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International Society for Theoretical Psychology NEWSLETTER

Fall 2013, Issue 1

Looking back on Chile, 2013

Rplicas: ISTP Chile Aftershock
Every once in a while, the world tends to remind us of the great movements we are submerged in, whether it is because of nature or social processes. Here in Chile, one of the most seismic countries in the world, earthquakes are the most common way nature has to remind us of how we are part of something greater than ourselves. And with regards to social processes, we have had our share as well. This year we commemorate 40 years of the coup de etat our government experienced in 1973, leaving a great wound in our historic memory. Fortunately, there are other social movements that have not ended in tragedy. One of the most important ones, and related to the academic world was the student movement held on 2011, fighting for a better education.

From the ISTP Executive

It was wonderful to participate in the ISTP conference on the occasion of this being the first time it was held in South America. A consistent aspect of this biennial conference is that there is always an interesting combination of attendees who regularly participate in the conference regardless of where it is held and those who come from the local region. This ensures that ongoing theoretical conversations carry on, but importantly, new threads are introduced. The excitement and synergies that are created by this are enabled by the hard work and dedication of the local conference organizers! Many thanks to Antonia Larran and Andrs Haye (and the many who assisted them) for their efforts in bringing this to fruition. Lorrie Radtke, President Elect, University of Calgary, Canada

VIDEO: Listen to the Attendees!

[Other conferences] dont have this intensity in terms of ideas and philosophy Susan Opotow, City University of New York, USA That we could hear different perspectives and how people do psychology in Latin Americathat was very very impressive Ernst Schraube, Roskilde Universitet, Denmark All the presentations that I have listened to have a lot of reflections about how psychology can be integrated with social actionand I think that is very important Jorge C. Sepulveda, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

As every telluric movement produces an aftershock, we organized the Rplicas event to the ISTP 2013
Other occasions of great academic movements in which we undergraduate students had the chance to be part of, include the ISTP meeting in Santiago last May. For us this event meant a major shaking of the way we are used to experience knowledge, usually without the direct experience of international state of the art discussions. Some of us were even invited to present, which was a great challenge given our little experience with speaking to such a Continued from page 27

Presidential Address
When academics reach a certain age they have the tendency to reminiscence: Let me begin with a personal note. The International Society for Theoretical Psychology has not only influenced me intellectually but also personally. I attended my first ISTP conference in Saclas, France (near Paris) in 1993. It was my 9th presentation at an academic conference but my first presentation at a theoretical conference, and more importantly, I met my future partner, Angela, at this event. ISTP, so-to-say, made me move from Germany (no, I am not German) to Canada, where I assumed a position at York University in the History and Theory of Psychology Program. Thus, ISTP was instrumental in the conduct of my academic and personal life Let me mention a few other issues briefly. A very successful conference in Santiago de Chile, the first time ISTP met in South America, is still on our minds. I would like to thank the organizers and the program committee for their outstanding work. Indeed, collaborations and friendships that were formed during this time continue to inspire theoretical psychology around the world. On this background I would like to toot our own horns: ISTP was committed to internationalization before it became a buzzword in some of the major national organizations of psychology. Taking ISTPs international history into account, I would like to suggest thinking about contact topics for future collaborative endeavors. I refer to themes that are shared 2 around the world, even if, or because, we have differing views, and I encourage us to work on them from various indigenous, postcolonial, or meta-theoretical perspectives. I also urge our members to actively seek out colleagues that live in parts of the world other than their own, and to invite those colleagues and students to participate in future symposia for the next ISTP conference (or any other conference). Keep in mind that during the next meeting we will celebrate ISTPs 30th anniversary. I also hope that ISTP members and conference delegates will consider involving international members in their grant applications. Indeed, ISTP can and should be used as a source for finding those partners and as a catalyst for working on content of shared interest. This may mean leaving the comfort of our own immediate collaborative environments, but our work will be better for it. One of the more mundane tasks for the executive will be to increase membership to a degree that we have enjoyed in the past. The health of any organization depends on the commitment of its members, and includes time or passion, money or labor. Sometimes it is difficult to manage an international organization, and local situations may make it even more difficult to follow up on certain tasks; but it is imperative to increase membership, and I hope that we can all work on this goal (please sign up for a membership!). Finally, I ask you to imagine the future of theoretical psychology not to envision what will be my or your next theoretical presentation but to conceive of how will theoretical psychology and ISTP look in another in 30 years. I think that such imaginations allow us to assess our long-term visions and goals for ISTP and indeed for this subdiscipline of psychology. Thomas Teo, ISTP President, York University, Canada

Taking ISTPs international history into account, I would like to suggest thinking about contact topics for future collaborative endeavors.


Whats it like to do psychology in Latin America?
Making psychology through the making of psychology: A personal account from Chile
Rodrigo Farias Rivas PAGE 6 Psychology at the Most Socialist University of Mexico David Pavn-Cullar PAGE 8 Rplicas: ISTP Chile Aftershock Cristbal Kauak 29 (continuation from page 1) Trajectory in Social Psychology: A Means toward Creative and Inventive Ways of Life Jaquelina M. Imbrizi PAGE 11 Presidential Address Thomas Teo 2 Interview with Zhipeng Gao Sigmund Koch Student Award Winner Basia Ellis 31 ISTP Conference Proceedings: CALL 35 Our Group PAGE 16 Theory & Psychology: Update Henderikus Stam 36 Book Review: Aesthetic Subjectivity: Glimpsing the shared soul Jim Cresswell 37 General Announcements 39 Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Cultural Psychology: A Brazilian Research Group PAGE 22 3 About the ISTP 40 About the Editor 41




By Brady Wagoner and Vlad Glaveanu Why did the cultural psychologist cross the road? To get to Aalborg University. The Department of Communication and Psychology at Aalborg University in Denmark has recently received 3.3 million dollars from the Danish National Research Foundation to create a new Centre for Cultural Psychology, which will be directed by Professor Jaan Valsiner, who moved to Aalborg this September. Valsiner has been one of the leading cultural psychologists for two decades though his own original contributions to the field and his editorship of key journals and books. For example, he is the editor of the journal Culture & Psychology and the two most important handbooks in the field, The Oxford Handbook of Culture & Psychology (2012) and The Cambridge Handbook of Sociocultural Psychology (2007, with Alberto Rosa). But what is this new field of research which Valsiner has been so instrumental in shaping? Cultural Psychology is the future of the science of psychology in the 21st Century. It looks at how persons and social-cultural world mutually constitute one another. Humanity prides itself on creating operas, writing books, organizing art galleries and exhibitions, and even creating the economic exchange worlds of stock markets. All of these require the understanding of the highest forms of human creativity, such as in art, education and the capacities to invent new technologies and economic practices. Cultural psychology studies precisely these complex psychological functions, through an idiographic analysis of individuals and groups as they navigate their world. Globalization and social changes of contemporary societies have increased this complexity even further. As we are in close contact with cultural others our socialpsychological adaptations to these changes acquire a cultural accent.

The new Centre will lead to theoretical refinement of cultural psychology in general and to the advancement of three concrete empirical research projects in cultural psychology: (a) construction of user-friendly urban living environments in the reconstruction of a city; (b) creating novelty and innovation in everyday life and (c) looking at the processes of globalization and the intervention of international helping agencies. Each one of these areas is an active interest at Aalborg University and will serve to bring together members of different disciplines (viz. psychology, communication, architecture, urban planning and global studies). Valsiner will provide theoretical and methodological insight from cultural psychology to transform these pursuits into major research programs, with the Vlad Glaveanu and Brady Wagoner help of a fourth project on (d) epistemology and methodology.

These projects will also be closely linked to the new International Masters Program on Cultural Psychology and Social Practice, starting September this year. The program takes two years to complete and involves immersion in research activities based on Aalborgs distinctive Problem Based Learning method. Students will be introduced to the latest developments in cultural psychological theory and methodology by leading cultural psychologists from all over the world. Thus, the program is international in that (1) students from all over the world will participate, (2) it draws on an international network of cultural psychologists who will teach in the program, and (3) it investigates the complex and distinctive lifeworlds of people living in different societies around the globe. Denmark might not be the warmest place but things are looking bright up north. So, come join us here as a student, visiting lecturer or academic tourist.

Knock - knock. Whose there? Aalborg. Aalborg who? Aalborg U.

Whats it like to do psychology in Latin America?

In an effort to commemorate our ISTP conference in Santiago, Chile, a call was sent out to all Latin attendees, inviting them to write about how they practice psychology. With the format of the contributions left open, heres what some psychologists had to share.

Making Psychology through the Making of Psychology: A Personal Account from Chile
Rodrigo Faras Rivas
P. Universidad Catolica de Chile, Chile

instance in which wecircular argumentmake psychology. Contrary to the idea that psychology is then executed, as

always in the making forces us to accept the responsibility that its permanent creation implies, that is, the rejection of the very possibility that it can be finished. To do psychology is to make psychology, whether it is in the clinic, the workplace, the academy, or the classroom whether it is on an analysts couch or in a researchers lab. On the other hand, to use, to apply psychology, to participate in any kind of activity that implies it as an already finished discourse about the psyche, can easily stop that very same movement that constitutes psychology as a living discourse. I spoke of a responsibility that forces an acceptance fully aware of the naivety of such a notion, as naive as the very idea that psychology operates as a subversive practice. On the contrary, the history of

For all the Latin contributors to this ISTP issue, the major issue to discuss was what is it like to do psychology in South America. Yet, for myself, a Chilean psychologist, it was first and foremost the notion of psychology as something that needs to be made that called for meditationpsychology as something that, in whatever context houses its existence, is always in the making. Let us ignore for a moment that there is an academic discipline called Psychology. Let us ignore that it is also an academic major. To do psychology is to suppose that it is not already done, but always being reinvented in each concrete

if it were an already finished discourse in need of an application in an atheoretical world, we can conceive of psychology as the concrete activity that is the making of psychology itself. The subject of psychologys discourse, then, would turn out to be nothing but that subject that never ceases to create discourses, or better yet, that never ceases to be created by a discourse that itself lacks termination. In this way, psychology as an activity

psychologywith its countless leasings and serfdomsreminds us every day that, as Michel Foucault put it not so long ago, the psychologist can proliferate as a minor civil servant of moral orthopaedics. Putting Foucault aside, the idea of moral orthopaedics as a hidden, seductive goal of psychology is a constant possibility, and one against which I believe we should try to rebel constantly. To do otherwise means to suppose that our discipline is but a body of knowledge that can be used according to the others interests. However, even in this case psychology is not truly completed but is instead reconstituted as a socially accepted, academicallyvalidated control mechanism, as an agency of reproduction of that same order that continuously creates new discontents in civilization, new uneasiness in culture. In contemporary culture, and Chile is no exception, this happens through the systematic neglect of the fact that human subjectivity does not fit in the static categories of normality, evenand especiallywhen it is forced to. Once we accept the idea of the psyche as a perpetually problematic movement, however, we can begin to rethink our concepts. For example, in my view, the psychoanalytic monopoly of the notion of symptom needs to be rethoughtunlike the truth lying in the notion itself, precisely because the psyche itself is endlessly

symptomatic. In other words, the the one hand, Ludwig Wittgenstein very notion of symptomwhich and the impossibility of a private implies a specific psychic language, and on the other, Lacan phenomenonneeds to be and the unconscious as the generalized, for the psyche itself discourse of the Othera thesis operates as a symptom, as it is the that may be unappealing to on-going effect of conflicting Wittgenstenians and Lacanians forces, and as such, a continual alike, as it interferes with their instance of potential subversion. respective theoretical fences. Finally, From this perspective, one could say I have worked as a clinical the psyche demands justice from the psychologist as well as in discourse that claims to speak about recruitment and selectionboth it: it demands Whatever the psychological practice, for me doing psychology psychology has always implied a responsibility. as another instance of problematic areas in which subversion, as a discourse that does psychology risks functioning as a not try to force the symptomatic willing piece of machinery, nature of the psyche to become complicit in the very cultural and static, measurable and ready for ideological procedures behind ideological consumption. socioeconomic inequalities. Allow me now to relay my own experience doing psychology in Chile. My specific mode has primarily been that of theory. Any of my moves away from that realm have shown to be only temporary, since ultimately for me, to make psychology means to think psychologywhereby thought of course implies action. I have had the chance to lead and participate in research activities and study groups wherein I meditated on thinkers who have addressed the psyche in terms of subversive discourses: for instance, Michel Foucault, Jacques Lacan, Gilles Deleuze, Judith Butler. I am also writing a thesis in philosophy on a hypothetical theoretical continuity between, on

Whatever the psychological practice, for me doing psychology has always implied a responsibility. Through theory, I have tried to make psychology by honoring authors that have thought of the psyche as something that is always in the making. Through practice, I have tried to make psychology by honoring that which is also always in the making: the psyche itself. Surely, there are those who talk about psychology like it is already finished and not a living discipline. For them, the psyche is there to be measured and controlled, and psychology is there to be used and sold. And for them, psychology indeed allows all these operations.

In Chile, for example, something interesting has happened with the word psychologist itself, as psychologists are sometimes colloquially called sychologists (siclogos) by magazines and popular culture. The absence of that first letter isnt mean-spirited, but it certainly is symptomatic. It is after all a psychology that has nothing to do with whatever dynamic, living object the Greek root tries to fathom. These sychologists are typically the ones who go on talkshows to speak about the dangers of texting in the workplace, on how to control teenage daughters, or whatever number of steps current sychology says is expected in order to overcome a depression. They will write magazine columns on how to deal with whatever sychological buzzword happens to be in fashion, and they will use their sychological knowledge to give vacuous lectures on whatever corporate subject Management thinks is needed to improve productivity. Some of us, on the other hand, respect the Greek root. Some of us, on the other hand, try to follow the not-so-tautological mission that is making psychology through the making of psychology itself.

(UMSNH), located in the colonial city of Morelia, Mexico. I will speak here of the university, its Faculty of Psychology, current events in the Faculty and what it is like to learn, teach and research psychology in this setting. The university The UMSNH is considered the oldest institution of higher education in the Americas. Its origins date back to a college founded in 1540 by the noted social reformer, Bishop Vasco de Quiroga, who in his last will and testament stipulated that Indians were to receive free education there. The UMSNH still distinguishes itself from other Mexican universities by providing free education, room and board to indigenous and poor students from all over the country. In addition to its popularly understood mission, the UMSNH is well known for its politicization, radical student movements, powerful unions and frequent

Psychology at the Most Socialist University of Mexico

David Pavn-Cullar
Universidad Michoacana de San Nicols de Hidalgo, Mexico

I am a professor in the Faculties of Psychology and Philosophy at the State University of Michoacn, the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicols de Hidalgo

strikes. Many prominent left-wing intellectuals have taught there, and one of them, the Argentinian Marxist psychologist Anbal Ponce (1992), described the UMSNH in 1938, as the most socialist university of Mexico (p. 41), a description that may still be true. The ideological atmosphere of the UMSNH is rather leftist, openminded and progressive. Marxism and radical perspectives are studied intensively in some departments, many students are active in far-left organizations, and dormitory buildings bear the names of Rosa Luxemburg, Vladimir Lenin and Che Guevara. The UMSNH is widely perceived as a red university, especially by rightwing Mexicans. This is actually one of the main reasons why I dreamed of working here in the 1990s, when I was a red student in Mexico City. After more than ten years in Europe, I returned to Mexico with my Ph.D. and realized my dream by obtaining a position at the UMSNH in 2009. However, at least in the Faculty of Psychology, I did not find exactly what I had come for. The Psychology Faculty Separate from the UMSNHs central campus, the Faculty of Psychology is composed of four two-story buildings and a brandnew library with some 10,000 books. It has over 2,000 undergraduate students and around 100 professors. It offers undergraduate and graduate

programs, and includes six areas of specialization in psychology: clinical, social, educational, developmental, organizational and neuropsychological. Virtually all conventional perspectives are represented: behaviourist, cognitivist, psychoanalytic, humanistic and systemic, among others.

professors and students. They do not use public transport, dress and think differently, and yearn--in their words--for a more modern and selective university, with better students and healthier budget management, that is, an institution without poor students, who are so expensive to maintain. In a sense, these professors are isolated from the reality of the popular

. . . the UMSNH is well known for its politicization, radical student movements, powerful unions, and frequent strikes. As in other faculties of the UMSNH, the average student comes from a deprived background. Some have access to benefits such as room and board in dormitories furnished with bunk beds for 8to-20 students in narrow bedrooms, while others have to work long hours, seldom earning more than 200 Mexican pesos (12 Euros) per day, barely enough to survive. Most professors are not much better off. Those without a Ph.D. cannot aspire to permanent positions and so suffer precarious working conditions, while having to pass competitive examinations each semester. They may be given as few as 4 hours of class per week and be paid less than 150 pesos (9 Euros) per hour of teaching. The privileged professors are those with a Ph.D. and tenure. They earn $20,000-to-$50,000 pesos per month (1,200-3,000 Euros). We may say that they belong to a social class different from that of most

university. While they may claim to be leftist, they could hardly be deemed radical. Rather, their ideology reflects a liberal and apolitical pragmatism that coincides with the vision of the organizations responsible for accreditation in higher education. Thanks to accreditation organizations and their unconditional defenders in the UMSNH, the liberal pragmatist ideology has become hegemonic, especially in new faculties like Psychology. I immediately felt this hegemony four years ago, when I first set foot in the Faculty, even before I discovered its complex internal structures. 2009-2010: A Boring Faculty In 2009, I was shocked by the entrepreneurial environment at the Faculty of Psychology. There were no political posters on the walls, but only institutional information on the Facultys achievements.

Everything had to be clean and efficient, and everyone was obsessed with the recent accreditation process and how to improve rankings and performance. Neither the students nor the professors were interested in radical politics. Most opinions remained conformist. No one was really involved in critical psychology or alternatives to conventional perspectives. Mainstream psychology reigned supreme throughout the Faculty. The few contradictions that surfaced related to procedures, not political or theoretical perspectives. In short, the Faculty was boring, especially in contrast to the Faculty of Philosophy at the same institution, where I was teaching Marxism to restless, ungovernable students who presented themselves as feminists, anarchists, Zapatistas and Leninists. How was I to explain this significant difference between the two faculties? First, we must ask whether psychology as such, as a discipline, spontaneously favours tameness, submissiveness and conservativeness. Second, this Faculty of Psychology admits only candidates who studied the health speciality in high school, which favors empiricist and positivist epistemologies. Third, as I mentioned above, the UMSNHs Faculty of Psychology, created just 15 years ago, has been particularly influenced by the rising liberal pragmatism of this university. Worse yet, the newborn faculty was

forced to recruit many of its professors from an older department of psychology at a conservative, private Catholic university.

These circumstances suffice to explain what I found in the UMSNHs Faculty of Psychology four years ago. What is more difficult to explain is the subsequent deep transformation there. Yet it is thanks to this transformation that the Faculty of Psychology is providentially becoming what I . . . indignados occupied the Faculty to originally expected manifest their vehement inconformity with from the UMSNH. mainstream psychology. 2011-2013: the transformation assemblies. We also extended our Rather suddenly, three years ago, solidarity to students who were things began to change. First, in simultaneously supporting the self2011, several students who governing Amerindian community pronounced themselves indignados of Chern. occupied the Faculty to manifest Both the Chern and #yosoy132 their vehement inconformity with movements had plenary sessions at mainstream psychology and its role the Second Conference on Marxism in the capitalist-liberal system. and Psychology, which was That same year, a group of organized by our Faculty and held professors founded a journal of at the UMSNH in August 2012, critical and theoretical psychology with over 100 speakers and 700 entitled Teora y Crtica de la attendees from 15 countries. After Psicologa (Theory and Critique of the conference, and probably Psychology), which has become an inspired by it, a number of students important forum that receives enrolled in courses on Marxism in papers from around the world, other departments at the UMSNH. particularly Latin America. Some also joined a radical Marxist Then, in 2012, after violent clashes organization, the Revolutionary between the police and residents at Left Movement (MIR), and are the UMSNHs dormitories, currently involved in intense hundreds of students of the political activities in the Faculty,

Psychology Faculty became involved in the #yosoy132 youth movement that called for the democratization of the country and the mass media, and spoke out against the return of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), long a symbol of repression, corruption and electoral fraud in Mexico. We formally constituted a group of professors who supported the movement and attended its demonstrations and interminable

. . . students recently began to paint the Facultys walls, which are now adorned by the naked body of a woman masturbating, quotes from Beatriz Preciado and the faces of Marx, Engels, Luxemburg and Che Guevara. constantly questioning institutional decisions and ideological orientations. Present and future The UMSNHs Faculty of Psychology now has a Student Assembly where participants discuss political and institutional matters, vote on important decisions concerning the Faculty and exert permanent pressure on both the Faculty head and officials. They have questioned how budget expenditures are decided, the prevalence of mainstream psychology in the Faculty, the rising liberal pragmatism, and the way in which higher education accreditation organizations influence curriculum design in psychology. The Assembly shows a clear tendency towards critical psychology, and has enabled the formation of study circles on liberation psychology and other alternative or committed perspectives. More and more students and professors identify themselves with

critical options such as Marxism, feminism, queer theory, Foucaultian thought, etc. They have been diagnosed with criticomania by those still devoted to diagnosis, the group of normal psychologists who denounce the polarization of the Faculty and the recurrent questioning by students in ideological and political terms. To make matters worse, in addition to bullying their professors, these unmanageable students recently began to paint the Facultys walls, which are now adorned by the naked body of a woman masturbating, quotes from Beatriz Preciado and the faces of Marx, Engels, Luxemburg and Che Guevara. Some professors are afraid that these painted walls will affect the Facultys upcoming reaccreditation process. But several students oppose this evaluation and plan to mobilize against it. Thus the gap between the two sides of the Faculty grows wider by the day.
References Ponce, A. (1992). Anbal Ponce, maestro nicolaita. Morelia: Universidad Michoacana de San Nicols de Hidalgo.

Trajectory in Social Psychology: A Means toward Creative and Inventive Ways of Life
Jaquelina M. Imbrizi
Universidade Federal de So Paulo, Brazil

The Campus Baixada Santista, founded in 2005 at the Universidade Federal de So Paulo, offers six graduate courses: Physical Education, Physiotherapy, Nutrition, Psychology, Occupational Therapy and Social Service. As outlined officially in its Pedagogical Political Project, the university distinguishes itself


through its focus on teaching activities, which set out a defined professional profile and prioritize interdisciplinary education aimed at inter-professional performance both in the Brazilian health system and in the Social Assistance. In this process, we valorize the experiences shared by different knowledge areas. My story highlights the importance of a left-wing government, which, through an expansion process in new campuses, increased the number of vacancies offered to professors as well as to students in the federal universities in Brazil. My decision to work at this universitywhich included moving out to another city was connected to this democratization process in higher education in my country. In 2006, I took a position as professor in charge of the Social and Labor Psychology discipline. The atmosphere created by this campus favored the theoretical and practical production of Social Psychological knowledge, which has become part of my professional trajectory in education, research, and projects developed in partnership with the local community. Here I summarize how these are incorporated into the program via three perspectives: The production of narratives of life stories In the second year of the graduate program there is a module in which pairs of students, from different graduate courses, visit other

persons and families homes with the aim to produce a narrative of the participants life story. Here the objective is to favor the exercise of listening and contextualizing the experiences of subjects within their culture and society, their existential My story highlights the importance of a left-wing government, which, through an expansion process in new campuses, increased the number of vacancies oered to professors as well as to students in the federal universities in Brazil. and geographical territory and their professional and affective choices (Imbrizi et al., 2009a). This activity has been reproduced in the learning-teaching process not only in education but also in the supervision and creation of projects for the graduation final papers, scientific research at graduate level and extension projects. In the graduate course - mainly in the module Psychology, Ideology and Culture - instead of doing the traditional test, the students are invited to narrate their life experiences, relating them to the concepts studied in the module. The objective for students is to exercise a cultural critical

Psychology. With regards to the final graduation papers, one of our graduate students who has completed the course, Fernanda Aguiar (2010), mapped the narrative production process and reflected upon the impacts of this experience over her own cultural formation. Another student, Beatriz Garcia (2012), produced two narratives with educators from an NGO and connected them to the following question: throughout a subjects life, what encounters with people and objects would enable one to be sensitive to social matters and to construct a dignified, creative and inventive life? In the graduate course, current research carried out by students focuses on the narrative productions of 3 to 5-year-olds (Viana, 2013) and graffiti creators (Massucato, 2013). Here the objective is to deconstruct certain conceptions regarding childhood and the street art in contemporary society. The University Extension Project (Costa, Kurka, Imbrizi, 2012) works in partnership with inhabitants, workers, and visitors to the surroundings of the University with the objective to construct spaces where these groups can express their social memories, aiming to valorize their experiences of life strategies and resistance in the region. The narratives are used as a means to produce data and to bring people together. In order to support the project, a study group

was created, whose objective is to discuss and share ideas about philosophical texts (Benjamin, 1994a, 1994b, 2002; and Gagnebin, 2006), literary texts (Pamuk, 2007) and texts connected to cultural studies (Sarlo, 2007), all of which problematize the role of the narrator, the connection between the memory and the city, the dictatorship testimonies in South America, and the fact that remembering the past enables us to invent the present. In this sense, the life narratives problematize one of the greatest tasks in the production of social psychological knowledge: valorizing the uniqueness of subjects in their articulations amid culture, society and varied ways of life. Groups and workshops as action and care strategies From this perspective, we relate our activities to education, supervision of research, extension and supervision of practical internship. In the fourth term of all the courses (since 2007), and in the Psychology course internship (since 2010), group work has been made into an integral part of the program (Imbrizi et al., 2009b; 2012; 2013). Instead of having prescriptive activities and lectures wherein the roles of students, professionals, and equipment users are clearly defined and hierarchically set, the graduate students are encouraged to create and invent situations in which such

fixed roles are interchanged. This encourages the hierarchical deconstruction of the relationships in health care, the exchange of experiences and the creation of new strategies in life and self-care. According to these proposals, the space is open to all participants so that it does not prevent the contradictions and the conflicts and enables the creative acts that emerge from the collectivity.

In these studies the practice of social psychology is linked to group interventions to enhance experiences in which the exercise of creativity serves as an important factor for the promotion of health, the education of professionals and the production of life. In short, the workshops and groups are seen as devices whichgiven that they are unpredictable and ephemeral meetingsproduce subjectivity and

As for the supervision of Our aim is to broaden the perspective of scientific research projects and art in relation to social and graduate final papers, several revolutionary movements as well as to groups and workshops were used as tools for the education bring art closer to life. and health care: Brenda Bocchi (2010), a student who new ways of life. has already graduated, analyzed a Art and the creative processes discussion group with workers about films related to labor in The connection between contemporary society; another contemporary art and creative student, Larissa Finocchiaro (2010) processesespecially as they are researched the innovations in health associated with cultural formation, education emphasizing the impact of health education, social insertion, five on-campus art workshops on the questioning on the graduate students; Breno Ayres contemporary cultural rules, and (2013), who is still studying at the the production of subjectivity university, discussed the importance have all become part of our of offering creation and music research. In 2012, we created with workshops for the reception and graduate students a study group care of suffering workers kept away called Art, Health and Society, from work; finally, Rasa Peixoto which reads and discusses authors (2013), another student, put in relevant areas. Our aim is to together a discussion group with broaden the perspective of art in women to talk about ideology and relation to social and revolutionary beauty patterns, aiming to motivate movements as well as to bring art resistance to the values connected to closer to life. These discussions the crystallization of the attributes have generated the above mentioned attached to the feminine. scientific research projects and the

graduate final papers; the presentation of papers in congresses; the creation of two new courses entitled Social Psychology and Art and Art as a cultural fact: the production of affirmative, creative and participative technologies in the care among subjects, both of which are going to be offered in 2014; and finally, a post-doctorate internship project in 2013. The new modules aim to cover the following themes: the exercise of creativity as a factor for promoting health and for the social and cultural insertion of people without access to fundamental rights; life as work of art; connections between art, the clinic and madness (Lima & Pelbart, 2006); the creation of new sensitivities to the production of art in institutions; sharing the sensitive and the aesthetic regimes of art (Rancire, 2005, 2009); aspects of the history of art which lead to the tendency toward

. . . in this theoretical trajectory there is a certain inclination to art, which refers to the belief that, if there is an alternative so that the subject is able to exercise his freedom, it would be connected to certain artistic languages. dislocations between art and life (Favaretto, 2013). Our presentations at meetings and international congresses have focused on how the cinema and the literature contribute to the production of subjectivity (Imbrizi, 2013b, 2013e, 2013c) and the importance of the idea of life as a work of art to education and care in health (Imbrizi, 2012, 2013a, Finocchiaro & Imbrizi, 2013). The internship project at the Pontifcia Universidade Catlica de So Paulo in the post-graduate program in Social Psychology explores the connections between Art and Psychoanalysis, focusing on the cultural conditions that favor the creative powers of subjectivity (Imbrizi, 2013d). To summarize, the social psychological practice that I have delineated here values the experience and uniqueness of subjects in their culture, and aims to contribute to the production of more creative and inventive ways of life. Thus, in this theoretical trajectory there is a certain inclination to art, which refers to the belief that, if there is an alternative so that the subject is able to exercise his freedom, it would be connected to certain artistic languages. It is a matter of defining certain forms of art as critical and transforming alternatives to the constructions of

References Aguiar, F. B. T. (2010). Narrativas de vida: um olhar sobre os encontros no mdulo prtica clnica integrada: demandas e necessidades em sade. Unifesp - BS, Trabalho de Concluso de Curso. Ayres, Breno. (2012). Oficinas de criao e msica com trabalhadores em situao de afastamento do trabalho. Unifesp BS. Projeto de Iniciao Cientfica. Benjamin, W. (1994a). O narrador: consideraes sobre a obra de Nicolai Leskov. In Magia e Tcnica, arte e

poltica: ensaios sobre literatura e histria da cultura (p. 197-221). So Paulo: Brasiliense. Benjamin, W. (1994b). Experincia e Pobreza. In Magia e Tcnica, arte e poltica: ensaios sobre literatura e histria da cultura (p. 114-119). So Paulo: Brasiliense. Benjamin, W. (2002). Narrativa e cura. Jornal de Psicanlise, 35(64/65), p. 115-116. Bocchi, B. (2010). Cinema e Sofrimento no Trabalho: anlise da perspectiva dos trabalhadores que procuram o Centro de

Referncia em Sade do Trabalhador. Unifesp, Trabalho de Concluso de Curso Costa, S., Kurka, A., & Imbrizi, J. (2012). Memria social no centro histrico de Santos: Entre a Ilha Diana e a Hospedaria dos Imigrantes de Santos. Projeto de Extenso Universitria vinculado ao Programa de Polticas Pblicas Culturais da Unifesp Campus Baixada Santista. Favaretto, C. (2011). Deslocamentos: entre a arte e a vida. Revista ARS, 9(18), p. 95-108. Disponvel em http:// 52788 [ltimo acesso em 26.05.2013]


Finocchiaro, L. (2009). A arte na formao em sade: a experincia do Laboratrio de culturethat is, alternatives that Sensibilidades da Universidade Federal de the process of Santista. standardization So resist Paulo. Campus Baixada of the subject. Projeto de Iniciao Cientfica Pibic/CNPq. Finocchiaro, L. & Imbrizi, J. (2013). Apresentao do vdeo Arte e Formao em Sade: a experincia do Laboratrio de Sensibilidades da Unifesp - Campus Baixada Santista, no Hmeros: I Colquio de Arte e Psicanlise, abril de 2013. Gagnebin, J. M. (2006). Lembrar, Escrever, Esquecer. So Paulo: Editora 34. Garcia, B. (2012). Arte e Vida: memrias em narrativas. Trabalho de Concluso de Curso. Imbrizi, J., Casetto, S.,Castro-Silva, C. R., & Capozzolo, A. (2009a). Produo de narrativa de histria de vida na rea de sade e formao do psiclogo. Anais de trabalhos completos do XV Encontro Nacional da Associao Brasileira de Psicologia Social: Macei, Brasil. http:// Anais_XVENABRAPSO/259.%20produ %C7%C3o%20de%20narrativa%20de %20hist%D3ria.pdf Imbrizi, J., Casetto, S., Castro-Silva, C. R., & Capozzolo, A. (2009b). A experincia com grupos na formao do psiclogo para atuar na rea de sade. Anais de trabalhos completos do XV Encontro Nacional da Associao Brasileira de Psicologia Social: Macei,Brasil, siteprincipal/images/ Anais_XVENABRAPSO/261.%20a %20experi%CAncia%20com%20grupos %20na%20forma%C7%C3o%20do%20psic %D3logo.pdf Imbrizi, J. (2012). Apresentao da comunicao A vida como obra de arte: contribuies da psicanlise para o campo da sade na XII Jornada Corpolinguagem e IV Encontro Outrarte: Psicanlise e Malestar na universidade. Imbrizi, J. (2013a). Apresentao do pster A vida como obra de arte: contribuies dos textos sociais, culturais e estticos de

Sigmund Freud, no Hmeros: I Colquio de Arte e Psicanlise, abril de. Imbrizi, J. (2013b). A questo humana: contribuies da Literatura e do Cinema para reflexes sobre a atuao do psiclogo nas organizaes. 15 Dialogue and Debate in the making of Theoretical Psychology, Santiago, Chile. Imbrizi, J. (2013c). Na companhia Orhan Pamuk: contribuies da literatura para a produo de narrativa de histria de vida. Texto a ser apresentado na XXVII Encontro Nacional da Associao Brasileira de

Sade da Famlia: relato de experincia de extenso universitria com Agentes Comunitrios de Sade. Cadernos de Psicologia Social e do Trabalho 15(1), p. 153-169. scielo.php? pid=S1516-37172012000100011&script=sci _arttext Imbrizi, J, Kepler, I. & Villanueva, M. (2013). Grupo dos Novos: relato de uma experincia de estgio com grupos de acolhimento no Centro de Referncia em Sade do Trabalhador (CEREST), 2013 (no prelo). Lima, E., & Pelbart, P. (2006). Arte, Clnica e Loucura: um territrio em mutao. Revista Histria, Cincia e Sade: Manguinhos, 14(3), p. 709-735. http:// S0104-59702007000300003 Massucato, I. (2013). Desconstruindo o cinza: a arte nos muros exibida nas narrativas de histria de vida de grafiteiros na cidade de So Paulo. Projeto de Iniciao Cientfica, CNPQ/UNIFESP. Pamuk, O. (2007). Istambul: Memria e Cidade. So Paulo: Companhia das Letras. Peixoto, R. (2013). Uma beleza possvel: a influncia do trabalho e o uso do tempo na percepo de si da mulher na sociedade contempornea. Projeto de Iniciao Cientfica, CNPQ/UNIFESP, Rancire, J. (2005). A Partilha do Sensvel. So Paulo: Editora 34. Rancire, J. ( 2005). O Inconsciente Esttico. So Paulo: Editora 34. Sarlo, B. (2007). Tempo Passado: cultura da memria e guinada subjetiva. So Paulo: Companhia das Letras. Viana, C. (2013). Encontros e Narrativas: uma aproximao do olhar e da experincia infantis. Projeto de Iniciao Cientfica, CNPQ/UNIFESP.

So Paulo, Brazil

Psicologia Social. http:// trabalho/public Imbrizi, J.. (2013d). Arte e Psicanlise: contribuies para a formao, a clnica e a prtica em sade. O projeto de estgio de ps-doutorado na Pontifcia Universidade Catlica de So Paulo no programa de psgraduao em Psicologia Social. Imbrizi, J., Aguiar, Fajarado, A, Hirata, J., Kawagoe, K., & Muyiaura, A. (2012). As condies de trabalho na Estratgia de


thankful for the opportunity of participating in this Newsletter.

Our Group
Lvia Mathias Simo, Hernn Snchez, Juliano Casimiro de Camargo Sampaio, Larissa Laskovski, and Paula Franciulli
Institute of Psychology at the University of So Paulo, Brazil

RESEARCH LINES The following interrelated research lines are under coordination of the Associated

Both research lines belong to the main areas of History and Philosophy of Psychology and Methodological and Theoretical Problems of Psychology. Briefly speaking, both lines focus on the subjective processes of

As may be the case all over the socalled Academic World, in our research group we call ourselves Our Group. It seems that people who come and stay in Our Group are specially devoted to interactions with other people, especially if these other people captures us as others, challenging us and allowing themselves to be challenged by us, kindly dwelling with us and allowing us to dwell with them. Among these special others, from Brazilian and other cultural fields, are our colleagues, our professors, andlast but not leastthe participants in our research. Some of these interactions are developed at the Laboratory of Verbal Interaction and Knowledge Construction, at the Institute of Psychology of the University of So Paulo, Brazil, which has a kind of interactive extension at the cafezinho. We hope that these and other features can be recognized in the more formal description below. To help others recognize us, we also added a couple of pictures. We are

Our Group

Professor Dr. Lvia Mathias Simo at the Laboratory of Verbal Interaction and Knowledge Construction (LIVCC) of the Department and the Graduate Program of Experimental Psychology of the Institute of Psychology at the University of So Paulo (IPUSP), Brazil: Semiotic-Cultural Constructivism in Psychology Verbal Interaction and Knowledge Construction.

human cultural development, in which IOther interactions, unfolding from the sociocultural field, as well as forming it, have a prime role. I-Other relationships are understood as creating and channeling opportunities for knowledge construction during human socialization processes. Here a multiplicity of reflexive reconstructions of messages may happen: On the one hand, each actor actively transforms the communicative messages made by his/her interlocutor; on the other hand, each of them tries to


integrate those communicative messages into his/her own cognitive-affective basis, which may also be transformed during this same process. Such a symbolic interplay can allow each actor to experience their I-Other-World relationships in momentary coherent ways, and as tensional moments. From the above perspective, the research lines as a whole are situated at the intersection of the following three areas, which seek: new psychological understandings of contextually situated processes in human knowledge construction, especially those that take place at the core of Iother-world relationships, giving the other a primary role in self construction

possibilities for dialogue between psychology and other areas of knowledge ONGOING RESEARCH BRANCHES These branches are directed by Lvia Mathias Simo at LIVCC and supported by the Brazilian Council of Scientific and Technological Development

the theoretical-methodological potential of some propositions by articulating the notions of Tradition and Bildung (Gadamer) and symbolic pastfuture relationships to make more explicit the temporal dimension of the triadic processual structure of self otherculture, connecting this with her previous work on the

Jaan Valsiner and Lvia Simo (CNPq); the development of these branches is the central task behind Livias supervision of her students. I-Other Relationships, Temporality and Culture: Possible Articulations between Semiotic-Cultural Constructivism in Psychology and Gadamers Hermeneutics. Within this research branch, Livia aims to investigate the epistemological precedence and

further reflections on the historical-philosophical foundations that inform theoretical and methodological approaches to these processes (item a) in semiotic-cultural constructivist psychology understanding the relevance and ethical implications of these processes (item a) for research and professional practice in psychology, as well as for allowing new and critical

topic. Alterity and Dialogue in the Semiotic-Cultural Constructivism.With this research branch Livia aims to focus on the role of I-other relationships in the affectivecognitive development of the self. I-other dialogues emerging from, as well as forming the subjects symbolic action field

(Boesch, 1991) in particular contexts and situations. Alterity and Temporality in Semiotic-Cultural Constructivism in Psychology. With this research branch Livia aims to focus on the relationships among the notions of alterity, temporality and affective-cognitive development of the self, aiming to incorporate epistemological and ethical issues into the Semiotic-Cultural Constructivism in Psychology.

ONGOING RESEARCH PROJECTS These research projects are being carried out under Livias supervision at our laboratory by the master and doctoral students in our group: Inferential processes in Nonam Children: A Challenge for Understanding Self-Development in the Cultural Field of Symbolic Action Hernn Snchez Professor at the Universidad del Valle, Colombia; Doctoral student at the Graduate Program of Experimental Psychology, IPUSP, Brazil; supported by CNPq In the past three decades, advances in developmental research led to significant changes in the conceptual and

methodological frameworks for studying inferential processes in small children. The contemporary debate on the role of inferential changes as a developmental process for accessing knowledge can be briefly summarized as polarized by three main psychological approaches. The first takes a structural, discrete and cumulative view of the developmental process of knowledge construction (Piaget, 1990); the second approach observes the inferential process as a continuously unfolding one, characterized by variability and non-linearity of paths that may even involve regression (Karmiloff-Smith, 1994; Siegler, 1996; van Dijk & van Geert, 2007); the third approach views

Lvia Simo, Juliano Casimiro de Camargo Sampaio, and Hernn Snchez 18

the process in terms of relationships among selfother, subject, and culture (Boesch, 1991; Valsiner, 2007). From the latter perspective, Hernans research focuses on the analysis of the origin myth of Madre ame in the oral tradition of Nonam peoplean indigenous community inhabiting a small portion of Colombias Pacific rainforest region. The theoreticalmethodological framework of the research is based on the following postulations of Boeschs Symbolic Action Theory: the culture individualculture cycle of knowledge, and the role of the actionobject relationship in particular symbolic cultural fields. The first theoretical-empirical phase of the research involves analyzing the myth of Madre ame, as told by one of the community savants, and trying to apprehend its tensional and conflicting aspects from the inferential reasoning and affectiveemotional interpretations made by the narrator. The second theoretical-empirical phase of the research involves the analysis of five episodes of narration and re-narration of the Madre ame myth by children aged from 4 to 6 years old, aiming to apprehend if and how they deal with tensional aspects of the Myth. The results are expected to give a basis for deeper

understandings of the presupposed ambiguity of the Madre ame fantasm (Boesch, 1991) as a path to deal with the alterity in the semiotic-cultural development of Nonam children. Consensual Dramaturgies: The Verbal Interaction in the Creative Act Juliano Casimiro de Camargo Sampaio Professor at the Federal University of Tocantins, Brazil; Doctoral Student at the Graduate Program of Experimental Psychology, IPUSP, Brazil; Artistic-Pedagogical Director of the I-Other Group of Scenic Research Julianos studies lie on the border between Scenic Arts and Psychology, particularly the Semiotic-Cultural Constructivism perspective. His central problem has been to understand how the study of allegorical narratives builds on intersubjective scenic spaces and how the construction of these spaces could inform new teaching strategies, whether in classroom or in the rehearsal room (theater). His project, entitled The Consensual Dramaturgies Project required children to prepare a dramaturgical text and a theatrical show by children and adolescents between 8 and 14 years of age. He derived his empirical data from two different sources: video

recordings of the rehearsal encounters and notes from the research director's field diary. Here, the role of consensus was studied as it problematized the interactive-creation action--and in this context, it has a positive effect. The analysis of the empirical material was informed by semioticcultural constructivist approaches in psychology, leading to results at the level of intra and intersubjective negotiations and their tensions, constructions of intersubjective spaces, illusions of completely seizing the others intentions and expectations, and knowledge plurality. The Scenic Arts and the Semiotic-Cultural Constructivism in Psychology: Frictions for a Theory of the Subject of the Creation Juliano Casimiro de Camargo Sampaio Professor at the Federal University of Tocantins, Brazil; Doctoral Student at the Graduate Program of Experimental Psychology, IPUSP, Brazil; Artistic-Pedagogical Director of the I-Other Group of Scenic Research In this research Juliano focuses on the process of formation and knowledge building in aestheticbodily experience. Our hypothesis concerns the aesthetic-bodily experience that exceeds the artistic context and can occur in

ordinary life experiences. The work addresses three questions: What is understood as an aesthetic experience by the research subjects? How does the relationship between body and world in the perception process and aesthetic configuration develop in them? What is the role of ordinary aesthetic-bodily experience in the formation (in the sense of Bildung for Gadamer) of the subject-artist and the building of symbolic action potential (Boesch, 1991)? The empirical data is derived from two different sources: the theatrical records of actors and those of the director about their experiences in two spectacles, Favores da Lua o prlogo (Favors of the Moon the prologue) and O Touro Branco (The White Bull), both directed by Juliano and held by the I-Other Group of Scenic Research). Why should they attend to Physical Therapy? A micro genetic study of expectations of patients and the adherence to the treatment Larissa Laskovski Professor at the University of North Paran-UNOPAR, Brazil; Doctoral Student at the Graduate Program of Experimental Psychology, IPUSP, Brazil; supported by CNPq. Larissas research is situated on the interface between the field of

psychology and physical therapy, as she analyzes the potential interferences with the patients decisions to undertake physical therapy. Her research goals have been: 1. to investigate the reasons that led patients to attend physical therapy sessions;

as actional symbolic wholes (Boesch, 1991) concerned primarily with addressing participants desires. The physiotherapist, in his or her turn, was studied as the other with whom the patient is constantly

of their actions. Temporality was clearly evident when the participants tried to integrate their memories of the former condition into their present wishes, fears, and expectations towards the future, trying to organize this transformation into a new personal whole. This research carries implications for therapeutic programs, especially for enticing patients desires to continue treatment sessions. These desires will depend on how physiotherapists themselves are able to direct their aims in accordance with those of others; patients may increase their desire to take part in the sessions when they recognize that the attitudes of the physiotherapist are streamlined with their own aims. Undergraduate Formation in Physical Therapy: the contribution of academic and everyday personal experiences Larissa Laskovski Professor at the University of North Paran-UNOPAR, Brazil; Doctoral Student at the Graduate Program of Experimental Psychology, IPUSP, Brazil; supported by CNPq. Following the above mentioned research framework, Larissa is also studying physiotherapist-patient relationships to understand academic professional

2. to comprehend the role of the physiotherapist for the patient, viewed as an empathetic process that is shaped in their relationship;

Larissa Laskovski and Lvia Simo

3. (3) to investigate the tensions arising from ruptures in expectations coming of both sides; 4. (4) to analyze temporality as the experiential process unfolding for the patient with him/herself and others; 5. to identify positive and negative values assigned by patients both to themselves and others. This study followed the semioticcultural constructivist approach, and accordingly, physical therapy was taken as a symbolic action field of persons who desire to overcome a difficult situation. Therefore, the activities carried out in physical therapy were taken

interacting. The project involved interviews with four patients who previously attended physical therapy sessions in a multidisciplinary rehabilitation clinic. The interviews were recorded at two different times, both during the course of the physical exercises. The micro genetic analysis of the interviews aimed to apprehend how patients constructed knowledge about their I-OtherWorld relationships, as demanded by the new life situations, which might bring disestablishing novelties (Simo, 2010). During the sessions, while interacting with the physiotherapist, each participant came up with particular symbolic constructions

development. She departs from the presumption that the path and accomplishments of the treatment depend on the interplay between two kinds of symbolic events: the patients satisfaction regarding his initial claims and expectations, and the physiotherapists feeling of fulfilling a duty, thanks to his/her academic formation and professional experience. In this respect, for many physiotherapists, a detachmentone that is not always consciousfrom the relationship with the patient becomes a requisite for a successful treatment, which is usually accompanied by a feeling of professional accomplishment. Getting too much involved with the patients claims, expectations, hopes and fears is here assumed as diverting the professional from the real focus of the treatment, which may in turn put the success of the treatment and the professional reputations at risk. Research on the frontier between the physical therapy and psychology can contribute to new ways of thinking about how the professional role of the physiotherapist is being academically formed. The theoretical- methodological design of the present research aims to create semi-structured opportunities for dialogue with undergraduate students in physical therapy about their reasons, expectations, hopes,

projects, likes and dislikes regarding their professional choice, and their imagined future relationships with their patients. The results are expected to contribute to better understandings of the relationships among personal values, formation, life history and expectations in professional training in physical therapy that may channel the physiotherapistpatient relationships at their earliest formationseven before the physiotherapist has met a real patient. The dialogue between R. Steiner W. Gethe: A Semiotic-Cultural Constructivist Analysis Paula Franciulli Professional Psychotherapist, So Paulo, Brazil; Master level Student at the Graduate Program of Experimental Psychology, IPUSP, Brazil; supported by CAPES Paulas research takes as starting point the human cultural activity of knowledge construction (Simo, 2010). From this perspective she seeks to understand some dimensions of R. Steiners construction of knowledge in relation to the cognitive-affective experiences in his life, which he himself reports in autobiography to have influenced the development of his theory of knowledge. Among those influences is his very intense

and close dialogue with Goethes ideas (Steiner, 1925/1999), and it is these that form the focus of Paulas research. At the same time, and from a meta-methodological view, the process of researching itself requires some imbalance movements, including approximation distancing, subjectivation objectivation, on the part of the researcher who studies Steiner and his theory of knowledge. The ongoing research thus examines two levels of IOther relationships, creating two dyads in dialogue, so to speak: Steiner-Gethe and ResearcherSteiner. Overall, Paula is examining Steiners early ideas, which include the period of his early childhood, schooling and youth years, his entrance into academic circles, and the period in which he worked in the Goethe-Schiller archives in Weimar. The period focused on is thus from 1861 (his birth) to 1897, and is studied through the analysis of his autobiography. It is during this period that Steiner produced his fundamental works about Goethes science, which provided important guidelines to the epistemic streams to his theory of knowledge. In Steiners later years, he states in his autobiography, his soul was faced with deeper psychological strokes.

References: Boesch, E. (1991). Symbolic action theory and cultural psychology. BerlinHeidelberg: Springer- Verlag. Karmiloff-Smith, A (1994). Ms all de la modulari- dad. La ciencia cognitiva desde la perspectiva del desarrollo. Madrid: Alianza Piaget, J (1990). El nacimiento de la inteligencia en el nio. Barcelona: Editorial Crtica. Siegler, R. S. (1996). Emerging minds: The process of change in childrens

thinking. New York: Oxford University Press. Simo, L. M. (2010) Ensaios Dialgicos: compartilhamento e diferena nas relaes euoutro [Dialogical Essays: sharing and difference in I-other relationships]. So Paulo: HUCITEC [published in Portuguese]. Steiner, R. (1925) Autobiography: Chapters in the course of my life 1861-1907. (R. Stebbing, Trans.). Hudson, NY: Anthroposophic Press. (Original work published 1925).

Valsiner, J. (1998). The guided mind: A sociogenetic approach to personality. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Valsiner, J. (2007). Culture in mind and societies- Fundations of cultural psychology. Los Angeles London: SAGE. van Dijk, M. & van Geert, P. (2007). Wobbles, Humps and Sudden Jumps: A Case Study of Continuity, Discontinuity and Variability in Early Lenguage Development. Infant and Child Development 16, 7-33.

Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Cultural Psychology: A Brazilian Research Group

Danilo Silva Guimares, Suara Bastos, Djalma Freitas, Francisco Moraes, Marcel Lopes, Melina Bertholdo, Marlia Benedito, Kleber Nigro, Eloisa Leo
Institute of Psychology, University of So Paulo, Brazil

Members of Cultural Psychology research group. From the left to the right: Kleber Ferreira Nigro; Maria Eloisa do Amaral Leo; Marcel Ferreira Lopes; Danilo Silva Guimares; Francisco Moraes Jnior; Melina Bertholdo; Djalma Francisco Costa Lisboa de Freitas; Suara Bastos; Marlia Benedito.

Our research group in cultural psychology is located at the Institute of Psychology of the University of So Paulo. Currently, our team is composed of

two researchers working on Ph.D. projects, three researchers producing Master dissertations and three undergraduate students working on projects of Scientific Initiation. Other students and

researchers participate in the group meetings, aiming to develop novel projects based on our weekly discussions. Our topics of study are theoretical and methodological issues in

psychology, focusing on the semiotic-cultural constructivist field of investigation. The group is coordinated by Professor Danilo Silva Guimares, and our activities are intimately connected with the Laboratory of Verbal Interaction and Knowledge Construction, belonging to the Institute of Psychology of the University of So Paulo; this laboratory is coordinated by Professor Lvia Mathias Simo, Ph.D. (see pages 14-20, this issue). The Cultural Psychology Research Group is involved in academic fields such as history and philosophy of psychology; the cultural construction of meaning; dialogue and perspectivism in cultural psychology; the relation between aesthetics and cultural identity, psychology and Amerindian peoples. Our international network includes the recently founded Niels Bohr Professorship Centre of Cultural Psychology at the Aalborg University (see page 4, this issue), Denmark and the University of Salerno, Italy. We are in close contact with researchers from South America, Europe and United States. In recent years we have experienced fruitful academic visits from international scholars, including Jaan Valsiner (Alborg University, Denmark), Carlos Cornejo (Pontifical Catholic University Chile), Giuseppina Marsico (University of Salerno, Italy), Luca Tateo (Aalborg

University, Denmark), Kenneth us to approach self-other-world Cabell (Clark University, USA), relationships in diverse situations. Ramiro Gonzales (PCU, Chile). Suara Bastos Masters project, Our academic [Suaras] double positionas a researcher and as a network in circus artistnow guides her access to the circus Brazil involves universe. professors for instance, examined a series of from different universities who affective and cognitive exchanges participate in the Dialogical between researcher and the Psychology group from the participants in fieldwork. Suara Brazilian National Association of developed research concerning the Research and Post-graduation in daily life of an itinerant social Psychology (Associao Nacional group: circus inhabitants. Her de Pesquisa e Ps-Graduao em interest in studying the psychoPsicologia [ANPEPP]). cultural processes of participants Our investigations in cultural of a circus community comes psychology incorporate the from her personal experience of complexity and diversity of topics living in three different circuses in encompassed by the area. In a Mexico for four years before she broad sense, we explore the started her studies in psychology. cultural fabrics that give shape to Having become a researcher, she meanings and actions of faced a novel dialogical position in participants in concrete and relation to the circus that specific life trajectories. We demanded a set of intrasubjective understand that all cultural fields and intersubjective confrontations. are actively built by their Her double positionas a participants, encompassing verbal researcher and as a circus artist and embodied processes of now guides her access to the meaning construction. Such a circus universe, allowing the semiotic-cultural and production of knowledge that is constructivist approach to affectively and cognitively situated. cultural studies in psychology is Suara has conducted interviews grounded in the dialogicality of with six circus inhabitants about self-other-world relationships (cf. their daily life and her subsequent Markov, 2006; Valsiner, 2007; analysis has exposed aspects of Simo, 2010) and in the symbolic their particular life style. action theory of Ernst Boesch Narratives of the participants (1991). The notion of dialogism, revealed concerns about the future as a theoretical and of the circus tradition in Brazil methodological option, instructs and the peculiar and subtle border

between the public and private life of the circus artists. Additionally, Suara has studied photographs taken by the participants as a device that could aid the exploration of relevant aspects of the circus perspective. At the present, her Ph.D project addresses conflicts and tensions emerging from the conviviality in the circus, aiming to understand possible psychosocial vulnerabilities and identify the ways inhabitants of the circus elaborate conflicts emerging from the itinerancy and intense conviviality of the social group. Djalma Freitas is developing an experimental Ph.D. project in the field of cultural psychology that also aims to refine his previous studies (cf. Freitas and Guimares, 2013). During his Masters project, he focused on the process of cultural transmission. Djalma first asked his participants at three different times (labeled phases A, B and C) to draw a boat, and interviewed participants in short intervals between each phase. At phases A and C, participants were allowed to use the materials available on the table. At phase B the experiment focused on three processes that contribute to cultural transmission: the observation of others solving a similar task, the observation of products made by a previous generation, and co-participation. The collected data included both

observations of the interactions of experimental arrangement in the the participants and the products task understanding and actions of of their actions, as well as the participants. participants answers to a semiThe issue of continuities and structured interview, which asked discontinuities of cultural for their point of view about the conducted Francisco seeks to understand how experimental process. inhabitants of the Brazilian cultural region Djalmas analysis of Paulistnia transform symbolic elements into the drawings and symbolic resources to signify disquieting dialogues with the experiences. participants demonstrated that the ways of acting and processes is also a focus for understanding the activity in Francisco Moraes, an Phases B and C are influenced by undergraduate student currently the previous experiences that took developing a project on scientific place during the experiment. initiation. Francisco seeks to Although many reports of the understand how inhabitants of participants expressed that the Brazilian cultural region observation and imitation were Paulistnia transform symbolic the major cultural transmission elements into symbolic resources mechanism, it was evident that the to signify disquieting experiences. contact with the artifacts Caipira is the Portuguese term to previously produced, the codenote people from this region, participation, and the sequence of whose culture resulted from a experimental arrangement syncretism between Amerindian exercised a forceful effect on peoples, Afro descendant slaves, participants' symbolic actions. In and Catholic Portuguese people. order to understand the cultural In this cultural field, the presence process of change and of storytellers is typical. These maintenances in the artifacts are elder people who are known production, Djalma now aims to by the community and maintain a explore the articulation of the broad immaterial patrimony: previous categories developed in traditional fairytales orally his Masters research, adding an transmitted from one generation analysis of how the researcher to another. Elements from these influences the participants in an tales are used by people from the experimental setting, and the community to understand usual effects exerted by the life situations such as marriage,

parent-children relationships, religious experiences, illness, and so on. Yet, since the fifties, the culture of Paulistnia has been invaded by the industrialization process and the technological appropriation. Franciscos investigation is demonstrating that many psychological conflicts are emerging with the impacts of the traditions transformation. His study aims to understand how different generations deal with the death of the tales, and the psychosocial implications of this process. Another participant in our research group is Marcel Lopes, a Masters level graduate student who is investigating the human process of transition into a new state' that follows the meeting of an alterthat is, he is investigating the process of personal transformation as it unfolds with ones connections with the world. To study this, Marcel has selected two notions from different frameworks: the notion of rhizome from Deleuze and Guatarris schizoanalyzis (Guatarri, 1988; Deleuze and Guattari, 1995; 2010) and the notion of open-ended system (Valsiner, 1998, 2001, 2007) from a semiotic-cultural perspective. Both notionsrhizome and openended systemaddress the connections between human beings and the outside world and their transition into a new 'state'

after meeting the other. This cultural conceptions and practices research suggests that both of non-western people (cf. frameworks ground their Guimares, 2012, 2013). Although propositions in unique we observe many advances with approximations with different investigations that take place in organic metaphors aimed at India, China, Korea, Japan and understanding the interaction Arabic countries, few studies have between open systems: on one deliberately focused on people hand, the schizoanalytical belonging to segmentary lineage approach observes the opposition between Another branch of studies strongly rhizomes and trees; on represented in our research group concerns the the other hand, the approach of cultural psychology to issues semiotic-cultural constructivist involving Amerindian peoples. approach observes the opposition between societies. machines and living beings. In Brazil, segmentary lineage Marcel also identified some societies are represented by the important shared backgrounds, autochthon peoples that are still forerunners and interlocutors to resisting the colonial process, these frameworks in the human although they usually live in sciences and philosophy, including vulnerable contexts of those of Bergson and Bakhtin. marginalization. The indigenous Among the differences between population in Brazil has largely the frameworks, in the decreased since the 15th century schizoanalitical there is a strong to the end of the 20th century, emphasis on the process of the after the European invasion of emergence of multiplicity, that is, their lands. A population estimated heterogenesis; whereas this once to comprise several million contrasts with the integrative persons and more than a thousand focus of the semiotic-cultural ethnic groups was over time constructivist view in psychology. reduced to 200 000 persons Another branch of studies belonging to around 220 different strongly represented in our groups, now speaking 170 research group concerns the different languages. Among the approach of cultural psychology many reasons responsible for the to issues involving Amerindian extermination of these peoples lie peoples. Psychology as a science armed conflicts, epidemic diseases, and profession experiences many social and cultural disorganization difficulties in dialoguing with the and assimilation policies (IBGE,

2005). Each society was differently affected by the process of colonization and nowadays it is estimated that more than 80 indigenous groups remain isolated in Brazil. In the last decades, demographic censuses show small population growths in most of these communities.

An important challenge for indigenous societies remains: how to dialogue with the Brazilian national society without losing ones ethnic-cultural integrity? This issue is the focus of Melinas project examines the contradictory conceptions of the scientific land and territory in the discourses and practices of an initiation project indigenous ethnic group, the Mbya Guarani, and the nation developed by state. Melina Bertholdo, an notion of cultural preservation undergraduate student. Her and the static conception of project examines the contradictory identity. conceptions of land and territory in the discourses and practices of The investigation on the an indigenous ethnic group, the Amerindian cultural frame opened Mbya Guarani, and the nation our mind to the issue of aesthetics state; and in this she has and cultural identity. Kleber demonstrated the strong obstacles Nigro, a Masters level graduate to effective dialogical interaction. researcher, joined the group with a Analyzing audiovisual data offered project focused on the boundary by some documentaries about this between cultural psychology and topic, and articulating it with theater. He chose to analyze a anthropological and historical contemporaneous theatrical play investigations, Melina has called Cybernetic Jaguar or identified the heterogeneity of Cannibal tetralogy (Almeida, voices (Wertsch, 1992) involved in 2011), from the Amazonian the discussions between ethnic playwright Francisco Carlos. This groups and nation-state actors play, like others from the same author, realizes a complex

Further, the investigation of Marlia Benedito, an undergraduate student also working on a scientific initiation project, examines solutions to the interethnic challenges proposed by Amerindian undergraduate students living in the urban context. Through interviews with people from the indigenous academic community, Marilia aims to explore contemporary transformations in the Amerindian identity, aiming to generate a psychological debate about the

aesthetics and theoretical synthesis involving philosophical, anthropological, historical and political issues that disclose the problematic interchanges between the cosmology of Amerindian peoples and the Brazilian national society. Nigro aims to show how different and even contradictory discourses are incorporated in the creative process, making explicit dialogical tensions between interethnic conceptions. A similar but not identical path is developing in Eloisa Leos research. Eloisa is a lyric singer with a noteworthy professional career: she worked many years in two of the most outstanding choirs in Brazil (the Symphonic Orchestra of So Paulo, and the Choir of the Municipal Theater of So Paulo). Additionally, she is an experienced actress and performer that has worked for many years with the Amazonian playwright Francisco Carlos. Currently, as a Masters level graduate student, Eloisa is interested in understanding I-Otherness relationships through two trajectories concerned with the question of alterity: first, a conceptual, psycho-philosophical path to this topicthe philosophy of difference; and second, the poetic path to the other as differentiated from the I. Situated in the dialogical boundary between reasoning and affection, Eloisa took up a momentous

assertion from Arthur Rimbauds Lettres du voyant (Letter of the visionary), into the main question of her research: is I another? (Rimbaud, 1995). Finally, in relation to the topics of investigation developed by the members of the research group, we undertake diverse academic activities, such as conferences, communitarian interventions and cultural diffusion courses. For instance, this year we organized three main activities in order to share the knowledge constructed through research at the University: Conferences on the Theatrical Residence Bandeirante Ghost Sonata We invited researchers and professionals from different disciplines (e.g., anthropology, philosophy, arts) as well as representatives of indigenous peoples who suffered the impacts of the Brazilian colonial process, to discuss the history of the Bandeirantesslave hunting followers of the banner; discussions concerned both their expeditions and their aestheticscultural influences, which permeate the cultural identity of people from the State of So Paulo/Brazil. From the 16th to the 18th century, the followers of the banner comprised groups of adventurers descendant of the Europeans who came to South

America (Brazil) to undertake the colonial project. Their original purpose was to capture and force Amerindians into slavery. Among other consequences, Bandeirantes expeditions were responsible for destroying many Guarani indigenous communities, expanding the limits of the Portuguese America beyond the Tordesilhas line, and intensifying the Brazilian syncretism between Amerindian peoples, Afro descendant slaves, and Catholic Portuguese people. Amerindian Support Network This activity consists in organizing a series of meetings with people from the indigenous communities of So Paulo in order to identify the psychosocial vulnerabilities faced by them, aiming to find possible strategies to overcome the impacts of the colonial process. We argue that cultural psychologists have a central role to play in developing theoretical-methodological strategies for intervention and knowledge construction, addressing the mediation of hard and conflictive intergroup and multicultural meetings. Our work with the communities is revealing the importance of holding the experience of differential trajectories in the relational process, regarding traditional conceptions and practices of the ethnic group. We believe that the notions of observant

participation (Albert, 2002) and dialogical multiplication (Guimares, 2011, 2012, 2013) are on the path to breaking down the walls of a rigid multiculturalism at the same time as they respect the point of view of each culture in this process. Free Academic Course: Psychology and Amerindian Peoples - Introductory Notions This work develops the project of the Amerindian Support Network through a partnership with the workgroup Psychology and Amerindian peoples, from the Regional Council of Psychology, So Paulo. The fourth Brazilian National Congress of Psychology in 2001 agreed that Brazilian psychology had to approach indigenous peoples from our country. Following this recommendation, in 2004, the Conselho Federal de Psicologia (CFP, Federal Council of Psychology) and the Conselho Indigenista Missionrio (CIMI, Indigenous Supporters Missionary Council)a Catholic organization whose explicit target is "to strengthen the process of autonomization of indigenous people through the construction of an alternative, multiethnic, popular and democratic project" (CIMI, 2004)carried out the National Seminar on Subjectivity and Indigenous Peoples (CRPSP, 2010). Fifty indigenous representatives were

present and collaborated in the event. They were from thirtyseven communities, belonging to twenty-three ethnic groups, distributed in eleven Brazilian states. Many actions were undertaken as outcomes of the Seminar, culminating in the creation of a workgroup in March 2008, at the Conselho Regional de Psicologia (CRP, Regional Council of Psychology), state of So Paulo. Additionally, since 2007, psychologists of the CRP (So Paulo) started to organize a series of meetings between indigenous representatives, psychologists and representatives of other professions such as anthropologists, caseworkers, teachers, historians, doctors and allied health professionals. The objective of these meetings was to gain a broad understanding of multi-professional and interdisciplinary strategies concerning the social situation in focus, through the participation in a dialogue with invited people. One result of this work was the elaboration of recommendations for psychologists working with indigenous people (CRPSP, 2010). The course Psychology and Amerindian Peoples Introductory Notions is an effort to articulate the knowledge constructed in the meetings of CRP with current research projects conducted by our cultural psychology group.

References: Almeida, F. A. C (2011). Jaguar Ciberntico [Playwright]. So Paulo: Sesc Pompeia. Albert, B. (2002). O ouro canibal e a queda do cu: uma crtica xamnica da economia poltica da natureza (Yanomami). In: Albert, B.; Ramos, A. R. Pacificando o branco: cosmologias do contato no norte-amaznico (pp. 239-274). So Paulo: UNESP. Boesch, E. E. (1991). Symbolic action theory and cultural psychology. BerlinHeidelberg: Springer-Verlag. CIMI (2004) Quem Somos. <Recovered in 2012, January 29, from http:// system=news&action=read&id=247> CRPSP (2010) Psicologia e Povos Indgenas. So Paulo: CRPSP. Deleuze, G. and Guattari, F. (2010). O Anti-dipo: Capitalismo e Esquizofrenia. So Paulo: Editora 34. Deleuze, G. and Guattari, F. (1995). Mil Plats: Capitalismo e Esquizofrenia. V -1. So Paulo: Editora 34. Freitas, D. F. C. L. and Guimares, D. S. (2013) An Experimental Study about Cultural Transmission Process. Psychology & Society,5:67-86.

Guimares, D. S. (2013). Self and Dialogical Multiplication. Interaces, 9(24):214-242. IBGE (2005) Tendncias Demogrficas: Uma anlise dos indgenas com base nos resultados da amostra dos Censos Demogrficos 1991 e 2000. Rio de Janeiro: IBGE. Markov, I. (2006). Dialogicidade e representaes sociais: As dinmicas da mente (Trad. Hlio Magri Filho). Petrpolis: Vozes. (Originally published in 2003). Rimbaud, A. (1995) Poesia completa. Rio de Janeiro: Topbooks. Simo, L. M. (2010) Ensaios Dialgicos; compartilhamento e diferena nas relaes eu outro [Dialogical Essays: sharing and difference in I- Other relationships]. So Paulo: HUCITEC. Valsiner, J. (1998). The guided mind: A sociogenetic approach to personality. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

So Paulo, Brazil

Guattari, F. (1998). O Inconsciente Maqunico: Ensaios de Esquizoanlise. Campinas: Papirus Editora,. Guimares, D. S. (2011). Amerindian Anthropology and Cultural Psychology: Crossing boundaries and meeting Otherness' worlds. Culture & Psychology, 12(2):139-157. Guimares, D. S. (2012). Scientific concepts and public policies: Semioticcultural obstacles concerning intergroup and intercultural relationships. Culture & Psychology, 18(3) 345358.

Valsiner, J. (2001). Comparative Study of Human Cultural Development. Madrid: Fundacin Infancia y Aprendizaje. Valsiner, J. (2007). Culture in minds and societies: Foundations of Cultural Psychology. New Delhi: Sage Publications. Wertsch, J. V. (1992) Voices of the Mind: A sociocultural Approach to Mediated Action.


...Continued from page 1 Rplicas: ISTP Chile Aftershock

craft, it can as well mean response or reply. And that is how we took it, as a reply to the great intellectual work we witnessed at the ISTP meeting. The event itself was organized in a way that sought to keep coordination work at a minimum. We contacted the participants by email, proposing a possible date for them to present at lunch recess any day in June. Professors were contacted first, mainly because their schedule was more likely to be the busiest. We invited professors and students who presented at the ISTP meeting in May, but we also extended the invitation to undergraduates who had not participated in the ISTP and who felt like presenting their work if they felt that they had something to share. The program consisted of two daily lectures at lunchtime in one of the campus empty classrooms. The entrance was free and open to anyone that wanted to join. Each presentation time was 20 minutes for lecture and 10 minutes for questions or discussion; the idea was to maintain the ISTP 2013 presentation format. We ended up having 4 professors, 4 psychologists, 3 postgraduates and 6 undergraduates ready present during the month of June this year. Some presenters even asked other students to discuss their work specifically after their 29

presentation, similar to what Professor Carlos Cornejo did for Professor Eugene Matusov at the opening of the ISTP meeting in Chile. After preparing the program, we published the event on several Facebook pages, including the faculty group page, every cohorts unique group page, and our own personal walls. We also sent an email to the entire staff of academics, encouraging them to enjoy the work of their students during lunchtime. The psychological topics addressed during the Replicas had to do with affection, learning, constructionism, identity, psychoanalysis, creativity and cognitive sciences, amongst others. To mention a few of the new titles, in Talking without words: Improvisation on Contact Dance, Ph.D. student Paloma Opazo applied language theories to a specific form of dancing in which physical contact provides the starting point for exploration through movement improvisation. In Language and Subject: the place of Ideology on the Psychoanalytic Device, undergraduate student Hernn Noguera took the chance to identify the importance of language already in Freuds metapsychology and its relation with the ideological subject. The most Chilean related lecture we had heard was postgraduate student Ramiro Gonzalezs Reconsidering the notion of Ethnicity in light of the context and the social practices of Mapuche' weaving, which discussed participative fieldwork

Cristbal Kauak specialized audience. But it turned out to be great; we had the chance to exchange opinions and criticisms with the best academics of our discipline around the world, and even share in other informal contexts with them. The impact of the ISTP meeting organized by professors Andrs Haye and Antonia Larran was so great on us, we felt selfish keeping the experience to ourselves, the lucky few who were able to find a place for a brief dissertation. Therefore, as every telluric movement produces an aftershock, we organized the Replicas event to the ISTP 2013. The name came up as a play on words, given that the Spanish translation for aftershock is rplica". And even though it also stands for a reproduction of a work of art or

with Mapuche weaving women in the south of Chile. This presentation was also featured during the ISTP meeting. Other presentations that were imported from the meeting included Rodrigo Faras Darwin, Lacan, Butler: Evolution and the Problem of Human Sexuality and Manuel Torres Psychology of Will: intelligent activity on the struggles of impulses, amongst many others. With each lecture involving an audience of 15 to 25 people, the event offered a chance to present the works shown at the ISTP meeting to the undergrad students who did not have the chance to attend. Furthermore, it helped to show undergraduate students that they also could develop their own theoretical analysis, which sooner or later could be presented in similar events. Toward other ends, Replicas motivated students to organize their own lecture events, seeking to connect their professors research with the interests of undergraduates. This latter initiative gained strength as it was promoted during the Facultys Inner Encounter in which discussions were held between professors, staff and students regarding the curriculum. People seemed to enjoy the activity, both the presenters and the attendees, as it promoted the contact among students with similar interests, and several study

groups about the topics were formed afterwards. Professors Andrs Haye and Antonia Larran were of course invited to present, but humbly they chose to leave space for the students. However, they attended several presentations and did not fall short in speaking highly of the event. Among other comments, Chilean Ph.D. student Paula Cavada, who is currently

studying at the University of Copenhagen, and was also a presenter during the ISTP meeting, said when she heard of the project: it is a great contribution to the democratization of knowledge. Offering undergrad students the possibility of participating in instances that are most likely reserved to the academia world is priceless. In that sense, I am impressed about this initiative and on how easily you guys arranged it. So, every now and then the world hits us with major events that break our routines. These events sometimes mean tragedy, as our country knows well by its own

experience. But there are other times when these events bring beauty and astonishment; they have such power that it is impossible not to be mesmerized by them. And that is what we felt during the ISTP meeting in Chile. Its energy was so great that we undergrads did not feel capable of keeping it to ourselves, and had to do something about it. We had to materialize our reply, so we tried to create a worthy aftershock for our fellow classmates. The experience was incredible and it felt like contributing to those great movements we started describing in this article. Therefore, we keep a strong will for organizing similar events until we reach our grade, and would like to encourage all academics and students, graduate or undergraduate, to do so. And who knows, maybe in the future we will get to see all the great people we met during the ISTP 2013 again in one of these events around the world. We will be looking forward to it. Cristbal Kauak, Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile Replicas Facebook page:

Replicas program on Google docs:


Interview with Zhipeng Gao Sigmund Koch Student Award Winner

Zhipeng Gao is a first-year PhD student in the History and Theory of Psychology program at York University, Toronto, Canada. At the ISTP conference in Chile, 2013, he was awarded the Sigmund Koch Award for his paper, Subjectivity, Culture, and Power: A Critical-Dialogical Approach to Reflexivity in Psychological Research. As his work is concerned with interview practices, we took the opportunity in this interview to talk about Zhipengs reflexive approach, allowing it to guide our discussion of his unique life history. Basia Ellis, University of Calgary, Canada

Congratulations on winning the Sigmund Koch Award for the best student paper at the ISTP conference in Chile!

Thank you very much Basia for the interview. And many thanks to the ISTP for the Sigmund Koch Award. I am truly honored and humbled by this.

subjectivities play in research? In what ways do their subjectivities embody cultural impulses, often produced within and reinforcing power relations? Unlike many critical and qualitative programs that propose alternative approaches that compete with mainstream methods, my approach seeks collaboration. It is an add-on component that is primarily responsible for monitoring and improving the application of traditional methods, in order to make psychological research more culturally sensitive and socially responsible. As I understand your proposed program, you recommend that researchers begin their dialogues with participants by asking them to provide biographical narratives that relate to the research topic (e.g., researchers interested in parenting ought to ask participants to discuss their experiences as parents, what contexts are involved, etc.). These narratives can then be interpreted for different kinds of information (i.e., thinking, feeling, action, and context), and at the same time can generate three kinds of reflexivity: descriptive, analytic, and ethical. This is correct. The purpose of the biographical narrative is to let in information concerning subjectivity, culture and social context that is often excluded from research. It is precisely this information that has the potential to expose researchers cultural situatedness and to resist a universalistic discourse. In this case, I would like very much if we could weave your research proposal into this interview, without 31

Let us talk about your winning paper, Subjectivity, Culture, and Power: A Critical-Dialogical Approach to Reflexivity in Psychological Research. Therein you recommend a set of practical guidelines for reflexive research practice, arguing that such guidelines may help psychologists reduce problematic interpretations of participants who are of a different gender, ethnic, cultural, class, etc. background. Could you clarify here the purpose of your project? My project is an attempt to complement the classical empiricist epistemology with social epistemology in psychological research. When mainstream psychologists shy away from the issues of subjectivity, culture and power, I urge them to consider: what roles do their

bringing out the deconstructive effect of the genealogical method that you mention. After all, here too we are practicing psychological research and with this engaging in intercultural dialogue! We can thus take your critical dialogical approach to reflexivity as guideline for our discussion, following its tripartite reflexive formulations to address the development of your academic research practice. This sounds like a fun way to proceed. Lets do it! Great! So the first reflexive practice that you outline descriptive reflexivity requires the researcher to address the question, How am I different from the participant? You take from Hans-Georg Gadamer (1960/2004) the incentive to deeply understand the other in dialogue, but stress with HansHerbert Kgler (1999) the need to recognize unassailable cultural and historical ruptures in the interlocutors symbolic orders. In an effort to understand the participant, then, descriptive reflexivity requires that researchers Zhipeng Gao deliberately focus on interpersonal differences, exposing their unique cultural assumptions so as to minimize their potential for misrepresenting others. In the spirit of this descriptive task, could you say something about your cultural background, especially in connection to how it informs your experience as student in Canada and perhaps most importantly, your present interest in reflexivity? My pleasure. I was born in a small town in China that can be characterized as agricultural, traditional, and economically less developed. I did farm work, I had a friend who fainted in class due to hunger, and I was taught about the conservative, unitary culture where birds standing out get shot. When I was fifteen I went to a city for middle school education. This transition made 32

me aware that people can have a different mode of life in so many aspects: housing, working, public service, food, clothing, entertainment, etc. When I returned to my hometown for a visit, I was disappointed when some old friends started to treat me as an Other whom they no longer identified as belonging to the same social class. I was alarmed by the cruelty of social classification. My second voyage three years ago brought me to Canada, where I had a further cultural adventure. It was beyond my

expectation that Canadian people are so kind; they always bear with my broken English with extreme patience and encouraging smile. I also did not expect that culture plays such a critical role in interpersonal communication. In countless occasions I had difficulty understanding others, or have myself misunderstood, due to cultural differences. I felt frustrated but also realized that I was in a perfect first-person position to investigate reflexivity, which is much needed and much difficult to practice in crosscultural encounters. I live in the city of Toronto, which I consider as both multicultural and Euro-centric. The government endeavors to create an environment friendly to new immigrants, and most people are considerate of others ways of living and reflexive of their own cultural origins. This multiculturally oriented ethics greatly motivates me

to engage with issues of ethnicity, culture, as well as other Let us take from these recommendations for analytic intersecting categories. At the same time, the mainstream reflexivity the incentive to dialogue about some of Canadian culture has a strong European heritage. This is the specificities and struggles unique to your barely surprising to psychologists informed by Gadamers intellectual development and academic experience in hermeneutics. Good will alone is insufficient for Canada. Perhaps, then, you can say something about accomplishing why you think that multiculturalism; you have developed people still your unique academic encounter trajectory and epistemological interests, and how you difficulties in find yourself to differ understanding from your colleagues and appreciating in psychology? other cultures. Similarly, goodOk, so let me begin with willed my experience of psychologists run struggle. I applied for a a chance to psychology major for problematize undergraduate study, people, if they hoping it could help me are unable to better understand myself reflect on their and humanity. And soon sociocultural I learnt the Janus head Mandy Morgan awarding Zhipeng Gao the Sigmund Koch Award, 2013 situatedness and of psychology: its produce scientific face that universalizing maintains objectivity is in discourses. This is another cultural experience that the opposite direction to the humanistic face that is motivates me to engage with the topic of reflexivity in usually portrayed in popular culture. I was puzzled, so I relation to culture and social justice. skipped some classes to go to library for an answer. Philosophy suggested new ways of conceptualizing What a fascinating (inter)cultural journey, Zhipeng! human existence; sociology encouraged me to reflect on Let us then turn from the task of descriptive the role of the psychological discipline in society; and reflexivity to that of analytic reflexivity, which asks, anthropology offered a greater flexibility in choosing Why am I different from the participant? Your idea here research methods. My aimless roaming was ended with a follows Michel Foucaults (1977) genealogical method few articles that introduced me to a new concept, and requires that researchers reconstruct their own theoretical psychology. I was thrilled! I felt this research power-laden socialization (i.e., revealing the program would meet all my curiosity. specificities, struggles, contradictions, etc. that constitute their unique sociopolitical positions) in an In 2009, I attended the thirteenth ISTP conference in effort to resist producing research that blindly Nanjing, China. Others might consider this event dominates others subjectivity. In contrast to Foucault enjoyable or exciting, but to me it was utterly however, you draw upon Hans-Herbert Kgler (1999) enlightening. At that point I received no supervision on and recommend that analytic reflexivity be practiced theoretical psychology, and had limited access to Western not in solitary contemplation but in dialogue with the literature. I was amazed to see the real persons behind participant; the dialogical approach is less challenging those familiar names, to listen to their presentations, and in that it makes use of the others history as concrete sometimes to have dinner together! I also met my current contrast for the researchers developmental trajectory. supervisor, Thomas Teo. Attending this conference made me determined to further my study abroad. 33

The next year I was lucky enough to be accepted by York University. York University has a strong liberal, progressive tradition and emphasizes interdisciplinary study. The History and Theory of Psychology program in particular provides me much intellectual resources and methodological training. I remember the first time I met Thomas in his office, I mentioned my thoughts on the plurality of ways of living. Thomas quickly found a word for me, reflexivity, you should check this concept out, and he suggested a number of articles to me as entry points. It took me a long time before I decided on reflexivity as my thesis topic. I had a few topics in mind, among which reflexivity was probably the most difficult one, not only because there exist so many different versions of reflexivity, but also because reflexivity demands you to bring into light your implicit cultural assumptions, negate your taken-for-granted cultural knowledge, and go beyond your limited cultural experience. Its close to a paradox. It was only after reading Kglers work when I made up my mind to write on reflexivity. Thank you for that, Zhipeng. You make clear how your personal struggles and unique journey have informed your interest in reflexive psychological practice. Let us then turn to the final aspect of your tripartite approach, ethical reflexivity. Here the question is, What are the implications of my research for the participant? The task is for researchers to evaluate their research aims, seeking to determine whether the research produced contributes to participants wellbeing. To determine the ethics of research practice, you turn to Thomas Teos (1998) framework, which suggests that knowledge is ethical when it succeeds at addressing the major needs of those involved. Thus, ethical research can have varying aims depending on the group being addressed: the goal may be to overcome material domination, create egalitarian speech situations, or promote aesthetic development. Drawing on these ethical considerations, could you say something about how you evaluate your own work thus far, and perhaps how you see your research fitting within your vision of psychology and society? Im happy with my work so far, though for sure I shouldnt be too optimistic until it survives my theoretical 34

colleagues critical evaluation and empirical test in concrete research. I am currently writing papers to introduce my proposal to not only theoretical psychologists but also psychologists in other areas who may apply my method and fulfill its purpose. I am also writing a proposal to apply the method myself in qualitative research, and integrating it into the scholarship of cross-cultural studies and area studies. In addition, I have a few side projects concerning reflexivity from perspectives of linguistics and political economy; I will decide how far to go depending on circumstances. Beyond the above activities, I am exploring new intellectual territories for my PhD dissertation. The ideas contained in my reflexivity project will accompany my future research, of course. In general, I think my work fits my academic aim of becoming a theoretical psychologist. I think my work also fits my vision of psychology and society in a few ways. In my program at York, I receive much training in history of psychology, which informs me that psychology and society are inseparable and coconstructive. It is better to acknowledge than to deny the fact that psychologists are involved in sociopolitical projects in one way or another, deliberately or unwittingly. Psychologists are not ethicists but they are not exempt from social responsibility, either; they are citizens. That is why I close my proposal with ethical reflexivity. Informed by a few historical, cultural and minority political movements, personally Im favorable to pluralism in psychology and in human conditions. Relativism becomes the new challenge to scholars who decide to move away from foundationalism and universalistic discourse. In my proposal I make an attempt based on Kglers regional ontology, lets see how it works! Thank you, Zhipeng! It has been a pleasure to learn about your current research and historical background. I wish you all the best in your pursuits, and I look forward to meeting you again at the next ISTP conference! Thank you very much Basia! I look forward to meeting you and everybody at Leeds Metropolitan University in 2015!


In the tradition of ISTP conferences, an edited, peer-reviewed book will be produced with papers based on presentations to the ISTP 2013 meeting held in Santiago. We encourage all participants who presented papers at the conference to submit proposals to be part of a volume entitled:

DIALOGUE AND DEBATE IN THE MAKING OF THEORETICAL PSYCHOLOGY. Proceedings of 15th Biennial conference of The International Society for Theoretical Psychology (ISTP), Santiago, Chile, May 3-7 2013.
Papers in the proceedings will be peer reviewed and not all submissions are guaranteed to be published. However, we want ESPECIALLY to encourage early career and student participants to submit their papers.

The submission deadline is November the 30th, 2013, and manuscripts are to be sent as attachments (carefully following instructions on website listed below) to
Please note that only submissions by participants who presented at the conference will be considered for publication. In addition, the only language of the book will be ENGLISH. For details about the submission format visit:

Editorial Team Antonia Larran (Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Chile) Andrs Haye (Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile) James Cresswell (Booth University College) Gavin Sullivan (Leeds Metropolitan University, U.K) Mandy Morgan (Massey University, New Zealand)


Theory & Psychology Update

As the journal completes its 23rd volume, it continues to seek out new work in theory while traversing some traditional paths and maintaining ties to theoretical work that remains vital. We welcome, for example, the critical work on such topics as consciousness and cognition, brain sciences and evolution but also advances in psychodynamic theories. A brief glance at the journal in the past year will also show the continuing controversies on the topics of measurement and aspects of statistics - these have continued to generate comments and debate. However, we have also continued to encourage manuscripts on topics new to us, including two papers on the use of images in psychological theory which appeared in the August issue. And as always, we have published numerous papers on aspects of psychological theory that cross boundaries of disciplines and sub-disciplines in psychology. At the moment we have several special issues in the works, including one on Language and the Self edited by Marie-Ccile Bertau (Germany) and another on The Place of Class: Psychological Perspectives edited by Darrin Hodgetts (New Zealand) and Christine Griffin (UK). In addition, we are looking forward to a special issue recently proposed by Morton Nissen (Denmark) and colleagues on the relationship between the making of subjectivity and processes of institutional, scientific, educational and medical standardization. As always we welcome inquiries, manuscripts and requests for book reviews. If you would like to review for the journal, please let us know. As always, we are willing to consider manuscripts in new areas of theory and look forward to hearing from any member of the society. Henderikus Stam, Editor University of Calgary, Canada


Aesthetic Subjectivity: Glimpsing the Shared Soul A Model Book by G.V. Loewen
James Cresswell
Booth University College

them as unique: we decorate our walls to project our unique style we wish to be. Loewen then discusses how art can play a role in the constitution of identity by way of memorializing the past of who we were. In memorializing the past, art is described as a means by which identity is continued over time. Memorialization combines with projection to enable the introduction of dynamic tensions inherent in ones identity projects of the past, present, and future; we create, buy, and display art to generate a new identity while memorializing the past. With a discussion of how art is uncanny, the book then returns to the extra-real where art changes how humans see themselves and the world. Loewen claims that the uncanny norm-breaking quality of art shakes how we see ourselves such that we are able to see a different aspect of the world that was hitherto unknown to us. From this claim emerges a discussion of how art can potentially take us outside of the moral normativity that is generally lived and how our previously held moral commitments can be revealed as foundationless. It is in this manner that art plays a role in the deconstruction of identity and the consequent reconstruction of it. While such ideas are interesting in their own right, Loewen offers more. For theoretical psychologists interested in aesthetics in relation to psychological phenomena, this book is valuable in three ways. First, the author covers classic theorists in aesthetics: Bachelard, Dewey, Gadamer, Horowitz , Lukacs, Merleau-Ponty, and Schutz. Loewen integrates quotes from such authors throughout the text as opposed to simply citing names in parentheses. The text thereby substantially incorporates the wider discourses in which it is embedded and provides readers with a trustworthy amalgamation of what such classic authors have to say. A benefit of this integrative and comprehensive style is that the book reads as a superbly trans-disciplinary text. It directs attention to a human psychological phenomenon by bringing sophisticated theory to bear on the problem of understanding the phenomenon. ISTP has often cultivated an authentic trans-disciplinary ethos that resonates with this book. Second, this discussion is integrated with illustrative excerpts from interviews with persons who discuss their own experience with art. The book consequently reads as a dialogue among classic authors, the living phenomenon, and real people who engage art. It reads as an intellectually sophisticated piece that does not fall away from the 37

At the recent ISTP conference in Santiago, we talked of aesthetics and what it can add to theoretical psychology. Loewens (2011) Aesthetic Subjectivity: Glimpsing the shared soul is such an endeavor that focusses on art in the construction of personal identity. After briefly summarizing some of his generative ideas, I outline why this would be a helpful resource for theoretical psychologists interested in aesthetics. The book begins with a discussion of subjectivity that illuminates how the realization of identity through art is not a mere matter of subjective preference. Art is described as expressing reality and as extra-real in the sense that it interrupts the realities that humans socially constitute, including the reality of ones own identity that one takes for granted. From there, the book introduces the notion of artism: an approach to art that involves a concern for arts technical contrivance and manifests as a sort of intellectual exercise interested in art for its own sake without personal engagement. Loewen then contrasts this approach to art with the autist approach that involves the pursuit of love of art in a manner divorced from arts meaning in the world. Both of these approaches are described as missing the encounter with art that makes one see the world and oneself differently. The use of art as a projection to create identity is then discussed. Loewen outlines how art can be a means by which people are able to create identity that distinguishes

phenomenon into an abstract intellectual exercise. Without falling into trivial scientism, the book takes a bold step into the genre of meta-narrative with claims such as [t]he call and response of the aesthetic object is the dynamic that navigates all existential courses (p. 316; emphasis added).

examination by asking the question of whether or not his engagement with art is artism-like, autist, or authentic. The personally engaging quality of the book is also evident in the moral commentary that elegantly sidesteps moralism. For example, the book brings to bear a discussion of art and identity in light of morally egregious evils such as the Third Reich. Such discussions furnish the reader with a sense of what aesthetic expression accomplishes and how poseurs attempting to embody such expression can create disastrous situations: for the 'destruction of art' implies the loss of humanity, and where we burn the books of what it means to be human, we next burn ourselves (p. 253). Statements of this sort could run the risk of irritating the reader with moralist claims, but they do not do so because such claims are situated in a careful discussion that substantiates their merit. Consider further how this moral commentary raises the important issue of authenticity and thorny topics such as truth and the good. Breaching these topics in a sophisticated manner that does not fall into laissez-faire relativism or dogmatism can potentially push readers back into their own engagement with art. That is, the book models rigorous development of theory, pragmatic elegance, and personal engagement, which are all hallmarks of good work in theoretical psychology. In sum, the topic is interesting and a subtle sub-text of personal engagement runs throughout it. It leaves one with a poetic sentiment that is itself aesthetic. It was a pleasure read in a mode that integrates the emotionally-evaluative human engagement with an intellectual discussion. For those interested in aesthetics in relation to psychological phenomena, this book is valuable for both its content and its model mode of working.

A broad trans-disciplinary view on the use of art to constitute identity thereby becomes possible and this view could easily serve as a model for developing theory of other psychological phenomena. It models the development of theory by being philosophically rigorous and delightfully pragmatic. Third, the book provides a thorough academic discussion about the cultivation of identity through art while ironically prompting the reader to engage the book itself as an aesthetic expression for the cultivation of identity. The personally engaging quality of this book could be seen in the commentary on the ways that art can be engaged. For example, Loewens discussion of the autist and artism establishes a subtext that juxtaposes them to authentic engagement with art. A reader is brought into self38

References Loewen, G. V . (2011). Aesthetic subjectivity: Glimpsing the shared soul. Alcoa: Old Moon.

General Announcements
Upcoming Conference: Call for Proposals
EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR RESEARCH IN ADULT DEVELOPMENT (ESRAD) Are there enough competencies for survival and prospering? Adult Development IV Annual ESRAD Symposium, Helsinki 2014, Finland, May 21-23, 2014. See more of the organization:

Job Opening
Tenure-Track Position: Social Psychology, Clark University. The Department of Psychology invites applications for the position of Assistant Professor (tenure-track) to begin in August 2014. Clark University offers the advantages of both a distinguished research university and a small liberal arts college. See ~psydept).

Outlines Journal
The open source Outlines journal just issued a special issue on "Transformative Social Practice and Socio-Critical Knowledge." Further information can be found at


ISTP Membership Information

Payment of ISTP Membership is now being invited for 2014! Full Membership costs 125USD and Reduced Membership costs 40USD. Full Membership includes 6 issues of the journal Theory & Psychology. You can access the Membership Form on the ISTP website at or email the Secretary-Treasurer, Desmond Painter (

The ISTP Executive

Thomas Teo, York University, Canada

Lorraine Radtke, University of Calgary, Canada

Past President
Mandy Morgan, Massey University, New Zealand

Secretary and Treasurer

Desmond Painter, Stellenbosch University, South Africa




Note from the Editor

Basia Ellis, M.Sc., Ph. D. Candidate, University of Calgary, Canada.

It has been a real pleasure to collaborate with all the contributors of this issue! As rst-time editor, I envision the Newsletter both as an important forum for exchanging current and relevant information about theoretical psychological practice, and as an opportunity for engaging dialogue with internationally situated psychologists. I thus encourage readers to submit notices of conferences, seminars, or workshops; information about major book publications; and/or updates about recent events relevant to theory and psychology. More than this however, to generate dialogue between theoretical psychologists, I encourage more informal contributions, wherein scholars relate their reections and/or experiences on the practice of theoretical psychology. My hope is for the Newsletter to serve as a space where psychologists can dialogue about their practices, revealing what it means to be engrossed in the politics of (theoretical) psychology in various places--including the difculties, the possibilities, and the directions of our practices. In my view, these stories need to be written and discussed, and I encourage you all to contribute to such ends! Please contact me at if you would like to contribute to the ISTP Newsletter or have any questions about this and/or future issues.

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