Science Udl Lesson 1
Science Udl Lesson 1
Science Udl Lesson 1
EP (ELL student) Grade: 5th Unit Objectives: Students will collectively measure and observe different properties of matter. Students will carefully use an assortment of tools to measure different properties of matter. Students will understand how change occurs in different ways and at different rates. Students will carefully learn how change can be measured and analyzed. Students will accurately collect data to make decisions. Students will understand how to classify matter. Students will describe the relationships between different states of matter. Standards: Engage in scientific inquiry by: o Comparing and summarizing data from multiple trials o Evaluating conflicting data and producing reasonable explanations o Observing trends. Explain how technology is used in science for a variety of purposes. Define and describe matter (solids, liquids, gasses) and its properties (physical and chemical). Objectives: Students will collectively meausre and observe different properties of matter. Students will carefully use an assortment of tools to measure different properties of matter. Students will understand how change occurs in different ways and at different rates. Students will carefully learn how changes can be measured and analyzed. Students will accurately collect data to make decisions. Students will understand how to classify matter. Students will describe the relationships between different states of matter. Learning Strategies: Whole group instruction Students will work in four small groups Students will critically analyze and sort criteria into the different states of matter. Key Vocabulary: Liquid Gas
Solid Physical Propertes Chemical Properties Materials: Word Sort Cards Glue Stick Construction Paper Connect Two worksheet Document Camera Flocabulary, States of Matter Flocabulary lyrics Brain Pop, Matter Pear, red apple, tomato, m&ms, cucumber, red grapes Hook: (Building background, motivation) Explain to students that today they are going to be food detectives! Have a pear, red apple, tomato, M&Ms, loaf of bread, milk, sprite, cucumber and red grapes out for students to view Explain to students to turn and talk to their shoulder buddy to organize these objects into different categories. Remind students that they will have to come up with the heading for the category. Once students have carefully grouped the objects into their own groups, ask students if there is another possible way to group the objects. Have students share their findings. On the board, write down the class categories. Use different colors to represent the different categories. Following this, the teacher should discuss the similarities and differences between the objects. Explain to students that by classifying and organizing the objects into categories helps us understand the characteristics of the objects clearly. The teacher should then tell students that instead of observing fruits for the day, they will be science detectives today (teacher emphasizes the word science detective), and that they will be sorting different science words. Explain to students that they should be taking their best educated guess for the words if they dont know where to put them. Remind students that this activity is used to see what they already know. Begin by asking students what they think "matter " means. Have students turn and talk with a shoulder buddy to come up with a definition. Create a web on the board with students opinions. The teacher will launch the lesson from here. Students will choose their groups. Instruction Delivery: (Language and contect objectives, comprehensible input, strategies, interaction, feedback) Explain to students that they will understand what matter is and how to classify
different states of matter. All matter can be classified into what state of matter they think it belongs to. Explain to students that matter is all around us. Through this sort, students will understand misconceptions they might have about matter. At the end of the unit, remind students that they will then do this activity again, to see if they corrected any of their discrepancies. The copies of the word sort are large enough so students with visual impairments can clearly read the words. By using the different objects in the beginning of the lesson, the teacher is building background knowledge for the students, in a way that makes sense to them.
The lesson itself is not a daunting one, but one that students can have fun with and easily comprehend. This lesson will serve as a springboard for the second lesson. In lesson 2, students will understand the different states of matter. Through this hands-on lesson, students are walking away with the big idea, and will be able to apply their learnings to tomorrows lesson. More importantly, by grouping students, they should all be able to apply individual skills to help their peers. Working in groups will have a greater affect on their learning, versus whole class instruction. In groups, students are generally confident in their abilities and feel comfortable. Assessment Activity: (Meaningful activities, interaction, strategies, practice and application, feedback). 1. Organize students into groups of three and pass out word sort cards. 2. Remind students that they need to classify the different words under the categories, which are larger font, and bolded. (Liquid, Solid, Gas, Physical Properties, and Chemical Properties). Write these words on the board. 3. Allow students time to sort cards. 4. Have students provide a rationale for their decisions when they are done sorting the words. 5. Tell students that we are going to collect the sorts as evidence of prior knowledge and what we will need to learn throughout our study. We will come back to the sort at the end of the unit and they will sort the words again, using all the information they have gained over the course of this unit. 6. Allow some groups to work in the hallway for space. 7. Word sort words: Liquid, Solid, Gas, Physical Properties, Chemical Properties, vinegar, Sprite, water, wood, paper, cornstarch, ice, helium (within a balloon), air (within a bag), steam, smoke, density, shape, color, mass, volume, size, odor, texture, solubility, malleability, freezing point, boiling point, magnetism, flammability, oxidation, combustibility, matter, molecules, observation, measurement, mixtures, solutions. Read all the words together. 8. When students finish sorting, have them talk with their group, and write on a piece of chart paper how they came to their findings. 9. Ask students what they found/realized when sorting the different words. 10. Play the States of Matter, Flocabulary video, and Brain Pop, Matter video. Have students read the lyrics for Flocabulary, while they listen. Have
volume is loud enough. Have a lamp on in the room so students dont have difficulty reading the lyrics. 11. When the video is done, discuss class findings. Did their observations with the word sort activity match up with what they learned from the videos. Review and Assessment: (Review objectives and vocabulary, assess learning). Ask students to review the concepts taught in today's lesson. Students will use their understandings of matter to help determine matters definition in tomorrows lesson. Informal assessment: Teacher will observe and converse with students while they are working on their word sorts. Teacher will ask for explanations on how they came up with their word sort. Formal: Asses students understanding of the word sort activity, through the Conect Two Worksheet.
Extension: Student's will write a journal entry describing two relationship between the other words from the word sort. Students will come up with their science word sort activity for someone to sort into Solid, liquid, gas, Physical property, and chemical property. Students will come up with their own flocabulary rap that discusses matter. Key: Representation: The size of text or other visual content The color used for information or emphasis The volume of speech/sound Written transcript/lyrics for Flocabulary video Physical objects (pear/apple, etc) Expression: Pre teach/go over, vocabulary words/sort cards. Offer clarification of notation through list of key terms. Highlight new terms on board Highlight structural relations or make them more explicit Present key concepts in one form of symbolic representation (Flocabulary clip) Engagement: Anchor instruction by linking to and activating prior knowledge Use examples to emphasize critical features Provide multiple entry points to a lesson and optional pathways through content Provide interactive models that guide exploration and new understandings Provide checkilsts, organizers, sticky notes. Provide graphic organizers (sort)
Embed new ideas in familiar ideas and contexts (clip) Offer opportunities over time to revisit key ideas and linkages between ideas.