Internal Branding Communication Plan: Unilever-Weleda Case Study
Internal Branding Communication Plan: Unilever-Weleda Case Study
Internal Branding Communication Plan: Unilever-Weleda Case Study
Too much attention is spent developing and implementing external messages and
audience, which is a new term that introduces the activity of ‘branding’ to the internal
from the particular product or service being offered (Blumenthal, 2003, p.2); thus
branding is the attempt made by the company to communicate certain values to the
target group. Internal branding is about ensuring the active engagement of employees
in the communication of positive messages and the accurate stating of the issues even
In this paper, the writer will propose possible internal branding communication plan
after the acquisition. The goal is to develop a plan that can accelerate the process of
changing employees’ attitude and behaviour, with the hope that it will result in
Situation Analysis
Change is inevitable for companies. Many successful companies have been going
through several changes and survive. However, while it is easy to espouse the
philosophy that all change is good, most broad change initiatives in large corporations
are viewed with trepidation and anxiety by employees, regardless of the potential for a
negative outcome - real or imagined (Looking Inward [online]). Hence, internal branding
Target Group
The target group is both Unilever – Weleda internal audiences. The writer will separate
internal audience into 2 levels: Senior management (C-Level and M-Level) and
- Creating Brand Character: This phase is about adjusting its brand due to this
Unilever and Weleda. Environment, for instance, is essential for both companies.
- This stage is about creating a compelling an organisational story for existing and
Phase 2: Alignment
reinforces the brand: brand character and the organisational story. Internal
communication must take on the brand's character, values, image, and voice in a
pervasive and lasting way (Looking Inward [Online]). The most crucial aspect is to
message (Mind the Gap [online]). To be truly effective, the brand must be
introduced across every level of the organization and within each region
(Brandxpress [Online]).
Phase 3: Commitment
- Doing: Employees need to live the bread: speak the brand, act the brand, think
the brand, and breathe the brand. In this stage employees are ensured that they
- Unilever-Weleda needs to focus on a few key areas that drive brand equity the
Phase 5: Evaluation
measurement tools. Another way is to ask for feedback from the employees and
senior management.
- On this phase, employee reward and recognition program are held to award
- This latest phase can bring Unilever – Weleda back to Phase 1 when needed,
and Philadelphia.