moves the cursor to a position specified relative to the top and left margins, measured in the units designated by the UNIT command. The coordinates may be positive or negative. Negative coordinates move the cursor outside the margin. The MAP command is ignored in path mode graphics.
!R! RES; UNIT C; STM 2; SLM 2; SFNT Helvetica-Nr, 9; MAP 0, 0; BOX 40, 40; SPD .2; MAP 0, 1.4; TEXT < = = = Margins; MAP 0, 0; CIR .1; TEXT, L; TEXT MAP 0, 0;; MAP 4, 0; CIR .1; TEXT, L; TEXT MAP 4, 0;; MAP 0, 2; CIR .1; TEXT, L; TEXT MAP 0, 2;; MAP 4, 2; CIR .1; TEXT, L; TEXT MAP 4, 2;; MAP -1, -1; CIR .1; TEXT, L; TEXT MAP -1, -1;; PAGE; EXIT;
Related Commands
MCLR mode;
Parameter mode:
mode of color matching: 0 = none (default) 1 = auto 2 = vivid color 3 = display
The MCLR command selects the mode of color matching. Color matching mode is changed according to the various conditions of emulation, paper type, and print quality. In monochrome mode, color matching is defaulted to 0 (none). Mode 0 does not perform color matching. Mode 1 automatically selects color correction mode depending on the printing data. Text or vector graphics data are processed using Vivid Color; raster image data are processed using display mode. Mode 2 (Vivid color) performs correction on cyan color. Mode 3 (display) performs color correction suited to simulate the standard display monitor. This command causes a form feed.
Parameters name:
character string starting with a letter
any character (default: % preceded by a space)
any character string
The MCRO command assigns a name to the sequence of PRESCRIBE commands that follows, up to the ENDM (end macro) command. Thereafter, the entire sequence of commands can be executed by specifying the assigned name in a single CALL or AMCR (automatic macro) command. The name can be any length but only the first four characters count. The rest will be ignored. The distinction between upper and lowercase letters is also ignored. For example, the following macro names are all the same: ABCD abcd ABCDE Abcdxyz The name must start with a letter, but the other characters can include digits and special symbols such as hyphens. For example, F-1 and GRY2 are valid macro names. dummy-sign (normally the percent sign) indicates dummy parameters in the body of the macro. Dummy parameters are given by writing the dummy sign followed by a number: %1 for the first dummy parameter, %2 for the second dummy parameter, and so on, up to a maximum of 19 dummy parameters. The same dummy parameter can be used any number of times. Values are assigned to dummy parameters when the macro is invoked by the CALL command. If a macro with the same name has already been defined, the new definition is ignored. To redefine a macro, you must first delete the old definition with the DELM (delete macro) or DAM (delete all macros) command, or by switching power off. See the Technical Reference manual for information on the limitations about the usage of macros. The PCL5E command language, available in the mode 6 emulation, enables users to record HPGL/2 macros inside of HPGL/2 commands.
The following table shows the source of the PCL macros, the location in the printer, and the property value for the resource important if resource protection mode is used. See also Resource Protection in the Technical Reference manual.
Macro Downloaded Memory card Internal Location RAM Memory card ROM Property Temporary/Permanent Permanent Permanent
The internal printer firmware manages the PCL macros, recognizing the source, location and property value of the macros. If the printer encounters PCL macros with the same macro ID, it will prioritize them in the following order: macros downloaded to RAM, macros residing on a memory card, and macros stored in the EPROM. Memory card and EPROM based PCL macros cannot be deleted. Downloaded PCL macros, available for all FS-series printers, may be removed using the PCL reset or delete commands: <ESC>&f6X or <ESC>&f8X. Downloaded macros may also be sent to specific host buffers of the printer interfaces. The memory card and ROM macros will be available on all interfaces.
!R! RES; FSET 1p12v0s3b24580T; MCRO SIGN %, string, length + 0.3; SPD .03; BOX %2, .3; MRP .15, .2; TEXT %1; MRP -.15, .35; ENDM; CALL SIGN, CHECK ALL SWITCHES AND INDICATORS ..., 3.9; CALL SIGN, BE SAFE; NOT SORRY, 2.1; PAGE; EXIT;
Parameters media-type
1 = Plain 2 = Transparency 3 = Preprinted 4 = Label 5 = Bond 6 = Recycled 7 = Vellum 8 = Rough 9 = Letterhead 10 = Color 11 = Prepunched 12 = Envelope 13 = Cardstock 14 = Coated 15 = Second side 16 = Thick 21 = Custom 1 22 = Custom 2 23 = Custom 3 24 = Custom 4 25 = Custom 5 26 = Custom 6 27 = Custom 7 28 = Custom 8
0 = Normal 1 = Heavy (Thick) 2 = Light (Thin) 3 = Extra thick 10 = Light 11 = Normal 1 12 = Normal 2 13 = Normal 3 14 = Heavy 1 15 = Heavy 2 16 = Heavy 3 17 = Extra heavy
0 = High 1 = Middle 2 = Low 3 = Vellum
0 = Enable 1 = Disable
1 = Light 2 = Medium Light 3 = Normal 4 = Medium Heavy 5 = Heavy
The MDAT command is used to customize the default attributes of a media type for optimization. The paper-weight attribute affects the printing systems transfer bias, fuser-mode affects the fuser temperature, and duplex determines whether the paper with that paper type is allowed for duplex printing or not. If the parameters paper-weight and fuser-mode are omitted, this command resets the three attributes back to their defaults. If all the parameter are omitted (MDAT;), all the attributes for the all media types are reset to the default.
To set the transparency paper type to the thick paper weight and the high fuser temperature mode, disabling the duplex printing, command: !R! MDAT 2, 1, 0, 1; EXIT;
Related Command
MID Multi-tray ID
MID tray-group;
Parameter tray-group:
number from 1 (top) to the maximum
The MID command selects a group of trays in the sorter, which is assigned by the ASTK command and allows the subsequent SSTK (select Sorter STacKer) or CSTK (select Collator STacKer) command to deliver the output pages into the trays of that group for sorting or collating. The MID command should be placed at the beginning of a file or program, or at the top of a new page. The selection of a tray group made by the MID command is effective until it is changed by another MID command (It is not reset by the RES command). If the printer receives an ASTK command or one of the FRPO commands, the MID command is canceled (the output pages will be sorted in the normal sorter mode) and you must reselect the tray group by specifying the MID command. The MID command is ignored while the multiple environment mode is interface-specific (FRPO S0, 2;) or off (FRPO S0, 0;). Refer to the sorters Users Manual. This command is irrelevant to certain combination of photocopier models and option finisher models.
To enable the multiple user mode (FRPO S0, 1;), to create three groups, to select the second group, and to deliver outputs in the fourth tray in the (second) group, send the following command sequence: !R! FRPO S0, 1; ASTK 2, 5; MID 2; SSTK 2; EXIT; This page must be delivered to the 4th tray in the sorter. !R! RES; EXIT;
Related Commands
Parameters job-type:
CODE = temporary or permanent job VMB = virtual mailbox job JOBR = retention job
TEMPLIMITSIZE = Limit of the capacity for temporary stored jobs PERMLIMITSIZE = Limit of the capacity for permanent stored jobs VMBLIMITSIZE = Limit of the capacity for virtual mailbox jobs QUICKLIMITCOUNT = Limit of the number of Quick Copy jobs
number from 0 to 9999 in unit of megabytes number from 1 to 50 for QUICKLIMITCOUNT
The MPSS command is used to allocate the limit values for the storage capacities to store temporary and permanent jobs, virtual mailbox jobs, and the number of Quick Copy jobs in the hard disk.
To set the maximum capacity for the permanent jobs to 600 MB: !R! MPSS CODE, PERMLIMITSIZE, 600; EXIT; To set the maximum capacity of the virtual mailbox to 800 MB: !R! MPSS VMB, VMBLIMITSIZE, 800; EXIT; To set the maximum number of Quick Copy jobs (Job Retention) to 50: !R! MPSS JOBR, QUICKLIMITCOUNT, 50; EXIT;
Parameter mode:
0= disables the paper-empty message despite the MP tray is empty. 1= enables the paper-empty message when the MP tray is empty.
When the MP tray is configured as the default paper source, the MPTE command enables or disables the paper-empty message which is shown when the MP tray becomes empty. Mode 1 (default) enables the paper-empty message to display when the MP tray is empty. When Mode is 0, this message is disabled despite the MP tray is empty and the other paper source(s) is not empty. (showing Ready, for example). It is not reset by the RES command, therefore, to change mode, the MPTE command should be used.
To configure the MP tray as the default paper source and disable the paper-empty message, command as follows: !R! FRPO R4, 0; MPTE 0; EXIT;
Parameters x-coordinate/y-coordinate:
coordinates as measured from the current cursor position
The MRP command moves the cursor from its current position to a specified relative position, measured in the units designated by the UNIT command. The coordinates may be positive or negative. The MRP command works in the standard mode graphics only. To move to a relative position in a path construction, use the PMRP (in Path, Move to Relative Position) command.
!R! RES; UNIT C; SFNT Helvetica-Bd; CMNT MRP and baseball; MRP 8, 8; CIR .2; TEXT 1st; MRP -2, -2; CIR .2; TEXT 2nd; MRP -2, 2; CIR .2; TEXT 3rd; MRP 2, 2; CIR .2; TEXT Home; PAGE; EXIT;
Related Commands
Parameters distance:
distance to move
angle in degree, measured clockwise from the vertical
The MRPA command moves the cursor from its current position across a specified distance using a specified angle. The distance is measured in the units designated by the UNIT command. The MRPA command is ignored in the path mode graphics. To move to a relative position specifying angle in a path construction, use the PMRA (in Path, Move to Relative position by Angle) command.
!R! RES; UNIT C; CMNT Numbers indicate cursor movement; SFNT Helvetica-Bd; MAP 6, 12; CIR 1; TEXT 1; MRPA 2, 60; CIR 1; TEXT 2; MRPA 2, 120; CIR 1; TEXT 3; MRPA 2, 180; CIR 1; TEXT 4; MRPA 2, 240; CIR 1; TEXT 5; MRPA 2, 300; CIR 1; TEXT 6; PAGE; EXIT;
Related Commands
Parameter tray:
number from 1 to the maximum
The MSTK command is valid only when the option sorter is installed with the printing system. It instructs the printing system to deliver printed pages in the mailbox mode. In the mailbox mode, the printed pages are delivered to the trays in the reverse order of tray parameters. The printed pages are delivered first to the last specified tray until it becomes full; when the last specified tray becomes full, then the pages are delivered to the second to the last specified tray, and so on until the first specified tray becomes full. When the first specified tray becomes full, the bulk tray receives the overflowed pages until it also becomes full. When the bulk tray becomes full, the printing system pauses and displays a message which urges the user to remove paper. By removing all the pages in the bulk tray and pressing the ON LINE key, printing commences. If the tray parameters are omitted, all trays excluding the bulk tray are used. Upon receiving the MSTK command, the printer automatically performs a page feed. The MSTK 0; command is applicable only for the SO-6. This command cancels the mailbox mode and delivers all pages in the bulk output tray.
!R! RES; MSTK; COPY; EXIT; PAGE 1 (2 copies, bottom tray) !R! PAGE; EXIT; PAGE 2 (2 copies, bottom tray) !R! PAGE; EXIT;
Parameter media-type:
1 = Plain 2 = Transparency 3 = Preprinted 4 = Label 5 = Bond 6 = Recycled 7 = Vellum 8 = Rough 9 = Letterhead 10 = Color 11 = Prepunched 12 = Envelope 13 = Cardstock 14 = Coated 15 = Second side 16 = Thick 21 = Custom 1 22 = Custom 2 23 = Custom 3 24 = Custom 4 25 = Custom 5 26 = Custom 6 27 = Custom 7 28 = Custom 8 99 = Not specified
The MTYP command automatically selects the paper source (tray or cassette) depending on the given media-type. When the MTYP command is issued, the printing system looks for the paper source which has the matching media type. To assign a paper type to the paper cassette, use the operator panel or the FRPO X0 X7 commands. For the MTYP command to work, the automatic cassette switching mode must be set to on in the printing system. To do this, command: !R! PSRC 100; EXIT;. For details see the PSRC (set paper source) command section in this manual. To ensure that the paper having the correct size and type of media is always selected, it is recommended to place the SPSZ (set page size) command following the MTYP command. For example, to automatically print on the plain A4 paper in the cassette one (topmost cassette), first assign the plain paper type to the cassette 1 by FRPO X1, 1;, then command MTYP 1; SPSZ 8;. This command is valid only for the print systems that support the automatic media type function.
To print on the A4 label loaded on the printers MP tray, set the MP tray size to A4 and the MP tray type to Labels (See the users manual for details.) !R! RES; PSRC 100; CMNT Sets the printer to automatic casette mode; CMNT Depending on the current media type; SPSZ 8; MTYP 4; CMNT Paper size = A4, media type = label; RES; EXIT;
Related Commands
Parameters x-coordinate:
distance from the left edge limit of paper
distance from the top edge limit of paper
The MZP command moves the cursor to a position specified relative to the top and left edge limits of the paper, measured in the units designated by the UNIT command. The coordinates may be positive or negative. Negative coordinates, however, move the cursor off the page, which should be avoided. The MZP command is ignored in the path mode graphics. To move to a zero-relative position in a path construction, use the PMZP (in Path, Move to Zero-relative Position) command.
!R! RES; UNIT C; STM 2; SLM 2; SFNT Helvetica-Nr; MZP 0, 0; BOX 40, 40; SPD .2; MZP 0, 4; TEXT < = = = Edge limits; MZP 0, 0; CIR .1; TEXT, L; TEXT MZP MZP 6, 0; CIR .1; TEXT, L; TEXT MZP MZP 0, 2; CIR .1; TEXT, L; TEXT MZP MZP 6, 2; CIR .1; TEXT, L; TEXT MZP PAGE; EXIT;
0, 6, 0, 6,
Related Commands
The NEWP command empties the current path and starts a new path. A path construction ends with the CLSP (CLoSe Path) command or with any painting operator that paints the path or draws a line along it (STRK, FILL). For a full description of path, refer to Chapter 1 of the Technical Reference manual.
!R! RES; UNIT C; NEWP; PMZP 5, 5; PDRP 1, -2, 3, 0, -1, 2, -3, 0; STRK; CMNT Stroking the path; NEWP; PMZP 10, 5; PDRP 1, -2, 3, 0, -1, 2, -3, 0; GPAT .5; FILL 1; CMNT Filling the path; PAGE; EXIT;
Related Commands
Parameter tray:
1 = printing systems face-down output tray 2 = face-up output tray of the printing system or the option stacker 3 = face-down output tray of the option stacker 4 = face-up output tray of the option stacker (subtray) 5 = job separator 7 = face-down output tray of option stacher (subtray) 11 = face-down output tray of the option mailbox 1 12 = face-up output tray of the option mailbox 1 13 = face-down output tray of the option mailbox (all trays) 14 = face-up output tray of the option mailbox (all trays) 21 = face-down output tray of the option mailbox 2 22 = face-up output tray of the option mailbox 2 31 = face-down output tray of the option mailbox 3 32 = face-up output tray of the option mailbox 3 41 = face-down output tray of the option mailbox 4 42 = face-up output tray of the option mailbox 4 51 = face-down output tray of the option mailbox 5 52 = face-up output tray of the option mailbox 5 61 = face-down output tray of the option mailbox 6 62 = face-up output tray of the option mailbox 6 71 = face-down output tray of the option mailbox 7 72 = face-up output tray of the option mailbox 7
The OTRY command instructs the printing system to deliver pages to the corresponding output stack of the printing system or the option stacker. The selected tray remains in effect until changed by another OTRY command. The default value is 1: the printing systems face-down tray. If an optional device such as a stacker, a document finisher, or a sorter is installed, the tray value 2 instructs the printing system to deliver printed pages to its face-up tray; the value 3 delivers the pages to its face-down tray. The tray values of 5, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 31, 32, 41, 42, 51, 52, 61, 62, 71, and 72 are valid for certain copiers installed with the applicable option device. The OTRY command should be placed at the top of a file or program.
!R! OTRY 2; EXIT; PAGE 1 On printers with only one paper tray this file will be delivered face-down as usual, page 1 first. !R! PAGE; EXIT; PAGE 2 PAGE 2 next, and so on, stacking in the correct order. !R! PAGE; EXIT; PAGE 3 But on printers with two paper trays this file will be delivered to the face-up tray with the pages in reverse order, page 3 on top. !R! PAGE; EXIT;
The PAGE command causes a page break without resetting the printer. Subsequent data will be printed on a new page with no changes made to page formatting parameters such as spacing, margins, font selection. If there is no printing on the current page, the PAGE command will have no effect. It does not feed out a blank page.
!R! RES; SLM 1; STM 1; EXIT; Page 1: Following this line, a page break will occur. !R! PAGE; EXIT; Page 2:
PANT color-number or color-name;
Parameters color-number:
Pantone color number, integer from 100 to 5999
Pantone color name
The PANT command can be used to specify the PANTONE uncoated color by number or name. (See for details on Pantone Colors.) The following should be noted when specifying a color by its PANTONE number. In PANTONE numbers, a C or U symbol is added after the number to distinguish between coated and uncoated. These symbols are not necessary when a color is specified using the PRESCRIBE command. In fact, the command becomes invalid if one of these symbols is added to a number. If there is no color corresponding to the number specified in the valid range, then the color black is specified.
The following should be noted when specifying a color by its PANTONE name. Always enclose character strings in single quotation marks or double quotation marks. Character strings may be entered in either upper case or lower case. In names that contain a combination of words and numbers, such as Red 032 and Cool Black 2, a space must be inserted between the words and number. If spaces are not inserted, the words and numbers will be recognized as a different name, in which case the color will not be specified correctly. If a nonexistent name is specified, the command is ignored.
When PANTONE is specified, a color space RGB palette is created, and a color corresponding to the specified color number is assigned to the palette and selected. The color is always assigned to index number 0. Colors may be added to the palette or changed. However, when a color is assigned to index number 0, the colors created with the PANT command are discarded. The palette remains valid unless a new one is generated. Therefore, colors created with the PANT command can be selected using SCOL 0;. If the PANT command is issued multiple times (either in succession or not in succession), the color which is valid is the color corresponding to the last entered command. The colors corresponding to previously entered commands are deleted. The palette ID number remains valid (active) and does not change. A total of 45 colors can be specified by name (see list below). These colors must be spelled as shown, although the letters may be in upper case or lower case.
Process Yellow Process Blue Red 032 Blue 072 Reflex Green Black Black 5 Warm Gray 1 Warm Gray 5 Warm Gray 9 Cool Gray 1 Cool Gray 5 Cool Gray 9
Process Magenta Warm Red Blue Purple Black 2 Black 6 Warm Gray 2 Warm Gray 6 Warm Gray 10 Cool Gray 2 Cool Gray 6 Cool Gray 10
Process Cyan Rubine Red Orange 021 Violet Black 3 Black 7 Warm Gray 3 Warm Gray 7 Warm Gray 11 Cool Gray 3 Cool Gray 7 Cool Gray 11
Process Black Rhodamine Red Yellow Black 4 Warm Gray 4 Warm Gray 8 Cool Gray 4 Cool Gray 8
The PANT command may not work with certain printer models and versions. Set the print quality to Quick mode when this command is used with model FS-5800C. PANTONE colors cannot be used by the PANT command in KPDL emulations.
!R! PANT Cool Gray 1; EXIT;
radius of arc
starting angle, measured counterclockwise from the positive x axis
ending angle, measured counterclockwise from the positive x axis
This command first of all adds a line extending from the current position to the beginning of the arc, then adds an arc to the current path. Coordinates and radius are measured in the units designated by the UNIT command; the starting and ending angles are measured counterclockwise from the positive x axis. To draw a simple arc as specified by the parameters, the cursor must be moved to the beginning of the arc by using the PMRA command. (See the example below.) The arc is drawn at the starting angle through the ending angle in counterclockwise direction only. After the path is stroked, the cursor remains at the ending angle of the arc.
!R! RES; UNIT C; NEWP; SPD .1; PMZP 5.0, 10.0; PARC 6.5, 12.5, 1.5, 180, 270; STRK; NEWP; CMNT This program draws a circle; PMRA 6.5, 18, 1.5, 0; CMNT Moves cursor 1.5 cm by 0 degree; PARC 6.5, 18, 1.5, 0, 360; STRK; PAGE; EXIT;
Parameters pattern-number:
number from 1 to 60 or 100 to 105
300 [dpi], 600 [dpi], or 1200 [dpi]
The PAT command specifies the shading pattern used by the BLK and ARC commands and to fill a path. The pattern-number should be any number between 1 through 60 if a resident pattern is selected. A full list of the printers resident patterns appear on the following page. Pattern numbers 100 through 105 are reserved for selecting the expanded patterns and can be generated by using the XPAT command. If you specify a pattern number between 100 and 105 when no expanded patterns are defined, the printer selects the No. 1 (solid black) resident pattern. Variable resolution support is valid for 600 dpi and 1200 dpi models only.
x2, y2:
coordinates of the second control point as measured from the current cursor position
x3, y3:
coordinates of the end point as measured from the current cursor position
The PCRP command adds a Bzier curve segment to the path, starting from the current cursor point, referred to as current position as shown at right, through two control points of (x1, y1) and (x2, y2), and ending at (x3, y3).
!R! RES; UNIT C; NEWP; SPD .1; PMZP 3, 3; PCRP 4, 2, 5, 1.5, 6, 1.8; STRK; PAGE; EXIT;
Current positon
!R! RES; UNIT C; NEWP; SPD .1; PMZP 3, 3; PCRP 5.5, 1.5, 1.5, 5.5, 7, 7; STRK; PAGE; EXIT;
Current positon
(5.5, 1.5)
(1.5, 5.5)
(7, 7)
x2, y2:
coordinates of second control point as measured from the left and top edge limits of paper
x3, y3:
coordinates of end point as measured from the left and top edge limits of paper
The PCZP command adds a Bzier curve segment to the path, starting from the current cursor position through two controls points of (x1, y1) and (x2, y2), and ending at (x3, y3), measured from the left and top edge limits of the paper.
NEWP; PMZP 1.5, 3.5; PCZP 4.5, 1.5, 5.5, 5.5, 8, 3.5; STRK;
(4.5, 1.5)
(5.5, 5.5)
!R! RES; UNIT C; PMZP 3, 6; PCZP 11, 3, 2, 2, 9, 6; STRK; PAGE; EXIT;
(2, 2) (11, 3)
Parameter angle:
angle in degrees; in 90 increments in a counterclockwise direction 0 = portrait 90 = landscape 180 = reverse portrait 270 = reverse landscape
The PDIR command rotates the coordinates of the logical page by the degree represented by the value of the angle which orients the page in one of four directions. It does not change the current page orientation. When the print direction is changed by the PDIR command, the logical page coordinate system is transformed so the margins maintain the same printable area (the area enclosed by the margins) as shown on next page. The current position uses the same coordinate values as the previous print direction; line-spacing, and the character-spacing of the current font are effected by the new print direction as are the raster and pattern graphics. Scalable fonts should be used for printed text in different page directions. The PDIR command rotates only the coordinates of the logical page on the current page orientation and does not affect the current page orientation. A bitmap font prints text according to the current page orientation (it adheres to the current font mode). The PDIR command does not cause a page break, so you can print text in four different directions on the same page as shown in the sample file on the next page.
The PDRP command adds a line to the current path from the current cursor position to a specified relative position, measured in the units designated by the UNIT command. The cursor moves to the specified coordinates. The coordinates may be positive or negative. Negative coordinates may draw the line extending outside the current page. The thickness of the line is designated by the SPD command. Multiple pairs of coordinates may be specified. The printer then draws a connected series of line segments, proceeding from one point to the next. For example, PDRP 1, 2, 3, 4; is equivalent to PDRP 1, 2; PDRP 3, 4;.
!R! UNIT C; SPD .3; CMNT Cube; NEWP; PMZP 5, 15; PDRP 4, 0, 2, -2, 0, -4, -4, 0, -2, CLSP; PMRP 4, 0; PDRP 0, -4, -4, 0, 4, 0, 2, -2; STRK; PAGE; EXIT;
Related Command
The PDZP command adds a line to the current path from the current cursor position to a position specified relative to the top and left edge limits of the current page, measured in the units designated by the UNIT command. The cursor moves to the specified coordinates. The coordinates may be positive or negative. Negative coordinates may draw the line extending outside the current page. The thickness of the line is designated by the SPD command.
!R! RES; UNIT C; NEWP; PMZP 0, 0; PDZP PMZP 1, 0; PDZP PMZP 2, 0; PDZP PMZP 3, 0; PDZP PMZP 4, 0; PDZP PMZP 5, 0; PDZP STRK; PAGE; EXIT; 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5; 4; 3; 2; 1; 0;
Related Command
Parameters x-diagonal:
X-coordinate of diagonal point of bounding box
Y-coordinate of diagonal point of bounding box
X-coordinate of start control point of the ellipse
Y-coordinate of start control point of the ellipse
X-coordinate of end control point of the ellipse
Y-coordinate of end control point of the ellipse
ellipse options: N = define an ellipse path C = define an ellipse-based arc path P = define an ellipse-based pie shape path
The PELP command adds an ellipse-based path to the current path. This command cannot paint figures by itself. In addition, STRK or FILL is required. A complete ellipse path will be defined if the parameters in brackets are omitted. Executing this command will close current sub-paths. An error will result and the command has no effect if the bounding box is specified as a straight line or a point.
(x-start, y-start)
Bounding box
(x-diagonal, y-diagonal) N: C: P:
!R! RES; UNIT C; MZP 0, 0; BOX 2, 3; NEWP; PMZP 0, 0; PELP 2, 3, 2, 0, 0, 0, N; STRK; MZP 5, 5; BOX 2, -3; NEWP; PMZP 5, 5; PELP 2, -3, 2, 0, 0, 0, N; STRK; MZP 10, 5; BOX -2, -3; NEWP; PMZP 10, 5; PELP -2, -3, -2, 0, 0, 0, N; STRK; MZP 15, 0; BOX -2, 3; NEWP; PMZP 15,0; PELP -2, 3, -2, 0, 0, 0, N; STRK; RES; EXIT;
Parameters radius:
radius of the pie chart
position of the first slice
relative sizes of the slices
The PIE command is a standard mode graphics command which draws a pie chart centered at the current cursor position. The sizes of the slices may be specified using any convenient non-negative integers. (PIE commands are ignored if they contain negative slices, or slices with decimal fractions.) The sum of the slice sizes should not exceed 9999. The total length of the command must not exceed 255 characters. The printer automatically converts the slice sizes to angles totaling 360 degrees. It draws the first slice starting at the position specified by the second parameter (0 = vertically up), then draws the other slices in order, proceeding in a clockwise movement. The line thickness is designated by the SPD command.
!R! RES; UNIT C; MZP 10, 10; PIE 3, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40; PAGE; EXIT;
distance specified in increments governed by the unit value.
angle in degrees, measured counterclockwise from the positive x axis
The PMRA command moves the cursor to a position in a path construction, specified relative to the left and top edge limits of the page, then across a distance specified relative to the x- and y-coordinate and at a specified angle. It should be noted that the x and y coordinates are measured from the top and left edge limits of the page, and not from the current cursor position. The coordinates and distance are measured in the units designated by the UNIT command. The angle is measured counterclockwise from the positive x axis.
(x, y)
Positive x axis
!R! RES; UNIT C; SPD 0.2; NEWP; PMRA 10, 19, 5, 45; PARC 10, 19, 5, 45, 135; STRK; PAGE; EXIT;
The PMRP command moves the cursor from its current position to a specified relative position in a path construction, measured in the unit value designated by the UNIT command. The coordinates may be positive or negative.
!R! RES; UNIT C; NEWP; PMZP 5, 5; PDRP 5, 0, 0, 5, -5, 0, 0, -5; GPAT .2; FILL 1; PMRP 4, 4; PDRP 5, 0, 0, 5, -5, 0, 0, -5; GPAT .8; FILL 1; PAGE; EXIT;
Related Command
The PMZP command moves the cursor to a position in a path construction, specified relative to the top and left edge limits of the current page, and measured in the units designated by the UNIT command. The coordinates may be positive or negative. Negative coordinates move the cursor off the current page.
!R! RES; UNIT C; STM 2; SLM 2; SFNT "Helvetica-Nr"; NEWP; PMZP 0, 0; SPD .2; PMZP 0, 4; FONT 13; TEXT < = = = Paper edge limits; PMZP 0, 0; PARC 0, 0, .1, 0, 360; PMRP 0, .333; TEXT PMZP 0, 0;; PMZP 4, 0; PARC 4, 0, .1, 0, 360; PMRP 0, .333; TEXT PMZP 4, 0;; PMZP 3, 6; PARC 3, 6, .1, 0, 360; PMRP 0, .333; TEXT PMZP 3, 6;; PMZP 7, 7; PARC 7, 7, .1, 0, 360; PMRP 0, .333; TEXT PMZP 7, 7;; STRK; PAGE; EXIT;
Related Command
PNCH[ mode];
Parameter mode:
number of punched holes: 1 = 2 (Europe) or 3 (U.S.) 2 = 4 (Europe) or 2 (U.S.) 51 = 2 (Europe) or 3 (U.S.), left 52 = 4 (Europe) or 2 (U.S.), left 61 = 2 (Europe) or 3 (U.S.), right 62 = 4 (Europe) or 2 (U.S.), right 71 = 2 (Europe) or 3 (U.S.), top 72 = 4 (Europe) or 2 (U.S.), top
The PNCH command lets the option finisher perform punching through the printed page with the number of holes depending on the country. mode selects either the standard or additional number of holes for the country. For example, mode 1 selects 2-hole punching for European countries and mode 2 selects 4-hole punching for European countries.
Mode = 1, Europe
Mode = 1, US/Canada
A4 B5
A3 A4-R B4 B5-R
Mode = 2, Europe
Mode = 2, US/Canada
Letter-R Legal
The mode parameters of 51, 52, 61, 62, 71, and 72 are valid for some copier models only. These parameters allow to position the holes in either of the left, right, and top sides of the page by logically aligning the page in reference to the punched holes. Note that the mode parameter is valid for a finisher with the dual mode punching system, such as the DF-71, only. It becomes invalid if it is specified in a finisher with the standard punch unit.With a finisher with the standard punch unit only (e.g. the DF-75), the number of punched holes is uniquely determined according to the country of destination and paper size. Like stapling and other finishing operations, punching is done per one job at a time. Therefore, this command is invalid unless it is used in combination with JOBS. See Page 140. The option finisher is not switched automatically by this command to perform punching. Therefore, it is necessary in advance to specify the option finisher as the output destination using the STAK 3; command.
The following example is for European countries. !R! STAK 3; CMNT Stack to the finisher; PNCH 1; JOBS 1, 1, 2, 0, 0; TEXT This page is punched with two holes.; JOBT; EXIT;
Parameters width:
width of round box
height of round box
radius of round box corners
The PRBX command adds a round box path to the current path. This command close the sub-paths but does not stroke the path by itself. Therefore, STRK or FILL is required to follow this command. The parameter value for the width, height and radius of the round box should be positive.
!R! RES; UNIT C; SPD 0.125; NEWP; PMZP 1, 1; PRBX 11.7, 1.7, 0.5; STRK; MZP 1.5, 2.15; SFNT "Helvetica-Bd", 24; TEXT "CAUTION: HOT SURFACE!"; PAT 5; NEWP; PMZP 1, 4; PRBX 5, 2.4, 0.3; FILL; MZP 1.4, 4.7; SFNT "Helvetica-Nr", 12; TEXT "Barefoot Systems, Inc.", L; TEXT "4203 Charleston Avenue", L; TEXT "P.O. Box 150", L; TEXT "Edinburgh, CA 94039-1057"; PAGE; EXIT;
radius of arc
starting angle, measured counterclockwise from the positive x axis
ending angle, measured counterclockwise from the positive x axis
The PRRC command first of all adds a line extending from the current position to the beginning of the arc which is centered at the coordinates relative to the current position, then adds the line and the arc to the current path. Coordinates and radius are measured in the units designated by the UNIT command; the starting and ending angles are measured counterclockwise from the positive x axis. For example, the following example draws an arc extending over the center of the arc: PRRC 1, 1, 0, 180;
Whereas, the following command, having the reversed starting and ending angles, draws the arc under the center of the arc:
PRRC 1, 1, 180, 0;
Negative values are acceptable for angle. For example, an angle of 315 degrees is the same as 45 degrees.
!R! RES; SPD 0.05; MZP 4.5, 5; NEWP; PRRC -1, 0, 1, 90, 270; PRRC 1, -2, 1, 0, 180; PRRC 2, 1, 1, -90, 90; PRRC -1, 2, 1, 180, 0; STRK; PAGE; EXIT;
Parameter mode:
0 = multi-purpose tray 1 = Cassette 1 2 = Cassette 2 3 = Cassette 3 4 = Cassette 4 5 = Cassette 5 6 = Cassette 6 99 = envelope feeder 100 = automatic
The PSRC command selects whether to feed paper from the cassette, multi-purpose tray, cassettes of the paper feeders, or the envelope feeder. Each cassette of the paper feeder is assigned a cassette number in the order from the top as 1 through 6. Mode 100 of PSRC enables the automatic cassette switching depending on media type and size. The printing system automatically selects the paper cassette having the paper that matches the type and size defined by MTYP and SPSZ respectively. The PSRC command causes a page break, so it should be placed at the beginning of a file or program, or at the top of a new page. The current paper source will remain selected if the specified cassette is not installed.
!R! RES; UNIT C; SFNT "Helvetica-Nr", 24; PSRC 1; TEXT "This page is fed from the default cassette."; PAGE; PSRC 0; TEXT "This page is fed from the multi-purpose tray." PSRC 100; SPSZ 10; TEXT "This page is printed on a A3 sheet that the print system looks for automatically."; PAGE; EXIT;
Parameter mode:
pixel placement mode 0 = Grid intersection 1 = Grid centered
The PXPL command determines how pixels are rendered in images. It selects whether pixels are centered at grid intersections or inside the boxes created by the grid. See the figure below.
1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Assuming a rectangle extending from coordinate (1, 1) to coordinate (3, 4), a different result is obtained depending on each pixel placement mode. Grid intersection is default to HP PCL; and grid centered mode is used by Microsoft Windows. This command is ignored when used with DAP, DRP, DRPA, DZP, BOX, BLK, CIR, ARC, or PIE. This command has no effect for text or images. The printing system is reset to grid intersection mode by the RES command.
Parameter command-recognition-character:
capital R, unless changed by the SCRC or FRPO P9 command
When the printing system receives !R!, it enters PRESCRIBE mode and treats the following data as PRESCRIBE commands. The command that follows the !R! command should be separated from the !R! by a space or placed on a new line. The command recognition character can be changed from capital R to another character. Temporary changes can be made using the SCRC (Set Command Recognition Character) command described later. The RES command restores the command recognition character to its FRPO-set value. Permanent changes can be made with the FRPO command described in Chapter 6 of the Technical Reference manual. If !R! is used by mistake when the printer is already in the PRESCRIBE mode, the printer ignores the mistaken !R! and whatever follows, up to the next semicolon.
!R! SFNT Helvetica, 14; EXIT; Following these five lines, the printer enters PRESCRIBE mode to execute commands. !R! UNIT I; BOX 2, 2; BOX 1, 1, E; CIR 1; BOX 1, 1; PAGE; EXIT;
Related Commands
The RCLT command instructs the printing system to stack the sets on the tray in alternating orientations. The RCLT command require a hard disk installed in the printing system or a RAM disk.
The RCLT command is available when printing using A4, B5 and letter size paper. During printing, the same size paper must be loaded into two separate cassettes. For example, Portrait (A4) and Landscape (A4-R) would be used when printing onto A4 paper. The MP tray can also be used as a paper source.
!R! RES; RCLT; STAK 1; JOBS 0, 5, 0, 0; TEXT "Page 1"; PAGE; TEXT "Page 2"; PAGE; TEXT "Page 3"; PAGE; JOBT; EXIT;
The RDMP command causes all subsequent data to be printed in hexadecimal form (two hexadecimal digits per character) until an ENDD (END Dump) command is received, or until the printing system runs out of data and times out.
Related Command
The RES command causes a page break and resets parameters as indicated below. Some reset values can also be changed by the FRPO command. For these, the factory reset value is given, followed by the FRPO parameters that can be used to change this value in parenthesis. In HP-7475A emulation, the RES command resets the printer environment in the same manner as the KC-GL DF instruction. Refer to section HP 7550A Emulation [KC-GL] (Mode 8) of the Technical Reference manual. The RES command does not: delete permanent macros or permanent fonts from memory delete positions or fonts stored by the SCP and SCF commands reset font attributes set by the SFA command change any values in permanent memory (Refer to the FRPO INIT command page.)
Parameter Command recogni- R (P9) tion character Emulation mode Unit of measurement Number of copies per page Cassette Paper tray Paper size Top margin Left margin Right margin Bottom margin Page orientation Line spacing Character spacing 6 (P1)a Inches 1a
Value after reset (Related FRPO parameter) LaserJet (PCL) IBM/Epson Diablo
Cassette 1 (main cassette) (R4)a Face-down (R0)a (R2)a 0 (A3/4) Max. size (A5/6) Cassette size Left logical Right logical
Portrait (OrientaPortrait (OrientaPortrait (C1) tion of font C5/2/3) tion of font C5/2/3) 6 lpi (U0/1) 10 cpi (Spacing of font C5/2/3) 10 cpi (U2/3)
Parameter Underline thickness 4 dots, 7 dots and distance below baseline Current font
Value after reset (Related FRPO parameter) LaserJet (PCL) IBM/Epson Diablo
See Emulation of US ASCII (U7) CSET, INTL the Technical Reference manual. CR (P2) LF (P3) NEWP SPD SCAP SLJN SMLT FLAT DPAT, SDP CLPR PAT, FPAT, GPAT SIMG STR
Current path
Graphics pen diam- 3 dots eter Line cap Line join Miter limit Flatness Dash pattern Clipping rectangle Fill pattern Image model CR action LF action
Square Beveled join 10 1 Solid line Size of printable page Solid black Transparent [3] CR LF
These values can be set as permanent using the prin systems operator panel only when the FRPO C6 (panel keep) is active with a parameter of 1 (default).
Parameter resolution:
300 [dpi], 600 [dpi] or 1200 [dpi]
The RESL command switches the resolution of the printing system between 300 dpi, 600 dpi, and 1200 dpi.When this command is received, the image data currently remaining is forcibly output on paper. This does not affect the current unit of measure, but the systems memory will be reconfigured, causing PCL resources (fonts, macros, patterns, and symbol sets) which have been downloaded into RAM to be purged. The printing systems resolution setting enabled by this command is reset to default (FRPO N8), if a command which results in reset (RES, FRPO and SEM) is received. Actual resolution may be decreased to 300 dpi even though printing resolution is set to 600 dpi or 1200 dpi when there is insufficient memory because a duplex unit is installed and duplex mode has been set or because the video memory size has been increased for page protection. Printing resolution cannot be switched from 300 dpi to higher resolutions for the following emulations: line printer, IBM ProPrinter, Diablo 630, EPSON LQ850.
RGBL color, level;
Parameters color:
0 = red 1 = green 2 = blue
number from 10 to 10 (Default = 0)
The RGBL command controls balance for each level of RGB. It individually corrects the gamma for each color. The color bars below represent color balance variations for each of RGB. The top bar represents the default saturation variation. The output result for an input value is maintained in linear form. The middle color bar is an example showing an increase in output for the input value. Indicates > 1.0 when being equivalent to the gamma curve. The bottom color bar is an example showing a decrease in output for the input value. Indicates < 1.0 when being equivalent to the gamma curve.
Default color balance (R) Color balance increased Color balance decreased Default color balance (G) Color balance increased Color balance decreased Default color balance (B) Color balance increased Color balance decreased
Varying color balance allows the output image results to vary. Issuing this command resets hue, saturation, and luminosity control values to their default settings.
This command is enabled for all color spaces, all color modes and all monitor simulation modes. If ink simulation is set to other than none, this command is disabled. The RES command resets saturation to its default state. This mode is not held in the printing system. For this reason, color balance is reset to its default state when the power is turned on.
Parameters horizontal-offset:
horizontal offset value from the absolute coordinate (0, 0) for the physical paper feed direction, in current unit. The coordinates may be positive or negative.
vertical offset value from the absolute coordinate (0, 0) for the physical paper feed direction, in current unit. The coordinates may be positive or negative.
This command moves the coordinate origin by the offset (physical horizontal and vertical directions) as measured from the values specified. The intersection (shared area) of the current printable area and the printable area shifted by the new offset registration is defined as the valid printable area. No page break is caused when this command is received. The offset values set using this command are valid even when the printing system is in HP emulation mode. Since this command is PCL command-compatible (<Esc>&l #U, <Esc>& l #Z), the offset values are cleared to zero only by a software reset (<Esc>E). In other words, the offset is only cleared by PRESCRIBE (RES and FRPO INIT commands) when the emulation is HP. An error will result and the command has no effect if a command format other than the above is used. An error will result and the value in question will be ignored if horizontaloffset or vertical-offset is specified as a value exceeding the physical dimensions of the current paper size.
The RPCS command resumes use of a code set saved by a previous SCCS (save current code set) command. The RPCS commands return to the code sets in reverse order in which they were nested.
See SCCS on page 268.
Related Commands
The RPF command resumes use of a font saved by a previous SCF (save current font) command. The RPF commands return to the fonts in the reverse order in which they were saved. SCF and RPF are particularly useful in macros.
!R! RES; UNIT P; MCRO SMALLPRINT; SCF; FSET 10V; TEXT %1, E; RPF; ENDM; SFNT Helvetica, 12; SLS 14; EXIT; Computer literature is littered with acronyms such as !R! CALL SMALLPRINT, CPU, DOS, EEPROM; EXIT; and the like. Small capitals make these easier to read. Compare the effect of printing CPU, DOS, and EEPROM in regular capitals. !R! PAGE; EXIT;
The RPG command restores the graphics state most recently saved by a SCG (Save Current Graphics) command. The following items of graphics state revert to the state saved previously. Path and cursor position (if defined) Pen diameter (line width) Line join type Line cap type Miter limit Dash pattern Flatness Fill pattern (16 16 dots) Clipping rectangle Raster resolution Image model
It is useful to save the graphics state then later restore it when you want to use a path for both stroking and filling. One such example is shown below. The RPG command does not affect other printing system parameters such as page orientation, unit of measurement, etc. (See RES on page 220.)
!R! RES; UNIT C; NEWP; PMZP 4, 2; PARC 3, 3, 1, 90, 270; PARC 5, 3, 1, 270, 90; CLSP; SCG; CMNT Saves the graphics state; STRK; CMNT Strokes the path; RPG; CMNT Restores the graphics state; GPAT .5; FILL 1; CMNT Fills the path; PAGE; EXIT;
Related Command
The RPP command moves the cursor to a position saved by a previous SCP (save current position) command. If the RPP command is executed by mistake when no previous position has been saved, the resulting cursor movement is unpredictable. The RPP command can be used in both standard mode and path mode graphics.
!R! RES; UNIT P; SFNT Helvetica-BdOb, 16; UNIT C; MAP 8, 8; CIR .2; MRP -.1, .1; CMNT Save this position seven times; SCP; SCP; SCP; SCP; SCP; SCP; SCP; MRPA 2, 0; TEXT N; RPP; MRPA 2, 45; TEXT NE; RPP; MRPA 2, 90; TEXT E; RPP; MRPA 2, 135; TEXT SE; RPP; MRPA 2, 180; TEXT S; RPP; MRPA 2, 225; TEXT SW; RPP; MRPA 2, 270; TEXT W; RPP; MRPA 2, 315; TEXT NW; PAGE; EXIT;
Related Command
The RPPL command restores the color palette most recently saved by a SCPL (save current palette) command. A color palette restored using the RPPL command immediately becomes active. If the saved palette does not exist, this command is ignored.
The RPU command brings the unit of measurement (inches, centimeters, points, or dots; as specified by the UNIT command) back to the unit saved by the SCU (save current unit) command.
See SCU on page 283.
Related command
Parameters angle:
angle of rotation in degrees
character string
Underline text
Taking the normal output angle for text as zero, the RTTX command rotates a character string around its starting point by the angle of rotation specified. After this command is executed, text output returns to original orientation. This command is ignored if the current font is a bitmap font.
!R! RES; PSRC 1; SFNT "Helvetica", 10; MZP 3, 3; RTTX 15, " ----- Leo, 23 - August 22"; RTTX 45, " ----- Cancer, 22 - July 22"; RTTX 75, " ----- Gemini, 21 - June 21"; RTTX 105, " ----- Taurus, 20 - May 20"; RTTX 135, " ----- Aries, 21 - April 19"; RTTX 165, " ----- Pisces, 19 - Mar 20"; RTTX 195, " ----- Aquarius, 20 - February 18"; RTTX 225, " ----- Capricorn, 22 - January 19"; RTTX 255, " ----- Sagittarius, 22 - December 21"; RTTX 285, " ----- Scorpio, 24 - November 21"; RTTX 315, " ----- Libra, 23 - October 23"; RTTX 345, " ----- Virgo, 23 - September 22"; PAGE; EXIT;
Parameters string:
any character string
B = Leave cursor at back end of string E = Move cursor to front end of string L = Move cursor down one line N = Move cursor to beginning of next line
Underline text
The RTXT command prints the given string, ending at the cursor location, then moves the cursor as designated by the option. It accepts either a bitmap font or a scalable font to print the string. The string must be enclosed in either single or double quotation marks. (If the string includes one kind of quotation mark, use the other kind to enclose it.) If the string is omitted, nothing is printed. If the option is omitted, the cursor is not moved (same as option B). If the U-option is specified, the string is underlined. The underline thickness and location can be set by the SULP command. The RTXT command can be used to position a line of text so that it ends at an exact location. The RTXT command should be executed between left and right margins. The length of the string is unlimited, except that the command as a whole may not be longer than 255 characters. Carriage-return and linefeed codes in the string are ignored. The RTXT command can be used both in the standard mode and path mode graphics.
!R! RES; UNIT P; SFNT TimesNewRoman; UNIT I; MCRO PF; MRP .15, 0; BOX .1, -.1; MRP .5, 0; BOX .1, -.1; MRP -.65, 0; ENDM; MAP 3, 3; TEXT Pass Fail, L, U; CALL PF; RTXT Unit test, L; CALL PF; RTXT Integration test, L; PAGE; EXIT;
Parameters compression-mode:
0 = uncompressed 1 = run-length encoding 2 = TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) [rev. 4.0]
bytes of raster data
binary raster data, 0H to FFH
The RVCD command transfers and encodes the subsequent raster data by the amount of bytes represented by the length parameter. The STR (SeT dot Resolution) command sets the dot resolution for raster graphics which starts at the current cursor position. The SRO (Set Raster Options) command specifies the orientation of the raster image in either physical (default) or logical page direction. If the compression-mode value is zero [or omitted], the printing system simply transfers raster data in an uncompressed binary format. A single bit means a single dot. Seventh bit in the first byte refers to the starting dot within that raster row and bit 0 refers to the eighth dot and continues. In the run-length encoding mode, the printing system treats raster data in pairs of bytes. The first byte of each pair is the repetition count for the data in second pattern byte. The repetition count accepts any value within a range of 0H to FFH. compression-mode 2, TIFF rev. 4.0, translates raster data to be packbits in which a control byte precedes the raster data. A TIFF rev. 4.0 encoded data arrangement appears below. control byte (1 byte) + data (1128 bytes) + control byte (1 byte) + data (1128 bytes) ... A control byte with a negative value from -127 to -1 (81H to FFH) means the repetition count for the subsequent data. A zero to 127 (0H to 7FH) indicates the number of data bytes that follow. A control byte of -128 (80H) represents a non-operative control byte.
Related Commands
RVCL [compression-mode,] length, data;
Parameters compression-mode:
0 = uncompressed (Default) 1 = run-length encoded 2 = TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) [rev. 4.0]
bytes of raster data
binary raster data, 0H to FFH
The RVCL command is the color version of the RVCD (ReceiVe Compressed raster Data) command. It transfers the color raster data. Color specification must be made to each pixel. An 8 bps color specification is used for the color data for each pixel. Also, this command is only valid for an RGB color space. Accordingly, 3 bytes of data must be sent for each pixel to be drawn when transferring color images. Although this command handles monochrome or color data for encoding, since it relies on the active palette, the correct palette matching the print data must be used. The end of raster data must be declared by the ENDR (END Raster) command. When transferring color data using RVCL (ReceiVe CoLor raster data), always specify a palette using the CID (Configure color-Image Data) command. Data will not be properly processed if the palette is specified using the SIMP (SIMPle color palette) or PANT (PANTone color palette) commands. If the image data actually sent exceeds the width or height of the specified source data, the excessive portion will be truncated, resulting a clipped image.
The RVRD command declares the start of raster data. Raster data represents dot lines encoded as numeric values as shown below. Each dot line is divided into 8-dot segments. Each segment is converted to a number by the same system of column weights as used in the FPAT (Fill PATtern) command.
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
The first segment in the example above encodes to 7 as follows: 0+0+0+0+0+4+2+1 = 7 The second segment encodes similarly to 192: 128+64+0+0+0+0+0+0 = 192 In the printing system command language, the segments are being treated as bytes of data in which the black dots are 1s and the white dots are 0s. The raster data values are the decimal values of the bytes. Each line of raster data starts with a positive integer (1 to 511) indicating the number of segments in the line (2 in the example shown). The raster data follows, separated by commas. Each data value is an integer from 0 to 255. A semicolon ends the line. Spaces occurring anywhere in the line are ignored. Carriage returns following commas are also ignored, so long as raster lines can be broken up if necessary, as shown below. The carriage return must be placed after a comma, as follows: 34, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; There are no limits on the length of a raster line or the number of lines. Zeros can be omitted, retaining only the delimiting commas. For zeros at the end of the line, the commas can also be omitted. The following example displays equivalent raster data lines: 7, 0, 0, 15, 0, 15, 0, 0; and 7, , , 15, , 15; The following example demonstrates two ways to produce a blank raster line: 1, 0; or 1, ;
The following examples produce invalid raster data lines: Wrong: 0,; Count cannot be 0. 1; Use 1,; for a blank line. 2, 1, 1, 1; Too many data values. 2, -1, -1; Negative values are not allowed. 2, 1 , 1; Carriage return before comma. An invalid raster data line is not printed, and invalidates all raster lines that follow. Again, the following example demonstrates how to create the raster graphic on the previous page. !R! STR 75; RVRD; 2;A|0; 2;GG0; 2;^S; 2;{>>; 2;^S; 2;GG0; 2;A|0; ENDR; PAGE; EXIT; The value 2 in each raster data line indicates the number of data which follows. The subsequent data can be obtained by following the same procedure as explained in Defining Fill Patterns in Chapter 2 of the Technical Reference manual.
Parameters medium:
0 = hard disk or RAM disk A = memory card
type of data to be deleted 1 = Font data 2 = Printable data 16 = Macro data 112 = File data 128 = API data (downloadable program)
Name of partition from which data is deleted
The RWER D command deletes data on any external media whether it is a memory card or the hard disk. This command has no effect if the media has been write protected using KPDL or PJL. The partition name may be a maximum of 15 printable ASCII characters (20H through 7EH); upper and lower case letters are regarded distinct. A partition name may not have leading spaces, and in the command, the partition name must be enclosed in single or double quotation marks. A partition list is not automatically printed when deleting data on external media, even though the automatic printing of partition information was enabled (by the RWER I command). ( See page 244.) A command error results and the command has no effect if parameters other than the above are used. This command causes a page break.
RWER F, medium;
Parameter medium:
0 = hard disk A = memory card
The RWER F command formats any external media whether it is a memory card or the hard disk. The hard disk is physically formatted when it is specified. This command has no effect if the media has been write-protected using KPDL or PJL. A command error results and the command has no effect if parameters other than the above are used. This command causes a page break and prints a format information page (if the medium is a compact flash card) when executed.
RWER I, mode;
Parameter mode:
control mode: E = Enable automatic printing of partition information D = Disable automatic printing of partition information
The RWER I command toggles the automatic printing of partition lists for any external media whether it is a memory card or the hard disk. With the automatic printing of partition lists enabled (RWER I, E;), the printing system prints partition lists whenever data are written to external media. The setting made with this command returns to default when the power is turned off. A command error results and the command has no effect if parameters other than the above are used.
Parameter medium:
0 = hard disk or RAM disk A = memory card E = EPROM
The RWER L command explicitly prints partition lists for any external media whether it is a memory card, the hard disk, or the RAM disk. The lists of partitions for all external media can be printed by omitting parameter medium. Disk capacity, font cache capacity and data type are listed, with login file names for file data output in separate columns. A command error results and the command has no effect if parameters other than the above are used.
Parameters medium:
0 = hard disk or RAM disk A = memory card E = EPROM
2 = Printable data 128 = API data (downloadable program)
Name of partition from which data is read, a maximum of 15 printable ASCII characters
The RWER R command reads data from any external media whether it is a memory card, hard disk, EPROM, or RAM disk. Only data types 2 and 128 are allowed. Note that reading data of other data types, such as fonts and macros, does not require this command since the printing system automatically reads them at power up. If the same partition name exists on different external media, the priority with which data is read is as follows.
High Card > Hard disk (RAM disk) Low EPROM
The partition name may be a maximum of 15 printable ASCII characters (20H through 7EH); upper and lowercase letters are regarded as distinct. A partition name may not have leading spaces, and in the command, the partition name must be enclosed in single or double quotation marks. This command causes a page break. Reading data from a memory card: To read partition DataS001 from the memory card: !R! RWER R, A, 2, DataS001; EXIT;
Parameters medium:
drive specification: 0 = hard disk or RAM disk A = memory card
font type: 0 = TrueType font 1 = Japanese TrueType font 2 = Japanese TrueType Collection font
file name: (string of up to 11 characters; the extension .INF is added internally.) This string must be enclosed in either single or double quotation marks.
font name (ASCII text string up to 31 characters long; only up to 28 characters if fonttype = 2). This string must be enclosed in either single or double quotation marks.
font data length (number of bytes sent as binary data)
font symbol set value (1 to 65535, 619: Shift JIS code)
font style (0 to 32767)
stroke weight (-127 to +127)
type face (0 to 32767)
font data (TrueType format)
The RWER S command allows outline fonts (in TrueType format) to be downloaded to the printing system and to be stored on the specified media as font data. TrueType fonts particularly can be defined easily just by adding the TrueType font format as binarydata. Always explicitly terminate the end of font data using WRED;. The five bytes represented by WRED; are not counted as part of the font data length. Since value, style, weight and type-face represent font attributes they have an affect during font selection. Although they may be omitted, we recommend that all parameters be used to define font selection information. In order to delete a Japanese TrueType font defined using this command, it is necessary to delete two separate file names using RWER D, xxxxxx and RWER D, xxxxxx.inf. Up to 512 fonts may be registered on a single memory card or up to 4096 on a single hard disk. Note carefully that registration beyond this limit will result in data being interpreted as unneeded. Only 28 characters are valid for Japanese TrueType font names when font-type = 2 is specified because the system automatically appends (P) for proportional fonts and (F) for fixed pitch fonts. A command error will result and the command has no effect if any of the parameters are outside the given range. This command is ignored if even one parameter error occurs. The font data following the semicolon for this command must match the length given by length. An error will result and the font data will not be defined if the data length is shorter than specified.
Parameter terminator:
ASCII text string up to 4 bytes, enclosed in either single or double quotation marks
The RWER T command sets a terminator string for external media whether it is a memory card or the hard disk. This terminator is used when storing binary data to external media. See the RWER S command page (page 247) for example. WRED is set as the default terminator if parameter terminator is omitted. A command error results and the command has no effect if parameters other than the above are used.
Parameters medium:
0 = hard disk or RAM disk A = memory card
1 = Font data 2 = Printable data 16 = Macro data 112 = File data 128 = API data (downloadable program)
Name of partition to which data is written, in a maximum of 15 printable ASCII characters. If this parameter is omitted the printing system will automatically determine the partition name.
The RWER W command writes data to any external media whether it is a memory card or the hard disk. Although all data types may be written up to the amount allowed by the storage size of the given media, note carefully that writing beyond this limit will result in data being interpreted as unneeded. Even if data is written to a device using the same file name, that data will be written without overwriting the original file. A partition list will be printed as a warning when this happens. A command error results and the command has no effect if parameters other than the above are used. This command causes a page break and prints a write information page when executed. The following example demonstrates how to send data from the computer to a memory card. Typically, partition names should be specified when writing to the card. If omitted, the partition names will be assigned automatically as follows: DataS001, DataS002 ... DataSnnn. Writing data to a memory card: To write the contents of file DATA123.DOC to partition DATA123 on the memory card:
1. Verify the printing systems message display indicates Ready. 2. Enter the following at the DOS prompt: C:\>ECHO !R! RWER W, A, 2, DATA123; >PRN The message display will change from Ready to Processing, and then to Waiting. The printing system is now ready to receive data, so send the file from the computer to the printing system. 3. To do this, enter the following at the DOS prompt: C:\>COPY DATA123.DOC PRN 4. The message display will change to Processing as the file is written to partition DATA123 on the memory card. Next, check that the message display has changed to Waiting, and then send a WRED command, as follows: C:\>ECHO WRED; EXIT, E; >PRN The WRED command terminates writing to the memory card. Note that in W mode the ICCD command is accompanied by a form feed. If a partition name conflict occurs when writing a new partition to a memory card, the name of the new partition will be modified as follows: If a partition name of 11 characters or less conflicts with an existing partition name, Snnn (nnn represents a numeric value) is appended to the partitions name. If a partition name of 12 or more characters conflicts with an existing partition name, the 12th and following characters of the new partitions name will be replaced by Snnn (nnn represents a numeric value).
Related Command
Parameters medium:
0 = hard disk A = memory card
"API" "FNT" "MCR" "PRN" API program Font data Macro data Printable data
ASCII text string up to 15 bytes
The RWRF D command deletes data that is written to an external device such as the hard disk. This command has no effect if the media has been write protected using KPDL or PJL. This command causes a page break. Any write information page is not printed when the file is deleted.
Delete macro file "TEST", which is registered in the hard disk. !R! RWRF D,0, "MCR" , "TEST"; EXIT;
RWRF F, medium;
Parameters medium:
0 = hard disk A = memory card
The RWRF F command physically and logically formats an external device such as the hard disk. This command has no effect if the target device has been write-protected using KPDL or PJL. This command causes a page break.
Parameters medium:
0 = hard disk A = memory card Prints a resource file list for all devices if omitted.
The RWRF L command prints a resource file list registered in an external device.
Print a resource file list in the hard disk. !R! RWRF L , 0; EXIT;
Parameters medium:
0 = hard disk A = memory card
"API" API program "FNT" Font data "MCR" Macro data
ASCII text string up to 15 bytes.
The RWRF P command sets the specified file as a hidden one. The specified file, which is hidden, cannot be accessed from any PC. This command causes a page break.
Set macro file "TEST" in the hard disk as a hidden file. !R! RWRF P , 0 , "MCR" , "TEST"; EXIT; Set macro file "TEST" in the memory card as a hidden file. !R! RWRF P , A , "MCR" , "TEST"; EXIT;
Parameters medium:
0 = hard disk A = memory card
Name of partition from which data is read, a maximum of 15 printable ASCII characters
The RWRF R command reads data specified by file name from any external media. The data must be a printable data. When the file name is coexistent in both the hard disk and memory card that are installed in the printing system, the printing system will read the memory card first, then the hard disk. The partition name may be a maximum of 15 printable ASCII characters (20H through 7EH); upper and lowercase letters are regarded as distinct. A partition name may not have leading spaces, and in the command, the partition name must be enclosed in single or double quotation marks. The printing system will automatically' read or execute the data in the media if it is stored under the file name of '02autostart' and saved in the PRE folder of the media. The printing system will look for the file when it is powered up. The RWER R command is not required. This command causes a page break.
To read partition DataS001 from the hard disk: !R! RWRF R, 0, "PRN", 'DataS001'; EXIT;
Parameters terminator:
ASCII text string up to 4 bytes Set to default "WRED" if omitted.
The RWRF T command changes a terminator (default: WRED). The terminator that was changed with this command is also available for the LAPI command to load the API program. Turning the power on again will return the changed terminator to "WRED".
Parameters medium:
0 = hard disk A = memory card
"PRE" prescribe command
ASCII text string up to 4 bytes
ASCII text string up to 31 bytes Cannot be omitted.
ASCII text string up to 15 bytes Automatically set by the system if omitted.
The RWRF W command writes data to an external device such as the hard disk. The number of writable files, which is not limited, depends on the capacity of the external media. If the device runs out of free space during saving, the remaining data will be discarded. Duplicating a file name causes the system to rename the specified one and save data (without overwriting data).
Write and register the FILT prescribe command. !R! RWRF W , 0 , "API" , "PRE" , "FILT" , "apl_main";[Program Data]WRED; EXIT;
RWRF W, medium, "FNT", font-type, "file-name", "font-name", font-datalength, symbol-set-value, font-style, stroke-weight, typeface;
Parameters medium:
0 = hard disk A = memory card
0 = TrueType Font 1 = Japanese TrueType Font 2 = Japanese TrueType Font Collection RSF = RomSlotFormat
ASCII text string up to 11 bytes Up to 15 bytes for font type RSF
ASCII text string up to 31 bytes Up to 28 bytes for font type 2
Number of bytes in font data to be downloaded
1 to 65535 (619 = Shift JIS code)
0 to 32767
-127 to +127
0 to 32767
The RWRF W command writes data to an external device such as the hard disk. The available number of fonts is max. 512 in the same compact flash and max. 4096 in the hard disk. Duplicating a file name causes the system to rename the specified one and save data (without overwriting data). For Japanese TrueType Font Collection, the print system automatically appends (P) for proportional fonts and (F) for fixed pitch fonts. If TrueType Font Collection contains three or more fonts, the print system automatically appends (1), (2), (3)...(9). You can omit the parameters ranging from symbol-set-value to typeface; however, you should not omit those font attributes to exactly select a font. The length of the font data to be written must match the specified one. Failure to do so will result in an error, and disables you to write data. Specify WRED; command following <binary data>. "WRED;" (five bytes) are not included in the font data length. To delete the registered Japanese TrueType font, use the RWRF D command. To write font data in the external media, you need to have the owner grant the intellectual property right for fonts.
!R! RWRF W , 0 , "FNT" , "RSF" , "testfont"; [FontData] WRED; EXIT; !R! RWRF W , 0 , "FNT" , 0 , "testfile" , "testfont" , 619 , 1 , 10 , 0 , 100; [FontData] WRED; EXIT;
Parameters medium:
0 = hard disk A = memory card
"PRE" prescribe macro "PCL" PCL macro
macro-ID or macro-name:
macro-ID for PCL macro (0 to 32767) macro-name for prescribe macro (ASCII text string up to 4 bytes) file-name
ASCII text string up to 15 bytes Automatically set by the system if omitted.
The RWRF W command writes data to an external device such as the hard disk. The number of writable files, which is not limited, depends on the capacity of the external media. If the device runs out of free space during saving, the remaining data will be discarded. Duplicating a file name causes the system to rename the specified one and save data (without overwriting data).
Write and register prescribe macro "TEST". !R! RWRF W,0, "MCR", "PRE", "TEST", "test_macro"; %[Macro Data] WRED; EXIT; Write and register the PCL macro (macro ID: 1111). !R! RWRF W,0, "MCR", "PCL", 1111, "test_macro"; [Macro Data] WRED; EXIT;
Parameters medium:
0 = hard disk A = memory card
ASCII text string up to 15 bytes Automatically set by the system if omitted.
The RWRF W command writes data to an external device such as the hard disk. The number of writable files, which is not limited, depends on the capacity of the external media. If the device runs out of free space during saving, the remaining data will be discarded. Duplicating a file name causes the system to rename the specified one and save data (without overwriting data). As described in the example below, add the string "WRED" to the end of the file name.
Write and register printable data "TEST" to the hard disk. !R! RWRF W, 0, "PRN", "TEST"; !R! TEXT "TEST"; PAGE; EXIT; WRED; EXIT;
SATU degree;
Parameter degree:
degree of saturation level: number from 10 to 10 (Default = 0)
The SATU command adjusts saturation level based on the specified parameter. The color bars below show saturation variations using hue R as an example. The top color bar represents the default saturation variation. The symbol indicates the median. The left side represents the lower saturation range and the right side the higher saturation range. The middle color bar is an example showing an increase in saturation. (The higher saturation range is increased.) The middle color bar is an example showing a decrease in saturation. (The lower saturation range is increased.)
Varying saturation allows images in the lower saturation range to be more saturated and sharp or, conversely, images in the higher saturation range to be faint and shaded off. Saturation cannot be controlled hue by hue. However, since impressions vary with hue, you need to control with care. This command is enabled for all color spaces, all color modes and all monitor simulation modes. If ink simulation is set to other than None, this command is disabled. This mode is not held in the printing system. For this reason, saturation is reset to its default state when the power is turned on.
Parameter length:
distance from top of paper to bottom margin
The SBM command sets the bottom margin, as measured from the top edge limit of the paper in the units designated by the UNIT command. If an attempt is made to print below the bottom margin, the characters will be printed on the next page. A bottom margin setting in a document file should be placed at the beginning of the file or at a page break. The SPL (set page length) and SLPP (set lines per page) commands also set the bottom margin, but these commands measure from the top margin position.
!R! RES; UNIT C; STM 1; SLS 1; SBM 11; SFNT Helvetica-Nr; EXIT, E; Top margin at 1 cm, bottom margin at 11 cm. (Line 1) Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5 Line 6 Line 7 Line 8 Line 9 Line 10 Line 11 Line 12 !R! PAGE; EXIT;
Parameter mode:
line cap mode: 1 = square caps 2 = butt caps 3 = round caps
The SCAP command determines the shape of line ends (or a line cap) in a path where they are finally stroked. The default caps is butt caps (2). Square caps have square ends which extend one-half of a line width beyond the endpoints of the line. Butt caps are similar to square caps but the caps are flash with the endpoints and do not extend beyond them. Round caps end the lines with semicircular caps with diameters identical to the line width.
Butt caps
Round caps
!R! UNIT C; SPD .5; NEWP; CMNT Round-capped on every end; SCAP 3; PMZP 6, 6; SCP; SCP; PDRP 1, -1; RPP; PDRP 1, 1; RPP; PDRP 5, 0; STRK; PAGE; EXIT;
The SCCS command instructs the printing system to remember the code set of the current font. This command may be used in conjunction with a SCF (save current font) command to prevent the font from losing the current code set after a command operation has been made, even if the command changes the code set (macro, etc.). To return to the saved code set later, use the RPCS (return to previous code set) command. In the case of using the SCCS command together with a SCF command, it is recommended that the RPCS command be used with a RPF command. The current code set can be saved up to eight times using a separate SCCS for each. RPCS commands retrieve the previously saved code set in reverse order.
!R! RES; SFNT TimesNewRoman; SCF; SCCS; SLPI 3; TEXT The following line is printed using ISO 6: ASCII, L; TEXT @ABCDEFG, L; TEXT Now changing to Ventura Math, using a different font, L; SFNT Univers-Md; CSET 5M; TEXT @ABCDEFG, L; RPF; RPCS; TEXT Now bringing the previous font and code set back by a RPF and RPCS command., L; TEXT @ABCDEFG; PAGE; EXIT;
Related Commands
The SCF command saves the current font so that it can be retrieved later using the RPF (return to previous font) command. The font to be saved can be either a bitmap font or a scalable font. Up to eight font numbers can be saved in the printing systems memory by SCF commands (using a separate SCF command for each). The SCF command only instructs the printing system to remember the font. It does not move actual fonts in or out of memory.
!R! RES; SLM 1; STM 2; SFNT TimesNewRoman, 12; EXIT; Affixed to the door was a large sign that read: !R! SCF; SFNT Univers-BdIt, 20; MRP 1, .423; TEXT KEEP OUT; RPF; EXIT; Being one of those people who assume that such signs are put up to be ignored, she reached out
Related Command
The SCG command saves the graphics state comprised of the following characteristics: Current path and cursor position Current pen diameter Current line join Current line cap Current miter limit Current dash pattern Current flatness Current current fill pattern (16 16 dots) Current current clipping path Current raster resolution Current image model
Once the current graphics state is saved, it can be retrieved later using the RPG (return to previous graphics state) command. Saving and retrieving the graphics state in this way simplifies recovery of paths which stroke a filled and outlined shape. Note that the FILL command clears the current path, leaving no strokable path. The printing system holds as much graphics state information as the user memory area can accommodate; however, graphics state information larger than the memory area can cause a memory error.
!R! RES; UNIT C; NEWP; PMZP 5, 5; SFNT Helvetica-Bd, 72; CPTH Mary; SCG; STRK; RPG; GPAT .9; FILL 1; PAGE; EXIT;
Related Commands
SCOL number;
Parameter number:
number from 0 to 255 (Default is 0.)
The SCOL command selects a color from the currently active palette. If no color is assigned to the specified number, this command is ignored. If the specified number exceeds the valid range, this command is invalid. Color specification using SCOL affects the following objects to be printed: Texts Vector graphics Monochrome patterns Monochrome raster images
And, it does not affect the following objects: Color patterns Color raster images
Once a color is specified by SCOL, the active color does not change until the next color specification is made even if a palette is created, changed or deleted.
Related Commands
The SCP command instructs the printing system to remember the current cursor position, so that it can be retrieved later using the RPP (return to previous position) command. Up to eight positions can be saved in the printing systems memory (using a separate SCP command for each). RPP commands return to the positions in the reverse order in which they were saved.
Related Command
Parameter number:
number of characters per inch
The SCPI command sets the number of characters per inch (even if the UNIT command designates a non-inch unit). When a proportionally-spaced font is used and the font mode (FTMD) is 0 to 3 or 8 to 11, SCPI 0 (zero) must be specified to obtain the innate spacing of each character. A nonzero specification results in unnatural spacing of proportional fonts. SCPI 0 does not change the width of the space character. The character spacing can also be controlled by the SCS (set character spacing) command.
!R! RES; SLM 1; STM 2; EXIT; This line has 10 characters per inch. !R! SCPI 8; EXIT; This line has 8 characters per inch. !R! SFNT Helvetica, 10; SCS .2; EXIT; This proportional font is printed with fixed spacing. !R! SCS 0; EXIT; This is correct proportional spacing. !R! PAGE; EXIT;
Related Command
The SCPL command saves the currently active palette, so that it can be retrieved later using the RPPL (return to previous palette) command. Palettes can be saved as many as there is enough memory. If there is insufficient memory, a memory overflow will result and the palette will not be saved. This command does not change the active palette. RPPL commands return to the saved palettes in the reverse order in which they were saved.
!R! RES; SEM 6; UNIT C; SFNT 'Incised901SWC-Black', 20; SPAL 100; CID 0, 1; ACLI 1, 128, 64, 64; SCPL; SPAL 101; CID 0, 1; ACLI 1, 128, 0, 128; SCPL; MZP 1, 1; RPPL; SCOL 1; TEXT 'This line is printed using palette 101.'; MZP 1, 2; RPPL; SCOL 1; TEXT 'This line is printed using palette 100.'; PAGE; EXIT;
Parameter character:
new command recognition character, any character from ASCII code 33 (!) to ASCII code 126 (~) except the apostrophe (), quotation mark () or semicolon (;).
The SCRC command changes the command recognition character between the exclamation points in the PRESCRIBE start sequence. The change remains in effect until power is turned off or a RES (reset) command is executed. Originally the command recognition character is the capital letter R within the PRESCRIBE start sequence of !R!. One reason for changing the command recognition character is to print listings of files or programs containing PRESCRIBE commands. If the command recognition character is not changed, then instead of printing the PRESCRIBE commands, the printing system will execute them.
!R! RES; GPAT .7; GPAT .5; GPAT .3; UNIT C; BLK 1, 1; BOX 1, 1, E; BLK 1.3, 1.3; BOX 1.3, 1.3, E; BLK 1.6, 1.6; BOX 1.6, 1.6, E;
CMNT Now list the above commands; SCRC L; EXIT; !R! RES; UNIT C; GPAT .7; BLK 1, 1; BOX 1, 1, E; GPAT .5; BLK 1.3, 1.3; BOX 1.3, 1.3, E; GPAT .3; BLK 1.6, 1.6; BOX 1.6, 1.6, E; PAGE; EXIT; !L! RES; EXIT;
Parameter distance:
character-to-character spacing, or 0
The SCS command sets the distance from the beginning of one character to the beginning of the next character. When a proportionally-spaced font is used and the font mode (FTMD) is 0 to 3 or 8 to 11, SCS 0 (zero) must be specified to obtain the innate spacing of each character. A nonzero specification results in unnatural spacing of proportional fonts. SCS 0 does not change the width of the space character. The character spacing can be set using either the SCS or the SCPI command.
!R! RES; SLM 1; STM 2; EXIT; This line has the default spacing. !R! UNIT C; SCS .3; EXIT; This line has a slightly wider spacing. !R! SFNT TimesNewRoman, 10; SCS .2; EXIT; This is a proportional font printed with fixed spacing. !R! SCS 0; EXIT; This is correct proportional spacing. !R! PAGE; EXIT;
Parameters width:
width of custom paper size
height of custom paper size
M = millimeters I = inches
The SCSZ command sets the paper size when the user-defined size paper is used in the universal cassette. This command defines the width and height values for the custom paper size which is summoned by the SPSZ (set page size) 19; command. The SCSZ command causes a page break, so it should be placed at the top of a file or program, or at the beginning of a new page. This command uses the unit set in the unit parameter of this command, regardless of the unit set in the UNIT command. The setting made with this command provides a non-printing area of 5 mm 5 mm, independent of emulation mode.
!R! SCSZ 260, 300, M; EXIT;
The SCU command instructs the printing system to save the current unit of measurement. Saving the current unit can prove useful when a macro containing a UNIT command changes the unit of measurement. The saved unit can be retrieved later using the RPU (return to previous unit) command. The current unit can be saved up to eight times using a separate SCU command for each. RPU commands retrieve the unit of measurement in reverse order.
!R! FRPO N8, 0; RES; SENT "Univers-MdCd", 9; UNIT C; SCU; MZP 1.5, 1.5; TEXT "THE DAYS ON THE ISLAND: PART I", U; MCRO TITLE; FSET 24V; UNIT I; MZP 4, 3; CIR 2; MRP 1.5, .125; TEXT %1; ENDM; CALL TITLE, "CHAPTER 1: PROLOGUE"; RPU; SLM 2; STM 13; FSET 12v; EXIT; My long anticipated vacation started at Mallorca island which
Related commands
Parameters pattern-number:
number from 11 to 20
The SDP command generates a new dash pattern used by the DPAT (dashed pattern) command for stroking a path. The dash and space values represent the lengths of alternating black and white segments for stroking the line segment in the path, using the unit value designated by the UNIT command. For example, SDP 11, 2, 2, 5, 5; stores the following dash pattern in pattern number 11:
The maximum number of pairs of dash and space allowed for a SDP command is 10. If the dash pattern begins with a space, 0 must be specified for the first dash value (dash1). To end the pattern with a dash, the last space value may be omitted. The user-defined dash patterns are valid until another SDP command changes the current definition or until the printing system is switched off.
!R! RES; UNIT SDP 11, 2, 2, NEWP; UNIT C; SPD .2; PMRA DPAT 11; PARC STRK; PAGE; EXIT; P; 5, 5; 10, 10, 3, 0; 10, 10, 3, 0, 360;
Related Command
Parameter mode:
0 = Line Printer 1 = IBM Proprinter X-24E 2 = Diablo 630 5 = Epson LQ-850 6 = HP LaserJet/PCL 8 = KC-GL (Plotter) 9 = KPDL (an option on some models)
The SEM command temporarily changes the printing systems emulation mode. The new mode remains in effect until another SEM or an RES (reset) command is issued. The SEM command also resets the margins and various other parameters. It should therefore be placed at the beginning of a program or file. The SEM command does not change the power-up emulation mode. When power is switched off, the printing system loses the mode set by the SEM command. Upon power up, it retains the default emulation, which is set by the P1 parameter of the FRPO command. If you usually work in emulation A but occasionally use emulation B, it is convenient to set emulation A with the FRPO command and use the SEM command to change to emulation B when necessary. In this case you must avoid using the RES command in emulation B, because the RES command resets the printing system to emulation A.
!R! CMNT To work temporarily in the LQ-850 emulation; SEM 5; EXIT;
Parameters alternate-number:
a number from 0 to 31
a number from 0 to 65535
The SETF command assigns a font to an alternate number, so that it can be selected by the ALTF (alternate font) command. The font number can be one of the resident font numbers or the number of a nonresident font defined by LDFC (load font character) commands. A scalable font can also be assigned to an alternate number when given a temporary font number in advance. See the SFNT (set font) command page. In some emulation modes, default assignments are given to low alternate numbers so that SETF commands can be embedded for some word processing software. See Emulation of the Technical Reference manual.
!R! RES; SFNT Helvetica, 10, 2000; SFNT Helvetica-BdOb, 10, 2001; SETF 1, 2000; SETF 2, 2001; MCRO BIBLIO; ALTF 1; TEXT %1, E; TEXT " ", E; ALTF 2; TEXT %2, E; TEXT " ", E; ALTF 1; TEXT %3, N; ENDM; ALTF 1; TEXT BIBLIOGRAPHY,N,U; TEXT,N; CALL BIBLIO, "Engelberger, Joseph L., ", "Robotics in Practice,", "Kogan Page"; CALL BIBLIO, "Cohen, J.,", "Human Robots in Myth and Science,", "Allen and Irwin"; CALL BIBLIO, "McCorduck, Pamela,", "Machines Who Think,", "W. H. Freeman and Company"; CALL BIBLIO, "Asimov, Isaac,", "I, Robot,", "Doubleday & Co."; EXIT;
vertical motion indexthe line-to-line spacing
F = fixed spacing P = proportional spacing
symbol set (number from 0 to 65535): 4 = ISO 60 Norway 5 = Roman Extension 9 = ISO 15 Italian 14 = ECMA-94 Latin 1 19 = ISO 11 Swedish 21 = ISO 6 ASCII 37 = ISO 4 U. K. 38 = ISO 69 France 39 = ISO 21 Germany 53 = US Legal 75 = ISO 83 = ISO 17 Spain 277 = HP Roman-8 305 = PC Extension 341 = IBM PC-8 373 = IBM PC-8 (D/N) 405 = IBM PC-850
maximum height of the font
U = upright I = italic
degree of bolding, from -7 (light) to +7 (bold)
0 = Line Printer 1 = Pica 2 = Elite 3 = Courier 4 = Swiss 721 5 = Dutch 801 6 = Gothic 7 = Script 8 = Pret. Elite 9 = Caslon 10 = Orator
0 = 7-bit, 96 characters (character codes 32 to 127) 1 = 8-bit, 192 characters (character codes 32 to 127 and 160 to 255) 2 = 8-bit, 256 characters (All character codes. The printing system must be set to the HP transparency mode. See Emulation of the Technical Reference manual.)
The SFA command specifies the attributes of the current bitmap font. It can be used to change the default attributes of the bitmap font and will be ignored when the current font is a scalable font. The font retains its new attributes until they are changed by another SFA command or power is switched off. Font attributes are not reset by the RES (reset) command. The SFA command has two types of parameters. The executable parameters adjust the intrinsic character and line spacing of the font. The non-executable parameters do not change the appearance of the font at all, but they affect the way in which the font is selected by word-processing software in the HP LaserJet emulation. Executable Parameters The first three parameters are required in every SFA command. The hmi parameter sets the character spacing of a fixed font or the word spacing of a proportional font. The vmi parameter adjusts the line spacing. The vmi and hmi parameters both use the unit value designated by the UNIT command. The third parameter designates the font as fixed or proportional. Normally you should specify F for a fixed font (example: font 1) and P for a proportional font (example: font 2). If the font mode (FTMD) value is 15, the assigned attributes take effect immediately. If the font mode value is less than 15, some of the attributes, although assigned to the font,
will not take effect. If the font mode is 0 (the default value in the daisywheel emulation mode), none of the attributes will take effect. Non-executable Parameters The fourth and subsequent parameters of the SFA command are optional, although if one of these parameters is desired, then the preceding parameters must also be specified. The optional parameters are used to describe downloaded fonts for selection by embedded commands in the HP LaserJet emulation mode. The parameters can also redefine the attributes of resident fonts. However, they do not actually change the physical appearance of the font, only how the printing system interprets the fonts attributes. The rotation parameter should be 0 for a portrait font or 3 for a landscape font. The values 1 and 2 are not normally used. You cannot change the orientation of a font with this parameter. The symbol set parameter identifies the fonts character set. Specifying this parameter does not actually change the character set. The height parameter is measured in the unit value designated by the UNIT command.
!R! RES; FTMD 15; UNIT C; SLM 2; STM 4; FONT 1; SFA .25, 1, F; FONT 2; SFA .15, .5, P; FONT 1; EXIT; At these settings, in font mode 15, font 1 is double spaced (1 cm), !R! FONT 2; EXIT,E; while font 2 is single spaced (0.5 cm) with 1.5 mm spaces between words. !R! FONT 1; EXIT,E; The printer remembers the spacing assigned to each font.
Parameters type-face:
Name of the typeface of the font to be selected.
Height of the characters in points. The minimum value is 0.25 points and the maximum value is 999.75 points, in 0.25-point increments.
Integer from 1000 to 65535
Symbol set, number from 0 to 65535; Refer to LaserJet Symbol Sets in Emulation of the Technical Reference manual.
1 for normal character width. Smaller values for narrow characters; and larger values for wider characters. The minimum value is 0.3 and the maximum value is 3.
0 for normal (unitalicized) characters. Positive values give forward italicization; and negative values give backward italicization. The minimum value is -1 and the maximum value is 1.
The SFNT command selects the font which matches the type-face parameters. It enables the user to size its height, assign a font number and vary some of the font attributes so that characters can appear compressed or sheared. All parameters except type-face are ignored if a bitmap typeface is specified. By designating a font number for a scalable font, it can later be retrieved by using a FONT command. If you specify the symbol set, compression, and shear parameters together, the FONT command recalls the font with these effects intact. type-face should be a name from the font table in Section 4.2. of the Technical Reference manual. Specify the full name exactly as it appears in the table, including case sensitivity. This command is ignored and the current font is not changed if the typeface name is not in the table or is not typed correctly. height defines the size of the font, using the unit of points regardless of the current unit setting. The SFNT command is ignored if the height value is out of the range. If the
height parameter is omitted, the printing system sizes the font to the height of the current font. The following example displays a range of font heights.
You can assign any number from 1000 to 65535 as a temporary font-number, as long as you do not duplicate the number of a bitmap font or a font number already in use. If the number matches one already assigned to another font, the printing system ignores the SFNT command. symbol-set uses HP PCL matching code to change the fonts symbol set. Unsupported symbol set values, if specified, are ignored. compression squeezes or expands characters in the horizontal direction.
Compression = 0.3
Compression = 1
Compression = 3
shear imparts a slant to the characters: forward if the angle value is positive; backward if it is negative. Zero gives upright characters.
Shear = -1
Shear = 0
Shear = 1
Changes made with SFNT to a scalable font in its height, symbol set, compression, and shear remain effective until another font selection command is encountered. To retrieve this scalable font later, use the FONT command.
!R! RES; SPO P; SFNT Helvetica-Nr, 10, 3000, 277, 2, .3; EXIT;
This is 10-point Helvetica-Nr, with Roman-8 symbol set, compression is 2, and shear is .3. You can later recall this font by the FONT 3000; command. !R! PAGE; EXIT;
SGPC pen-number, color;
Parameters pen-number:
number from 1 to 8 corresponding to FRPO G1 to G8 parameter
0 = Black 1 = Red 2 = Green 3 = Yellow 4 = Blue 5 = Magenta 6 = Cyan 7 = White
The SGPC command sets the color of a pen 1 through 8 for use with KCGL to a specified color. The specified value is permanently saved in the printing system.
Parameter hmi:
horizontal motion index; in a fixed font, the distance from the center of one character to the center of the next; in a proportionally spaced font, the width of the space character
The SHMI command sets the HMI. The parameter is measured in the unit value specfied by the UNIT command.
!R! RES; SLM 1; STM 2; EXIT; This line has the default spacing. !R! UNIT C; SHMI .3; EXIT; This line has a slightly wider spacing. !R! SFNT TimesNewRoman, 10; SHMI .3; EXIT; Proportional fonts are not influenced. !R! PAGE; EXIT;
Parameter operation-mode:
1= 2= 3= 4 = 5 = 6 = Source image Transparent Opaque Transparent Transparent Opaque Opaque Pattern image Transparent Opaque Transparent Opaque
The SIMG command sets the mode for controlling the transparency and opaqueness of an image and the current pattern when they are overlaid on each other. In the table above, the source image can be a rectangular area, characters, or a raster graphics image preceded by an SIMG command. The fill patterns and gray shade rendered with the PAT (pattern), FPAT (fill pattern), and GPAT (gray pattern) commands can be used for pattern images. With operation modes 1 and 2, the SIMG command takes care of the source images transparency only. The default operation mode is 1. The white pixels of the source image do not overlay on the destination. For example, you cannot pattern a character. With operation mode 2, the SIMG command applies the white pixels of the source image onto the destination directly.
The figure on the next page illustrates the effects of operation mode 3 through 6. In this example, the letter A represents the source image overlaid with the pattern image, while the two rectangles are referred to as the destination image. operation-mode = 3: Both the source image and pattern image are transparent. Since the source image is transparent, in the first example, the letter A is patterned and overlaid onto the destination image (two rectangles). operation-mode = 4: The source image is transparent and the pattern image is now opaque. The patterns white pixels overlay the destination image in the shape of the letter A. operation-mode = 5: The source image is opaque and the pattern image is transparent. Being opaque, the source image (the letter A) as it is enclosed within a square comes overlaid onto the destination. The pattern image fills only the area on the destination which is covered by white pixels. Note that the letter A is patterned only with its opposing quarters. operation mode = 6: Both source and pattern images are opaque, the entire letter A is patterned, and the full source image is overlaid onto the destination. Operation Modes
!R! RES; UNIT C; NEWP; PMZP 5, 5; PDRP 2.5, 0, 0, 2.5, -5, 0, 0, 2.5, 2.5, 0; PAT 1; SIMG 4; FILL 1; MRP -1, 3.5; PAT 18; FSET 4158T3B0S1P108V; TEXT "A"; FILL 1; PAGE; EXIT;
SIMP palette;
Parameter palette:
1 = single plane K (Black) palette (Default) 3 = 3-plane device RGB palette
The SIMP command creates a palette already defined by the system from either a single plane (monochrome) or 3-plane (8-color) RGB palette. The default palette is a monochrome palette. Colors and parameters specifiable by SCOL command for each palette are as follows:
palette SCOL command parameter 1 (single plane) 0 1 3 (3-plane) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Color White Black Black Red Green Yellow Blue Magenta Cyan White
Color assignments (using the ACLI command) cannot be made to the pallette created using the SIMP command. The currently acative palette ID does not change.
!R! RES; UNIT C; SIMP 3; MCRO SIMP; NEWP; SCOL %2; PDRP 2, 0, 0, 2, -2, 0, 0, -2; FILL 1; PMRP .5, .5; ENDM; CALL SIMP,0,0; CALL SIMP,0,1; CALL SIMP,0,2; CALL SIMP,0,3; CALL SIMP,0,4; CALL SIMP,0,5; CALL SIMP,0,6; CALL SIMP,0,7; PAGE; EXIT;
Parameter level:
0 = Off 2 = On (Medium)
The SIR command accesses different levels of Kyocera Image Refinement (KIR). The image refinement level remains in effect until the printing system receives a RES command or a different SIR command. The default value is On. Refer to the Users Manual for details about how to obtain the optimum level of the image refinement.
!R! SIR 0; CMNT KIR is off; EXIT;
Parameter mode:
line join mode: 1 = Beveled join 2 = Mitered join 3 = Round join 4 = Notched join
The SLJN command determines how two connected lines in a path are joined. The default join is beveled (1). Beveled join ends the lines with butt caps (Refer to the SCAP command) and fills the larger angle between the lines with a triangle. Mitered join extends the edges of the lines until they touch. The current miter limit value affects this join type (Refer to SMLT command on page 313). Round join connects lines with a circular join noted by a diameter equal to the width of the lines. Notched join enables the lines to overlap.
Beveled join
Mitered join
Round join
Notched join
!R! RES; UNIT C; NEWP; SPD .5; SCAP 3; CMNT Round-capped at the upper-left corner; SLJN 3; CMNT Round-joined at other corners; PMZP 5, 16.5; PDRP 3, 0, 0, 3, -3, 0, 0, -3; STRK; NEWP; SCAP 1; CMNT Square-capped at the upper-left corner; SLJN 2; CMNT Mitered-joined at other corners; PMZP 11, 16.5; PDRP 3, 0, 0, 3, -3, 0, 0, -3; STRK; PAGE; EXIT;
Parameter distance:
size of left margin
The SLM command sets the left margin, as measured from the left edge limit of the paper in the unit value designated by the UNIT command. If the margin is moved to the right of the current cursor position, the cursor moves to the new margin. When the left margin is moved to the right, the right margin does not change. But when the left margin is moved toward the left, the right margin moves with it, keeping a constant page width. To move the left margin to the left but leave the right margin in its original position, you must add an SRM command after the SLM command to restore the original right margin.
!R! RES; UNIT C; FONT 2; SFNT "TimesNewRoman"; SLM 1; EXIT; Location of 1-cm left margin !R! SLM 2; EXIT; Location of 2-cm left margin !R! SLM 3; EXIT; Location of 3-cm left margin !R! PAGE; EXIT;
Parameter number:
Number of lines per inch
The SLPI command sets the number of lines per inch (even if the UNIT command designates a non-inch unit).
!R! RES; STM 2; SFNT "Helvetica"; EXIT; These lines have the default spacing of six lines per inch. !R! SLPI 2; EXIT; These lines are spaced at two lines per inch. !R! PAGE; EXIT;
Related Command
Parameter number:
number of lines per page
The SLPP command sets the bottom margin for an exact number of lines per page based on the current line spacing. As long as you do not change the line spacing or use PRESCRIBE commands that move the cursor, you will get the specified number of lines per page. To control the page size in terms of inches or centimeters instead of a number of lines, use the SBM (Set Bottom Margin) or SPL (Set Page Length) command. The advantage of the SLPP command is that it sets the bottom margin to accommodate an exact number of lines, so no excess is carried over to the next page. A bottom margin setting in a document file should be placed at the beginning of the file or at a page break.
!R! RES; UNIT C; SFNT "TimesNewRoman"; STM 1; SLS 1; SLPP 10; EXIT, E; Top margin at 1 cm, with 10 lines per page. (Line 1) Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5 Line 6 Line 7 Line 8 Line 9 Line 10 Line 11 Line 12 !R! PAGE; EXIT;
Parameter distance:
Line-to-line spacing
The SLS command sets the distance from the base of one line to the base of the next line. The distance is measured in the unit value designated by the UNIT command. The line spacing can be set by either the SLS or the SLPI (set lines per inch) command. SLPI sets the number of lines per inch. SLS sets the number of inches (or other units) per line.
!R! RES; UNIT C; STM 5; SFNT "TimesNewRoman"; EXIT; These lines have the default line spacing of 0.423 cm (6 lpi). !R! SLS .6; EXIT; These lines are spaced at intervals of .6 centimeters. !R! PAGE; EXIT;
Related Command
Parameter limit-value:
Ratio of the length through a join to the width of line, expressed by the following formula (Default is 10. Minimum value is 1). miter length line width =
1 sin (a/2)
limit-value =
The miter limit value set by the SMLT command is the maximum ratio of the miter length through a join to the width of the lines connected to each other. The default miter limit value is 10. In smaller miter-limit values, say 3, the miter join automatically switches to the beveled join. This switching prevents the problem of a spike extending beyond the intersection of the path because a small angle is used for the miter-join.
Miter limit = 10
Miter limit = 3
!R! RES; UNIT C; NEWP; PMZP 5, 15; SPD .5; SLJN 2; CMNT Mitered join; PDRP 1.5, -2, 1.5, 2, 1.5, -2, 1.5, 2, 1.5, -2, 1.5, 2; SMLT 10; CMNT Miter limit is 10; STRK; NEWP; PMZP 5, 19; SPD .5; SLJN 2; CMNT Mitered join; PDRP 1.5, -2, 1.5, 2, 1.5, -2, 1.5, 2, 1.5, -2, 1.5, 2; SMLT 1; CMNT Miter limit is 1; STRK; PAGE; EXIT;
Related Command
SMNT monitor-type [,temperature, red-x, red-y, green-x, green-y, blue-x, blue-y, gamma];
Parameters monitor-type:
0 = None 1 = SMPTE 240M 2 = HDTV (sRGB) [default] 3 = Sony Trinitron 4 = Apple RGB 5 = NTSC 6 = KC-RGB 7 = Custom
color temperature 3500, 5000, 5500, 6500 (default), 6740, 7500, 9300
chromaticity coordinates: red-x: number from 0.0 to 3.0 (default = 0.64) red-y: number from 0.0 to 3.0 (default = 0.33) green-x: number from 0.0 to 3.0 (default = 0.30) green-y: number from 0.0 to 3.0 (default = 0.60) blue-x: number from 0.0 to 3.0 (default = 0.15) blue-y: number from 0.0 to 3.0 (default = 0.06)
value of gamma correction: number from 1.0 to 3.0 (default = 2.2)
The SMNT command simulates a particular monitor or a monitor customized by specifying the color temperature, etc. Parameters except monitor-name are enabled only when monitor-name value is 7 (custom). Resetting the printing system or switching emulation modes resets all custom parameters to the default states. The simulation provided by this command is enabled only when the device-dependent color space is in use.
This command is irrelevant to some color printing system models. At the time of release of this manual, the command is irrelevant to model FS-5800C; and monitor-name values of 0 and 2 are valid for model FS-8000C. Resetting the printing system and switching emulation mode reset all parameters to the default states.
SPAL id;
Parameter id:
palette ID number: 0 to 32767 (default is 0)
The SPAL command selects the palette to activate from among the palettes that are currently available. If no palette is associated with the specified number, this command is ignored. The palette activated by SPAL is deleted when a new palette is created by the CID command. The active palette number does not change. All palettes are deleted by the reset command, leaving only the default palette.
Parameter diameter:
line thickness
The SPD command sets the thickness of the line used in the graphics commands (DRP, PDRP, etc.). The thickness is specified in the unit value designated by the UNIT command. The maximum thickness is 4200 dots (14 inches or 35.56 centimeters) in path graphics mode, and 127 dots (0.42 inches or 1.08 centimeters) in standard graphics mode. The minimum thickness is 1 dot (about 0.01 centimeters or 0.0033 inches). The printing system rounds off all decimal values to the nearest integer value. The SPD command affects graphics segments created by DZP, DAP, DRP, DRPA, BOX, CIR, and PIE commands. It also affects the width of the line and curve segments stroked as paths. A slant line drawn by the standard graphics commands becomes thicker than specified by the SPD command. The effect may be most noticeable with a 45 slant. In the path mode graphics, however, the thickness of any slant lines is automatically adjusted so that the slant lines are maintained in constant thickness as specified by SPD. (See below.)
!R! RES; UNIT C; STM 2; SLM 2; SLS .6; SFNT "Helvetica-Nr"; SPD 0.01; DRP 5, 0; TEXT 0.01 cm, N; SPD 0.02; DRP 5, 0; TEXT 0.02 cm, N; SPD 0.05; DRP 5, 0; TEXT 0.05 cm, N; SPD 0.1; DRP 5, 0; TEXT 0.1 cm, N; SPD 0.2; DRP 5, 0; TEXT 0.2 cm, N; PAGE; EXIT;
0.01 cm 0.02 cm 0.05 cm 0.1 cm 0.2 cm
Parameter length:
distance from top margin to bottom margin
The SPL command sets the bottom margin, as measured from the top margin position in the unit value designated by the UNIT command. If an attempt is made to print below the bottom margin, the characters are printed on the next page. A page length setting in a document file should be placed at the beginning of the file or at a page break. The SBM (Set Bottom Margin) and SLPP (Set Lines Per Page) commands also set the bottom margin.
!R! RES; UNIT C; SFNT "TimesNewRoman"; STM 1; SLS 1; SPL 10; EXIT, E; Top margin at 1 cm, with 10 cm page length. (Line 1) Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5 Line 6 Line 7 Line 8 Line 9 Line 10 Line 11 Line 12 !R! PAGE; EXIT;
Parameter orientation:
P = portrait (upright) L = landscape (lengthwise)
The SPO command instructs the printing system how to orient the page, laying text and graphics on the page in a vertical direction (portrait orientation) or a horizontal direction (landscape orientation). When the orientation is changed, the margins are adjusted so that they remain the same distance from the four edges of the paper (provided cassette paper is being used). See the illustration.
Portrait margins Landscape margins
Left margin
Left margin
Bottom margin
Bottom margin
If the printing system cannot adjust the margins as described above, it sets them to the edge limits. For example, if you set a top portrait margin greater than the paper width, then switch to landscape orientation, the printing system resets the top margin to zero. The printing system uses separate bitmap fonts for portrait and landscape orientations. When the font mode (FTMD) is 8 or higher, as it is in the IBM, Epson, and LaserJet III/ 4/4 Plus emulations, the printing system automatically sets the correct page orientation each time a new font is selected. Outside of the FTMD range, the printing system will not change orientation with a change in fonts. After using the SPO command, remember to select a font with the new orientation. The orientation can be changed without starting a new page, as in the example below. It should be noted, however, the printable areas in portrait and landscape orientations are not symmetrical because the edge limits in each orientation are not identical. See the Technical Reference manual for details.
!R! RES; SFNT TimesNewRoman-It, 10; CMNT This file is for an A4 cassette.; SPSZ 8; PAT 16, 300; UNIT C; MZP 4, 24; BOX 6, 6; MZP 7, 24; BOX 3, 3; BLK 3, 3; MZP 4, 24; TEXT, L; TEXT Portrait orientation; SPO L; MZP 12, 10; BOX 6, 6; MZP 15, 10; BOX 3, 3; BLK 3, 3; MZP 12, 10; TEXT, L; TEXT Landscape orientation; PAGE; EXIT;
Parameters size-code:
0 = Same as the size of the paper cassette 1 = Monarch (3-7/8 7-1/2 inches)1 2 = Business (4-1/8 9-1/2 inches)2 3 = International DL (11 22 cm) 4 = International C5 (16.2 22.9 cm) 5 = Executive (7-1/4 10-1/2 inches) 6 = US Letter (8-1/2 11 inches) 7 = US Legal (8-1/2 14 inches) 8 = A4 (21.0 29.7 cm) 9 = JIS B5 (18.2 25.7 cm) 10 = A3 (29.7 42 cm) 11 = B4 (25.7 36.4 cm) 12 = US Ledger (11 17 inches) 13 = A5 (14.8 21 cm) 14 = A6 (10.5 14.8 cm) 15 = JIS B6 (12.8 18.2 cm) 16 = Commercial #9 (3-7/8 8-7/8 inches) 17 = Commercial #6 (3-5/8 6-1/2 inches) 18 = ISO B5 (17.6 25 cm) 19 = Custom (11.7 17.7 inches) 30 = C4 (22.9 32.4 cm) 31 = Hagaki (10 14.8 cm) 32 = Ofuku-Hagaki (14.8 20 cm) 33 = Officio II 36 = A3 Wide 37 = Ledger Wide 39 = 8K 40 = 16K 50 = Statement 51 = Folio 52 = Youkei 2 53 = Youkei 4
Enlargement/reduction ratio (for print systems handling A3/ledger): 0 = 100% [Cassette size to cassette size] 5 = 70% [A3 to A4, B4 to JIS B5, A4 to A5] 6 = 81% [B4 to A4, B5 to A5] 7 = 86% [A4 to JIS B5] 8 = 94% [A4 to letter] 9 = 98% [Cassette size to cassette size 98% ]
1 2
The SPSZ command sets the paper edge limits to the dimensions of a standard paper size, allowing for a 5 mm border of all sides. The margins are set to the edge limits. This command is particularly useful for printing on envelopes (size-code 1 through 4, 16, and 17). If size-code is 0, the printing system adjusts the edge limits to match the cassette size. size-code defaults to 0 at power-up and after a reset. Size codes 10 through 12, 19, and 30 are supported only by the printing system model that handles the A3 size paper. Support for other paper sizes and reduction ratios vary depending on models. For details, see the users manual supplied with the printing system. If your printing system model supports the A3 size paper, the enlargement/reduction ratio parameter controls reduction and enlargement of printing a page sized by the sizecode parameter. Although the enlargement/reduction ratio parameter is optional, an enlargement/reduction ratio setting remains effective until an SPSZ command with new enlargement/reduction ratio specified or a reset command is encountered. Note that the enlargement/reduction ratio parameter is ignored unless the source paper size and the cassette paper size does not match. The SPSZ command causes a page break, so it should be placed at the top of a file or program, or at the beginning of a new page.
!R! CMNT Size the page as Monarch; SPSZ 1; EXIT; !R! CMNT Size the page as A3 and reduce it to A4; SPSZ 10, 5; EXIT;
!R! CMNT Size the page as letter and reduce it to 98%; SPSZ 6, 9; EXIT;
Parameter width:
width of page, from left margin to right margin
The SPW command sets the right margin, as measured from the left margin position in the unit value designated by the UNIT command. If an attempt is made to print beyond the right margin, the characters are printed on the next line in the IBM and Epson emulation modes and discarded in the other emulations. The SRM (Set Right Margin) command also sets the right margin, but it measures from the left edge limit of the paper.
!R! RES; UNIT C; SLM 1; CMNT Emulation mode is 1 (IBM); SFNT "Univers-MdCd", 18; SLPI 4; SPW 10; EXIT; Line with 1-cm left margin and 10-cm width !R! SPW 8; EXIT; Line with 1-cm left margin and 8-cm width !R! SPW 6; EXIT; Line with 1-cm left margin and 6-cm width !R! PAGE; EXIT;
Related Command
Parameter width:
size of right margin
The SRM command sets the right margin, as measured from the left edge limit of the paper in the unit value designated by the UNIT command. If an attempt is made to print beyond the right margin, the characters are printed on the next line in the IBM and Epson emulation modes and discarded in the other emulations. The SPW (Set Page Width) command also sets the right margin, but it measures from the left margin position.
!R! RES; UNIT C; SLM 1; CMNT Emulation mode is 1 (IBM); SFNT "Univers-MdCd", 18; SLPI 4; SRM 11; EXIT; Line with 1-cm left margin and 11-cm right margin !R! SRM 9; EXIT; Line with 1-cm left margin and 9-cm right margin !R! SRM 7; EXIT; Line with 1-cm left margin and 7-cm right margin !R! PAGE; EXIT;
Related Command
Parameters presentation-mode:
0 = physical raster direction 1 = logical page direction
width of raster area in dot; min. 1 to max. 4200 dots
height of raster area in dot; min. 1 to max. 4200 dots
The SRO command specifies the presentation mode which defines the orientation of the raster image. If the presentation-mode is 0 (default), the printing system creates the raster image along the width of the physical page regardless of the current page orientation. With the presentation-mode 1, however, the raster graphics prints in the orientation of the logical page. Presentation modes 0 and 1 are depicted in the next page. The width and height options define the size of the raster area which has the current position as its left-top corner of the area. These options are measured in the dot unit regardless of the current designation of the UNIT command. Raster data extending beyond the border along the width of the raster area is clipped in the increment of dot. After a RVRD command sequence finishes, the current position is moved down by 1/300 inch.
presentation-mode = 0 The width and height of the raster area are defined based on the physical page regardless of the current page orientation. The current page orientation affects the position of the current point, however.
Current point
Landscape (SPO L;)
presentation-mode = 1 The orientation of the logical page determines the width and height of the raster image. The current position also depends on the current page orientation.
Portrait (SPO P;)
!R! SPO L; SRO 0; STR 75; RVRD; 2;A|0; 2;GG0; 2;^S<; 2;~{>; 2;^S<; 2;GG0; 2;A|0; ENDR; PAGE; EXIT;
Parameter value:
logical operation value: 0 to 255
The SROP command applies logical functions (AND, OR, XOR, NOT) to source, texture, and destination. Possible logical operations provided by this command is 255. These logical operations directory map to their raster operations (ROP3). Logical operation value is eset to the default of 252 by the RES command. An error results and this command has no effect if the ROP3 value is outside the range 0 to 255.
!R! DAM; RES; MCRO DBOX; NEWP; PMRP 0,0; PDRP 0.5,0; PDRP 0,0.5; PDRP -0.5,0; CLSP; SROP 252; GPAT 0; FILL; NEWP; PMRP 0.2,0.2; PDRP 0.5,0; PDRP 0,0.5; PDRP -0.5,0; CLSP; SROP %1; PAT 25; FILL; MRP 0.8, -0.2; ENDM; MCRO TROP; MZP0,2; CALL DBOX,0; CALL DBOX,1;
Parameter tray:
number from 1 to the maximum (bottom)
The SSTK command is effective only when the optional sorter is installed to the printing system. It instructs the printing system to deliver printed pages in the sorter mode. Each specified tray receives a complete set of pages, one copy of each. If the parameters are omitted, the top n trays are used, where n is the copy count (equal or less than the number of trays). If you specify the copy count which is greater than the number of the trays being selected, the bulk tray receives the overflowed pages. If the tray parameters are specified, the COPY command is unnecessary as the printing system automatically makes the copy count to be the same as the number of the tray parameters specified. Upon receiving the SSTK command, the printing system automatically performs a page feed. If the parameter is 0 for SSTK (SSTK 0;) this command disables sorting and delivers all pages to the bulk output tray. This command is irrelevant to certain combination of photocopier models and option finisher models.
!R! RES; SSTK 1, 3, 5; EXIT; Three copies of this file will be printed. The output goes to sorter trays 1, 3, and 5. !R! PAGE; EXIT; If the tray parameters were omitted (SSTK; COPY3;), sorter trays 1, 2, and 3 would be used. !R! PAGE; EXIT;
Parameter stacker:
1 = printing systems face-down output tray 2 = face-up output tray of the printing system or the option stacker 3 = face-down output tray of the option stacker 51 = face-up output tray of the option mailbox 52 = face-down output tray of the option mailbox 61 = face-down output tray of the option job separator (or the DF-610 subtray) 62 = face-up output tray of the DF-610 subtray
The STAK command instructs the printing system to deliver pages to the corresponding output stack of the printing system or the option stacker. The selected tray remains in effect until changed by another STAK command. The default value is 1: the printing systems face-down tray. If an optional device such as a stacker, a document finisher, or a sorter is installed, the stacker value 2 instructs the printing system to deliver printed pages to its face-up tray; the value 3 delivers the pages to its face-down tray. The stacker values of 51, 52, and 61 are valid for certain copiers installed with the applicable option device. The STAK command should be placed at the top of a file or program.
!R! STAK 2; EXIT; PAGE 1 On printers with only one paper tray this file will be delivered face-down as usual, page 1 first. !R! PAGE; EXIT; PAGE 2 PAGE 2 next, and so on, stacking in the correct order. !R! PAGE; EXIT; PAGE 3 But on printers with two paper trays this file will be delivered to the face-up tray with the pages in reverse order, page 3 on top. !R! PAGE; EXIT;
STAT [mode];
Parameter mode:
0 = prints a user status page (default) 1 = prints a service person status page
The STAT command instructs the printing system to print a page of status information, starting on a new page. The status page lists the software version and release date as well as the following information: The current unit (inches, centimeters, points, or dots; not available in KPDL mode) The current page orientation, font, and country code (not available in KPDL mode) Current margins, line spacing, character spacing, and graphics line width, as measured in the current unit (not available in KPDL mode) Current memory allocations
The above status settings are temporary conditions set by PRESCRIBE commands. They revert to their default values when power is switched off. Other status page information includes: Miscellaneous status: a list of options stored in permanent memory. See Chapter 6 of the Technical Reference manual for the definitions of the option values. These values do not change when power is switched off. Only the FRPO command can alter them. Service information to inform a service person. Nonresident fonts in memory: Fonts generated by the LDFC command, downloadable soft fonts from software or read from a memory card. Font size and numbers appear alongside the font name. These fonts are lost when power is switched off.
Items and values on the status page may vary among the printing systems firmware versions.
Depending on the parameters, different information may be printed on the status page. (There are two types of status pages: one intended for the end user, and one intended for service personnel.) Also, the printing system can print the status page in different languages in accordance with the language setting of the printing systems control panel. The default is the English status page.
Parameter distance:
size of top margin
The STM command sets the top margin, in the unit value designated by the UNIT command. A top margin setting in a document file should be placed at the beginning of the file or at a page break. If the top margin is moved below the current cursor position, the cursor moves to the new margin. But if the top margin is moved above the current cursor position, the cursor does not move.
!R! RES; UNIT C; SFNT "Helvetica-Nr", 18; STM 2; EXIT, E; First page with 2-cm top margin !R! RES; UNIT C; SFNT "Helvetica-Nr", 18; STM 4; EXIT, E; Second page with 4-cm top margin !R! PAGE; EXIT;
Parameter staple-count:
number of sheets to be stapled at a time (When this parameter is omitted, 0 is assumed): 2 to 501 = divides output pages into stacks of pages of this value and staples each of them. The odd stack is also stapled. M = divides output pages into stacks of pages equal to the maximum allowable number of sheets of stapling and staples each of them. The odd stack is also stapled. 0 = same as M above but does not divide nor staple a job at all if the total number of pages of the job is more than the maximum allowable number of sheets of stapling. The odd stack is neither stapled. 1 = same as 0 above but the odd stack is stapled.
The STPC command specifies the number of sheets that the stapler (finisher) staples a job. This command does not execute stapling therefore should be used with the STPL (staple) command. For more simplified explanation on the staple-count, here is an example. To print a 50-page job using a DF-31 finisher (20 pages stapler):
STPC parameter M or m 15 0 1 Stapling operation 20 sheets, 20 sheets, and 10 sheets are stapled. 15 sheets, 15 sheets, 15 sheets, and 5 sheets are stapled. No stapling occurs. Only the last 10 sheets are stapled.
To staple every 5 sheets of a job at the center 2 staples, printing 15 copies of the job: !R! STPL 3; STPC 5; JOBS 2, 15, 1, 0, 1, "Interim Report 1", "Steve", "09/22/02 19:24"; TEXT "This is Interim Report 1 ..."; PAGE; UNIT C; BOX 5,10; PAGE; JOBT; EXIT;
STPL [position];
Parameter position:
stapling position: 1 = bottom left, one staple 2 = top left, one staple 3 = left, two staples (straight for Legal size) 50 = top left, one staple 51 = top right, one staple 52 = left, two staples 53 = right, two staples 54 = top, two staples
Staple parameters and positions
2, Legal
50 51
The STPL command staples the pages of a job at the position specified by the position parameter (See above.) using a document finisher incorporating the stapler unit. With position 2 (top left), stapling is automatically straightened (vertical) when Legal size paper is used. Parameter values 50 to 54 are valid for certain copier models only. The number of sheets that the stapler can staple at a time depends on the STPC command setting. The job to be stapled must be defined by the JOBS command. Stapling is valid only when the STPL command is issued preceding a JOBS command sequence. The STPL command automatically deactivates Jog and Job Separation if these functions are enabled in advance. The output stack is enforced to be the stapler output ignoring the
current output stack which may be specified by STAK. (For the document finisher such as the DF-31, the MSTK command may be used to guide stapled pages to one of the output trays as desired.) STPL command causes a page break.
!R! STPL 3; CMNT Two staples on the left; JOBS 0,3,0,0; TEXT "Stapling Test, Page 1"; PAGE; TEXT "Stapling Test, Page 2"; PAGE; TEXT "Stapling Test, Page 3"; PAGE; TEXT "Stapling Test, Page 4"; PAGE; TEXT "Stapling Test, Page 5"; JOBT; EXIT;
Related Commands
Parameter dot-resolution:
75, 100, 150, 200, 300, 600, or 1200
The STR command sets the dot resolution for raster graphics to 75, 100, 150, 200, 300, 600, or 1200 dots per inch. The 200, 600, and 1200 dpi resolutions are available only for the printing system models that support the 600 or 1200 dpi printing resolution. The default value is 75 dots per inch. The STR command affects only PRESCRIBE raster graphics. It does not change the resolution of vector graphics commands or HP LaserJet raster graphics. The following diagrams show examples of printing a raster graphics data using different dot resolution.
75 dpi resolution (Default) 100 dpi resolution 150 dpi resolution 200 dpi resolution 300 dpi resolution 600 dpi resolution 1200 dpi resolution
The STRK command strokes the constructed path onto the current page according to the following current graphics state: Pen diameter (SPD) Dash pattern (DPAT) Fill pattern (FPAT) Line cap (SCAP) Line join (SLJN) Flatness (FLAT)
A path itself will not place a line or graphic on a page because PRESCRIBE pathconstruction commands only define the path. For the path to be drawn or filled as a line, box, character, etc., on the page, the STRK command must be issued. After stroking the current path, the STRK command clears the path and moves the cursor to the end of the path.
!R! RES; UNIT C; NEWP; PMZP 7, 17; SPD .2; PDRP -2.5, 0, 0, 2.5, 2.5, 0, 0, -2.5; PDRP 2.1, 1.25, 1.25, -2.1, -2.1, -1.25, -1.25, 2.1; PMRP 0, 2.5; PDRP 2.1, -1.25, 1.25, 2.1, -2.1, 1.25, -1.25, -2.1; STRK; PAGE; EXIT;
Related Commands
Parameters distance:
distance below the baseline
thickness of the underline
The SULP command sets the thickness of any subsequent underlining as well as the distance below the baseline, in the unit value designated by the UNIT command. The distance parameter is limited only by the size of the page. Negative values can be used to obtain overlines. The minimum underline thickness is one dot. The maximum underline thickness is 127 dots. The default values include: Distance below baseline: 7 dots Thickness of underline: 4 dots One dot equals approximately 0.0083 cm or 0.0033 inches.
The SULP command does not affect the underline character (_), which is an independent character with ASCII code 95 (hex 5F). If your word-processing software writes underlines by backing up and printing the underline character instead of using the printing systems automatic underline feature, the SULP command will control only underlines printed by the U-option in PRESCRIBE commands such as TEXT.
!R! RES; UNIT C; SLS 0.8; SFNT Helvetica-Nr, 12; TEXT Default paramaters, E, U; TEXT , , E; SULP .2, .1; TEXT heavier underlining, N, U; TEXT and even, E; SULP -.32, .04; TEXT OVERLINING, E, U; TEXT !; PAGE; EXIT;
Parameters source
paper source: 0 = MP tray 1 = main cassette 2 = second cassette
thickness of paper: 0 = normal (normal) 1 = thick 2 = thin
print density: lighter (1) to darker (5), default is 3.
The TATR command applies a paper source (MP tray or cassette) thickness of paper and print density. This enables the printing system to optimize the electrical properties (such as the fuser temperature and the transfer bias) so that the best print quality is achieved with different thicknesses of paper. The attributes are reset for a tray when thickness and print-density parameters are omitted. All trays are reset when all three parameters are omitted. This command is relevant to the FS-1000 printer only.
To attribute the MP tray for thick paper and normal density: !R! TATR 0, 1, 3; EXIT; To reset the second paper cassette (option feeder) to the defaults: !R! TATR 2; EXIT; To reset all paper sources to the defaults: !R! TATR; EXIT;
Parameters string:
any character string
B = Leave cursor at beginning of string E = Move cursor to end of string L = Move cursor down one line N = Move cursor to beginning of next line
Underline text
The TEXT command prints the given string at the cursor location, then moves the cursor as designated by the option. The string to be printed must be enclosed in either single or double quotation marks. (If the string includes one kind of quotation mark, use the other kind to enclose it.) If the string is omitted, nothing is printed. TEXT, N; can be used to print a blank line, for example. If the option is omitted, the cursor is not moved (same as option B). If the U-option is specified, the string is underlined. The underline thickness and location can be set by the SULP command. The TEXT command can be used to position a line of text at an exact location. The length of the string is unlimited, except that the command as a whole may not be longer than 255 characters. Carriage-return and linefeed codes in the string are ignored.
!R! RES; UNIT C; MAP 2, 2; SFNT Univers-MdCd; TEXT Check desired options:, L, U; FONT 2; BOX .1, -.1; TEXT Power steering, L; BOX .1, -.1; TEXT CD auto changer, L; BOX .1, -.1; TEXT Air conditioner, L; PAGE; EXIT;
Related Commands
Parameter mode:
0 = ANK (alphabetic numeric and kana) 1 = shift JIS (2-byte code)
The TPRS command allows character codes to be interpreted as 1-byte or 2-byte character code while printing using a text command. To parse such characters, the current font must supports 2-byte characters and a 2-byte symbol set such as Windows 3.1J (19K). The pursing method will automatically be shift JIS encoding (2) if the default font and symbol set is of 2-byte. This command is valid only in HP emulation.
Parameters mode:
Transparency separate mode: 0 = Off 1 = Inserting a blank page 2 = Inserting a page which the transparency content is printed on
The number of the paper source which the inserting paper loads from: 1 or above. The number varies depending on the printing system and its configuration. When omitting the tray parameter, 1 is automatically set to the tray parameter.
The TRSM command instructs printing system to insert blank or printed page between each transparency. The printing system loads transparency from MP tray and inserting paper from the paper source other than MP tray. When face-down printing, the printing system print the transparency page first. When face-up printing, the printing system print the blank or printed page first.
!R! MTYP 2; TRSM 1,1; JOBS 0,1,2,0; TEXT "page 1"; PAGE; TEXT "page 2"; PAGE; JOBT; EXIT;
Parameter code:
I = inches C = centimeters P = points D = dots
The UNIT command sets the unit of measurement used in other PRESCRIBE commands. The initial unit is inches. Other supported units of measurement can be calculated as follows: 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters 1 inch = 72 points 1 inch = 300 dots (300 dpi)/600 dots (600 dpi)/1200 dots (1200 dpi)
UNIT commands are not retroactive. They do not affect values set by previous commands.
!R! UNIT C; MRP 3, 3; SFNT "Univers-MdCd", 12; MRP 3, 3; CIR .35; TEXT 7mm pistol; UNIT I; MRP 0, 1; CIR .225; TEXT .45 caliber pistol; PAGE; EXIT;
Parameter number:
96, 100, 120, 144, 150, 160, 180, 200, 225, 240, 288, 300, 360, 400, 450, 480, 600, 720, 800, 900, 1200, 1440, 1800, 2400, 3600, 7200
The UOM command applies only to the printing system models that support the 600 dpi resolution. It defines the unit of measurement in dots per inch for cursor movements. The command requires that the UNIT value be set to D. The default unit of measurement is 300 (dpi). For example, the cursor movement of 50 dots equals 1/6 inches. The command accepts only the above numbers for the unit of measurement. Any other numbers will be ignored when used with this command.
!R! FRPO N8, 1; RES; UNIT C; SFNT "Helvetica-Nr", 9; MZP 5, 5; TEXT "UOM 120; BOX 100, 100;", L; UNIT D; UOM 120; BOX 100, 100; UNIT C; MZP 5, 9; TEXT "UOM 720; BOX 100, 100;", L; UNIT D; UOM 720; BOX 100, 100; PAGE; EXIT;
Related Command
Parameters mailbox:
number from 1 to 255 or character string representing number or alias of virtual mailbox
Character string representing the alias being set for the virtual mailbox given by mailbox (up to 31 bytes)
The password for the virtual mailbox given by mailbox if a password has been set for it.
The VMAL command sets an alias for a virtual mailbox. When an alias is set for a virtual mailbox using this command, that alias may be used to identify the mailbox just like the virtual mailbox number. If this command is used on a virtual mailbox for which an alias has already been set, the old alias will be overwritten. If the alias specified has already been set for another virtual mailbox, an error will be displayed on the operator panel and the specification will be invalid. If an alias is to be set for a virtual mailbox for which a password is set, that virtual mailboxs password is required. An error will be displayed on the operator panel if no password or the incorrect password is specified. (See the Technical Reference manual.) Note that if command syntax is incorrect, such as when an alias longer than 31 bytes is specified, the command will be invalid and no error will be displayed on the operator panel. The master password is valid for all virtual mailboxes.
To set the alias MyMailbox for virtual mailbox number 3 for which the password 9999 has been set: !R! VMAL 3, "MyMailbox", 9999; EXIT;
Parameter mailbox:
number from 1 to 255 or character string representing an alias
The VMOB command specifies virtual mailboxes that receive print jobs. It is possible to specify multiple virtual mailboxes by issuing multiple instances of this command. If no virtual mailbox corresponds to the alias given, an error will be displayed on the operator panel. (See the Technical Reference manual.) This command is irrelevant to photocopy virtual mailbox function.
To stack jobs on virtual mailbox number 3: !R! VMOB 3; EXIT; To stack jobs on the virtual mailbox having the alias MyMailbox: !R! VMOB "MyMailbox"; EXIT;
Parameters mailbox:
0 = Sets the master password 1 to 255 = Number of virtual mailbox for which the password is set Character string = Alias of virtual mailbox for which the password is set
1 to 65535 = Current password for the virtual mailbox specified by mailbox 0 = Indicates no password is set for the virtual mailbox specified by mailbox
1 to 65535 = New password for the virtual mailbox specified by mailbox 0 = Indicates no password is to be set for the virtual mailbox specified by mailbox
The VMPW command sets the output password for a virtual mailbox. If this command is used on a virtual mailbox for which a password is already set, that password must be specified by current-password or the command will be invalid and an error will be displayed on the operator panel. An error also will results if the password specification fails or no virtual mailbox corresponds to the alias given. For error displays, see the Technical Reference manual. The master password is valid as the current password for all virtual mailboxes. Virtual mailboxes for which a password has been set are not shown on the VMB LIST page (See page 134). This command is irrelevant to photocopy virtual mailbox function.
To set 9999 as the password for virtual mailbox number 3 for which no password is set: !R! VMPW 3, 0, 9999; EXIT; To set no password for the virtual mailbox with the alias MyMailbox for which the password 9999 had been set: !R! VMPW "MyMailbox", 9999, 0; EXIT; To change the password for the virtual mailbox with the alias Purchase Dept. from 9999 to 3333: !R! VMPW "Purchase Dept.", 9999, 3333; EXIT;
Parameter mode:
0 = Off 1 = On
The wide A4 function widens the A4 printing width in order to prevent unnatural line breaks or clipping of graphics in cases where a document created as a letter-size document is output in A4 size. The WIDE command sets and clears the wide A4 function. The setting made with this command is initialized by the RES and FRPO commands. Printing area The width of the A4 printing area is set to that of Letter size. The width is increased symmetrically to the left and right. The width is always increased in the shorter direction (either width or height, whichever is shorter). Thus if the document is set to landscape orientation, the height is increased. The printing area for sizes other than A4 is not affected.
The WRED command terminates a sequence of writing data to the memory card or to the hard disk, using one of the commands listed below. The WRED command can be renamed to a string of ASCII characters if necessary. For details, refer to the RWER T or RWRF T command (See page 249 or 257).
Related command
Parameters data-length:
length of data in bytes, terminated with a semicolon (;) If this value is omitted, data-string is counted all characters after the first semicolon until the program sees ;ENDB; .
data to be encoded, terminated with a semicolon (;) immediately followed by an ENDB command (256 international characters or binary data)
name of buffer previously defined by XBUF command
The XBAR command prints a two dimensional barcode (sometimes referred to as PDF417 symbol). The ENDB must follow as a terminator for the barcode data string. Note that carriage return, line feed, space and all other characters must be counted as part of data in the data string field. If data-length is omitted, 0, negative value, or non integer, then data-string is counted all characters until the program sees ;ENDB;. If data-length is 0, the semicolon to terminate the data cannot be omitted. (Command as XBAR;;ENDB;.) It is necessary to have no space between ; and ENDB;.
!R! XBAR; The Milky Way is a gravitationally bound collection of roughly a hundred billion stars. Our Sun is one of these stars and is located roughly 24,000 light years (or 8000 parsecs) from the center of our the Milky Way. The Galaxy has three major components. A thin disk consisting of young and intermediate age stars - this disk also contains gas and is actively forming new stars. Dust in the disk makes it appear orange in the picture. Dust absorbs blue light more than red light and thus makes stars appear reddish. Our Galaxy has spiral arms in its disk - these spiral arms are regions of active star formation.;ENDB;
Parameter type:
two dimensional barcode type: 1 = PDF417 (only type currently supported)
The XBCP 0 command selects a barcode type and resets all parameters to the defaults.
See XBCP 1 (page 366) command page.
Parameter element-width:
narrowest bar and space width: More than or equal to 1 dot. If less than 1 dot, truncated to 1 dot. Default is 3 dots.
PDF417 supports 8 different bar and space widths. The each width is a multiple of 1 to 8 times of the narrowest element width. The XBCP command set to mode 1 specifies the narrowest element width (narrowest bar width) in the current unit as designated by a UNIT command. In the following example, the element width is set to .02 inches as the default unit is inches. Minimum width allowed by the printing system is 1 dot. Minimum readable width is probably higher. Minimum width meeting AIM recommendation for open systems is 3 dots. After the first example has been printed, the printing system moves cursor 1 inch down to print another example in which the minimum element width is reverted to its default (3 dots).
!R! RES; MZP 0, 0; XBCP 1, .02; XBAR;Min. element width is .02 inches;ENDB; MZP 0, 1; XBCP 0; XBAR;Min. element width is reset (to 3 dots);ENDB; EXIT;
Parameter percentage:
value between 0 and 400
PDF417 supports an error correction scheme. The XBCP 2 command specifies the error correction level as a percentage of the number of code word values for the data to be encoded. An illegal value defaults to 10. Note that XBCP 3, as explained on the next page, sets the error correction level by predetermined values, and the execution of XBCP 3 disables the setting of XBCP 2, even if XBCP 2 is executed after XBCP 3, until RES (reset) or XBCP 0.
To set 50% error correction level: !R! RES; XBCP 2, 50; XBAR;This is an error correction level test;ENDB; EXIT;
Parameter level:
error correction level, integer from 0 to 8
The XBCP 3 command sets the error correction level by predetermined values. An illegal value defaults to 0. Note that the execution of XBCP 3 overrides the setting of XBCP 2 and remains valid until RES (reset) or XBCP 0.
To sets the error correction level to level 4: !R! RES; XBCP 3, 4; XBAR;Error correction can also be set by level;ENDB; EXIT;
Parameter number:
number of data code word rows, ranging from 3 to 90
The XBCP 4 command sets the number of data code word rows in the PDF417 barcode. Illegal values make XBCP 4 ignored. XBCP 6 default provides default. Note that this command is not effective if XBCP 8 is issued. Precedence of XBCP modes is: 4<8, 4>6, 4+8< 6.
To set 20 rows of barcode: !R! RES; XBCP 4, 20; MZP 1.5, 1.5; XBAR;Visit Sea World, the world famous San Diego Zoo & Wild Animal Park, historic Old Town, Tijuana (Mexico), Mission Bay, the downtown Gaslamp District and all those great beaches. And, as the natives know, the end of September is the best time of year.;ENDB; EXIT;
Parameter number:
number of data code word columns, ranges between 1 and 30 inclusive (Illegal values make XBCP 5 ignored.)
The XBCP 5 command sets the number of data code word columns in the PDF417 barcode. There are also row indicator code words at each end of the row which are not counted as data code words. XBCP 6 default provides default. Note that this command is not effective if XBCP 8 is issued. Precedence of XBCP modes is: 5<8, 5>6, 5+8<6.
To set 30 columns of barcode: !R! RES; XBCP 5, 30; MZP 1.5, 1.5; XBAR;Visit Sea World, the world famous San Diego Zoo & Wild Animal Park, historic Old Town, Tijuana (Mexico), Mission Bay, the downtown Gaslamp District and all those great beaches. And, as the natives know, the end of September is the best time of year.;ENDB; EXIT;
Number of columns is set to 30.
Parameters height/width:
parts of the aspect ratio of vertical height and horizontal width, ranging between 10: 1 (XBCP 6, 10, 1) and 1: 10 (XBCP 6, 1, 10)
The XBCP 6 command determines aspect ratio of vertical height and horizontal width of the barcode. Illegal values default to 1: 2. Default is 1: 2. Note that this command is not effective if XBCP 4 and/or 5 is issued, however, this has the highest priority if both XBCP 8 and XBCP 4 and/or 5 are issued together. Precedence of XBCP modes is: 4/5<8, 4/5>6, 4/5+8<6.
To set aspect ratio 3:2 in vertical and horizontal direction: !R! RES; XBCP 6, 3, 2; XBAR;Visit Sea World, the world famous San Diego Zoo & Wild Animal Park, historic Old Town, Tijuana (Mexico), Mission Bay, the downtown Gaslamp District and all those great beaches. And, as the natives know, the end of September is the best time of year.;ENDB; EXIT;
Parameter mod-ratio:
ratio of module height to element width, ranging from 1 to 10
The XBCP 7 command determines the bar height by a ratio to the narrowest element width. An illegal value defaults to 3.
To set the module height twice as high as the element width: !R! RES; XBCP 7, 2; XBAR;Visit Sea World, the world famous San Diego Zoo & Wild Animal Park, historic Old Town, Tijuana (Mexico), Mission Bay, the downtown Gaslamp District and all those great beaches. And, as the natives know, the end of September is the best time of year.;ENDB; EXIT;
The bar height is twice as high as the element width. Since the default bar height is a triple of the element width, the barcode aspect ratio is now in ratio of 2:3. (See XBCP 6.)
The XBCP 8 command permits the system to automatically set rows and columns so that it satisfies the requirement that the multiplication of rows times columns is less than or equal to 928. Default is disabled. Note that the XBCP 8 overrides XBCP 4 and/or 5 which set the number of rows and columns. However, this command is not effective if both XBCP 6 and XBCP 4 and/or 5 are issued together. Precedence of XBCP modes is: 4/5<8, 4/5+8<6.
The XBCP 9 command can generate a truncated PDF417 symbol that omits the right row indicator and the stop pattern. Default is non-truncation.
Parameter file-name:
string containing a file name
A Macro PDF417 symbol contains an optional file name field. The XBCP 10 command enables this field and defines its contents. The string must be surrounded by single or double quote marks, be less than 200 characters long and only contain EXC mode compaction characters (20H~7FH). This command is ignored if the string does not satisfy these conditions. The execution of this command automatically sets Macro PDF417 symbol mode.
!R! RES; XBCP 10, A00254; MZP 1,0; XBCP 18,0; XBAR; ... ... EXIT;
A Macro PDF417 symbol contains an optional block count field. The XBCP 11 command enables this function. Default is not enabled. The execution of this command also automatically sets Macro PDF417 symbol mode.
!R! RES; XBCP 11; MZP 1,0; XBCP 18,0; XBAR; ... ... EXIT;
Parameter time:
total number of seconds since 00:00:00 AM January 1, 1970 Greenwich mean time
A Macro PDF417 symbol contains an optional time stamp field. The XBCP 12 command enables this function. The execution of this command also automatically sets Macro PDF417 symbol mode.
To set time stamp at 06:15:30AM on Jan. 2, 1970: !R! RES; XBCP 12, 108930; MZP 1,0; XBCP 18,0; XBAR; ... ... EXIT;
Parameter sender-id:
string containing sender ID
A Macro PDF417 symbol contains an optional Sender ID field. The XBCP 13 command enables this field and defines its contents. The string must be surrounded by single or double quote marks, be less than 200 characters long and only contain EXC compaction mode characters (20H~7FH). This command is ignored if the string does not satisfy these conditions. The execution of this command automatically sets Macro PDF417 symbol mode.
!R! RES; XBCP 13, "BETTERDAYSINC" MZP 1,0; XBCP 18,0; XBAR; ... ... EXIT;
Parameter addressee-id:
string containing addressee ID
A Macro PDF417 symbol contains an optional Addressee ID field. The XBCP 14 command enables this field and defines its contents. The string must be surrounded by single or double quote marks, be less than 200 characters long and only contain EXC compaction mode characters (20H~7FH). This command is ignored if the string does not satisfy these conditions. The execution of this command also automatically sets Macro PDF417 symbol mode.
!R! RES; XBCP 14, BAREFOOTINC; MZP 1,0; XBCP 18,0; XBAR; ... ... EXIT;
A Macro PDF417 symbol contains an optional file size field. The XBCP 15 command enables this function. Note that the execution of this command also automatically sets Macro PDF417 symbol mode. This function is disabled in default condition.
!R! RES; XBCP 15; MZP 1,0; XBCP 18,0; XBAR; ... ... EXIT;
A Macro PDF417 symbol contains an optional checksum. The XBCP 16 command enables this function. Note that the execution of this command automatically sets Macro PDF symbol mode. This function is disabled in default condition.
!R! RES; XBCP 16; MZP 1, 0; XBCP 18, 0; XBAR; ... EXIT;
Parameter file-id:
string containing a file ID
A Macro PDF417 symbol contains a required file ID. The XBCP 17 command allows control of this field. A random file ID is generated when XBCP 10 through 16 or XBCP 18 are executed without executing XBCP 17. The string must be surrounded by single or double quotation marks, be less than 50 characters long and only contain EXC compaction mode characters (20H~7FH). This command is ignored if the string does not satisfy these conditions. The execution of this command automatically sets Macro PDF417 symbol mode. Note that PDF barcode is positioned a half inch below the previous PDF barcode if there are no positioning parameters exist [See XBCP 19 (page 387).] or insufficient number of parameters exist. See the example in File below.
In Macro PDF mode, data such as large as 3000 bytes print 3 90-column-by-30-row PDF symbols which are a half inch apart vertically: !R! RES; XBCP 17,"BookOne"; XBAR; large data such as 3000 bytes;ENDB; EXIT;
Parameter block-index:
0 to k-1, and k is the number of blocks
Executing the XBCP 18 command enables the Macro PDF417 symbol mode. The Macro PDF417 symbol mode directs the reader to separate large data and allows Macro PDF417 two dimensional barcodes with a single file-id.
To bar-code data abcdXYZ12345 as a Macro PDF417 using block indices 0, 1, and 2: !R! UNIT C; CMNT Set unit to centimeters; XBCP 17,"file-id"; CMNT Set file ID to file-id; MZP 1,0; CMNT Move cursor to (1, 0) [centimeters]; XBCP 18,0; CMNT Set block index 0 to next data; XBAR; abcd;ENDB; CMNT Encode and print data "abcd"; MZP 1,5; CMNT Move cursor to (1, 5) [centimeters]; XBCP 18,1; CMNT Set block index 1 to next data; XBAR; XYZ;ENDB; CMNT Encode and print data "XYZ"; MZP 1,10; CMNT Move cursor to (1, 10) [centimeters]; XBCP 18,2; CMNT Set block index 2 to next data; XBAR; 12345;ENDB; CMNT Encode and print data "12345"; EXIT;
The multiple PDF417 symbol from one large data can be positioned at the specified locations using the XBCP 19 command. X1 , Y1 is the relative location of second PDF symbol to the first symbol, X2 , Y2 for third, and so on as measured from the current coordinate (like the MRP command described on the printing systems manual). The remaining pairs of positioning parameters are ignored if there are no more PDF symbol to print. The relative location parameters, Xn and Yn can not define the location beyond first page. The positioning command such as MZP and ENDB should be used to specify the macro PDF location if there are data beyond first page. PDF symbol will be positioned a half inch below the previous PDF symbol if there are no positioning parameter exist or insufficient number of positioning parameters exist. The combination with multiple number of ENDB command allows to print multiple number of macro PDF on multiple pages. Note RES, XBCP0, and XBAR command will delete the remaining macro PDF data if all data has not been printed. Therefore, the page eject should not be done by RES command.
File 1
In Macro PDF mode, data such as large as 3000 bytes print 3 90-column-by-30-row PDF symbols at specified locations specified by XBCP 19. In the file below, the second line XBCP 17 activates Macro PDF mode and specifies QualitySt for file-id. The third line MZP command positions the first barcode at 1 inch each from the left and right paper edge limits. The fourth line XBCP 19 moves the cursor 1 inch from the left and 2 inches below the point where the first barcode started and prints the second barcode; then moves the cursor 1 inch from the left and 2 inches below the point where the second barcode started and prints the third barcode.: !R! RES; XBCP 17,"QualitySt"; MZP 1, 1; XBCP 19,1,2,1,2; XBAR; large data such as 3000 bytes;ENDB; EXIT;
Printout 1
File 2
To print 4 30-column-by-20-row PDF symbols at specified locations in Macro PDF mode. In example below, the first line XBCP command resets all XBCP parameters to the defaults and selects the barcode type for PDF417 (though it is the only type currently available); the second line XBCP sets the number of rows in the barcode to 20 (rows); the third line XBCP sets the number of data codeword in the barcode to 30 (codewords). Note that with the number of rows and codewords of 20 and 30 respectively, the data the XBAR encodes are split into 4 barcodes which can be positioned separately at different coordinates as specified by the seventh line XBCP command.: !R! RES; XBCP 0,1; XBCP 4,20; XBCP 5,30; XBCP 17,"TrnOvr9"; MZP 0.5, 0.5; XBCP 19,0.5,1,0.5,1,0.5,1,0.5,1; XBAR; large data such as 3000 bytes;ENDB; EXIT;
Printout 2
File 3
To print multiple Macro PDF barcodes beyond the current page. In the example below, the fourth line XBCP 19 has no coordinating parameters specified. This allows the first segment barcode of the ensuing PDF data to be positioned at the current cursor position and the remaining data on the subsequent pages if there are data beyond the first page. The PAGE command on the sixth line starts the new page. The combinations of MZP and ENDB allow the second and third PDF barcodes printed at the specific coordinates on the following page.: !R! RES; XBCP 0,1; XBCP 17,"TrnOvr0"; XBCP 19; XBAR; large data such as 3000 bytes;ENDB; PAGE; MZP 1,2; ENDB; MZP 4,4; ENDB; EXIT;
Printout 3
First page
Second page
Parameters buffer-name:
name of the buffer that contains XBAR data
length of data in bytes, terminated with a semicolon
data to be encoded, terminated with a semicolon immediately followed by an ENDB command (256 international characters or binary data)
The XBUF command defines/undefines a buffer that contains actual data for the two dimensional barcodes. The buffer name can be any length but only the first four characters count. The rest will be ignored. The distinction between upper and lowercase letters is also ignored. For example, the following names are all the same. ABCD abcd ABCDE Abcdxyz
The name must start with a letter, but the other characters can include digits and special symbols such as hyphens. For example, F-1 and GRY-2 are valid buffer names. As the above Format instruction implies, the XBUF command sequence can have two other formats implementing the different functions as follows: XBUF buffer-name,; data-string;ENDB; Note the comma ( , ) placed between the buffer-name and ;. As is the case of XBAR, this format allows that data-length can be omitted, 0, negative value, or non integer, the comma after buffer-name must be left in place, however. Then data-string is counted all characters until the program encounters ;ENDB;. It is necessary to have no space or linebreak between ; and ENDB;. The XBUF command sequence with no comma and data-length specified XBUF buffer-name; is used to delete the buffer name from the printing system memory. The XBUF command sequence with no comma, buffer-name and data-length specified XBUF;
is used to delete all buffer name from the printing system memory.
... XBCP 0,1; XBUF PDF 1, 25; This is a PDF417 example. ;ENDB; XBUF PDF 2, 15; This is a test. ;ENDB; ... XBAR PDF 1; MRP 1,1; XBAR PDF 2; The sixth line prints PDF417 barcode containing the data string buffered in the third line and the last line prints PDF417 barcode containing the data string buffered in the fourth line. ... XBCP 0, 1; XBUF PDF 1, 25; This is a PDF417 example. ;ENDB; XBUF PDF 2, 15; This is a test. ;ENDB; ... MCRO PDF; XBAR PDF 1; MRP 1, 1; XBAR PDF 2; ENDM; CALL PDF; The last line prints the two PDF417 barcodes defined in the macro which is defined by MCRO in the sixth line.
Parameters pattern-number:
number from 100 to 105
dot pattern of the pattern, coded as a character string
The XPAT command generates a new, expanded shading pattern. The new pattern can be specified with the PAT command for use by the BLK and ARC commands and in a path. Details for creation of new patterns appear in Chapter 4 of the Technical Reference manual.
!R! RES; UNIT C; MAP 5, 5; XPAT 105;//?//?p@0p@0p@0p@0p@0p@0p@0p@0p@0p@0p@0p@0p@0p@0; PAT 105; BOX 4, 1; BLK 4, 1; PAGE; EXIT;
Related Commands
2-dimentional barcode See Two-dimentional barcode,
Absolute position, 73, 157 Alternate font assigning, 288 API, 242 Arc drawing an arc, 182 standard graphics, 28
moving to, 157 Country code, 129 Cursor option, 42 Cursor position, 275 Curve drawing to relative position, 186 drawing to zero-relative, 188
Barcode barcode positions diagrammed, command, 34 flag, 35 Beveled line join, 305 Block, 40 cursor moving option, 40 Booklet binding, 38 Box, 42 cursor moving option, 42 Butt cap, 266
Dash pattern, 78, 285 a list as printout, 79 Dashed pattern, 79 Data dump, 218 ending, 93 Destination image, 300 Downloading character, 147 Drawing rule (for fill), 101 Dummy sign (macro), 160 Dumping data, 218 Duplex inhibiting by media type,
162, 163
Carbon copy, 46 Character path, 64 Character spacing, 281 Circle, 52 Clipping rectangle, 55 Code set, 129, 226, 268 returning to the saved set, 226 saving current, 268 Collator, 68 Color, 159, 263, 274, 278 adjusting lightness, 155 color matching, 159 commands, 7 gamma control, 155 monitor simulation, 315 palette, 302 saturation, 155, 263 saving current palette, 278 selecting in palette, 274 vivid color, 159 Command recognition character, 215, 279 changing, 279 Command start sequence, 215 changing, 279 Comment, 59 Compression (SFNT), 294 control, 63 Coordinates, 157 Index-2
EcoPrint, 98 level, 98 e-MPS, 165 limiting values for storage, 165 e-MPS starting, 141 Emulation, 287 changing, 287 End cap, 266 butt, 266 round, 266 square, 266 Ending angle, 28, 182 EPROM, 246 Exit, 99 exiting from PRESCRIBE, 99 External media assigning terminating string, 249 deleting data, 242 formatting, 243 How to read data from, 246 How to write data to, 250 printing information, 244 printing partitions, 245 reading data from, 246 storing TrueType fonts, 247 terminator, 362 writing data to, 250
Face-down output tray, 335 Face-up output tray, 335 Fill, 184 Fill pattern, 110 8 by 8 bit, 110
a list of resident, 185 a list of resident fill patterns, 185 column value, 110 Filling path, 101 Firmware, 112 initializing, 114 Reprogramming, 112 Flatness of curves, 104 Font, 71, 75, 115, 270 assigning attributes (bitmap), 290 changing by characteristic, 115 changing by number, 108 characteristics, 116 deleting a, 75 deleting all nonresident, 71 evaluation by priority, 116 font mode, 108, 119 saving current, 270 selection by assigning typeface, 294 Font attributes, 291 Font list, 105 printing a, 105 Font mode, 119 Fuser mode, 162, 163
left, 307 Lightness, 155 Line, 73, 80, 82, 87 drawing by angle, 82 drawing to absolute, 73 drawing to relative, 80 drawing to zero-relative, Line join, 305 Line end (caps), 266 Line join, 313 beveled, 305 miter limite, 313 mitered, 305 notched, 305 round, 305 Line spacing, 312 Lines per inch, 309 Lines per page, 310 Logical page, 190 diagrams, 191 Print direction, 190
Hard disk, 141, 246, 250, 256, 258 error codes, 136
printing a list of, 134 printing jobs, 136 printing with different finishing options, starting to define a ..., 140 terminating to define a ..., 144 Job offset, 145 Job separation, 145 choosing first or all pages, 145 separating copies by command, 145
KCGL pen color,
Macro, 72, 76 automatic macro, 25 calling a, 44 commands, 8 defining, 160 deleting a, 76 deleting all, 72 dummy parameter, 160 ending a, 94 macro overlay, 25 sources, locations, properties, 161 mailbox, 171 Margin, 264, 307 bottom, 264 right, 328 top, 338 Margine left margin, 307 Media type, 162, 163, 172 attributing media type, 162, 163 Memory card, 246, 250, 256, 258 autostart, 256 Miter limit, 305, 313 Mitered line join, 305 Monitor simulation, 315 Move, 157, 167, 174 moving to absolute, 157 moving to relative, 167 moving to zero-relative, 174 Moving specifying angle, 169 Index-3
Notched line join, Number of copies,
305 61
Operation mode,
Page break, 179 Page length, 320 Page orientation, 322 Page width, 326 Palette, 63, 278 creating simple color, 302 selecting, 317 Pantone, 180 creating a palette, 180 Pantone colors, 36, 181 Paper cassette grouping, 27 Paper size, 282, 324 customize, 282 enlargement/reduction, 324 Paper weight, 162, 163 Parsing text, 351 Path, 176, 182, 184, 193, 195, 197, 201, 203, 205 elipse path, 197 filling a, 101 Line, drawing to relative, 193 Line, drawing to zero-relative, 195 move, moving to relative, 203 move, moving to relative by angle, 201 move, moving to zero-relative, 205 selecting a fill pattern, 184 stroking a path, 344 Pen color, 297 diameter, 318 thickness, 318 Permanent job, 141 Pie chart, 199 Pitch, 276, 281, 309, 310 characters-per-inch, 276 PRESCRIBE start sequence, 215 Presentation mode, 330 Previous position, 230 print density, 348 Printing right-aligned text, 236 Punch, 207
logical operation, 332 presentation mode, 330 receiving, 240 receiving color raster data, 239 ROP3, 332 run-length encoding, 238 TIFF rev. 4.0, 238 Raster data ending, 96 Registration, 225 Relative position, 80, 82, 167 Resetting the printer by emulation, 220 Resolution, 222 RGB color balance level, 223 gamma, 223 ROP3, 332 Round cap, 266 Round line join, 305 Run-length, 239
Saturation, 155, 263 saving, 278 Saving current, 275 Saving cursor position restoring, 230 Saving graphics state, 272 restoring, 228 separate mode, 352 Shade of gray, 122 Shear, 294 Sorter, 164, 334 addressing a tray group, 164 selecting trays, 334 Source image, 299 Square cap, 266 Stacker, 335 selecting tray, 335 stacker, 171 Staple, 141, 340 changing number of pages, 340 position, 341 Starting a new page, 179 Starting a new path, 176 Starting angle, 28, 182, 199 Status page, 336 user mode and service mode, 336 Symbol set, 65, 129, 226, 268, 294 as a bitmap attribute, 290 ID by CSET, 65 returning to the saved set, 226
Radius, 28, 199 RAM disk, 246, 250 Raster compression, 238 dot resolution, 343 Index-4
Temporary job, 140 Test page, 336 Text, 69, 349 centering a, 69
Text parsing, 351 Thickness, 318 TIFF 4.0, 239 Transparency, 299, 352 TrueType, 153, 247 loading ..., 153 Two-dimentional barcode addressee ID, 380 automatic rows and columns, 374 bar height, 373 block count, 377 checksum, 382 data code word columns, 370 data code word rows, 369 error correction level, 368 error correction level by percentage, 367 file ID control, 383 file name, 376 file size, 381 macro PDF417, 385 naming buffer, 391 positioning at specified locations, 387 printing a, 363 ratio of height and width, 371 selecting type, 365 sender ID, 379 specifying narrowest width, 366 time stamp, 378 truncation, 375 type of paper, 348 Typeface, 294
Zero-relative position,
87, 174
Underline, 346 distance and thickness, 346 Unit, 283, 353 saving current, 283 Unit of measurement, 283, 353, 355 per dots, 355
Vector graphics commands, 5 Virtrual mailbox spooling as a job, 141 Virtual mailbox, 357, 358 aliasing a mailbox, 357 assigning a mailbox to receive jobs, definiing a job to store in a mailbox, password, 359 printing a list of, 134 printing using command, 136
358 140
Wide A4,