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KolAmuno 0609 Web
f i n d i n g meaning s t r e n g t h e n i n g fa i t h c r e at i n g communit y June - July 2009 | Sivan - Tammuz - Av 5769
Summer Shul at Chizuk Shabbat Mornings July 4, 11, 18, 25 and August 1
Services begin 9:15 a.m.
Join us for Summer Shul at Chizuk Amuno!
(Shabbat mornings in July and on August 1)
Shabbat Morning Services will be held in the Krieger Auditorium
creating an intimate and relaxed prayer environment.
Synagogue members will lead our services, read Torah, and deliver Divrei Torah,
supported by Rabbis Shulman and Wechsler, and Hazzan Perlman.
During Summer Shul everyone is encouraged to dress casually…
…and appropriately, for Shabbat Services.
Families and friends, adults and children of all ages are most welcome to share in the warm mood of Summer Shul
Summer Shul will conclude on August 1 with a Summer Shul Picnic and afternoon of activities following services.
For information about programs of the Stulman Center for Adult Learning, please call 410/824-2055.
Our R abbi’s Voiceko l har av
Chizuk Amuno Congregation Like many of you, I have a number of projects I hope to work on this A Message from Our President Observing Tishah B’Av - The Ninth of Av
We will observe Tishah B’Av with prayer and
8100 Stevenson Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21208 summer. Summer is a great season to think and create, to read and reflect. The most frequent questions I have been asked during the last year are, reflection on the evening of Wednesday, July 29,
Synagogue Office 410/486-6400
Even though there’s plenty of routine with which to be busy, around the “how are things going?” and “are you enjoying being President of the 8:00 p.m. During the Ma’ariv Service for Tishah
Synagogue Fax 410/486-4050
Congregation?” Since October, my one sentence answer has been, “except B’Av we will recite the Bible’s Book of Lamentations,
Synagogue E-mail info@chizukamuno.org synagogue the summer’s quieter, more relaxed mood is a chance to work Eikhah.
Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center 410/486-8642 for the economy, everything is great.” While initially I intended my answer
Krieger Schechter Day School 410/486-8640 differently. Tishah B’Av is our calendar’s date of mourning.
Rosenbloom Religious School 410/486-8641 to be a funny one-liner, in recent weeks I have come to realize just how On the ninth day of the Hebrew month of Av
Stulman Center for Adult Learning 410/824-2055 This year summer will also give us a chance to pray differently; or at least accurate it is. Our synagogue calendar for the end of May and beginning we recall tragic events in Jewish history whose
Officers in a different location. We’re moving our Shabbat Morning Services into of June is filled with graduation ceremonies. These are times when we legacy have shaped our identity and values.
President Dr. Anne Young, ayoung@loyola.edu recognize and celebrate our graduates’ accomplishments, wishing them Foremost among the events we remember are the
First Vice President Richard Manekin the Krieger Auditorium each Saturday in July and August 1st. Our goal destructions of the two Temples in Jerusalem. The
Vice President Michelle Malis well as they move on to the next stage of their Jewish education. Such
Vice President Louis E. Sapperstein is to create an intimate and relaxed prayer environment, and to increase occasions give us the opportunity to reflect on all that our schools and
Babylonians destroyed the First Temple in the
Secretary Maureen Walsh David year 586 BCE. The Romans destroyed the Second
Treasurer Alan Mogol congregational participation and interaction. broader synagogue community have offered and achieved in the past year. Temple and the Judean state in 70 CE.
Assistant Treasurer Sandra Moffet
I hope you’ll choose to join us as part of your own summer plans. So You will have an opportunity to hear about some of the highlights at the We will also gather in observance of Tishah B’Av
Annual Meeting on June 11. on Thursday morning, July 30 at 7:30 a.m., when
synagogue staff much of what we share as a synagogue community culminates in or flows we do not wear tallit and tefillin as an expression
Rabbi Ronald J. Shulman x230
For many of our congregational families the last few months have been
rshulman@chizukamuno.org out of the experience and meaning of Shabbat. We celebrate, gather, and difficult ones. While the recession has affected all of us, for some these of mourning. A special Minhah service will be
Rabbi Deborah Wechsler x231 held at 1 p.m. At this afternoon service we will
dwechsler@chizukamuno.org engage communally and personally on and around Shabbat. have been and continue to be especially challenging times. Our clergy and wear our tallit and tefillin as a sign of coming out
Rabbi Emeritus Joel H. Zaiman x296
Hazzan Emanuel C. Perlman x233 One of my projects this summer is to advance our goal of providing senior staff have responded to requests for assistance, offering support and of the severity of mourning. Tishah B’Av is a day
counseling. That is, of course, what a sacred community does when its of fasting, introspection, and hope observed with
Ritual Director Dr. Moshe D. Shualy x243
vital worship experiences for the diverse preferences and interests of our members face difficult situations. emotion as we transform trauma into strength
Ritual Director Emeritus Rev. Yehuda Dickstein
synagogue’s members. Committed to the authenticity and integrity of Those of us in leadership positions have been particularly aware of the through ritual.
Headmaster, Krieger Schechter Day School
Dr. Paul D. Schneider | x226 | headmaster@ksds.edu traditional Jewish prayer in our Conservative congregation, I am equally current economic climate as we have prepared the synagogue’s budget
Director, Congregational Education for the next fiscal year. Such work is never easy. Our desires, plans, and
Alex Weinberg | x234 | aweinberg@chizukamuno.org committed to creating with you prayer settings that will engage more of
Director, Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center ambitions often exceed our available resources. In previous years we have New Membership Directory
Michelle Gold | x238 | gecec@chizukamuno.org you, especially on Shabbat. often been faced with the question, which one or two new items can This fall, Chizuk Amuno will publish a
Director, Stulman Center for Adult Learning
Judy Meltzer | x287 | stulman@chizukamuno.org We aren’t all equally inclined toward synagogue attendance on Shabbat. we implement with our limited additional income? This year we had to Membership Directory.
Have you ever wondered if your neighbor
Director, Gemilut Hasadim Program
But for those who are, here’s a summer project to consider. In addition consider how we could balance the budget with a decrease in revenue.
Miriam Foss | x281 | mfoss@chizukamuno.org is a member of Chizuk Amuno? Looking
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Coordinator A portion of the congregation’s income comes from interest on our to call that family you met at services last
Debby Hellman | x290 | dhellman@chizukamuno.org to attending “Summer Shul,” think about what you find more and less endowment, which is held in the Chizuk Amuno Foundation. Like all
Youth Educator week? Our new directory will include
Isaac Woloff | x305 | iwoloff@chizukamuno.org meaningful in synagogue services. What new type of a service might you such funds, the Foundation’s value has fallen significantly. This means contact information for all members of our
Curator, Goldsmith Museum
Dr. Susan Vick | x291 | svick@chizukamuno.org attend? What might encourage you to attend our current services more there will be less money available to fund synagogue expenses in the synagogue community who choose to be
coming year. While the 2009-10 budget, which the Board of Trustees listed. Please watch for a letter from us in the
administrative staff often? coming weeks so we can verify your contact
passed last month, is balanced, getting there was not easy. For example,
Executive Director I ask sincerely. Please share your thoughts with me, and know that I information. The letter will also include
Ronald N. Millen | x224 | rnmillen@chizukamuno.org next year’s budget does not include salary increases for our wonderful, information on how to opt out on all or a
Director of Congregational Advancement
Laurel Freedman | x275 | lfreedman@chizukamuno.org
appreciate your help with my summer project. I hope you’ll enjoy yours, hardworking staff. In addition, the clergy, educators, and senior staff portion of your listing in the directory. Your
Synagogue Administrator too. on multi-year contracts voluntarily agreed to forego their contractual timely response is critical to efforts to help us
Jenny Baker | x227 | jbaker@chizukamuno.org
increases. In making budget decisions, our goal was to maintain quality, all connect with one another.
Rick Bernard | x256 | rbernard@chizukamuno.org and keep essential services and programs. We believe have achieved that
Information Systems Manager
Bruce P. Yaillen | x284 | byaillen@chizukamuno.org
B’Shalom Rav, goal and that next year’s budget will allow us to maintain core functions
Cemetery Director and programs with minimal impact to the congregation. Calling All High School Seniors!
Barbara Lichter | x248 | blichter@chizukamuno.org
Communications and Membership Coordinator Notwithstanding the realities presented in the previous paragraph, we Please join us for an aliyah to wish you well as
Cheryl Snyderman | x300 | csnyderman@chizukamuno.org do have some very positive fundraising news. The synagogue together you head off to college, Israel, and beyond. We
Rabbi Ron Shulman with Krieger Schechter has received more than $625,000 in designated will share a gift and a blessing in your honor on
Kol Amuno Editor
Shabbat, June 6. RSVP to Judy Simkin in the
Cheryl Snyderman | x300 gifts, over and above our annual appeal campaign. We will share more
Kol Amuno Layout Rabbinic Office at jsimkin@chizukamuno.org
Rachel Levitan | x282 | rlevitan@chizukamuno.org information about these gifts at the Annual Meeting.
2 3
Celebrating Adult Bat Mitzvah Tuition Assistance Fund Mazal Tov to our 2009 Graduates!
Of the many special Shabbatot here at Chizuk Many thanks to the over 200 members of our synagogue community who contributed Each year, we are privileged to have over a thousand students enter our doors, ranging in age from only 2 years old to
Amuno, one of the most moving is the biennial to the Tuition Assistance Fund, established in honor of Rabbi Wechsler’s 10th
celebration of the Adult Bat Mitzvah class. Since anniversary at Chizuk Amuno. Led by a $10,000 challenge grant from the Florence and
over 80 years. We offer educational programming for every age in between.
its inception in 1988, 135 women have been a Charles Hoffberger Foundation, we received over $60,000 in donations to help offset We join them in taking pride in their accomplishments at their June commencement ceremonies listed below.
part of this program. This year’s class (our 10th) the cost of tuitions for families in all of our schools. Listed below are the individuals and
will become B’not Mitzvah on August 8 and 15. families who made leadership contributions to both the tuition assistance fund and for Goldsmith Early Childhood Education Center, Wednesday, June 3 at 10 a.m.
They are already hard at work learning Torah and sponsorship of the May 30 event in honor of Rabbi Wechsler.
Ethan Abel Allison Cohen Jack Goldman Lindsay Kushner Kyle Marder Emily Schloss
Haftarah trope, and are excited to join so many We are grateful to those who have generously sponsored Rabbi Deborah Wechsler’s
other adults and children who have become B’nei 10th Anniversary Celebration. Alana Antwerpen Jacob Cohen Madison Goldstein Cooper LaPorte Colby Mekiliesky Olivia Schwaber
Mitzvah at Chizuk Amuno. If you are a graduate Samantha Jillian Cohen Rachel Gordon Rylee LaTesta Gabrielle Alyssa
Mimi Blitzer and David Mallott • Heller and Ari Zaiman Antwerpen Moshkatal Schwartzberg
of the Adult Bat Mitzvah program, please join Rachel Cohen Jacob Gotlin Jordan Lapin
us on these August Shabbatot to welcome new Liam Asher Samantha Cooper Gabrielle Grabush Michal Leibowitz Allyson Murdick Lara Shein
graduates. If you plan to attend, please notify us at Hunter Askin Benjamin Cordish Jenna Greenberg Eli Levenson Jacob Murdick Macy Sober
dwechsler@chizukamuno.org. 2009 Adult Bat Mitzvah Class Michelle and Ira Malis Jordyn Baylin Chase Nathanson Samantha Solomon
Talia Eisner Jacob Haroun Adam Levine
Anonymous Bernard and Vivian Manekin Foundation Dylan Beckerman- Ella Nusinov Ian Tucker
Benjamin Espeland Mason Hart Stephen Levitt
Julie and Gary Applebaum Bernard Manekin Berman Landen Orbach Noah Udoff
Talia Fastow Alexandra Noah Lichter
Phyllis and Leonard J. Attman Vivian and Robert Manekin
Dana Beckwith Eli Fox Hershfield Jamie Lickstein Ryan Peljovich Izzy Weinberg
Dr. Patricia and Gary Attman Marsha and Richard Manekin
Matan Berman Alex Friedman Jessica Holzman Sasha Lifchez Olivia Philosophe Bari Weinstein
Suzanne F. Cohen Sandra and Brian Moffet
ite you Anna Davis and Richard Gordon Ellen and Alan Mogol Fiona Beselman Carson Fruman Isabella Kazin Lindsey Lissauer Dylan Rattet Benjamin
With great pleasure we inv
hap pin ess at the adult Karen and Edwin Ezrine Elke and Arnold Neuburger Blanche Brody Rebecca Fruman Sophia Koman Ethan Lizmi Samantha Rochlin Weintraub
to share our
r nam e). Benjamin and Belle Cogan Foundation Meta Oppenheimer
Bat Mitzvah of (insert you Nevae Caggiano Hannah Getz Joey Korczakowski Makena London Carly Sacks Julia Willis
bi We chs ler,
Classes taught by Rab Phyllis and Louis Friedman Sheila and Dr. Lawrence Pakula Evie Chmar Blake Kurlander Harrison Schapiro Clara Zaiman
n and the Chi zuk Mali Glazer Evan Losin
Hazzan Perlma Harriet and Lowell Glazer Livia and Antony Rosen
er the High
Amuno Staff will begin aft Toba and William Grant Dr. Michelle Gelkin Rosenbloom and
re about this
Holy Days. To find out mo Lee M. Hendler and Richard Lowitz Howard Rosenbloom Krieger Schechter Day School, Wednesday, June 10 at 7 p.m.
ple ase con tact
special occasion, Sandra Hittman Drs. Roberta and Steven Schulman
ler. We loo k for wa rd to Abigail Abrams Joey Friedman Shir Kaplan Yael Lowenberg Paul Rosen Noah Smith
Rabbi Wechs Florence and Charles Hoffberger Robin and Rabbi Ronald Shulman
celebrating with you !
Foundation Ina and Jon Singer Dylan Bekar Alana Furma Aaron Alaina Mandel Shawn Rosofsky Allison Spector
Leroy E. Hoffberger Kathy and Stevan Weinberg Alec Blitzstein Adi Goldberg Karacuschansky Sarah Mandel Samuel Rubin Mariah Speert
Anne and Steven King Lillian S. Wilen Ron Boge Sophia Goldman Jordan Katz Marlee Michelson Rachel Rudo Elliott Stainman
Ronnie Kleiman Dr. Anne and David Young Shira Bor Miles Greenspoon Amanda Kievsky Aryeh Ness Sarah Schrum Abraham Stein
Dr. and Mrs. Herman Lewis Ann and Rabbi Joel H. Zaiman Briana Cohen Anya Hammerman Isaac Krell Miriam Pomerantz Alexander Schultz Andrew Stern
Mimi Blitzer and David Mallott Heller and Ari Zaiman Eric Leikach
Melissa Davis Brittany Daniel Radov Samantha Shapiro Eric Trattner
Melton Graduation Quinn Flaks Herzenberg Evan Lieberman Alessandra Ori Shimony Adam Wolod
The 11th graduation of the Florence Melton Allison Friedman Abraham Hurwitz Noa Lipton Rigamonti Marnie Silverman
Adult Mini-School took place on Tuesday evening, Birkon
May 19, in the Krieger Auditorium. Families and Chizuk Amuno is proud to announce the publication of Birkon Kol HaMesubim,
friends joined the graduates for a festive celebration All Who are Gathered. This customized booklet contains the prayer, Birkat HaMazon, Netivon High School Rosenbloom Religious School Florence Melton
of Jewish learning. as well as commentaries and reflections from members, educators, and clergy on the Monday, June 8 at 7 p.m. Adult Mini-School
Jacob Agus- Benjamin Max
Graduates read from blessings of experiencing meals together.
Kleinman Ilana Obuchowski Dena Appleby Naomi Roswell Bonnie S. Block Dixie Leikach
their published The birkon was developed in honor and recognition of Rabbi Wechsler’s 10th
anniversary at Chizuk Amuno and can now be used at all synagogue functions when Anna Band Aviva Paley Hannah Baron Hannah Seidman Sima R. Blue Neil B. Leikach
reflections, entitled
meals are served. We look forward to its continued use, when we can celebrate the joy Sophie Brooks Leah Pressman Sam Brownstein Jennifer Siegel Barbara Blumberg Ellen Levi
Melton Musings.
Among the many in sharing meals as a synagogue community, and reflect on the wisdom, friendship, and Lily Glushakow- Zoe Rammelkamp Hannah Buchoff Nicole Snyder Sue Brown Barbara Lewbart
guests were four guidance that Rabbi Wechsler has shared with us throughout the past decade. Smith Nir Rattner Jessica Fine Rachael Snyder Roslyn Cornblatt Maxine McKinney
generations of the We express our sincere gratitude to Ellen Kahan Zager for the time and talent she Seth Golob Marla Gordon Max Sterling
Samuel Rosen Lisa Fridman Sandie Nagel
Leikach family: Rae and Sid Bazensky, Eileen and contributed to the design and production of the birkon. Brenna Hoffman Dana Rushovich Alyson Katz Sophie Strome Barbara J. Fried Judy Oshry
Henry Leikach, Neil and Dixie, and Eric Leikach. Mickey Katz A.J. Layton Alexandra
Jacob Simon Serene Israel Barbara Schiner
Thus far, 805 students have graduated from Coby Lerner Sugarman
Rachel Sarenka Benjamin Moschel Shari Kaplan Judith K. Spector
Melton at Chizuk Amuno. We are currently With Thanks… Sara Lever
accepting applications for the fall. First year classes Smith Jonathan Moschel Ellen Katz Hillary S. Wohl
Chizuk Amuno is deeply grateful to Mimi Blitzer and David Mallott and Heller and
will be held on Tuesdays. Please call Judy Meltzer Ari Zaiman for their leadership on all of the initiatives commemorating Rabbi Deborah Julie Levitsky Rebecca Suldan Susan Radov Frances F. Katz
for information, 410/824-2058. Wechsler’s 10th Anniversary at Chizuk Amuno. Frances Loucks Eva Zenilman
4 5
Volunteer Programs
Creating Community
Support the Brotherhood Blood Drive Creating Community Clothing Drive Supports Community Agencies
The Brotherhood will be holding it’s semi-annual American Red Cross Todah rabbah to the
Adopt-A-Road many congregants who Ronald McDonald House
blood drive, Tuesday, June 2 from 1 to 7 p.m. As always, shortage of blood Volunteers Urgently Needed! Chizuk Amuno
in the Baltimore area is of high importance and with each pint of blood so generously donated Join the dedicated corps of congregants who
Brotherhood has taken on the mitzvah of shmirat clothing to our very provide dinners at Ronald McDonald House for
donated we can possibly save three lives. Please call Jack Kiner, 410/833- adamah, protecting the earth, with the adoption
0374 to schedule your life-saving donation. successful IOU (Interview families with seriously ill children. Volunteers are
of a segment of Greenspring Avenue. Join us on Outfits Unlimited) needed to cook and/or serve. The families look
Sunday, June 7 at 9 a.m. (rain date June 14) to Clothing Drive. This forward to home cooked meals to ease the strain
clean up the sides of the road. Gloves, reflective was our rainiest clothing and pressure that come with seeking medical
vests, and trash bags are provided. To volunteer drive ever but perhaps our treatment for serious conditions far from home.
Fast Track to a Job please call Marvin Spector at 410/484-8939. most appreciated. Because Our upcoming dates are Wednesdays: July 15 and
In April, Suzanne Brafman, M.Ed., Career Counselor from JCS, presented an
of your strong support August 19.
informative and motivating seminar to Chizuk Amuno members currently seeking Chicken Soup for Our Sick
we were able to donate
employment. If you were unable to attend and would like further information about the Thanks to the Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood, Todah Rabbah to our April volunteers: Adam Cohen,
quality business clothing to
services provided by the Career Center at JCS, please call Miriam Foss. we now have a supply of homemade Barbara Cohen, Karen Cohen, Rachel Cohen,
community agencies that
chicken soup for members who are ill Sarah Cohen, Hillary Crystal, Cory Dalcin, Garth
directly assist those seeking
or who have just returned from the Gerstenblith, Brett Gold, Jessica Grosman, Janet
employment. Donations went to: The Baltimore Station, the Center for Urban Families,
hospital. To receive some delicious Kantor, Saundra Madoff, Barbara Meshulam,
Shmirat Adamah Task Force “liquid penicillin,” please call Miriam Golob at
Christopher Place, and Paul’s Place. All of these agencies are dealing with increased
Mollie Smulyan, and Frada Wall.
In our effort to uphold our core Jewish values on environmental responsibility, we demand in the current economic environment and our donations were able to replenish
410/560-7422 and it will be delivered to your home.
are forming a Task Force that is charged with the development of a comprehensive plan supplies of clothing needed by clients to seek employment. All books were donated to Many thanks to our May volunteers: Abdul Abdulla,
that will guide us on our path to become an environmentally sustainable congregation. Hackerman Patz House The Book Thing. Lisa Belman, Andrea Bookoff, Nancy Bookoff,
If you are interested in serving on this committee or assisting us in other ways with this The families at the Hackerman Patz House have Special thanks to our energetic and enthusiastic volunteers who braved rain and wind: Jarred Belman, Adam Cohen, Karen Cohen,
important effort, please contact Ricky Gratz at shmiratadamah@chizukamuno.org. children receiving medical treatment at Sinai Carole Diamond, Connie Friedman, Ilana Grabenstein, Debby Hellman, Margi Rachel Cohen, Joanne Felton, Brett Gold, Garth
Hospital. Todah Rabbah to our caring and energetic Hoffman, Nadia Massuda, Adam Snyder, Marcia Lakein Snyder, Marsha Yoffe, Gerstenblith, Jessica Grosman, Drew Himmelrich,
volunteers who served lunch to these families in and Jack Zager. Special appreciation to faculty members: Rachel Abrams, Amy Fink, Janet Kantor, Ginny Kass, Debbie Kramer, Marsha
May: Miriam Platt, Mickey Simon, and Frada Wall. and Dora Korewa and their energetic group of Rosenbloom Religious School Dalet Manekin, Shari Rosen, Elyse Shumsky, Kay
Chizuk Amuno Supports Habitat for Humanity students who helped unload cars and sort clothing together with adult volunteers. We Shumsky, Susan Straus, and Frada Wall.
Volunteers are always Hakhnasat Orhim—Welcoming Guests thank the entire congregation and schools for making this drive such a success!
welcome midweek on If you live within walking distance of the
synagogue, and are able to host visitors for Transportation Service on Shabbat and Holiday
Tuesdays, Wednesdays,
Shabbat, please e-mail Rabbi Deborah Wechsler, Mornings
or Thursdays. Volunteer Crafts at St. Vincent’s Center
dwechsler@chizukamuno.org. Need a ride to shul on Shabbat morning or on
slots must be filled by the Sunday July 19, 2:30 to 4:40 p.m. Holidays? Rides can be arranged on a week-by-week
Wednesday before the build The Gemilut Hasadim Committee will be sponsoring a
Jared Scott Levy Memorial Garden basis. Just call Miriam Foss by Monday or Tuesday of
date. Participants must be Teddy Bear Tea Party at St. Vincent’s Center. Along with a
We are looking for flower and plant enthusiasts to the week you want to attend services.
16 and over to be involved good time, Chizuk Amuno Volunteers will provide much
help tend the garden this coming spring. Young
in construction. For more needed one on one attention, nurturance, and academic
volunteers, families, and adults are welcome. Double For questions or to participate in any Gemilut
information or to sign stimulation to the 4-13 year old St. Vincent Center
community service hours are available through the Hasadim programs, contact Miriam Foss at 410/486-
up, please contact Bobbi residents who have been abused and /or neglected.
GH office. To sign up for spring planting please call 6400, ext. 281 or mfoss@chizukamuno.org. Please
Schulman, 410/561-5967 Anyone interested in volunteering can call Susan Straus
Miriam Foss. Todah Rabbah to master gardener, Allen refer to www.chizukamuno.org for more information
or sschul@comcast.net, or evenings at 410/356-6284. Carpooling from Chizuk Amuno
Brown, for spring planning and planting and to on all of these programs.
Jennifer Arndt, 443/794-4799 or jnarndt@yahoo.com. will be available.
Adam Cohen, Karen Cohen, and Rachel Cohen, and
Todah Rabbah to those who participated in the April 26 AJWS/ Chizuk Amuno
Joan Vardi for watering and weeding.
Mexico Trip reunion: Jennifer Arndt, Miriam Foss, Dorothy Gold, Jim Wolf, David We express special gratitude for funding from the
Yousem and Kelly Yousem. A great day of service was had by all. It was an opportunity Our Daily Bread Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Gemilut Hasadim
to help build a house in Baltimore with interfaith partners and to remember our time CHAI Senior Home Repair Day Endowment Fund of the Chizuk Amuno Foundation,
Join the Chizuk Amuno team to help serve meals to Chizuk Amuno Joined Forces with the Baltimore Community!
with the residents of Muchucuxcah, Mexico in February 2008. hungry men, women, and children from 9 a.m. Inc.
The morning went well with a quick talk at Rambam. Volunteers
to 1 p.m. on the upcoming Sundays: June 28, July then drove to two different houses and did some basic tasks: raking,
26, and August 30. Please contact Wendy Davis at checking smoke detectors, and lawn work. All was completed by
410/358-5979, bandwdavis@aol.com or Jenny Baker noon. Please keep in mind the fall weatherization day, scheduled for Sunday,
410/602-9885, bakerjenny@yahoo.com. November 15 from 9 a.m. - noon.
Todah rabbah to our dedicated volunteers who Todah rabbah to our volunteers in this first time effort: Lee Brill, Irwin Golob, Dixie
served in April: Jenny Baker, Barbara Cohen, Leikach, Eric Leikach, Marc Leikach, Neil Leikach, Jack Schenk, Alex Schultz, and
Janice Perlman, Bobbi Schulman, Michael Uri Tasch.
Schulman, Lynn Tucker, Nelson Tucker, and Sheila
6 7
Lag B’Omer at the Young Families Bonfire Schedule of Services JUNE 2009/ Sivan/Tammuz JULY 2009/ Tammuz/Av
One hundred twenty-five Young Families of Chizuk Amuno Sacred Conversations June 5/6 | Sivan 13/14 July 3/4 | Tammuz 11/12
Congregation braved the rain and had an awesome Lag B’Omer for Parents of Special Needs Each Friday evening and Shabbat
Minhah 5:50 p.m. Minhah 5:50 p.m.
Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00 p.m.
bonfire and sing along. We sang Israeli songs, made s’mores, ate Children
home made pita with choco (Israeli chocolate spread), drank Please hold the date. Our last Sacred
morning we enjoy celebration, prayer, Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m.
Bedouin tea, played games, and had a great time! Conversation of the year will be held Sunday, and Torah study with Rabbi Ronald TORAH PORTION: NASO, NUMBERS 4:21-7:89 Summer Shul
Bat Mitzvah of Hannah Seidman TORAH PORTION: HUKKAT-BALAK, NUMBERS 19:1-25:9
June 14 at 7:30 p.m. for parents of special Shulman, Rabbi Deborah Wechsler, Rabbi Wechsler’s Sermon D’var Torah by Dr. Joy Silberg
needs children. Please call Judy Simkin to We honor our Graduating High School Seniors No Family Service
RSVP and for the location.
Hazzan Emanuel Perlman and our
Family Service 10:00 a.m. Study Session 7:00 p.m.
synagogue community. Simhat Shabbat 10:00 a.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv 8:00 p.m.
Torah for Tots 11:00 a.m. Havdalah 9:04 p.m.
Summer Shopping at the Sisterhood Judaica Shop This schedule indicates the weeks Study Session 7:00 p.m.
Finding a meaningful way to recognize that special man in your family – dad, uncle, Confronting Jewish Practice Minhah/Ma’ariv 8:00 p.m. July 10/11 | Tammuz 18/19
husband, grandfather, even a son – on Father’s Day is so much easier with a visit to the Joe Greenblum, Instructor when our Chizuk Amuno Choir Havdalah 8:57 p.m. Minhah 5:50 p.m.
Judaica Shop. Our book shelf is a good place to begin July 6, 7, 8, 9; 10:30-11:30 a.m. participates in services, as well Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00 p.m.
– browse through our collection that includes books How do we decide whether to observe rituals June 12/13 | Sivan 20/21
as study themes, or other service Minhah 5:50 p.m. Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m.
on sports, wine and history. The “Men’s Department” and commandments? In his book, Rethinking Summer Shul
Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00 p.m.
is well-stocked with bookmarks, key rings, leather Modern Judaism, Dr. Arnold Eisen, JTS features including family and Shabbat TORAH PORTION: PINHAS, NUMBERS 25:10-30:1
luggage tags, money clips, and sterling tallit clips. For Chancellor and scholar, argues that addressing this Yahad activities. Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. D’var Torah by Maury Garten
the collector on your list, perhaps a new dreidel or question of Jewish practice, rather than a query TORAH PORTION: B’HA-A LOT’KHA, NUMBERS 8:1-12:16 No Family Service
B’nei Mitzvah of Jack Halpert and Elise Shanholtz Study Session 7:00 p.m.
tzedakah box will fit the bill. about belief, would help us better understand Join with us to express yourself in Rabbi Shulman’s Sermon Minhah/Ma’ariv 8:00 p.m.
The month of June is filled with lots of celebrations contemporary Judaism. Drawing on two centuries Havdalah 9:02 p.m.
the presence of God, to nurture your Chizuk Amuno Choir joins Hazzan Perlman
- graduations, showers, weddings - which mean of Jewish experience in the modern world coping Family Service 10:00 a.m.
there will be lots of gifting and entertaining. Did you think about our battery operated with inherited practice, Dr. Eisen explores a soul, and to connect your life with Study Session 7:00 p.m. July 17/18 | Tammuz 25/26
Shabbat candles for the high school graduate to take to college? A mezuzah for the number of intriguing issues. Among them, to what the life of our synagogue family. Minhah/Ma’ariv 8:00 p.m. Minhah 5:50 p.m.
college dorm or the first apartment is always a meaningful idea. A contemporary serving extent do we accept Jewish practices that require Havdalah 9:01 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00 p.m.
piece in white or frosted glass is a thoughtful gift for summer entertaining that “goes separation or difference from the larger society? Babysitting is available beginning Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m.
with everything.” Treat yourself or your hostess! Tuition free. Please contact the Stulman Center June 19/20 | Sivan 27/28
at 9:15 a.m. every Shabbat, except Minhah 5:50 p.m. Summer Shul
Thank you for your continued patronage of the Judaica Shop this year. Your consistent for Adult Learning, 410/824-2055. Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00 p.m. TORAH PORTION: MATTOT MAS’EI, NUMBERS 30:2-36:13
support has helped Sisterhood honor its financial commitments to the many school holiday weekends. D’var Torah by Dr. Andrew Miller
scholarships and synagogue programs that are so important to Chizuk Amuno. We will Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m. Club Hatikvah Shabbat
No Family Service
be closed for the summer after June 12, but as always one of our volunteers can meet Hoffberger Chapel Services TORAH PORTION: SH’LAH L’KHA, NUMBERS 13:1-15:41
Study Session 7:00 p.m.
you “buy appointment” by contacting Anne King at 410/303-7716. Finally, thank you Club Hatikvah Gears Up for Next Year D’var Torah by Adam Roffman
Minhah/Ma’ariv 8:00 p.m.
Club Hatikvah is pleased to present the Daily: 7:30 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. Family Service 10:00 a.m.
to all of our volunteers in the Judaica Shop – they are a special group of ladies! Perhaps Study Session 7:00 p.m. Havdalah 8:58 p.m.
you would like to join our staff ! A special todah rabbah to Anne King, our volunteer following slate of officers for 2009-2010: Sunday: 9:15 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv 8:00 p.m.
manager, who has already started planning for Rosh HaShanah! President Selma Blaker Havdalah 9:03 p.m. July 24/25 | Av 3/4
Friday Minhah: 5:50 p.m.
Vice President To Be Announced Minhah 5:50 p.m.
Treasurer Alvin Blaker unless otherwise noted Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00 p.m.
June 26/27 | Tammuz 4/5
Sisterhood Torah Fund Meets Goal Assistant Treasurer Herman Samuel Minhah 5:50 p.m.
Thank you to all Torah Fund donors this year. Due to your generosity, Chizuk Amuno Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m.
Recording Secretary Iris Barron Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00 p.m.
Summer Shul
Sisterhood met our goal. Please be on the lookout for the Torah Fund mailing over the Corresponding Secretary Elaine Tobias TORAH PORTION: D’VARIM – Shabbat Hazon—DEUTERONOMY 1:1-3:21
summer, when we will begin next year’s campaign. Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m.
Immediate Past President Miriam Platt D’var Torah by a Chizuk Amuno member
We are so very fortunate to have such wonderful clergy and educators at our Our current officers and Board members wish No Family Service
Bat Mitzvah of Rachael Snyder
synagogue. Let’s perpetuate the educational possibilities for our future. For more Study Session 7:00 p.m.
to thank all who attended our social dinner and June 5 8:12 p.m. Rabbi Shulman’s Sermon
Minhah/Ma’ariv 8:00 p.m.
information, please contact Miriam Golob, golobfamily@comcast.net or 410/560- entertainment meetings and helped to make this Chizuk Amuno Choir joins Hazzan Perlman
Havdalah 8:53 p.m.
7422. past season so successful. June 12 8:16 p.m. Family Service 10:00 a.m.
Study Session 7:00 p.m.
Please join us on Shabbat, July 18, when we June 19 8:18 p.m. Minhah/Ma’ariv 8:00 p.m. July 31/August 1 | Av 10/11
Brotherhood Closing Meeting and Installation Dinner will once again host our annual Club Hatikvah Havdalah 9:04 p.m. Minhah 5:50 p.m.
Please join us on Monday, June 15, 6:15 p.m. for cocktails and dinner at 7 p.m. Shabbat. Our members will take part in all aspects June 26 8:19 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00 p.m.
In addition to installation of the new officers and board members, the evening will of the service. We will also sponsor a festive July 3 8:19 p.m. Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 a.m.
feature a presentation by Steve Davis, former Sports Broadcaster and Sports Director for Kiddush luncheon following services. Summer Shul
WBAL Radio and current KSDS parent. For more information about Steve, please visit Our new season will start in the fall—watch for July 10 8:18 p.m. TORAH PORTION: VA-ETHANNAN, DEUTERONOMY 3:23-7:11
stevedavismedia.com. more details over the summer. D’var Torah by a Chizuk Amuno member
July 17 8:13 p.m.
The cost is $25 per person and spouses and significant others are invited to attend. Family Service 10:00 a.m.
July 24 8:08 p.m. Summer Shul Picnic following services
Checks should be payable to Chizuk Amuno Brotherhood and be mailed to
Study Session 6:45 p.m.
the synagogue office. For further information, please contact Steve Dansicker, Minhah/Ma’ariv 7:45 p.m.
July 31 8:01 p.m.
410/868-0484 or Bob Wolf, 410/356-5633. Havdalah 8:46 p.m.
j8 9
MILESTONES IN OUR Births Scott Weiss, son of Jill and Dr. The family of Anthony (Tony) Bimah Flowers Mary Gold by her family.
We congratulate the following Michael Weiss, to Heather Balsky. Giorgilli.* Frank Krongard, father, by Cheryl and Dr. Manus Krongard and family.
SYNAGOGUE FAMILY families on the birth of their children Lester Guthorn, on the loss of his
Friday and Saturday, June 5 and 6 | 13 -14 Sivan Jeffrey Stephen Hurwitz, son, by Roz Hartman.
In Honor Of: Isaac Renbaum by Barbara and Tom Steinhardt and family.
B’nei Mitzvah and grandchildren. mother, Eva Guthorn.
We proudly celebrate with these Anniversaries The Bat Mitzvah of Hannah Rose Seidman by her parents, Susan and Archie Cohen by Ann and David Harris and family.
Nava Meira Siegal Andorsky, Mazal tov to the following members Ronald Schwartzman, on the loss of Lee Seidman, and her grandparents, Maxine Seidman, Rebecca and Morton Kahn by his wife Beverley, children and grandchildren.
students who will be called to the
daughter of Rachel Siegal of our synagogue family who his sister, Betty Lee Landay. Sidney Seidman and Louise and George Shaneybrook. Annette P. Meyers, mother, on her birthday, by Marlene and Dr. Stuart H. Brager.
Torah as B’nei Mitzvah. Mazal tov to
and Dr. Samuel Andorsky, and will be celebrating their wedding Stanley Schulman, on the loss of his In Memory Of:
their families.
granddaughter of Ann and anniversaries in the coming weeks. father, Herbert Schulman. Dr. Harry Goldmann by his son.
JUNE 6 Dr. Michael Andorsky. Sylvan Levin, father, by Sherrie and Carl Polsky and family. Friday and Saturday, June 26 and 27 | 4 - 5 Tammuz
Hannah Rose 60th: Judy and Louis Culiner Morris Kishter, father, by his family. In Honor Of:
Seidman Ayelet Ruth Baraban, daughter * Chizuk Amuno staff express their
55th: Beverly and Toby Wiseman Morris (Mickey) Caplan by his children and grandchildren. The Bat Mitzvah of Rachael Flora Snyder, by her parents, Marcia and Jeffrey
Daniella of Mara and Joshua Baraban, sadness on the loss of our ‘Mr. Reta Lorch, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, by Florene Snyder, her grandparents, Marilynn and Warren Lakein and Ruth and Stanley
daughter of Susan and granddaughter of Dr. Liba 40th: Alita and Ron Millen Tony.’ Tony served as head of our
and Lee Seidman and Dr. Ron Goldner and family. Snyder, and her great-grandfather, Bernard Stein.
Goldblum and Dr. Jay Baraban. 40th: Debbie and maintenance department from 1970 Albert Louis Moss by his daughter and grandchildren. In Memory Of:
Ezra Jacob Dolgoff, son of Jennifer Dr. David Roffman to 1988. Always with a cheerful Sophia Tucker, mother, by Myra Levy and family. Rose Hittman by Sandra Hittman and family.
and Aaron Dolgoff, and grandson 30th: Ellen Kahan Zager and demeanor, he was totally devoted to Benjamin Luntz, father, by Pauline Luntz and family. Helen Weitzman, mother, by Shirley Kaufman and children.
JUNE 13 of Sylvia and Dr. Ralph Dolgoff. Jack Zager this community which he loved so Minnie Levy, mother, by Beverly and Donald Levy and family. David Rivlin, father, by Estelle Weinberg and family.
Waverly Ryon Fults, daughter of much. In turn, he was adored by our Maurice Tobias, husband, and Sarah Forman, mother, by Elaine Tobias, Ruth S. Dashoff, mother and grandmother, by Ilene and Arnold Dashoff
Piper and Jacob Fults, and great- congregants and the children in our children and grandchildren. and Susan and Dr. Michael Propper and families.
Weddings schools.
granddaughter of Ileen and Henry Bess Baverman, sister, by Rose Frank. Phyllis Salganik by Gordon Salganik, Wendy and Robert Davis,
We congratulate the following
Dickman. Jacob Beser, father, by Kay and Eric Beser and family. Debby and Dr. Jesse Hellman, and grandchildren.
couples and their families as we wish In The News
Sarah Julianne Richmond, daughter Richard M. Larimer by Dr. Anne and David Young. Abraham Harris, grandfather, by Toba and Bill Grant and family and
them much happiness. Amy Chapper became President
of Bethany and Craig Richmond, Max Lerner, father, by Harriett and Mende M. Lerner and family. Kathy and Stevan Weinberg and family.
of Baltimore’s Hebrew Free Loan
and granddaughter of Ellen and Jennifer Arndt to Scott Robinson. Albert Aaron Erdman, on his birthday, by Mimmie Erdman and family. Jennie Pines, mother, by her family.
Jack Turner Halpert Association, their first female
Howard Richmond. Bess Goldsmith, mother, on her birthday, by Ilene and Alvin Powers and family. George H. Young by Dr. Anne and David Young.
Yonaton Lindsay Levine, granddaughter of president in their 111 year history.
son of Stacey and Harry Halpert Robert Wasserman, father, by Vera and Barry Wasserman and family.
Yona Rae Weinberg, daughter of Beverly and Toby Wiseman, to Lowell Glazer received the Friday and Saturday, June 12 and 13 | 20-21 Sivan
Merhle Fox by Audrey Fox Miller and children.
Jessica and Alex Weinberg. Adam Schwartz. Distinguished Leadership Award In Honor Of:
Elise Ariel Shanholtz Louis Seidman by Miriam Platt.
from Baltimore Hebrew University. The Bar Mitzvah of Jack Turner Halpert, by his parents, Stacey and Harry
Elishevah Arielle Halpert, his grandparents, Lois Halpert, Karen and Larry Halpert and Kitty Lou
daughter of Drs. Ruth Horowitz and Birthdays Lynne Lichtig was installed as
In Loving Memory and Lilburn Ward, and his great-grandmother, Florence Hoffberger.
Carl Shanholtz We wish Happy Birthday to these President of Seaboard Region, Friday and Saturday, July 3 and 4 | 11 – 12 Tammuz
With deep regret we mourn the The Bat Mitzvah of Elise Ariel Shanholtz, by her parents, Dr. Ruth Horowitz and
members of our synagogue family Women’s League for Conservative In Memory Of:
JUNE 27 passing of: Dr. Carl Shanholtz, and her grandparents, Marlyn Shanholtz and Edith and
who each celebrate a birthday Judaism. Johanna Ladenburger by her daughter, Lottie Steinberg.
Rachael Flora Snyder Martin Horowitz.
milestone this month. Milton Leiter Samuel Blavatt, father, by Susan and Ronald Blavatt and family.
Rivkah Fraida Jeffrey Nusinov was identified In Memory Of:
Samuel J. Oshrine, father, by Ivan Oshrine and Marsha and Herbert Stoller.
daughter of Marcia as an Influential Marylander in David Shanholtz, grandfather of Elise Ariel Shanholtz, on the occasion of Elise’s
and Jeffrey Snyder Bruce Chapper May his memory bring comfort and Daniel G. Fox, brother, by Mimmie Erdman and family.
the category of law by the Daily Bat Mitzvah.
Michael Freilich blessing to his loved ones. Sayde J. Sklar by her children and grandchild.
Record. In addition, he was May R. Berger, mother, by her family.
Ellen Gillette Harold Hammer, father, by Ann and Ronald Holstein and family.
recently selected as a 2009 Rising Miriam Ness, mother, by Robert Ness and family.
Our Sympathy To: Robert I. Davis, father, by Carol and Gilbert Davis and family.
Robert Manekin Star by Super Lawyers magazine Anna E. Bellus by her children and grandchildren.
We offer our sincere condolences Eli Miller by Beverly and Jordon Max and family.
Jay Weinstein to these families. May God comfort Rabbi Stuart Seltzer, Dean of Jewish Jane F. Feinglass, mother and grandmother, by Ina and Jon Singer and family.
Molly Glaberman by Lorraine and Earl Raffel.
them along with all who mourn. Studies at the Shoshana S. Cardin Blanche Miller by her children and grandchildren.
Martin Zuckerman Morton Jerome Goldman, father, by his family.
School and former Director of Anna L. Reznick, mother, by Irma Gamson and family.
Joseph Lazinsky, father, by Harriet and Lowell R. Glazer and
Sam Askin, on the loss of his brother, the Chizuk Amuno Congregation Philip Finglass, father, by his family.
Phyllis and Leonard Attman.
Engagements Martin Eli Askin. Education Center, is the recipient Dorothy Katz Manekin by her children.
Lillian and Morris Mittleman, parents, by Rita Werthamer and family.
We congratulate these couples and of the Covenant Award for Dorothy Katz Manekin, wife, by Bernard Manekin.
Sally Cooperman, on the loss of her Sol Slavin, husband and father, by Sarah Slavin and family.
their families as we wish them much Outstanding Jewish Educators. Lester R. Litt, father, by Mindee and Bruce Block and family.
brother, Howard Jachman. Ann Carolyn Waranch by her mother, Rita Waranch, brother, Jonathan Waranch,
happiness. Pauline Brozofsky, mother, by Ellen and Dr. Mark Gordon.
Daniela Eyal, on the loss of her Charlee Sterling received the and family.
Gersohn Rubin, by his children and grandchildren.
mother, Frieda Neuman. Woman of Vision Award from the Rae Preissman, mother and grandmother, by Harriet and Richard Udell
Steven Verstandig, son of Denise Fannie Friedman, mother and grandmother, by Cheryl and
Federation of Jewish Women’s and family.
and Carl Verstandig, to Stacey Dr. Manus L. Krongard and family.
Organizations of Maryland. Reuben Caplan, father, by Sharon and Irvin Caplan.
Luger. Albert Lorch, father, grandfather and great-grandfather, by Florene and
Mary Weinberg Rubenstein by her children and grandchildren.
Dr. Ron Goldner and family.
Leo Tabackman, father, by Donna and Robert Wolf and family.
Samuel Orlinsky by Ruth Orlin.
ohtcv ohfurc Barukhim Habaim! Friday and Saturday, June 19 and 20 | 27 - 28 Sivan
In Memory Of:
Friday and Saturday, July 10 and 11 | 18 - 19 Tammuz
We are happy to welcome those who have most recently chosen to join our Chizuk Amuno family. Harry Erdman, father, by his family.
In Memory Of:
Gertrude Coopersmith by Ruth Orlin and family.
Michelle and Bradley Albert Vivian and Philip Chait Susanne and Douglas Goldstone Irving Pearlstein, father, by Audrey Levine and family.
Albert Hirsch by Hedy and Irving Goldstein, Zelda Hirsch, Clara and Frank
Amanda and Nathan Blumberg Candye Criss Rahel Lerner and Adam Gregerman Hirsch, and Melvin Landsman.
Henry Goldsmith, father, by Ilene and Alvin Powers and family.
Dorothy Werber, mother, by Myrna and Jay Blumenthal and family.
Ester and Jay Caplan Richard Fairman Irina and Scott Kass Roselda Cole by Linda and Dr. Jeffrey Cole and family.
Gertrude Koppel, mother, by her family.
Richard Frank Anna Glassman, mother, by her family.
Rose Cohen, mother and grandmother, by Nancy Cohen and Michael and Andrew
Theodore Cohn, father, by Barbara and Dr. Sheppard Kaplow.
If you have friends or family who may be interested in joining Chizuk Amuno, Clayre Blavatt, mother, by Susan and Ronald Blavatt and family.
Bernice Bass Horn, sister, by Peggy and Bill Lewis and family.
please call our Membership Coordinator, Cheryl Snyderman, 410/486-6400, ext. 300. Reba and Hyman Polsky, parents, by Sherrie and Carl A. Polsky and family.
Mary Shostack, mother, by her family.
Sarah Luchinsky, mother, by Joan and Martin Grebow.
10 11
Friday and Saturday, July 17 and 18 | 25 - 26 Tammuz Friday and Saturday, July 24 and 25 | 3 – 4 Av Blanche Soss by Harriett and Mende Laurie Margolies, and Isabel Frieda Neuman by Lisa and Dr. Brad Lynn and Nelson Tucker on the
In Memory Of: In Memory Of: Lerner Pinson; Michael Sanow; Kay Trattner birth of their granddaughter,
Norman Altshuler, father, by his family. Dorothy Allex, mother, by Bernice and Herbert J. Koppel and family. Paulina Weitzmer by Shirley Parker Schuster Judge Joseph Pines by Dolores and Hannah Isabelle Hackner, by
Alan Young by Diane and Stephen Marcia Pines by Barbara Cohen; Marty Zuckerman Jacqueline Glassgold
Solomon Weiner by Sylvia Weiner and family. Fanny Radowsky, mother, by Hazel and Dr. Michael Radowsky.
Dansicker; Miriam and Forrest Margo and Dr. Barry Friedman; Marcia Pines by Dolores and Marty
Max Reznick, father by Irma Gamson and family. Max Kurman, father, by Gail and Jerry Kurman and children. Foss; Laurel and Matt Freedman; Barbara and Marc Klein; Miriam Zuckerman In Memory of
Ann Weinstein, mother, by Jay Weinstein and family. Sophia Kramer, mother, by Ruth Kramer and family. Friends at Chizuk Amuno; Florene Glick, Sonia Kozlovsky, Laurie Dorothy Shanok by Harriet Dubansky Vivian Manekin by Jacqueline
Louis and Rae Isaac, parents, by their family. Theresa Minch by her family. and Dr. Ron Goldner; Toba and Margolies, and Isabel Pinson; Alan Young by Joyce and Louis Glassgold
Marvin Schnitzer, father, by his family. Edward Mackler, father and grandfather, by Ilene and Stephen Mackler and Bill Grant; Marsha and Richard Michael Sanow; Kay Schuster Kaplan; Sandra and Brian Moffet;
Morris Goodhart, father and grandfather, by and Judy and Fred Zimmerman and family. Geoffrey, David and Stefanie Mackler. Manekin; Eileen Marks; Sheila Gerald Reisberg by Barbara Cohen Maxine and Paul Moskovitz Goldner Ramah Scholarship Fund
Eli J. Pateka by his mother and sister. Lillian Steinberg, mother, by Sylvia Cummins and family. and Howard Sandbank; Lynn Lewis Ryan by Barbara, Howard and In Memory of
Amos I. Meyers, father, by Marlene and Dr. Stuart H. Brager. Etal Harabagiu, mother, by Amy and Mordehai Gur and family. and Nelson Tucker; Judith and Family Cohen Tzedakah Fund Martha Miller by Dr. and Mrs. Arnold
Fred Zimmerman; Margot and Dr. Clara Scott by Jessica, Barbara and In Memory of Feiner
Bertha B. Levy, mother, by Shirley Shor and family. Esther Fox Goren, by her sister, Natalie Jeffrey.
Norman Zipper Howard Cohen Albert Auslander by Elaine and
Marci Glazer Crosby, daughter, by Harriet and Lowell R. Glazer and family. Jerome B. Rose by Traci and Mark Lerner and family. Dorothy Shanok by Barbara Cohen; Leonard Fox Hittman Tutor Award
Elmer M. Newhouse, father and grandfather, by Susan and Dr. Marc Hochberg Robert H. Levy by Myra Levy and family. Refu’ah Shelemah to Mickey Simon; Marjorie Simon Endowment Fund
and Frannie and Jennifer. Stanley H. Wilen by his wife, children and grandchildren. Louis Miller by Sheila and Howard Zaiman Educational Alliance In Honor of
Tessie Gerber by Marlene and Bernie Gerber, children, grandchildren, Dora Eisenberg, mother, by Susan and Dr. Joseph Eisenberg and family. Sandbank Krieger Schechter Day School In Memory of Karen and Dr. Robert Gober on Jake
and great-grandchildren. Joseph Yankellow by Dorothy Yankellow and family. Sue Platt by Sheila and Howard In Honor of Dorothy Shanok by Ferne and Dr. becoming a Bar Mitzvah by Marsha
Irvin Cohn, father, by Marcia and Dr. Jerry Buxbaum. Bessie Franklin, mother, by Beverly and Robert Auslander and family. Sandbank Matthew Attman on becoming a Bar Leslie Abramowitz and family; and Richard Manekin
Jack B. Kaplan by Seymour Weisberg. James Waranch, by his wife, Rita, children, Jonathan and Debra, and Mitzvah by Beverly and Jordon Sylvia Apatoff; Ann and Joseph
Inscribed Etz Hayim Humash Max Brodie; Phyllis Brown; Edna and Ann and Sam Kahan Jewish
Sylvia Kronthal by Toba and Bill Grant and family and Kathy and Stevan grandchildren, Danielle and Joshua. Learning Experience Fund
Merla E. Brenner by Howard Rita Plaut on all of her wonderful Mace Crystal; Alice and Maury
Weinberg and family. Bruce Blumenthal, on his birthday, by Dr. Stuart Blumenthal and family. accomplishments by Elise Schipper Garten and Sue and Herb Garten; In Memory of
Eva P. Rapkin, mother, by Henne and Harvey Rapkin and family. Sybil Klaff Effron, on her birthday, by her family. Milton Saul by Harry Colbus Elaine and Barry Gittlen; Lynne Samuel Kahan by Lee Hendler and
Shirley Sue Gelkin, wife, mother and grandmother, by Dr. Michelle Gelkin Betty Lee Landay by Mildred and In Memory of and Warren Komins; Barbara and Richard Lowitz; Dr. and Mrs. Elmer
Rosenbloom and Howard Rosenbloom, Gail Sureff, and Ben and Nicole Sureff. Ed, Stephanie and Ronnie, David, Shirley Fingerhood by Dr. and Mrs. Sam Lichter; Marsha and Richard Hoffman; Shirley and Leonard
Selma Lebow Finkelstein by her family.
The congregation places flowers in the Sanctuary on Shabbat Steven, and Lisa Attman Michael Fingerhood Manekin; Dorothy Rainess; Hinda Kaufer
Dr. Paul S. Dubansky, by Harriet Dubansky and family. and holidays in memory of a loved one or in honor of a Alfred Greenhood by Bailey and Semonoff; Charlotte and Morris
joyous occasion. For information, please call Miriam Golob Camp Ramah Scholarship Fund Stanley Fine Straitman; Lynn and Nelson Tucker Jared Scott Levy Memorial
Special gift with appreciation by Selma Kahan by Drs. Karen and Scholarship Fund
at 410/560-7422. In Honor of
Karen Desser and Morris Swartz Edwin Ezrine David M. Bloomberg Memorial
Judge Joseph Pines by Lily and Scholarship Fund Marlene and Dr. Stuart Brager on
Ezrine Library and Glazer Media Warren Massouda In Memory of the marriage of their daughter,
Center Marcia Pines by Lily and Warren Beverly Barr by Estelle Bloomberg Cyndie, to Robert Jacobson by
In Honor of Massouda Kenneth Chodak by Estelle Dorothy Yankellow and family
Matthew Attman on becoming a Lew Ryan by Pat and Don Brown and Bloomberg Beverly and Donald Levy on the
Bar Mitzvah by Beverly and Leonard Eisenberg by Estelle marriage of their grandson, Aaron,
Tribute Gifts Ann Hamburger on her 65th
birthday by Dr. Anne and
Herbert Borger by Lynne Lichtig
David Caplan by Jody and Ted Levy
Judge Joseph Pines by Diane and
Stephen Dansicker; Florene and Dr. Jordon Max
Linda and Jonathan Caplan
Lewis Ryan by Yonnie Rubin and Bloomberg to Mandy by Edna and Mace
We are so grateful for the generous Philip Kaplan on his 90th birthday Lee Livov by Estelle Bloomberg Crystal; Natalie Jeffrey; Dorothy
David Young Elsie Mae Cohen by Alan Cohen Ron Goldner; Nancy and Dr. Rick Beverly Kirsch
and thoughtful contributions to by Marsha and Arthur Kalisch Yankellow and family
Linda and Mark Levy on Aaron and Jane Bablan Cohen by Alan Cohen Hudes; by Harriet Keiser; Barbara Dorothy Shanok by Dr. Patty and
Chizuk Amuno Congregation or one Eric Leikach on his graduation from Refu’ah Shelemah to Linda Levy on her 60th birthday by
Mandy’s marriage by Carol and Ethel Cohen by Rose Frank and Bruce Lewbart; Mildred and Gary Attman
of our schools in honor or in memory KSDS by Eileen and Henry Leikach Sylvia Lassens by Estelle Bloomberg Diane and Stephen Dansicker
of friends and loved ones, to wish a Dr. Ed Gratz; Sheila and Howard Harvey Cummins by Natalie and Phil Nochumowitz; Kathy and
Sandbank Bernie Fish; Harriett and Mende Bruce Posner; Sheila and Howard Aaron Levy on his marriage to Prayer Book Fund Linda and Mark Levy on the
speedy recovery, or to express Mandy by Sonia Kozlovsky, Laurie In Honor of Marcia and Dr. Jerry Buxbaum marriage of their son, Aaron, to
appreciation. Tribute Gifts enrich Lynne Lichtig on becoming Lerner Sandbank; Norma and Ted Surosky;
President of Womens’ League of Riki and Silvio Finci by Mr. and Mrs. Lynn and Nelson Tucker; Dr. Anne Margolies, and Esther Miller David Abell, wishing him well by Endowment Fund Mandy by Amy and Bruce Chapper
the life of this community and are Carl Love on his special birthday by Vicky and Stuart Becker In Honor of and family; Edna and Mace Crystal;
a meaningful way to acknowledge Conservative Judaism, Seaboard Michael Finci and David Young; Margot and Dr.
Region by Sheila and Howard Allan Givner by Bonnie and Joseph Norman Zipper Margo and Dr. Barry Friedman Miriam and Dr. Jay Gerstenblith Michael Adess on his special Natalie Jeffrey; Eileen Marks
occasions and milestones. If you are Louis Miller on his special birthday and family on the engagement of birthday by Marcia and Dr. Jerry
interested in establishing a named Sandbank Parnes Marcia Pines by Diane and Stephen
Saundra and Dr. David Madoff on Selma Gratz by Darci and Jacob Dansicker; Florene and Dr. Ron by Miriam Glick, Sonia Kozlovsky, Daniel to Stacy Whitman by Rita Buxbaum In Memory of
endowment fund to commemorate Laurie Margolies, and Isabel and Dr. Marshall Plaut Selma Gratz by Karen and Steven
an individual or an occasion, please Jonathan making aliyah by Diane Lewis; Lynn and Nelson Tucker; Goldner; Harriet Keiser; Mildred
and Stephen Dansicker Dr. Anne and David Young and Phil Nochumowitz; Kathy Pinson Arthur Grant on his special birthday In Memory of Caplan
contact Laurel Freedman, Director Lianna Reisman on becoming a Bat by Toba and Bill Grant Paula Frank by Marcia and Dr. Jerry Alan Young by Dorothy Yankellow
of Congregational Advancement Marilyn and Jack Pechter on Max Jeanette Greenblatt by Joan and and Bruce Posner; Norma and Ted
becoming a Bar Mitzvah by Dr. Saul Gurney Surosky; Lynn and Nelson Tucker; Mitzvah by Emily and Ellen, Stan Anna Pateka on her 85th birthday by Buxbaum and family
410/486-6400, ext. 275. and Eleanor Katz-Bolling Sheila and Howard Sandbank and Eva Guthorn by Marcia and Dr. Jerry
Barbara and Tom Steinhardt Alfred Greenhood by Roz and Dr. Anne and David Young; Margot
Yona Rae Weinberg on her birth by Leah Helman Buxbaum Louis W. and Esther P. Miller
Contributions Tobey and Sanford Schreiber on Dr. Al Kronthal; Barbara and Tom and Dr. Norman Zipper
the KSMS Administrative Staff Rita Plaut for receiving the Award Joseph Pines by Marcia and Dr. Jerry Library Endowment Fund
In Honor of their 40th wedding anniversary by Steinhardt Samuel Raffel by Lorraine and Earl
Jacob Wohl on becoming a Bar for Excellence in Holocaust Buxbaum In Honor of
Marlene and Dr. Stuart Brager on Sheila and Howard Sandbank Samuel Guben by Roslyn Guben Raffel
Mitzvah by Serene Israel Education by Miriam and Dr. Jay Alan Young by Marcia and Dr. Jerry Louis Miller on his special birthday
the marriage of Cyndie and Robert Fern and Jaime Schwartzberg on Samuel Kahan by Miriam and Jay Gerrye Rombro by Mildred and Phil
Gerstenblith Buxbaum by Elke and Arnold Neuburger
Jacobson by Sheila and Howard Scott and Beth’s marriage by Gerstenblith; Dr. Anne and David Nochumowitz
Carole and Billy Glick Young Benson Saks by Mrs. J. Benson Saks In Memory of
Sandbank; Mollie and Dr. Bill Minnie Garber and Rose In Memory of
Amy and Andy Slutkin on Jared Joseph Kaplan by Marlene and David Lillian Schwartz by Dr. David Malcom Blumberg by Marjorie Simon In Memory of
Smulyan Greenberg Scholarship Fund Judge Joseph Pines by Roxy
becoming a Bar Mitzvah by Schwaber; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Schwartz Walter Dorn by Deborah and Charles Victor Abell by Vicky and Stuart
Mindy and David Caplan on their In Honor of Buchsbaum
Marlene and Dan Kessler Spahn Eve Schweitzer by Sheila and Frazer Becker
son, Mitchell, becoming a Bar Rabbi Deborah Wechsler on her 10 Marcia Pines by Roxy Buchsbaum
Regina Weinberg on her special Alvin Levin, beloved brother-in-law Howard Sandbank Sabina and Walter Dorn by Brina Malcom Blumberg by Patsy and
Mitzvah by Serene Israel year anniversary at Chizuk Amuno
birthday by Toba and Bill Grant of Annette and Joseph Cooper by Dorothy Shanok by Sharon and Irv and Jay Pintzuk; Kay Schuster Shelly Milner; Eileen and Michael
Chizuk Amuno Congregation by by Sondra and Martin Greenberg Stanley I. Minch
Dr. Hillary and Joel Wohl on Jacob Barbara and Tom Steinhardt Caplan; Laurel and Matt Freedman; Selma Gratz by Marjorie Simon Stang
Harriet Rosenbloom Scholarship Fund
Ryan becoming a Bar Mitzvah by Murray Lichtig by Mr. and Mrs. Larry Joan and Dr. Saul Gurney; Harriett Nancy Greenwood by Deborah and Selma Gratz by Dr. Patricia and Gary
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Frankle on I. Leon Glassgold In Honor of
Toba and Bill Grant Lichtig and Mende Lerner; Mildred and Charles Frazer Attman
becoming great-grandparents by Scholarship Fund Samuel Crystal on his appointment
Harry Morrell by Morris Morrell Phil Nochumowitz; Harriet and Yvonne Krief by the KSDS Alfred Greenhood by Harriet and
Sharon and Irv Caplan In Honor of to the R-L Leadership Program at
In Memory of Anna Pats by Dr. Albert Pats Richard Udell; Donna and Bob Kindergarten Staff Howard Diener; Helene and Robert
Arthur Grant on his special birthday Margot and Dr. Barry Friedman on McDonogh School by Edna and
Malcom Blumberg by Miriam and Wolf and family; Dr. Anne and Judge Joseph Pines by Barbara Riederman
by Norma Tucker the birth of their granddaughter, Mace Crystal
Forrest Foss; Florene and Dr. David Young Cohen; Margo and Dr. Barry Eve Guthorn by Gail and Jerry
Friedman; Barbara and Marc Klein; Kurman Ella Friedman, by Jacqueline
Ron Goldner; Sheila and Howard Joseph Shulman by Miriam Shulman Glassgold
Sandbank Miriam Glick, Sonia Kozlovsky, Samuel Kahan by Debby Schwaber
12 13
Lois and Alvin Neuberger Family Edwin Levy, in appreciation of Rabbi Michelle Schwartz and Brad Albert Mae Levin, in appreciation of Dr. * Phyllis Salganik * Herman Krieger * Diana Blum Raymond D. Levine 5 Av | July 26
Education Fund Shulman for officiating at the Sharon and Ron Siegel, In Shualy for kindnesses and caring 7 Tammuz | June 29 * Bobbe Lipsitz * Erwin Forchheimer Eugene Love * Adele Adler
In Honor of wedding of Scott and Irina Kass appreciation of Rabbi Wechsler’s support throughout the past year * LeRoy S. Cohen * Lila A. Moss * Merla Friedenwald * Max Reznick * Herbert Berlin
Rabbi Deborah Wechsler on her 10 Iris and Dr. Leon Reinstein and part in the Bat Mitzvah of Jennifer Rosalie Rosenzwog, in appreciation * Rubin Fine * Samuel Oshrine Elaine F. Goodman * Allan Rosenthal * Mary Cooperstein
year anniversary at Chizuk Amuno Janet and Jeffrey Silverman, in Siegel of Dr. Shualy * Eugene Kaufman * Nettie Reiter * Dr. Theodore Herzl * Samuel Sachs Sophia Kramer
by Ann and Alan Hamburger Zelda Silverman, in appreciation of * Fay Mathes * Levi Rosenour * Otto (Otts) Rosenberg * Dr. Sidney H. Sachs * Edward Mackler
appreciation of Rabbi Shulman for Dr. Hillary and Joel Wohl, in
* Selma Myerberg * Sayde Sklar 21 Tammuz | July 13 * Solomon Weiner * Theresa Minch
officiating at the unveiling of Mitzi Rabbi Wechsler for officiating at the appreciation of Dr. Shualy for his
Theodore and Jean Waranch Hyman Noah Slatkin 14 Tammuz | July 6 * Pauline B. Cohen 28 Tammuz | July 20 * Shirley Lee Rosenzwog
and Henry Cohn funeral of Merla Brenner help with the Bar Mitzvah of Jacob * Bessie Yaffe * Annie Baer
Memorial Scholarship Fund * Melvin L. Fine * Mary Blankin Robert H. Silverstein
Kathy Weinberg and Ilene Blum, in The Women’s Torah Study Group, in Wohl 8 Tammuz | June 30 * Ruth Kaplan Berman David Galoon * Shirley Blumberg
In Memory of Irene S. Wasserkrug
appreciation of Rabbi Shulman for appreciation of Rabbi Wechsler for Joseph DeMattos, Jr., in memory of * Max L. Dubois * David Caplan * Edythe R. Goldman Leonard J. Chasen 6 Av | July 27
Jean Waranch by Susan and Elliot officiating at the funeral of Alfred a wonderful afternoon of study and Henry Kleinman and in honor of Rebecca Goldman Molly Bogen Glaberman * Jennie Goldstein * Morris Goodhart Amelia Gutman
Dackman Greenhood learning Shirley Kleinman * Gertrude W. Jacobson * Belle Hendler * Mamie S. Goodman Samuel Helman * Hilda Helman
Dr. Hillary and Joel Wohl, in Sharon and Ronald Siegel, in Alan M. Ehrlich, in appreciation for * Irving Katz * Hannah Holen * Hyman Mazer * Rae Isaac * Louis Isaac
Discretionary Funds appreciation of Rabbi Shulman for
his help with the Bar Mitzvah of
appreciation of Hazzan Perlman
for Jennifer Siegel’s Bat Mitzvah
a Torah reading on the occasion
of his 55th anniversary of his Bar
Ruth Medway
Julius Nathanson
Samuel Holzman
* Louis Kropman
* Sheba Potts Scher
* Murray Slatkin
* Reba Phillips
Louis Richmond
* Irving B. Kahn
Phyllis and Leonard Attman, in Phyllis A. Kassel
appreciation of Rabbi Shulman for Jacob Wohl training Mitzvah * Harry Panitz Eli Miller * Sidney Weinberg * Sidney Rosenfeld * Katie Katz
Phyllis and Leonard Attman, in Kathy Weinberg and Ilene Blum, in Arlene and Kenneth Friedman, * Ethel Rosenbloom * Isaac K. Plimack 22 Tammuz | July 14 * Marvin Schnitzer * Celia Kleinman
his part in the Bar Mitzvah of their Harriet Hackerman Saidman
appreciation of Rabbi Wechsler for appreciation of Hazzan Perlman for in honor of Ellen Mogol’s 60th * Abraham Schechter * B. Samuel Berman 29 Tammuz | July 21 * Morris A. Mechanic
grandson, Matthew Attman * Anna Yetta Schreiber 15 Tammuz | July 7 * Albert Cohn Herbert Davis
her part in the Bar Mitzvah of their officiating at the funeral of Alfred birthday and Ellen and Alan Mogol’s * Dr. Benjamin Sax
Amy Chapper, in appreciation of 9 Tammuz | July 1 * Lee M. Cohen * Benjamin J. Kolker * Anna Goldberg Alvin B. Scher
Rabbi Shulman for officiating at grandson, Matthew Attman Greenhood 40th wedding anniversary
Susan and Harvey Cohen, in Dr. Hillary and Joel Wohl, in Suzanne and Hank Horowitz, in * Edith Carasik Albert Cohen * Sarah Schneeberger * Bessie Kramer 7 Av | July 28
the installation of the Hebrew * Florence G. Filtzer * Abraham Cummins Albert “Memie” Shaivitz * Leon Lebow * Harry E. Benjamin
Free Loan Association’s Board of appreciation of Rabbi Wechsler for appreciation of Hazzan Perlman for honor of the marriage of Cyndie
his help with the Bar Mitzvah of * Solomon Geller Samuel Friedman Beatrice Sklar * Eli J. Pateka Mollie Berger
Directors officiating at the naming of their Sachs to Robert Jacobson
* Ida Gerber * Samuel Goldmann Dorothy Werber 1 Av | July 22 * Victor Cohen
Gerry Feinglass and family, in granddaughter, Alice Nesky Jacob Wohl Jane and Ronald Kahn, in honor of
* Alta Granat * Joseph Kolodny * Leo Wetzler * Howard P. Blum * Dora Fisher
appreciation of Rabbi Shulman for Drs. Gayle and Brian Schwartz, in Mae Levin and family, in appreciation Phil Kaplan’s special birthday * Abraham Harris * Joseph Lazinsky 23 Tammuz | July 15 * David Bookoff * Annette Fishkind
officiating at the funeral of Mayme appreciation of Rabbi Wechsler of Dr. Shualy for officiating at the * Rebecca Kitt Ruth S. Lipsitz * Helen Barr * Charles Brenner * Philip R. Goldman
Oberfeld for officiating at the wedding of unveiling of Ralph Levin * Jennie B. Pines * Phillip Miller * Tillie Cohen * Marci Glazer Crosby * Etal Harabagiu
Benjamin Roffman Lillian O. Mittleman * Marshall Ezrine * Tessie Gerber * E. Harvey Kayne
* Edith Salkov Jerome Joseph Mondell * Anna Goldberg * Jack Kirsch * Sarah Levin
* Louis Valenstein Joseph E. Roseman * Marian H. Goldberg * Fannie Kolker Dr. Barry Nathanson
PERPETUAL MEMORIALS * Ernestine Eiseman Strauss 21 Sivan | June 13 * Hyman Kramer * Edward Holen * Bernice Wingrat Yetta I. Scher * Evelyn Scher Guyer * Bertha B. Levy * Eva Pugatch Ribakow
Sophia Tucker * Isaac Berman * Miriam Kres Roslyn Kaplan * George H. Young Jennette Schoen * Lena Hartz * Amos Meyers * Stanley Sagner
We observe the yahrzeits of these Rose L. Varsubsky * Allen G. Feldman * Dorothy K. Manekin * Israel Baer Levin
loved ones this month. May 10 Tammuz | July 2 Sol Slavin * Pauline Meyer * Fanny Holen Schneeberger * Anna Scherr
17 Sivan | June 9 Rebekah Galoon * Louis Zusman * Nathan Oppenheimer * Henry Cohn * Frieda Katz Sommer * Daniel J. Raskin * Mitzie Holen Schwartz * Lillian Steinberg
their memories bring blessing * Julius C. Adler * John Ginsburg 27 Sivan | June 19 Rae Anita Simons
and goodness to those who * Zelda B. Fax Ann Carolyn Waranch * Sarah Wolman 2 Av | July 23 8 Av | July 29
* Minnie Miller Fink Eva F. Goldenberg * Sarah K. Blumenfeld 3 Tammuz | June 25 * Rose Fineman 16 Tammuz | July 8 24 Tammuz | July 16 * Irvin Cohn * Anna Brown
remember them. * Minnie B. Levy * Etta Kravitz * Pauline Brozofsky Harriett Andorsky * Charles Goldmann Helene Klein * Irving Berman Max Deckelbaum Frank M. Chapper
* Benjamin Luntz * Oscar Stempler * Israel H. Fischer * Clayre Blavatt * Marcus Goldstein Helen Kramer Lena Better * Shirley Sue Gelkin Esther Fox Goren
14 Sivan | June 6 * Manuel Patz 22 Sivan | June 14 * Albert Lorch Esther Blumberg * Dr. Milton E. Lowman * Rosa Lazarus * Rose B. Cohen * Harry Goldman Jacob Klein
Mona N. Ackerman * Sidney Shulman * May R. Berger * Frank Roman Ida Samuels Fox * Jack A. Miller * Rae Preissman * Lenore Levy Sylvia Bunkin Grimson * Jacob Levy
* Wolf Cweiber Shirley Zalis Snyder * Gertrude Caplan * Gersohn Rubin * Gerold Holen * Reba Nusbaum 17 Tammuz | July 9 * Dr. Sidney F. Pakula * Irving Hartz * Paul Nachlas
* Rosa Deckelman * Sarah Steinberg Stanley Morton Finkel * Max Lee Schwartz * William Howard * Nathan Rosen * Reuben Caplan * John Rosenthal * Pia Bonner Josephson * Jerome B. Rose
* Esther Enock * Josephine S. Sutland Alvin N. Laupheimer * Mildred Sloane * Nat Kravitz * Jennie Lipman Sacks * Sara DuBois Reba Topaz Jack B. Kaplan * Morton Silesky
* Dr. Harry Goldmann Maurice Tobias * Norman Loeb 28 Sivan | June 20 Reba Polsky * Robert Wasserman Myrtle A. Novey 25 Tammuz | July 17 * Victor Layton * Max Zuckerman
* Morris Goldsmith * Maurice Udell * Baila Rosenthal Joseph Feinglass * Alfred M. Walpert * Abraham Yudell * Ida Sapp * Aaron L. Cohen * Celia Pugatch 9 Av | July 30
Dr. Ernest Kopstein 18 Sivan | June 10 * Sophie Rosenthal * Lillie K. Goldstein 4 Tammuz | June 26 11 Tammuz | July 3 * Zipporah Schogel * Minnie Goldberg Eva P. Rapkin * Herman Lipman Cohen
Sylvan Levin * Edith Aarons * Rose Salan Wagonheim * William Greenfeld Ida Bernstein Rebecca Ades Davidson * Helen Gans Senker Sarah Greifer Raymond Sharp Joseph H. Friedman
* Melvyn Pugatch Jacob Beser * Dr. William D. Wolfe * Robert Lavenstein * Anna F. Cohen * Jacob Ezrine * Dr. Leon M. Shulman * Sophia I. Hirschman Mose I. Speert Irving S. Jurist
* Henry Rubin * Ruth Caplan 23 Sivan | June 15 Helen B. Levin * Bessie Ezrine Merhle Fox 18 Tammuz | July 10 * Jeannette F. Levy * Irvin Steinberg * Arthur Buddy Kellert
* Salomon Schwartzberg * Nathaniel Nachlas * Abraham Alexander * Louis Polikoff Hattie Holzman * Sarah Hoffberger * Elsie Lipsitz * Betsy Levy 3 Av | July 24 * Anna Rubin
* Gussie Weiss * Anne Newman * Anna Bellus 29 Sivan | June 21 * Jeffrey Stephen Hurwitz * Charles Kolodny William Moellerich * Isidore G. Preissman * Sophie Banks * Stanley H. Wilen
* Louis Wolman * Esther Rosenzweig Albert Benjamin * Fannie Katz Morton Kahn * David I. Paris * Louis Rosenberg Louis Roman * Frank Cohen 10 Av | July 31
15 Sivan | June 7 * David Schimmel * Isaac H. Bloom * Irving Pearlstein * Kate Kropman Katz * Milton Schwaber * Mary Weinberg Rubenstein * Sigi Strauss Dr. Paul S. Dubansky * Frances Z. Abramson
Morris Caplan * Isabelle H. Sidle Jane F. Feinglass Sidney Sher Isaac Renbaum * Frieda S. Seff Celia Rubinstein * David Whitman * Selma Finkelstein Leon Applefeld
* Reba Cooper Howard E. Tucker * Milton Felcher 30 Sivan | June 22 Jerome Siegel Louis Seidman * Jacob Sugar 26 Tammuz | July 18 * Jennie Lewis * Bella Danker
Morris Goldseker 19 Sivan | June 11 * Harry Finkelstein Roselda Cole Beatrice Tishman * Rebecca Tannenbaum Leo Tabackman * Meyer B. Cohen * Lillie Lobel * Yetta Eisen
* Michael Hendler * Maurice Berman * Samuel Harris * Henry Goldsmith 5 Tammuz | June 27 12 Tammuz | July 4 * Elizabeth B. Zuckerman Bernice F. Cohn * Bernard Melnicove * Irene Rosenzwog Fischer
* Sylvia Brown Jacobs * Joseph Davidson * Olga Katz Blanche N. Laupheimer * Ruth S. Dashoff * Samuel Blavatt 19 Tammuz | July 11 * Harry Freilich * Samuel Podnetsky * Harold Goldstein
* Morris Kishter Louis Deitsch * Herbert Levy * Sarah M. Miller * Mary Fine * Benjamin Engleman * Farida N. Blaker * Samuel Lesser * Minnie Skurnik * Etta Merkel
* Baile Breina Kleinman * Joseph Finkel * Jacob Mizen * Morris Robinson * Bertha Fribush * Gertrude K. Goldman * David S. Brown * Solomon Miller Robert L. Snyderman * Ben Raffel
* Reta Lorch * Albert M. Plaine * Solomon Silverman * Tobie Sandy * Dr. Harry Goldberg Harry Goldman * Isidore M. Cantor * Julius Novey * Sara Sugarman * Harry Saul
* Mose Miller * Minnie Schlaen 24 Sivan | June 16 * Bertha Simons * Louis Goldstein * Ray T. Greenberg * Jessie Pugatch Fox * Morris Silverberg 4 Av | July 25 * Freda Silberstein
Max Sezzin Samuel Selsky * Etta G. Levy * Pearl S. Stein * Rose Hittman * Johanna Ladenburger * Rachel Glass * Howard A. Wagonheim * Mollie Hamburger * Frank F. Switzenbaum
16 Sivan | June 8 Eli Simpson * Deborah Frieda Sagorsky 1 Tammuz | June 23 * Jennie Lee Morrell * Michael Osher * Jennie P. Hirschmann 27 Tammuz | July 19 * Emma Kellert * James I. Waranch
* Sadie Fraidin Barron * Isadore A. Stein 25 Sivan | June 17 Morris Abramowitz * Floryne Kanner Pumpian 13 Tammuz | July 5 * Selma R. Morrell * Helen D. Bennett * Morris Levinson William Yospe
* Arthur Beane 20 Sivan | June 12 * Joseph Blumberg * Sarah Brown * Bernard Rosenour * Nehemiah Altman * Dr. Alexander Novey * Abraham Duke * Lena Levy
Benjamin Davison Melvin Blumberg * Reba Kronthal * Dr. Joseph I. Kemler 6 Tammuz | June 28 * Stanley I. Garland Pauline Shapiro Friedman * Annie Goldstein Fannie Michelson
Sophia Folus Anna Cohen Herman Lund * Louis Leon Louis Bliden * Harold W. Hammer 20 Tammuz | July 12 * Harry Hendler * Edith Oberfeld *Memorial light
Sarah Forman Mindelle D. Ehrlich * Mildred Perman * Esther Naditch * George I. Chinn * Ida E. Hoffberger * Seymour Attman Jennie Leavitt * Israel Silberstein
* Jacob Gittleson Dora Leberstein * Anna L. Reznick Howard D. Rothman * Bella Dunn
* Fannie Leiter * Max Lerner * Solomon Sachs Beatrice Slatkin Satterlee * Fanny Goldsmith
Nathan Levin * Julius Mitnick Tracy Lynn Sugar * Rafael Moshe Zaiman * Nettie Hankin
* Etta B. Mirmelstein * Max Polotnick 26 Sivan | June 18 2 Tammuz | June 24 * David Harris
Albert Louis Moss Miriam Irma Rosen * Philip Finglass * Edmund A. Cornblatt Brian Michael Hecht
* Rosa Holtzman Rivkin * Rebecca Schwaber * Doris Glaser * Sarah Farbman * Pauline L. Hecker
* Lena Scher * Dr. Herbert Leonard Yousem * Benjamin Grossman * Bertha Friedenwald * Paul Kemper
Elizabeth Straitman * Aaron Jacobs * Anna Glassman Leo Rubenstein
14 15
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