Sept. 17 Herald

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August 31, 2017

the H e ral d
No 8

Inside this issue:

Lectionary/Mt. Kili- 2
manjaro climb HOLYPALOOZA 2017
Christian Educator 3
Sunday, September 17
Holypalooza 4
10:00 a.m. at Central Presbyterian Church
Salt Shakers 5

Kids Hope/Session
A joint worship celebration for
Featured Report 8 Central Presbyterian Church,
Youth News 9 Centenary United Methodist Church,
Calendar 10 St. Stephen's Episcopal Church
Church Happenings 11
and United Campus Ministries
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Chair of CPC Mission Committee climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro. Josh Powers

trip to Africa to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro is Sept. 9-23. He has deeply appreciated the
support hes felt from CPC members. Wish him luck as you see him and follow his
blog where hes been posting about the trip, training, and the fundraising project
associated with the climb, a new First Generation Student Completion
Fund: Many ISU students at the end of their
studies struggle to pay for a last semester of college when aid runs out or they have to go part-time
with only a few courses left and thus receive reduced aid but have fixed expenses such an apartment.
Josh has a passion for students who were the first in their families to go to college and approximate-
ly 50% of ISU students are first gens. He invites donations with a goal of $19,341, the exact height of
the mountain! All donations go to the fund; hes paying for the trip himself. His plan is to blog as he
can during the climb with summit day set for Sept. 18.


September 313th Sunday after Pentecost/22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time/Proper 17

*Exodus 3:1-15
Psalm 105:1-6, 23-26, 45b
*Romans 12:9-21
Matthew 16:21-28

September 1014th Sunday after Pentecost/23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time/Proper 18

Exodus 12:1-14
Psalm 149
*Romans 13:8-14
*Matthew 18:15-20

September 1715th Sunday after Pentecost/24th Sunday in Ordinary Time/Proper 19

HolypaloozaParade 9:30 a.m.; Worship 10 p.m.
Exodus 14:19-31
Psalm 114 or Exodus 15:1b-11, 20-21
*Romans 14:1-12
*Matthew 18:21-35

September 2416th Sunday after Pentecost/25th Sunday in Ordinary Time/Proper 20

Exodus 16:2-15
Psalm 105:1-6, 37-45
*Philippians 1:21-30
*Matthew 20:1-16

*--denotes the possible text for the Sunday.

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CHRISTIAN EDUCATION REPORT - Cheryl Moles, Christian Educator

Sunday School 2017-2018

Classes begin on September 10.

There will not be Sunday School on September 17
Preschool (3-5 year olds) Room 108
Kindergarten 2nd grade Room 202
3rd 5th grades Room 103
Middle School Room 201
High School Room FH classroom B
Adults Reading the Prophets Room 200
Marriage & Family Room FH classroom C
Parents Night Out is on September 8. Childcare w ith supper is at
the church from 5:30 9:00 pm. Please notify the church office if your children are at-

T3EM will be September 19. Supper and childcare from 5:15 8pm.

The family prayer group meets on Mondays at 11:00 am at the church.

Working together in Christs name for the community
Gathering donations for UCM Food Pantry and 14th & Chestnut Holiday Baskets
Central: August 27 Toilet Paper; Instant Mashed Potatoes Sept. 3 Tuna; Gravy
Sept. 10 Ramen noodles; Stuffing mix Sept. 17 Spaghetti & Sauce
September 16 8:00 am SAWS Ramp Build
September 16 7:30-10am/9:3012pm Help with Race for the Cure Survivor Brunch
September 16 9am-12pm CHILDREN/YOUTH activities at Central
(includes childcare)
September 30 Sale-a-palooza Sales & fundraisers at each ministry site
Central Books, Bakery & Bargains Sale 8am 12pm
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Centenary United Methodist Church Central Presbyterian Church
St. Stephens Episcopal Church United Campus Ministries


September 17, 2017 9:30 amGather at 7th & Chestnut

to Parade
11:00 am2:00 pm
to Central Presbyterian Church
The traditional UCM Pig Roast has

transformed into the

Barbecue and will be served at 10:00 amJoint Worship at Central
with Holy Communion
Centenary United Methodist.
Childcare Provided for birth3 year olds

Admission $10
Children under 10 $5
11:00 am2:00 pm UCM Barbecue Lunch
College Students with ID $5

Carry Outs available

11:30 am 1:00 pm Sidewalk Party
Barbecue in a Pouch $10/pound
Activities for all ages on the sidewalk between
Chestnut and Eagle Streets
Vegetarian options, hot dogs, BBQ chicken
also available.
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Salt Shakers, 2017-18

Once again, it is time to shake the salt!

Traditionally, the Salt Shakers Dinners have mixed a different group of 7 9 people three times a
year. A designated host schedules the evening. For each meeting the participants have been shak-
en up so they get to be with someone different. It is a great way to meet new people and learn
new things about old friends.

As requested, we are making a few changes this year.

To enable more of our younger members to participate, were starting an option that could
include children. As youll see on the signup sheets, you can indicate whether you are
open to a family atmosphere or whether youd prefer to be in an adults only grouping.
To make it a little easier for participants this year, wed like to encourage hosts to plan an
evening that makes sense for them. Traditional dinners are always fun but feel free to ex-
periment. If it works better for you, you could put on a pot of chili, have people come
just for coffee and dessert, or go on a picnic. It is certainly fine for a group to meet at a
restaurant for a Dutch treat dinner.
Fellowship, not stress, is the first priority! As we have in the past, we will develop the
schedule with a designated host and assign vegetable, salad, and dessert to guests, but
hosts should feel free to adapt this in any way that theyd like.

So that we can work around busy times of the year, we will set up hosts and guests for three
A fall dinner (September November)
A winter dinner (January March)
A spring dinner (April June)

If youd like to be involved in Salt Shakers this year, take one of the sign-up sheets from the table
by the coffee counter, fill it out, and return it to the church office or Connie McLaren no later
than Sunday, September 3. Hosts (and youd host only once), non-hosts, singles, couples, and al-
ternates of all ages are all encouraged. Once everyone has signed up, the schedule for the year
will be finalized and sent to those involved. It is truly a wonderful way to get to know your
church family during this transition timeand have three great gatherings!
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On August 23 volunteers from our church began filling back-

packs with applesauce, peanut butter, jelly, crackers, and macaro-
ni and cheese that children will take home so that they have food
to eat over the weekend. These faithful volunteers, Donna Gar-
rison, Leanne Holder, Donna Paul-Bonham, Fred and Nancy Rubey, and Barbara Schmitt, will be fill-
ing these backpacks every Wednesday through the end of the school year. For this program there
is a need for plastic shopping bags. The food is placed in plastic shopping bags before going into
their backpacks. We would gratefully accept all clean plastic shopping bags! Please bring them
by the church, they will be picked up weekly by one of the volunteers.

On August 26 we had a wonderful morning of Kids Hope Mentor Training along with our partnering
church, The Bridge. Central Presbyterian Church and The Bridge Church are working together to
provide 30 Mentors beginning the week of September 11. There is a great need for more
Mentors. This is an exciting opportunity to impact the life of one young child. Please contact Kids
Hope Director, Donna Paul-Bonham (812-877-9646, if you have any
questions or interest in this vital missions ministry.

Notes from Session, September 2017 Herald

During its August meeting, session reviewed reports from commissions and committee and trans-
acted routine business.

Featured Report: Christian Nurture Commission

Valeri Kershaw outlined the work of the commission and its subcommittee structure. She pre-
sented the curriculum and list of teachers for the upcoming Sunday School year, and session ap-
proved a motion to accept them. Cheryl noted that due to space limitations, the childrens wor-
ship will be moved to the lounge.
Treasurers Report
The July treasurers report was received. Bob Guell noted that the year to date surplus is not as
large as in the past and so there may be less to sweep at year end this year.
Operating Fund Sum-
Month of July Balance Sheet Summary 07/31/17
Beginning of Month $63,583.23 Current Assets $674,861
Income $25,188.88 Fixed Assets $2,980,000
Expenses $26,271.52 Short Term Liabilities $2128
End of Month $62,500.59 Long Term Liabilities $275,000
Net Worth (Fund Balance) $3,377,733
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Reports and Action Items from Committees and Commissions

Church Life-Church Action: the immediate focus is on the church picnic (August 28) and the Holy-
palooza coffee hour (September 17). The Sale-a-palooza has been planned and the commission is consider-
ing a dinner, with format similar to the annual bazaar dinner, to celebrate the completion of the renova-
Facilities: landscape maintenance has been done. Alvin Stinnett will continue to maintain the beds but
Metzger will service the sprinkler system. Work on the womens restroom is progressing and new dcor
has been ordered. Work in the sanctuary is being completed, with painting done this week and carpet in-
stallation next. The loop hearing system layout is being revised for better coverage. We will have a tempo-
rary fix on the lintel on the west window. New LED lights are installed and pews will be placed once the
carpet is laid. The south door and fire escape canopies need work to channel water away from the build-
ing. Session considered whether it would be wise to access our remaining line of credit to fund the upcom-
ing roof repair and tuck pointing. Pros and cons were discussed, and the matter was referred to the facili-
ties and finance commissions to gather construction estimates and additional information about the loan.
Lance Weatherwax reiterated that contractor Mike Johnson would be the appropriate one to conduct the
additional work when the time comes.
Finance: The new counting procedures are in place, with teams of trained counters now counting and de-
positing the collection. Elders will continue their scheduled opening and closing duties.
I&S: the committee will use Living Generously as this years theme, and all letters have been drafted. Pledge
Sunday is November 12. Session reviewed a sample childrens pledge card and approved the development
of something similar; we may use something different for older youth who are members but are still part
of a family unit. Childrens envelopes are hard to find but we will attempt to obtain some.
Mission: the committee has served two meals to international students with 55 and 22 in attendance.
Work continues with other churches to understand refugee/immigrant issues.
Personnel: the committee presented the revised position description for the organist and details of the
offer made to Steve McCullough to serve as our full time organist. Flint Dollar will continue to be involved,
playing for Holypalooza and subbing if needed. The position description and offer were approved by ses-
sion, which expressed its gratitude to Flint for his service. The committee will review FLSA regulations to
determine if anything applies to this position.
Nominating: The slate for the PNC will be presented at the congregational meeting on Sunday and in-
cludes Caroline Christ, Bill Green, Bob Guell, Leanne Holder, Nancy Johnson, Sinwon Racop, and Fred
Rubey. Nominations from the floor are allowed. The PNC cannot meet or elect a chair until they have met
with and been instructed by the presbytery.
New Business
Bob Guell raised the issue of how we might help children who are affected by the Vigo County School
Corporations new policy for those who are delinquent with lunch payments. The matter was referred to
the mission committee.
Today is the 37th anniversary of Rev. Buchanans ordination and session offered its congratulations.
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Featured Report: Christian Nurture Commission

The Christian Nurture Commission is charged with overseeing the church programs that nurture the souls
of all individuals who attend CPC. Led aptly by Chair Renee Newton for the past year, the commission is
comprised of ten additional members including: Jill Connor (secretary), Cheryl Moles (Christian Educator),
Valeri Kershaw (session liaison), Conner Scanlon (youth director), Corrine Foree, Sarah Rose, Tisha Glenn,
Alvin Stinnett, Ginny Payne, and Rachael Spencer. Below is a list of the activities within the jurisdiction of
the CN Commission and identification of special accomplishments of the past year.

Libraryunder the direction of Valeri and Jill, the library is now equipped with an online search engine
called Tiny Cat. The checkout procedure is unchanged. (Special thanks to Alan Harder for coordi-
nating Tiny Cat activation.)
YouthConner and Jill have worked with the Youth Design Team to coordinate the Youth Group with
Centenary Methodist and Unity Presbyterian churches.
Special EventsJill and Rachael have taken the lead coordinating VBS, the Lenten series, promoting
summer camp and the family PYOCA retreat, hanging and unhanging of the greens, and (coming
soon) Holypalooza.
Adult EducationRachael has worked to bring two new classes to adult Sunday School for this year. In
the first class, Lets Discuss, the books The Prophetic Literature (by David Peterson) and How
to Read & Understand the Biblical Prophets (by Peter Gentry) will be discussed. In the second
class, Marriage, Parenting, and Family, conversation will be guided by The Five Love Languages (by
Gary Chapman) and Teaching Companys DVDA Scientific Secrets for Raising Kids who Thrive.
NurseryValeri, Sarah, and Rachael have worked together to assure that we have AED, CPR, First Aid
certified staff for the nursery on Sunday mornings, Third Tuesdays, Monday prayer group, and other
events. We currently have six attendants.
Family MinistryCorrine assures that Parents Night Out (2nd Friday), Family prayer group, and Third
Tuesdays have sufficient and appropriate events, childcare, and food.
ScholarshipAlvin and Ginny oversee the application process and distribution of the Surrell scholar-
Sunday schoolunder the direction of Corrine and working closely with Cheryl, the commission helps
assure there are classes for all ages, that the classrooms are orderly, and supplies are available.
New this year is an emphasis on ways to help children with special needs.

In the report to Session Valeri commented on the excellent job Conner is doing leading our youth. She
also reminded us that coordinating Sunday School is a really big job for the commission. Cheryl works with
CN to select the curriculum. The theme for this year is Here I am Lord. Look for Cheryls article on Sun-
day School 2017 to learn details.

The Sunday School offering will be to acquire new banners for the church and to buy a sewing machine for
the HEME fund. Their goal is $300; lets help our children reach their goal.
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Youth Group News Connor Scanlon
---I am looking for 2 volunteers that would be willing to come once a month to youth group.
---Pictures from Dave and Busters and ISU field campus can be found on the Facebook page-7th Cents
Youth Group

August 20th Game Night at Centenary from 5-7
August 27th Church picnic at Deming from 4-7
September 10th Bible Study at Central from 5-7
September 16th Servicepalooza from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
September 24th Bible Study at Centenary from 5-7

Past Events/Upcoming Events

Middle School Mystery Trip to Dave and Busters in Indy was great.
---Dave and Buster's is a arcade place
---We took 8 Middle Schooler's
--- They had 2 hours of arcade time.
---all of them left with a bag full of candy and prizes

ISU Field Campus Retreat

---Out in Brazil
---High ropes course--50 feet off the ground
----Really proud of those who tired it even though they were terrified
---bible study in Romans 10, finishing up a 5 part roman's road series
---team building activity
----There was a balancing platform and we had to get our whole group on it without the platform
touching the ground.
------balance beams where we had to move past each other and put ourselves in order from birthdays
starting with Jan to Dec.
---Went canoeing.

CLCA will sponsor an expanded coffee hour after Holypalooza service September 17th. We ask
for donations of gently used household items, and books for the Sale-a-palooza September
30th. Bring items to church and place in the downstairs storage room.
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September 2017
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2
Abby Avis

3 4 Labor Day 5 6 Deacons 7 Womens 8 Parents 9 Presbytery

Night Out Assembly @
5:30 Pyoca 10:00
Worship 10:30 Church office Book Club 7:00 5:30

10 Sunday 11 Family 12 13 Session 14 15 16 Service-

meet 7:00
school 9:30 Prayer Group Palooza 9:00
Larry Jon Ford,
Worship 10:30 11:00 John Whalen
beard, John

17 18 Family 19 T3EM 20
Communi- 21 22 23
supper & child-
Holypalooza Prayer Group care 5:15 cation Commis-
Worship 10:00 11:00 Commission/ sion 7:00
committee Carol Ennis,
Grant Racop meetings Mary Jean
Eunice Pate
DeMarr Marci Shaw

24 Sunday 25 Family 26 Seekers & 27 Personnel 28 29 30 Books,

school 9:30 Prayer Group 12:30 Bakery & Bar-
Worship 10:30 11:00 gains sale 8:00
Central Presbyterian Church
Central Presbyterian Church
125 North Seventh Street
Terre Haute, IN 47807 Sunday School for all ages 9:30 a.m.

Phone: 812-232-5049 Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.

Fax: 812-232-5040 Rev. Kevin Buchanan, Transitional Pastor
Scott Paul-Bonham, Parish Associate
Cheryl Moles, Christian Educator
Sarah Kelsheimer, Church Secretary

Church Happenings

Womens Book Club Womens Bible Study

The Womens Book Club The 2017 Bible study will
will be meeting on Sept. 7 continue. The group will
Next Herald at 7:00 at the church. The meet in the church fellow-
books to be discussed is ship hall from 10:00 to
Deadline Lilac Girls by Martha Kelly. 11:30 am on Tuesday, Sep-
Alice Harder will lead the tember 27. The study will
Sept. 25, 2017 discussion. All women of be over The First Christ-
the church are invited to masWhat the Gospels
attend. Really Teach About Jesuss
Birth by Marcus J. Borg &
John D. Crossan. All
women are welcome.

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