Pioneering 05 Safety Precautions

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District PioneeringCourse

In Conjunctionwith the Nat'l PioneeringInstructor Gourse


Thereare alwaysdangersin pioneeringactivities, whenlarge-scale

projectssuch as tall towers are being built. Pioneeringshould be fun and
safe.To preventany unnecessaryaccidentsfrom happening,the manysafety
aspectsof pioneering shouldalwaysbe emphasizes duringpioneering.


' Alwayscheckall equipmentbeforeuse.

. o Faultyequipment mustneverbe used.
. Use the appropriate equipment.Do not use lashingropes as the main
hawserof an aerialrunway.
. Make sure the conect knotsare used for the appropriatetimesto ensure
. Beforeput to practicaluse, make sure the completedstructureis stable
. Secureall guylines.
. Structuremustbe testedfor its stabilityand safetylevel,such as sending
peopleup on it one by one slowly.
. There shouldbe people"spotting"the climbers,that meansstayingbelow
them to cushionthemif they everfall. This shouldbe donewheneverthere
' peoplegoingup the structure.' : ' : :i. .:' ':
. For'c6rtainstructures that are very high,measurescan be takento prevent
peoplefromfalling.For example,bowlineis usedto preventthe fall of the
personfromthe mainhawser.
. Ensure the anchoragesare tight and properlybuilt for its effectiveness.
Anchoragesshouldbe used to supportheavyloads insteadof a single
. Make sure all basesof the standssuch as the tripodstand shouldbe in
-., contactwiththe groundfor betterstability.
s-: . Never abuse the structure by shaking or kicking it. Do not add
unnecessary stressto lashingas well.
. Neveroverloadthe structure.Certainstructurescan only supportup to a
certainweight.Overloading will leadto the collapseof the structure-
. Make surethat thereare qualifiedand experiencedpioneeringinstructors
arbundto inspectthe activityand enforcethe safetyprecautions.
. Alwayshavea firstaid kit for a pioneeringactivityfor emergencyuse.


. Lashingshouldbe between4 to 5 metres.
. Lashingshouldhavea diameterof 8mmto 10mm.
. Guylineropeshouldbe of minimum diameter12mm.

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withthe Nat'lPioneering
In Conjunction

. Ropesmustbe keptdry at all times. lf ropesare damp,they shouldbe

driedbeforestorageso as to preventweakeningof the rope. Theyshould
be driedunderthe sun or shadeonly. Usingair bloweror ovenwill
weakenthe roPeas well.
. All ropesshouldbe keptin a cool,dry and shadedplace.
. Makesurethatthe ropesare not overstressed at all times.
. Ropesmustnot be in contact withsharpedges,as it willweakenthe rope.
. Checkfor mildewand rotting.
o Checkfor cutsor breaksin any partof the ropes.
. lf ropeis destroyed,throwit away.
. Ropeendswhicharefrayedmustbe splicedor whipped.

. Checkfor cracks,faultsor anyweakspotsin the spars.
. Checkfor dampor rottenends.
. Checkfor termitesor woodlice.
. Checkfor hollowsin the spars.

lf any of the aboveexistsfor a spar,discardthe spar.Theymustnot be used!

Ensurethatthe thicknessof the sparis suitablefor its rolein a structure.

. Thickstrongsparsshouldbe usedas mainsupports.
. Thinsfars shouldbe usedfor less.impbrtant partqsubh'asplatfonns. . ,'
, - end of the sparmustalwaysbe on or nearthe groundso as
. The th.icker
o to keepthe centerof masslow,henceaddingstabilityto the structure.

. Suitableanchoragesshould be used in certain circumstances, usually
dependingon the weight of the load and the conditionsof the ground.
Anchoragesshould be checkedregularlyto ensure that they are still
. After a anchorage is completed, never gave extra blows to it. The
effectivenessof the anchoragewill be lost in the processdue to the fraps
o Blocksused shouldbe of minimumweightto minimizethe totalweightof
the wholestructure.
o Sizesof blocksandthe ropesgoingthroughit shouldvaryaccordingly. lf
- . the ropesare too smallfor the block,it mightslip off the sheavesand get
.t.stu ck atthe.pi de.| fi ti s too | a r g e , t h e s h e a v e s m ig h t n o t t u 1 n . . . }
. Blockswithfixedeyesareiprefenedto hooks.
o lf hooksare used,a figureof eightknotsshouldbe tied on it to preventthe
ropeconnectedto it to slip out of the hook.
. Metalblocksmustbe keptrustfree. {
. Blocksshouldbe oiledregularly for lubrication to ensurethatthe sheaves

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