Egyptian Woodv/Torking and Furniture: Geoffrey Killen
Egyptian Woodv/Torking and Furniture: Geoffrey Killen
Egyptian Woodv/Torking and Furniture: Geoffrey Killen
and Furniture
Geoffrey Killen
2 I 3
Box, Eighteenth Dynasty, tomb of Perpaut, Thebes.
(Durham University Oriental Museum, 1460.
Photograph reproduced by courtesy of Durham University Oriental Museum.) LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS 4
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
Killen, Geoffrey
Egyptian Woodworking and Furniture. - 8. GLOSSARY 58
(Shire Egyptology Series; No. 21) 9. MUSEUMS 59
I. Title. II. Series 10. FURTHER READING 62
749.2932 INDEX 63
ISBN 0-7478-0239-4
I would like to thank Barbara Adams, Editor of the Shire Egyptology
series, and Jacqueline Fearn and John Rotheroe of Shire Publications
for the help and guidance they have given me. I am very grateful to
John Ruffle, Keeper of the Oriental Museum, University of Durham,
Published in 1994 by for allowing me to examine both the Perpaut boxes preserved in that
SHIRE PUBLICATIONS LTD collection. I thank also Mr W. V. Davies, Keeper of Egyptian Antiquities
Cromwell House, Church Street, Princes Risborough, at the British Museum, and his staff for their continued support and
Buckinghamshire HP27 9AJ, UK. assistance. Most of this work was written in Cambridge and I would
like to acknowledge the help given me by Barry Kemp, John Ray and
Series Editor: Barbara Adams
the Librarian and staff of the Faculty of Oriental Studies. I am also
Copyright © Geoffrey Killen 1994. indebted to Helen Whitehouse, Department of Antiquities, Ashmolean
Museum, Oxford, for providing detailed information regarding fragments
All rights reserved. of furniture preserved in that collection. I am grateful, too, to the
No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, Director of the Egyptian Antiquities Museum, Cairo, Dr Ahmed Mohsen,
including photocopy, recording, or any information storage for allowing me to research and study the wonderful collection of
and retrieval system, without permission in writing furniture preserved there. I would also like to thank my friends Robert
from the publishers.
Davies and Salima Ikram for suggesting a number of changes to the
ISBN 0 7478 0239 4. typescript. Finally I express sincere thanks to Lorraine March-Killen,
my wife, for her continued support and in providing many of the splendid
First edition 1994. photographs which illustrate this book.
Printed in Great Britain by The outline dynastic chronology is based on that of Dr William J.
('IT Printing Services, Press Buildings, Murnane and acknowledgement is made to him and Penguin Books for
Mrr hn-, 1I,"11~(', l lavcrfordwest, Dyfed SA6l lXF. its use here.
List of illustrations
41. WaIl relief showing carpenter using bow-drill, tomb of Ti, Fifth Dynasty,
List of illustrations • Saqqara page 34 kh III F rth
42. WaIl relief of box with barrel-shaped lid, tomb of Queen Meresan , ou
1. Steam bending, tomb of Baqt III, Beni Hasan page 8 Dynasty, Giza page 34 35
2. Ivory leg from tomb of Djer, First Dynasty, Abydos page 9 43. Wall relief showing two boxes, tomb ofPenu, Sixth Dynasty, Saqqarapage
3. Carpenter's basket, Twenty-second Dynasty, Lahunpage 10 44. WaIl relief showing carrying box, tomb of Queen Meresankh III, Fourth Dynasty,
4. Reed wig box, New Kingdom page II Giza page 35 . S a
5. Sehefner seated on a cushion, Second Dynasty, Saqqara page II 45. WaIl relief showing carrying box, tomb of Mereruka, SIxth Dynasty, aqqar
6. Woodcutters, tomb of Khnum-hotep III, Beni Hasan page 12 page 36
7. Carpenter working with pullsaw, tomb of Rekhmire, Eighteenth Dynasty, 46. Stool, Twelfth Dynasty, Hasan page 37
Thebes page 13 47. Scale diagram of Middle Kingdom seat page 38
8. Timber conversion using 'through and through' cutting page 13 48. Middle Kingdom furniture page 39
9. Cupping of timber caused by tangentiaI shrinkage page 14 49. Box from workmen's village, Twelfth Dynasty, Kahun page 41
10. TypicaI slash-grain figure page 14 50 New Kingdom woodworking tools, Thebes page 43
11. Butt-joint page 14 51: Carpenter truing timber, tomb of Rekhmire, Eighteenth Dynasty, Thebes page
12. Box and frame comer joints page 15 44
13. Scarf-joint with butterfly cramp page 15 52. Lattice stool, New Kingdom, Thebes page 45
14. Mortise and tenon joint page 16 53. Round-legged stool, New Kingdom, Thebes page 45
15. Dovetail joint page 16 54. Three-legged stool, New Kingdom page 46
16. Hieroglyphic decoration applied to furniture page 17 55. Folding stool, New Kingdom, Thebes page 46
17. Application of hot glue, tomb of Rekhmire, Eighteenth Dynasty, Thebes page 56. Chair, New Kingdom, Thebes page 47
18 57. Vase stand, New Kingdom, Thebes page 48
18. Wooden hinge, Late Period, Saqqarapage 18 58. Box, Eighteenth Dynasty, Thebes page 50
19. Flint saw, Badarian Period page 19 59. Box, Eighteenth Dynasty, Thebes page 51
20. Copper saw from a tomb at Abydos, First Dynasty page 20 60. Toilet box, New Kingdom, Thebes page 52
21. Ancient and modern saw sets page 20 61. Jewellery box, New Kingdom, Thebes page 53
22. Adze, First Dynasty, Saqqara page 21 62 Carpenters turning on a lathe page 54
23. Mortise and firmer chisels, First Dynasty, Saqqara page 22 63: Turned couch leg, Late or Roman Period page 55
24. Furniture fragment with bound rush decoration, First Dynasty, Abydos page 23 64. Cabinet, Late Period page 55
25. Strips of ivory inlay incised with patterns, First Dynasty page 23 65. Map of Egypt page 57
26. Bed-frame constructions, First Dynasty, Tarkhan, page 24
27. Simple rectangular bed-frame, First Dynasty, Tarkhan, page 25
28. Bed-frame with bovine-shaped legs, First Dynasty, Tarkhan, page 25
29. Bed-frame with curved side rails, First Dynasty, Gebelein page 26
30. Low table, First Dynasty, Tarkhan page 26
31. SandaI tray, First Dynasty, Tarkhanpage 27
32. Stela of Nefer-meri-ka, Second Dynasty, Helwan page 27
33. Stela of Nisu-heqet, Second Dynasty, Helwan page 27
34. WaIl painting of two bed-frames, tomb of Hesire, Third Dynasty, Saqqarapage
35. WaIl painting showing stool and chair, tomb of Hesire, Third Dynasty, Saqqara
page 29
36. WaIl painting of two boxes, tomb of Hesire, Third Dynasty, Saqqara page 29
37. Queen Hetepheres' canopy, Fourth Dynasty, Giza page 30
38. WaIl relief showing canopy, tomb of Queen Meresankh III, Fourth Dynasty,
Giza page 32
39. WaIl relief showing carrying chair, tomb of Queen Meresankh III, Fourth
Dynasty, Giza page 32
40. WaIl relief showing carpenters sanding a box, tomb of Ti, Fifth Dynasty,
Saqqara page 33
Chronology 1
Predynastic 5500 - 3200 BC
5500 - 4000 BC Badarian
Woodworking materials
4000 - 3500 BC Naqada I (Amratian) A surprisingly complete record of carpentry in ancient Egypt can be
3500 - 3300 BC Naqada II (Early Gerzean) pieced together through examining tomb scenes, archaeological
3300 - 3200 BC Naqada II (Late Gerzean) excavations and discovered materials. From the earliest times basic
Protodynastic 3200 - 3050 BC N aqada III (Late Gerzean) ideas were turned into tangible products, setting the design principles
that are still followed thousands of years later.
Early Dynastic 3050 - 2686 BC The properties of timber were understood and tools were developed
Dynasties I-II
to work it. At first these were basic hand tools, but then specialised
Old Kingdom 2686 - 2181 BC tools and cutting aids were produced. Later, simple machine work
Dynasties III-VI
First Intermediate
increased output and enabled furniture to be provided for many homes.
Period For example, by rotating the work in front of a stationary cutter, the
2181 - 2040 BC Dynasties VII-XI (1) lathe, a basic machine which has influenced many lives, was invented.
Middle Kingdom 2040 - 1782 BC Dynasties XI (2) - XII Sources of wood: native and imported
Second Intermediate Large-scale timber production from indigenous trees was rare in Egypt.
Period 1782 - 1570 BC The scarcity of wood, which is generally poor in quality, created supply
Dynasties XIII-XVII problems even during Predynastic times. It would have been possible
New Kingdom 1570 - 1070 BC only to convert wood into boards of short lengths with a small cross-
Dynasties XVIII-XX
sectional area.
Third Intermediate The acacia was probably the most widely used of the native trees.
Period 1070 - 525 BC Dynasties XXI-XXVI Evidence of its use by woodworkers can be traced throughout the
Late Period Dynastic Period. It was used not only in the making of furniture but also
525 - 332 BC in boatbuilding and large constructional projects. A number of tomb
Dynasties XXVII-XXXI
Graeco-Roman and temple scenes showing the acacia survive. A piece of wood from
Period 332 BC - AD 323
W. M. Flinders Petrie's excavations at Kahun in 1895 is preserved in
Alexander the Great the museum of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, where botanists have
Philip Arrhidaeus confirmed its identification as acacia.
Ptolemies The tamarisk was also available. It is a smaller tree and was probably
Roman Emperors
not extensively used for timber production. This species has many defects
such as knots and is usually found protecting desert villages from drifting
and wind-blown sand. Willow, Salix safsaf, is also found in Egypt and
was used in a limited way to make furniture. A fragment of a Ninth
Dynasty coffin made from sidder, Zizyphus spina-christi, has also been
I identified at Kew, as have a number of pieces of sycamore fig, Ficus
:/ sycomorus, which date from the Eleventh Dynasty through to the Graeco-
Roman Period.
With the problems of increasing demands for better-quality timber it
is not surprising that the importing of wood began as early as the First
Dynasty. The coast of the eastern Mediterranean proved to be the most
popular source of Egyptian timber imports. As increased quantities of
Egyptian Woodworking and Furniture
Woodworking materials 9
these new timbers reached Egypt during the Old Kingdom, the quality
of woodworking improved.
ebony bed-frame was dlsc?vefeB~ . shows Egyptians cutting branches
. d A scene in the New Kingdom temple
Probably the earliest imported timber to be used was cedar, Cedrus of Queen Hatshe~sut at Delr ef p t~d African slaves carrying them to
libani, Large quantities were imported into Egypt from the Lebanon. from ebony trees 10 the land ~ u~ Ebony is very hard to work and
The Palermo Stone, which records the royal annals of the early kings of ships for transport bac~ to gy~~lued highly throughout the east
Egypt, provides some important evidence of this. During the reign of
the Fourth Dynasty Pharaoh Sneferu forty great ships sailed to the
furniture made
Mediterranean ~rom GI~fwa}
region. I ts 0 ebony furniture
were made by the later
Syrian coast, where Egyptians felled trees and towed the logs back to kings of Egypt to the rulers of other countnes.
Egypt. Egyptian carpenters and joiners exploited this excellent timber
throughout the Dynastic Period: much of the funerary furniture
Plywood . . . h ts of timber with the grain of
discovered in the tomb of Tutankhamun was made from cedar. The technique of laminating thin sh ee t was ~own to Egyptian
Ash, Fraxinus excelsior, occurs naturally in North Africa and a . . ht angles to t e nex , . .
one sheet being at ng f hi earl 'plywood' was discovered 10 .a
beautiful compound bow discovered in the tomb of Tutankhamun was carpenters. An example 0 tIS. d ~ lex of Djoser at Saqqara. This
made from this wood. The shafts of axes and adzes were also carved passage within the St~p Pyrami co d p ossibl forms part of the side
from ash for it has tremendous elastic properties as well as being tough. piece dates to the ~hlrd DynaS\~ ~ sif-pl y w~od that is held to~ether
The timber can also be bent artificially: in a scene from Beni Hasan, panel of a coffin. It IS an ~xamp t bviously realised that this was
Middle Kingdom carpenters are shown steaming and bending wooden with wooden pegs. Egyptian carpden ers °stable sheet of material with
sticks (figure 1). The carpenter holds the wood over a pot of hot water, . hi h they could pro uce a . d
alloWing the hot vapour to penetrate and soften the timber's cellular a way 10 wlarger
dimensions IC than the Iog fro m which it was fabncate .
tissue. Another timber which can be steam-bent is elm, Ulmus
campestris, and this would have been used by Egyptian wheelwrights Ivory
during the New Kingdom. Ivory was use~ fro!il as early ~s
the Neolithic period, I~S close gram
making it an ideal medluI!1 to carve.
Many small legs of bo,:me shape,
carved in hippopota~us IVory, h~ve
been discovered In the FIrst
Dynasty royal tombs a~ A~ydos and
at other Early Dynastic sites, such
as Tarkhan. In the First Dynasty
tomb of Djer many short legs,
which were probably used to
support small caskets, wer~ found
(figure 2). Preserved In. the
Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambnd~e,
1. Carpenters steam-bending lengths of timber, from the tomb of Baqt III, No. 15, Beni
Hasan. (After Newberry, Beni Hasan II, London, 1893, plate VII.) is a particularly fine ex~mple.whlch
is delicately carved WIth vein and
Oak, Quercus cerris, was also used and was probably imported from tendon detail. There are examples
Turkey. Unfortunately it decays, unlike ebony, Diospyros, which is a
black or dark brown wood of high durability with a very dense grain. 2 Ivory bovine-shaped leg which would ha\e
Ebony would have been shipped from regions south of Egypt, such as . orted either a small casket or a stoo ;
Ethiopia. During the earliest dynasties only small supplies appear to ~t~b of Djer, Abydos, First Dynasty. (A~ter 50mm.
have been available. However, in the tomb of Tutankhamun a splendid Petrie, The Part
Dynasties, RoyalII, ToLmbds of tlh;O Tarpl::~~
on on, , O~~~;;iiIiIl~~~;;~~~i
10 Egyptian Woodworking and Furniture Woodworking materials
. New Kingdom. (British
of such bulls' legs in museums around the world, notably in the 4. Reed wig bOdx, 2561 Photograph:
Museum. Lon ?n, .
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, although many are Lorraine March-Klllen.)
unprovenanced. Ivory from both the elephant and the hippopotamus
was used to make a variety of artefacts and ceremonial objects.
Shee goats and cattle were
Basket techniques domestf~ated and their skins used
Basketwork too was practised from as early as Neolithic times. By as clothing at an early date',Leather ,
plaiting natural fibres, such as the leaves of the date palm, some kinds production was well ~stabhshed,by
of coarse grass and pliable plant stalks, craftsmen were able to weave the Predynastic Period. ~anm!1g
many different types of basketware. The carpenters and joiners hieved by treating skins wI~h
themselves used baskets of hold all type to carry their tools. It had to be ~~s,~fce from the fruit ofth~ acacia '
reinforced with cord ribs and had a carrying handle (figure 3). trei. Leather w~s used during th~ for t ing woodwork joints t~gether,
Predynastic Penod to make t~n8_fram~ and the seats of New Kmgdo
and the webbing of some ear Y e
stools were formed from leather straps.
3. Carpenter's basket, Lahun, Twenty- U holstery h woven cord was used to make
second Dynasty. (Pitt Rivers Museum, ~s well as straps made f~~ l~sa~e~~ in the Second Dynasty stela o~
Oxford, I 49. Photograph: Lorraine seats for chairs and stools. 1S ,1 le stools the cord was bound aroun
March- Killen.) ady Heken at Belwan, On simp hairs holes were drilled through
the L re elaborate c
. '1
the seat rails, Wh1 e on rna across to form the sea t "
the 'seat rails and the dcofrd wa~sw~~~~ as the Second Dynast y !" ~~~
Cushions were use rom ted on a low-back ch·au. ,
stela, from. Saqqara, sh?ws S~~~f~~re~~:nded over the backrest of this
Reed and rush deceased S1tS on a CUShIO~ w f li .
Reed grows abundantly in the waters of the Nile and other marshy . (fi ure 5) The weavmg 0 men
areas, such as the Delta, and was harvested to make simple boxes from chair g . 11 derstood by the [ -$
from flax was we un. ' d A
Predynastic times. The hollow stems of this plant are rigid, making it beginning of the Dyna~t,IC Peno '
unsuitable for basketry, but were an ideal material for the construction linen cushion in the Bntlsh MuseNum,
of wig boxes (figure 4). A framework of stout reed stems would have h to date from the ew
been bound together with rush or papyrus, with diagonal reeds often ~.ou~o~ is stuffed with the feathers
built into the framework structure to increase the box's rigidity. The oP~aterf~wl. Animal skins we~ ~~so
side and base of the structure were faced with thinner reed stems, which used as seat covers: leopar. s in,
were stitched in groups to the horizontal elements of the framework. . ported into Egypt from Nubia and
The top edge of the box was often finished by covering the exposed and ~~e Sudan, was highly favoured.
uneven stems with a strip of palm leaf, which again was bound into
position with rush. The lid was of a similar construction and simply
[ :J
placed across the opening. A beautifully preserved wig box, now in the
Egyptian Antiquities Museum, Cairo, was found in the Eighteenth f ated on a cushion,
Dynasty tomb of Yuya and Thuya at Thebes. Also rectangular in 5. Stela showibn~f:~~ ~e:c~~d Dynasty. (After
Saqqara, Tom , ' Sara 1912-1914,
construction, it is designed with ventilation holes in the side walls. Quibell, ExcavatlO n s at ~~i3 plates XXVI-
Other reed boxes were used to store food and, on occasion, writing c
Archaic Mastabas, airo, '
materials and equipment. xxvn.i
i~o Thl~own
o erated with the aid of a eav:r would help the saw to move. ree y
thro the top of the saw wI. timber by these methods is well
ugh the wet timber. Ripping . p iod We have no evidence to
t the Dynastic en .
illustrated throug hou E tian carpenters. ,
suggest that sawpits were used ~y to t~~ds by the 'through and thrOUg~
Trunks were always ~onv~~e .m d the amount of wastage but boar: ~
shrinkage (figure 9). The ~xpose~ and 1O~ can be seen when exammmg
this conversion process (figures
the timber. bark
sa wood
8. Timber
using 'through pith
and through'
6. Woodcutters felling a tree, from the tomb of Khnum-hotep III, Twelfth Dynasty, No.3,
Beni Hasan. (After NeWberry, Beni Hasan I, London, 1893, plate XXIX.)
Woodworking techniques and fittings
14 Egyptian Woodworking and Furniture
9. The cupping of timber caused by tangential
shrinkage of boards cut by 'through and
through' conversion.
/ hei ht of the sawing post. It was
Joints -' con~erted against. Longer r~lls ~er~
In many Predynastic burials the crouched , manufactured by scarf-)omtmg s. 0
body was placed in a simple box or on a rails together and locking them into
frame of wood which had been covered with position by using a butterfly craT~
plant stems. Much of this early timber has
decayed but from surviving pieces showing
t (figure 13). Unusually long ~o I 1
pieces used in major constructlO~a
the corners and edges it is possible to \ works' were not converted by sawing
identify a number of woodworking joints. but p;epared directly from the log.
The majority of boxes have butt-jointed
corners held together with 13. Scarf-joint with butterfly cramp.
wooden pegs or tied with 11. Butt-joint.
16 17
Egyptian Woodworking and Furniture Woodworking techniques andfittings
!~. Mortise and tenon
jomt. shoulder turning the log against a long knife. Ebony was extensively used as a
veneer and was fixed into position with gum or glue and held with small
dowels to prevent it from slipping or twisting while the adhesive set.
Both ebony and ivory were used in sheet and strip form for inlaying into
better-quality timbers. Other materials such as faience, which is a
tenon green or blue glazed non-clay ceramic (of crushed quartz, lime and
,--_c_,heek natron), and polished stone, such as carnelian, were also inlaid into
wooden furniture.
15. Dovetail joint.
The ability of the carpenter to apply complex decoration is best seen
with the techniques of marquetry and parquetry. Two boxes discovered
in the tomb of Tutankhamun (Eighteenth Dynasty) have their panels
~/c;:r- The bark and sapwood were removed decorated with thousands of tiny pieces of wood carefully arranged and
by axe to expose the heartwood Th glued into position in a herringbone pattern.
surfaces would then be trued with a~ Clear varnish, made from resin mixed with oil, was used to protect
adze, (figure 22), an ancient tool used timber during the Eighteenth Dynasty. Black varnish, made from pitch
very much like a modern plane. ' and oil, was also painted on wood to seal the grain. To cover and protect
. !he earliest extant mortise and tenon paintings, beeswax was often applied but it is uncertain whether it was
jomt (figure 14) is seen in First used as a polish on timber, although it is the base from which many
Dynas~y.b~d-frame construction, while modern polishes are manufactured.
dovetailjoinrs (figure 15) are identified
on the roof bars of a Fourth Dynasty Decorative techniques
bed-frame canopy which was Furniture discovered in tombs was placed there for specific funerary
discovered in the tomb of Queen purposes to accompany the deceased to the afterlife. Much was decorated
Hetepheres at Giza. with hieroglyphic symbols of religious significance to Egyptians (figure
16). Symbols such as the was (dominion), ankh (life), neb (all) and djed
Applied techniques pillar (stability) were commonly cut from timber, gilded and then attached
. Gypsum, a hydrated form of calcium 1 h .
either rock or crystal form d suo p ate, occurs in Egypt in to the piece of fumiture by pegs.
applied to the surface of poo~~qu~f~ ~ad~ into a .thic~ plaster. It was
any .exposed defects. If paint was r ~m ers to disguise the grain and
furniture, then a thinner ground maJe f~ used t.o. decorate a piece of
would have been laid on to the timber ?m whl~m~ and gum or glue
m~de. a perfect foundation for paint .~hls rnaterial is called gesso and
gnndmg naturally occurring minerals' de paints were made by finely
and .an.adhesive such as size.
ql1dlllg was another techni ue a li
an rruxing the powder with water
laying very thin gold leaf u o~ a pp I.ed to timber and. was achieved by a. b.
~ C. d.
acted as an adhesive hOldi~g thewetl~IF of ?esso. ThiS latter dried and 16. Hieroglyphic decoration applied to furniture: a, was; b, ankh; c, neb; d, djed.
!hicker gold foil, and sometimes s~~er eaf firmly to the ~ooden core.
III Egypr, were pressed and punched
position by small nails.
' ~etal not occurnng naturally
on 0 t e wooden core and held in
The use of animal-based glues was not known until the Fifth Dynasty.
The glue was made by boiling the skins and bones of animals in water
Veneers were also used to cover and di . and allowing the solution to evaporate, leaving a concentrated viscous
Each leaf was cut with a fine-bl d Is.gUlse poor-quality tim bers.
a e saw, unlike the modem technique of adhesive. In an illustration in the tomb of Rekhmire at Thebes a carpenter
Egyptian Woodworking and C' •
in shape and pitch, the gullets
, p a many teeth flat. Since each tooth open to prevent the saw from jamming.
Also discovered by Emery were
several straight wooden adze shafts and
a large number of copper adze blades.
The blades were cast in copper and then
hammered into a flared shape before the
20. Copper saw from the tomb of a courtier . cutting edge was ground on. On some
the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeolog °LD~er a~ AbCYdOS, First Dynasty. (Courtesy of
y, ruversity ollege London. Uc. 16178.) blades both faces were ground with a
cutting edge while on others the rake is
21. Ancient and modem saw sets.
found only on one side, like a modern
plane iron. These blades were attached
to their shafts with leather thongs, strips
.. stroke direction of linen or cord (figure 22).
Both mortise and firmer chisels were
discovered in this cache of tools (figure
23). Those used for mortising were 0 200mm.
large cylindrical handles with flat tops. The blades were square in section
pitch ~ to prevent them from bending when chips of wood were prised out of
deep mortises. The firmer chisel, by contrast, had a handle with a rounded
Modern saw blade
top, which would fit comfortably into the palm of the carpenter's hand,
suggesting it was used for handwork and carving. Its blade was
rectangular in section and in general this tool was shorter in length than
a mortise chisel.
Other copper tools discovered were thin-blade awls used to bore holes
.... stroke direction
in timber and some small engraving tools.
Many of the fragments of wooden furniture discovered in the First
Dynasty tombs at Saqqara and Abydos are carved with a bound rush or
'basketwork' decoration. An assembled piece made from two fragments
discovered separately by Emile Amelineau and Petrie in the tomb of
Ancient saw blade Semerkhet at Abydos would have formed part of a box (figure 24). One
Egyptian Woodworking and Furniture Predynastic and Early Dynastic Periods 23
23. Mortise and firmer chisels,
First Dynasty, Saqqara. (After
Emery, Great Tombs ofthe First
Dynasty, Volume I, Cairo, 1949,
figure 22.)
f~ v
24 1""""1
- fragment .
ith bound rush decoration, First
WI Dynasty, Ab ydos . (Ashmolean
M~seum, Oxford, EI255 and E138.)
WOm~ . ht) At the elbow
Ivory strips, which have been engraved with various straight-line, frame constructions show that
nail-head and interlocking chain patterns, were also used to decorate the frames were supported.on
furniture (figure 25). They were held in position with small ivory dowels.
bovine-shaped legs. T~e SIde
These features have been discovered at both Saqqara and Abydos which
and cross rails of the third and
suggests that carpenters were following common design practices in
both Upper and Lower Egypt. fourth types of bed-fra~e
were made from poles. ThIS
The best collection of Early Dynastic furniture was discovered at required the curved shoulders
Tarkhan by Petrie. He found a number of bed-frames, which can be of the tenons on the leg and
classified into five constructional types. The first, and most primitive,
was made from four branches of timber which conveniently had right- 25. First Dynasty patterns incised into
ivory strips.
24 E gypttan
. Woodworking and Furniture 25
Predynastu: and Early Dynastic Periods
tho~e at the ends of the cross rails t b .
o;h s~nbed to locat~ accurately
27. Rectangular bcd-frame, First
agaznst the side poles of the bed-f Dynasty, Tarkhan. (Ashmolean
and the hoofs may have been r~~~c~~d e egs ar~ very finely carved Museum, Oxford, 1912.617.
drums. Each leg was attached ~o the .d e~lcabszn~ th~m m copper
by Photograph: Lorraine Mnrch-Killcn.)
.. "'~'-"'.'''!,IIP.v,. Sl e rar y bzndzngs made of
leather, which would have
been soaked in water and
then allowed to dry, so
pulling the joint firmly
together. Some of the better-
quality bed-frames have
slots cut into them to accept
a wide cord webbing while
others simply had the cord
webbing woven around the
poles of the frame. On one type, the leg, side and cross rail all meet in a
common mortise (figure 26, top right). In the other type the cross-rail
tenon is spaced away from the leg, leaving the leg to be separately
mortised into the underside of the side rail (figure 26, bottom left). A
fine example of this type of construction is preserved in the Manchester
Museum (figure 28). It is 1.76 metres long and was the largest of the
bed-frames discovered by Petrie at Tarkhan (though still smaller than
the bed-frames commonly used today) and was converted from a short
log. The ends of the side rails have handles carved in the shape of the
papyrus flower, a common design feature found on furniture of this
period and the Old Kingdom. The handles were also covered with
leather sheet, perhaps glued into position with some primitive adhesive
or shrunk into place.
28. Bed-frame with bovine-shaped legs, First Dynasty, Tarkhan. (Manchester Museum,
5429. Archive excavation photograph, courtesy of the Petrie Museum of Egyptian
Archaeology, University College London.)
29. Bed-frame with curved side rails, First Dynasty, Gebelein. (Oriental Institute, University
of Chicago, 12169. Photograph by courtesy of the Oriental Institute of the University of
d . t d on a number of stelae
moulded side rails. The cross rails are stub-mortised and tenoned into Saqqara. Th.e first examples of seats a~b~~~c~elwan by the Egyptian
the side rails and webbing slots are chopped into the frame. The accurate discovered in the seco;d p.yn~~t32toFromthese we can establish that
shaping of the frame with its graceful curves illustrates the high degree
of carpentry skills being practised by Early Dynastic craftsmen in a stools, Wit ovme-s ap
Egyptol~ghiSbt Z~kY~: le Ig~ of si~ilar construction to the bed-frames,
. durin the Second Dynasty. One
limited number of specially commissioned works. The joint of the leg were commonly used by ~glPl1ans. k se~ted on a stool with the ends
and side rail is lashed together with a sophisticated binding of leather stela from Hel~U? ~hows .e er-men~:_flower terminal. The stela has
which also passed through slots in the cross rail. Only one end of the of each side :al1 finished With a pap~ w both the side of the seat and its
side rails has been carved with a stylised papyrus-flower handle. A been carved I.n an u.nusual way to s ~ r stela of Prince Nisu-heqet, is
similar bed-frame can be seen in the Musees Royaux d' Art et d'Histoire,
Brussels. top in one vle~ (figure ~2). Anoto~ a chai; with a high back post and
remarkable, for It shows h(l~ seat~~) Being of royal descent, the prince
Further interesting discoveries were made at Tarkhan. Two small a stretcher below the seat igure rtr ed seated on a special piece of
tables were found, each of which was cut from a single block of wood. would normally ~e expected to b~f°to :rsume that this might represent
One was set on four projecting pads and the other on a pair of supports furniture and so It seems reason a e
(figure 30). Petrie also discovered two sandal trays, again cut from solid
an early throne.. n Tomb 246 H8. (After Saad,
blocks of timber and with a central bar of wood. This is shaped to the 32. Left: Stela of Nefer-men-ka, Second D'yna~tY57H~~':~e'9.)
outline of a foot and the tray is hollowed out below (figure 31). This bar Ceiling Stelae in Second Dynasty Tombs, Cairo, 9 'J I Tomb 946 H8. (After
may have been used as a carrying handle, although the small projection 33. Right: Stela of Prince Nisu-heqet, Se~o: Dt?~S~'19~t~~'ure 4.)
Saad, Ceiling Stelae in Second Dynasty J 0 s, au, ,
at one end was perhaps intended for this purpose. Whether the tray was
used to clean sandals or to hold some early chiropody implements or
materials used in the cosmetic care of feet we do not know.
4 t
Old Kingdom
34. Two bed-
=-~ f"rn~,",inl
Old Kingdom = =--
Dynasty, tomb of
Hesire, Saqqara.
(After Quibell,
The Tomb of
Reliefs and wall paintings Hesy, Cairo,
1913, plate XX.)
The few bed-frames and illustrations of early seats discovered in
Vi ~f
tombs of the Early Dynastic Period indicate the kind of furniture
commonly used then. All of these pieces of furniture would probably
have been found in the houses of both middle and high ranking officials
and their families.
By the Third Dynasty, which marks the beginning of the Old Kingdom,
major advances in building construction and the associated trades of found in the traditional bovi~e fo~m. Hfowever, t~ec~~~~t~~i~~a~~~e
woodworking and furniture manufacture are seen. The improvement in rectangular stools and a chair with a ramewor a
the design of furniture can be seen in a series of remarkable wall paintings curved supports below their seats (figure 35).
in the Third Dynasty mastaba of Hesirc at Saqqara. Hesire was chief of
dentists and physicians during the reign of Djoser, whose Step Pyramid J
can also be found at Saqqara.
One of the earliest scholars to excavate sites in Egypt was the
Frenchman Auguste Mariette. He opened the tomb of Hesire during the
mid nineteenth century and discovered eleven wooden panels, five of
35. Stool and chair, Third
Dynasty, tomb of Hesire, Saqqara.
which are displayed in the Egyptian Antiquities Museum in Cairo. Each (After Quibell, The Tomb of Hesy,
Cairo, 1913, plate XVIII.)
had been beautifully and precisely carved in raised relief to portray
Hesire in a number of elegant positions. One shows him seated on a
typical animal-leg stool whose side poles are finished with papyrus-
flower terminals. . .
After these panels were removed from the mastaba its position was The most interesting pieces of furniture in these tomb pamtmgs ~re
forgotten and it became hidden under the moving Saqqara sands. The four splendid chests (figure 36): Ea~h is of ~Jr~~~,,£~~~~ef~dc1~~
tomb was reopened in 1911 by 1. E. Quibell, who discovered the furniture fitted with wooden panels. The mtenors wou a d
paintings which Mariette had overlooked. These paintings show a compartments that would have held jewelle.ry. Betw~en the ce~t~h~~h
complete set of typical furniture which would have been used to furnish bottom rails is set a decorative pattern of hieroglyphic symbo f d
homes of the Old Kingdom and they show how design and technical appear to be either gilded or carved in ebony. Similar chests were oun
developments in furniture production had advanced since the previous in the New Kingdom tomb of Tutankhamun.
era. The quality of the furniture displayed indicates the use of imported
timbers; furthermore, emphasis on applied and decorative techniques is
beginning to be an established rule. 36. Two
-' ~
The bed-frames and stools illustrated in the tomb paintings are boxes, Third
Dynasty, tomb
generally similar to those already described. The patterns rendered on
of Hesire,
~~ \, ~ ~
these pieces of furniture suggest they were made of, or veneered with, Saqqara.
timbers such as ebony. Two types of bed-frame are displayed, one with (After Qui bell,
bovine-shaped legs and the other in an unconventional form with curved The Tomb of
Hesy, Cairo,
or bent elements which are set on a drum (figure 34). Both types slope 1913, plates
slightly towards the foot of the bed, where a separate frame is placed to XVll and
stop the bedding from slipping off. Again stools and chairs are to be XVIII.)
Egyptian Woodworking and Furniture
Old Kingdom 31
The furniture of Queen Hetepheres
In 1925 George Reis A' . both in the Egyptian Antiquities Museum in Cairo and the Museum of
;~~~~fo~ Queen ~ete~~~~:~ ~~rt~~o~g~F~oJ~~~s~'h~}~~~~~;~~ ~~~
at Fine Arts in Boston.
The queens furniture would have been placed within a canopy made
h u s pyramid. at Giza. Her body was not found in this small
from wooden jambs, battens and poles that were finely gilded (figure
37). The entrance jambs have inscriptions raised in relief which give the
name and titles of her husband, Sneferu. The back pillars, which are
;~:~~i~~~~p~:~~ been under tighter security, bein~ ~ft~?n ~ea~~:~t carved with a matted pattern, are held together with copper staples. The
floor and top rails are fixed to the vertical corner posts with a number of
R queen :etepheres was the wife of Sneferu, and in this small chamber complex joints, and poles are spaced around the walls of the frame.
e1SPter 1 a complete collection of Fourth Dynasty royal Roof poles have also been dovetail-jointed into the top rails of this canopy.
f urrn ure. Mscov
uc hered.
of It had b d . To prevent wear at the joints, each has been carefully encased with
~~~g ~i~~:a:nc~. ";hen. ;:i~n~~c~;~nei~t~~l~hsah~~~:~~~~~d~~~~ copper plates that have been folded to shape and tacked through the
gold sheet to the wooden core below. This suggests that the canopy was
(Museum of Fine Arts B t
••I.•11• •
Jeres canopy and furniture, Fourth Dynasty Giza
Meresankh III was the wife of the Fourth Dynasty King Khaefre and
her furniture rivals that of Queen Hetepheres in the quality of its design.
Her armchair had panels filled with a seated lion and the bed is again
Departmental ApproPri~li;; ~~;~~jl ~8.8~3, chMair 38.957, ~ed 29.1858. Phot~graph~ similar to that of Hetepheres. The bed appears to have a mattress and
, . ou esy useum of Fine Arts, Boston.)
the servants are arranging the bed clothes, with one positioning a simple
Egyptian Woodworking and Furniture Old Kingdom 33
38. Bed canopy, Fourth Dynasty, construction such as those illustrated in the tomb of Queen Meresankh
tomb of Queen Mcrcsankh III
Giza. (After Dunham, Th~
III. Some were produced with fluted columns and a few are elaborately
Mastaba of Queen Mersyankli decorated or covered in gilt like that of Queen Hetepheres. They also
III, Boston, 1974, figure 8.) occur in stone, alabaster and in amuletic form.
Egyptians would have slept on their side when using a headrest and in
Kenya and other parts of Africa they are still used today.
One of the most important mastabas at Saqqara, is that of Ti, which
dates to the Fifth Dynasty. The walls of his tomb are carved with many
reliefs showing scenes of activities performed as part of the normal
daily life. One scene shows a number of carpenters manufacturing boxes
and a bed under which is a headrest of the fluted column type. One pair
of carpenters are hand-finishing the lid of a long box which is similar to
the curtain box discovered in the tomb of Queen Hetepheres (figure 40).
They are using sandstone blocks to smooth the grain of the timber,
rubbing the block with the grain and not across it, which would have
scuffed and damaged the timber surface.
were stored in reed boxes Usi~rsona ygiene apd wore WIgS that
wooden stock of the drill. His left hand applies pressure to the copper
drill bit through a stone cup which fits over the top of the wooden drill
stock. As the bow is pulled back and forth it rotates the drill stock and a
uncomfortable: some were p'added a 'dheabdresth mlg~t appear to us
gl' hole is drilled by the copper bit.
P OSSIiblYt hey were customised to fit an nSI e ut t e rnajonty were
individu l' head.
no . Above the carpenter can be seen an adze and saw. The shape of the
of these headrests are displayed in a sM Many exa~ples saw had been modified by the time of the Fifth Dynasty. It has a distinct
museums. ost are of a simple straight back with the teeth set along a curved cutting edge. The handle
34 Egyptian Woodworking and Furniture Old Kingdom
43. Two boxes, Sixth Dynasty, burial chamber of Penu, M.VII, Saqqara. (After Icquier,
Tombeaux de Particuliers, Contemporains de Pepi JJ, Cairo, 1929, figure 50.)
end of the Sixth Dynasty lids are shown in both the shrine and gable
form (figure 43).
Egyptians used boxes to carry heavy loads over long distances. ~n
41.$. acI1lenterl19Js6in6g albow-drill, Fifth Dynasty, tomb ofTi, Saqqara. (After Wild Le Tombeau early illustration in the tomb of Queen Meresankh III shows a plain
d e 11, airo, ,p ate CLXXIY.) , rectangular box carried on a pair of poles by two porters (figure 44).
The box appears simply to rest on the carrying poles. The improvement
ha.s been moulded to fit the carpenter's hand, to give a more comfortable in the quality and design of these larger boxes can be seen in the Sixth
gnp. Dynasty tomb of Mereruka (figure 45). This box is of frame and panel
construction with a gable lid set on a cavetto-shaped cornice with a
Early boxes torus moulding below. The carrying handles are separate elements and
The origins of the bed-frame., stoo~ and chair were firmly established can be pushed in under the box when not being carried. The handles,
by the end of the Ear~y Dynastic Penod. It was during the Old Kingdom which run in copper staples, would have been shaped so they could not
that boxes developed in all shapes and sizes. In the Old Kingdom tombs be fully withdrawn. An almost identical box was discovered by Howard
at Saqqara there are man~ wall reliefs which illustrate this. Earlier Carter in the tomb of Tutankhamun in 1922.
bo~es were made from plain boards that were corner-jointed together
w~lle later. examples are of frame and panel construction Some are
painted while others are inlaid or veneered. In the Fourth Dynasty tomb
?f Queen Meresan~ III a number of simple rectangular boxes are
illustrated, some having round or barrel-shaped lids (figure 42). By the
44. Porters carrying a box on a pair of poles, Fourth Dynasty, tomb of Queen Meresankh Ill,
Giza. (After Dunham, The Mastaba of Queen Mersyankh JJJ, Boston, 1974, figure 8.)
36 Egyptian Woodworking and Furniture 37
45. Porters carrying a large
chest, Sixth Dynasty, tomb of 5
Mereruka, Saqqara. (After
IFr====~ Duell, The Mastaba of Middle Kingdom
Mereruka, Chicago, 1938,
plate 69.) Furniture
The Middle Kingdom necropolis of Beni Has~n is situ~ted on the
bank of the Nile between Cairo and Luxor. Cut mto the hmestone cliffs,
which overlook the Nile, are a number of Eleventh and Twelfth Dynasty
tombs. These tombs were built for the nomarchs of the Sixteenth Nome,
or administrative district, of Upper Egypt. These powerful men ruled
almost independently of the king. One of their duties w~s to ~egulatc
work produced in state or temple workshops, and scenes 10 their tombs
show carpenters at work.
~ouIdings .
Private individuals could have furniture commissioned only through
The first example of a cavetto .co~Olce can. be found on a pavilion in
the patronage of the nome. This tight supervision of work was necessary
the heb-sed festival courtyard within the Thud Dynasty Step Pyramid
to conserve those raw materials which were available. Each workshop
funerary complex of DjOSer at Saqqara. A torus moulding w~s also
had an inspector, who received instructions from an overseer. He was
applied to the sarcophaguf of King Menkaure, who ruled dunng the
probably a dependant of the nomarch. .
Fourth Dynasty, and waS di.scove~ed at Giza. This sarcophagus was
On a slight slope below these nomarchs' to~~s was an lII11~lL'~lSl'
unfortunately lost at sea while being transported to Lon?on in 18~8. burial ground where the small tombs of thos~ Civil servants, ofbela Is
From as early as the Fifth pynasty moul.di~gs were decoratively applied
and dependants who served the nome were Sited. !hese pe~plc well'
to boxes. A particularly fine e~ample is illustrated 10 the tomb of Ti.
buried in some splendour in small burial chambers which were discoverer I
The curved surface of the cormce has been vertically ribbed, perhaps
at the bottom of a deep pit. Their tombs were excavated by John Garstanu,
with plaster, and then gilded. Professor of Archaeology at Liverpool University, during the 11)02-..'
seasons. He cleared 880 small tombs, the contents of which have 1I0W
been widely dispersed. Some pieces remain in public collcctiuns whi 1('
others are privately owned. .
In tomb 569 Garstang discovered a stool whose legs are shaped III a
typical Middle Kingdom style (figure 46). Each leg is tapered 10 a small
46. Stool, Twelfth Dynasty, Beni Hasan. (Ashmolean Museum. Oxfoul.fv-l !u.' 1"',01"1"''101,
Lorraine March-Killen.)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _lIiiIIII J'=...... _
38 Egyptian Woodworking and Furniture Middle Kingdom 39
47. Seated ergonome on a Middle
Kingdom seat. on them to conserve timber. However, a lower seat height does give a
more comfortable sitting posture. The legs can be extended in front of
the body and the soft sensitive tissue behind the knees does not come
waistband from where the into contact with the seat.
foot curves sharply and is Because of the crossing mortise joints in the legs the seat rails are not
set on a bevelled shoe. The in the same plane. The seat, which was made from bundles of reed
top of each leg is rounded, stems bound together with five strands of cord, w~uld have be~n placed
on the lower side seat rails. This mat made a solid block which under
with a pair of crossing
through-mortises below. load compressed and gave adequate support. .
The end of each seat rail is Important directional changes in Middle Kingdom furniture design
cut with a common tenon can be studied by examining the furniture illustrated on s~eIae fr?m ,t~at
that has two shoulders, To period, especially the large collection housed in the Egyptian Antiquities
strengthen the frame, Museum, Cairo.
wedges would have been These Middle Kingdom stelae show that tables were widely used ~or
driven into the cheeks of displaying vases or holding water po~s. They are usually very low, WIth
each joint. The long edges either straight or splayed legs and with a single stretcher strung bel?w
of the seat rails are also the table top (figure 48a). A particularly fine spla~ed~le~ged table WIth
rounded to prevent wear to cavetto cornice and double stretcher (figure 48b) IS similar to the table
the reed seat. discovered in tomb 183 at Beni Hasan.
The most important Stools rarely appear in these stelae, for the majority of seats are
burial to be discovered was designed with a short back support over whi~h is drape~ a co~er or
tomb 183, which was cushion. They have either straight legs or plain legs fashioned m the
attributed by John Garstang
to Dedyt-baqt. He found in 0 500
this tomb a table, the legs I i mm.
of two seats and a headrest. The table was edged with a cavetto cornice
and. was ~et on a stu~dy und,er frame. The shapes of the seat legs are
agam typical of a MIddle Kingdom style, with the rear legs having a
~ a.
u ] b.
short back post.
Three similar legs, from Beni Hasan, are preserved in the museum of
the School of Archaeology and Oriental Studies, University of LiverpooI.
Unfortunately the back and seat rails have been lost. With measurements
taken from th~ stool in tomb 569 and from the three legs in Liverpool, it
has been p~ssible t? draw a scaled diagram of this seat (figure 47).
Th~s~ MIddle Kingdom sea,ts "Yere ~maller than ~hairs used today.
The IIving stature of a well-built Egyptian male of this period was 1.70
metres, a~o~t 40 mm shorter than the average modern European male.
Both the ~Ibia and femur were smaller and the hip height less. This was
reflected ~n t,he seat h~ight~ whi~h is the most important measurement C. d. e.
when designing a chaIr..It IS cunous that Egyptian carpenters used the 48. Middle Kingdom furniture illustrated on stelae in the collection of the Egyptian Antiquities
lowest possible seat height when making chairs. Perhaps they were Museum, Cairo: a, table, General Catalogue 20756; b, table, General Catalogue 20561; c,
stool, General Catalogue 20010; d, chair, General Catalogue 20232; e, vase stand, General
governed by the social class of its intended owner or there was pressure Catalogue 20755.
40 Egyptian Woodworking and Furniture Middle Kingdom
form of the front and hind legs of a bull or lion (figure 48c). Also
illustrated are a small number of elegant chairs, some having slender,
gazelle-shaped legs. An interesting example shows that chairs are given
complex curved back supports, of full height, made from angled slats of
timber. They are jointed into the rear seat rail and into the underside of a
curved and moulded top rail (figure 48d). The surface of the chair
illustrated in the stela simulates animal skin. Perhaps chairs would have
been veneered or painted to create this effect. In the Egyptian Antiquities
Museum, Cairo, are preserved a painted shield and arrow quiver case
which resemble cowskin and date from this period.
Slender vase stands supporting single vases are also to be found in
this collection. The tops are fitted with a moulded cup of wood into
which the round or tapered bottoms of vases or bowls could be seated
(figure 48e).
49. Wooden box, from the workmen's ,,:iIlage of Kahun, Twelfth Dynasty. (Pitl Rivers
Tools Museum, O xfor d" L48 P
hotograph' Lorrame Mareh-Kll1en.)
In 1888 Petrie discovered a Middle Kingdom workmen's town at
Kahun. These craftsmen worked in the temple workshops built by
Sesostris II and lived close by, within a walled enclosure. The town's
architect had set out rows of terraced houses of about 50 metres in
length, each branching at right angles from the enclosure wall and
separated by a street. These parallel streets joined a central avenue
which led to the temple complex and its workshops.
Each house had a wooden door that was set within an arched brick
entrance. The pivots on the edges of the doors were set into holes in the
floor and the arch above the door. These dwellings had a number of
small rooms, some of which were covered with a barrel vault while
others were spanned with large wooden beams which were covered
with thatch. Some roof spans had to be supported with wooden pillars. Toilet boxes. . b s were customised and used for
The setting out of the house rows was very precise and the shape and During the MIddle ~ngdoI? axe contained eight small alabaster
size of rooms were strictly controlled. The walls were plastered with special purposes. One mterestfg yp~ tray cut with holes was placed
daub and painted yellow. Some were decorated with paintings - one vases which held perfumes an 01 nrevent the vases from moving and
depicted a wooden vase stand, an early example of trompe-l'oeil. inside a SImple rectangularfboxft'~t~d tightly and finger holes or a slot
Beneath the floors of these houses were found the poignant remains being damaged The tray a ten I .' 1
of babies who had been buried in small rectangular boxes by their were cut t?roug'? the centre of thed~~~~~~r~~lhe~~t~tI~:~:O;; Petrie. It
parents. Such boxes would also have been used, more mundanely, to A beautlful toilet b ox was a l so . . . H h _Y t
hold tools and other domestic items and were made from planks of
timber fixed together with dovetailed mitre-housing joints (figure 49). ~~o:~~;.dW~i:hd:';~~~i~s~~~1~~k1E~E~~~r~E~j~~1~1~
Furniture made of wood and even sometimes stone was commonly
used in these houses. Petrie discovered an animal-leg chair with a slanting ~:; i~r~~~~~~hbeO~;~iied deecoration ~fsf~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~ar~e1~~~
back support which was held to the side seat rail with an angled bracket and faience. Two boxes were succ~'tan Museum of Art New York,
fixed with small dowels. conservation departmd~ntlofthde ~~~oh~vle shrine-shaped lid~, while one
The tools used by the carpenters who lived in the town were discovered where they are now lSP aye .
Egyptian Woodworking and Furniture
has. been di¥d~d into. compartments to hold the princess's toilet
equi ~ment. .hlS consisted of a polished metal mirror cosmetic 6
contamers, a silver rouge dish and a razor and whetstone. '
New Kingdom
Scribes' boxes
T;Cribes also used woo~en boxes to store their pens and writing material Tools
. ey.were often left plain, or they were painted to suggest cedar panels' New Kingdom carpenters had an extensive tool kit and equipment to
WIt h IVOry and ebony inlay. ' draw upon (figure 50). They used axes, large and small adzes, pullsaws
and handsaws, bow-drills, mortise and firmer chisels, mallets and awls.
Egyptian carpenters, like their modern counterparts, used a hone to
sharpen the cutting edge of their tools. It was made from slate and
usually had a hole bored at one end which allowed it to be hung on a
peg somewhere in the workshop. The centre of the hone would become
dished by the repeated honing action. Many marks can be seen along
such hones while a few run across them, these marks being made by the
carpenter when, after sharpening the blade, he turned it over on to its
flat side to wipe away the burr (figure 50).
To assist in the honing of blades a small amount of oil was applied to
the surface of the stone. The oil would be held in a hollow horn, which
was capped at one end with a round wooden stopper while at the other
50. Bronze woodworking tools, New Kingdom, Thebes. (British Museum, London, 6037,
6040, 6042, 6043, 6044, 6046, 6055, 6061, 22834, 30083, 30245, 36728. Photograph
reproduced by courtesy of the Trustees of the British Museum.)
44 Egyptian Woodworking and Furniture New Kingdom
52. Lattice stool, Nevv Kingdom, Thebes.
was a wooden spout formed in the shape of a spoon. A length of cord (British Museum, London, 2476. Photograph:
would have been attached to both ends of the oil flask, allowing it to be reproduced by courtesy of the Trustees of the
hung up, perhaps with the hone (figure 50). British Museurn.)
The straight, edge,. used to test that th~ timber was true, was also part
of a ca~enter s eqUIpment. The New Kingdom carpenter in figure 51 is
prepanng and squarmg lengths of seasoned timber. He sits on a dished
stone seat an~ works at a wooden bench. This is made from a log that
has been sp.eClally worked and rebated across the front to help him saw
lengths of t~mber. He has safely placed his adze in the top of the bench
to protect his fingers and feet from the cutting blade. Also shown is a try
square, the stock and blade of which would have been made from
wood. To help him cut angles on timber he had a mitre-cutting aid
which is shown behind the bench.' ,
of the handwork and the absence of scraping marks which would be
expected if the piece were turned. Also the shoulders of the legs are not
square and there is no pivot hole in the bottom of the leg.
A fine example of thi s type of stool is preserved in the British Museum,
51. Carpenter using a straight London (figure 53). The incised bands and lines around each leg are
edge, try and mitre squares. very uneven and imprecise. The top of each leg is inlaid with small
(After Davies, The Tomb of
Rekh-mi-re at Thebes, New pieces of ivory in lotus-petal and droplet shapes. The ebony stretchers
York, 1943, plate LV.) are tenoned into blind mortises in each leg. A simple ivory plaque
bordered with ebony indicates where the mortise would have come
through. Ivory ferrules, shaped in the form of a papyrus flower, are
attached to the end of each stretcher and are moulded to fit against the
leg. Ivory braces and struts are placed below the seat and are used
Furniture solely to embellish the stool ~nd are not. part of the load-bearing
St?ols would ~ave been the most widely used pieces of household construction. Each of the seat ralls was heavily plastered before a sheet
of leather was laid over the wet plaster to form the seat. Unfortunately
fum~ture. Egyptians used a number of different types of stool and the
quahty depended upon the rank of its owner. The lattice stool was this seat has decayed but fragments of it can still be seen attached to the
probably the most popular with all classes of Egyptians and is widely seat rails.
illustrated in Theban tomb scenes .
. The c?nstruc~i~n of the stool is very elegant, having four slender legs
into w~lch are jointed at the bottom a cross rail and at the top a curved
seat rail. The space below the seat on all four sides was filled with
vertical struts and angled braces. Some of these are tenoned into mortises
in the horizontal elements while others are simply wedged into position
(figure 52). The seat is always formed with a double cove construction
of curved wooden slats or woven cord which pass through holes in the
edge of the seat frame.
Rou?d-legged stools were also used and are displayed in some of the
~~re Important The~an tombs. The legs were hand-carved and then 53. Round-legged stool, New Kingdom,
Thebes. (British Museum, London, 2472.
fmlsh~d ~y sandstoning, They were not turned on a primitive lathe. Photograph: Lorraine March-Killen.)
Examination of the many fragments of round legs reveals the irregularity
Egyptian Woodworking and Furniture New Kingdom 47
54. Three-legged stool, New Kingdom. (National
Museums of Scotland, Edinburgh, 1956.107.
Photograp.h reproduced by COU!1esy of the Trustees
of the National Museums of Scotland.)
Two boxes of similar design to the Kha chests are now preserved in
the Oriental Museum, University of Durham. They come from the tomb
of Perpaut, which was probably excavated during the early nineteenth
century by adventurers, who sold the contents of such tombs to private
57. Vase stand New Kingdom Th b (B" European collectors.
March-Killen.) , e es. ritish Museum, London, 2470. Photograph: Lorraine
The construction and decoration of these indicates that Perpaut was a
contemporary of Kha. Another box in Bologna, together with a round-
50 Egyptian Woodworking and Furniture New Kingdom
61. Jewellery hox, New Kingdom, Thehes.-(British Museum, London, 5897. Photograph:
Lorraine March-Killen.)
and lid, are carved from ivory in the traditional mushroom shape.
timber in this way it became possible for carpenters to work on boards JeHelwan SINAI
of better quality and longer length. The art of the woodworker, joiner, eTarkhan
cabinet-maker and turner, founded in antiquity, has been continually eKahun (Lahun)
oI 100Km
65. Map of Egypt, showing sites mentioned in the text. (Cartography by Robert Dizon.)
8 9
Glossary Museums
Cheeks: the exposed and cut faces of a joint
Double .cove seat: seat that has four curved seat rails. Most museums which have an Egyptology collection display examples
Green tImber: wet and unseasoned wood. of woodwork, furniture and tools. The most important museums are
Heartwood: the heartwood lies under the sapwood and its cells are listed below and visitors are advised to find out their opening times
hard and ~o not contain ~ap. It is usually stable and less likely to before making a special journey.
decay and is used for furniture construction.
Sapwood: the.sapwood surrounds the heartwood and its cells transport
wat~r and mme~als from the ground to the branches and leaves Great Britain
Sawpit: a de~p pit over w~ic~ is placed a framework of wood ~hich Ashmolean Museum ofArt and Archaeology, Beaumont Street, Oxford
supports a timber log, which is sawn, with a long two-handled saw by OXI 2PH. Telephone: 0865 278000.
two men. One man stands in the pit and the other above on the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, Chamberlain Square, Birmingham
[ramework. B3 3DH. Telephone: 021-235 2834.
Shakes: if the timber is felled or seasoned incorrectly then defects such Bolton Museum and Art Gallery, Le Mans Crescent, Bolton, Lancashire
als shakhes de~elop. These are splits which open into holes across or BLl 1SE. Telephone: 0204 22311 extension 2191.
a ong t e gram. Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery, Queen's Road, Bristol BS8 lRL.
Slash sawing: the log is sawn into boards along its axis. This conversion Telephone: 0272 223571
proces~ IS als? known as through and through cutting. British Museum, Great Russell Street, London WC 1B 3DG. Telephone:
Tangential sl~rmkage: ~hen a log is slash-sawn it is cut at a tangent to 071-6361555.
~hed growth nngs. S:uppmg or deformation of the board occurs because Durham University Oriental Museum, Elvet Hill, Durham DHI 3TH.
it oes not dry uniformly across its width. Telephone: 091-374 2911.
Fitzwilliam Museum, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 lRB.
Telephone. 0223 332900.
Glasgow Museum and Art Gallery, Kelvingrove, Glasgow G3 8AG.
Telephone: 041-357 3929.
Hunterian Museum, The University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ.
Telephone: 041-3304221.
Liverpool Museum, William Brown Street, Liverpool L3 8EN.
Telephone: 051-207 0001.
Manchester Museum, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road,
Manchester, M13 9PL. Telephone: 061-275 2634.
Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, University College London,
Gower Street, London WCIE 6BT. Telephone: 071-387 7050
extension 2884.
Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford
OXI 3PP. Telephone: 0865 270927.
Royal Museum of Scotland, Chambers Street, Edinburgh EHI UF.
Telephone: 031-225 7534.
Wellcome Museum, University College of Swansea, Singleton Park,
Swansea, West Glamorgan SA2 8PP. Telephone: 0792 205678.
Egyptian Woodworking and Furniture
60 Museums
Austria Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Rapenburg 28, 2311 EW, Leiden, Zuid-
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Burgring 5, A-101O Vienna. Holland.
Belgium Poland
Musees Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, Avenue J. F. Kennedy, 1040 Muzeum Narodowe W Krakowie, Lipcowego 12, 31-109 Krakow.
Brussels. Muzeum Narodowe W Warszawie, Jerozo1imskie 3, 00-495 Warszawa.
Canada Portugal
Royal Ontario Museum, 100 Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario M5C 2C6. Museu Calouste Gulbenkian, Avenide de Berna 45, 1093, Lisbon.
Denmark Sweden
Medelhavsmuseet, Jarntorget 84, 111 29 Stockholm.
Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Dantes Plads, DK-1550 Copenhagen V.
Victoria Museum, Gustavianum, S-752 20 Uppsa1a.
Egyptian Antiquities Museum, Tahrir Square, Kasr el-Nil, Cairo.
United States of America
Brooklyn Museum, 200 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, New York 11238.
Field Museum ofNatural History, Roosevelt Road at Lake Shore Drive,
France Chicago, Illinois 60605.
Mus~e Calvet, .6?
rue Jos~P?- Vernet, 84000 Avignon, Vaucluse. Metropolitan Museum of Art, Fifth Avenue at 82nd Street, New York,
Mus~e de la Vieille Charite, 2 rue de la Charite, 13002 Marseilles. NY 10028.
Musee des Beaux-Arts, Palais Saint-Pierre, 20 place des Terreaux F- Museum of Fine Arts, 465 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts
69001 Lyons. '
Musee du Louvre, Palais du Louvre, F-7504l Paris. Phoebe Apperson Hearst Museum of Anthropology, 103 Kroeber Hall,
Berkeley, California 94720.
germany Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum and Art Gallery, Rosicrucian Park, San
~gypt~schesMuseum, Staatliche Museen, Bodestrasse 1-3, 1020 Berlin. Jose, California 95191.
Agyptisches Museum, Schlossstrasse 70, 1000 Berlin 19. San Diego Museum of Man, 1350 El Prado, Balboa Park, San Diego,
Kestner-Museum, Trammplatz 3, 3000 Hanover 1. California 92101.
Roemer-Pelizaeus-Museum, Amsteiner 1,3200 Hildesheim, Niedersachsen. University of Chicago Oriental Institute Museum, 1155 East 58th Street,
Chicago, Illinois 60637.
National Museum of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2.
Museo Archeologico, Via della Colonna 36, Florence.
Museo Egizio, Palazzo dell 'Accademia delle Scienze Via Accademia
delle Scienze 6, Turin. '
Allard Pierson Museum, Oude Turfmarkt 127, Amsterdam 1012 GC.
10 Index
Page numbe rs in italic refer to illustrations
Further reading Abydos 9, 19,20,20,21, Chisels 21, 22, 41, 43, 43 Glue 16, 17, 18,25,47,48
22,26 Clay seal18, 51, 52 Gold foil 16
Acacia 7,11 Coffins 7,9,40,41 Gold leaf 16, 21
Baines, J., and Malek, J. Atlas ofAncient Egypt. Phaidon, Oxford, 1980. Adhesive 16, 17,25 Copper saw 20, 20 Gold studs 18
Baker, H. Furniture in the Ancient World. The Connoisseur, London, Adze 8, 16,21,21,34,41, Curtain box 31,33 Graeco-Roman 7, 54
1966. 43,43,44,44 Cushions 11,39 Green timber 13,58
Alabaster 33, 41 Date palm 10 Gum 16, 17
Charlish, A. The History of Furniture. Orbis Books, London, 1976. Decorative techniques 17 Gypsum 16
Alexandria 56
Feduchi, L. A History of World Furniture. Blume, Barcelona, 1977. Amenemhet 50 Deir el-Bahri 9 Half-lap joint 15, 15
Garstang, J. The Burial Customs ofAncient Egypt. London, 1907. Amenophis III 53 Deir e1-Medina 46, 49 Hathor heads 41
Killen, G. P. Ancient Egyptian Furniture. Aris & Phillips, Warminster; Ankh 17, 17 Diospyros 8 Hatshepsut 9, 53
Any 51,52 Djed 17, 17 Headrest 31, 32, 33, 38
Volume 1 1980, Volume 21994. Heartwood 12, 13, 16,58
Armchair 31,32,53 Djer 9,19
Lucas, A. Ancient Egyptian Materials and Industries. Editor, J. R. Harris. Ash 8, 12 Djoser 9, 28 Heb-sed courtyard 36
Arnold, London, fourth edition 1962. Aw121, 43, 43 Door leaf 55 He1wan 11,27
Lucie-Smith, E. Furniture: A Concise History. Thames & Hudson, Axe 8, 12, 43, 43 Double cove seat 44, 58 Herringbone pattern 17
London, 1979. Bark 13,16 Double shoulder-mitre Hesire 28
Barrel-lid 34, 34 joint 15,15 Hetepheres 16,30,31,32,
Hayward, H. World Furniture. Hamlyn, London, 1981. Dovetailed-mitre joint 15, 33
Barrel vault 40
Helck, W., and Eberhard, O. Lexikon der Agyptologie, Band IV. Otto Basalt 19 15 Hieroglyphic symbols 17,
Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 1982. Basket makers 10 Dovetail joint 16, 16, 31 17,29,47
Oates, P. B. The Story of Western Furniture. Herbert Press, London, Bed-frames 9, 11, 16,22, Dowels 17, 18 Hinges 18, 18
23,24,25,25,26,26, Drums 31, 48 Hippopotamus 9
1981. Holdall 10, 10
29 Eastern Mediterranean 7, 9
Petrie, W. M. F. Arts and Crafts of Ancient Egypt. Foulis, Edinburgh Beeswax 17 Ebony 8,17,28,29,42, Hone 43, 44
and London, 1910. Bench 44,44 45,52 Hooks 31
Petrie, W. M. F. Tarkhan I and Memphis V. British School of Beni Hasan 8, 12, 37 Elephant 9 Horus 22
Archaeology in Egypt, University College London, 1913. Beve138 Elm 8 Indigenous trees 7
Bovine-shaped legs 9, 9, Engraving tools 21 Inlay 17,34,42
Petrie, W. M. F. Tools and Weapons. British School of Archaeology in Ivory 9, 15, 17, 19,22,23,
23,27,28 Ethiopia 8
Egypt, University College London, 1917. Bow-drill 33, 34, 43, 43 Faience 17,22,41,52,53 42,45
Singer, C.; Ho1myard E. J.; and Hall, A. R. A History of Technology. Bronze 12, 18,41,47 Felling 12 Jewel case 15,41, 52,53
Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1955. Butterfly cramp 15, 15 Femur 38 Kahun 7,40,41
Butt joint 14, 14, 52 Ficus sycomorus 7 Kerf 21
Cabinet 29, 36, 36, 55 Flax 11 Kew Gardens 7
Cairo 10,31,37,39,40 Flint saw 19, 19 Kha49
Canopy 30, 30,31,32 Folding bed 18 Khaefre 31
Carnelian 17, 41 Folding stool 46, 47 Khnum-hotep III 12
Carrying box 35,35,36 Folding table 54 Knife 19,20
Carrying chair 32, 32 Footboard 31 Knots 7
Cartouche 53 Fraxinus excelsior 8 Kohl container 51
Cavetto cornice 35, 36,36, Fungi 14 Lahun 10
38,38,39 Gable lid 35, 35, 49, 50 Lathe 7, 44, 54, 54
Cedar 8, 42, 52 Gazelle 12,40 Lattice stool 44, 45
Cedrus libani 8 Gesso 16 Leather 11,25,45,47
Chair 11,29,47,47 Gilded 16, 17,22,29,31, Leather thongs 11, 12, 15,
Cheeks 16, 38, 58 36 21,25,26
Chiropody implements 26 Giza 16, 30, 31, 36 Lebanon 8
64 Index
Lcopardskin II Pyramid 30, 41 Sycamore fig 7
Linen 11,21,22 Quercus cerris 8 Syrian coast 8
Lion 31 Razor 42 Table 26, 26
Locking system 50 Reed 10, 11,39 Tamarisk 7
Lotus petal decoration 45 Rekhmire 13,17,18 Tang 20
Lozenge decoration 50, 51 Rouge dish 42 Tangential shrinkage 13,
Luxor 37 Round-legged stool 44, 45, 14,58
Mallet 21, 43 50 Tanis 54, 56
Marquetry 17 Royal annals 8 Tanning 11
Mastaba 19, 28, 33 Royal furniture 53 Tarkhan 9, 22, 23, 25, 26
Meket-Re 46 Rush 10,48 Thebes 14, 17,44,46,47,
Menkaure 36 Salix safsaf"l 50,51,52,53
Mereruka 35 Sandal tray 26, 27 Three-legged stool 46, 46
Meresankh III 31, 32, 33, Sandstone blocks 33, 33, Three-legged table 50
34 44 Throne 27,27
Metal hoops 18,52 Sapwood 13, 16,58 Thuya 10, 53
Metal staples 18,31 Saqqara 9, 11,18,19,20, Ti33, 34, 36
Mirror 41,51 21,27,28 Tibia 38
Mitre cutting aid 44, 44 Sarcophagus 36 Timber conversion 12, 13,
Mitre-housingjoint 15, 15 Saw 13, 16, 19, 19, 20, 20, 13, 14, 18, 58
Moisture content 14 34 Tiye 53
Mortise and tenon 16,16 Sawing post 13,13, 15 Toilet box 41, 42,51
Mushroom shaped handles Scarf-joint 15, 15 Torus moulding 35, 36
18,51,52,53 Scribe's box 42 Tray 41
Nails 16, 18 Seasoning 14 Try square 44, 44
Naqada 19 Seat height 38, 38 Tuna el-Gebel 54
Neb 17, 17 Sehefner 11, 11 Turkey 8
Nefer-meri-ka 27, 27 Semerkhet 21 Turned bed leg 55, 56
Nile 10, 37 Serekh 22, 23 Tutankhamun 8,17,29,
Nisu-heqet 27, 27 Sesostris 40, 41 35,47,53
Nomarc\l37,50 'Set' 21 Tuthmosis IV 53
Nome 37 Shakes 47, 58 Tutu 51
North Africa 8 Shoulder-mitre joint 15, 15 Upholstery 11, 55
Nubia 11 Shrine lid 35, 35, 41 Uraeus 53
Oak 8 Sidder 7 Varnish 17
Oil 17,41,43 Silver 16, 42 Vase stand 39, 40, 48, 48
Oil flask 43, 44 Simple-mitre joint 15, 15 Veneer 16, 17, 18,28,34,
Overseer 37 Sitamun 53 40,52,53
Paint 16, 40 Sit-Hathor-Yunet41 Was 17,17
Palermo Stone 8 Size 16 Webbing 11
Palm leaf 10 Slash grain 14 Wheelwrights 8
Papyrus 10,26,51 Sliding bolt 18 Whetstone 42
Papyrus flower 25, 27, 28 Slippers 51 Whiting 16
Parquetry 17 Sneferu 8, 30, 31 Wig boxes 10,11,32
Perfumed oil 41, 51 Spindles 49 Willow 7
Perpaut 49, 50, 51 Steam bending 8, 8 Woodcutters 12, 12
Petosiris 54, 55 Stela 11, 11, 27, 27, 39, 39 Workshop 13, 14,37,40,
Plane 16,21 Step Pyramid 9, 28, 36 43,46
Plaster 16,36,46,47,51 Stool 37, 37 Workshop inspector 37
Plywood 9 Stretcher 27, 39, 45, 47 Writing equipment 10, 42
Polish 17 Stringing 50, 52 Yuya 10,53
Pullsaw 13, 13, 43, 43 Sudan 11 Zizyphus spina-christi 7
Egyptian Woodworking and Furniture
This book gives a comprehensive description of Egyptian woodworking from the earliest
times to the Late Period. It examines the sources of wood and other materials used by Egyptian
carpenters. The techniques used to embellish timber and the complex joints employed in
carcase construction are also explained and woodworking tools and processes throughout the
Dynastic Period are described. Some of the important sources which illustrate the develop-
ment of furniture styles and the use of tools come from wall paintings and reliefs in tombs. The
story of furniture is traced through an examination of surviving pieces that are now preserved
in museums, including First Dynasty bedframes from Tarkhan and the furniture of the Fourth
Dynasty queen Hetepheres, as well as the highly developed cabinet making and turned stool
legs of the Late and Graeco-Roman Periods.
Shire Egyptology
This series is written by experts for the student or interested layman. Each book contains
many illustrations and deals concisely with a particular aspect of Egyptology. Titles in the series,
with their series numbers, are:
Akhenaten's Egypt Angela P. Thomas (10) Egyptian Painting and Relief Gay Robins (3)
Egyptian Boats and Ships Steve Vinson (20) Egyptian Pottery Colin Hope (5)
Egyptian Coffins John H. Taylor(ll) Egyptian Pyramids and Mastaba Tombs Philip
Egyptian Faience and Glass Paul T. Nicholson Watson (6)
(18) Egyptian Rock-cut Tombs Aidan Dodson (14)
Egyptian Food and Drink Hilary Wilson (9) Egyptian Textiles Rosalind Hall (4)
Egyptian Godsand Myths Angela P. Thomas (2) Egyptian Towns and Cities Eric P. Uphill (8)
Egyptian Household Animals Rosalind and Egyptian Warfare and Weapons Ian Shaw (16)
Jack Janssen (12) Egyptian Woodworking and Furniture Geoffrey
Egyptian Medicine Carole Reeves (15) Killen (21)
Egyptian Metalworking and Tools Bernd Graeco-Roman Egypt Simon Ellis (17)
Scheel (13) Predynastic Egypt Barbara Adams (7)
Egyptian Mummies Barbara Adams (1) Tutankhamun's Egypt Frances Welsh (19)