Construction of Aerial Runways: District Pioneering Course LN Conjunction With The Nat'l Pioneering Instructor Course

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District PioneeringCourse

ln Conjunctionwith the Nat'l PioneeringInstructorCourse




Notethat ALL AerialRunwaysmust be planned,constructed and usedunder

the directand constantsupervisionof a responsible
adultat alttimes


Aerial Runways remain a great favourite with membersof the Scout

Associationand there is no reasonwhy they can not be usedto providea
greatsenseof adventureand exhilarationso longas theyare usedwith safety
in mind.

They also providethe basisfor an excellentpra'bticat

trainingsessionin the
use of the variousknots,lashingsand pioneering
techniques involved

Becauseof the speedapd heightoftqninvolved,aerialrunwaysare polentially

and remainso evenwhen all reasonableprecautions,
dangjerous bothin their
constructionand use, have been taken. D

Indeed,withoutsome apparentelementof hazard,they would ceaseto be

adventurousand muchof their appealand trainingvaluewouldbe lost. The
aim shouldthereforebe to eliminateall avoidabterisk and to exercisethe
highestdegreeof responsibility
in the use of the AerialRunway.

There are a wide variety of situationsand circumstances in which aerial

runwaysare builtand usedand it is not possibleor evendesirableto provide
a singleset of detailedand inflexiblerules.

The followingsectionsprovidebasic guidelinesin the planning,construction

supervisionand useof an AerialRunway.

Becausethe aerialrunwayoperatesas a completesystemthere is no single

part which is moreimportantthan any other. All requirean equalamountof
careand attention,bothin the initialsettingup and monitoring
whilstin use.
.-: !

However,:in most mses where serious injuryhas resultedthe fault lies in

eitherthe seatand/orthe methodof attachment
to the travellingblockor in the
brakingsystem. Before anyone even thinks about constructingat aerial
runwayit mustbe clearlyunderstoodthat:

A purposebuiltseatto the designapprovedin the Associations


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ln Conjunctionwith the Nat'l PioneeringlnstructorCourse

The travellingblockmustbe to the approveddesignand musthaveeyesor

rings. Hookedblocks,howevercarefully'closed'
are completely
for supporting
the seat.

The seatmustbe attachedto the travellingblockin the approvedmethodas

describedin the Code.

The mainbrakemustbe capableof a steadyand safe rateof deceleration

the passenger.

An emergencybrakemustalwaysbe fittedand manned,in caseof failureof

the mainbrake.

The Associations Aerial RunwayCode is based on long experienceand

provides all Leaders with useful guidelinesfor the in the use of such
equipmentand the trainingof their Scouts. Commonsense must however
prevailand responsible
adultleadershipand the needfor adultsupervision
alwaysrequired wheneverAerial Runwaysareconstructed and used.

Givenbeloware additional
factorsto bearin mindwhenptanning


As statedabove, it is importantthat the planning,constructionand use of any

Aerial Runway must be under the direct and constant supervision of a
responsibleand cornpetentadult at all times.


All equipmentmust be inspectedbefore use, during the operationof the

runwayand again after use. This in itsetf is a useful trainingexercisein
apartfromthe importantmatterof safetyand security.

The MainHawser

This shouldbe madefrom eithernaturalfibre (manilaor sisal)staplespun

polyesteror nylon. Under no circumstancesshoulda wire
hawserbe usedfor an aerialrunwayas thisis considered
to be unsafe.'

The recommended minimumsize for the main hawseris 24mmin diameter

and in no circumstances
shoulda ropeunder20mmin diameterbe used.

Evenwhenstoredin idealconditions, any hawserthat hasbeenoutof usefor

any lengthof timeshouldbe checkedfor wearandtearalongits entirelength.
lf naturalfibre
is used,spotchecksshouldbe carriedout by openingthe lay at
intervalsto makesurethatthe fibresare freefrom mildew.

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Man-madefibre rope shouldalso be inspectedfor extensivepowdering.This

usually occurs in the heart of the rope and is not always immediately
detectablefrom externalinspection.

lf any mildewor excessivepowderingis discoveredthe rope shouldbe

discarded.Any suspectrope shouldnot be usedfor aerialrunwaysor any
activitywheresomeelementof riskis unavoidable.

Any suspectrope shouldpreferablybe cut into short lengthsto prevent


The TravellingBlock

The ScoutAssociationnow mandatesthat the travellingmetalblockmustbe a

double pulley, man-mrrying block of the conect size and type. Suitable
blocks are fitted with a closed ring to attach the seat and further closed rings
to attachthe brakingand haulinglines.

Under no circumstances should hooked blocks or hooked blocks that

have been converted to closed eyes through the use of brazed metal
straps or jubilee clips be used for the travelling block

Mg i n
M e t d l, M a n
H a w se r

G L O S E Dr in g
attach seat
ropes and
braking and
hauling lines

The Seat

The seat is one of the most essentialparts of the runwayand great care
shouldbetakenin the prepar

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A stoutboardof approxinrately
600mm>:250mnrx24mm.thick(24"x 10" >ri"1
shouldbe used,suitablereinforcedwith bracingbattensacrossthe grain.

Four holes should be bored right throughthe board to take the suspensiorr
ropes. Figure of eight stopper knots should be tied in the ropes to keep the
seat level and stop it from dropping,slipping or becomingskewed and the
loosetails joined beneaththe seat with reef knots.

A correctlyfittingfull body harnessor commerciallyavailableboatswains

can be used as an alternativeto a purpose-builtsea't

The verticaldistancebetweenthe seat and the hawsershouldbe at least1.5

meters (5 feet) to avoid the possibilityof the riders hand being placedon the
hawserin front of the pulley.

t,5 m
,./y'' (5 fr)
4;"t:;" rninirnurn
.; and seat
Battened J
across ;!
the grain ;i

with reef knots

$ eat resting
o n F ig u r e o f
E ig h t s t o p p e r

OtherBlocksand Tackle

A luff tacklecomprisingone singleand one doublemetalblockis used to

tensionthe mainhawser,reevedup (tightened)with an lBmmdiameterrope,
Thiswillprovidea purchase(ratio)of 4:1

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In Gonjunctionwith the Nat'l Pioneeringlnstructor Gourse

When selectingthe correctsize of blockto matchthe sizeof rope,ensure


. No rope is reeved throughthe block where the width of the sheave

groovesis less than the diameterof the rope (i.e.the ropeshouldn'tbe
fatterthanthe pulleythroughwhichit passes);
o The ratioof the diameterof the sheaveto the diameterof the ropeis no
lessthan5:1,measuredat the bottomof the sheavegroove(i.e.the pulley
diameterat the bottomof the gulley should be at least five time the
diameterof the rope);

of the AerialRunway,blockand pulleys

Whereverpossiblein the construction
with ringsor closedeyesshouldbe usedin preference to hooksandthis also
appliesto the blocksandpulleysusedto puttensionon the mainhawser.

Mousing('tying'closed an open hook with string,sissalor wire) is never

absolutelyreliable. This is becauseof the high shockloadsexperienced
this typeof apparatus.

Pickets and Spars

lf wooden pickets(stakes)are used, they must be in good condition,free from

shakes, knots and rot and of adequatelength and thickness.

Th; elact size depends on th,enature of the groundon whichtne runwayis

co.nstructedand the anchorageselected. Howevef;picketsof 1m x 75mm
butt diameter(3' x 3") shouldbe regardedas a minirnum.
They should be driven into the groundwith a maul (largewoodenmallet)
ratherthan a sledgehammerand knockedin for two-thirdsof theirlength,at
rightanglesto the directionof the strain. Any ropesexertingforceshouldbe
securedas closeto the groundas possibleto reducethe tendencyto pullout.

Note that if the rope is allowed to ride up, the pickets will be subject to

Spars (pioneeringpoles) should be equally sound. These can be readily

tested by gripping the tip and ringing the butt on any hard surface.
Irrespectiveof length of the spar, 130mm butt diarneter(5") should be
regardedas a minimum.

Other Cordage

The main brakingsystem(whichis describ"O,r,"r1 r."quil, a 12mm^'(112")

diameterropewhichis 10mlongerthanthe lengthof the runway.

ln addition,approximately100m (300 ft) of 8mm or 10mm diameter

elasticated knownas'bungeerope')willbe required.

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Lashingropes;cf 6ni - Bm length,gu), lirres for sheer legs, a strop lcop,of

l Bmm diameterof sufficientlength to secure the tackle to the anchorage,
t w i n ea n d si sa lw i l l a l sob e re q uir ed.

Tools and Accessories

Sacking or old canvas will be needed to act as protectionfor trees, as a

saddlein the crutchof sheerlegs and so on. Toolswill includea heavymaul,
a clasp knife,and dependingon circumstances, an extendingladderor rope
ladder, a spade or re-trenchingtool and a throwing line to facilitatetree

Location and Angle of Slope of the Runway

The length of run and the speed of descent will be determinedby natural
featuressuch as trees and the slope of the ground. lt must be noted however
that the Scout AssociationRules state that the heightand angle of the slope
must be such that a safe, steadydescent is possible.

No runway will be considered acceptable if the maximum height of the

hawser at any point exceeds 8m (25).

It is not possibleto accuratelydeterminethe speedof descentsincethis

dependson the tensionin the main hawser,the performance of the running
blo"qk,the weight.ofthe passenger.etc.
The personin chargeof thg runwayis
responsible for ensuringthat the appropriate
testsare completedbeforaany
passengers are allowedon the runway(seebelow)

Gonstruction of tyloical Aeriat

Suitable guyed Runwaywith options for
Sheer Legs suppofting the rnain hawser


N ote rnain
shock cord
in'slack ii
Brake Position
ti -#
NOTE: tl
D o not use this diagrarn as
an accurate guide - refeF
to text throughout Tripod

N o t e so n C o n stru cti o n

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The illustrationabove showsa typicalconstruction

with optionsfor using
the mainhawser.Thisillustration
sheerlegsor tripodsfor supporting should
not be considereda definitiveguide and the text should be consulted

The followingpointson construction

applyequallyto the horizontal,
operatedrunwayor to runwaysof any kind.

Oneof the mainpointsto considercarefullyin the planningstageis the ease

of mountingand dismounting from the seat. This is the causeof many

Supportingthe Main Hawser

Dependingon the terrain,there are various methodsof supportingthe main


A SuitableTree

A suitabletree may be usedwhereavailableat the headof the runway.Make

sure that it is up to the job and that it will sufferno ill effectswhen adequate
protectionis provided. Alwaysuse the maintrunk in preference to a branch
but if a.branchis used,selectthe strongestbranchwithinreach. Makefast
the main hbwserwith a roundtum and two half hitches,leavinga'long tail
fiangingcloseto the trunk.

Evenbetteris where the hawseris passedover a suitablyhighfork and the

end is tied to a lower branch. This makesthe routinetask of examiningthe
knotduringuse mucheasier. Alwaysbe sureto securea paddingof sacking
or canvaswithsisalbeforemakingfast the mainhawser.

It is stronglyrecommendedthat the person tying in the main hawser is

belayed to a convenientbranch with another rope. Handlinga 24mm
diarneterhawserwhilstsittingastridea branchhalfway up a tree is extremely
difficultand suitablesafetyprecautionsshouldbe taken. lf no suitabletree
can be foundwhen operatingon flat ground,a manuallyoperatedfore and aft
runwaybetweentwo setsof sheerlegscan be excellentfun.

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She e r L egs


S addle
S heer L ashing


S guare
N ote:
The Base Width should
be no greater than one
third the Effective
Butts heeled in HEisnt
'l 5 0rnrn

Sheerlegs (an 'A' frame) can be used to take full advantageof any natural
slope,to increasethe lengthof the run or to reducethe heighthazard.

Sparsof 4m in lengthare suitablefor the sheer legs and several6m to 8m

lengthsof 12mmor 18mmdiameterropewill be neededfor the lashings.The
sheerlashingshouldbe appliedfirst about500mmfrom the top with the two
sparsin the closedposition.Thesecan be openedslightlylikescissors'whilst
thefrappingturnsare put on.

Theyshsuldthen be openedout all the way,but withthe buttsno furtherapart

than one-thirdthe heightfrom the lashingto groundleveland the thirdspar
squarelashedbetweenthemabout300mmfromthe butts.

A saddleof hessianor 6anvasshouldbe lashedin the crutchwithsisaltwine

and fore and aft guylinessecuredto the tops of both spars. The feet of the
two legsshouldbe heeledintothe groundto a depthof at least150mm.This
is in order to minimisethe danger of keelingover, ever presentin an
apparatussubjectto variablestressesand shockloading.The lowerledger
shouldthen.bewell'clear of the'ground.

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withthe Nat'lPioneering
!n Gonjunction

Allthisworkshouldbe donebeforethe hawseris finallypositioned. Whenthe

tackle is beingoperated,.the sheersmay tend to movefrom the vertical
positionbut this can usuallybe correctedwithoutdifficultyif caughtin time.
The vertical positioningof the sheer legs should be checkedthroughout

Mountingand dismountingfromthe seatcan oftenbe difficultfrom sheerlegs

ledgerscanbe providedto act as a'laddef.
but additional


Tripods may be used in preferenceto sheer legs. Althoughguyingis still

essentialgreaterstabilityis ensured.Thereis also an additionaladvantagein
that mountinganddismounting platformscan be incorporated
intothe design.

The main hawsermay,whensuitrable packingis used,passover the crutch

for both sheerlegs and tripods. lt is also acceptablefor the mainhawserto
pass over a separatepulleyof suitable-diameter, suspendedfromthe crutch.
The pulleyshouldbe supportedby a doubleloopof 18mmdiameterrope(see
diagramby mainbrakefor an example)

Tensioningand Securingthe Hawser

Due altowdncemust be made for the inevitablesag in the main hawser

whicheverof the thrbe-methodsof support is used. The'amountof sag
dependon the lengthof run and the load (weight),as well as the tensionof
. the hawser. Note that the sag should never be such that the feet of a
passengercan touchthe groundon any partof the run.

To tensionthe hawser,a luff tacklecomprisingone singleblockattachedto an

anchorageand one doubleblockattachedto the mainhawseris necessaryas
describedabove. The mainhawsershouldbe connectedto the closedeye of
the doublepulleyusinga bowlinewith a long tail which is securedbackto the
main hawser with sisal, The hawser can be protectedby placingsacking
aroundthe cfosedeye. .:
The singleblockshouldbe attachedto the mainanchoragepoint(seebelow)
usinga doubleloopof 18mmdiameterrope.

As stated above,when reevedwith 18mm rope, the luff tackle providesa

purchaseof 4:1. Whenoperdtedby half a dozenScoutsthis shouldgiveall
the tensionrequired. Underno circumstances
of strainingthe systembe used.

The tensionis maintainedby securingthe strainto the sameanchorpointas

the singleblockusinga roundtum andtwo half hitches.

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The precisepositionof all anchoragesin relationto the main structureis o{

great importance.The hawsermust alwaysrun in a true linefrom end to end
since any deviationwill impose a sidewaysstrain on sheer legs and might
causethem to topple.

A well grown tree may make an excellenianchorageat the foot of a runv"ay.

lf a suitabletree is availablein the right spot, make sure that it is secure. lt
should be protectednear the base with a good pad of sacking.

The Luff Tacklecan then be made ready for use and the followingprocedure
followedwhen a tree is used as the anchorage. Most, but not all of the slack
in the hawser should be taken in and it should be passed throughthe eye of
the fore block. Lay the sheer legs on the groundwith the butts at the correct
distance from the anchorage (which is twice the height of the crutch of the

The hawser should be placed lying over the crutch and the sheer legs should
be raised,holdingthem in place while the slack is taken up on the hawser.
Adjustthe positionof the sheer legs as necessaryto ensurea true line.

Mark the positionof butts with tent pegs or other suitablemarker. This is so
that foot holes can be dug in exactlythe right place. The sheer legs can then
be erectedand the neceSsarystrainappliedon the luff tackle. ' z''

When other types of anchorage are used a different procedure is

recommendedsince the positionof the anchoragecan be movedwhereasa
tree can not. The sheerlegsshouldbe erectedfirstso that the hawsercan be
drawn over the crutch and hand strainedto pin-pointthe positionof the
anchorage. The distancefrom the base of the sheer legs (or tripod)to the
positionof the anchoragewill always be twice the effectiveheightof the
sheerslegsor tripod.

As taught in the lectures,the altemativethree methods of providingan

anchoragewhen a tree is not usedare:

o 3-2-1Anchorage
e Log and PicketAnchorage
o DeadmanAnchorage

The MainBrake

The purposeof the main brakeis to consistently providesteadyand safe

decelerationof the passenger. Brakeswhich bring the passengerto an
sudden,jerkinghalt must be avoidedat all costssincethereis a very great
dangerof the passengerbeingthrownoff the seat at speed.

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A preferredmethodis to trail a ropeof 12mmdiameterfromthe rearclosed

eye of the travellingblock. This rope passes over a pulteywhich is
suspended from the crutchat the headof the runway. lf thereis sufficient
headroomon the loadingplatform,this pulleymay be suspended from the
closedeye at the bottornof the pulleywhichsupportsthe mainhawserat the

G o n n e c t in gt h e M a in B r a k e
To crutch
of support
(or rnain
rnay rest in
crutch) M a in Ha ws e r

Brake Tied to
Rope closed loop
with bowline

T o S h o ck Go rd
C B u n g e e R o p e ')

Once the brake rope is connectedto the travellingblock it can then be

securedto the shockcord.

Withthe seatat the pointon the runwaywherebrakingshouldstart,a bowline

is tied in the end of the brakeropeapproximately
10 metreson the anchorage
side of the mountingpoint. The loop in the bowlineis then trsedto connect
the brakeropeto the anchoragepointusingloopsof 8mm or 1Ommdiameter
shockcord("bungeerope")as shownin the diagrambelow.

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ln Conjunction with the Nat'l Pioneering I nstructo r Course


Loop of
S h o ck Go rd
L o o p ( un a tta ch e d B owline
t o l o w e r p ^ a sse n g e r
B r ake Rope

\ Ma i n
H a wseF
A n ch o ra g e

The length of the shcck cord loop is important since it will effectively
determinethe brakingdistance. This is becauseunder no circumstances
should the loop of shock cord be allowedto extend beyond twice its norrnal

Brakingwill dependupon the speedof descentand the load and it will be

necessaryto experimentwith the'numberof loopsof-shockcord to get this
right. However,a doubleloop of approximately 5 metreslbngth(i.e. a 20
metrelengthknottedto form a doubleloop)is a good startingpointfor most
loadsup to 75 kilograms.

A furthershortdoubleloop of 18mmropeis thenusedto connectthe shock

cord to the anchoragepoint. ln operation.once the passengerhas come
safelyto rest,this ropeloop can be removedfromthe anchorageto lowerthe
passenger downthe runwayto the dismounting poinl

It is importantthat the passengershouldbe warnednot to dismountuntiltold

to do so. The brakingsystemwill inevitablyresultin someforwardswingof
the seat as brakingcommences,followedby a short periodof reversetravel
backup the runwayas the elasticreachesthe equilibriumposition.

Oncethe passenger hasdismounted, the brakeropecanthenbe usedto haul

the seatbackup to the top of the is important
to alwayslay outthe
brakeropecarefullybeforeeach and everyrun as any kink,snagor knotwill
jam duringrunningin the pulleyat the headof the runwaycausinga sudden

It shouldalso be notedthat beforeeveryrun is commenced,care must be

takento ensurethatthe brakeropeis clearof the passenger.

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In Gonjunction Course

The loaderon the platformmustalsokeepclearof the brakeropeduringthe

run as the brakeropefeedsthroughthe crutchpulley.

The Emergency

An emergencybrake must always be fitted in such a positionthat the

passengeican be manuallydecelerated smoothlywithoutcollidingwith the
iowersheerlegsor tripod. This is in caseof a failureof any partof the main

The emergencybrake may simplyconsistof a screwgatekarabineron the

main hawier,with a brakepersonon each end ropeas shownin the main
Iengthsof Bmmor 1Ommelasticated
diagramabove.lf necessary,
maybe usedinsteadof ropeto reducethe shockloading.

Notethatwherea screwgatekarabineris usedfor this purposeit shouldnever

againbe usedfor climbing/abseiling

E rnergency Brake fastened

to the Main Hawser

In normaloperation,the peopleoperatingthe emergencybrakewill assistthe

passengerto dismountat the end of each run and shouldtell the passenger
whenit is qfe to dismount.

Testing of the emergencybrake is essentialbefore the first passenger


Therearetwo final notesof cautionconcerningthe will be

very difficultfor peopleon{he emergencybrake'.tomaintainconcentration as
the mainbrakecontinuesto worktime is suggested
therefore that
four peopleare necessaryto operatethe AerialRunwayin safety.

The loaderon the tripodat the freadof the runwayis the personin charge.No
passengeris releasedon a run untilthe top brakepersonandthoseon the

emergencybrake have been asked if they are ready. To help maintain

positionscan be swappedroundat set time intervals.

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The secondnoteof cautionconcernsthe angleof the ropeof the emergency

braketo the karabineron the mainhawser.This mustbe heldsuchthatwhen
the mainhawseris saggingunderloadas the passenger approaches,thereis
no chanceof the emergencybrake ropesor shockcord becomingtangled
withthe heador neckof the passenge
The Seat

As describedabove, a purpose built seat (or full body hamess) must be

providedand devicessuch as battensor stropswhich requirethe passenger
to danglefromthe handsare not permissible.

The seatand travellingblockare to be regardedas accidentblackspotson

any aerialrunway.Theyshouldbe checkedand doublecheckedas a matter
of routinebeforethe runwayis declaredoperationalandagainaftereachrun.
The ultimatesafetyof the seatwill dependon the methodof attachmentto the
ring or eye of the travellingblock. A roundtum and two half hitchesmadein
the bightwith an ample tail will meet the need adequately,but for greater
safetythe knotscan be doublelockedwithwest countrywhippings

Factorsof Safetyand Testing

When it is ready for use, the runwaymust be subjectedto a numberof

rigorous tests to ensure a high sgfety f3cto1before th" first pass.enger

As a matterof good practice,these tests must imposea higherstrainon all

partsof the apparatusthan is likelyto be experiencedduringnormaluse. The
followingtestsshouldbe caniedout, alwaysunderaduttsupervisionand with
observerspostedto watch every part of the runway. Specialattentionshould
be paidto the anchorages,pickets,sheerlegs,runningblockand seatandthe

A temporaryrope should be attachedto the empty seat. Startingat the head

of the runway,a vigorousbouncingstrainfrom groundlevelshouldbe applied
and repeatedat intervalsthroughoutthe entire lengthof the run. This is
especiallyimportantaroundthe mid-pointwheremaximumsag in the hawser
will be experienced.

The seatshouldthen be drawnto a convenientpointand loadedwith at least

two five galloncontainersfull of water. Theseshouldbe securelyfastenedto
the seatfor the durationof the followingtests. This load repreientsa body
weighingapproximately50 kilos (three full containersshould be used to
represent a bodyof 75 kilos).

At the mid-pointof the runwaythe sag in the hawserunderload must not

allowthefeetof any passengerto strikethe ground.lf thishappens,adjustthe

tensionon the main hawserto reducethe sag. Note that this may speed up
the run and the brakemay alsoneedadjustmentas below

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The loadedseatshouldthen be drawnto the headof the run in orderto test

speedof descentand the main brakingsystem. At the end of the run the
brakingsystemshouldbringthe loadup shortof the lowersheerlegsor tripod
with an adequatemarginof safety. At the sametime,the elasticated shock
cordshouldnot be allowedto extendbeyondtwiceits natural(resting)

Finally,the mainbrakingsystemshouldbe disconnected and the emergency

braketestedagainusinga loadedseat runningfrom the top of the runway.
The positionof the emergencybrakeoperatorsshouldbe clearlymarkedso
that there is no tendencyto drift towardsthe bottomof the runwayduring

picketsand so on should
Afterall thesetests,atl knots,lashings,anchorages,
be thoroughly inspected.

Mountingand Dismounting

A worryingnumberof accidentsoccurduringmountingand dismounting from

the run. Whenthe take off at the headof the run is at someheightabovethe
ground(for example,from the branchesof a tree)it is importantthat safeand
adequatemeansof climbingto the mountingpointmustbe provided. lt might
be saferin this situationfor passengers
to embarkat the foot of the run before
being drawn up by the brake line. This allows safety and comfortto be
checkedin lessstr.essful qondition ::. ..:. :
Passengersoftenfind that strengthhas drainedfrom their musctesand that
theirkneesare tremblingat the end of a run. To climbdownan A frameusing
ledgersthereforerequiresextracareand supervision.


It is stronglyrecommendedthat four peopleoperatethe aerial runwayas

statedabove. The personat the loadingplatformis in chargeof the run and
no passengeris releaseduntil checks have been made with the person
lookingafter the main brake and the two peopleoperatingthe emergency
brakeandassisting withunloading.

to fully brief passengersbefgrerelease.They

It is the loade/s responsibility
shouldbe told to sit well backin the middleof the seat,to holdontothe front
supporting ropesand to relaxand keepstill.

Theyshouldalso be remindedthatwhenthe brakecomesintoactionnearthe

bottomof the run,the seatwill probablyswingforwardand returna shortway
backup the run. Theyshouldbe warnedto hangon tightly.

The passenger shouldalsobe briefedthatoncethe seathas cometo rest,it

pointand the peopleon the emergency
will be loweredto the dismounting
brakewillindicatethetimeto dismount.

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ln Conjunctionwith the Nat'l PioneeringInstru ctor-;Course

Poli"y, Organisation and Rules ,

Accidentswill still happenin spite of the mostcarefulpreparations,

but in a
Movementwhichpridesitselfon being preparedthe possibility of accidents
mustbe reducedto the absoluteminimum.

It is thereforevital that AssociationsAerial Runway Code is studied,

understoodand implementedby all concerned. The instructorshave the
to ensurethat the pioneererare givenadequatetrainingin the
constructionand use of Aerial Runwaysand that Group Scoutersare fully
awareof theirownspecialresponsibility
in thisfield.

Runwaysmay only ever be built and used underadult supervision and as

stated above,frequentinspectionis necessary. Leadersshouldnote the
.dangersof leavingrunwayserectedfor long periods,for instance,at summer
campor at a permanentcampsite.

In thesecircumstances the systemshouldbe immobilised as far as possible

by releasingthe strainon the tackle,by removingor tying backthe chairand
by whateverfurthermethodis appropriateto the individualconstruction.

lf an AerialRunwayis to be includedas an attractionat a fund raisingeventit

shouldbe usedfor purposesof demonstration only by fully trainedScoutsor
VentureScoutsunder constantaftult supervision.On no.accouptma)4any '
AerialRunwaybe madeavailabteior use-bymembersottne geneialpuUtic.

When not in use the runwaymust be immobilisedas aboveand mustremain



Evenwhenthe provisionsof Aerial RunwayCode havebeen closelyobserved

in the construction,the runwaywill inevitablysufferseverestresses,strains
and shocks while in operation. Constantvigilancewill be needed and
of the adult in chargeeveryoneengagedin
althoughthis is the responsibility
the activityshouldbe involvedin the checking.

,The followingitemsshouldreceivefrequentattention:

All knots and lashings: lf any are foundto be in needof attentionoperations

shouldbe suspended untilthework is completed.

Pickets and anchorages:There may be somemovementunderstrainand

lf there is any unduemovementoperationsmustbe
this mustbe monitored.
ceaseduntilanchoragesare replacedandtestedusingdummyloads.

Blocks .and Tackle:Checkknots and if any heat is generatedthe blocks

shoutdbe re-oiled

PC - PlC' Page49
:"ilui '
Distr i ctP ioneeringCourse',---.-'
ln Conjunctionwith the Nat'ilPibneeringI n stru ctor C ou rse

The Ghair. Every part of this requiresregularmonitoringand inspectionbut

especiallyat the pointof attachmentto the travellingblock.

The Main Hawser:Anchorages at bothendsmustbe regularlycheckedandit

may be necessary to take up additionalslack duringoperationas some
At no time shouldthe feetof a passengerbe allowed
stretchingis inevitable.
to touchthe ground at speed.

excessively fast descentscan be slowedby decreasingstrainon
the mainhawser.For any modifications duringuse,testingwithdummyloads
mustbe conducted beforeany passengeris allowedbackon the runway.
The sheerlegs or tripods. Any movementfrom the verticalpositionor any
tendencyto rock or tilt must be checkedand stoppedbeforethe runwayis

The BrakingSystem:Checkthe attachment of the brakeropeto the running

block,the meansby whichthe bungeeropeis attachedto the anchoragepoint

Mountingand dismounting:Canthistrickyoperation be madeeasierfor the

passengersby the additionof an extraledgeron sheerlegs,the re-positioning
of a ropeladderor mountingframe?

The briefing of passengers:ls this workingsatisfactorily?Noneof this need

involve'much fuss and bother. As well as the questionof spcurity.fult
advantageshould also be taken to alert Scouts,and' in particular,Patrol
Leadersof the inherentdangersin activitiesof this sort,and to increasetheir
awarenessof personaland corporateresponsibilities.


Rememberalthoughsafetyis of paramountimportanceso is fun. lt's well

worth the effort of constructingan aerial runwayand so long as it's done
properlyit shouldbringhoursof fun.

PC .PIC' Page 50

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