Postharvest Technology of Sorghum

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Visayas State University

Department of Agricultural Engineering

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Date: October 11, 2013



INTRODUCTION 1.1 Description Sorghum, Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench, is the fifth most important cereal after rice, wheat, maize, and barley. It constitutes the main food grain for over 750 million people who live in the semi-arid tropics of Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The largest groups of producers are small-scale subsistence farmers with minimal access to production inputs such as fertilizer(s), pesticides, improved seeds (hybrids or varieties), good soil and water and improved credit facilities for their purchase. Sorghums have a structure which is broadly similar to that of other cereals (Figure 1). The major components of the grain are the pericarp (outer covering), the testa between pericarp and endosperm (which may or not be present), the endosperm, and the embryo.

Figure 1: Structure of sorghum grain

The endosperm may be corneous (vitreous) or floury, and the testa may contain tannins which affect the nutritional quality of the grain. Tannins are high molecular weight polyphenols (phenolics) which are found in grains with a brown pericarp and pigmented testa. Certain tannins known as condensed tannins, form complexes with proteins and reduce their digestibility. They can also form complexes with the alimentary tract proteases, reducing the digestibility of the proteins in the grain. Best yields are realised when temperatures during the season are 24-27 C; The water requirements for sorghum vary within the range 350-700 mm depending on the length of the growing cycle; short growing cycle is 90 days; long growing cycle, more than 130 days. Within many semi-arid areas of developing countries, typical temperatures range from 20- 38_C with annual rainfall ranging from 300-750 mm. In the USA, hybrid grain sorghums are grown where annual rainfall ranges from 380-640 mm. The growing season is longer than 130 days. To obtain optimum yields in conditions of good soil fertility, a short growth cycle variety needs between 500 to 600 mm of well distributed rainfall; 650 to 800 mm for an average growth cycle variety; and 950-1100 mm for a long growth cycle variety. Since sorghum is predominantly a rain-fed crop grown by subsistence farmers, yields largely depend on the capacity for drought resistance of the variety used. Sorghums can tolerate a wide range of soil pH and textures. 1.2 Origin and Distribution

Sorghum was first domesticated across a belt between Chad and western Ethiopia. The qualities of this hardy cereal were quickly appreciated in other parts of the world and already by the second and third millennia BC it was widespread across the Indian peninsula. Although the largest bulk producer today is the USA, about 90% of the area planted to sorghum lies in developing countries, mainly in Africa, and Asia where it is grown for subsistence in smallholders fields. 1.3 Growth and Development

The growth and development of sorghum are divided into the vegetative and reproductive growth stages (Fig. 2).

Vegetative growth stages Identification of the sorghum growth stage during vegetative growth is done according to leaf development.

Reproductive growth stages The identification of the reproductive growth stage is done according to the development of grain kernels.

Figure 2. Growth stages of 90-day old sorghum plant



2.1 World Trade Sorghum, apart from being a subsistence crop, is an important commercial and export crop for the United States of America, Australia, and Argentina. In these countries dwarf hybrid varieties are grown and harvested mechanically, predominantly for livestock feed. The major areas of sorghum production are listed in Table 1 (FAO, 1995).

The trade in sorghum is small compared with the major grains such as wheat, maize, barley and rice. The main importers of sorghum are Japan, Mexico, the former USSR (CIS) and Venezuela. Within most developing countries, the sorghum crop rarely reaches the market. It is grown for home consumption unless there is a bumper crop, or if cash is needed. The major producers of sorghum for domestic or foreign trade are the USA, Argentina and Australia. Most is used in livestock feed. The market price for sorghum is a function of its value in terms of its demand, its purpose, and nutritional quality. Livestock feed manufacturers procure feed materials according to a price per nutrient basis. Since the nutritional value of sorghum is broadly 85 percentages 90 percentages of that of maize (due to the lower digestibility of the nutrients it contains), assuming that both were equally available, and sorghum would have lower relative value. In reality, the price of grains has been influenced by political, social and agronomic factors, not always in support of sorghum, and often in support of maize, usually involving a subsidy. Agronomic practices such as fertilisation, soil cultivation, plant density, weed control and pest control as well as the managerial skills of the producer.

2.2 Production factors

Soil Sorghum is mainly grown on low potential, shallow soils with high clay content, which usually are not suitable for the production of maize. Sorghum usually grows poorly on sandy soils, except where a heavy textured subsoil is present. Sorghum is more tolerant of alkaline salts than other grain crops and can therefore be successfully cultivated on soils with a pH (KCl) between 5,5 and 8,5. Sorghum can better tolerate short periods of waterlogging compared to maize. Soils with a clay percentage of between 10 and 30 % are optimal for sorghum production. Irrigation Sorghum can produce an extensive fibrous root system as deep as 5-6 feet, but it generally extracts more than 75 percent of its water and nutrients from the top 3 feet of soil. As moisture is depleted from the top 3 feet, the crop will extract water (if available) from deeper in the root zone. Plants can use about 50 percent of the total available water without undergoing stress.

Water availability is most critical during the rapid growth stage and before the reproductive stage. If plant maturity is delayed due to water stress, the crop may face frost damage in the event of an early freeze. Late-season water stress during grain filling can result in shriveled seeds, which reduces yield.

Irrigation of grain sorghum on sandy soils requires more frequent and smaller irrigation applications than on soils with higher water holding capacity. Center pivot irrigation is an excellent option for irrigating in these conditions. Irrigation scheduling using evapotranspiration or by maintaining a given soil water depletion balance may be especially useful where soils with low water holding capacity and/or restricted root zones present challenges to irrigation management.

2.3 Common Diseases and Insect Pests Anthracnose Anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum graminicola (C. sublineolum), is the most important foliar disease on both local and improved sorghum varieties. It is most prevalent and destructive in the northern and southern guinea guinea savannah zones. Although three symptom types (foliar, panicle and stalk) are reported, recent reports suggest panicle anthracnose is now prevalent in farmers fields. It is reported to cause yield loss from foliar infection of up to 47 percent on susceptible varieties. Variation among foliar population of C. graminicola has been established in Nigeria. Current status establishes the existence of six physiological races in Nigeria. Bacterial stripe Spot-causing bacterial disease caused by Burkholderia andropogonis, occurring

severely in the warm regions especially during the rainy season. Lesions are at first like short lines, but extends to long, red purple streaks of 2-20cm or more in length later. When the disease progresses, the lesions fuse mutually and the infected leaf withers in results. Bacterial ooze appears on the surface of fresh lesions under the high humidity condition and it becomes a disease spreader. The pathogen is a same species with that from corn, but some detailed characters may differ from it.

Grain smut Causal organism: Sphacelotheca sorghi (Link) Clinton, Basidiomycotina The smut covered with the husk of the ash white is formed to the head. The length of the smut part seems to reach as much as 1cm and expanded long the seed. The husk tears at the generation latter term and a black smut spore is exposed. The causal organism of the young plant transmits the seed, germinates with the germination of the plant the smut spore, and is growing point infected. White Grub (Phyllophaga crinite) Damage results from larvae feeding on roots. The most obvious and significant damage occurs during the spring soon after sorghum plants emerge from the soil. Seed germination occurs and a satisfactory stand is established, but damage to roots causes seedlings less than 15 cm tall to die. Stand loss can occur within seven to ten days after plants emerge in severely infested fields. One white grub can destroy plants along 0.3 to 0.5 m of a row. Infested plants not killed as seedlings are severely stunted and may never produce grain. Yellow Sugarcane Aphid (Sipha flava) Yellow sugarcane aphids feed on the underside of lower sorghum leaves and inject toxin. Aphids cause purplecolored leaves on seedling sorghum and yellow leaves on more mature plants. Plants not killed are severely stunted, and maturity of even slightly damaged plants is delayed. Very few

aphids on a seedling plant can cause severe damage. Damage often causes plant lodging that may be enhanced by associated stalk rots. Chinch Bug (Blissus leucopterus) Chinch bug adults and nymphs damage plants by

withdrawing large amounts of

juices from stems or

underground plant parts. Young plants are highly susceptible to damage. Older plants withstand more chinch bugs than smaller plants, but they, too, become reddened, weakened, and stunted, and frequently lodge. Chinch bug outbreaks are favored by dry weather.



Postharvest technology (PT) includes all operations which are required for processing of food, feed, and by-products on farms between harvesting and consumption or further industrial processing. Postharvest technology implies the inclusion of harvesting, the common intersection between production technology and postharvest technology. The conditions of the products during harvesting influence the quality during PH. 3.1 Main Objectives of Postharvest Technology Food Safety Quality assurance Better storage Better protection from pests Reduce losses (quantity & quality) Better marketing opportunities

3.2 Postharvest Losses: It has been estimated that about 2.20 percent of sorghum is lost at farmers level during harvesting, threshing, winnowing, transportation and storage. Estimated postharvest losses at producers level is given in Table 2.

Table 2. Estimated post-harvest losses of sorghum at producers level

3.3 Harvest handling tips

The following harvesting care should be taken: Grain should be harvested when it attains physiological maturity. Dry earheads promptly as moisture content influence keeping quality. Avoid pest infestation during drying and threshing etc. Dry the grains sufficiently (below 9 percent) prior to packing and storing. Sorghum seeds should be dried in diffused sunlight in sun. Pack the sorghum in jute bags free from infestation and obnoxious smell. Avoid harvesting during adverse weather conditions i.e. rains and overcast weather. Harvesting should be done by adopting proper method.

3.4 Postharvest Operations


In developing countries, almost all sorghum is harvested by hand. The panicle is cut from the standing stalk at about 16-20 percentage moisture content, and the stalks left for animals to graze the best of the residual leaf material. In other communities, the stalks are cut and stored

for use as dry season animal fodder, or for house thatching and fencing. Late harvesting can lead to spontaneous shedding of the grain from the panicles resulting in significant losses and grain deterioration due to rapid changes in temperature and humidity. In the USA, Australia and Argentina where dwarf hybrids are popular, the sorghum grain is threshed from the standing stalks by combine harvester (Figure 9). Grain with up to 25 percentage moisture content can be harvested, but requires careful drying before storage. Transport

The bulk density of sorghum grain at 520-720 kg/cu.m. is similar to that of maize and hence transport costs will be comparable for any particular type of consignment - bag or bulk.


In rural Africa, threshing involves beating the dried sorghum panicles with sticks on the ground or in sacks, or using a mortar and pestle. Grain is separated from dirt and chaff by winnowing. The time required for threshing depends on variety, the degree of dryness of the grain, and the method of threshing. In some places in Africa, a common practice for threshing the grain is using a stick (Figure 10) to thresh the grains which is placed on the soil and will be winnowed after removing contaminants.

General guidelines for improved threshing efficiency and yield at rural level: To reduce the amount of winnowing, thresh the panicles on mats, adobe or cement blocks, not on sand, gravel or stones; Thresh early to reduce field exposure to birds, rats, etc. (ensure that the moisture content is low enough); Maximum moisture content of the grain before storage should be 10-12 percentage;

Vitreous, flinty-starch type sorghums should be threshed early to reduce the number of broken grains.

The grain may be stored as unthreshed panicles or threshed before storage. Both storage methods are practised, but small-scale producers tend to store the grains unthreshed. In many developing countries, motorised threshers (Figure 11) have found mixed acceptability due to breakage of softer varieties of grain, problems of machine maintenance, and availability of spare parts. They operate by passing the grain-bearing panicles between a moving rotor and a fixed metal plate. The loosened grains and panicle fibres are separated in a forced air current. Where farms are sufficiently large, threshing can be achieved using mechanical combines at the time of harvest (Vogell and Graham, 1979).


The moisture level of sorghum must be reduced to a safe level (10-12 percentages) before storage. The reasons are: To prevent mould growth (and thus the possibility of mycotoxin development by a range of storage fungi - especially Aspergillus flavus - which can, under appropriate storage and field conditions, produce carcinogenic aflatoxins); To reduce the likelihood of insect attack; To prevent grain germination.

For all stored products, the maximum "safe" moisture content for storage is that which is in equilibrium with 70 percentage RH, but lower levels (in equilibrium with 65 percentage RH) are advisable if quality loss is to be minimised (Mc Farlane et al., 1995).

During storage the moisture content of the grain will equilibrate to a level which equates with the vapour pressure deficit (which is a function of relative humidity and

temperature). Moulds develop if the moisture content is above 15 percentage and the temperature above 24C.Field drying (Figure 12): In many semi-arid areas, the traditional varieties tend to ripen after the rainy season and dry satisfactorily on the panicle. The most common method is to stack bundles of panicles in the field and allow them to dry in the sun. Grain on the panicles or as threshed grain should be kept off the ground on raised platforms, mats, or trays whilst it is being dried.

Many insects will walk away from grain spread in the sun or are killed if the temperature of the grain is high. The time taken for sun drying of threshed grains depends on the ambient temperature, relative humidity, and depth of grain, bulk density and the frequency of turnover. In India, on a mud floor, sorghum grain in a layer of 20-mm depth can be dried from 16 to 9 percentage moisture in one day. Drying requires 12 man-hours of labour for spreading and turning the grain (Giresh et al 1990). In a study on the drying of sorghum in the shade, the moisture content of the grain was reduced from 32 to 13 percentage in 24 hours at a daytime temperature of 29C.

In developing countries, the sorghum grain is sun dried on the panicle, and/or after threshing. When the economies of scale permit, sorghum grain may be dried by warm forced air mechanical dryer (Figure 13). Drying temperatures and flow rates will depend upon the design of the drier and the relative humidity of the incoming air (Table 3)( McFarlane et al., 1995).

Table 3. Three principal systems for mechanical drying of sorghum grain


In traditional systems, grain cleaning is achieved by winnowing (to remove the low density material such as leaf and stalk), while washing in water will remove most dust and stones. In mechanised systems, forced air (aspiration) is used to remove low density material, while most stones, dust and other material is removed as the grain passes over a series of screens (Figure 14). Ferrous metal should be removed by a permanent magnet placed in the flow path of the grain. Packaging

Bags used for sorghum can be made of jute, cotton, woven polypropylene or multi-layer paper. Woven polypropylene bags are light in weight, low cost and permit aeration. Their disadvantage is that hooks can irreparably damage the bags, they have a slippery surface and can be difficult to stack. Sacks are often re-used and care should be taken to prevent reinfestation of clean grain by boiling sacks in water and thorough drying.


The goal of good storage is to be able to deliver grain from store in good quality and with no loss in quantity. This is achieved by preventing the deterioration caused by: Adverse climatic conditions; Contamination by extraneous material; Grain germination; and Pest infestation.

Ensuring that the storage environment is clean and tidy and in a good state of repair, makes a major contribution to the quality control during storage, but it is insufficient to prevent losses by pests.

Since the introduction of high-yielding varieties, there has been a noticeable shift in the requirements to upgrade storage practices at both the rural and the commercial level. Traditional varieties tend to be resistant to insect damage whereas the hybrids are considerably more vulnerable. This difference in storage stability has raised the profile for appropriate methods for insect control in stored sorghum.

Sorghum can be stored on the panicle or as a threshed grain. At the household level, sorghum grains are kept in a variety of stores for day to day food needs, seed, sale and as insurance against the risk of periodic grain shortages. Where containers are open to air movement, such as open-walled wooded cribs, the panicles may be put in store at 15-16 percentage moisture content. Low relative humidity after harvest ensures that the grain continues to dry while in store. This figure is well above the 12 percentage moisture threshold for safe storage of threshed grain. Storing grain on the panicle reduces the vulnerability of traditional varieties to pest and mould damage, but takes up a larger space in storage, and unthreshed grain is difficult to protect with insecticides.

Locally available materials used for storage structures include soil from termite mounds, wood, plant stalks, straw, bricks and cement. Forest products for store construction and insect control are becoming increasingly scarce as the demand for wood for fuel and construction timber increases. At the same time skills to build granaries from local materials are disappearing as young men leave villages for work in urban areas.

Common forms of storage include jute bags, metal drums (Figure 15) and bins, baskets, underground pits, clay pots and bins of stone or mud plaster. If grain is required for seed it is often dried on the panicle. The advantages and disadvantages of different methods of storage are summarised in Table 3.

Table 4. The advantages and disadvantages of different methods of storage

Traditional storage (Figure 16) systems are well suited to their environments and the varieties of grain being stored. Losses are generally low, below 5 percentage of grain weight over a season. In India, local sorghum varieties show weight losses of 1 to 2 percentage after 12 months storage, compared with up to 30 percentage for hybrid varieties. Early workers confused percentage damaged grains with weight loss and reported losses exceeding 30 percentage in some countries.

Storage treatment practices must be effective whether at the level of rural crib, underground pit or concrete silo. For effective sorghum storage, the following items should be assessed: Type / variety of grain; Post-harvest handling methods (threshing, drying, transport) and constraints; Advantages and disadvantages of traditional storage methods; causes, extent and value of storage losses; What the farmer is doing to minimise the loss; Why the farmer is storing, and future expectations; available, appropriate methods of storage loss reduction; The cost and benefits of existing, and alternative methods of loss reduction, taking account of cash, material, labour inputs and anticipated market prices.

3.5 Postharvest Flow Chart of Sorghum



FAO. (1995) 1995 FAO statistics. Rome, Italy. Vogell, S. and Graham, M. (Editors). (1979). Sorghum and millet -Food production and use. Proceedings of a workshop held in Nairobi 4-7 July 1978. pp. 64. IDRC. Ottowa, Ontario, Canada. NRI (1999), Sorghum: Post-harvest Operations, Natural Resources Institute (NRI), pp. 116 McFarlane, J.A., John, A.E. and Marder, R.C. (1995). Storage of sorghum and millets: including drying for storage with particular reference to tropical areas and the mycotoxin problem. pp. 169-183. Sorghum and millet: Chemistry and Technology. Dendy, D., ed. American Assoc Cereal Chemists Inc. Giresh. (1990).

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