Internal OHS Audit Methodology PDF
Internal OHS Audit Methodology PDF
Internal OHS Audit Methodology PDF
1.1 Introduction
This internal Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) audit methodology provides guidance to internal auditors and auditees on the internal OHS audit process. The internal audit methodology ensures that OHS Management System (OHSMS) audits are conducted to a consistent standard, allowing verification that the OHSMS: complies with planned arrangements; has been properly implemented and maintained; and is effectively implemented throughout the University of Melbourne.
The internal audit methodology includes: Auditor Selection and Competencies Audit Frequency Audit Schedule Audit Scope Definitions for Audit Reports Audit Process Requirements Audit Opening Meetings Audit Closing Meetings Audit Report Requirements and Template Audit Report Distribution
The Director, Internal Audit shall select internal auditors that are sufficiently qualified, competent and experienced to perform OHS audits. Where the internal auditor(s) are not sufficiently qualified, competent and experienced, the internal auditor(s) may be supported by other experts to enable them to perform audits competently. When determining the suitability of internal auditors the Director, Internal Audit shall take into account the following criteria:
INTERNAL OHS AUDIT METHODOLOGY 1 Date: 1 July 2012 Version: 1.2 Authorised by: Director, OHS and Injury Management Next Review: 1 July 2015 The University of Melbourne Uncontrolled when printed.
Essential relevant tertiary qualifications; knowledge of current Victorian Occupational Health and Safety legislation (OHS, Dangerous Goods and Equipment (Public Safety) Acts and Regulations); successful completion of a recognised OHS auditor training course; and one year of recent experience in an OHS role.
Preferable five years of work experience with at least three years of experience in an OHS role; relevant tertiary qualifications; successful completion of a recognised OHS auditor training course; knowledge of current Victorian Occupational Health and Safety legislation (OHS, Dangerous Goods and Equipment (Public Safety) Acts and Regulations); and experience conducting at least four OHS Management Systems audits, totaling not less than 20 days on site, within the last three years, against the NAT, AS/NZS 4801:2001, SafetyMAP or equivalent.
INTERNAL OHS AUDIT METHODOLOGY 2 Date: 1 July 2012 Version: 1.2 Authorised by: Director, OHS and Injury Management Next Review: 1 July 2015 The University of Melbourne Uncontrolled when printed.
The Director, Internal Audit, in consultation with the Director, OHS and Injury Management, may increase internal audit frequency for any audited organisation for one or more of the following reasons: significant adverse findings resulting from an internal audit; significant adverse findings resulting from an external audit; significant escalation in claims or incident frequency rate; significant escalation in regulatory activity; or other information that may indicate the OHS Management System is not performing optimally.
o Product, Structures and Process Design o Chemicals, Substances and Waste Risk Management o High Risk Tasks o Personal Protective Equipment o Plant and Equipment o Materials Transport, Storage and Handling o Supervision o Supply of Services and Goods to Others Emergency Preparedness and Response Monitoring and Measurement o General o Health Surveillance OHSMS Nonconformity, Incident Investigation, Corrective and Preventive Action Management System Audits Records and Records Management Management Review.
The internal auditor(s) shall: develop an audit plan detailing the criteria to be verified, using the Audit Workbook subjects nominated by the Director, Internal Audit; and submit the audit plan to the Director, Internal Audit for approval.
The internal audits shall be undertaken against the criteria of the National Self Insurers OHS Audit Tool (NAT) and the University of Melbournes OHS procedures. The scope of the matters assessed shall vary with the type of audited area, as described in the table below:
TYPE OF AUDITED AREA University-wide OHS systems Local Division/Department without Universitywide functions Local Division/Department with University-wide functions AUDIT SCOPE Policies and procedures to support the conformance to NAT criteria. Workplace verification to establish that relevant University procedures are sufficiently implemented to conform to NAT criteria. Workplace verification to establish that relevant University procedures are sufficiently implemented to conform to NAT criteria. Policies and procedures to support the conformance to NAT criteria relevant to the Departments University-wide functions.
Based upon the evidence audited is it evident that the auditee is conformant with University and legal INTERNAL OHS AUDIT METHODOLOGY 4 Date: 1 July 2012 Version: 1.2 Authorised by: Director, OHS and Injury Management Next Review: 1 July 2015 The University of Melbourne Uncontrolled when printed.
requirements, and is active in implementing additional measures to achieve continual improvement. Area for Improvement (AFI): The auditor has provided recommendations that may assist the auditee to achieve continual improvement by: ensuring more efficient implementation of University procedures (reductions in time, cost and resources); enhancing the transparency of the system to auditors, regulators and the University.
The auditee is conformant with University and legal requirements, and the recommendations are merely the opinion of the auditor. While failure to follow this advice will not in itself lead to Non Conformance, the recommendations are made based on the auditor's experience in reviewing the approach of areas across the entire University. Requires Correction (RC): Based on the evidence audited, it is evident that: the auditee has not fully, effectively or consistently implemented University procedures, and/or there was evidence of isolated instances of apparent legislative non-compliance.
Corrective Action should be undertaken as a priority to prevent the area falling into Non Conformance. The audit itself is a sampling exercise. If the sampling indicates isolated legislative non-compliance, it is likely that a regulator might reveal systematic non-compliance during more focused inspection or intervention. Further, it is likely that both internal and external auditors will focus on issues identified as RC during subsequent audits. The criterion requiring correction may be linked to or interdependent with other key systems. A failure relating to this criterion may therefore lead to a significant reduction in total system effectiveness, or wider legal non-compliance. Non Conformance (NC): The auditor finds evidence that there was: an absence of system elements or a part of the system, and/or a failure to follow the documented systems or procedures, and/or a lapse in the system or procedure, and/or apparent systemic legislative non-compliance.
Corrective Action must be undertaken to prevent injury, ensure continued certification and ensure legislative compliance. The Internal Auditor is required to report serious hazards or potentially dangerous occurrences to the Divisions senior management, the Director, OHS and Injury Management and the Director, Internal Audit. Non conformances are documented on Corrective Action Reports, and remedial action will be confirmed by subsequent verification. Not Verified (NV): The auditor cannot confirm implementation of the system because: the related activity has not yet occurred, so objective evidence is not available, or the criterion, whilst included in the audit scope, was not examined during the audit, or evidence could not be provided due to an unforeseen circumstance.
The auditor may not have reviewed key documents, interviewed staff or visited key areas owing to a number of issues including staff absence or time constraints. The criterion remains untested and should be considered for INTERNAL OHS AUDIT METHODOLOGY 5 Date: 1 July 2012 Version: 1.2 Authorised by: Director, OHS and Injury Management Next Review: 1 July 2015 The University of Melbourne Uncontrolled when printed.
inclusion within the scope of subsequent audits. Not Applicable (NA): There is no indication of the related activity having occurred, and therefore the auditee is not required to implement systems to satisfy the specified criterion. Corrective Action Report (CAR): A report that documents the reasons for adverse findings (NC and RC), and determines the date on which the corrective actions will be reviewed.
INTERNAL OHS AUDIT METHODOLOGY 6 Date: 1 July 2012 Version: 1.2 Authorised by: Director, OHS and Injury Management Next Review: 1 July 2015 The University of Melbourne Uncontrolled when printed.
3. 4.
2.1 Internal OHS Audit Report Template
The Director, Internal Audit, in consultation with the Director, OHS and Injury Management, shall develop and maintain an Internal OHS Audit Report template. The internal OHS auditor(s) shall use the template to report internal OHS audit findings to the auditee.
The Head of Division shall, within four weeks of receiving the internal audit report, ensure that documented Corrective Action Plans, including prioritisation of planned corrective actions, are developed and provided to the Director, Internal Audit, for each: Non Conformance finding Requires Correction finding.
The Head of Division shall ensure that the Divisions audit reports are tabled at the Divisions Health and Safety or Environmental committee meetings, for monitoring of implementation of corrective actions. The Director, Internal Audit shall report Internal OHS audit results to:
INTERNAL OHS AUDIT METHODOLOGY 7 Date: 1 July 2012 Version: 1.2 Authorised by: Director, OHS and Injury Management Next Review: 1 July 2015 The University of Melbourne Uncontrolled when printed.
Occupational Health and Safety Committee Risk Management Committee Audit and Risk Committee Senior Executive.
INTERNAL OHS AUDIT METHODOLOGY 8 Date: 1 July 2012 Version: 1.2 Authorised by: Director, OHS and Injury Management Next Review: 1 July 2015 The University of Melbourne Uncontrolled when printed.