Mystery Babylon
Mystery Babylon
Mystery Babylon
Mystery Babylon The New World Order Unveiled An Israelite Handbook for True Christians by Eli James Clayton R. Douglas This book will take you on a spiritual journey of an ordinary man who comes face to face with a conspiracy so vast and so evil that he was suddenly faced with making decisions that could and did overturn an heretofore orderly, happy life with a wife and family into attacks that continue to this day. Only recently has he been able to martial the support and strength to continue. What if Jesus was absolutely accurate when he said," know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, !but thou art rich" and know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of #atan. $ear none of those things which thou shalt suffer . . be thou faithful unto death, and will give thee a crown of life. . . . %ehold, will make them of the synagogue of #atan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie& behold, will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that have loved thee. 'evelation ()*+,-, .)*. Woe unto you, scribes and /harisees, hypocrites0 for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men1s bones, and of all uncleanness. 2ven so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and ini3uity. Woe unto you, scribes and /harisees, hypocrites0 because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous, 4nd say, f we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets. Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets. $ill ye up then the measure of your fathers. 5e serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell6 7atthew (.)(8+.. 99999999999999 Excerpt: :uring WW , the 'othschilds saw an opportunity to take /alestine away from the 4rabs. n :aniel, ;hapter < + as in =ev. (> + we are confronted again with the concept of "#even Times." This has to be as important as the #even Times of =eviticus (>, for it is mentioned four times. !:an. <) ,>, (., (?, .(." n this instance it is in relation to @ebuchadneAAar1s second nightmare, in which a mighty tree is cut down and only a stump is left. n Berse ((, :aniel tells @ebuchadneAAar that the tree represents him and his kingdom, %abylon. %ut the cutting down of the tree means the end of his kingdom. n verse (., the stump of the tree is banded with a band of iron and brass. 4lbert %arnes1 @otes on the %ible eCplains)
"The word here used Dfor "stump"E implies that it was still alive, or that there was a germ which would send up a new shoot, so that the tree would live again. The idea is, that though the mighty tree would fall, yet there would remain vitality in the root, or the portion that would remain in the earth after the tree was cut down, and that this would spring up again + a most striking image of what would occur to @ebuchadneAAar after he should be cast down from his lofty throne, and be again restored to his reason and to power." With regard to the %and of ron and %rass, 7r. %arnes eCplains its purpose) "This eCpression may be regarded as applicable either to the cut+down tree, or to the humbled monarch. f applied to the former, it would seem that the idea is that the stump or root of a tree, deemed so valuable, would be carefully secured by an enclosure of iron or brass, either in the form of a hoop placed round the top of the stump, to preserve it from being opened or cracked by the heat of the sun, so as to admit moisture, which would rot it& or around the roots, to bind it together, with the hope that it would grow again& or it may refer to a railing or enclosure of iron or brass, to keep it from being plowed or dug up as worthless. n either case, it would be guarded with the hope that a tree so valuable might spring up again." #o, the purpose of the banding is to prevent the stump from dying. The stump is to be preserved for a future rebirth. Berses .. F .< describe how @ebuchadneAAar literally went through 8 years of madness, while living like a wild animal, only to be restored to his sanity and normal condition after this period of seven years. %ut there is a prophetic meaning to this episode as well. We know from our previous encounters with the #even Times prophecies that this eCpression represents (,?(- years. What was true for @ebuchadneAAar1s personal life, in 8 literal years, would be true for the kingdom of %abylon + after #even Times. :aniel (), tells us that @ebuchadneAAar "dreamed dreams" in the second year of his reign. What year did these dream occur6 Jehoiakim+( Gings (.).>...:uring this king1s reign @ebuchadneAAar came to Jerusalem for the first time and brought Judah under the domination of %abylon. Jehoiakim was confirmed as king in the year >-? b.c. We can fiC this year without any doubt, because two eclipses established >-? b.c. as the date when @ebuchadneAAar began his reign. One of these eclipses took place in the fifth year of @abopolassar, father of @ebuchadneAAar. We also know that @ebuchadneAAar came to the throne in his father1s twenty+first year. The other eclipse took place on July <, ?>H, when @ebuchadneAAar had ruled for .8 years. This places @ebuchadneAAar1s accession to the throne in >-? b.c. 4lso, :aniel was taken to %abylon+++ We have thus established that @ebuchadneAAar acceded to the throne of %abylon in the year >-? %;, two years after his father @abopolassar had him attack Jerusalem. :an. ,), tells us that this was in the third year Ging Jehoiakim1s reign. :aniel must have been taken captive to Jerusalem that same year, as :an. (), informs us that, in the second year of @ebuchadneAAar1s reign, this was when Ging @ebuchadneAAar had his nightmares, which only :aniel was able to interpret. This puts us in the year >-< %;. Just as @ebuchadneAAar was driven from the company of men, the kingdom of %abylon was
driven from the company of the other kingdoms. @ebuchadneAAar1s %abylon was where the concept of fractional reserve banking was born. t was also where the concept of banker+advisors was born. t was in ancient %abylon where promissory notes !receipts for goods" first began to circulate as money. These receipts took the form of clay tablets, pretty much like the characters in the "%.;." comic strip used to use0 Iere is how /rofessor =. '. Wray eCplains it) TaC payments Dby farmersE became standardised in terms of 3uantities of wheat or barley grain. These grain standards formed the basis for all the early money of account units, such as the mina, shekel, lira, and pound. 7oney, then originated not as a cost minimiAing medium of eCchange, but as the unit of account in which debts to the palace !taC liabilities" were measured. 4s the area over which taCes were imposed increased, palaces found it useful to farm out taC collections to private farmers. The first evidence of lending at interest comes from the practice of payment of taCes by the taC farmers, who then took bondservants and charged interest on the village debts. ... The clay shubati !received" tablets record these and other debts. 2ach tablet indicated a 3uantity of grain, the word shubati, the name of the person by whom received, the date, and the seal of the receiver. The tablets were either stored in temples where they would be safe from tampering, or sealed in cases, which would have to be broken to get to the tablet. Jnlike the tablets stored in temples, the case tablets could and did circulate. 4 debt could be cancelled and taCes paid by delivering a tablet recording another1s debt whereupon the case which recorded the cancelled debt could be broken to verify the debt terms. This was general practice for several thousand years +++. n other words, taCes, debts, and price lists eCisted for thousands of years, with clay tablets circulating before anyone had the bright idea of reducing transactions costs by creating money through stamping precious metals to coins. ... $rom the earliest times, markets operated on the basis of credits and debits, and even the smallest sales to consumers took place on credit, which could be carried on the books of the merchant for years before being cleared." + =. '. Wray, "7odern 7oney," from What s 7oney6 'outledge nternational #tudies in 7oney and %anking, p.<., <<. The same idea was later employed by bankers who held gold reserves on deposit for their customers. These customers were issued paper receipts for their gold. %ecause it was inconvenient for most people to lug the gold around for sales and purchases, they began to use the receipts as currency instead of the actual gold. The possessor of the receipt could then take the receipt to the bank and collect his gold, if he needed it. This was how our first paper money began to circulate, as receipts for gold. The %abylonians were already doing this, thousands of years ago, with their clay tablets. %abylon was also the source of many pagan religious concepts, which were imported by Ierod the Kreat into the religion of Judea, which became known as /harisaism. Ierod even imported priests from %abylon to serve as Iigh /riest in Judea. /harisaism is the true beginning of Judaism. ;oncerning the religious nature of these clay tablets, we are informed) Of considerable comparative value are the masses of tablets containing rituals, hemerologies, liturgies, general incantantions of the #hurpu and 7a3lu class, since they have many points of contact with the
/entateuch !though the differences are far more numerous, of course". 4 very large part of the religious literature is devoted to magic and divination) astrology, liver divination !hepatoscopy", lecanomancy !oil dropped into water", oneiromancy !divination by dreams", omens from monstrous births, etc., etc. This vast literature is of great importance for the history of the culture, and since 4ccadian magic and divination spread throughout the @ear 2ast as early as the second millennium %;, it is significant because it enables us clearly to understand the nature of the ideas against which the religious leaders of srael struggled ceaselessly for a thousand years." + William $. 4lbright, 'ecent :iscoveries in %ible =ands, ;hapter ... What /rofessor 4lbright is describing is witchcraft. The fact is that True srael is still combating this %abylonian religion today. The name of this religion is Judaism. t is 3uite amaAing that virtually all of the Judeo+;hristian theologians are aware of the fact that Judaism retains %abylonian witchcraft in the Talmud, especially in the Lohar and the ;abala, yet none of them ever bring these facts to light. The deep, dark secret of Judaism is that it is #atanism disguised as 7osaism. The pages of the ;abala and the Lohar are filled with the same spells, incantations and magic as was practiced in ancient %abylon. That is because that1s where the ;abala and the Lohar originated. This religious rubbish has been preserved in the Talmud& and there are many rabbis who teach it and preach it. n fact, the pop singer, 7odanna, is one of their most famous converts. These %abylonian traditions found their way into Judea during the reign of Ierod the Kreat. t was the /harisees who introduced these %abylonian traditions into Judea, because %abylon was the source of these ideas, which were grafted onto the 7osaic traditions by these same /harisees. MYSTERY BABY !" A"D T#E $AT%CA"
&ope #ig' &riest o( )reemasonry &ope an* Blair Masonic 'an*s'a+e. &eter #ans ,ol-enbac' .is 'e t'e (ormer/ Jesuit 0eneral1"! REA Y #E %S T#E B AC, &!&E 2%t is curious to note t'at most o( t'e bo*ies t'at 3or+ t'ese1 suc' as t'e Ancient an* Accepte* Scottis' Rite1 )resselor4s1 Rite1 t'e So-ereign &rince Masons etc1. are nearly all t'e o((spring o( t'e Sons o( %gnatius oyola. T'e Baron #un*t1 C'e-alier Ramsay1 Tsc'ou*y1 5innen*or(1 an* many ot'ers1 3'o (oun*e* t'e gra*es o( t'ese rites1 3or+e*
un*er instructions (rom t'e 0eneral o( t'e Jesuits2. 6 #elena Bla-ats+y1 %sis 7n-eile*1 89:;1 p. <=>.
2T'e great strengt' o( our or*er lies in its concealment. et it ne-er appear in any place in its o3n name1 but al3ays co-ere* by anot'er name1 an* anot'er occupation. "one is (itter t'an t'e < lo3er *egrees o( )reemasonry? t'e public is accustome* to it1 expects little o( it1 an* t'ere(ore ta+es little notice o( it2 6 A*am @eis'aupt1 (oun*er o( t'e Ba-arian %lluminati 89:<. @eis'aupt 3as a 4(ormer4 Jesuit an* &ro(essor o( Canon a3 at t'e Jesuit %ngol*sta*t 7ni-ersity in Ba-aria. T'e Jesuits 'a* been suppresse* by t'e &ope in 89:< an* by t'e Ba-arian go-ernment an* re6emerge* 3it' t'is (ront group 6 t'e %lluminati. T'e (oun*er o( t'e Jesuits1 Augustus oyola1 3as a member o( t'e Spanis' %lluminati1 or %llumbra*os. T'e Jesuits .Society o( Jesus/ 3ere sanctione* by &ope &aul 888 in 8;A> an* 3ere expelle* (rom Englan* .8;98/1 )rance .8;=A/1 &ortugal .8;=9/1 Englan* again .8B>A/1 )rance again .8B>B/1 Russia .8:8:/1 &ortugal again .8:;=/1 )rance again .8:BC/1 Spain1 0enoa1 $enice an* Sicily .8:B:/1 "aples1 Malta an* &arma .8:B9/. T'e !r*er 3as suppresse* C8st July 8::< by &ope Clement %$ (or 3'ic' 'e 3as promptly poisone* an* re6establis'e* by &ope &ius $%% in 898A. %n t'e 3or*s o( Abra'am incoln: 2 %( t'e &rotestants o( t'e "ort' an* Sout' coul* learn 3'at t'e priests1 nuns an* mon+s1 3'o *aily lan* on our s'ores1 un*er t'e pretext o( preac'ing t'eir religion1 3ere *oing in our sc'ools an* 'ospitals1 as emissaries o( t'e &ope an* t'e ot'er *espots o( Europe11 to un*ermine our institutions an* alienate t'e 'earts o( our people (rom our Constitution an* our la3s1 an* prepare a reign o( anarc'y 'ere1 as t'ey 'a-e *one in %relan*1 Spain1 Mexico an* 3'ere-er t'ere are people t'at 3is' to be (ree t'ey 3oul* unite in ta+ing po3er out o( t'eir 'an*s. T'e Jesuits ne-er (orsa+e2. %n t'e 3or*s o( Jo'n A*ams: 2 % am not 'appy about t'e rebirt' o( t'e Jesuits. S3arms o( t'em 3ill present t'emsel-es 3it' more *isguises e-er ta+en by e-en a c'ie( o( t'e Bo'emians 6 as printers1 3riters1 sc'ool teac'ers1 etc. %( e-er an association o( people *eser-e* eternal *amnation1 on t'is eart' an* in 'ell1 it is t'is Society o( oyola .898B/. Cat'olic C'urc' symbols are Babylonian1 Egyptian an* Sumerian. @'en not 3earing a 4Je3is'4 yamul+a t'e &ope 3ears t'e (is' 'ea* mitre 3orn by t'e Babylonian +ings. T'e Jesuit Cat'olic C'urc' are t'e in'eritors o( Mystery Babylon1 t'e 0reat @'ore in t'e Cryptocracy4s script +no3n as 4Re-elations4.
$atican City is an Egyptian Sun @ors'ip temple complete 3it' obelis+ in Magic+ Circle .penis o( !siris/ an* Dome .3omb o( %sis/.
6 t'e Cat'olic C'urc' is a continuation o( t'e Roman Empire un*er anot'er name 6 t'e $atican is a City6State 3it' its o3n go-ernment1 citiDens1 la3s1 courts an* S3iss 0uar* .a gi(t (rom t'e S3iss Ban+s/ 6 (rom Mussolini Agreement1 8=C= 6 t'e $atican is one o( t'e 3orl*4s t'ree ruling City6States. %t rules t'e 3orl*4s most *ominant religion 3'ile t'e City o( on*on .not a part o( on*on or Englan*/ rules t'e 3orl*4s money 3'ile @as'ington1 D.C .3'ic' is "!T t'e capital o( t'e 7.S.A but Eesuit georgeto3n uni-ersity / is t'e 3orl*4s military capital. 6 Britain is o3ne* by t'e $atican 6 Treaty o( 8C8< 6 t'e &ope can abolis' any la3 in t'e 7.S .Elements o( Ecclesiastical a3 $ol. 8 ;<6;A/ 6 t'e &ope claims to o3n t'e entire planet t'roug' t'e a3s o( ConFuest an* Disco-ery .&apal Bulls o( 8A;; an* 8A=</ 6 t'e $atican is t'e ol*est1 biggest1 3ealt'iest an* most po3er(ul organisation on t'e planet 6 C billion (ollo3ers1 corporations1 ban+s1 priceless art treasures1 manuscripts1 arti(acts1 sculptures1 lan*1 stoc+1 precious metals1 Ee3els an* cas' 6 t'e Cat'olic C'urc' ma*e muc' o( its money buy selling 4tic+ets out o( 'ell4 6 mil+ing t'e people 3it' promises to expunge t'eir sins (or t'eir money 3'ile *enying t'em a basic e*ucation 6 t'e Cat'olic C'urc' preac' 4gi-ing4 3'ile t'ey 'oar* most o( t'e 3orl*4s 3ealt' )ormer %sraeli &M YitDa+ Rabin signe* B>G o( t'e ol* city o( Jerusalem loc+1 stoc+ an* barrel to t'e $atican in 8==<. %nclu*e* is t'e site o( t'e Temple Mount 3'ere t'e Rot'c'il* controlle* JesuitsH$atican 3ill rebuil* t'e Temple an* 'ouse t'e @orl* ,ing .Antic'rist/ accor*ing to t'eir Biblical script. Rabin 3as mur*ere* a s'ort time later. T'e &ope is t'e #ig' &riest o( t'e Mysteries T'e Jesuit 0eneral is Count &eter #ans ,ol-enbac'1 t'e current 4Blac+ &ope4. T#E JES7%T !AT# My son1 'ereto(ore you 'a-e been taug't to act t'e *issembler: among Roman Cat'olics to be a Roman Cat'olic1 an* to be a spy e-en among your o3n bret'ren? to belie-e no man1 to trust no man. Among t'e Re(ormers1 to be a Re(ormer? among t'e #uguenots1 to be a
#uguenot? among t'e Cal-inists1 to be a Cal-inist? among ot'er &rotestants1 generally to be a &rotestant? an* obtaining t'eir con(i*ence1 to see+ e-en to preac' (rom t'eir pulpits1 an* to *enounce 3it' all t'e -e'emence in your nature our #oly Religion an* t'e &ope? an* e-en to *escen* so lo3 as to become a Je3 among Je3s1 t'at you mig't be enable* to gat'er toget'er all in(ormation (or t'e bene(it o( your !r*er as a (ait'(ul sol*ier o( t'e &ope. You 'a-e been taug't to plant insi*iously t'e see*s o( Eealousy an* 'atre* bet3een communities1 pro-inces1 states t'at 3ere at peace1 an* to incite t'em to *ee*s o( bloo*1 in-ol-ing t'em in 3ar 3it' eac' ot'er1 an* to create re-olutions an* ci-il 3ars in countries t'at 3ere in*epen*ent an* prosperous1 culti-ating t'e arts an* t'e sciences an* enEoying t'e blessings o( peace? to ta+e si*es 3it' t'e combatants an* to act secretly 3it' your brot'er Jesuit1 3'o mig't be engage* on t'e ot'er si*e1 but openly oppose* to t'at 3it' 3'ic' you mig't be connecte*1 only t'at t'e C'urc' mig't be t'e gainer in t'e en*1 in t'e con*itions (ixe* in t'e treaties (or peace an* t'at t'e en* Eusti(ies t'e means. You 'a-e been taug't your *uty as a spy1 to gat'er all statistics1 (acts an* in(ormation in your po3er (rom e-ery source? to ingratiate yoursel( into t'e con(i*ence o( t'e (amily circle o( &rotestants an* 'eretics o( e-ery class an* c'aracter1 as 3ell as t'at o( t'e merc'ant1 t'e ban+er1 t'e la3yer1 among t'e sc'ools an* uni-ersities1 in parliaments an* legislatures1 an* t'e Eu*iciaries an* councils o( state1 an* to be all t'ings to all men1 (or t'e &ope4s sa+e1 3'ose ser-ants 3e are unto *eat'. You 'a-e recei-e* all your instructions 'ereto(ore as a no-ice1 a neop'yte1 an* 'a-e ser-e* as co6a*Eurer1 con(essor an* priest1 but you 'a-e not yet been in-este* 3it' all t'at is necessary to comman* in t'e Army o( oyola in t'e ser-ice o( t'e &ope. You must ser-e t'e proper time as t'e instrument an* executioner as *irecte* by your superiors? (or none can comman* 'ere 3'o 'as not consecrate* 'is labours 3it' t'e bloo* o( t'e 'eretic? (or 23it'out t'e s'e**ing o( bloo* no man can be sa-e*2. T'ere(ore1 to (it yoursel( (or your 3or+ an* ma+e your o3n sal-ation sure1 you 3ill1 in a**ition to your (ormer oat' o( obe*ience to your or*er an* allegiance to t'e &ope1 repeat a(ter me: .Text o( t'e !at':/ %IIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1 no3 in t'e presence o( Almig'ty 0o*1 t'e blesse* $irgin Mary1 t'e blesse* St. Jo'n t'e Baptist1 t'e #oly Apostles1 St. &eter an* St. &aul1 an* all t'e saints1 sacre* 'ost o( #ea-en1 an* to you1 my 0'ostly )at'er1 t'e superior general o( t'e Society o( Jesus1 (oun*e* by St. %gnatius oyola1 in t'e ponti(ication o( &aul t'e T'ir*1 an* continue* to t'e present1 *o by t'e 3omb o( t'e $irgin1 t'e matrix o( 0o*1 an* t'e ro* o( Jesus C'rist1 *eclare an* s3ear t'at #is #oliness1 t'e &ope1 is C'rist4s $ice6Regent an* is t'e true an* only 'ea* o( t'e Cat'olic or 7ni-ersal C'urc' t'roug'out t'e eart'? an* t'at by t'e -irtue o( t'e +eys o( bin*ing an* loosing gi-en to #is #oliness by my Sa-iour1 Jesus C'rist1 'e 'at' po3er to *epose 'eretical ,ings1 &rinces1 States1 Common3ealt's1 an* 0o-ernments1 an* t'ey may be sa(ely *estroye*. T'ere(ore to t'e utmost o( my po3er % 3ill *e(en* t'is *octrine an* #is #oliness4s rig't an* custom against all usurpers o( t'e 'eretical or &rotestant aut'ority 3'ate-er1 especially t'e ut'eran C'urc' o( 0ermany1 #ollan*1 Denmar+1 S3e*en an* "or3ay1 an* t'e no3 preten*e* aut'ority an* C'urc'es o( Englan* an* Scotlan*1 an* t'e branc'es o( same no3 establis'e* in %relan* an* on t'e continent o( America an* else3'ere an* all a*'erents in regar* t'at t'ey may be usurpe* an* 'eretical1 opposing t'e sacre* Mot'er C'urc' o( Rome. % *o no3 *enounce an* *iso3n any allegiance as *ue to any 'eretical +ing1 prince or State1 name* &rotestant or iberal1 or obe*ience to any o( t'eir la3s1 magistrates or o((icers. % *o (urt'er *eclare t'e
*octrine o( t'e C'urc'es o( Englan* an* Scotlan* o( t'e Cal-inists1 #uguenots1 an* ot'ers o( t'e name o( &rotestants or Masons to be *amnable1 an* t'ey t'emsel-es to be *amne* 3'o 3ill not (orsa+e t'e same. % *o (urt'er *eclare t'at % 3ill 'elp1 assist1 an* a*-ise all or any o( #is #oliness4s agents1 in any place 3'ere % s'oul* be1 in S3itDerlan*1 0ermany1 #ollan*1 %relan* or America1 or in any ot'er +ing*om or territory % s'all come to1 an* *o my utmost to extirpate t'e 'eretical &rotestant or Masonic *octrines an* to *estroy all t'eir preten*e* po3ers1 legal or ot'er3ise. % *o (urt'er promise an* *eclare t'at1 not3it'stan*ing1 % am *ispense* 3it' to assume any religion 'eretical (or t'e propagation o( t'e Mot'er C'urc'4s interest? to +eep secret an* pri-ate all 'er agents4 counsels (rom time to time1 as t'ey entrust me1 an* not to *i-ulge1 *irectly or in*irectly1 by 3or*1 3riting or circumstances 3'ate-er? but to execute all t'at s'oul* be propose*1 gi-en in c'arge1 or *isco-ere* unto me by you1 my 0'ostly )at'er1 or any o( t'is sacre* or*er. % *o (urt'er promise an* *eclare t'at % 3ill 'a-e no opinion or 3ill o( my o3n or any mental reser-ation 3'ate-er1 e-en as a corpse or ca*a-er .perin*e ac ca*a-er/1 but 3ill un'esitatingly obey eac' an* e-ery comman* t'at % may recei-e (rom my superiors in t'e militia o( t'e &ope an* o( Jesus C'rist. T'at % 3ill go to any part o( t'e 3orl* 3'it'ersoe-er % may be sent1 to t'e (roDen regions nort'1 Eungles o( %n*ia1 to t'e centres o( ci-ilisation o( Europe1 or to t'e 3il* 'aunts o( t'e barbarous sa-ages o( America 3it'out murmuring or repining1 an* 3ill be submissi-e in all t'ings1 3'atsoe-er is communicate* to me. % *o (urt'er promise an* *eclare t'at % 3ill1 3'en opportunity presents1 ma+e an* 3age relentless 3ar1 secretly an* openly1 against all 'eretics1 &rotestants an* Masons1 as % am *irecte* to *o1 to extirpate t'em (rom t'e (ace o( t'e 3'ole eart'? an* t'at % 3ill spare neit'er age1 sex nor con*ition1 an* t'at 3ill 'ang1 burn1 3aste1 boil1 (lay1 strangle1 an* bury ali-e t'ese in(amous 'eretics? rip up t'e stomac's an* 3ombs o( t'eir 3omen1 an* crus' t'eir in(ants4 'ea*s against t'e 3alls in or*er to anni'ilate t'eir execrable race. T'at 3'en t'e same cannot be *one openly % 3ill secretly use t'e poisonous cup1 t'e strangulation cor*1 t'e steel o( t'e poniar*1 or t'e lea*en bullet1 regar*less o( t'e 'onour1 ran+1 *ignity or aut'ority o( t'e persons1 3'ate-er may be t'eir con*ition in li(e1 eit'er public or pri-ate1 as % at any time may be *irecte* so to *o by any agents o( t'e &ope or Superior o( t'e Brot'er'oo* o( t'e #oly )at'er o( t'e Society o( Jesus. %n con(irmation o( 3'ic' % 'ereby *e*icate my li(e1 soul1 an* all corporal po3ers1 an* 3it' t'e *agger 3'ic' % no3 recei-e % 3ill subscribe my name 3ritten in my bloo* in testimony t'ereo(? an* s'oul* % pro-e (alse1 or 3ea+en in my *etermination1 may my bret'ren an* (ello3 sol*iers o( t'e militia o( t'e &ope cut o(( my 'an*s an* (eet an* my t'roat (rom ear to ear1 my belly be opene* an* sulp'ur burne* t'erein 3it' all t'e punis'ment t'at can be in(licte* upon me on eart'1 an* my soul s'all be torture* by *emons in eternal 'ell (ore-er. T'at % 3ill in -oting al3ays -ote (or a ,nig't o( Columbus in pre(erence to a &rotestant1 especially a Mason1 an* t'at % 3ill lea-e my party so to *o? t'at i( t3o Cat'olics are on t'e tic+et % 3ill satis(y mysel( 3'ic' is t'e better supporter o( Mot'er C'urc' an* -ote accor*ingly. T'at % 3ill not *eal 3it' or employ a &rotestant i( in my po3er to *eal 3it' or employ a Cat'olic. T'at % 3ill place Cat'olic girls in &rotestant (amilies t'at a 3ee+ly report may be ma*e o( t'e inner mo-ements o( t'e 'eretics. T'at % 3ill pro-i*e mysel( 3it' arms an* ammunition t'at % may be in rea*iness 3'en t'e 3or* is passe*1 or % am comman*e* to *e(en* t'e C'urc' eit'er as an in*i-i*ual or 3it' t'e militia o( t'e &ope. All o( 3'ic' %1IIIIIIIIIIIIIII1 *o s3ear by t'e blesse* Trinity an* blesse* sacrament 3'ic' % am no3 to recei-e to per(orm an* on part to +eep t'is my oat'. %n testimony 'ereo(1 % ta+e t'is most
'oly an* blesse* sacrament o( t'e Euc'arist an* 3itness t'e same (urt'er 3it' my name 3ritten 3it' t'e point o( t'is *agger *ippe* in my o3n bloo* an* seal in t'e (ace o( t'is 'oly sacrament. .#e recei-es t'e 3a(er (rom t'e Superior an* 3rites 'is name 3it' t'e point o( 'is *agger *ippe* in 'is o3n bloo* ta+en (rom o-er 'is 'eart./ .Superior spea+s:/ You 3ill no3 rise to your (eet an* % 3ill instruct you in t'e Catec'ism necessary to ma+e yoursel( +no3n to any member o( t'e Society o( Jesus belonging to t'is ran+. %n t'e (irst place1 you1 as a Brot'er Jesuit1 3ill 3it' anot'er mutually ma+e t'e or*inary sign o( t'e cross as any or*inary Roman Cat'olic 3oul*? t'en one crosses 'is 3rists1 t'e palms o( 'is 'an*s open1 an* t'e ot'er in ans3er crosses 'is (eet1 one abo-e t'e ot'er? t'e (irst points 3it' (ore(inger o( t'e rig't 'an* to t'e centre o( t'e palm o( t'e le(t1 t'e ot'er 3it' t'e (ore(inger o( t'e le(t 'an* points to t'e centre o( t'e palm o( t'e rig't? t'e (irst t'en 3it' 'is rig't 'an* ma+es a circle aroun* 'is 'ea*1 touc'ing it? t'e ot'er t'en 3it' t'e (ore(inger o( 'is le(t 'an* touc'es t'e le(t si*e o( 'is bo*y Eust belo3 'is 'eart? t'e (irst t'en 3it' 'is rig't 'an* *ra3s it across t'e t'roat o( t'e ot'er1 an* t'e latter t'en 3it' a *agger *o3n t'e stomac' an* ab*omen o( t'e (irst. T'e (irst t'en says %ustum? an* t'e ot'er ans3ers "ecar? t'e (irst Reges? t'e ot'er ans3ers %mpious. T'e (irst 3ill t'en present a small piece o( paper (ol*e* in a peculiar manner1 (our times1 3'ic' t'e ot'er 3ill cut longitu*inally an* on opening t'e name Jesu 3ill be (oun* 3ritten upon t'e 'ea* an* arms o( a cross t'ree times. You 3ill t'en gi-e an* recei-e 3it' 'im t'e (ollo3ing Fuestions an* ans3ers: )rom 3'it'er *o you comeJ Ans3er: T'e #oly (ait'. @'om *o you ser-eJ Ans3er: T'e #oly )at'er at Rome1 t'e &ope1 an* t'e Roman Cat'olic C'urc' 7ni-ersal t'roug'out t'e 3orl*. @'o comman*s youJ Ans3er: T'e Successor o( St. %gnatius oyola1 t'e (oun*er o( t'e Society o( Jesus or t'e Sol*iers o( Jesus C'rist. @'o recei-e* youJ Ans3er: A -enerable man in 3'ite 'air. #o3J Ans3er: @it' a na+e* *agger1 % +neeling upon t'e cross beneat' t'e banners o( t'e &ope an* o( our sacre* or*er. Di* you ta+e an oat'J Ans3er: % *i*1 to *estroy 'eretics an* t'eir go-ernments an* rulers1 an* to spare neit'er age1 nor sex1 nor con*ition? to be as a corpse 3it'out any opinion or 3ill o( my o3n1 but to implicitly obey my Superiors in all t'ings 3it'out 'esitation or murmuring. @ill you *o t'atJ Ans3er: % 3ill. #o3 *o you tra-elJ Ans3er: %n t'e bar+ o( &eter t'e (is'erman. @'it'er *o you tra-elJ Ans3er: To t'e (our Fuarters o( t'e globe. )or 3'at purposeJ Ans3er: To obey t'e or*ers o( my 0eneral an* Superiors an* execute t'e 3ill o( t'e &ope an* (ait'(ully (ul(il t'e con*itions o( my oat's. 0o ye1 t'en1 into all t'e 3orl* an* ta+e possession o( all lan*s in t'e name o( t'e &ope. #e 3'o 3ill not accept 'im as t'e $icar o( Jesus an* 'is $ice6Regent on eart'1 let 'im be accurse* an* exterminate*. &oste* by A A" AM!"T at 88:<:
MYSTERY BABY !" @ill a global religious system t'e Roman Cat'olic C'urc' become t'e Mystery Babylon spo+en o( in t'e bibleJ %n Re-elation 8::86B T'e angel sai* to Jo'n come 'it'er? % 3ill s'e3 unto t'ee t'e Eu*gment o( t'e great 3'ore t'at sittet' upon many 3aters: @it' 3'om t'e +ings o( t'e eart' 'a-e committe* (ornication1 an* t'e in'abitants o( t'e eart' 'a-e been ma*e *run+ 3it' t'e 3ine o( 'er (ornication. So 'e carrie* me a3ay in t'e spirit into t'e 3il*erness: an* % sa3 a 3oman sit upon a scarlet coloure* beast1 (ull o( names o( blasp'emy. An* t'e 3oman 3as arraye* in purple an* scarlet colour1 an* *ec+e* 3it' gol* an* precious stones an* pearls1 'a-ing a gol*en cup in 'er 'an* (ull o( abominations an* (ilt'iness o( 'er (ornication: An* upon 'er (ore'ea* 3as a name 3ritten1 MYSTERY1 BABY !" T#E 0REAT1 T#E M!T#ER !) #AR !TS A"D AB!M%"AT%!"S !) T#E EART#. .$i*eo an* text lin+s at bottom o( page/ Also1 3ill t'is &ope or t'e next one be t'e coming (alse prop'etJ Clic+ 'ere .p*( (ile/
&ope Bene*ict K$% Mystery Babylon Mystery Babylon an* t'e E7 By Allan Rasmussen !ur 3orl* is 3itnessing t'e spirit o( Babylon rising once again1 3'ere man is see+ing to glori(y 'imsel( at t'e expense o( 0o*. T'e mo*ern 3or* 3'ic' *escribes t'is p'enomenon is L'umanismM. Yet t'e i*ea is anyt'ing but mo*ern.
&ieter Brueg'el 6 painting o( t'e To3er o( Babel T'e mani(estations o( 'umanism1 an* its pri*e(ul pat' can be trace* all t'e 3ay bac+ to ancient Babylon. T'ere1 on t'e ban+s o( t'e Eup'rates Ri-er1 "imro*1 t'e ,ing o( Babylon1 an* 'is se*ucti-e Nueen1 Semiramis1 o-ersa3 t'e buil*ing o( a 'uge an* un'oly arc'itectural monstrosity1 t'e To3er o( Babel. T'is story1 out o( 0enesis 88:86=1 'as *eli-ere* into t'e Englis' language t'e 3or* LbabbleM 3'ic' re(lects t'e con(usion o( speec' t'at 0o* impose* on t'e 3orl* at t'at time. T'e Scripture tells us t'at 2t'e 3'ole eart' 'a* one language an* one speec'.2 T'e reason 0o* inter-ene* to con(use speec' an* scatter t'em o-er t'e (ace o( t'e eart' 3as to pre-ent man+in* (ul(illing its imme*iate aim O to establis' a !ne @orl* !r*er an* unite all nations an* peoples in t'e 3ors'ip o( uci(er1 t'e *eity recogniDe* by t'e ancients un*er suc' names as Baal1 Mar*u+1 an* "ebo. To*ay1 our planet is experiencing a great re-i-al o( t'e style o( go-ernment an* 3ors'ip t'at 3as t'e norm in "imro*Ms Babylon. T'is 3as prop'esie* to occur in Re-elation 8: P 89 3'ere 3e (in* t'at t'is En* Times p'enomenon is *escribe* as t'e rising o( Mystery Babylon. T'at time is come1 an* once again1 3e (in* t'at man is buil*ing yet anot'er to3ering e*i(ice o( e-il1 3'ic' is t'e (ruit o( manMs (allen c'aracter. #o3e-er1 t'is time t'e To3er is more a spiritual i*ea t'an it is bric+s an* mortar1 alt'oug' t'e (inis'e* 3or+ 3ill be a system o( absolute control1 bot' spiritual1 political an* economic1 3it' 3orl*3i*e in(luence1 pursuing t'e exact same goals in t'e exact same 3ay as its ancient pre*ecessor. At t'is point 3e must turn to Scripture an* see 3'at t'e Bible *eclares regar*ing t'is En* Times mani(estation o( spiritual Babylon. T'e (irst Scripture appears in Re-elation 8::8b6; O 2Come1 % 3ill s'o3 you t'e Eu*gment o( t'e great 'arlot 3'o sits on many 3aters1 3it' 3'om t'e +ings o( t'e eart' committe* (ornication1 an* t'e in'abitants o( t'e eart' 3ere ma*e *run+ 3it' t'e 3ine o( 'er (ornication. So 'e carrie* me a3ay in t'e Spirit into t'e 3il*erness. An* % sa3 a @!MA" S%TT%"0 !" A SCAR ET BEAST 3'ic' 3as (ull o( names o( blasp'emy1 'a-ing se-en 'ea*s an* ten 'orns. T'e 3oman 3as arraye* in purple an* scarlet1 an* a*orne* 3it' gol* an* precious stones an* pearls1 'a-ing in 'er 'an* a gol*en cup (ull o( abominations an* t'e (ilt'iness o( 'er (ornication. An* on 'er (ore'ea* a name 3as 3ritten: MYSTERY1 BABY !" T#E 0REAT1 T#E M!T#ER !) #AR !TS A"D !) T#E AB!M%"AT%!"S !) T#E EART#. % sa3 t'e 3oman1 *run+ 3it' t'e
bloo* o( t'e saints an* 3it' t'e bloo* o( t'e martyrs o( Jesus. An* 3'en % sa3 'er1 % mar-ele* 3it' great amaDement.2 ",J$ Re-elation 8:::68> 'as Jo'n t'e Re-elator explaining t'e 2mystery2 surroun*ing t'e i*entity o( Mystery Babylon. #e recor*s O 2But t'e angel sai* to me1 L@'y *i* you mar-elJ % 3ill tell you t'e mystery o( t'e 3oman an* o( t'e beast t'at carries 'er1 3'ic' 'as t'e se-en 'ea*s an* t'e ten 'orns. T'e beast t'at you sa3 3as1 an* is not1 an* 3ill ascen* out o( t'e bottomless pit an* go to per*ition. An* t'ose 3'o *3ell on t'e eart' 3ill mar-el1 3'ose names are not 3ritten in t'e Boo+ o( i(e (rom t'e (oun*ation o( t'e 3orl*1 3'en t'ey see t'e beast t'at 3as1 an* is not1 an* yet is. #ere is t'e min* 3'ic' 'as 3is*om: T'e se-en 'ea*s are se-en mountains on 3'ic' t'e 3oman sits. T'ere are also se-en +ings. )i-e 'a-e (allen1 one is1 an* t'e ot'er 'as not yet come. An* 3'en 'e comes1 'e must continue a s'ort time.M2 ",J$ T'is *escription (lo3s 'an*6in6glo-e 3it' t'e Boo+ o( Daniel1 an* con(irms t'e prop'etic 3or*s o( Bible prop'ecy t'at : 3orl* +ing*oms o( man must rise an* (all be(ore t'e uns'a+eable an* eternal +ing*om o( t'e li-ing 0o* 3ill (inally bring in e-erlasting rig'teousness. @e a3ait t'e (inal 3orl* +ing*om1 3'ic' is presente* in t'e 2metal +ing*om2 image o( Daniel C1 as being (eet o( iron an* clay1 strengt' combine* 3it' 3ea+ness. T'e s'ort time t'is ,ing*om 3ill 'a-e po3er is prop'esie* to be <Q years an* 3e +no3 t'is time to be t'e perio* t'at is commonly calle* t'e 0reat Tribulation. T'e 3oman sitting on t'e Beast is typi(ie* in C 3ays O T'e apostate 'arlot c'urc'1 or religious Babylon an* CommercialH&olitical Babylon 3'ic' is t'e 3orl* system o( politics an* economics Eu*ge* by 0o* in Re-elation 89. @e can see t'en1 t'at one part o( t'is *emonic strategy is a religious system an* t'e ot'er a politicalHeconomic system. Bot' combine as Babylon t'e 0reat1 an* is symboliDe* by t'e @oman sitting on t'e Beast. T'is *uopoly reFuires t3o lea*ers an* so 3e 'a-e t'e embo*iment o( t'e *emonic Trinity. SATA" empo3ers t'e ne3 rising o( Babylon 3it' t'e emergence o( t'e )A SE &R!&#ET to rule o-er t'e !ne @orl* religious system1 an* t'e re-ealing o( t'e A"T%C#R%ST to rule o-er t'e economic system. T'ey 3ill e-entually 3iel* total po3er. T'e rise o( Babylon 3ill lea* t'e nations o( t'e eart' into spiritual a*ultery 6 %n t'e !l* Testament %srael 3as *escribe* as an a*ulterous nation because s'e o(ten c'eate* on t'e or* an* turne* to ot'er go*s. T'e same s'oul* be un*erstoo* o( t'e ne3 Babylonic system. S'e is a po3er t'at 'as reEecte* 0o* an* turne* to ot'er (orms o( 3ors'ip1 t'e (irst being i*olatry an* t'e secon* materialism. Re-elation clearly teac'es t'is. T'e see*s o( t'is last great Empire are alrea*y so3n an* are gro3ing be(ore our -ery eyes. T'e (inal @orl* ,ing*om o( "ebuc'a*neDDarMs *ream 3ill be t'at rule* by Antic'rist. T'is 3ill be an economic an* religious system 3'ic' 3ill be t'e (ul(illment o( t'e *ream o( a "e3 @orl* !r*er1 3'ic' 3ill be European in rule1 an* see t'e consummation o( Mystery Babylon. Sin(ul manMs innate *esire to rule 'imsel( being seen once again1 in a ne31 re-i-e*1 spiritual an* economic To3er o( Babel. %t is no coinci*ence t'at t'e t'ings t'at mar+e* t'e ol* also mar+ t'e ne31 because it is t'e same spirit. %s it possible to see real signs t'at t'is is 'appening be(ore our -ery eyesJ AbsolutelyR %n t'e 8;>>Ms1 &ieter Brueg'el painte* 'is -ersion o( t'e To3er o( Babel. A repro*uction o( t'is painting appears abo-e.
E7 Buil*ing in Strasbourg "early ;>> years later1 t'e concept an* arc'itecture o( t'at 3'ic' Brueg'el imagine* 'as been repro*uce* in real li(e by none ot'er t'an t'e European 7nion. T'e E7 buil*ing in Strasbourg is mo*ele* on t'e original To3er o( Babel as painte* by Brueg'el. T'e logic be'in* t'is symbolism is t'e E7 says it is see+ing to 2buil* up t'e 'ouse o( Europe26 a tas+ yet to be complete*. T'e buil*ing is complete an* in use1 but is *esigne* to loo+ un(inis'e*1 an* e-en 'as ringe* plat(orms to represent sca((ol*ing. #ere is t'e scary part. A reporter Fuestioning 2@'y t'e To3er o( Babel2 as a *esign concept1 3as ans3ere* in an astoun*ing 3ay by an E7 o((icial. #e sai*1 2@'at t'ey (aile* to complete <>>> years ago O 3e in Europe 3ill (inis' no3R2 #ere 3e see t'e staggering proo( o( t'is "e3 @orl* !r*er in its (ormati-e1 yet rapi*ly a*-ancing stages.
Montage o( Brugel 6 To3er o( Babel an* t'e E7 Buil*ing But t'at is only t'e startR Remember 3e mentione* t'e 3oman sitting on a scarlet beast calle* Mystery BabylonJ T'is image comes (rom 0ree+ myt'ology an* is +no3n as T'e RA&E !) E7R!&A. T'e legen* recounts t'e story o( Europa1 3'o 3as ab*ucte* by t'e 0ree+ go* 5eus 3'o came in t'e (orm o( a beast1 carrie* 'er a3ay to a (ar place1 t'en re-eale* 'is real i*entity an* sexually abuse* 'er. !ne o( t'e more (amous paintings o( t'e Rape o( Europa is repro*uce* 'ere. 7nbelie-ably1 t'is story o( Europa1 3'ic' parallels t'e 3omen ri*ing t'e beast in Re-elation1 is being use* as t'e logo o( t'e E7. %t seems impossible to belie-e. %t stretc'es
our cre*ibility to t'e limit to t'in+ t'at t'e !((icials o( a group o( nations 3oul* collecti-ely agree in sober an* rational *iscussion to pro*uce suc' an image as representati-e o( t'eir union. "e-ert'eless it is true.
Artists 6 ren*ition o( t'e Rape o( Europa T'ere is anot'er po3er operating 'o3e-er1 3'ic' is manipulating t'e situation. T'e *ecision ma+ers o( t'e E7 are simply pa3ns in a cosmic game o( c'ess 3'ere t'e 0ran*master o( sin is ma+ing 'is mo-es 3it' 'is *emonic c'aracter stampe* all o-er it. #e 3ill not enEoy t'e en* game 'o3e-er1 3'ic' is an eternal trip to t'e la+e o( (ire. T'e Rape o( Europa is no3 immortaliDe* again1 not by paintings1 but in a number o( 3ays1 3'ic' brings Mystery Babylon s'arply into (ocus in t'e -ery *ays 3e are li-ing in. #ere are some o( t'em 6 T'e 3oman ri*ing t'e beast appears as a maEor sculpture1 stan*ing outsi*e t'e entrance to t'e E7 'ea*Fuarters in Strasbourg. @e 'a-e t'e e-i*ence (or you by 3ay o( a colour p'oto o( t'e sculpture.
European stamps an* Euro Coin *epicting t'e @oman on t'e Beast A &ostage Stamp 3as recently release* in Britain. 7n*er t'e banner o( t'e E71 t'is stamp s'o3s a grap'ic ren*ition o( t'e Rape o( Europa. %n 0ermany1 cre*it car*s 'a-e t'is same image imprinte* on t'em. %n t'e pre-ious issue o( !mega Times 3e carrie* a picture o( a coin in t'e etters page. @e repro*uce it 'ere. T'e relati-ely ne3 Euro coinage 'as t'e @oman on t'e Beast appearing on t'e C Euro coin. Many o( our European rea*ers 3ill 'a-e 'an*le* t'is coin many times 3it'out realiDing Eust 3'at it symboliDe*. T'ese t'ings are more t'an coinci*ence. Yet 3e are t'an+(ul to 0o* t'at #e 'as re-eale* t'e 'i**en t'ings to #is C'urc' in t'ese last *ays1 so t'at 3e 'a-e un*erstan*ing o( 3'at is 'appening.
T'e myria* number o( groups1 go-ernments1 societies an* interest groups 3'o are 3or+ing to3ar* a "e3 @orl* !r*er are gra*ually placing all t'e necessary t'ings in or*er to (acilitate t'e re-i-e* *ream o( Babel. T'e "imro*Ms o( t'is 3orl*1 along 3it' t'eir supporters1 3ill 'a-e t'eir *ay in t'e sun1 but it 3ill be 3oe(ully brie(1 consi*ering t'e lengt' o( t'e (ate o( t'ose 3'o 3ill be t'e players in t'is scenario.
Statue outsi*e E7 Buil*ing Simply state*1 it 3ill be <Q years o( absolute po3er1 t'en Mystery Babylon1 an* all its e-il system1 3ill be con(ronte* by t'e one 3'o Jo'n re-eals in Re-elation 88 O t'e one 3'o appears su**enly (rom 'ea-en1 seate* on a 3'ite 'orse. #e is calle* )ait'(ul an* True1 an* #e Eu*ges an* ma+es 3ar. #e is clot'e* in a robe *ippe* in bloo* an* #is name is calle* t'e @or* o( 0o*. 0lobal Religion in+s T'e Dangers o( Roman Cat'olic &olitical T'oug't: .@atc' $i*eo !nline/ )ilm !n 6 T'e $atican4s 7ltimate Nuest T'e Nueen !( #ea-en .@atc' $i*eo !nline/ )ilm !n 6 Mary @ors'ip &ictures o( #itler 3it' t'e Cat'olic C'urc'4s !((icials &agan Sun @ors'ip An* Cat'olicism T'e Sun @'eel1 t'e !belis+ an* Baal Cat'olic !ccult &ractices By T'e Cutting E*ge T'e Rise o( Mary an* t'e European 7nion .p*( (ile/
s /ope %enedict MB the 4ntichrist6 Joseph 'atAinger was the first Kerman in many years to be elected as the /ope of 'ome. /ope %enedict MB was also involved with 4dolph Iitler1s "Iitler 5outh" many years ago. /ope %enedict MB , !Joseph 'atAinger", was also of Kermanic 2uropean eCtraction, just like Iitler. The %ible clearly says that the $alse ;hurch of 'ome will one day use its power to help support the rise of the 4ntichrist in a renewed 'oman 2mpire. The %ible also says that the 4ntichrist will arise in the old 'oman 2mpire, which is for the most part the area that we now call 2urope. /ope %enedict MB is indeed from 2urope. Iitler also rose to power from Kermany and then tried to become the 4ntichrist, but failed. ;ould it be that Joseph 'atAinger will one day become the 4ntichrist6 =ook closely into his eyes in above photo. ;an you really trust this man6 :o his eyes remind you of 4dolph Iitler1s eyes6 :o you think that he really could be the 4ntichrist6 n order to help answer such 3uestions, we must look at what the %ible says on such subjects, since the %ible gives us many prophesies
concerning the 4ntichrist. We know that if this is indeed the "=ast Time", then it should also mean that the 4ntichrist will soon be revealed to us) " is the last time) and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come..." ! John (),H" When the 4ntichrist does come, there will be many, many people who will not be ready. The idea of people not being ready for The 'apture and for the 4ntichrist was one of the main themes of the "=eft %ehind" book and movie series. therefore find it amaAing that so many people could read these books or watch these movies, yet still remain 3uite unprepared for The 'apture and for the coming of the 4ntichrist. Who eCactly is this 4ntichrist6 s he /ope %enedict MB 6 The identity of the 4ntichrist has always been a mystery. @evertheless, many %aptists throughout history have been 3uite clear about the identity of this 4ntichrist, or at least about the identity of the "Kreat Whore" andNor the #econd %east, !the "$alse /rophet"", a man who will act as the 4ntichrist1s "assistant" as the 4ntichrist murders all true ;hristians by beheading and other methods. Iistorical %aptists have always held that the /ope of 'ome will be one of these evil men. !The %ible speaks of two different %easts arising on the world scene at about the same time, one second beast helping the other, the first beast being the 4ntichrist and second beast his "$alse /rophet" assistant") "4nd beheld another beast coming up out of the earth& and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. 4nd he eCerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast..." !'ev. ,.),,+,(" Why have so many %aptists been so sure that a future /ope would be either the 4ntichrist or else the other %east who would help the 4ntichrist as he murders all %aptists and other ;hristians through beheading, much as the 7uslims who believe the Goran now do. !,oran: 2Stri+e o(( t'eir 'ea*s till ye 'a-e ma*e a great slaug'ter among t'em2 6 Sura A::A" There are many reasons for this historical %aptist belief. @evertheless, because of this belief, there are many %aptists who think that /ope %enedict MB might actually one day become the 4ntichrist. The first reason for such a belief by %aptists is that the %ible clearly states that the "Kreat Whore" will be located in a city, and that this city will sit on "seven mountains" or hills. 'ome has often been called "the city of seven hills". Therefore, anyone reading this prophesy when it was written should have understood that 'ome was being mentioned, since 'ome ruled the world at that time and the city of 'ome sat on seven hills. 'ome is also the location of both the Batican and the /ope)
"... will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, ... and here is the mind which hath wisdom. ...The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth." !'evelation ,8) 8, *" The neCt reason for this belief by %aptists, is that /opes often wear purple and red !scarlet" and gold and precious gems. n fact, most of the items associated with the "Kreat Whore" can be seen in the above photo of the /ope, who certainly appears to be decked with plenty of gold) "#o he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness) and saw a woman ... and the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls." !'ev. ,8)., <" The neCt reason for suspecting the /ope to be either the 4ntichrist or his assistant is the description given in 'evelation ;hapter ,8 of a woman, a woman called the "0reat @'ore2. One of the attributes of a whore is that she will do whatever you ask her to do, in eCchange for money, without worrying about the morality of any resulting act of lewdness. The 'oman ;atholic ;hurch has been selling ecclesiastical positions to people in eCchange for money for many centuries. These are ecclesiastical ;atholic ;hurch leadership positions, not merely secular positions. Often people of the vilest moral character became %ishops or obtained other high positions of leadership within the ;atholic ;hurch simply by handing the /ope large sums of money. The Whore would sell herself for money. /opes throughout history have repeatedly shown this whorish, "anything+for+ money" characteristic. /erhaps, therefore, a /ope may actually become this "Kreat Whore" after all, since so many /opes have "sold themselves" for the sake of "filthy lucre".
T'e 0reat @'ore o( Re-elation C'apter 8: That so many /opes have done just about anything for money can be seen by how the /rotestant 'eformation was started. The /ope wanted to gain yet more money. !The Batican already had large sums of gold." n his lust for yet more gold, the /ope had TetAel offer forgiveness of sin to anyone who would pay for it by giving the /ope a certain amount of money. TetAel1s slogan, to help the /ope prostitute his ecclesiastical position, was, "As soon as t'e coin in t'e co((er rings1 t'e soul (rom &urgatory springs". 7artin =uther showed the people that this was a "whorish" act by the /ope, because the /ope was offering his spiritual services, !in fact the forgiveness of all sins", in eCchange for the "filthy lucre" of money. =uther then started to call the /ope "4ntichrist" because the /ope was clearly selling his "services" for money, without regard for what was morally right or wrong, !just like a whore would do". 4nother reason for thinking that the /ope might be the 4ntichrist has already been mentioned. This is the fact that /opes have already presided over the murder of millions of %aptists and other ;hristians during the past few centuries. This murder of true ;hristians is eCactly what the 4ntichrist will one day do as well. #ince such murders have already taken place countless times in the past under the authority of various /opes, it is no stretch of the imagination to think that yet one more /ope !perhaps Joseph 'atAinger6" will begin once more to commit the mass murder of millions of %aptists and other ;hristians. 5ou might be able to put a dress on a wolf. f you did, it would still be a wolf. 4 wolf kills and devours its victims. 5ou could array a "gutter whore" with gold, scarlet, purple, gems and pearls. @evertheless, she would still be a whore.
4nother reason that %aptists and others have given for a /ope being the 4ntichrist, is that /opes have had a long history of anti+#emitism. The #panish eCpelled and persecuted the Jews centuries ago under the open and approving eyes of the /ope. n fact, Iitler was a 'oman ;atholic as well. The ;atholic ;hurch never eCcommunicated Iitler, even though he had killed over >,---,--- Jews, as well as perhaps ?,---,--- ;hristians and other "troublemakers" who dared to disagree with Iitler. !Those JewishN;hristian "troublemakers" had to go + they had to be destroyed." The 'oman ;atholic ;hurch, by the way, did not at the time openly and publicly oppose those murders of Jews and ;hristians. The fact is, Jews, like ;hristians, have suffered greatly at the hands of the ;atholic ;hurch over the centuries. !$or eCample, part of the ;atholic ;rusades included the murder of large numbers of Jews." The 4ntichrist will also one day slaughter Jews by the millions, much as Iitler did. =arge numbers of Jews will then be eCterminated by the 4ntichrist in a new Iitler+like holocaust. %ecause of the way that /opes have treated the Jews of the past, many %aptists and others believe that the 4ntichrist will be a /ope. The neCt reason for believing that a /ope will become the 4ntichrist is the Ecumenical Mo-ement itself. The Kreat Whore will gather all of the world1s religions together under one great religious umbrella. :octrine will be de+ emphasiAed. 4ll that will matter is that you "send money". !:oesn1t this sound to you a bit like TetAel6" n fact, this prophesied occurrence has already started to happen. The 2cumenical 7ovement is now bringing /rotestants and %aptists back to 'ome, using 'ick Warren+style ;ontemporary ;hristian 7usic !";;7"" as one effective means to help accomplish this end. #uch seductive #atanic 'ock 7usic is helping to draw a whole generation of "church kids" back to the Kreat 'oman ;atholic Whore, like a piece of flypaper drawing flies. !The new "'oman 'oad" of @eo+2vangelicalism is that old saying, "4ll roads lead to 'ome."" The fact is, #atan and his demons are already using the 2cumenical 7ovement with great effectiveness. This 2cumenical 7ovement is "gathering together" the world to someday worship the 4ntichrist. This "gathering together" can be seen in what happened a 3uarter decade ago, !back in the beginning of (--<", when the movie, "T'e &assion o( T'e C'rist" debuted, !which was a clearly 'oman ;atholic movie produced by the anti+#emitic 7el Kibson". 7any )un*amental and %n*epen*ent Baptists were drawn to this movie. #ome %aptists were even promoting this Kreat Whorish movie, with a few %aptist pastors even buying blocks of tickets for their entire congregations. #atan1s flypaper was working again0
4lthough there are other reasons, the last reason will give for thinking that the /ope might be the 4ntichrist, is that the 4ntichrist will oppose ;hrist and Iis Kospel. The very name "4nti+;hrist" should point to the fact that the 4ntichrist is against ;hrist. ;hrist died to pay for sinners. Jesus said that this was why Ie had come. The ;atholic church teaches that the blood of Jesus shed on the cross was not enough to pay for all of your sins. This is why /opes have always said that you need to also pray the 'osary, do penance, go to confession, take ;ommunion, etc. n other words, the ;atholic ;hurch rejects the Kospel of ;hrist, and replaces it with a "gospel" of "salvation by good works". Therefore, /opes work hard to help #atan send people to Iell, just like the 4ntichrist will one day do as well, apposing Jesus an* t'e Bible. #ome have said that the 4ntichrist1s number of ">>>" might mean that his first, middle, and last names will each have > letters to them. do not know if this is true. @evertheless, if it is true, then the current /ope is not the 4ntichrist. #till, since this is just a theory about the 4ntichrist, then perhaps it is false and /ope %enedict MB might still become the 4ntichrist after all. f you have not trusted Jesus Iimself to pay for your sins, then you will one day go to Iell along with Iitler, the /opes, the Kreat Whore1s supporters, and those who will one day support the 4ntichrist and take his "7ark" for their right hand or forehead. #atan, #itler, and the /opes of the past will be there with you in Iell. s this really what you want6 @ow is the time for you to trust Jesus, while you are still able. 4s those who take the "Mar+ o( t'e Beast" will no longer be able to be saved once they have taken it, you will no longer be able to be saved from the penalty of your sins after you die. t will be eternally too late. Therefore, trust Jesus today0
T'e #arlot o( Re-elation 8: 7illions of peopleOand even many theologiansOare puAAled by the mysterious "harlot" of 'evelation ,8. 5et the Word of Kod devotes most of an entire chapter, plus many references elsewhere, to this vital topic. Who is this "harlot"Oand how does she relate to the 4ntichrist6 Whoever this great "harlot" is, she is very powerful. #he has caused the deaths of untol* millions in the past, and millions more will die at her hand in the future. #he is destined to dramatically c'ange the lives of all those living in the end timesOincluding many of you who read this booklet0 This harlot sits astride a system encompassing many nations and peoples) "4nd he said to me, PThe waters which you saw, where the harlot sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations, and tonguesQ" !'evelation ,8),?". This harlot continues to eCist right up to the #econd ;oming of ;hrist0 $or KodQs Word describes the "ten horns" or ten +ings !v. ,(" which will arise at that time) "These will make war with the =amb, and the =amb will overcome them, for Ie is =ord of lords and Ging of kings& and those who are with Iim are called, chosen, and faithfulR. 4nd the ten horns which you saw on the beast, these will hate the harlot, make her
desolate and naked, eat her flesh and burn her with fire" !vv. ,<, ,>". 7odern theologians and %ible commentaries try to be "politically correct" in their references to this great harlot. $or instance, notice this comment from the Expositors Bible Commentary, Bol. ,(, pp. ??.S??<) " n an important sense, the interpretation of this chapter controls the interpretation of the whole %ook of 'evelation. $or a majority of eCegetes, %abylon represents the city of 'ome. The beast stands for the 'oman 2mpire as a whole, with its subject provinces and peoples. The seven hills !v. *" are the seven selected dynasties of 'oman emperors from 4ugustus to :omitian. The ten kings are heads of lesser and restless states, eager to escape their enslavement to the coloniAing power. JohnQs prediction of the fall of %abylon is his announcement of the impending dissolution of the 'oman 2mpire in all its aspects." While the commentators correctly identify %abylon with the city of 'ome, they generaliAe that "early ;hristian readers would understand that whenever they were threatened with death by any temporal powerR they were in reality facing the bloodthirsty mother prostitute Kod was about to judge and destroy once for all" !p. ??8". 5et although they correctly understand the identity of "%abylon," these scholars, like most today, are unable to see that the "woman"Othe great harlotO"ri*es" the %east !modern %abylon". #he is clearly set forth as being distinctly separate from the %eastOthe empire with ten final kings giving their power and authority to one super+dictator also called the "%east." Obviously, the woman cannot "ride" the %east and at the same time be the %east0 7any scholars do realiAe, however, that the %east of 'evelation ,8 is the 'oman 2mpire and its "revivals" in various forms. $or a fascinating and thorough eCplanation of the identity of this "%east" of 'evelation ,8, please write for a copy of our booklet entitled The Beast of Revelation. t will be sent to you absolutely (ree upon your re3uest. @'o %S T'is 2@oman2J Throughout the @ew Testament, the term "woman" is used as a symbol for a church. $or instance, the 4postle /aul writes the ;hurch of Kod at ;orinth) "Oh, that you would bear with me in a little folly& and indeed you do bear with me. $or am jealous for you with godly jealousy. $or have betrothed you to one husband, that may present you as a chaste virgin to ;hrist" !( ;orinthians ,,),S(". ;learly, the true church is here described as "betrothed" to Jesus ;hristOin the position of an engaged woman to her fiancT who is Jesus ;hrist. n 2phesians ?)(.S(<, /aul writes) "$or the husband is head of the wife, as also ;hrist is head of the church& and Ie is the #avior of the body. Therefore, just as the church is subject to ;hrist, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything." 4gain, the analogy clearly identifies the true ;hurch as being in the position of a womanOa wife who is submissive to her husband, ;hrist. 4nd in 'evelation ,(),S?, we read the inspired account of the "woman"Othis time ancient srael, the "c'urc' in the wilderness" !4cts 8).H, KJV"Obeing used by Kod to bring forth the 7essiah) "a male child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron." Berse ? picks up the story about "the woman"Onow the true @ew Testament ;hurchO fleeing into the wilderness to "a place prepared by Kod." The following verses make it even more evident that this "woman" is, in fact, the true ;hurch of Kod that is protected by Kod Iimself from the wrath of #atan. #o when we come to the "woman" of 'evelation ,8, it should be very obvious thatOletting the %ible interpret its own symbolsOthis woman is indeed a church0 Iowever, this church "sitting on a scarlet beast" !v. ." is truly a spiritual "harlot."
$or she has entered into adulterous alliances with the leaders and kings of this world !v. (", and the inhabitants of the earth are made spiritually "drunk" because of her false teachings. #he is a "mother" churchOgiving birth to spiritual "harlots" !v. ?". 4nd, as indicated, she deals in "mysteries," as did the ancient pagan religions before her. A &ERSEC7T%"0 C'urc' 4lso, this "woman" is a great persecuting church. The 4postle John was inspired to write) " saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. 4nd when saw her, marveled with great amaAement" !v. >". /lease think about that. Who is this great fallen womanOa powerful churchOwhich has and which will again be "drunk with the blood of the saints"6 Obviously, she persecutes the true ;hristiansOthe true "saints" of Kod. They are described in 'evelation ,<),() "Iere is the patience of the saints& here are those who +eep t'e comman*ments of Kod and the faith of Jesus." n contrast to the commandment+keeping ;hurch of Kod, this great apostate church and her "daughter" churches reEect the need to keep the Ten ;ommandments as a 3ay of life0 #omehow, in their spiritual drunkenness, they manage to reason around the plain and clear teachings of Jesus) "%( you want to enter into life, +eep the commandments" !7atthew ,*),8". Iistorically, do we read about a great church that did persecute millions of people during the 7iddle 4ges6 :id such a church actually eCist6 n his well+documented book, !oman Rides the Beast !pp. (<.S(<<", author :ave Iunt describes what the "woman" did for hundreds of years during the 7iddle 4ges) "Thus 'oman ;atholicism became Pthe most persecuting faith the world has ever seenR DcommandingE the throne to impose the ;hristian D;atholicE religion on all its subjects. nnocent murdered far more ;hristians in one afternoonR than any 'oman emperor did in his entire reign.Q Will :urant writes candidly) P;ompared with the persecution of heresy in 2urope from ,((8 to ,<*(, the persecution of ;hristians by 'omans in the first three centuries after ;hrist was a mild and humane procedure. 7aking every allowance re3uired by an historian and permitted to a ;hristian, we must rank the n3uisition, along with the wars and persecutions of our time, as among the darkest blots on the record of mankind, revealing a ferocity unknown in any beast.Q" #o when John saw this "woman" or apostate church "drunk with the bloo* of the saints," he was certainly not eCaggerating. 2ven scores of ;atholic writers have been mightily embarrassed about what their church practiced for hundreds of years. With the vast record now knownOof priests sodomiAing young men, of many popes openly maintaining mistresses and fathering illegitimate children all over taly and high offices in the church being offered and bought for moneyOit has seemed to many objective historians that this powerful church was the veritable embodiment of evil in nearly every aspect. DanielMs 2 ittle #orn2 The prophet :aniel was inspired to picture this foul religious system as a "little horn." 4fter the four great ruling kingdoms of the Kentile worldO%abylon, 7edo+/ersia, 4leCanderQs Kreco+
7acedonian 2mpire and finally 'omeO:aniel describes a "little horn" coming up among the early resurrections of the 'oman 2mpire) " was considering the horns, and there was another horn, a little one, coming up among them, before whom three of the first horns were plucked out by the roots. 4nd there, in this horn, were eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking pompous words." !:aniel 8)H". n verses (?S(8 of this same chapter, :aniel is inspired to describe the actions of this pompous "little horn" and how it would continue right up to ;hristQs return and Iis rule over the nations) "Ie shall speak pompous words against the 7ost Iigh, shall persecute the saints of the 7ost Iigh, and shall intend to change times and law. Then the saints shall be given into his hand for a time and times and half a time. %ut the court shall be seated, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and destroy it forever. Then the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people, the saints of the 7ost Iigh. Iis kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey Iim." @otice that this "little horn" is different from the pagan empire !v. (<", for it is, in fact, a religious empire0 @ote also that the human leader of this foul system speaks "pompous words" against Kod, persecutes the true ;hristians and intends to change times and la3. The 'oman ;atholic ;hurch has done just that, as #cripture predictedOteaching that the Ten ;ommandments were subsumed to church authority, and that by its authority it coul* c'ange KodQs commanded seventh+day #abbath !2Codus (-)HS,,& Iebrews <)*S,,", substituting the pagan "day of the sun" in place of KodQs #abbath. 'enowned modern historian Will :urant writes) "The serious temper of the Jewish #abbath was transferred to the ;hristian #unday that replaced it in the second century" !The "tory of Civili#ation, vol. ., ,*8(, p. ?**". Iow did this happen6 4 'oman ;atholic study course tells us that "the D'omanE ;hurch transferred the obligation from #aturday to #unday" !$ather "mith %nstructs Jac&son". The Catholic 'irror agrees) "The ;atholic ;hurchR by virtue of her :ivine mission, changed the day from #aturday to #unday" !#eptember (., ,H*.". f you wish further information about the true biblical #abbath, please write for our powerful and enlightening booklet, !hich (ay %s the Christian "abbath) T'e &apacy &re*icte* in A*-ance 4s we have seen, the "little horn" of :aniel is describing the false church and especially its spokesman, the pope, speaking "pompous words." n the @ew Testament, Kod inspired the 4postle John to describe the "resurrection" of the final %east, the 'oman 2mpire !'evelation ,.),S,-". Then, in verses ,,S,<, "another beast" is described as rising up, who looks like a "=amb," or ;hrist, but speaks like a "dragon," #atan the devil !'evelation ,()*". This eCceedingly clever and sinister (alse prop'et "eCercises all the authority of the first beast Dthe revived 'oman 2mpireE in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed !'evelation ,.),(". n other words, this great false prophet is able to sway most of mankind to stand in awe of and obey the revived 'oman 2mpire0 Then we read) "Ie performs great signs, so that he even makes (ire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. 4nd he *ecei-es those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived" !vv. ,.S,<". 4s this system developed, a "man of sin" would be revealedOaudaciously taking to himself
titles and authority that belong only to 0o*. Ie was to sit as a veritable "god" in the temple of KodOusing some of the very titles of Kod. n fact, though Jesus called Kod "Ioly $ather," 'oman ;atholics call the pope "7ost Ioly $ather" and "Bicar of ;hrist"Owhich literally means "in place of ;hrist"0 :ave Iunt describes the blasphemous pretensions of the papacy) "The total submission that 'ome re3uires has been eCpressed by many popes, but none said it more clearly than @icholas !H?HS>8") P t is evident that the popes can neither be bound nor unbound by any earthly power, nor even by that of the apostle D/eterE, if he should return upon the earth& since ;onstantine the Kreat has recogniAed that the pontiffs held the place of Kod upon earth, the divinity not being able to be judged by any living man. We are, then, infallible, and whatever may be our acts, we are not accountable for them but to ourselvesQ" ! !oman Rides the Beast, pp. ,?.S,?<". #o the popes have claimed that they hold "the place of 0o* on earth"0 4nd what is most frightening is that they continue to make such claimsOand even get away with it in our so+called "modern" world. %ecause the 'oman ;atholic ;hurch is such an omnipresent and powerful entity, the media usually treads very lightly in attacking even the most outrageous and blasphemous claims of the modern popes and clergy. %ut how is all this destined to affect your life6 T'e Beast an* t'e @oman: Toget'er Again $ew realiAe that the so+called "Ioly" 'oman 2mpire is being revived right under our noses0 Throughout most of continental 2urope, there is a great push for full 2uropean unity. One of the major players in this geopolitical chess game isOyou guessed it0Othe pope himself. n his detailed and revealing book, The *rincipality and *ower of Europe !pp. .>S.8", %ritish author 4drian Iilton eCplains what is now happening) "While visiting 4ustria in ,*H., the pope spoke out against the national and artificial borders all over 2urope. Ie added) P2uropeans should overcome the menacing international confrontations of states and alliances, and create a new united 2urope from the 4tlantic to the Jrals.Q n ,*HH, he continued this theme when he addressed the 2uropean parliament in #trasbourg& an occasion at which many asked why a perceived spiritual leader was addressing the issues of political unity. The #unday Telegraph, in ,**,, summed up the popeQs plans for the PevangelisationQ of 2urope. t stated) PIe is calmly preparing to assume the mantle which he solemnly believes to be his :ivine 'ightOthat of new Ioly 'oman emperor, reigning from the Jrals to the 4tlantic.Q" 4lthough the %ible certainly does not indicate that the final pope will be the "emperor" of this revived Ioly 'oman 2mpire& it does show that he will be the "power behind the throne." 4s Kod clearly indicates to us, the coming false prophet "causes" those who will not worship this system "to be +ille*" !'evelation ,.),?". #o, as many popes did during the 7iddle 4ges, he will use the power of the stateOthe "%east"Oto force Iis will on the entire western world0 'emember what happened under Iitler6 4 knock on the door, the father or mother grabbed
and hustled into a van by the state police for saying or doing some "politically incorrect" thing0 :o you think that could not happen again6 f so, you could not be more wrong0 The Kod who gives us life and breath clearly describes how, once again, the woman "rides" the %east. 7ost people do not realiAe that the false teachings and practices of this fallen "woman" have permeated the entire world. That is precisely what John was inspired to write) "#o the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the :evil and #atan, who deceives the 3'ole 3orl*& he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him" !'evelation ,()*". 2ven sincere /rotestants and 2vangelicals have unwittingly been made spiritually *run+ by the paganism of this system) "The inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication" !'evelation ,8)(". What each reader needs to realiAe is that Satan is the invisible "god" of this present world !( ;orinthians <).S<", and that "all nations" are spiritually *run+. n describing this entire system and the harlot "daughters" that have come out of "mother" 'ome, here is what the respected Critical and Experimental Commentary has to say) "@ot merely 'ome, but ;hristendom, as a whole, as srael, as a whole has become a harlotR. 2Cternal eCtensiveness over the world, and internal conformity to itOworldliness in eCtent and contentsOis symboliAed by the world+cityQs name, P%abylonQ" !Bol. >, p. 8,-". EcumenismSReligious #arlotryJ TodayQs news is full of articles about the ecumenical movement. One headline reads) "'oman ;atholic, 2astern OrthodoC =eaders 'enew Talks." 4nother headline states) "2piscopalian, =utheran 4lliance $orged." 7ore and more of the /rotestant churches are trying to get together, and a number are preparing to come back to "mother"Othe 'oman ;atholic ;hurch. #peaking of the 'oman ;atholic and 2astern OrthodoC talks, a July *, (--- article in the "an (ie+o ,nionTribune reported) "2ventually, the churches could resolve even their ancient dispute over the popeQs jurisdiction, said the 'ev. 'obert #tephanopoulos, dean of the Kreek OrthodoC ;athedral in @ew 5ork and a veteran of ecumenical meetings. P t could happen rather 3uickly in one respect, but when say rather 3uickly, weQre still talking against the background of a thousand years,Q he said." This recognition of the popeQs authority could happen much more 3uickly than 'obert #tephanopoulos imagines. Just as when the 2astern 2uropean nations began to break away from the #oviet Jnion, world events sometimes seem to occur almost overnight0 #o additional hundreds of millions of members may be added to the 'oman ;atholic ;hurch over the neCt several years as her daughters return to the fold. 4nd the little ;hurch of KodOscattered here and there in little groupsOwill seem almost like a tiny speck in comparison. Truly, we will all need understanding, faith and courage to make it through the trying years ahead. $or Jesus said) "$or false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect" !7atthew (<)(<". n the future, we will see increasing pressure brought to bear by the pope and others to make Jerusalem an "international city"Operhaps under the joint control of the Batican and the Jnited @ations or some other international agency. The relentless pressure of the ecumenical movement
will also intensify. The Kreat 7other ;hurch will be calling with increasing fervor for her daughters to come "home." Within the neCt several years, the "second" %east of 'evelation ,. will appear on the scene. We read of this man in 'evelation ,.),,S,<) "Then saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon. 4nd he eCercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. Ie performs great signs, so that he even makes (ire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. 4nd he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived." This coming powerful religious leader will look like a "lamb." n 'evelation ,< we see that C'rist is described as the "=amb." #o this coming religious leader will appear to be like ;hrist0 %ut, John writes, he "spoke like a dragon." 4nd in 'evelation ,()*, John was inspired to write) "#o the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the :evil and #atan, who *ecei-es the whole world& he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him." #atan the :evil is clearly identified as the "dragon" right here in the book of 'evelation. This coming false prophet, therefore, will appear to billions of human beings to be a ;hrist+like figure. %ut his message will be that of #atan the :evil0 5et this charismatic leader will perform "great signs" and even make (ire come down from heaven0 Ie is also described in ( Thessalonians ( as the "man of sin" who "opposes and eCalts himself above all that is called Kod or that is worshiped, so that he sits as Kod in the temple of Kod, showing himself that he is Kod" !vv. .S<". This coming religious leader, your %ible says, will be 3ors'ipe* by his followers0 This man will appear a few years before the #econd ;oming of ;hrist, for ;hrist will "destroy" him "with the brightness of Iis coming" !v. H". %ut this man is called "the lawless one." n verse 8, /aul writes) "$or the mystery of la3lessness is already at work& only Ie who now restrains will do so until Ie is taken out of the way." n an age of donkeys and oC carts, /aul is not talking about traffic laws0 Ie is talking about a man and an entire religious system he leadsOthe "mystery of la3lessness"Owhich is obviously teaching against and is regularly breaking the la3s of 0o*. 4s in 'evelation ,.) "The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of #atan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved" !( Thessalonians ()*S,-". 4ll of us need to realiAe that we are in a spiritual 3ar. The forces of #atan are moving swiftly to accomplish their goals. Within the neCt several years, under #atanQs influence, and with the limited powers Kod allows #atan to eCert in this earthQs atmosphere of which he is "prince" !2phesians ()(", the devilQs forces will wield unprecedented power through a religio+political system under their controlOand will do so in the name of ";hristianity." Bery few /rotestant, OrthodoC or other religious leaders will have the faith and courage to stand up against this onslaught. They will enforce the dreaded "mark of the beast" and bring about a horrifying persecution of the true ;hristiansOthe real saints of Kod. MA"Y Antic'ristsR
We have seen what the %ible says about "the" 4ntichrist. %ut even more importantly, we should note that John was inspired to write that "even now1 many antichrists have come" !, John (),H". #o it should be clear that the term "4ntichrist" does not apply solely to the false prophetO though he will certainly be the leading spokesman teaching the doctrines of 4ntichrist. 'ather, as most modern scholars acknowledge, "4ntichrist" simply means a spirit or person in opposition to ;hrist. John continues to describe the many who are "4ntichrist," saying) "Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the ;hrist6 Ie is antichrist who denies the $ather and the #on. Whoever denies the #on does not have the $ather either& he who acknowledges the #on has the $ather also. Therefore let that abide in you which you heard from the beginning. f what you heard from the beginning abides in you, you also will abide in the #on and in the $ather" !vv. ((S(<". @otice that John was inspired to warn ;hristians to hold on to the original teaching that they had been givenO"abide inR DwhatE you heard from the beginning." This would mean "abiding in"Oor obeyingOJesus ;hristQs direct teaching concerning the =aw of Kod. $or, from the beginning, Jesus had taught them to "keep the commandments." Ie had continually warned them about using Iis name and yet *isobeying Iis teaching0 Jesus said) "%ut why do you call 7e P=ord, =ord,Q and do not do the things which say6" !=uke >)<>". 4nd again) "@ot everyone who says to 7e, P=ord, =ord,Q shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of 7y $ather in heaven" !7atthew 8)(,". #o we "abide" in ;hrist and in the $ather by obeying Kod and living as Jesus actually didO by e-ery word of Kod. Jesus eCplained) " f anyone loves 7e, he will +eep My @or*& and 7y $ather will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him. Ie who does not love 7e does not keep 7y words& and the word which you hear is not 7ine but the $atherQs who sent 7e" !John ,<)(.S(<". JohnQs first epistle goes on to describe the "spirit of 4ntichrist" in greater detail) "%eloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of Kod& because many false prophets have gone out into the world. %y this you know the #pirit of Kod) every spirit that confesses that Jesus ;hrist has come in the flesh is of Kod, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus ;hrist has come in the flesh is not of Kod. 4nd this is the spirit of the 4ntichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world. 5ou are of Kod, little children, and have overcome them, because Ie who is in you is greater than he who is in the world" !<),S<". Obviously, a vital key to understanding the teaching of the 4ntichrist is to recogniAe that this false doctrine does not admit the (ull 'umanity of Jesus ;hrist. t does not admit that ;hrist truly "has come in the flesh." "Why6" you might ask. What is so special about ;hrist having "come in the flesh"6 $irst, we must understand why #atan is continually trying to deceive people into disobeying KodQs lawOthe Ten ;ommandments. #uch lawbreaking constitutes sin since "sin is the transgression of the la3" !, John .)<, KJV". 4nd "the wages of sin is death" !'omans >)(.". #o if #atan can somehow keep human beings from obeying KodOand so yielding to let Kod build within them Iis very nature and characterOthen these disobedient men and women will continue to be under the death penalty. ;ut off from Kod, they will be unable to prepare to be kings and priests in ;hristQs coming Gingdom on this earth !cf. 'evelation ?),-" and so replace #atan and his demons. Diabolical Arguments
#o that people will not even try to keep KodQs commandments, #atan uses the doctrine of 4ntichrist to promote the idea that mankind is unable to keep them0 The teachings of the 'oman ;atholic ;hurchOand most /rotestant churchesOin effect minimiAe ;hristQs humanity, implying in various ways that Ie was not fully "in the flesh." Their theology leads to the conclusion that Ie was not really subject to the "pulls of the flesh" in the same way we are, and was thus not really tempted as we areOindeed even that Ie was not capable of sin. n their understanding, ;hrist was not really setting an eCample for us while fully in the human flesh. #atan wants us to believe that we cannot keep KodQs commandments, and that Jesus ;hrist could not have sinned and broken them0 The 'oman ;atholic ;hurch takes this idea even further. t falsely teaches that, eCcept for the "Birgin 7ary," all human beings since 4dam and 2ve have been born with "original sin," unable to keep KodQs commandments. 7ary alone, the teaching says, was protected by an " mmaculate ;onception" and led a perfect and sinless life that allowed her to become the "7other of Kod." n this teaching, 7ary could have sinned but did not, while our #avior did not sin and could not0 f this were true, it would make 7aryOnot Jesus ;hristOour actual eCample of living a sinless human life0 What an insult to our true #avior0 5et the book of Iebrews tells us) "$or in that Ie Iimself has suffered, being tempted, Ie is able to aid those who are tempted" !(),H". 4nd again) "$or we do not have a Iigh /riest who cannot sympathiAe with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempte* as we are, yet without sin" !<),?". Was this through some supernatural power of Iis own6 Was Jesus "fully Kod" while in the human flesh6 The truth is that Ie was the /ersonality who had been with the $ather from the be+innin+) " n the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Kod, and the Word was Kod" !John ,),". %ut later "The Word became flesh" !v. ,<". 7any scriptures clearly reveal that, in the flesh, Jesus did not eCercise the same unlimited power which Ie had previously eCercised before Iis incarnation. $or instance, the gospel of 7ark tells us that when Jesus came to Iis own home area among skeptical family and neighbors) "@ow Ie coul* do no mighty work there, eCcept that Ie laid Iis hands on a few sick people and healed them" !7ark >)?". Jesus Iimself said) " can of 7yself do not'ing" !John ?).-". While in the flesh, Jesus c'ose not to heal people in a faithless atmosphere. The fully human Jesus was tempted in "all points" as we are, yet without sin. That being so, it becomes clear that there is a way for us, too, to keep the Ten ;ommandments while fully in the human flesh0 %ut how6 The same way Jesus did0 Iebrews further tells us that "in the days of Iis flesh, when Ie had offered up prayers and supplications, with vehement cries and tears to Iim who was able to save Iim from deathR DIeE was heard because of Iis godly fear" !?)8". f Jesus had to literally cry out with tears to the $ather to "save Iim from death," it should be obvious that Ie was truly in the human fleshOand that we also should cry out for KodQs help in the same way0 #o Jesus *i* set the "eCample" for us in keeping the Ten ;ommandments in the human flesh0 We have a #avior and Iigh /riest who *oes fully understand the pulls of human nature with which we must contend. Through Iis #pirit within us, as we will see, ;hrist will empo3er us to overcome temptation and keep the Ten ;ommandments while fully in the human flesh0 %ut the doctrine of 4ntichrist says just the opposite. 4lthough #atan is clever enough not to directly teach people to sin, the 4ntichrist doctrine nevertheless opens the door for deceived people to regularly break one or more of the commandments of Kod with impunityOyet still feel that they are somehow "good ;hristians."
A 7ni-ersal Teac'ing This clever reasoningOtau+ht in most seminaries all over the worldOgoes like this) #ince KodQs law is spiritual and we are only physical, we cannot keep the holy, righteous law of Kod. #o ;hrist had to keep it for us. @ow we just "accept ;hrist" and Iis righteousness is somehow "imputed" to usOwithout any re3uirement for righteous works. The above reasoning then relies on a whole series of misunderstandings and perversions of the writings of the 4postle /aul. 7isguided theologians somehow put a clever "twist" on literally doAens of verses from /aulQs letters to directly contra*ict the plain, clear teachings of Jesus ;hrist, of Iis closest disciple, John, and of Iis brother, James. That is one reason for 7artin =utherQs famous statement that the book of James was an "epistle of straw." =uther 'ate* the fact that James directly taught obedience to the Ten ;ommandments !cf. James ()HS,(". The 4postle /eter was even inspired to warn us that "/aul, according to the wisdom given to him, has written to you, as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which those who are untaught and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the #criptures" !( /eter .),?S,>". 5es, /eter said that men would "twist" /aulQs writings to their own destruction0 /eter continues this inspired warning) "Therefore, dear friends, since you already know this, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of la3less men and fall from your secure position" !v. ,8, .%V". 4 warning not to be carried away by the error of "la3less men"6 4bsolutely. $or that is precisely the way /eter knew that deceived men would "twist" /aulQs writingsOinto an eCcuse to *isobey the spiritual law of Kod, the Ten ;ommandments0 Truly, this message needs to be heard now more than ever before. 7illions in this deceived world are really confused about religion. They have become either just plain bored by mainstream religion andNor disillusioned by organiAed religion in general. #o some have simply "tuned out." 5et millions of others have virtually "invented" their own religion0 4s .ewswee& magaAine !7ay H, (---" recently reported on todayQs teenagers and their beliefs) "'ather than seek absolute truths in doctrine, they cross denominational boundaries, savvy consumers in the broader marketplace of belief systems. 7any describe themselves as spiritual rather than religious. P believe there is a higher power at work in my life, but do not have a name for it,Q says 4my 7cGinney, ,H. PWhen pray do not ask a god to make everything all right. nstead ask myself to be strong.Q n place of strict adherence to doctrine, many teens embrace a spirit of eclecticism and a suspicion of absolute truths. n a ,*** poll of teenagers by the religious researcher Keorge %arna, more than half agreed with the statement P4ll religious faiths teach e3ually valid truths.Q Where eCplorers of the baby boom tried on Len today, 7ethodism tomorrow, teens might cobble together bits of several faiths) a little %uddhist meditation or 'oman ;atholic ritual, whatever miCture appeals at the time." "Whatever miCture appeals"6 4ppalling0 Mo*ern Religious A"ARC#Y This total confusion leads, of course, to religious anarchy. %ut, ominously, it also opens the door to leading these millions of young people to be very susceptible to the mass deceptions that the coming false prophet will perpetrate. When this man arises and begins to show himself
"according to the working of #atan, with all po3er, signs, and lying 3on*ers" !( Thessalonians ()*", what are these millions of confused youths going to do6 %eing swept along with eCcitement and also by the mass hysteria that will accompany the satanic signs of the "lawless one" !v. H", most of these young people will succumb to the enormous pressure to join hands with this coming "revival" and "return to tradition" inspired by #atan. $or throughout much of Western 2urope and @orth 4merica, there is indeed a yearning for specific doctrines and guidelines in the field of religion and standards of behavior. 7illions of people are sick and tired of the hemming and hawing and e3uivocating of their ministers and priests. They are beginning to realiAe that many of these professing religious "leaders" are not absolutely certain about anyt'ing0 7any of these religious leaders 3uestion the validity of JesusQ virgin birth, of Iis miracles, of Iis resurrection from the dead. They 3uestion the real inspiration of the %ible. They 3uestion the idea of JesusQ #econd ;oming and whether there will truly be a literal Gingdom of Kod set up on this earth with ;hrist as Ging. :o "all religious leaders teach e3ually valid truths"Oas more than half of the teenagers in %arnaQs poll believed6 s all religion e3ual6 ;an you just believe anyt'ing and have the same blessing of the ;reator Kod and gain eternal life on your own terms6 The only way to be definitive and truly correct about these matters is to prove to yourselfO one way or anotherOif the %ible is directly inspired by the real 0o* who created the universe0 f the %ible is just partially inspiredOas so many believe todayOthen each person can "pick and choose" which part of the %ible he thinks is inspired. Then, using human reasoning, he can go by that part of the %ible, even if it seems to directly contradict other parts of the %ible. 'emember that the ;hrist of the %ible was nothing but "definitive." Jesus did not "waffle." Ie stated) " am the *oor of the sheep. 4ll who ever came before 7e are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear them" !John ,-)8SH". 4nd) "7ost assuredly, say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door, but climbs up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber" !v. ,". =ater, Jesus said) "7y sheep hear 7y voice, and know them, and they follow 7e" !v. (8". 7ost of you readers have "heard" ;hristQs voice speaking through this Work. 5ou know that we do not evade, denigrate or "mess around" with the words of the %ible. We have pro-e* over and over that Kod, the ;reator, directly inspired the %ible. t is KodQs " nstruction 7anual" for mankind. t is specific in what it tells us to do. T'e Crux o( t'e Matter The clearest passage of all eCplaining 4ntichrist is found in ( John >S8) "This is love, that we walk according to Iis commandments. This is the commandment, that as you have heard from the beginning, you should walk in it. $or many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not con(ess Jesus Christ as comin+ in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antic'rist." n this passage, we see first of all how John is inspired to define love) "that we walk accordin+ to /is comman*ments." n conteCt, the "commandments" being spoken of are clearly the commandments of Kod the $ather !cf. v. <"Onot some "new" commandments of Jesus. 2ven though John wrote in the *-s ad, some >- years after ;hristQs crucifiCion and (- years after /aulQs death, there is not even a 'int that KodQs commandments were "nailed to the cross" or "done away with" by the 4postle /aul0 Then John reminds his readers that the commandments were those they had heard "from the beginning." n other words, they are the clear teaching of
Jesus in the #ermon on the 7ount, in 7atthew ,*),8 and elsewhere. Then, in verse 8, John warns tha the "deceivers" do not teach "Jesus ;hrist as coming in the flesh." Ie describes such teaching as "4ntichrist." The significance of Jesus ;hrist "as coming in the flesh" is thatOas in the original KreekOthe present continuous tense is here used, denoting something that is no3 happening. The well+known Expositors Bible Commentary attempts to eCplain this passage !( John 8" in the following words) ";uriously the tense is changed from the past tense Phas come Del luthotaE in the fleshQ !, John <)(" to the present participle Pas coming DerchomenonE in the flesh.Q t would be possible, therefore, to interpret this as a reference to JesusQ return) he is coming !i.e., will come" in the flesh !cf. , John ()(H& .)(". %ut since we know of no controversy in this area, this seems unlikely. :odd obscures the sense by translating the participle erchomenon in the past tense, as if its meaning were simply identical with , John <)(, and then offers the surprising eCplanation that Pour author is not skilled in the niceties of the Kreek idiomQ !Johannine Epistles, p. ,<*". t is far safer, however, to assume that the writer does know the difference between a present participle and a perfect !past tense" and that his intention is to say something beyond what he was saying in , John <)(." 4s those highly trained Kreek scholars acknowledge, John is indeed saying something "beyond" his statement in , John <)(0 John not only says that ;hrist has come fully in the human flesh. %ut Kod inspired John in this latter passage to reveal that ;hrist is no3 coming "in the flesh0" Iow6 4s we have already seen, Jesus said) " f anyone loves 7e, he will keep 7y word& and 7y $ather will love him, and We will come to him and ma&e 0ur home with him" !John ,<)(.". Through the Ioly #pirit, ;hrist and the $ather actually li-e within the truly converted ;hristian, guiding him, inspiring him and empo3ering him to keep the commandments and live KodQs way of life0 The 4postle /aul was also inspired to make this very plain when he wrote) " am crucified with ;hrist) nevertheless live& yet not , but C'rist li-et' in me) and the life which now live in the flesh live by the faith of the #on of Kod, who loved me, and gave himself for me" !Kalatians ()(-, KJV". That is the "key." Through the #pirit, ;hrist will literally live /is life in our human flesh0 /e will give us the strength to obey KodQs commandments0 'eligious opponents challenge the real ;hristian by saying) "5ou canMt keep the Ten ;ommandments0 They are spiritual and you are only physical." %ut one who is led by KodQs Ioly #pirit may truly reply) "5ou are right. n my own human strength, canQt. %ut to the degree yield to KodQs Ioly #pirit, can and 3ill keep KodQs commandments0 Christ within me helps me not to kill, steal, lie, commit adultery, covet, dishonor my parents, break KodQs #abbath, practice idolatry, take KodQs name in vain or have another PgodQ before the true Kod. may slip in some point occasionally, but will then repent and confess my sin to Kod and have Iis forgiveness !, John ,)HS*". Then 3uickly get back on KodQs path and, through Iis #pirit, gro3 in grace and knowledge. am not perfect. %ut, through ;hrist living Iis life within me, am gro3ing toward perfection and walking in KodQs law as my basic 3ay o( li(e."
C'rist i-es @it'in t'e True C'ristian The doctrine of 4ntichrist, then, is that ;hrist does not literally live Iis life within Iis people today0 t is the false teaching that ;hristians today can live a different kind of life from what Jesus lived and still be Iis true followers. t often includes the idea that ;hrist was righteous in our stead, and therefore we do not have to be. We just accept Iim and Iis righteousness is imputed to us. 2ffectively, Kod "kids Iimself" and pretends that we are really righteous when we actually are not0 This doctrine is a damnable lie0 "Jesus ;hrist is the same yesterday, today and forever" !Iebrews ,.)H". Ie will live the same kind of life in you and me today that Ie lived nearly (,--- years ago when Ie walked this earth in the human flesh. 4t that time, Ie continually taught obedience to all of KodQs commandments !7atthew ?),*". We have seen Iis answer to the young man asking Iim how to inherit eternal life) "Geep the commandments" !,*),8". @ear the end of the 4postolic 4ge, Kod inspired the 4postle John to describe the true saints of Kod) "%lessed are those who do Iis commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city" !'evelation ((),<". There are many, many false ministers today who are teaching the doctrine of 4ntichrist, a doctrine that sanctions disobedience to KodQs commandmentsOa doctrine of "no works." The 4postle /aul said of these ministers) "$or such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of ;hrist. 4nd no wonder0 $or #atan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works" !( ;orinthians ,,),.S ,?". 5ou will notice here that #atan has ministers who appear to be righteous. ronically, their endOtheir final rewardOwill be according to their "works," the -ery t'ing they see& to deny0 Kod intends for us to obey Iis commandments, do good works and live by Iis every word. 0nce you +et this principle strai+ht1 you can clearly understand the 2spirit of ntichrist2 and how to test whether any reli+ious leaders idea or doctrine is of 3od4 Then, by diligent study of KodQs Word and by constant prayer, you will come to a deeper understanding of the real purpose of your life and eCperience closer contact with the =iving Kod than you may ever have dreamed possible. 5ou will come to see who truly is of KodOIis true ;hurch, which has faithfully proclaimed the same Kospel Ie sent through Jesus ;hrist. n this end time, that 7essageOof obedience to KodQs Gingdom and ruleOis to be preached by Iis ;hurch as a witness to all nations !7atthew (<),<". 5ou are reading that 7essage this very instant0 n 'evelation ,(),8, the true ;hurch of Kod is described as a woman persecuted by the devil. This ;hurch is a remnant. ts members are those "who keep the commandments of Kod, and have the testimony of Jesus ;hrist." 4gain, the true saints of Kod are described in like manner in 'evelation ,<),() "Iere is the patience of the saints& here are those who +eep t'e comman*ments of Kod and the faith of Jesus." 5es, Jesus ;hrist is to live and dwell within Iis people today through the Ioly #pirit. To the degree they yield to Iim, their lives will be ones of full and complete obedience, just as JesusQ life was in the flesh. Their customs, their traditions, their way of life will be the same as Iis in every respect, because Ie does not change. 4nd Ie will be li-ing within them0 Then ;hrist and the $ather can be absolutely sure that their people are fully surrendered to Kod, who can continually impart to true ;hristians Iis very divine nature and c'aracterOand so prepare them
to be +ings and priests in the literal Gingdom of Kod soon to be set up on this earth. "4nd from Jesus ;hrist, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth. To Iim who loved us and washed us from our sins in Iis own blood, and has made us +ings and priests to /is 3od and $ather, to Iim be glory and dominion forever and ever. 4men" !'evelation ,)?S>". 2Camine yourself honestly. Iave you really understood ;hristianity before6 %s Christ really livin+ /is life in you6 :o you have the spiritual "backbone" to act on the knowledge you have just received6 Restoring Apostolic C'ristianity 4s many of you readers already know, we in this Work are restoringOfor those willing to heedOthe true ;hristianity of Jesus and the 4postles. This genuine "4postolic ;hristianity" has definitely been lost as far as mainstream "churchianity" is concerned. t is important to realiAe that if Jesus Iimself would walk into a typical /rotestant or ;atholic ;hurch today, Ie would find people there with an entirely different concept of Kod than Ie taught. These folks would be observing different days for worshipping KodOdays that are pagan in origin and which utterly (ail to point to the true Kod and Iis great plan as the biblical Ioly :ays do. Jesus would find that most of these professing ";hristians" have no i*ea about how to truly keep the Ten ;ommandments or about the importance ;hrist placed upon them !see 7atthew ,*),8". These blinded individuals go to 3ar with %ritain !for instance" in one generation, with #pain in another, with Kermany and Japan in another. They and their deceived ministers seemingly pay no attention to JesusQ very clear instruction in 7atthew ?)<.S<<) "5ou have heard that it was said, P5ou shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.Q %ut say to you, lo-e your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you." These professing ;hristians are utterly blin*e* to the fact that true ;hristians are no3 "in training" to become kings and priests under Jesus ;hrist and to serve under Iim in ruling this world during the neCt thousand years !see 'evelation ?)*S,-& (-)>"0 'ather, these folks assume Ocontrary to JesusQ teachingsOthat at death they will "go to heaven" and have not'ing to do0 #o the false teachings of professing ;hristianity have blin*e* them to the entire purpose Kod is working out here on earth0 n a typical church today, Jesus would find people who have a sentimental feeling about Iim personally, but have virtually no understanding of the powerful message Ie preached. They speak about "the =ord Jesus ;hrist." %ut, frankly, Ie is not their "=ord"Ofor they do not obey Iim or even grasp how they should obey Iim0 4nd Jesus Iimself said, over and over) "@'y do you call 7e P=ord, =ord,Q and do not do the things which say6" !=uke >)<>". 4gain) "@ot everyone who says to 7e, P=ord, =ord,Q shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of 7y $ather in heaven. 7any will say to 7e in that day, P=ord, =ord, have we not prophesied in 5our name, cast out demons in 5our name, and done many wonders in 5our name6Q 4nd then will declare to them, P never knew you& *epart (rom Me, you who practice la3lessness0Q" !7atthew 8)(,S(.". ndeed, those who fail to preach and to practice genuine obe*ience to the Ten ;ommandments are in terrible trouble0 KodQs Word clearly indicates that the -ast majority of human beings today are *ecei-e*. $or Kod speaks of "the devil and #atan, who *ecei-es the whole world" !'evelation ,()*". 4nd the 4postle /aul warned the ;orinthians) "%ut even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who
are perishing, whose minds the god of this age has blin*e*, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of ;hrist, who is the image of Kod, should shine on them" !( ;orinthians <).S<". The 4postle Jude warned us specifically) "%eloved, while was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, found it necessary to write to you eChorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints. $or certain men have crept in unnoticed, who long ago were marked out for this condemnation, ungodly men, who turn the grace of our Kod into licentiousness and deny the only =ord Kod and our =ord Jesus ;hrist" !Jude .S<". t is significant that Jude was inspired by Kod to point out that these false teachers would turn "grace" into "license"Owhich is eCactly what they do today0 $or the common /rotestant teaching is that you are "saved" by a sentimental acceptance of ;hristQs death and thatOat that pointOthere is not'ing else you really have to do0 @o obedience to the Ten ;ommandments. @o re3uired "growing" in grace, in knowledge and in ;hristian maturity. @o further "overcoming" of your human nature, of the world or of #atan the :evil. @'at You S'oul* D! 'ecent news reports from many nations have indicated that 'oman ;atholic persecution of religious minorities continues. 4lthough the 'oman ;atholic ;hurch has learned to smile and act agreeably in nations where /rotestants or others are in the majority, the old demons of hate and authoritarianism come out very 3uickly when it is in control. 4 recent article in Christianity Today magaAine !4ugust (---, p. .-" reported) " n 7arch, about 8- /rotestant families were eCpelled from the 7eCican village of /lan de 4yala, in ;hiapas state, by the townQs 'oman ;atholic majority. P$ourteen homes were demolished by the mob as the /rotestants fled to the hills for refuge,Q reports #eventh+:ay 4dventist pastor sias 2spinosa." This is just a tiny sampling of the type of religious oppression practiced by this powerful church0 4nd its leaders continue to emphasiAe that they are the only true churchOthat others are, in effect, only "second+class ;hristians." @ote this #eptember ?, (--- report by Bictor #impson of the ssociated *ress) "4ccusing some ;atholic theologians of manipulating fundamental truths of the church, the Batican rejected Tuesday what it said are growing attempts to depict all religions as e3ualRthe Batican e3uality refers to Ppersonal dignityQ of individuals and not to doctrine. t is the second recent document by the congregation Dthe 'oman ;atholic P;ongregation for the :octrine of the $aithQE warning against abuses by ;atholics in dealings with other religions and denominations. talian media have reported the congregation also has warned against the phrase Psister churches,Q saying that it contradicts the ;atholic ;hurchQs identity as Pmot'erQ o( all c'urc'es. That document has not yet been released. ;ardinal Joseph 'atAinger, at a news conference repeatedly referred to a trend toward religious relati-ism. PThe lack of unity among ;hristians is certainly a wound for the church,Q the document said, saying it hindered Pt'e complete (ul(illment o( 'er uni-ersality in 'istory.Q The declaration, a compleC theological document, was titled POn the Jnity and #alvific Jniversality of Jesus ;hrist and the ;hurch.Q"
#o the 'oman ;atholic ;hurch not only admits, but even insists that it is the "mot'er" of all professing ;hristian churches0 4nd it insists also that it alone has the "keys" to KodQs Gingdom0 Truly, it is time to 3a+e up0 t is time for all who believe in Kod to go back and pro-e whether their religious beliefs and practices actually came out of the %ibleOor out of "%abylon." $or the ;reator Kod tells all who will heed) "P$or all t'e nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luCury.Q 4nd heard another voice from heaven saying, Pcome out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plaguesQ" !'evelation ,H).S<". 4lthough, as the 4postle John wrote, "even now, many antichrists have come" !, John (),H", it is also true that the embodiment of 4ntichrist will be most fully eCpressed in the great false prophet described in ( Thessalonians (),S,- and 'evelation ,.),,S,<. /robably within the neCt five to ,? years, this cunning individual will appear on the world scene. Ie will appear at first as a great "peacemaker" and benefactor of mankind. %efore long, he will begin performing miraclesOeven bringing (ire down from heaven !'evelation ,.),."0 %ut, again, Iis teaching will be "anti+;hrist." There will be lots of ritual, pomp and ceremony and lots of flowery talk. %ut there will not be the clear teaching of Jesus of @aAareth, to keep KodQs commandments and literally imitate ;hristOsurrenderin+ to let Jesus ;hrist live Iis obedient life within us through the Ioly #pirit. 'emember always, that is the "key0" $or #atan the :evil is glad to have you "believe in ;hrist"Oas long as your ;hrist is a false ;hrist. Ie is glad to have you go to the "church of your choice"Oproviding that he can deceive you into going to a church led by blinded, commandment+rejecting theologians. $or as Jesus said) " f the blind leads the blind, bot' will fall into a ditch" !7atthew ,?),<". n ;hristQs name, urge you) please begin to genuinely stu*y your %ible as never before0 4lso, do yourself a favor and write in for your absolutely (ree enrollment in our inspiring and most helpful Tomorrows !orld Bible "tudy Course. #tudy through this course and follow /aulQs inspired admonition) "&ro-e all things, hold fast that which is good" !, Thessalonians ?)(,, KJV". 4gain, urge you to write in immediately and re3uest your (ree copy of our truly revealing booklets entitled The Beast of Revelation and !hich (ay is the Christian "abbath) These bookletsOcoupled with this booklet you are now readingOwill give you the full picture and proo( of the nature of the powerful and ominous forces now rising in 2urope. 4s Jesus said) "Watch." Geep your eyes on the revival of the Ioly 'oman 2mpire. "Watch" how it slowly but surely begins to gain total power in most of 2uropeOthen ;entral and #outh 4merica and, finally, most of the entire world. "Watch" how other churches are, bit by bit, coaCed, persuaded or finally coerced into going back to the "mother" church. $rankly, you will be disappointed to see how many supposedly dedicated /rotestant and evangelical leaders will be maneuvered into giving up much of what they have always believed when real pressure is put upon them. Will you also turn aside from the Kod of the %ible6 Will you join or continue to be part of a watered+down ";hristianity" where deceived church members re+ularly violate KodQs commanded #abbath, where they are "allowed"Oor perhaps even encouragedOto fight and to kill in human warfare, contrary to JesusQ teaching !7atthew ?)<.S<?"6 Will you be part of a church where pomp, ceremony and the worship of idols is practiced, and where the whole
concept of literal obedience to the Ten ;ommandments as a way of life is not taught, and where clever arguments against the need for true ;hristians to keep KodQs commandments are regularly employed against those who dare to heed ;hristQs actual words6 #oon, the ultimate personification of the 4ntichrist will appear on the world scene. 4ppearing at first as a kind and gentle "peacemaker," he will gradually assert more and more authority. Iis authority will be enhanced by the (alse miracles #atan performs through him !'evelation ,.),.". Then, the adoring masses will scream with eCcitement when they see him, and the doctrine of the 4ntichrist will permeate nearly all of professing ;hristianityOall eCcept the "little flock" !=uke ,().(" described in 'evelation ,(),.S,8. $or your eternal good, pray for real understandin+, (ait' and courage. Obey JesusQ instruction) "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the #on of 7an" !=uke (,).>".
4ccording to the
"The territory on the right bank of the Tiber between 7onte 7ario and Kianicolo !Janiculum" was known to anti3uity as the 4ger Baticanus, and, owing to its marshy character, the low+lying portion of this district enjoyed an ill repute. The origin of the name Baticanus is uncertain& some claim that the name comes from a vanished 2truscan town called Baticum." D +er in =atin means landE Iowever, according to a Batican curator) "The Batican Iill takes it name from the =atin word Vaticanus1 a vaticiniis ferendis1 in allusion to the oracles, or Vaticinia, which were anciently delivered here." #ources) Compendious (escription of the 'useums of ncient "culpture1 3ree& and Roman1 in the Vatican *alace, by ;av. I. J. 7assi, $irst ;urator of the Batican 7useums and Kalleries, /aleographer and /rofessor of the talian and $rench =anguages, 'ome, Third 2dition, ,HH*, Title page, page 8. Compendious (escription of the 'useums of ncient "culpture1 3ree& and Roman1 in the Vatican *alace, by ;av. I. J. 7assi, $irst ;urator of the Batican 7useums and Kalleries, /aleographer and /rofessor of =anguages, 'ome, #iCth 2dition, ,*-,, Title page, page ?. 4ulus Kellius, writing in the (nd century, also said the word Batican was derived from the word vaticinia, or prophecies, in his ttic .i+hts, book ,>, chapter ,8. #ource) The ttic .i+hts of ulus 3ellius, translated into 2nglish by the 'ev. William %eloe, Bolume , =ondon, ,8*?, Title page, page (<8, page (<H.
'esearch the word Vatican in many =atin + 2nglish N 2nglish + =atin dictionaries, or encyclopedias, and you will likely find that Batican ;ity and #t. /eter1s %asilica of the 'oman ;atholic ;hurch were built upon what was called in =atin vaticanus mons or vaticanus collis. The words mons and collis mean hill or mountain. 5ou will also find in the dictionaries that the words vatic N vates N vatis all relate to prophecy as shown here)
#ource) The .ew Colle+e 5atin and En+lish (ictionary, revised and enlarged, by John ;. Traupman, /h.:., published and copyrighted by %antam %ooks, ,**?, #%@ -+??.+?8.-,+(, page <.8. @ote that there are five words listed above containing vatic, and all relate to prophecy. The word vatic and its association to prophecy can even be found in a standard 2nglish dictionary)
#ource) !ebster6s %% .ew Riverside (ictionary, Iome and Office 2dition, published in ,**? by =ongmeadow /ress, ;opyright ,*HH by Ioughton 7ifflin ;ompany, #%@ -+>H,+(-((8+-, page <?H. Merriam6@ebster Dictionary !nline 4nd here is what you would find in a =atin + 2nglish dictionary for the suffiC +anus7
#ource) The .ew Colle+e 5atin and En+lish (ictionary, revised and enlarged, by John ;. Traupman, /h.:., published and copyrighted by %antam %ooks, ,**?, #%@ -+??.+?8.-,+(, page >-. Baticanus then is a combination of Batic U anus, just as 'omanus is a combination of 'ome U anus. Therefore, vaticanus collis or vaticanus mons mean 2the prophetic hill or mountain2, which can be rephrased as the hill or mountain of prophecy The word Batican is just a shortened form of the word Baticanus, just like ;laudian is a shortened form of ;laudianus, as shown above. This association of the Batican with prophecy is even confirmed by this recent ;atholic book) @'ere *oes t'e 3or* 2$atican2 come (rom an* 3'at *oes it meanJ The word derives from the =atin vates, which means "tellers of the future." This name was the name given to a hillside on the west bank of the Tiber 'iver in 'ome because daily lineups of fortunetellers used to hawk their "wares" there to passersby on the street. n the fourteenth century, when the papacy was returned to 'ome from 4vignon !$rance", the present+day Batican became the residence of the popes, and the word came to refer to the enclave in the middle of 'ome that had become the seat of the 'oman ;atholic ;hurch. #ource) Incredible !ook of "atican #acts and $apal Curiosities, by @ino =o %ello, =iguori /ublications, ;opyright ,**H, #%@ -+8><H+-,8,+>, page ,.?. Iere is a verse from the =atin Bulgate %ible and Ging James as an eCample of the use of vatic !emphasis is mine") ,( et intelleCi 3uod :eus non misisset eum sed 3uasi -aticinans locutus esset ad me et Tobia et #anaballat conduCissent eum @eh >),( 4nd, lo, perceived that Kod had not sent him& but that he pronounced this prop'ecy against me) for Tobiah and #anballat had hired him. @ow, note the following coins minted in Batican ;ity from ,*?? to ,*>? under three /opes. The inscription on the reverse side of the coin reads in talian "; TTV :2= B4T ;4@O", which as we can now see, means City of $rophecy. C%TTT DE $AT%CA"! 6 C%TY !) &R!&#ECY
To get a closer look at a coin, click on it. 'ev ,8),H 4nd t'e 3oman 3'ic' t'ou sa3est is t'at great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth. There is also a woman on the reverse side, and at her feet is her title, $ :2#, which means faith. This woman is symbolic of the 'oman ;atholic faith, or 'oman ;atholic ;hurch.
Iere is a statue of a woman portraying the same symbolism of the ;atholic ;hurch or ;atholic faith that decorates the monument to /ope ;lement M !,>>8+>*", which was placed to the right side of the nave entrance of the basilica #anta 7aria 7aggiore in 'ome in ,>8,. nterestingly, the word anus in =atin also means "old woman", so Baticanus is a combination two words that also result in The Old Woman of $rophecy% this woman being symbolic of the ;atholic ;hurch. $rom a photo by Kabinetto $otographico @aAionale
t is important to note that in the symbolic woman1s hand, is a cup, as illustrated above on the coins, and just barely visible with the statue above and at right. The depiction of the ;atholic faith !$ :2#" as a woman holding a cup appears to be 3uite common, and yet is apparently uni&ue to the ;atholic ;hurch. There is a remarkable and direct correlation to these depictions of the ;atholic faith as a woman, and the woman described in 'evelation ,8, as will be demonstrated.
n scripture a woman is used symbolically to depict the church, and the faithful church of saints is described as the bride of ;hrist) ( ;or ,,)( $or am jealous over you with godly jealousy) for have espoused you to one husband, that may present you as a chaste virgin to ;hrist. 'ev ,*)8 =et us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him) for the marriage of the =amb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. 'ev ,*)H 4nd to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white) for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. 4nd a godly woman1s appearance is clearly described in scripture) , Tim ()* n like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety& not with broided hair1 or +old1 or pearls1 or costly array& , Tim (),- %ut !which becometh women professing godliness" with good works. , /et .). Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel& , /et .)< %ut let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and 3uiet spirit, which is in the sight of Kod of great price. , /et .)? $or after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in Kod, adorned themselves, 'ev ,(), 4nd there appeared a great wonder in heaven& a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars) 'ev ,()( 4nd she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered. The symbol of the sun) 7al <)( %ut unto you that fear my name shall the #un of righteousness D;hristE arise with healing in his wings& and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. /sa ,,*),8( 7y tongue shall speak of thy word) for all thy commandments are righteousness. The symbol of the moon) /sa H*).8 t shall be established for ever as the moon, and as a faithful witness DtestimonyE in heaven. John ?).* #earch the scriptures& for in them ye think ye have eternal life) and they are they which testify of me. The symbol of the stars)
'ev ,)(- The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels DmessengersE of the seven churches) and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches. :an ,(). 4nd they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament& and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. #o the woman of 'evelation ,(, the true church, is clothed with the righteousness of ;hrist, keeping the commandments of Kod, standing as a faithful witness upon the word of Kod, the scriptures, crowned with the gospel message of the ,( apostles, the new covenant representation of the twelve tribes of srael. 'ev ,(),8 4nd the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of Kod, and have the testimony of Jesus ;hrist. T'e Apostate C'urc' Iowever, the woman described in 'evelation ,8 represents an apostate church, the direct opposite of the true and faithful church represented by the woman described in 'evelation ,(. While the 'oman ;atholic ;hurch readily and willingly identifies itself as the woman of 'evelation ,(, the bride of ;hrist, it is precisely and graphically described in 'evelation ,8, as we shall see. 'ev ,8), ... ;ome hither& will show unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters) 'ev ,8)( With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. C'urc' an* State
'ev ,8). #o he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness) and saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
The woman of 'evelation ,8 rides a symbolic beast. 4 beast in scripture is symbolic of an empire or state. 2Camples of this are eCplained in :aniel 8, where a lion represented %abylon, a bear represented 7edo+/ersia, and a leopard represented Kreece. Therefore, the woman of
'evelation ,8 riding a beast is symbolic of the combining of the ecclesiastical power of church !the woman" and political power of the state !the beast", i.e., a church in control of state power. 'ev ,8),H 4nd the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth. The Batican ;ity is the seat of the 'oman ;atholic ;hurch, and since the =ateran ;oncordat of ,*(* it is also an independent country, the epitome of ;hurch and #tate combined. The full formal diplomatic title in talian is #T4TO :2==4 ; TTV :2= B4T ;4@O, as shown on the coin below from the pontificate of /ope /ius the ,(th, which means) The City'(tate of $rophecy
Batican ( =ira coin minted in ,*<A 3oman .c'urc'/ *resse* in scarlet an* purple.
'ev ,8)< 4nd t'e 3oman 3as arraye* in purple an* scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication) Iere you see the /ope wearing scarlet and an 4rchbishop wearing reddish+purple.
/ope John /aul celebrated mass in the %asilica of the 'esurrection in Jerusalem on #unday, 7arch (>th (---, dressed in a purple =enten robe and a miter trimmed with scarlet red. $or more photos, see this page at the )ranciscan Cyberspot.
On the,(th of 7arch (---, during the /apal 4pology 7ass, the pope and other members of the 'oman ;atholic priesthood wore various shades of violetNpurple because it also occurred during the ;atholic festival of =ent, when the penitential color of purple is traditionally worn.
W (--- by ;TB
;ardinal 2dward ;assidy, president of the /ontifical ;ouncil for /romoting ;hristian Jnity, also participated in the unprecedented event at the Batican, during which /ope John /aul asked for forgiveness for the various persecution sins committed by 'oman ;atholics over the last two millennium. ;ardinal ;assidy and other prominent ;ardinals wore both prophesied colors of scarlet and purple0 W (--- by ;TB %elow are photos from the October .,st, ,*** signing of the Joint :eclaration on Justification by $aith between the 'oman ;atholic and =utheran World $ederation !=W$" ;hurches in 4ugsburg Kermany. The 'oman ;atholics were boldly wearing the prophesied colors of scarlet and purple.
:ressed in scarlet red is ;ardinal 2dward ;assidy, president of the /ontifical ;ouncil for /romoting ;hristian Jnity. On the right wearing purple is %ishop Walter Gasper, secretary, /ontifical ;ouncil for /romoting ;hristian Jnity. #eated on the left in black is 'ev. ;hristian Grause, the =utheran World $ederation president. mage by $rank mhoff, courtesy )*CA News and Information
n this photo of the audience at the ceremony in 4ugsburg, the ;atholic cardinals are wearing scarlet red and the ;atholic bishops are wearing purple. ;ardinal ;assidy is in the center with 'ev. Grause seated to his left !right in the photo".
/riests of the ;atholic ;hurch regularly wear red vestments on Kood $riday, /alm #unday, /entecost, %irthday $easts of the 4postles and 2vangelists, and the $easts of 7artyrs. /urple vestments are worn on 4dvent, =ent, and at $unerals, although other colors are optional on some of those days. Other approved colors are white, green, black and rose and gold. 4 distinctive shade of bright orange+red designated officially by the ;hurch as "scarlet" is fre3uently worn by ;ardinals of the ;atholic ;hurch. Iere you see 4rchbishops and %ishops in purples and ;ardinals in scarlet.
4 traditional "'ed 7ass" is also held for #upreme ;ourt Justices in the Jnited #tates, on the #unday prior to the opening of the #upreme ;ourt session. The 'ed 7ass is an 2nglish tradition that was instituted about ,.,- during the reign of Ging 2dward . Re* Mass + Ordinarily this relates to the color of the vestment used on the occasion of the Botive 7ass in honor of the Ioly #pirit, celebrated at the opening of councils, deliberative groups, schools, and such similar occasions when guidance is invoked. $re3uently, at the beginning of a judicial year, such as a 7ass is attended by judges and court officials for any civil court or legislative assembly with the intention that they might eCercise e3uity and prudence while fulfilling their official capacities.
#ource) (ictionary of the 5itur+y, by Jovian /. =ang, O$7, copyright ,*H* by ;atholic %ook /ublishing ;o., @.5., #%@ -+H**<(+(8.+M, page ?<,. The Iarlot ;hurch1s 7issing ;olor The garments of the high priest of srael, according to the %ible, contained specific colors) 2Co (H). 4nd thou shalt speak unto all that are wise hearted, whom have filled with the spirit of wisdom, that they may make 4aron1s garments to consecrate him, that he may minister unto me in the priest1s office. 2Co (H)< 4nd these are the garments which they shall make& a breastplate, and an ephod, and a robe, and a broidered coat, a mitre, and a girdle) and they shall make holy garments for 4aron thy brother, and his sons, that he may minister unto me in the priest1s office. 2Co (H)? 4nd they shall take gold, and blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine linen. 2Co (H)> 4nd they shall make the ephod of gold, of blue, and of purple, of scarlet, and fine twined linen, with cunning work. 2Co (H)8 t shall have the two shoulder pieces thereof joined at the two edges thereof& and so it shall be joined together. 2Co (H)H 4nd the curious girdle of the ephod, which is upon it, shall be of the same, according to the work thereof& even of gold, of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen. 2Co (H)., 4nd thou shalt make the robe of the ephod all of blue. 2Co .*), 4nd of the blue, and purple, and scarlet, they made cloths of service, to do service in the holy place, and made the holy garments for 4aron& as the =O': commanded 7oses. 2Co .*)( 4nd he made the ephod of gold, blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen. n comparison, the garments of the high priest include the color blue, which is notably absent in the description of the woman of 'evelation ,8.) 'ev ,8)< 4nd t'e 3oman 3as arraye* in purple an* scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication) The %ible even tells us the spiritual meaning of the color blue)
@um ,?).H #peak unto the children of srael, and bid them that they make them fringes in the borders of their garments throughout their generations, and that they put upon the fringe of the borders a ribband of blue) @um ,?).* 4nd it shall be unto you for a fringe, that ye may look upon it, and remember all the commandments of the =O':, and do them& and that ye seek not after your own heart and your own eyes, after which ye use to go a whoring) @um ,?)<- That ye may remember, and do all my commandments, and be holy unto your Kod. :eu ((),( Thou shalt make thee fringes upon the four 3uarters of thy vesture, wherewith thou coverest thyself. n @umbers ,?, the conteCt for the blue tassels or ribbands is intentional sinning !@um ,?).-+.," and breaking the sabbath commandment !@um ,?).(+.>". @ote that there is no mention of repentance by the man who was gathering sticks, he was breaking the sabbath intentionally in open defiance of the law. $or that he was put to death. This practice of blue in tassels survives today in the Jewish prayer shawl, known as a tallit. The tassel with the ribband of blue on the four corners of the tallit is called a tAitAit, and one is shown above. 4ll blue cloth was also specified to be used to cover the furniture and utensils of the sanctuary of 7oses when it was disassembled for transport to a new location !@um <)?+,(". Why blue6 t is understood that the tablets of the Ten ;ommandments were cut from the clear blue sapphire seen on mount #inai !2Co (<),-", which makes up the very throne of Kod !2Ae ,)(>, ,-),". #o, the 4rk of the ;ovenant in the most holy apartment of the sanctuary, the throne of Kod1s presence !the #hekinah glory", contained the blue sapphire tablets of the Ten ;ommandments. Iealing in his Wings 7al <)( %ut unto you that fear my name shall the #un of righteousness arise with healing in his wings& and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. 7alachi <)( is a messianic prophecy, it is speaking of Jesus ;hrist. #o what does healing in his wings mean6 The word translated "wings" is I.>8,)
I.>8,. kanaph, kaw+nawf1& from I.>8-& an edge or eCtremity& spec. !of a bird or army" a wing, !of a garment or bed+clothing" a flap, !of the earth" a 3uarter, !of a building" a pinnacle)++ U bird, border, corner, end, feather D+edE, M flying, U !one an+" other, overspreading, M 3uarters, skirt, M sort, uttermost part, wing !D+edE". #o 7alachi was really saying that the 7essiah would have healing in the edge or fringe of Iis garment. This was what was understood by the people of srael. Iow do we know that6 7at ,<).? 4nd when the men of that place had knowledge of him DJesusE, they sent out into all that country round about, and brought unto him all that were diseased& 7at ,<).> 4nd besought him that they might only touch the hem of his garment) and as many as touched were made perfectly whole. 7at *)(- 4nd, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment) 7at *)(, $or she said within herself, f may but touch his garment, shall be whole. 7at *)(( %ut Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, :aughter, be of good comfort& thy faith hath made thee whole. 4nd the woman was made whole from that hour. #ee also 7ark ?)(?+.< and =uke H)<.+<H. The fringe or tassel of ;hrist1s garment undoubtedly included the sapphire blue ribband as directed in @umbers ,?).H+.* as mentioned above, that symboliAed the commandments of Kod. That is why the woman sought so earnestly to touch that hem or fringe. #he knew 7alachi1s prophecy, and in faith she made her way through the crowd to claim that healing. #o regarding the whoring harlot church, though she claims to be Kod1s representative on earth, the missing color blue in her description indicates that she defiantly disregards and transgresses the law of Kod. One of the characteristics of the antichrist power is lawlessness) D@ BE ( Th (). :on1t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. D@ BE ( Th ()8 $or the secret power of lawlessness is already at work& but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. 4nd, note what the antichrist little horn power tries to change) :an 8)(? 4nd he Dlittle hornE shall speak great words against the most Iigh, and shall wear out the saints of the most Iigh, and think to change times and laws Dof the most IighE) and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. The only one of the ten commandments of Kod that deals with time is the sabbath commandment !2Co. (-)H+,,", which the ;atholic ;hurch claims to have changed, from #aturday the seventh day, to #unday, the first day of the week)
C8:; #unday is eCpressly distinguished from the sabbath which it follows chronologically every week& for ;hristians its ceremonial observance replaces that of the sabbath. #ource) Catechism of the Catholic Church% published by =iguori /ublications, 2nglish translation copyright ,**< by the Jnited #tates ;atholic ;onference, nc.++=ibreria 2ditrice Baticana, bearing the mprimi /otest of Joseph ;ardinal 'atAinger, page ?(<. #ee T'e Seal o( 0o* an* t'e Mar+ o( t'e Beast and Sun*ay is not t'e Sabbat'R
$or a striking contrast, note how the true church, symboliAed by the woman of 'evelation ,(, is described) 'ev ,(),8 4nd the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of Kod, and have the testimony of Jesus ;hrist. TI2 J=T 74T2 $4T2 O$ TI2 I4'=OT :4JKIT2' =ev (,)* 4nd the daughter of any priest, if she profane herself by playing the whore, she profaneth her father) she shall be burnt with fire. 'ev ,8),> 4nd the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. %lasphemy The scriptures give us several eCamples of blasphemy) 7ark ()? When Jesus saw their faith, he said unto the sick of the palsy, #on, thy sins be forgiven thee. 7ark ()> %ut there were certain of the scribes sitting there, and reasoning in their hearts, 7ark ()8 Why doth this man thus speak blasphemies6 who can forgive sins but Kod only6 John ,-).( Jesus answered them, 7any good works have showed you from my $ather& for which of those works do ye stone me6 John ,-).. The Jews answered him, saying, $or a good work we stone thee not& but for blasphemy& and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself Kod. 'ev ()* know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, !but thou art rich" and know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of #atan. #o, a man falsely claiming the power to forgive the sins of men, a man falsely claiming to be Kod on earth, and men falsely claiming to be the true church of Kod are all clearly defined as blasphemy. @ote the following)
/riests and bishops are, as it were, the interpreters and heralds of Kod, commissioned in his name to teach mankind the" law of Kod, and the precepts of a ;hristian lifeOthey are the representatives of Kod upon earth. mpossible, therefore, to conceive a more eCalted dignity, or functions more sacred. Justly, therefore, are they called not only angels,1 but gods.. holding, as they do, the place and power and authority of Kod on earth. %ut the priesthood, at all times an elevated office, transcends in the @ew =aw all others in dignity. The power of consecrating and offering the body and blood of our =ord and of remitting sin, with which the priesthood of the @ew =aw is invested, is such as cannot be comprehended by the human mind, still less is it e3ualled by, or assimilated to, any thing on earth. #ource) The Catechism of the Council of Trent !The 'oman ;atechism", #acrament of Ioly Orders, Dignity o( t'is Sacrament.
*ower of Consecratin+ The third great power of the priestly office is the climaC of all. t is the power of consecrating. "@o act is greater," says saint Thomas, "than the consecration of the body of ;hrist." n this essential phase of the sacred ministry, the power of the priest is not surpassed by that of the bishop, the archbishop, the cardinal or the pope. ndeed it is e3ual to that of Jesus ;hrist. $or in this role the priest speaks with the voice and the authority of Kod Iimself. When the priest pronounces the tremendous words of consecration, he reaches up into the heaven, brings ;hrist down from Iis throne, and places Iim upon our altar to be offered up again as the victim for the sins of man. t is a power greater than that of monarchs and emperors. t is greater than that of saints and angels, greater than that of #eraphim and ;herubim. ndeed, it is greater than the power of the Birgin 7ary. While the blessed virgin was the human agency by which ;hrist became incarnate a single time, the priest brings ;hrist down from heaven, and renders Iim present on our altar as the eternal victim for the sins of man+not once, but, a thousand times0 The priest speaks and lo0 ;hrist the eternal and omnipotent Kod, bows Iis head in humble obedience to the priest1s command. Dpg.(8,E Of what sublime dignity is the office of the ;hristian priest who is thus privileged to act as the ambassador and the vicegerent of ;hrist on earth. Ie continues the essential ministry of ;hrist + he teaches the faithful with the authority of ;hrist, he offers up again the same sacrifice of adoration and atonement which ;hrist offered on ;alvary. @o wonder that the name which spiritual writers are especially fond of applying to the priest is that of "alter ;hristus." $or the priest is and should be another ;hrist. #ource) $aith of 'illions, by 'everend John 4. O1brien, ;opyright ,*.H, published by Our #unday Bisitor, Iuntington ndiana, page (8-, (8,.
Thus the priest may, in a certain manner, be called the creator of his ;reator, ...
"The power of the priest," says #t. %ernadine of #ienna, "is the power of the divine person& for the transubstantiation of the bread re3uires as much power as the creation of the world." 4s the Word of Kod created heaven and earth, so, says #t. Jerome, the words of the priest create Jesus ;hrist. #ource) The (i+nity and (uties of the *riest or "elva, by #t. 4lphonsus de =iguori, translated from the talian, edited by 2ugene Krimm, copyright ,*(8 by Bery 'ev. James %arron, ;.##.', pgs. .(, ... " n this moment, the priest 3uite literally becomes ;hrist Iimself) his own personality is blotted out& it is absorbed in that of the everlasting priest who is, at one time, the offered victim and the supreme officiant." #ource) This is The 'ass, Ienri :aniel+'ops, $ulton J. #heen, 5ousuf Garsh, trans. with annotations by 4lastair Kuinan, @ew 5ork) Iawthorn %ooks, nc., ,*>?. $irst ed. ,*?H, p. ,,H. @ihil Obstat) 'obert 2. Iunt, #.T. :., ;ensor =ibrorum. mprimatur) Thomas 4. %oland, #.T.:. 4rchbishop of @ewark. Dec+e* 3it' 0ol* an* &recious Stones an* &earls
'ev ,8)< 4nd the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and *ec+e* 3it' gol* an* precious stones an* pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication) 4t right is a jewel encrusted gold and silver triple+ tiara of /ope /ius M, one of as many a doAen such tri+regno crowns in the Batican treasury. $or more photos of papal tiaras, see &apal Claims to Aut'ority.
T'e Cup o( Doctrinal )ornication T'e @ine o( Babylon is t'e &recept o( Men
'ev ,8)< 4nd the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and *ec+e* 3it' gol* an* precious stones an* pearls1 'a-ing a gol*en cup in 'er 'an* (ull o( abominations an* (ilt'iness o( 'er (ornication: $ive hundred diamonds encrust this golden chalice, a gift of #ultan 4bdul 7edji for /ope /ius MQs election, and /ope John /aul holding a chalice of /ope first used by /ius M on :ecember Hth, ,H?<, at the 7ass proclaiming the /ius M. mmaculate ;onception of 7ary. W by ;TB
/ope John /aul , dressed in purple, holds a golden cup during the /apal 4pology 7ass on 7arch ,(th, (---. #ome ;ardinals in attendance wore both prophetic colors of purple and scarlet !see above".
W (--- by ;TB Jer ?,)> $lee out of the midst of %abylon, and deliver every man his soul) be not cut off in her ini3uity& for this is the time of the =O':1# vengeance& he will render unto her a recompense. Jer ?,)8 Babylon 'at' been a gol*en cup in t'e !RD4S 'an*1 t'at ma*e all t'e eart' *run+en: t'e nations 'a-e *run+en o( 'er 3ine? t'ere(ore t'e nations are ma*. sa (H)8 %ut they also have erred through wine, and through strong drink are out of the way& t'e priest an* t'e prop'et have erred through strong drink, they are swallowed up of wine, they are out of the way through strong drink& t'ey err in -ision1 t'ey stumble in Eu*gment. sa (H)H $or all tables are full of vomit and filthiness, so that there is no place clean. sa (H)* @'om s'all 'e teac' +no3le*geJ an* 3'om s'all 'e ma+e to un*erstan* *octrineJ sa (*)* #tay yourselves, and wonder& cry ye out, and cry) t'ey are *run+en1 but not 3it' 3ine? t'ey stagger1 but not 3it' strong *rin+.
sa (*),- $or the =O': hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes) the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath he covered. sa (*),, 4nd the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, 'ead this, pray thee) and he saith, cannot& for it is sealed) sa (*),( 4nd the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, 'ead this, pray thee) and he saith, am not learned. sa (*),. Wherefore the =ord said, $orasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and t'eir (ear to3ar* me is taug't by t'e precept o( men: sa (*),< Therefore, behold, will proceed to do a marvellous work among this people, even a marvellous work and a wonder) for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid. 7at ,?)H This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips& but their heart is far from me. 7at ,?)* %ut in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. 'ev ,H)( 4nd he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, %abylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. 'ev ,H). )or all nations 'a-e *run+ o( t'e 3ine o( t'e 3rat' o( 'er (ornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waCed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. 'ev ,H)< 4nd heard another voice from heaven, saying, ;ome out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. 'ev ,H)? $or her sins have reached unto heaven, and Kod hath remembered her ini3uities. 'ev ,H)> 'eward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works) in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double. The cup illustrated on the three Batican coins at the top of this article, and in the hand of the other symbolic depictions of $ :2#, is the golden cup of wine of the 7ass. 4bove it is the host or wafer of the 2ucharist, which resembles a sunburst.
%elow are similar symbols of the 2ucharist as seen on the ,-- =ire coins)
$rom the video ">>> and the 7ark" by James 4rrabito, ;opyright W ==T /roductions + Jsed by /ermission
4bove is a papal medal minted by /ius M in ,*(* to commemorate both the =ateran Treaty, which restored /apal sovereignty and made Batican ;ity an independent state, and the ?-th jubilee of his priesthood. The sunburst wafer of the 2ucharist appears in the sky above the =ateran and #t. /eter1s basilicas, over the cup of the 7ass. Iere is a photo of the same symbology of the cup and wafer host of the ;atholic mass, used in the window of the church Dominus )le-it on the 7ount of Olives, overlooking the temple mount of Jerusalem, online at ;hristus 'eC. @ote the wavy sunburst pattern around the cup.
4t left is $ :2#, the ;atholic faith, holding the golden cup of the 7ass, portrayed by =orenAo #abbatini and his assistants from ,?8. +,?8> on the vault of the $irst #ala dei $oconi, the Batican. 'ev ,8)( With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drun& with the wine of her fornication. ... 'ev ,8)< 4nd the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication) The golden cup of wine in the hand of the woman of 'evelation ,8 is full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication, which represent apostate doctrine, stupefying corrupted dogma, the commandments !precepts" of men, imposed through $rom a photo by K. coercion and persecution by civil powers !fornication", with Basari. which she has made all the nations to become drunken.
The ;atholic faith is again represented in these paintings as a woman holding a golden cup of wine with the round wafer of the 2ucharist.
;eiling panel painting of $ :2# by $rancesco /odesti, mmaculate ;onception room of the %orgia Tower, the Batican.
;hief among the apostate ;atholic doctrines is that of transubstantiation, where the priest claims to turn bread and wine into the actual body and blood of Jesus ;hrist, who is allegedly re+presented at every mass as a continuing sacrifice, worshipped as though it were Kod Iimself, and then consumed by the congregation. 2ating the flesh of another human being is defined as cannibalism. n truth, the =ord1s supper is merely a symbolic memorial, and not a sacrifice. 4t left is a painting of $ :2#, a detail from The Theolo+ical Virtues, painted from ,?*> +,>-- by ;herubino 4lberti and %aldassare ;roce, in the #ala ;lementina, the Batican. $rom a photo by K. Basari.
This oil on canvas of The Triumph of #aith which is in the Batican collection, is by Kaetano Kandolfi and was painted about ,88<. t is the preparatory work for the ceiling of a chapel in %ologna, and was given to /ope /ius M by the #acra ;ongregaAione di /ropaganda $ide, otherwise known as the office of the n3uisition. $rom a photo by /ianeta mmagine.
4t left is $ :2# as portrayed over the pulpit of the %enedictine Mel+ Monastery on the :anube in 4ustria, built in the early ,Hth century. n $ :2#1 left hand is the golden cup !in front of the cross", and behind her right shoulder is the pagan sunburst image.
4t right is a detail of $ :2# from The Battle of 5epanto by Kiorgio Basari and assistants from ,?8(+ 8., in the #ala 'egia, the Batican.
This depiction of $ides by :onatello and 7icheloAAo dates to about ,<.?, and is carved on the base of the funeral monument of 4nti/ope John MM !,<,-+,<,?", which is in the /ietra serena %aptistry in $lorence.
On the right is a tempera and oil on wood by 'aphael, a part of the predella of the %aglioni 4ltarpiece, which dates to about ,?-8.
4bove is a papal medal of /ope ;lemens B marking the ,.th year of his reign in ,>-(, and the reverse side is inscribed Jnus :eus + Jna $ides !One Kod + One $aith"
This is the title page of a 'oman ;atholic 7issal, published in ,88*, which depicts a cup+holding $ :2#. The 7issal "contains the prayers said by the priest at the altar as well as all that is officially read or sung in connection with the offering of the holy #acrifice of the 7ass throughout the ecclesiastical year", according to the Catholic Encyclopedia8 ;an it be any plainer that the ;atholic ;hurch has indeed adopted the symbology of a woman holding a golden cup, precisely as described, and in fulfillment of the prophecy of 'evelation ,86 %ndeed1 and it would seem that no other Christian denomination but the Catholic Church has depicted itself in this manner8 This medal of /ope nnocent M was struck in ,>H-, the <th year of his reign. On the reverse side is $ :2# representing the ;atholic ;hurch. 4gain she is holding the golden cup of the 7ass and a cross. The inscription is from the =atin Bulgate %ible, 2cclesiasticus <-),(, and means fidelity shall stand
@@O;2@T M
@ #42;B=B7 #T4% T
/O@T + 7 + 4 +
for ever. /apal 'ome1s symbolism of $ :2# apparently originated with ancient /agan 'ome. On the left is a strikingly similar 'oman :enarius, with $ :2# holding military standards, a common theme on coins from ancient 'ome, depicting a military faithful to the reigning emperor.
The tomb o( &ope %nnocent $%%% also has an image of $ :2# with cup raised, in the left top corner of the tomb. Iere is another sculpture of $ :2#, titled T'e Triump' o( )ait' o-er %*olatry by ThTodon Jean %aptiste, in 'ome1s ;hiesa del KesX, the Jesuit ;hurch of 'ome. This sculpture is on the left side of the tomb of gnatius =oyola, the founder of the Jesuits. n @ew Orleans, the above the altar. @ote the statue of n Benice, facade. Cat'e*ral o( St. ouis has a statue of $ides holding the golden cup T'e Mot'er o( t'e Euc'arist in which 7ary holds the golden cup.
St. Mar+4s Basilica has a statue of $ides holding the golden cup on its west Santa Maria Ma**alena, $ides holding the golden cup is to the
n 'ome, in the church of left of the organ pipes. ;up holding statue of
The earliest image of a cup+holding )%DES that have found is on the gilded bronAe doors on the south side of the %aptistery in $lorence taly, which date from the early ,<th century. #ee also T'e Re* Dragon an* Rome. T'e 2Mot'er2 C'urc' The woman of 'evelation ,8 is the mother church, with apostate daughters)
'ev ,8)? 4nd upon her forehead was a name written, 75#T2'5, %4%5=O@ TI2 K'24T, TI2 7OTI2' O$ I4'=OT# 4@: 4%O7 @4T O@# O$ TI2 24'TI. Only the 'oman ;atholic ;hurch claims to be the "mother" ;hristian church) The term 7other ;hurch, however, as applied to 'ome, has a special significance as indicating its headship of all churches. #ource) The Catholic )ncyclopedia, copyright ,*-*, ,*,., Bolume >, entry on $ilial ;hurch !daughter church", pg. 8(.
4nd in this way the ;hurch is increasingly a 7other, a 7other of many, many children) she becomes a 7other, ever more fully a 7other, a 7other who gives us faith, a 7other who gives us our identity. %ut ;hristian identity is not an identity card. ;hristian identity means being a member of the ;hurch, since all t'ese people belonge* to t'e C'urc'1 to Mot'er C'urc'1 (or apart (rom t'e C'urc' it is not possible to (in* Jesus. The great /aul B said) it is an absurd dichotomy to wish to live with Jesus but without the ;hurch, to follow Jesus but without the ;hurch, to love Jesus but without the ;hurch !cf. Evan+elii .untiandi, ,>". 4nd that 7other ;hurch who gives us Jesus also gives us an identity which is not simply a rubber stamp) it is membership. dentity means membership, belonging. %elonging to the ;hurch) this is beautiful0 O /ope $rancis1 homily during 7ass with the ;ardinals present in 'ome at the /auline ;hapel for the $east of #aint Keorge, 4pril (., (-,..
,-. ... " t must always be clear, when the eCpression sister churches is used in this proper sense that the one, holy, catholic and apostolic universal church is not sister but mother of all the particular churches." #ource) "ote on t'e Expression Sister C'urc'es by ;ardinal Joseph 'atAinger and 4rchbishop Tarcisio %ertone, #:%, June .-, (---. n the recent document 'emory and Reconciliation1 where the 'oman ;atholic ;hurch discusses its asking forgiveness for its past sins of persecution, section ..< specifically addresses "The 7otherhood of the ;hurch") The conviction that the ;hurch can make herself responsible for the sin of her children by virtue of the solidarity that eCists among them through time and space because of their incorporation into ;hrist and the work of the Ioly #pirit, is eCpressed in a particularly effective way in the idea of Y7other ;hurchZ !Y7ater 2cclesiaZ", ... #ource) The :ocument) MEM!RY A"D REC!"C% %AT%!".
(. ... in every land where the ;atholic religion flourishes the 'oman ;hurch, mother and mistress of all ;hurches, is duly reverenced, as it should be, with one mind and heart. #ource) )+)UNT) IA, ANNO% 2@;5;= ;4= O$ /O/2 =2O M O':2' @K O$ ;I' #T 4@ = $2, :ec. (?th, ,HHH. O@ TI2 ' KIT
$urthermore, to check unbridled spirits, it DThe ;ouncil of TrentE decrees that no one relying on his own judgment shall, in matters of faith and morals pertaining to the edification of ;hristian doctrine, distorting the Ioly #criptures in accordance with his own conceptions, presume to interpret them contrary to that sense which 'oly mot'er C'urc', to whom it belongs to judge of their true sense and interpretation, has held and holds, or even contrary to the unanimous teaching of the $athers, even though such interpretations should never at any time be published. Those who act contrary to this shall be made known by the ordinaries and punished in accordance with the penalties prescribed by law. #ource) The Canons and (ecrees of the Council of Trent, 2nglish Translation, by 'ev. I. J. #chroeder, O./., ;opyright ,*<, by %. Ierder %ook ;o., ;opyright ,*8H by T4@ %ooks and /ublishers, nc., =ibrary of ;ongress ;atalogue @umber) 8H+>>,.(, #%@ -+H*???+-8<+,, pages ,H+,*.
Extract from *ope 3re+ory V%%6s 5etter to the Bishop of 'et#1 ,-H, :oeberl, op. cit. iii. <- s33. 7irbt, @o. (*8 The holy fathers, as well in general councils as in their writings and doings, have called the Ioly 'oman ;hurch t'e uni-ersal mot'er, accepting and serving with great veneration this institution founded by the divine will, this pledge of a dispensation to the church, this privilege entrusted in the beginning and confirmed to #t. /eter the chief of the apostles. #ource) (ocuments of the Christian Church1 #econd 2dition, selected and 2dited by Ienry %ettenson, ;opyright by OCford Jniversity /ress ,*>., #%@ -+,*+?-,(*.+., pages ,-?+,->.
acknowledge the holy ;atholic and apostolic 'oman ;hurch as the mot'er and teacher of all churches& and to the 'oman /ontiff, the successor of the blessed /eter, chief of the 4postles and vicar of Jesus ;hrist, promise and swear true obedience. #ource) The *rofession of $aith of the Council of Trent1 from the %ull of /ius B, " niunctum nobis," @ov. ,., ,?>?, :enAinger, Enchiridion "ymbolorum, Thirtieth 2dition, translated by 'oy J. :eferrari in The "ources of Catholic (o+ma, ;opyright ,*?8 by %. Ierder %ook ;o., pg. .-.. Mystery
This self+proclaimed "mother" church is also 7ystery %abylon, the apostate church of 7ysteries and the purveyor of %abylonian doctrinal confusion. @ote this 3uote of John /aul from the Batican nformation #ervice press release dated ,8 #eptember, ,**8, !emphasis is mine") Thanks to greater attention to the mystery o( t'e C'urc' and 7ary1s relationship with her, the Birgin has begun to be invoked more fre3uently as 17other of the ;hurch.1 7ystery is also the term used by the 'oman ;atholic ;hurch to refer to the 7ass, specifically the transubstantiation of the bread and wine into the body and blood of ;hrist. t is a key part of ;atholic dogma. These are the words of the priest in =atin or 2nglish !emphasis is mine") I ; 2#T 2@ 7 ;4= M #4@KJ @ # 72 , @OB 2T 42T2'@ T2#T472@T ) MYSTER%7M )%DE%, [J /'O BO% # 2T /'O 7J=T # 2$$J@:2TJ' @ '27 ## O@27 /2;;4TO'J7. $O' TI # # TI2 ;I4= ;2 O$ 75 %=OO:, O$ TI2 @2W 4@: 2T2'@4= T2#T472@T, TI2 MYSTERY !) )A%T#, WI ;I $O' 5OJ 4@: $O' 74@5 #I4== %2 #I2: J@TO TI2 '27 ## O@ O$ # @#. The ;atholic is also well familiar with many "mysteries" through the recitation of their Iail 7arys and the rosary. There are ,? decades of prayer !,?- recitations" and during each decade of ten recitations, the ;atholic contemplates on one of the "mysteries" of the church, which are as follows) The $ifteen 7ysteries of the and the Klorious.
Rosary are divided into three groups) the Joyful, the #orrowful
The 'ystery of the Bisitation The 'ystery of the %irth of the =ord The 'ystery of the /resentation in the Temple The 'ystery of $inding Jesus in the Temple
The 'ystery of the 4gony in the Karden The 'ystery of the #courging at the /illar The 'ystery of the ;rowning with Thorns The 'ystery of Jesus carrying his cross The 'ystery of the ;rucifiCion
The 'ystery of the 'esurrection The 'ystery of the 4scension of Our =ord The 'ystery of the :escent of the Ioly #pirit The 'ystery of the 4ssumption of the %lessed Birgin The 'ystery of the ;oronation of the %lessed Birgin as [ueen of Ieaven T'e &ersecuting C'urc' Drun+en on Bloo*
The woman of 'evelation ,8 is drunk with the blood of ;hristian martyrs) 'ev ,8)> 4nd saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus) and when saw her, wondered with great admiration. 4$'4 : W2 W == K2T TI27.
@o one is more honest with /rotestants than we are, for no one knows them better. There is a great deal of controversy now going on as to the attitude of /rotestants towards ;atholics holding political office. We have published statements from %aptist and =utheran bodies, and individual declarations from prominent men in all the /rotestant sects. They are all agreed on the 3uestion. They would not vote for a ;atholic for political office, least of all for the presidency of the Jnited #tates& and they all give the same or similar reasons. #ome say it is because ;atholics owe their allegiance to the /ope, and therefore they cannot vote for them. Others declare that all ;atholics believe in the union of ;hurch and #tate& and they under no circumstances would vote to give them political power. Others give other reasons& but one and all declare that they would not vote for ;atholics, and mostly all for the two reasons given above. %ut is there not a reason behind these two reasons which these /rotestants are not willing to admit even to themselves6 4re not these two reasons too theoretical and entirely too academic for the majority of /rotestants6 They know very little of the meaning and import of allegiance, civil or ecclesiastic& and they do not know what ;atholics understand by the term. They have a very vague and indistinct notion of the union of ;hurch and #tate, and are not aware that such union eCists more or less in every state in ;hristendom. What they really oppose and what they wish to emphasiAe by their vote is that they do want want to be dragooned into the ;atholic ;hurch. They fear that if the ;atholic ;hurch should get the upper hand in this country she might induce the state to suppress all heretical worship and compel all to embrace the ;atholic faith. 4nd this fear is not irrational, if unfounded. The ;hurch has persecuted. Only a tyro in church history will deny that. The 4pologists in the days of 'oman imperial domination inveighed
against persecution and with Tertullian deplored that "it was no part of religion to persecute religion." %ut after the days of ;onstantine and under the reign of that first ;hristian emperor the attitude of ;hristians underwent a change, and persecution of pagans took place in many places in the empire. 4 hundred and fifty years after ;onstantine the :onatists were persecuted and sometimes put to death. 4gainst this eCtreme measure #t. 4ugustine raised his voice& but he was willing that they should despoiled of their churches and of their goods. /rotestants were persecuted in $rance and and #pain with the full approval of the ;hurch authorities. We have always defended the superventions of the Iuguenots and the #panish n3uisition. Wherever and whenever there is honest ;atholicity there will be a clear distinction drawn between truth and error, and ;atholicity and all forms of heresy. When she thinks it good to use physical force the ;hurch will use it. #he is no better nor holier than Kod& and Kod has used physical force to bring people to embrace the truth. f the ;hurch ever again finds herself in the same circumstances as surrounded her in the days of the :onatists and Iuguenots and the 7oriscoes it is very probable that she will defend herself with the same weapons she used before. %ut will those conditions ever return6 We hope not for the sake of both persecutor and persecuted. The /rotestants of the world fear that the history of persecution will repeat itself. f so it will be brought about by themselves. They fear that they will be forced to embrace the ;atholic faith. They never will be as long as they allow ;atholics to profess their religion in peace. %ut if they want war they will be promptly accommodated. %ut will the ;atholic ;hurch give bond that she will not persecute at all6 Will she guarantee absolute freedom and e3uality of all churches and all faiths6 The ;atholic ;hurch gives no bonds for her good behavior. #he has made mistakes in her policy which she promptly corrected as soon as discovered. #he has countenanced violence when more human measures would have been of more avail. Ier children and her clergy have often been carried away by popular passion. %ut she gives no bonds that such things shall not occur again. Why should the ;hurch be re3uired to furnish security of good behavior6 ;ivil governments have been tyrannical. %ut we must have civil government. The state has oppressed, and kings have abused their power. %ut we must have the state to maintain order and protect life and property. #o it is with the ;hurch& only more so. We must have the ;hurch. #he is the means of grace to a lost world. #he is salvation to all mankind. Without the state we have anarchy& without the ;hurch we have spiritual chaos. \ !estern !atchman, 4 ;atholic Journal :evoted To The ;atholic nterests n The West, Bol. MMMM \ @o. .?, #t. =ouis, 7o. :ec. (<, ,*-H, $orty #econd 5ear, pg. H. 4 harlot drunken on blood) #oul of ;hrist, sanctify me. %ody of ;hrist, save me. Bloo* o( C'rist1 inebriate me. Water from the side of ;hrist, wash me. ... $rom the prayer Anima Christi !#oul of ;hrist".
The prayer nima Christi can be found on scores of ;atholic web sites, and actually as&s for drunkenness from the blood of the golden cup. Web site) Anima C'risti. The 'oman ;atholic ;hurch during the "dark ages" is responsible for the persecution deaths of uncounted thousands of ;hristians who dared to read the %ible, translate the %ible or preach from the %ible or denied the apostate ;atholic doctrines or dogma, such as transubstantiation. That the 'oman ;atholic church felt compelled to ask for forgiveness for her persecution sins of the past on 7arch ,(th, (---, only serves to further confirm she is the apostate persecuting mother church responsible for the blood of the saints spoken of in 'evelation0 The :ocument) MEM!RY A"D REC!"C% %AT%!". T'e Beast T'at @as1 an* %s "ot1 an* Yet %s. 'ev ,8)8 4nd the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel6 will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns. 'ev ,8)H The beast that thou sawest was, and is not& and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition) and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. The angel eCplains to John that there are three phases to the beast) T'e Beast t'at @as /apal sovereignty and persecution ,(>- years !?.H+,8*H"
$or ,(>- years the papacy ruled over 2urope, from ?.H to ,8*H. :uring these dark ages the papacy eCercised both political and ecclesiastical power, the woman rode the beast, the beast that was. The papacy lost its political power $ebruary ,?th, ,8*H, with the capture of /ius B by the armies of @apoleon, and it lost the last of the /apal #tates, on #eptember (-th, ,H8when talian troops seiAed the city of 'ome, leaving the /ope a virtual prisoner in the Batican. The ;atholic ;hurch had lost her political power and sovereignty, conse3uently the beast was not. @ow, John in chapter ,8, sees the harlot in her final phase after she has re+ained her lost political power !sit on the beast", and the world wonders at her revival. /apal sovereignty was restored $ebruary ,,th, ,*(* with the signing of the =ateran Treaty with %enito 7ussolini. 4nd yet the beast is. t has ascended back out of eCtinction, or the bottomless pit, and proceeds from there to its destruction.
T'e City o( Se-en Mountains The woman of 'evelation ,8 sits on seven mountains) 'ev ,8)* 4nd here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. @ow, some 'oman ;atholic apologists will likely try to apply this passage to the city of Jerusalem. Iowever, this verse tells us that the woman of 'evelation ,8, an apostate persecuting Christian church, sits1 or head3uarters itself, in a city of seven mountains. .o such Christian church has its administrative head9uarters in Jerusalem1 so it can be easily dismissed as a possibility. t is also worth noting that 'evelation was written by John about *? 4.:., some (? years after Jerusalem had been besieged and completely destroyed by the 'omans. This also removes it from consideration in the prophecy, since the Jews did not return to Jerusalem until the (-th century. John the 'evelator further amplifies and defines the harlot as follows) 'ev ,8),H 4nd the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth. #o we need to look for an apostate persecuting ;hristian church, that attempts to rule over the kings of the earth from a great city, known for having seven mountains. #o let1s consider the great 2ternal ;ity of 'ome, head3uarters of the 'oman ;atholic ;hurch. =ook in most any encyclopedia and you will find that 'ome is known as the city of seven hills, or seven mountains. These seven mountains are the ;apitoline, [uirinal, Biminal, 2s3uiline, ;]lian !;oelianN;elio", 4ventine and /alatine, highlighted in yellow below.
7arcus Terentius Barro !,,> %; S (8 %;" in (e 5in+ua 5atina v. <, wrote) "Jbi nunc est 'oma, erat olim #eptimontium, nominatum ab tot montibus, 3uos postea urbs muris comprehendit." "Where now is 'ome, was once #eptimontium, named by the so many mountains, afterwards enclosed by the city walls." %elow is a an ancient 'oman coin !a #estertius" in the collection of the %ritish 7useum, minted at Tarraco in 8, 4.:. during the reign of Bespasian !>*+8* 4.:.", declaring him to be the /ontifeC 7aCimus !a title assumed by the papacy", which depicts the city of 'ome as both the goddess :ea+'oma seated on 8 hills, and a she+wolf suckling 'omulus and 'emus !just above the ' in 'O74".
Obverse nscription) %M&2'4TO' CAESAR $ES&AS%A"$S A$0B#TB# &O@T $2M M4M 7B# T' %B@ ; 4 &OT2#T4T2 &ater &atriae C!@SB= %%% 4bove photo from The *rophetic $aith of 0ur $athers by =e 'oy 2. $room, Bolume , page ,>-, ;opyright ,*?by 'eview and Ierald /ublishing 4ssoc., Washington :.;. #ee also) Coins of the -oman )mpire in the !ritish ,useum1 Volume :1 Vespasian To (omitian, by Iarold 7attingly and '.4.K. ;arson, published in =ondon by the %ritish 7useum, ,*>>, ,H8 Dno. 88<, plate .<.?E. /hotos of another similar #estertius. The Catholic )ncyclopedia t is within the city of 'ome, called the city of seven hills, that the entire area of Batican #tate proper is now confined. %y treaty with the talian Kovernment certain other properties apart from the Batican #tate are considered as territorial parts of the state of Batican ;ity. #ince the founding of the ;hurch there by #t. /eter, the city of 'ome has been the center of ;hristendom. The city itself is the diocese of the pope as bishop of 'ome. #ource) The Catholic Encyclopedia, edited by 'obert ;. %roderick, mprimatur of the 7ost 'everend William 2. ;ousins, 4rchbishop of 7ilwaukee, @ihil Obstat of the 'everend 'ichard J. #klba, published by Thomas @elson /ublishers, copyright ,*8>, entry on 'ome, pg. ?(*. Cat'olic Attempts at Rebuttal The 'oman ;atholic apologist will likely respond in a manner similar to this, from /atrick 7adrid) 7ost people don1t realiAe that Batican ;ity, built s3uarely on Batican Iill, isn1t one of the seven hills for which 'ome is famous0 Jnfortunately for the fevered anti+;atholic
theories that :ave Iunt and others traffic in, the ;atholic ;hurch1s head3uarters O Batican ;ity O sits on the other side of the Tiber river, and not on any of the seven hills. The Tiber formed a natural boundary for the city limits of ancient 'ome. The seven hills were on one side, snug inside the city walls. Batican Iill sat across the river, in sight of the old city, but not technically part of it O so close but yet so far. #ource) *ope $iction, by /atrick 7adrid, !$iction ^8", #%@ -+*><(>,-+-+>, copyright ,*** %asilica /ress, page ,-.. t is eCtremely interesting, to say the least, to see a Roman ;atholic apologist, whose church is governed by the %ishop of Rome1 trying to eCtricate his church from that city. 'ome, like many 2uropean cities, has fortified city walls around its perimeter. The original walls of the city of the ;aesars, built between (8( and (8* by 4urelian, did not include the area of the Batican hill on the west bank of the Tiber, so it is true, as /atrick 7adrid says, that Batican hill was likely considered outside the city limits of the pa+an 'ome of the ;aesars. Iowever, after the sacking of #t. /eter1s %asilica and 'ome by the 7uslim #aracens in H<>, the city walls were enlarged as a defensive measure by &ope eo %$ between H<H and H?(. Ie fortified Batican hill against future attacks by including it within the perimeter of the city walls, which were eCtended eastward to Iadrian1s tomb !;astel #ant14ngelo". The remains of these defensive walls can still be seen today around the Batican. 7ost notable is a narrow passageway !/assetto" from the Batican palace to ;astel #ant14ngelo that was added atop the =eonine wall to give the /opes a secret escape route, which is occasionally opened to the public. "%etween H<H and H?( =eo B surrounded the whole DBaticanE settlement with a wall, which included it within the city boundaries. Jntil the pontificate of #iCtus B D,?H?+,?*-E this section of 'ome remained a private papal possession and was entrusted to a special administration. #iCtus, however, placed it under the jurisdiction of the urban authorities as the fourteenth region." #ource) %. %ntro*uction, of the Catholic Encyclopedia online article on the Batican
Jnder ecclesiastical papal 'ome, the Batican has been considered within the walls and city limits of 'ome since the middle of the *th century. #o as can be seen, /atrick 7adrid in his book *ope $iction is not telling the whole story to his readers. Ie is leaving out pertinent facts, since the Batican has been within the city limits and walls of 'ome for well over ,--- years. 'ev ,8)* 4nd here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. ... 'ev ,8),H 4nd the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth. That the papacy of the Roman ;atholic ;hurch, the %ishop of Rome, attempts to rule the world from 'ome !fulfilling the prophecy" is so obvious on the face of it that it hardly seems to call for any documentation, but we will let a recent pope be heard on this issue)
>8. ... the hand of Kod, who guides the course of history, has set down the ;hair of Iis Bicar on earth, in this city of 'ome which, from being the capital of the wonderful 'oman 2mpire, was made by Iim the capital of the whole world, because Ie made it the seat of a sovereignty which, since it eCtends beyond the confines of nations and states, embraces within itself all the peoples of the whole world. The very origin and divine nature of this sovereignty demands, the inviolable rights of conscience of millions of the faithful of the whole world demand that this sacred sovereignty must not be, neither must it ever appear to be, subject to any human authority or law whatsoever, even though that law be one which proclaims certain guaranties for the liberty of the 'oman /ontiff. #ource) /ope /ius M , 2ncyclical =etter 7B% ARCA"! DE% C!"S% %! !On the /eace of ;hrist in the Gingdom of ;hrist", :ecember (., ,*((. @ote the remarkable wording used by /ius M . Ie boldly claims soverei+nty over all the people of the world from his 2seat2 in the city of Rome4 To use a well worn ;atholic phrase, "'oma =ocuta 2st, ;ausa $inita 2st" + 'ome has spoken, the case is closed. We will continue to develop the eCtensive evidence, however. T'e ateran Basilica: T'e Cat'e*ral o( t'e Bis'op o( Rome =uke <)>+8 !GJB") > 4nd the devil said unto him, 4ll this power will give thee, and the glory of them) for that is delivered unto me& and to whomsoever will give it. 8 f thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine. 'ev ,.)( !GJB") ... and the dragon Dthe :evil N #atan !'ev ,()*" thru pagan 'omeE gave him !papal 'ome" his power, and his seat !cathedra", and great authority. 4 few minutes of researching in most any library will reveal that the official "cathedra" or seat of authority for the %ishop of 'ome, the /ope, is not in #t. /eter1s %asilica, but it is actually in the apse of #t. John =ateran ;athedral, which is a short distance to the southeast of the ;oliseum and 'oman $orum, on the opposite side of 'ome from #t. /eter1s. =ocated on the ;oelian !;elioN;]lian" Iill, one of the seven hills of 'ome !'ev ,8)*", #t. John =ateran dates back to 'ome1s emperor ;onstantine, who donated the building to the %ishop of 'ome in the <th century. t is the oldest church in ;hristendom and so lays claim to the title of the "mother church of the world". The Catholic )ncyclopedia Cat'e*ra The chair+throne of a bishop is always located in the sanctuary against the left wall on the gospel side in the cathedral church of the diocese. ;athedra is the Kreek word for a chair or throne, from which is derived the word cathedral. ateran C'urc' Officially, the ;hurch of our 7ost Ioly #avior, called #t. John =ateran, is the ;athedral of the bishop of 'ome, the pope. t is considered the mother church of the ;hristian world. The
basilica, part of a donation of the =aterani family, was presented to the ;hurch in .,,. t is the oldest of the ;hristian basilicas and from historic times was known as ;onstantine1s basilica. #ource) The Catholic Encyclopedia, edited by 'obert ;. %roderick, mprimatur of the 7ost 'everend William 2. ;ousins, 4rchbishop of 7ilwaukee, @ihil Obstat of the 'everend 'ichard J. #klba, published by Thomas @elson /ublishers, copyright ,*8>, pages *H, .<-.
#t. John =ateran ;athedral 7other ;hurch and Official #eat of the %ishop of 'ome ;onstantine must have given it Dthe =ateranE to the ;hurch in the time of 7iltiades, not later than about .,,, for we find council against the :onatists meeting within its walls as early as .,.. $rom that time onwards it was always the centre of ;hristian life within the city& the residence of the popes and the cathedral of 'ome. The latter distinction it still holds, though it has long lost the former. #ource) ,*,. Catholic Encyclopedia, article on St. Jo'n ateran.
4 statue of the woman !fides" holding a cup !'ev ,8)<" on top of #t. John =ateran
/ope /ius M , %ishop of 'ome, enthroned on his cathedra in the =ateran apse. &'oto o( t'e Bis'op o( Rome4s t'rone H cat'e*ra in t'e apse o( St. Jo'n ateran /ope %enedict MB , formally took possession of #t. John =ateran and enthroned himself on his cathedra of power and authority for the first time 7ay 8th, (--?. Iis homily discussed the
significance of the event. /ope $rancis took possession of the %ishop of 'ome1s cathedra on 4pril 8, (-,.. #ince ,.88, upon the return to 'ome from 4vignon, ;hurch administration has been located in the Batican, rather than the =ateran. Iowever, as the cathedra !official seat" of the %ishop of 'ome, the /ope, the =ateran is today still considered to be eCtraterritorially a part of the Batican ;ity+#tate, as is the basilica #anta 7aria 7aggiore !#t. 7ary 7ajor", which is located on 2s3uiline Iill. This is the result of a treaty !;oncordat" signed with the talian state in ,*(* at the =ateran, which restored the diplomatic status of the Batican as an independent city+state, which had been lost in ,H>-+,H8- when taly seiAed all papal territories. #ee ateran Treaty 6 Article 8<. $atican State1 City o( The capital city of the Batican #tate, which includes the principle territory of the surrounding city of 'ome, was recogniAed as sovereign land of the 'oman ;atholic ;hurch by the =ateran Treaty. t includes the Batican palace, its gardens, the basilica and piaAAa of #t. /eter1s, and other official buildings on a plot of land about one s3uare mile with approCimately ,--- residents, all of whom are citiAens. t is properly called the papal state and is governed by the /ope as the sovereign ruler with eCecutive, legislative and judicial powers eCercised through commissions or delegated groups. There are other properties fiCed by the treaty not adjoining Batican #tate yet under its sovereign dominion. These are the basilicas and buildings of #t. John =ateran D;oelian hillE, #t. 7ary 7ajor D2s3uiline hillE, #t. /aul+outside+the+Walls D_( km #outh of 'omeE, and the Ioly 4postles D[uirinal hillE, and the churches of #aint 4ndrea+della+Balle D@2 of ;ampo :e1 $ioreE and #an ;arlo+ai+;atinari D#2 of ;ampo :e1 $ioreE with their adjoining buildings, the palace of #an ;allisto D/alaAAo #. ;allisto, TrastevereE and the papal summer residence, ;astel Kandolfo D4lban Iills, _(- km #2 of 'omeE. #ource) The Catholic Encyclopedia, edited by 'obert ;. %roderick, mprimatur of the 7ost 'everend William 2. ;ousins, 4rchbishop of 7ilwaukee, @ihil Obstat of the 'everend 'ichard J. #klba, published by Thomas @elson /ublishers, copyright ,*8>, page ?*H. 4lso seiAed in ,H8- by taly but not returned by the =ateran treaty, was the grand [uirinal papal palace built on [uirinal hill !the highest of the 8 hills of 'ome" beginning in ,?8<. t was the official residence for some .- /opes until its seiAure by taly, when the /alaAAo del [uirinale became the official residence of the kings of taly, and since ,*<8 the residence of the presidents of taly.
Basilica *i San 0io-anni in aterano Santa Maria Maggiore Nuirinal &alace C'urc' o( t'e #oly Apostles .Santi Apostoli/ + in the lower left of the photo, [uirinal /alace is in the center. Rome4s 0eneral Map $atican City State .t'e #oly See/ #o even today, official Batican territorial sovereignty eCtends across the Tiber into various parts of the city of 'ome. t can even be said that the Batican literally straddles, or sits over the seven+ hilled city of 'ome !'ev ,8)*"0 n fact, the term /oly "ee, which refers to the universal jurisdiction of the %ishop of 'ome, is derived from the =atin "ancta "edes, which means Ioly ;hair. #ynonymous terms are 4postolic #ee, 'oman ;hurch, or 'oman ;uria. #oly See More Cat'olic Attempts at Rebuttal
@ote what a ;atholic "eCpert" at 2WT@ has said on this subject, to refute /rotestant claims that the ;atholic ;hurch is described in the book of 'evelation) ... "The seven heads represent seven hills on which the woman sits." $irst of all, no /ope has ever lived or had his "seat" !cathedra or cathedral" on any of the seven hills of 'ome. These hills are small hillocks !;apitoline, /alatine, 2s3uiline, 4ventine and three lesser "bumps" in central 'ome" where the religion and government of pagan 'ome was situated. The ;atholic ;hurch1s head3uarters at the =ateran !the cathedral" and at the Batican !where the /ope lives" does not coincide with them." ...
[uoted from @'ore o( Babylon by ;olin %. :onovan, #T=, in the )reFuently As+e* Nuestions section of 2WT@1s site. 7r. :onovan needs to investigate one of those lesser bumps !the ;]lian", and #t. John =ateran ;athedral a bit more closely. dare say that most any encyclopedia1s articles and maps on 'ome and the =ateran will reveal the error of his statement. With that kind of "eCpert" answer on a prominent ;atholic web site, it is no wonder that most ;atholics don1t know the truth on this subject. %ut the truth is available even on 2WT@1s own site) C#7RC#ES !) R!ME: C#R%ST%A"%TY4S )%RST CAT#EDRA June Iager
Christendom6s earliest basilica and home of the *opes for a thousand years "t8 John 5ateran on the Caelian /ill8 #t. John =ateran is ;hristendom1s earliest basilica. Ordered by 'ome1s first ;hristian 2mperor, ;onstantine the Kreat, it became the /opes1 own cathedral and official residence for the first millennium of ;hristian history. ... ... Ienceforth, the =ateran palace, known as the /atriarchate, was the /ope1s official residence until the fifteenth century. ... #ource) )ebruary 8==B issue of Inside the "atican
#ee this current map o( Rome online. On this map the name of mount ;elio appears to the left of the =ateran, below the ;oliseum. @ow back to /atrick 7adrid1s book *ope $iction1 which makes this attempt at rebuttal on this point) #ome desperate to salvage this argument, claim that because the cathedral church and official seat of the bishop of 'ome is #t. John =ateran !which does fall within the bounds of Old 'ome", the ;atholic ;hurch still fits the bill as being based in 'ome. 5ou1ve got to give these folks an "4" for effort. 2ven though this variation on the theme fails, too, the people who promote it are nothing if not tenacious. The problem with this argument is that a cathedral is a church building, not a city. 5ou can1t miC and match biblical symbols to make them fit your own particular interpretive system& that does violence to the teCt. 4nd, of course, even this last claim still fails to account for the leap from a city to a reli+ion !which the identification of ;atholicism with the Whore of %abylon must make, for it to work". #ource) *ope $iction, by /atrick 7adrid, !$iction ^8", #%@ -+*><(>,-+-+>, copyright ,*** %asilica /ress, page ,-.. am not desperate, and don1t feel the need to try and salvage anything. am 3uite confident and willing let the reader judge the weight of the facts presented in this article, and who gets the "4", and who fails completely in their arguments which are composed of half truths and misinformation. 4s mentioned above, #t. John =ateran, the cathedra !seat of authority" of the %ishop of 'ome, the /ope, has been formally recogniAed by the ,*(* treaty with taly to be eCtra territorially a part of the Batican ;ity+#tate. ;onse3uently, the /ope officially reigns from #t. John =ateran, which is on one of the famous seven hills of 'ome, the ;]lian, and it is also a part of the Batican ;ity+#tate. )rom a City to a Religion 7at (.).8 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not0 ;an a city represent a religion6 Iow difficult is it to see that the city of Jerusalem did not literally kill the prophets of Kod6 4s the city of old Jerusalem was used to symboliAe Judaism, the @ew Jerusalem is used symbolically to represent the faithful saints of Kod) 'ev (,)( 4nd John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from Kod out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
n opposition to the @ew Jerusalem, the eternal city of the saints, scripture describes a great city of seven hills, 'ome. 'ome is also symbolically called %abylon in prophecy, representing apostate religion) Roman Cat'olics A*mit Babylon %s A "e3 Testament Symbol )or Rome , /et ?),. The church that is at %abylon, elected together with you, saluteth you& and so doth 7arcus my son. %abylon in the above verse is widely recogniAed as a code word meaning 'ome, not %abylon, since there is no evidence that /eter ever ministered in %abylon. 'oman ;atholics have even acknowledged this association) "%abylon," from which /eter addresses his first 2pistle, is understood by learned annotators, /rotestant and ;atholic, to refer to 'ome + the word %abylon being symbolic of the corruption then prevailing in the city of the ;aesars. #ource) $aith of 0ur $athers, by James ;ardinal Kibbons, ,,,th printing, /ublished by TA" Boo+s an* &ublis'ers1 %"C.1 /.O. %oC <(<, 'ockford, llinois >,,-?, ;opyright ,*H-, page H8.
2But t'e Bible ne-er says &eter 3as in Rome.2 %ut the %ible does. While there were many things that happened connected with Jesus and the 4postles that are not written in the %ible !see Jn (,)(?", /eter1s presence in 'ome is confirmed by it. n his first epistle /eter closes by saying "#he who is at %abylon, who is likewise chosen, sends you greetings& so does my son 7ark" !?),.". "#he who is chosen" refers to the ;hurch in 'ome. "%abylon is a ;hristian code word for 'ome and the 'oman 2mpire. 2Camine 'evelation ,8)? where the author uses %abylon O mother of harlots and the earth1s abomination, drunk on the blood of ;hristian martyrs O in this sense. 4t the time /eter was writing, %abylon was no longer a great city but a deserted relic of mud huts. #ource) nswerin+ a $undamentalist, by 4lbert J. @evins, published by Our #unday Bisitor, nc., copyright ,**-, #%@ -+H8*8.+<..+8, =ibrary of ;ongress ;atalog ;ard @umber *-+ >-><<, page <>.
%ut %oettner is wrong when he claims "there is no allusion to 'ome in either of D/eter1sE epistles". There is, in the greeting at the end of the first epistle. "The church here in %abylon, united with you by Kod1s election, sends you her greeting, and so does my son, 7ark." !, /eter ?),.". %abylon is a code word for 'ome. t is used that way siC times in the last book of the %ible ... 2usebius /amphilius, writing about .-., noted that "it is said that /eter1s first epistle, in which he makes mention of 7ark, was composed at 'ome itself& and he himself indicates this, referring to the city figuratively as %abylon." D/istoria ecclesiastica (, ,?, <.E
#ource) Catholicism and $undamentalism, by Garl Geating, copyright ,*HH, published by gnatius /ress, #an $rancisco, #%@ -+H*H8-+,*?+., library of ;ongress number H8+H(*.*, page (--. #o anCious are the ;atholics to place /eter in 'ome, that they are willing to permanently brand 'ome with the symbolic title of %abylon in the @ew Testament. ndeed, would venture to say that every 'oman ;atholic %ible published has a footnote identifying %abylon in , /eter ?),. as actually meaning 'ome. 'egarding references to %abylon in 'evelation ,<)H, ,>),*, ,8)?, ,H)(, ,-, and (,& note the following) "These references cannot be to the onetime capital of the %abylonian 2mpire. That %abylon had been reduced to an inconse3uential status by the march of years, military defeat, and political subjugation& it was no longer a 1great city1. t played no important part in the recent history of the ancient world. The only truly 1great city1 in @ew Testament times was 'ome." #ource) bid, page (-,.
The city of seven hills, 'ome, symbolically called %abylon in the @ew Testament, is where a harlot woman !apostate ;hristian church" rules !sits" over many people. T'e 7ni-ersal C'urc'. The woman of 'evelation ,8 sits on many waters, representing authority over many people) 'ev ,8),? 4nd he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. The word ;atholic means ,niversal. #o the 'oman ;atholic ;hurch is claiming to be the Jniversal or Worldwide ;hristian ;hurch, a claim of authority over all the ;hristians of the world. The significance of 'ome lies primarily in the fact that it is the city of the pope. The %ishop of 'ome, as the successor of #t. /eter, is the Bicar of ;hrist on earth and the visible head of the ;atholic ;hurch. 'ome is conse3uently the centre of unity in belief, the source of ecclesiastical jurisdiction and the seat of the supreme authority which can bind by its enactments the faithful throughout the world. #ource) Rome, The ;atholic 2ncyclopedia Online.
The above papal medal of /ius M , minted in the ,,th year of his reign, symboliAes the ;atholic church as a 3ueen, pompously seated on her throne, from which she claims to uphold truth and justice. This depiction bears a remarkable resemblance to the following verse describing 7ystery %abylon) 'ev ,H)8 Iow much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her) for she saith in her heart, sit a 3ueen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow. Reigning !-er t'e ,ings o( t'e Eart'. The woman of 'evelation ,8 claims authority over all the kings of the earth) 'ev ,8),H 4nd the woman which thou sawest is t'at great city1 3'ic' reignet' o-er t'e +ings o( t'e eart'. The /ontiff of the 'oman ;atholic ;hurch historically claims authority over all secular rulers, and has eCercised that assumed authority by deposing kings or 3ueens who did not acknowledge the /ope1s superior secular and ecclesiastical authority. Iere are just a few eCamples of this claimed authority over Gings) There are two powers, august 2mperor, by which this world is chiefly ruled, namely, the sacred authority of the priests and the royal power. Of these that of the priests is the more weighty, since they have to render an account for even the kings of men in the divine judgment. 5ou are also aware, dear son, that while you are permitted honorably to rule over human kind, yet in things divine you bow your head humbly before the leaders of the clergy and await from their hands the means of your salvation. n the reception and proper disposition of the heavenly mysteries you
recogniAe that you should be subordinate rather than superior to the religious order, and that in these matters you depend on their judgment rather than wish to force them to follow your will. etter o( &ope 0elasius % to Emperor Anastasius on the superiority of the spiritual over temporal power, <*< 4.:.
)rom &ope 0regory $%%1 Dictatus &apae1 8>=> A.D. *. That of the pope alone all princes shall kiss the feet. ,(. That it may be permitted to him to depose emperors.
,. ... the 'oman /ontiff, who rules the offices of Kod and our =ord Jesus ;hrist on earth and who holds the fullness of power over kingdoms and kings, and who judges all, and by no one at this time is judged, ... Cum ). Apostolatus Officio% /apal %ull of /ope /aul B + $ebruary ,?, ,??*.
*ope %nnocent %%% on Empire and *apacy 1The 7oon and the #un1 "icut universitatis conditor8 Ep8 i, <-,, October ,,*H *858 ccCiv. ..8. 7irbt, no. .(> The creator of the universe set up two great luminaries in the firmament of heaven& the greater light to rule the day, the lesser light to rule the night. n the same way for the firmament of the universal ;hurch, which is spoken of as heaven, he appointed two great dignities& the greater to bear rule over souls !these being, as it were, days", the lesser to bear rule over bodies !those being, as it were, nights". These dignities are the pontifical authority and the royal power. $urthermore, the moon derives her light from the sun, and is in truth inferior to the sun in both siAe and 3uality, in position as well as effect. n the same way the royal power derives its dignity from the pontifical authority) and the more closely it cleaves to the sphere of that authority the less is the light with which it is adorned& the further it is removed, the more it increases in splendor.
TI2 /O/2 4@: 7/2' 4= 2=2;T O@# The "tatement of the *apal Claim by %nnocent %%% :ecretal Venerabilem1 7arch ,(-(, ;orpus uris ;anonici, !$riedberg" . H-. 7irbt, .(. D4 letter from nnocent to the :uke of L`hringen justifying his intervention in a disputed election of the kingship of the 'omans.E
... We acknowledge, as we are bound, that the right and authority to elect a king !later to be elevated to the mperial throne" belongs to those princes to whom it is known to belong by right and ancient custom& especially at this right and authority came to them from the 4postolic #ee, which transferred the 2mpire from the Kreeks to the Kermans in the person of ;harles the Kreat. %ut the princes should recogniAe, and assuredly do recogniAe, that the right and authority to eCamine the person so elected king !to be elevated to the 2mpire" belongs to us who anoint, consecrate and crown him. $or it is a generally observed rule that the eCamination of a person belongs to him who has the duty of the laying+on of hands. $or suppose that the princes elected a sacrilegious man or an eCcommunicate, a tyrant or an imbecile, a heretic or a pagan& and that not just by a majority, but unanimously, are we bound to anoint, consecrate and crown such a person6 Of course not.... 4nd it is evident from law and custom that when in an election the votes of the princes are divided we may, after due warning and a fitting interval, favour one of the parties.... $or if after such due notice the princes cannot or will not agree, will not the 4postolic #ee be without an advocate and defender, and thus be punished for their fault6
Extract from 3re+ory V%%6s 5etter to the Bishop of 'et#1 ,-H, :oeberl, op. cit. iii. <- s33. 7irbt, @o. (*8 ... who can doubt but that the priests of ;hrist are to be considered the fathers and masters of kings and princes and of all the faithful6 ... ... $or, indeed, one can see how the necks of kings and princes are bowed before the knees of priests& and how, having kissed their right hands, they believe themselves strengthened by their prayers. ... $urthermore every ;hristian Ging, when he comes to die, seeks as a pitiful supplicant the aid of a priest, that he may escape hell1s prison, may pass from the darkness into the light, and at the judgment of Kod may appear absolved from the bondage of his sins. Who, in his last hour !what layman, not to speak of priests", has ever implored the aid of an earthly king for the salvation of his soul6 4nd what king or emperor is able, by reason of the office he holds, to rescue a ;hristian from the power of the devil through holy baptism, to number him among the sons of Kod, and to fortify him with the divine unction6 Who of them can by his own words make the body and blood of our =ord, + the greatest act in the ;hristian religion6 Or who of them possesses the power of binding and loosing in heaven and on earth6 $rom all of these considerations it is clear how greatly the priestly office eCcels in power. Who of them can ordain a single clerk in the holy ;hurch, much less depose him for any fault6 $or in the orders of the ;hurch a greater power is needed to depose than to ordain. %ishops may ordain other bishops, but can by no means depose them without the authority of the apostolic see. Who, therefore, or even moderate understanding, can hesitate to give priests the precedence over kings6 Then, if kings are to be judged by priests for their sins, by whom can they be judged with better right than by the 'oman /ontiff6
The source for the above eCamples of papal claims of authority over kings is from (ocuments of the Christian Church1 #econd 2dition, selected and 2dited by Ienry %ettenson, ;opyright by OCford Jniversity /ress ,*>., #%@ -+,*+?-,(*.+., pages ,->+,-H, ,,(+,,..
On the above papal medal !7aAio ,., #pink .<(" issued by /ope ;allistus !,<??+?H", the reverse side reads O7@2# '2K2# #2'B 2@T 2 , a 3uote of :aniel 8)(8 from the =atin Bulgate, which when translated in the ;atholic :ouay 'heims reads "4== G @K# #I4== #2'B2 I 7". The scripture refers to Kod, but the papal triple+tiered tiara portrayed above the cross clearly symboliAes papal authority, that the papacy is Kod1s designated representative, having authority even over the kings of the earth, just as the above eCcerpts show. JeDebel JeAebel was the daughter of 2thbaal king of the Lidonians !, Gi ,>).,". The name 2thbaal means man of !aal .#9;A U #88B9/1 an* JeDebel means woman of !aal .#9>C U #88B9/. , Gi ,>).- 4nd 4hab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the =O': above all that were before him. , Gi ,>)., 4nd it came to pass, as if it had been a light thing for him to walk in the sins of Jeroboam the son of @ebat, that he took to wife JeAebel the daughter of 2thbaal king of the Lidonians, and went and served %aal, and worshipped him. , Gi ,>).( 4nd he reared up an altar for %aal in the house of %aal, which he had built in #amaria. , Gi ,>).. 4nd 4hab made a grove& and 4hab did more to provoke the =O': Kod of srael to anger than all the kings of srael that were before him. @ow note this passage in 'evelation () 'ev ()(- @otwithstanding have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman JeAebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.
'ev ()(, 4nd gave her space to repent of her fornication& and she repented not. 'ev ()(( %ehold, will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, eCcept they repent of their deeds. 'ev ()(. 4nd will kill her children with death& and all the churches shall know that am he which searcheth the reins and hearts) and will give unto every one of you according to your works. n prophecy a woman represents a church, and JeAebel here represents the apostate church, who has taught corrupted doctrine, which is described as fornication, just as in 'evelation ,8) 'ev ,8), 4nd there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, ;ome hither& will show unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters) 'ev ,8)( With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. @ow, pay close attention to this ... The apostate church in 'evelation ()(- !JeAebel, the woman of %aal" calls herself a prophetess ... so by 'er o3n a*mission s'e is lin+e* 3it' prop'ecyR #ee &A0A" S7" @!RS#%& A"D CAT#! %C%SM T'e T3o C'oices &ropose* by Roman Cat'olics @ote the following comments by two eminent 'oman ;atholic ;ardinals) @ow a system like this D'oman ;atholicismE is so unlike anything human, it has upon it notes, tokens, marks so altogether supernatural, that men now acknowledge it to be either ;hrist or 4ntichrist. There is nothing Dpg. ,8(E between these eCtremes. 7ost true is this alternative. The ;atholic ;hurch is either the masterpiece of #atan or the kingdom of the #on of Kod. #ource) Ienry 2dward 7anning, 4rchbishop of Westminster, The #ourfold (overei/nty of 0od, second edition, =ondon, %urns, Oates F ;ompany, ,8, ,H /ortman #treet, and >. /aternoster 'ow, ,H8(, pgs. ,8,+,8(. !4rchbishop 7anning was elevated to ;ardinal in ,H8?." 4nd another serious 3uestion is this, whether we ought not to be very sure before we assert that a branch of ;hrist1s ;hurch, not merely has evil eCtensively prevailing within it, but is actually the kingdom of evil, the kingdom of Kod1s enemy& considering that, if it be not the Dpg. ,,>E kingdom of darkness, it is the ;hurch, the dwelling+place of the 7ost Iigh. The 3uestion really lies, be it observed, between those two alternatives, either the ;hurch of 'ome is the house of Kod or the house of #atan& there is no middle ground between them. #ource) ;ardinal John Ienry @ewman, )ssays Critical 1 Historical, Bolume , Tenth 2dition, =ondon, =ongmans, Kreen F ;o., and @ew 5ork, ,? 2ast ,>th #treet, ,H*-, pgs. ,,?, ,,>.
believe this essay makes the true choice 3uite evident. Conclusion The Batican !#T4TO :2==4 ; TTV :2= B4T ;4@O", which means City'(tate of prophecy% is the woman of 'evelation ,8, JeAebel, the apostate harlot, the mother universal church, the persecutor of the saints that sits on seven hills in 'ome and claims authority over the kings of the earth. T'e Cat'olic !rigins o( )uturism an* &reterism &apal Claims To Aut'ority
While not specifically written in response to all the facts presented in this article, here are two attempts at rebuttals of /rotestant claims on 'ev ,8 online at ;atholic 4nswers) 2#unt6ing2 t'e @'ore o( Babylon and T'e @'ore o( Babylon.
T'e -ast maEority o( C'ristians in t'e 7nite* States 'a-e been taug't t'at America is simply not in Bible prop'ecy. "o matter 3'ere one may turn1 America is not t'ere1 eit'er by name or by any (orm o( co*e name eit'er. T'us say t'e 'ost o( America4s C'ristian clergy to t'eir (loc+. T'e secon* t'ing t'ey are tol* is t'at Babylon is "E$ER TA70#T A"Y@#ERE %" SCR%&T7RE AS A "AT%!". Babylon is a SYSTEM1 an* most -ie3 it as a RE %0%!7S SYSTEM !) S!ME S!RT. &rop'ecy sai* t'ese -ie3s 3oul* sur(ace at t'e time o( en*. %t is t'e mar+ o( apostasy to DE"Y Y!7R %DE"T%TY1 Y!7R S%"1 A"D T#E T%ME !) Y!7R $%S%TAT%!". %n (act1 t'at is t'e essence o( all apostasy1 T#E REJECT%!" !) SCR%&T7RE AS %T
A&& %ES T! A &ERS!"1 C!MM7"%TY !R "AT%!". %t is al3ays S!ME!"E E SE1 S!ME@#ERE E SE1 A"D AT S!ME 7","!@" 2)7T7RE T%ME2. "e-er is it "!@1 7S an* !7R "AT%!". Does it not seem o** to you t'at America1 t'e 0REATEST "AT%!" %" T#E @!R D1 t'e greatest e-angelical nation? t'at too+ t'e 0ospel o( C'rist to t'e (our corners o( t'e 3orl*? T#E R%C#EST "AT%!" !" T#E EART#1 3'o 'as gi-en more ai* to nations t'an any ot'er? T#E "AT%!" T! #A$E @!" T@! MAJ!R @!R D @ARS an* many ot'ers? %S "!T E$E" ME"T%!"ED %" T#E B%B EJ T'at 0o* 3oul* (orget a nation t'at 'as been central to t'e sur-i-al o( %srael in t'is ageJ "ot e-en in a cryptic 3ayJ T'at is li+e saying 0o* is blin* in one eye1 an* cannot see out o( t'e ot'erR %t is accusing 0o* o( utter negligenceR But it is not 0o* 3'o is "E0 %0E"T. %t is not 0o* 3'o )!R0!T AMER%CA in prop'ecy. %t is not 0o* 3'o (aile* to paint a picture t'at 3as ob-ious to t'ose t'at 3ante* to (in* it. %T %S "!T 0!D1 B7T T#E )A SE &R!&#ETS !) AMER%CA @#! #A$E 7TTER Y )A% ED T#E%R ) !C,. T'ey are DECE%$ED1 A"D T#7S ARE DECE%$ERS A"D #Y&!CR%TES1 )!R T#EY EAD M% %!"S T! ETER"A R7%". 0o* tol* t'e citiDens o( BABY !" T#E 0REAT1 AMER%CA1 exactly 3'at 3oul* 'appen in America1 an* pointe* a (inger *irectly at t'e C#R%ST%A" S#E&#ERDS. @'y *o you suppose t'at 0o* 3oul* *o t'atJ @'y 3oul* #e pic+ a speci(ic group an* lay t'e blame rig't at t'eir (eetJ Because it is 0!D4S &E!& E @#! ARE S7&&!SED T! BE AB E T! %DE"T%)Y T#E A"T%C#R%ST "AT%!"1 T#E "AT%!" T#AT S&A@"S A"T%C#R%ST. Remember t'at antic'rist rises in DECE&T%!". 2My people .C'ristians/ 'at' been !ST S#EE& T#E%R S#E&#ERDS #A$E CA7SED T#EM T! 0! ASTRAY1...Jeremia' ;>:B/. T'e s'ep'er*s o( 0o*4s people in Babylon America embrace a )A SE SA $AT%!" 0!S&E .Matt'e3 ::C86C<? C &eter C:86</1 3'ic' lea*s M% %!"S into eternal ruin. T'eir sal-ation 0ospel is an 7TTER Y )A SE 0!S&E . %t is 2sugar6coate*21 an* an A &!S%T%$E 0!S&E . T'at is 3'at Jeremia' means 3'en 'e says: 2t'ey 'a-e turne* t'em A@AY on t'e M!7"TA%"S? t'ey 'a-e gone (rom M!7"TA%" T! #% 1 t'ey 'a-e )!R0!TTE" T#E%R REST%"0 & ACE.2 0o* (ig'ts #is 3ars %" T#E $A EY. True sal-ation lies %" T#E $A EY. %( you re(use t'e $A EY EK&ER%E"CE .T#E "E0AT%$E AS&ECTS !) T#E SA $AT%!" D!CTR%"E/ you 3ill ne-er )%"D Y!7R REST%"0 & ACE. Jesus sai* you M7ST &%C, 7& Y!7R CR!SS A"D )! !@ #%M. Babylon4s gospel o( sal-ation #AS "! CR!SS1 "! DEAT# !) SE )1 A"D T#ERE)!RE "! TR7E %)E. %t is an utterly (alse sal-ation *octrine. %T S@EE&S T#E $AST MAJ!R%TY !) AMER%CA" C#R%ST%A"S
%"T! ETER"A #E )%RE. T'at is 3'y 0o* says t'ey ARE !ST S#EE&. T'ey ARE lost1 !ST )!RE$ER. 2@e are con(oun*e*1 because 3e 'a-e 'ear* RE&R!AC#? S#AME #AT# C!$ERED !7R )ACES: )!R STRA"0ERS ARE C!ME %"T! T#E SA"CT7AR%ES !) T#E !RD4S #!7SE .Jeremia' ;8:;8/.2 %n*ee*1 t'e (alse C'ristian clergy ARE STRA"0ERS an* t'ey 'ol* (ort' a )A SE 0!S&E 1 t'at lea*s to t'eir RE&R!AC# A"D !SS at t'e Eu*gment seat o( C'rist. T'ey s'all one an* all BE AS#AMED1 an* no3 (ace ETER"A R7%" )!R E$ER A"D E$ER. T'is is t'e primary reason 3'y AMER%CA" C#R%ST%A"S reEect t'at America is Babylon. T'ey 'a-e been 7TTER Y M%S EAD BY )A SE S#E&#ERDS. %t is part o( prop'ecy. B7T Y!7 D! "!T #A$E T! BE !"E !) T#EMR You can extricate yoursel( (rom 0o*4s *is(a-or by S%M& Y ACCE&T%"0 @#AT 0!D SAYS AS )ACT1 an* reEecting all t'e nonsense o( t'ese 'ell boun* (alse lea*ers. %n t'is (irst part o( our in-estigation 3e 3ill (ocus on t'e aspect o( 3'et'er or not 0o* teac'es t'at Babylon t'e 0reat is in (act A "AT%!" AM!"0 T#E "AT%!"S !) T#E @!R D. 0!D SAYS BABY !" %S A "AT%!". To claim ot'er3ise is to utterly contra*ict 0!D an* all o( #%S &R!&#ETS t'at spo+e o( BABY !". T'e mar+ o( a )A SE TEAC#ER is one 3'o DE"%ES !R C!"TRAD%CTS T#E @!RD !) 0!D1 usually in an e((ort to pro-e 'isH'er -ie3s correct. @E ARE A %ARS1 A"D 0!D %S T#E !" Y !"E @#! TE S T#E TR7T#. T'e issue be(ore you1 t'en1 is not your opinion1 your biases1 your intelligence1 your stan*ing be(ore 0o*1 your e*ucation or your *enominational belie( structure. %T %S @#ET#ER !R "!T Y!7 @% ACCE&T @#AT 0!D #AS T! SAY EKACT Y AS #E SAYS %T. T'e -ast maEority o( C'ristians @% "!T ACCE&T @#AT 0!D #AS T! SAY. T'ey re(use it1 alter it1 *eny it1 contra*ict it1 or per-ert it1 an* t3ist it. T#%S %S EKACT Y @#Y C#R%ST SA%D T#E $AST MAJ!R%TY !) C#R%ST%A"S @% "E$ER E"TER #EA$E" AT A . T'ey s'all be ETER"A Y SE"T A@AY %"T! R7%" A"D !SS. %t 3as not t'at t'ey C!7 D "!T ACCE&T @#AT 0!D SA%D1 but T#AT T#EY @!7 D "!T. %n -ie3 o( t'e EKTREME S#!RT"ESS !) T#E #!7R1 & EASE S%M& Y ACCE&T @#AT 0!D #AS T! SAY1 an* ta+e it into your 'eart. "! MATTER #!@ %T MA,ES Y!7 )EE 1 D! %T "!@RR )ACT !"E: BABY !" T#E 0REAT %S A "AT%!". @'en 3e say Babylon is a nation1 3e mean to say t'at s'e is A A@)7 "AT%!"1 A "AT%!" @%T# S&EC%)%C B!7"DAR%ES1 A "AT%!" REC!0"%5ED %"
%"TER"AT%!"A A@1 A "AT%!" CA&AB E !) E"TER%"0 %"T! TREAT%ES1 A "AT%!" @%T# A CE"TRA 0!$ER"ME"T1 A"D A "AT%!" REC!0"%5ED BY T#E "AT%!"S !) T#E EART#. T'at is a nation 3it' a S&EC%)%C A"D MASS1 DE)%"ED B!7"DAR%ES BY A@1 A "AT%!" @%T# A &E!& E T#AT 0! BY A S&EC%)%C "AME1 A "AT%!" @%T# 7RBA" AREAS1 C%T%ES1 T!@"S A"D R7RA D%STR%CTS1 )ARMS1 A,ES1 )!RESTS1 ETC. T'at is 3'at 3e mean by a nation1 an* t'at is 3'at 0!D MEA"S BY A "AT%!". Babylon is re(erre* to in t'e Scriptures as a nation bot' *irectly an* in*irectly. !(ten t'e term ,%"0D!M an* "AT%!" are use* interc'angeably. @e 3ill (irst o( all examine t'ose areas in t'e !l* Testament prop'ecies t'at i*enti(y BABY !" T#E 0REAT as a nation1 as a S%"07 AR E"T%TY1 not some 3orl* 3i*e system. Jeremia' ;>:8C is a goo* place to start: 2Your mot'er s'all be sore con(oun*e*? s'e t'at bare you s'all be as'ame*: BE#! D1 T#E #%"DER6M!ST !) T#E "AT%!"S s'all be a 3il*erness1 a *ry lan*1 an* a *esert.2
T'is is a *irect re(erence to BABY !" T#E 0REAT1 3'o is also calle* T#E DA70#TER !) BABY !". Jeremia' calls 'er *irectly T#E #%"DERM!ST !) T#E "AT%!"S. You -ie3 t'is 'is perspecti-e1 as 'e loo+s *o3n t'e tunnel o( time 6 t'e #%"DERM!ST (rom 'im 3oul* be t'e AST BABY !". T'at means t'e AST BABY !" T! R%SE BE)!RE T#E E"D. T'e last an* t'e Y!7"0EST !) A T#E 0REAT "AT%!"S AT T#E E"D T%ME. %n comparison 3it' t'e ot'er nations o( t'e 3orl*1 at t'e time o( t'e en*1 S#E @% BE T#E Y!7"0EST A"D A S! T#E M!ST &!@ER)7 "AT%!" AM!"0 T#E 0REAT "AT%!"S. America (its t'at *escription per(ectly. S'e is t'e Y!7"0EST an* yet t'e most po3er(ul "AT%!" among t'e "AT%!"S o( t'e 3orl*. @e +no3 (or a (act t'at t'is must re(er to a limite* A"D MASS AREA @%T# S&EC%)%C B!7"DAR%ES1 (or T#E @#! E @!R D %S "!T DESTR!YED1 but BABY !" T#E "AT%!" %S DESTR!YED. T'is latter *ay Babylon 'as a mot'er1 3'ic' is also a "AT%!". T'is mot'er 3as responsible (or 2birt'ing2 t'is mig'ty Babylon o( t'e en* times. %( %raF is Babylon as some try to claim1 @#! %S T#E M!T#ER !) %RANJ %( you rea* t'is -erse care(ully1 it says t'at t'e M!T#ER "AT%!" &RECEDED BABY !"1 0A$E B%RT# T! #ER1 @ATC#ES #ER R%SE T! )7 &!@ER1 A"D @ATC#ES #ER D%E %" )%RE. Again1 @#! %S T#E M!T#ER !) %RANJ %raF 'as none. @'o is t'e mot'er o( Rome1 3'ic' is o(ten presente* as BABY !"J Rome is not a nation1 but a city. )urt'er1 S#E #AS "! M!T#ER. @'o is t'e mot'er o( t'e EC1 3'ic' is o(ten
presente* as BABY !"1 T#E RE$%$ED R!MA" EM&%REJ %n point o( (act1 S#E @% #A$E "! M!T#ER1 an* (urt'er1 BABY !" T#E 0REAT is al3ays s'o3n as a S%"0 E "AT%!" )R!M #ER B%RT# T! #ER R%SE T! )7 &!@ER A"D 0 !RY. T'e EC *oes not Fuali(y. Eac' parameter must be (ul(ille*. You CA""!T &%C, A"D C#!SE t'at 3'ic' you 3is' to present to pro-e your case. #o3e-er1 AMER%CA 'as a mot'er. T'is mot'er 3as D%RECT Y RES&!"S%B E )!R #ER B%RT#. T'at mot'er &RECEDED #ER. Englan* 'as been aroun* a3'ile. Englan* ga-e birt' to America1 an* Englan* is still aroun*1 an* E"0 A"D @% @ATC# AMER%CA B7R". Englan* is (urt'er con(irme* as t'e mot'er o( BABY !" T#E 0REAT by Daniel t'e &rop'et in Daniel ::A .T#E %!"/. EDe+iel also mentions it in EDe+iel <9H<= as 2TARS#%S#21 3'o gi-es birt' to 2young cubs2. Tars'is' is a cryptic re(erence to E"0 A"D an* 'er young cubs are America1 Cana*a1 Australia1 "e3 5ealan*1 etc. Daniel re(ers to 'er as a %!". T'e national symbol o( Englan* is A %!". T'e eagle 3ings on top t'e lion %S AMER%CA1 #ER DA70#TER. America4s national symbol is T#E EA0 E @%T# !7TSTRETC#ED @%"0S. BABY !" T#E 0REAT %S A "AT%!". @e 3oul* not nee* any ot'er re(erence to pro-e it1 because !"E D%RECT RE)ERE"CE %S E"!70#R T'ere are many more. #aba++u+ is a +ey prop'et in i*enti(ication o( BABY !" T#E 0REAT. #e is usually ignore* by prop'ecy 2experts2. 2)or1 lo1 % raise up t'e C'al*eans ."e3 Babylon/1 T#AT B%TTER A"D #ASTY "AT%!"1 3'ic' s'all marc' t'roug' t'e brea*t' o( t'e lan*1 to possess t'e *3ellingplaces t'at are not t'eir4s .#aba++u+ 8:B/2.
"otice t'e term "AT%!". "ot "AT%!"S1 or any 0R!7& !) "AT%!"S1 but al3ays !"E "AT%!"1 A S%"07 AR "AT%!". Again 0o* calls BABY !" T#E 0REAT A "AT%!". S'e is also re(erre* to as a ,%"0D!M1 t'e same as a nation. Babylon is al3ays re(erre* to %" T#E S%"07 AR. 2An* BABY !"1 T#E 0 !RY !) ,%"0D!MS1 t'e beauty o( t'e C'al*ee4s excellency1 s'all be as 3'en 0o* o-ert're3 So*om an* 0omorra' .%saia' 8<:8=/.2
#ere %saia' calls Babylon A ,%"0D!M1 in (act1 s'e %S T#E N7EE" AM!"0 A T#E ,%"0D!MSH"AT%!"S !) T#E EART#. S'e is t'e lea*ing po3er o( t'e @#! E @!R D. "otice 'er en*: BY )%RE. T'at is EKACT Y @#AT JEREM%A# SAYS1 an* t'at is EKACT Y @#AT RE$E AT%!" 8: an* 89 say. S#E @% BE B7R"ED 7TTER Y @%T# )%RE. )rom coast to coast1 (rom sea to s'ining sea. T'ere is a complete #ARM!"Y !) SCR%&T7RE. 2Sit t'ou silent1 an* get t'ee into *ar+ness1 ! DA70#TER !) T#E C#A DEA"S: (or t'ou s'alt no more be calle*1 T#E ADY !) ,%"0D!MS .%saia' A::;/.2
%saia' again re(ers to 'er as T#E N7EE" !) A T#E ,%"0D!MS. S'e is presente* in Scripture as being t'e M!ST &!@ER)7 !) A E"D T%ME "AT%!"S. "one can come close to 'er in terms to @EA T#1 &!@ER1 M% %TARY1 A0R%C7 T7RE1 MA"7)ACT7R%"01 M76S%C1 CATT E1 #!RSES1 A7T!6M!B% ES A"D TR7C,S1 A%R6CRA)T A"D S&ACE EK& !RAT%!". All o( t'ese attributes are liste* by t'e prop'ets as t'ey *escribe BABY !" T#E "AT%!". T'e point being s'e is RE&EATED Y RE)ERRED T! AS A S%"07 AR ,%"0D!M1 A S%"07 AR "AT%!". Babylon t'e 0reat is also re(erre* to as t'e DA70#TER !) BABY !"1 an* also T#E DA70#TER !) T#E C#A DEA"S. %t is important to note t'at %T %S A0A%" A S%"07 AR DA70#TER. %t is not DA70#TER.S/ !) BABY !"1 but t'e !"E S%"07 AR DA70#TER. T'e 3or* (or 2*aug'ter2 is 2bat'21 an* it means !))S&R%"0 !R DESCE"DE"T o( Babylon. %,E M!T#ER1 %,E DA70#TER. %t means t'at t'is DA70#TER !) BABY !" 3ill be !) T#E SAME TY&E1 !) T#E SAME C#ARACTER%ST%CS. Ancient Babylon 3as t'e splen*or o( t'e 3orl*. S'e 3as t'e center o( 3orl* tra*e1 t'e ric'est an* most po3er(ul nation in t'e +no3n 3orl*. Jesus sai* t'at AS %T @AS1 S! S#A %T BER 2)or t'us sait' t'e !RD o( 'osts1 t'e 0o* o( %srael? T#E DA70#TER !) BABY !" is li+e a t'res'ing(loor1 it is time to t'res' 'er: yet a little 3'ile1
Mig'ty Babylon1 T#E 0REAT "AT%!" !) T#E E"D T%MES1 is going to be &7 $ER%5ED. S'e is to be 7TTER Y DEM! %S#ED )!R #ER S%"S. 2Come *o3n1 an* sit in t'e *ust1 ! $%R0%" DA70#TER !) BABY !"1 sit on t'e groun*: T#ERE %S "! T#R!"E1 ! DA70#TER !) T#E C#A DEA"S: (or t'ou s'alt no more be calle* TE"DER A"D DE %CATE .%saia' A::8/.2
#ere %saia' calls BABY !" T#E 0REAT t'e N7EE" !) T#E "AT%!"S1 but 'er t'rone 'as been ta+en (rom 'er. S'e 'as been REM!$ED AS T#E M!ST &!@ER)7 "AT%!" %" T#E @!R D1 an* ma*e to sit in t'e *ust. "otice t'e S%"07 AR AS&ECT1 !"E DA70#TER1 !"E T#R!"E1 !"E N7EE". BABY !" T#E 0REAT %S "!T A 0R!7& !) "AT%!"S AS T#E EC1 !R A SYSTEM1 B7T !"E "AT%!"1 a nation t'at S&A@"S A T#E E"D T%ME SYSTEMS !) T#E @!R D: &! %T%CA 1 EC!"!M%C1 A"D RE %0%!7S. %n ot'er 3or*s BABY !" T#E "AT%!" is responsible (or t'e BABY !"%A" @!R D @%DE SYSTEM %T CREATES. An* be'in* it all stan*s MYSTERY 6 @#%C# T#E B%B E DE)%"ES AS SECRET RE %0%!7S !RDERS. T'e or* also uses t'e 3or* 2M!7"TA%"2 to *escribe a +ing*om or nation. Jeremia' ;8 is a prop'ecy against t'e nation Babylon. Jeremia' says in ;8:C;: 2Be'ol*1 % am against t'ee1 ! DESTR!Y%"0 M!7"TA%"1 sait' t'e or*1 3'ic' *estroyest A T#E EART#:
an* % 3ill stretc' out mine 'an* upon t'ee1 an* roll t'ee *o3n (rom t'e roc+s .ot'er nations/1 an* 3ill ma+e t'ee a B7R"T M!7"TA%" .nation/.2
"otice again it is a S%"07 AR M!7"TA%"1 not M!7"TA%"S in t'e plural. "otice 'o3 t'e or* calls BABY !" T#E 0REAT A M!7"TA%"1 an* t'e ot'er nations are R!C,S. So Babylon1 compare* to t'e ot'er "AT%!"S !) T#E @!R D1 is a M!7"TA%" AM!"0 T#E "AT%!"S !) T#E @!R D. S'e is again portraye* as t'e B%00EST1 M!ST &!@ER)7 S%"07 AR "AT%!" %" T#E @!R D. @it' one accor*1 t'e prop'ets say t'at BABY !" %S A S%"07 AR "AT%!". T'is is -ital to your un*erstan*ing AS T! @#Y AMER%CA & AYS T#E R! E S#E & AYS %" E"D T%ME &R!&#ECY. %t is America1 T#E "AT%!" BABY !" T#E 0REAT1 t'at is 'el* responsible BY 0!D (or all t'e e-ils t'at sprea* o-er t'e 3'ole eart'. %T %S )R!M T#E "AT%!" BABY !" T#E 0REAT1 an* speci(ically )R!M T#E %TERA C%TY @%T#%" T#E "AT%!"A B!7"DAR%ES !) BABY !"1 CA ED MYSTERY BABY !"1 T#E 0REAT C%TY BABY !"1 t'at all o( t'ese systems are spa3ne* an* nouris'e* by t'e R%C# ME" !) T#E EART#. %n s'ort1 "E@ Y!R, C%TY1 t'e 0REATEST C%TY @%T#%" AMER%CA1 is 'el* by 0o* as being t'e C#%E) %"ST%0AT!R A"D &R!&A0AT!R !) A T#E E$% SYSTEMS S#E CREATES. T'e argument t'at Babylon is !" Y A @!R D SYSTEM utterly contra*icts t'e or* 0o* an* 'is prop'ets. BABY !" %S A @AYS &RESE"TED AS A "AT%!" T#AT 0!ES )!RT# )R!M !"E S&EC%)%C !CAT%!" A"D )R!M T#AT !CAT%!" C!"N7ERS T#E @#! E @!R D T#R!70# T#E SYSTEMS S#E CREATED. A spi*er 3ea-es a large 3eb1 but s'e 'as to start (rom one place. Scripture is a*amant an* clear: S#E BE0%"S AT BABY !" T#E "AT%!"1 A"D BABY !" T#E C%TY. T'roug' 'er slo3ly expan*ing system o( tra*e1 economics1 military po3er1 political po3er an* religious po3er1 BABY !"4S @EB S"ARES T#E @!R D. T'at is 3'y 0o* says t'at T#E B !!D !) T#E SA%"TS1 T#E &R!&#ETS A"D A T#AT @ERE S A%" 7&!" T#E EART# .Re-elation 89:CA/1 CA" BE TRACED BAC, T! BABY !" T#E "AT%!"1 A"D T! BABY !" T#E %TERA C%TY. %t al3ays comes bac+ to roost at t'e (eet o( a S%"07 AR "AT%!" A"D A C%TY. America is turning rapi*ly A"T%6C#R%ST%A". T'e 7"%TED "AT%!"S1 (or all o( its speec' about #ATRED A"D %"T! !RE"CE1 is A"T%6C#R%ST%A" T! %TS C!RE. 0o* spea+s to t'e 7nite* "ations in t'e &salms1 an* M!C,S T#EM (or ta+ing #%S @!RDS %" T#E%R M!7T# an* t'en &ER$ERT%"0 T#EM1 RE$ERS%"0 T#EM. T'e ,%"0 !) BABY !" T#E "AT%!"1 is presente* in t'e Scripture AS T#E A"T%C#R%ST . 7C%)ER/. T#%S ,%"01 !) T#E "AT%!" BABY !" T#E 0REAT1 goes (ort' an* conFuers an* t'en R7 ES !$ER T#E "AT%!"S !) T#E @!R D. C'ec+ %saia' 8A:A6B1 Jeremia' ;8:C;? AA? #aba++u+ 8:B68>? C:A6;? Re-elation 8<::69? 8::89? 89:CA1 an* you 3ill see t'is. %t is T#E ,%"0 !) BABY !" in e-ery single instance t'at 0!ES )!RT# T! C!"N7ER A"D T! DESTR!Y A"D R7 E T#E "AT%!"S. %t is A @AYS BABY !" T#E "AT%!" A"D T#E C%TY1 (rom 3'ence 'e gets 'is &!@ER T! D! %T. %t is BABY !" T#E "AT%!"1 t'roug' its *ecepti-e (ront T#E 7"%TED "AT%!"S1 t'at rules t'e 3orl* )R!M T#E 0REAT C%TY BABY !"1 3'ic' is "E@ Y!R, C%TY. T'at is 3'y t'e 7" is locate* in "E@ Y!R,. %t is no acci*ent. %t is not a coinci*enceRR
T'at means t'at T#E ,%"0 !) BABY !" must be1 an* 'as to be1 A &RES%DE"THR7 ER !$ER BABY !" T#E "AT%!"1 an* 3ill also be at t'e en*1 A S7&ER SECRETARY 0E"ERA !) T#E 7"%TED "AT%!"S1 A @!R D &RES%DE"T. T'e occult +no3s A !) T#%S. %t is in almost all o( t'eir 3ritings. T'ey 'a-e 3ritten about t'e SECRET DEST%"Y !) AMER%CA. %saia' an* Jeremia' claim t'e occult 'a-e labore* (rom t'e inception o( t'e nation to bring 7C%)ER into t'e 3orl*. %( t'e !CC7 T )!RCES ,"!@ T#AT AMER%CA %S T! S&A@" A"D BE R7 ED BY 7C%)ER .T#E ,%"0 !) BABY !"/1 t'en 3'y cannot C'ristians ACCE&T %TJ T'e A"S@ER %ES %" T#E REJECT%!" !) T#E @!RD !) 0!D? %" A&!STASY. %t lies in an utter re(usal to ACCE&T 0!D AT #%S @!RD. Jeremia' sai* t'e C'ristian lea*ers in America 3oul* 7TTER Y REJECT T#E TR7T# !) SCR%&T7RE1 an* lea* t'eir (loc+s astray. T#AT &R!&#ECY #AS BEE" )7 )% ED %" AMER%CA. %( you re(use t'ese parameters1 you 3ill ne-er un*erstan* 3'y America is getting in-ol-e*1 t'roug' its (ront t'e 7"%TED "AT%!"S1 in many nations aroun* t'e 3orl*R %t is T#E ,%"0 !) BABY !" or t'e antic'rist . 7C%)ER/1 t'at goes (ort' an* conFuers t'e nations o( t'e 3orl*1 A"D R7 ES T#EM %" A"0ER. You 'a-e to START (rom some speci(ic location1 A"D T#AT !CAT%!" %S AMER%CA1 T#E "AT%!"1 BABY !" T#E 0REAT. As one mig't expect1 A "AT%!" 3oul* 'a-e C%T%ES 3it'in 'er bor*ers1 an* i( t'at is true1 t'ere 3oul* be a re(erence to same:* % 3ill +in*le a (ire %" #%S C%T%ES.... .Jeremia' ;>:<C/.4? 2#ER C%T%ES are a *esolation1... .Jeremia' ;8:A</.2
@e (in* speci(ic re(erences to t'e C%T%ES !) BABY !" T#E 0REAT. T'e "AT%!" 'as cities1 an* great ones at t'at1 (or T#E C%TY BABY !" is a mirror re(lection o( t'e "AT%!" an* 'er !T#ER C%T%ES. T'us1 in America1 "E@ Y!R, C%TY is a re(lection o( M%""EA&! %SHST. &A7 1 C#%CA0!1 !S A"0E ES1 SA" D%E0!1 SA" )RA"C%SC!1 DA AS1 #!7ST!"1 AT A"TA1 ETC. T'e nation is portraye* as t'e greatest "AT%!" %" T#E @!R D. T'ere is none 'er eFual any3'ere on t'e globe. A nation 3oul* also 'a-e $AST A"D AREAS. %( Babylon is truly a "AT%!"1 t'en re(erences to 'er A"D 3oul* be (oun*:
2An* against 'er A"D..2 2t'at s'alt ma+e 'er lan* *esolate...2 2go (ort' out o( t'e lan*.2 2t'e soun* o( battle is in t'e lan*..2 2%n t'e lan* o( t'e C'al*eans..2 2out o( t'e A"D o( Babylon..2 2%t is t'e A"D o( gra-en images..2 2an* s'all empty #ER A"D..2 2A A"D 3'ere no man *3ellet'..2 2#er @#! E A"D s'all be con(oun*e*...2 2an* T#R!70# A #ER A"D...2
%t s'oul* be sel( e-i*ent t'at BABY !" %S A S%"07 AR "AT%!". S'e 'as 'uge cities1 but one $ERY S&EC%A C%TY1 T#E AR0EST C%TY @%T#%" #ER B!RDERS T#AT %S A S! T#E AR0EST SEA&!RT C%TY !) T#E "AT%!"R S'e 'as a 'uge lan* mass1 an* t'us 'as "AT%!"A B!7"DAR%ES. S'e is recogniDe* in t'e (amily o( "AT%!"S as t'e greatest nation in t'e 3'ole eart'. America (ul(ills t'at parameter. T'e context is plain an* simple. BABY !" T#E 0REAT %S A" E"D T%ME "AT%!"1 T#AT & AYS A MAJ!R R! E %" E"D T%ME E$E"TS1 A S%"07 AR E"T%TY. To claim ot'er3ise is to 7TTER Y C!"TRAD%CT 0!D. %t is to spit in #is (ace an* call 'im a liar. T'e re(usal to accept t'e (act t'at BABY !" T#E 0REAT %S A "AT%!" AM!"0 T#E "AT%!"S is one o( t'e &R%MARY REAS!"S 3'y many mo*ern *ay prop'etic sc'olars cannot un*erstan* @!R D E$E"TS1 as t'ey relate to literal prop'ecy. T'ey *o not un*erstan* 3'o America is1 nor @#AT S#E @% D!. T'ey reEect 3it' moc+ing an* -e'emence all suggestions t'at America is BABY !" T#E 0REAT. T'ey are t'us DECE%$ED1 A"D ARE DECE%$%"0 !T#ERS. T'ey are loo+ing at t'e EC an* some (orm o( RE$%$ED R!MA" EM&%RE1 3'ic' accor*ing to t'e Scripture1 @% "E$ER #A&&E". Di* you +no3 t'at Jo'n t'e Re-elator 7TTER Y DE"%ES A RE$%$A !) R!MEJ #e *oesR T'is is not to say t'e EC is not important1 (or t'e EC is in reality t'e (ormation o( B%!RE0%!" T@! o( t'e
7"%TED "AT%!"S TE" @!R D RE0%!"S. %t too 3ill pay a maEor role in t'e (uture. So t'ese (ol+s are al3ays loo+ing at some ot'er place1 3'ile A !) %T %S #A&&E"%"0 R%0#T 7"DER T#E%R "!SE. T'e 7nite* "ations is rising up rig't in (ront o( t'em1 t'e American go-ernment is becoming more *raconian an* *ictatorial1 more an* more openly antic'rist1 an* is no3 in-ol-e* in t'e actual extermination o( C'ristians1 suc' as t'e Ran*y @ea-er case an* t'e @AC! Branc' Da-i*ians. an* t'e (alse prop'ets C#EERED T#EM !"R T'e nation is engul(e* in e-ery antic'rist religion in t'e 3orl*1 an* t'e (alse prop'ets are T!TA Y B %"D AS T! @#YR #o3e-er1 by t'eir re(usal to accept t'e @or* o( 0o* t'ey (ul(ill t'e prop'ecies against t'e s'ep'er*s o( Babylon. T'is nation1 t'is S%"07 AR E"T%TY 'as certain +ey C#ARACTER%ST%CS t'at i*enti(y 'er. %n t'e next issue 3e 3ill re-ie3 t'ese &ARAMETERS to pro-e t'at AMER%CA1 A"D AMER%CA !" Y M7ST BE1 A"D %S1 BABY !" T#E 0REAT. T'ere is no ot'er nation upon eart' t'at (ul(ills t'e parameters liste* (or BABY !" T#E 0REAT1 "!T !"E1 "!T A"Y@#ERER AMER%CA A !"E D!ES. %t is not %RAN? %T %S "!T R!ME? %T %S "!T T#E EC. %T %S AMER%CA. @'en you (inally begin to grasp t'at one central +ey (act1 t'en T#E REST !) T#E &R!&#ET%C &%CT7RE @% C!ME %"T! C EAR )!C7S1 an* you 3ill +no3 @#Y AMER%CA %S D!%"0 @#AT S#E %S D!%"0 A !$ER T#E @!R D. You 3ill +no3 3'y t'e 7nite* "ations is locate* in "e3 Yor+ City. You 3ill un*erstan* @#Y t'e nations o( t'e 3orl* A C!ME T! BABY !" AMER%CA AT T#E 0REAT T!@ER !) BABE !" T#E #7DS!". You 3ill +no3 3'y America is becoming t'e 'ea*Fuarters (or e-ery anti60o*1 anti6C'rist religion in t'e 3orl*1 (or it is t'e CE"TRA SEAT !) BAA 1 anot'er name (or SATA"H 7C%)ER. America is t'e center o( A !CC7 T ACT%$%TY. %t (alls to t'e occult. %t (alls to MYSTERY1 an* 3'en it *oes1 %T T7R"S 7&!" %TS #ER%TA0E @%T# A $E"0E"CE an* *estroys t'e people o( 0o*1 an* it 3ill use TERR!R%SM as it primary 3eapon1 claiming t'at )7"DAME"TA %STS ARE CA&AB E !)1 !R CARRY%"0 !7R 2ACTS !) TERR!R%SM2. T'e me*ia 3ill 'ype it. Don4t belie-e itJ Stay aroun* (or a (e3 s'ort mont's or years 6 an* you 3ill 3atc' it 'appen in (ront o( your eyes. T#ERE @% BE A ,% %"0 )%E DS !) AMER%CA. 0o* *ecree* it. %t 3ill 'appen. You 3ill also un*erstan* @#Y America 3as born AS A 0!D Y1 C#R%ST )EAR%"0 "AT%!"1 an* 3'y s'e turns an* utterly *estroys 'er 'eritage an* rises up as t'e EAD%"0 C#R%ST #AT%"0 "AT%!" %" T#E @!R D. %t 'as 'appene* exactly as Jeremia' sai* it 3oul*. You 3ill +no3 3'y "E@ Y!R,4S @A STREET is t'e (inancial capitol o( t'e 3orl*1 an* 3'y t'e R%C# ME" !) T#E EART# all 'a-e o((ices in T#E 0REAT C%TY BABY !". You 3ill +no3 3'y t'e @!R D TRADE CE"TER sits in "e3 Yor+ City. You 3ill un*erstan* 3'y t'e "e3 Yor+ Stoc+ Exc'ange is t'e most important exc'ange in t'e 3orl*. %( @all Street (alls1 t'e @#! E @!R D )A S @%T# %TR Youl 3ill +no3 3'y C""4s M!"EY %"E 3it' !7 D!BBS comes on t'e air 3it' t'e statment 2)R!M )%"A"C%A CA&%TA !) T#E @!R D21 locate* in "E@ Y!R, C%TY1 BABY !" T#E 0REAT C%TY1 'ome o( T#E 7"%TED "AT%!"S.
You 3ill +no3 3'y "e3 Yor+ City is t'e largest SEA&!RT C%TY in t'e @estern #emisp'ere1 an* 3'y America is surroun*e* by 3arm 3ater seaports an* tra*es by t'e sea 3it' e-ery nation upon eart'. You 3ill see 3'y 0o* sai* s'e 2sits upon many 3aters21 t'at is1 S#E %S S7RR!7"DED BY AR0E B!D%ES !) @ATER eac' 3it' a *i((erent name. T'us t'e Atlantic1 t'e &aci(ic1 t'e 0ul( o( Mexico1 T'e Arctic1 t'e 0reat a+es1 t'e mig'ty Mississippi. You 3ill see 3'at 0o* meant 3'en 'e sai* t'at Babylon t'e 0reat 3oul* be a nation (orme* out o( e-ery tribe an* tongue on eart'1 3'o slo3ly migrate* to !"E "AT%!" an* (orme* T#E 0REATEST C!7"TRY %" T#E @!R D. T'at is 3'y America 'as 2E & 7R%B7S 7"7M2 as it4s mottoR %t 3as (oretol* by 0o*R You 3ill un*erstan* 3'y t'e 7.S. Military is being use* by t'e 7nite* "ations1 (or 0o* sai* Babylon 3oul* 'a-e t'e greatest military mac'ine t'e 3orl* e-er +ne3 or e-er 3oul* +no31 but in t'e en*1 because s'e reEecte* C'rist1 it 3oul* (ail 'er. Y!7 @% ,"!@ @#Y T#E AMER%CA" M% %TARY %S BE%"0 D!@"S%5ED A"D %T4S EADERS ARE C A%M%"0 T#ERE %S "! MAJ!R T#REAT 6 )!R 0!D SA%D T#EY @!7 D D! EKACT Y T#AT. You 3ill +no3 3'y America is t'e central nation in-ol-e* in 0 !BA %SM1 an* is t'e c'ie( instigator o( t'e "E@ @!R D !RDER1 an* 3'y it is America t'at issue* State Department Document :C::. You 3ill +no3 3'y American Corporations an* t'eir lea*ers 'a-e spanne* t'e globe1 (or t'ey are t'e M%0#TY MERC#A"TS !) BABY !" T#E 0REAT1 3'om 0o* calls T#E 0REAT ME" !) T#E EART#. You 3ill un*erstan* 3'y AMER%CA @% BE1 A"D #AS T! BE T#E ,EY A"T%C#R%ST "AT%!" !) T#E E"D T%MES. %t is t'e ,%"0 !) BABY !" !) T#E "AT%!" BABY !"1 t'at is t'e 7C%)ER. #e 3ill go (ort' in anger an* R7 E T#E @!R D )R!M "E@ Y!R, C%TY1 calle* t'e 0! DE" C%TY1 rig't at t'e 7"%TED "AT%!"S. .%saia' 8A:A6B/. You 3ill un*erstan* 3'y t'e 7nite* "ations 3ill be grante* t'e rig't to TAK1 an* 3'y it 3ill *estroy t'e nations t'roug' t'at abilityR %T %S C!M%"01 A"D C!M%"0 )AST. You 3ill +no3 all o( t'is because 0!D T! D 7S -ia 'is prop'ets1 Jeremia'1 %saia'1 #aba++u+1 an* a 'ost o( ot'ers t'at t'e "AT%!"1 BABY !" T#E 0REAT1 3oul* be all o( t'is an* muc' more. Jesus C'rist sai* t'at as it 3as in t'e *ays o( "oa'1 so 3oul* it be again. Many C'ristians *o not realiDe t'at "oa' li-e* <;> years A)TER t'e (loo*. #e sa3 "imro*4s BABY !"%A .T'e nation/. #e sa3 t'e M%0#TY C%TY BABY !" t'at sat 3it'in t'e boun*aries o( t'e nation Babylonia. #e sa3 t'e T!@ER !) BABE 1 t'at 3as besi*e t'e 0REAT C%TY. AS %T @AS1 S! %T S#A BE A0A%". T'ere 3ill be a "AT%!"1 at t'e time o( t'e en*1 t'at is A TY&E o( ancient BABY !"%A1 an o((spring1 a loo+ ali+e DA70TER. @it'in t'is "e3 Babylonia 3ill be a large city BY A R%$ER. T'is large city BY A R%$ER 3ill re(lect t'e 3ealt' an* po3er o( t'e nation. @it'in t'e area o( T#E 0REAT C%TY BY A R%$ER 3ill be a T!@ER !) BABE 1 3'ic' represents A 0 !BA 0!$ER"ME"T1 A 0 !BA EC!"!MY1 A"D A 0 !BA RE %0%!". T'is "AT%!" A"D C%TY are re(erre* to as a ADY1 a N7EE"1 because s'e re(lects t'e ancient religion o( !l* Babylon1 3'ic' inclu*e* a N7EE" !) #EA$E". T'us a symbol o(
some sort @% S%T BY T#E S#!RES !) BABY !" t'at represents T#%S ADY1 T#%S N7EE". %s it coinci*ence t'at T#E STAT7E !) %BERTY1 A ADY1 sits in "E@ Y!R, #ARB!R1 "!T )AR )R!M T#E 7"%TED "AT%!"SJ !R T#AT T#!SE %"$! $ED @%T# T#%S STAT7E #! D T! A RE %0%!" %DE"T%CA T! "%MR!D1 T#E )%RST A"T%C#R%STJ @A,E 7&1 ! YE C#R%ST%A"S1 )!R T#E "%0#T %S )AR S&E"TRR %t is mere coinci*ence t'at America re(lects in e-ery 3ay ancient BabyloniaJ )rom 'er la3s to 'er t'ree class system1 s'e mimics ancient Babylon. %s it mere coinci*ence t'at 3it'in t'e con(ines o( America4s boun*aries lies a C%TY !" A R%$ERJ T'at is +no3n as BABY !" !" T#E #7DS!"J %s it coinci*ence t'at 3it'in t'at City1 is a glass to3er t'at sits BY T#E R%$ER1 an* t'at to3er represents man4s attempt to rule t'e 3orl* 3it'out 0o*J %s it coinci*ence t'at t'e 7nite* "ation4s religion is i*entical to A"C%E"T "%MR!DJ T'at t'e 7" stan*s (or 0 !BA 0!$ER"ME"T1 an* is pus'ing 'ar* (or a one 3orl* economy1 an* 3ants t'e 3orl* to embrace 'er RE %0%!"J You 'a-e a c'oice to ma+e. You can eit'er belie-e 0o* or t'e (alse prop'ets o( Babylon. You can eit'er accept t'e trut' o( Scripture1 or t'e apostasy o( t'e (alse s'ep'er*s. You can eit'er sa-e your soul1 an* count it 3ort'y1 or you can 'ate your soul1 an* cast your lot 3it' t'e Babylonian (alse s'ep'er*s o( eternal ruin. %T %S Y!7R C#!%CE. T#E %DE"T%TY !) AMER%CA AS BABY !" T#E 0REAT %S Y!7R ,EY T! T#E @#! E MYSTERY !) T#E E"D T%MES.
%t 3ill become -ery clear to you 3'y AMER%CA 3ill pro*uce A"T%C#R%ST. #e 3ill rise up rig't in (ront o( t'e noses o( t'e apostate C'ristians 3'o 3ill embrace #im 3it' t'eir 3'ole 'eart1 (or t'ey REJECTED TR7T#1 REJECTED 0!D1 A"D REJECTED C#R%ST. %t 3ill be t'e *eception o( all *eceptions. Y!7 D! "!T @A"T T! BE A &ART !) T#AT DECE&T%!"R 2C!ME !7T !) #ER1 MY &E!& E1 T#AT YE "!T BE &ARTA,ERS !) #ER & A07ES. %S AMER%CA BABY !"J &art T3o
%n our last issue 3e pro-e* t'at 0o* re(ers to Babylon t'e 0reat as a "AT%!"1 as a national entity1 a recogniDe* nation among t'e nations o( t'e 3orl*. Babylon is also a AR0E "AT%!"1 3it' 'uge lan* masses1 an* is surroun*e* by SEAS. T'is (act is o(ten re(ute* by Bible sc'olars1 3'o *eclare t'at Babylon is !" Y A SYSTEM1 an* "!T a nation or a literal city. %n so *oing1 t'ey (ul(ill t'e prop'ecies concerning t'e s'ep'er*s o( Babylon 3'o lea* t'eir people totally astray.
Rome is usually pointe* at as being BABY !" T#E C%TY1 i( a literal city is e-en recogniDe*. Rome1 'o3e-er1 D!ES "!T come close to being able to (ul(ill t'e &ARAMETERS !) 0!D (or t'e i*enti(ication o( t'e city1 Babylon. %t (ails in almost A AS&ECTS. Because it *oes not meet t'e reFuirements o( 0!D1 R!ME CA""!T BE T#E 20REAT C%TY2 BABY !". T'is is not to say t'at Rome is not important in prop'ecy1 (or it is 6 it plays a maEor role an* %S &ART !) T#E BABY !"%A" SYSTEMR T'e argument goes t'at Rome is a C%TY6STATE1 an* t'e $atican is in reality a "AT%!"1 3'ic' it is1 B7T BEY!"D T#AT )ACT %T 7TTER Y )A% S A !) T#E &ARAMETERS )!R BABY !" T#E 0REAT. Babylon t'e 0reat is a AR0E "AT%!"1 3it' MA"Y C%T%ES. %T #AS MA"Y #70E @ARM @ATER SEA&!RTS1 A #70E M% %TARY1 A S&ACE &R!0RAM1 ETC. Rome *oes "!T (ul(ill any o( t'ese. T'ere(ore BE %E$E 0!D A"D "!T MA". %( you 3ant to un*erstan* 3'at is 'appening in 3orl* e-ents1 you must (irst properly i*enti(y t'e players. %( you misi*enti(y t'em1 your scenario 3ill ne-er play out1 an* you 3ill en* up con(use* an* be3il*ere* because it *i* not go *o3n as you expecte*. T'is is exactly 3'at is going to 'appen to t'e -ast maEority o( prop'etic teac'ers in America to*ay 6 t'eir scenarios are not playing out1 in (act t'ey are being contra*icte* le(t an* rig't. All o( t'e emp'asis (or years 'as been !" T#E BABY !"%A" SYSTEM !" Y1 an* t'at it 3oul* be run (rom a RE$%$ED R!MA" EM&%RE. Sc'olars tol* us to loo+ an* 3atc' Europe an* t'e E7R!&EA" C!MM!" MAR,ET1 +no3n -ariously as t'e EEC !R EC. T'at area o( t'e 3orl*1 t'ey all claime*1 3oul* pro*uce t'e antic'rist an* t'e antic'rist system. T'is claim is ma*e (rom a mis6interpretation o( Daniel :1 C an* A1 3'ic' is t'en carrie* to Re-elation 8<1 8: an* 891 3'ic' 3e 3ill pro-e in -arious articles in t'e C%S SCA""ER. @or* (rom C'ristian researc' ministries in t'e 7, tells us t'e EC is in s'ambles1 an* most li+ely 3ill not come to (ruition as planne*1 an* t'ere are many items t'at 'a-e to be 3or+e* out. T'e number o( nations in-ol-e* *oes not agree 3it' Daniel or Re-elation1 at t'is time. Because it *oes not1 many T@%ST T#E @!RD to ma+e it (it. T'e EC continues to EK&A"D1 an* t'e t'e parameters lai* *o3n by 0o* t'roug' #is prop'ets cannot be met by t'e EC. )or example1 t'e current t'eme in t'e prop'etic circles is to say t'at T#E EC 3ill go to 8< members1 an* t'en < 3ill be remo-e*1 lea-ing 8>. T'ey claim T#AT %S @#AT DA"%E 2MEA"T2 T! SAY. A care(ul rea*ing o( Daniel : 3ill s'o3 you t'at A BEAST @%T# 8> #!R"S EMER0ES1 A" 88T# !"E C!MES 7& AM!"0 T#EM1 #E REM!$ES T#REE !) T#EM. 8>6<V:R : U 8 V 9 totalR Re-elation 8< P 8: A0REER 2#e is o( t'e se-en an* is t'e E%0#T#2R BE %E$E 0!D. T'is is &ER$ERS%!" !) SCR%&T7RE to ma+e somet'ing )%T1 because t'ey 'a-e a B%AS an* a &REC!"CE%$ED T#E! !0Y1 an* t'us t'ey 'a-e to 2(orce2 Scripture to ma+e it matc'. T'e (act is1 t'e 8> ,ings o( Daniel C .t'e ten toes/1 Daniel Se-en4s (ourt' Beast an* t'e 8> ,ings o( Re-elation ARE "!T T#E SAME1 @'at is 'appening is a cross6application t'at appears to be incorrect. T'e 8> ,ings o( Re-elation 8:1 t'at gi-e t'eir po3er unto a BEAST T#AT #AS A READY BEE" &RE$%!7S Y DE)%"EDR
@'at C%S is saying is t'at T#E 7" BEAST &!@ER R%SES 7&1 an* *i-i*es t'e 3orl* %"T! 8> B%!6RE0%!"S or ,%"0D!MS1 3'ic' 3e belie-e 'as alrea*y been *one un*er t'e Club o( Rome. "A)TA is part o( t'at plot1 (or t'ey use TRADE A"D EC!"!M%CS T! SET 7& T#E%R RE0%!"S. As it t'e @T!. B%!6RE0%!" !"E %S CA"ADA1 MEK%C! A"D AMER%CA. "A)TA concerns )REE TRADE .no bor*ers/ bet3een Cana*a1 America an* Mexico. T#E EC %S T#E 2"A)TA2 !) E7R!&E. T'e goal: 0 !BA )REE TRADE 3it' "! "AT%!"A B!RDERS. Eac' region 'as a EADERH,%"0. T'is BEAST &!@ER1 o( DA"%E :1 gains its strengt' (rom SE$E" &R%MARY @ESTER" ,%"0D!MS. %t goes (ort'1 accor*ing to Daniel1 an* DE$!7RS T#E @#! E @!R D. %ts 'ea*Fuarters are in T#E "AT%!"1 BABY !" T#E 0REAT. %t is controlle* by T#E @EST. @e are not saying t'at t'e (inal result o( t'e EC 3ill not be 8> +ing*oms. T'e EC is t'e counterpart o( "A)TA (or Europe1 a B%!6RE0%!" BE%"0 )!RMED. @e are not saying t'at t'ose possible 8> +ing*oms 3ill not play an important part in prop'ecy. @e are saying simply t'at Scripture places t'e S&!T %0#T !" A"!T#ER E"T%TY1 T'at entity is a S%"07 AR "AT%!"1 (rom 'er B%RT# !"@ARD1 not a con(e*eration o( nations1 an* t'at nation is t'e greatest S%"07 AR "AT%!" to e-er grace planet eart'R T#AT "AT%!" %S BABY !" T#E 0REAT1 T#E DA70#TER !) T#E C#A DEA"S. %T %S T#%S E"T%TY T#AT S&A@"S A"D C!"TR! S T#E )!7RT# BEAST !) DA"%E 1 T#E 7"%TED "AT%!"S. %t is also a (act t'at t'e Bible *oes not e-en remotely suggest t'e re-i-al o( an !l* Roman Empire1 3'ic' 3e s'all get into later in t'is series. %t not only *oes not suggest it1 but bot' Daniel an* Jo'n CATE0!R%CA Y DE"Y %T. Rome is not to be re-i-e*1 BABY !" %S T! BE RE$%$ED1 A"D BABY !" !) T#E E"D T%ME %S &!RTRAYED AS A S%"07 AR "AT%!"1 "E$ER AS A" ASSEMB Y !) "AT%!"S1 AS %S T#E ECR Babylon is T#E &R%ME M!$ER o( an A"T%C#R%ST A %A"CE1 o( 3'ic' t'e 06: nations coul* be a (ul(illment1 but it cannot1 at t'is time1 be pro-e* t'is is t'e case. Many prop'ecy teac'ers 3ill tell you t'at all o( t'e !l* Testament prop'ecies against Babylon 'a-e been totally (ul(ille*. T'ey apply !" Y1 t'ey claim1 to ancient Babylon1 an* t'e -ast maEority o( commentaries 3ill tell you t'e same t'ing. T#E ACT7A )ACT %S J7ST T#E !&&!S%TER @'en 3e (irst began to examine t'e Babylonian *octrines1 3e (oun* commentary a(ter commentary t'at sai* A !) T#ESE E$E"TS #AD TRA"S&%RED A"D @ERE )7 )% ED %" T#E A"C%E"T &AST. @e t'en 3ent to t'e larger libraries an* con*ucte* a SEC7 AR SEARC# o( t'e recor*s on ancient Babylon. S7R&R%SE1 S7R&R%SERR T'e actual cunei(orm recor*s1 some 3ritten by t'e rulers o( ancient Babylon1 spelle* out a totally *i((erent storyRRR T'ese stories matc'e* up 3it' t'e secular 'istoriansRRR %n point o( (act1 =>6=;G o( t'e prop'ecies against Babylon1 3ritten by Jeremia'1 %saia' an* #aba++u+1 REMA%" YET T! BE )7 )% ED. T#EY A &!%"T T! A 0REAT E"D T%ME "AT%!" !) $AST @EA T# A"D &!@ER1 A "AT%!" T#AT %S T#E 0REATEST "AT%!" T#E @!R D #AS E$ER SEE"R C'rist con(irme* Jeremia'1 %saia'1 #aba++u+ an* all t'e ot'er !l* Testament
prop'ets as being 0E"7%"ER T'ere(ore1 i( t'ey are genuine1 T#E%R @R%T%"0S M7ST A C!ME TR7E1 )!R T#AT %S T#E MAR, !) A TR7E &R!&#ET !) 0!DRR You simply CA""!T BE %E$E t'e *ata in some areas o( t'e commentaries on t'e mar+et to*ay. T'ey are (ull o( *istortions1 mista+es an* muc' erroneous reporting o( actual (acts. Some o( t'em are also an attempt by t'e uci(erians to %")% TRATE A"D DESTR!Y T#E @!RD !) 0!D. BE@ARE !) A "E@ TRA"S AT%!"S !) SCR%&T7RE1 )!R T#E @!RD !) 0!D %S BE%"0 C#A"0ED1 A B%T AT A T%ME. Remember t'at C'rist1 &aul1 &eter1 Jo'n an* Ju*e all 3arne* t'at A&!STASY A"D DECE&T%!" 3oul* s3eep t'e -ast maEority o( t'e latter *ay c'urc' into eternal ruinR Y!7 D!"4T #A$E T! BE !"E !) T#EM. Almost all o( 3'at Jeremia'1 %saia'1 #aba++u+1 an* ot'ers 3rote concerning Babylon A&& %ES T! T#E AST DAY BABY !". T'ere are in reality T#REE A&&EARA"CES !) BABY !" on eart' (rom t'e (loo*: 8. "imro*4s Babylon. C. "ebuc'a*neDDar4s Babylon. <. Mo*ern Babylon. @'en 0o* ga-e t'e prop'ets t'e -isions o( Babylon1 t'ey re(erre* to an entity t'at R%SES1 )A S1 R%SES A"D )A S1 A"D )%"A Y R%SES )!R T#E AST T%ME AT T#E E"D !) T#E A0E1 D7R%"0 T#E AST 0E"ERAT%!" !) %SRAE . T#E $AST MAJ!R%TY !) T#E $%S%!"S A"D &R!&#EC%ES C7 M%"ATE %" A AST DAY 0REAT "AT%!"A E"T%TY A"D @%T#%" T#AT "AT%!" %S A C%TY 2MYSTERY BABY !"2 Because t'e latter *ay BABY !" plays suc' a +ey role in A"T%C#R%ST ACT%$%TY upon eart' in t'e AST DAYS1 t'e -ast maEority o( prop'ecies (rom t'e !l* Testament ARE A0A%"ST T#%S ATTER DAY "AT%!". %t is t'at simpleRR Because Babylon is a S%"07 AR "AT%!" t'at T7R"S 7&!" %TS #ER%TA0E !) 0!D1 A"D DESTR!YS %T T! BEC!ME T#E A"T%C#R%ST &!@ER !) T#E E"D T%MES1 it is o( -ital importance t'at 3e &R!&ER Y %DE"T%)Y @#! T#%S "AT%!" %S. !ne o( t'e crucial prop'ecies against Babylon t'e "ation is (oun* in Jeremia' ;>. T'is -erse o( Scripture is S! STR%CT in application t'at only t3o nations in t'e 3'ole 3orl* (it it1 an* t'ey (it @%T#%" A $ERY "ARR!@ T%ME )RAME1 an* t'at time (rame 3as gi-en to us by Jesus #imsel( in t'e &arable o( t'e )ig Tree. T'is time parameter is so strict t'at t'ese nations must (ul(ill e-ery parameter 3it'in an 9o year spanR Stop to t'in+ about t'is? t'at T@! "AT%!"S must rise upon t'e eart'1 in a proper seFuence1 an* t'ey bot' must be present *uring an 9> year time span1 *o certain t'ings1 t'en it becomes a strict parameter. T'e e-ents o( nation ta+e place o-er many years1 an* most nations are Fuite ol*RR
2Your mot'er s'all be sore con(oun*e*? s'e t'at bare you s'all be as'ame*: BE#! D1 T#E #%"DERM!ST !) T#E "AT%!"S s'all be a 3il*erness1 a *ry lan*1 an* a *esert.2 .Jeremia' ;>:8C/
As 3e state* in our (irst article1 t'is is one o( t'e most exacting parameters 0o* gi-es us to i*enti(y t'is last great "AT%!"A E"T%TY calle* Babylon t'e 0reat. )irst1 s'e must 'a-e a M!T#ER T#AT B!RE #ER. Secon*ly1 t'is mot'er ob-iously M7ST &RECEDE #ER1 %$E D7R%"0 #ER E"T%RE %)E1 A"D @ATC# #ER B7R"1 A"D S7R$%$E #ER D7R%"0 T#E AST &ART !) T#E TR%B7 AT%!". T'at gi-es us se-eral clues. )irst1 t'e mot'er coul* not be a close neig'bor1 (or s'e too 3oul* burn 3it' Babylon. Secon*ly1 3e are no3 spea+ing o( T@! "AT%!"S1 t'at M7ST %$E D7R%"0 T#E SAME T%ME &ER%!D. #o3 easy is t'at to accomplis'J T'e mot'er M7ST BE t'e prime mo-er in t'e establis'ment o( Babylon. Babylon t'en1 must be a *irect o((spring. T'e people 3'o (irst establis'e* t'is nation 3ill be (rom t'is 2mot'er country2. T'ir*1 t'is relations'ip must remain T#R!70#!7T t'e li(e o( Babylon1 3it' t'e 2mot'er2 being -ery close to Babylon itsel( in terms o( C!"TR! A"D )7"CT%!". T'ese parameters are crucial1 an* -ery strict. As 3as as+e* pre-iously1 3'o is t'e mot'er o( %raFJ @'o is t'e mot'er o( t'e EC1 3'ic' is D%SN7A %)%ED A"Y@AY BECA7SE T#E EC %S A" ASSEMB Y !) "AT%!"S1 not !"E national entity (rom its birt'RJ @'o is t'e mot'er o( Rome1 3'ic' is a C%TY1 an* "!T A AR0E "AT%!"A E"T%TY. @'o is t'e mot'er o( RussiaJ @'o is t'e mot'er o( %srael or JerusalemJ T'ese nations or cities 'a-e all been a*-ance* at one time or anot'er as being 2Babylon2. T'e secon* aspect is t'at Babylon T#E "AT%!" is re(erre* to as t'e #%"DERM!ST !) T#E "AT%!"S. Jeremia' is loo+ing *o3n t'e tunnel o( time1 an* is saying t'at BABY !" 3ill be t'e AST A"D T#E 0REATEST "AT%!" T! R%SE %" T#%S A0E. !( t'e great nations o( t'e 3orl* to*ay1 3'o is t'e youngestJ E-eryone +no3s t'at America is T#E Y!7"0EST !) T#E &!@ER)7 "AT%!"S1 an* is also T#E 0REATEST "AT%!" T! E$ER 0RACE & A"ET EART#. %t is also t'e #%"DERM!ST in t'e perspecti-e o( T#E AST R%SE !) BABY !"RR
Does Rome (ul(ill t'is parameterJ Does %raFJ RussiaJ Does t'e EC1 3'ic' is *isFuali(ie* because it is an A %A"CE !) "AT%!"SJ "one o( t'em *o? t'ey *o not come closeRR @'y cannot people simply accept 3'at 0o* saysJ T'ere are only T@! "AT%!"S %" T#E @!R D t'at (ul(ill t'is parameterR !" Y T@!RR An* t'ey (it it li+e a 0 !$E. T'is one -erse A !"E 3oul* i*enti(y 3'o Babylon isRR E"0 A"D A"D AMER%CA are t'e !" Y "AT%!"S %" T#E @!R D T! )7 )% T#%S &R!&#ECY T! T#E EKACT ETTER. You see1 it is not a matter o( E$%DE"CE1 it is a matter o( RE)7S%"0 T#E E$%DE"CE 0%$E". %t is a matter o( personal bias1 o( preEu*ice1 o( re(usal to accept 0o* an* #is @or*. Scripture is not 3ritten in a complex manner. %t is 3ritten in a manner t'at e-en a ten year ol* can un*erstan*1 %) T#E #EART %S R%0#T. 0o* says #E @% C#!!SE !7R DE 7S%!"S. @'y 3oul* 0o*1 t'e 'ol*er o( A TR7T#1 3'o 3ants us to ,"!@ A TR7T#1 turn rig't aroun* an* say 'e 3ill &%C, !7R DE 7S%!"SJ !nly one reason: T#E #EART %S "!T R%0#TRR @e 'a-e recei-e* some calls (rom people (urious t'at 3e calle* America1 2Babylon2. @e 3ere accuse* o( 2manipulating2 Scripture. @e 'a-e not 2manipulate*2 Scripture at all. @e merely &RESE"T %T )!R @#AT %T SAYS. 0o* 'as pic+e* T#E%R DE 7S%!"S. T#E%R #EARTS ARE "!T R%0#T. You coul* gi-e t'em 'un*re*s o( -erses to pro-e America is Babylon an* t'ey 3oul* all be 7TTER Y REJECTED. @'yJ Because (or 3'ate-er reason burie* in t'eir secret 'eart1 T#EY CA""!T ACCE&T TR7T#. T#EY D! "!T @A"T AMER%CA T! BE BABY !". T'ey 3ant mot'er'oo* an* apple pie. T'ey 3ant T'an+sgi-ing an* C'ristmas. T#EY @A"T T! %$E %" T#E%R DE 7S%!"S. %t is a S&%R%T7A B %"D"ESS1 because t'ey *o not @A"T t'e real trut'RR %t is too pain(ul (or t'em to accept. T'e -ast maEority1 'o3e-er1 simply #A$E "!T ST7D%ED %T !7T1 an* because t'ey 'a-e not1 S%M& Y D! "!T REA %5E AMER%CA4S %DE"T%TYR
T'e ot'er clue gi-en in Scripture t'at s'oul* place us !" 07ARD1 is t'e (act t'at A"T%C#R%ST R%SES %" DECE&T%!". %t is a DECE&T%$E & !Y !) SATA". Deception means 3'at it says: BABY !" @% R%SE T! )7 &!@ER @%T# T#E $AST MAJ!R%TY !) &E!& E "!T REC!0"%5%"0 @#! BABY !" %SR. Do you un*erstan* 3'at t'at meansJ %t means t'at BABY !" T#E "AT%!" 3ill not RE$EA %TS TR7E "AT7RE 7"T% T#E $ERY E"D. T'e MAS, @% BE R%&&ED !)) an* EK&!SED only a(ter t'e DECE&T%$E R%SE1 A"D A C!"TR! %"0 )!RCES ARE %" & ACE. Because *eception usually 3or+s in RE$ERSA S .M%RR!R %MA0ES/1 an* 3e en* up 3it' A"T%C#R%ST1 t'en 3'at is t'e RE$ERSE !) A"T%C#R%STJ
C#R%ST%A"RRR T'us it 3ill be t'at T#E ATTER DAY BABY !" 3ill BE0%" AS A C#R%ST%A" "AT%!". A "AT%!" BAS,%"0 %" T#E S7" %0#T !) JES7S C#R%STRR T'at is 3'at *eception really meansR )or example1 in Re-elation1 Jesus C'rist spo+e o( a c'urc' calle* ao*icea1 t'e lu+e3arm1 apostate1 social gospel c'urc' o( t'e AST DAYS. #e sai* t'ey 3ere positi-e t'ey 3ere all sa-e* an* going to 'ea-en. T'ey 3ere positi-e t'eir 3or+s 3ere A&&R!$ED BY 0!D. T'ey 3ere ABS! 7TE Y &!S%T%$E !) A T#%S. Jesus sai*:
Do you seeJ T#EY ,"E@ "!T T#AT T#E !&&!S%TE @AS T#E TR7T#RRR T'eir claim to sal-ation 3as %" REA %TY A C A%M T! ETER"A R7%". T'eir claim o( goo* 3or+s1 @AS %" REA %TY A C A%M T! E$% @!R,S. DECE&T%!" %S A RE$ERSA !) T#E REA %TY. T'e person caug't up in a *eception is 7TTER Y 7"A@ARE !) %T. #eHs'e usually 3ill not E$E" C!"S%DER A" !&&!S%"0 &!%"T !) $%E@1 3'ic' is one o( t'e C 7ES t'ey are in *eception. Deception is S&%R%T7A B %"D"ESS1 an* t'e Bible claims t'at S&%R%T7A B %"D"ESS C!MES )R!M D%S!BED%E"CE T! T#E @!RD !) 0!D1 or A RE)7SA !) T#E @!RD !) 0!DRR
@e 3ill no3 examine some o( t'e ,EY &ARAMETERS lai* *o3n by 0o* to &R!$E T#AT AMER%CA %S BABY !" T#E 0REAT1 A"D T#AT "E@ Y!R, C%TY %S T#E 20REAT C%TY BABY !"21 T#E #!ME !) MYSTERY BABY !". Are you 3illing to (ace 3'at 0o* 'as to sayJ Are you 3illing to ACCE&T 3'at 0o* tells youJ Are you 3illing to BE %E$E 3'at 0o* says1 t'oug' it may mean a ra*ical c'ange in your t'in+ingJ @'en one *isco-ers t'at one4s belo-e* nation is portraye* by 0o* as t'e 7 T%MATE E$% 7&!" EART#1 it is a s'oc+. %t s'oc+s people to t'eir -ery core. &E!& E @#! D! "!T ,"!@ @#! AMER%CA %S ARE 7"DER A DECE&T%!". T! C!ME !7T )R!M DECE&T%!" %S D%))%C7 T A"D &A%")7 . T'ere are se-eral p'ases a person goes t'roug' in t'is process:
8. ABS! 7TE DE"%A 1 E$E" T#!70# T#E )ACTS &RESE"TED CA""!T BE RE)7TED. 7sually1 t'e letters 3e get are angry letters1 s'ort an* terse1 simply saying %T %S )A SE1 7"TR7E an* America %S "!T BABY !". "o Scripture is e-er presente*1 an* i( it is1 it is ta+en 3ay out o( context. T#%S %S A RE)7SA T! ACCE&T TR7T#. C. C!"S%DERAT%!" T#AT %T M%0#T BE &!SS%B E. T'e in*i-i*ual mo-es (rom RE)7SA an* DE"%A to a pain(ul recognition t'at %T M%0#T BE TR7E. T'e 'eart is being mo-e* BY 0!D to accept A &!SS%B% %TY? T#E M%"D %S !&E"%"0 7&. <. A"0ER AT BE%"0 %ED T!1 !R BE%"0 M%S ED )!R S! !"0. T'e next reaction is A"0ER because one 3as misle*1 an* t'e more one begins to see t'e real trut'1 t'e *eeper goes t'e anger. @e 'a-e to remember t'at DECE&T%!" 3as t'e +ey to all E"D T%ME E$E"TS1 A"D T#AT %S "!T A M%"!R DECE&T%!"1 B7T MASS%$ERR A. !SS A"D SAD"ESS1 @%T# TEARS !) S!RR!@. Many people report to us t'at 3'en it is (inally con(irme* to t'em BY T#E !RD1 t'ey enter into a perio* o( *epression an* sa*ness. %n point o( (act1 3'o 3oul* notJ %t is a sense o( *eep betrayal. @e are no3 entering a "E@ &#ASE1 A &#ASE !) S&%R%T7A 0R!@T#. ;. C!")7S%!". A STATE !) "!T BE%"0 S7RE1 !) 0!%"0 )R!M BE %E$%"0 T! DE"%A . T'e min* an* soul *oes not 3ant to accept t'e (acts as gi-en in Scripture. T'e person in-ol-e* goes bac+ an* (ort'1 (rom acceptance to *enial. To YES %T %S1 to %T CA""!T BE. T'e min* says YES1 t'e 'eart says "!. B. 0RAD7A ACCE&TA"CE BECA7SE %T CA""!T BE DE"%ED. During t'is p'ase1 t'e (acts o( Scripture cannot be *enie*1 alt'oug' an attempt to argue 3it' 0o* is in-ol-e*. 0o*4s @or*1 'o3e-er1 out3eig's !7R @A"TS !R !7R DES%RES. )A%T# %" 0!D4S TR7T# 0RAD7A Y @%"S !7T. 0R!@T# %S "!@ A )ACT. :. &RE&ARAT%!" )!R !$ED !"ES1 BECA7SE %T %S A TR7T#1 A"D %T #AS RAM%)%CAT%!"S. T'e (inal acceptance1 long an* pain(ul1 lea*s to resol-e to prepare (or (amily an* lo-e* ones. T'e (act o( America4s being BABY !" T#E 0REAT 'as maEor rami(ications (or t'e C'ristian.
9. )7 ACCE&TA"CE A"D RE %A"CE 7&!" 0!D. TR7ST %" 0!D4S @!RD. S&%R%T7A 0R!@T# #AS !CC7RRED. 0ro3t' can only come (rom c'allenge. C'allenge means to 'a-e your &RESET $%E@S ASSA7 TED. %t means C!")R!"TAT%!" by t'ings you D%D "!T BE %E$E TR7E AT A . 0ro3t' is &A%")7 . %t 'urts1 but as @E 0R!@1 as 3e !&E" !7R M%"DS to many (acets o( 0o*4s @or*1 @E BEC!ME M7C# STR!"0ER. T'ese p'ases may be gone t'roug' rapi*ly or slo3ly1 *epen*ing upon t'e ma+e6up o( t'e person. C%S is as+ing you1 t'e rea*er1 to ACCE&T 0!D4S @!RD AS & A%" Y STATED. @e are "!T as+ing you to BE %E$E A"YT#%"0 @E SAY1 but rat'er1 t'at you D%0 DEE&ER %"T! T#E @!RD A"D BE %E$E @#AT 0!D SAYSR
!ne o( t'e +ey parameters lai* *o3n by t'e !l* Testament prop'ets is t'e implication1 at least1 t'at t'e latter *ay nation Babylon 3oul* be born a C#R%ST%A" "AT%!"1 A "AT%!" @%T# T#E #ER%TA0E !) 0!D. &ara*oxically1 it is also portraye* as a nation t'at AB!RED %" T#E !CC7 T )R!M %TS $ERY %"CE&T%!". %n ot'er 3or*s1 Babylon is a nation 3it' a S& %T &ERS!"A %TY1 t'at claims bot' C#R%ST A"D 7C%)ER AT T#E SAME T%ME. T'ese t3o claims MER0E at t'e en*1 3'en A&!STATE AMER%CA" C#R%ST%A"%TY MER0ES @%T# T#E 2 7C%)ER%A"S2. T'is para*ox can be easily resol-e* 3'en you un*erstan* t'at !CC7 T )!RCES A @AYS @!R, %" SECRET A"D %" DAR,"ESS1 3'ile t'e C#R%ST%A" AS&ECTS ARE A @AYS & A%" Y $%S%B E. %n ot'er 3or*s1 t'e Bible portrays America as being $%S%B Y C#R%ST%A"1 3'ile be'in* t'e scenes T#E % 7M%"%STS1 A"D T#E MAS!"%C )!RCES labor to bring America into t'eir *ominion. AMER%CA %S A RE) ECT%!" !) T#E STR700 E BET@EE" 0!!D A"D E$% 1 BET@EE" C#R%ST A"D SATA"1 @%T# E$% TEM&!RAR% Y @%""%"0 !7T BECA7SE T#E &E!& E ABA"D!"ED T#E TR7E 0!S&E !) C#R%ST. Babylon is a replay o( ancient %sraelR Babylon America (inally goes un*er t'e *ominion o( t'e !CC7 T%C )!RCES .Re-elation 89:</1 3'ic' (oun*e* lo*ges in America as soon as s'e 3as born in t'e 8:>>4s. 2Because ye 3ere gla*1 because ye reEoice*1 ! YE DESTR!YERS !) M%"E #ER%TA0E1
because ye are gro3n (at as t'e 'ei(er at grass1 an* bello3 as bulls? .Jeremia' ;>:88/.2
Babylon 'a* t'e #ER%TA0E !) 0!D an* it turns an* *estroys it. At t'e same time it 'as t'e #ER%TA0E !) 0!D1 3'ic' 3e 3ill explore to (in* out 3'at it is1 %saia' A::8C ma+es a comment t'at is Eust t'e opposite:
2Stan* no3 3it' t'ine enc'antments1 an* 3it' t'e M7 T%T7DE !) T#Y S!RCER%ES1 @#ERE%" T#!7 #AST AB!7RED )R!M T#Y Y!7T#?..2 .%saia' A::8C/ T'e 3or* (or sorceries is 2+es'ep'21 3'ic' means @%TC#CRA)T1 !R MA0%C. T'e root is 2+as'ap'2 an* it means T! @#%S&ER A S&E 1 T! E"C#A"T1 T! &RACT%CE MA0%C !R @%TC#CRA)T. Babylon is %"$! $ED %" T#E !CC7 T (rom its Y!7T# 7&. Yet 0o* t'en ma+es t'is statement in Jeremia' ;8:::
2Babylon 'at' been a 0! DE" C7& %" T#E !RD4S #A"D1 t'at ma*e all t'e eart' *run+en: t'e nations 'a-e *run+en o( 'er 3ine? t'ere(ore t'e nations are ma*.2 .Jeremia' ;8::/
T'e 3or* 2gol*en2 is 2Da'ab2 an* it means T! S#%MMER1 0! D1 )A%R @EAT#ER1 C EAR S,Y. %t implies1 "%CE1 0!!D1 & EASA"T1 !) $A 7E. %mme*iately 3e see A S& %T &ERS!"A %TY1 A "AT%!" T#AT %S B!T# C#R%ST%A" A"D A"T%C#R%ST. Exactly 3'at is t'e 'eritage o( 0o*J A searc' o( Scripture 3ill pro-e out t'e (ollo3ing:
8. %t re(ers to lan* .&salm 8<;:8C/ C. %t re(ers to c'il*ren .&salm 8C::;/ <. %t re(ers to %srael an* 'er people .Joel C:8:/
A. %t re(ers to C'ristians .8 &eter ;:</ ;. %t re(ers to t'e @or* o( 0o* .8 &eter ;:</ B. %t re(ers to t'e C!$E"A"TS !) 0!D by implication. T'e C!$E"A"TS !) 0!D are t'e (irst an* (oremost o( t'is 2'eritage21 because it is upon t'e co-enants t'at all o( t'e ot'ers REST. %t is t'e C!$E"A"TS T#AT ESTAB %S# T#E !@"ERS#%&1 3'ic' in turn1 is t'e basis o( t'e 'eritage. %( Babylon 'a* t'e #ER%TA0E !) 0!D1 @#%C# %T DESTR!YS1 an* t'is 'eritage applies to lan*1 c'il*ren1 people an* most o( all C!$E"A"TS1 t'en America1 to (ul(ill t'is prop'ecy1 3oul* 'a-e to 'a-e been at one time C!"S%DERED BY 0!D T! BE #%S1 A"D T#E &E!& E #%S. T'ey 3oul* 'a-e entere* into a spiritual co-enant1 @% %"0 Y1 an* 3oul* 'a-e *eclare* JES7S C#R%ST1 an* 0!D T#E )AT#ER as t'eir source o( 07%DA"CE A"D A7T#!R%TY. T'e Supreme Court o( t'e 7nite* States T@%CE rule* t'at America @AS A C#R%ST%A" "AT%!". T'e 89=8 *ecision 3as -ery clear about 3'at t'at meant. @e can easily pro-e t'at BABY !" %S &!RTRAYED AS A &RETR%B7 AT%!"A A"D TR%B7 AT%!" "AT%!"1 3'ic' means %T %S A "AT%!" @%T#%" T#E C#7RC# A0E1 t'us 7"DER T#E "E@ C!$E"A"T. %( a person accepts Jesus C'rist as t'eir or* an* Sa-ior1 t'en t'at person is 0RA)TED %"T! T#E "AT%!" %SRAE 1 an* becomes part o( t'e 'eritage o( 0o*. %t cannot be ot'er3ise1 somet'ing &aul con(irme*: 2)or t'ere %S "! D%))ERE"CE bet3een t'e Je3 an* t'e 0ree+: (or t'e same or* o-er all is ric' unto all t'at call upon 'im .Romans 8>:8C/.2
7n*er t'e "e3 Co-enant o( Jesus C'rist1 3'ic' is a "E@ #EART $%A RE0E"ERAT%!"1 t'ere is "! D%))ERE"CE bet3een Je3 an* 0entile. A %"T! T#E "E@ C!$E"A"T $%A T#E SAME @AY: REB%RT#.
2)or % 3oul* not1 bret'ren1 t'at ye s'oul* be ignorant o( t'is mystery1 lest ye s'oul* be 3ise in your o3n conceits? t'at B %"D"ESS %" &ART %S #A&&E"ED T! %SRAE 1 until t'e )7 "ESS !) T#E 0E"T% ES BE C!ME %"
.Romans 88:C;/.2
@'at are t'e 0entiles broug't %"T!J @'at *o t'ey C!ME %"T!J %SRAE R T'ey become part o( %SRAE 1 $%A T#E )A%T# !) ABRA#AM1 T#E )A%T# !) C#R%ST .T#E SAME )A%T# T#EY B!T# #AD/. T'ey enter into %SRAE 1 %"T! 0!D4S &E!& E1 -ia t'e "E@ C!$E"A"T. 2An* i( some o( t'e branc'es be bro+en o((1 an* t'ou1 being a @% D ! %$E TREE1 3ert 0RA)TED %" AM!"0 T#EM1 an* @%T# T#EM &ARTA,EST !) T#E R!!T A"D )AT"ESS !) T#E ! %$E TREE? .Romans 88:8:/.2
T'e C'ristian1 says &aul1 is 0RA)TED %"T! T#E ! %$E TREE !) %SRAE . T'ey become parta+ers o( %SRAE . T'ey become t'e #ER%TA0E !) 0!D1 0!D4S &E!& E. %( t'ey are 0o*4s people1 T#E" T#EY ARE &ART !) 0!D4S &R!0RAM1 an* i( part o( t'e program1 3ill t'ey be a part o( 0o*4s blessingsJ
2Boast "!T A0A%"ST T#E BRA"C#ES. But i( t'ou boast1 T#!7 BEAREST "!T T#E R!!T1 B7T T#E R!!T T#EE .Romans 88:89/.2
&aul 3arns C'ristians against boasting against %srael1 or to 3or* it anot'er 3ay1 T! "!T R7" %SRAE D!@" S%M& Y BECA7SE T#EY REJECT C#R%ST. Do not sit t'ere an* point a (inger at %srael1 or 'ate %srael1 or t'e Je31 because1 says &aul1 T#EY ARE T#E R!!T1 A"D T#EY BEAR Y!71 "!T T#E !T#ER @AY R!7"D. T'ere are many groups in America t'at #ATE T#E JE@. T'ey claim all sorts o( t'ings against t'e Je3. T'ey spea+ o( a 5%!"%ST C!"S&%RACY? t'ey spea+ !) T#E E$% !) T#E JE@S. T'ey claim %srael is )A SE1 an* t'at 0o* 'as 7TTER Y CAST !))
%SRAE 1 A"D A !) T#E &R!M%SES MADE T! %SRAE #A$E BEE" TRA"S)ERRED !$ER T! T#E C#7RC#. Many o( t'em e-en go so (ar as to say t'at &aul *i* not realiDe 3'at 3as 'appening1 an* t'at &aul4s comments an* t'eology are in gra-e errorRR T'ere are t'ose 3'o claim America is in (act comprise* o( %SRAE 4S !ST 8> TR%BES1 an* is in (act %SRAE itsel(RR T'ey accomplis' t'is by ta+ing all o( t'e prop'ecies concerning M% E""%A %SRAE 1 an* applying t'em to America in t'is age1 3'ic' s'e *oes (ul(illRR #o3e-er1 it is a per-ersion o( Scripture1 an* a DE"%A !) T#E C!$E"A"TS !) 0!D. 0o* *i* not (ore-er cast o(( %srael. #e merely put %srael upon a s'el( (or t'eir reEection o( C'rist. &aul says so: 2B %"D"ESS %" &ART %S #A&&E"ED T! %SRAE 7"T% T#E )7 "ESS !) T#E 0E"T% ES BE C!ME %".2 %t means 3'at it says. T'e +ey 3or* t'ere is 7"T% . T'ere is a time coming in 3'ic' t'e ABRA#AM%C1 &A EST%"%A"1 A"D !T#ER C!$E"A"TS @% BE REST!RED BAC, T! %SRAE . !ne o( t'e +ey parts o( t'e gran* *elusion is T#E DE"%A !) %SRAE 'a-ing a R%0#T T! T#E C!$E"A"TS !) 0!D. T'e antic'rist (orces RE&7D%ATE T#AT C A%M1 A"D A&&R!&R%ATE )!R T#EMSE $ES A !) T#E C!$E"A"TS. %n t'eir o3n 3ays an* *elusions1 t'ey claim t'ey ARE %SRAE . T'ey claim t'ey ARE T#E REA JE@S. T'is (alse'oo*1 t'is utter *elusion1 comes *uring t'e C#7RC# A0E1 an* it comes (rom @%T#%" T#E C#R%ST%A" C#7RC#RR T'at is a crucial point1 (or C'rist #imsel( mentions t'em1 an* tells us t'at t'ese 2C#R%ST%A"S2 3'o claim t'ey are JE@S .%SRAE /1 but ARE "!T1 are un*er a ran+ *eception1 an* (ull o( 'atre*. #e (orces t'em to bo3 at t'e (oot o( REA C#R%ST%A"S.
2BE#! D1 % @%
SY"A0!07E !) SATA"1 @#%C# SAY T#EY ARE JE@S1 A"D ARE "!T1 B7T D! %E? BE#! D1 % @% MA,E T#EM T! C!ME A"D @!RS#%& BE)!RE T#Y )EET1 A"D T! ,"!@ T#AT % #A$E !$ED T#EE .Re-elation <:=/.2
T'is comment 3as ma*e to t'e C'urc' o( &'ila*elp'ia1 t'e TR7E C#7RC# !) T#E AST DAYS1 A C#7RC# C#R%ST !$ED. T'is is a *irect statement (rom Jesus C'rist t'at *uring t'e latter times o( t'e C'urc' age1 a M!$EME"T @%T#%" T#E C#R%ST%A" C#7RC# %TSE )1 3ill come A"D S@EE& T#E A"D. T'ese so calle* 2C'ristians2 3ill claim T#EY ARE JE@S1 T#E REA JE@SRR T'ey claim t'ey ARE %SRAE 1 T#E REA %SRAE 1 an* t'at t'ey are t'e %"#ER%T!RS o( all o( t'e co-enants o( 0o*1 an* t'at t'e REA JE@S are liars1 (rau*s1 an* impostors. T'ey 3ill1 because t'ey t'in+ t'ey are T#E TR7E JE@S1 an* t'ey attempt to SET 7& A ,%"0D!M !) 0!D 7&!" EART#1 A"D T#EY &ER$ERT &R!&#ECY T! D! %T. T'ey are %ARS1 SA%D C#R%ST. A"D T#EY ARE )7 !) #ATRED1 an* t'ey ES&!7SE D!CTR%"ES T#AT ARE AT T#E%R R!!T @#%TE S7&REMAC%STR T'ey 'ate not only t'e Je31 but t'ey 'ate all ot'er races not t'eir o3n1 as 3ell as anyone 3'o *oes not agree 3it' t'eir antic'rist t'eology. T#ESE &E!& E 'a-e -arious 23ays2 in 3'ic' t'ey ma+e t'is claim. T'ere are many *e*icate* an* sincere C'ristians caug't up in t'ese mo-ements1 but t'ey s'oul* remo-e t'emsel-es (rom t'em as (ast as t'ey can. C'rist says t'ese so calle* C'ristians1 @#%C# T#EY ARE "!T1 3ill BE )!RCED T! B!@ A"D @!RS#%& AT T#E )!!T !) T#E TR7E C#R%ST%A"S1 @#! #AD TR7E !$E %" T#E%R #EART1 "!T !" Y )!R T#E JE@S1 B7T )!R A &E!& ES !) T#E @!R D. T'ese groups claim in one (orm or anot'er t'at t'ey RE& ACE %SRAE 1 A"D T#E JE@S1 A"D T#7S T#EY BEC!ME T#E TR7E JE@S1 an* T#EY A !"E 'a-e t'e rig't to rule t'e 3orl*1 an* (orce t'eir e*icts upon e-eryone else. T'is is "!T T! SAY t'at 5ionism1 a mo-ement o( S!ME .B7T "!T A / !) T#E R%C# ME" !) T#E EART#1 *oes not ma+e t'e same claim1 (or it *oes. T'at t'ey try to bring about t'eir one 3orl* go-ernment is a (act1 (or %saia' CB says t'ey *o1 A"D )A% . T'is is not to say t'ere are not 'ig' place* R%C# Je3s 3'o are e-il to t'eir core an* 3'o are attempting to bring about a 5%!"%ST ,%"0D!M 7&!" EART#1 in 3'ic' all ot'er "!"6JE@S are merely 2animals2. All one 'as to *o is rea* t'e Je3is' Babylonian Talmu* an* ot'er li+e 3or+s to (in* t'at out. Jeremia' CA spea+s o( t'em as 2e-il (igs21 so e-il in (act1 t'at t'ey 3ent beyon* anyt'ing seen on planet eart'R 0!D @% DESTR!Y T#EM A %" #%S 0!!D T%ME. 2Re-enge is mine1 sait' t'e or*.2 But E$% #EARTS are not t'e special pri-ilege o( some ric' Je3s1 3'ites1 or ric' men o( any race. T#E E$% #EART %S @%T#%" A ME"1 an* t'e true conspirators ARE T#E 7"RE0E"ERATE R%C# ME" !) T#E EART#1 !) A RACES1 C! !RS A"D CREEDS.
But t'is remar+ o( Jesus C'rist1 3as ma*e to one speci(ic C#7RC#1 an* t'at C'urc' is t'e !"E TR7E C#7RC# t'at C'rist 'a* no mention o( (ault (or. #E !$ED T#EM. T'ey 7"DERST!!D T#E C!$E"A"TS1 T#E RE0E"ERATED #EARTS1 A"D T#E S&%R%T7A AS&ECTS !) T#E ,%"0D!M. T'ese ot'ers1 3'o are in reality t'e )!ES !) C#R%ST1 t'e E"EM%ES !) C#R%ST1 use t'e Bible to (abricate t'eir !@" T#E! !0Y T! J7ST%)Y t'eir o3n 'atre*s1 preEu*ices an* mur*ersR T#EY ARE T#E TARESR %t is t'is mo-ement t'at (uels t'e (ires o( true anti6Semitism1 an* because o( t'e actions o( a (e3 ric' Je3s1 t'e entire race is 'el* up as e-il. 0o* sai* it 3oul* 'appen1 an* it 'as. B7T C#R%ST !$ES T#E JE@S. @e 3oul* all *o 3ell to remember t'at C#R%ST !$ES A &E!& ES !) T#E @!R D. #is greatest 3is'1 'is greatest 'ope1 is t'at A @!7 D C!ME T! A ,"!@ ED0E !) T#E TR7T# !) 0!D4S !$ERR Because t'is group o( so calle* 2C'ristians2 uses t'e Bible to preac' 'atre*1 #e 3ill (orce t'em to +neel be(ore t'e true C'ristian1 3'om t'ey A S! #ATED @%T# A $E#EME"T #ATRED. C%AHC%S 'as 'a* *irect personal encounters 3it' t'ese people1 an* 3e +no3 o( ot'ers 3'o 'a-e as 3ell. T#E%R #EARTS ARE )7 !) #ATRED )!R A"Y!"E T#AT D!ES "!T A0REE @%T# T#E%R T#E! !0Y. T#EY #ATE T#E JE@1 T#E "E0R!1 T#E %"D%A"1 A "!"6@#%TES. A"D T#E%R !@" &E!& E %) T#EY D!"4T A0REE @%T# T#EM1 an* t'eir 'atre* explo*es to near -iolence or -iolence i( pro-o+e*. 0!D #AS C#!SE" T#E%R DE 7S%!". T#E%R E"D @% BE B%TTER"ESS1 A"D ETER"A R7%"1 %) T#EY D! "!T RE&E"T A B%B %CA RE&E"TA"CE. T'ey up'ol* Jesus C'rist1 t'ey proclaim t'eir t'eology (rom t'eir Bibles1 but t'ey t3ist1 *istort an* utterly *estroy t'e TR7E A"D BEA7T%)7 D!CTR%"ES !) C#R%ST. T'ey are !) T#E @!R D1 an* t'ey S&EA, !) T#E @!R D. T'ey 3is' to set up a T#E!CRACY @%T# AMER%CA AS "E@ JER7SA EM1 AS "E@ 5%!". T'ey are A"T%C#R%STS1 an* 3ill 0! %"T! T#E A"T%C#R%ST DECE&T%!"1 A"D @% BE &ART !) T#E A"T%C#R%ST &ERSEC7T%!" !) T#E TR7E C#R%ST%A"S. T'ey are utterly *ecei-e*. T'ey 3ill BE )!RCED to come an* 3ors'ip at t'e (eet o( t'e TR7E C#R%ST%A"1 3'om t'ey openly persecute* an* 'ate*1 an* 3'om t'ey calle* TARES. T'ey 3ill be (orce* into t'e (ires o( 'ell (or eternity. %t is interesting to note t'at e-en 7"BE %E$ERS1 T#E #EAT#E"1 ,"!@ T#ERE %S S!MET#%"0 @R!"0 @%T# T#ESE &E!& E. Yet t'ey are gro3ing stronger e-ery *ay as t'e *elusion is cast *o3n upon t'e eart'. %t is t'e ultimate *eception t'at 'ate poses as lo-eR T'at is one o( t'e reasons 3'y antic'rist goes upon t'e Temple Mount an* 3al+s into t'e #oly o( #oliesRR #e 'onestly t'in+s #E #AS T#E R%0#T. #E #!"EST Y T#%",S #E %S T#E 0!D !) A 0!D4S. %t is a *elusion to cast t'ose 3'o embrace it1 into t'e (ire o( eternal *amnation1 (or t'ey REJECT 0!D A"D C#R%ST1 #%S @!RDS1 #%S &R!&#ET%C & A"1 A"D T#EY REJECT RE0E"ERAT%!"1 A T#E @#% E C A%M%"0 T#EY ARE !) 0!D A"D !) C#R%ST. %t is t'e 'eig't o( DE 7S%!". "o3 t'en1 it is easy to pro-e t'at @#E" A S!7 ACCE&TS JES7S C#R%ST #E %S 0RA)TED %"T! %SRAE . #e become an %sraelite. @'at 'appens i( an entire nation o( people ACCE&T C#R%STJ Does 0o* t'en consi*er t'e @#! E "AT%!" A C#R%ST%A"
"AT%!"1 A"D T#ERE)!RE #%S !@"J @oul* t'at nation t'en come un*er Deuteronomy C9 3it' its blessings an* cursesJ @oul* t'at nation t'en E"TER %"T! A "AT%!"A C!$E"A"T @%T# 0!D1 T#E SAME AS %SRAE J T'e e-i*ence suggests it 3oul*. America1 because it 3as (oun*e* by bot' C'ristian an* occultic people1 B7T &7B %C Y AC,"!@ ED0ED 0o* an* Jesus C'rist in many o( its original *ocuments1 BEC!MES A )!RM !) A S&%R%T7A %SRAE R T'e Supreme Court in 89=8 AC,"!@ ED0ED AMER%CA @AS A C#R%ST%A" "AT%!". %t is spiritual because t'e "E@ C!$E"A"T %S A C!$E"A"T !) S&%R%T1 !) A "E@ #EART1 !) T#E S&%R%T !) 0!D. @ill it t'en come un*er t'e B ESS%"0S !) DE7TER!"!MY C9J America 'as in (act (ul(ille* all o( t'e blessing outline* in Deuteronomy C9. S'e 'as been blesse*1 e-en t'oug' 0o* +ne3 per(ectly 3ell s'e 3oul* turn upon #im at t'e en*. S'e is li+e Ju*as1 3'o partoo+ o( t'e blessings o( C'rist1 3al+e* 3it' C'rist as one o( t'e t3el-e1 an* 3as accepte* as a B!"A )%DE MEMBER !) T#E 0R!7&. T'is is true e-en t'oug' Jesus +ne3 t'e 3'ole 3'ile J7DAS @!7 D T7R". Satan came (rom t'e (amily o( 0o*. Cain came (rom t'e loins o( A*am. "imro* came (rom "oa'. Ju*as came (rom t'e T3el-e. Antic'rist 3ill come (rom t'e (amily o( 0o*. #e is a DECE%$ER1 A 7S7R&ER1 A %AR1 A" A&!STATER America is no *i((erent. Simply because 0o* +no3s t'at America 3ill turn1 #E @% B ESS AMER%CA 7"T% %T D!ES T7R". %( it *oes turn1 &aul says somet'ing else 'appens: T#E C7RSES !) 0!D @% )A :
2Be'ol* t'ere(ore t'e 0!!D"ESS A"D SE$ER%TY !) 0!D: !" T#EM @#%C# )E 1 SE$ER%TY? but to3ar* t'ee1 0!!D"ESS1 i( T#!7 C!"T%"7E %" #%S 0!!D"ESS? !T#ER@%SE T#!7 A S! S#A C7T !)) .Romans 88:CC/.2 BE
@'y 3oul* America be C7T !))J @'at 3oul* cause America to lea-e 0o*J T'e ans3er lies in %saia'4s claim t'at America labors (rom 'er yout' %" T#E !CC7 T. T#E !CC7 T%C )!RCES !) T#E % 7M%"AT%HMAS!"%C M!$EME"TS %")% TRATE A"D TA,E !$ER A ,EY &!S%T%!"S !) 0!$ER"ME"T1 MED%A1
C!R&!RAT%!"S1 T#E C#7RC#1 SC#!! S1 ETC. T'ey *o so -ia t'e &!@ER !) M!"EY1 A"D %" SECRET1 !$ER A !"0 &ER%!D !) T%ME. 0ra*ually t'ey s'i(t America a3ay )R!M A C#R%ST%A" "AT%!" !$ER T! A" !CC7 T%C "AT%!"1 R7" A"D 0!$ER"ED BY T#E !CC7 T%C )!RCES. 2An* 'e crie* mig'tily 3it' a strong -oice1 saying1 Babylon t'e great %S )A %S )A E"1 E"1
A"D %S BEC!ME T#E #AB%TAT%!" !) DE$% S1 A"D T#E #! D !) E$ERY )!7 S&%R%T1 A"D A CA0E !) E$ERY 7"C EA" A"D #ATE)7 B%RD .Re-elation 89:C/.2 Rea* t'at again -ery care(ully. T'is is not t'e *emise o( Babylon1 t'is is T#E )A BABY !" T! T#E !CC7 T )!RCES. %t is t'e TRA"S)!RMAT%!" !) AMER%CA %"T! A "AT%!" T#AT DESTR!YS T#E #ER%TA0E !) 0!D. %T M7RDERS A"D %M&R%S!"S 0!D4S &E!& E A"D E E$ATES 7C%)ER T! T#E T#R!"E !) T#E "AT%!"1 accor*ing to %saia' an* Jeremia'. %n ot'er 3or*s1 J7ST BE)!RE T#E )%"A DESTR7CT%!" !) AMER%CA1 S#E @% )A %"T! T#E #A"DS !) T#E !CC7 T. T'e nation (alls un*er T!TA DEM!"%C C!"TR! R S'e becomes t'e 'ome o( e-ery A"T%C#R%ST1 A"T%0!D RE %0%!" A"D BE %E) %" T#E @!R D1 T#E MAS!"%C an* % 7M%"%ST DREAM )!R T#E A0ESR T'ey (orge a complete alliance bet3een all t'e religions o( man1 an* bring t'em toget'er in a BABY !"%A" TEM& E !) 7"DERSTA"D%"0. T'e nations T7R"S an* DESTR!YS 'er 'eritage1 'er Constitution1 'er Bill o( Rig'ts1 all o( it. @e are seeing it 'appen. "A)TA1 T#E CR%ME C!"TR! B% S1 TERR!R%ST B% S1 T#E @T!1 all o( it is a (ul(illment o( t'ese prop'ecies. T'us 3e must (in* a nation t'at begins its rise un*er t'e blessings o( 0o*1 an* 3'o en*s it in )7 A"D 7TTER REBE %!". Does America (ul(ill t'is (oun*ation parameterJ T! T#E EKACT ETTER. @'en 3e examine t'e RE %0%!" !) BABY !"1 3e 3ill explore *eeply bot' aspects o( t'is (all to t'e occult. "!@ Y!7 ,"!@ @#Y AMER%CA %S 0!%"0 T!TA Y !CC7 T%C1 @#Y T#E S7&REME C!7RT #AS @A0ED @AR 7&!" C#R%ST A"D C#R%ST%A"S1 an* 3'y t'e lea*ers o( America 'a-e embrace* !CC7 T%SM an* SATA" AS T#E%R 0!DRR !)
@'en a nation recei-es its blessings (rom 0o* an* t'en turns its bac+ upon 0o*1 T#E C7RSES BE0%" T! A&&EAR. J7D0ME"TS BE0%"1 A"D E$ERY "AT%!" T#AT )!R0ETS 0!D %S T7R"ED %"T! #E . AMER%CA @% S#!RT Y BE T7R"ED %"T! #E 1 A"D #ER EADERS @% B7R" )!RE$ER @%T# T#E )%RES !) ETER"A R7%". T'e occult (orces1 t'at labore* since t'e birt' o( America to turn 'er a3ay (rom C'rist1 succee* in t'e en*1 an* *estroy 'er? A"D T7R" AMER%CA %"T! "E@ 5%!"1 "E@ JER7SA EM1 T#E "E@ AT A"T%S1 A"D T#EY ARE B7R"ED @%T# T#E )%RES !) A" A"0RY 0!D.
T'ere are many -erses in bot' !l* an* "e3 Testaments t'at re(er to Babylon as t'e EAD%"0 "AT%!" !) T#E @!R D. S#E %S T#E 2N7EE" !) T#E "AT%!"S2. S'e is sai* to sit upon a T#R!"E1 T! BE %" ACT7A )ACT1 BE#%"D T#E SCE"ES1 T#E R7 ER !) T#E @!R D.
2An* Babylon1 T#E 0 !RY !) ,%"0D!MS1 T#E BEA7TY !) T#E C#A DEES4 EKCE E"CY1
Babylon is 'ere re(erre* to as a "AT%!"H,%"0D!M1 an* t'e 0 !RY !) A ,%"0D!MS. T'ere is not'ing in t'e 3orl* li+e t'e nation BABY !". T'e 3or* 2glory2 is 2tsebee21 3'ic' means &R!M%"E"CE1 S& E"D!R1 #!"!R1 !R T#E 0REATEST. %n ot'er 3or*s1 BABY !" T#E "AT%!" %S T#E 0REATEST "AT%!" %" T#E E"T%RE @!R D1 A"D T#ERE #AS "!T BEE"1 "!R E$ER @% BE A0A%"1 A "AT%!" AS 0REAT AS BABY !". T'e p'rase 2beauty o( t'e C'al*ees4 excellency2 re(ers to t'e same concept. T'e root 3or* is 2tip'ara'2 or 2tipara2 an* means one o( 0 !RY !R T! BE )7 !) &R%DE !$ER ACC!M& %S#ME"TS. %t is a $A%" 0 !RY1 an* 0o* taunts Babylon 3it' t'is p'rase. Babylon is a nation t'at is (ille* 3it' accomplis'ments1 a nation t'at (orges a'ea* an* surmounts its problems 3it' s'eer *etermination an* is resolute t'at it can *o 3'at it sets
out to *o. %n*ee*1 America 'as t'at attitu*e1 an* America (ul(ills t'at parameter 3it' 8>>G accuracy. "! !T#ER "AT%!" !" EART# CA" B!AST AS AMER%CA CA" B!ASTRR C%S 3oul* as+ you se-eral Fuestions. Does %raF (ul(ill t'is parameterJ Can %raF claim t'at it is T#E STR!"0EST1 0REATEST "AT%!" %" T#E @!R DJ An* 3'at 'as %raF accomplis'e* except to *estroy itsel(J @'at about R!MEJ Rome is not a large nation1 but a 2cityHstate21 let alone T#E 0REATEST %" T#E @!R D. @'at about t'e ECJ )irst o( all t'e EC is (alling apart1 but let4s say (or *ebate4s sa+e t'at t'e EC comes toget'erR %s it !"E "AT%!"1 !R %S %T A" ASSEMB Y !) "AT%!"SJ E-en as an assembly o( nations1 CA" %T B!AST T#AT %T %S T#E M!ST &!@ER)7 "AT%!" %" T#E @!R D1 @%T# T#E STR!"0EST M% %TARY %" T#E @!R DJ %( it can so boast1 t'en 3'y must t'e 7.S. military supply a large part o( t'e manpo3er1 aircra(t an* eFuipment (or "AT!J %n point o( actual (act1 Europe 'as relie* almost totally upon America (or all o( its *e(ense nee*s. An* 3'at 'as t'e EC accomplis'e*J "ot'ing1 sa-e to argue among t'emsel-es an* be t'e 'otbe* o( 3ar. "o1 t'e EC cannot come closeR @'at about Russia1 3'ic' some say is BabylonJ %raFJ RomeJ "o 3ayRR %sraelJ "oR "o1 t'ese nations1 or groups o( nations .3'ic' is a -iolation o( t'e parameters/1 *o not come e-en close to (ul(illing t'is one parameter. Except one? AMER%CA. America (ul(ills t'is parameter to t'e exact letter. But 3e *o not 3ant America to be Babylon1 so t'ere(ore %T CA""!T BE S!R %n*ee*R 0o* 3ill not be moc+e*R @e s'all list more to pro-e t'is out. 2Come *o3n1 an* sit in t'e *ust1 ! -irgin *aug'ter o( Babylon1 sit on t'e groun*: T#ERE %S "! T#R!"E1 ! *aug'ter o( t'e C'al*eans: (or t'ou s'alt no more be calle* ten*er an* *elicate .%saia' A::8/.2 T'is mig'ty Babylon once sat upon t'e T#R!"E AS N7EE" !) T#E "AT%!"S. Su**enly s'e is (allen1 an* t'ere %S "! !"0ER A T#R!"E )!R #ER. S'e sits in t'e *ust .ra*ioacti-e/1 an* is gone (ore-er. T'e point is S#E !"CE #AD A T#R!"E. S#E @AS !"CE T#E M!ST &!@ER)7 "AT%!" %" T#E @!R D. T'e p'ase 2t'ere is no t'rone2 is telling o( America4s 3ealt' an* mig't1 o( 'er po3er among t'e nations o( t'e 3orl*. %n Re-elation 89::1 s'e says: 2% S%T A N7EE"2. T'e 3or* 2t'rone2 is 2+icce21 3'ic' means literally SEAT !) #!"!R1 or 2seat o( a +ing2. As 3e Eourney t'roug' t'e prop'ecies o( Jeremia'1 %saia' an* #aba++u+1 an* t'en compare t'em to Re-elation1 3e (in* a consistent portrait o( a M%0#TY E"D T%ME S%"07 AR "AT%!" T#AT %S T#E 0REATEST %" T#E E"T%RE @!R D.
2Sit t'ou silent1 an* get t'ee into *ar+ness1 ! *aug'ter o( t'e C'al*eans: )!R T#!7 S#A T "! M!RE BE CA T#E ADY !) ,%"0D!MS .%saia' A::;/.2 ED1
T'e p'rase ADY !) ,%"0D!MS rea((irms t'e prop'ets position t'at Babylon America is t'e EAD%"0 "AT%!" in t'e @#! E @!R D. S'e is T#E N7EE"1 t'at sits upon T#E T#R!"E !) T#E "AT%!"S1 T#E R7 %"0 "AT%!" !) T#E @!R D. S'e is t'e EADER1 a nation (ille* 3it' splen*or an* glory compare* to t'e ot'er nations. T'e 3or* 2la*y2 is 2g4beret'21 3'ic' means A ADY !R M%STRESS. Babylon is a pampere* mistress1 a Fueen1 a -irgin1 untouc'e*. T'e eyes o( t'e 3orl* are upon Babylon America. Babylon is portraye* as a N7EE"1 A ADY1 A @AYS %" T#E )EM%"%"E 0E"DERR 2An* t'ou sai*st1 % @% BE A ADY )!RE$ER:
so t'at t'ou *i*st not lay t'ese t'ings to t'y 'eart1 neit'er *i*st remember t'e latter en* o( it .%saia' A:::/.2
Again 3e (in* a re(erence to Babylon being A ADY )!RE$ER1 A "AT%!" T#AT T#%",S %T #AS A" ETER"A DEST%"Y1 because %T %S T#E ,%"0D!M !) 0!D !" EART#1 an* 0!D %S ETER"A . %t is a *elusion1 an* t'e *estiny o( America Babylon is Eust t'e opposite o( 3'at s'e t'in+s it is. T'at t'is attitu*e is *isplaye* in America by 'er lea*ers is pro-en by t'is Fuote ta+en (rom Congressman "e3t 0ingric'1 January C;1 8==<: 2Mr. Spea+er1 % 3ant to tal+ about RE"E@%"0 AMER%CA" C%$% %5AT%!". AMER%CA" C%$% %5AT%!" %S DECAY%"0 A"D %T M7ST BE RE"E@ED. %n )ran+lin Delano Roose-elt4s 3or*s1 our generation 'as a ren*eD-ous 3it' *estiny1 an* % belie-e (or our generation t'at ren*eD-ous is to RE"E@ AMER%CA" C%$% %5AT%!"....2 America *oes 'a-e a *estiny1 an* America 3ill ATTEM&T T! RE"E@ #ER C%$% %5AT%!" %" T#E %MA0E !) 7C%)ER1 !) BAA 1 %"T! "E@ JER7SA EM1 !) "E@ 5%!"1 !) AT A"T%S C!ME A0A%"RR %t 3ill be t'e 3orst e-il to 'a-e e-er come upon planet eart'. T'e *reams o( t'e 'ig' ran+ing <C or << *egree Masons 3ill be realiDe*RR #o3 (itting t'en1 t'at in "E@ Y!R, #ARB!R1 stan*s a ADY1 3it' 'er
torc' o( 0! D #E D #%0#. S'e stan*s upon A STAR1 an* #ER E0 %R!"S are bro+en1 per &salm C. S'e is a MAS!"%C SYMB! 1 *esigne* by a lea*ing MAS!". S'e is a ADY1 A ADY !) REBE %!"1 T#E N7EE" !) BABY !"R America is t'e center o( @!R D )%"A"CE1 @!R D TRADE1 A"D @!R D RE %0%!". @%T#%" #ER B!7"DAR%ES %ES T#E 7"%TED "AT%!"S1 3'ic' lies 3it'in t'e 0REAT C%TY1 "E@ Y!R, C%TY1 3it' T#E ADY %" T#E #ARB!RRR T'at t'e 7nite* "ations lies 3it'in t'e bor*ers o( t'e 7nite* States is not by acci*ent. (or C'rist sai* t'at as it 3as in t'e *ays o( "oa'1 so s'oul* it be again. "oa' sa3 t'e "AT%!" Babylonia (orge* un*er "imro*. #e sa3 t'e 0REAT C%TY BABY !"1 an* 'e sa3 t'e T!@ER !) BABE . So it 3ill be again: T#E ATTER DAY "AT%!" BABY !" @% #A$E A 0REAT C%TY1 A"D %" T#AT C%TY @% BE A M!DER" T!@ER !) BABE 1 T'e to3er represents:
T#E 7"%TED "AT%!"S %S !7R M!DER" T!@ER !) BABE 1 A"D %T )7 )% S A !) T#ESE &ARAMETERS. %t is t'e attempt by unregenerate man to rule t'e 3orl* 3it'out C'ristR All o( t'e occult 3ants t'e 7" to come to )7 &!@ER1 an* to 2reign o-er t'e +ings o( t'e eart'2 an exact (ul(illment o( Re-elation 8::89RR Rea* 3'at t'ey 3rite1 it is A T#ERERR T'e 7nite* "ations 3as built upon groun* t'at 3as use* as a CATT E S A70#TER#!7SE. %t is groun* soa+e* in t'e B !!D !) CATT E. T'ere is a reason 3'y t'at lan* 3as use* (or t'e 7"%TED "AT%!"S1 (or it too 3ill T7R" 7&!" T#E 2CATT E2 .it4s subEects/ an* S A70#TER T#EM @%T#!7T MERCY1 Eust as soon as s'e comes to (ull po3er. %n*ee* America T#E "AT%!" 'as 3it'in it A M%0#TY C%TY1 "E@ Y!R, C%TY1 an* 3it'in t'e boun*aries o( t'at city S%TS A T!@ER !) REBE %!"1 A T!@ER @E CA T#E 7"%TED "AT%!"S. T#E )R!"T )!R T#E % 7M%"%ST C!"S&%RACY T! R7 E T#E @!R D1 t'e (ront (or t'e 2ric' men o( t'e eart'212 t'e conspirators o( &salm CRR %s it all 2coinci*ence2J %s 0o* blin*1 or are t'e (alse prop'ets o( America blin*J Because t'e 7nite* "ations sits in America1 t'en all o( t'e nations o( t'e 3orl* M7ST C!ME T! AMER%CA T! TA,E T#E%R SEATS %" T#E @!R D 0!$ER"ME"T B!DY. Because Babylon is t'e center o( 3orl* tra*e1 an* is t'e largest importer o( goo*s1 an* 'uge exporter o( goo*s1 all t'e nations t'at tra*e by sea an* air 3ill ) !@ 7"T!
BABY !" AMER%CARR T'us it is t'at A T#E "AT%!"S ) !@ T! BAA 1 T#E T#R!"E !) SATA". So t'en1 i( t'is is so1 Babylon must be t'e primary central -ortex (or t'e political a((airs o( man upon eart'RR All t'e nations 3ill come to Babylon to sol-e t'e complex problems o( %"TER"AT%!"A A))A%RS1 an* t'ey 3ill *o so in a B!DY &! %T%C t'at is *esigne* (or t'at -ery purpose1 A" %"TER"AT%!"A )!R7M1 a place to gat'er1 to meet1 to *iscuss1 to *eci*e 3'at s'oul* be *oneRR 2An* % 3ill punis' BE %" BABY !"1 an* % 3ill bring (ort' out o( 'is mout' t'at 3'ic' 'e 'at' s3allo3e* up: A"D T#E "AT%!"S S#A "!T ) !@
T!0ET#ER A"Y M!RE 7"T! #%M: yea1 t'e 3all o( Babylon s'all (all .Jeremia' ;8:AA/.2
Rea* care(ully 3'at it says: BE %S %" BABY !"1 A"D A T#E "AT%!"S ) !@ 7"T! #%M. T#E 7"%TED "AT%!"S %S C EAR Y A" !CC7 T%C !R0A"%5AT%!"1 C EAR Y % 7M%"%ST A"D MAS!"%C. T'e (oun*ers 3ere all R%C# ME" an* t'eir MED%TAT%!" R!!M %S T#E SEAT !) BE 1 !R BAA : t'e 'ome o( 7C%)ERRRR Ta+e one loo+ at t'e 7" Me*itation room an* it 3ill lea-e no *oubt in your min*. T#E 7" %S T#E %TERA SEAT !) 7C%)ER1 BAA 1 !R BE RR All t'e nations (lo3 to t'e 7nite* "ations1 to t'e seat o( Baal1 to sit at t'eir international (orumR T'e prop'ets are al3ays 8>>G accurateR T'ere is coming a time 3'en t'e 7" 3ill be utterly *estroye*1 an* t'e nations o( t'e 3orl* 3ill no longer (lo3 to America1 to t'e 7nite* "ations. 0o* t'en says #E @% BR%"0 )!RT# T#AT @#%C# BE S@A !@ED 7&. C%S belie-es t'is coul* 3ell be a re(erence to t'e RES7RRECT%!" !) T#E DEAD %" C#R%ST A"D 0!D1 3'om Baal . uci(er/ *estroye* *uring t'e purge calle* t'e TR%B7 AT%!". 0o* brings (ort' out t'e mout' o( Baal uci(er t'at 3'ic' #E ,% ED. Babylon is blame* (or t'e persecution an* +illing o( t'e people o( 0o*1 bot' C'ristian an* Je3 .Re-elation 89:CA/. T'e *ea* in t'e or* lie in t'e pits *ug by uci(er1 an* 0o* su**enly brings t'em (ort'1 an* t'en t'e time o( 0o*4s 3rat' begins upon Babylon.
M7RDER %" T#E #EART !) BABY !" @e 3ill co-er t'is later1 but to bring about t'e col* bloo*e* mur*er o( millions o( Americans reFuires muc' a*-ance* planning. T'e logistics o( roun*ing up millions o( Americans1 o( +illing t'em an* *isposing o( t'eir bo*ies is a tas+ t'at 3oul* reFuire tremen*ous e((ort. %t also must be *one in total secrecy. T'us large concentration camps an* *etention centers must be set up an* ma*e rea*y1 but t'ey 3oul* 'a-e to be 2o(( limits2 an* a co-er story (abricate* in case it became +no3n. T'ey 3oul* be (or 2ot'er purposes21 suc' as military bases1 etc. Rail cars an* ot'er met'o*s o( transportation must be ma*e rea*y. T'e process o( extermination must also be rea*y (or t'e coming purge1 A"D T#%S & A""%"0 M7ST &RECEDE BY YEARS t'e actual beginning o( t'e purge. T'is is true because t'e Bible in*icates t'at 3'en t'e antic'rist +ing*om (inally arri-es1 %T C!MES %" RA&%D Y A"D T#E M7RDERS BE0%". You simply cannot mur*er t'e millions upon millions o( people t'at Scripture says T#E ,%"0 !) BABY !" ACC!M& %S#ES unless it 'as been 3ell planne* out long in a*-ance. %t 3oul* not be possible to put suc' an operation into place in t'e <.; years allo3e*. T'us T#E A"T%C#R%ST M7RDER MAC#%"E A&&ARAT7S @% BE SECRET Y %"STA ED @%T# MA"Y C!$ER ST!R%ES A"D EKC7SES @#E" T#E C%T%5E"S !) BABY !" AMER%CA BE0%" T! 7"C!$ER T#ESE T#%"0S. &er'aps t'at is t'e reason 3'y reports o( C!"CE"TRAT%!" CAM&S A"D DETE"T%!" CE"TERS "!@ READY 'a-e been coming in (rom all o-er America. %s t'is 3'y Americans are reporting t'at (unny loo+ing )RE%0#T TRA%" CARS1 3'ic' seem to be (or prisoner 'auling are appearing 3it' increasing (reFuencyJ %s t'at 3'y 3e are 'earing t'at #70E C!A B7R"%"0 2&!@ER& A"TS2 seems to be going up in an* aroun* &R%S!"S. %s t'at 3'y t'ere are a 3'ole 'ost o( "E@ &R%S!"S being built an* *eman*e*J T'ese are R7M!RS. an* so (ar1 t'ere 'as been no -eri(ication o( muc' o( it. %s t'at 3'y 3e 'a-e many con(irme* sig'tings o( B AC, #E %C!&TERS all o-er AmericaJ %s t'is t'e (inal p'ase o( t'eir operations (or C'ristian an* Je3is' extermination1 t'e )%"A S! 7T%!"J %s t'is 3'y AMER%,A %S 0!%"0 T#E @AY !) 0ERMA"YJ %s t'at 3'y t'e parallels bet3een 0ermany an* AMER%,A ARE A M!ST %DE"T%CA J T'at all 3e a3ait is !7R #%T ER1 T#E A"T%C#R%STJ T'e a-erage American coul* ne-er belie-e t'at suc' e-il lies 3it'in t'e 'eart o( man1 least o( all t'eir !@" 0!$ER"ME"T. Yet t'e Bible says it 3ill 'appen1 an* %DE"T%)%ES 3'o *oes it. %T %S AMER%CA T#AT D!ES %T. Most ne3spapers are -ery reluctant to report on t'ese 2rumors21 an* many *eny t'em categorically. Criminal &olitics MagaDine claime* t'ere 3as no suc' t'ing as 2blac+ 'elicopers21 an* t'at it 3as all s'eer rumour. %T %S A C!")%RMED )ACT1 SEE" BY #7"DREDS %) "!T T#!7SA"DS !) &E!& E1 A !$ER AMER%CA. T'e e*itor 'as personally seen t'em R%0#T !$ER #%S #!7SER C%S 'as recei-e* many p'one calls (rom 'ouse3i-es an* ot'er 'onest (ol+s 3'o are simply reporting 3'at t'ey are seeing. 0o*4s @or* says t'at t'e antic'rist (orces 3ill mur*er millions o( people once t'ey are in po3er. !ccult 3ritings are -ery open about it1 AS S!!" AS T#EY C!ME T! )7 &!@ER T#EY & A" T! M7RDER M% %!"S !) &E!& E. #itler mur*ere* millions o( people once 'e came to po3er. Again1 3e must
belie-e 0o* an* not t'e 2rulers2 o( Babylon1 or our 2common sense2 or our s+eptics in t'e pressRR T'e C'ristians 'a-e got to learn to TR7ST T#E @!RD !) 0!D an* not t'e liars o( go-ernment1 or religion. T'ey 'a-e to learn t'at 0o*4s @or* %S T#E TR7T#1 an* t'at e-il al3ays co-ers itsel( 3it' lies1 *ar+ness an* secrecy -ia *i-ersions. T'e Bible prop'ecies against Babylon t'ere(ore suggest t'at BAA 4S T#R!"E %S %" "E@ Y!R, C%TY. T'e nations *o (lo3 to Babylon1 to Baal in "e3 Yor+ an* t'e 7nite* "ations1 an* it is T#%S %TERA C%TY1 T#AT 0%$ES T#E !RDER T! ,% T#E SA%"TS !) 0!D1 @#! ARE T#E C#R%ST%A"S .Re-elation 8::B P 89? Matt'e3 CA:=? Daniel ::C;? Re-elation 8<::/.
America tra*es 3it' e-ery sea going nation in t'e 3orl*. "e3 Yor+ City is t'e largest seaport city in t'e entire @estern 'emisp'ereR S'e 'as set up a tremen*ous MERC#A"D%S%"0 !&ERAT%!"1 @%T# T#E AR0EST %M&!RT%"0 A"D EK&!RT%"0 !&ERAT%!" %" T#E E"T%RE @!R D. To3ar*s t'e en*1 t'is 'uge business begins to (alter an* is *estroye*.
2Because t'e !RD 'at' S&!% ED BABY !"1 A"D DESTR!YED !7T !) #ER T#E 0REAT $!%CE? 3'en 'er 3a-es *o roar li+e great 3aters1 a noise o( t'eir -oice is uttere*: .Jeremia' ;8:;;/.2
Babylon t'e 0reat 'as a 0REAT $!%CE1 one t'at is 'ear* o-er t'e @#! E EART#. @'en Babylon spea+s1 t'e @#! E @!R D %STE"S. S'e 'as t'e po3er to set up an* *estroy entire nations1 +ings1 princes an* rulers -ia 'er (oreign policy1 an* 'er economic an* military mig't. T'ose t'at openly oppose 'er 3is'es en* up 3it' tra*e embargoes1 na-al bloc+a*es1 outrig't attac+s or 3'ate-er t'e rulers o( Babylon *eci*e is appropriate (or anyone arrogant enoug' to stan* against 'er 3is'esR
cut asun*er an* bro+enR 'o3 is Babylon become a *esolation among t'e nationsR .Jeremia' ;>:C</.2
Babylon is calle* T#E #AMMER !) T#E @#! E EART#. T'e 3or* 'ammer is 2pattiys'21 3'ic' means T! &!7"D. %t implies T! S#A&E BY &!7"D%"01 T! )!RCE BY $%! E"CE1 T! )!RCE T#E @% !) BABY !" 7&!" A "AT%!"S BY T#E 7SE !) M% %TARY &!@ER1 T#E T#REAT !) @AR1 !R EC!"!M%C SA"CT%!"S. %n ot'er 3or*s1 2comply or else2 becomes t'e last *ay (oreign policy o( Babylon. T'is implies se-eral t'ings: )%RST1 t'e military mig't o( t'e "AT%!" Babylon t'e 0reat is @%T#!7T EN7A . S'e 'as t'e greatest military in t'e 3orl*1 an* combine* 3it' ot'er Scripture1 'er military po3er is #%6TEC#1 A"D "! !"E CA" MATC# #ER @EA&!"S !) @AR. S'e (orges o-er time t'e greatest military po3er t'e 3orl* 3ill e-er seeRR
2#o3 is S'es'ac' ta+enR A"D #!@ %S T#E &RA%SE !) T#E @#! E EART# S7R&R%SEDR 'o3 is Babylon become an astonis'ment among t'e nations .Jeremia' ;8:A8/.2
Babylon is calle* t'e &RA%SE !) T#E @#! E EART#R Babylon is t'e 3on*er o( all t'e nations. All t'e nations (lo3 unto 'er an* Baal (or t'eir economic li-es *epen* upon BabylonR S'e is again *epicte* as t'e center o( all 3orl* tra*eRR %t 3as BABY !"4S R%C# ME"1 t'e mig'ty merc'ants1 t'at )!R0ED A @!R D @%DE EC!"!M%C SYSTEM1 an* T#E%R D! AR 3as t'e STA"DARD t'at all ot'er currencies 3ere 3eig'e* against. T'e rest o( t'e 3orl* stan*s in a3e at t'is mig'ty nation1 at 'er li(estyle1 at 'er stan*ar* o( li-ing1 at 'er 3ealt'1 po3er1 glory an* ability. But it all comes to not'ing1 (or Babylon (orgets 0o*1 an* turns on 0o*4s people1 an* *estroys t'em an* t'e 'eritage s'e once 'a*. @'at a sa* en*ing (or suc' a great nation. #o3 *oes suc' a t'ing 'appenJ T'e people o( America 3ere not -igilant. T'ey became materialistic1 an* t'ey le(t t'e @or* o( t'e or*. T'ey 3ent into *eep apostasy. T'e *ri(t a3ay (rom 0o* is S !@. %t ta+es many years1 but (inally1 at t'e en*1 Babylon America is A"T%C#R%ST T! T#E C!RE1 B7T T#E &E!& E D! "!T REA %5E %T. %T %S A DECE&T%!"1 A DECE&T%!" CA7SED BY A&!STASY )R!M T#E TR7T# !) SCR%&T7RE.
EST 7&!"
MA"Y @ATERS1 AB7"DA"T %" TREAS7RES1 T#%"E E"D %S C!ME1 A"D T#E MEAS7RE !) T#Y C!$ET!7S"ESS .Jeremia' ;8:8</.2
Again 3e (in* t'at t'e mig'ty nation Babylon D@E S .!R S%TS/ 7&!" MA"Y @ATERS. T'is nation4s 'ome is a lan* t'at is surroun*e* by many *i((erent 3aters. S'e is t'ere(ore a SEA&!RT "AT%!"1 A "AT%!" T#AT #AS MA"Y &!RTS )!R #ER TRADE @#%C# S#E CARR%ES !" BY SEA @%T# !T#ER "AT%!"S !) T#E @!R D. S'e is also a nation t'at 'as citiDens (rom e-ery nation upon eart'1 an* o(ten t'e p'rase 2seas2 or 3aters can re(er to t'is (act. S#E D@E S A"D S%TS 7&!" T#E T#R!"E !) T#E EART#. S'e 2sits2 as N7EE" o-er many nations1 peoples1 tribes an* tongues. America 'as t'e largest seaport city in t'e @est1 3'ic' is "e3 Yor+ City. S'e also 'as multiple seaports up an* *o3n 'er coastal lan*s. America (ul(ills t'is parameter 8>>G. S'e sits upon t'e AT A"T%C1 T#E &AC%)%C1 T#E 07 ) !) MEK%C!1 T#E 0REAT A,ES1 T#E 07 ) !) A AS,A1 T#E BEAR%"0 SEA1 A"D T#E ARCT%C !CEA". S'e 'as t'e mig'ty MississippiRR %n*ee*1 3it'out stretc'ing one iota1 America (ul(ills t'is parameter o( t'e or*4s1 @%T# 8>>G ACC7RACY. "o ot'er nation o(ten mentione* as BABY !" *oes soR ME" ARE %ARS1 A"D 0!D TE S T#E TR7T#. T#ERE)!RE BE %E$E 0!D A"D SA$E Y!7R S!7 . Babylon is also sai*1 in t'is -erse o( Scripture1 to be AB7"DA"T %" TREAS7RE. S'e is a mig'ty nation1 a large nation (ille* 3it' all sorts o( natural resources. S'e is ric' in M%"ERA S1 T%MBER1 @% D %)E1 A0R%C7 T7RE1 ETC. S'e 3ill 'a-e *eposits o( oil1 natural gas1 an* numerous minerals 3'ic' s'e can mine1 re(ine an* tra*eR S'e is a nation t'at 'as a tremen*ous natural resources t'at s'e exploits an* mar+ets to t'e entire 3orl*1 -ia 'er multiple seaports an* s'ipping. T'is 'as rami(ications to us. %( Babylon is t'e largest tra*ing nation o( t'e 3orl*1 3it' seaports all along 'er coast regions1 t'en 'o3 *oes s'e MA"7)ACT7RE A #ER 0!!DS1 A"D S#%& T#EMJ T'is means manu(acturing plants1 a 'uge 'ig'3ay in(rastructure1 3are'ouses1 airports1 a #70E %")RASTR7CT7RE to support 'er #70E TRAD%"0 SYSTEM. Does %raF (ul(ill t'is parameterJ Di* it e-erJ RomeJ Any o( t'e nations o( t'e ECJ "oR But America *oesRR S'e 'as t'e largest in(rastructure o( any nation in t'e 3orl*. T'ere is "! !T#ER "AT%!" t'at can e-en come C !SE to 'er 'ig'3ay systems1 'er airports1 'er manu(acturing plants an* t'at goes 3it' itRR
2)or in one 'our so great ric'es is come to naug't. An* e-ery s'ipmaster1 an* all t'e company in s'ips1 an* sailors1 an* AS MA"Y AS TRADE BY T#E SEA1 ST!!D A)AR !))... .Re-elation 89:8:/2. Re-elation 89 substantiates t'e !l* Testament prop'ets t'at ATTER DAY BABY !" %S A "AT%!" @%T# MA"Y S#%&&%"0 A"ES1 A"D MA"Y SEA&!RTS. T'ose sailors an* merc'ants literally @ATC# BABY !" 0! 7& %" SM!,ER America1 as 'as been state*1 'as multiple 3arm 3ater sea ports1 3it' t'e mig'ty C%TY "E@ Y!R, C%TY1 T#E 0REAT C%TY BABY !" t'e largest seaport in t'e entire @ESTER" #EM%S&#ERERR S#E #AS S#%&&%"0 A"ES !" T#E EAST1 S!7T# @ESTER" A"D "!T#ER" C!ASTS .ST. A@RE"CE SEA@AY A"D 0REAT A,ES/. Babylon tra*es 3it' all t'e nations o( t'e 3orl*1 an* (orges t'e most complex tra*ing an* merc'an*ising system t'e 3orl* 3ill e-er see. T'is tra*ing system is (orge* o-er many years1 an* Babylon slo3ly 3axes R%C#1 A"D BEC!MES T#E R%C#EST !) A T#E "AT%!"SRR %t is t'is tra*ing system t'at propels BABY !" T! T#E #E%0#T !) #ER &!@ER. $ia 'er 3ealt'1 s'e can a((or* t'e greatest military mac'ine e-er seen upon eart'R S'e can a((or* to spen* t'e money reFuire* to buil* 'uge corporations1 'uge (oun*ations1 because 3ealt' begets more 3ealt'RR T#E MERC#A"TS !) BABY !" CA ED T#E 0REAT ME" !) T#E EART#.
!ne o( t'e ot'er +ey parameters to i*enti(y Babylon is t'at 'er merc'ants are calle* t'e 0REAT ME" !) T#E EART#: 2...)!R T#Y MERC#A"TS @ERE T#E 0REAT ME" !) T#E EART#? (or BY T#Y S!RCER%ES @ERE A "AT%!"S DECE%$ED
.Re-elation 89:C</.2
T'is parameter is -ery strict in trut'1 (or it reFuires t'at Babylon4s merc'ants BEC!ME T#E EAD%"0 MERC#A"D%SERS !) T#E E"T%RE @!R D1 an* t'at t'eir C!R&!RAT%!"S become 0%A"TS !) %"TER"AT%!"A TRADE. (orging t'e most po3er(ul tra*ing system in t'e 3orl*. T'e corporations o( Babylon gro3 to be 'uge conglomerates1 3'ic' become M!"!&! %ES1 an* t'eir 3ealt' becomes staggering. T'ey 'a-e corporate 'ea*Fuarters in most nations1 an* t'eir tra*ing system (orges a 3eb t'at co-ers t'e entire globe. T'is large en* time tra*ing system is more po3er(ul t'an 0o-ernments1 an* in (act1 )!R0ES T#E %"D7STR%A 6 0!$ER"ME"TA 6 M% %TARY C!M& EK !) T#E A"T%C#R%STR Does %raF (it t'is parameterJ Does %raF 'a-e t'e largest corporations o( t'e 3orl*J Does RomeJ Does t'e ECJ @e +no3 t'e ans3ers to t'is. America1 3it' 'er %BM1 <M1 EKK!"1 07 ) !% 1 an* long list o( ot'er 'uge corporations S&A"S T#E 0 !BE1 A"D TRADES A"D DEA S %" E$ERY "AT%!" 7&!" EART#. %n*ee*1 America (its t'is parameter li+e a glo-e1 A"D "! !T#ER "AT%!" 7&!" EART# CA" B!AST !) T#%S ACC!M& %S#ME"T. American corporations 'a-e in*ustrial plants all o-er t'e 3orl*1 an* t'eir tra*ing system 'as in (act (orme* a 3eb t'at co-ers t'e 3'ole eart'1 an* 'as also (orge* an in*ustrial1 go-ernmental an* military complex t'e li+es o( 3'ic' 'a-e ne-er been seen be(oreRR T'e -ery center o( t'is 'uge tra*ing colossus is T#E 0REAT C%TY BABY !"1 "E@ Y!R, C%TY. T'e largest corporations o( America1 an* t'e 3orl*1 'a-e 'ea*Fuarters or o((ices eit'er in or near "E@ Y!R, C%TY. T! C!"D7CT TRA"SACT%!"S !" @A STREET an* t'e @orl* Tra*e Center. T'e largest stoc+ mar+et in t'e 3orl* sits in "e3 Yor+ City1 3it' t'e D!@ J!"ES A"D "E@ Y!R, an* AMEK ST!C, EKC#A"0ESR %( @all Street (alls1 T#E E"T%RE @!R D @% )A @%T# %T. %( t'e American business mac'ine (ails1 T#E E"T%RE TRAD%"0 SYSTEM !) T#E @!R D )A% S @%T# %T. T'e 2ric' men2 all 'a-e o((ices in "e3 Yor+1 regar*less o( t'eir #!ME "AT%!". "e3 Yor+ is T#E %MA0E !) BABY !"1 T#E 0REATEST C%TY %" T#E @!R D. 2An* t'e ,%"0S !) T#E EART#1 3'o 'a-e committe* )!R"%CAT%!" A"D %$ED DE %C%!7S Y @%T# #ER1 S#A BE@A% #ER1
A"D AME"T )!R #ER1 3'en t'ey s'all see t'e smo+e o( #ER B7R"%"0 .Re-elation 89:=/.2
T'ey 3ail an* bemoan t'is mig'ty "AT%!" BABY !"1 (or 3'en Babylon is *estroye*1 T#E%R E"T%RE TRAD%"0 SYSTEM 0!ES 7& %" SM!,E @%T# #ER. Because most o( t'e merc'ants o( t'e eart' 'a-e t'eir money tie* up in 7.S. stoc+s1 7.S. C!R&!RAT%!"S1 A"D A"D %"$ESTME"TS1 an* many 'a-e t'eir gol* an* sil-er store* in America1 3'en AMER%CA %S DESTR!YED1 T#EY ARE %"STA"T Y BA",R7&T1 an* t'e entire system cras'es to t'e groun*R "e3 Yor+ City RE&RESE"TS t'e 3ealt' o( America1 Eust as t'e 0REAT C%TY BABY !" represents t'e 3ealt' o( T#E "AT%!" BABY !". @'en t'e C%TY B7R"S1 t'e "AT%!" B7R"S @%T# #ER. T'us 3e can pro-e t'at America1 t'e M%0#TY BABY !"1 is t'e central 'ub o( all 3orl* tra*e. T'e $E !C%TY !) EKC#A"0E in @A STREET is unexcelle* in t'e 3orl*. "E@ Y!R, C%TY %S T#E @!R D4S )%"A"C%A #7B1 somet'ing t'at e-en t'e 3orl*4s largest ban+ers an* (inanciers rea*ily ac+no3le*ge in t'eir 3ritings. C""4s M!"BEY %"E announces it on e-ery programRR %n*ee*1 T#E AMER%CA" B7S%"ESSME"1 T#E AMER%CA" C!R&!RATE EADERS1 ARE T#E 0REAT ME" !) T#E EART#. @it' t'eir %"TER !C,%"0 D%RECT!RS#%&S1 3it' t'eir connections to 0!$ER"ME"T A"D M% %TARY EADERS1 t'ese men 3iel* tremen*ous po3er1 an* t'ey are re(erre* to as t'e 2R%C# ME" !) T#E EART#2. T'e 3or* 20reat2 means !RDS. T#7S T#EY ARR T#E 2 !RDS !) T#E EART#2. You see1 t'e entire BABY !"%A" SYSTEM is primarily EC!"!M%C. %t is (rom t'is EC!"!M%C BASE t'at it 'as t'e po3er to (orge a !"E @!R D 0!$ER"ME"T1 !"E @!R D RE %0%!"1 A"D A !"E @!R D EC!"!MY. %t is t'e 06: nations t'at are pus'ing (or T#E "E@ @!R D !RDER. T'e 06: are t'e ric'est nations upon eart'R T#E B%B E D!ES "!T %E. %t is (rom t'is economic base t'at t'e R%C# ME" !) T#E EART# 'a-e been able to 3ea-e t'eir 3eb o( (inancial control an* t'en to E"D T! A "AT%!"S1 A"D REA& #70E &R!)%TS )R!M MA"%&7 ATED %"TEREST RATES1 DE&RESS%!"S A"D RECESS%!"S. %t is t'e 2ric' men o( t'e eart'2 3'o rule t'e 3orl* be'in* t'e scenes1 an* 3'o (orge t'eir occultic religion an* (orce it upon t'e 3'ole 3orl*. %t is t'e 2ric' men o( t'e eart'2 t'at t'e Bible says are t'e 2+illers o( t'e Eust .James ;:B/.2 %t is t'e ric' men o( t'e eart'1 t'e mig'ty merc'ants o( Babylon1 t'at S&% T#E B !!D !) A T#AT ARE S A%" 7&!" T#E EART# .Re-elation 89:CA/. 0o* points t'e (inger *irectly at t'ese M%0#TY ME" !) )%"A"CE1 an* lays t'e blame rig't at t'eir (eet. $ia 'er monetary manipulations1 Babylon cause* @!R D @ARS1 an* mur*ere* millions o( people *oing it. T'ese ric' men o( t'e eart' are t'e -ery 'eart o( A T#E E$% S 7&!" EART#. As t'eir 'ome is Babylon1 t'en it is no acci*ent t'at t'eir )R!"T !R0A"%5AT%!"1 T#E 7"%TED "AT%!"S %S A S! %" BABY !". %( one examines t'e Council on )oreign Relations1 t'e Trilateral Commission1 t'e Bil*erburgers1 an* t'e 'ost o( ot'er spin o(( organiDations1 3e 3ill (in* t'em T! BE C!M&!SED !) T#E R%C# ME" !) T#E EART#. %( 3e examine 3'o sits on t'e boar*s o( (oun*ations an* t'e large corporations1 3e 3ill (in* T#E R%C# ME" !) T#E
EART#. %( 3e examine t'e *octrines o( t'ese men1 @E )%"D @!R D 0!$ER"ME"T1 A @!R D EC!"!M%C SYSTEM A"D A @!R D RE %0%!" AT T#E $ERY C!RE !) T#E%R T#!70#TS. @#YJ BECA7SE %T BE"%)ETS T#EM 0REAT Y1 A"D !&E"S T#E E"T%RE @!R D )!R T#E%R & 7"DER%"0. "o3 t'en1 i( 3e examine t'e )!7"D%"0 )AT#ERS !) T#E 7"%TED "AT%!"S1 @E )%"D T#E R%C# ME" !) T#E EART#. %( 3e examine 3'o is be'in* t'e 2ecology mo-ement2 an* t'e (oun*ations t'at are grabbing up all t'e lan*1 3e (in* 2t'e ric' men o( t'e eart'2. At t'e bottom o( it all ARE T#E R%C# ME"1 T#E M%0#TY MERC#A"TS !) BABY !". T'ere(ore 3e 'a-e a *ouble -eri(ication: Babylon is T#E "AT%!" t'at is t'e R%C#EST !" EART#. @it'in it are t'e R%C# ME". @it'in t'e "AT%!" BABY !" %S A M%0#TY C%TY1 t'e city o( @EA T#1 M!"EY1 A"D &!@ER1 T#E #!ME !) T#E R%C# ME". @it'in t'e city lies a M!DER" T!@ER !) BABE 1 T#E 7"%TED "AT%!"S1 )7"DED BY T#E SAME R%C# ME". %t is no coinci*ence. 2As it 3as1 so s'all it be...2 sai* Jesus. #e +ne3 o( 3'at #e spo+e. Babylon America is t'e only nation t'at (ul(ills t'ese parameters 3'en compare* to t'e ot'er restrictions o( t'e prop'ets. T'ere is no ot'er nation upon eart' t'at e-en comes close. T'ere is not any 0R!7& !) "AT%!"S t'at comes close. BE %E$E 0!D. %( Babylon is in*ee* t'e ric'est nation in t'e 3orl*1 t'en it stan*s to reason t'at 'er citiDens 3oul* also enEoy t'e 'ig'est stan*ar* o( li-ing in t'e 3orl*. T'is is not to say t'ere are not t'e poor in Babylon1 but t'at t'e a-erage citiDen o( t'e country 3oul* enEoy a stan*ar* o( li-ing 7","!@" to t'e -ast maEority o( t'e eart'4s population. T'e 3ealt' an* style o( li-ing in Babylon is one o( opulence1 pleasure1 gree* an* luxury. W %saia' A::9: 2gi-en to pleasures.2 W %saia' A::=: 2great abun*ance o( t'ine enc'antments.2 W Jeremia' ;>:<:: 2'er 'orses...'er c'ariots1 'er treasures...2 W Jeremia' ;>:<9: 2t'ey are MAD 7&!" T#E%R %D! S.2 W Jeremia' ;8:8<: 2abun*ant in treasure.2 W Jeremia' ;8:8<: 2t'e measure o( t'y co-etousness.2 W Re-elation 89:<: 2abun*ance o( 'er *elicacies.2 W Re-elation 89::: 2an* li-e* *eliciously.2 W Re-elation 89:8A: 2all t'ings 3'ic' 3ere *ainty an* goo*ly...2 W Re-elation 89:8B: 2clot'e* in (ine linen1 an* purple an* scarlet.2 W Re-elation 89:8=: 2by reason o( 'er costliness.2
T'ere is no mista+e 'ere. T'e citiDens o( Babylon enEoy t'e 'ig'est stan*ar* o( li-ing +no3n in t'e 3orl*. T'ere is no place upon eart' li+e America1 t'e Mig'ty Babylon. Americans 3'o tra-el abroa* 3ill tell you t'at t'ere is not'ing li+e America1 or t'e *ainties an* goo*ies o( American li(e. T'e citiDens o( Babylon America are ma* upon t'eir i*ols. T'ey 3ors'ip pleasure an* 'a-e a multitu*e o( i*ols t'at t'ey 'a-e set up. %n t'e Bible1 an i*ol is anyt'ing t'at gets in t'e 3ay o( t'e 3ors'ip o( 0o* or Jesus C'rist. An i*ol is anyt'ing t'at TA,ES T#E & ACE !) 0!D !R C#R%ST BE%"0 )%RST %" T#E %)E !) T#AT &ERS!". Americans 'a-e put sports o( all types abo-e t'e 3ors'ip o( 0o*. Baseball1 (ootball1 bas+etball1 so(tball1 'oc+ey are only a (e3 o( t'e sports in-ol-e*. Sur(ing1 (lying1 s+y *i-ing1 boating1 mo*el aircra(t1 an* a multitu*e o( ot'er 'obbies are place* a'ea* o( 0o* an* C'rist1 T'en 3e 'a-e SEK1 3'ic' inclu*es a*ulteries1 prostitution1 (ornication1 pornograp'y1 'omosexuality1 per-ersions o( all types 3'ic' Americans 'a-e sol* t'emsel-es into. T'e pleasures o( Babylon are many1 so many t'ey cannot e-en begin to be name*. America *oes not 3ors'ip 0o* or C'rist1 it 3ors'ips %TS %D! S1 3'ic' it 'as gone insane upon. T'e C'ristians in America are no *i((erent (rom t'e unbelie-ers. T'ey must be entertaine* 3it' music1 tele-ision1 mo-ies1 -i*eos1 boo+s plays1 concerts an* all types o( D%$ERS%!"S t'at 'a-e become t'e i*ols instea* o( true 3ors'ip. T'eir 'ouses o( 3ors'ip 'a-e become 'uge T$ pro*uction 'ouses1 an* rat'er t'an 3ors'ip1 t'ey 'a-e 'uge pro*uctions to entertain t'eir 2(ollo3ers2. %T @% A C!ME T! "A70#T1 %" A M!ME"T1 %" !"E #!7R. %t 3ill su**enly be o-er1 3it' millions s3ept into eternal ruin an* loss. T'e American C'ristian1 o( 3'ic' t'e -ast maEority are totally 7"RE0E"ERATE accor*ing to t'e Scriptures1 because t'ey 'a-e reEecte* t'e 3ay o( t'e trut'1 3ill li+e3ise be s3ept a3ay into eternal ruin1 ne-er to escape1 ne-er to obtain a reprie-e. Y!7 D! "!T #A$E T! BE !"E !) T#EM. Y!7 D! "!T @A"T T! BE !"E !) T#EM. T'us is Babylon portraye* as t'e N7EE" !) T#E "AT%!"S1 T#E ADY !) T#E ,%"0D!MS1 T#E 0 !RY !) T#E @!R D4S "AT%!"S1 T#E &RA%SE !) T#E @#! E EART#. %t is (itting t'ere(ore1 t'at America 'as1 in t'e 'arbor o( t'e 0REAT C%TY BABY !"1 "E@ Y!R,1 a ADY T#AT STA"DS AS A SE"T%"E T! #ER D!!RS. T'is la*y1 Fuite (ittingly1 %)TS #ER ARM 7& #%0# %" T#E S,Y1 @%T# A 0! DE" T!RC# .C7&/ %" #ER #A"DS. S'e beacons to t'e 3orl*1 an* t'e 3orl* 'as in*ee* 0!"E MAD !$ER BABY !"1 A"D #AS %"DEED DR7", !) T#E @%"E !) #ER )!R"%CAT%!". An* yet1 3e 'a-e not begun to touc' t'e parameters o( 0o* (or t'is mig'ty en* time nation Babylon t'e 0reat. @e 'a-e not e-en begun to pro-e t'at America is an* must be Babylon t'e 0reat. @e 'a-e only s+imme* t'e sur(ace o( parameters. %n our next issue1 3e s'all (urt'er examine t'ese parameters1 an* 3ill substantiate 3it' (urt'er e-i*ence t'at America is in*ee* DEST%"ED )!R A" E$% A"D 7"T%ME Y E"D. America 'a* it all. S'e *i* not consi*er 'er latter en*. S'e *i* not consi*er s'e 3as not eternal1 but only a nation among t'e nations o( t'e 3orl*. S'e *i* not consi*er t'at 0o* is S!$ERE%0"1 3'o sets up an* tears *o3n nations an* lea*ers at #is 3ill an* pleasure.
Babylon America *i* not consi*er t'at s'e 3as a spec+ o( *ust in t'e 'an* o( t'e or*. S'e *i* not consi*er t'at A"Y "AT%!" T#AT REJECTS 0!D %S T7R"ED %"T! #E . S'e (orgot 0o*1 an* s'e le(t t'e (ear o( 0o*. S'e turne* an* (oug't against 0o* an* #is anointe*. #er en*1 an* t'e en* o( 'er lea*ers1 t'e arrogant rulers1 Supreme Court Ju*ges1 la3yers1 businessmen is one o( (ire an* eternal ruin. T'e tables o( 'er rulers1 an* t'e tables o( t'e (alse s'ep'er*s o( Babylon1 t'e C'ristian lea*ers ARE )% ED @%T# $!M%T. T#EY #A$E BEC!ME $% E T! T#E !RD. T#EY ARE E$% 1 @%T#!7T AB% %TY T! RE&E"T. T'ey must continue in t'eir course rig't into t'e (ires o( 'ell itsel(. !nly t'en 3ill t'ey realiDe T#E%R DE 7S%!"S. !nly t'en 3ill t'ey realiDe1 too late1 3'at a 0RA"D DE 7S%!" T#EY AB!RED 7"DER. @'at a pity1 3'at a 3aste1 3'at a s'ame. E-en so1 C!ME1 !RD JES7S. %S AMER%CA BABY !"J &art T'ree
%n our (irst an* secon* articles1 C%S pro-e* t'at 0o* consi*ers Babylon t'e 0reat A S%"07 AR "AT%!". S'e is not a 0R!7& !) "AT%!"S BR!70#T T!0ET#ER1 as t'e EC1 but is instea* A S%"07 AR "AT%!" )R!M #ER B%RT# !"@ARDS. 0o* utterly *enies t'e mo*ern concept t'at Babylon is simply a SYSTEM t'at spans t'e 3orl*. %t is muc' more t'an t'at. T'e i*entity o( Babylon t'e 0reat as A "AT%!" is o( -ital importance to us as prop'etic stu*ents1 (or it is Babylon t'at goes (ort' in t'e time o( t'e en* an* conFuers t'e entire 3orl*. Accor*ing to %saia' 8A1 it is t'e ,%"0 !) BABY !" t'at is t'e A"T%C#R%ST1 3'ose name is 7C%)ER. T'e implication o( Scripture is t'at t'is man1 7C%)ER1 is t'e +ing o( Babylon t'e "AT%!"1 A"D T#E C%TY. T'at means1 (or example1 t'at i( America is BABY !"1 t'en s'e 3ill1 t'roug' t'e 7nite* "ations1 become in-ol-e* in areas all o-er t'e 3orl*1 as s'e tries to (orce 'er "E@ @!R D !RDER !" T#E E"T%RE & A"ET. @e loo+e* at se-eral o( t'e +ey parameters lai* *o3n by t'e or* (or us to i*enti(y t'is last E"D T%ME 0REAT "AT%!". Jesus sai* t'at 'istory 3oul* repeat itsel(1 an* t'at as it 3as in t'e *ays o( "oa'1 so 3oul* it be again at t'e close o( t'e age. T'is is an important parameter (or us1 (or "oa' li-e* =;> years1 an* li-e* <;> o( t'ose years on T#%S S%DE !) T#E ) !!D. "oa' sa3 "%MR!D4S "AT%!" CA ED BABY !"%A. #e also say T#E 0REAT C%TY BABY !"1 t'at 3as t'e N7EE" C%TY !) BABY !"%A. "ear t'is great city Babylon "imro* built a T!@ER1 calle* t'e T!@ER !) BABE 1 3'ic' means bot' 20ATE !) 0!D21 an* also 2C!")7S%!"2. T'ese parameters are $ERY STR%CT %"DEED1 (or as 3e approac' t'e time o( t'e en*1 A C!7"TER&ART M!DER" "AT%!" @%T# T#E SAME C#ARACTER%ST%CS !) A"C%E"T BABY !" M7ST AR%SE an* (orm an %DE"T%CA &ATTER".
%n ot'er 3or*s1 T#ERE @% EMER0E %" T#E ATTER DAYS1 A 0REAT M!DER" "AT%!"1 3'ic' 3ill be (or it4s time1 t'e EN7%$A E"T o( ancient Babylon un*er "%MR!D1 in &!@ER1 RE %0%!7S !7T !!,1 &! %T%CA STR7CT7RE1 ETC. Because ancient Babylonia un*er "imro* 3as a S%"07 AR "AT%!"1 an* 3it'in its national bor*ers 3as a 0REAT C%TY t'at re(lecte* t'e po3er an* prestige o( t'e nation itsel(1 3e must t'en loo+ (or %TS C!7"TER&ART1 an !))S&R%"01 A DESCE"DE"T1 A 2DA70#TER2 !) A"C%E"T BABY !". 2 i+e mot'er1 li+e *aug'ter2 3oul* be t'e sum o( it all. @'en 3e apply t'ese parameters1 3e t'en must loo+ (or a S%"07 AR "AT%!"1 an* 3it'in t'at "AT%!" 3e must )%"D A 0REAT C%TY1 an* near t'at 0REAT C%TY1 3e must (in* A T!@ER !) BABE t'at represents 3'at ancient Babylon represente*: !"E @!R D 0!$ER"ME"T1 !"E @!R D RE %0%!"1 A"D !"E @!R D EC!"!M%C SYSTEM1 all o( 3'ic' 3ere true un*er "%MR!D1 3'o DE)%ED 0!D1 an* 3ent into 7TTER REBE %!" against t'e comman*s o( t'e !RD. 2An* 0o* blesse* "oa' an* 'is sons1 an* sai* unto t'em1 BE )R7%T)7 1 A"D M7 T%& Y1 A"D RE& E"%S# T#E EART# .0enesis =:8/. T'e comman* o( 0o* to "oa' an* to 'is sons 3as (or t'em to go (ort' an* replenis' t'e entire eart'. %t 3as state* again in 0enesis =::. %n ot'er 3or*s1 0!D @A"TED T#EM T! S&READ !7T1 an* to 0! )!RT# an* sprea* o-er t'e entire eart'. !ne o( t'e sons o( "oa' 3as #am. #am 'a* a son calle* C7S#. Cus' begat "%MR!D. T'is is only t3ice remo-e* (rom "oa'1 a span o( time not (ar (rom t'e (loo* itsel(. "imro* became a M%0#TY MA"1 A M%0#TY #7"TER BE)!RE T#E !RD. T'e beginning o( #%S ,%"0D!M @AS BABE .0enesis 8>:968>/. T'e comman* o( 0o* 3as to S&READ !7T A"D RE& E"%S# T#E EART#. "imro* an* 'is ruling elite electe* to )!R0E A S%"07 AR C%TY1 an* to buil* A T!@ER T#AT REAC#ED 7"T! #EA$E": 2An* t'e 3'ole eart' 3as o( !"E A"07A0E1 an* o( !"E S&EEC#. An* it came to pass1 as t'ey Eourneye* (rom t'e east1 t'at t'ey (oun* a plain in t'e lan* o( S#%"AR? A"D T#EY D@E T T#ERE. An* t'ey sai* one to anot'er1 0o to1 let us
MA,E BR%C,1 an* B7R" T#EM T#!R!70# Y. An* t'ey 'a* BR%C, )!R ST!"E1 an* slime 'a* t'ey (or mortar.
An* t'ey sai*1 0o to1 ET 7S B7% D 7S A C%TY A"D A T!@ER1 @#!SE T!& MAY REAC# 7"T! #EA$E"? A"D ET 7S MA,E 7S A "AME1 EST @E BE SCATTERED ABR!AD 7&!" T#E )ACE !) T#E @#! E EART# .0enesis 88:86A/.2
"o3 t'e comman* o( t'e or* 3as T! SCATTER A"D RE& E"%S#. "imro*1 'o3e-er1 sai* ET 7S STAY A"D MA,E 7S A "AME1 ET 7S B7% D A 0REAT C%TY A"D T!@ER1 an* BY C! ECT%$E &!@ER 3e 3ill "!T BE SCATTERED. T'ere are se-eral important t'ings to note 'ere: 8. T'eir city 3as o( bric+ an* put toget'er 3it' slime .pitc'/. T'e mo*ern *ay eFui-alent is CEME"T B !C,1 ST!"E A"D !7R &%TC# %S CEME"T M!RTAR. T'ey 3ere B7% DERS !) C%T%ES. Mo*ern Babylon 3ill buil* CEME"T C%T%ES. C. T'ey electe* to DE)Y 0!D an* to C! ECT%$E Y STATE T! 0!D1 2@E @% "!T BE SCATTERED. @e s'all stay1 an* @E S#A B7% D 7S A T!@ER R%0#T %"T! #EA$E" %TSE ). @E S#A ASCE"D %"T! T#E #EA$E"S. @E S#A D!
AS @E & EASE.2 %t 3as a C! ECT%$E E))!RT !" T#E &ART !) MA",%"D T! DE)Y 0!D A"D #%S C!MMA"DS. %nstea* o( +eeping "AT%!"S1 ,%"DREDS1 T!"07ES1 latter *ay man 3ill attempt to ME T T#EM T!0ET#ER1 un*er (orce o( la3 an* being 2politcally correct2. 7n*er t'e la3s o( 2tolerance2 an* 2brot'er'oo*21 an* 2peace2 an* 2lo-e21 man+in* 3ill (orge a latter *ay 7T!&%A un*er t'e 3atc'(ul eyes o( an elite 2priest'oo*21 +no3n as t'e 23ise men21 or t'e 2guar*ians2. "o matter 3'at t'e name1 t'e %"TE"T is t'e same. %saia' C'apter 8A s'o3s us t'is -ery same attitu*e on t'e part o( t'e ,%"0 !) BABY !"1 3'o gat'ers t'e @#! E @!R D 7"T! #%MSE )1 an* 'e R7 ES )R!M A 0REAT C%TY1 an* (rom a T!@ER %" T#AT C%TY. <. T'e symbol o( T#%S C! ECT%$E E))!RT !) 7"%)%ED MA",%"D @AS T#E 0REAT T!@ER. T'e great to3er 3as T#E SYMB! !) REBE %!"1 an* t'e central part o( t'at rebellion 3as T! 7"%)Y1 T! )!R0E A !"E @!R D SYSTEM1 A C! ECT%$E SYSTEM un*er one *espot1 "imro*R So (rom its beginning1 Babylon means: 8. REBE %!" ECT%$E
C. %T %S T#E EADER %" T#E ATTEM&T T! 7"%)Y MA" %"T! !"E C! @#! E.
<. %T @% #A$E A T!@ER T#AT %S T#E SYMB! !) T#%S 7"%)%CAT%!" E))!RT. T'ere(ore %T @% BE %" DE)%A"CE !) 0!D4S C EAR Y STATED %"TE"TS. T'at to3er1 t'ere(ore1 represents !"E @!R D 0!$ER"ME"T 7"DER !"E R7 ER1 A 7"%)%ED MA",%"D @%T# A 7"%)%ED C!DE !) A@1 A 7"%)%ED SYSTEM !) EC!"!M%CS1 A"D A 7"%)%ED RE %0%!" T#AT %S %" D%RECT C!"TRAD%CT%!" T! 0!D. T'e BABY !" !) T#E E"D T%MES must gat'er toget'er all t'e "AT%!"S an* &E!& ES1 an* T!"07ES t'at 0!D SCATTERED at t'e original BABY !". Babylon *e(ies 0o*1 3'o 3ants "AT%!"S1 ,%"0D!MS1 TR%BES1 T!"07ES A"D &E!& ES. %t is #%S DECREE t'at man S#!7 D BE SCATTERED1 an* t'at t'ere is "!T#%"0 @R!"0 AT A @%T# $AR%!7S TR%BES A"D "AT%!"A %T%ES. 0o* sees it AS 0!!D. Can 3e pro-e t'at 0o* *oes not 3ant a uni(ie* man+in*1 a C! ECT%$E E))!RTJ
an* T#E T!@ER1 3'ic' t'e C#% DRE" !) ME" B7% DED.
An* t'e or* sai*1 BE#! D1 T#E &E!& E %S !"E1 A"D T#EY #A$E A !"E A"07A0E? an* T#%S T#EY BE0%" T! D!: an* "!@ "!T#%"0 3ill be restraine* (rom t'em1 3'ic' t'ey 'a-e imagine* to *o.
0o to1 let us go *o3n1 an* t'ere C!")!7"D T#E%R A"07A0E1 t'at t'ey may "!T 7"DERSTA"D !"E A"!T#ER4S S&EEC#.
S! T#E !RD SCATTERED T#EM ABR!AD )R!M T#E"CE 7&!" T#E )ACE !) A T#E EART#: an* T#EY E)T !)) T! B7% D T#E C%TY.
T'ere(ore is t'e name o( it BABE ? BECA7SE T#E !RD D%D T#ERE C!")!7"D T#E A"07A0E !) A T#E EART#: an* (rom T#E"CE D%D T#E !RD SCATTER T#EM ABR!AD 7&!" T#E )ACE !) A T#E EART#
.0enesis 88:;6=/.2
By con(using t'e speec' o( t'is 7"%)%ED 0R!7&1 so t'at t'ey coul* not un*erstan* eac' ot'er1 t'ey 'a* no c'oice but to *o as 0o* 'as comman*e* t'ey *o in t'e (irst place: SCATTER A"D RE& E"%S# T#E EART#RR T'is is t'e B%RT# !) A TR%BES1 "AT%!"S A"D T!"07ES !) T!DAY. "o sooner 'a* 0o* scattere* t'e TR%BES !) MA",%"D1 3'en a maEor cataclysmic e-ent occurre*: 2An* unto Eber 3ere born t3o sons: t'e name o( one @AS &E E0? )!R %" #%S DAYS @AS T#E EART# D%$%DED... ..0enesis 8>:C;/.2
To +eep man+in* (rom coming toget'er again1 0!D D%$%DED T#E EART#1 an* t'at occurre* about a 'un*re* years or so a(ter t'e SCATTER%"0. T'e *i-ision o( t'e eart' 3as literal1 because be(ore t'e (loo* t'e eart'1 t'e lan* mass 3as !"E 7"%T1 an* t'e SEAS @ERE !"E 7"%T. T'e (loo* itsel( sets t'e stage (or BABE 1 an* t'e massi-e EART#N7A,ES T#AT D%$%DE T#E @!R D %"T! T#E A"D MASSES @E ,"!@ T!DAY. @'en 0o* scattere* man at Babel1 #e 3aite* (or t'em to migrate (ar enoug' a3ay (rom eac' ot'er so t'at @#E" T#E EART# @AS S& %T %"T! T#E C!"T%"E"TS !) T!DAY1 t'ey 3oul* totally lose trac+ o( eac' ot'erRR #e 'a* to *o t'is because o( t'e T%ME SC#ED7 E #E @AS 7S%"01 because o( C#R%ST1 because o( %SRAE 1 because o( t'e 0E"T% ES1 an* because o( T#E ATTER DAYS1 @#E" MA",%"D @!7 D A0A%" 7"%TE A0A%"ST 0!D1 A"D A0A%"ST #%S A"!%"TED. %t 3oul* ta+e t'em T#!7SA"DS !) YEARS T! ARR%$E AT T#E
)%"A REBE %!" &!%"T. %t is all planne* by t'e M%"D !) 0!D1 to (it EKACT Y @%T#%" T#E B>>> YEARS !) &R!BAT%!" 0!D #AS A !TTED MA". T'is is 3'y 3e (in* t'e BABY !"%A" RE %0%!7S SYSTEM %" E$ERY ,"!@" RACE !) MA" T!DAY. %t *oes not matter 3'ere you go upon eart'1 T#ERE %S A C!MM!" DE"!M%"AT!R: BABE A"D "%MR!D4S RE %0%!". You *o not nee* lan* 2bri*ges2 an* all o( t'e 'o+us pocus o( unregenerate min*s1 you nee* only belie-e t'e Bible. %T #A&&E"ED J7ST %,E %T SA%D %T #A&&E"ED. Does 0o* still 3ant t'e nations *i-i*e*1 or 'as #e c'ange* #is min*J T'e entire story o( Bible prop'ecy (or t'e last *ays is T#E ATTEM&T !) MA",%"D T! !"CE A0A%" 7"%)Y %"T! A C! ECT%$E1 7"%)%ED 0R!7&1 @#%C# T#%",S A %,E1 BE %E$ES A %,E1 ACTS A %,E A"D %S %" 7TTER REBE %!" A0A%"ST 0!DRR T'e conspiracy o( &salm C:86< is a conspiracy to 7"%)Y A MA",%"D %"T! !"E 7"%T @%T# !"E EADER: 7C%)ERRR %t is t'is mo-e to uni(y man at t'e time o( t'e en* t'at is T#E A"T%C#R%ST S&%R%T1 T#E S&%R%T !) "%MR!DRR T#E "AT%!" BABY !" %S T#E CE"TER !) T#AT M!$EME"T. Because 0o* SCATTERED T#E &E!& E1 an* cause* t'e (ormation o( "AT%!"S1 ,%"0D!MS1 TR%BES A"D T!"07ES1 t'en BABY !" T#E 0REAT1 T#E "AT%!" !) T#E E"D T%MES1 !) T#E ATTER DAYS1 3oul* be A "AT%!" T#AT @!7 D RE$ERSE T#AT TRE"D1 T#AT @!7 D 0AT#ER T!0ET#ER &E!& E !) A "AT%!"S1 TR%BES A"D T!"07ES A"D )!R0E !"E S%"07 AR1 7"%)%ED "AT%!". T'e -ery motto o( America is !7T !) MA"Y1 !"ERRRR T'is nation1 (orme* by members o( all t'e tribes o( t'e eart'1 3oul* be t'e BE0%""%"0 !) A "E@ BABY !"1 A 2"E@2 C%TY1 A 2"E@2 EM&%RE1 A"D A T!@ER. Because Jesus sai* t'at as it 3as1 so s'all it be1 3e nee* only t'en loo+ )!R A S%"07 AR "AT%!" t'at 'as @%T#%" %TS B!RDERS A 0REAT C%TY1 an* by t'at great city1 A T!@ER 3'ic' represents t'e $ERY SAME S&%R%T !) "%MR!D: A 7"%)%ED MA",%"D. %t is t'at simpleRR Don4t complicate prop'ecy1 3'ic' 3e all ten* to *o. T'is "AT%!" must be1 Eust as Babylonia 3as (or its time1 t'e M!ST &!@ER)7 "AT%!"H,%"0D!M 7&!" EART#R T'is nation 3ill1 BY %TSE )1 RE&RESE"T T#E 7"%)%CAT%!" !) MA",%"D %"T! !"E 0R!7&1 !R 2!7T !) MA"Y1 !"E2. %n ot'er 3or*s1 &E!& E )R!M E$ERY TR%BE1 T!"07E1 "AT%!" A"D & ACE @% C!ME T! T#%S ATTER DAY !CAT%!" A"D )!R0E )!R T#EMSE $ES !"E "AT%!". T'ey 3ill 7"%)Y T#EMSE $ES T!0ET#ER an* out o( t'is 7"%)%CAT%!" !) MA" 3ill come t'e 0REATEST "AT%!" T! E$ER BE !" & A"ET EART#RR %s not t'e motto o( t'e 7nite* States 0REAT SEA 2E & 7R%B7S 7"7MJ2 Does not t'at mean 4!7T !) MA"Y1 !"EJ2 %s not t'e 7nite* States comprise* o( e-ery race1 tribe1 tongue1 nation an* placeJ #a-e t'ey not come to America in searc' o( )REED!MJ T'ere is no ot'er nation upon eart' li+e t'e 7nite* States. "o ot'er nation can boast o( t'e M%KED #ER%TA0E !) AMER%CA. Most nations are comprise* o( !"E &R%MARY ET#"%C 0R!7&. America is in*ee* T#E ME T%"0 &!T !) T#E @!R D. S'e 'as
in*ee* )!R0ED T#E M!ST &!@ER)7 "AT%!"A E"T%TY E$ER T! 0RACE T#%S & A"ETR T'e Bible *oes not contra*ict itsel(1 an* Jesus sai* t'at AS %T @AS1 S! S#A %T BE. Babylon1 t'e E"D T%ME "AT%!"1 must RE&RESE"T T#E SAME C!"CE&T !) REBE %!" AS A"C%E"T BABY !"%A. T'ere is no ot'er nation upon eart' t'at represents T#%S STR%CT &ARAMETER M!RE T#A" AMER%CA. Jeremia' t'e prop'et agrees: 2A s3or* is upon 'er 'orses1 an* upon t'eir c'ariots1 A"D 7&!" A M%"0 ED &E!& E T#AT ARE %" T#E M%DST !) #ER: an* t'ey s'all BEC!ME AS @!ME": a S@!RD %S 7&!" #ER TREAS7R%ES? an* T#EY S#A .Jeremia' ;>:<:/.2 BE R!BBED T#E
T'ere are many parameters 3it'in t'is -erse1 3'ic' 3ill be co-ere* later1 but t'e one 3e 3ant to loo+ at is A T#E M%"0 ED &E!& E T#AT ARE %" T#E M%DST !) BABY !" T#E "AT%!". T'e +ey 3or* 'ere is 2mingle*2 3'ic' is 2ereb21 .XB8;A in Strong4s/1 3'ic' means A M%KT7RE !R M!"0RE "AT%!"1 A M%"0 ED &E!& E1 A M%KED M7 T%T7DE. Babylon is1 t'ere(ore1 Eust as Jesus claime* it 3oul* be1 A "AT%!" !) A M7 T%T7DE !) TR%BES1 T!"07ES1 &E!& ES1 A"D RACES. Because Babylon is calle* A "AT%!" by 0o* #imsel(1 it is ob-ious t'at A !) T#ESE M%KED M7 T%T7DES come to t'e S#!RES !) AMER%CA to )!R0E T#E%R M%0#TY S%"07 AR "AT%!". You see1 0o* ne-er lies1 only man+in* lies. T'e nation1 Babylon t'e 0reat t'en1 %S A "AT%!" MADE 7& !) M%KED M7 T%T7DES1 A !) @#!M 7"%)Y into a C! ECT%$E E))!RT to (orge t'e 0REATEST "AT%!" !" EART#. !ne o( t'e parameters o( Babylon is t'at S#E %S T#E SEAT !) T#E ,%"0D!MS1 T#E T#R!"E !) T#E @#! E EART#: 2Come *o3n1 an* sit in t'e *ust1 ! -irgin DA70#TER !) BABY !"1
sit on t'e groun*: T#ERE %S "! T#R!"E1 ! *aug'ter o( t'e C'al*eans: (or t'ou s'alt no longer be calle* TE"DER A"D DE %CATE .%saia' A::8/.2
2Sit t'ou silent1 an* get t'ee into *ar+ness1 ! DA70#TER !) T#E C#A DEA"S: )!R T#!7 S#A T "! M!RE BE CA ED1 T#E ADY !) ,%"0D!MS .%saia' A::;/.2
Babylon T#E "AT%!" is portraye* al3ays as t'e T#R!"E !) T#E EART#1 an* t'at S#E #ERSE )1 AS A "AT%!"1 S%TS 7&!" T#AT T#R!"E1 T#E ADY1 T#E N7EE" !) A ,%"0D!MS. T'at 'as some implications 3e must loo+ at. )irst o( all1 %) BABY !" T#E "AT%!" %S T#E T#R!"E !) T#E "AT%!"S1 t'en 3'ere is t'e N7EE"4S C!7RTJ @'ere *o all o( t'e ot'er nations C!ME T! S! $E T#E%R &R!B EMSJ %( Babylon is T#E SEAT !) A T#E ,%"0D!MS 7&!" EART#1 t'en it s'oul* be ob-ious t'at @%T#%" T#E B!RDERS !) BABY !" @% S%T A 2T#R!"E2 )R!M @#%C# S#E @% R7 E T#E E"T%RE & A"ET:
2An* T#E @!MA" .t'e la*y/ 3'ic' t'ou sa3est %S T#AT 0REAT C%TY1
"o3 many expositors 3ill tell you t'at t'e @!MA" is a RE %0%!7S SYSTEM1 t'at s'e represents A SYSTEM. T'at is only a #A ) TR7T#1 an* a 'al( trut' in t'e t'ings o( 0o* is -ery *angerous. Jo'n tells you EKACT Y 3'o t'e 3oman is: T#E 0REAT C%TY. @'y cannot 3e accept EKACT Y 3'at Jo'n tells usJ @'y *o 3e 'a-e to rea* into it A S!RTS !) )A"C%)7 )%CT%!"J %( Jo'n1 3'o is spea+ing t'roug' t'e S&%R%T !) C#R%ST1 tells us t'at T#E @!MA" %S A 0REAT C%TY1 it means 3'at it says. @'at rig't *o 3e 'a-e T! ADD T! %T1 !R T! TA,E S!MET#%"0 A@AY )R!M %TJ Do you suppose t'at Jesus +no3s 3'at #e is spea+ing o(J %( Jesus REA Y MEA"T T! SAY T#E @!MA" @AS A RE %0%!7S SYSTEM1 *o you suppose #E M%0#T #A$E SA%D T#ATJ @'y *o 3e %"S%ST 7&!" T@%ST%"0 A"D &ER$ERT%"0 SCR%&T7RE T! MA,E %T SAY @#AT %T D!ES "!T SAYJ T'e 3or* 2city2 MEA"S A REA 1 %TERA C%TY. T#E @!MA" %S T#ERE)!RE1 ACC!RD%"0 T! JES7S C#R%ST1 @#! !70#T T! ,"!@1 A REA %TERA C%TY. %( #e meant RE %0%!7S SYSTEM1 #E @!7 D #A$E SA%D S!. Because 3e can pro-e t'at BABY !" %S T#E SEAT !) A T#E ,%"0D!MS !) EART#1 A"D C!"TA%"S T#E T#R!"E !) T#E ,%"0D!MS1 t'en 3'ere is T#E C!7RTJ @'y1 says Jesus1 t'at is simple: T#E C!7RT1 T#E T#R!"E !) BABY !" T#E "AT%!"1 %S @%T#%" T#E 0REAT C%TY BABY !"RR %( t'is T#R!"E 2reignet' o-er t'e +ings o( t'e eart'21 t'en !B$%!7S Y %T #AS @!R D@%DE &!@ER1 A"D %T M7ST RE&RESE"T A )!RM !) %"TER"AT%!"A 0!$ER"ME"T. You cannot rule o-er t'e +ings o( t'e eart' unless you 'a-e A STR7CT7RE !) S!ME TY&E T! R7 E )R!M. Because ,%"0S rule o-er ,%"0D!MS1 t'en T#%S T#R!"E M7ST BE1 #AS T! BE1 A )!R7M !) %"TER"AT%!"A A))A%RSRR @e t'en nee* only to loo+ )!R A %TERA C%TY1 @%T#%" T#E B!RDERS !) A S%"07 AR1 %TERA "AT%!"1 t'at #!7SES A T!@ER T#AT RE&RESE"TS A" %"TER"AT%!"A )!R7M1 A" E"T%TY T#AT #AS A STR7CT7RE )R!M @#%C# %T %SS7ES ED%CTS1 DECREES1 RES! 7T%!"S1 A@S1 ETC. Because 3e also +no3 t'at 0o* al3ays @AR"S #%S &E!& E1 3e mig't e-en (in* an actual STAT7E !) A ADY "EAR T#%S 0REAT C%TY1 A ADY T#AT RE&RESE"TS )7 SCA E REBE %!" A0A%"ST 0!D. Surprise1 surpriseRRR Coinci*ence o( all coinci*ences. @it'in AMER%CA T#E "AT%!"1 t'at is a -ery real an* -ery literal nation among t'e nations o( t'e 3orl*1 S%TS A $ERY REA A"D $ERY %TERA C%TY1 CA ED 2"E@2 Y!R, C%TY1 an* surprise again1 @%T#%" T#E C%TY !) 2"E@ Y!R,2 t'ere R%SES !" T#E A"DSCA&E A T!@ER1 A M%0#TY T!@ER1 B7% T BY T#E C#% DRE" !) ME"1 MADE !) BR%C, A"D C AY1 MADE !7T !) CEME"T A"D S% %CA1 A #!7SE !" T#E EAST R%$ER1 CA ED T#E 7"%TED "AT%!"S1 A )!R7M )!R %"TER"AT%!"A A))A%RS1 t'at regularly issues ED%CTS1 DECREES1 RES! 7T%!"S1 A"D A@S.
An* 3'at *oes t'is T!@ER !) BABE RE&RESE"T to*ayJ %t represents T#E 7"%)%CAT%!" !) MA",%"D1 !) T#E C! ECT%$E E))!RT !) MA" T! J!%" T!0ET#ER T#AT @#%C# 0!D #AS S& %T AS7"DER. %t represents t'e #E%0#T !) ARR!0A"CE A0A%"ST 0!D1 A0A%"ST C#R%ST1 A0A%"ST E$ERYT#%"0 0!D C!MMA"DED. "o3 t'en1 i( t'is is not enoug' e-i*ence (or you1 3e 'a-e anot'er coinci*ence: %" T#E #ARB!R !) "E@ Y!R, C%TY %S A 0%A"T STAT7E !) A @!MA"1 gi-en to America by A EAD%"0 MAS!"1 an* t'is 3oman @%T# #ER 0! DE" T!RC# .C7&/ STA"DS 7&!" A 2STAR2 A"D S#E #AS BR!,E" T#E C#A%"S T#AT B%"D #ER )EET %" C!M& ETE )7 )% ME"T !) &SA M C1 2 et us BREA, T#E%R C#!RDS )R!M 7S2. You see1 T#E E$%DE"CE %S T#ERE. %( it is not seen1 it is because o( S&%R%T7A B %"DESS1 an* because T#E #EART D!ES "!T @A"T %T T! BE S!. T'e 3oman1 t'ere(ore1 %S "E@ Y!R, C%TY1 )or Jesus C'rist claims t'e 3oman %S A %TERA C%TY T#AT RE%0"S !$ER T#E ,%"0S !) T#E EART#. T'at is 3'y t'e 7nite* "ations is being broug't up1 BE)!RE Y!7R $ERY EYES1 to )7 &!@ER. T'e 3oman is not'ing more t'an A C%TY. @e 'a-e to (in* out 3'at T#E C%TY RE&RESE"TS. Jesus tol* us in #is !li-et Discourse 3'at it represents: AS %T @AS %" T#E DAYS !) "!A#RRR Don4t ma+e prop'ecy complicate*1 because it isn4t. %t4s -ery simple i( you Eust allo3 0o* to spea+1 an* i( 3e 3oul* only %STE". T'e trouble 3it' t'e American C'ristian is ARR!0A"CE. &R%DE A"D A #A70#TY #EART. Combine t'ose toget'er an* you 'a-e 0R!SS S&%R%T7A DAR,"ESS. T'ey ARE DEA)1 an* CA""!T %STE"1 t'ey CA""!T #EAR. T'ey are TE %"0 0!D @#AT #%S @!RD MEA"S1 an* not t'e !T#ER @AY R!7"D. You *on4t *o t'at to 0o*. You *o not approac' T#E ,%"0 !) T#E 7"%$ERSE %" T#AT )AS#%!". %( you *o1 you en* up %" ETER"A R7%". Y!7 E"D 7& %" ETER"A !SS. Y!7 E"D 7& %" T#E )%RES !) #E A"D DAM"AT%!"1 because you @!7 D "!T BE #7MB ED. T'e American C'ristian prop'etic sc'olar by an* large #AS S7C# A B7% T %" B%AS1 A B7% T %" T#E! !0Y A"D A B7% T %" !&%"%!" t'at 'eHs'e cannot1 an* 3ill not1 A !@ 0!D T! S&EA, T! T#EM. Approac' t'e @or* o( 0o* AS A C#% D @#! ,"!@S "!T#%"0 @#ATE$ER. Approac' T#E @!RD !) 0!D 3it' @%DEEYED %""!CE"CE A"D EKC%TEME"T. Approac' 0!D @%T# A #7MB E #EART1 A #EART %" SEARC# !) TR7T#1 an* not a #EART )7 )% ED @%T# A DES%RE T! 2&R!$E2 !"E R%0#T. Approac' 0o* as T#E S!$ERE%0" T#AT #E %S1 Y!7R CREAT!R1 Y!7R S7STA%"ER. #e +no3s 3'ereo( #E S&EA,S1 an* t'e )A SE S#E&#ERDS !) BABY !" ARE %ARS1 DECE%$ERS1 )RA7DS1 #Y&!CR%TES. T'eir eternal *estiny1 i( t'ey *o not repent1 %S ETER"A R7%". You *on4t 'a-e to (ollo3 t'em. Y!7 D!"4T @A"T T! )! !@ T#EM. DE&ART )R!M T#EM1 (or t'eir sal-ation message is )RA7D7 E"T1 an* t'eir prop'etic message is 7TTER Y %" ERR!R.
Jesus means exactly 3'at #e says1 an* in t'e case o( T#E 0REAT C%TY BABY !"1 it lays @%T#%" T#E "AT%!" BABY !". T#E "AT%!" A"D T#E C%TY 'a-e a common c'aracteristic1 an* t'at is a RE) ECT%!" !) A"C%E"T BABY !" un*er "imro*. As America represents a 7"%)%CAT%!" !) A M%KED M7 T%T7DE )!RM%"0 !"E 0REAT "AT%!"1 t'en so too *oes t'e T!@ER @%T#%" T#E C%TY !) BABY !" RE&RESE"T 7"%TY1 T#E 7"%)%CAT%!" !) MA" %"T! !"E RACE1 %"T! A M!"0RE %5ED RACE1 3it' "! TR%BES1 "AT%!"S !R T!"07ES. "o3 you +no3 3'y t'e 7" an* 7.S. Department o( E*ucation is so bent on teac'ing American c'il*ren t'at t'ey ARE !"E @%T# T#E @!R D. 2@e are t'e 3orl*21 goes t'e song o( uci(er1 2@e are t'e C'il*ren.2 @#AT @AS1 M7ST BE A0A%". "o3 i( 3'at Jesus tells us is t'e trut'1 3e s'oul* t'en (in* t'at all o( t'e prop'ets o( 0o* 3oul* agree1 an* t'ere 3oul* be no contra*ictions in t'eir 3or*s to *escribe T#E "AT%!" BABY !"1 3'ic' is T#E SEAT !) T#E 0REAT C%TY1 3'ic' is T#E SEAT !) T#E T!@ER !) BABE RR @e s'all no3 loo+ at a -ariety o( parameters lai* *o3n by t'e prop'ets t'at &R!$E AMER%CA %S %"DEED A"D %" )ACT T#E "AT%!" BABY !" T#E 0REATRR Because t'ere are so many o( t'em1 an* 3e 'a-e space limitations in t'is issue1 3e 3ill list only a (e31 but 'a-e inclu*e* A AR0ER %ST (rom our 2BEAC!"21 an* as+ you to stu*y it out (or Y!7RSE ). !ne o( t'e parameters against Babylon is t'e R%SE !) )A SE C#R%ST%A" EADERS1 (or 3e can easily pro-e t'at Babylon t'e 0reat li-es D7R%"0 T#E ATTER &ART !) T#E C#R%ST%A" ERA. S'e is also ali-e an* t'ri-ing at t'e time M!DER" %SRAE %S REB!R" A"D R%SES 7& %" T#E M%DD E EAST1 an* in (act A%DS %SRAE 4S R%SE T! &!@ER1 A"D T#E" BETRAYS #ER %" T#E M%DD E !) T#E TR%B7 AT%!".
2My people 'at' been !ST S#EE&: T#E%R S#E&#ERDS 'a-e CA7SED T#EM T! 0! ASTRAY1 t'ey 'a-e turne* t'em a3ay !" T#E M!7"TA%"S: t'ey 'a-e 0!"E )R!M M!7"TA%" T! #% 1 t'ey 'a-e )!R0!TTE" T#E%R REST%"0 & ACE .Jeremia' ;>:B/.2
!ut o( Babylon t'e 0reat 3ill come A @#! E #!ST !) )A SE C#R%ST%A" EADERS1 t'at is TEAC#ERS1 &REAC#ERS A"D E$A"0E %STS. T'ey are (alse because T#EY EAD 0!D4S &E!& E T!TA Y ASTRAY. T'eir REST%"0 & ACE is in (act %" JES7S C#R%ST1 or 3e coul* say %" RE0E"ERAT%!"1 %" 7"%!" @%T# C#R%ST1 %" 7"%!" $%A T#E REB%RT#1 A "E@ #EART. T'e C'ristians o( Babylon 3ill #A$E )!R0!TTE" T#E%R TR7E REST%"0 & ACE. T'ey 3ill 'a-e 0!"E 7TTER Y ASTRAY1 lea* by )A SE C#R%ST%A" EADERS @#! &REAC# A 0!S&E !) SA $AT%!" T#AT %S )A SE. @e co-er t'ese people in t'e article calle* !))E"SE T#%S @AY C!MES. T'e ot'er group o( 0o*4s people t'at are lea* astray are t'e JE@S1 3'o are lea* astray by t'eir lea*ers into (orging t'e mo*ern state o( %srael @%T#!7T T#E MESS%A#. %t en*s in total an* complete *isaster. T'ere are ot'er -ery important parameters 3e must loo+ at. !ne o( t'e +ey ones is t'at Babylon is a "AT%!" @%T# A 0REAT S&ACE &R!0RAM: 2T'oug' Babylon S#!7 D M!7"T 7& T! #EA$E"1 an* t'oug' s'e s'oul* )!RT%)Y T#E #E%0#T !) #ER STRE"0T#1 yet (rom me s'all spoilers come unto 'er1 sait' t'e or* .Jeremia' ;8:;</.2
T'is -erse means literally exactly 3'at it says. Babylon t'e 0reat1 as A "AT%!"1 3ill1 in its rise to maximum po3er1 buil* a 'uge a-iation an* space in*ustry. %t 3ill 'a-e t'e largest an* most complex a-iation system in t'e entire 3orl*. %t 3ill 'a-e 'un*re*s o( airports1 an* 'a-e t'e largest ci-ilian an* military air (leet t'e 3orl* 'as e-er seenR )rom t'eir preoccupation 3it' a-iation1 3ill come A %TERA S&ACE &R!0RAM1 an* it 3ill *e-elop into A #70E S&ACE &R!0RAM1 A"D @% M!7"T 7& %"T! T#E #EA$E"S. T'is 'as rami(ications 3e must t'in+ about. T'is means t'at BABY !" 3ill be a #%0# TEC# "AT%!". S'e 3ill be t'e M!ST AD$A"CED "AT%!" 7&!" EART# 3'en it comes to tec'nological +no3 'o3. S'e 3ill *e-elop a #70E A$%AT%!" DE)E"SE SYSTEM1 an* 3ill 'a-e a #70E C!MMERC%A A%R TRA))%C SYSTEM. T'at means A%R&!RTS1 RADAR1 A%R TRA))%C C!"TR! 1 an* 'er lan* 3ill 2@#%S&ER2 @%T# T#E S!7"D !) @%"0S AS T#EY S %CE T#R!70# T#E C! D A%R A !)T. S'e not only ascen*s into t'e 'ea-ens1 S#E )!RT%)%ES T#EM. S'e *e-elops t'e most a*-ance* )!RT%)%CAT%!"S SYSTEM T#E @!R D #AS E$ER SEE". Air *e(ense
ra*ar1 missile systems1 star 3ars types o( tec'nology1 laser 3eapons controlle* by mirrors in outer space1 etc.1 3ill be use* to )!RT%)Y T#E #E%0#T !) #ER STRE"0T#. T'at also means )%0#TERS A"D B!MBERS1 REC!""A%SSA"CE A%RCRA)T1 an* all t'at goes 3it' it. T'at also means A #70E M% %TARY B7D0ET @%T# A #70E M% %TARY MAC#%"E @% BE )%"A"CED BY T#E &E!& E !) BABY !". #er air (orce 3ill be t'e number one air (orce in t'e entire 3orl*. "! !T#ER "AT%!" @% BE AB E T! MATC# #ER M% %TARY A%R &!@ER. All o( t'is is true only o( America. Rome is o(ten mentione* (or Babylon1 as t'e 2city on t'e se-en 'ills2. Does Rome 'a-e a 'uge Air )orceJ Does t'e $atican 'a-e a 'uge space programJ #as t'e $atican gone to t'e moon an* beyon*J @'at about %raFJ Does %raF (ul(ill t'is most important parameterJ Does %raF 'a-e t'e largest an* most po3er(ul air (orce in t'e 3orl*J #as 'er space program ta+en 'er to t'e starsJ Yet t'e )A SE &R!&#ETS !) BABY !" @!7 D ATTEM&T T! TE Y!7 T#AT BABY !" %S R!ME !R %RAN. isten to 0o*1 an* *o not 'ee* t'e -oice o( (alse prop'ets. T'e nation Babylon 3ill 'a-e a EADER1 a &RES%DE"T1 or #EAD !) STATE1 t'at is t'e )!7"DER !) T#E S&ACE &R!0RAM. T'e out3ar* mani(estation o( a S&ACE &R!0RAM is because o( secret #%DDE" N7EST to BEC!ME AS 0!D1 to ascen* AB!$E T#E STARS !) 0!D1 T! BE %,E T#E M!ST #%0#:
%"T! #EA$E"1 % @% EKA T MY T#R!"E AB!$E T#E STARS !) 0!D: % @% S%T A S! 7&!" T#E M!7"T !) T#E C!"0RE0AT%!"1 %" T#E S%DES !) T#E "!RT# .%saia' 8A:8</.2
uci(er4s innermost *esire %S T! BE %,E T#E M!ST #%0#. Because Satan cannot CREATE A"YT#%"01 but can only D7& %CATE $%A TEC#"! !0Y T#E &!@ERS !) 0!D1 an* also 'as a limite* S7&ER"AT7RA &!@ER1 'e 3ill use TEC#"! !0Y as one o( 'is primary met'o*s to usurp t'e T#R!"E !) 0!D1 A"D TA,E %T )R!M C#R%ST. T'e Babylonians @!RS#%& T#E%R TEC#"! !0Y1 an* in (act1 it RE& ACES 0!D1 A"D BEC!MES A 20!D2 %" %TS !@" @AY. %t is true t'at 3e 'a* a &resi*ent launc' America into space. #is name 3as Jo'n ). ,enne*y. %t is interesting to note t'at ,E""EDY @AS T#E &R%ME M!$ER !) AMER%CA 0!%"0 T! T#E STARS A"D BEY!"D. T'at *oes not ma+e ,enne*y uci(er1 but it is a literal (act t'at !7T !) AMER%CA CAME A EADER @#! SA%D #E @!7 D ASCE"D %"T! T#E #EA$E"S. C%S 'as a speec' t'at ,enne*y ma*e in 3'ic' 'e sai* t'at -ery t'ing. @'en you consi*er t'ese parameters care(ully1 a portrait o( a mig'ty an* 'uge %"D7STR%A &!@ER BE0%"S T! EMER0E1 a nation t'at (orges T#E AR0EST TRAD%"0 SYSTEM %" T#E E"T%RE @!R D. %t is 'er tec'nology1 'er a-iation an* 'er space program1 an* all o( t'e spin6o((s t'at come (rom it1 t'at ma*e AMER%CA BABY !" T#E EADER !) T#E @!R D. 2T'ou are 3earie* in t'e multitu*e o( T#Y C!7"SE S. et no3 t'e astrologers1 t'e stargaDers1 t'e mont'ly prognosticators1 stan* up1 an* sa-e t'ee (rom t'ese t'ings t'at s'all come upon t'ee .%saia' A::8</.2
Babylon4s system o( go-ernment is -ia C!7"SE . %n ot'er 3or*s1 s'e is run BY AD$%S!RS1 by A C!7"SE . %n its most literal sense1 t'is 3oul* mean t'at Babylon is a RE&7B %C !R A DEM!CRACY1 because a D%CTAT!RS#%& is not run by counsels1 in t'e most strict sense o( t'e 3or*. %n a *ictators'ip1 t'e counsels MAY BE #EARD1 but t'e R7 ER MA,ES T#E DEC%S%!". T'e implication o( t'is prop'ecy is t'at t'e go-ernmental process begins to brea+ *o3n *ue to t'e in(ig'ting bet3een all o( t'e groups t'at actually 0!$ER" t'e nation1 3'ic' is t'e !&&!S%TE !) A D%CTAT!RS#%&. S'e enters into 0R%D !C,1 an* t'ose areas t'at nee* -ital attention *o not get it. T'e nation begins a slo3 an* gra*ual *ecline to 'er total *emise. !ur counsels in America 3oul* o( course be t'e Senate an* #ouse o( Representati-es1 t'en 3e 'a-e t'e special interest groups t'at lobby (or t'eir causes1 an* t'e entire system collapses upon itsel(. America 3oul* (ul(ill t'is aspect o( t'e prop'ecy to t'e letter. %t is also interesting to note t'at 0o* moc+s t'e lea*ers o( Babylon an* tells t'em to call up t'eir astrologers1 t'e STAR0A5ERS1 3'o are t'e M!"T# Y &R!0"!ST%CAT!RS. %t is a trut' t'at @as'ington is (ille* 3it' astrologers t'at are employe* by our nations lea*ers. &resi*ent Reagan ne-er ma*e a mo-e 3it'out prior appro-al (rom an astrologer. T'e Military is *eeply in-ol-e* in all sorts o( occult acti-ity. T'e American people 3oul* be s'oc+e* at t'e extent o( t'is acti-ity in @as'ington. 2! t'ou t'at *3ellest upon MA"Y @ATERS1 AB7"DA"T %" TREAS7RES1 t'ine en* is come1 an* t'e measure o( t'y co-etousness .Jeremia' ;8:8</.2
Babylon is a nation t'at sits upon many 3aters1 as 'as been pre-iously re-ie3e*1 3'ic' means it is A SEAC!AST "AT%!"1 3it' many seaports. S'e is a 'uge EK&!RTER A"D %M&!RTER !) 0!!DS 1an* tra*es 3it' e-ery nation t'at 'as s'ips in t'e seas. S'e is abun*ant in TREAS7RES1 accor*ing to Jeremia'. T'e 3or* 2treasures2 is 2o3tsar2 3'ic' means literally DE&!S%T!RY or ST!RE#!7SE. @e 3ill (in* -ast ST!RE#!7SES %" BABY !". S'e is (ille* 3it' @ARE#!7SES )!R #ER 0!!DS A"D &R!D7CTS. #er -ast 3ealt' reFuires 'uge buil*ings to 'ol* 'er -ast 'or*es o( manu(acture* pro*ucts. S'e t'ere(ore must 'a-e a 'uge in(rastructure o( roa*s to accomplis' t'is -ast tra*ing system. Being a 3arm 3ater seacoast nation1 s'e 3ill 'a-e a multitu*e o( seaports on 'er coasts to con*uct an* buil* up t'is $AST %"TER"AT%!"A TRAD%"0 "ET@!R,. America (ul(ills t'is parameter to t'e exact letter1 (or t'ere is no
ot'er nation upon t'e (ace o( t'e eart' t'at 'as t'e number o( SEA&!RTS1 %"TERSTATE #%0#@AYS1 #70E @ARE#!7SES1 MA"7)ACT7R%"0 & A"TS1 SER$%CE )AC% %T%ES A"D T#E #70E %")RASTR7CT7RE T! S7&&!RT A !) T#AT. T'ere is no nation upon eart' li+e AMER%CA BABY !"1 an* no ot'er nation upon eart' (ul(ills t'ese parameters. T'ere are no ot'er people on t'e (ace o( t'e eart' t'at 'a-e *one more t'an t'e people o( America. Because s'e 'as suc' a 'uge in(rastructure to support1 3e 3oul* t'in+ 3e 3oul* (in* a re(erence to 'er MET#!D !) TRA"S&!RTAT%!": S#E %S A "AT%!" !) C#AR%!TS:
2A s3or* is upon t'eir #!RSES1 an* upon t'eir C#AR%!TS1.... .Jeremia' ;>:<:/.2
%n t'is *ay an* age1 3e call C#AR%!TS A7T!M!B% ES A"D TR7C,S. T'e 7nite* States o( America is t'e largest pro*ucer o( motor -e'icles in t'e 3orl*1 i( you a** truc+s an* cars toget'er. @e are also a MAJ!R %M&!RTER an* EK&!RTER o( 2c'ariots21 an* s'ip t'em to t'e (our corners o( t'e eart'. %n*ee*1 t'e Apocryp'a re(ers to T#E A"D !) T#E C#AR%!TS %" T#E @EST1 an* calls #ER BABY !". America 'as been (or *eca*es no3 t'e lea*ing pro*ucer o( C#AR%!TS. S'e is also note* (or #ER #!RSES1 as is note* in t'at -erse o( Scripture. Many Americans are not a3are o( it1 but t'is nation is SEARC#ED #%0# A"D !@ BY B7YERS )R!M A !$ER T#E @!R D because 3e are note* (or our #!RSES. @'en 0o* mentions an item1 it is an important item1 a maEor item o( tra*e in t'e MERC#A"D%S%"0 !) BABY !". Many o( t'ese -erses o( Scripture contain a number o( parameters1 3it' eac' p'rase a *i((erent item 3e must in-estigate. Because o( space limitations in t'is issue1 3e are going to close t'is article1 but in t'e next one1 3e s'all go muc' *eeper into t'ese parameters. %t 3ill become crystal clear to you t'at America is in*ee* BABY !" T#E 0REAT1 i( it 'as not been pro-e* to you alrea*y1 an* is *estine* to un*ergo a RAD%CA TRA"S)!RMAT%!" AS S#E )A S T! T#E !CC7 T )!RCES. & EASE READ A"D ST7DY T#E &A0E )% ED @%T# &ARAMETERS )!R BABY !"1 )!7"D %" &ART )!7R. Y!7 @% )%"D T#AT AMER%CA %S %"DEED BABY !" T#E 0REATRR
$art #our I# NOT A,)-ICA% TH)N WHO2 7n*erstan*ing 3'o T#E & AYERS ARE is essential i( you are to come to any un*erstan*ing o( T#E TR7T# !) B%B E &R!&#ECY1 an* 3'y 3orl* e-ents are 'appening as t'ey are. Remember t'at Jesus 3arne* us t'at DECE&T%!" 3as t'e ,EY T! T#E R%SE !) A"T%C#R%ST. T'at means #E C!MES T! &!@ER %" A & ACE "!T REC!0"%5ED1 AT A T%ME "!T REC!0"%5ED1 an* %" A MA""ER "!T REC!0"%5ED e-en by t'e -ast maEority o( 0o*4s people1 let alone t'e 3orl* at large. T'e prop'etic 3orl* to*ay is in a DEE& DE 7S%!"1 an* t'ey are loo+ing in t'e @R!"0 AREA (or t'e rise o( t'e antic'rist (orces an* 7C%)ER. @e begin 3it' an un*erstan*ing o( T#E ACT7A &ARAMETERS t'at 0o* lai* *o3n to %DE"T%)Y T#E C#%E) & AYER !) T#E E"D T%MES 6 BABY !" T#E 0REAT1 T#AT M%0#TY E"D T%ME "AT%!" T#AT T#%",S %TS %)E %S ETER"A 1 A"D @% "E$ER SEE S!RR!@. @#AT T#E &R!&#ETS SA%D AB!7T BABY !" 8. Babylon 3oul* be an E"D T%ME 0REAT "AT%!" .Re- 8:189? %sa 8<:B/. C. Babylon 3oul* 'a-e a 'uge seaport city 3it'in its bor*ers .Re- 89:8:/. <. T'e 0reat City Babylon is t'e 'ome o( a 3orl* go-ernment attempt .Re- 8::89/. A. T'e 0reat City Babylon 3oul* be t'e economic ner-e center o( t'e 3orl* .Re- 89:</. ;. Babylon 3oul* be t'e center o( a one 3orl* uci(erian religious mo-ement .Jer ;8:AA/. B. Babylon 3oul* be t'e center (or t'e mo-e to a global economic or*er .Re- 8<:8B/. BABY !" T#E "AT%!" 8. Babylon 3oul* be t'e youngest an* greatest o( t'e en* time nations .Jer ;>:8C/. C. Babylon 3oul* t'e N7EE" AM!"0 T#E "AT%!"S .%sa A::;1:? Re- 89::/. <. Babylon 3oul* be t'e most po3er(ul nation in t'e 3orl* .%sa A:1 Jer ;>1 ;81 Re- 89/. A. Babylon 3oul* be t'e #AMMER !) T#E @#! E EART# .Jer ;>:C<? Re- 89:C</. ;. Babylon is calle* a la*y1 an* 'as t'e symbol o( t'e a*y .%sa A:::6=/. B. Babylon 3oul* be t'e praise o( t'e @#! E EART# .Jer ;8:A8/.
:. Babylon is center o( 3orl* tra*e .Jer ;8:AA? Re- 8::89? 89:8=/. 9. Babylon 3oul* gro3 to be t'e ric'est nation in t'e 3orl* .Re- 89:<1 :1 8=1 C</. =. All nations t'at tra*e* 3it' Babylon 3oul* gro3 ric' .Re- 89:</. 8>. T'e merc'ants o( Babylon 3ere t'e 0REAT ME" !) T#E EART# .Re- 89:C</. 88. Babylon is a 'uge nation1 3it' lan*s1 cities1 an* great 3ealt' .implie* t'roug'out/. 8C. Babylon is nation 2peele*21 or timbere*1 a lan* o( open (iel*s .%sa 89:C/. 8<. Babylon is lan* Fuartere* by mig'ty ri-ers .%sa 89:C/. 8A. Babylon is a lan* t'at is measure* out1 an* populate* t'roug'out .%sa 89:C/. 8;. Babylon *estroys 'er o3n lan*1 3it' pollution an* 3aste .%sa 8A:C>1 89:C1 :/. 8B. Babylon is a lan* ric' in mineral 3ealt' .Jer ;8:8</. 8:. Babylon is a t'e lea*ing agricultural nation o( t'e 3orl* .Jer ;>1 ;8? Re- 89/. 89. Babylon is t'e lea*ing exporting nation in t'e 3orl* .Jer ;8:8<? Re- 89/. 8=. Babylon is t'e lea*ing importing nation o( t'e entire 3orl*..Jer ;>1 ;8? Re- 89/. C>. Babylon is a nation (ille* 3it' 3are'ouses an* granaries .Jer ;>:CB/. C8. Babylon is t'e lea*ing %"D7STR%A "AT%!" !) T#E @!R D .%sa 8<1 A:1 Jer ;>1 ;8? Re- 89/. CC. Babylon is note* (or 'er 'orses .Jer ;>:<:/. C<. Babylon is note* (or 'er cattle1 s'eep an* ot'er li-estoc+ .Jer ;>:CB1 C:? Re- 89:8</. CA. Babylon is note* (or 'er (ine (lour an* mill operations .Re- 89:8</. C;. Babylon is a nation o( (armers an* 'ar-ests 'uge crops .Jer ;>:8B1 CB1 C:/. CB. Babylon is a 'uge exporter o( M7S%C .Re- 89:CC/. C:. Babylon4s musicians are +no3n aroun* t'e 3orl* .Re- 89:CC/ C9. Babylon 'as a 'uge a-iation program .%sa 8A:8<68A? Jer ;8:;<? #ab 8:B68>/. C=. Babylon4s s+ies are (ille* 3it' t'e 3'isper o( aircra(t 3ings .%sa 89:8? Jer ;8:;</.
<>. Babylon 'as a 'uge space in*ustry1 'as 2mounte* up to t'e 'ea-ens2 .Jer ;8:;</. <8. Babylon (orti(ies 'er s+ies 3it' a 'uge military a-iation program .Jer ;8:;</. <C. Babylon is portraye* as a lea*ing in 'ig' tec' 3eapons an* abilities .Jer ;8:;<? #ab 8:B68>? implie* t'roug'out/. <<. Babylon is a nation (ille* 3it' 3arm 3ater seaports .Re- 89:8:68=/. <A. Babylon is a coastal nation an* sits upon MA"Y @ATERS .Jer ;8:8</. <;. Babylon tra*es 3it' all 3'o 'a-e s'ips in t'e sea year roun* .Re- 89:8:689/. <B. Babylon is nation (ille* 3it' a 2mingle*2 people .Jer ;>:<:/. <:. Babylon is a S%"07 AR "AT%!" (oun*e* upon !7T !) MA"Y1 !"E .%sa 8<1 A:1 Jer ;>1 ;81 #ab 8/. <9. Babylon is a RE&7B %C or a DEM!CRACY1 it is rule* by many counsels .%sa A::8</. <=. Babylon4s go-ernmental system brea+s *o3n .%sa A::8</. A>. Babylon is bogge* *o3n 3it' *eliberations an* cannot go-ern properly .%sa A::8</. A8. Babylon4s lea*ers use astrology1 seers an* mystics (or gui*ance .%sa A::8<? Re- 89:C/. AC. Babylon labore* in t'e occult (rom 'er -ery inception .%sa A::8C/. A<. Babylon (alls to t'e occult Eust be(ore 'er en* by nuclear (ire .Re- 89:C/ AA. Babylon 3as born as a C#R%ST%A" "AT%!" .Jer ;>:8C/. A;. Babylon turns upon its 'eritage an* *estroys it all in t'e en* .Jer ;>:88/. AB. Babylon4s C'ristian lea*ers lea* t'eir (loc+ astray in prop'ecy an* sal-ation .Jer ;>:B? implie* Re- 89:C/. A:. Babylon4s C'ristian lea*ers are 2strangers2 in t'e or* #ouses o( @ors'ip .Jer ;8:;8/. A9. T'e people o( Babylon are *eep into astrology an* spiritism .%sa A::8C? Re- 89:C/. A=. Babylon becomes t'e 'ome o( all antic'rist religions in t'e 3orl* .Re- 89:C/. ;>. Babylon is a nation o( religious con(usion .%sa A::8C68</.
;8. Babylon turns upon its o3n people an* imprisons an* slays t'em by millions .Jer ;>::1<<? ;8:<;? <=? Dan ::C;? Re- 8<::? 8::B? 89:CA/. ;C. Babylon sets o( *etention centers (or Je3s an* C'ristians an* roun*s t'em up (or extermination .Jer ;>::1 <<? ;8:<;1 A=? Re- 8::B? 89:CA/. ;<. Babylon 'as a mot'er nation t'at remains in existence (rom 'er birt' to *eat' .Jer ;>: 8C/. ;A. T'e mot'er o( Babylon 'as t'e symbol o( t'e %!" .Dan::A? EDe <9:8<? Jer ;8:<9? &salms 8::8C/. ;;. T'e mot'er o( Babylon 3ill rule o-er 'er *aug'ter 'er entire li(e .Dan ::A? Jer ;>:8C/. ;B. T'e mot'er o( Babylon 3ill be a state o( maEor *ecline as t'e en* nears .Jer ;>:8C/. ;:. Babylon is consi*ere* to be a lion4s 3'elp .EDe <9:8<? Jer ;8:<9/. ;9. Babylon 3ill 'a-e t'e symbol o( t'e EA0 E an* buil*s 'er nest in t'e stars .Dan ::A EA0 E @%"0S? %sa 8A:8<68A? Jer ;8:;</. ;=. Babylon turns totally antic'rist an* is t'e lea*ing antic'rist po3er at t'e en* .Re89:C? %sa 8A:A6B/. B>. T#E ,%"0 !) BABY !" is calle* 7C%)ER1 t'e A"T%C#R%ST .%sa 8A:A6B/. B8. T'e ,ing o( Babylon 3ill rule (rom T#E 0REAT C%TY BABY !" .%sa 8A:A6B? Re8:: 89/. BC. A 3orl* go-ernment entity 3ill rise up to rule t'e 3orl* (rom BABY !" T#E C%TY .%sa 8A? #ab C1 Re- 8<1 8:1 89/. B<. T'is 3orl* entity 3ill be a *i-erse entity1 *i((erent t'an all ot'er ruling bo*ies o( t'e 3orl* .Dan :::1 C</. BA. T'is entity 3ill be a TREATY &!@ER E"T%TY .Dan :::1 C< D%$ERSE/. B;. T'is entity 3ill rise up an* use t'e military po3er o( Babylon t'e nation to R7 E T#E @!R D .%sa 8A:A6B? #ab 8 P C1 Re- 8<1 8:/. BB. Babylon is a 'uge pro*ucer an* exporter o( automobiles .Jer ;>:<:? Re- 89:8</. B:. Babylon is a nation o( CRA)TSME"1 experts in t'eir tra*e .Jer ;>1 ;81 Re- 89:CC/. B9. Babylon is note* (or 'er Ee3elry o( gol* an* sil-er .Re- 89:CC/.
B=. Babylon is a 'uge importer an* exporter o( spices .Re- 89:8</. :>. Babylon is a 'uge exporter o( (ine marble pro*ucts .Re- 89:CC/. :8. Babylon is note* (or 'er iron an* steel pro*uction .Re- 89:8C/. :C. Babylon 'as 'uge corporations t'at 'a-e bases aroun* t'e 3orl* .Re- 89:C<1 implie* t'roug'out/ :<. Babylon is a nation o( 'ig'er e*ucation an* learning .%sa A::8>1 implie* t'roug'out/. :A. Babylon is a nation 3it' a 0REAT $!%CE in 3orl* a((airs .Jer ;8:;;/ :;. Babylon is a $%R0%" "AT%!"1 untouc'e* by maEor 3ar .%sa A::8/. :B. Babylon 'as a -ast military mac'ine .Jer ;>:<B? ;8:<>? #ab 8 P C1 Re- 8<:A/. ::. Babylon 3ill be instrumental in t'e setting up o( %srael in t'e Mi**le East1 an* is t'e 'ome o( 0o*4s people .Jer ;>:A:? ;8:A;/. :9. Babylon 3ill 'a-e a maEor enemy to 'er nort' .Jer ;>:<1 =1 A8/. :=. Babylon4s enemy 3ill lie on t'e opposite si*e o( t'e 3orl*1 o-er t'e poles .%sa 8<:;/ 9>. T'e enemy o( Babylon 3ill be a )EDERA !) "AT%!"S .Jer ;>:=/. 98. T'e enemy o( Babylon 3ill be largely Moslem in ma+e6up .Jer ;>:8:? Re- 8::8B? &salms 9<:;68C/. 9C. T'e enemy o( Babylon 3ill 'a-e nuclear missiles capable o( reac'ing Babylon .Jer ;>:=1 8A1? Re- 89:91 89/. 9<. T'e enemy o( Babylon 3ill be note* (or 'er cruelty .%sa 8<1 8A1 Jer ;>1 ;81 Re- 8:1 89/. 9A. T'e enemy o( Babylon 3ill also 'a-e a 'uge a-iation military mac'ine .Jer ;>:=1 8A1 Re- 89:91 89 implie* t'roug'out/. 9;. T'e enemy o( Babylon 3ill come into Babylon unnotice* .%sa A::881 Jer ;>:CA? ;8:C1 8A/. 9B. Babylon 3ill be (ille* 3it' 'er enemies broug't in un*er t'e guise o( peace .Dan 88:C8/. 9:. Babylon 3ill 'a-e all o( 'er bor*ers cut o((1 an* t'ere 3ill be no 3ay o( escape .Jer ;>:C9? ;8:<C/. 99. Babylon 3ill be *estroye* by nuclear (ire .%mplie* t'roug'out/
9=. Babylon is lan* -ast lan* 3it' 'uge cities1 to3ns an* -illages t'roug'out .%mplie* t'roug'out/. =>. Babylon 3ill 'a-e been a 'uge missionary nation (or Jesus C'rist .Jer ;>:88? ;8::/. =8. Babylon 3oul* be a 'ome to multitu*es o( Je3s 3'o lea-e .Jer ;>:A6B1 9? ;8:B1 A;/ =C. T'e people o( Babylon 3oul* not +no3 t'eir true i*entity .Jer ;>:B1 implie* t'roug'out/. =<. T'e people o( Babylon 3oul* t'in+ t'ey are 0o*4s elect an* eternal .%sa A:::691 Re89::/. =A. T'e people o( Babylon 3oul* enEoy t'e 'ig'est stan*ar* o( li-ing in t'e 3orl* .Re89::/. =;. T'e people o( Babylon 3oul* gro3 ma* upon t'eir i*ols .Jer ;>:C1 <9? #ab C:89/. =B. T'e people o( Babylon 3oul* go into *eep sins o( all +in*s .Re- 89:;/. =:. T'e nation Babylon *3ells carelessly be(ore t'e or* .%sa A::9/. =9. Babylon becomes prou*1 'aug'ty1 an* *oes not consi*er 'er en* .%sa A:::69/. ==. Babylon *eals in t'e occult1 in sorceries an* *rugs .%sa A::=1 8C? Re- 89:C</ T'ese are but a (e3 o( t'e many parameters liste* to 'elp us i*enti(y t'is last great nation t'at t'e or* calls BABY !" T#E 0REAT. America *oes no31 or is in t'e process o( (ul(illing eac' an* e-ery one o( t'em. "o ot'er nation upon t'e (ace o( t'e eart' can (ul(ill t'ese parameters. AMER%CA %S BABY !" T#E 0REAT. T'ere 3oul* li+e3ise be a series o( S%0"S t'at 3oul* 3oul* begin to emerge t'at 3oul* gi-e B%RT# T!1 an* @ATC# T#E R%SE !)1 as 3ell as T#E )A !) AMER%CA6BABY !".
@!R D @ARS @%T# RAC%A 1 RE %0%!7S A"D &! %T%CA &! AR%5AT%!" Jesus pre*icte* t'roug' 'is prop'ets t'at t'ere 3oul* be 3orl* 3ars1 3'ic' #e calle* T#E BE0%""%"0 !) S!RR!@S1 (or t'ey 3oul* lea* to t'e establis'ment o( t'e State o( %srael in t'e Mi**le East. T'e B%RT# !) &! %T%CA 5%!"%ST %SRAE @AS T#E S%0" !) T#E BE0%""%"0 !) T#E E"D .T#E )%0 TREE &ARAB E/.
@!R D @AR 8 W %nstallation o( an %lluminati 0o-ernment in Russia 6 Communism begins W T'e %nternational Ban+er4s )e*eral Reser-e System is installe* in America W 0eneral Allenby ta+es Jerusalem o( t'e CAt' o( C'isle-1 8=8: .#aggai C:89/1 an* 0o*4s Cloc+ begins a count*o3n o( 9> YEARS1 & 7S A" 7","!@" &ER%!D !) T%ME CA ED 2S!!"2..&salms =>:8>/. W T'e Bal(our Declaration is issue* 6 Je3is' in gat'ering to &alestine begins W T'e age o( a-iation begins in earnest W T'e R%C# ME" begin t'eir calls (or a !ne @orl* 0o-ernment 3it' t'e EA07E !) "AT%!"S. W @orl* @ar !ne 3as in*ee* t'e Beginning o( Sorro3s1 (or e-ery maEor system t'at lea*s to t'e antic'rist is (oun*e* *uring t'is perio* o( time.
@!R D @AR %% A"D BEY!"D W Russia4s Stalin gi-en 'al( t'e 3orl* at YaltaH@ASA@ &ACT -s. "AT! W Russia to be broug't up to (ull parity 3it' t'e @est W Stoc+piles o( Military Supplies sent to bot' ,orea an* $iet "am (or (uture 3ars by 'i**en rulers. W Man*ate (or t'e Di-ision o( &alestine 6 8=A: W %srael reborn an* becomes a "ation on May 8A1 8=A9. W %nternational Ban+ers gain a strangle'ol* on 7.S. economy W Council on )oreign Relations (orms t'e 7nite* "ations W ,orean @ar 6 )irst maEor 7.". &olice Action 6 7.S. Military ser-es un*er Communist rulers (or (irst time W America becomes c'ie( mo-er in supporting 7.". @!R D 0!$ER"ME"T.
W State Department issues 2)ree*om (rom @ar2 P 2Blueprint (or t'e &eace Race21 t'e plan to scrap t'e 7.S. Constitution P place America un*er 7nite* "ations control1 -ia gra*ual *isarmament an* t'e rise o( a 7" &! %CE )!RCE. W &ublic a3 9:6C=: is passe*1 7nite* States to go un*er t'e 7nite* "ations by act o( la3 W 0lobal &olice Map issue* s'o3ing alien troops policing all Americans W Report )rom %ron Mountain issue* 6 t'e #!AK Report 3it' t'e agen*a (or antic'rist (orces to *i-ert t'e attention o( t'e American people 3it' )A,E A TER"AT%$ES T! @AR (or S!C%A C!"TR! . W ocal1 City1 State police (orces begin to merge un*er t'e recomen*ation o( t'e EAA1 )!RER7""ER !) )7 )EDERA %5AT%!" in preparation (or t'e coming &! %CE STATE. W EAA calls (or complete *isarming o( A AMER%CA"S. "! 07"S @#ATE$ER %" T#E #A"DS !) AMER%CA" C%T%5E"S. W )EMA %S )!RMED1 EKEC7T%$E !RDERS )!R C!M& ETE MART%A A@ TA,E6!$ER !) T#E 7"%TED STATES %SS7ED BY &RES%DE"T "%K!"1 un*er t'e guiDe o( 2EMER0E"C%ES2. T'e 3or* 2emergency2 is not in t'e Constitution1 but is in all C!MM7"%STHS!C%A %ST an* % 7M%"%ST C#ARTERSHC!"ST%T7T%!"S so t'ey can suspen* all R%0#TS 3'ic' are merely 2pre-iliges2 grante* by t'e 0!$ER"ME"T. W EAA becomes )EMA an* t'e 7nite* States is *i-i*e* up into TE" )EDERA RE0%!"S1 per 7.". Directi-es un*er Article ;C P ;; in preparation (or 7.". Ta+e6o-er o( America 7"DER A $ERY S !@ 0RAD7A &R!CESS. W )EMA 3or+s on maEor Martial la3 2practice operations (or martial la3 ta+eo-er2 W REK69A calls (or t'e construction o( Detention Centers an* Concentration Camps all across America W "ational 0uar* 7nits tra-el to Cali(ornia to practice Ci-ilian Arrest1 Transport an* Detention concepts in preparation (or 7.". ta+e6o-er1 un*er !peration 0ar*en &lot an* Cable Splicer W Desert Storm 6 &resi*ent 0eorge Bus' calls (or a "E@ @!R D !RDER1 issues EKEC7T%$E !RDERS )!R 7" TR!!&S T! TRA%" 7&!" 7.S. S!% . W 7nite* "ations Secretary 0eneral calls (or 7.". STA"D%"0 ARMY W &'ase !ne o( trans(er to 7nite* "ations complete*1 an* 7nite* States begins &#ASE D!@" !) M% %TARY1 TRA"S)ERS S!ME BASES T! 7"%TED "AT%!"S an* 0ERMA"Y1 per )REED!M )R!M @AR REN7%REME"TS.
W &resi*ent 0eorge Bus' signs Executi-e !r*er allo3ing 7.". )orces to train 3it'in America (or t'e purpose o( &EACE ,EE&%"01 one o( t'e maEor items in t'e A0E"DA )R!M %R!" M!7"TA%". W )e*eraliDation o( &olice )orces begin 6 to be calle* t'e MJT) &! %CE1 3it' calls to MER0E &! %CE D&EARTME"TS an* S#ER%)) DE&ARTME"TS. W 7nite* "ations ta+es o-er a number o( 7.S. &AR,S as 7.". &RESER$ES1 as part o( global lan* grab un*er EC!6SCAM1 T#E R%! A0E"DA C8 &R!0RAM. W Calls (or 7.". T! C!ME T! )7 &!@ER MADE BY &! %T%CA 1 B7S%"ESS A"D RE %0%!7S EADERS A !$ER T#E @!R D1 AS &ER &SA M C A"D RE$E AT%!" 8: P 89. W Crisis ManagementH0ra*ualism re(ine* in Ecological R%! S7MM%T P TREAT%ES1 07" C!"TR! A"D CR%ME C!"TR! ACTS1 an* t'e a*-ancement o( TERR!R%ST A@S1 3it' t'e *e(inition o( 2criminal acti-ity2 broa*ene* to allo3 (uture arrest (or politcally 2incorrect2 t'oug't an* speec'. W Bil*erberger meeting in Europe 6 Elite issue comman* to 0ET A T#E 07"S )R!M AMER%CA"S1 )7 Y D%SARM T#EM 7"DER A"Y &RETE"SE @#ATS!E$ER W RA"DY @EA$ER %"C%DE"T %" %DA#!1 T! TEST AMER%CA" RES! $E1 an* to begin t'e pocess o( 2con*itioning2 t'e American people t'at (un*almentalist C'ristians are DA"0ER!7S1 an* to begin t'e process o( DEM!"%5AT%!" !) A C#R%ST%A"S1 C!"ST%T7T%!"A %STS1 A"D T#E R%0#T @%"0. W BRA"C# DA$%D%A" MASSACRE %" @AC!1 TEKAS1 A0A%" T! TEST RES! $E1 an* to 2pay bac+2 Da-i* ,ores' (or ta+ing t'e name 2,ores'2 an* (or computer 'ac+ing into t'e plans o( t'e elite. W T#E ASSA7 T 7&!" T#E C!"ST%T7T%!" BE0%"S %" EAR"EST @%T# BRADY B% 1 A"D A TY&ES !) 207" C!"TR! 2 an* CR%ME C!"TR! an* TERR!R%ST MEAS7RES W TR!!&S SEE" A !$ER T#E 7"%TED STATES %" MA"E7$ERS !) %" TRA$E %"01 @EAR%"0 B AC, 7"%)!RMS @%T# "! MAR,%"0S W B AC, #E %C!&TERS @%T# "! MAR,%"0S A&&EAR A !$ER T#E 7"%TED STATES1 T! %"ST% )EAR A"D C!")7S%!" %" &!&7 AT%!" ) Y AT % E0A E$E S1 S!ME MA,%"0 ME"AC%"0 MA"E7$ERS T!@ARDS C%$% %A"S A"D #!MES. T'e process 3ill continue until all blac+ bu*get operations an* 3eapons are complete an* rea*y1 at 3'ic' time a TR%00ER E$E"T1 a #%0# &R!)% E 2TERR!R%ST ATTAC,2 3ill be launc'e* to bring America un*er A MART%A A@ SYSTEM1 so t'at t'e !"0 A@A%TED 2,% %"0 !) T#E C#R%ST%A"S2 can begin.
@!R D @AR T#REE W @ill in-ol-e Syria an* %srael1 an* 3ill sprea* rapi*ly to 3orl* W @ill be nuclear an* -ery s'ort W @orl* at large 3ill t'in+ it is Armage**on W )alse Messia' 3ill arri-e 3it' all lying signs an* 3on*ers an* bring @ar to close1 3ill en(orce & !H%sraeli agreement an* Jerusalem Co-enant W @orl* 3ill enter into t'e SE$E" YEAR Tribulation &erio* W 5ionist %srael 3ill 3in t'is 3ar1 but be ba*ly 'urt W America 3ill ta+e some nuclear 'its1 be ba*ly 'urt W America 3ill un*ergo trans(ormation into )ascist &olice State W America 3ill go un*er t'e 7nite* "ations occult (orces W American citiDens 3'o 3ere targete* (or extermination 3ill be roun*e* up W American citiDens 3ill embrace t'e lie o( uci(er an* embrace a strong *elusion W America 3ill begin rapi* *ecline as s'e is rape* an* pillage* by 7.". )orces W !ccult 7.". 3ill mo-e to Jerusalem Eust be(ore t'e mi**le o( t'e Tribulation.
Accor*ing to Jesus C'rist1 t'e rebirt' o( apostate1 political 5ionist %srael in t'e Mi**le East 3as t'e ,EY S%0" T#AT T#E RET7R" @AS "EAR. 0o* 3ill use %srael to DESTR!Y A 0E"T% E &!@ERS !) T#E @!R D1 %"C 7D%"0 BABY !" AMER%CA. %SRAE %S T#E !"E S%0" t'at all pre-ious generations *i* not 'a-e t'at is necessary (or t'e TR7E C!7"TD!@" !) T#E C !C,. W %srael4s (oun*ation 3oul* be lai* on t'e CAt' Day o( C'isle- 6 it 3as December =1 8=8: W %srael 3oul* begin a S !@ %" 0AT#ER%"0 A"D B7Y T#E A"D )R!M T#E ARABS 6 T'ey *i*.
W %srael 3oul* be reborn in apostasy1 in unbelie(1 a political 3or+ 6 S'e 3as W %srael 3oul* be reborn in 8=A9 .T'e ,abbala/ 6 S'e 3as W %srael 3oul* reta+e Jerusalem in 8=B: .T'e ,abbala/ S'e *i* W %srael 3oul* 'a-e t'e "ational Symbol o( t'e )%0 TREE 6 s'e *oes W %srael 3oul* return to 'er ancient language1 #ebre3 6 s'e 'as W %srael 3oul* return to 'er ancient money1 t'e S'e+el 6 s'e 'as W %srael 3oul* become a 3orl* lea*er in (ruit pro*uction 6 s'e 'as W %srael4s *eserts 3oul* bloom as t'e rose 6 t'ey 'a-e W T'e rain(all 3oul* stop at %srael4s bor*ers 6 t'ey 'a-e W %srael 3oul* enlarge 'er boar*ers 3it' e-ery 3ar 6 s'e 'as W !ne %sraeli sol*er 3oul* put a 8>> Arabs to (lig't 6 t'ey 'a-e W Jerusalem 3ill be *e(en*e* by aircra(t 6 s'e 'as been W #ig' spee* automobiles 3oul* cro3* t'e streets o( Jerusalem 6 t'ey *o W %srael 3oul* 'a-e one o( t'e (inest (ig'ting (orces in t'e 3orl* 6 t'ey *o W %srael 3oul* be t'e 3orl*4s center o( trouble 6 s'e is. W Jerusalem 3oul* be t'e c'ie( area o( contro-ersy in t'e 3orl* o( nations 6 it is W Any nation t'at attac+e* %srael 3oul* lose 6 t'ey 'a-e W T'e 'an* o( 0o* is o-er %srael to protect 'er until t'e en* 6 it 'as been W Arab nations aroun* 'er 3oul* *eclare a #! Y @AR 6 t'ey 'a-e W %srael 3oul* enter into a 2co-enant2 3it' a terrorist 6 s'e *i* W %srael 3ill 'a-e a maEor enemy t'at lies to 'er "!RT# 6 Syria an* Russia W Russia an* 'er )e*eration 3ill prepare to ma+e 3ar 3'ile t'ey spea+ peace 6 t'ey are W T'e Arab nations aroun* %srael 3oul* align t'emsel-es 3it' Russia 6 t'ey 'a-e
W T'e e-itcial &riest'oo* o( %srael 3oul* be re-i-e* 6 it 'as been W T'e As'es o( t'e Re* #ei(er 3oul* be (oun* 6 T'e claim is t'ey 'a-e been W T'e Tabernacle o( Da-i* 3ill be (oun* 6 Experts are close to it W T'e Ar+ o( t'e Co-enant 3ill be (oun* 6 Experts claim %srael +no3s 3'ere it is W T'e 2purple *ye2 (or &riestly robes t'at is ma*e (rom a special snail is being ma*e once again. T'e snails1 gone (or centuries1 'as no3 returne* W %srael 3ill (ig't )%$E MAJ!R @ARS !" #ER A"D 6 !"E T! 0! W %srael 3ill go up to t'e Temple Mount (or @ors'ip 6 %t is part o( t'e co-enant being 3or+e* out rig't no31 3it' t'e $atican *eeply in-ol-e* W %srael4s next maEor 3ar 3ill be 3it' Syria or a SyrianHRussianHMoslem coalition. S'e 3ill emerge -ictorious1 an* establis' (ull temple 3ors'ip 3it' sacri(icial 3ors'ip W %srael 3ill 'a-e an 9>U year li(e span 6 at 3'ic' time s'e s'all be terminate* E-ery prop'etic utterance concerning %srael by t'e !l* an* "e3 testament prop'ets 'as been (ul(ille* 3it' 8>>G accuracy1 at t'e EKACT T%ME REN7%RED. @'at are t'e o**s o( t'atJ T'e o**s are TR% %!"S 7&!" TR% %!"S T! !"E. 0!D ,"!@S T#E )7T7RE AS @E ,"!@ T#E &AST. Yet millions o( Americans *iscount t'e Scriptures an* run a(ter )A SE &R!&#ETS1 suc' as "ostra*amous1 E*gar Cayce an* a 'ost o( ot'ers. BE@ARE1 T#E RET7R" %S "EAR1 E$E" AT T#E D!!R.
(I0N TWO T#E R%SE !) S&EC%)%C 0E"T% E &!@ERS The rise of )n/land 3The *ion of 4aniel 567% )8ekiel 9:6;9 3Tarshish<% $salm ;56;=< T'e rise o( Englan* is t'e (irst maEor prop'etic sign gi-en to us by t'e prop'ets t'at 3oul* signal t'at t'e last generation o( %srael 3as soon approac'ing. Englan* 3oul* play a maEor role in t'e (ormation o( %srael in t'e Mi**le East1 3it' 0eneral Allenby capturing %srael on t'e -ery *ay t'e #aggai t'e &rop'et sai* T#E )!7"DAT%!" )!R %SRAE 4S AST TEM& E &ER%!D @!7 D BE A%D .#aggai C:891 or December 8:1 8=8:/. Englan* 'as t'e symbol o( t'e %!" on 'er national seal1 Eust as Daniel implie* in 'is -ision. %t 3as Englan* t'at issue* t'e Bal(our Declaration1 3'ic' o((icially recogniDe* t'e Je3s t'e rig't to migrate bac+ to t'e lan* o( t'eir (ore(at'ers. Englan*4s co*ename in Scripture is
2Tars'is'2 an* s'e 3oul* gi-e birt' to many >OUN0 *ION(1 3'ic' 3oul* gro3 to be maEor nations1 t'e greatest o( 3'ic' 3oul* be a nation t'at 'a* t'e ensign o( T#E EA0 E1 an* t'e SYMB! !) 7C%)ER1 @%T# #%S "7MBER BBB1 a nation t'at 3oul* gro3 to become t'e lea*ing nation o( t'e entire 3orl*1 a nation 3'ose C!DE "AME @AS BABY !" T#E 0REAT. Englan* 3oul* gi-e birt' to mig'ty Babylon1 3atc' 'er rise to t'e apex o( 'er po3er .8=B>4s/ an* t'en 3atc' 'er slo3 *ecline an* *eat' by nuclear (ire/. Englan* 3oul* outlast 'er in(amous *aug'ter an* be (orce* to stan* alone at t'e en*1 an* 3oul* *ie in apostasy an* con(usion. T#E R%SE !) AMER%CA .Daniel A::1 eagle 3ings? %saia' 8<18A1A:1 Jeremia' ;>1 ;81 #aba++u+ 8 P C1 Re-elation 8:1 89 P 8</ &rop'ecy says t'at Englan* 3as *estine* to gi-e birt' to a nation t'at 3as an %S A"D "AT%!"1 surroun*e* by 3arm 3ater seas1 a nation 3it' multiple seaports. T'is nation 3oul* (orge t'e greatest national an* economic system e-er seen upon t'e (ace o( t'e eart' since A*am an* E-e 3ere create*. S'e 3oul* be nation o( mingle* peoples1 3'o 3oul* all migrate to America1 an* )!R0E A S%"07 AR "AT%!" @%T# T#E C!DE "AME BABY !" T#E 0REAT. America Babylon 3as *estine* to play a maEor roll as t'e protectorate o( %srael in t'e Mi**le East until t'e en*1 3'en s'e 3oul* turn upon %srael1 betray 'er1 an* o-errun 'er an* attempt to usurp t'e T'rone o( Jesus C'rist. T'e ,%"0 !) BABY !" is t'e political lea*er o( t'e A"T%C#R%ST )!RCES. Alt'oug' 'e may not be an American1 'e 3ill rule o-er 'er in t'e (inal *ays1 Eust be(ore 'er *emise an* *estruction. America4s role in prop'ecy is t'at o( REBE %!"1 (or s'e turns into t'e 3orst o( t'e A"T%C#R%ST "AT%!"S1 an* *estroys 'er 'eritage1 imprisons an* mur*ers bot' C'ristians an* Je3s in *etention centers1 concentration an* *eat' camps. #er en* is 3orse t'an t'e Communist Re-olution in Russia1 accor*ing to t'e prop'ecies.
T#E R%SE !) R7SS%A .Daniel ::;? EDe+iel <9 P <= .0og/ Amos ;:8=/ T'e rise o( Russia plays a maEor role in en* time prop'etic e-ents1 (or s'e is t'e lea*er o( a Russian lea* coalition o( MoslemHArab po3ers t'at 3ill instigate a S"EA, ATTAC, against Babylon an* %srael in t'e last *ays. %n Scripture1 'er co*e name is 0!01 in t'e lan* o( MA0!0. S'e 3ill Eoin (orces 3it'1 an* supply t'e arms to all maEor Moslem po3ers 3'o 'ate %srael an* 3is' to *ri-e 'er into t'e sea. W Russia 3oul* be +no3n as t'e BEAR. S'e is. T'e Russian Bear is +no3n t'roug'out t'e 3orl* .Daniel ::;/ W Russia 3oul* 'a-e t'ree (oun*ers .t'e ribs in t'e mout' 6 Daniel ::;? Marx1 Engels1 enin/
W Russia 3oul* be tol* by 'er (oun*ers to rise an* *e-our muc' (les' 6 s'e 'as1 Russia 'as +ille* millions on 'er rise to po3er .Daniel ::;/ W Russia 3oul* rise at t'e same time Babylon6America came into great po3er1 an* 3oul* be 'er biggest enemy1 an enemy to t'e "!RT# !) BABY !"1 !$ER T#E &! AR RE0%!"S. S'e is. W Russia 3oul* *e-elop a 'uge a-iation program complete 3it' nuclear missiles 3'ic' s'e 3ill use to *estroy t'e 7nite* States. S'e 'as t'em1 an* t'ey are still targeting American cities. W Russia 3oul* align itsel( 3it' t'e (ollo3ing +ey nations: W %ran P %raF W ibya W Syria W Et'iopia W Tur+ey Russia is *estine* to go against t'e Mi**le East an* 3ill be UTT)-*> 4)#)AT)4 in 'er attempt1 an* 3ill lose ;HB o( 'er in-a*ing (orces. S'e 3ill retire nort' to lic+ 'er 3oun*s an* be *estroye* as a maEor po3er. T'e 7nite* States1 un*er t'e control o( t'e 7.". soon a(ter t'is attac+1 3ill rise to t'e be t'e supreme ruler o( t'e 3orl*. T'e lea*ers o( America6 Babylon 3oul* be lulle* to sleep by t'e (alse peace o-ertures o( t'e Russian4s1 an* 'er brea+6up into a )EDERAT%!" !) "AT%!"S 3as (oretol* by Jeremia' t'e &rop'et1 an* is one o( t'e last signs be(ore 'er attac+ upon t'e Mi**le East an* possibly t'e 7nite* States. T'e present peace o-ertures1 t'e so calle* 2brea+6up2 o( t'e So-iet 7nion are mere ploys to put American at ease1 an* 3'en 'er guar* is totally *o3n1 s'e 3ill be attac+e* an* *estroye*. Recently t'e C'airman o( t'e Joint C'ie(s o( Sta((1 0eneral S'elton annocun*e* t'at America 'as no enemies1 an* t'at America 3oul* 'a-e at least t'ree years o( 3arning be(ore any missile coul* be launc'e* against America. T'is is a (ul(illment o( t'e prop'ecies o( Jeremia'1 in 3'ic' t'e lea*ers o( America1 bot' ci-ilian an* military1 ARE &7T T! 2S EE&2 an* ma*e 2DR7",2. %t is *uring t'is time perio* 3'en America is attac+e*1 *uring a time in 3'ic' 'er lea*ers an* t'e 3orl* are saying 2&EACE A"D SEC7R%TY2. T#E R%SE !) E7R!&EA" C!MM7"%TY T'e rise o( a community o( nations in Europe t'at 3oul* (all un*er t'e 7nite* "ations Beast as a bio6region is coming to pass. T'e acti-ity o( t'e European Common Mar+et1 t'e (ormation o( a singular EC7 are part o( t'e RE0%!"% 5AT%!" &R!CESS !) T#E 7"%TED "AT%!"S .ART%C E ;C P ;/ A"D & AYS A MAJ!R R! E AS B%!6
RE0%!" XC1 a part o( t'e system o( BABY !"%A" @!R D TRADE. @estern Europe1 as part o( "AT! )!RCES .T#E 7.". ARMY/ is also part o( t'e en*6time A"T%C#R%ST &!@ERS. T#E R%SE !) T#E &A"6ARAB%A" )EDERAT%!" T'e rise o( !&EC an* !A&EC 3as (oretol* by t'e prop'ets in &salm 9<1 3'ic' is a coalition o( po3ers t'at align t'emsel-es against %srael in t'e last *ays. T'ey 3ill be1 along 3it' Russia1 maEor players in t'e *estruction o( America Babylon1 an* ma+e up a goo* s'are o( t'e nations t'at 3ill ta+e America by total surprise in a snea+ nuclear attac+. T#E R%SE !) C#%"A P JA&A" T'e ,%"0S !) T#E EAST 3ill also play a maEor roll in en*6time military a((airs. Accor*ing to t'e apocryp'a1 Japan 3ill be *estroye* 3'en America is *estroye*1 (or s'e merge* 3it' an* became marrie* to America an* t'e sins o( Babylon. C'ina plays t'e most important role1 (or s'e 3aits until t'e -ery en* to enter t'e Mi**le East con(lict1 an* goes *o3n to 2ta+e t'e spoils2 t'in+ing s'e 3ill emerge t'e -ictor in t'e en*. Because s'e 'as reEecte* C'rist1 an* t'e Bible1 s'e *oes not realiDe s'e is being broug't (ort' to 'er *estruction in t'e Mi**le East. C'ina 3ill muster a C>> million man army in 'er last military campaign. S'e 3ill lose t'em all an* ne-er rise again.
T'is t'en is a S#!RT prop'ecy brie(ing to s'o3 'o3 close t'e 3orl* is to being !" T#E ED0E !) ETER"%TY1 an* t'at man+in*4s probation upon planet eart' %S C!M%"0 T! A RA&%D C !SE. ARE Y!7 READYJ D! Y!7 ,"!@ JES7S
I( A,)-ICA !A!>*ON2
$art #ive ??? )N0*AN4 1 A,)-ICA TH) *ION WITH )A0*) WIN0( AN4 TH) 0-)AT ()A* O# TH) UNIT)4 (TAT)(
The !OO@ O# 4ANI)* is one of the most fascinatin/ books in the Old testament% a book shrouded in mystery and symbolic ima/es However% deeply buried in 4ANI)* is the @)> TO UN*OC@IN0 TH) T-UTH O# !I!*) $-O$H)C>% WHAT TH) NU,!)- ??? I( AN4 WHAT IT ,)AN(% AN4 HOW THAT IN#A,OU( NU,!)- I( TI)4 4I-)CT*> TO TH) UNIT)4 (TAT)( O# A,)-ICA AN4 TH) -I() O# *UCI#)-
AAnd #OU- 0-)AT !)A(T( CA,) U$ #-O, TH) ()A% 4I")-() ON) #-O, ANOTH)-
The first WA( *I@) A *ION% and HA4 )A0*)B( WIN0(6 I beheld till the WIN0( TH)-)O# W)-) $*UC@)4% and it was lifted up from the earth% and made stand upon the feet as a man% and a manBs heart was /iven to it 34aniel 569'7< A
There are several thin/s we have to look at as we e.amine this beast% for it has two components or parts to it ; TH) *ION = TH) )A0*)B( WIN0( We must also note that the )A0*) WIN0( A-) $*UC@)4% which means that TH)> A-) IN #ACT ()$A-AT) )NTITI)(% TI)4 TO0)TH)- IN (O,) #O-, O# -)*ATION(HI$ The removal of the ea/le win/s does not dama/e the lion itself Also note the *ION I( (TAN4IN0 U$ON IT( #))T The symbols that 4aniel uses are very important% because they either represent NATIONA* (>,!O*(% or they represent HOW TH) $)O$*) O# TH) )A-TH "I)W TH)() NATION(% and TH) CHA-ACT)-I(TIC( O# TH) ANI,A* ()*)CT)4 ,ATCH TH) NATIONB( CHA-ACT)- In other words% 4aniel is showin/ us WHO TH)() NATION( A-)% !> U(IN0 TH)I- ,O(T $O$U*AI,A0)% O- (>,!O* 4aniel is writin/ in Astreet talkA% so that the avera/e !)*I)")- would IN(TANT*> -)CO0NIC) who these powers were if alive durin/ TH) *ATT)- >)A-(% for this vision I( A "I(ION CONC)-NIN0 TH) *A(T 0)N)-ATION O# I(-A)*% O# )")NT( THAT A-) TO OCCU- 4U-IN0 TH) THI-4 CO,,ONW)A*TH O# I(-A)* THAT ,A@)( IT AN A)N4 O# TH) A0)A "I(ION% A *ATT)- 4A> "I(ION It is also important to note that I(-A)* 3A$O(TAT) O- NOT< A*WA>( $*A>( TH) C)NT-A* -O*) IN $-O$H)C> That means to you that the )NTITI)( $-)()NT)4 IN (C-I$TU-) usually HA") A *OT TO 4O WITH I(-A)* in their specific time period H)NC) TH) #OU- !)A(T $OW)-( WI** $*A> A ,ADO- -O*) IN TH) -)#O-,ATION AN4 CONT-O* O# CIONI(T% A$O(TAT) I(-A)* IN TH) =ETH C)NTU-> TH) *ATT)- 4A> I(-A)* I( A*WA>( $O-T-A>)4 !> TH) *O-4 D)(U( CH-I(T A( A$O(TAT)% WITH NO ($I-ITUA* #-UIT IT I( $O-T-A>)4 IN I(AIAH A( A NATION THAT ATT),$T( TO -I() U$ AN4 -U*) TH) WO-*4% !UT IT #AI*( IT #AI*( !)CAU() IT I( NOT ,)((IAH *)A4% !UT -ATH)- I( TH) WO-@ O# TH) INT)-NATIONA* !AN@IN0 CA-T)*( 0O4 A**OW( IT TO HA$$)N% AN4 TH) T-A$ TH)() $OO- #O*@( ()T #O- TH) WO-*4 I( (NA$$)4 (HUT ON TH), IN(T)A4FF ON*> ON) THI-4 O# TH) D)W( )(CA$) THI( T-A$ TH)> A-) TH)N !-OU0HT INTO ,I**)NNIA* I(-A)*% WHICH I( #A4I##)-)NT THAN TH) I(-A)* O# TO4A> We have already proved that these beasts are *ATT)- 4A> !)A(T $OW)-( !ecause Desus Christ said A** THIN0( would !) #U*#I**)4 WITHIN ON) 0)N)-ATION #-O, TH) TI,) A$O(TAT) I(-A)*B( #OUN4ATION !)0AN 3the $arable of the #i/ Tree makes this very clear<% then obviously all of these powers would be around durin/ this final time period That is to say the =Eth century accordin/ to the ?EEE year 4octrineF
The foundation of IsraelBs e.istence lays in the takin/ of Derusalem by 0eneral Allenby on 4ecember G% ;G;5 CI( believes the evidence su//ests that this is where you start your time clock for the *A(T 0)N)-ATION spoken of by Desus Christ that would see A** THIN0( #U*#I**)4% or TH) )N4 O# THI( A0) CO,$*)T)4 The evidence is overwhelmin/ that W) A-) THAT *A(T 0)N)-ATION Ha//ai the prophet said that some event would *A> TH) #OUN4ATION #O- TH) *O-4B( T),$*) at the time of the end This event would NOT !) A #OUN4ATION (TON) #O- TH) T),$*) IT()*#% !UT A #OUN4ATION #O- I(-A)* IT()*#% WHICH *)A4( TO A T),$*) The date /iven by Ha//ai the prophet was the =Eth and fourth day of the ninth month of the Dewish reli/ious calendar% but no specific year was /iven However% that date I( TH) )+ACT 4AT) A**)N!> -)TOO@ D)-U(A*), IN ;G;5 Was it a coincidence% or was it O-4AIN)4 !> 0O42 4id the clock start then% or have we misinterpreted it2 TI,) WI** T)** U( $salm GE tells us that Israel has :E years plus an unknown time period called A(OONAin this a/e The last ;E years of IsraelBs life would be increasin/ trouble and strife It would pass into this final phase in ;G:5FF World events prove it has been trueFF In 4ecember of ;G:5 the $*O uprisin/s be/an% pavin/ the way for a $*O'I(-A)*I CO")NANT on (eptember ;9% ;GG9% with the O(*O ACCO-4( formally accepted on a #)A(T O# T-U,$)T(% ;GGH% and further% this CO")NANT I( )+$AN4IN0 TO A,AN>A% and it CO")-( A ()")N >)A$*AN% which ends in the year =EEE '=EE=% with the leaders of the world /atherin/ at the 0-)AT $>-A,I4 TO C)*)!-AT) TH)I- AN)W WO-*4 O-4)-Ain the year =EEE This means that TH) #INA* 0)N)-ATION of man upon earth for THI( A0)% would see the rebirth of apostate Israel% and that 4ANI)*B( #OU- !)A(T $OW)-( WOU*4 $*A> A ,ADO- -O*) IN A** )N4 TI,) )")NT( *etBs see if 4aniel is a truth teller or a liar TH) *ION is well known today as )N0*AN4% and who was it that retook Derusalem from the Turks and laid the foundation stone for A$O(TAT) I(-A)*2 Allenby was an )N0*I(H 0)N)-A* He did it #O- )N0*AN4 It was )N0*AN4 that issued the now famous !A*#OU- 4)C*A-ATION 3*ord !alfour was an occultist% deep into ($I-ITI(,<% which laid the official /roundwork for the -))(TA!*I(H,)NT O# TH) $-O$H)(I)4 A$O(TAT)% CIONI(T I(-A)* IN TH) *AN4 O# $A*)(TIN) 4U-IN0 TH) *A(T 0)N)-ATION O# THI( A0) The be/innin/s of the liberation of $alestine and the formation of Communist -ussia came at the same point in timeFF Coincidence2 It was also )n/land that attempted to !)T-A> the new (tate of Israel in ;G7: when they left their arms for the Arabs and left Israel totally defenselessFF Indeed )N0*AN4 #I0U-)( -I0HT IN TH) ,I44*) O# !I!*) $-O$H)C> (he is a ,ADO- $*A>)- in all end time events It is also interestin/ to note that the national symbol of )N0*AN4 INC*U4)( A *ION% AN4 )N0*AN4 I( @NOWN A( TH) *ION #urther% TH) NATIONA* (>,!O* $O-T-A>( TH) *ION A( (TAN4IN0 ON IT( #))T% A( A ,ANFFF )n/land has used the (TAN4IN0 *ION A( TH) O##ICIA* (>,!O* O# TH) -O>A* #A,I*I)(% AN4 0O)( !AC@ #O- O")- 5EE >)A-( The coat of arms for William I 3;E??';E:5< is the *ION WITH )A0*)B( WIN0(FF
The symbol of the *ion is interestin/ from a reli/ious point of view% because CH-I(T I( $O-T-A>)4 A( TH) *ION OUT O# DU4AH for His return Thus TH) *ION -)$-)()NT( TH) -O>A*T> O# 0O4 AN4 HI( 4I"IN) -I0HT O# -U*) This plays ri/ht into what is known as !-ITI(H I(-A)* TH)O*O0>% which is deeply embedded within the !ritish )mpire !ritish'Israel theolo/y claims that the TH-ON) O# 4A"I4 is now the TH-ON) O# )N0*AN4 In other words% they claim that @IN0 4A"I4B( TH-ON) W)NT TO )N0*AN4% AN4 )N0*AN4 TH)-)#O-) HA( TH) -I0HT TO -U*) TH) WO-*4 Therefore% TH) TH-ON) O# )N0*AN4 TA@)( TH) $*AC) O# TH) TH-ON) O# CH-I(T% AN4 !)CO,)( ANTICH-I(T% #O- ANTICH-I(T I( A U(U-$)- O# CH-I(T% AN4 C*AI,( TH) -I0HT TO -U*) #-O, TH) TH-ON) O# CH-I(T Therefore )N0*AN4 I( $A-T O# TH) ANTICH-I(T $OW)-( O# TH) *A(T 4A>(% *)A4 !> !A!>*ON TH) 0-)AT TH) W)(T I( #IN0)-)4 A( TH) HO,) O# TH) ANTICH-I(T (>(T),% and poses to the world as a CH-I(TIAN $OW)-% and as the 4)*I")-)- #urther% )n/land is the mother of America% who is !A!>*ON TH) 0-)AT% the final and /reatest ANTICH-I(T NATION IN TH) )NTI-) WO-*4 Thus the symbol of the *ION% as 4aniel saw it% means far more than we mi/ht reali8e at first /lance Indeed% 4aniel was not smokin/ pot by the river of !abylon or on an acid trip% or a fraud as the liberals attempt to maintain HI( "I(ION( W)-) O# 0O4
Of note also from 4anielBs vision of the beast% that ON TO$ O# TH) *ION A-) )A0*) WIN0( They are $A-T O# TH) *ION They are A ()$A-AT) )NTIT>% !UT ATTACH)4 TO TH) *ION This is a crucial point% for it will show you how accurate 4aniel really was Who has the symbol of the )A0*) WITH OUT(T-)TCH)4 WIN0(2 4o the win/s represent a C*O() -)*ATION(HI$% a ,OTH)-'4AU0HT)- -)*ATION(HI$2 Deremiah claims that !A!>*ON HA( A ,OTH)- (o !A!>*ON TH) 0-)AT% who is the chief architect of the N)W WO-*4 O-4)- 3the *)A4IN0 ANTICH-I(T $OW)-<% and H)- ,OTH)-% form ON) $OW)- ON )A-TH% TH) W)(T)-N $OW)- 3TH) *)A4)-( O# TH) NATO A**IANC)<
Who is the 4AU0HT)- O# )N0*AN4% that had a HOU()HO*4 #I0HT with her mother and became a ()$A-AT) )NTIT>2 Who flies the ea/le as a NATIONA* (>,!O*2 None other than America% WHO !-O@) WITH )N0*AN4 IN TH) -)"O*UTIONA-> WA-FFF Who rose up OUT O# TH) AT*ANTIC% OUT O# TH) WI*4)-N)((% AN4 WHO $*UC@)4 U$ TH-)) ,ADO- $OW)-( A( IT CA,) U$ ' )N0*AN4% #-ANC) AN4 ($AINFFF It should also be pointed out here that TH) T-I!) O# 4AN% which many ancient scholars claimed would $-O4UC) TH) ANTICH-I(T% flies TH) )A0*)% and 4anBs colors A-) -)4 1 WHIT) The real symbol of 4an was TH) ,AN> H)A4)4 H>4-A% the !)A(T O# -)")*ATIONFF 4an refused to fly it% and flew the )A0*) IN(T)A4 4an is connected to the IlluministI,asonic movements% which are also connected to the HO*> 0-AI* societies of )urope% includin/ )n/land% which ,I0-AT)4 TO A,)-ICA% first to NO"A (COTIA 3New (cotland< and then to the )ast Coast of America TO ()T U$ A N)W CION% TH) N)W AAT*ANTI(A O# TH) OCCU*TFFF N)W >O-@ CIT> TH)N 0-)W TO !)CO,) TH) H)A4JUA-T)-( O# WO-*4 T-A4) AN4 #O- TH) UNIT)4 NATION( )+ACT*> A( (C-I$TU-) $O-T-A>(FF A** COINCI4)NTA*% O# COU-()FF TH) UNIT)4 NATION( I( CONT-O**)4 !> )N0*I(H ,A(ON-> Althou/h most Americans feel that we won the War of Independence% those who have done their homework will tell you otherwiseFF America is under )N0*I(H #INANCIA* CONT-O* It is the -OTH(CHI*4 CONT-O**)4 !AN@ O# )N0*AN4 that owns many shares of stock in the privately controlled #)4)-A* -)()-") (>(T), It is also a fact that the -OTH(CHI*4( fly the )A0*) as TH)I- (>,!O* It is !ritish #reemasonry and !ritish Israel theolo/y that is the drivin/ force behind American control The symbols of the dollar bill are a dead /iveaway as to the connections for all of this6
Notice that there are multiples of the number ;9 on both sides of the seal The number ;9 in (cripture is the NU,!)- O# -)!)**ION !abylon is a nation in UTT)- -)!)**ION a/ainst 0od Her leader% TH) @IN0 O# !A!>*ON% is the portrait of this total rebellion Its fate is tied directly to the number ;9FF (ee ;;% ;9 and 996 The Illuminati I #reemason (i/nature 0eor/e !ush Dr And the Number ;9 4estruction of the Trade Centers6 Occult (ymbolism Indicates )nemies Within Our Own 0overnment Occultists Worship Numbers Of most serious note here is the A** ())IN0 )>) WITHIN TH) $>-A,I4% *ON0 TH) (>,!O* O# TH) OCCU*T #O-C)( IN TH) WO-*4 This all seein/ (IN0U*A- )>) within the pyramid% with -A>( O# *I0HT (HININ0 #-O, IT% is noted by the $-O$H)T 4ANI)* as the symbol of TH) ANTICH-I(T $OW)- O- TH) A*ITT*) HO-NA 4ue to a translation error in the @IN0 DA,)( ")-(ION% which for unknown reasons went from a (IN0U*A- HO-N to $*U-A* HO-N(% and due in part to a lack of not /oin/ back to find the actual and literal meanin/s of the words% what 4aniel saw has not been reco/ni8ed until of late *etBs take a look at what 4aniel actually saw% and how he actually worded it We will turn to 4aniel 56:% and the discussion of the HO-N( AN4 TH) *ITT*) HO-N% that is $A-T O# TH) #OU-TH !)A(T $OW)-
A,ON0 TH), ANOTH)- *ITT*) HO-N% !)#O-) WHO, TH)-) W)-) TH-)) O# TH) #I-(T HO-N( $*UC@)4 U$ !> TH) -OOT(6 and% !)HO*4% IN THI( HO-N 3(IN0U*A-< W)-) )>)( 3O- )>)< *I@) TH) )>)( O# ,AN% AN4 A ,OUTH ($)A@IN0 0-)AT THIN0( A
The word HO-N is very interestin/ indeed% when coupled to the word )>)( The word for horn is A&erenA which refers to K5;?; in (tron/Bs and it means AA $)A@ O# A ,OUNTAIN% and -A> O# *I0HT% and also $OW)- If you /o to the root word A&aranA% it means TO (HOOT OUT HO-N( 3-A>(< O- TO (HIN) It means therefore TO (HOOT OUT -A>( O# (HININ0 *I0HT Now letBs take a look at the meanin/ /iven for $)A@ O# A ,OUNTAIN The very top of A ,OUNTAIN is in the form of a T-IAN0*)% for if we were to clip off Lust the tip of a mountain% that is the shape we come up with6
Now if the tip of a ,OUNTAIN is T-IAN0U*A- IN (HA$) 3WHICH IT I(<% TH)N W) A*(O HA") A $>-A,I4 #O-, This has much deeper meanin/ than we mi/ht think at first% because the occult worships their 0ods IN TH) ,OUNTAIN(% IN TH) $)A@(% OAHI0H $*AC)(A 0od even mentions this aspect of occult worship% when he refers to HI0H $*AC)( and ,OUNTAIN(% and HI**( for their WO-(HI$ O# TH)I- 0O4( He specially refers to it in his $-O$H)C> A0AIN(T !A!>*ON TH) 0-)AT% AN4 TH) *)A4)-( O# CH-I(TIANIT> IN !A!>*ON TH) 0-)AT% that is% the )"AN0)*I(T(% TH) $-)ACH)-(% TH) T)ACH)-( It is crucial that you understand that the NATION
!A!>*ON TH) 0-)AT I( TH) *)A4IN0 ANTICH-I(T $OW)- O# TH) WO-*4% AN4 THAT TH) A@IN0 O# !A!>*ONA I( $O-T-A>)4 A( TH) ANTICH-I(T Thus the *ITT*) HO-N O# 4ANI)* I( TH) $OW)- !)HIN4 !A!>*ON% #O- TH) *ITT*) HO-N I( A*(O ANTICH-I(TFF -ead what 0od says to them6 A,y people 3TH) CH-I(TIAN(< hath been *O(T (H))$6 TH)I- (H)$H)-4( 3TH) CH-I(TIAN *)A4)-(< HA") CAU()4 TH), TO 0O A(T-A>% TH)> HA") TU-N)4 TH), AWA> ON TH) ,OUNTAIN(6 TH)> HA") 0ON) #-O, ,OUNTAIN TO HI**% TH)> HA") #O-0OTT)N TH)I- -)(TIN0$*AC)6A 3Deremiah HE6?<
Now this has several meanin/s% but the real truth of this prophecy claims that the I**U,INATI% TH-OU0H #-)),A(ON-> 3,>(T)->< % HA( IN#I*T-AT)4 AN4 4)(T-O>)4 TH) CHU-CH WITHIN A,)-ICA% HA( TOTA**> *)A4 TH) #*OC@ A(T-A>% AN4 HA( IN #ACT *)A4 TH), TO TH) ,OUNTAIN(F To word it differently% AN> T>$) O# CH-I(TIAN TH)O*O0> THAT 4O)( NOT *)A4 ON) TO A -)CO0NITION O# AN4 A -)")*ATION O# TH) T-U) D)(U( CH-I(T IN TH) ($I-IT I( $A-T O# ,>(T)-> !A!>*ON There is only ON) T-U) #AITH% ON) T-U) WA> INTO TH) N)W CO")NANT AN> #O-, O# !)*I)# (T-UCTU-)% AN> #O-, O# TH)O*O0> O- -ITUA*% AN> #O-, O# 4OCT-IN) THAT 4O)( NOT *)A4 ON) INTO TH) N)W CO")NANT AN4 T-U) UNION WITH D)(U( CH-I(T I( $A-T O# TH) ,>(T)-> !A!>*ON -)*I0ION( The occult has lon/ worshipped their 0ods on the mountains% and considers that they dwell there That is one of the reasons why the Himalayas are the home of the 0ods of Theosophy The pyramid is nothin/ but a substitute ,OUNTAIN% and at the $)A@ O# TH) $>-A,I4 I( WH)-) TH)I- $A0AN 0O4( (IT IN TH)I- ($*)N4O- AN4 0*O-> It is called the CA$(TON) The CA$(TON) I( IT()*# A $>-A,I4 ON TO$ O# A $>-A,I4% THU( A A$)A@ O# A ,OUNTAINA6
Now notice that 4aniel said that H) (AW TH) )>) 3(IN0U*A-< O# ,AN IN(I4) THI( $>-A,I4 O- T-IAN0*) Notice also that this is the )>) O# A ,AN In other words% it is NOT Lust some form of an eye% but a very ($)CI#IC )>)6 A HU,AN )>)% AN4 TH) )>) O# A ,A*) We then add this part to the drawin/6
Now notice that the word HO-N3(< ,)AN( A*(O -A>( O# *I0HT% -A>( THAT (HIN) Thus we now add (HININ0 -A>( O# *I0HT THAT CO,) #-O, IN(I4) THI( $>-A,I4 WITH A (IN0U*A- HU,AN )>) IN TH) C)NT)-6
This is WHAT 4ANI)* C*AI,( H) (AW A( TH) A*ITT*) HO-NA It is obviously a (>,!O* O# (O,) T>$)% WHICH I( NOT UNU(UA* !)CAU() 4ANI)* 0A") U( #OU- !)A(T $OW)-(% )ACH WITH A (>,!O* THAT TU-N( OUT TO !) TH) NATIONA* (>,!O*(% O- HOW THAT NATION WA( @NOWN TO TH) $O$U*ATION( THAT *I")4 AT THAT $OINT IN TI,)FF Thus 4aniel is 0I"IN0 TO U( A 4)TAI*)4 $O-T-AIT O# TH) (>,!O* O# TH) ANTICH-I(T (>(T),% A (>,!O* THAT TH)> WI** U() IN TH) )N4 O# TI,)% A (>,!O* THAT WI**
(TAN4 #O- A $O*ITICA*% )CONO,IC AN4 -)*I0IOU( ,O"),)NT THAT WI** TA@) (HA$) IN TH) #INA* >)A-( O# )A-TH HI(TO->FFF Dohn the -evelator even 0A") TH) 4AT) O# TH) !I-TH O# TH) A!)A(TA It is also interestin/ to note that A WHIT) HO-() I( A*(O A (>,!O* O# TH) ANTICH-I(T This is so because ANTICH-I(T mimics D)(U( CH-I(T% who rides out of heaven ON A WHIT) HO-() TO (A") TH) WO-*4% TO !) TH) 0-)AT A$)AC),A@)-A >ou already know what that (>,!O* I(% #O- IT I( ON )")-> UNIT)4 (TAT)( 4O**A- !I**6 IT I( TH) (>,!O* O# TH) I**U,INAITII,A(ONIC !-OTH)-HOO4% TH) $-I,A-> ANTICH-I(T $OW)- O# TH) )N4 TI,)(% TH) CO,IN0 TO0)TH)- O# TH) #ACTION( O# ,A(ON-> AN4 A,>(T)->A TO #O-0) TH)I- N)W WO-*4 O-4)-% TH) U(U-$)- O# TH) TH-ON) O# CH-I(T% TH) ,O"),)NT THAT WANT( TO CONT-O* TH) WHO*) )A-THFFFF Their entire plan is the recreation of AT*ANTI(% with its ;E @IN0( AN4 *UCI#)-FF
The symbol of the WHIT) HO-() with a NA@)4 -I4)-% HO*4IN0 OUT HI( A-, AN4 HAN4 IN TH) (>,!O* O# TH) 4)"I*B( HO-N is none other than the C#-% the Council on #orei/n -elations% and is displayed on their )+C)**)NT ,A0ACIN)% called #O-)I0N A##AI-(% where the leadin/ people on the move towards 0*O!A* 0O")-NANC) write their articles and views The ,OTTO6 A)")->WH)-)A% which is most interestin/ in view of the prophet Cechariah% who claims that the CU-() O# A,>(T)->A 0O)( #O-TH O")- TH) WHO*) )A-TH% O- A)")->WH)-)A He also says their (>,!O* I( A (IN0U*A- )>) How stran/e and how accurate are the $-O$H)T( O# TH) *O-4
4o you not find it ama8in/ how accurate 4ANI)* I(2 4o you not find it ama8in/ that 0od also claims throu/h Deremiah that !A!>*ONB( CH-I(TIAN *)A4)-( WOU*4 *)A4 TH) CH-I(TIAN CHU-CH -I0HT INTO TH) A-,( O# TH) ANTICH-I(T2 They are doin/ it ri/ht nowFF !oth $rotestant and -oman Catholic% plus all the occult% A** O# TH),% ,U(T AN4 WI** ),!-AC) TH) ANTICH-I(T (>(T), UN4)- TH) A** ())IN0 )>) O# *UCI#)- >ou say that is impossible2 It cannot happen2 0U)(( A0AIN IT NOT ON*> CAN HA$$)N% IT I( HA$$)NIN0% AN4 IT WI** CONTINU) TO 0AIN ,O,)NTU, AN4 (T-)N0TH A( W) )NT)- INTO TH) #INA* $HA() O# 4ANI)*B( 5ETH W))@FFF If you will study such books as Archaeolo/y and the Old Testament% and study the ancient writin/s% you will find A$)A@( O# ,OUNTAIN(A 3T-IAN0*)(<% WITH TH) AA** ())IN0 )>)A 3A ,ANB( )>)< WITHIN IT% AN4 WITH TH) A-A>( O# (HININ0 *I0HTA CO,IN0 #-O, WITHINFFF The pyramid represents the HI0H $*AC)(% TH) $)A@(% TH) ,OUNTAIN O# 0O4% the I,ITATION O# TH) 0O4 O# I(-A)* AN4 HI( CHI)# CO-N)-(TON) ' D)(U( CH-I(T AN4 HI( T-U) CHU-CH The CO-N)-(TON) is also the CA$(TON)FF We also know from (cripture that 0od says TH) ,AN> -)D)CT TH) WA> O# D)(U( CH-I(T% AN4 TH)-)#O-) HA") NO CHOIC) !UT TO ),!-AC) TH) WA> O# *UCI#)- !ecause the ,AN> ),!-AC) *UCI#)-% then *UCI#)- CAN AN4 ,U(T CO,) TO $OW)- AT TH) )N4% for it is part of the 0-AN4 4)*U(ION #-O, 0O4 TO 4A,N TH) HU,AN -AC) #O- TH)I-)D)CTION O# D)(U( CH-I(TFFF How stran/e it is that from )n/landBs secret ,A(ONIC -OUN4 TA!*) 0-OU$( were created spin'offs such as the Council on #orei/n -elations% The Trilateral Commission% and a host of others They are all fronts of the TH) -ICH ,)N O# TH) )A-TH% O# ,>(T)->% all fronts of the A** ())IN0 )>) O# TH) ,A(ONIC *O40)% AN4 A*(O O# !-ITI(H I(-A)* TH)O*O0> It is from here that the UNIT)4 NATION( WA( !O-N% and is their
front to control the world The money trails they leave prove who runs AmericaFF In spite of this Ahousehold fi/htA between mother and dau/hter% TH) 4AU0HT)- -),AIN( UN4)TH) CONT-O* O# ,OTH)- )N0*AN4 !-ITI(H'I(-A)* TH)O*O0> I( (TI** IN CONT-O*% AN4 TH) A** ())IN0 )>) IN TH) $>-A,I4 O# ,A(ONIC !-ITI(H I(-A)* I( (TI** A*I") AN4 W)** !ritish Israel apolo/ist ) -aymond Capp says this about the all seein/ eye6 AThe emblem of the AeyeA is one of the most ancient symbols of A4ivine $rovidenceA and is found amon/ the earliest nations of the earth The 0reeks swore by the A)ye of DoveA and his worship spread over the -oman world The A(olar )yeA as it was known% became a reli/ious bad/e in all the ancient world !ut the device has an older ori/in It was the symbol of the Arabian 0od Dethro 3The father in law of ,oses< and was a resplendent sun inscribed with the Arabic motto AAllahA or AI am that I amA The earliest use of the A)ye of $rovidenceA appears to have been in ANCI)NT CHA*4)A 3!A!>*ON<% the early homeland of the Hebrew people A $a/e H:% AOU- 0-)AT ()A*A >ou must understand that ,asonry and its offshoot !-ITI(H I(-A)* (>(T), attempt at /reat len/th to CO")- O")- O- HI4) TH) O!"IOU( OCCU*TIC O-I0IN( O# TH)I(>,!O*( AN4 -ITUA*( and attempt at /reat len/th to claim they all ori/inated out of I(-A)* O# O*4% AN4 O##)- U$ )+$*ANATION( TO $-O") IT A** T-U) TH)> TI) A** O# TH)I- -ITUA*( AN4 !)*I)#( TO (C-I$TU-)% NO ,ATT)- HOW OUT O# CONT)+T IT ,A> !)CO,) IN TH)I- ATT),$T( TO $-O") TH)> !) CH-I(TIAN% WH)N TH)> A-) O# (ATAN Their efforts are directed to the direction of 4)C)$TION% for many Christian leaders were in fact 9=nd AN4 99rd 4)0-)) ,A(ON(% and there is no such thin/ as a CH-I(TIAN ,A(ON% it is an O+>,O-ON Capp continues6 AThe ,>(TICA* T-IAN0*) that )NCA()( TH) )>) is also an emblem of 0-)AT ANTIJUIT> TH) (O*A- T-IAN0*) O# TH) )0>$TIAN( WA( A (>,!O* O# O(I-I(% I(I( AN4 O-U( and was inscribed with the ,>(TIC ,OTTO6 AI A, A** THAT WA(% THAT I(% AN4 (HA** !) Allusion to this trian/le is found in most of the ancient reli/ious and ()C-)T (OCI)TI)( ANCI)NT #-)),A(ON-> ),$*O>)4 TH) T-IAN0*)% 0)N)-A**> IN CONN)CTION WITH TH) A** ())IN0 )>) TH-OU0HOUT TH) WHO*) (>(T), O# ,O4)-N ,A(ON->% TH)-) I( NO (>,!O* ,O-) I,$O-TANT IN IT( (I0NI#ICANC)% O- ,O-) "A-IOU( IN IT( A$$*ICATION THAN TH) T-IAN0*) IT I( H)*4 IN TH) HI0H)(T )(T)), !> A** -O>A* A-CH ,A(ON(% WHO() A*T)- I( T-IAN0U*A-% WHO() D)W)*( A-) T-IAN0U*A-% )TC The trian/le% IN CONN)CTION TO TH) A** ())IN0 )>)% I( TH) ,A(ONIC (>,!O* O# TH) A0-AN4 A-CHIT)CT O# TH) UNI")-()A $a/e HG% OU- 0-)AT ()A* !ritish Israel theolo/y is a dan/erous deception for those who embrace it It is part of the 0-AN4 4)*U(ION for a refusal to accept the N)W CO")NANT in the manner prescribed by the *ord Desus Christ They have invented% as has Catholicism and $rotestantism% A N)W WA>% A WI4) 0AT) AN4 !-OA4 WA> INTO TH) N)W CO")NANT% AN4 HA") ,O")4 IT TO )A-TH% WITH A N)W WO-*4 O-4)- UN4)- TH)I- ATH)OC-ATIC
0O")-N,)NTA Have you noticed how 4ominionism and -econstructionism all plan #OA WO-*4 O-4)-2 Under !ritish Israel theolo/y% which now has offshoots called 4O,INIONI(, AN4 -)CON(T-UCTIONI(,% alon/ with ,O-,ONI(, 3which is ,A(ONIC TO IT( CO-)<% I4)NTIT>% A->AN NATION(% )TC % all claim that much of prophecy has been fulfilled% particularly 4anielBs 5Eth week Thus to them% there is no ANTICH-I(T% only a 0-)AT C*)AN(IN0 O# TH) )A-TH TO -),O") TH) AWIC@)4 TA-)(A TO ()T U$ TH)I- ,I**)NNIA* -U*) Of course% TH) BBTA-)(BB A-) A** THO() WHO 4O NOT A0-)) WITH TH)I- TH)O*O0> Anyone who does not accept their ANTICH-I(T -U*) I( AN AANTICH-I(TA AN4 ,U(T !) -),O")4 It is the perfect delusion for men and women whose hearts are utterly unre/enerate and whose destiny is eternal ruin The Apostle Dohn% in the book of -evelation adds another detail for us to help in the interpretation of the 0-)AT ()A* O# TH) UNIT)4 (TAT)( >ou cannot interpret the !ook of -evelation without the !ook of 4aniel We have now been told by 4aniel that A T-IAN0*) WITH AN A** ())IN0 )>) AN4 *I0HT -A>( (HININ0 #-O, IT I( TH) ()A* O# TH) ANTICH-I(T We were also told by 4aniel that TH) ANTICH-I(T THIN@( TO CHAN0) TI,)( AN4 *AW( WH)N H) CO,)( TO $OW)- We also know that H) CO,)( TO $OW)- OUT O# TH) O*4 WO-*4 O-4)-% AN4 C-)AT)( A N)W WO-*4 O-4)- In order to destroy the O*4 WO-*4 O-4)-% H) U()( $)AC) A( HI( )+CU() TO WA0) WA- In other words% H) CO,)( TO $OW)- !> C-)ATIN0 CHAO(% AN4 #-O, TH) CHAO( H) U(H)-( IN HI( N)W WO-*4 O-4)-% !> -))(TA!*I(HIN0 A$)AC)A UN4)- HI( -U*) It works by 4)(TA!I*ICATION O# TH) NATION( It is part of the $-OTOCO*( O# TH) )*4)-( O# (ION 3 NOT CION<% which is the scheme of the -ICH ,)N O# TH) )A-TH% the 0-AN4 CON($I-AC> A0AIN(T 0O4% CH-I(T AN4 HI( ANOINT)4 ON)( (atan has a little somethin/ for )")->ON)% )")->WH)-)FF Now it Lust so happens that the D)W)* O# TH) 99rd 4)0-)) ,A(ON (A>( TH) #O**OWIN06 AO-4O A! CHAOA O- AO-4)- OUT O# CHAO( A The plan is to destroy all of the /overnments of TH) O*4 WO-4 O-4)-% brin/ them into a CON4ITION O# UTT)- CHAO(% 4)(T-O> )")->THIN0 THAT I( NOT ,A(ONIC% and then !-IN0 IN TH) ,A(ONIC I**U,INI(T N)W WO-*4 O-4)- O# *UCI#)- The motto on the -)")-() (I4) O# TH) 0-)AT ()A* HA( TH) (A>IN0 AANNUIT CO)$TI( NO"U( O-4O ()C*O-U,A Which a very stran/e derivative of a very stran/e C>!*) $-O$H)C> from ancient -ome It deals with the arrival of *UCI#)- and TH) $-O$H)TIC "I-0IN% which is none other than ,A>% JU))N O# !A!>*ON Here is the ,asonic Dewel6
O-4)- O# O# CHAO( is the 0A,) $*AN 4estabili8e the nations of the world by the #IN4IN0 $)O$*) WITH AA 4A-@ $A(TA% that they would not want to be revealed% CO,$-O,I() TH),% ()A-CH OUT TH)I- $A(T WITH 0-)AT 4I*I0)NC)% and $-O,OT) TH), TO $O(ITION( O# $OW)- whereby they can% by !*AC@,AI*% force the will of ,>(T)-> upon these men and woman If they do not behave% they are removed by one method or another $(A*, ?7 states e.actly how ,>(T)-> ACTUA**> 4O)( IT( 4I-T> WO-@6 $salm ?76;';E To the chief ,usician% A $salm of 4avid Hear my voice% O 0od% in my prayer6 preserve my life from fear of the enemy M=N Hide me from the secret counsel of the wickedO from the insurrection of the workers of ini&uity6 M9N Who whet their ton/ue like a sword% and bend their bows to shoot their arrows% even bitter words6 M7N That they may shoot in secret at the perfect6 suddenly do they shoot at him% and fear not 3@ennedy was shot on November =9% ;G?9% which was ;G?7 on the Dewish Calendar<
MHN They encoura/e themselves in an evil matter6 they commune of layin/ snares privilyO they say% Who shall see them2 M?N They search out ini&uitiesO they accomplish a dili/ent search6 both the inward thou/ht of every one of them% and the heart% is deep M5N !ut 0od shall shoot at them with an arrowO suddenly shall they be wounded M:N (o they shall make their own ton/ue to fall upon themselves6 all that see them shall flee away 3(ee Dames and the end of the -ICH ,)N< MGN And all men shall fear% and shall declare the work of 0odO for they shall wisely consider of his doin/ M;EN The ri/hteous shall be /lad in the *O-4% and shall trust in himO and all the upri/ht in heart shall /lory They make a 4I*I0)NT ()A-CH% they seek out INIJUIT> in the people that they place in $OW)- ,ost people are not aware that Dohn @ennedy was e.ecuted accordin/ to a ritual known as TH) @I**IN0 O# TH) @IN0% a ritual of ,>(T)->% a ritual carefully played out to the finest of details 4o not )")- underestimate the @NOW*)40)% $OW)- AN4 (T-)N0TH O# A,>(T)->A Nor should people for/et TH) $OW)- O# TH) *O-4 0O4% WHO I( A!O") A** ,>(T)-I)( The ()A* O# TH) UNIT)4 (TAT)( #U*#I**( TH) $-O$H)CI)( O# 4ANI)* TO TH) )+ACT *)TT)-% #O- IT I( ANTICH-I(T WHO THIN@( TO CHAN0) !OTH TI,)( AN4 *AW(% W) 4O IN4))4 HA") A AN)W WO-*4 O-4)-A )verythin/ is N)W% A!)HO*4% A** THIN0( A-) N)WA It will be an almost $)-#)CT ,I,IC O# TH) @IN04O, O# 0O4 ON )A-TH It will fool the vast maLority of people upon earth TH)> WI** ),!-AC) *UCI#)- AN4 HI( N)W WO-*4 O-4)- !> TH) !I**ION( !ible prophecy is comin/ to pass with ;EEP accuracy 0)T TO @NOW IT W)**% (TU4> IT% AN4 (HOW >OU-()*# A$$-O")4 UNTO 0O4
How then does Dohn the -evelator tie into this thin/2 He does so by tellin/ us the NU,!)O# TH) !)A(T In point of actual fact% he says A*)T HI, WHO HA( UN4)-(TAN4IN0AA Wisdom is a HI44)N THIN0 In other words% Dohn is tellin/ us THAT THI( I( A ()C-)T THIN0% NOT )A(I*> 4)T)CT)4% NOT @NOWN It re&uires understandin/% and understandin/ re&uires WI(4O, It will !) A HI44)N THIN0% (O,)THIN0 THAT ,U(T !) CA-)#U**> ()A-CH)4 OUT% O- W) WOU*4 CA** AA ,>(T)->A If it is a ,>(T)->% then we have to move over to OCCU*TIC @NOW*)40) TO #IN4 OUT TH) (I0N( AN4 (>,!O*( O# ,>(T)->% AN4 HOW TH)> WO-@ *etBs see how Dohn actually words it6 AH)-) I( WI(4O, *)T HI, THAT HATH UN4)-(TAN4IN0 COUNT TH) NU,!)- O# TH) !)A(T6 A #O- IT I( TH) NU,!)- O# 3A< ,ANO and HI( NU,!)- I( (I+ HUN4-)4 TH-))(CO-) AN4 (I+ A 3-evelation ;96;:<
Now notice the ACTUA* NU,!)- O# TH) !)A(T We also know that the *ITT*) HO-N I( TH) !)A(T (o the NU,!)- O# TH) *ITT*) HO-N I( ?EE% ?E AN4 ? We have always A44)4 IT TO0)TH)-% AN4 THU( W) CO,) TO TH) NU,!)- ??? !ut the actual 0reek is comprised of TH-)) NU,!)-(6 ?EE% ?E and ? It is important to keep that in mind Here is the actual ()JU)NC)% and ()JU)NC) in the ANCI)NT $-O$H)TIC W-ITIN0( I( ")-> I,$O-TANT6 ?EE ?E ?
We do not have to add them to/ether to /et the ,A-@ O# TH) !)A(T O- TH) NU,!)O# HI( NA,) Dohn does not tell us to A44 TH), TO0)TH)- It is not that we cannot add them to/ether% but the point is Dohn does not T)** U( TO A44 TH), TO0)TH)We then will take a different tact to solve the riddle We will use )+ACT*> WHAT TH) !I!*) T)**( U(6 ?EE% ?E and ? We will start with the -)")-() 0-)AT ()A*% the ()A* THAT 4ANI)* 0A") TO U( )mbedded at the base of the $>-A,I4 A-) TH) -O,AN NU,)-ICA* *)TT)-(6 A,4CC*++"IA
Now you would normally read that as ;55?% which is correct THAT I( TH) AO!"IOU(A ,)ANIN0 O# THO() *)TT)-( !ut what is the HI44)N NU,)-ICA* "A*U) O# THO() *)TT)-(2 And what if we took all of the -oman Numerals to/ether and added them up2 The -omans used the followin/ letters for their number system6 4C*+"I with 4QHEE% CQ;EE% *QHE% +Q;E% "QH% nd I ' ; The , letter was not used until much later Now if we take these letters and add them all up% we come to ??? If we take them as (cripture /ives the number% we come up with this in descendin/ order6
!ut it does not stop there If we take the date /iven on the official 0-)AT ()A* O# TH) UNIT)4 (TAT)(% W) CO,) TO (O,)THIN0 JUIT) INT)-)(TIN0 IN4))4 What
if we were to !-)A@ 4OWN TH) CO4) !U-I)4 WITHIN TH) *)TT)-(% U(IN0 TH) OCCU*T( OWN $-INCI$*)( O# NU,)-O*O0> A( A((OCIAT)4 WITH TH) $>-A,I42 >ou will notice in the ,A(ONIC D)W)* that there are in fact TH-)) ()$A-AT) T-IAN0*)(% )ACH ON) O##()T TO TH) OTH)- >ou know also there are TH-)) (I4)( TO )ACH T-IAN0*) In the occult% each side has a meanin/ In the occult% each plane of creation has a T-INIT> A((OCIAT)4 WITH IT TH)-) A-) TH-)) $*AN)( TO C-)ATION6 H)A")N% )A-TH AN4 H)** This means there A-) NIN) (I4)( TO TH) ,A(ONIC T-IAN0*)( It Lust so happens there are also NIN) *)TT)-( IN A,4CC*++"IA What would happen if we broke them apart into 0-OU$( O# TH-))2 IN OTH)- WO-4( W) WOU*4 0O6 ,4C C*+ +"I
Usin/ the occult principal of applyin/ values to the TH-)) CO-N)-( O# TH) $>-A,I4% in accordance with occult numerics% with these values placed in their respective positions of importance by their ()JU)NC)% and the #I-(T -O,AN NU,)-A* O# )ACH 0-OU$ !)IN0 $*AC)4 A( TH) CA$(TON)% we find somethin/ that very interestin/ when it comes to TH) !A() NU,!)-( O# )ACH $>-A,I4% and althou/h one could say it was merely COINCI4)NC)% it appears to be much more than that 0od always forewarns HI( $)O$*)% and these warnin/s come in many different ways% throu/h many different sources ,O-) I,$O-TANT*>% I# TH) 0-)AT ()A* O# TH) UNIT)4 (TAT)( I( IN #ACT TH) ()A* O# TH) A*ITT*) HO-NA% TH)N A,)-ICA I( THAT *ITT*) HO-N% AN4 IT -O() U$ )+ACT*> A( $O-T-A>)4 IN TH) (C-I$TU-) THAT ,)AN( THAT !A!>*ON TH) 0-)AT I( TH) ANTICH-I(T $OW)-% AN4 THAT I( )+ACT*> WHAT (C-I$TU-) (A>( The official seal of the United (tates would then incorporate the information the prophet 4aniel claimed he saw It would be confirmed elsewhere in that seal as well% for 0od always CON#I-,( )")->THIN0 #O- $O(ITI") I4)NTI#ICATION
$lease notice that by addin/ up the letters at the !A() O# )ACH $>-A,I4% W) CO,) TO ?EE% ?E AN4 ? The !A() "A*U) O# )ACH $>-A,I4 I( )+ACT*> TH) NU,!)0I")N TO U( !> DOHN TH) -)")*ATO-% and it is IN TH) )+ACT ()JU)NC) 0I")N
We are also /iven the )+ACT 4AT) #O- TH) !)0INNIN0 O# TH) !)A(T 0O")-N,)NT6 ;55?% or the date of birth for the !)A(T $OW)- Thus we find all the elements of the 0-)AT ()A* O# TH) UNIT)4 (TAT)( O# !A!>*ON ,)NTION)4 TO I4)NTI#> TH) A*ITT*) HO-N AN4 TH) ,A-@ O# TH) !)A(TAFF -emember% it is 4aniel who says that TH) *ITT*) HO-N -I()( U$ TO TA@) TH) WO-*4% AN4 $)-()CUT)( TH) CHI*4-)N O# 0O4 U$ON )A-TH It is now possible for us to I4)NTI#> TH) !)A(T6 IT I( A ,A(ONIC CON($I-AC>% AN4 9=N4 4)0-)) ,A(ON( HA") CA**)4 U( #-O, A** O")- TH) UNIT)4 (TAT)( AN4 TO*4 U( IT I(% AN4 THAT TH) UNIT)4 (TAT)( I( TO $*A> TH) @)> C)NT-A* -O*) IN TH) N)W WO-*4 O-4)- In other words% A,)-ICA I( A ,A(ONIC NATION% A NATION CA**)4 TH) AN)W AT*ANTI(A% TH) AN)W CIONA TH) AN)W D)-U(A*), O# TH) NATION(A It was written in the occult for many years% THI( ()C-)T 4)(TIN> O# TH) TH) UNIT)4 (TAT)( We are to U(H)- IN TH) 0-)AT WHIT) !-OTH)-HOO4% *UCI#)-% TH) A(C)N4)4 ,A(T)-( O# $-)'#*OO4 4A>(% TH) #A**)N AN0)*( O# 0)N)(I( CHA$T)- (I+ Now notice that TH) !OTTO, O# TH) $>-A,I4( A44 U$ TO ?EE% ?E AN4 ? in the e.act se&uence Now the !OTTO, of the $>-A,I4 is in fact TH) #OUN4ATION U$ON WHICH A THIN0 -)(T( The ,asons claim that NI,-O4 was the ")-> #I-(T ,A(ON% and it was NI,-O4 who built the mi/hty tower of !abel The ,A(ON( also /o back to ancient )0>$T% and claim the 0-)AT $>-A,I4 as one of their own Nimrod was a *UCI#)-IAN% a worshipper of *UCI#)- TH) (ON 0O4 It is also important to note that the !A!>*ONIAN (>(T), O# NU,!)-( WA( !A()4 U$ON (I+% not as ours in now% which is on T)N( What about the top2 Well% here is the secret6 R;EEE U ( dollars e&uals R?EE !abylonian R;EE U ( dollars e&uals R?E !abylonian% and R;E U ( dollars e&uals R? EE !abylonian Thus we HA") A #OUN4ATION !A()4 U$ON TH) !A!>*ONIAN (I+% and we have the A$)+ or the *A(T !A!>*ON (>(T), !A()4 U$ON ;E !oth carry the number ?EE% TH-))(CO-) AN4 (I+ Now here is somethin/ else you must know In the !ible% if you look up the number (I+ HUN4-)4% TH-))(CO-) AN4 (I+% you will only find it TWIC) in that e.act se&uence What it reveals to us is utterly astoundin/6 ; @in/s ;E6;7 Now the wei/ht of /old that came to (olomon in one year was si. hundred threescore and si. talents of /old -ev ;96;: Here is wisdom *et him that hath understandin/ count the number of the beast6 for it is the number of a manO and his number is (i. hundred threescore and si. Now in !OTH CA()(% )CONO,IC( I( IN U()% and the #I-(T TI,) IT I( U()4 I( IN -)*ATION(HI$ TO (O*O,ON AN4 HI( T),$*) It has to do with TA+)( and A T),$*)% and a @IN0 In ,asonry% they freely use the word (O*O,ON% and they constantly refer to (O*O,ONB( T),$*)% and they mean to build another one in D)-U(A*), ON TH) T),$*) ,OUNT However% you must be aware that when ,asonry
uses the word (O*O,ON% it also means (O* ' O, ' ON% which are three names for TH) (UN 0O4% *UCI#)- Their temple and their (O*O,ON in reality has little to do with @IN0 (O*O,ON O# TH) O*4 T)(TA,)NT It has much more to do with whom they secretly worship6 *UCI#)- Cechariah the prophet sin/les out ,>(T)->% and the TI) !)TW))N TH) )>) O# ,>(T)->% TH) T),$*)% AN4 TH) NU,!)- ??? Cech H6;';; Then I turned% and lifted up mine eyes% and looked% and behold a flyin/ roll M=N And he said unto me% What seest thou2 And I answered% I see a flyin/ rollO the len/th thereof is twenty cubits% and the breadth thereof ten cubits 3TH) ,)A(U-),)NT O# ,A(ONIC T),$*)(< M9N Then said he unto me% This is the curse that /oeth forth over the face of the whole earth6 for every one that stealeth shall be cut off as on this side accordin/ to itO and every one that sweareth shall be cut off as on that side accordin/ to it 3I# )")- TH)-) WA( A WA-NIN0 TO ,A(ON( AN4 THO() O# TH) ()C-)T (OCI)TI)(% THI( I( IT< M7N I will brin/ it forth% saith the *O-4 of hosts% and it shall enter into the house of the thief% and into the house of him that sweareth falsely by my name6 and it shall remain in the midst of his house% and shall consume it with the timber thereof and the stones thereof MHN Then the an/el that talked with me went forth% and said unto me% *ift up now thine eyes% and see what is this that /oeth forth M?N And I said% What is it2 And he said% This is an ephah that /oeth forth He said moreover% This is their resemblance throu/h all the earth 3The word -)(),!*ANC) ,)AN( an )>)% or a A(IN0U*A- )>)A < this is a woman that sitteth in the midst of the ephah
M:N And he said% This is wickedness And he cast it into the midst of the ephahO and he cast the wei/ht of lead upon the mouth thereof MGN Then lifted I up mine eyes% and looked% and% behold% there came out two women% and the wind was in their win/sO for they had win/s like the win/s of a stork6 and they lifted up the ephah between the earth and the heaven M;EN Then said I to the an/el that talked with me% Whither do these bear the ephah2 M;;N And he said unto me% To build it an house in the land of (hinar6 and it shall be established% and set there upon her own base Now we can prove that America is !A!>*ON TH) 0-)AT% and we can prove that its 0-)AT ()A* is the ()A* O# TH) ANTICH-I(T $)- 4ANI)* TH) $-O$H)T% and we can $-O") that it carries the NU,!)- ??? in both its #OUN4ATION and #INA* )N4% and we can prove somethin/ else6 TH) HOU() O# TH) T),$*) -)(I4)( IN WA(HIN0TON 4 C a city laid out TOTA**> U$ON OCCU*TIC (>,!O*( If modern !A!>*ON TH) NATION I( A,)-ICA% and we can prove it is% TH)N A,)-ICA I( TH) ,O4)-N *AN4 O# (HINA-% and the HOU() O# TH) T),$*) WI** !) )(TA!*I(H)4 TH)-)% and from there% she weave her web of treachery and deception and casts it upon the peoples of the whole earth
Now this ima/e was taken from the back of the ,A(ONIC 0UI4) !OO@ CA**)4 AA !-I40) TO *I0HTA% a reference to OCCU*TIC INITIATION% an initiation into the ,>(T)-I)(% of the -OOT -AC)( O# ,AN% and how the T-U) HI(TO-> O# TH) WO-*4 I( It is the COUNT)-#)IT of bein/ !O-N A0AIN IN TH) 4I"IN) *O") O# CH-I(T To the ,>(T)-> (CHOO*(% the THIN0( O# THI( WO-*4 are A** I,$O-TANT% and especially the HI(TO-> O# THI( WO-*4% known only by the AadeptsA To 0od% however% there is nothin/ more important than obtainin/ a N)W H)A-T IN 4I"IN) A0A$)% a ($I-ITUA* T-AN(*ATION% that has nothin/ to do with the HI(TO-> O- #UTU-) O# THI( WO-*4 Now they call this Temple in Washin/ton% full of occult symbols% TH) HOU() O# TH) T),$*) How odd that Cechariah would use the very same phraseF This T),$*) is very important to the ,asons within America It is the #OUN4ATION AN4 HO,) O# ,A(ON-> IN A,)-ICA America% accordin/ to I(AIAH% labored from H)- >OUTH in the OCCU*T Her very foundations are ,asonic Here is Lust one of the ,asonic symbols laid out by the streets of Washin/ton% 4 C6
>ou will notice TH) 0OAT( H)A4 of the occult laid out here perfectly Now under covert prophetic fulfillment% we have said that prophecy is fulfilled in front of 0odBs people and it is UN-)CO0NIC)4 #O- WHAT IT I(% O- WHAT I( -)A**> HA$$)NIN0 #or e.ample% 4aniel said the *ITT*) HO-N -I()( U$ OUT O# T)N He said that it (U!4U)4 OA$*UC@)4'U$A TH-)) O# TH) HO-N( IN IT( -I() TO $OW)- Now the word means translated plucked up by the roots is Aa&arA% from Aa&arA the root% which means to HA,(T-IN0 The word HA,(T-IN0 means Ato disable% to crippleA TH) *ITT*) HO-N 4I(A!*)( TH-)) HO-N( O- NATION(I@IN04O,( IN IT( -I() TO $OW)- The
United (tates had three powers that occupied itBs territories6 )N0*AN4% #-ANC) AN4 ($AIN The United (tates 4I4 IN ACTUA* #ACT HA,(T-IN0 A** TH-)) O# THO() $OW)-( A( IT -O() U$ TO !)CO,) TH) 0-)AT)(T NATION U$ON )A-TH It came out of )U-O$)% which had at that time ;E ,ADO- $OW)-( Indeed% the *ITT*) HO-N I( TH) UNIT)4 (TAT)(% and the UNIT)4 (TAT)( is usin/ its front the UNIT)4 NATION(% CONT-O**)4 !> )N0*I(H ,A(ON->% TO CO,) TO #U** 0*O!A* $OW)-% A( )N"I(ION)4 !> TH) ,A(ONIC AAT*ANTI(A $*ANA TH) AT*ANTI( $*AN of the ,asons is to -)C-)AT) ANCI)NT AT*ANTI( #-O, A,)-ICA The basics of it are simple Atlantis% so the story /oes% WA( A $-)#*OO4 ),$I-) O# ()")N I(*AN4( )ACH WA( -UN !> A A@IN0A AT*ANTI( A*(O CONT-O**)4 TH) -)(T O# TH) @NOWN WO-*4% O- TH-)) OTH)- ,ADO$OW)-( AT THAT TI,) )ACH O# THO() WA( CONT-O**)4 !> A A@IN0A Hence we have ;E @IN0( THAT -U*)4 O")- TH) ANCI)NT $-)'#*OO4 CI"I*ICATION IT WA( A 0*O!A* -U*)% ACCO-4IN0 TO TH) *)0)N4 The ,asonic plan is a duplicate plan of the AT*ANTI( A4),OC-ATICA #O-, O# 0O")-N,)NT AT TH) )N4 IT WOU*4 !) A 0*O!A* $OW)- -U*)4 #-O, TH) A0-)AT CIT>A WITH ;E @IN0( AT TH) H)*, The ;;th kin/ of course is *UCI#)-% the (U$-),) 0O4 O# ,A(ON-> The ,asonBs decided to for/e an alliance between #-)NCH AN4 )N0*I(H ,A(ON->% AN4 TO U() A,)-ICA A( TH)I- AN)W AT*ANTI(A TO !-IN0 A!OUT TH)I0*O!A* -U*) The !ible% of course% refers to this N)W AT*ANTI( and the AT*ANTI( $*AN as !A!>*ON TH) 0-)AT% AN4 TH) ANTICH-I(T (>(T),% UN4)- TH) (>,!O* O# TH) A*ITT*) HO-NA% TH) $>-A,I4 WITH TH) A** ())IN0 )>) WITH IT( -A>( O# *I0HTFF It is for/ed out O# TH) W)(T% TH) #A- W)(T% in TH) WI*4)-N)((% IN TH) ,I44*) O# TH) ()A( Of course% AT*ANTI( WA( IN TH) ,I44*) O# TH) AT*ANTIC OC)AN !)#O-) IT (AN@ It was AwestA of )urope Thus A,)-ICA I( TH) AN)W AT*ANTI(A% and thus America is to introduce *UCI#)- TO TH) WO-*4% a mission O$)N*> (TAT)4 !> TH) OCCU*T The little horn has already risen up It is not future% it is $A(T HI(TO->% and we are ON*> WATCHIN0 TH) #INA* CHA$T)-% A( TH) AAT*ANTIAN(A U(H)- IN TH)I- AN)W WO-*4 O-4)-A% the final phase before her destruction We are close to the *ITT*) HO-N !)IN0 -)")A*)4FF >ou have to understand somethin/ here that is obvious% but the obvious is somethin/ we usually donBt see ri/ht away TH) O*4 WO-*4 I( )U-O$) TH) N)W WO-*4 I( A,)-ICA In the occult TH) N)W WO-*4 O-4)- I( TO CO,) OUT O# TH) N)W WO-*4% AN4 ($)CI#ICA**>% TH) UNIT)4 (TAT)( The entire concept of the ()C-)T !-OTH)-HOO4 WA( TO U() A,)-ICA IN TH) AN)W WO-*4A TO #O-0) TH)I- 0*O!A* -U*) The !ible a/rees% for it claims that !A!>*ON TH) 0-)AT I( TH) 0-)AT)(T NATION U$ON )A-TH% A W)(T)-N $OW)- THAT )")NTUA**> 0O)( #O-TH AN4 CONJU)-( TH) )NTI-) WO-*4% and imposes its will upon the peoples of the earth Now then% the date /iven is ;55? One of the emblems of the N)W WO-*4 O-4)- is the WHIT) HO-() How very stran/e that the #ATH)- O# OU- NATION% 0)N)-A*
0)O-0) WA(HIN0TON% HI,()*# A 99-4 4)0-)) ,A(ON% -O4) A WHIT) HO-() IN ;55?FF How very stran/e that 0eneral Washin/tonBs ,A(ONIC A$-ON CONTAIN)4 TH) AA** ())IN0 )>)A O# TH) OCCU*T 0eneral Washin/ton is presented to the America people as the perfect e.ample of a /ood and obedient Christian If Washin/ton WA( a -)A* CH-I(TIAN% he would have had to 4)NOUNC) HI( A((OCIATION( TO ,A(ON-> AN4 TH) OCCU*T% which to our knowled/e he never did do What Washin/ton actually represents is the $)-#)CT $O-T-AIT O# TH) 0)NT*),)N ,A(ON% HI0H*> )THICA*% ")-> ,UCH TH) A,A(ONIC CH-I(TIANA He is therefore% a portrait of ,A(ONIC CH-I(TIANIT>% of the #A*() CH-I(TIANIT> O# TH) ANTICH-I(TFFF Hi/hly ethical% hi/hly moral% Washin/ton used the name of Desus Christ and 0od the #ather without hesitation in many of thin/s he did and wrote He also had a very famous vision% in which he saw the United (tates% -I() U$ TO #U** 0*O!A* $OW)- A#T)- AN ATTAC@ #-O, H)- )N),I)( A-OUN4 TH) WO-*4 This vision is diametrically opposed to the !ible prophecies a/ainst !A!>*ON TH) 0-)AT% which sees her 4)(T-UCTION !ut it also is a #U*#I**,)NT O# TH) $-O$H)CI)( THAT $AINT A $O-T-AIT O# TH) 0-AN4 4)*U(ION% WITH A,)-ICA !A!>*ON *)A4IN0 TH) WA> INTO IT It is also a fact that ;55? is the birthday of the I**U,INATIFF It is also a fact that the I**U,INATI CHO() TH) $>-A,I4 WITH TH) A** ())IN0 )>) A( ON) O# TH)I- (>,!O*(FF The illuminati openly said they were /oin/ to penetrate and take over the ,A(ONIC ,O"),)NT to brin/ in their N)W WO-*4 O-4)- ,any of the foundin/ fathers of America were in TH) ,A(ONIC *O40)( Now is all of this coincidental2 >ou will have be the Lud/e of that Is it a coincidence that OU- 4O**A- !I** CA--I)( WITH IT !OTH TH) NU,!)- O# -)!)**ION 3;9<% AN4 TH) NU,!)- O# TH) !)A(T 3???<2 >ou decide for yourself
What% you mi/ht be askin/% does this have to do with )N0*AN4 and the *ION2 )verythin/% for it is the *ION )N0*AN4% THAT 0A") !I-TH TO !A!>*ON TH) 0-)AT% OA,)-ICA% TH) CHI)# ANTICH-I(T NATION O# TH) )N4 TI,)( It is the NO!I*IT> O# )N0*AN4 that CONT-O*(% TH-OU0H TH) !AN@ O# )N0*AN4 AN4 TH) INT)-NA* !AN@IN0 CA-T)*(% TH) WO-*4B( #INANCIA* CON4ITION It is out of )N0*AN4 THAT CO,)( ,A(ON-> AN4 !-ITI(H I(-A)* TH)O*O0>% and it is OUT O# !-ITAIN THAT ,O4)-N I(-A)* WA( !O-N% $A-T O# TH) (CH),) O# TH) -ICH ,)N TO !-IN0 TH) WO-*4 INTO TH)I- HAN4(FF ,asonry was a part of )n/land and her rulers for centuries !elow we reproduce a drawin/ from ATH) C-A#T AN4 IT( (>,!O*(A% a book for ,A(ON( by ,A(ON(6
If you follow the Amoney trailA of the rich men of the earth% it will prove to you that indeed% TH) *ION AN4 TH) )A0*)( WIN0( A-) IN #ACT ATTACH)4 TO )ACH OTH)-% )")N I# TH)> A-) TOTA**> ()$A-AT) )NTITI)( AN4 ()$A-AT) NATION( This shows the accuracy of 4anielBs vision This is of course confirmed by Deremiah HE6;=% in which Deremiah portrays !A!>*ON TH) NATION as havin/ a ,OTH)- The win/s attached to the lion symboli8e this mother'dau/hter relationship% and further% that this relationship will continue ri/ht up to the destruction of the dau/hter by nuclear fire At that point% says 4aniel% )n/land must stand alone% by herself A review of history will prove to us the accuracy of 4anielBs vision If the shoe fits% the sayin/ /oes% W)A- IT If the /love fits your hand% $UT IT ON It is also a truth that )N0*AN4 $-)C)4)4 A,)-ICA% thus JUA*I#>IN0 A( A A,OTH)-A The *ion comes up first% and as it rises% the )A0*) WIN0( !)0IN TO A$$)A-% which is symbolic of the birth of America by )n/land 4o you see how accurate 4aniel is2 That )n/land is in fact the lion is born out by other (cripture as well% which is important to note% for we need a harmony of (cripture -emember that Allenby retook Derusalem on 4ecember G% ;G;52 Check out $(A*, ;5% verse ;=FFF )N0*AN4 HA( $*A>)4 A ,ADO- -O*) IN TH) A##AI-( O# TH) THI-4 CO,,ONW)A*TH O# I(-A)*% A #ACT W) CANNOT #O-0)T% !)CAU() 4ANI)*B( !)A(T $OW)-( A** -)"O*") A-OUN4 I(-A)* O# TH) *ATT)- 4A>( IN (O,) WA> O- ANOTH)189
A*I@) A( A *ION THAT I( 0-))4> O# HI( $-)>% AN4 A( IT W)-) A >OUN0 *ION *U-@IN0 IN ()C-)T $*AC)( A
It was the *ION )N0*AN4 that was /reedy for its prey D)-U(A*),% and in the secret places of her heart% she wants to -U*) TH) WO-*4 #-O, TH)-) THAT I( TH) ,A(ONICII**U,INI(T 4-)A, Was )n/land /reedy for the pray of Derusalem2 The evidence would say yes% for she left her weapons of war to the Arabs% and left Israel totally defenseless a/ainst attack Now why would )n/land do such a thin/ if they did not want Israel to fall2 )8ekiel refers to )n/land as Tarshish% and mentions her AcubsA )N0*AN4 I( TH)-)#O-) -)$-)()NT)4 A( A *ION WITH O##($-IN0 CA**)4 ACU!(A In Amos H6;G% we find another interestin/ verse that refers to A *ION6 AAs if a man 3I(-A)*< did #*)) #-O, A *ION% AN4 A !)A,)T HI,3-U((IAN WA-<O O- W)NT INTO TH) HOU() 3TH) UNIT)4 NATION(<% and *)AN)4 HI( HAN4 ON TH) WA**% and A ()-$)NT 3ANTICH-I(T< !IT HI, A
This scenario is the scenario of Israel for the *A(T 0)N)-ATION Her first maLor move was to come out from under !ritish control (he did that on ,ay ;7% ;G7:% which ended the
!ritish mandate and Israel became a free nation (H) #*)4 TH) *ION The ne.t maLor event in IsraelBs short life in the =Eth century is her appointment to ,))T TH) !)A-% which is clearly portrayed in )8ekiel 9: and 9G% A( TH) 0O0 WA- I(-A)* WI** ,))T TH) !)A-% the very symbol of 4anielBs second beast% and the bear is -U((IA% and she will come down upon Israel 3and possibly America< in a (U44)N% (N)A@ ATTAC@ )mer/in/ as the victor because of 0odBs wrath% Israel will then )NT)- TH) HOU() O# TH) UNIT)4 NATION(% 3TH) !)A(T< AN4 HA( A*-)A4> ,A4) A CO")NANT WITH TH) $*O AN4 OTH)- A-A! (TAT)( A-) CO,IN0 IN TH) UNIT)4 NATION( HA( (AI4 IT WI** H)*$% TH-OU0H TH) ,I*ITA-> ,I0HT O# A,)-ICA% IN TH) ACON#I-,ATIONA O# THI( A0-)),)NT (he leans upon the A,)-ICAN !A!>*ONIAN AN4 UNIT)4 NATION( #O-C)( for her support% and -)(T( TH)-)% !UT I( !IT !> TH) ()-$)NT% CA**)4 *UCI#)-% TH) @IN0 O# !A!>*ONFFF IT I( TH) U*TI,AT) !)T-A>A*FF -emember @in/ 4avid2 -emember how 4avid was tendin/ his sheep as a youn/ lad and a lion and a bear came alon/% (O H) HA4 TO (*A> TH),2 Then he had to face 0O*IATH% who had A** (O-T( O# A-,O-% and WA( A ,AN O# WA- 3WHO CAN ,A@) WAWITH TH) !)A(T2< 4avid% was a shepherd boy% who had only a (*IN0(HOT There are clues and a ()JU)NC) H)-) They are a reflection of THIN0( TO CO,) AThy servant slew !OTH TH) *ION and TH) !)A-6 and this UNCI-CU,CI()4 $HI*I(TIN) 30O*IATH< shall be A( ON) O# TH),% seein/ he hath 4)#I)4 TH) A-,I)( O# TH) *I"IN0 0O4
4avid said moreover% TH) *O-4 THAT 4)*I")-)4 ,) OUT O# TH) $AW O#
TH) *ION% AN4 OUT O# TH) $AW O# TH) !)A-% H) WI** 4)*I")- ,) OUT O# TH) HAN4 O# THI( $HI*I(TIN) A 3; (amuel ;569?'95<
Is this simply coincidence% or is 0od tryin/ to tell us somethin/2 Is what happened to 4avid% AN4 TH) ()JU)NC) of the $-I,A-> !ATT*)( of I(-A)*% 4I-)CT*> -)*AT)4 with the !)A(T( O# 4ANI)* 5% AN4 TH) ()JU)NC) O# TH) WA-( O# *ATT)4A> I(-A)*2 It is always TH) *ION% TH) !)A- and then A ()-$)NT% A 0O*IATH% AN ANTICH-I(TFF Obviously then% we can pick up C*U)( as to this ANTICH-I(T )NTIT> by searchin/ the (criptureFF And so it is that )N0*AN4 3TH) *ION< plays a maLor role in the history of Israel of the *A(T 0)N)-ATION How fittin/ then% that 4aniel portrays )n/land as the *ION% TH) @IN0 O# !)A(T(% which intends to U(U-$ TH) -I0HT O# -U*) #-O, TH) *ION% TH) @IN0 O# DU4AH% D)(U( CH-I(T% @IN0 O# @IN0(% AN4 *O-4 O# *O-4(FFF A,)-ICA% TH) )A0*) WIN0( America% more than any other nation% plays a maLor ANTICH-I(T -O*) in the final end time scenario #irst% it is the HO(T NATION O# TH) UNIT)4 NATION(% CONT-O**)4 !> )N0*I(H ,A(ON-> (econdly% it is AmericaBs secret rulers% the *O-4B( O# TH) OCCU*T% that 0A") !I-TH TO TH) UNIT)4 NATION(% AN4 @))$ IT #UN4)4 Notice that 4aniel says the WIN0( A-) $*UC@)4 This Apluckin/A of the ea/leBs win/s is the TA@IN0 O# !A!>*ON TH) 0-)AT This is the event of Deremiah HE6;=% WH)-) H) (A>( !A!>*ON !)CO,)( A 4-> *AN4% AN4 A 4)()-T Deremiah claims that TH) ,OTH)- !O-) TH) 4AU0HT)- )n/land /ave birth to America% and America rose to a /lobal power% far more powerful than her mother% )n/landFF How fittin/ then that America rides on top of the *ion% and the *ion bears her alon/ her Lourney all the way to the end It is fact that )n/land /ave birth to America% and has carried her ever since% throu/h the #INANCIA* A-,( O# TH) A-ICH ,)N O# TH) )A-THA% the international financiers% the hidden rulers and controllers of the destiny of the nations If one wants to check it out% and wants to /o down to WA** (T-))T in New >ork City% he will see the UNION DAC@ flyin/ over the !-ITI(H !AN@IN0 HOU()( The accuracy of 4aniel is ;EEPFFF
AThe !ritish aristocracy% then as now% was a feudal overlord system the a/ents used by the !ritish to set back industrial capitalism 3in America< were D $ ,or/an% the -othschilds and the (eli/mans% amon/st others The ,or/an 0uarantee 1 Trust companies operate today as the #*A0(HI$ head&uarters of !ritish -oyalty The !ritish fla/% the Union Dack% flies from the offices of D $ ,or/an in the heart of Wall (treet To summari8e% since the ;Gth century% the entire policy'makin/ apparatus of the United (tates of America has been and is controlled or manipulated by the noble families of !ritain% actin/ in concert with their "enetian and 0enoese relations% throu/h the followin/6 The Clivden (et% the ,ilner 0roup% The -ound Table% The #abianists% the Cecil 0roup% the -oyal Institute of International Affairs% the Council on #orei/n -elations and many others A 4r Dohn Coleman% ATH) N)W 4A-@ A0)( A Those who have studied this out know that what 4r Coleman has written is truth The !ible a/rees% which is why 4ANI)* portrays the *ION AN4 TH) )A0*) WIN0( attached% to form a (IN0U*A- )NTIT> even thou/h it is TWO ()$A-AT) )NTITI)( ACTIN0 IN UNI(ON% ON) WITH TH) OTH)- It was the dream of Cecil -hodes to establish a ON) WO-*4 0O")-N,)NT% ON) WO-*4 -)*I0ION AN4 ON) WO-*4 )CONO,IC O-4)- WITH 0-)AT !-ITAIN AT TH) H)*,FF IT I( A ,A(ONICII**U,INI(T $*OT TO TA@) TH) WO-*4 IN TH) NA,) O# 0O4 >ou have to understand that ,>(T)-> !A!>*ON 3TH) -)*I0IOU( A($)CT< has many players ' and one of them is )N0*I(H #-)),A(ON->% WITH IT( #-ONT( TH) C#-% TH) !I*4)-!)-0)-( AN4 T-I*AT)-IA* CO,,I((ION It is also the dream of the CIONI(T( to establish the very same thin/% but (cripture informs us that their attempt fails% for they are !)T-A>)4 and 4OU!*)C-O(()4 by the antichrist forces It is the dream of !ritain to !)T-A> the Cionists and TA@) O")- AT TH) )N4 It is the dream of the Cionists TO U() TH) !-ITI(H TO CO,) TO $OW)- AN4 -),AIN IN $OW)- They would both be well advised to read their !ibles% for TH)> !OTH *O()% AN4 TH)> !OTH A-) TU-N)4 INTO H)** IT()*#FF 0O4 WI** NOT !) ,OC@)4 IT is interestin/ to note the types of symbols that 4aniel uses to portray these end time nations The lion is a re/al beast% the @in/ of !easts Here we have )n/land% a -)0A* NATION% a nation that holds itself out as the epitome of -)#IN),)NT% O# -O>A*T> !ritish'Israel theolo/y even claims that TH) JU))NB( TH-ON) I( @IN0 4A"I4B( TH-ON)FF We have a @IN0 AN4 JU))N We have 0*O-> AN4 ($*)N4O- We have $O,$ and CI-CU,(TANC) A** !)#ITTIN0 TH) (>,!O* O# TH) *ION% A** (HOWIN0 U( -O>A*T>FF The ea/le% on the other hand is a maLestic bird of prey% a bird that (OA-( INTO TH) H)A")N(% A !I-4 THAT I( #-)) #-O, A** )A-TH*> !ON4( It is a beautiful bird% a bird of power% a bird of "IO*)NC) Nonetheless% IT I( A !I-4% A #OW*% and fowls in (cripture are often symbolic of )"I*% A( OCCU*TIC% A( 4),ONIC !)IN0( O)NTITI)( How fittin/ that America% then% should pick the ea/le for her national symbol America is the *AN4 O# TH) #-))% and (H) (OA-( INTO TH) ")-> H)A")N(% e.actly as Isaiah ;7 and Deremiah H; claim she would do (he portrays )+ACT*> what the ea/le portrays
Isaiah claims that !A!>*ON 3A,)-ICA<% laboured% from her youth% in the occult The occult is 4),ONIC% which is represented by #OW* -evelation says that !A!>*ON A,)-ICA AI( #A**)NA Now the words Ais fallenA comes from ApiptoA which means TO A*I0HT% TO #A**% TO #AI*% TO #A** 4OWN It implies a (*OW 0-A4UA* 4)(C)NT from its once /reat status Where does it fall2 IT #A**( TO TH) OCCU*T #O-C)( THAT *A!O-)4 TO TA@) H)- (cripture also says that A,)-ICA WA( A 0O4*> NATION AT TH) !)0INNIN0 (H) H)*4 WITHIN H)- TH) AH)-ITA0) O# 0O4A (he turns upon that herita/e and utterly 4)(T-O>( IT (ince the ;G?EBs there has been a 4)T)-,IN)4 )##O-T ON TH) $A-T O# 0O")-N,)NT TO 4)(T-O> CH-I(TIANIT>% AN4 TO A**OW TH) OCCU*T #O-C)( TO CO,) IN UNHIN4)-)4 It was in the ;G?EBs that (upreme Court ruled Christ OUT O# TH) C*A((-OO,( O# TH) UNIT)4 (TAT)(% under the /uise of ()$A-ATION O# CHU-CH AN4 (TAT) However% it allowed the occult TO CO,) IN The Christians complained bitterly% and so% $-A>)- WI** !) A**OW)4 !AC@ IN% !UT ON*> A*ON0 WITH A** OTH)- A-)*I0IOU( !)*I)#(A% because that was the /oal of ,asonry all alon/ They teach there is NO @NOWA!*) )(()NTIA* T-UTH Thus% because there is NO @NOWA!*) T-UTH% then NO ON) HA( TH) -I0HT TO C*AI, TH)> AHA") TH) T-UTHA Thus A** -)*I0ION( A-) $*AC)4 U$ON )JUA* $A-IT>% ON) WITH ANOTH)- That destroys CH-I(TIANIT>% for Christ claimed H) WA( TH) T-UTH% and that H) WA(% I# $)O$*) ()A-CH)4 HI, OUT% A@NOWA!*)A The ,asonry takes a very blatant ANTICH-I(T (TANC)% but uses the name of Christ% 0od and the prophets all the time Thus America is doin/ what Israel of old did% she has opened her arms to A** OTH)-)*I0IOU( CONC)$T(% and thus destroys TH) ON) T-U) #AITH In a word% (H) 0O)( INTO UTT)- A$O(TA(>% AN4 #U** (CA*) -)!)**ION A0AIN(T CH-I(T It is a slow /radual process The ea/le is powerful% a bird of prey America is powerful% and will become the most vicious and violent bird of prey the world has ever seen under the banner of the United Nations% the fourth beast of 4anielFFF Witness I-AJ% which is Lust the be/innin/ Under the banner of NO @NOWA!*) T-UTH% and TO*)-ANC) TO A** !)*I)#(%the -)*I0ION( O# TH) AWO-*4A WI** UNIT) ' Lust as ,A(ON-> HA( *ON0 4-)A,)4 They will form a T),$*) O# UN4)-(TAN4IN0% AN4 TH) WO-*4 WI** UNIT) UN4)- ON) -)*I0IOU( C-))4 If you do not believe it is the /oal of America% and her ()C-)T 4)(TIN>% then I ur/e you to read ri/ht from their own books and writin/s I &uote from TH) ()C-)T 4)(TIN> O# A,)-ICA% by a leadin/ e.pert on ,asonry% ,anly $ Hall -ead carefully what he says6
4o you find it coincidental that America and )n/land are the ON*> TWO NATION( IN TH) WO-*4 that fulfill this close mother'dau/hter relationship2 This parameter for the identification of !abylon is very strict% and NO OTH)- NATION( U$ON )A-TH #U*#I** TH), )+C)$T )N0*AN4 AN4 A,)-ICA Thus it is that 4aniel totally a/rees with Deremiah and IsaiahFF In speakin/ to an end time nation that sounds very much like !abylon% the prophet Obadiah makes this very interestin/ comment6
AThou/h thou e.alt thyself A( TH) )A0*)% and thou/h thou set thy N)(T A,ON0 TH) (TA-(% thence will I brin/ thee down% saith the *ord A 3Obadiah ;67<
America is connected always to TH) )A0*)% and always WITH A *IT)-A* ($AC) $-O0-A, (he wants to build her nest amon/ the stars of 0od (he wants to be *I@) TH) ,O(T HI0H 0O4 O# I(-A)* America has always been what we could call a /reat achiever !ut why does man wish to A(C)N4 into the heavens% and e.plore the universe2 Is
it because IT I( TH)-)% or is it for another reason% a HI44)N -)A(ON% a reason known only to (atan% the ruler of the unre/enerate heart2 Is there a secret reason% unknown to man% that propels him to reach for the stars2 Now read Isaiah ;76;9';H% which is a taunt a/ainst TH) @IN0 O# !A!>*ON% *UCI#)-6
A#or thou hast said in thine heart% I WI** A(C)N4 INTO H)A")N% I WI** )+A*T ,> TH-ON) A!O") TH) (TA-( O# 0O4O I WI** (IT A*(O U$ON TH) ,OUNT O# TH) CON0-)0ATION% IN TH) (I4)( O# TH) NO-TH6 I WI** A(C)N4 A!O") TH) H)I0HT( O# TH) C*OU4(O I WI** !) *I@) TH) ,O(T HI0H >et% THOU (HA*T !) !-OU0HT 4OWN TO H)**% TO TH) (I4)( O# TH) $IT A
It is *UCI#)-% the @IN0 O# !A!>*ON% that brin/s about a literal space pro/ram that allows !abylon to ,A@) H)- N)(T IN TH) (TA-( It is *ucifer% the @IN0 O# !A!>*ON% that says I WI** (IT U$ON TH) ,OUNT O# TH) CON0-)0ATION There is only ON) ,AN% who is recorded in (cripture% that enters the HO*> O# HO*I)( on the T),$*) ,OUNT ' ANTICH-I(TF The @IN0 O# !A!>*ON is ANTICH-I(T% and one of his names is *UCI#)The modern translations donBt like the word *UCI#)-% so they e.chan/e it for the ,)ANIN0 O# TH) WO-4% in an attempt to cover up the fact that the whole world WI** IN #ACT WO-(HI$ A !)IN0 CA**)4 A*UCI#)-A% who is TH) @IN0 O# !A!>*ON% who is% it appears% TH) ANTICH-I(T The (pace pro/ram is TH) *IT)-A* ,ANI#)(TATION in our material world of TH) HI44)N ($I-ITUA* AJU)(TA of the *uciferians% who use ,I*ITA-> #O-C) to enforce their dictates around the world That is why the UN and America are considered by 0od as ON) )NTIT>% for in reality% TH)> A-) The NA(A military space and aviation pro/ram allows her to #O-TI#> TH) H)A")N( !abylon the 0reat% America% soars A( TH) )A0*)FF Indeed% was it not Neil Armstron/ who said ATH) )A0*) HA( *AN4)4%A when America went to the moon2 When she !UI*T H)- N)(T A,ON0 TH) (TA-(2 And does not TH) 0-)AT ()A* O# TH) UNIT)4 (TAT)( INC*U4) A CON(T)**ATION O# (TA-( THAT #O-, TH) (I+ $OINT)4 (TA- O# TH) OCCU*T2 IN4))4 IT 4O)(6
CI( reminds you a/ain that the *O(T T-I!) O# 4AN was /iven the si/n of the ,AN> H)A4)4 H>4-A as their #*A0 (>,!O*% but 4an refused it% and in its place #*I)( TH) )A0*) A( IT( (TAN4A-4 The colors of 4an were -)4 AN4 WHIT) The colors of !abylon are -)4% WHIT) AN4 !*U)FF ,any ancient scholars declared that 4AN WOU*4 $-O4UC) TH) ANTICH-I(T How stran/e then% that (cripture declares the ANTICH-I(T I( TH) @IN0 O# !A!>*ON TH) NATION% the NATION O# TH) )A0*)% TH)
NATION WITH TH) (>,!O* O# OUT(T-)TCH)4 )A0*)B( WIN0(FF A NATION THAT !UI*4( IT( N)(T IN TH) (TA-(% AN4 THAT C*AI,( IT I( #-O, 0O4FFF A NATION WHO() 0-)AT ()A* A*(O INC*U4)( TH) (>,!O* O# TH) A*ITT*) HO-NA How interestin/ it is that A $-I,) ,A(ONIC (>,!O* I( TH) $HO)NI+ !I-4% and the early renderin/s of the U ( 0-)AT ()A* were in #ACT A $HO)NI+% which looks so remarkably *I@) TH) A,)-ICAN )A0*) NOW ON IT The reverse of the 0-)AT ()A* is the *uciferian pyramid% with the A** ())IN0 )>) O# !AA* O- *UCI#)- ON TO$ O# IT It has the motto concernin/ a ()CU*A- O-4)- around it How stran/e it is that the ,asonic 4ream is to #O-0) A N)W WO-*4 O-4)- WITH *UCI#)- A( TH)I- @IN0 How stran/e that the rich men of the earth A-) CONN)CT)4 TO A,)-ICA !A!>*ON% AN4 TH) *ION )N0*AN4 How stran/e it is that TH) -ICH ,)N% TH) ,I0HT> ,)-CHANT( O# !A!>*ON% A4H)-) TO TH) !A(IC T)N)T( O# ,A(ON-> AN4 IT( 0OA* O# A ON) WO-*4 O-4)-% ON) WO-*4 -)*I0ION AN4 ON) WO-*4 )CONO,IC (>(T), HOW (T-AN0) THAT TH) UNIT)4 NATION 4I($*A>( TH) $HO)NI+ !I-4 IN TH) ()CU-IT> COUN()*FF (tran/er yet is TH) *A4> IN TH) HA-!O- O# N)W >O-@% brou/ht to us by a 99rd de/ree ,A(ON% a /ift from #-ANC)% who went throu/h an I**U,INI(TI,A(ONIC -)"O*UTION that murdered hundreds of thousands in the name O# -)A(ON or *I0HT How stran/e it is that this A*A4>A sits upon a (TA-% and has A !-O@)N CHAIN ON H)#))T% T)**IN0 U( THAT (H) I( #-))% AN4 HA( !-O@)N TH) CHAIN( THAT !IN4 ,AN 4OWN How stran/e it is that $(A*, TWO ($)A@( O# THI( ")-> THIN06 AWhy do the heathen ra/e% and the people ima/ine a "AIN THIN02 The @IN0( O# TH) )A-TH ()T TH),()*")(% AN4 TH) -U*)-( TA@) COUN()* TO0)TH)-% A0AIN(T TH) *O-4% AN4 A0AIN(T HI( ANOINT)4% (A>IN0%
*)T U( !-)A@ TH)I- !AN4( A(UN4)-%% AN4 CA(T AWA> TH)I- CO-4( #-O, U( A 3$salm =6;'9<
Indeed *A4> *I!)-T> (TAN4( IN TH) HA-!O-% TH) ")-> )NT-ANC) TO !A!>*ON TH) 0-)AT% -I0HT IN TH) HA-!O- TH) 0-)AT CIT> !A!>*ON% TH) HO,) O# TH) UNIT)4 NATION(% WH)-) TH) @IN0( O# TH) )A-TH% AN4 TH) -U*)-( TA@) TH)I- COUN()* TO0)TH)- A0AIN(T D)(U( CH-I(TFF WHAT COU*4 !) ,O-) O!"IOU(% AN4 WHAT COU*4 !) ,O-) $*AIN22 How stran/e that !A!>*ON is referred to A( A *A4> a number of times% and that the (TATU) O# *I!)-T> I( CA**)4 A*A4> *I!)-T>A How stran/e it was to see Americans flock to TH) 0-)AT CIT> !A!>*ON to pay their homa/e to this ,A(ONIC (TATU)% WHICH 4)$ICT( UTT)- -)!)**ION #-O, 0O4FFF The *ady is of course *I!)-T>% and the ,asons want *I!)-T> to pursue their /oals% UNHIN4)-)4 !> -)*I0IOU( $)-()CUTION% a noble cause% for IN TH) NA,) O# -)*I0ION were the ,asons !U-N)4 AT TH) (TA@) AN4 4-I")N 4))$ UN4)-0-OUN4 They want their turn now ' but 0od has warned them of the OUTCO,)% I# TH)> WI** !UT *I(T)N The early seals of the United (tates% while it was in the makin/% contained *A4> *I!)-T> within them6
Of course it is merely AcoincidentalA that all of this was foretold by 0od and His prophets It is merely a AcoincidenceA that all of these thin/s have happened )+ACT*> as 0od said they would happen And of course it is merely coincidental THAT TH) (H)$H)-4( O# !A!>*ON would deny it all% and be so spiritually blinded they could not understand even the most basic of 0odBs truths
4anielBs comment that he Abeheld till the win/s thereof were plucked%A is an interestin/ one The word ApluckedA is AmeratA% which means to $U** O## There is a "IO*)NT
()$A-ATION O# TH) )A0*)B( WIN0( AN4 TH) *ION There is a violent separation between America and )n/land What is this violent separation2 We are not told how lon/ 4aniel observes the ea/le win/s before they are plucked He merely says that he watches the lion rise up% and as it does% the ea/le win/s appear upon its back The se&uence is ri/ht CI( believes the pluckin/ of the ea/le win/s is a direct reference to a nuclear attack a/ainst America !abylon% as foretold by all of the prophets who write about her AATherefore shall her pla/ues come in ON) 4A>% 4)ATH% AN4 ,OU-NIN0% and #A,IN)O and she (HA** !) UTT)-*> !U-N)4 WITH #I-)O for (T-ON0 is the *ord 0od who DU40)TH H)3-evelation ;:6:< A
>our ,OTH)- shall be sore confoundedO she that bare you shall be ashamed6 behold% TH) HIN4)-,O(T O# TH) NATION( (HA** !) A WI*4)-N)((% A 4-> *AN4% AN4 A 4)()-TA 3Deremiah HE6;=< !A!>*ON TH) 0-)AT% that ,I0HT> )N4 TI,) ANTICH-I(T NATION% I( 0OIN0 TO !) !U-N)4 WITH NUC*)A- #I-) AN4 4)(T-O>)4 #-O, ON) )N4 TO TH) OTH)-% AN4 H)- ,OTH)-% )N0*AN4% (HA** WATCH IT HA$$)NFF There will be nothin/ left of A,)-ICA !A!>*ON when the A-A!',O(*), COA*ITION CO,)( A0AIN(T H)-% TH) ;E @IN0( O# -)")*ATION ;5 They shall burn her with nuclear fire because of H)- (IN( H)-) A *ITT*) AN4 TH)-) A *ITT*) *IN) !> *IN)% $-)C)$T U$ON $-)C)$T%W) WI** ()A-CH IT OUT
TH) )N4