Sept. 17 Herald
Sept. 17 Herald
Sept. 17 Herald
the H e ral d
No 8
Lectionary/Mt. Kili- 2
manjaro climb HOLYPALOOZA 2017
Christian Educator 3
Sunday, September 17
Holypalooza 4
10:00 a.m. at Central Presbyterian Church
Salt Shakers 5
Kids Hope/Session
A joint worship celebration for
Featured Report 8 Central Presbyterian Church,
Youth News 9 Centenary United Methodist Church,
Calendar 10 St. Stephen's Episcopal Church
Church Happenings 11
and United Campus Ministries
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T3EM will be September 19. Supper and childcare from 5:15 8pm.
Working together in Christs name for the community
Gathering donations for UCM Food Pantry and 14th & Chestnut Holiday Baskets
Central: August 27 Toilet Paper; Instant Mashed Potatoes Sept. 3 Tuna; Gravy
Sept. 10 Ramen noodles; Stuffing mix Sept. 17 Spaghetti & Sauce
September 16 8:00 am SAWS Ramp Build
September 16 7:30-10am/9:3012pm Help with Race for the Cure Survivor Brunch
September 16 9am-12pm CHILDREN/YOUTH activities at Central
(includes childcare)
September 30 Sale-a-palooza Sales & fundraisers at each ministry site
Central Books, Bakery & Bargains Sale 8am 12pm
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Centenary United Methodist Church Central Presbyterian Church
St. Stephens Episcopal Church United Campus Ministries
Admission $10
Children under 10 $5
11:00 am2:00 pm UCM Barbecue Lunch
College Students with ID $5
Traditionally, the Salt Shakers Dinners have mixed a different group of 7 9 people three times a
year. A designated host schedules the evening. For each meeting the participants have been shak-
en up so they get to be with someone different. It is a great way to meet new people and learn
new things about old friends.
So that we can work around busy times of the year, we will set up hosts and guests for three
A fall dinner (September November)
A winter dinner (January March)
A spring dinner (April June)
If youd like to be involved in Salt Shakers this year, take one of the sign-up sheets from the table
by the coffee counter, fill it out, and return it to the church office or Connie McLaren no later
than Sunday, September 3. Hosts (and youd host only once), non-hosts, singles, couples, and al-
ternates of all ages are all encouraged. Once everyone has signed up, the schedule for the year
will be finalized and sent to those involved. It is truly a wonderful way to get to know your
church family during this transition timeand have three great gatherings!
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On August 26 we had a wonderful morning of Kids Hope Mentor Training along with our partnering
church, The Bridge. Central Presbyterian Church and The Bridge Church are working together to
provide 30 Mentors beginning the week of September 11. There is a great need for more
Mentors. This is an exciting opportunity to impact the life of one young child. Please contact Kids
Hope Director, Donna Paul-Bonham (812-877-9646, if you have any
questions or interest in this vital missions ministry.
Libraryunder the direction of Valeri and Jill, the library is now equipped with an online search engine
called Tiny Cat. The checkout procedure is unchanged. (Special thanks to Alan Harder for coordi-
nating Tiny Cat activation.)
YouthConner and Jill have worked with the Youth Design Team to coordinate the Youth Group with
Centenary Methodist and Unity Presbyterian churches.
Special EventsJill and Rachael have taken the lead coordinating VBS, the Lenten series, promoting
summer camp and the family PYOCA retreat, hanging and unhanging of the greens, and (coming
soon) Holypalooza.
Adult EducationRachael has worked to bring two new classes to adult Sunday School for this year. In
the first class, Lets Discuss, the books The Prophetic Literature (by David Peterson) and How
to Read & Understand the Biblical Prophets (by Peter Gentry) will be discussed. In the second
class, Marriage, Parenting, and Family, conversation will be guided by The Five Love Languages (by
Gary Chapman) and Teaching Companys DVDA Scientific Secrets for Raising Kids who Thrive.
NurseryValeri, Sarah, and Rachael have worked together to assure that we have AED, CPR, First Aid
certified staff for the nursery on Sunday mornings, Third Tuesdays, Monday prayer group, and other
events. We currently have six attendants.
Family MinistryCorrine assures that Parents Night Out (2nd Friday), Family prayer group, and Third
Tuesdays have sufficient and appropriate events, childcare, and food.
ScholarshipAlvin and Ginny oversee the application process and distribution of the Surrell scholar-
Sunday schoolunder the direction of Corrine and working closely with Cheryl, the commission helps
assure there are classes for all ages, that the classrooms are orderly, and supplies are available.
New this year is an emphasis on ways to help children with special needs.
In the report to Session Valeri commented on the excellent job Conner is doing leading our youth. She
also reminded us that coordinating Sunday School is a really big job for the commission. Cheryl works with
CN to select the curriculum. The theme for this year is Here I am Lord. Look for Cheryls article on Sun-
day School 2017 to learn details.
The Sunday School offering will be to acquire new banners for the church and to buy a sewing machine for
the HEME fund. Their goal is $300; lets help our children reach their goal.
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Youth Group News Connor Scanlon
---I am looking for 2 volunteers that would be willing to come once a month to youth group.
---Pictures from Dave and Busters and ISU field campus can be found on the Facebook page-7th Cents
Youth Group
August 20th Game Night at Centenary from 5-7
August 27th Church picnic at Deming from 4-7
September 10th Bible Study at Central from 5-7
September 16th Servicepalooza from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
September 24th Bible Study at Centenary from 5-7
CLCA will sponsor an expanded coffee hour after Holypalooza service September 17th. We ask
for donations of gently used household items, and books for the Sale-a-palooza September
30th. Bring items to church and place in the downstairs storage room.
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September 2017
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2
Abby Avis
17 18 Family 19 T3EM 20
Communi- 21 22 23
supper & child-
Holypalooza Prayer Group care 5:15 cation Commis-
Worship 10:00 11:00 Commission/ sion 7:00
committee Carol Ennis,
Grant Racop meetings Mary Jean
Eunice Pate
DeMarr Marci Shaw
Church Happenings