Bellwood September 2013 Newsletter PDF

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Bellwood Public School Newsletter

Leave Your Mark!!! Principals Message: Ms. Walters

September 2013

Happy New School Year! Welcome back to our Bellwood families and a warm welcome to our new families. Bellwood is a wonderful school with terrific students, staff and parents. We are very excited to be celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Bellwood Public School. Bellwood students were temporarily housed at three satellite schools in Whitby starting in September 1987. This site was officially opened in March 1988. Since then Bellwood has continued to be a dynamic institution where students are well prepared to embrace challenges and inspired to create opportunities for their future. We invite you to celebrate Bellwoods accomplishments during the last 25 years. On September 25th Bellwood will be celebrating its 25 years with an official ceremony at 2:00 for the students. From 5:00 to 8:00p.m. there will be an open house. Please join us for this celebration. We are also excited about the start of our Full Day Kindergarten (FDK) program and our partnership with Umbrella Daycare who will be offering the Before School and After School Day Care. The staff and office administration look forward to working with the students and parents to provide the best possible learning environment for our students. Should questions arise, or if you have social issues you wish to discuss, we encourage you to contact your childs teacher first. We are committed to working with families and want to encourage open communication between home and school. By openly discussing issues we can work towards what will be in the best interest of our children and their development academically, physically and socially. Please note that all parents and visitors to the school must report to the office before going elsewhere in the school. Know that, by working together, we shall all make this year a very rewarding one for our child(ren). We look forward to a great school year!! A big thank you goes to our custodial team, Mrs. Faber, Mr. Skagos and Mr. Mullin who have worked especially hard during construction to have our school ready for our return. We look forward to an exciting year. Sincerely, A. Walters Principal

Staff Changes Due to a medical reason our new Vice Principal will not be joining the Bellwood staff until Thanksgiving. Mr. Rodman will be filling in for her during that time. Welcomes are extended to our newest staff members. Mr. Scott Deveau Mr. Michael Johnson Mr. Steven Kroeker Ms. Ayesha Nayyar Ms. Peninnah Kamera Ms. Jamila Douglas intermediate French teacher grade 8 teacher grade 5 - ECE - ECE - ECE

Extended Day Child Care ProgramUmbrella Day Care Umbrella Day Care Centre in partnership with Bellwood PS is providing before and after child care for students from JK to grade 6. The program is open at 7:00 a.m. and closes at 6:00 p.m. Their programs are designed to facilitate growth in all areas of a child's development. Their curriculum delivers a hands on approach that allows children to learn and explore through play-based activities. We are pleased to have Angel Evans and Jennifer Zelinsky as our before school and after school caregivers. For more information about the program, please 905-240-4904.

Ms. Shannon Mangotic - temporary SERT

Safe Arrival
If your child is going to be absent or late for any reason, please call the school at 905-436-0098. You may call at night or early in the morning and leave a message on the voice mail. If you are not sure of the duration of your childs absence, we request you call each morning your child is away. As we call the parents of every child who is away, your prior notification is appreciated.

Indoor Shoes
All students are reminded of the need to reserve one pair of shoes with nonmarking soles for indoor use only. These are necessary for participation in indoor gym classes and assemblies, as well as for maintaining a level of cleanliness and safety within the hallways and classrooms. Wednesdays With Walters As the principal of this amazing school, I remain committed to getting to know the Bellwood community. As a result, I will continue to be available every Wednesday starting in October for an informal chat and coffee time.

Student Sign In / Sign Out

Whenever a student arrives late for school he/she must come to the office and sign in! All students who are leaving early for any reason are requested to come to the office to have a parent sign them out. We cannot allow students to walk home during the instructional day. This will ensure that students are leaving with the appropriate people at the appropriate time.

Make Your First Stop the Office

To ensure our students safety and security while at school, we request that all visitors enter by the front door and make the office their first stop upon arrival. After checking in, please see Mrs. Compton and complete the Visitor Sign-in Book and wear a visitor or volunteer tag. If you need to pick up your child or deliver something, come to the office and we will be happy to assist you.
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Take a Moment
Everyone is invited to join us on Thursday September 12th from 6:30 to 8:00 pm for Meet The Teacher Night. Students are encouraged to bring their parents to meet their teacher and visit the classroom. This is an evening to get acquainted with your childs teacher, and is not intended for parental interviews. Should you require an interview, please arrange a mutually convenient time with your childs teacher.

Registration forms
Included with the newsletter are copies of the computerized student registration forms. Each year we require parents to check these forms for accurate information and to complete the waiver on the BACK of every registration form. This vital information is necessary in order to ensure your childs safety should an emergency arise. Please be assured that all information is kept strictly confidential. Please return the completed forms to your childs teacher by Monday September 13th.

STUDENT USE OF TELEPHONES Bellwood P.S. is a very active school with great demands placed upon its telephones. It must be emphasized that students are not permitted to use the phones, unless for emergency purposes. Forgotten gym equipment, permission to go to a friends house, information of co-curriculars, etc. are not considered emergencies. Please remind your child to make all arrangements prior to leaving for school each morning and to use the agenda to communicate information to you. Thank you for your support in this area!

Please plan to drop off and meet your children outside. Visitors are requested to stop in at the office first. We appreciate your support in keeping our halls clear. Parents of older children who walk home on their own after school are asked to remind children to go straight home after school. We do not supervise the playground and field after school hours. Thank you in advance for your support. Lets all put safety first before convenience.

Custody and Access Orders

If there are any special arrangements for your child of which the school needs to be aware, please ensure that school administration and office personnel have an updated copy of court orders for access or custody, signed by an Ontario Court Judge. We must have a copy on file if you wish us to carry out the direction of the stated in the order. The school will continue to provide information on a childs progress when requested by a non custodial parent who has legal access. Your prompt attention regarding this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Bellwood Public School Newsletter

Lunch Facility and Procedures

Students staying for lunch eat in their assigned classroom every day. It is a privilege to stay at school for lunch. Children staying for lunch must follow the lunch time expectation listed below. Expectations of lunch time routines: 1. Lunch students must not leave the school grounds at any time or for any reason without the schools knowledge or written permission from parents or guardians. 2. Students must clean up their eating area and leave the area tidy. 3. Students are to sit while eating and observe the rules of courtesy and good manners. 4. Teachers, noon hour supervisors and other students are to be treated with respect at all times. 5. Repeated inappropriate behavior, opposition to authority, or no written permission from paents/guardians may result in cancellation of lunch privileges at school. Students leaving school property occasionally must have parental written permission on those days. Notes of permission are to be submitted to the homeroom teacher at the beginning of the school day otherwise they will be expected to stay.

No Dogs, Please
A dog is a persons best friend; however, we would like to remind you that dogs are not allowed on school property. A number of children are uncomfortable with dogs and not all dogs are as well behaved as yours.

School Community Council (SCC)

The School Community Councils function is to forge community alliances and to analyze and provide input to the school on major issues. The councils input will allow the school to respond to its community, while assuming a major role in establishing partnerships with parents and others for the improvement of student learning. The function of the School Community Councils must be meaningful and relevant to the local school community and must be developed through local consultation. Members of the council must be prepared to be regular contributors to meeting and consultative activities in the community. If you are interested in being part of this years School Community Council, please see contact the office for more information.

Would you like to make a difference in the life of a child? Bellwood gratefully welcomes volunteers to work with our students. If you are interested to work with our staff and students, please contact Mr. Rodman at (905) 4360098

Yellow Jackets - Buzzzzzzzzz

The ferocity of yellow jacket hornets in September is well known. Teachers have been instructed to allow students to eat their snacks inside. No food or drinks will be allowed outside.

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Administering Medication
If your child is taking any type of oral medication (long term or short term) while at school, and needs supervision in doing so, it is necessary to complete a Request for Administration of Oral Medication form. This form is available through the office. According to board policy the form must be signed by the doctor who has prescribed the medication before any supervision can take place at the school. If your child carries an Epi-Pen for use in case of anaphylaxis emergencies please complete a Request for Administration of Medication by Injection in Emergency Situations form. This form is available at he school office. We also strongly suggest that these children wear a Medic Alert bracelet or some form of identification that is visible.

Our School is a Nut Alert School

In our school we have a number of students who are extremely sensitive to peanuts, nuts or their byproducts. The resultant anaphylactic reaction can be so severe it can cause death. As a school, we will make every effort to NOT have peanuts, nuts, or foodstuffs with nut by-products in our school at all. If there are other serious allergies in your childs class, your teacher will bring it to your attention. We thank you for your cooperation in making sure that your child does not bring snacks or a lunch that could put another childs life at risk.

Class Changes: We are very excited that Bellwoods enrollment continues to increase. Please note that when there are major changes in registrations, there is always a chance that classes need to be added and a reshuffling occurs in order to meet ministry guidelines for class sizes. The Durham district School Board will continue to monitor our classes sizes. If there is a need for an additional class, careful thought will be put into formulating the new class and parents will be notified immediately. If there is a need for reorganization we will know by Friday September 20 th.

Lunchroom Supervisors We are currently looking for lunchroom supervisors. If you are interested or would like more information please contact Mr. Rodman.

We hope to continue our Kiss and Ride program again this year. The Kiss & Ride area is directly in front of the School. Please use this when picking up or dropping off your children. There is no parking in the Kiss & Ride area in front of the school at any time. If you must park your vehicle to drop off younger students, please use the designated spaces in front of or at the side of the school. If needed, additional parking is available on the side streets. Bellwood Drive in front of the school is a no parking zone - any cars stopped there make it very difficult to see for the buses and vehicles exiting the parking lot. With your cooperation and assistance we will work to keep our students safe when arriving at and leaving from school. BUT, we are in need of volunteers to assist during the morning ( from 8:45am - 9:00am) and during the afternoon ( f rom 3:30pm - 3:45pm) . Without sufficient volunteers we will not be able to run this program. If you are interested, and can spare one or two days a week to assist us, please call the office for further information.

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Parents and Guardians, please be aware that the Durham District School Board does NOT provide accident insurance coverage for student injuries. Families should recognize that there is always a potential risk of injury with field trips, sports and other student activities both on and off school grounds. Although precautions are taken to ensure the protection of students, accidents can and do happen. Some injuries result in medical, dental or other expenses that are not covered by provincial health care or employer group plans and can be very costly. As a parent or guardian, you become responsible for these expenses. In accordance with the Education Act we do make available a Student Accident Insurance Program for students. Participation in this program is voluntary and the costs are to be paid by the parent or guardian. For your convenience, we have arranged access to a Student Accident Insurance Policy through Reliable Life Insurance Company. This program offers a variety of plans and benefits at affordable prices (starting at only $3.50 per year). Some of the benefits included are: dental expenses (resulting from an accident), fracture or dislocation rehabilitation emergency transportation or total and permanent disability. If your child participates in co-curricular activities or activities outside the school day, there is also a plan tailored to your needs. All rates are one-time annual premiums. For complete details please refer to the Insure my Kids Protection Plan 2011 Application Brochure that was sent home with your child or visit the website at: The insurance agreement is between you and Reliable Life Insurance Company. If you wish to subscribe you can also apply directly on-line at: Any questions should be directed to Reliable Life Insurance Company toll free at 1-800-463-KIDS (5437). Student Accident Insurance is especially valuable for todays active children.

SHOULD I NOMINATE MY CHILD FOR THE GIFTED PROGRAMEE? PARENTS OF STUDENTS INGRADES 3 OR HIGHER ARE INVITED TO A PARENT INFORMATION NIGHT The Facilitator for Gifted Programmes will be on hand to: explain the screening and testing procedures for admission to the gifted programme; describe the characteristics of gifted children; clarify the programme options available for gifted children in the Durham District School Board. Please choose to attend the Parent Information Night that is most convenient for you. DATE Thursday, September 19, 2013 Tuesday September 24, 2013 Thursday September 26, 2013 TIME 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. LOCATION R.H. Cornish P.S. Small Gym Durham District School Board Office William Dunbar PS Gym 1030 Glenanna Rd Pickering, L1V 5E5 ADDRESS 494 Queen Street, Port Perry

For further information please contact: Kristy Phillips, Special Education Facilitator for Gifted Programmes, Durham District School Board, 400 Taunton Road East, Whitby, Ontario,

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Bellwood Public School Newsletter

Parent and Community involvement is very important in supporting the success of all of our students, from our youngest learners in Kindergarten to our soon-to-be high school graduates. Parents/guardians can become involved in our students' school lives by: Checking agendas and school website for updates Helping with homework and discussing new learning Reading and writing together at home Communicating with teachers Volunteering Participating in school events and initiatives Talking about their high expectations for success at school with their children A Ministry of Education link provides a series of 10 Tips to help parents support their children at home. To help your child at school, their improved learning in a safe environment will continue to be a school priority this year. The staff and I will continue to work to the best of our abilities to help our kids to perform at even higher academic levels. Daily physical activity and phys ed will maintain healthy bodies and you can help with healthy food choices. Character education includes respect, responsibility and right choices as outlined in the student agenda. In this way we are able to reinforce the values that you have taught your children at home. Another way parents can be involved in their childs education, is to be involved with school life through attending our Scho ol Community Council meetings, volunteering and/or communicating with your childs teacher. With the enthusiasm of our students, the community spirit of our parents, and the dedication of our teachers, I am confident that 2013-2014 will be an exciting and rewarding school year.

COMMUNICATION We encourage parents to communicate with the school personnel regarding school related concerns. Please do not hesitate to telephone or make an appointment to visit the school. The following is a list of school personnel who will assist you. School Secretary: Will answer general school questions or direct you to the appropriate person. Classroom Teacher: Anything related to a subject or classroom question can be resolved by contacting the particular teacher. Principal / Vice-Principal: Can assist you with any questions which relate to the school. Please speak to the classroom teacher first if your question is subject or classroom related. Administrative Officer: Anne Taylor can be contacted to clarify / answer any regional questions or questions that were not answered at the school 905-666-5500. Superintendent of Schools for Whitby: John Bowyer can be contacted to clarify / answer any regional questions 905-666-5500. Trustees: Your elected trustees are Kimberly Zeppieri 905.668.7782 Christine Winters 905.430.6050

Bellwood YMCA PlayON Program

A free after-school program for children 6-12 years

Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday 3:35 pm-6:00 pm

September 10th 2013 to June 19th 2014
The after-school program focuses on physical activity, healthy eating, health & wellness and opportunities to participate in a variety of recreational activities in a fun, safe and secure environment. Children will be provided with a nutritious snack and will also have the opportunity to have choice in selecting their recreational acitivities such as sports, low organized games, team building, creative arts, board games, completing homework and constructing with materials. Children will be given the opportunity to make friends, develop new skills and knowledge to advance their learnings around health and wellness. The YMCA Play ON program builds confidence in a fun, safe, interesting and engaging environment. The program is aimed at improving the health and wellness of children and youth. All participants must be picked up from the program by a parent or guardian 16 years of age or older.

To register your child for this YMCA Program Please return the attached registration form to the school office and the YMCA Play On Team Leader will contact you with your childs program start date and program details. For more information about this program, please contact Tina Diamond at 289-928-0600 or email

The Durham District School Board encourages our schools to reduce food and food-related waste by implementing a waste-free or boomerang lunch program. A waste-free lunch contains no throwaway packaging and produces no food waste. Food and drinks are packed in reusable containers within a reusable (often insulated) lunchbag. All containers are resealable, so that leftover food and drink can be saved for later. A boomerang lunch means that any uneaten food and any waste material produced is returned home and is not added to the schools waste collection. It is important that this food and waste packaging be taken home in a resealable container or bag so that lunch bags/backpacks/lockers remain clean! Both a waste-free and a boomerang lunch enable parents to see what their children are actually eating during the day. Waste audits carried out at schools consistently demonstrate that a significant amount of this waste is made up of unopened packaged foods, uneaten fruit, full juice boxes, etc. Uneaten fruit that is added to the school waste can become an wasp hazard, especially in the fall. This organic waste can be returned home and added to the Green Bin, the Durham Region wide organics waste program. Some Waste-Free Lunch Tips Instead of expensive plastic sandwich bags, one reusable container can be used for packing snacks, sandwiches, etc. No more squished food! Cut fruit and vegetables into pieces so that some can be eaten at lunch and the rest saved for a later snack. Prepare extra food at dinnertime and use the leftovers for lunches. Label all containers to ensure that they return home if lost. Minimize the morning rush (when youll reach for the convenience, over -packaged items) and pack lunches the night before and refrigerate overnight. Avoid drinks in packaging that cannot be resealed. After a few sips, drinks are often discarded.

Bellwood Public School

Celebrating 25 years! September 25th 2013
30 Bellwood Drive, Whitby, Ontario 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Join Us!
Come see the photos and memorabilia! Connect with your former classmates and teachers! Special presentations at 7:00 pm. Hamburger/hot dogs, chips and drink combos provided by Starr Burger ($5.00).

For more information...

Phone: (905) 436-0098 Email: Facebook: Bellwood Public School 25th Anniversary

Bellwood Public School

September 2013
Together we learn, grow and build for the future in a diverse environment.

Dates of Significance in September September 3 10: Paryushana Parva (Jain)







Welcome back Cross country practice at lunch time. Gr-3-8

September 25: FrancoOntarian Day

YMCA starts


Meet the Teacher Night



September 4 6: Rosh Hashanah (Judaism) September 14 Yom Kippur (Judaism) September 19-24 Sukkot (Judaism) September 21 International Day of Peace (UN)






Terry Fox Run





25th Anniversary -school assembly at 2:00 Open House at 5-8:00


Grade 7 Trip to Lakerdige


30 Bellwood Drive. Whitby, ON L1N 8M4 Ph: (905) 436-0098 Fax: (905) 433-7018

Character Assembly (Teamwork)

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