GMOs and Related Issues
GMOs and Related Issues
GMOs and Related Issues
Genetically Modified Organisms- Refers to the organisms such as yeast, plants, animals etc whose genes have been altered. How are GMOs made? Aim is to change the genetic make-up. So, it can be changed by inserting new gene or modifying existing one. Can be done by- Making the cell membrane more porous and inserting new gene into cell by electric shock, gene gun, cold temperature shock etc Occurs in nature too. Use of GMOs? -Better varieties of crops (more productivity, shelf life, flood and drought resistance) = Genetically Modified Crops (GMCs) -Ornamental organisms (GloFish was the first such organism) -Better meat (genes can be stimulated for more muscle growth) -Gene therapy, research etc Why is it in news? 1. Technical Expert Committee established by Supreme court recommended a 10 yr moratorium on field trials of GMCs 2. BRAI Bill 3. Mutation breeding technology developed by BARC 4. Human cloning 5. Next Generation Sequencing 6. Gene Therapy Explanations: 1. TECs moratorium: -The report criticizes the state of regulatory affairs with regard to modern biotechnology -Moratorium until there is more definitive information from sufficient number of studies as to the long-term safety of Bt in food crops -no desperate shortage of food in India. It recommended that the release of GM crops for which India is a centre of origin or diversity as in Bt brinjal should not be allowed. Why GMCs should be allowed? 1. GM crops are already widely used. Last yr, 12% of global crop area was grown with GE varieties of Soyabean, maize, cotton, rapeseed, sugarbeet 2. Over next 50 yrs, global demand for agricultural products may double. Agricultural supply needs to be doubled without straining the environment
3. Agriculture needs to be treated as a knowledge driven industry, not just a traditional vocation 4. India has become a cotton exporting country from cotton importing one because of Bt Cotton. Yields increased by 25%. Insecticide spray reduced by 50% 5. China has 6000 PhDs in agri-biotech alone. India has 8900 PhDs in all Sciences put together. No field trials->No claim substantiated. Too many hurdles for scientists: funding, activists, loss of trial crops, no publications, no products Conclusion: GMCs should not be considered as a substitute for improved agronomy or other innovations. But a moratorium is not the answer. GMCs require sensible regulation. Points against GMCs: 1. GMCs have both serious scientific unknowns and lack a clear social benefit, atleast for now 2. GM is a distraction from investing in real solutions by trying to overcome the environment by using genetics 3. Herbicide use is increasing in US since it adopted GM Maize, soybeans and cotton. Insecticide use is much high in US compared to France which does not use GMCs 4. Patent problems- Process patents make the crop very expensive 5. Undermines biodiversity 6. No validated surveillance to know the effect of GMCs on human health Conclusion- GM is not a permanent solution. Use technology to better soil health, irrigation. Organic farming is a solution too. 2. BRAI BILL: Biotechnology Regulatory Authority Bill Status: pending in Lok Sabha Objective: to promote safe use of modern biotechnology by enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of regulatory procedures. Features: 1. The Bill establishes the Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of India [Authority= chairperson, two full time members, and two part time members] 2. Functions of the Authority: regulating the research, transport, import, containment, environmental release, manufacture and use of organisms and products of modern biotechnology. The Authority has the power to call for information, conduct an inquiry and issue directions for the safety of products or processes of modern biotechnology. 3.Authoritys permission will be required to conduct field trials for certain organisms or products 4. The Bill will not apply to the clinical trials of drugs, under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940, and food or food additives or any material under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006.
5. State level body: A State Biotechnology Regulatory Advisory Committee will act as a nodal agency between the state government and the Authority with regard to the regulation of modern biotechnology. 6.Appellate Tribunal: A Biotechnology Regulatory Appellate Tribunal will hear appeals against the decisions, orders or directions of the Authority. Headed by retd judge of Supreme Court or retd Chief Justice of a High Court 7.Penalties under the Bill: The Bill imposes a penalty for providing false information and conducting an unapproved field trial 3. Mutation Breeding Technology by BARC Background: Mutation in genes occurs in nature but it is too slow and random. Desired mutation can be generated using genetic manipulation. MBT is a method for this genetic engineering. MBT: Ionisation: Seeds/parts of plant exposed to ionising radiation combine 2 or more plants with desired characterist ics test improved crops in BARC fields for atleast 3 yrs Mini kit trials in famers' fields
MBT started in 1973 with Trombay Groundnut (TG-1) which gave 15-20% higher yield than traditional varieties BARC is now focusing on oilseeds and pulses as India imports 40% oilseeds and 20% pulses. 4. Human Cloning and IVF (3 parent)
Already discussed by Mrunal:
5.Next Generation Sequencing NGS is a method to read whole genomes quickly and cheaply. Mainly chromosomes are looked upon to check for abnormality, diseases such as cancer, heart disease or Alzheimers Why is it in news: A baby was born in US recently after the parents screened the genomes of embryos using NGS and chose the healthiest one for implantation. (First such baby!) Advantages of NGS: Pre implantation diagnosis will help so many parents who cant have a child. It will diagnose possible diseases and prevent miscarriages. [80% of IVF embryos dont implant or miscarry] Disadvantages of NGS: Itll usher an era of Designer babies (to look for specific behavioural traits, cosmetic traits). Ethical issues!
6.Gene Therapy: Using genetic engg to cure diseases and disabilities is called Gene therapy. Human gene therapy has been ongoing since 1990, but most of that involved non-heritable genes, called somatic (non-sex cell) gene therapy. 3 parent IVF (already discussed by Mrunal) is a type of germline modification. Germline Gene therapy alter germ genes Heritable Very Risky 'can' be used to cure genetic diseases currently banned in most OECD countries due to ethical and technical reasons (on humans) Recently UK allowed 3 parent IVF. Policy formulation in this regard is going on In Oct 2013, US FDA will hold 2 day public meeting to discuss genetic modification within human egg
Somatic Gene therapy alter somatic genes Not heritable Not that risky used to cure diseases such as certain Leukemias, Myelomas and Parkinson's disease etc No comprehensive legislation in US as such. only FDA guildelines
Why Germline gene therapy should be allowed? 1. Better lives for many who are condemned to live with genetic diseases 2. Itll be convergence of NBIC nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology and cognitive science- to improve human performance. Welcomed by scientists. Why Germline gene therapy should not be allowed? 1. Problem of designer babies (as in NGS) 2. A new class of underdogs- those who cannot afford gene therapy-would be created 3. Unforeseen, deleterious consequences: Until the child grows, itll be difficult to know the exact results.