Parables Lao Tse
Parables Lao Tse
Parables Lao Tse
Written down by Anna Zubkova Under the editorship of Vladimir Antonov Corrector of the English translation Hiero Nani
These parables are written from the words of Lao Tse and relate how He learnt from Great Huang Di. The steps of the spiritual Path that permit to cognize Tao and Te are described here in parable style.
FOREWORD .......................................................................................... 3 THE FIRST PARABLE: LET THE ANT PASS!.................................... 5 THE SECOND PARABLE: BUILD THE HEAVENLY PALACE IN YOUR SPIRITUAL HEART! .................................................................. 9 THE THIRD PARABLE: LISTEN TO THE REVELATIONS OF THE GREAT SILENCE! ............................................................................... 13 THE FOURTH PARABLE: LOOK OVER THE HORIZON!................ 18 THE FIFTH PARABLE: HUANG DI THE GREAT EMPEROR OF THE UNDER-HEAVENLY WORLD ..................................................... 20 THE SIXTH PARABLE: FIND THE TREASURE! .............................. 25 THE SEVENTH PARABLE: TRIALS WILL NOT CEASE UNTIL THE VERY END OF THE PATH .................................................................. 29 THE EIGHTH PARABLE: HUANG DIS LESSONS OF HEALING ... 35 THE NINTH PARABLE: PEARLS OF WISDOM ARE THE SEEDS THAT CAN SPROUT ........................................................................... 41 THE TENTH PARABLE: ABOUT PRIDE, HUMILITY, AND ABILITY TO DISSOLVE ONESELF AND MERGE WITH TAO ......................... 47 THE ELEVENTH PARABLE: LESSONS OF THE ACHIEVEMENT OF IMMORTALITY .............................................................................. 52 THE TWELVE PARABLE: BIRTH OF THE IMMORTAL LAO TSE .. 58 CONCLUSION ..................................................................................... 59 RECOMMENDED LITERATURE ........................................................ 62
Lao Tse was riding on a donkey. He was not in a hurry. He was riding and listening, and if the words came and formed into complete sentences, He wrote them down. Lao Tse had not chosen His way but had left this to God and the donkey. The Boundless Ocean of God surrounded Him and His donkey and whispered to the sensitive animal where to go. The Heart of Lao Tse was filled with the Great Transparent Calm. He listened to this Calm since the Great Silence became filled with the words of Tao and Te1 when necessary. In this way Lao Tse was learning Wisdom about the meaning of human life and about the laws according to which people can live without destroying the harmony of the terrestrial and the Heavenly, as well as about the steps of the stairway that lead from the earth to the Heaven, that is, to the Divine, to the Primordial.
Tao in Chinese is the Primordial Consciousness (the synonyms of this word are the Creator, God-theFather, Ishvara, Allah). Te is the Holy Spirit (or Brahman). China word Te means either one Te or several or all Them in collective meaning. (See Tao Te Ching, under the editorship of Vladimir Antonov).
He listened about the Great Love, under the Guidance of Which the interaction of yin and yang takes place, about how Tao loves every being, about how Te nurses and nurtures all souls, about how to cognize Tao and how the person should live who wants to know all this on ones own experience and achieve the Supreme Ultimate: the state, in which there is only the Primordial Ocean That creates everything and includes entirely in Itself everyone who reaches It. This Living Ocean of the Subtlest Primordial Consciousness is Tao. Lao Tse wrote down what He heard. Thus the book Tao Te Ching was forming gradually Long time ago Lao Tse had left His honorary position of an archivist, which used to bring Him the respect of the people and good income. Now He kept a solitary life, which allowed Him to be always with His Teacher Huang Di. Although Lao Tse lived in the material world, He did not look at it, but at the Depths. He looked from the world of matter into that Depth, from which all the material was manifested: into the world of the Divine Light and Great Transparent Calm. There His non-embodied Teacher and Friend Huang Di was always waiting for Lao Tse. Lao Tse saw Huang Di not with the eyes of the body, but with the eyes of the soul the loving eyes of the developed spiritual heart. Only that soul which has become Light-bringing Love and Transparent Calm is able to see Te and the subtlest and infinite Tao and communicate directly with Them. Sometimes Lao Tse saw the Face of His Teacher Huang Di. Sometimes He felt the presence of the Divine Master as Love and Peace, which embraced the soul from outside and permeated everything inside. Sometimes Huang Di appeared as the Transparent Flow of Power rising from the Depths.
Now They were always together: man with a name Lao Tse and the Representative of Primordial Tao with a name Huang Di. For Lao Tse Huang Di was the closest Friend, the wisest Interlocutor, and the most important Teacher. Sometimes images from the past of China rose before Lao Tse, and He perceived Himself as a participant of those ancient events of His life on the Earth when He was a personal disciple of the Great Emperor Huang Di. Sometimes the words of the Revelations flowed like a river. Yet it also happened that throughout the day Lao Tse managed to write only one sentence. Nevertheless, this sentence gave Him the possibility to dive during several days into the meditations of Mergence with Te and Dissolution in Tao. Gradually, Lao Tse got accustomed to living always with Huang Di in the indissoluble Unity with Him. Lao Tse was now looking at the world through the Eyes of Huang Di, assessing people and events from His position. Sometimes They both stayed in silence Sometimes questions gave way to answers in a living dialogue They were and are always together: the Disciple and the Divine Master. Do you want to know how all this began, continued and ended?
had read that day. He was completely absorbed and was not looking at the road. Suddenly He heard: Let the ant pass! Lao Tse looked down and saw that His foot was over a little ant hurrying to an anthill. He gently stepped over the insect and looked back to see who had spoken with Him. But there was no one around! Is there someone here? Yes! the Invisible One said. Who are You? Your Teacher! Are You the Immortal Who has cognized Tao? Yes! Why cant I see You? Because You are looking around only with the eyes of Your body and even forget to look under Your feet! So how can I see You? You need to look with the eyes of the heart: the spiritual heart! But how? Dont hurry! Lets start from the beginning. We were talking about the ant Does it matter? Yes! Everything has its meaning and purpose! The life of every ant, worm, bird, and plant is not a pointless accident. They just like You are here according to the Will of Tao! Their lives also contribute to the development of the universe! And the one who hasnt learned to respect lives of all incarnate creatures wont be able to take the next step in cognition of Tao. Many people on the Earth now have become insane, so to speak! Heartlessness predominates in the world: they kill animals, devastate bird nests, and catch all the fish from the lakes, rivers, and seas to eat their flesh! They destroy trees, cutting and burning them without necessity! Senseless destruction of in6
nocent creatures leads to the transformation of cruelty into the norm! People have begun to consider those things that are harmful for them as useful! And what is really useful doesnt make any sense for them Thus the Truth and the memory about Harmony, laid by Tao in the Law of Existence and Development of everything, are lost! Such behavior of people is contrary to their real interests, but they dont know about this! Yet people can correct their lives, following the principles of Love and Harmony! You, if You want to, can help them to get to know about the Law of Tao: about the principles according to which people should live in the universe. Anyone who knows this Law may find peace, joy, and harmony in life. Why did You choose me? A lot of things from Your past life on the Earth connects us! Later on, Ill remind You about the most important of them. The one who has already passed the entire Path can easily remember everything! You will need little time and effort for this! Why was I born here again? Why dont I remember the steps of the Path? You have come into this incarnation with a special purpose. You have the Mission: You will help a large number of people to learn about the meaning of their lives and about how to live in a correct way! You and I will write a book about Tao and Te! Do You agree? How can I say no to God?! Quite easily! A lot of people do this, turning their eyes from the Heavenly. They look only at the benefits from the material life and thus become prisoners of material things So, do You agree to help Me?
Yes! With great joy! Ill take You at Your word since it wont be easy! Let me see You! Tell me Your name! My name is Huang Di. I am forever Your Teacher! And I had been Your Teacher for many centuries when You lived near Me incarnated in a body and learned from Me! And now I am ready again to be with You as long as You want it, even until the last breath of Your body! Together We can do a lot of useful things on the Earth! You will write a book and My ancient Teachings will be heard again among the people of China! Your words, like arrows from the Abode of the Secret Knowledge, will be hitting destined targets for thousands of years! This doesnt mean that the emperors and generals will begin to follow Our advice immediately. This doesnt mean that the peasants, the officials, and the traders will change quickly their lives in accordance with the wise principles. But, nevertheless, those who will hear and understand will get the possibility to find the Path of cognizing the Greatness of Tao and walk this Path till the end! Lao Tse was listening to Huang Di and was being born anew, so to say! That love which connects the Teacher with His disciple flooded His heart with Peace and Bliss. He saw the soft iridescent Light that, shining like the suns rays in the purest transparency of water, took a shape of the Great Teacher Huang Di. Lao Tse wanted to rush to the feet of the Master, but His ability to see Huang Di left Him as suddenly as it appeared Do not worry! its enough for today! Well continue tomorrow. Now take a rest
The Second Parable: Build the Heavenly Palace in Your Spiritual Heart!
Lao Tse was walking down the path slowly. Invisible for strangers, His Teacher Huang Di was near Him all the time. None of the casual passers-by could hear Their conversation. And no one who observed Them could note anything unusual. Lao Tse gradually was recovering His ability to see and hear His Master. How do You come here from the Abode of Tao? asked Lao Tse. This is easy! Huang Di laughed in response. This is much easier than to come in the Abode of Tao! Huang Di continued with a smile: Love unites so firmly that even the death of a body cannot break this union! All that we love is securely stored in the memory of the soul! I remember You! And now You try to remember about the life with Me in Your past incarnation. Try to remember the Universal Home where All Those Who have cognized Tao obtain the Oneness! Anyone who at least once has entered into this Mergence in the Abode of All the Perfects retains this skill forever. And one day this memory will awaken the soul and call it again to stand on the Path leading to the Mergence with Tao and to the consolidation of this Mergence! Just as a river rushes to the sea, so such a soul, after being born again in the material world and matured there, rushes to the Boundless of Tao! These souls are looking for the Oneness, in which they find their Ultimate Happiness! And if we took all the pleas9
ures of the material world and put them on a scale, they wouldnt be able to match with this Greatest Happiness! The wise choose the Jewel of the Mergence with Tao! The wise prefers this Happiness to all the pleasures of the material world! Could You recreate Your body so I could embrace You? Lao Tse asked. I can do everything! But You better embrace Me without Our bodies. Do this by the arms of the consciousness, of the soul! Im not going to indulge You with the miracles for the babies! Soon You will recall everything, and the events that You now perceive as miracles will be Your usual knowledge and style of life. Meanwhile embrace Me tightly, My beloved! Great Huang Di, in His Transparent Appearance, stretched out His Arms to embrace Lao Tse. Keenness of this touch of the Souls was much stronger than similar embraces with embodied people Now the Teacher and His Disciple merged as Souls. Anyone who has experienced this understands the importance of such an event. And those who have not experienced it yet can do this some day Huang Di continued His lesson: Now recall what you should do to stay firmly in the Heavenly Palace, which You should create in Your middle dantyan. There You can always see and feel Me! Always remember that the innumerable multitude of the material objects and the sequences of the events are just the outward manifestations of life. A human mind wanders from one external object or event to another. It looks at the past or dreams about the future Still its possible to subdue the mind and to teach it to
be in calm! For this, one needs to switch ones attention from the external to the internal This is possible when the mind is immersed in the middle dantyan, or, which is the same structure, in the chakra anahata. Then in that chakra, one can clear the space and create the Heavenly Palace of the soul. Only after this the Infinite Divine Consciousness called Tao can live there by the Part of Itself. In other words, the Heavenly Palace for Tao should be built in the vast depths of the human developed spiritual heart! And then one also can live in the inner chambers of this Palace without grieving because of misfortunes and without rejoicing because of successes, but knowing the Base of everything Tao! If You invite Me to this home, then I come there from My Home the Abode of Tao. And Ill come to You again and again until You yourself can come to My Home and settle in it forever! This is the Infinite Divine Home of all Te! There all They are One, and this Unity is called Tao! So Your spiritual heart can become a home for Te, Tao, and You yourself! Now Lao Tse began to submerge Himself in His spiritual heart consciously, and not spontaneously, as it had happened before during His contacts with Huang Di, when the emotions overfilled Him and the entire soul turned into love. Yet at that moment, this area in His chest was not large and transparent enough Huang Di continued: Feel the arms of the soul, that is, the arms of the spiritual heart, which are consubstantial with it. You can use these arms to clean this space so that You can invite Me!
You havent cleaned here for a long time. That is why, the inner chambers of the soul became like a house in which no one have lived for long time Huang Di left His disciple for a while, and Lao Tse began cleaning His inner chambers. Soon they became like a crystal glass room shining like a diamond in the light! You worked well to be able to invite Me! Huang Di said manifesting Himself once again. Then He continued: At the beginning, the spiritual heart may occupy little space. But the one who strives to merge with Tao should deepen it and then expand it again and again, trying to make it as infinite as Tao! Expand Your Heavenly Palace by the arms of the consciousness so that it can be decent to invite Me in it and You can contain as much of Me as possible! Lao Tse pushed the transparent wall of His Heavenly Palace by His arms of the consciousness, and, oh wonder! it yielded and moved easily towards the infinity He did the same with all other walls, then with the floor, and then with the ceiling He repeated this again and again, and soon the Freedom, the Expanse, the Light, and the Bliss were all around! Now, this is truly the Heavenly Palace! Huang Di said with approval. Youve done it in a very short time, but You shouldnt forget that for Your students it will be much more difficult. Some of them will need months for this work, if not years. Now I just have helped You to recall what You knew in Your former life on the Earth. That is why, it was possible to do all this so quickly and easily. What should I do now? How should I live? You should live with Me, recalling and studying further the Great Path! And right now where should I go? Now turn to the left. There You will buy for yourself a white donkey. Then You should gather writ12
ing instruments and set out on a journey. We have a lot of work to do! And in fact, having turned to the left, Lao Tse found a road leading to a market. He reached it and found Himself in the midst of bustle and hubbub of that place. But, surprisingly, all this did not disturb the peace that reigned in the Heavenly Palace of Lao Tse. Feeling the presence of Huang Di, He was walking among people who were bargaining. Soon He saw a man selling a donkey, but Huang Di said: Not this one! Keep going! Lao Tse wondered at His new feelings: He spoke with the Immortal so easily as with an incarnate person! And He perceived the presence and the words of Huang Di even more clearly than the noise of the market! Finally, They found a cute white donkey. Lao Tse began bargaining with a seller and lost the sensation of the presence of Huang Di At last, the donkey was bought. You overpaid! The former owner was cruel to this kind animal and didnt deserve such a payment! Lao Tse heard suddenly. Well, for the first one of our concerted actions, it is not bad Being guided by Huang Di, Lao Tse quickly finished all His affairs and disposed of His property. Then He gathered writing instruments and some food for the road.
were pecking at rice from His dish. The white donkey was nibbling the lush grass nearby Lao Tse was sitting and listening to the Great Silence. Sometimes this Silence became filled with the words of Huang Di. He talked about Tao, difficult to comprehend for people immersed in worldly concerns: They do not know that everything here is created according to the Will of Tao and exists for It. If you talk with these people about Tao, they dont believe you, because they believe only in what they see by their eyes and touch by their hands. But their eyes cant see Tao yet, and their hands cant touch It, since the eyes of the soul have to be open and the arms of the spiritual heart have to be obtained in order to see and touch Tao! Only if one is looking for the meaning of ones own and universal existence then Tao and Te reveal Themselves to this person. Such a soul then starts walking the Path, and, gradually, as it makes spiritual efforts the Great Invisible becomes visible, the Great Imperceptible becomes perceptible, the inaudible words become audible, and the Great Knowledge opens itself for understanding! The Appearances of the Immortals become evident only for the developed spiritual heart! There is a lot of different roads in a human lifetime. But only one leads to the worthy end of the evolution of the individual soul. This is the Path of cognition of Tao with the purpose of submerging into It, merging with It, and then acting from It! Why havent I been able to recall anything for such a long time? Ive been searching! Ive been looking for the purpose of My life and of the lives of all other creatures Ive been looking for the causes of the injustices and evils that happen to people Ive been looking for that which, as it seemed to Me, could
bring wisdom and peace and fill the internal emptiness with the boundless joy But I havent succeeded, although I kept believing that there was the meaning for Me to live here It was necessary for You since it helped you to learn to understand other people that live only in the midst of the material things and endless bustle of events and desires. Even if some of these people want to find a way out, they dont know where and how to search it. Having experienced their problems in Your own life, You can now help those who are searching the way to Me. Yes, Ive been looking for You all my life! I reread so many treatises, but havent found that one which would give me the opportunity to find You! The spiritual Path starts in the spiritual heart of a seeker. Love, which is born there, stimulates the spiritual search and growth and allows seeing and choosing in life the reference points of Goodness, Wisdom, and Truth! I come to those who are searching and walking! I help those who aspire for the ethical purity! Man should avoid causing harm not only to an ant walking its way. Killing animals to eat their bodies is also causing harm. Surely, for man there is a lot of other really beneficial food! For example, growing and harvesting fruits and seeds, intended for nourishment, man doesnt violate the harmony, doesnt hurt anybody, and doesnt sow death! If someone kills animals or at least contributes to this, that person becomes similar to a wild predatory beast. Yet what is normal to the inner nature of a predator is inappropriate for man! Human consciousnesses that live in this way descends to the lower stages of the Evolution, since they cant perceive the subtlety and purity of Tao and Te! A large number of people honor their ancestors, but more simply constructed beings were also their
ancestors. Each man grew as a soul in the bodies of plants and animals once! And it would be good for people to honor all positive manifestations of life, taking care of them and avoiding causing them unnecessary harm! Let this be the respect for ants, fish, birds, and all other peaceful incarnate beings! It was Tao That gave all them the opportunity to live on the Earth for the sake of the development of the soul and the Evolution! The meaning of existence of everything in the Under-Heavenly World consists in that each soul gets an opportunity to grow and to perfect itself during an incarnate life. Having achieved the Perfection, such a human soul merges with Tao enriching It by itself. Therefore, Tao is directly interested in the situation when nothing hinders the development of every soul. Man claiming to be the successfully growing on the spiritual Path has to be guided by the kindness of the heart and choose for ones life only those things that are right from the standpoint of Tao! In particular, this permits a person, following the principles of pure nutrition, to strengthen both the body and the soul, obtaining the clarity of the consciousness unobscured by coarse energies of pain and death! If that person sees wrong in other people, let he or she avoids interaction with them! Thus the purity of life, peace, and harmony in emotions are gained. There is a very simple rule for living in harmony with Tao: do good to others! And then the good in you and in the whole world will grow! In this way, gradually, the Treasure that doesnt disappear with the death of the body accumulates in such a person. In this way, the soul gets accustomed to living in love.
And in this way, the peace is multiplied among people. Those who accumulate good qualities accumulate the real Wealth! Those who do evil destroy the supports of the ladder which could help them to ascend from the earth to the Heaven! Yet the ethical perfection of a soul cant be achieved immediately. To abstain from the evil and contribute to the good is the simplest beginning, appropriate for every person. It is easy to learn: dont fan the fires of quarrel, forget offences, forgive, take care of others, doing the best you can for them The ethical beauty makes a person valuable for Tao and pleasant for other people! Huang Di! What You saying is really important! Yes. And You will write a book about this! How? I never wrote any books, I only kept the manuscripts of others! I will help You! I will suggest to You ideas and formulate phrases! And You just dont forget to listen to Me and write down the most important! You yourself should never insist that people follow My advice. Let everyone, having heard the truth, follow only ones own understanding! You cant prevent errors of the fools! You cant stop the pride of the arrogant people! You cant replace the knowledge of the idlers and loafers, who only speculate about the Path! Only the reasonable people, having cognized the Truth, want to follow it! But even among them You will not find many companions Nevertheless, Your book about Tao and Te will be the source of wisdom for thousands of years! And everyone who is ready will be able to hear My instructions as You hear them now! This is Your great service for Tao!
Look, there, in a distance, where the sky touches the earth, there is the line visible for the eyes but nonexistent in reality. This is the horizon. You can try to approach it with Your material body, but in this way You will never get to the end of the Earth.
However, this line can open for a worthy soul the passage into the worlds of Light into those spaces where Te abides. If You look by the soul, formed of the spiritual heart, beyond the horizon of the material world to that place from which the sun rises, this will open a passage into non-material world of subtlety and Light! This is the Divine Light! Lao Tse perceived himself as a soul free from clothes of the material body and found himself in that place where the Light is born! This Light rises as if from the abyss behind the flat Earth. In that abyss, in the depth, there is the Infinity of the Divine Light similar to a giant boundless Sun What should I do now? Jump into this Light! The Infinite Light embraced Lao Tse He submerged deeper and deeper in It with the help of huge arms of the great soul He became this Light and looked from It, being It, to the direction where His material body was standing at the boundary between the world of matter and the worlds of Te Lao Tse made an effort and looked again through the eyes of His material body. He didnt see the abyss Only the rising sun was caressing and warming Him Then He returned to the state of the meditation given by Huang Di. The shining Infinity appeared before Him. Having immersed in It and become It, He himself now could be the Source of the Living Divine Fire-like Light of Love! Trying not to lose this state, Lao Tse continued His way.
The Fifth Parable: Huang Di the Great Emperor of the Under-Heavenly World
The donkey was trotting forward slowly. Sometimes it stopped to refresh itself with another portion of grass. Then Lao Tse got off and let it graze. Lao Tse strove to cognize all that Huang Di opened for Him as rapidly as possible. He often asked Huang Di about His past incarnations, about those lessons of discipleship And that day, when they again made a halt, Huang Di allowed Lao Tse to see pictures of that distant past in which Lao Tse was one of the disciples of the incarnate Great Emperor of China.
The procession was moving slowly and solemnly. The Emperor Huang Di, sitting still in a ceremonial dress on an eminence, contemplated it. Masses of people were passing by like a river. The solemn procession seemed to be endless. An incarnate God has come to people! How can He bear such endless ceremonies? Will I be really admitted to a personal meeting? Lao Tse recalled those events as clearly as if they were happening to Him again at that moment. The ceremony ended. The guards led a few invited people into the inner chambers of the palace of Huang Di. Only many years of meditative practice allowed Lao Tse to overcome the agitation and enter the room calmly Several students were already there.
Huang Di tenderly looked at the newcomer. He seemed to be different: not that deity from the festive ceremony. Although the Divine Greatness and Calm were like transparent Ocean around His body, He was also just a wise and kind Man. Huang Di said: I am glad to greet you all here! The fact that you were invited indicates Your substantial progress on the Path of cognition of Tao. I hope that they didnt forget to accommodate you and feed you in the bustle of the festivity? It was quite surprising to observe how His Universal Greatness combined with an understanding of the common human needs of His students. Very soon new disciples of Huang Di got accustomed to His corporal appearance and to the living presence of God in a human body. His presence near them was no longer a heavenly miracle that caused stupefaction because of piety They could ask questions and listen to His answers, and they did not lose their power of speech when the Divine Ruler of the Under-Heavenly World addressed anyone of them personally. During teaching, sometimes He invited them to the room for conversations. Other times He carried all of them together with their bodies by His Power to other places of China: to the mountains, valleys, or to the ocean shore; and then His lessons took place there. Now Lao Tse saw himself among the disciples of Huang Di. They were in the room for conversations and were listening to the words of the Great Master. Huang Di was sitting next to them like an equal among equals and spoke. It was as if there was no distance between the Immortal Master and His disciples. By this He also helped them to ascend to the heights of His Divine Consciousness.
The Ocean of the Living Light of Huang Di was above and below in relation to our planet And His Boundlessness spread throughout the whole UnderHeavenly World! Yet He was also in His body by a Part of Himself. He was sitting with His disciples in one room and explained to them the fundamentals of the Path. The Great Soul, Which permeated all things with Its Living Light, was joined to a human appearance! As soon as any of the disciples opened the gates to his or her spiritual heart the Heavenly Palace of that disciple became filled with the Love of Huang Di! Here He was the Divine Emperor of the whole Under-Heavenly World and the Emperor of their lives! His eyes were calm. And when He smiled His Bliss embraced them all. Whenever you lift your eyes to the sky, remember: the Heavens exist around all the Earth and within it. I fill them! I embrace everything with My Heart! Such is My Omnipresence! No matter from where you call Me I immediately will come at your call! I am above everything and under everything! I am not unique! There are other Greatest Souls! Yet it is always easier to call that Friend Whom you know well! Now you may ask questions and Ill answer to you. One of the disciples asked: Why do almost all people live their lives as if Tao and Te dont exist? The Appearances of Te are not visible for one with an ordinary sight! Only loving, gentle, refined and great spiritual heart gains the ability to see Them! A body that carries inside it a little soul is easily overcome by diseases and other afflictions.
Those who do not feel joy and Light but look only at their problems and sorrows, seeing only darkness, are also unstable in their lives. People should study and practice the ways of the purification of souls and bodies! Only then joy will come into their lives! The art of living and growing by soul stable in the subtle and tender love becomes the great support in life! A person who lives like this soon will be able to see Immortal Te and rely on Their Guidance on the Path of the cognition of Them and Tao! Such people blossom by the souls and obtain for themselves the unshakeable Base of all things Tao! Huang Di looked at another disciple, and that disciple asked: How should we help people? I ask this because only very few of them want to hear a wise advice! And even those who have heard it usually object and dont do those things that could benefit them! Those who are weak and irresolute, those who havent matured on the material roads, and those who seek only self-assertion and are obsessed by the passion for the worldly should be left to their fates. Dont try to help them to reach those peaks which are unaffordable for them! At first, every person develops slowly. People experience what they wish and need to experience. Through this, they obtain life after life much different experience: sweetness of success, bliss of happiness, bitterness of defeat, sadness of disappointment And only afterwards, the time comes when nothing attracts them inside the world of the things, nothing can evoke in them a desire to possess something else material. Then such people start seeking the meaning of their existence and turn their eyes of the soul to Tao! In that case, Te brings them to the road of knowledge.
Not all people need the Truth about Tao since not all of them can withstand it right now! A soul has to grow in its personal evolution up to the stage when the passion to cognize Tao rises in it! Yet its impossible to teach this! You should learn to see and find those who really need the Path. Another student asked: As for the worldly riches, I want to know if one should renounce them and if the material wealth is an obstacle on the Path. As long as worldly wealth doesnt bind a soul it can be useful. But how many of those who, owning gold and silver, palaces and lands, jade and jasper, are free of those material objects? On the other hand, a poor man is also not free from the worldly. The poverty fetters ones personal development even more, since a poor man is constantly concerned about what to eat and where to get money for living. This attachment to the worldly causes even more harm to this person than the excessive possession of the worldly things! To be truly free from the worldly, a poor man has to acquire it first Moreover, those who never obtained anything important of the worldly things havent learned to deal with the worldly property That is why, there is little hope that they will be able to accumulate the spiritual treasures and use them properly! They, among other things, wont be able to give the sacred treasures, which they would obtain, to Tao, Who sent them to the Earth for their education! That is why, souls dont come to the Earth only once. Incarnating many times, they should learn a lot both in the material world and in the worlds of the Divine subtlety. Among other things, they should cognize love in all its manifestations. The one who is skillful in the
worldly love can become skillful in the heavenly love. But the one who is not skillful in the worldly love will not be able to comprehend and manifest the power of the transforming spiritual love! For this reason, people first learn to love in small things, where joy alternates with sadness. Yet the one who really has cognized and realized in oneself the Divine Love cannot be upset by anything! After all, that person acts according to the Will of Tao! As for those who are not ready yet for the Great Path they can serve Tao with their deeds. It will make their lives even better now, and their future destinies excellent! Serving in this way, they plant good seeds in their destinies: the good done now will produce fruits for them in their future lives on the Earth. The destinies of those who serve Tao in every possible way are pure and beautiful!
We dont need your teachings! If you cant see through the stones, then dont play wise and go away! the treasure seekers became outraged. Lao Tse realized that these people did not need His words and went His way. However, He recalled that once He read about the great Treasure that must be found by a person who seeks Tao. Huang Di, tell me about the Treasure mentioned in the ancient tales. They say it has to be found on the Path of cognition of Tao. They also say it is like a spring that lifts the mortal to the cognition of the Immortality. Youve asked a good question! Its just the right time for it, Huang Di replied. Lao Tse dismounted from His donkey and wanted to start writing down the words of Huang Di, but Huang Di stopped Him: Dont write about this Treasure now. Just hear Me out. The time has come for You to know this. It will also come when it should for every seeker of Tao. And then they will hear My words and see the priceless sacred depository of the energy of consciousness that they accumulated during many lives in many bodies Every person, living in the world, begins to collect incarnation after incarnation precious particles that make up this Treasure gradually. Loving unselfishly and tenderly, souls grow as the spiritual hearts, preparing themselves for the life in paradise. Giving the bliss to others and admiring the beauty they become subtle, approaching gradually the Abode of Tao. Thus the consciousnesses grow, enriching themselves with the best, the subtlest components. And to prevent squandering this real wealth of the soul on worldly affairs only, some of this energy is
saved for the future for the activities on the Path to Tao. A lot of people have this Treasure, but only few of them know about it. Some people have more of it, others less If a treasure is buried under a house, but the owner of this house doesnt know about it that owner cant get any benefit from that treasure. In the same way, if a person doesnt know about the real Treasure, he or she cant get any benefit from it! And there is no point in trying to find this Treasure in order to use it in the material world. Only the one who knows the essence of this Treasure and is able to use it for the real spiritual progress can be its owner. People dont need much in the entire material world, but they dont know about this. They are looking for a lot of things, but of little significance, whereas the great Treasure is near them! This Treasure gives the worthy one the power on the Path. In India, yogis know it as Kundalini. But if people who are unworthy because of their negative qualities of the soul try to use this spring of the great power of this Treasure to dominate others, then this force will throw them to the foot of the stairs leading to the Heavenly Their existence will become miserable, and their destinies sad They will fritter away their lives and have to begin accumulating this Treasure again Do I understand right that a person who has found this Treasure cant return to a usual worldly life? If a good person chooses a worldly life and wants to return to the external Te will never stop him or her. Everyone is free in ones choice Nevertheless, it is impossible to take into a material life those values that were intended for the Path to Tao. In that case, they will disappear, become elusive,
so to say. This is similar to the situation with gold and pearls, jade and jasper, which cant be brought into the worlds of Tao and Te! There different gold shines! The Treasure lost by a person because of the wrong choice is saved for him or her in the Absolute. And then that person will be able to find it again in the next incarnations. When the soul is ready, I give it this Treasure. And all Te are always glad about the successes of everyone on the spiritual Path! Huang Di continued His explanation, directing the attention of Lao Tse to the subtle worlds: Look, here is Your Treasure! All Your anterior subtle states of the consciousness drop by drop have created this sea of diamond light, stored in a special huge container that extends in the depths of the multidimensionality. Now unite yourself with this Divine part of You! In the depths under His body, Lao Tse saw with His vision of the soul a huge reservoir filled with radiance, looking like some diamonds sparkling in the sunlight. He touched this Treasure with the arms of consciousness and the bliss overfilled His body He perceived that the diamond radiance was turning into the flow of radiant and transparent Heavenly Bliss and uniting with the embodied part of the soul Huang Di recommended: Now make a comfortable place where you could lie down and let this Heavenly Bliss pass through all parts of your body. Whenever You connect with the Divine part of yourself, You will be able to use all the power and all the skills of the soul that has been accumulated by You during many lives, during all the time of learning from Me! Lao Tse spread a mat and laid down comfortably. As soon as He placed His arm of consciousness into the container with the Treasure, the flow of Bliss again filled His body up to the top of His head and
poured from there It was as if His body had become a transparent hollow vessel, and the diamond shining stream was flowing through it like a spring river that has broken the ice For several days, Lao Tse lived in this Blissful Mergence interrupted only briefly. Now He could feel himself like the Great Te, becoming a huge consciousness consisting of Light. This consciousness could take the form of a human body and had a face and arms. Thus He could stand above the land, touch and cleanse His material body with the arms of the soul It seemed to Him that He achieved the fullness of the Divinity and that nothing would ever shake this state! It seemed to Him that He cognized everything, that the Perfection was attained and that the Supreme Ultimate was reached! Huang Di did not open His eyes since His Disciple really was in the state similar to that of the Great Te. Yet Huang Di knew that this state of Lao Tse was only a small separate drop of the Great Ocean of the Divine Consciousness drop with name Lao Tse. To merge himself totally with the Ocean of Tao, Lao Tse still needed to keep working hard.
The Seventh Parable: Trials Will not Cease until the Very End of the Path
Time passed by. Daily meditations became a usual work for Lao Tse. Nevertheless, at some point He noticed that His ceaseless efforts did not bring Him the same joy and satisfaction
On top of that, the weather had changed: the rain had been falling for several days already Even the donkey did not like the gusty wind with the rain and the clay, which became slippery under its hooves. The cold penetrated the body of Lao Tse wearing wet clothes, and the nights spent under the open sky did not give Him any rest. It was harder and harder to meditate, although He tried His best. Lao Tse could not understand what Huang Di wanted from Him. And when He asked Huang Di about this situation the silence was the only answer Lao Tse tried to overcome fatigue, but Finally, Huang Di said: So, are You tired of all this? Do You want to go back to your old life and forget about the Path to Tao? No! Of course, no! But why is everything so bad? The fatigue or the diseases of the body hinder the spiritual work. Its necessary to maintain the bodys energies in good conditions. Find a house and take a rest! After that, We will discuss all Your problems. Suddenly, the weary travelers saw an old abandoned house. Lao Tse came in and looked around. It was dry and quiet. The dampness and the wind did not enter here; only the steady sound of rain was heard through the walls which were damaged in some places. A large pile of fresh hay was in the corner. Anyhow, Lao Tse got a warm bed, and the donkey a good supper under the roof Thank You, Huang Di! I accept Your gratitude. And answering Your question, I will say that it was just a little test. But I thought, all tests were over a long time ago since I am totally with You!
Testing doesnt cease until the very end of the Path. A possibility to fall, to abandon further efforts or to make a wrong choice is also a part of Gods hardening, which the soul must pass in order to achieve the Divine Perfection! Well, now take a rest! The donkey began eating its supper. Lao Tse also ate some rice flatbread that He had with Him and fell asleep. He dreamed about the space of the Blissful Light, in Which He was soaring like a bird and resting as a soul. Meantime, His body also restored its strengths
Closer to the morning, Lao Tse saw himself among His friends during one of the lessons of Huang Di. They met again in the room for conversations. Huang Di said to His disciples: Today we will talk about some important aspects and conditions of mastering the stages of the Path. It will be useful both for you and for your future students. Routine and monotony of spiritual exercises and of efforts directed to the service can hide Me from a seeker. This is similar to the situation when gray thick clouds hide the light of the sun for a very long time But even in such situations one should never forget that all spiritual efforts can produce the correct results only if they are made by the soul that persistently transforms itself into Love! I dont come to those who dont love Me! And that one who forgets about love will embrace only the dead emptiness in the meditations. That person wont get satisfaction from such a spiritual work and may even consider as wrong the methods and the very formulation of the Purpose and tasks of the spiritual efforts
The problem in such cases is rooted in the loss of love for Tao. If one loses this state of love even for a moment, then That Sacredness Which, as it seemed before, was almost in the hands becomes imperceptible. I of the soul and the Infinity of Tao can merge in the indissoluble Unity. But the only way to achieve this is love! Therefore, one needs to return again and again to the state of love for Tao, especially in difficult situations. As the result, the state of Mergence with Tao may become habitual. On the way to that state, one should learn not to oppose oneself to the Will of Tao in anything: either in large issues or in small! After that, on the next big stage of the perfection, man has to learn to live coming out from the Infinity of Tao. But this, too, cant be archived immediately. Initially, each soul is evolving as an individual. This is necessary for the qualitative development and the quantitative growth of the individual soul. And only if the soul becomes very large and obtains all Divine qualities it can completely dissolve itself in My Transparent Calm! At the beginning, those who explore Tao come to the Abode of Tao as guests. The Great Te, on the contrary, come and disappear in Tao, for They return to Their common Home! This means that They have become the Hosts since They have learned how to be in Unity with Tao all the time! They can also come from the Abode of Tao to act in the material world. Let Me add that until a human body hasnt obtained the perfect and total Divine Calm of Tao, it can suffer because of the influence of adverse factors. The destruction and the death of a body by themselves dont harm a soul. So dont be afraid of the death of the body.
Yet bodies are given to us so that we can grow and develop ourselves in them. That is why, we should make effort to keep them healthy and strong. One should eliminate the fatigue and the illnesses! Dont surrender to them! A material body is necessary for a person to walk the spiritual Path. Therefore, a body should be treated with care, as some sort of dress given to me by Tao for my entire life on the Earth.
At that moment Lao Tse woke up. The joy because of the gained understanding overfilled Him! The sun was shining outside and the water drops were sparkling on the wet leaves. Lao Tse washed His body under a small waterfall flowing from a mountain ledge. He perceived himself truly awakened and began to wash himself, like with water, with the streams of the Light of Love coming from the Heavenly Source. Sparkling streams, which gave Bliss, were flowing and flowing through His body and around it Lao Tse realized once again that the Great Te are always ready to help abundantly those who seek purification! The Divine Light of Love pervaded both the body and the soul, and Lao Tse felt the unquenchable desire to give this Light to all living beings, including all the people, who live without knowing about this great Light of all Te! These Te are always ready to help with the healing and the transformation of the bodies and of the souls and to open the great Path of the cognition of Tao! Lao Tse saw a peach tree in bloom. Its flowers opened themselves to the sunlight and were giving their beauty and fragrance to everyone. Lao Tse experienced himself like a similar tree, which just yes33
terday stood bare and was absorbing with its roots the moisture from the depths, but today bloomed with fragrant flowers! He used this image as the basis for a new meditation: He stepped into the depths of the Light-Fire, already known by Him, dissolved himself in It and began to ascend, being this Light-Fire, to His own body and pass through it. The streams of life-giving Divine Love were flowing inside and were opening in the chakras, like buds full of bliss and purity. A minute later the energy channels of the body became filled with this radiance. Lao Tse felt like the spring and the fragrance flowed into every corner of His body! Now the Light-Fire ran freely inside all energy channels. Lao Tse experienced himself filled with the Light and this Light was radiating irrepressibly out of His body! It seemed incredible, but not the young body of Lao Tse acquired lightness, youthful flexibility, and mobility and started radiating the Light so that the halo of Love-Bliss covered all the space around! Huang Di praised His disciple: Well done! Youve demonstrated Your creativity and come really close to mastering the meditation Tree. You can see now how all living beings on the Earth get the life strength from Tao, like growing plants. This meditation should be started from the Sea of Light-Fire or from the Ocean of the Great Calm of Tao. And as You master it, You will feel all beings of the Under-Heavenly World as branches of the great Divine Tree. By mastering this meditation, You will be able to restore the work of the internal organs of Your body and make them function harmoniously. You also will be able to heal other people.
Still You need to remember that energies, which flow inside the bodies of different people, are not equal in the levels of their subtlety, but correspond to the state of the soul that lives in that body. If the level of subtlety of these energies inside the body corresponds with the Transparent Calm of Tao, then the matter of that body will change gradually as well. When all chakras and main meridians are purified and all three dantyans are developed and refined You can fill completely even the smallest energy channels of Your body, using that image of a tree. In that case, the Divine Power of Tao will permeate the entire body from inside, saturating its flesh with the Divine state. And after a while, the matter of this body will become totally Divine. Such a body then will obtain the immortality, and the owner of this body all the qualities of Tao: Love, Omnipresence, Omniscience, and Omnipotence! Thus Tao gets the possibility to act through our bodies in the material world in the most effective way. However, to achieve this, You still need to work hard.
too attached to certain rules either in a meditation or in Your daily life! Ask the owner to let You stay overnight in this house and you will know the reason why You and I came here. It is time to change something in Your life: now You can start learning to help people. Lao Tse knocked on the door, but there was no response. Only after a long period of silence, He heard shuffling footsteps, and a haggard old man opened the door. Lao Tse came in and saw a woman evidently the wife of that old man sitting at the bedside of a sick young man. Lao Tse guessed that this young man was their son and that he was seriously ill. The old man said: He is our only hope and support in our old age But now he is dying! We prayed to all gods, whom we know; we evoked the spirits of our ancestors; we gave all our savings to the healers, but no one could help Could it be that Heaven finally heard our prayers and You came to save him? Lao Tse did not expect such a reception and such a course of events He called Huang Di for help and got His answer: Give him My drink, and immerse yourself in meditation: Ill teach You how to heal this young man Lao Tse took from His bag a vessel with a potion made of mountain herbs, which Huang Di taught him how to prepare, gave it to the parents and told them to give some of it to the young man from time to time. The old thanked the guest as if the miracle already had happened! What can we do for You, holy traveler? Now I will ask Huang Di to help Me with the healing. If you take care of my donkey, that will be enough
And Lao Tse dived into the meditation of Mergence with Huang Di Yet instead of direct instructions on how to cure the sick man, Lao Tse again saw the pictures from His past And the material world disappeared completely from His perception
They were again present during the lesson in the room for conversations. Why Lu isnt with us today? Huang Di asked. His wife fell ill, and he stayed with her, one of the disciples replied. But if hed come here, You would have helped him to learn how to heal her. What will happen to her now? another asked. Will You help his wife, Huang Di? a third disciple said. I will, but not right now All events troubles and joys dont come in ones life by chance, but in accordance with the Will of Tao and by means of Te! They can teach a lot of things to the one who is willing to learn. Until man learns lessons from all these situations, it will be very difficult to help him or her Lu knew a lot about the Supreme, and it was his right to make this choice. The consequences of this choice will form his future destiny. As long as one person is attached to another rather than to the Infinite Tao, this person should stay among the worldly, in the circle of births and deaths On the other hand, to find the real Immortality, tenderness, care, and the help to other beings one should obtain another Base: Divine Primordial Tao. If now any of you manages to convince Lu that his love for Tao should be stronger than his love for his wife, and even if he follows this advice and leaves
the worldly because of the external indication, but not because of the internal choice of the soul, then the similar situations will repeat again and again in his life. It is wrong to pull people to Tao! Each flower blooms in its own time! And the fruits also appear when they should! Tao patiently waits for the time when each soul blooms! And now we can practice our healing abilities. Huang Di pointed with His Arm of Consciousness to a shepherd that fell from the mountain and injured his legs severely. Lets visit this place all together! Huang Di said. And in a moment by Huang Dis Power they were carried to the place in the mountains where the body of the shepherd was. Huang Di approached the moaning man and passed His hand over him. The shepherd became quiet Is he dead? one of the disciples asked. Not at all! Look closely: he has simply fainted. The soul left the body for some time, but this is not death. He wont feel any pain now. Look at his body with the consciousnesses and find the places of fractures and other injuries. Huang Di observed how His disciples joined the broken bones When it was done, He said: Observe now that a body has numerous energy channels, through which vital energy flows. Connect these channels in the sites of injuries, using your arms of the souls in the sites of injuries. Repair so that the energies can flow freely in all channels. Huang Di kept explaining while His disciples were working, and half an hour later, the shepherd stood on his feet!
He started looking anxiously for his flock and became slightly scared after seeing the strangers. But when one of the disciples pointed to the herd of goats, he calmed down, thanked with a bow and went away Huang Di, why have You made it so that he couldnt remember the miracle of healing? It wouldnt have helped him. He wouldnt have become better due to this, since his mind isnt capable of understanding how he was healed. This lesson was useful for you rather than for him. You saw the possibilities of using the Power of Te during the healing. At the same time, you should remember that it cant be done without the consent of Tao! They came back to the room for conversations in the same miraculous way.
Here they met Lu, who was waiting for them Feeling himself guilty and sad, he fell at the feet of Huang Di. Huang Di, help me! My wife is very ill, no remedies could help her! Save her if possible! Get up, Lu! You are still my disciple, so behave with dignity, please! Lu, wiping his eyes, stood up and made an effort to calm down his emotions. Finally, he managed to do so and, being in the deep inner silence, bowed before Huang Di. Thats better Love for individual creatures is truly beautiful, Lu. But it should be developed into the Divine infinite Love, devoid of human attachments and conventionalities!
This kind of Love knows no barriers! Its possibilities are enormous! Besides, as youve heard many times, the death of the body doesnt mean that someone parts from you or that someones life ends. Now you can really understand this Yes, Huang Di! While I was waiting for You here, I understood a lot Yes, youve learned a lot, and it is good! But you missed the lesson of healing, Lu, and we all have to repeat it for you again. Huang Di addressed all His disciples: Look, we dont need to be close to the body of a patient to heal that person We can just being merged with the Light-Power of The Great Te bring, from below, the Arm of Consciousness close to the body of that person Look, here is the wife of Lu Act attentively! Now we can cast out all the energies affected by the disease from her body and replace them with Light. There is the Will of Tao for this
At this point, Lao Tse realized that now He was again in the room with the sick young man Now do the same by yourself He heard the approving voice of Huang Di. When I say yourself, I means that You as a spiritual heart with gentle arms should feel the Infinite Divine Power that flows and works through You. Dont worry: I will help You to understand what to do and how Lao Tse began working. Half an hour later the young man opened his eyes and uttered his first words. After that, his parents started believing in the existence of miracles; they were not capable of some40
thing more yet. But love-reverence for Tao and gratitude to Huang Di and Lao Tse from that moment on always filled and lit up their lives. The next morning, Lao Tse wanted to leave the house where He healed a person for the first time, but Huang Di stopped Him: Through you, Te prolonged life of this young man in his body. Now You should teach him something I taught You. This is especially important for him! If not, he will become a debtor of Tao and Te. Thus Lao Tse found His first disciple.
The Ninth Parable: Pearls of Wisdom are the Seeds that Can Sprout
Lao Tse began explaining to the recovering young man the laws according to which everything in the Under-Heavenly World lives. He told him: Tao is the First Cause of the existence of the Earth and of all creatures that inhabit all worlds tangible and intangible. All this is created by Tao and develops according to the Will of Tao Yin and yang live in harmony, and their mutual attraction can be called love. This love is the greatest motive force in all that exists. Te permeate with Their Light and embrace with Their Love the entire Creation. They maintain order and control all events. Yet They dont intervene in all of them. The destiny of every person is created by him or her through the thoughts and actions of that person. The destiny of every person is the result of the manifestation of his or her free will.
The Great Te carry out destinies, creating educational situations for incarnate people. The first direct contact with the Immortal Te, the first immersions into Their Love and Bliss overwhelm the soul by the great miracle of Touching the Divine! But after this, a seeker can move to the Perfection only through a long series of ones own efforts. Its not possible to reach that place where The Great Te come from by the common roads! The real Path is hidden from the eyes of fussy people and inaccessible for those with impure thoughts. And only the one who is full of love, unshakable during the difficulties, moderate in desires has a chance to walk this Path fast! The Heavenly, Which is hidden from the ordinary eyes, is not a half of the world, but much more! Tao manifests Its Will in everything that exists. But only those people who dedicate their lives to the cognition of this are capable of cognition of Tao. This process should be started with the comprehension of the difference between good and evil as Tao understands them. Such comprehension will become the guidance in life and allow avoiding many mistakes and losses. The Path to Tao cant be found through searching in the material world. And it is very important on what you will spend your life. Have you ever thought about what will happen to you when your life in this body comes to the end? Yes, when I was sick, I thought about this. When I almost died, it seemed to me that I had glanced at the worlds where the souls live without bodies, where our ancestors live I realized how important it is to find the meaning of life in order not to waste the years of our lives on the Earth on idle concerns or amusements.
When the young man fully recovered, Lao Tse taught him special techniques that allowed developing the energy of consciousness. He said: A human body has seven main chakras-cavities. They are like vessels, in which vital energies are accumulated and then directed to the different parts of the body. These cavities, as well as channels, through which energy flows, should be clean and bright. In this case, a human body will be healthy. Learn to move yourself as soul between these seven main cavities. And look with the soul from each one of them like out of windows both forward and backward. When the young man mastered this, Lao Tse showed him the next exercises: The energies inside and outside of our bodies can be perceived like air-light. If you inhale and exhale this air-light through your arms, legs, trunk, and head you can make everything inside your body pure and filled with the radiant light. Then both the soul and the body will obtain purity and strength. The inner purity changes a person and gives him or her health and longevity, among other things. The young man was an able disciple and learned quickly how to control of the movement of the consciousness. From that moment, he could easily direct the flows of consciousness like streams and rivers of light and make them pass through his body. Then Lao Tse explained to him new methods: Have you ever observed the apparent motion of the Sun around the Earth? This is an illusion. But it can, by analogy, help you to learn to rotate your energy through the orbit around and then inside the body, filling it with light.
Place your body properly and let the glowing light rise behind your body and fall in front of it. Do this until the whole space around and within your body becomes filled with the light and starts emitting the light. Then Lao Tse taught His first disciple the most important: to expand as the spiritual heart, building inside it a huge Heavenly Palace in order to be able to invite Huang Di and other Te into it.
Many people from the surrounding villages got to know about the wise man and came to listen to the conversations of Lao Tse and to learn from Him the miraculous methods of healing bodies and souls. He often asked questions to His audience and people began to think before getting a ready answer. For example, He asked: Why do we consider some events as evil, others as good, and to some of them we remain indifferent? Have you thought about what should motivate people to behave in a good way? Everyone has heard that man doesnt need only food for the body, but also the nutrition for the soul. What kind of food feeds the soul? At first, Lao Tse always taught to understand the ethical laws of Tao. Then He offered the meditative techniques that helped to master these ethical laws: Changes begin from the inner. When one changes the state inside oneself, changes start happening in ones life and around that person. The equilibrium and peace of mind are achieved through submerging the consciousness into the spiritual heart. The usefulness of the inner calm is great! When its achieved, no anxiety from the material world can
shake the inner peace of a seeker! No noise, discords, or talks can perturb the silence attained inside! Those who are capable of learning transmute calm into power, misfortunes into lessons, fortunes into the mastered steps of development on the Path. Joyful harmony and bright serenity are obtained by those who accumulate virtues, and not earthly gold. Happiness is a property of the soul dwelling in its abode the spiritual heart, where only love can be born! Grief cant penetrate into the spiritual heart since that place is already occupied by love! If one has chosen for oneself the way of love and mastered it that person withstands any difficult situation, without loosing the Essence. This Essence can be perceived only in the purity of the spiritual heart! Those who know about the true meaning of life wont engage in the meaningless and useless. Such people consider as useful only those things that bring good, as it is understood by Tao and Te! Soon the small shack on the outskirts of the village turned into a place where people gathered, coming from distant and from nearby lands and looking for the answers to their questions, as well as for the healing of souls and bodies. The old parents of the healed young man now took care of the guests who came to Lao Tse. Their lives became filled with joyful labor, and their old age was lit up with love and gratitude of many people, as well as of Tao and Te
But the time arrived for the lessons of Lao Tse to come to an end, and He had to leave His transformed disciple.
The young man learned to perceive the Great Te and listen to Their advice! And he began as he could to do what Lao Tse did, helping people. Yet he was really sad, seeing his Master off: I still know very little and cant do many things! How then can I help others? But Lao Tse said: Youve learned everything that you need now. In due time, you will get to know all that I know and, perhaps, even more. After all, now you know the way to learn all this. You can do this most successfully through helping others. All secret knowledge will be revealed to you by the Great Te when you are ready to understand it correctly and use it properly! Dont deviate from the Truth in your life: follow the principles of good and justice and Tao will guard your peace! And your actions will be guided by wise Te! Huang Di used to tell me this: We should learn to feel Oneness with everything, trying to see situations through the eyes of Tao and Te. Then, in particular, You will feel everyone You meet as clearly as You feel yourself. You will see their thoughts and understand their desires and abilities. Moreover, Youll know the attitude of Tao towards this person and see what good You can do for him or her. It will be clear for You if You should help this concrete human being in his or her good intentions or simply allow that person to do foolish acts and let that one create ones own destiny. This is how peoples destinies are formed. Destiny follows behind the thoughts and actions of each one. There are no accidental significant encounters in life! Through these encounters, the Will of Tao comes to people.
The Tenth Parable: About Pride, Humility, and Ability to Dissolve Oneself and Merge with Tao
Lao Tse kept travelling. Now He often stayed in the villages or towns to which Huang Di pointed. His fame of a healer and wise man grew and spread Huang Di taught His Disciple: Dont reveal the great secrets to the unworthy! Besides, You shouldnt rejoice too much because of the glory that surrounds Your abilities now! Dont forget that Youve learnt all that You can do now through the communication with Me, thanks to Me! Only great humility and great love allow obtaining the Great Power, Which is the same as the Power of Tao! A disciple should never lose the impeccable humility! This is the key to the great victory over oneself; this is the basis of the correct achievements in the transformation of the soul! You cant be half agreeing with Tao: this will cause a dangerous breakdown. If one starts presenting ones will as the Will of Tao, that person stands on the path that leads to the downfall, which will absorb silently all previous achievements of a soul. Only complete humility before the Supreme Will is the cure for this deadly disease pride. The proud and selfish are heavy: they drown in their own vices, which entangle them with their weight. So they lose a major battle of life!
On the contrary, the humble and selfless are light. Thanks to this, nothing in their lives can be a serious obstacle for them! They can quickly achieve the transparency of the body and subtlety of the soul. Sadness and anger are companions of pride. Peace and joy are companions of the perfect humility. In the state of the great peace, accept the inevitable! Everything in the world of matter is under control of the One Who lives in the Mergence with Tao. This Person has no desires different from the Will of Tao or opinions different from the opinions of the Great Te. There are many people who only heard about wise and helpful things, but never made of them the foundation of their lives. In spite of this, they consider themselves as men of knowledge and are proud, thinking that they have no equals See how ridiculous their pride is in the Light of the Truth! Proud people with the vicious minds tend to see defects of others and condemn everything around. Yet they dont notice their own imperfections! On the contrary, truly intelligent people, seeing defects of others, will eliminate the same bad qualities in themselves, as if they were looking in the mirror placed before them by Tao. Its possible to help others only if they strive for the self-transformation. It makes sense to speak to those who are willing to hear. You shouldnt interfere in the destinies of people who rejected the recommendations of Tao. The wise look at all creatures from the position of Tao, that is, with the eyes full of love. The wise acts, maintaining the Mergence with Tao inside Its Great Calm.
The actions of the wise are perfect because they come from Tao. That is why, the reproaches of vicious people dont affect the wise. The wise are immune to hatred and condemnation! Such emotions cant touch them since they live in Tao! Even bodies of the wise can be hurt only if there is the Will of Tao for this. To help people to understand is a hard and thankless task, but it serves for the good of Tao. Even if only 9 people out of 9000 really hear and understand You, and if only 1 of those 9 can accomplish what he or she heard even in this case, the benefit will be great! It is so since this 1 will achieve more than 9000 taken together.
Once Huang Di said: Now it is the time for You to return to a life of solitude. Go to the mountains But, Huang Di, so many more people still need my help! Well, do as You wish Lao Tse directed His donkey to the valley, to that place where the next village was seen in a distance He began to submerge himself into meditation but noticed that the donkey changed route by itself and started climbing the hill slowly. Lao Tse asked Huang Di: Why dont You approve My desire to help people? You Yourself recently has advised Me to do so! There are different ways and possibilities of helping people. I am, for example, doing this right now, too. And not only for You. I can help a lot of people at the same time, because I have the Great Power of Tao in Its totality.
One shouldnt oppose oneself to Tao even in the smallest things! It is important to learn to feel the Will of Tao always! Total submission of the developed human mind to the Will of Tao is one of the points of education. If You completely cut off Your ability to think I will laugh at you since I dont need fools! But if Your mind puts up resistance to My Will then I will step aside and wait until You finally start wanting to merge with Me again Do we need to find the golden mean? Yes. Only following carefully the golden mean, You can remain on the Path to Tao! On this background I teach You to feel every nuance of the Will of Tao and Te! Now for You the time has arrived to become fully connected with My Great Power! Yet in order to attain the Full Mergence, You should master the ability to dissolve yourself. You should learn to disappear in the boundless Ocean of Tao! Just as a drop, falling into the large volume of water, loses its boundaries and becomes the inseparable part of this water, just as a river, flowing into the ocean, loses its current and shores so the soul should be able to lose completely its individuality and separateness, merging with Tao, so that only one united Love, united Wisdom, and united Power remain! Youve learned to be in the state of dissolution in Me. But now You should go deeper in comparison with Your usual perception of Me! I by Myself have laid the Path from mans developed spiritual heart to the Abode of Tao! Having passed it, You will be able to live forever in the Mergence with the Subtlest! Feel what I am! All that is not I is like a dress on My Limitless Universal Body of Consciousness!
Feel My Universal Greatness and Power! The slightest movement of My Arms can change worlds! But when there is no immediate need, I maintain the Great Peace. Tao exists in the state of the Great Peace. It is only by the Will of Tao that a movement begins from Its Abode movement that creates a new reality. This movement is the Creative Divine Fire of the Great Te. They have Power to create or destroy parts of the universe, as well as to control and direct everything that exists. Thus I rule over everything, remaining in the Mergence with the Transparent Calm of the Ocean of Tao, Which lies in the depths, deeper than the Creative Flame. Regardless of whether I have a material body or not, I always feel the entire Absolute with Myself. My body when I create it is like a little finger on one of My numerous Hands. I can act with that finger, however it doesnt limit My self-perception to such a small piece of the universe. You, too, can gradually expand Your selfperception inside this world and inside the subtlest worlds embracing with yourself as a soul, consisting of love and peace, increasing volumes of the multidimensional universe. At first, you wont be fully merged with the Divine Power. But gaining more and more experience of life in the Mergence with Tao, You should grow in Love and Wisdom! Through this, You will gradually obtain more and more possibilities to manifest the Great Power of Tao. Be One with the Infinite Transparent and Subtlest State of Primordial Tao! Dont cross the boundaries of the Ocean of Tao, even when entering the shell of Your body!
Huang Di and His disciples were on the peak of a mountain. A night sky, studded with stars, embraced them from all sides. There was no wind. Silence! Peace! Yet it was cool. Huang Di reached out His hand and a huge fire blazed up! It was remarkably beautiful! Tongues of flame seemed to be dancing some sort of special dance, and sparks flew to the night sky, as fiery threads, from which the fire stars were falling down into the space of the night Disciples warmed up They were looking at the fire, which fascinated them with its beauty! Huang Di began to speak in the transparent stillness of the night. His soft, deep voice united the listeners, the Speaker, and what was said in one. The understanding was penetrating into the souls as the words sounded.
Remember this fire! For you it will be enough to recall its image and, regardless of the situation, you will be able to feel Me, My presence! Just as the endless marquee of the sky over the whole Under-Heavenly World can always remind you about My existence so this fire can remind you about Me and the Great Infinite Power of Tao, Which, like Tao Itself, is everywhere, under all the manifestations of the material world. It is My Creative Fire. Nevertheless, you should accustom yourself to seeing and recognizing diverse Manifestations of Tao in everything on your Path. Tao is the invisible Sustainer of all that exists. People come to the Earth, being born, and go away, leaving their bodies that have fulfilled their purpose but Tao always exists on the other side of the material world. The One Who has cognized Tao cant be entangled by doubts anymore! The Wise Who have cognized Tao can serve people as a reference point. These Wise show by the examples of Their lives how it is possible to bring order and peace into the world, where discords and hatred reign. They also show how to maintain and multiply love and purity in the midst of the chaos. The Wise can do this because They remain in the Unity with Tao! The Wise Who have cognized Tao can show the Path to others. They by Their work contribute to the process of the perfection of everything and everyone! They merge with the Ocean of Tao and enrich Its Infinity with Themselves. They obtain the Great Peace of Tao and may come out from It in order to accomplish great deeds. Each thing or event has its meaning. The Wises help to the things to occupy better places and to the actions to happen in their due time. Tao is Omnipresent! And the Immortals Who have reached the Unity with Tao are omnipresent too!
For man it is possible to obtain the Immortality, but it is not granted by My miracles. The nonmiraculous at all and hard work has to precede the attainment of the great achievements and abilities! The one who moves to the cognition of Tao develops oneself through practicing meditation day after day, year after year. And such a person can, eventually, obtain the state of the Immortal. It can be said that the life in a body is the cause of a death. But the one who has died or, rather, left ones body knows that it is not the end, but the beginning of another life life without a body. And such a life can last for centuries. However, the state, in which it occurs, can vary greatly. The soul remains on that level of subtlety or coarseness, to which it was accustomed during the life in a body Those who learn to meditate, following the Path to the Subtlest, also cognize life without bodies. Leaving their bodies during meditation, they dont die but learn about the life of the consciousnesses free from the material. Returning to their bodies after that, they guard the memory of the Heavenly and learn to maintain and develop their relationship with Te and Tao. A developed and strong soul can easily leave its body when it wants to, staying only with a small part of itself in the body. In this case, the body can continue walking, sitting, lying and reacting adequately to the things around it. If we do so, then nothing bad can happen to the bodies, as some fantastic stories about the Immortals narrate. Such a body cant be eaten by animals or buried by shepherds or farmers who found it accidentally. Huang Di proposed to His disciples that they begin filling their bodies with His Creative Fire: Fill all the chakras and meridians with this Fire. Let your bodies and consciousnesses become this Fire!
Each of you can fill with this Creative Flame the whole body and its smallest details as well. After some effort, the bodies and cocoons of the disciples became filled with the Divine Fire. And a little deeper than this Great Flame, they perceived as Living, Deepest and Endless Transparent Calm the Ocean of Tao. Huang Di helped His disciples to enter It for some time. Lao Tse heard the words of Huang Di seemingly addressed only to Him: While everything superfluous in You hasnt been burned by this Divine Creative Fire, and while the one who enters and becomes this Fire exists these are just training meditations. But when the one who does this disappears only the true United Existence of all Te in the Infinity of Tao will remain. Lao Tse submerged himself into the Boundless Peace of Tao and dissolved himself in It. Huang Di continued: We as souls can live being immersed in the Flame of Te or in the Transparent Calm of Tao. Lets enter the Transparent Calm all together! Now lets try to look from there at our bodies, and lets begin to fill the chakras and meridians with the state of Tao. Through this, you can start learning to control your bodies from Tao, replacing gradually that part of the consciousness that you have left there to control them. And its worth mentioning that against the background of the Transparency of Tao, you will be able to see clearly all the energies of the consciousness that are not identical to the Subtlest yet! How many years will this work take? one of the disciples asked.
About 100 years, not less, and for the lazy even more. Therefore, not all the spiritual practitioners live until the Immortality of their material bodies, Huang Di joked. Yet the most important thing is the immortality of the soul, which obtains properties and qualities of Tao and Te. Only very big Te can disappear fully in Tao and then manifest Themselves again in the Creation. The Transparency of Tao is completely immune to any negative influences! So, learn to be transparent! Its possible, by rotating the energy of the consciousness through the microcosmic orbit, technique that Ive already taught you, to cast out from the bodies everything that differs from the Transparent Peace of Tao. Then only Tao will be present in the body, replacing it by Itself more and more. Remember this moment! Now you are in the state of Te Who exist in the Mergence with Tao! You are tasting the Immortality! However, in the future, you will have to learn all these gradually by yourselves! So, let the deepest Depths be for you now the only perceived world! Listen and feel here: inside the Ocean of Transparent Calm! From this state, you will be able to hear if someone calls you from the Earth for the help! You will be able to appear before the incarnate people as the Souls rising like Light-Fire Mountains from the Ocean of Tao! Afterwards, I will teach you how you can transport yourselves together with your bodies. Remember, too, that our aim is not to teach people to believe in miracles. Without us, there are enough writers of fairy tales about the immortals who can do whatever they want. This is a dream of many: to be able to fulfill any of their whims and desires. But the one who serves Tao never fulfills ones own desires! For that person only the Desires of Tao and Te are the guide for action!
The real Taoist wont try even to save from the death ones own body if there is not the Will of Tao for this Such a Taoist will just accept, being in great peace, the death of his or her body and merge as Soul with Tao in the universal Abode of all the Perfects. Having left forever their worn-out bodies, Te serve Tao and people, showing Their Divine Appearances for the contacts with the embodied seekers of Tao, giving advice and controlling the courses of the destinies.
Lao Tse again found himself sitting near the small fire. His white donkey was eating grass near Him peacefully. Now for Lao Tse it was already easy to maintain himself in the Great Ocean of the Transparency of Tao for a long time. Huang Di continued the conversation, as if it was not interrupted by a gap between the incarnations of Lao Tse: Lets continue the lesson that we didnt finish in Your previous incarnation. Ill tell You a little more about such Unity with Tao which is called the achievement of Immortality. At the beginning, the soul archives the Great Oneness with Tao. Leaving on the Earth its material body for the time of meditation or forever, the spiritual warrior merges easily into the Boundless Ocean of Tao. But, as Ive said already, its also possible to make the body immortal. This requires new efforts and a long life of the soul in the Unity with Tao. A human body can become then like a wonderful vessel, which is always filled with Tao and carries Tao in itself!
This is the Property that is really worth obtaining! A usual human body is fragile and subject to all possible influences; it can be easily damaged; it gets old and dies. However, You can create an immortal body, filled with the Immortality of Tao. Such a body carries Tao in itself, and Tao easily projects Its Power through it. This body is not subject to aging and diseases; it can be easily dissolved and recreated again. Yes, it is possible to live in such a deep Mergence with Tao and still have a material body. Living so, you can easily explore the mechanism of the creation of any forms from the formless2, and, conversely, the mechanism of their dissolution in the formless. Then You can participate with the Power of Tao in these processes.
That is, protoprakriti the cosmic building material from which the matter (prakriti) is formed. (You can find more details in the book Ecopsychology by Dr. Vladimir Antonov).
pass to the life with You among other Immortals in the Abode of Tao. Huang Di replied: Good! Come with Me into the Depths, I accept You! And now dissolve yourself completely, You know how, in the Great United We, Which is called Tao. It seemed to Lao Tse that He had left His material body forever. He became both the Transparent Calm of the Ocean of Tao and the Fire That comes from It. A former Lao Tse didnt exist anymore. He became one of the Immortal Te, Who abide in the Oneness with the Power That creates material worlds and controls them. It was a total surprise for Lao Tse to get back into His body. Yet this body was no longer the same. He could easily remove it by dissolving it in the formlessness or recreate it again anywhere. The Ocean of Tao moved now together with the body of Lao Tse, as if carrying it on the crest of the Wave; the body of Lao Tse was filled with the United We. Thus Lao Tse should now carry the Great Wisdom and show the Power of Tao and Te to the incarnate people, perceiving everything that happened with them from the Oneness with Tao.
Lao Tse achieved the complete Immortality and for centuries helped people to cognize the Truth. His body didnt change any longer and was not subject to diseases and death. He did not try to leave His name in the history for centuries but wanted to give people the Wisdom, the
Bearer of which He became. This was the Greatest Knowledge of Tao and Te. Not many people knew about Him But what is known as Taoism rooted and became stronger in the Under-Heavenly World thanks to Lao Tse. Sometimes He heard how people talked about Him and smiled Once He approached a group of people who were carrying on a lively conversation: Those who saw this Sage on a white donkey say that He was riding, sitting on it backwards and even didnt look where He was going! one of those people said. They also say that His donkey could pass during one day any distance, even a thousand miles and that when the Sage stopped for the night He folded the donkey like paper, and when He had to go again He unfolded it and it came to life! No, He rode on an ox! the other said. Not on an ox! But on a buffalo! the third objected. Of course, on an ox! And He carried a cart with manuscripts with Him! No! Not a cart! Ten carts! He was a Sage, after all! Yes, He was the Perfect One! He read peoples thoughts, knew past and future, and cured any diseases with a single remedy, which He carried in a bottle gourd! He could even rise from the dead! the first speaker, who was proud of his deep knowledge of the lives of the Immortals, blurted out without a pause. Some call Him Chang Kuo-Lao, while others Lao Tse or Lao Tzu! No! Lao Tse wrote only one book! On the contrary, this Lao, when He became Immortal, flew up and disappeared, and His clothes fell to the ground, and His disciples buried these clothes!
Why is He painted with tree branches on His head? He isnt painted so! Lao Tse came closer to these arguing people and greeted them. They were very happy and said: You are, as seen, a well-educated man! Judge us! Tell us which one of us is right! Does it matter if the Sage rode on a donkey or just walked? What is really important is what He taught. Have you read the book about Tao and Te? No, we cant read And then Lao Tse told these people some of the things that He knew to help them to put those truths into practice of their daily lives. But He did not say His name. Thus He lived, appearing and disappearing in different parts of China and helping little by little a large number of people. He also could help very few of those who were ready for the higher achievements, giving them the knowledge about the Path of the cognition of Tao. Once Lao Tse heard how young men from the Taoist monastery were discussing His book about Tao and Te. They were arguing for a long time about words. Lao Tse modestly sat down near and listened. One girl came closer to the debaters and began listening too. But the young men stopped talking and told her that the lot of women is only to wash dishes and nurse children. Then Lao Tse began to speak. He reminded them that the Path of Knowledge exists for both: men and women. And He opened them the first simple steps of this Path. They all were listening breathlessly to what He was saying since the Truth was beyond all His words, and it was impossible not to feel this.
And then some of them had the courage to become the disciples of the Immortal Lao Tse. This happened again and again, and Lao Tse led a lot of worthy seekers to the Abode of Tao. Maybe its your turn now?
Recommended Literature
1. Antonov V.V. Spiritual Heart Religion of Unity. New Atlanteans, 2008. 2. Antonov V.V. How God Can Be Cognized. Autobiography of a Scientist Who Studied God. New Atlanteans, 2008. 3. Antonov V.V. (ed.) How God Can Be Cognized. Book 2. Autobiographies of the Disciples of God. New Atlanteans, 2008. 4. Antonov V.V. (ed.) Spiritual Work with Children. New Atlanteans, 2008. 5. Antonov V.V. Classics of Spiritual Philosophy and the Present. New Atlanteans, 2008. 6. Antonov V.V. Ecopsychology. New Atlanteans, 2008. 7. Antonov V.V. Forest Lectures on the Highest Yoga. New Atlanteans, 2008. 8. Antonov V.V. Tao Te Ching. New Atlanteans, 2008. 9. Antonov V.V. Anatomy of God. New Atlanteans, 2010. 10. Antonov V.V. Life for God. New Atlanteans, 2010. 11. Tatiana M. On the Other Side of the Material World. New Atlanteans, 2012. 12. Teplyy A. Book of the Warriors of the Spirit. New Atlanteans, 2008. 13. Zubkova A.B. Fairy Tale about Princess Nesmeyana and Ivan. New Atlanteans, 2007.
14. Zubkova A.B. Dobrynya Bylinas. New Atlanteans, 2008. 15. Zubkova A.B. Dialogues with Pythagoras. New Atlanteans, 2008. 16. Zubkova A.B. Divine Parables. New Atlanteans, 2008. 17. Zubkova A.B. Book of the Born in the Light. Revelations of Divine Atlanteans. New Atlanteans, 2008.
Video Films
1. Immersion in the Harmony of Nature. Way to Paradise. (Slide show). 90 minutes (on a CD or DVD), 2. Spiritual Heart. 70 minutes. 3. Sattva (Harmony, Purity). 60 minutes. 4. Sattva of Mists. 75 minutes. 5. Sattva of Spring. 90 minutes. 6. Art of Being Happy. 42 minutes (HD-video). 7. Practical Ecopsychology. 60 minutes (HD-video). 8. Keys to the Mysteries of Existence. Finding Immortality. 38 minutes (HD-video). 9. Bhakti Yoga. 47 minutes (HD-video). 10. Kriya Yoga. 40 minutes (HD-video). 11. Yoga of Krishna. 80 minutes (HD-video). 12. Yoga of Buddhism. 135 minutes, in 2 parts (HDvideo). 13. Taoist Yoga. 90 minutes, 2 parts (HD-video). 14. Psychical Self-Regulation. 112 minutes in 2 parts (HD-video). 15. Yoga of Sathya Sai Baba. 100 minutes (HD-video). 16. Yoga of Sufis. 128 minutes in 2 parts (HD-video). 17. Yoga of Ancient Russians. 105 minutes in 2 parts (HD-video). 18. Yoga of Atlanteans. 82 minutes (HD-video). 19. Yoga of Pythagoras. 75 minutes (HD-video). 20. Laya Yoga. 48 minutes (HD-video).
21. Kundalini Yoga. 45 minutes (HD-video). 22. Yoga of Don Juan Matus and other Indian Spiritual Chiefs. 147 minutes in 2 parts (HD-video). 23. Yoga of Jesus Christ. 128 minutes in 2 parts (HDvideo). 24. Agni Yoga. 76 minutes (HD-video). 25. Advaita Yoga. 47 minutes (HD-video). 26. Ashtanga Yoga. 60 minutes (HD-video). You may order our books at Lulu e-store: and at Amazon: You can also download for free our video films, screensavers, printable calendars, etc. from the site: See on the site our books, photo gallery, and other materials in different languages. Our other websites: Design of Ekaterina Smirnova