Scope of Work For Oak Creek Recreation Master Plan
Scope of Work For Oak Creek Recreation Master Plan
Scope of Work For Oak Creek Recreation Master Plan
A. Startup: Upon approval, our team of staff and students will meet with key identified stakeholders in the town of Oak Creek to formalize the comprehensive recreation master plan design process, including accepted methodologies, appropriate methods for stakeholder engagement, and expected formats for deliverables. We will also set a timeline for community participation, analysis, recommendations, and preparation of work products. As part of the public process and information gathering, we will work to ensure that the comprehensive recreation master plan work is thoroughly integrated with all other previous and concurrent design work. We will collect existing information on design work in Oak Creek, and other information impacting the properties or this plan. This information will be summarized, analyzed, and integrated into all recommendations and work initial and final products. B. Specific Services: Under this proposal, CCCD Design Consultation services will provide design services to the city of Oak Creek for a comprehensive recreation master plan document. The following services will include: Site visits with necessary personnel [arranged by town/county]. We have budgeted and allocated for two site visits one for the initial meeting [with student designers], the other for the community engagement portion with all vested stakeholders. Recreation Master Plan Assessment [Milestone] Existing conditions assessment - map current capital facilities, programming and activities. Site location and context Brief history of town/county
Demographics of the town/county Survey of constituent needs and desires for capital facilities, programming, and activities [Milestone] Survey evaluating existing conditions and informing future vision and goals Photo survey photographs of built elements used to survey the community about their preferences for future construction. Site inventory and analysis including: playground/park equipment, location & condition of playing fields, asphalt areas, concrete areas, vegetation, trail systems, pedestrian access, handicap accessibility, vehicular access/parking [drop off & pick-up], service/ maintenance, drainage, sunlight/shade, ambience, and surrounding uses.
Data collection for base maps [Note: Mapping provided by the town/county, preferably AutoCAD and GIS mapping, Aerials, or BLM mapping] Recreation Master Plan Report [Milestone] Explore and provide an understanding of the statement outdoor recreation is a cornerstone of the Oak Creek lifestyle contained in the Oak Creek Comprehensive Plan Update (p. 40). Vision and goals; the vision and goals speak directly to the needs and the desires of the town and the surrounding community. The vision concisely states what the master plan is intended to become. The goals lay out more specifically how the vision is fulfilled, i.e. what the place will feel like, what will happen there. List of program recommendations; specifically quantify the physical activities and elements presented in list form. [ie: 1 basketball court, 1 trail system, 4 tether ball courts, 3 age appropriate play pits] Develop a capital plan based on community priorities including: upgrades to current facilities, design for proposed new facilities, timeline, estimated costs, potential funding sources, recommended standards as appropriate, and a maintenance plan for all facilities.
Spatial Diagram illustrating the location of programmatic elements and the relationship of elements to one another. Identify recommendations for regionalization - provision of recreation services to/for other local communities or unincorporated areas, use of other existing local recreation facilities effectively.
Preliminary Opinion of Costs [Milestone] We realize that the implementing the master plan may need to be done in phases depending on available funding. We will provide an opinion of costs based on a unit price and current market conditions. At the planning stages, this helps give the town an order of magnitude of cost and is useful for phasing, fundraising, and grant writing purposes. Illustrative plan/schematic design [Milestone] A detailed drawing of the layout and character of the active recreation areas found within site context. Stakeholder Input [Milestone] CCCD will present and collect feedback for the recreation master plan report to the design committee and community at a public meeting. Based on feedback received at these meetings, CCCD will make adjustments and edits to the recreation master plan before submitting a final document.
C. Data Collection: Our approach will include gathering pertinent data necessary for developing a master plan for the property. This may include: Demographic data Residential usage data hiking, biking, fishing, etc. Photo survey data D. Cost for Services - $16,500.00: We provide real world opportunities for students studying architecture, landscape architecture and planning in the College of Architecture and Planning at UC Denver while providing a service that may otherwise be unaffordable. We do pay our students and have overhead, but we have strived to keep our costs affordable. Our service costs will be $16,500; half [$8,250.00] of which is due at the signing of the agreement between the
town of Oak Creek and CCCD and the remainder [$8,250.00] at the completion of the project. Both parties will agree upon the timeframe for completion. E. Timeline: Proposed start date: October 21, 2013 Developed methodology and inventory: December 2013 Community/stakeholder meeting: February 2014 Development of Capital Programming plans: March 2014 Presentation to Town Board: April 2014 Proposed completion date: May 31, 2014 F. Contacts: Send to: Mary Alice Page-Allen, MPA, AICP Town Administrator/Clerk Town of Oak Creek PO Box 128/129 Nancy Crawford Blvd. Oak Creek, CO 80467 (970) 736-2422 Contract Signer: Nikki Knoebel Town Mayor Town of Oak Creek PO Box 128/129 Nancy Crawford Blvd. Oak Creek, CO 80467 (970) 736-2422 Invoices: Mary Alice Page-Allen, MPA, AICP Town Administrator/Clerk Town of Oak Creek PO Box 128/129 Nancy Crawford Blvd. Oak Creek, CO 80467 (970) 736-2422