Ministry of
Government Services
Request for Birth Certicate
(For births which took place in Ontario only)
(THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) If you have any questions, please contact the
Ofce of the Registrar General
189 Red River Road, PO Box 4600
Thunder Bay ON P7B 6L8
Outside Toronto 1 800 461-2156 or in Toronto 416 325-8305 or
Fax 807 343-7459
Please PRINT clearly in blue or black ink.
In the context of this form, the word Applicant refers to the person completing this Request.
This may or may not be the Person Named on the Birth Certicate .
Ofce of the
Registrar General
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Queens Printer for Ontario, 2010 Disponible en franais
Certied Copy of Birth Registration (Long form)
This contains all registered information, including parents information and signatures.
It is provided in the form of a certied copy.
Birth Certicate (Short form) Not issued for deceased persons
This includes basic information, such as name, date and place of birth
Search Letter
This is a letter saying the record is or is not on le. If you dont know the exact date of the birth event, choose
a year based on information you may have obtained for this purpose, and write it in the space provided for
the date. We will search that whole year plus two years before and after, for a total of ve years.
Replacement birth certicate.................................................................$35.00
First birth certicate................................................................................$25.00
Replacement certied copy of Birth Registration...................................$45.00
First certied copy of Birth Registration.................................................$35.00
Please note that fees are subject to change
without notice. If you send your request by
mail, you can pay by cheque or money order,
made payable to Minister of Finance, or by
VISA, MasterCard or American Express.
At our public counter, you can also pay by
cash or debit card.
We will not accept post-dated cheques. We
will charge $35.00 if your cheque is rejected
because of insufcient funds.
There is a limit on the number
of documents issued.
(See #7 on pg. 4).
If youre sending your payment from
anywhere other than Canada, you must
pay with an international money order in
Canadian funds drawn on a Canadian
clearing house, or by VISA, MasterCard
or American Express.
Search Letter............................$15.00 for each 5 year period to be searched $
What Information are you Requesting and How much will it Cost?
Last Name
Street Name
Postal Code
Applicants Name
Apt. No.
Organization / Firm (if applicable)
PO Box
Mailing Address
Buzzer No.
First Name
Street No.
Country Telephone Number (including area code)
Your Payment Options
Cheque or Money Order. Please make
payable to: Minister of Finance
Name of Cardholder
Card Number
Signature of Cardholder
Expiry Date (Month / Year)
Credit card payment: You must pay by credit card if you are faxing your request to us.
Our fax number is: 807 343-7459.
American Express Visa MasterCard
Clear Form
Next Page
11076E (2010/07)
Last Name (at time of Birth)
Date of Birth
Place of Birth (City)
First Name Middle Name(s)
Where did the birth take place
Name of Doctor or Attendant (at birth)
First Name
Any Other Last Name(s) Used by Mother Mothers Marital Status (at the time of this childs birth)
Mothers Place of Birth (City and Province / Country)
Mothers Age
(at time of this birth)
Mothers Address (at the time of this childs birth)
Middle Name(s)
Mothers Maiden Name (see #1 on pg. 4)
First Name Middle Name(s)
Father / Other Parent
Age (at time of this birth)
Father / Other Parent Date of Birth
Address of Doctor or Attendant
Father / Other Parent Last Name
Other (specify) Home Birthing Centre
Single Married Divorced Widowed Common law
Father / Other Parent Place of Birth (City and Province / Country)
Hospital (name)
No. of older brothers / sis-
ters born before this child
Weight at Birth
Other Undetermined
Physician Midwife
You must
check one
City Province Country
Signature of Applicant
Date Signed
Year Day Month Ext.
**All previously issued documents will be cancelled.
A person who has legal custody of the person named on the
Birth Certicate is the Applicant. (Proof of Custody is required)
Where the person named on the certicate is alive
(Check one or more boxes)
Where the person named on the certicate is deceased,
only a Certied Copy of the Birth Registration will be issued.
(Check one or more boxes)
A parent of the person named on the Birth Certicate is the
Applicant. (Your name must appear on the Birth Registration)
The person named on the Birth Certicate is the
Applicant. (You must be at least 13 years of age)
Proof of Custody attached.
Mother Father / Other Parent
Certicate of Appointment or similar proof attached.
(see #5 on pg. 4)
The Next of Kin is the Applicant. (see #2 on pg. 4)
Proof of Death attached. (see #3 on pg. 4)
Estate Trustee is the Applicant. (see #4 on pg. 4)
(Certicate of Appointment or similar proof required)
Lost Birth Certicate / Certied Copy of Birth Registration
(see #6 on pg. 4)
I authorize the Ofce of the Registrar General to issue the requested document/information, and consent to the Ministry of Government Services collecting
information about myself and the person named on the Birth Certicate (if other than myself) from the guarantor and such other sources as may be
necessary to verify the information on this form and my entitlement to the service required and to the disclosure of such information to the Ministry of
Government Services. I am aware that it is an offence to wilfully make a false statement on this form.
Stolen Birth Certicate/ Certied Copy of Birth Registration
(see #6 on pg. 4)
Damaged/destroyed Certicate / Certied Copy of Birth Registration
(see #6 on pg. 4)
First time applying for Birth Certicate/Certied Copy of Birth Registration
Why are you requesting this information?
Please specify:
You MUST check one of the following boxes:
Specify relationship to deceased
Male Female
Has a Birth Certicate (Short Form) been previously issued for this birth?**
Has the person named on the Birth Registration ever had a legal name change?
If yes, provide previous name(s) below:
Has a Certied Copy of the Birth Registration been previously issued for this birth?**
Last Name First Name Middle Name(s)
Last Name First Name Middle Name(s)
No Yes
Year Day Month
Year Day Month
Mothers Date of Birth
Year Day Month
Parent(s) Information (at time of this childs birth)
Who is the Person Named on the Birth Certicate (each box must be lled in)
Who can Obtain this Information?
Daytime Telephone Number (including area code)
Next Page
11076E (2010/07)
1. Canadian citizens who have known the applicant for at least
two years and who are currently serving as one of the
i. Judge, justice of the peace, municipal police ofcer,
provincial police ofcer or ofcer of the Royal
Canadian Mounted Police, First Nations police ofcers
and constables.
ii. Mayor.
iii. Member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario.
iv. Minister of religion authorized under provincial law to
perform marriages.
v. Municipal clerk or treasurer who is a member of the
Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and
Treasurers of Ontario.
vi. Notary public.
vii. Principal or vice-principal of a primary or secondary
viii. Senior administrator or professor in a university or a
senior administrator in a community college or in a
CEGEP in Quebec.
ix. Signing ofcer of a bank, caisse dconomie, caisse
populaire, credit union or trust company.
x. Chief of a band recognized under the Indian Act
Guarantors Last Name
The Guarantor
The persons described in this section are prescribed as guarantors for the purposes of section 45.1 of the Vital Statistics Act:
Canadian citizens who have known the applicant for at least two
years and who are practicing members in good standing of a
provincial regulatory body established by law to govern one of the
following professions:
i. Chiropractor, dentist, midwife, nurse, optometrist,
pharmacist, physician or surgeon, psychologist or
ii. Lawyer.
iii. Professional accountant.
iv. Professional engineer.
v. Social worker or social service worker.
vi. Teacher in a primary or secondary school.
First Name
Organization / Firm (if applicable) Occupation
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Registration No. (if applicable)
Personal information contained on this form is collected under the authority of the Vital Statistics Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.V.4 and will be used to
provide certied copies, extracts, certicates, or search notices and to verify the information provided and your entitlement to the service
requested and for law enforcement and security purposes. It is an offence to wilfully make a false statement on this form. Questions about
this collection should be directed to: Deputy Registrar General, Ofce of the Registrar General 189 Red River Road, PO Box 4600 Thunder
Bay ON P7B 6L8. Telephone Outside Toronto 1 800 461-2156 or in Toronto 416 325-8305.
Last Name First Name
To the Applicant
Please select one of the following persons to act as your Guarantor. When contacted, the Guarantor will be asked to
verify that:
- the statements made in this application are true;
- as the Guarantor, he or she is a Canadian citizen belonging to one of the listed categories; and
- he or she has known you (the applicant) for at least two years.
No person shall charge a fee for acting as a guarantor (Section 45.1(2) of the Vital Statistics Act).
The Applicant certies that the individual named below has consented to act as Guarantor.
Work Telephone No. (including area code) / Ext. Fax No. (optional) (including area code)
The list above is not an endorsement by the Ofce of the Registrar
General of professional status or recognition of superior qualications.
Work address
Guarantor Information
Name of Applicant (must be completed)
This Page MUST be completed in Full if the Person Named on the Certicate is 9 years of Age or Older
City/Town Province Postal Code Street Name Street No.
Print Form Next Page
11076E (2010/07)
Instruction #1
Mothers Maiden Name
Mothers maiden name is the mothers last name at the time of her own birth, unless the mother was adopted. If the mother was adopted,
record the adoptive name.
Instruction #2
Next of Kin includes:
*Spouse, **Common Law Partner, Mother, Father / Other Parent, Daughter, Son, Sister, Brother.
If none of the above are available, the closest surviving Next of Kin (Grandmother, Grandfather, Aunt, Uncle, First Cousin, Niece, Nephew
or Grandchild) may apply but must provide, along with the prescribed fees and a complete and signed application, an afdavit swearing that
they are the closest surviving Next of Kin.
*Spouse means either party to a marriage.
**Common Law Partner means two people living together continuously in a conjugal relationship outside of marriage for a period of no less
than 3 years or two people who have lived together in a relationship of some permanence if they are the parents of a child.
Instruction #3
Proof of Death
i.e., Death Certicate, Funeral Directors Statement, Certicate of Appointment of Estate Trustee or, an order under the
Declarations of Death Act, 2002.
Instruction #4
Estate Trustee includes an Executor or an Administrator.
Instruction #5
Acceptable proof includes a Certicate of Appointment of Estate Trustee, letters probate, letters of administration or a will.
Instruction #6
Lost, Stolen, Damaged / Destroyed Birth Certicates
Birth Certicates or certied copies of Birth Registration that are lost, stolen, or damaged/destroyed must be reported to the Ofce of the
Registrar General immediately. Found birth certicates or certied copies of Birth Registration must be returned to the Ofce of the Registrar
General immediately or delivered to a police or lost and found service.
Instruction #7
Not more than one Birth Certicate and one Certied Copy of a Birth Registration may be issued.
Instruction #8
Application for Reconsideration
If your application for a Birth Certicate or Certied Copy of Birth Registration is refused, you may apply in writing to the Deputy Registrar
General for your application to be reconsidered. You must provide your full name, mailing address, phone number, name of the person
whose Birth Certicate or Certied Copy of Birth Registration is being applied for, le number of the application and reasons why your
application should be reconsidered.
Instruction #9
Safeguarding your Certicates
Please remember that it is important to keep your Birth Certicate in a secure location such as a safety deposit box and not in your wallet.
By keeping it in a safe place, you are doing your part to protect your identity.
Instruction #10
Father / Other Parent
The fathers or other parents information must be included on this application if the information appears on the childs original birth
registration. An other parent refers to a non-biological parent of a child, where the biological father is unknown and where the child was
born from assisted conception.
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What records does the Ofce of the Registrar General have?
The Ofce of the Registrar General holds records for births that happened in Ontario during the past 95 years.
To obtain older records, contact:
Archives of Ontario
134 Ian Macdonald Boulevard
Toronto ON M7A 2C5
800 668-9933
416 327-1600
If you require faster service than 6-8 weeks,
please apply online at www.serviceontario.ca
Mail the Completed Request to:
The Ofce of the Registrar General
189 Red River Road
PO Box 4600
Thunder Bay ON P7B 6L8
Fax 807 343-7459
Print Form