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Enviornmental Law Finals 10 Cases For Digest

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Dy v. CA G.R. no. 121587 March 9,1999 304 SCRA 331 Metro Ilo Ilo ater !"#tr"ct v ca G.R. no. 122855 March 31,2005 454 SCRA 249 A$"#to#o v. %n& G.R. '( )0219 *+ne 29,1984 130 SCRA 224 'oney v ,eo-le GR no. 152)44 .e/. 10,200) 482 SCRA 194 MMDA v Concerne! re#"!ent# o0 Man"la 1ay G.R. no. 17194748 Dec. 18,200) 482 SCRA 194 ). ,ac"0"c Stea$ 'a+n!ry v. ''DA G.R. no. 1)5299 Dec. 18,2009 )08 SCRA 442 7. 2he Ale3an!ra Con!o Cor-. v#. ''DA G.R. 1)9228 Se-t. 11,2009 559 SCRA452 8. ''DA v. CA G.R. no. 1208)5(71 Dec. 7,1995 251 SCRA 42 9. ,eo-le v. ver&ara G.R. no. 11028) A-r. 2,1997 270 SCRA )24 10.4"lar"on 4enare# v. '2.R1 G.R. 5o. 158290 %ct. 23,200) 505 SCRA 104


[G.R. No. 121587. March 9, 1999]

SOLEDAD DY, doing !"in#"" !nd#r $h# na%# and "$&'# RON(OOD L)M*ER, petitioner, vs. +O)R, O- A..EALS and ODEL *ERNARDO LA)SA, respondent. DE+/S/ON

2h"# "# a -et"t"on 0or rev"e o0 the !ec"#"on[1] of the Court of Appeals in CA G.R. SP 33 !! settin" asi#e t$o or#ers of the Re"ional %rial Court of &utuan Cit' (&ran)h *+ an# the appellate )ourt,s resolution #en'in" petitioner,s -otion for re)onsi#eration. %he fa)ts are as follo$s. On .a' 31/ 1!!3/ the .a'or of &utuan Cit' issue# E0e)uti1e Or#er No. !32 1 )reatin" %as3 4or)e 5ali3asan to )o-6at 7ille"al lo""in"/ lo" s-u""lin" or possession of an#8or transport of ille"all' )ut or pro#u)e# lo"s/ lu-6er/ flit)hes an# other forest pro#u)ts9 in that )it'. [:] %he tea- $as )o-pose# of personnel of the Philippine Ar-'/ Philippine National Poli)e (PNP+/ the Depart-ent of Natural Resour)es (DENR+/ an# the Offi)e of the Cit' .a'or of &utuan. Respon#ent O#el &ernar#o ;ausa/ $ho $as the a)tin" )hief of )i1ilian se)urit' in the -a'or,s offi)e/ $as a -e-6er of the tea-. On <ul' 1/ 1!!3/ the -e-6ers of the tas3 for)e re)ei1e# )onfi#ential infor-ation that t$o tru)3loa#s of ille"all' )ut lu-6er $oul# 6e 6rou"ht to &utuan Cit' fro- the A-pa'on2%a"ui6e2 %ini$isan area. A))or#in"l'/ the tea- set up a )he)32point alon" 3ilo-eter = in &aan/ &utuan

Cit'.[3] >hat happene# thereafter is su--ari?e# in the follo$in" portion of the #e)ision of the Court of Appeals@[=]

At aroun# 1 @ p.-./ t$o tru)3s $ith Plate Nos. 5A52*=: an# 5&;2:1= an# loa#e# $ith lu-6er approa)he# the )he)3point. %he' $ere fla""e# #o$n 6' the operati1es 6ut instea# of stoppin"/ the' a))elerate# their spee# hen)e/ the tas3 for)e "a1e )hase. %he' finall' )au"ht up $ith the t$o 1ehi)les at the )o-poun# of Aoun" .etal)raft an# Peter$oo# A"ro24orest In#ustries at &aan/ &utuan Cit'/ a6out t$o 3ilo-eters fro- the )he)3point. >hen reBueste# 6' the operati1es/ Pul)ita ;u)ero/ )areta3er8in )har"e of the )o-poun# )oul# not pro#u)e an' #o)u-ent as proof of the le"alit' of the ori"in8possession of the forest pro#u)ts.
4orester Resurre))ion .a0ilo- of the DENR issue# a te-porar' sei?ure or#er an# a sei?ure re)eipt for the t$o 1ehi)les an# their )ar"o )onsistin" of se1eral pie)es of lu-6er of #ifferent si?es an# #i-ensions/ 6ut ;u)ero/ the )areta3er of the )o-poun# $here the' $ere sei?e#/ refuse# to a))ept the-. %he sei?e# lu-6er an# 1ehi)les $ere then ta3en to the Cit' -otorpool an# pla)e# in the )usto#' of respon#ent ;ausa. %he ne0t #a'/ <ul' :/ 1!!3/ .a0ilo- su6-itte# a -e-oran#u-2report to the Co--unit' En1iron-ent an# Natural Resour)es Offi)er (CENRO+ of &utuan Cit' on the sei?ure of the lu-6er an# the t$o 1ehi)les.[*] On <ul' C/ the CENRO issue# a noti)e of )onfis)ation $hi)h $as #ul' poste# for three #a's. 4or la)3 of )lai-ants/ DENR Re"ional %e)hni)al Dire)tor Raoul Geolle"ue re)o--en#e# to the Se)retar' on <ul' :!/ 1!!3 the forfeiture of the lu-6er an# the t$o 1ehi)les. [C] A))or#in"l'/ on <ul' 3 / 1!!3/ DENR Re"ional Dire)tor De la Rosa or#ere# the CENRO of &utuan Cit' to issue the reBuisite forfeiture or#ers/ [D]$hi)h CENRO An"elita Or)asitas issue# on Au"ust 1*/ 1!!3.[E] On O)to6er : / 1!!3/ -ore than t$o -onths after the lu-6er ha# 6een forfeite#/ petitioner/ )lai-in" to 6e the o$ner of the lu-6er/ file# a suit for reple1in in the Re"ional %rial Court of &utuan Cit' (&ran)h *+ for its re)o1er'. %he ne0t #a'/ O)to6er :1/ 1!!3/ the trial )ourt issue# a preli-inar' $rit of reple1in. On O)to6er :!/ 1!!3/ respon#ent ;ausa file# a -otion for the appro1al of a )ounter6on#. &efore the )ourt )oul# a)t on his -otion/ he -o1e# to #is-iss an#8or Buash the $rit of reple1in on the "roun# that the lu-6er in Buestion/ ha1in" 6een sei?e# an# forfeite# 6' the DENR pursuant to P.D. No. D */ as a-en#e# (Re1ise# 4orestr' Co#e+/ $as un#er its )usto#' an#/ therefore/ resort shoul# first 6e -a#e to the DENR. On No1e-6er :!/ 1!!3/ the trial )ourt #enie# respon#ent ;ausa,s appli)ation for the appro1al of the )ounter6on# as $ell as his -otion to #is-iss an#8or Buash the suit for reple1in. 4or this reason/ respon#ent file# a petition for certiorari in the Court of Appeals in $hi)h he sou"ht the appro1al of his )ounter6on# an# the nullifi)ation of the t$o or#ers/ #ate# O)to6er :1/ 1!!3 an# No1e-6er :!/ 1!!3/ "rantin" petitioner,s pra'er for a preli-inar' $rit of reple1in an# #en'in" his .otion to Dis-iss Case an#8or Fuash >rit of Reple1in.

On <anuar' 1!/ 1!!*/ the Court of Appeals ren#ere# a #e)ision/ the #ispositi1e portion of $hi)h rea#s@

>GERE4ORE/ the petition is here6' GRAN%ED/ an# a. %he Or#ers #ate# :1 O)to6er 1!!3 an# :! No1e-6er 1!!3 are SE% ASIDE. 6. Respon#ent Hu#"e is #ire)te# to appro1e a #ul' Bualifie# )ounter6on# to 6e file# 6' petitioner/ e1en $ith a perio# of at least one 'ear. No pronoun)e-ents as to )osts. SO ORDERED.[!]
Petitioner,s su6seBuent -otion for re)onsi#eration $as #enie# in a resolution/ #ate# <ul' :C/ 1!!*. Gen)e/ this petition. Petitioner alle"es that@

%he appeal is $ithout -erit. %he threshol# Buestion is $hether the Re"ional %rial Court )oul# in fa)t ta3e )o"ni?an)e of the reple1in suit/ )onsi#erin" that the o6He)t $as the re)o1er' of lu-6er sei?e# an# forfeite# 6' la$ enfor)e-ent a"ents of the DENR pursuant to P.D. No. D * (Re1ise# 4orestr' Co#e+/ as a-en#e# 6' E0e)uti1e Or#er No. :DD. %he rule is that a part' -ust e0haust all a#-inistrati1e re-e#ies 6efore he )an resort to the )ourts. In a lon" line of )ases/ $e ha1e )onsistentl' hel# that 6efore a part' -a' 6e allo$e# to see3 the inter1ention of the )ourt/ it is a pre2)on#ition that he shoul# ha1e a1aile# hi-self of all

the -eans affor#e# 6' the a#-inistrati1e pro)esses. Gen)e/ if a re-e#' $ithin the a#-inistrati1e -a)hiner' )an still 6e resorte# to 6' "i1in" the a#-inistrati1e offi)er )on)erne# e1er' opportunit' to #e)i#e on a -atter that )o-es $ithin his Huris#i)tion then su)h re-e#' shoul# 6e e0hauste# first 6efore a )ourt,s Hu#i)ial po$er )an 6e sou"ht. %he pre-ature in1o)ation of a )ourt,s inter1ention is fatal to one,s )ause of a)tion. A))or#in"l'/ a6sent an' fin#in" of $ai1er or estoppel/ the )ase is sus)epti6le of #is-issal for la)3 of )ause of a)tion.[13] Se)tion E of P.D. No. D */ as a-en#e#/ pro1i#es@

SEC. E. Review. All a)tions an# #e)isions of the Dire)tor are su6He)t to re1ie$/ motu propio or upon appeal of an' person a""rie1e# there6'/ 6' the Depart-ent Gea# $hose #e)ision shall 6e final an# e0e)utor' after the lapse of thirt' (3 + #a's fro- re)eipt 6' the a""rie1e# part' of sai# #e)ision/ unless appeale# to the Presi#ent in a))or#an)e $ith E0e)uti1e Or#er No. 1!/ series of 1!CC. %he De)ision of the Depart-ent Gea# -a' not 6e re1ie$e# 6' the )ourts e0)ept throu"h a spe)ial )i1il a)tion for certiorari or prohi6ition.
In Paat v. Court of Appeals,[1=] $here/ as in the )ase at 6ar/ the trial )ourt issue# a $rit of reple1in a"ainst the DENR/ thus allo$in" the )lai-ant to o6tain possession of the )on1e'an)e use# in transportin" un#o)u-ente# forest pro#u)ts/ this Court state#@
Dis-issal of the reple1in suit for la)3 of )ause of a)tion in 1ie$ of the pri1ate respon#ents, failure to e0haust a#-inistrati1e re-e#ies shoul# ha1e 6een the proper )ause of a)tion 6' the lo$er )ourt instea# of assu-in" Huris#i)tion o1er the )ase an# )onseBuentl' issuin" the $rit or#erin" the return of the tru)3. E0haustion of the re-e#ies in the a#-inistrati1e foru-/ 6ein" a )on#ition pre)e#ent prior to one,s re)ourse to the )ourts an# -ore i-portantl'/ 6ein" an ele-ent of pri1ate respon#ents, ri"ht of a)tion/ is too si"nifi)ant to 6e $a'lai# 6' the lo$er )ourt. [1*]

As petitioner )learl' faile# to e0haust a1aila6le a#-inistrati1e re-e#ies/ the Court of Appeals )orre)tl' set asi#e the assaile# or#ers of the trial )ourt "rantin" petitioner,s appli)ation for a reple1in $rit an# #en'in" pri1ate respon#ent,s -otion to #is-iss. Ga1in" 6een forfeite# pursuant to P.D. No. D */ as a-en#e#/ the lu-6er properl' )a-e un#er the )usto#' of the DENR an# all a)tions see3in" to re)o1er possession thereof shoul# 6e #ire)te# to that a"en)'. %he appellate )ourt,s #ire)ti1e to the trial )ourt Hu#"e to allo$ the respon#ent a"ent of the DENR to file a )ounter6on# in or#er to re)o1er )usto#' of the lu-6er shoul# 6e #isre"ar#e# as 6ein" )ontrar' to its or#er to #is-iss the reple1in suit of petitioner. 4or/ in#ee#/ $hat it shoul# ha1e #one $as to #is-iss the )ase $ithout preHu#i)e to petitioner filin" her )lai- 6efore the Depart-ent of Natural Resour)es (DENR+. In 1ie$ of the )on)lusion rea)he# in this )ase/ it is unne)essar' to #is)uss the errors assi"ne# 6' petitioner. %hese pertain to the Buestions $hether petitioner,s )o-plaint 6elo$ $as properl' 1erifie# an# $hether pri1ate respon#ent,s )ounter6on# shoul# 6e appro1e#. &oth are 6ase# on the pre-ise that the trial )ourt )an ta3e )o"ni?an)e o1er the )ase. As sho$n a6o1e/ ho$e1er/ su)h is not the )ase. (2ERE-ORE/ the #e)ision of the Court of Appeals/ #ate# <anuar' 1!/ 1!!*/ an# its Resolution/ #ate# <ul' :C/ 1!!*/ in CA2G.R. SP 33 !! are A44IR.ED $ith the -o#ifi)ation that the )o-plaint for re)o1er' of personal propert' is DIS.ISSED.

SO ORDERED. Bellosillo, (Chairman), Puno, Quisumbing, an# Buena, JJ., )on)ur.


[G.R. No. 122855. March 31, 2005]


Before this Court is a Petition[1] dated November 9, 1995 filed b the !etro Iloilo "ater Distri#t assaili$% the Decision[&] of the Court of a''eals dated (u$e 19, 1995 )hi#h affirmed the trial #ourt*s Order[+] dismissi$% the 'etitio$s for i$,u$#tio$ filed b 'etitio$er a%ai$st 'rivate res'o$de$ts.etitio$er is a )ater distri#t or%a$i/ed u$der the 'rovisio$s of .reside$tial De#ree No- 190 1.-D- 1902, as ame$ded- It )as %ra$ted b the 3o#al "ater 4tilities 5dmi$istratio$ Conditional Certificate of Conformance No. 71[6] o$ (a$uar 1&, 1979- Its servi#e areas e$#om'ass the e$tire territorial areas of Iloilo Cit a$d the !u$i#i'alities of !a8asi$, Caba$atua$, Sa$ta Barbara a$d .aviaSometime bet)ee$ 5'ril a$d !a of 199+, 'etitio$er filed $i$e 192 i$dividual et ide$ti#al 'etitio$s for i$,u$#tio$ )ith 'ra er for 'relimi$ar i$,u$#tio$ a$d 9 or tem'orar restrai$i$% order [5] a%ai$st herei$ 'rivate res'o$de$ts the 'erti$e$t 'ortio$s of )hi#h read: J

=. K%hat pursuant to the pro1isions of se)tion 31 (a+ of P.D. 1!E/ as a-en#e#/ the petitioner as a >ater Distri)t $as authori?e# to a#opt la$s an# re"ulations "o1ernin" the #rillin"/ -aintenan)e an# operation of $ells $ithin its 6oun#aries for purposes other than sin"le fa-il' #o-esti) use on o1erl'in" lan#/ $ith then pro1ision that an' $ell operate# in 1iolation of su)h re"ulations shall 6e #ee-e# an interferen)e $ith the $aters of the #istri)tL *. K%hat 6' 1irtue of sai# authori?ation/ the &oar# of Dire)tors for the petitioner pro-ul"ate# its 7Rules Go1ernin" Groun# >ater Pu-pin" an# sprin" De1elop-ent >ithin the %erritorial <uris#i)tion of the .etro Iloilo >ater Distri)t/9 Se)tion 3 of $hi)h pro1i#es as follo$s@ 7Gro!nd (a$#r .!%3ing and S3ring D#4#'o3%#n$. E0)ept $hen the use of $ater is for sin"le fa-il' #o-esti) use/ no person/ natural or Huri#i)al shall a6stra)t or $ith#ra$ "roun# $ater an# appropriate the $aters fro- sprin"s $ithin the Huris#i)tion of the Distri)t $ithout first se)urin" a $ater per-it fro- the Coun)il an# no person shall en"a"e in the 6usiness of #rillin" $ells either as test $ells or pro#u)tion $ells for the purpose of a6stra)tin" or $ith#ra$in" "roun# $ater $ithout first re"isterin" as $ell as #riller $ith the Coun)ilL Pro1i#e#/ that the person #rillin" his o$n $ell or throu"h the ser1i)es of a Bualifie# $ell #riller shall )o-pl' $ith the stan#ar#s an# reBuire-ents esta6lishe# herein in a##ition to those esta6lishe# 6' the Coun)il for the e0ploitation of "roun# $ater resour)es.9 C. K%hat the respon#ent has a6stra)te# or $ith#ra$n "roun# $ater $ithin the territorial Huris#i)tion of the petitioner at MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Iloilo Cit'/ $ithout first se)urin" a >ater Per-it fro- the National >ater Resour)es Coun)il nor ha# its $ell #riller re"istere# as su)h $ith sai# )oun)il/ an# sol# sai# $ater so e0tra)te# to )o--er)ial an# other )onsu-ers in Iloilo Cit'/ $ithin petitioner,s ser1i)e areaL D. K%hat the unauthori?e# e0tra)tion or $ith#ra$al of "roun# $ater 6' the respon#ent $ithout the ne)essar' per-it therefore is in 1iolation of the rules an# re"ulations pres)ri6e# 6' the &oar# of Dire)tors of the petitioner as a6o1e2-entione# #ul' appro1e# 6' the National >ater Resour)es Coun)il an# )onstitutes interferen)e $ith or #eterioration of $ater Bualit' or the natural flo$ of surfa)e or "roun# $ater suppl' $hi)h -a'6e use# or useful for an' purpose of the petitioner for $hi)h the petitioner as a >ater Distri)t -a' )o--en)e/ -aintain/ inter1ene in/ #efen# an# )o-pro-ise a)tions or pro)ee#in"s un#er Se)tion 31 (a+ of P.D. 1!E/ as a-en#e#L E. K%hat the a)t of the respon#ent in )ontinuin" to e0tra)t or $ith#ra$ "roun# $ater $ithout a >ater Per-it therefor/ is in 1iolation of Art. NIII of P.D. 1 CD of the >ater

Co#e of the Philippines/ an# unless su)h a)t is restraine#/ $ill #efinitel' )ause "reat loss upon the petitioner as a >ater Distri)tJ. [;] I$ their res'e#tive a$s)ers, 'rivate res'o$de$ts u$iforml i$vo<ed the la#< of ,urisdi#tio$ of the trial #ourt, #o$te$di$% that the #ases )ere )ithi$ the ori%i$al a$d e=#lusive ,urisdi#tio$ of the Natio$al "ater >esour#es Cou$#il 1"ater Cou$#il2 u$der .reside$tial De#ree No- 1?;7, other)ise <$o)$ as the "ater Code of the .hili''i$es 1"ater Code2- I$ additio$, 'rivate res'o$de$ts Emma Nava[7] a$d >ebe##a Berli$[0] de$ied havi$% e=tra#ted or )ithdra)$ )ater from the %rou$d, mu#h less sold the same-[9] .rivate res'o$de$t Carme$ .a$%a$tiho$ li<e)ise de$ied havi$% #o$stru#ted a$ )ater)or<s s stem i$ her area but admitted that she had #o$stru#ted her o)$ dee' )ell, u$a)are that she $eeded to %et a 'ermit to do the same-[1?] .rivate res'o$de$t >ufi$o Sita#a mai$tai$ed the 'etitio$er*s sour#e of )ater are reservoirs from rivers a$d are thus $ot affe#ted b his )ell- !oreover, he #laimed that his )ater 'ermit a''li#atio$ )as deemed a''roved, a$d thus he is e$titled to use the )ater from his )ell-[11] .rivate res'o$de$t Be$ito @o admitted that he e=tra#ted )ater from the %rou$d, )hi#h he #laimed to be his 'rivate 'ro'ert , a$d used the )ater for his lumber ard a$d domesti# 'ur'oses-[1&] 5dditio$all , he alle%ed the 'etitio$er*s rules a$d re%ulatio$s )ere $ot 'ublished i$ the Offi#ial @a/ette a$d he$#e 'etitio$er had $o #ause of a#tio$-[1+] .rivate res'o$de$t Charles Aa$a8a$ asserted that he had #om'lied )ith the reBuireme$ts for the a''roval of his )ater 'ermit a''li#atio$- Ce #laimed that he )as e=tra#ti$% a$d selli$% )ater )ith 'etitio$er*s <$o)led%e, a$d )ithout dama%e a$d i$,ur to the latter[16] !ea$)hile, 'rivate res'o$de$t @err 3u/uria%a #laimed that he )as $ot the real 'art i$ i$terest, but Shoemart, I$#- )hi#h has the #o$trol a$d 'ossessio$ of the 'ro'ert )here the alle%ed )ithdra)al of %rou$d )ater )as ta<i$% 'la#e-[15] Dhe trial #ourt dismissed the 'etitio$s i$ its Order[1;] dated !ar#h 17, 1996, ruli$% that the #o$trovers )as )ithi$ the ori%i$al ,urisdi#tio$ of the "ater Cou$#il, i$volvi$%, as it did, the a''ro'riatio$, e='loitatio$, a$d utili/atio$ of )ater, a$d fa#tual issues )hi#h )ere )ithi$ the "ater Cou$#il*s #om'ete$#eI$ additio$, the trial #ourt held that 'etitio$er failed to e=haust admi$istrative remedies u$der the do#tri$e of E'rimar admi$istrative ,urisdi#tio$-F [17] .etitio$er*s Motion for Reconsideration )as thereafter de$ied o$ 5'ril &9, 1996-[10] 5 'etitio$[19] dated !a &7, 1996 see<i$% a revie) of the trial #ourt*s order of dismissal )as filed before this Court but the same )as referred to the Court

of 5''eals for #o$sideratio$ a$d the Resolution[&?] dated (ul 11, 1996-






.etitio$er sou%ht the revie) of the order of the trial #ourt dismissi$% the 'etitio$s a$d de$ i$% its motio$ for re#o$sideratio$, o$ the %rou$d that the trial #ourt failed to adhere to this Court*s ruli$%s i$ Amistoso v. Ong[&1] a$d Santos v. Court of Appeals,[&&] )hi#h u'held the re%ular #ourt*s ,urisdi#tio$ over dis'utes )hi#h i$volve $ot the settleme$t of )ater ri%hts but the e$,o me$t of the ri%ht to )ater use for )hi#h a 'ermit had alread bee$ %ra$tedDhe Court of 5''eals de$ied the 'etitio$, holdi$% that the trial #ourt did $ot err i$ dismissi$% the #ase for )a$t of ,urisdi#tio$ as it )as the "ater Cou$#il )hi#h had ,urisdi#tio$ over the #ase- Dhe a''ellate #ourt ratio#i$ated: %he )ontro1ers' in this )ase arose fro- the fa)t that the petitioner Iloilo >ater Distri)t $as "rante# $ater ri"hts in Iloilo Cit' an# the respon#ents also e0tra)te# or $ith#re$ "roun# $ater $ithin the sa-e Huris#i)tion. >hile at first i-pression this )ase in1ol1es a 1iolation of the petitioner,s enHo'-ent of a ri"ht to $ater use/ the fa)t is that it a)tuall' in1ol1es also a #ispute o1er the appropriation/ utili?ation/ e0ploitation #e1elop-ent/ )ontrol/ )on1ersation an# prote)tion of $aters 6e)ause the respon#ents ha1e alle"e#l' en"a"e# in the e0tra)tion or $ith#ra$al of "roun# $ater $ithout a per-it fro- the N>RC $ithin the territorial Huris#i)tion of the petitioner. %herefore/ Art. EE of P.D. No. 1 CD "i1in" the N>RC ori"inal Huris#i)tion o1er the )ases is appli)a6le. %he N>RC has Huris#i)tion to hear an# #e)i#e #isputes relatin" to appropriation/ utili?ation an# )ontrol of $ater $hile the Re"ional %rial Court onl' has appellate Huris#i)tion o1er the )ase. %his $as the rulin" of the Supre-e Court in A #5a # 4". Man$a, 96 S+RA 527 $hi)h $as reiterate# in ,an8a& (a$#r Di"$ric$ 4". Ga an$on, 172 S+RA 259. J %he )ases of San$o" 4. +o!r$ o: A33#a'", 217 S+RA 176 an# A%i"$o"o 4". Ong, 196 S+RA 288 are not appli)a6le to the )ase at 6ar for here/ $hat is in1ol1e# is not onl' the alle"e# 1iolation of the "rantee,s ri"ht 6ut a Buestion of $hether or not the respon#ents ha1e eBual ri"ht to the appropriation/ utili?ation an# e0ploitation of $ater ri"hts.9[&+]

Dhe Court of 5''eals de$ied 'etitio$er*s Motion for [&6] Reconsideration dated (ul 11, 1995 i$ its >esolutio$ of Se'tember &9, 1995-[&5] .etitio$er $o) #o$te$ds that the e=tra#tio$ or )ithdra)al of %rou$d )ater as )ell as the sale thereof )ithi$ its territorial ,urisdi#tio$ is a violatio$ of its ri%hts as a )ater distri#t-[&;] Bei$% a violatio$ thereof, the re%ular #ourts have ,urisdi#tio$ over the dis'ute- O$ the other ha$d, 'rivate res'o$de$ts u$a$imousl mai$tai$ that it is the "ater Cou$#il )hi#h has ,urisdi#tio$ over the sub,e#t matter of this #ase- Dhus, the sole issue i$ this 'etitio$, as 'rese$ted b 'etitio$er, is: DID %GE REGIONA; %RIA; COIR% O4 I;OI;O GAVE <IRISDIC%ION OVER %GE SI&<EC% .A%%ER O4 %GE PE%I%IONSO[&7] .etitio$er a$#hors its #laim o$ Se#tio$ +1 1$o) +&2 of .D 190, as ame$ded, )hi#h reads: Se). 3:. Protection of waters an !acilities of "istrict . K A #istri)t shall ha1e the ri"ht to @ (a+ +o%%#nc#, %ain$ain, in$#r4#n# in, d#:#nd and co%3ro%i"# ac$ion" or 3roc##ding" $o 3r#4#n$ in$#r:#r#nc# ;i$h or d#$#riora$ion o: ;a$#r <!a'i$& or $h# na$!ra' :'o; of an' surfa)e/ strea- or "roun# $ater suppl' $hi)h -a' 6e use# or useful for an' purpose of the #istri)t or 6e a )o--on 6enefit to the lan#s or its inha6itants. %he "roun# $ater $ithin a #istri)t is ne)essar' to the perfor-an)e of the #istri)t,s po$ers an# su)h #istri)ts here6' authori?e# to a#opt rules an# re"ulations su6He)t to the appro1al of the National >ater Resour)es Coun)il "o1ernin" the #rillin"/ -aintenan)e an# operation of $ells $ithin its 6oun#aries for purposes other than a sin"le# fa-il' #o-esti) use on o1erl'in" lan#. An' $ell operate# on 1iolation of su)h re"ulations shall 6e #ee-e# in interferen)e $ith the $aters of the #istri)t. J ()+ Prohi6it an' person/ fir- or )orporation fro- 1en#in"/ sellin"/ or other$ise #isposin" of $ater for pu6li) purposes $ithin the ser1i)e area of the #istri)t $here #istri)t fa)ilities are a1aila6le to pro1i#e su)h ser1i)e/ or fi0 ter-s an# )on#itions 6' per-it for su)h sale or #isposition of $ater. B virtue of the above 'rovisio$s, 'etitio$er states that as a )ater distri#t, it has the ri%ht to 'reve$t i$terfere$#e )ith the )ater of the distri#tG a$d to

e$for#e su#h ri%ht, it is %ive$ remedies of #omme$#i$%, mai$tai$i$%, or i$terve$i$% i$, defe$di$% or e$teri$% i$to a''ro'riate a#tio$s or 'ro#eedi$%sI$ asserti$% the ,urisdi#tio$ of the re%ular #ourts over its 'etitio$s a$d the 'ro'riet of its fili$% of the 'etitio$s before the trial #ourt, 'etitio$er i$vo<es the ruli$% of the Court i$ Amistoso v. Ong,[&0] as reiterated i$ Santos v. Court of Appeals,[&9] that )here the issue i$volved is $ot the settleme$t of a )ater ri%hts dis'ute, but the e$,o me$t of a ri%ht to )ater use for )hi#h a 'ermit )as alread %ra$ted, the re%ular #ourt has ,urisdi#tio$ a$d $ot the "ater Cou$#il.etitio$er i$sists that there is $o o##asio$ to i$vo<e the ori%i$al ,urisdi#tio$ of the "ater Cou$#il i$ this #ase si$#e there is $o Buestio$ of a''ro'riatio$, e='loitatio$, utili/atio$, develo'me$t, #o$trol, #o$servatio$, a$d 'rote#tio$ of )ater- Dhe o$l dis'ute, a##ordi$% to 'etitio$er, 'ertai$s to the a#t of 'rivate res'o$de$ts i$ e=tra#ti$% %rou$d )ater from the territor of 'etitio$er as a )ater distri#t a$d selli$% the same )ithi$ its servi#e area, or more su##i$#tl , 'rivate res'o$de$ts* i$terfere$#e )ith the %ra$ted ri%ht of 'etitio$er over %rou$d )ater )ithi$ its territorial ,urisdi#tio$-[+?] .rivate res'o$de$ts, for their 'art, stau$#hl i$vo<e 5rti#le 00 of the "ater Code, )hi#h %ra$ts ori%i$al ,urisdi#tio$ over all dis'utes relati$% to the a''ro'riatio$, utili/atio$, e='loitatio$, develo'me$t, #o$trol, #o$servatio$ a$d 'rote#tio$ of )aters to the "ater Cou$#il-[+1] >el i$% o$ the #ases of Abe abe v. Manta[+&] a$d !an"a# $ater District v. %abaton,[++] 'rivate res'o$de$ts mai$tai$ that the "ater Cou$#il is e=#lusivel vested )ith ori%i$al ,urisdi#tio$ to settle )ater dis'utes u$der the "ater CodeDhe #laim that the Amistoso a$d Santos #ases do $ot a''l to the i$sta$t #ase si$#e i$ Amistoso, the issue )as the 'reve$tio$ of the flo) of )ater throu%h a$ irri%atio$ #a$al, a$d i$ Santos, the issue referred to the 'reve$tio$ of the e$,o me$t of a )ater ri%ht- I$ #o$trast, the issue i$ the i$sta$t #ase is the ri%ht to a''ro'riate )ater )hi#h 'etitio$er a$d some of the 'rivate res'o$de$ts 'rofess to have"e fi$d merit i$ the 'etitio$Dhe 'etitio$s file before the trial #ourt )ere for the issua$#e of a$ i$,u$#tio$ order for res'o$de$ts to #ease a$d desist from e=tra#ti$% or )ithdra)i$% )ater from 'etitio$er*s )ell a$d from selli$% the same )ithi$ its servi#e areas-[+6] Dhe 'etitio$s #o$tai$ed fa#tual alle%atio$s i$ su''ort of the 'ra er for i$,u$#tio$, to )it:
1- the %ra$t to 'etitio$er of a Co$ditio$al Certifi#ate of Co$forma$#e b the 3o#al "ater 4tilities 5dmi$istratio$ over areas from )hi#h )ater )as alle%edl e=tra#ted or )ithdra)$ b 'rivate res'o$de$ts, b virtue of )hi#h its Board of Dire#tors 'romul%ated rules %over$i$% %rou$d )ater 'um'i$% )ithi$ its servi#e areasG

&- abstra#tio$ or )ithdra)al of )ater )ithi$ the territorial ,urisdi#tio$ of 'etitio$er b 'rivate res'o$de$ts )ithout first se#uri$% a 'ermit from the "ater Cou$#il, or re%isteri$% their )ell drillers, a$d sale of said )ater so e=tra#ted to #ommer#ial a$d other #o$sumers )ithi$ 'etitio$er*s servi#e areasG +that the u$authori/ed e=tra#tio$ or )ithdra)al of %rou$d )ater b 'rivate res'o$de$ts )ithout the $e#essar 'ermit )as i$ violatio$ of 'etitio$er*s 'res#ribed rules, a$d #o$stitutes i$terfere$#e for )hi#h 'etitio$er ma #omme$#e, mai$tai$, i$terve$e i$, defe$d a$d #om'romise a#tio$s or 'ro#eedi$%s u$der Se#- +1 of .-DNo- 190G

6- that the e=tra#tio$ or )ithdra)al of %rou$d )ater )ithout the #orres'o$di$% 'ermit )as a violatio$ of 5rt- 1+ of the "ater CodeG a$d 5- that %reat dama%e a$d 're,udi#e )ill be suffered b 'etitio$er if 'rivate res'o$de$ts* e=tra#tio$ a$d )ithdra)al of %rou$d )ater, as )ell as the selli$% thereof be allo)ed to #o$ti$ue-

I$ esse$#e, the 'etitio$s fo#us o$ the violatio$s i$#urred b 'rivate res'o$de$ts b virtue of their alle%ed u$authori/ed e=tra#tio$ a$d )ithdra)al of %rou$d )ater )ithi$ 'etitio$er*s servi#e area, visa a vis 'etitio$er*s vested ri%hts as a )ater distri#t- 5t issue is )hether or $ot 'rivate res'o$de$ts* e=tra#tio$ a$d sale of %rou$d )ater )ithi$ 'etitio$er*s servi#e area violated 'etitio$er*s ri%hts as a )ater distri#t- It is at o$#e obvious that the 'etitio$s raise a ,udi#ial Buestio$5 ,udi#ial Buestio$ is raised )he$ the determi$atio$ of the Buestio$s i$volves the e=er#ise of a ,udi#ial fu$#tio$, i.e., the Buestio$ i$volves the determi$atio$ of )hat the la) is a$d )hat the le%al ri%hts of the 'arties are )ith res'e#t to the matter i$ #o$trovers - 5s o''osed to a moot Buestio$ or o$e 'ro'erl de#ided b the e=e#utive or le%islative bra$#h, a ,udi#ial Buestio$ is 'ro'erl addressed to the #ourts-[+5] Dhe i$sta$t #ase #ertai$l #alls for the a''li#atio$ a$d i$ter'retatio$ of 'erti$e$t la)s a$d ,uris'rude$#e i$ order to determi$e )hether 'rivate res'o$de$ts* a#tio$s violate 'etitio$er*s ri%hts as a )ater distri#t a$d ,ustif a$ i$,u$#tio$- Dhis issue does $ot so mu#h 'rovide o##asio$ to i$vo<e the s'e#ial <$o)led%e a$d e='ertise of the "ater Cou$#il as it $e#essitates ,udi#ial i$terve$tio$- "hile i$itiall it ma a''ear that there is a dime$sio$ to the 'etitio$s )hi#h 'ertai$s to the s'here of the "ater Cou$#il, i-e-, the a''ro'riatio$ of )ater )hi#h the "ater Code defi$es as Ethe a#Buisitio$ of ri%hts over the use of )aters or the ta<i$% or diverti$% of )aters from a $atural sour#e i$ the ma$$er a$d for a$ 'ur'ose allo)ed b la),F i$ realit the matter is at most merel #ollateral to the mai$ thrust of the 'etitio$sDhe 'etitio$s havi$% raised a ,udi#ial Buestio$, it follo)s that the do#tri$e of e=haustio$ of admi$istrative remedies, o$ the basis of )hi#h the 'etitio$s

)ere dismissed b the trial #ourt a$d the Court of 5''eals, does $ot eve$ #ome to 'la -[+;] Notabl too, 'rivate res'o$de$ts themselves do $ot dis'ute 'etitio$er*s ri%hts as a )ater distri#t- Dhe #ases of Abe Abe v. Manta[+7] a$d!an"a# $ater District v. %abaton[+0] i$vo<ed b 'rivate res'o$de$ts are thus i$a''li#able- I$ 5be85be v- !a$ta, both 'etitio$ers a$d res'o$de$t had $o established ri%ht ema$ati$% from a$ %ra$t b a$ %over$me$tal a%e$# to the use, a''ro'riatio$ a$d e='loitatio$ of )ater, )hile i$ !an"a# $ater District v. %abaton, 'etitio$er !an"a# sou%ht to e$,oi$ the !u$i#i'alit of .am'lo$a a$d its offi#ials from i$terferi$% i$ the ma$a%eme$t of the Da$,a "ater)or<s S stemO$ the other ha$d, i$ the a$alo%ous #ase of Amistoso v. Ong[+9], 'etitio$er had a$ a''roved "ater >i%hts @ra$t from the De'artme$t of .ubli# "or<s, Dra$s'ortatio$ a$d Commu$i#atio$s- Dhe trial #ourt )as $ot as<ed to %ra$t 'etitio$er the ri%ht to use but to #om'el 'rivate res'o$de$ts to re#o%$i/e that ri%ht- Dhus, )e de#lared that the trial #ourt*s ,urisdi#tio$ must be u'held )here the issue i$volved is $ot the settleme$t of a )ater ri%hts dis'ute, but the e$,o me$t of a ri%ht to )ater use for )hi#h a 'ermit )as alread %ra$ted-[6?] I$ li<e ma$$er, the 'rese$t 'etitio$ #alls for the issua$#e of a$ i$,u$#tio$ order to 'reve$t 'rivate res'o$de$ts from e=tra#ti$% a$d selli$% %rou$d )ater )ithi$ 'etitio$er*s servi#e area i$ violatio$ of the latter*s )ater 'ermit- Dhere is $o dis'ute re%ardi$% 'etitio$er*s ri%ht to %rou$d )ater )ithi$ its servi#e area- It is 'etitio$er*s e$,o me$t of its ri%hts as a )ater distri#t )hi#h it see<s to assert a%ai$st 'rivate res'o$de$tsWHERE!ORE, the De#isio$ of the Court of 5''eals dated (u$e 19, 1995 is SED 5SIDE a$d the #ase is ordered >E!5NDED to the trial #ourt for further 'ro#eedi$%s, )ith #osts a%ai$st res'o$de$tsSO ORDERED. Puno& 'C(airman)& Austria Martine*& Calle"o& Sr.& a$d C(ico Na*ario& ++.& #o$#ur


Resales and Associates ,a- Office for petitioner. %il P. Pacamarra for respondents.

C E%AS, J.: Dhis is a .etitio$ for >evie) o$ #ertiorari of the Order of the defu$#t Court of Hirst I$sta$#e of Camari$es Sur, Bra$#h VI dated (a$uar 16, 1901, dismissi$% its Civil Case No- .815+, for la#< of ,urisdi#tio$Dhe 'erti$e$t a$te#ede$ts are as follo)s: O$ (ul &7, 1901, 'etitio$er as 'lai$tiff, filed before the the$ Court of Hirst I$sta$#e of Camari$es Sur, a #o$'lai$t for >e#o%$itio$ of Baseme$t )ith .relimi$ar I$,u$#tio$ a$d Dama%es- Dhe #om'lai$t )hi#h )as do#<eted i$ the a resaid Court as Civil Case No- .815+ amo$% others alle%ed, that 'lai$tiff 1$o) 'etitio$er2 a$d defe$da$t E'ifa$ia Neri, 1o$e of the herei$ 'rivate res'o$de$ts2 are the o)$ers of ad,oi$i$% 'ar#els of a%ri#ultural la$d situated i$ Caua a$a$, Di$amba#, Camari$es SurG that a$ irri%atio$ #a$al traverses the la$d of defe$da$t Neri throu%h )hi#h irri%atio$ )ater from the Silmod >iver 'asses a$d flo)s to the la$d of the 'etitio$er for the latterIs be$efi#ial use a$d that res'o$de$t Neri, o)$er of the la$d o$ )hi#h said irri%atrio$ #a$al e=ists a$d Se$e#io O$%, the #ultivator of the said 'ro'ert , des'ite re'eated dema$ds refused to re#o%$i/e the ri%hts a$d title of the 'etitio$er to the be$efi#ial use of the )ater 'assi$% throu%h the aforesaid irri%atio$ #a$al a$d to have 'etitio$erIs ri%hts a$d9or #laims a$$otated o$ the Certifi#ate of Ditle of res'o$de$t Neri - - - Ce$#e, the fili$% of the said #om'lai$tI$ their 5$s)er, 'rivate res'o$de$ts de$ied the e=iste$#e of a$ ri%ht o$ the 'art of the 'etitio$er to the use of the #a$al me$tio$ed i$ the #om'lai$t $or a$ #o$tra#t, mu#h less a$ deed or e$#umbra$#e o$ their 'ro'ert a$d assert that the have $ot 'erformed a$ a#t 're,udi#ial to the 'etitio$er that )ill )arra$t the fili$% of the #om'lai$t a%ai$st them- B )a of affirmative a$d s'e#ial defe$ses, 'rivate res'o$de$ts alle%ed that 'etitio$erIs #om'lai$t states $o #ause of a#tio$ a$d that the Court has $o ,urisdi#tio$ over the sameIssues havi$% bee$ ,oi$ed, trial )as held- 5fter 'etitio$er has rested his #ase b a formal offer of his testimo$ial a$d do#ume$tar evide$#es, 'rivate res'o$de$ts i$stead of 'rese$ti$% their evide$#e, filed a motio$ to dismiss- I$ the said motio$, res'o$de$ts #o$ted$ that the i$sta$t #ase, i$volvi$% as it does develo'me$t, e='loitatio$, #o$servatio$ a$d utili/atio$ of )ater resour#es falls )ithi$ the e=#lusive ,ursidi#tio$ of the Natio$al "ater >esour#es Cou$#il 'ursua$t to .-D- NO- 6&6, Se#tio$ &1b2 a$d Se#tio$ 00 thereof- 5#ti$% o$ 'rivate res'o$de$tIs motio$, res'o$de$t (ud%e dismissed 'etitio$erIs #om'lai$t for la#< of ,urisdi#tio$ i$ a$ Order dated (a$uar 16, 1901- Dhe 'erti$e$t 'ortio$ of that Order reads as follo)s: --- Dhe basis of the motio$ to dismiss are the 'rovisio$s of .reside$tial De#ree No6&6 a$d the "ater Code <$o)$ as .reside$tial De#ree No- 1?;7- I$ o''osi$% the motio$ to dismiss, 'lai$tiff #o$te$ds that the 'rese$t a#tio$ does $ot i$volve )ater dis'ute a$d that si$#e the 'rese$t a#tio$ )as filed before the #ourt 'rior to the effe#tivit of the .reside$tial De#ree No- 6&6, it is the old la) o$ the matter that should be a''lied- Dhese #o$te$tio$s of the 'lai$tiff are )ithout merit- Dhe #om'lai$t belies the 'lai$tiffIs #o$te$tio$- 5lle%atio$s i$ the #om'lai$t are e='li#it re%ardi$% the #laim of the ri%ht of 'lai$tiff over the )ater 'assi$% throu%h his la$d- Dhe ri%ht over irri%atio$ )ater $ot havi$% bee$ sho)$ as established or vested or that said vested

ri%ht, if a$ , has $ot bee$ alle%ed to be re%istered i$ a##orda$#e )ith the )ater #ode, the 'rovisio$s of .reside$tial De#rees 6&6 a$d 1?;7 shall %over$- 5s stated b the Su'reme Court i$ the #ase of Abe8Abe vs. Manta& No- 3860&7, !a +1, 1979, 9? SC>5 5&+, to )it: 6 It is i$#o$testable that the 'etitio$erIs immediate re#ourse is to ve$tilate their %rieva$#e )ith the Natio$al "ater >esour#es Cou$#il )hi#h, as alread $oted, is the admi$istrative a%e$# e=#lusivel vested )ith ori%i$al ,urisdi#tio$ to settle )ater ri%hts dis'utes u$der the )ater #ode u$der .reside$tial De#ree No- 6 &6Dhe #ode assumes that it is more e='editious a$d 'ra%mati# to e$trust to a$ admi$istrative a%e$# the settleme$t of )ater ri%hts dis'utes rather tha$ reBuire the #laima$ts to %o dire#tl to the #ourt )here the 'ro#eedi$%s are sub,e#t to u$avoidable dela s )hi#h are detrime$tal to the 'arties --Dhat ,urisdi#tio$ of the Cou$#il u$der Se#tio$ &1b2 of .reside$tial De#ree No- 6&6 is reaffirmed i$ Se#- 00 of the "ater Code a$d i$ Se#tio$ +rd thereof )hi#h 'rovides that Ithe utili/atio$, e='loitatio$, develo'me$t, #o$servatio$ a$d 'rote#tio$ of )ater resour#es shall be sub,e#t to the #o$trol a$d re%ulatio$ of the %over$me$t throu%h Cou$#ilHaili$% to obtai$ a favorable re#o$sideratio$ of the Order of dismissal, 'etitio$er $o) #omes before 4s throu%h the i$sta$t 'etitio$ #o$te$di$%: 112 Dhat the #ase at bar is $ot to settle a$ )ater dis'ute bet)ee$ the 'arties but a #om'lai$t )hi#h #alls 'urel for a determi$atio$ of the ri%ht of the 'lai$tiff to have a$ established ri%ht amou$ti$% to a$ easeme$t a$$otated o$ the #ertifi#ate of title of the defe$da$t, he$#e the Buestio$ is ,udi#ial )hi#h ma be ta<e$ #o%$i/a$#e of b the res'o$de$t #ourtG 1&2 Dhat si$#e the #ase )as filed o$ (ul &;, 197&- "hi#h )as before the effe#tivit of .D NO- 6&6, therefore, eve$ if defe$da$tIs #o$te$tio$ is #orre#t J that the #ase i$volved )ater ri%hts dis'ute J the old la) o$ )ater a''lies a$d $ot the 'rese$t )ater #ode other)ise the Court shall lose ,urisdi#tio$ #o$trar to the )ell8settled rule that o$#e be lostG 1+2 Dhat the herei$ defe$da$t #a$ $o lo$%er raise the Buestio$ of 'lai$tiffIs ri%ht to the be$efi#ial use of irri%atio$ )ater si$#e the ri%ht to use had alread bee$ determi$ed, de#ided a$d laid to rest )he$ the De'artme$t of .ubli# "or<s, Dra$s'ortatio$ a$d Commu$i#atio$s a)arded 'etitio$er "ater >i%hts @ra$t after #om'l i$% )ith all the le%al reBuireme$ts su#h as 'ubli#atio$, 'a me$t of fees, surve , i$vesti%atio$, et#-G a$d 162 Dhat the issue i$ the #ase at bar )hi#h )as erro$eousl overloo<ed b the res'o$de$t (ud%e does $ot i$volve a determi$atio$ of the ri%ht of the 'arties to the utili/atio #o$servatio$ a$d 'rote#tio$ of the 'artiesI res'e#tive )ater ri%hts, he$#e it does $ot fa$ )ithi$ the #om'ete$#e $or ,urisdi#tio$ of the Natio$al "ater >esour#es Cou$#il-

I$ a >esolutio$ 'romul%ated o$ 5u%ust 11, 190&, )e reBuired the res'o$de$ts to #omme$t o$ the 'etitio$- .rivate res'o$de$tsI CO!!END )as filed o$ !ar#h &, 1906- .etitio$erIs >E.3K thereto o$ the other ha$d )as filed o$ !a 1?, 1906"e #o$sidered the CO!!END as a$ 5$s)er a$d %ave due #ourse to the 'etitio$.rivate res'o$de$ts #o$te$d that the assailed order of dismissal )as i$ order si$#e a mere #ursor readi$% of the #om'lai$t sho)s that 'etitio$er #laims for the ri%ht to use )ater #omi$% from the Silmod >iver a$d 'ra s that his ri%ht to the utili/atio$ thereof be res'e#ted a$d $ot be disturbed a$d9or obstru#ted b the res'o$de$ts- O$ its fa#e the$, the dis'ute is o$ the use, #o$servatio$ a$d 'rote#tio$ of the ri%ht to )ater either b the 'etitio$er or b the 'rivate res'o$de$ts- Dhe a$$otatio$ of the alle%ed e$#umbra$#e o$ the title of the 'rivate res'o$de$t is merel the relief 'ra ed for o$ the basis of the #laim to the use a$d 'rote#tio$ of )ater 'assi$% throu%h the la$d of the res'o$de$ts- 5$d si$#e the #o$trovers hi$%es o$ the ri%ht to use a$d 'rote#t the )ater from the Silmod >iver that 'asses o$ the la$d of the 'rivate res'o$de$ts to the 'etitio$erIs 'ro'ert , the 'ro'er authorit to determi$e su#h a #o$trovers is the Natio$al "ater >esour#es Cou$#il )hi#h is vested )ith e=#lusive ,urisdi#tio$ over su#h Buestio$ 'ursua$t to .-D- NOS- 6&6 a$d 1?;7"e fi$d the 'etitio$ im'ressed )ith merit.rivate res'o$de$tsI i$siste$#e that )hat is i$volved i$ the i$sta$t #ase is the ri%ht to use, e='loit a$d #o$ve )ater is #o$troverted b the LSDI.435DION OH H5CDSL e$tered i$to bet)ee$ them a$d the 'etitio$er i$ the #ourt belo) )hi#h )as a''roved i$ a$ Order dated Hebruar &?, 1975, the 'erti$e$t 'ortio$ of )hi#h reads as follo)s: 1- Dhat there e=ists a$ irri%atio$ #a$al for the use of the defe$da$ts diverti$% )ater #omi$% from the Silmod >iver, Di$amba#, Camari$es Sur, 'assi$% o$ the ri#ela$ds of the latter to the 'lai$tiffIs la$d irri%ati$% the la$d of the latter, althou%h 'lai$tiff #laims it e=isted si$#e 195& u' to the 'rese$t, but dis'uted b the defe$da$ts&- !(at t(e plaintiff (as an approved -ater rig(ts %rant issued b# t(e Department of Public $or.s& !ransportation and Communications& )hi#h 'lai$tiff #laims it for be$efi#ial use to irri%ate their la$d from the Silmod >iver a$d defe$da$ts dis'ute said #laim +- Dhat as of $o), defe$da$ts have $o a''roved "ater >i%hts @ra$t issued b the 'ro'er authorities for the use of the )ater for irri%atio$ 'ur'oses from the Silmod >iver- Co)ever, defe$da$ts have a 'e$di$% a''li#atio$ for "ater >i%hts, the )ater of )hi#h shall 'ass thru a differe$t irri%atio$ #a$al6- Dhat o$e of the defe$da$tsI 'rede#essors8i$8i$terest, 5bu$dio Barallas had a )ritte$ #o$tra#t )ith the 'lai$tiff, )hi#h defe$da$ts #laim easeme$t of aBuedu#t Defe$da$ts are Buestio$i$% the le%alit , e$for#eabilit a$d validit of su#h #o$tra#t=== === === ;- Dhat defe$da$ts refused to surre$der their Dra$sfer Certifi#ate of Ditle of her la$d for 'ur'oses of a$$otatio$ of the #o$tra#t, alle%edl a$ easeme$t of aBuedu#t o$ the %rou$d that she Buestio$s the validit , e$for#eabilit , le%alit a$d therefore the are $ot bou$d b the same-

Hrom the fore%oi$% sti'ulatio$s, 'rivate res'o$de$ts admit that 'etitio$er, the$ 'lai$tiff, has a$ a''roved "ater >i%hts @ra$t issued b the De'artme$t of .ubli# "or<s, Dra$s'ortatio$ a$d Commu$i#atio$s- .rivate res'o$de$ts, ho)ever, #o$te$d that the said %ra$t does $ot 'ertai$ to the be$efi#ial use of irri%atio$ )ater from Silmod >iver- Dhe re#ords, ho)ever, do $ot sho) a$ other irri%atio$ )ater %oi$% to 'etitio$erIs 'ro'ert 'assi$% thru res'o$de$tsI lot aside from that #omi$% from the Silmod >iver- >es'o$de$tsI #o$troversio$ of 'etitio$erIs ri%ht to irri%atio$ )ater s'e#ifi#all from Silmod >iver is u$doubtedl a lame de$ial5side from this admissio$, the re#ord #learl dis#loses a$ a''roved "ater >i%hts @ra$t i$ favor of 'etitio$er- Dr- Bie$ve$ido V- 5mistoso, )hi#h )as a''roved o$ November 1+, the 5#ti$% Se#retar of .ubli# "or<s a$d Commissio$ David !- Co$su$,i- 1E=h- 12 Dhe %ra$t )as made three 1+2 ears before the 'romul%atio$ of .-D- 1?;7 o$ De#ember +1, 197;, <$o)$ as the "ater Code of the .hili''i$es, )hi#h revised a$d #o$solidated the la)s %over$i$% o)$ershi', a''ro'riatio$, o'tio$ e='loitatio$, develo'me$t, #o$servatio$ a$d 'rote#tio$ of )ater resour#es thereb re'eali$% amo$% others, the 'rovisio$s of the S'a$ish 3a) of "ater of 5u%ust +, 10;;, the Civil Code of S'ai$ of 1009, a$d the Civil Code of the .hili''i$es o$ o)$ershi' of )ater, easeme$t relati$% to )ater a$d of 'ubli# )ater a$d a#Buisitive 'res#ri'tio$ o$ the use of )ater )hi#h are i$#o$siste$t )ith the 'rovisio$s of said Code 15rt- 1?, .-D- 1?;72l-p(l/it0

Dhe )ater ri%hts %ra$t 'arta<es the $ature of a do#ume$t <$o)$ as a -ater permit re#o%$i/ed u$der 5rti#le 1+ of .-D- 1?;7, )hi#h 'rovides: 5rti#le 1+- 12cept as other)ise herei$ 'rovided, $o 'erso$, i$#ludi$% @over$me$t i$strume$talities or %over$me$t8o)$ed or #o$trolled #or'oratio$s, shall a''ro'riate )ater )ithout a )ater ri%ht, )hi#h shall be evide$#ed b a do#ume$t <$o)$ as a )ater 'ermit$ater rig(t is t(e 7 granted b# t(e government to a''ro'riate a$d use )ater5s to the validit of the "5DE> >I@CDS @>5ND of 5mistoso u'o$ the 'romul%atio$ of .-D- 1?;7 o$ De#ember +1, 197;, the %over$i$% 'rovisio$ of la) is fou$d i$ the Dra$sitor a$d Hi$al .rovisio$s of .-D- 1?;7- It fa$s u$der La#ts a$d #o$tra#ts u$der the re%ime of old la)sL- 5rti#le 97 'rovides, thus: 5rti#le 97- 5#ts a$d #o$tra#ts u$der the re%ime of old la)s, ff the are valid i$ a##orda$#e there)ith, sha% be res'e#ted, sub,e#t to the statio$s established i$ this Code- 5$ modifi#atio$ or e=te$sio$ of these a#ts a$d #o$tra#ts after the 'romul%atio$ of this Code, shall be sub,e#t to the 'rovisio$s hereofIt ma be observed that the "5DE> >I@CDS @>5ND of 5mistoso does $ot fall u$der L#laims for a ri%ht to use )ater e=isti$% o$ or before De#ember +1, 1976L )hi#h u$der .-D- 1?;7 are reBuired to be re%istered )ith the Natio$al "ater >esour#es Cou$#il )ithi$ t)o 1&2 ears from 'romul%atio$ of .-D- 1?;7, other)ise it is deemed )aived a$d the use thereof deemed aba$do$ed- It is $o lo$%er a mere L#laimL i$asmu#h as there )as alread a @>5ND b the Se#retar of .ubli# "or<s, Dra$s'ortatio$ a$d Commu$i#atio$s 1the offi#ial the$ authori/ed to issue said %ra$t2 o$ November 1+, 197+ after #om'l i$% )ith all the reBuireme$ts the$ 'res#ribed b la) for su#h %ra$tDhe %ra$t #o$tradi#ts the erro$eous fi$di$%s of the res'o$de$t (ud%e, a$d i$#o$trovertibl e$titles 'etitio$er to the be$efi#ial use of )ater from Silmod >iver- Dhat ri%ht is $o) a- vested o$e a$d ma $o lo$%er be liti%ated as to bri$% 'etitio$erIs #ase )ithi$ the ,urisdi#tio$ of the Natio$al "ater >esour#es Cou$#il- Do resurre#t that issue J ri%ht to the use of i$visti%atio$ )ater from Silmod >iver J )ill be violative of the rule o$ res "udicata )hi#h also a''lies )ith eBual vi%or a$d effe#t to

Buasi ,udi#ial tribu$al 1Brilla$tes vs- Castro, 99 .hils- 697, I'e<d,ia$ !er#ha$disi$%, I$#- vs- Court of Da= 5''eals, 9 SC>5 7&, Se'tember +?,19;+25s #orre#tl 'ostulated b the 'etitio$er, the #ourt a Buo is $ot bei$% as<ed to %ra$t 'etitio$er the ri%ht to use but to #om'el 'rivate res'o$de$ts to re#o%$i/e that ri%ht a$d have the same a$$otated o$ res'o$de$t NeriIs Dorre$s Certifi#ate of Ditle- >esort to ,udi#ial i$terve$tio$ be#omes $e#essar be#ause of the #losure made b the res'o$de$ts of the irri%atio$ #a$al thus de'rivi$% the 'etitio$er to #o$ti$ue e$,o i$% irri%atio$ )ater #omi$% from Silmod >iver throu%h res'o$de$tsI 'ro'ert - Dhe i$terru'tio$ of the free flo) of )ater #aused b the refusal to re8o'e$ the #losed irri%atio$ #a$al #o$stituted 'etitio$erIs #ause of a#tio$ i$ the #ourt belo), )hi#h de#idedl do $ot fall )ithi$ the domai$ of the authorit of the Natio$al "ater >esour#es Cou$#il >es'o$de$ts, ho)ever, rel ver heavil o$ the di#tum laid do)$ i$ the Abe Abe vs. Manta& No- 38 60&7, !a +1, 1979, 9? SC>5 5&6, )herei$ it )as held that J It is i$#o$testable that the 'etitio$erIs immediate re#ourse is to ve$tilate their %rieva$#e )ith the Natio$al "ater >esour#es Cou$#il )hi#h, as alread $oted, is the admi$istrative a%e$# e=#lusivel vested )ith ori%i$al ,urisdi#tio$ to settle )ater ri%hts dis'utes u$der the )ater #ode a$d u$der .reside$tial De#ree No- 6&6Dhe Code assumes that it is more e='editious a$d 'ra%mati# to e$trust to a$ admi$istrative a%e$# the settleme$t of )ater ri%hts dis'utes rather tha$ reBuire the #laima$ts to %o dire#tl to the #ourt )here the 'ro#eedi$%s are sub,e#t to u$avoidable dela s )hi#h are detrime$tal to the 'arties --Dhat ,urisdi#tio$ of the Cou$#il u$der Se#tio$ &1b2 of .reside$tial De#ree No- 6&6 is reaffirmed i$ Se#tio$ 00 of the "ater Code a$d i$ Se#tio$ +rd thereof )hi#h 'rovides that Ithe utli/atio$ e='loitatio$, develo'me$t, #o$servatio$ a$d 'rote#tio$ of )ater resour#es shall be sub,e#t to the #o$trol a$d re%ulatio$ of the %over$me$t throu%h the Cou$#il Dhe said 'ro$ou$#eme$t, ho)ever, fi$ds $o a''li#atio$ to the i$sta$t #ase for i$ there, both 'etitio$ers a$d res'o$de$t have $o established ri%ht ema$ati$% from a$ %ra$t b a$ %over$me$tal a%e$# to the use, a''ro'riatio$ a$d e='loitatio$ of )ater- I$ the #ase at bar, ho)ever, a %ra$t i$dubitabl e=ists i$ favor of the 'etitio$er- It is the e$,o me$t of the ri%ht ema$ati$% from that %ra$t that is i$ liti%atio$- Violatio$ of the %ra$teeIs ri%ht, )ho i$ this #ase is the 'etitio$er, b the #losure of the irri%atio$ #a$al, does $ot bri$% the #ase a$e) )ithi$ the ,urisdi#tio$ of the Natio$al "ater >esour#es Cou$#il"CE>EHO>E, the Order of the Co$orable res'o$de$t (ud%e of (a$uar 16, 1901, is hereb SED 5SIDE- .rivate res'o$de$ts are hereb ordered to >ECO@NIME 'etitio$erIs B5SE!END of )ater a$d to surre$der to the >e%ister of Deeds of Camari$es Sur the o)$erIs du'li#ate Dra$sfer Certifi#ate of Ditle No- 16&1; #overi$% res'o$de$t E'ifa$ia NeriIs 'ro'ert so that 'etitio$erIs ri%ht to the be$efi#ial use of said irri%atio$ #a$al a$d )ater 'assi$% throu%h the same ma be a$$otated thereo$SO O>DE>EDMa.asiar 'C(airman)& Concepcion& +r.& %uerrero and 1scolin& ++.& concur.

S$:ara;$ O:'&'o&)

A< INO, J., #o$#urri$%: I #o$#ur i$ the result- .rivate res'o$de$ts should >EO.EN the irri%atio$ #a$al )hi#h the #losedA.AD SANTOS, J., #o$#urri$%: Dhe 'etitio$erIs ri%ht to establish a$ easeme$t of aBuedu#t over the la$ds of the 'rivate res'o$de$ts a''ear to be i$dubitable i$ the li%ht of the fa#ts %ive$ i$ the mai$ o'i$io$- Co)ever, before the easeme$t of aBuedu#t #a$ be formall established #ertai$ reBuireme$ts must be observed- I refer to the 'rovisio$s of 5rti#les ;6& a$d ;6+ of the Civil Code- 5mo$% other thi$%s, the 'etitio$er must sho) that the situatio$ of the aBuedu#t is the most #o$ve$ie$t a$d the least o$erous to third 'erso$s a$d he should 'a i$dem$it to the o)$ers of the servie$t estates- Dhe #ase should be rema$ded to the trial #ourt )hi#h should ad,udi#ate o$ these matters before the 'etitio$erIs easeme$t of aBuedu#t is a$$otated o$ the #ertifi#ates of title-

S$:ara;$ O:'&'o&) A< INO, J., #o$#urri$%: I #o$#ur i$ the result- .rivate res'o$de$ts should >EO.EN the irri%atio$ #a$al )hi#h the #losedA.AD SANTOS, J., #o$#urri$%: Dhe 'etitio$erIs ri%ht to establish a$ easeme$t of aBuedu#t over the la$ds of the 'rivate res'o$de$ts a''ear to be i$dubitable i$ the li%ht of the fa#ts %ive$ i$ the mai$ o'i$io$- Co)ever, before the easeme$t of aBuedu#t #a$ be formall established #ertai$ reBuireme$ts must be observed- I refer to the 'rovisio$s of 5rti#les ;6& a$d ;6+ of the Civil Code- 5mo$% other thi$%s, the 'etitio$er must sho) that the situatio$ of the aBuedu#t is the most #o$ve$ie$t a$d the least o$erous to third 'erso$s a$d he should 'a i$dem$it to the o)$ers of the servie$t estates- Dhe #ase should be rema$ded to the trial #ourt )hi#h should ad,udi#ate o$ these matters before the 'etitio$erIs easeme$t of aBuedu#t is a$$otated o$ the #ertifi#ates of title-

,2/RD D/=/S/ON >O2N ER/+ LONEY, S,E=EN .A)L RE/D and .EDRO *. 2ERNANDE0/ G.R. No. 152?77


Present@ FIISI.&ING/ J./ Chairperson, CARPIO/ CARPIO .ORA;ES/ an# %INGA/ JJ. Pro-ul"ate#@ 4e6ruar' 1 / : C

2 1ersus 2

.EO.LE O- ,2E .2/L/../NES/ Respon#ent.

0222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222220 DE+/S/ON +AR./O, J.@ ,h# +a"# %his is a petition for re1ie$[1] of the De)ision[:] #ate# * No1e-6er : 1 an# the Resolution #ate# 1= .ar)h : : of the Court of Appeals. %he * No1e-6er : 1 De)ision affir-e# the rulin" of the Re"ional %rial Court/ &oa)/ .arin#uBue/ &ran)h !=/ in a suit to Buash Infor-ations file# a"ainst petitioners <ohn Eri) ;one'/ Ste1en Paul Rei#/ an# Pe#ro &. Gernan#e? (7petitioners9+. %he 1= .ar)h : : Resolution #enie# petitioners, -otion for re)onsi#eration. ,h# -ac$" Petitioners <ohn Eri) ;one'/ Ste1en Paul Rei#/ an# Pe#ro &. Gernan#e? are the Presi#ent an# Chief E0e)uti1e Offi)er/ Senior .ana"er/ an# Resi#ent .ana"er for .inin" Operations/ respe)ti1el'/ of .ar)opper .inin" Corporation (7.ar)opper9+/ a )orporation en"a"e# in -inin" in the pro1in)e of .arin#uBue. .ar)opper ha# 6een storin" tailin"s[3] fro- its operations in a pit in .t. %apian/ .arin#uBue. At the 6ase of the pit ran a #raina"e tunnel lea#in" to the &oa) an# .a3alupnit ri1ers. It appears that .ar)opper ha# pla)e# a )on)rete

plu" at the tunnel,s en#. On:= .ar)h 1!!=/ tailin"s "ushe# out of or near the tunnel,s en#. In a fe$ #a's/ the .t. %apian pit ha# #is)har"e# -illions of tons of tailin"s into the &oa) an# .a3alupnit ri1ers. In Au"ust 1!!C/ the Depart-ent of <usti)e separatel' )har"e# petitioners in the .uni)ipal %rial Court of &oa)/ .arin#uBue (7.%C9+ $ith 1iolation of Arti)le !1(&+/[=] su62para"raphs * an# C of Presi#ential De)ree No. 1 CD or the >ater Co#e of the Philippines (7PD 1 CD9+/[*] Se)tion E[C] of Presi#ential De)ree No. !E= or the National Pollution Control De)ree of 1!DC (7PD !E=9+/ [D] Se)tion 1 E[E] of Repu6li) A)t No. D!=: or the Philippine .inin" A)t of 1!!* (7RA D!=:9+/ [!] an# Arti)le 3C*[1 ] of the Re1ise# Penal Co#e (7RPC9+ for Re)3less I-pru#en)e Resultin" in Da-a"e to Propert'.[11] Petitioners -o1e# to Buash the Infor-ations on the follo$in" "roun#s@ (1+ the Infor-ations $ere 7#upli)itous9 as the Depart-ent of <usti)e )har"e# -ore than one offense for a sin"le a)tL (:+ petitioners <ohn Eri) ;one' an# Ste1en Paul Rei# $ere not 'et offi)ers of .ar)opper $hen the in)i#ent su6He)t of the Infor-ations too3 pla)eL an# (3+ the Infor-ations )ontain alle"ations $hi)h )onstitute le"al e0)use or Hustifi)ation.

,h# R!'ing o: $h# M,+ In its <oint Or#er of 1C <anuar' 1!!D (7<oint Or#er9+/ the .%C[1:] initiall' #eferre# rulin" on petitioners, -otion for la)3 of 7in#u6ita6le "roun# for the Buashin" of the [I]nfor-ations 0 0 0.9 %he .%C s)he#ule# petitioners, arrai"n-ent in 4e6ruar' 1!!D. Go$e1er/ on petitioners, -otion/ the .%C issue# a Consoli#ate# Or#er on :E April 1!!D (7Consoli#ate# Or#er9+/ "rantin" partial re)onsi#eration to its <oint Or#er an# Buashin" the Infor-ations for 1iolation of PD 1 CD an# PD !E=. %he .%C -aintaine# the Infor-ations for 1iolation of RA D!=: an# Arti)le 3C* of the RPC. %he .%C hel#@
[%]he 1: Infor-ations ha1e )o--on alle"ations of pollutants pointin" to 7-ine tailin"s9 $hi)h $ere pre)ipitatel' #is)har"e# into the .a3ulapnit an# &oa) Ri1ers #ue to 6rea)h )ause# on the %apian #raina"e8tunnel #ue to ne"li"en)e or failure to institute a#eBuate -easures to pre1ent pollution an# siltation of the .a3ulapnit an# &oa) Ri1er s'ste-s/ the 1er' ter- an# )on#ition reBuire# to 6e

un#erta3en un#er the En1iron-ental Co-plian)e Certifi)ate issue# on April 1/ 1!! . %he alle"ations in the infor-ations point to sa-e set [si)] of e1i#en)e reBuire# to pro1e the sin"le fa)t of pollution )onstitutin" 1iolation of the >ater Co#e an# the Pollution ;a$ $hi)h are the sa-e set of e1i#en)e ne)essar' to pro1e the sa-e sin"le fa)t of pollution/ in pro1in" the ele-ents )onstitutin" 1iolation of the )on#itions of ECC/ issue# pursuant to the Philippine .inin" A)t. In 6oth instan)es/ the ter-s an# )on#itions of the En1iron-ental Co-plian)e Certifi)ate $ere alle"e#l' 1iolate#. In other $or#s/ the sa-e set of e1i#en)e is reBuire# in pro1in" 1iolations of the three (3+ spe)ial la$s. After )arefull' anal'?in" an# $ei"hin" the )onten#in" ar"u-ents of the parties an# after ta3in" into )onsi#eration the appli)a6le la$s an# Hurispru#en)e/ the Court is )on1in)e# that as far as the three (3+ aforesai# la$s are )on)erne#/ onl' the Infor-ation for [1]iolation of Philippine .inin" A)t shoul# 6e -aintaine#. In other $or#s/ the Infor-ations for [1]iolation of Anti2Pollution ;a$ (PD !E=+ an# the >ater Co#e (PD 1 CD+ shoul# 6e #is-isse#8Buashe# 6e)ause the ele-ents )onstitutin" the aforesai# 1iolations are a6sor6e# 6' the sa-e ele-ents $hi)h )onstitute 1iolation of the Philippine .inin" A)t (RA D!=:+. %herefore/ 0 0 0 Cri-inal Case[] Nos. !C2==/ !C2=* an# !C2=C for [1]iolation of the >ater Co#eL an# Cri-inal Case[] Nos. !C2=D/ !C2=E an# !C2=! for [1]iolation of the Anti2Pollution ;a$ 0 0 0 are here6' DIS.ISSED or FIASGED an# Cri-inal Case[] Nos. !C2* / !C2*1 an# !C2*: for [1]iolation of the Philippine .inin" A)t are here6' retaine# to 6e trie# on the -erits. %he Infor-ation for [1]iolation of Arti)le 3C* of the Re1ise# Penal Co#e shoul# also 6e -aintaine# an# hear# in a full 6lo$n trial 6e)ause the )o--on a))usation therein is re)3less i-pru#en)e resultin" to [si)] #a-a"e to propert'. It is the #a-a"e to propert' $hi)h the la$ punishes not the ne"li"ent a)t of pollutin" the $ater s'ste-. %he prose)ution for the [1]iolation of Philippine .inin" A)t is not a 6ar to the prose)ution for re)3less i-pru#en)e resultin" to [si)] #a-a"e to propert'.[13]

%he .%C re2s)he#ule# petitioners, arrai"n-ent on the re-ainin" )har"es on :E an# :! .a' 1!!D. In the hearin" of :E .a' 1!!D/ petitioners -anifeste# that the' $ere $illin" to 6e arrai"ne# on the )har"e for 1iolation of Arti)le 3C* of the RPC 6ut not on the )har"e for 1iolation of RA D!=: as the' inten#e# to appeal the Consoli#ate# Or#er in so far as it -aintaine# the Infor-ations for that offense. After -a3in" of re)or# petitioners, -anifestation/ the .%C pro)ee#e# $ith the

arrai"n-ent an# or#ere# the entr' of 7not "uilt'9 pleas on the )har"es for 1iolation of RA D!=: an# Arti)le 3C* of the RPC. Petitioners su6seBuentl' file# a petition for )ertiorari $ith the Re"ional %rial Court/ &oa)/ .arin#uBue/ assailin" that portion of the Consoli#ate# Or#er -aintainin" the Infor-ations for 1iolation of RA D!=:. Petitioners, petition $as raffle# to &ran)h !=. 4or its part/ pu6li) respon#ent file# an or#inar' appeal $ith the sa-e )ourt assailin" that portion of the Consoli#ate# Or#er Buashin" the Infor-ations for 1iolation of PD 1 CD an# PD !E=. Pu6li) respon#ent,s appeal $as raffle# to &ran)h 3E. On pu6li) respon#ent,s -otion/ &ran)h 3E or#ere# pu6li) respon#ent,s appeal )onsoli#ate# $ith petitioners, petition in &ran)h !=. ,h# R!'ing o: *ranch 97 In its Resolution[1=] of : .ar)h 1!!E/ &ran)h != "rante# pu6li) respon#ent,s appeal 6ut #enie# petitioners, petition. &ran)h != set asi#e the Consoli#ate# Or#er in so far as it Buashe# the Infor-ations for 1iolation of PD 1 CD an# PD !E= an# or#ere# those )har"es reinstate#. &ran)h != affir-e# the Consoli#ate# Or#er in all other respe)ts. &ran)h != hel#@
After a )areful perusal of the la$s )on)erne#/ this )ourt is of the opinion that there )an 6e no a6sorption 6' one offense of the three other offenses/ as [the] a)ts penali?e# 6' these la$s are separate an# #istin)t fro- ea)h other. %he ele-ents of pro1in" ea)h 1iolation are not the sa-e $ith ea)h other. Con)e#e#l'/ the sin"le a)t of #u-pin" -ine tailin"s $hi)h resulte# in the pollution of the .a3ulapnit an# &oa) ri1ers $as the 6asis for the infor-ation[s] file# a"ainst the a))use# ea)h )har"in" a #istin)t offense. &ut it is also a $ell2esta6lishe# rule in this Huris#i)tion that K 7A sin"le a)t -a' offen# a"ainst t$o or -ore entirel' #istin)t an# unrelate# pro1isions of la$/ an# if one pro1ision reBuires proof of an a##itional fa)t or ele-ent $hi)h the other #oes not/ an a)Buittal or )on1i)tion or a #is-issal of the infor-ation un#er one #oes not 6ar prose)ution un#er the other. 0 0 0.9 0000 [%]he #ifferent la$s in1ol1e )annot a6sor6 one another as the ele-ents of ea)h )ri-e are #ifferent fro- one another. Ea)h of these la$s reBuire [si)] proof

of an a##itional fa)t or ele-ent $hi)h the other #oes not althou"h the' ste--e# fro- a sin"le a)t.[1*]

Petitioners file# a petition for )ertiorari $ith the Court of Appeals alle"in" that &ran)h != a)te# $ith "ra1e a6use of #is)retion 6e)ause (1+ the Infor-ations for 1iolation of PD 1 CD/ PD !E=/ RA D!=: an# the Arti)le 3C* of the RPC 7pro)ee# fro- an# are 6ase# on a sin"le a)t or in)i#ent of pollutin" the &oa) an# .a3alupnit ri1ers thru #u-pin" of -ine tailin"s9 an# (:+ the #upli)itous nature of the Infor-ations )ontra1enes the rulin" in People v. Relova.[1C] Petitioners further )onten#e# that sin)e the a)ts )o-plaine# of in the )har"es for 1iolation of PD 1 CD/ PD !E=/ an# RA D!=: are 7the 1er' sa-e a)ts )o-plaine# of9 in the )har"e for 1iolation of Arti)le 3C* of the RPC/ the latter a6sor6s the for-er. Gen)e/ petitioners shoul# onl' 6e prose)ute# for 1iolation of Arti)le 3C* of the RPC.[1D] ,h# R!'ing o: $h# +o!r$ o: A33#a'" In its De)ision of * No1e-6er : !=,s rulin". %he appellate )ourt hel#@ 1/ the Court of Appeals affir-e# &ran)h

%he re)or#s of the )ase #is)lose that petitioners file# a -otion to Buash the afore-entione# Infor-ations for 6ein" #upli)itous in nature. Se)tion 3 of Rule 11D of the Re1ise# Rules of Court spe)ifi)all' pro1i#es the "roun#s upon $hi)h an infor-ation -a' 6e Buashe#. 0 0 0 0000 [D]upli)it' of Infor-ations is not a-on" those in)lu#e# in 0 0 0 [Se)tion 3/ Rule 11D]. 0000 >e no$ "o to petitioners, )lai- that the resolution of the pu6li) respon#ent )ontra1ene# the #o)trine lai# #o$n in People 1s. Relo1a for 6ein" 1iolati1e of their ri"ht a"ainst -ultiple prose)utions. In the sai# )ase/ the Supre-e Court foun# the People,s ar"u-ent $ith respe)t to the 1arian)es in the mens rea of the t$o offenses 6ein" )har"e# to 6e )orre)t. %he Court/ ho$e1er/ #e)i#e# the )ase in the )onte0t of the se)on# senten)e of Arti)le IV (::+ of the 1!D3 Constitution (no$ un#er Se)tion :1 of

Arti)le III of the 1!ED Constitution+/ rather than the first senten)e of the sa-e se)tion. 0 0 0 0000 [%]he #o)trine lai# #o$n in the Relo1a )ase #oes not sBuarel' appl' to the )ase at &en)h sin)e the Infor-ations file# a"ainst the petitioners are for 1iolation of four separate an# #istin)t la$s $hi)h are national in )hara)ter. 0000 %his Court fir-l' a"rees in the pu6li) respon#ent,s un#erstan#in" that the la$s 6' $hi)h the petitioners ha1e 6een [)har"e#] )oul# not possi6l' a6sor6 one another as the ele-ents of ea)h )ri-e are #ifferent. Ea)h of these la$s reBuire [si)] proof of an a##itional fa)t or ele-ent $hi)h the other #oes not/ althou"h the' ste--e# fro- a sin"le a)t. 0 0 0 0000 [%]his Court fin#s that there is not e1en the sli"htest in icia of e1i#en)e that $oul# "i1e rise to an' suspi)ion that pu6li) respon#ent a)te# $ith "ra1e a6use of #is)retion a-ountin" to e0)ess or la)3 of Huris#i)tion in re1ersin" the .uni)ipal %rial Court,s Buashal of the Infor-ations a"ainst the petitioners for 1iolation of P.D. 1 CD an# P.D. !E=. %his Court eBuall' fin#s no error in the trial )ourt,s #enial of the petitioner,s -otion to Buash R.A. D!=: an# Arti)le 3C* of the Re1ise# Penal Co#e.[1E]

Petitioners sou"ht re)onsi#eration 6ut the Court of Appeals #enie# their -otion in its Resolution of 1= .ar)h : :. Petitioners raise the follo$in" alle"e# errors of the Court of Appeals@


,h# /""!#" %he petition raises these issues@ (1+ >hether all the )har"es file# a"ainst petitioners e0)ept one shoul# 6e Buashe# for #upli)it' of )har"es an# onl' the )har"e for Re)3less I-pru#en)e Resultin" in Da-a"e to Propert' shoul# stan#L an# (:+ >hether &ran)h !=,s rulin"/ as affir-e# 6' the Court of Appeals/ )ontra1enes People v. Relova. ,h# R!'ing o: $h# +o!r$ %he petition has no -erit. No Duplicity of Charges in the Present Case

Dupli)it' of )har"es si-pl' -eans a sin"le )o-plaint or infor-ation )har"es -ore than one offense/ as Se)tion 13 of Rule 11 [: ] of the 1!E* Rules of Cri-inal Pro)e#ure )learl' states@
"uplicit( of offense. K A )o-plaint or infor-ation -ust )har"e 6ut one offense/ e0)ept onl' in those )ases in $hi)h e0istin" la$s pres)ri6e a sin"le punish-ent for 1arious offenses.

In short/ there is #upli)it' (or -ultipli)it'+ of )har"es $hen a "ing'# /n:or%a$ion charg#" %or# $han on# o::#n"#.[:1] In#er Se)tion 3(e+/ Rule 11D[::] of the 1!E* Rules of Cri-inal Pro)e#ure/ #upli)it' of offenses in a sin"le infor-ation is a "roun# to Buash the Infor-ation. %he Rules prohi6it the filin" of su)h Infor-ation to a1oi# )onfusin" the a))use# in preparin" his #efense.[:3] Gere/ ho$e1er/ the prose)ution )har"e# ea)h petitioner $ith four offenses/ $ith #ach /n:or%a$ion charging on'& on# o::#n"#. %hus/ petitioners erroneousl' in1o3e #upli)it' of )har"es as a "roun# to Buash the Infor-ations. On this s)ore alone/ the petition #eser1es outri"ht #enial. The Filing of Several Charges is Proper Petitioners )onten# that the' shoul# 6e )har"e# $ith one offense onl' P Re)3less I-pru#en)e Resultin" in Da-a"e to Propert' P 6e)ause (1+ all the )har"es file# a"ainst the- 7pro)ee# fro- an# are 6ase# on a sin"le a)t or in)i#ent of pollutin" the &oa) an# .a3alupnit ri1ers thru #u-pin" of -ine tailin"s9 an# (:+ the )har"e for 1iolation of Arti)le 3C* of the RPC 7a6sor6s9 the other )har"es sin)e the ele-ent of 7la)3 of ne)essar' or a#eBuate prote)tion/ ne"li"en)e/ re)3lessness an# i-pru#en)e9 is )o--on a-on" the-. %he )ontention has no -erit. As earl' as the start of the last )entur'/ this Court ha# rule# that a sin"le a)t or in)i#ent -i"ht offen# a"ainst t$o or -ore entirel' #istin)t an# unrelate# pro1isions of la$ thus Hustif'in" the prose)ution of the a))use# for -ore than one offense.[:=] %he onl' li-it to this rule is the Constitutional prohi6ition that no person shall 6e t$i)e put in Heopar#' of punish-ent for 7 $h# "a%# o::#n"#.9[:*] InPeople v. Dorique /[:C] $e hel# that t$o (or -ore+ offenses arisin" fro- the sa-e a)t are not 7the sa-e9 P

0 0 0 if one pro1ision [of la$] reBuires proof of an a##itional fa)t or ele-ent $hi)h the other #oes not/ 0 0 0. Phrase# else$ise/ $here t$o #ifferent la$s (or arti)les of the sa-e )o#e+ #efine t$o )ri-es/ prior Heopar#' as to one of the- is no o6sta)le to a prose)ution of the other/ althou"h 6oth offenses arise fro- the sa-e fa)ts/ i: #ach cri%# in4o'4#" "o%# i%3or$an$ ac$ ;hich i" no$ an #""#n$ia' #'#%#n$ o: $h# o$h#r.[:D] (E-phasis supplie#+

Gere/ #ou6le Heopar#' is not at issue 6e)ause not all of its ele-ents are present.[:E] Go$e1er/ for the li-ite# purpose of )ontro1ertin" petitioners, )lai- that the' shoul# 6e )har"e# $ith one offense onl'/ $e Buote $ith appro1al &ran)h !=,s )o-parati1e anal'sis of PD 1 CD/ PD !E=/ RA D!=:/ an# Arti)le 3C* of the RPC sho$in" that in ea)h of these la$s on $hi)h petitioners $ere )har"e#/ there is one essential ele-ent not reBuire# of the others/ thus@
In P.D. 1 CD (Philippines >ater Co#e+/ the a##itional ele-ent to 6e esta6lishe# is the #u-pin" of -ine tailin"s into the .a3ulapnit Ri1er an# the entire &oa) Ri1er S'ste- $ithout prior per-it fro- the authorities )on)erne#. %he "ra1a-en of the offense here is the a6sen)e of the proper per-it to #u-p sai# -ine tailin"s. %his ele-ent is not in#ispensa6le in the prose)ution for 1iolation of PD !E= (Anti2Pollution ;a$+/ [RA] D!=: (Philippine .inin" A)t+ an# Art. 3C* of the Re1ise# Penal Co#e. One )an 6e 1ali#l' prose)ute# for 1iolatin" the >ater Co#e e1en in the a6sen)e of a)tual pollution/ or e1en [if] it has )o-plie# $ith the ter-s of its En1iron-ental Co-plian)e Certifi)ate/ or further/ e1en [if] it #i# ta3e the ne)essar' pre)autions to pre1ent #a-a"e to propert'. In P.D. !E= (Anti2Pollution ;a$+/ the a##itional fa)t that -ust 6e pro1e# is the e0isten)e of a)tual pollution. %he "ra1a-en is the pollution itself. In the a6sen)e of an' pollution/ the a))use# -ust 6e e0onerate# un#er this la$ althou"h there $as unauthori?e# #u-pin" of -ine tailin"s or la)3 of pre)aution on its part to pre1ent #a-a"e to propert'. In R.A. D!=: (Philippine .inin" A)t+/ the a##itional fa)t that -ust 6e esta6lishe# is the $illful 1iolation an# "ross ne"le)t on the part of the a))use# to a6i#e 6' the ter-s an# )on#itions of the En1iron-ental Co-plian)e Certifi)ate/ parti)ularl' that the .ar)opper shoul# ensure the )ontain-ent of run2off an# silt -aterials fro- rea)hin" the .o"po" an# &oa) Ri1ers. If there $as no 1iolation or ne"le)t/ an# that the a))use# satisfa)toril' pro1e# [si)] that .ar)opper ha# #one e1er'thin" to ensure )ontain-ent of the run2off an# silt -aterials/ the' $ill not 6e lia6le. It #oes not follo$/ ho$e1er/ that the' )annot 6e prose)ute# un#er the >ater Co#e/ Anti2Pollution ;a$ an# the Re1ise# Penal Co#e 6e)ause 1iolation of the En1iron-ental Co-plian)e Certifi)ate is not an essential ele-ent of these la$s.

On the other han#/ the a##itional ele-ent that -ust 6e esta6lishe# in Art. 3C* of the Re1ise# Penal Co#e is the la)3 of ne)essar' or a#eBuate pre)aution/ ne"li"en)e/ re)3lessness an# i-pru#en)e on the part of the a))use# to pre1ent #a-a"e to propert'. %his ele-ent is not reBuire# un#er the pre1ious la$s. InBuestiona6l'/ it is #ifferent fro- #u-pin" of -ine tailin"s $ithout per-it/ or )ausin" pollution to the &oa) ri1er s'ste-/ -u)h -ore fro- 1iolation or ne"le)t to a6i#e 6' the ter-s of the En1iron-ental Co-plian)e Certifi)ate. .oreo1er/ the offenses punishe# 6' spe)ial la$ are mal[a]prohibita in )ontrast $ith those punishe# 6' the Re1ise# Penal Co#e $hi)h are mala in se.[:!]

ConseBuentl'/ the filin" of the -ultiple )har"es a"ainst petitioners/ althou"h 6ase# on the sa-e in)i#ent/ is )onsistent $ith settle# #o)trine. On petitioners, )lai- that the )har"e for 1iolation of Arti)le 3C* of the RPC 7a6sor6s9 the )har"es for 1iolation of PD 1 CD/ PD !E=/ an# RA D!=:/ suffi)e it to sa' that a mala in se felon' (su)h as Re)3less I-pru#en)e Resultin" in Da-a"e to Propert'+ )annot a6sor6 mala prohibita )ri-es (su)h as those 1iolatin" PD 1 CD/ PD !E=/ an# RA D!=:+. >hat -a3es the for-er a felon' is )ri-inal intent ( olo+ or ne"li"en)e (culpa+L $hat -a3es the latter )ri-es are the spe)ial la$s ena)tin" the-.

People v. Relova not in Point Petitioners reiterate their )ontention in the Court of Appeals that their prose)ution )ontra1enes this Court,s rulin" in People v. Relova. In parti)ular/ petitioners )ite the Court,s state-ent in Relova that the la$ see3s to pre1ent harass-ent of the a))use# 6' 7-ultiple prose)utions for offenses $hi)h thou"h #ifferent fro- one another are nonetheless ea)h )onstitute# 6' a )o--on set or o1erlappin" sets of te)hni)al ele-ents.9 %his )ontention is also $ithout -erit. %he issue in Relova is $hether the a)t of the &atan"as A)tin" Cit' 4is)al in )har"in" one .anuel Opulen)ia (7Opulen)ia9+ $ith theft of ele)tri) po$er un#er the RPC/ after the latter ha# 6een a)Buitte# of 1iolatin" a Cit' Or#inan)e penali?in" the unauthori?e# installation of ele)tri)al $irin"/ 1iolate# Opulen)ia,s ri"ht a"ainst #ou6le Heopar#'. >e hel# that it #i#/ not 6e)ause the offenses

punishe# 6' those t$o la$s $ere the sa-e 6ut 6e)ause the a)t "i1in" rise to the )har"es $as punishe# 6' an or#inan)e an# a national statute/ thus fallin" $ithin the pros)ription a"ainst -ultiple prose)utions for the sa-e a)t un#er the se)on# senten)e in Se)tion ::/ Arti)le IV of the 1!D3 Constitution/ no$ Se)tion :1/ Arti)le III of the 1!ED Constitution. >e hel#@
%he petitioner )on)lu#es that@ 7,h# !na!$hori@#d in"$a''a$ion 3!ni"h#d & $h# ordinanc# [o: *a$anga" +i$&] i" not the sa!e a" $h#:$ o: #'#c$rici$& [!nd#r $h# R#4i"#d .#na' +od#]L that the secon offense is not an attempt to )o--it the first or a frustration thereof an# that the se)on# offense is notnecessaril( inclu e in the offense charge in the first information.9 ,h# a o4# arg!%#n$[ ] %ad# & $h# 3#$i$ion#r [i"] o: co!r"# corr#c$ . %his is )lear 6oth fro- the e0press ter-s of the )onstitutional pro1ision in1ol1e# K $hi)h rea#s as follo$s@ 7No person shall 6e t$i)e put in Heopar#' of punish-ent for the same offense. If an a)t is punishe# 6' a la$ an# an or#inan)e/ )on1i)tion or a)Buittal un#er either shall )onstitute a 6ar to another prose)ution for the sa-e a)t.9 0 0 0 an# fro- our )ase la$ on this point. ,h# a"ic di::ic!'$& ;i$h $h# 3#$i$ion#rA" 3o"i$ion i" $ha$ i$ %!"$ # #Ba%in#d, no$ !nd#r $h# $#r%" o: $h# :ir"$ "#n$#nc# o: Ar$ic'# /= C22D o: $h# 1979 +on"$i$!$ion, !$ ra$h#r under the second sentence of the sa!e section. %he first senten)e of Arti)le IV (::+ sets forth the "eneral rule@ the )onstitutional prote)tion a"ainst #ou6le Heopar#' is not a1aila6le $here the se)on# prose)ution is for an offense that is #ifferent fro- the offense )har"e# in the first or prior prose)ution/ althou"h 6oth the first an# se)on# offenses -a' 6e 6ase# upon the sa-e a)t or set of a)ts. ,h# "#cond "#n$#nc# o: Ar$ic'# /= C22D #% odi#" an #Bc#3$ion $o $h# g#n#ra' 3ro3o"i$ion1 $h# con"$i$!$iona' 3ro$#c$ion, again"$ do! '# 8#o3ard& is a4ai'a '# a'$ho!gh $h# 3rior o::#n"# charg#d !nd#r an ordinanc# # di::#r#n$ :ro% $h# o::#n"# charg#d "! "#<!#n$'& !nd#r a na$iona' "$a$!$# "!ch a" $h# R#4i"#d .#na' +od#, provided $ha$ o$h o::#n"#" "3ring :ro% $h# "a%# ac$ or "#$ o: ac$". 0 0 0[3 ] (Itali)i?ation in the ori"inalL 6ol#fa)in" supplie#+

%hus/ Relova is no authorit' for petitioners, )lai- a"ainst -ultiple prose)utions 6ase# on a sin"le a)t not onl' 6e)ause the Buestion of #ou6le Heopar#' is not at issue here/ 6ut also 6e)ause/ as the Court of Appeals hel#/ petitioners are 6ein" prose)ute# for an a)t or in)i#ent punishe# 6' four national statutes an# not 6' an or#inan)e an# a national statute. In short/ petitioners/ if e1er/ fall un#er the first senten)e of Se)tion :1/ Arti)le III $hi)h prohi6its -ultiple

prose)ution for the "a%# o::#n"#/ an# not/ as in Relova/ for offenses arisin" frothe sa-e in)i#ent.

(2ERE-ORE/ $e DENY the petition. >e A--/RM the De)ision #ate# * No1e-6er : 1 an# the Resolution #ate# 1= .ar)h : : of the Court of Appeals.

SO ORDERED. AN,ON/O ,. +AR./O Asso)iate <usti)e (E +ON+)R@

LEONARDO A. E)/S)M*/NG Asso)iate <usti)e Chairperson

+ON+2/,A +AR./O MORALES Asso)iate <usti)e

DAN,E O. ,/NGA Asso)iate <usti)e

I attest that the )on)lusions in the a6o1e De)ision $ere rea)he# in )onsultation 6efore the )ase $as assi"ne# to the $riter of the opinion of the Court,s Di1ision.

LEONARDO A. E)/S)M*/NG Asso)iate <usti)e Chairperson

Pursuant to Se)tion 13/ Arti)le VIII of the Constitution/ an# the Di1ision Chairperson,s Attestation/ I )ertif' that the )on)lusions in the a6o1e De)ision $ere rea)he# in )onsultation 6efore the )ase $as assi"ne# to the $riter of the opinion of the Court,s Di1ision. AR,EM/O =. .ANGAN/*AN Chief <usti)e


2 1ersus 2


+ON+ERNED RES/DEN,S OMAN/LA *AY, r#3r#"#n$#d and 8oin#d & D/=/NA =. /LAS, SA*/N/ANO AL*ARRA+/N, MAN)EL SAN,OS, >R., D/NA2 DELA .EGA, .A)L DENN/S E)/N,ERO, MA. =/+,OR/A LLENOS, DONNA +ALO0A, -A,/MA E)/,A/N, =EN/+E SEGARRA, -R/,0/E ,ANGF/A, SARA2 >OELLE L/N,AG, 2ANN/*AL A)G)S,)S *O*/S, -EL/MON SAN,/AG)EL, and Pro-ul"ate#@ >A/ME AG)S,/N R. O.OSA, Respon#ents. De)e-6er 1E/ : E 0222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222220 DE+/S/ON =ELAS+O, >R., J.1 %he nee# to a##ress en1iron-ental pollution/ as a )ause of )li-ate )han"e/ has of late "aine# the attention of the international )o--unit'. .e#ia ha1e finall' traine# their si"hts on the ill effe)ts of pollution/ the #estru)tion of forests an# other )riti)al ha6itats/ oil spills/ an# the una6ate# i-proper #isposal of "ar6a"e. An# ri"htl' so/ for the -a"nitu#e of en1iron-ental #estru)tion is no$ on a s)ale fe$ e1er foresa$ an# the $oun# no lon"er si-pl' heals 6' itself. [:] &ut a-i#st har# e1i#en)e an# )lear si"ns of a )li-ate )risis that nee# 6ol# a)tion/ the 1oi)e of )'ni)is-/ na'sa'ers/ an# pro)rastinators )an still 6e hear#. %his )ase turns on "o1ern-ent a"en)ies an# their offi)ers $ho/ 6' the nature of their respe)ti1e offi)es or 6' #ire)t statutor' )o--an#/ are tas3e# to prote)t an# preser1e/ at the first instan)e/ our internal $aters/ ri1ers/ shores/ an# seas pollute# 6' hu-an a)ti1ities. %o -ost of these a"en)ies an# their offi)ial )o-ple-ent/ the pollution -ena)e #oes not see- to )arr' the hi"h national priorit' it #eser1es/ if

their tra)3 re)or#s are to 6e the nor-. %heir )a1alier attitu#e to$ar#s sol1in"/ if not -iti"atin"/ the en1iron-ental pollution pro6le-/ is a sa# )o--entar' on 6ureau)rati) effi)ien)' an# )o--it-ent. At the )ore of the )ase is the .anila &a'/ a pla)e $ith a prou# histori) past/ on)e 6ri--in" $ith -arine life an#/ for so -an' #e)a#es in the past/ a spot for #ifferent )onta)t re)reation a)ti1ities/ 6ut no$ a #irt' an# slo$l' #'in" e0panse -ainl' 6e)ause of the a6He)t offi)ial in#ifferen)e of people an# institutions that )oul# ha1e other$ise -a#e a #ifferen)e.

%his )ase starte# $hen/ on <anuar' :!/ 1!!!/ respon#ents Con)erne# Resi#ents of .anila &a' file# a )o-plaint 6efore the Re"ional %rial Court (R%C+ in I-us/ Ca1ite a"ainst se1eral "o1ern-ent a"en)ies/ a-on" the- the petitioners/ for the )leanup/ reha6ilitation/ an# prote)tion of the .anila &a'. Raffle# to &ran)h : an# #o)3ete# as Ci1il Case No. 1E*12!! of the R%C/ the )o-plaint alle"e# that the $ater Bualit' of the .anila &a' ha# fallen $a' 6elo$ the allo$a6le stan#ar#s set 6' la$/ spe)ifi)all' Presi#ential De)ree No. (PD+ 11*: or the Philippine En1iron-ent Co#e. %his en1iron-ental a6erration/ the )o-plaint state#/ ste--e# fro-@
0 0 0 [%he] re)3less/ $holesale/ a))u-ulate# an# on"oin" a)ts of o-ission or )o--ission [of the #efen#ants] resultin" in the )lear an# present #an"er to pu6li) health an# in the #epletion an# )onta-ination of the -arine life of .anila &a'/ [for $hi)h reason] A;; #efen#ants -ust 6e hel# Hointl' an#8or soli#aril' lia6le an# 6e )olle)ti1el' or#ere# to )lean up .anila &a' an# to restore its $ater Bualit' to )lass & $aters fit for s$i--in"/ s3in2#i1in"/ an# other for-s of )onta)t re)reation. [3]

In their in#i1i#ual )auses of a)tion/ respon#ents alle"e# that the )ontinue# ne"le)t of petitioners in a6atin" the pollution of the.anila &a' )onstitutes a 1iolation of/ a-on" others@
(1+ (:+ (3+ Respon#ents, )onstitutional ri"ht to life/ health/ an# a 6alan)e# e)olo"'L %he En1iron-ent Co#e (PD 11*:+L %he Pollution Control ;a$ (PD !E=+L

(=+ (*+ (C+ (D+ (E+ (!+ (1 + (11+ (1:+

%he >ater Co#e (PD 1 CD+L %he Sanitation Co#e (PD E*C+L %he Ille"al Disposal of >astes De)ree (PD E:*+L %he .arine Pollution ;a$ (PD !D!+L E0e)uti1e Or#er No. 1!:L %he %o0i) an# Ga?ar#ous >astes ;a$ (Repu6li) A)t No. C!C!+L Ci1il Co#e pro1isions on nuisan)e an# hu-an relationsL %he %rust Do)trine an# the Prin)iple of Guar#ianshipL an# International ;a$

)nter alia/ respon#ents/ as plaintiffs a *uo/ pra'e# that petitioners 6e or#ere# to )lean the .anila &a' an# su6-it to the R%C a )on)erte# )on)rete plan of a)tion for the purpose. %he trial of the )ase starte# off $ith a hearin" at the .anila Aa)ht Clu6 follo$e# 6' an o)ular inspe)tion of the .anila &a'. Renato %. Cru?/ the Chief of the >ater Fualit' .ana"e-ent Se)tion/ En1iron-ental .ana"e-ent &ureau/ Depart-ent of En1iron-ent an# Natural Resour)es (DENR+/ testif'in" for petitioners/ state# that $ater sa-ples )olle)te# fro- #ifferent 6ea)hes aroun# the .anila &a' sho$e# that the a-ount of fe)al )olifor- )ontent ran"e# fro- * / to E / -ost pro6a6le nu-6er (.PN+8-l $hen $hat DENR A#-inistrati1e Or#er No. 3=2! pres)ri6e# as a safe le1el for 6athin" an# other for-s of )onta)t re)reational a)ti1ities/ or the 7S&9 le1el/ is one not e0)ee#in" : .PN81 -l.[=] Re6e))a #e Vera/ for .etropolitan >ater$or3s an# Se$era"e S'ste(.>SS+ an# in 6ehalf of other petitioners/ testifie# a6out the .>SS, efforts to re#u)e pollution alon" the .anila &a' throu"h the .anila Se)on# Se$era"e ProHe)t. 4or its part/ the Philippine Ports Authorit' (PPA+ presente#/ as part of its e1i#en)e/ its -e-oran#u- )ir)ulars on the stu#' 6ein" )on#u)te# on ship2 "enerate# $aste treat-ent an# #isposal/ an# its %inis "agat (Clean the O)ean+ proHe)t for the )leanin" of $astes a))u-ulate# or $ashe# to shore. ,h# R,+ Ord#r#d .#$i$ion#r" $o +'#an )3 and R#ha i'i$a$# Mani'a *a& On Septe-6er 13/ : :/ the R%C ren#ere# a De)ision[*] in fa1or of respon#ents. %he #ispositi1e portion rea#s@

>GERE4ORE/ fin#in" -erit in the )o-plaint/ Hu#"-ent is here6' ren#ere# or#erin" the a6o1ena-e# #efen#ant2"o1ern-ent a"en)ies/ Hointl' an# soli#aril'/ to )lean up an# reha6ilitate .anila &a' an# restore its $aters to S& )lassifi)ation to -a3e it fit for s$i--in"/ s3in2#i1in" an# other for-s of )onta)t re)reation. %o attain this/ #efen#ant2a"en)ies/ $ith #efen#ant DENR as the lea# a"en)'/ are #ire)te#/ $ithin si0 (C+ -onths fro- re)eipt hereof/ to a)t an# perfortheir respe)ti1e #uties 6' #e1isin" a )onsoli#ate#/ )oor#inate# an# )on)erte# s)he-e of a)tion for the reha6ilitation an# restoration of the 6a'. In parti)ular@ Defen#ant .>SS is #ire)te# to install/ operate an# -aintain a#eBuate [se$era"e] treat-ent fa)ilities in strate"i) pla)es un#er its Huris#i)tion an# in)rease their )apa)ities. Defen#ant ;>IA/ to see to it that the $ater #istri)ts un#er its $in"s/ pro1i#e/ )onstru)t an# operate se$a"e fa)ilities for the proper #isposal of $aste. Defen#ant DENR/ $hi)h is the lea# a"en)' in )leanin" up .anila &a'/ to install/ operate an# -aintain $aste fa)ilities to ri# the 6a' of to0i) an# ha?ar#ous su6stan)es. Defen#ant PPA/ to pre1ent an# also to treat the #is)har"e not onl' of ship2"enerate# $astes 6ut also of other soli# an# liBui# $astes fro- #o)3in" 1essels that )ontri6ute to the pollution of the 6a'. Defen#ant ..DA/ to esta6lish/ operate an# -aintain an a#eBuate an# appropriate sanitar' lan#fill an#8or a#eBuate soli# $aste an# liBui# #isposal as $ell as other alternati1e "ar6a"e #isposal s'stesu)h as re2use or re)')lin" of $astes. Defen#ant DA/ throu"h the &ureau of 4isheries an# ABuati) Resour)es/ to re1itali?e the -arine life in .anila &a' an# resto)3 its $aters $ith in#i"enous fish an# other aBuati) ani-als. Defen#ant D&./ to pro1i#e an# set asi#e an a#eBuate 6u#"et solel' for the purpose of )leanin" up an# reha6ilitation of .anila &a'.

Defen#ant DP>G/ to re-o1e an# #e-olish stru)tures an# other nuisan)es that o6stru)t the free flo$ of $aters to the 6a'. %hese nuisan)es #is)har"e soli# an# liBui# $astes $hi)h e1entuall' en# up in .anila &a'. As the )onstru)tion an# en"ineerin" ar- of the "o1ern-ent/ DP>G is or#ere# to a)ti1el' parti)ipate in re-o1in" #e6ris/ su)h as )ar)ass of sun3en 1essels/ an# other non26io#e"ra#a6le "ar6a"e in the 6a'. Defen#ant DOG/ to )losel' super1ise an# -onitor the operations of septi) an# slu#"e )o-panies an# reBuire the- to ha1e proper fa)ilities for the treat-ent an# #isposal of fe)al slu#"e an# se$a"e )o-in" frosepti) tan3s. Defen#ant DECS/ to in)ul)ate in the -in#s an# hearts of the people throu"h e#u)ation the i-portan)e of preser1in" an# prote)tin" the en1iron-ent. Defen#ant Philippine Coast Guar# an# the PNP .ariti-e Group/ to prote)t at all )osts the .anila &a' fro- all for-s of ille"al fishin". No pronoun)e-ent as to #a-a"es an# )osts. SO ORDERED. %he .>SS/ ;o)al >ater Itilities A#-inistration (;>IA+/ an# PPA file# 6efore the Court of Appeals (CA+ in#i1i#ual Noti)es of Appeal $hi)h $ere e1entuall' )onsoli#ate# an# #o)3ete# as CA2G.R. CV No. DC*:E.

On the other han#/ the DENR/ Depart-ent of Pu6li) >or3s an# Gi"h$a's (DP>G+/ .etropolitan .anila De1elop-ent Authorit' (..DA+/ Philippine Coast Guar# (PCG+/ Philippine National Poli)e (PNP+ .ariti-e Group/ an# fi1e other e0e)uti1e #epart-ents an# a"en)ies file# #ire)tl' $ith this Court a petition for re1ie$ un#er Rule =*. %he Court/ in a Resolution of De)e-6er !/ : :/ sent the sai# petition to the CA for )onsoli#ation $ith the )onsoli#ate# appeals of .>SS/ ;>IA/ an# PPA/ #o)3ete# as CA2G.R. SP No. D=!==. Petitioners/ 6efore the CA/ $ere one in ar"uin" in the -ain that the pertinent pro1isions of the En1iron-ent Co#e (PD 11*:+ relate onl' to the )leanin" of spe)ifi) pollution in)i#ents an# #o not )o1er )leanin" in "eneral. An# apart froraisin" )on)erns a6out the la)3 of fun#s appropriate# for )leanin" purposes/

petitioners also asserte# that the )leanin" of the .anila &a' is not a -inisterial a)t $hi)h )an 6e )o-pelle# 6' -an#a-us. ,h# +A S!"$ain#d $h# R,+ &' a De)ision[C] of Septe-6er :E/ : */ the CA #enie# petitioners, appeal an# affir-e# the De)ision of the R%C in toto/stressin" that the trial )ourt,s #e)ision #i# not reBuire petitioners to #o tas3s outsi#e of their usual 6asi) fun)tions un#er e0istin" la$s.[D] Petitioners are no$ 6efore this Court pra'in" for the allo$an)e of their Rule =* petition on the follo$in" "roun# an# supportin" ar"u-ents@ %GE [CA] DECIDED A FIES%ION O4 SI&S%ANCE NO% GERE%O4ORE PASSED IPON &A %GE GONORA&;E COIR%/ I.E./ I% A44IR.ED %GE %RIA; COIR%,S DECISION DEC;ARING %GA% SEC%ION : O4 [PD] 11*: REFIIRES CONCERNED GOVERN.EN% AGENCIES %O RE.OVE A;; PO;;I%AN%S SPI;;ED AND DISCGARGED IN %GE >A%ER SICG AS 4ECA; CO;I4OR.S.

%he issues 6efore us are t$o2fol#. !irst/ #o Se)tions 1D an# : of PD 11*: un#er the hea#in"s/ +pgra ing of ,ater Qualit(an# Clean-up $perations/ en1isa"e a )leanup in "eneral or are the' li-ite# onl' to the )leanup of spe)ifi) pollution in)i#entsO An#secon / )an petitioners 6e )o-pelle# 6' -an#a-us to )lean up an# reha6ilitate the .anila &a'O

On Au"ust 1:/ : ar"u-ents.

E/ the Court )on#u)te# an# hear# the parties on oral

O!r R!'ing >e shall first #$ell on the propriet' of the issuan)e of -an#a-us un#er the pre-ises. ,h# +'#aning or R#ha i'i$a$ion o: Mani'a *a& +an # +o%3#''#d & Manda%!" Generall'/ the $rit of -an#a-us lies to reBuire the e0e)ution of a -inisterial #ut'. A -inisterial #ut' is one that 7reBuires neither the e0er)ise of offi)ial #is)retion nor Hu#"-ent.9[!] It )onnotes an a)t in $hi)h nothin" is left to the #is)retion of the person e0e)utin" it. It is a 7si-ple/ #efinite #ut' arisin" un#er )on#itions a#-itte# or pro1e# to e0ist an# i-pose# 6' la$.9[1 ] .an#a-us is a1aila6le to )o-pel a)tion/ $hen refuse#/ on -atters in1ol1in" #is)retion/ 6ut not to #ire)t the e0er)ise of Hu#"-ent or #is)retion one $a' or the other.

Petitioners -aintain that the ..DA,s #ut' to ta3e -easures an# -aintain a#eBuate soli# $aste an# liBui# #isposal s'ste-s ne)essaril' in1ol1es poli)' e1aluation an# the e0er)ise of Hu#"-ent on the part of the a"en)' )on)erne#. %he' ar"ue that the ..DA/ in )arr'in" out its -an#ate/ has to -a3e #e)isions/ in)lu#in" )hoosin" $here a lan#fill shoul# 6e lo)ate# 6' un#erta3in" feasi6ilit' stu#ies an# )ost esti-ates/ all of $hi)h entail the e0er)ise of #is)retion. Respon#ents/ on the other han#/ )ounter that the statutor' )o--an# is )lear an# that petitioners, #ut' to )o-pl' $ith an# a)t a))or#in" to the )lear -an#ate of the la$ #oes not reBuire the e0er)ise of #is)retion. A))or#in" to respon#ents/ petitioners/ the ..DA in parti)ular/ are $ithout #is)retion/ for e0a-ple/ to )hoose $hi)h 6o#ies of $ater the' are to )lean up/ or $hi)h #is)har"e or spill the' are to )ontain. &' the sa-e to3en/ respon#ents -aintain that petitioners are 6ereft of #is)retion on $hether or not to alle1iate the pro6le- of soli# an# liBui# $aste

#isposalL in other $or#s/ it is the ..DA,s -inisterial #ut' to atten# to su)h ser1i)es. >e a"ree $ith respon#ents. 4irst off/ $e $ish to state that petitioners, o6li"ation to perfor- their #uties as #efine# 6' la$/ on one han#/ an# ho$ the' are to )arr' out su)h #uties/ on the other/ are t$o #ifferent )on)epts. >hile the i-ple-entation of the ..DA,s -an#ate# tas3s -a' entail a #e)ision2-a3in" pro)ess/ the enfor)e-ent of the la$ or the 1er' a)t of #oin" $hat the la$ e0a)ts to 6e #one is -inisterial in nature an# -a' 6e )o-pelle# 6' -an#a-us. >e sai# so in 'ocial Justice 'ociet( v. Atien.a[11] in $hi)h the Court #ire)te# the Cit' of .anila to enfor)e/ as a -atter of -inisterial #ut'/ its Or#inan)e No. E :D #ire)tin" the three 6i" lo)al oil pla'ers to )ease an# #esist fro- operatin" their 6usiness in the so2)alle# 7Pan#a)an %er-inals9 $ithin si0 -onths fro- the effe)ti1it' of the or#inan)e. &ut to illustrate $ith respe)t to the instant )ase/ the ..DA,s #ut' to put up an a#eBuate an# appropriate sanitar' lan#fill an# soli# $aste an# liBui# #isposal as $ell as other alternati1e "ar6a"e #isposal s'ste-s is -inisterial/ its #ut' 6ein" a statutor' i-position. %he ..DA,s #ut' in this re"ar# is spelle# out in Se). 3()+ of Repu6li) A)t No. (RA+ D!:= )reatin" the ..DA. %his se)tion #efines an# #elineates the s)ope of the ..DA,s $aste #isposal ser1i)es to in)lu#e@
Soli# $aste #isposal an# -ana"e-ent $hi)h in)lu#e for-ulation an# i-ple-entation of poli)ies/ stan#ar#s/ pro"ra-s an# proHe)ts for proper an# sanitar' $aste #isposal. It shall li3e$ise in)lu#e the #"$a 'i"h%#n$ and o3#ra$ion o: "ani$ar& 'and :i'' and r#'a$#d :aci'i$i#" an# the i-ple-entation of other alternati1e pro"ra-s inten#e# to re#u)e/ reuse an# re)')le soli# $aste. (E-phasis a##e#.+

%he ..DA is #ut'26oun# to )o-pl' $ith Se). =1 of the E)olo"i)al Soli# >aste .ana"e-ent A)t (RA ! 3+ $hi)h pres)ri6es the -ini-u- )riteria for the esta6lish-ent of sanitar' lan#fills an# Se). =: $hi)h pro1i#es the -ini-uoperatin" reBuire-ents that ea)h site operator shall -aintain in the operation of a sanitar' lan#fill. Co-ple-entin" Se). =1 are Se)s. 3C an# 3D of RA ! 3/ [1:] enHoinin" the ..DA an# lo)al "o1ern-ent units/ a-on" others/ after the effe)ti1it' of the la$ on 4e6ruar' 1*/ : 1/ fro- usin" an# operatin" open #u-ps

for soli# $aste an# #isallo$in"/ fi1e 'ears after su)h effe)ti1it'/ the use of )ontrolle# #u-ps. %he ..DA,s #ut' in the area of soli# $aste #isposal/ as -a' 6e note#/ is set forth not onl' in the En1iron-ent Co#e (PD 11*:+ an# RA ! 3/ 6ut in its )harter as $ell. %his #ut' of puttin" up a proper $aste #isposal s'ste- )annot 6e )hara)teri?e# as #is)retionar'/ for/ as earlier state#/ #is)retion presupposes the po$er or ri"ht "i1en 6' la$ to pu6li) fun)tionaries to a)t offi)iall' a))or#in" to their Hu#"-ent or )ons)ien)e.[13] A #is)retionar' #ut' is one that 7allo$s a person to e0er)ise Hu#"-ent an# )hoose to perfor- or not to perfor-.9 [1=] An' su""estion that the ..DA has the option $hether or not to perfor- its soli# $aste #isposal2 relate# #uties ou"ht to 6e #is-isse# for $ant of le"al 6asis. A perusal of other petitioners, respe)ti1e )harters or li3e ena6lin" statutes an# pertinent la$s $oul# 'iel# this )on)lusion@ these "o1ern-ent a"en)ies are enHoine#/ as a -atter of statutor' o6li"ation/ to perfor- )ertain fun)tions relatin" #ire)tl' or in#ire)tl' to the )leanup/ reha6ilitation/ prote)tion/ an# preser1ation of the .anila &a'. %he' are pre)lu#e# fro- )hoosin" not to perfor- these #uties. Consi#er@ (1+ %he DENR/ un#er E0e)uti1e Or#er No. (EO+ 1!:/[1*] is the pri-ar' a"en)' responsi6le for the )onser1ation/ -ana"e-ent/ #e1elop-ent/ an# proper use of the )ountr',s en1iron-ent an# natural resour)es. Se). 1! of the Philippine Clean >ater A)t of : = (RA !:D*+/ on the other han#/ #esi"nates the DENR as the pri-ar' "o1ern-ent a"en)' responsi6le for its enfor)e-ent an# i-ple-entation/ -ore parti)ularl' o1er all aspe)ts of $ater Bualit' -ana"e-ent. On $ater pollution/ the DENR/ un#er the A)t,s Se). 1!(3+/ e0er)ises Huris#i)tion 7o1er all aspe)ts of $ater pollution/ #eter-ine[s] its lo)ation/ -a"nitu#e/ e0tent/ se1erit'/ )auses an# effe)ts an# other pertinent infor-ation on pollution/ an# [ta3es] -easures/ usin" a1aila6le -etho#s an# te)hnolo"ies/ to pre1ent an# a6ate su)h pollution.9 %he DENR/ un#er RA !:D*/ is also tas3e# to prepare a National >ater Fualit' Status Report/ an Inte"rate# >ater Fualit' .ana"e-ent 4ra-e$or3/ an# a 1 2'ear >ater Fualit' .ana"e-ent Area A)tion Plan $hi)h is nation$i#e in s)ope )o1erin" the .anila&a' an# a#Hoinin" areas. Se). 1! of RA !:D* pro1i#es@

Se). 1! %ea Agenc(.KK%he [DENR] shall 6e the pri-ar' "o1ern-ent a"en)' responsi6le for the i-ple-entation an# enfor)e-ent of this A)t 0 0 0 unless other$ise pro1i#e# herein. As su)h/ it shall ha1e the follo$in" fun)tions/ po$ers an# responsi6ilities@ a+ Prepare a National >ater Fualit' Status report $ithin t$ent'2four (:=+ -onths fro- the effe)ti1it' of this A)t@ Pro1i#e#/ %hat the Depart-ent shall thereafter re1ie$ or re1ise an# pu6lish annuall'/ or as the nee# arises/ sai# reportL 6+ Prepare an Inte"rate# >ater Fualit' .ana"e-ent 4ra-e$or3 $ithin t$el1e (1:+ -onths follo$in" the )o-pletion of the status reportL )+ Prepare a ten (1 + 'ear >ater Fualit' .ana"e-ent Area A)tion Plan $ithin 1: -onths follo$in" the )o-pletion of the fra-e$or3 for ea)h #esi"nate# $ater -ana"e-ent area. Su)h a)tion plan shall 6e re1ie$e# 6' the $ater Bualit' -ana"e-ent area "o1ernin" 6oar# e1er' fi1e (*+ 'ears or as nee# arises.

%he DENR has prepare# the status report for the perio# : 1 to : * an# is in the pro)ess of )o-pletin" the preparation of the Inte"rate# >ater Fualit' .ana"e-ent 4ra-e$or3.[1C] >ithin t$el1e (1:+ -onths thereafter/ it has to su6-it a final >ater Fualit' .ana"e-ent Area A)tion Plan. [1D] A"ain/ li3e the ..DA/ the DENR shoul# 6e -a#e to a))o-plish the tas3s assi"ne# to it un#er RA !:D*. Parentheti)all'/ #urin" the oral ar"u-ents/ the DENR Se)retar' -anifeste# that the DENR/ $ith the assistan)e of an# in partnership $ith 1arious "o1ern-ent a"en)ies an# non2"o1ern-ent or"ani?ations/ has )o-plete#/ as of De)e-6er : */ the final #raft of a )o-prehensi1e a)tion plan $ith esti-ate# 6u#"et an# ti-e fra-e/ #eno-inate# as $peration Plan for the /anila Ba( Coastal 'trateg( / for the reha6ilitation/ restoration/ an# reha6ilitation of the .anila &a'. %he )o-pletion of the sai# a)tion plan an# e1en the i-ple-entation of so-e of its phases shoul# -ore than e1er pro# the )on)erne# a"en)ies to fast tra)3 $hat are assi"ne# the- un#er e0istin" la$s.

(:+ %he .>SS/ un#er Se). 3 of RA C:3=/ [1E] is 1este# $ith Huris#i)tion/ super1ision/ an# )ontrol o1er all $ater$or3s an# se$era"e s'ste-s in the territor' )o-prisin" $hat is no$ the )ities of .etro .anila an# se1eral to$ns of the pro1in)es of Ri?al an#Ca1ite/ an# )har"e# $ith the #ut'@ ("+ %o )onstru)t/ -aintain/ an# operate su)h sanitar' se$era"es as -a' 6e ne)essar' for the proper sanitation an# other uses of the )ities an# to$ns )o-prisin" the S'ste-L 0 0 0 (3+ %he ;>IA un#er PD 1!E has the po$er of super1ision an# )ontrol o1er lo)al $ater #istri)ts. It )an pres)ri6e the -ini-u- stan#ar#s an# re"ulations for the operations of these #istri)ts an# shall -onitor an# e1aluate lo)al $ater stan#ar#s. %he ;>IA )an #ire)t these #istri)ts to )onstru)t/ operate/ an# furnish fa)ilities an# ser1i)es for the )olle)tion/ treat-ent/ an# #isposal of se$era"e/ $aste/ an# stor- $ater. A##itionall'/ un#er RA !:D*/ the ;>IA/ as atta)he# a"en)' of the DP>G/ is tas3e# $ith pro1i#in" se$era"e an# sanitation fa)ilities/ in)lusi1e of the settin" up of effi)ient an# safe )olle)tion/ treat-ent/ an# se$a"e #isposal s'ste- in the #ifferent parts of the )ountr'. [1!] In relation to the instant petition/ the ;>IA is -an#ate# to pro1i#e se$era"e an# sanitation fa)ilities in ;a"una/ Ca1ite/ &ula)an/ Pa-pan"a/ an# &ataan to pre1ent pollution in the .anila &a'. (=+ %he Depart-ent of A"ri)ulture (DA+/ pursuant to the A#-inistrati1e Co#e of 1!ED (EO :!:+/[: ] is #esi"nate# as the a"en)' tas3e# to pro-ul"ate an# enfor)e all la$s an# issuan)es respe)tin" the )onser1ation an# proper utili?ation of a"ri)ultural an# fisher' resour)es. 4urther-ore/ the DA/ un#er the Philippine 4isheries Co#e of 1!!E (RA E** +/ is/ in )oor#ination $ith lo)al "o1ern-ent units (;GIs+ an# other )on)erne# se)tors/ in )har"e of esta6lishin" a -onitorin"/ )ontrol/ an# sur1eillan)e s'ste- to ensure that fisheries an# aBuati) resour)es in Philippine $aters are Hu#i)iousl' utili?e# an# -ana"e# on a sustaina6le 6asis. [:1] ;i3e$ise un#er RA !:D*/ the DA is )har"e# $ith )oor#inatin" $ith the PCG an# DENR for the enfor)e-ent of $ater Bualit' stan#ar#s in -arine $aters. [::] .ore spe)ifi)all'/ its &ureau of 4isheries an# ABuati) Resour)es (&4AR+ un#er Se). ::()+ of RA !:D* shall pri-aril' 6e responsi6le for the pre1ention an# )ontrol of $ater pollution for the #e1elop-ent/ -ana"e-ent/ an# )onser1ation of the fisheries an# aBuati) resour)es.

(*+ %he DP>G/ as the en"ineerin" an# )onstru)tion ar- of the national "o1ern-ent/ is tas3e# un#er EO :!:[:3] to pro1i#e inte"rate# plannin"/ #esi"n/ an# )onstru)tion ser1i)es for/ a-on" others/ floo# )ontrol an# $ater resour)e #e1elop-ent s'ste-s in a))or#an)e $ith national #e1elop-ent o6He)ti1es an# appro1e# "o1ern-ent plans an# spe)ifi)ations. In .etro .anila/ ho$e1er/ the ..DA is authori?e# 6' Se). 3(#+/ RA D!:= to perfor- -etro2$i#e ser1i)es relatin" to 7floo# )ontrol an# se$era"e -ana"e-ent $hi)h in)lu#e the for-ulation an# i-ple-entation of poli)ies/ stan#ar#s/ pro"ra-s an# proHe)ts for an inte"rate# floo# )ontrol/ #raina"e an# se$era"e s'ste-.9 On <ul' !/ : :/ a .e-oran#u- of A"ree-ent $as entere# into 6et$een the DP>G an# ..DA/ $here6' ..DA $as -a#e the a"en)' pri-aril' responsi6le for floo# )ontrol in .etro .anila. 4or the rest of the )ountr'/ DP>G shall re-ain as the i-ple-entin" a"en)' for floo# )ontrol ser1i)es. %he -an#ate of the ..DA an# DP>G on floo# )ontrol an# #raina"e ser1i)es shall in)lu#e the re-o1al of stru)tures/ )onstru)tions/ an# en)roa)h-ents 6uilt alon" ri1ers/ $ater$a's/ an# esteros (#raina"es+ in 1iolation of RA D:D!/ PD 1 CD/ an# other pertinent la$s. (C+ %he PCG/ in a))or#an)e $ith Se). *(p+ of PD C 1/ or the Re1ise# Coast Guar# ;a$ of 1!D=/ an# Se). C of PD !D!/ [:=] or the .arine Pollution De)ree of 1!DC/ shall ha1e the pri-ar' responsi6ilit' of enfor)in" la$s/ rules/ an# re"ulations "o1ernin" -arine pollution $ithin the territorial $aters of the Philippines. It shall pro-ul"ate its o$n rules an# re"ulations in a))or#an)e $ith the national rules an# poli)ies set 6' the National Pollution Control Co--ission upon )onsultation $ith the latter for the effe)ti1e i-ple-entation an# enfor)e-ent of PD !D!. It shall/ un#er Se). = of the la$/ apprehen# 1iolators $ho@
a. #is)har"e/ #u-p 0 0 0 har-ful su6stan)es fro- or out of an' ship/ 1essel/ 6ar"e/ or an' other floatin" )raft/ or other -an2-a#e stru)tures at sea/ 6' an' -etho#/ -eans or -anner/ into or upon the territorial an# inlan# na1i"a6le $aters of the PhilippinesL 6. thro$/ #is)har"e or #eposit/ #u-p/ or )ause/ suffer or pro)ure to 6e thro$n/ #is)har"e#/ or #eposite# either fro- or out of an' ship/ 6ar"e/ or

other floatin" )raft or 1essel of an' 3in#/ or fro- the shore/ $harf/ -anufa)turin" esta6lish-ent/ or -ill of an' 3in#/ an' refuse -atter of an' 3in# or #es)ription $hate1er other than that flo$in" fro- streets an# se$ers an# passin" therefro- in a liBui# state into tri6utar' of an' na1i"a6le $ater fro- $hi)h the sa-e shall float or 6e $ashe# into su)h na1i"a6le $aterL an# ). #eposit 0 0 0 -aterial of an' 3in# in an' pla)e on the 6an3 of an' na1i"a6le $ater or on the 6an3 of an' tri6utar' of an' na1i"a6le $ater/ $here the sa-e shall 6e lia6le to 6e $ashe# into su)h na1i"a6le $ater/ either 6' or#inar' or hi"h ti#es/ or 6' stor-s or floo#s/ or other$ise/ $here6' na1i"ation shall or -a' 6e i-pe#e# or o6stru)te# or in)rease the le1el of pollution of su)h $ater.

(D+ >hen RA C!D* or the Depart-ent of the Interior an# ;o)al Go1ern-ent (DI;G+ A)t of 1!! $as si"ne# into la$ onDe)e-6er 13/ 1!! / the PNP .ariti-e Group $as tas3e# to 7perfor- all poli)e fun)tions o1er the Philippine territorial $aters an# ri1ers.9 In#er Se). EC/ RA C!D*/ the poli)e fun)tions of the PCG shall 6e ta3en o1er 6' the PNP $hen the latter a)Buires the )apa6ilit' to perfor- su)h fun)tions. Sin)e the PNP .ariti-e Group has not 'et attaine# the )apa6ilit' to assu-e an# perfor- the poli)e fun)tions of PCG o1er -arine pollution/ the PCG an# PNP .ariti-e Group shall )oor#inate $ith re"ar# to the enfor)e-ent of la$s/ rules/ an# re"ulations "o1ernin" -arine pollution $ithin the territorial $aters of the Philippines. %his $as -a#e )lear in Se). 1:=/ RA E** or the Philippine 4isheries Co#e of 1!!E/ in $hi)h 6oth the PCG an# PNP .ariti-e Group $ere authori?e# to enfor)e sai# la$ an# other fisher' la$s/ rules/ an# re"ulations.[:*] (E+ In a))or#an)e $ith Se). : of EO *13/ the PPA is -an#ate# 7to esta6lish/ #e1elop/ re"ulate/ -ana"e an# operate a rationali?e# national port s'ste- in support of tra#e an# national #e1elop-ent.9 [:C] .oreo1er/ Se). C2) of EO *13 states that the PPA has poli)e authorit' $ithin the
ports a#-inistere# 6' it as -a' 6e ne)essar' to )arr' out its po$ers an# fun)tions an# attain its purposes an# o6He)ti1es/ $ithout preHu#i)e to the e0er)ise of the fun)tions of the &ureau of Custo-s an# other la$ enfor)e-ent 6o#ies $ithin the area. Su)h poli)e authorit' shall in)lu#e the follo$in"@

0000 6+ %o re"ulate the entr' to/ e0it fro-/ an# -o1e-ent $ithin the port/ of persons an# 1ehi)les/ as $ell as -o1e-ent $ithin the port of $ater)raft.

;astl'/ as a -e-6er of the International .arine Or"ani?ation an# a si"nator' to the International Con1ention for the Pre1ention of Pollution froShips/ as a-en#e# 6' .ARPO; D38DE/[:E] the Philippines/ throu"h the PPA/ -ust ensure the pro1ision of a#eBuate re)eption fa)ilities at ports an# ter-inals for the re)eption of se$a"e fro- the ships #o)3in" in Philippine ports. %hus/ the PPA is tas3e# to a#opt su)h -easures as are ne)essar' to pre1ent the #is)har"e an# #u-pin" of soli# an# liBui# $astes an# other ship2"enerate# $astes into the .anila &a' $aters fro- 1essels #o)3e# at ports an# apprehen# the 1iolators. >hen the 1essels are not #o)3e# at ports 6ut $ithin Philippine territorial $aters/ it is the PCG an# PNP .ariti-e Group that ha1e Huris#i)tion o1er sai# 1essels. (!+ %he ..DA/ as earlier in#i)ate#/ is #ut'26oun# to put up an# -aintain a#eBuate sanitar' lan#fill an# soli# $aste an# liBui# #isposal s'ste- as $ell as other alternati1e "ar6a"e #isposal s'ste-s. It is pri-aril' responsi6le for the i-ple-entation an# enfor)e-ent of the pro1isions of RA ! 3/ $hi)h $oul# ne)essar' in)lu#e its penal pro1isions/ $ithin its area of Huris#i)tion.[:!] A-on" the prohi6ite# a)ts un#er Se). =E/ Chapter VI of RA ! 3 that are freBuentl' 1iolate# are #u-pin" of $aste -atters in pu6li) pla)es/ su)h as roa#s/ )anals or esteros/ open 6urnin" of soli# $aste/ sBuattin" in open #u-ps an# lan#fills/ open #u-pin"/ 6ur'in" of 6io#e"ra#a6le or non2 6io#e"ra#a6le -aterials in floo#2prone areas/ esta6lish-ent or operation of open #u-ps as enHoine# in RA ! 3/ an# operation of $aste -ana"e-ent fa)ilities $ithout an en1iron-ental )o-plian)e )ertifi)ate. In#er Se). :E of the Ir6an De1elop-ent an# Gousin" A)t of 1!!: (RA D:D!+/ e1i)tion or #e-olition -a' 6e allo$e# 7$hen persons or entities o))up' #an"er areas su)h as esteros/ railroa# tra)3s/ "ar6a"e #u-ps/ ri1er6an3s/ shorelines/ $ater$a's/ an# other pu6li) pla)es su)h as si#e$al3s/ roa#s/ par3s an# pla'"roun#s.9 %he ..DA/ as lea# a"en)'/ in )oor#ination $ith the DP>G/

;GIs/ an# )on)erne# a"en)ies/ )an #is-antle an# re-o1e all stru)tures/ )onstru)tions/ an# other en)roa)h-ents 6uilt in 6rea)h of RA D:D! an# other pertinent la$s alon" the ri1ers/ $ater$a's/ an# esteros in .etro .anila. >ith respe)t to ri1ers/ $ater$a's/ an# esteros in &ula)an/ &ataan/ Pa-pan"a/ Ca1ite/ an# ;a"una that #is)har"e $aste$ater #ire)tl' or e1entuall' into the .anila &a'/ the DI;G shall #ire)t the )on)erne# ;GIs to i-ple-ent the #e-olition an# re-o1al of su)h stru)tures/ )onstru)tions/ an# other en)roa)h-ents 6uilt in 1iolation of RA D:D! an# other appli)a6le la$s in )oor#ination $ith the DP>G an# )on)erne# a"en)ies. (1 + %he Depart-ent of Gealth (DOG+/ un#er Arti)le DC of PD 1 CD (the >ater Co#e+/ is tas3e# to pro-ul"ate rules an# re"ulations for the esta6lish-ent of $aste #isposal areas that affe)t the sour)e of a $ater suppl' or a reser1oir for #o-esti) or -uni)ipal use. An# un#er Se). E of RA !:D*/ the DOG/ in )oor#ination $ith the DENR/ DP>G/ an# other )on)erne# a"en)ies/ shall for-ulate "ui#elines an# stan#ar#s for the )olle)tion/ treat-ent/ an# #isposal of se$a"e an# the esta6lish-ent an# operation of a )entrali?e# se$a"e treat-ent s'ste-. In areas not )onsi#ere# as hi"hl' ur6ani?e# )ities/ septa"e or a -i0 se$era"e2septa"e -ana"e-ent s'ste- shall 6e e-plo'e#. In a))or#an)e $ith Se). D:[3 ] of PD E*C/ the Co#e of Sanitation of the Philippines/ an# Se). *.1.1[31] of Chapter NVII of its i-ple-entin" rules/ the DOG is also or#ere# to ensure the re"ulation an# -onitorin" of the proper #isposal of $astes 6' pri1ate slu#"e )o-panies throu"h the stri)t enfor)e-ent of the reBuire-ent to o6tain an en1iron-ental sanitation )learan)e of slu#"e )olle)tion treat-ent an# #isposal 6efore these )o-panies are issue# their en1iron-ental sanitation per-it. (11+ %he Depart-ent of E#u)ation (DepE#+/ un#er the Philippine En1iron-ent Co#e (PD 11*:+/ is -an#ate# to inte"rate su6He)ts on en1iron-ental e#u)ation in its s)hool )urri)ula at all le1els. [3:] In#er Se). 11E of RA E** / the DepE#/ in )olla6oration $ith the DA/ Co--ission on Gi"her E#u)ation/ an# Philippine Infor-ation A"en)'/ shall laun)h an# pursue a nation$i#e e#u)ational )a-pai"n to pro-ote the #e1elop-ent/ -ana"e-ent/ )onser1ation/ an# proper use of the en1iron-ent. In#er the E)olo"i)al Soli# >aste .ana"e-ent A)t (RA ! 3+/ on the other han#/ it is #ire)te# to stren"then the inte"ration of

en1iron-ental )on)erns in s)hool )urri)ula at all le1els/ $ith an e-phasis on $aste -ana"e-ent prin)iples.[33] (1:+ %he Depart-ent of &u#"et an# .ana"e-ent (D&.+ is tas3e# un#er Se). :/ %itle NVII of the A#-inistrati1e Co#e of 1!ED to ensure the effi)ient an# soun# utili?ation of "o1ern-ent fun#s an# re1enues so as to effe)ti1el' a)hie1e the )ountr',s #e1elop-ent o6He)ti1es.[3=] One of the )ountr',s #e1elop-ent o6He)ti1es is enshrine# in RA !:D* or the Philippine Clean >ater A)t of : =. %his la$ stresses that the State shall pursue a poli)' of e)ono-i) "ro$th in a -anner )onsistent $ith the prote)tion/ preser1ation/ an# re1i1al of the Bualit' of our fresh/ 6ra)3ish/ an# -arine $aters. It also pro1i#es that it is the poli)' of the "o1ern-ent/ a-on" others/ to strea-line pro)esses an# pro)e#ures in the pre1ention/ )ontrol/ an# a6ate-ent of pollution -e)hanis-s for the prote)tion of $ater resour)esL to pro-ote en1iron-ental strate"ies an# use of appropriate e)ono-i) instru-ents an# of )ontrol -e)hanis-s for the prote)tion of $ater resour)esL to for-ulate a holisti) national pro"ra- of $ater Bualit' -ana"e-ent that re)o"ni?es that issues relate# to this -ana"e-ent )annot 6e separate# fro- )on)erns a6out $ater sour)es an# e)olo"i)al prote)tion/ $ater suppl'/ pu6li) health/ an# Bualit' of lifeL an# to pro1i#e a )o-prehensi1e -ana"e-ent pro"ra- for $ater pollution fo)usin" on pollution pre1ention. %hus/ the D&. shall then en#ea1or to pro1i#e an a#eBuate 6u#"et to attain the no6le o6He)ti1es of RA !:D* in line $ith the )ountr',s #e1elop-ent o6He)ti1es. All tol#/ the afore-entione# ena6lin" la$s an# issuan)es are in the-sel1es )lear/ )ate"ori)al/ an# )o-plete as to $hat are the o6li"ations an# -an#ate of ea)h a"en)'8petitioner un#er the la$. >e nee# not 6ela6or the issue that their tas3s in)lu#e the )leanup of the .anila &a'. No$/ as to the )ru0 of the petition. Do Se)s. 1D an# : of the En1iron-ent Co#e en)o-pass the )leanup of $ater pollution in "eneral/ not Hust spe)ifi) pollution in)i#entsO S#c". 17 and 26 o: $h# En4iron%#n$ +od#

/nc'!d# +'#aning in G#n#ra' %he #ispute# se)tions are Buote# as follo$s@

Se)tion 1D. +pgra ing of ,ater Qualit(.KK>here the Bualit' of $ater has #eteriorate# to a #e"ree $here its state $ill a#1ersel' affe)t its 6est usa"e/ the "o1ern-ent a"en)ies )on)erne# shall ta3e su)h -easures as -a' 6e ne)essar' to up"ra#e the Bualit' of su)h $ater to -eet the pres)ri6e# $ater Bualit' stan#ar#s. Se)tion : . Clean-up $perations.KKIt shall 6e the responsi6ilit' of the polluter to )ontain/ re-o1e an# )lean2up $ater pollution in)i#ents at his o$n e0pense. In )ase of his failure to #o so/ the "o1ern-ent a"en)ies )on)erne# shall un#erta3e )ontain-ent/ re-o1al an# )lean2up operations an# e0penses in)urre# in sai# operations shall 6e )har"e# a"ainst the persons an#8or entities responsi6le for su)h pollution.

>hen the Clean >ater A)t (RA !:D*+ too3 effe)t/ its Se). 1C on the su6He)t/ Cleanup $perations/ a-en#e# the )ounterpart pro1ision (Se). : + of the En1iron-ent Co#e (PD 11*:+. Se). 1D of PD 11*: )ontinues/ ho$e1er/ to 6e operational.

%he a-en#ator' Se). 1C of RA !:D* rea#s@

SEC. 1C. Cleanup $perations.KKNot$ithstan#in" the pro1isions of Se)tions 1* an# :C hereof/ an' person $ho )auses pollution in or pollutes $ater 6o#ies in e0)ess of the appli)a6le an# pre1ailin" stan#ar#s shall 6e responsi6le to )ontain/ re-o1e an# )lean up an' pollution in)i#ent at his o$n e0pense to the e0tent that the sa-e $ater 6o#ies ha1e 6een ren#ere# unfit for utili?ation an# 6enefi)ial use@ Pro1i#e#/ %hat in the e1ent e-er"en)' )leanup operations are ne)essar' an# the polluter fails to i--e#iatel' un#erta3e the sa-e/ the [DENR] in )oor#ination $ith other "o1ern-ent a"en)ies )on)erne#/ shall un#erta3e )ontain-ent/ re-o1al an# )leanup operations. E0penses in)urre# in sai# operations shall 6e rei-6urse# 6' the persons foun# to ha1e )ause# su)h pollution un#er proper a#-inistrati1e #eter-ination 0 0 0. Rei-6urse-ents of the )ost in)urre# shall 6e -a#e to the >ater Fualit' .ana"e-ent 4un# or to su)h other fun#s $here sai# #is6urse-ents $ere sour)e#.

As -a' 6e note#/ the a-en#-ent to Se). : of the En1iron-ent Co#e is -ore apparent than real sin)e the a-en#-ent/ insofar as it is rele1ant to this )ase/

-erel' )onsists in the #esi"nation of the DENR as lea# a"en)' in the )leanup operations. Petitioners )onten# at e1er' turn that Se)s. 1D an# : of the En1iron-ent Co#e )on)ern the-sel1es onl' $ith the -atter of )leanin" up in spe)ifi) pollution in)i#ents/ as oppose# to )leanup in "eneral. %he' a1er that the t$in pro1isions $oul# ha1e to 6e rea# alon"si#e the su))ee#in" Se). C:("+ an# (h+/ $hi)h #efines the ter-s 7)leanup operations9 an# 7a))i#ental spills/9 as follo$s@
". Clean2up Operations [refer] to a)ti1ities )on#u)te# in re-o1in" the #is)har"e# or spille# in $ater to restore it to pre2spill)on#ition. h. pollutants

A))i#ental Spills [refer] to spills of oil or other ha?ar#ous su6stan)es in $ater that result fro- a))i#ents su)h as )ollisions an# "roun#in"s.

Petitioners proffer the ar"u-ent that Se)s. 1D an# : of PD 11*: -erel' #ire)t the "o1ern-ent a"en)ies )on)erne# to un#erta3e )ontain-ent/ re-o1al/ an# )leanin" operations of a spe)ifi) pollute# portion or portions of the 6o#' of $ater )on)erne#. %he' -aintain that the appli)ation of sai# Se). : is li-ite# onl' to 7$ater pollution in)i#ents/9 $hi)h are situations that presuppose the o))urren)e of spe)ifi)/ isolate# pollution e1ents reBuirin" the )orrespon#in" )ontain-ent/ re-o1al/ an# )leanin" operations. Pushin" the point further/ the' ar"ue that the aforeBuote# Se). C:("+ reBuires 7)leanup operations9 to restore the 6o#' of $ater to pre2spill )on#ition/ $hi)h -eans that there -ust ha1e 6een a spe)ifi) in)i#ent of either intentional or a))i#ental spilla"e of oil or other ha?ar#ous su6stan)es/ as -entione# in Se). C:(h+. As a )ounterpoint/ respon#ents ar"ue that petitioners erroneousl' rea# Se). C:("+ as #eli-itin" the appli)ation of Se). : to the )ontain-ent/ re-o1al/ an# )leanup operations for a))i#ental spills onl'. Contrar' to petitioners, posture/ respon#ents assert that Se). C:("+/ in fa)t/ e1en e0pan#e# the )o1era"e of Se). : . Respon#ents e0plain that $ithout its Se). C:("+/ PD 11*: -a' ha1e in#ee# )o1ere# onl' pollution a))u-ulatin" fro- the #a'2to2#a' operations of 6usinesses aroun# the .anila &a' an# other sour)es of pollution that slo$l' a))u-ulate# in the 6a'. Respon#ents/ ho$e1er/ e-phasi?e that Se). C:("+/ far fro- 6ein" a #eli-itin" pro1ision/ in fa)t e1en enlar"e# the operational s)ope of Se). : / 6'

in)lu#in" a))i#ental spills as a-on" the $ater pollution in)i#ents )onte-plate# in Se). 1D in relation to Se). : of PD 11*:. %o respon#ents/ petitioners, paro)hial 1ie$ on en1iron-ental issues/ )ouple# $ith their narro$ rea#in" of their respe)ti1e -an#ate# roles/ has )ontri6ute# to the $orsenin" $ater Bualit' of the .anila &a'. Assu-in"/ respon#ents assert/ that petitioners are )orre)t in sa'in" that the )leanup )o1era"e of Se). : of PD 11*: is )onstri)te# 6' the #efinition of the phrase 7)leanup operations9 e-6o#ie# in Se). C:("+/ Se). 1D is not ho66le# 6' su)h li-itin" #efinition. As pointe# out/ the phrases 7)leanup operations9 an# 7a))i#ental spills9 #o not appear in sai# Se). 1D/ not e1en in the )hapter $here sai# se)tion is foun#. Respon#ents are )orre)t. 4or one thin"/ sai# Se). 1D #oes not in an' $a' state that the "o1ern-ent a"en)ies )on)erne# ou"ht to )onfine the-sel1es to the )ontain-ent/ re-o1al/ an# )leanin" operations $hen a spe)ifi) pollution in)i#ent o))urs. On the )ontrar'/ Se). 1D reBuires the- to a)t e1en in the a6sen)e of a spe)ifi) pollution in)i#ent/ as lon" as $ater Bualit' 7has #eteriorate# to a #e"ree $here its state $ill a#1ersel' affe)t its 6est usa"e.9 %his se)tion/ to stress/ )o--an#s )on)erne# "o1ern-ent a"en)ies/ $hen appropriate/ 7to ta3e su)h -easures as -a' 6e ne)essar' to -eet the pres)ri6e# $ater Bualit' stan#ar#s.9 In fine/ the un#erl'in" #ut' to up"ra#e the Bualit' of $ater is not )on#itional on the o))urren)e of an' pollution in)i#ent. 4or another/ a perusal of Se). : of the En1iron-ent Co#e/ as )ou)he#/ in#i)ates that it is properl' appli)a6le to a spe)ifi) situation in $hi)h the pollution is )ause# 6' polluters $ho fail to )lean up the -ess the' left 6ehin#. In su)h instan)e/ the )on)erne# "o1ern-ent a"en)ies shall un#erta3e the )leanup $or3 for the polluters, a))ount. Petitioners, assertion/ that the' ha1e to perfor- )leanup operations in the .anila &a' on'& $hen there is a $ater pollution in)i#ent an# the errin" polluters #o not un#erta3e the )ontain-ent/ re-o1al/ an# )leanup operations/ is Buite off -ar3. As earlier #is)usse#/ the )o-ple-entar' Se). 1D of the En1iron-ent Co#e )o-es into pla' an# the spe)ifi) #uties of the a"en)ies to )lean up )o-e in e1en if there are no pollution in)i#ents starin" at the-. Petitioners/ thus/ )annot plausi6l' in1o3e an# hi#e 6ehin# Se). : of PD 11*: or Se). 1C of RA !:D* on the prete0t that their )leanup -an#ate #epen#s on the happenin" of a spe)ifi) pollution in)i#ent. In this re"ar#/ $hat the CA sai#

$ith respe)t to the i-passe o1er Se)s. 1D an# : of PD 11*: is at on)e 1ali# as it is pra)ti)al. %he appellate )ourt $rote@ 7PD 11*: ai-s to intro#u)e a )o-prehensi1e pro"ra- of en1iron-ental prote)tion an# -ana"e-ent. %his is 6etter ser1e# 6' -a3in" Se)s. 1D R : of "eneral appli)ation rather than li-itin" the- to spe)ifi) pollution in)i#ents.9[3*] Grantin" arguen o that petitioners, position thus #es)ri6e# 1is2S21is the i-ple-entation of Se). : is )orre)t/ the' see- to ha1e o1erloo3e# the fa)t that the pollution of the .anila &a' is of su)h -a"nitu#e an# s)ope that it is $ell2ni"h i-possi6le to #ra$ the line 6et$een a spe)ifi) an# a "eneral pollution in)i#ent. An# su)h i-possi6ilit' e0ten#s to pinpointin" $ith reasona6le )ertaint' $ho the polluters are. >e note that Se). : of PD 11*: -entions 7$ater pollution in)i#ents9 $hi)h -a' 6e )ause# 6' polluters in the $aters of the .anila &a' itself or 6' polluters in a#Hoinin" lan#s an# in $ater 6o#ies or $ater$a's that e-pt' into the 6a'. Se). 1C of RA !:D*/ on the other han#/ spe)ifi)all' a#1erts to 7an' person $ho )auses pollution in or pollutes $ater 6o#ies/9 $hi)h -a' refer to an in#i1i#ual or an esta6lish-ent that pollutes the lan# -ass near the .anila &a' or the $ater$a's/ su)h that the )onta-inants e1entuall' en# up in the 6a'. In this situation/ the $ater pollution in)i#ents are so nu-erous an# in1ol1e na-eless an# fa)eless polluters that the' )an 1ali#l' 6e )ate"ori?e# as 6e'on# the spe)ifi) pollution in)i#ent le1el. Not to 6e i"nore# of )ourse is the realit' that the "o1ern-ent a"en)ies )on)erne# are so un#er-anne# that it $oul# 6e al-ost i-possi6le to apprehen# the nu-erous polluters of the .anila &a'. It -a' perhaps not 6e a-iss to sa' that the apprehension/ if an'/ of the .anila &a' polluters has 6een fe$ an# far 6et$een. Gen)e/ pra)ti)all' no6o#' has 6een reBuire# to )ontain/ re-o1e/ or )lean up a "i1en $ater pollution in)i#ent. In this 3in# of settin"/ it 6ehoo1es the Go1ern-ent to step in an# un#erta3e )leanup operations. %hus/ Se). 1C of RA !:D*/ pre1iousl' Se). : of PD 11*:/ )o1ers for all intents an# purposes a "eneral )leanup situation. %he )leanup an#8or restoration of the .anila &a' is onl' an aspe)t an# the initial sta"e of the lon"2ter- solution. %he preser1ation of the $ater Bualit' of the 6a' after the reha6ilitation pro)ess is as i-portant as the )leanin" phase. It is i-perati1e then that the $astes an# )onta-inants foun# in the ri1ers/ inlan# 6a's/ an# other 6o#ies of $ater 6e stoppe# fro- rea)hin" the .anila &a'. Other$ise/

an' )leanup effort $oul# Hust 6e a futile/ )os-eti) e0er)ise/ for/ in no ti-e at all/ the .anila &a' $ater Bualit' $oul# a"ain #eteriorate 6elo$ the i#eal -ini-ustan#ar#s set 6' PD 11*:/ RA !:D*/ an# other rele1ant la$s. It thus 6ehoo1es the Court to put the hea#s of the petitioner2#epart-ent2a"en)ies an# the 6ureaus an# offi)es un#er the- on )ontinuin" noti)e a6out/ an# to enHoin the- to perfor-/ their -an#ates an# #uties to$ar#s )leanin" up the .anila &a' an# preser1in" the Bualit' of its $ater to the i#eal le1el. In#er $hat other Hu#i)ial #is)ipline #es)ri6es as 7)ontinuin" -an#a-us/9[3C] the Court -a'/ un#er e0traor#inar' )ir)u-stan)es/ issue #ire)ti1es $ith the en# in 1ie$ of ensurin" that its #e)ision $oul# not 6e set to nau"ht 6' a#-inistrati1e ina)tion or in#ifferen)e. InIn#ia/ the #o)trine of )ontinuin" -an#a-us $as use# to enfor)e #ire)ti1es of the )ourt to )lean up the len"th of the Gan"es Ri1er fro- in#ustrial an# -uni)ipal pollution.[3D] %he Court )an ta3e Hu#i)ial noti)e of the presen)e of shanties an# other unauthori?e# stru)tures $hi)h #o not ha1e septi) tan3s alon" the Pasi"2.ari3ina2 San <uan Ri1ers/ the National Capital Re"ion (NCR+ (ParaTaBue2Qapote/ ;as PiTas+ Ri1ers/ the Na1otas2.ala6on2%ullahan2%eneHeros Ri1ers/ the .e')ua'an2 .arilao2O6an#o (&ula)an+ Ri1ers/ the %alisa' (&ataan+ Ri1er/ the I-us (Ca1ite+ Ri1er/ the ;a"una De &a'/ an# other -inor ri1ers an# )onne)tin" $ater$a's/ ri1er 6an3s/ an# esteros $hi)h #is)har"e their $aters/ $ith all the a))o-pan'in" filth/ #irt/ an# "ar6a"e/ into the -aHor ri1ers an# e1entuall' the .anila &a'. If there is one fa)tor responsi6le for the pollution of the -aHor ri1er s'ste-s an# the .anila &a'/ these unauthori?e# stru)tures $oul# 6e on top of the list. An# if the issue of ille"al or unauthori?e# stru)tures is not seriousl' a##resse# $ith sustaine# resol1e/ then pra)ti)all' all efforts to )leanse these i-portant 6o#ies of $ater $oul# 6e for nau"ht. %he DENR Se)retar' sai# as -u)h.[3E] Gi1in" ur"ent #i-ension to the ne)essit' of re-o1in" these ille"al stru)tures is Art. *1 of PD 1 CD or the >ater Co#e/ [3!] $hi)h prohi6its the 6uil#in" of stru)tures $ithin a "i1en len"th alon" 6an3s of ri1ers an# other $ater$a's. Art. *1 rea#s@
,h# anH" o: ri4#r" and "$r#a%" and $h# "hor#" o: $h# "#a" an# la3es $hro!gho!$ $h#ir #n$ir# '#ng$h and ;i$hin a @on# o: $hr## C9D %#$#r" in !r an ar#a"/ t$ent' (: + -eters in a"ri)ultural areas an# fort' (= + -eters in forest areas/ alon" their -ar"ins/ are "! 8#c$ $o $h#

#a"#%#n$ o: 3! 'ic !"# in $h# in$#r#"$ o: r#cr#a$ion, na4iga$ion, :'oa$ag#, :i"hing and "a'4ag#. No 3#r"on "ha'' # a''o;#d $o "$a& in $hi" @on# lon"er than $hat is ne)essar' for re)reation/ na1i"ation/ floata"e/ fishin" or sal1a"e or $o !i'd "$r!c$!r#" o: an& Hind. (E-phasis a##e#.+

<u#i)ial noti)e -a' li3e$ise 6e ta3en of fa)tories an# other in#ustrial esta6lish-ents stan#in" alon" or near the 6an3s of thePasi" Ri1er/ other -aHor ri1ers/ an# )onne)tin" $ater$a's. &ut $hile the' -a' not 6e treate# as unauthori?e# )onstru)tions/ so-e of these esta6lish-ents un#ou6te#l' )ontri6ute to the pollution of the Pasi" Ri1er an# $ater$a's. %he DI;G an# the )on)erne# ;GIs/ ha1e/ a))or#in"l'/ the #ut' to see to it that non2)o-pl'in" in#ustrial esta6lish-ents set up/ $ithin a reasona6le perio#/ the ne)essar' $aste $ater treat-ent fa)ilities an# infrastru)ture to pre1ent their in#ustrial #is)har"e/ in)lu#in" their se$a"e $aters/ fro- flo$in" into the Pasi" Ri1er/ other -aHor ri1ers/ an# )onne)tin" $ater$a's. After su)h perio#/ non2)o-pl'in" esta6lish-ents shall 6e shut #o$n or as3e# to transfer their operations. At this Hun)ture/ an# if onl' to #ra-ati?e the ur"en)' of the nee# for petitioners2a"en)ies to )o-pl' $ith their statutor' tas3s/ $e )ite the Asian De1elop-ent &an32)o--issione# stu#' on the "ar6a"e pro6le- in .etro .anila/ the results of $hi)h are e-6o#ie# in the 0he 1arbage Boo2. As there reporte#/ the "ar6a"e )risis in the -etropolitan area is as alar-in" as it is sho)3in". So-e hi"hli"hts of the report@
1. As earl' as : 3/ three lan#2fille# #u-psites in .etro .anila 2 the Pa'atas/ Cat-on an# Ro#riBue? #u-psites 2 "enerate an alar-in" Buantit' of lea# an# lea)hate or liBui# run2off. ;ea)hate are to0i) liBui#s that flo$ alon" the surfa)e an# seep into the earth an# poison the surfa)e an# "roun#$ater that are use# for #rin3in"/ aBuati) life/ an# the en1iron-ent. :. %he hi"h le1el of fe)al )olifor- )onfir-s the presen)e of a lar"e a-ount of hu-an $aste in the #u-p sites an# surroun#in" areas/ $hi)h is presu-a6l' "enerate# 6' househol#s that la)3 alternati1es to sanitation. %o sa' that .anila &a' nee#s reha6ilitation is an un#erstate-ent.

3. .ost of the #ea#l' lea)hate/ lea# an# other #an"erous )onta-inants an# possi6l' strains of patho"ens seeps untreate# into "roun# $ater an# runs into the .ari3ina an# Pasi" Ri1er s'ste-s an# .anila &a'.[= ]

Gi1en the a6o1e perspe)ti1e/ suffi)ient sanitar' lan#fills shoul# no$ -ore than e1er 6e esta6lishe# as pres)ri6e# 6' the E)olo"i)al Soli# >aste .ana"e-ent A)t (RA ! 3+. Parti)ular note shoul# 6e ta3en of the 6latant 1iolations 6' so-e ;GIs an# possi6l' the ..DA of Se). 3D/ repro#u)e# 6elo$@ Se). 3D. Prohibition against the +se of $pen "umps for 'oli ,aste.KKNo open #u-ps shall 6e esta6lishe# an# operate#/ nor an' pra)ti)e or #isposal of soli# $aste 6' an' person/ in)lu#in" ;GIs $hi)h [)onstitute] the use of open #u-ps for soli# $aste/ 6e allo$e# after the effe)ti1it' of this A)t@ Pro1i#e#/ further that no con$ro''#d d!%3" "ha'' # a''o;#d C5D &#ar" :o''o;ing $h# #::#c$i4i$& o: $hi" Ac$ . (E-phasis a##e#.+ RA ! 3 too3 effe)t on 4e6ruar' 1*/ : 1 an# the a#1erte# "ra)e perio# of fi1e (*+ 'ears $hi)h en#e# on 4e6ruar' :1/ : Chas )o-e an# "one/ 6ut no sin"le sanitar' lan#fill $hi)h stri)tl' )o-plies $ith the pres)ri6e# stan#ar#s un#er RA ! 3 has 'et 6een set up. In a##ition/ there are ra-pant an# repeate# 1iolations of Se). =E of RA ! 3/ li3e litterin"/ #u-pin" of $aste -atters in roa#s/ )anals/ esteros/ an# other pu6li) pla)es/ operation of open #u-ps/ open 6urnin" of soli# $aste/ an# the li3e. So-e slu#"e )o-panies $hi)h #o not ha1e proper #isposal fa)ilities si-pl' #is)har"e slu#"e into the .etro .anila se$era"e s'ste- that en#s up in the .anila&a'. EBuall' una6ate# are 1iolations of Se). :D of RA !:D*/ $hi)h enHoins the pollution of $ater 6o#ies/ "roun#$ater pollution/ #isposal of infe)tious $astes fro- 1essels/ an# unauthori?e# transport or #u-pin" into sea $aters of se$a"e or soli# $aste an# of Se)s. = an# 1 : of RA E** $hi)h pros)ri6es the intro#u)tion 6' hu-an or -a)hine of su6stan)es to the aBuati) en1iron-ent in)lu#in" 7#u-pin"8#isposal of $aste an# other -arine litters/ #is)har"e of petroleu- or resi#ual pro#u)ts of petroleu- of )ar6ona)eous -aterials8su6stan)es

[an# other] ra#ioa)ti1e/ no0ious or har-ful liBui#/ "aseous or soli# su6stan)es/ fro- an' $ater/ lan# or air transport or other hu-an2-a#e stru)ture.9 In the li"ht of the on"oin" en1iron-ental #e"ra#ation/ the Court $ishes to e-phasi?e the e0tre-e ne)essit' for all )on)erne# e0e)uti1e #epart-ents an# a"en)ies to i--e#iatel' a)t an# #is)har"e their respe)ti1e offi)ial #uties an# o6li"ations. In#ee#/ ti-e is of the essen)eL hen)e/ there is a nee# to set ti-eta6les for the perfor-an)e an# )o-pletion of the tas3s/ so-e of the- as #efine# for the6' la$ an# the nature of their respe)ti1e offi)es an# -an#ates. %he i-portan)e of the .anila &a' as a sea resour)e/ pla'"roun#/ an# as a histori)al lan#-ar3 )annot 6e o1er2e-phasi?e#. It is not 'et too late in the #a' to restore the .anila &a' to its for-er splen#or an# 6rin" 6a)3 the plants an# sea life that on)e thri1e# in its 6lue $aters. &ut the tas3s ahea#/ #auntin" as the' -a' 6e/ )oul# onl' 6e a))o-plishe# if those -an#ate#/ $ith the help an# )ooperation of all )i1i)2-in#e# in#i1i#uals/ $oul# put their -in#s to these tas3s an# ta3e responsi6ilit'. %his -eans that the State/ throu"h petitioners/ has to ta3e the lea# in the preser1ation an# prote)tion of the .anila &a'. %he era of #ela's/ pro)rastination/ an# a hoc -easures is o1er. Petitioners -ust trans)en# their li-itations/ real or i-a"inar'/ an# 6u)3le #o$n to $or3 6efore the pro6le- at han# 6e)o-es un-ana"ea6le. %hus/ $e -ust reiterate that #ifferent "o1ern-ent a"en)ies an# instru-entalities )annot shir3 fro- their -an#atesL the' -ust perfor- their 6asi) fun)tions in )leanin" up an# reha6ilitatin" the .anila &a'. >e are #istur6e# 6' petitioners, hi#in" 6ehin# t$o untena6le )lai-s@ (1+ that there ou"ht to 6e a spe)ifi) pollution in)i#ent 6efore the' are reBuire# to a)tL an# (:+ that the )leanup of the 6a' is a #is)retionar' #ut'. RA ! 3 is a s$eepin" pie)e of le"islation ena)te# to ra#i)all' transforan# i-pro1e $aste -ana"e-ent. It i-ple-ents Se). 1C/ Art. II of the 1!ED Constitution/ $hi)h e0pli)itl' pro1i#es that the State shall prote)t an# a#1an)e the ri"ht of the people to a 6alan)e# an# healthful e)olo"' in a))or# $ith the rh'than# har-on' of nature. So it $as that in $posa v. !actoran, Jr. the Court state# that the ri"ht to a 6alan)e# an# healthful e)olo"' nee# not e1en 6e $ritten in the Constitution for it is

assu-e#/ li3e other )i1il an# politi)al ri"hts "uarantee# in the &ill of Ri"hts/ to e0ist fro- the in)eption of -an3in# an# it is an issue of trans)en#ental i-portan)e $ith inter"enerational i-pli)ations.[=1] E1en assu-in" the a6sen)e of a )ate"ori)al le"al pro1ision spe)ifi)all' pro##in" petitioners to )lean up the 6a'/ the' an# the -en an# $o-en representin" the- )annot es)ape their o6li"ation to future "enerations of 4ilipinos to 3eep the $aters of the .anila &a' )lean an# )lear as hu-anl' as possi6le. An'thin" less $oul# 6e a 6etra'al of the trust repose# in the-. (2ERE-ORE/ the petition is DEN/ED. %he Septe-6er :E/ : * De)ision of the CA in CA2G.R. CV No. DC*:E an# SP No. D=!== an# the Septe-6er 13/ : : De)ision of the R%C in Ci1il Case No. 1E*12!! are A--/RMED 6ut $ithMOD/-/+A,/ONS in 1ie$ of su6seBuent #e1elop-ents or super1enin" e1ents in the )ase. %he fallo of the R%C De)ision shall no$ rea#@
>GERE4ORE/ Hu#"-ent is here6' ren#ere# or#erin" the a6o1ena-e# #efen#ant2"o1ern-ent a"en)ies to )lean up/ reha6ilitate/ an# preser1e.anila &a'/ an# restore an# -aintain its $aters to S& le1el (Class & sea $aters per >ater Classifi)ation %a6les un#er DENR A#-inistrati1e Or#er No. 3= [1!! ]+ to -a3e the- fit for s$i--in"/ s3in2#i1in"/ an# other for-s of )onta)t re)reation.

In parti)ular@ (1+ Pursuant to Se). = of EO 1!:/ assi"nin" the DENR as the pri-ar' a"en)' responsi6le for the )onser1ation/ -ana"e-ent/ #e1elop-ent/ an# proper use of the )ountr',s en1iron-ent an# natural resour)es/ an# Se). 1! of RA !:D*/ #esi"natin" the DENR as the pri-ar' "o1ern-ent a"en)' responsi6le for its enfor)e-ent an# i-ple-entation/ the DENR is #ire)te# to full' i-ple-ent its$perational Plan for the /anila Ba( Coastal 'trateg( for the reha6ilitation/ restoration/ an# )onser1ation of the .anila &a' at the earliest possi6le ti-e. It is or#ere# to )all re"ular )oor#ination -eetin"s $ith )on)erne# "o1ern-ent #epart-ents an# a"en)ies to ensure the su))essful i-ple-entation of the aforesai# plan of a)tion in a))or#an)e $ith its in#i)ate# )o-pletion s)he#ules.

(:+ Pursuant to %itle NII (;o)al Go1ern-ent+ of the A#-inistrati1e Co#e of 1!ED an# Se). :* of the ;o)al Go1ern-ent Co#e of 1!!1/ [=:] the DI;G/ in e0er)isin" the Presi#ent,s po$er of "eneral super1ision an# its #ut' to pro-ul"ate "ui#elines in esta6lishin" $aste -ana"e-ent pro"ra-s un#er Se). =3 of the Philippine En1iron-ent Co#e (PD 11*:+/ shall #ire)t all ;GIs in .etro .anila/ Ri?al/ ;a"una/ Ca1ite/ &ula)an/ Pa-pan"a/ an# &ataan to inspe)t all fa)tories/ )o--er)ial esta6lish-ents/ an# pri1ate ho-es alon" the 6an3s of the -aHor ri1er s'ste-s in their respe)ti1e areas of Huris#i)tion/ su)h as 6ut not li-ite# to the Pasi"2.ari3ina2San <uan Ri1ers/ the NCR (ParaTaBue2Qapote/ ;as PiTas+ Ri1ers/ the Na1otas2.ala6on2%ullahan2%eneHeros Ri1ers/ the .e')aua'an2.arilao2 O6an#o (&ula)an+ Ri1ers/ the %alisa' (&ataan+ Ri1er/ the I-us (Ca1ite+ Ri1er/ the ;a"una De &a'/ an# other -inor ri1ers an# $ater$a's that e1entuall' #is)har"e $ater into the .anila &a'L an# the lan#s a6uttin" the 6a'/ to #eter-ine $hether the' ha1e $aste$ater treat-ent fa)ilities or h'"ieni) septi) tan3s as pres)ri6e# 6' e0istin" la$s/ or#inan)es/ an# rules an# re"ulations. If none 6e foun#/ these ;GIs shall 6e or#ere# to reBuire non2)o-pl'in" esta6lish-ents an# ho-es to set up sai# fa)ilities or septi) tan3s $ithin a reasona6le ti-e to pre1ent in#ustrial $astes/ se$a"e $ater/ an# hu-an $astes fro- flo$in" into these ri1ers/ $ater$a's/ esteros/ an# the .anila &a'/ un#er pain of )losure or i-position of fines an# other san)tions. (3+ As -an#ate# 6' Se). E of RA !:D*/ [=3] the .>SS is #ire)te# to pro1i#e/ install/ operate/ an# -aintain the ne)essar' a#eBuate $aste $ater treat-ent fa)ilities in .etro .anila/ Ri?al/ an# Ca1ite $here nee#e# at the earliest possi6le ti-e. (=+ Pursuant to RA !:D*/[==] the ;>IA/ throu"h the lo)al $ater #istri)ts an# in )oor#ination $ith the DENR/ is or#ere# to pro1i#e/ install/ operate/ an# -aintain se$era"e an# sanitation fa)ilities an# the effi)ient an# safe )olle)tion/ treat-ent/ an# #isposal of se$a"e in the pro1in)es of ;a"una/ Ca1ite/ &ula)an/ Pa-pan"a/ an# &ataan $here nee#e# at the earliest possi6le ti-e. (*+ Pursuant to Se). C* of RA E** /[=*] the DA/ throu"h the &4AR/ is or#ere# to i-pro1e an# restore the -arine life of the.anila &a'. It is also #ire)te# to assist the ;GIs in .etro .anila/ Ri?al/ Ca1ite/ ;a"una/ &ula)an/ Pa-pan"a/ an# &ataan

in #e1elopin"/ usin" re)o"ni?e# -etho#s/ the fisheries an# aBuati) resour)es in the .anila &a'. (C+ %he PCG/ pursuant to Se)s. = an# C of PD !D!/ an# the PNP .ariti-e Group/ in a))or#an)e $ith Se). 1:= of RA E** / in )oor#ination $ith ea)h other/ shall apprehen# 1iolators of PD !D!/ RA E** / an# other e0istin" la$s an# re"ulations #esi"ne# to pre1ent -arine pollution in the .anila &a'. (D+ Pursuant to Se)s. : an# C2) of EO *13 [=C] an# the International Con1ention for the Pre1ention of Pollution fro- Ships/ the PPA is or#ere# to i--e#iatel' a#opt su)h -easures to pre1ent the #is)har"e an# #u-pin" of soli# an# liBui# $astes an# other ship2"enerate# $astes into the .anila &a' $aters fro1essels #o)3e# at ports an# apprehen# the 1iolators. (E+ %he ..DA/ as the lea# a"en)' an# i-ple-entor of pro"ra-s an# proHe)ts for floo# )ontrol proHe)ts an# #raina"e ser1i)es in .etro .anila/ in )oor#ination $ith the DP>G/ DI;G/ affe)te# ;GIs/ PNP .ariti-e Group/ Gousin" an# Ir6an De1elop-ent Coor#inatin" Coun)il (GIDCC+/ an# other a"en)ies/ shall #is-antle an# re-o1e all stru)tures/ )onstru)tions/ an# other en)roa)h-ents esta6lishe# or 6uilt in 1iolation of RA D:D!/ an# other appli)a6le la$s alon" the Pasi"2.ari3ina2San <uan Ri1ers/ the NCR (ParaTaBue2Qapote/ ;as PiTas+ Ri1ers/ the Na1otas2.ala6on2%ullahan2%eneHeros Ri1ers/ an# )onne)tin" $ater$a's an# esterosin .etro .anila. %he DP>G/ as the prin)ipal i-ple-entor of pro"ra-s an# proHe)ts for floo# )ontrol ser1i)es in the rest of the )ountr' -ore parti)ularl' in &ula)an/ &ataan/ Pa-pan"a/ Ca1ite/ an# ;a"una/ in )oor#ination $ith the DI;G/ affe)te# ;GIs/ PNP .ariti-e Group/ GIDCC/ an# other )on)erne# "o1ern-ent a"en)ies/ shall re-o1e an# #e-olish all stru)tures/ )onstru)tions/ an# other en)roa)h-ents 6uilt in 6rea)h of RA D:D! an# other appli)a6le la$s alon" the .e')aua'an2.arilao2O6an#o (&ula)an+ Ri1ers/ the %alisa' (&ataan+ Ri1er/ the I-us (Ca1ite+ Ri1er/ the ;a"una De &a'/ an# other ri1ers/ )onne)tin" $ater$a's/ an# esteros that #is)har"e $aste$ater into the .anila &a'. In a##ition/ the ..DA is or#ere# to esta6lish/ operate/ an# -aintain a sanitar' lan#fill/ as pres)ri6e# 6' RA ! 3/ $ithin a perio# of one (1+ 'ear frofinalit' of this De)ision. On -atters $ithin its territorial Huris#i)tion an# in

)onne)tion $ith the #is)har"e of its #uties on the -aintenan)e of sanitar' lan#fills an# li3e un#erta3in"s/ it is also or#ere# to )ause the apprehension an# filin" of the appropriate )ri-inal )ases a"ainst 1iolators of the respe)ti1e penal pro1isions of RA ! 3/[=D] Se). :D of RA !:D* (the Clean >ater A)t+/ an# other e0istin" la$s on pollution. (!+ %he DOG shall/ as #ire)te# 6' Art. DC of PD 1 CD an# Se). E of RA !:D*/ $ithin one (1+ 'ear fro- finalit' of this De)ision/ #eter-ine if all li)ense# septi) an# slu#"e )o-panies ha1e the proper fa)ilities for the treat-ent an# #isposal of fe)al slu#"e an# se$a"e )o-in" fro- septi) tan3s. %he DOG shall "i1e the )o-panies/ if foun# to 6e non2)o-pl'in"/ a reasona6le ti-e $ithin $hi)h to set up the ne)essar' fa)ilities un#er pain of )an)ellation of its en1iron-ental sanitation )learan)e. (1 + Pursuant to Se). *3 of PD 11*:/[=E] Se). 11E of RA E** / an# Se). *C of RA ! 3/[=!] the DepE# shall inte"rate lessons on pollution pre1ention/ $aste -ana"e-ent/ en1iron-ental prote)tion/ an# li3e su6He)ts in the s)hool )urri)ula of all le1els to in)ul)ate in the -in#s an# hearts of stu#ents an#/ throu"h the-/ their parents an# frien#s/ the i-portan)e of their #ut' to$ar# a)hie1in" an# -aintainin" a 6alan)e# an# healthful e)os'ste- in the .anila &a' an# the entire Philippine ar)hipela"o. (11+ %he D&. shall )onsi#er in)orporatin" an a#eBuate 6u#"et in the General Appropriations A)t of : 1 an# su))ee#in" 'ears to )o1er the e0penses relatin" to the )leanup/ restoration/ an# preser1ation of the $ater Bualit' of the .anila &a'/ in line $ith the )ountr',s #e1elop-ent o6He)ti1e to attain e)ono-i) "ro$th in a -anner )onsistent $ith the prote)tion/ preser1ation/ an# re1i1al of our -arine $aters. (1:+ %he hea#s of petitioners2a"en)ies ..DA/ DENR/ DepE#/ DOG/ DA/ DP>G/ D&./ PCG/ PNP .ariti-e Group/ DI;G/ an# also of .>SS/ ;>IA/ an# PPA/ in line $ith the prin)iple of 7)ontinuin" -an#a-us/9 shall/ fro- finalit' of this De)ision/ ea)h su6-it to the Court a Buarterl' pro"ressi1e report of the a)ti1ities un#erta3en in a))or#an)e $ith this De)ision. No )osts.

SO ORDERED. .RES*/,ERO >. =ELAS+O, >R. Asso)iate <usti)e >E CONCIR@

REYNA,O S. .)NO Chief <usti)e

LEONARDO A. E)/S)M*/NG Asso)iate <usti)e

+ONS)ELO YNARES5SAN,/AGO Asso)iate <usti)e

AN,ON/O ,. +AR./O Asso)iate <usti)e

MA. AL/+/A A)S,R/A5MAR,/NE0 Asso)iate <usti)e

RENA,O +. +ORONA +ON+2/,A +AR./O MORALES Asso)iate <usti)e

Asso)iate <usti)e

ADOL-O S. A0+)NA Asso)iate <usti)e <usti)e

DAN,E O. ,/NGA Asso)iate

M/N/,A =. +2/+O5NA0AR/O


Asso)iate <usti)e

Asso)iate <usti)e

R)*EN ,. REYES ,ERES/,A >. LEONARDO5DE +AS,RO Asso)iate <usti)e Asso)iate <usti)e

AR,)RO D. *R/ON Asso)iate <usti)e +ER,/-/+A,/ON Pursuant to Se)tion 13/ Arti)le VIII of the Constitution/ it is here6' )ertifie# that the )on)lusions in the a6o1e De)ision $ere rea)he# in )onsultation 6efore the )ase $as assi"ne# to the $riter of the opinion of the Court.

REYNA,O S. .)NO Chief <usti)e SE+OND D/=/S/ON

.A+/-/+ S,EAM LA)NDRY, /N+., .#$i$ion#r,

G.R. No. 1?5299 Present@ CARPIO/ J./ Chairperson/ ;EONARDO2DE CAS%RO/U &RION/ DE; CAS%I;;O/ an# ABA", JJ.

5 4#r"!" 5

Pro-ul"ate#@ LAG)NA LAFE DE=ELO.MEN, A),2OR/,Y, De)e-6er 1E/ : ! Respon#ent. 022222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 0 DECISION CARPIO, J.: The Case 2h"# "# a -et"t"on 0or rev"e 617 o0 the Dec"#"on627 !ate! 30 *+ne 2004 an! the Re#ol+t"on !ate! 8 Se-te$/er 2004 o0 the Co+rt o0 A--eal# "n CA(G.R. S, 5o. 75238.

The Facts ,et"t"oner ,ac"0"c Stea$ 'a+n!ry, Inc. 8-et"t"oner9 "# a co$-any en&a&e! "n the /+#"ne## o0 la+n!ry #erv"ce#. %n ) *+ne 2001, the :nv"ron$ental Mana&e$ent 1+rea+ o0 the De-art$ent o0 :nv"ron$ent an! 5at+ral Re#o+rce# 8D:5R9 en!or#e! to re#-on!ent 'a&+na 'a;e Develo-$ent A+thor"ty 8''DA9 the "n#-ect"on re-ort on the co$-la"nt o0 /lac; #$o;e e$"##"on 0ro$ -et"t"oner<# -lant locate! at 114 Roo#evelt Aven+e, =+e>on C"ty. 637 %n 22 *+ne 2001, ''DA con!+cte! an "nve#t"&at"on an! 0o+n!

that +ntreate! a#te ater &enerate! 0ro$ -et"t"oner<# la+n!ry a#h"n& act"v"t"e# a# !"#char&e! !"rectly to the San .ranc"#co Del Monte R"ver. .+rther$ore, the Inve#t"&at"on Re-ort 647 #tate! that -et"t"oner<# -lant a# o-erat"n& "tho+t ''DA clearance, AC?,%(:SI, an! D"#char&e ,er$"t 0ro$ ''DA. %n 5 Se-te$/er 2001, the :nv"ron$ental =+al"ty Mana&e$ent D"v"#"on o0 ''DA con!+cte! a#te ater #a$-l"n& o0 -et"t"oner<# e00l+ent. 657 2he re#+lt o0 the la/oratory analy#"# #ho e! non(co$-l"ance "th e00l+ent #tan!ar!# -art"c+larly 2otal S+#-en!e! Sol"!# 82SS9, 1"oche$"cal %3y&en De$an! 81%D9, %"l?Grea#e Concentrat"on an! Color @n"t#.6)7 Con#eA+ently, ''DA "##+e! to -et"t"oner a 5ot"ce o0 B"olat"on677 !ate! 30 %cto/er 2001 h"ch #tate#C
24: G:5:RA' MA5AG:R ,ACI.IC S2:AM 'A@5DRD, I5C. 114 Roo#evelt Aven+e, 1r&y. ,ara"#o =+e>on C"ty S+/EectC 5ot"ce o0 B"olat"on ,4(01(10(303 Gentle$enC 2h"# re0er# to the 0"n!"n&# o0 the "n#-ect"on an! re#+lt o0 la/oratory analy#"# o0 the a#te ater collecte! 0ro$ yo+r 0"r$ la#t 5 Se-te$/er 2001. :val+at"on o0 the re#+lt# o0 la/oratory analy#"# #ho e! that yo+r -lant<# e00l+ent 0a"le! to con0or$ "th the 1990 Rev"#e! :00l+ent Stan!ar! 0or Inlan! Fater Cla## GCH #-ec"0"cally "n ter$# o0 2SS, 1%D, %"l?Grea#e an! Color. 8,lea#e #ee attache! la/oratory analy#"#9 In v"e thereo0, yo+ are here/y !"recte! to #+/$"t correct"ve $ea#+re# to a/ate?control the ater -oll+t"on ca+#e! /y yo+r 0"r$, "th"n 0"0teen 8159 !ay# 0ro$ rece"-t o0 th"# letter. .+rther$ore, -+r#+ant to Sect"on 9 o0 ,re#"!ent"al Decree 5o. 984, ,ACI.IC S2:AM 'A@5DRD, I5C. "# here/y or!ere! to -ay a -enalty o0 %ne 2ho+#an! ,e#o# 8,1,000.009 -er !ay o0 !"#char&"n& -oll+t"ve a#te ater to /e co$-+te! 0ro$ 5 Se-te$/er 2001, the !ate o0 "n#-ect"on +nt"l 0+ll ce##at"on o0 !"#char&"n& -oll+t"ve a#te ater an! a 0"ne o0 ."ve 2ho+#an! ,e#o# 8,5,000.009 -er year 0or o-erat"n& "tho+t the nece##ary clearance?-er$"t# 0ro$ the A+thor"ty. Bery tr+ly yo+r#, 8#"&ne!9 CA'II2% R. CA2A=@IJ General Mana&er

,et"t"oner #+/$"tte! "t# a--l"cat"on 0or ''DA Clearance an! D"#char&e ,er$"t an! "n0or$e! ''DA that "t o+l! +n!erta;e the nece##ary $ea#+re# to a/ate the ater -oll+t"on. 687 %n 1 March 2002, a co$-l"ance $on"tor"n& a# con!+cte! an! the re#+lt o0 the la/oratory analy#"#697 #t"ll #ho e! non(co$-l"ance "th e00l+ent #tan!ar!# "n ter$# o0 2SS, 1%D, Che$"cal %3y&en De$an! 8C%D9, an! %"l?Grea#e Concentrat"on. It a# re-orte! that -et"t"oner<# a#te ater treat$ent 0ac"l"ty a# +n!er con#tr+ct"on. S+/#eA+ently, another a#te ater #a$-l"n& a# con!+cte! on 25 A-r"l 2002 /+t the re#+lt#6107 #t"ll 0a"le! to con0or$ "th the e00l+ent #tan!ar!# "n ter$# o0 %"l?Grea#e Concentrat"on. Mean h"le, on 15 A-r"l 2002, a ,oll+t"on Control an! A/ate$ent ca#e a# 0"le! a&a"n#t -et"t"oner /e0ore the ''DA. D+r"n& the -+/l"c hear"n& on 30 A-r"l 2002, ''DA "n0or$e! -et"t"oner o0 "t# cont"n+o+# non(co$-l"ance "th the e00l+ent #tan!ar!#. ,et"t"oner reA+e#te! 0or another a#te ater #a$-l"n& h"ch a# con!+cte! on 5 *+ne 2002. 2he la/oratory re#+lt# 6117 o0 the a#te ater #a$-l"n& 0"nally #ho e! co$-l"ance "th the e00l+ent #tan!ar! "n all -ara$eter#. %n 9 A+&+#t 2002, another -+/l"c hear"n& a# hel! to !"#c+## the !"#$"##al o0 the ater -oll+t"on ca#e an! the -ay$ent o0 the acc+$+late! !a"ly -enalty. Accor!"n& to ''DA, the -enalty #ho+l! /e rec;one! 0ro$ 5 Se-te$/er 2001, the !ate o0 "n"t"al #a$-l"n&, to 17 May 2002, the !ate ''DA rece"ve! the reA+e#t 0or re(#a$-l"n&. ,et"t"oner $an"0e#te! that "t# a#te ater !"#char&e a# not on a !a"ly /a#"#. In "t# -o#"t"on -a-er6127 !ate! 25 A+&+#t 2002, -et"t"oner -raye! that the 5ot"ce o0 B"olat"on !ate! 30 %cto/er 2001 /e #et a#"!e an! the -enalty an! 0"ne "$-o#e! /e rec;one! 0ro$ the !ate o0 act+al hear"n& on 15 A-r"l 2002. %n 1) Se-te$/er 2002, ''DA "##+e! an %r!er to ,ay, 6137 the -ert"nent -ort"on o0 h"ch rea!#C
Re#-on!ent -raye! that the 5ot"ce o0 B"olat"on "##+e! on 30 %cto/er 2001 an! "t# corre#-on!"n& !a"ly -enalty /e #et a#"!e an! that the "$-o#a/le -enalty /e rec;one! 0ro$ the !ate o0 act+al hear"n& an! not on 5 Se-te$/er 2001. It "# re#-on!ent<# -o#"t"on that the 5ot"ce o0 B"olat"on an! the "$-o#"t"on o0 the -enalty ha! no le&al an! 0act+al

/a#"# /eca+#e "t ha! alrea!y "n#talle! the nece##ary treat$ent to a/ate the ater -oll+t"on.

a#te ater

2h"# ,+/l"c 4ear"n& Co$$"ttee 0"n!# re#-on!ent<# ar&+$ent# !evo"! o0 $er"t. ,re#"!ent"al Decree 5o. 984 -roh"/"t# the !"#char&e o0 -oll+t"ve a#te ater an! any -er#on 0o+n! "n v"olat"on thereo0 #hall -ay a 0"ne not e3cee!"n& 0"ve tho+#an! -e#o# 8,h,5,000.009 6#"c7 0or every !ay !+r"n& h"ch #+ch v"olat"on cont"n+e#. 2he $ere !"#char&e o0 a#te ater not con0or$"n& "th the e00l+ent #tan!ar! "# the v"olat"on re0erre! to "n ,D 5o. 984. Sa$-le o0 re#-on!ent<# e00l+ent a# collecte! on 5 Se-te$/er 2001 an! the re#+lt# o0 la/oratory analy#"# con0"r$e! the A+al"ty thereo0. 2h+#, a not"ce o0 v"olat"on a# "##+e! a&a"n#t the re#-on!ent a0ter "t a# e#ta/l"#he! that "t# !"#char&e a# -oll+t"ve. 2he 0act that the #+/#eA+ent re(#a$-l"n& re-orte! co$-l"ance "th the e00l+ent #tan!ar! !oe# not ne&ate the 5 Se-te$/er 2001 "n"t"al #a$-l"n&. Re#-on!ent -a##e! the #tan!ar! /eca+#e "t alrea!y "$-le$ente! re$e!"al $ea#+re# to a/ate the ater -oll+t"on. It "# there0ore /+t E+#t an! -ro-er that the -enalty #ho+l! /e "$-o#e! 0ro$ the !ate o0 "n"t"al #a$-l"n&, 5 Se-te$/er 2001, to 17 May 2002, the !ate the reA+e#t 0or re( #a$-l"n& a# rece"ve! /y the A+thor"ty. 2he 5 *+ne 2002 #a$-l"n& con0"r$e! that re#-on!ent<# e00l+ent alrea!y co$-l"e! "th the #tan!ar! #ho "n& that "t# ater -oll+t"on ha# cea#e!. Re#-on!ent !"! not #+/$"t any -roo0 o0 "t# act+al o-erat"on hence, the -enalty #hall /e co$-+te! 0or 0"ve 859 or;"n& !ay# -er ee;, e3cl+!"n& Sat+r!ay# an! S+n!ay# a# ell a# le&al hol"!ay# 0ro$ 5 Se-te$/er 2001 to 17 May 2002, 0or a total o0 one h+n!re! #eventy(t o 81729 !ay#. F4:R:.%R:, -re$"#e# con#"!ere!, re#-on!ent ,ac"0"c #tea$ 'a+n!ry, Inc. "# here/y or!ere! to -ay the acc+$+late! !a"ly -enalty a$o+nt"n& to %5: 4@5DR:D S:B:52D(2F% 24%@SA5D 8,h,172,000.009 ,:S%S "th"n 0"0teen8159 !ay# 0ro$ rece"-t hereo0 a# a con!"t"on #"ne A+a non 0or the !"#$"##al o0 the a/ove(ca-t"one! ca#e. S% %RD:R:D.6147

,et"t"oner 0"le! a $ot"on 0or recon#"!erat"on, ''DA !en"e! "n "t# %r!er6157 !ate! 27 5ove$/er 2002.

h"ch the

,et"t"oner then 0"le! "th the Co+rt o0 A--eal# a -et"t"on 0or rev"e +n!er R+le 43 o0 the R+le# o0 Co+rt. 2he Co+rt o0 A--eal# !en"e! the -et"t"on, a# ell a# the $ot"on 0or recon#"!erat"on 0"le! /y -et"t"oner. 4ence, th"# -et"t"on.

The Court of Appeals Ruling

2he Co+rt o0 A--eal# hel! that ''DA ha# the -o er to "$-o#e 0"ne#, th+#C
Conce!e!ly, the -o er to "$-o#e a!$"n"#trat"ve 0"ne# "n -oll+t"on a/ate$ent ca#e# a# e3-re##ly &rante! +n!er Sect"on 9 o0 ,.D. 984 to the no !e0+nct 5at"onal ,oll+t"on Control Co$$"##"on 85,CC9, th+#C GSect"on 9. ,enalt"e#. ( 8a9 Any -er#on 0o+n! v"olat"n& or 0a"l"n& to co$-ly "th any or!er, !ec"#"on or re&+lat"on o0 the Co$$"##"on 0or the control or a/ate$ent o0 -oll+t"on #hall -ay a 0"ne not e3cee!"n& 0"ve tho+#an! -e#o# -er !ay 0or every !ay !+r"n& h"ch #+ch v"olat"on or !e0a+lt cont"n+e#K an the Commission is hereby authorized and empowered to impose the fine after ue notice an hearing!" 5onethele##, "t $ay /e ell to recall that the ''DA a# create! +n!er R.A. 4850 "th the en! v"e o0 -ro$ot"n& an! accelerat"n& the !evelo-$ent an! /alance! &ro th o0 the 'a&+na 'a;e area an! the #+rro+n!"n& -rov"nce#, an! carry"n& o+t the !evelo-$ent o0 the 'a&+na 'a;e Re&"on "th !+e re&ar! an! a!eA+ate -rov"#"on# 0or env"ron$ental $ana&e$ent an! control, -re#ervat"on o0 the A+al"ty o0 h+$an l"0e an! ecolo&"cal #y#te$#, an! the preser#ation of un ue ecological istur$ances, eterioration an pollution . 2o correct !e0"c"enc"e# an! clar"0y a$/"&+"t"e# that G"$-e!e the acco$-l"#h$ent o0 the A+thor"t"e#< &oal,H .or$er ,re#"!ent .er!"nan! :. Marco# -ro$+l&ate! ,.D. 813. ."nally, to ena/le the ''DA to e00ect"vely -er0or$ "t# role, .or$er ,re#"!ent Marco# 0+rther "##+e! :.%. 927, h"ch &rante! the ''DA a!!"t"onal -o er# an! 0+nct"on#, v">C GSect"on 4. A!!"t"onal ,o er# an! .+nct"on#. ( 2he a+thor"ty #hall have the 0ollo "n& -o er# an! 0+nct"on#C 333 8!9 Ma;e, alter or $o!"0y or!er# reA+"r"n& the !"#cont"n+ance o0 -oll+t"on #-ec"0y"n& the con!"t"on# an! t"$e "th"n h"ch #+ch cont"n+ance $+#t /e acco$-l"#he!. 333 8"9 :3erc"#e #+ch -o er# an! -er0or$ #+ch other 0+nct"on# a# $ay /e nece##ary to carry o+t "t# !+t"e# an! re#-on#"/"l"t"e# +n!er th"# :3ec+t"ve or!er.H

In!ee!, the e3-re## &rant o0 -o er to "$-o#e a!$"n"#trat"ve 0"ne# a# co+che! "n the lan&+a&e o0 ,.D. 984 a# not re-ro!+ce! "n :.%. 927, ho ever, "t can /e lo&"cally "$-l"e! 0ro$ ''DA<# a+thor"ty to e3erc"#e the -o er to Gmake, alter or modify orders requiring the discontinuance of pollution.H In a!!"t"on, the clear "nten!$ent o0 :.%. 927 to clothe ''DA not only "th the e3-re## -o er# &rante! to "t, /+t al#o tho#e "$-l"e!, "nc"!ental an! nece##ary 0or the e3erc"#e o0 "t# e3-re## -o er# can /e ea#"ly !"#cerne! 0ro$ the &rant o0 the &eneral -o er to Gexercise (such) powers and perform such other functions as may be necessary to carry out its duties and responsibilities.H 2h"# 0"n!# #+--ort "n the ealth o0 a+thor"t"e# "n A$er"can *+r"#-r+!ence, c"t"n& a!herence o0 other co+rt# to the -r"nc"-le that the a+thor"ty &"ven to an a&ency #ho+l! /e l"/erally con#tr+e! "n or!er to -er$"t the a&ency to carry o+t "t# #tat+tory re#-on#"/"l"t"e#. 2h"# "# e#-ec"ally tr+e %here the agenc& is concerne %ith protecting the pu$lic health an %elfare, the elegation of authorit& to the agenc& is li$erall& construe . 2he ''DA, a# an a&ency "$-le$ent"n& -oll+t"on la #, r+le# an! re&+lat"on#, #ho+l! /e &"ven #o$e $ea#+re# o0 0le3"/"l"ty "n "t# o-erat"on# "n or!er not to ha$-er "t +n!+ly "n the 0+l0"ll$ent o0 "t# o/Eect"ve#. 4o co+l! "t e00ect"vely -er0or$ "t# role "0 "n every act o0 v"olat"on, "t $+#t re#ort to other ven+e 0or the a--ro-r"ate re$e!y, /eca+#e "t "# "$-otent /y "t#el0 to -+n"#h or !eal "th "tL61)7 8:$-ha#"# "n the or"&"nal9 The Issues ,et"t"oner ra"#e# t o "##+e#C
1. Doe# the re#-on!ent ''DA have the "$-o#e 0"ne# a# #et 0orth "n ,D 984L "$-l"e! -o er to


Doe# the &rant o0 "$-l"e! -o er to ''DA to "$-o#e -enalt"e# v"olate the r+le on non(!ele&at"on o0 le&"#lat"ve 6177 -o er#L

The Ruling of the Court Fe 0"n! the -et"t"on "tho+t $er"t. Power of LLDA to Impose Fines ,et"t"oner a##ert# that ''DA ha# no -o er to "$-o#e 0"ne# #"nce #+ch -o er to "$-o#e -enal #anct"on#, h"ch a# once lo!&e! "th the 5at"onal ,oll+t"on Control Co$$"##"on 85,CC9, "# no a##+$e! /y the ,oll+t"on A!E+!"cat"on 1oar! -+r#+ant to :3ec+t"ve %r!er 5o. 192 8:% 1929.6187 Fe !"#a&ree "th -et"t"oner.

,re#"!ent"al Decree 5o. 984 8,D 98496197 create! an! e#ta/l"#he! the 5,CC +n!er the %00"ce o0 the ,re#"!ent. :% 192, h"ch reor&an">e! the D:5R, create! the ,oll+t"on A!E+!"cat"on 1oar! +n!er the %00"ce o0 the D:5R Secretary h"ch a##+$e! the -o er# an! 0+nct"on# o0 the 5,CC "th re#-ect to a!E+!"cat"on o0 -oll+t"on ca#e#. Sect"on 19 o0 :% 192 -rov"!e#C SEC. 1!. Pollution A 3u ication Boar . K ,h#r# i" h#r# & cr#a$#d a .o''!$ion Ad8!dica$ion *oard !nd#r $h# O::ic# o: $h# S#cr#$ar&. %he &oar# shall 6e )o-pose# of the Se)retar' as Chair-an/ t$o (:+ In#erse)retaries as -a' 6e #esi"nate# 6' the Se)retar'/ the Dire)tor of En1iron-ental .ana"e-ent/ an# three (3+ others to 6e #esi"nate# 6' the Se)retar' as -e-6ers. ,h# *oard "ha'' a""!%# $h# 3o;#r" and :!nc$ion" o: $h# +o%%i""ionI+o%%i""ion#r" o: $h# Na$iona' .o''!$ion +on$ro' +o%%i""ion ;i$h r#"3#c$ $o $h# ad8!dica$ion o: 3o''!$ion ca"#" !nd#r R#3! 'ic Ac$ 9991 and .r#"id#n$ia' D#cr## 987, 3ar$ic!'ar'& ;i$h r#"3#c$ $o S#c$ion ? '#$$#r" #, :, g, 8, H, and 3 o: ..D. 987. %he En1iron-ental .ana"e-ent &ureau shall ser1e as the

Se)retariat of the &oar#. %hese po$ers an# fun)tions -a' 6e #ele"ate# to the re"ional offi)ers of the Depart-ent in a))or#an)e $ith rules an# re"ulations to 6e pro-ul"ate# 6' the &oar#. (E-phasis supplie#+ Sect"on ), -ara&ra-h# 8e9, 809, 8&9, 8E9, 8;9, an! 8-9 o0 ,D 984 re0erre! to a/ove #tate#C
S:C. ). Powers and Functions. M 2he Co$$"##"on #hall have the 0ollo "n& -o er# an! 0+nct"on#C 333 8e9 I##+e or!er# or !ec"#"on# to co$-el co$-l"ance "th the -rov"#"on# o0 th"# Decree an! "t# "$-le$ent"n& r+le# an! re&+lat"on# only a0ter -ro-er not"ce an! hear"n&. 809 Ma;e, alter or $o!"0y or!er# reA+"r"n& the !"#cont"n+ance o0 -oll+t"on #-ec"0y"n& the con!"t"on# an! the t"$e "th"n h"ch #+ch !"#cont"n+ance $+#t /e acco$-l"#he!. 8&9 I##+e, rene , or !eny -er$"t#, +n!er #+ch con!"t"on# a# "t $ay !eter$"ne to /e rea#ona/le, 0or the -revent"on an! a/ate$ent o0 -oll+t"on, 0or the !"#char&e o0 #e a&e, "n!+#tr"al a#te, or 0or the "n#tallat"on or o-erat"on o0 #e a&e or;# an! "n!+#tr"al !"#-o#al #y#te$ or -art# thereo0CProvided, however, the Co$$"##"on, /y r+le# an! re&+lat"on#, $ay reA+"re #+/!"v"#"on#, con!o$"n"+$, ho#-"tal#, -+/l"c /+"l!"n&# an! other #"$"lar h+$an #ettle$ent# to -+t +a--ro-r"ate central #e era&e #y#te$ an! #e a&e treat$ent or;#, e3ce-t that no -er$"t# #hall /e reA+"re! o0 any ne #e a&e or;# or chan&e# to or e3ten#"on# o0 e3"#t"n& or;# that !"#char&e only !o$e#t"c or #an"tary a#te# 0ro$ a #"n&le re#"!ent"al /+"l!"n& -rov"!e! "th #e-t"c tan;# or the"r eA+"valent. 2he Co$$"##"on $ay "$-o#e rea#ona/le 0ee# an! char&e# 0or the "##+ance or rene al o0 all -er$"t# here"n reA+"re!. 333 8E9 Serve a# ar/"trator 0or the !eter$"nat"on o0 re-arat"on#, or re#t"t+t"on o0 the !a$a&e# an! lo##e# re#+lt"n& 0ro$ -oll+t"on. 8;9 De-+t">e "n r"t"n& or reA+e#t a##"#tance o0 a--ro-r"ate &overn$ent a&enc"e# or "n#tr+$ental"t"e# 0or the -+r-o#e o0 en0orc"n& th"# Decree an! "t# "$-le$ent"n& r+le# an! re&+lat"on# an! the or!er# an! !ec"#"on# o0 the Co$$"##"on. 333 8-9 :3erc"#e #+ch -o er# an! -er0or$ #+ch other 0+nct"on# a# $ay /e nece##ary to carry o+t "t# !+t"e# an! re#-on#"/"l"t"e# +n!er th"# Decree.

%n the other han!, ''DA "# a #-ec"al a&ency create! +n!er Re-+/l"c Act 5o. 4850 8RA 48509 6207 to $ana&e an! !evelo- the

'a&+na 'a;e re&"on, co$-r"#"n& o0 the -rov"nce# o0 R">al an! 'a&+na an! the c"t"e# o0 San ,a/lo, Man"la, ,a#ay, =+e>on an! Caloocan. RA 4850, a# a$en!e! /y ,re#"!ent"al Decree 5o. 813 8,D 8139,6217 $an!ate# ''DA to carry o+t the !evelo-$ent o0 the 'a&+na 'a;e re&"on, "th !+e re&ar! an! a!eA+ate -rov"#"on# 0or env"ron$ental $ana&e$ent an! control, -re#ervat"on o0 the A+al"ty o0 h+$an l"0e an! ecolo&"cal #y#te$#, an! the -revent"on o0 +n!+e ecolo&"cal !"#t+r/ance#, !eter"orat"on an! -oll+t"on. 6227 @n!er :3ec+t"ve %r!er 5o. 927 8:% 9279, 6237 ''DA "# &rante! a!!"t"onal -o er# an! 0+nct"on# to e00ect"vely -er0or$ "t# role an! to enlar&e "t# -rero&at"ve# o0 $on"tor"n&, l"cen#"n& an! en0orce$ent, th+#C S:C2I%5 4. Additional Powers and Functions. 2he A+thor"ty 6''DA7 #hall have the 0ollo "n& -o er# an! 0+nct"on#C
a9 I##+e #tan!ar!#, r+le# an! re&+lat"on# to &overn the a--roval o0 -lan# an! #-ec"0"cat"on# 0or #e a&e or;# an! "n!+#tr"al a#te !"#-o#al #y#te$# an! the "##+ance o0 -er$"t# "n accor!ance "th the -rov"#"on# o0 th"# :3ec+t"ve %r!erK "n#-ect the con#tr+ct"on an! $a"ntenance o0 #e a&e or;# an! "n!+#tr"al a#te !"#-o#al #y#te$# 0or co$-l"ance to -lan#. /9 A!o-t, -re#cr"/e, an! -ro$+l&ate r+le# an! re&+lat"on# &overn"n& the ,roce!+re# o0 the A+thor"ty "th re#-ect to hear"n&#, -lan#, #-ec"0"cat"on#, !e#"&n#, an! other !ata 0or #e a&e or;# an! "n!+#tr"al a#te !"#-o#al #y#te$, the 0"l"n& o0 re-ort#, the "##+ance o0 -er$"t#, an! other r+le# an! re&+lat"on# 0or the -ro-er "$-le$entat"on an! en0orce$ent o0 th"# :3ec+t"ve %r!er.

c9 Issue or ers or ecisions to co'pel co'pliance %ith the pro#isions of this E(ecuti#e Or er an its i'ple'enting rules an regulations onl& after proper notice an hearing! !9 )a*e, alter or 'o if& or ers re+uiring the iscontinuance of pollution specif&ing the con itions an the ti'e %ithin %hich such iscontinuance 'ust $e acco'plishe ! e9 I##+e, rene or !eny -er$"t#, +n!er #+ch con!"t"on# a# "t $ay !eter$"ne to /e rea#ona/le, 0or the -revent"on an! a/ate$ent o0 -oll+t"on, 0or the !"#char&e o0 #e a&e, "n!+#tr"al a#te, or 0or the "n#tallat"on or o-erat"on o0 #e a&e or;# an! "n!+#tr"al !"#-o#al #y#te$ or -art# thereo0C Provided,

however, that the A+thor"ty, /y r+le# an! re&+lat"on#, $ay reA+"re #+/!"v"#"on#, con!o$"n"+$#, ho#-"tal#, -+/l"c /+"l!"n&# an! other #"$"lar h+$an #ettle$ent# to -+t +- a--ro-r"ate central #e era&e #y#te$ an! #e a&e treat$ent or;#, e3ce-t that no -er$"t# #hall /e reA+"re! o0 any ne #e a&e or;# or chan&e# to or e3ten#"on# o0 e3"#t"n& or;# that !"#char&e only !o$e#t"c or #an"tary a#te# 0ro$ a #"n&le re#"!ent"al /+"l!"n& -rov"!e! "th #e-t"c tan;# or the"r eA+"valent. 2he A+thor"ty $ay "$-o#e rea#ona/le 0ee# an! char&e# 0or the "##+ance or rene al o0 all -er$"t# here"n reA+"re!.
09 A0ter !+e not"ce an! hear"n&, the A+thor"ty $ay al#o revo;e, #+#-en! or $o!"0y any -er$"t "##+e! +n!er th"# %r!er henever the #a$e "# nece##ary to -revent or a/ate -oll+t"on. &9 De-+t">e "n r"t"n& or reA+e#t a##"#tance o0 a--ro-r"ate &overn$ent a&enc"e# or "n#tr+$ental"t"e# 0or the -+r-o#e o0 en0orc"n& th"# e3ec+t"ve %r!er an! "t# "$-le$ent"n& r+le# an! re&+lat"on# an! the or!er# an! !ec"#"on o0 the A+thor"ty. 8h9 A+thor">e "t# re-re#entat"ve to enter at all rea#ona/le t"$e# any -ro-erty o0 the -+/l"c !o$"n"on an! -r"vate -ro-erty !evote! to "n!+#tr"al, $an+0act+r"n& -roce##"n& or co$$erc"al +#e "tho+t !o"n& !a$a&e, 0or the -+r-o#e o0 "n#-ect"n& an! "nve#t"&at"n& con!"t"on# relat"n& to -oll+t"on or -o##"/le or "$$"nent -oll+t"on.

8"9 E(ercise such po%ers an perfor' such other functions as 'a& $e necessar& to carr& out its uties an responsi$ilities un er this E(ecuti#e Or er. 8:$-ha#"# #+--l"e!9 A co$-ar"#on o0 the -o er# an! 0+nct"on# o0 the ,oll+t"on A!E+!"cat"on 1oar! an! the ''DA reveal# #+/#tant"al #"$"lar"ty. 1oth the ,oll+t"on A!E+!"cat"on 1oar! an! the ''DA are e$-o ere!, a$on& other#, toC 819 $a;e, alter or $o!"0y or!er# reA+"r"n& the !"#cont"n+ance o0 -oll+t"onK 829 "##+e, rene , or !eny -er$"t# 0or the -revent"on an! a/ate$ent o0 -oll+t"on, 0or the !"#char&e o0 #e a&e, "n!+#tr"al a#te, or 0or the "n#tallat"on or o-erat"on o0 #e a&e or;# an! "n!+#tr"al !"#-o#al #y#te$K an! 839 e3erc"#e #+ch -o er# an! -er0or$ #+ch other 0+nct"on# nece##ary to carry o+t the"r !+t"e# an! re#-on#"/"l"t"e#. 2he !"00erence "# that h"le Sect"on 19 o0 :% 192 ve#te! the ,oll+t"on A!E+!"cat"on 1oar! "th the #-ec"0"c -o er to a!E+!"cate -oll+t"on ca#e# "n &eneral,6247 the #co-e o0 a+thor"ty o0 ''DA to a!E+!"cate -oll+t"on ca#e# "# l"$"te! to the 'a&+na 'a;e re&"on a# !e0"ne! /y RA 4850, a# a$en!e!.

2h+#, "n aguna ake !evelopment Authority v" #ourt of Appeals,6257 the Co+rt hel! that the a!E+!"cat"on o0 -oll+t"on ca#e# &enerally -erta"n# to the ,oll+t"on A!E+!"cat"on 1oar!, e3ce-t here a #-ec"al la , #+ch a# the ''DA Charter, -rov"!e# 0or another 0or+$. In!ee!, even ,D 984 a+thor">e# the ''DA to +n!erta;e -oll+t"on control act"v"t"e# "th"n ''DA<# !evelo-$ent area. Sect"on 10 o0 ,D 984 -rov"!e#C
S:C. 10. Jurisdiction. M 2he Co$$"##"on 65,CC7 #hall have no E+r"#!"ct"on over ater or;# or #e a&e #y#te$ o-erate! /y the Metro-ol"tan Fater or;# Se era&e Sy#te$, /+t the r+le# an! re&+lat"on# "##+e! /y the Co$$"##"on 0or the -rotect"on an! -revent"on o0 -oll+t"on +n!er the a+thor"ty here"n &rante! #hall #+-er#e!e an! -reva"l over any r+le# or re&+lat"on# a# $ay hereto0ore have /een "##+e! /y other &overn$ent a&enc"e# or "n#tr+$ental"t"e# on the #a$e #+/Eect. In case of e#elop'ent pro,ects in#ol#ing specific hu'an settle'ent sites or integrate regional or su$regional pro,ects, such as the Ton o Foreshore De#elop'ent Authorit& an the -aguna -a*e De#elop'ent Authorit&, the Co''ission shall consult %ith the authorities charge %ith the planning an e(ecution of such pro,ects to ensure that their pollution control stan ar s co'pl& %ith those of the Co''ission! Once 'ini'u' pollution stan ar s are esta$lishe an agree upon, the e#elop'ent authorities concerne 'a&, $& 'utual agree'ent an prior consultation %ith the Co''ission, un erta*e the pollution control acti#ities the'sel#es . 81ol!0ac"n& an! +n!er#cor"n& #+--l"e!9

In th"# ca#e, the D:5R<# :nv"ron$ental Mana&e$ent 1+rea+ en!or#e! to ''DA the -oll+t"on co$-la"nt a&a"n#t -et"t"oner. @n!er Sect"on 1) o0 :% 192, the :nv"ron$ental Mana&e$ent 1+rea+ a##+$e! the -o er# an! 0+nct"on# o0 the 5,CC e3ce-t "th re#-ect to a!E+!"cat"on o0 -oll+t"on ca#e#, th+#C S:C. 1). $nvironmental %anagement &ureau" M 2here "# here/y create! an :nv"ron$ental Mana&e$ent 1+rea+. 2he 5at"onal :nv"ron$ental ,rotect"on Co+nc"l 85:,C9, the National Pollution Control Co''ission

.NPCC/ an! the :nv"ron$ental Center o0 the ,h"l"--"ne# 8:C,9, are here/y a$olishe an their po%ers an functions are here$& integrate into the En#iron'ental )anage'ent 0ureau "n accor!ance "th Sect"on 248c9 hereo0, su$,ect to Section 12 hereo0. 3 3 3 8:$-ha#"# #+--l"e!9 2he :nv"ron$ental Mana&e$ent 1+rea+ al#o #erve# a# the Secretar"at o0 the ,oll+t"on A!E+!"cat"on 1oar!, an! "t# D"rector "# one o0 the $e$/er# o0 the ,oll+t"on A!E+!"cat"on 1oar!. Clearly, /y en!or#"n& to ''DA the -oll+t"on co$-la"nt a&a"n#t -et"t"oner, the :nv"ron$ental Mana&e$ent 1+rea+ !e0erre! to ''DA<# E+r"#!"ct"on over the -oll+t"on co$-la"nt a&a"n#t -et"t"oner. Altho+&h the ,oll+t"on A!E+!"cat"on 1oar! a##+$e! the -o er# an! 0+nct"on# o0 the 5,CC "th re#-ect to a!E+!"cat"on o0 -oll+t"on ca#e#, th"# !oe# not -recl+!e ''DA 0ro$ a##+$"n& E+r"#!"ct"on o0 -oll+t"on ca#e# "th"n "t# area o0 re#-on#"/"l"ty an! to "$-o#e 0"ne# a# -enalty. 2h+#, "n the recent ca#e o0 'he Alexandra #ondominium #orporation v" aguna ake !evelopment Authority ,62)7 the Co+rt a00"r$e! the r+l"n& o0 the Co+rt o0 A--eal# h"ch #+#ta"ne! ''DA<# %r!er, reA+"r"n& -et"t"oner there"n to -ay a 0"ne o0 ,1,0)2,000 re-re#ent"n& -enalty 0or -oll+t"ve a#te ater !"#char&e. Altho+&h -et"t"oner "n that ca#e !"! not challen&e ''DA<# a+thor"ty to "$-o#e 0"ne, the Co+rt ac;no le!&e! the -o er o0 ''DA to "$-o#e 0"ne#, hol!"n& that +n!er Sect"on 4(A o0 RA 4850, a# a$en!e!, ''DA "# ent"tle! to co$-en#at"on 0or !a$a&e# re#+lt"n& 0ro$ 0a"l+re to $eet e#ta/l"#he! ater an! e00l+ent #tan!ar!#. Sect"on 4(A o0 RA 4850, a# a$en!e!, rea!#C S:C. 4(A. Co$-en#at"on 0or !a$a&e# to the ater an! aA+at"c re#o+rce# o0 'a&+na !e 1ay an! "t# tr"/+tar"e# re#+lt"n& 0ro$ 0a"l+re to $eet e#ta/l"#he! ater an! e00l+ent A+al"ty #tan!ar!# or 0ro$ #+ch other ron&0+l act or o$"##"on o0 a -er#on, -r"vate or -+/l"c, E+r"!"cal or other "#e, -+n"#ha/le +n!er the la #hall /e

a ar!e! to the A+thor"ty to /e ear$ar;e! 0or ater A+al"ty control an! $ana&e$ent. @n!er Sect"on 48h9 o0 :% 927, ''DA $ay Ge3erc"#e #+ch -o er# an! -er0or$ #+ch other 0+nct"on# a# $ay /e nece##ary to carry o+t "t# !+t"e# an! re#-on#"/"l"t"e#.H In aguna ake !evelopment Authority v" #ourt of Appeals ,6277 the Co+rt +-hel! the -o er o0 ''DA to "##+e an ex(parte cea#e an! !e#"#t or!er even "0 #+ch -o er "# not e3-re##ly con0erre! /y la , hol!"n& that an a!$"n"#trat"ve a&ency ha# al#o #+ch -o er# a# are nece##ar"ly "$-l"e! "n the e3erc"#e o0 "t# e3-re## -o er#. 2he Co+rt r+le! that ''DA, "n the e3erc"#e o0 "t# e3-re## -o er# +n!er "t# charter, a# a re&+latory an! A+a#"(E+!"c"al /o!y "th re#-ect to -oll+t"on ca#e# "n the 'a&+na 'a;e re&"on, ha# the "$-l"e! a+thor"ty to "##+e a Gcea#e an! !e#"#t or!er.H In the #a$e $anner, e hol! that the ''DA ha# the -o er to "$-o#e 0"ne# "n the e3erc"#e o0 "t# 0+nct"on a# a re&+latory an! A+a#"(E+!"c"al /o!y "th re#-ect to -oll+t"on ca#e# "n the 'a&+na 'a;e re&"on. No Undue De e!ation of Le!is ati"e Power ,et"t"oner conten!# that "0 ''DA "# !ee$e! to have "$-l"e! -o er to "$-o#e -enalt"e#, then ''DA "ll have +n0ettere! !"#cret"on to !eter$"ne 0or "t#el0 the -enalt"e# "t $ay "$-o#e, h"ch "ll a$o+nt to +n!+e !ele&at"on o0 le&"#lat"ve -o er. Fe !o not a&ree. Contrary to -et"t"oner<# content"on, ''DA<# -o er to "$-o#e 0"ne# "# not +nre#tr"cte!. In th"# ca#e, ''DA "nve#t"&ate! the -oll+t"on co$-la"nt a&a"n#t -et"t"oner an! con!+cte! a#te ater #a$-l"n& o0 -et"t"oner<# e00l+ent. It a# only a0ter the "nve#t"&at"on re#+lt #ho "n& -et"t"oner<# 0a"l+re to $eet the e#ta/l"#he! ater an! e00l+ent A+al"ty #tan!ar!# that ''DA "$-o#e! a 0"ne a&a"n#t -et"t"oner. ''DA then "$-o#e! +-on -et"t"oner a -enalty o0 ,1,000 -er !ay o0 !"#char&"n& -oll+t"ve a#te ater. 2he ,1,000 -enalty -er !ay "# "n accor!ance "th the a$o+nt o0 -enalty -re#cr"/e! +n!er ,D 984C SEC! 3! Prohibitions. M No person shall thro%, run, rain, or other%ise ispose into an&

of the %ater, air an 4or lan resources of the Philippines, or cause, per'it, suffer to $e thro%n, run, rain, allo% to seep or other%ise ispose thereto an& organic or inorganic 'atter or an& su$stance in gaseous or li+ui for' that shall cause pollution thereof.

SEC 2! Pena ties. M 3 3 3 8/9 An& person %ho shall #iolate an& of the pre#ious pro#isions of Section Eight of this Decree or "t# "$-le$ent"n& r+le# an! re&+lat"on#, or any %r!er or Dec"#"on o0 the Co$$"##"on, shall $e lia$le to a penalt& of not to e(cee one thousan pesos each a& uring %hich the #iolation continues, or /y "$-r"#on$ent o0 0ro$ t o year# to #"3 year#, or /y /oth 0"ne an! "$-r"#on$ent, an! "n a!!"t"on #+ch -er#on $ay /e reA+"re! or enEo"ne! 0ro$ cont"n+"n& #+ch v"olat"on a# here"na0ter -rov"!e!.
3 3 3 8:$-ha#"# #+--l"e!9

Clearly, there are a!eA+ate #tat+tory l"$"tat"on# on ''DA<# -o er to "$-o#e 0"ne# h"ch o/v"ate# +n/r"!le! !"#cret"on "n the e3erc"#e o0 #+ch -o er. 56EREFORE, e DEN7 the -et"t"on. Fe AFFIR) the Dec"#"on !ate! 30 *+ne 2004 an! the Re#ol+t"on !ate! 8 Se-te$/er 2004 o0 the Co+rt o0 A--eal# "n CA(G.R. S, 5o. 75238. SO ORDERED.

ANTONIO T! CARPIO Associate 8ustice














I A22:S2 24A2 24: C%5C'@SI%5S I5 24: A1%B: D:CISI%5 4AD 1::5 R:AC4:D I5 C%5S@'2A2I%5 1:.%R: 24: CAS: FAS ASSIG5:D 2% 24: FRI2:R %. 24: %,I5I%5 %. 24: C%@R2<S DIBISI%5.

ANTONIO T. CAR"IO A##oc"ate *+#t"ce Cha"r-er#on

.ursua$t to Se#tio$ 1+, 5rti#le VIII of the Co$stitutio$, a$d the Divisio$ Chair'erso$*s 5ttestatio$, I #ertif that the #o$#lusio$s i$ the

above De#isio$ had bee$ rea#hed i$ #o$sultatio$ before the #ase )as assi%$ed to the )riter of the o'i$io$ of the Court*s Divisio$-

RE3NATO S. " NO Chief <usti)e FIRST DI;ISION T6E A-E<ANDRA CONDO)INI9) =!R! No! 1>2??3 CORPORATION, ,et"t"oner, ,re#entC ,@5%, #")", Cha"r-er#on, CAR,I%, C%R%5A, ':%5ARD%(D: CAS2R%, 0ERSA)IN, JJ! -A=9NA -A@E DE;E-OP)ENT Pro'ulgate : A9T6ORIT7, Re#-on!ent. Septe'$er 11, ?AA2 (:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::( DECISION CARPIO, J!: The Case 1e0ore the Co+rt "# a -et"t"on 0or rev"e a##a"l"n& the 2) A-r"l 2005 Dec"#"on617 an! 1 A+&+#t 2005 Re#ol+t"on627 o0 the Co+rt o0 A--eal# "n CA(G.R. S, 5o. 82409.

( ver#+# ( an!

The Antece ent Facts ,h"l"--"ne Realty an! 4ol!"n&#, Inc. 8,h"lRealty9 !evelo-e!, e#ta/l"#he!, an! con#tr+cte! 2he Ale3an!ra Con!o$"n"+$ Co$-le3 0ro$ 1987 to 1993. In a Dee! o0 Conveyance !ate! 18 A-r"l 1988, ,h"lRealty tran#0erre! to 2he Ale3an!ra Con!o$"n"+$ Cor-orat"on 82ACC9 a -arcel o0 lan! "th an area o0 9,87) #A+are $eter# locate! at 29 Meralco Aven+e, ,a#"& C"ty a# ell a# all the co$$on area# o0 the -roEect. 2he lan! a# covere! /y 2ran#0er Cert"0"cate o0 2"tle 5o. )4355. 2he con!o$"n"+$ -roEect con#"#t# o0 the 0ollo "n& -ha#e#C 8a9 Cl+#ter A ( 3 ."ve Storey 1+"l!"n&#K A(1, A(2 an! A( 3K 8/9 Cl+#ter 1 ( 2 :leven Storey 1+"l!"n&#K 1(1 an! 1(2K 8c9 Cl+#ter C ( 2 Seven Storey 1+"l!"n&#K C(1 an! C(2K 8!9 Cl+#ter D ( 2 .o+rteen Storey 1+"l!"n&#K D(a an! D( 2K an! 8e9 Cl+#ter : M 2 :leven Storey 1+"l!"n&#K :(1 an! :(2. %n 2 Se-te$/er 1987, the 4+$an Settle$ent# Re&+latory Co$$"##"on "##+e! a Develo-$ent ,er$"t to ,h"lRealty to !evelo- Cl+#ter A o0 the -roEect. In the Develo-$ent ,er$"t, ,h"lRealty a# reA+"re! to #+/$"t "t# con!o$"n"+$ -lan# to the 1+"l!"n& %00"c"al o0 ,a#"& C"ty. Arch"tect Falter R. ,ere> 8Arch"tect ,ere>9, then 1+"l!"n& %00"c"al o0 ,a#"& C"ty, rev"e e! the S"te Develo-$ent an! 'ocat"on ,lan a# ell a# the San"tary?,l+$/"n& ,lan# an! S-ec"0"cat"on# o0 the -roEect. %n 24 Se-te$/er 1987, Arch"tect ,ere> "##+e! a 1+"l!"n& ,er$"t. %n 30 Se-te$/er 1987, Arch"tect ,ere> "##+e! a San"tary?,l+$/"n& ,er$"t ac;no le!&"n& the 0"3t+re# to /e "n#talle! /+t "tho+t "n!"cat"n& the Sy#te$ o0 D"#-o#al "ncl+!"n& a Fa#te Fater 2reat$ent ,lan. %n 15 Dece$/er 1988, Arch"tect ,ere> "##+e! a Cert"0"cate o0 ."nal In#-ect"on an! a Cert"0"cate o0 %cc+-ancy 0or 1+"l!"n&# A(1 to A(3. ,h"lRealty +n!ertoo; the #a$e -roce## 0or Cl+#ter# 1, C, D, an! :. 1+"l!"n& ,er$"t# an! Cert"0"cate# o0 ."nal In#-ect"on an! %cc+-ancy ere "##+e! 0or the#e cl+#ter# 0ro$ 1991 to 1993. %n

31 Dece$/er 1993, +-on co$-let"on o0 1+"l!"n&# :(1 an! :(2, ,h"lRealty 0or$ally t+rne! over the -roEect to 2ACC. 4o ever, ,h"lRealty !"! not t+rn over the a#(/+"lt -lan# 0or the -er"$eter !ra"na&e layo+t, the 0o+n!at"on, an! the electr"cal an! -l+$/"n& layo+t o0 the -roEect. 2herea0ter, 2ACC $ana&e! the -roEect thro+&h Cent+ry ,ro-ert"e# Mana&e$ent Cor-orat"on. %n 24 *+ne 1998, 'a&+na 'a;e Develo-$ent A+thor"ty 8''DA9 a!v"#e! 2ACC that "t# a#te ater !"! not $eet &overn$ent e00l+ent #tan!ar!# -rov"!e! "n Sect"on# )8 an! )9 o0 the 1978 5at"onal ,oll+t"on Control Co$$"##"on R+le# an! Re&+lat"on# 85,CC9 a# a$en!e! /y De-art$ent o0 :ner&y an! 5at+ral Re#o+rce# 8D:5R9 A!$"n"#trat"ve %r!er 5o. 34.637 ''DA "n0or$e! 2ACC that "t $+#t -+t +- "t# o n Se a&e 2reat$ent ,lant 8S2,9 0or "t# e00l+ent !"#char&e to $eet &overn$ent #tan!ar!#. S"nce a #e a&e treat$ent -lant o+l! co#t a--ro3"$ately ,15 $"ll"on to -+t +-, 2ACC e3-er"$ente! "th a -ro-o#e! #ol+t"on 0ro$ 'ar+tan Re#o+rce# Develo-$ent Cor-orat"on, h"ch treate! the #e-t"c va+lt ater "th /"olo&"cal en>y$e#. St"ll, 2ACC<# ater !"#char&e 0a"le! to $eet the &overn$ent #tan!ar!#. %n 2) March 1999, ''DA<# :nv"ron$ental D"v"#"on collecte! #a$-le# o0 2ACC<# a#te ater. In a re-ort !ate! ) A-r"l 1999, ''DA 0o+n! t o !eter$"nant# "n 2ACC<# #a$-le#C 819 Che$"cal %3y&en De$an! 8C%D9 an! 829 %"l?Grea#e 8%G9. ''DA 0o+n! that 2ACC<# #a$-le# 0a"le! to $eet &overn$ent #tan!ar!# o0 150 0or C%D an! 5 0or %G. In a 5ot"ce o0 B"olat"on647 !ate! ) May 1999, ''DA !"recte! 2ACC to #+/$"t correct"ve $ea#+re# to a/ate or control "t# ater e00l+ent# !"#char&e! "nto the 'a&+na !e 1ay. ''DA l";e "#e "$-o#e! +-on 2ACC a !a"ly 0"ne o0 ,1,000 0ro$ 2) March 1999 +nt"l 0+ll ce##at"on o0 -oll+t"ve a#te ater !"#char&e.

2ACC entere! "nto an a&ree$ent "th Forl! Che$ Mar;et"n& 0or the con#tr+ct"on o0 the S2, 0or ,7,550,000. 2he con#tr+ct"on a# co$-lete! /y the #econ! ee; o0 %cto/er 2001. In an %r!er !ate! 19 *+ly 1999, ''DA #tate! that the !a"ly -enalty a# "$-o#e! +-on 2ACC 0or the -oll+t"ve a#te ater !"#char&e, an! to con!one the -enalty o+l! /e tanta$o+nt to tolerat"n& the -oll+t"on o0 the r"ver /o!"e# an! the 'a&+na !e 1ay h"ch "# contrary to ''DA<# $an!ate. %n 1 A-r"l 2002, 2ACC reA+e#te! ''DA to !"#$"## the ater -oll+t"on ca#e a&a"n#t "t /eca+#e o0 the 0avora/le analy#"# +n!erta;en /y the ''DA<# ,oll+t"on Control D"v"#"on on 28 .e/r+ary 2002. ''DA con!+cte! a hear"n& on 2) A-r"l 2002. In "t# -o#"t"on -a-er 0"le! on 15 May 2002, 2ACC reA+e#te! ''DA to con!one the "$-o#"t"on o0 the -enalty o0 ,1,000 -er !ay #"nce March 1999 "n reco&n"t"on o0 the re$e!"al an! correct"ve $ea#+re# "t +n!ertoo; to co$-ly "th &overn$ent #tan!ar!#. %n 4 Se-te$/er 2003, ''DA "##+e! an %r!er reA+"r"n& 2ACC to -ay a 0"ne o0 ,1,0)2,000 re-re#ent"n& the -enalty 0ro$ 2) March 1999 to 20 .e/r+ary 2002. 2ACC 0"le! a -et"t"on 0or cert"orar" /e0ore the Co+rt o0 A--eal# "th a -rayer 0or the "##+ance o0 a te$-orary re#tra"n"n& or!er.

The Decision of the Court of Appeals In "t# 2) A-r"l 2005 Dec"#"on, the Co+rt o0 A--eal# re#olve! the -et"t"on a# 0ollo #C F4:R:.%R:, -re$"#e# con#"!ere!, "n#tant -et"t"on "# DISMISS:D. Accor!"n&ly, the -rayer 0or te$-orary re#tra"n"n& or!er "# D:5I:D. S% %RD:R:D.657

2he Co+rt o0 A--eal# #+#ta"ne! ''DA<# content"on that the -et"t"on 0or cert"orar" a# -re$at+rely 0"le!. ''DA -o"nte! o+t that 2ACC 0a"le! to 0"le a $ot"on 0or recon#"!erat"on o0 the 4 Se-te$/er 2003 %r!er /e0ore 0"l"n& the -et"t"on /e0ore the Co+rt o0 A--eal#. 2he Co+rt o0 A--eal# al#o r+le! that /e0ore a -arty "# allo e! to #ee; the co+rt<# "ntervent"on, he #ho+l! have ava"le! o0 all the $ean# o0 a!$"n"#trat"ve -roce##e# a00or!e! h"$. 2he Co+rt o0 A--eal# r+le! that the -ro-er re$e!y #ho+l! have /een to re#ort to an a!$"n"#trat"ve re$e!y /e0ore the D:5R Secretary -r"or to E+!"c"al act"on. 2he Co+rt o0 A--eal# note! ''DA<# alle&at"on o0 2ACC<# o00er to co$-ro$"#e, h"ch ''DA co+ntere! "th an a!v"ce to a!!re## the o00er to the Co$$"##"on on A+!"t 8C%A9. 4ence, the Co+rt o0 A--eal# 0o+n! that 2ACC ha! not a/an!one! "t# a!$"n"#trat"ve re$e!"e# !e#-"te #"$+ltaneo+# re#ort to E+!"c"al act"on. 2he Co+rt o0 A--eal# r+le! that +n!er Re-+/l"c Act 5o. 4850 8RA 48509, a# a$en!e! /y ,re#"!ent"al Decree 5o. 813, 677 ''DA #hall /e co$-en#ate! 0or the !a$a&e# to the ater an! aA+at"c re#o+rce# o0 'a&+na !e 1ay re#+lt"n& 0ro$ 0a"l+re to $eet e#ta/l"#he! ater an! e00l+ent A+al"ty #tan!ar!#. 2he Co+rt o0 A--eal# r+le! that +n!er Sect"on 4 o0 :3ec+t"ve %r!er 5o. 927, #er"e# o0 1983,687 ''DA "# $an!ate! to G$a;e, alter or $o!"0y or!er# reA+"r"n& the !"#cont"n+at"on o0 -oll+t"on #-ec"0y"n& the con!"t"on# an! the t"$e "th"n h"ch #+ch !"#cont"n+ance $+#t /e acco$-l"#he!.H .+rther, the Co+rt o0 A--eal# r+le! that ,re#"!ent"al Decree 5o. 984697 -rov"!e# 0or -enalt"e# 0or v"olat"on or non(co$-l"ance "th any or!er, !ec"#"on or re&+lat"on o0 the Co$$"##"on 0or the control or a/ate$ent o0 -oll+t"on.

2ACC 0"le! a $ot"on 0or recon#"!erat"on. In "t# 1 A+&+#t 2005 Re#ol+t"on, the Co+rt o0 A--eal# !en"e! the $ot"on. 4ence, the -et"t"on /e0ore th"# Co+rt. The Issues 2ACC ra"#e# the 0ollo "n& "##+e# "n "t# $e$oran!+$C

1. Fhether the Co+rt !"#re&ar!"n& 2ACC<# co$-ly"n& "th #tan!ar!# on e00l+ent

o0 A--eal# erre! "n e3ha+#t"ve e00ort# "n the &overn$ent<# !"#char&eK an!

2. Fhether the Co+rt o0 A--eal# erre! "n 0"n!"n& that the -et"t"on 0or cert"orar" a# -re$at+rely 0"le!. The Ruling of this Court 2he -et"t"on ha# no $er"t. Non#$%haustion of Administrati"e &emedies 2he Co+rt o0 A--eal# r+le! that !+e to the tran#0er o0 ''DA to the D:5R +n!er :3ec+t"ve %r!er 5o. 149 6107 8:% 1499, 2ACC #ho+l! have 0"r#t re#orte! to an a!$"n"#trat"ve re$e!y /e0ore the D:5R Secretary -r"or to 0"l"n& a -et"t"on 0or cert"orar" /e0ore the Co+rt o0 A--eal#. 2he !octr"ne o0 non(e3ha+#t"on o0 a!$"n"#trat"ve re$e!"e# reA+"re# that re#ort /e 0"r#t $a!e "th the a!$"n"#trat"ve a+thor"t"e# "n the re#ol+t"on o0 a controver#y 0all"n& +n!er the"r E+r"#!"ct"on /e0ore the controver#y $ay /e elevate! to a co+rt o0 E+#t"ce 0or rev"e .6117 A -re$at+re "nvocat"on o0 a co+rt<# "ntervent"on ren!er# the co$-la"nt "tho+t ca+#e o0 act"on an! !"#$"##"/le.6127 :% 149 tran#0erre! ''DA 0ro$ the %00"ce o0 the ,re#"!ent to the D:5R G0or -ol"cy an! -ro&ra$ coor!"nat"on an!?or a!$"n"#trat"ve #+-erv"#"on 3 3 3.H6137 @n!er :% 149, D:5R only ha# a!$"n"#trat"ve -o er over ''DA. A!$"n"#trat"ve -o er "# concerne! "th the or; o0 a--ly"n& -ol"c"e# an! en0orc"n& or!er# a# !eter$"ne! /y -ro-er &overn$ental or&an#. 6147

4o ever, :3ec+t"ve %r!er 5o. 1926157 8:% 1929, h"ch reor&an">e! the D:5R, $an!ate# the D:5R to G-ro$+l&ate r+le# an! re&+lat"on# 0or the control o0 ater, a"r an! lan! -oll+t"onH an! to G-ro$+l&ate a$/"ent an! e00l+ent #tan!ar!# 0or ater an! a"r A+al"ty "ncl+!"n& the allo a/le level# o0 other -oll+tant# an! ra!"at"on#.H61)7 :% 192 create! the ,oll+t"on A!E+!"cat"on 1oar!6177 +n!er the %00"ce o0 the D:5R Secretary h"ch a##+$e! the -o er# an! 0+nct"on# o0 the 5,CC "th re#-ect to the a!E+!"cat"on o0 -oll+t"on ca#e#, "ncl+!"n& 5,CC<# 0+nct"on to G6#7erve a# ar/"trator 0or the !eter$"nat"on o0 re-arat"on, or re#t"t+t"on o0 the !a$a&e# an! lo##e# re#+lt"n& 0ro$ -oll+t"on.H6187 4ence, 2ACC ha# an a!$"n"#trat"ve reco+r#e /e0ore the D:5R Secretary h"ch "t #ho+l! have 0"r#t -+r#+e! /e0ore 0"l"n& a -et"t"on 0or cert"orar" /e0ore the Co+rt o0 A--eal#. Powers of the LLDA to Impose Pena ty RA 4850 #-ec"0"cally $an!ate# ''DA to carry o+t an! $a;e e00ect"ve the !eclare! nat"onal -ol"cy o0 -ro$ot"n& an! accelerat"n& the !evelo-$ent an! /alance! &ro th o0 the 'a&+na 'a;e area an! the #+rro+n!"n& -rov"nce# o0 R">al an! 'a&+na an! the c"t"e# o0 San ,a/lo, Man"la, ,a#ay, =+e>on an! Caloocan "th !+e re&ar! an! a!eA+ate -rov"#"on# 0or env"ron$ental $ana&e$ent an! control, -re#ervat"on o0 the A+al"ty o0 h+$an l"0e an! ecolo&"cal #y#te$#, an! the -revent"on o0 +n!+e ecolo&"cal !"#t+r/ance#, !eter"orat"on an! -oll+t"on. 6197 ''DA, /y v"rt+e o0 "t# #-ec"al charter, ha# the re#-on#"/"l"ty to -rotect the "nha/"tant# o0 the 'a&+na 'a;e re&"on 0ro$ the !eleter"o+# e00ect# o0 -oll+tant# e$anat"n& 0ro$ the !"#char&e o0 a#te# 0ro$ the #+rro+n!"n& area#.6207 @n!er Sect"on 4(A o0 RA 4850, a# a$en!e!, ''DA "# ent"tle! to co$-en#at"on 0or !a$a&e# re#+lt"n& 0ro$ 0a"l+re to $eet e#ta/l"#he! ater an! e00l+ent A+al"ty #tan!ar!#, th+#C
Sec. 4(A. Co$-en#at"on 0or !a$a&e# to the ater an! aA+at"c re#o+rce# o0 'a&+na !e 1ay an! "t# tr"/+tar"e# re#+lt"n& 0ro$ 0a"l+re to $eet e#ta/l"#he! ater an! e00l+ent A+al"ty #tan!ar!# an! 0ro$ #+ch other ron&0+l act or o$"##"on o0 a -er#on, -r"vate or -+/l"c,

E+r"!"cal or other "#e, -+n"#ha/le +n!er the la #hall /e a ar!e! to the A+thor"ty to /e ear$ar;e! 0or ater A+al"ty control an! $ana&e$ent. In the -re#ent ca#e, 2ACC !oe# not challen&e ''DA<# a+thor"ty to "$-o#e the 0"ne. 4o ever, 2ACC ar&+e# that #"nce "t ha! alrea!y e3ha+#te! e00ort# an! #+/#tant"ally #-ent to co$-ly "th e#ta/l"#he! e00l+ent A+al"ty #tan!ar!#, the !a"ly -enalty "$-o#e! /y the ''DA "# an +n arrante! 0"nanc"al /+r!en to "t# +n"t o ner# an! #ho+l! th+# /e con!one!. 2ACC 0+rther ar&+e# that the non(co$-l"ance "th &overn$ent #tan!ar!# a# !+e to the o$"##"on an! 0a+lt o0 ,h"lRealty.

2ACC<# ar&+$ent# have no $er"t. ,h"lRealty 0or$ally t+rne! over the -roEect to 2ACC on 31 Dece$/er 1993. 2herea0ter, 2ACC $ana&e! the -roEect. It a# al$o#t 0"ve year# a0ter, or on 24 *+ne 1998, hen ''DA a!v"#e! 2ACC that "t# a#te ater !"! not $eet &overn$ent e00l+ent #tan!ar!#. It "# clear that the re#-on#"/"l"ty to co$-ly "th &overn$ent #tan!ar!# l"e# "th 2ACC. I0, a# cla"$e! /y 2ACC, the non(co$-l"ance a# !+e to the o$"##"on an! 0a+lt o0 ,h"lRealty, 2ACC<# reco+r#e "# to 0"le an act"on, "0 arrante!, a&a"n#t ,h"lRealty "n a -ro-er co+rt. 2ACC cannot e#ca-e "t# l"a/"l"ty to ''DA /y #h"0t"n& the /la$e to ,h"lRealty. 4ence, the ''DA !"! not a/+#e "t# !"#cret"on "n "##+"n& "t# 4 Se-te$/er 2003 %r!er. Condonation of Pena ty and Pendin! 'ffer to Compromise A# re&ar!# the con!onat"on o0 the -enalty, the -o er to co$-ro$"#e cla"$# "# ve#te! e3cl+#"vely "n the C%A or Con&re## -+r#+ant to Sect"on 20 819, Cha-ter IB, S+/t"tle 1, 2"tle I, 1oo; B o0 :3ec+t"ve %r!er 5o. 292 8A!$"n"#trat"ve Co!e o0 19879 h"ch -rov"!e#C Sect"on 20. Power to #ompromise #laims" ( 819 Fhen the "ntere#t o0 the Govern$ent #o reA+"re#, the Co$$"##"on $ay co$-ro$"#e or relea#e "n hole or "n -art, any #ettle! cla"$ or l"a/"l"ty to any &overn$ent a&ency not e3cee!"n& ten tho+#an! -e#o# ar"#"n& o+t o0

any $atter or ca#e /e0ore "t or "th"n "t# E+r"#!"ct"on, an! "th the r"tten a--roval o0 the ,re#"!ent, "t $ay l";e "#e co$-ro$"#e or relea#e any #"$"lar cla"$ or l"a/"l"ty not e3cee!"n& one h+n!re! tho+#an! -e#o#. In ca#e the cla"$ or l"a/"l"ty e3cee!# one h+n!re! tho+#an! -e#o#, the a--l"cat"on 0or rel"e0 there0ro$ #hall /e #+/$"tte!, thro+&h the Co$$"##"on an! the ,re#"!ent, "th the"r reco$$en!at"on#, to the Con&re##6.7 3 3 3 In a letter !ate! 5 May 2004, 6217 2ACC $an"0e#te! "t# o00er to co$-ro$"#e /y -ay"n& a re!+ce! 0"ne o0 ,500,000. In "t# re#-on#e !ate! 8 *+ly 2004,6227 ''DA #tate! that the -ro-o#al o+l! /e 0or ar!e! to ''DA<# 1oar! o0 D"rector# altho+&h G"t "# nece##ary that the ca#e /e "th!ra n 0ro$ the co+rt.H In a letter !ate! 11 Se-te$/er 2004,6237 2ACC #tate! that "n a re&+lar $eet"n& hel! on ) Se-te$/er 2004, the $e$/er# o0 2ACC<# 1oar! o0 D"rector# +nan"$o+#ly a&ree! to "th!ra the -et"t"on 0or cert"orar" /e0ore the Co+rt o0 A--eal#, -rov"!e! the ''DA o+l! a&ree to re!+ce the -enalty to ,500,000. In a letter !ate! 22 Se-te$/er 2004,6247 ''DA re0erre! the o00er to "t# re#"!ent a+!"tor Anton"o M. Mal"t 8A+!"tor Mal"t9 on the &ro+n! that only the C%A ha! the a+thor"ty to co$-ro$"#e #ettle$ent o0 o/l"&at"on# to the State. In a letter !ate! 23 Se-te$/er 2004, A+!"tor Mal"t "n0or$e! ''DA that the -o er to co$-ro$"#e cla"$# "# ve#te! e3cl+#"vely "n the C%A -+r#+ant to Sect"on 3) o0 ,re#"!ent"al Decree 5o. 1445. 6257 A+!"tor Mal"t #tate! that the reA+e#t 0or co$-ro$"#e #ho+l! /e a!!re##e! to C%A. 4o ever, #"nce the a$o+nt o0 the -enalty #o+&ht to /e con!one! "# ,1,0)2,000, the a+thor"ty to co$-ro$"#e #+ch cla"$ "# ve#te! e3cl+#"vely "n Con&re## -+r#+ant to Sect"on 20 819, Cha-ter IB, S+/t"tle 1, 2"tle I, 1oo; B o0 the A!$"n"#trat"ve Co!e o0 1987. 2h"# re$e!y "# not a!$"n"#trat"ve /+t le&"#lat"ve, an! nee! not /e re#orte! to /e0ore 0"l"n& a E+!"c"al act"on. Moreover, the Co+rt cannot #+#ta"n the Co+rt o0 A--eal#< 0"n!"n& that there a# a -en!"n& o00er to co$-ro$"#e hen the -et"t"on 0or cert"orar" a# 0"le! /e0ore "t. 2here "# noth"n& "n the recor!# that "n!"cate# that 2ACC "th!re "t# o00er o0

co$-ro$"#e. At the #a$e t"$e, there "# al#o noth"n& to "n!"cate that 2ACC #+/$"tte! a co$-ro$"#e o00er to C%A, a# A+!"tor Mal"t ha! a!v"#e!. 4ence, "t "# not -roven that th"# -et"t"on a# #"$+ltaneo+#ly ava"le! o0 "th the o00er to co$-ro$"#e. Fai ure to Fi e a (otion for &econsideration .or a -et"t"on 0or cert"orar" +n!er R+le )5 o0 the R+le# o0 Co+rt to -ro#-er, 2ACC $+#t #ho that 819 the ''DA acte! "tho+t or "n e3ce## o0 "t# E+r"#!"ct"on or "th &rave a/+#e o0 !"#cret"on a$o+nt"n& to lac; or e3ce## o0 E+r"#!"ct"on an! 829 there "# no a--eal or a -la"n, #-ee!y an! a!eA+ate re$e!y "n the or!"nary co+r#e o0 la . 2he -la"n an! a!eA+ate re$e!y re0erre! to "n Sect"on 1 o0 R+le )5 "# a $ot"on 0or recon#"!erat"on o0 the a##a"le! !ec"#"on. 62)7 2he -+r-o#e o0 th"# reA+"re$ent "# to ena/le the co+rt or a&ency to rect"0y "t# $"#ta;e# "tho+t the "ntervent"on o0 a h"&her co+rt.6277 2o !"#-en#e "th th"# reA+"re$ent, there $+#t /e a concrete, co$-ell"n&, an! val"! rea#on 0or the 0a"l+re to co$-ly "th the reA+"re$ent.6287 ,et"t"oner $ay not arro&ate to "t#el0 the !eter$"nat"on o0 hether a $ot"on 0or recon#"!erat"on "# 6297 nece##ary or not. In the -re#ent ca#e, 2ACC !"! not 0"le a $ot"on 0or recon#"!erat"on o0 the 4 Se-te$/er 2003 %r!er. 2ACC al#o 0a"le! to #ho #+00"c"ent co$-ell"n& an! val"! rea#on to !"#-en#e "th the reA+"re$ent o0 0"l"n& a $ot"on 0or recon#"!erat"on. 4ence, e a&ree "th the Co+rt o0 A--eal# that the -et"t"on 0or cert"orar" a# -re$at+rely 0"le! /e0ore "t. ."nally, 2ACC ant# the Co+rt to rev"e the $an!ate o0 ''DA to hel- tran#0or$ "t 0ro$ a re&+latory a&ency "nto a !evelo-$ental an! -ro$ot"onal a&ency. 4o ever, e a&ree "th ''DA that #+ch a rev"e o0 ''DA<# charter "# not "th"n the E+r"#!"ct"on o0 th"# Co+rt.

56EREFORE, e DEN7 the -et"t"on. Fe AFFIR) the 2) A-r"l 2005 Dec"#"on an! 1 A+&+#t 2005 Re#ol+t"on o0 the Co+rt o0 A--eal# "n CA(G.R. S, 5o. 82409. SO ORDERED.

ANTONIO T! CARPIO A##oc"ate *+#t"ce










RE3NATO S. " NO Chief <usti)e



HERMOSISIMA, ,R., J.: It is diffi#ult for a ma$, s#ave$%i$% o$ the %arba%e dum' #reated b afflue$#e a$d 'rofli%ate #o$sum'tio$ a$d e=trava%a$#e of the ri#h or fishi$% i$ the mur< )aters of the .asi% >iver a$d the 3a%u$a 3a<e or ma<i$% a #leari$% i$ the forest so that he #a$ 'rodu#e food for his famil , to u$dersta$d )h 'rote#ti$% birds, fish, a$d trees is more im'orta$t tha$ 'rote#ti$% him a$d <ee'i$% his famil aliveCo) do )e stri<e a bala$#e bet)ee$ e$viro$me$tal 'rote#tio$, o$ the o$e ha$d, a$d the i$dividual 'erso$al i$terests of 'eo'le, o$ the otherN Do)ards e$viro$me$tal 'rote#tio$ a$d e#olo% , $avi%atio$al safet , a$d sustai$able develo'me$t, >e'ubli# 5#t No605? #reated the L3a%u$a 3a<e Develo'me$t 5uthorit -L Dhis @over$me$t 5%e$# is su''osed to #arr out a$d effe#tuate the aforesaid de#lared 'oli# , so as to a##elerate the develo'me$t a$d bala$#ed %ro)th of the 3a%u$a 3a<e area a$d the surrou$di$% 'rovi$#es, #ities a$d to)$s, i$ the a#t #learl $amed, )ithi$ the #o$te=t of the $atio$al a$d re%io$al 'la$s a$d 'oli#ies for so#ial a$d e#o$omi# develo'me$t-

.reside$tial De#ree No- 01+ of former .reside$t Herdi$a$d E- !ar#os ame$ded #ertai$ se#tio$s of >e'ubli# 5#t No605? be#ause of the #o$#er$ for the ra'id e='a$sio$ of !etro'olita$ !a$ila, the suburbs a$d the la<eshore to)$s of 3a%u$a de Ba , #ombi$ed )ith #urre$t a$d 'ros'e#tive uses of the la<e for mu$i#i'al8i$dustrial )ater su''l , irri%atio$, fisheries, a$d the li<e- Co$#er$ o$ the 'art of the @over$me$t a$d the %e$eral 'ubli# over: J the e$viro$me$t im'a#t of develo'me$t o$ the )ater Bualit a$d e#olo% of the la<e a$d its related river s stemsG the i$flo) of 'olluted )ater from the .asi% >iver, i$dustrial, domesti# a$d a%ri#ultural )astes from develo'ed areas arou$d the la<eG the i$#reasi$% urba$i/atio$ )hi#h i$du#ed the deterioratio$ of the la<e, si$#e )ater Bualit studies have sho)$ that the la<e )ill deteriorate further if ste's are $ot ta<e$ to #he#< the sameG a$d the floods i$ !etro'olita$ !a$ila area a$d the la<eshore to)$s )hi#h )ill i$flue$#e the h drauli# s stem of 3a%u$a de Ba , si$#e a$ s#heme of #o$trolli$% the floods )ill $e#essaril i$volve the la<e a$d its river s stems, J li<e)ise %ave im'etus to the #reatio$ of the 5uthorit Se#tio$ 1 of >e'ubli# 5#t No- 605? )as ame$ded to read as follo)s:

Se#- 1- Declaration of Polic#- It is hereb de#lared to be the $atio$al 'oli# to 'romote, a$d a##elerate the develo'me$t a$d bala$#ed %ro)th of the 3a%u$a 3a<e area a$d the surrou$di$% 'rovi$#es, #ities a$d to)$s herei$after referred to as the re%io$, )ithi$ the #o$te=t of the $atio$al a$d re%io$al 'la$s a$d 'oli#ies for so#ial a$d e#o$omi# develo'me$t a$d to #arr out the develo'me$t of the 3a%u$a 3a<e re%io$ )ith due re%ard a$d adeBuate 'rovisio$s for e$viro$me$tal ma$a%eme$t a$d #o$trol, 'reservatio$ of the Bualit of huma$ life a$d e#olo%i#al s stems, a$d the 'reve$tio$ of u$due e#olo%i#al disturba$#es, deterioratio$ a$d 'ollutio$- 1
S'e#ial 'o)ers of the 5uthorit , 'erti$e$t to the issues i$ this #ase, i$#lude: Se#- +- Se#tio$ 6 of the same 5#t is hereb further ame$ded b addi$% thereto seve$ $e) 'ara%ra'hs to be <$o)$ as 'ara%ra'hs 1,2, 1<2, 1l2, 1m2, 1$2, 1o2, a$d 1'2 )hi#h shall read as follo)s: === === === 1,2 Dhe 'rovisio$s of e=isti$% la)s to the #o$trar $ot)ithsta$di$%, to e$%a%e i$ fish 'rodu#tio$ a$d other aBua8#ulture 'ro,e#ts i$ 3a%u$a de Ba a$d other bodies of )ater )ithi$ its ,urisdi#tio$ a$d i$ 'ursua$#e thereof to #o$du#t studies a$d ma<e e='erime$ts, )he$ever $e#essar , )ith the #ollaboratio$ a$d assista$#e of the Bureau of Hisheries a$d 5Buati# >esour#es, )ith the e$d i$ vie) of im'rovi$% 'rese$t te#h$iBues a$d 'ra#ti#es- Provided, that u$til modified, altered or ame$ded b the 'ro#edure 'rovided i$ the follo)i$% sub8'ara%ra'h, the 'rese$t la)s, rules a$d 'ermits or authori/atio$s remai$ i$ for#eG 1<2 Hor the 'ur'ose of effe#tivel re%ulati$% a$d mo$itori$% a#tivities i$ 3a%u$a de Ba ,t(e Aut(orit# s(all (ave e2clusive "urisdiction to issue ne- permit for t(e use of t(e la.e -aters for an# pro"ects or activities in or affecting t(e said la.e including navigation& construction& and operation of fis(pens& fis( enclosures& fis( corrals and t(e li.e, a$d to im'ose $e#essar safe%uards for la<e Bualit #o$trol a$d ma$a%eme$t a$d to #olle#t $e#essar fees for said a#tivities a$d 'ro,e#ts: Provided, Dhat the fees #olle#ted for fisheries ma be shared bet)ee$ the 5uthorit a$d other %over$me$t a%e$#ies a$d 'oliti#al sub8divisio$s i$ su#h 'ro'ortio$ as ma be determi$ed b the .reside$t of the .hili''i$es u'o$ re#omme$datio$ of the 5uthorit Is Board: Provided& furt(er, Dhat the 5uthorit Is Board ma determi$e $e) areas of fisher develo'me$t or a#tivities )hi#h it ma 'la#e u$der the su'ervisio$ of the Bureau of Hisheries a$d 5Buati# >esour#es ta<i$% i$to a##ou$t the overall develo'me$t 'la$s a$d 'ro%rams for 3a%u$a de Ba a$d related bodies of )ater: Provided& finall#, Dhat the 5uthorit shall sub,e#t to the a''roval of the .reside$t of the .hili''i$es 'romul%ate su#h rules a$d re%ulatio$s )hi#h shall %over$ fisheries develo'me$t a#tivities i$ 3a%u$a de Ba )hi#h shall ta<e i$to #o$sideratio$ amo$% others the follo)i$%: so#io8e#o$omi# amelioratio$ of bo$afide reside$t fisherme$ )hether i$dividuall or #olle#tivel i$ the form of #oo'eratives, la<eshore to)$ develo'me$t, a master 'la$ for fish'e$ #o$stru#tio$ a$d o'eratio$, #ommu$al fishi$% %rou$d for la<e shore to)$

reside$ts, a$d 'refere$#e to la<e shore to)$ reside$ts i$ hiri$% laborer for fisher 'ro,e#tsG 1l2 Do reBuire the #ities a$d mu$i#i'alities embra#ed )ithi$ the re%io$ to 'ass a''ro'riate /o$i$% ordi$a$#es a$d other re%ulator measures $e#essar to #arr out the ob,e#tives of the 5uthorit a$d e$for#e the same )ith the assista$#e of the 5uthorit G 1m2 Dhe 'rovisio$s of e=isti$% la)s to the #o$trar $ot)ithsta$di$%, to e=er#ise )ater ri%hts over 'ubli# )aters )ithi$ the 3a%u$a de Ba re%io$ )he$ever $e#essar to #arr out the 5uthorit Is 'ro,e#tsG

1$2 Do a#t i$ #oordi$atio$ )ith e=isti$% %over$me$tal a%e$#ies i$ establishi$% )ater Bualit sta$dards for i$dustrial, a%ri#ultural a$d mu$i#i'al )aste dis#har%es i$to the la<e a$d to #oo'erate )ith said e=isti$% a%e$#ies of the %over$me$t of the .hili''i$es i$ e$for#i$% su#h sta$dards, or to se'aratel 'ursue e$for#eme$t a$d 'e$alt a#tio$s as 'rovided for i$ Se#tio$ 6 1d2 a$d Se#tio$ +985 of this 5#t: Provided, Dhat i$ #ase of #o$fli#t o$ the a''ro'riate )ater Bualit sta$dard to be e$for#ed su#h #o$fli#t shall be resolved thru the NED5 Board- 2
Do more effe#tivel 'erform the role of the 5uthorit u$der >e'ubli# 5#t No- 605?, as thou%h .reside$tial De#ree No01+ )ere $ot thou%ht to be #om'letel effe#tive, the Chief E=e#utive, feeli$% that the la$d a$d )aters of the 3a%u$a 3a<e >e%io$ are limited $atural resour#es reBuiri$% ,udi#ious ma$a%eme$t to their o'timal utili/atio$ to i$sure re$e)abilit a$d to 'reserve the e#olo%i#al bala$#e, the #om'eti$% o'tio$s for the use of su#h resour#es a$d #o$fli#ti$% ,urisdi#tio$s over su#h uses havi$% #reated u$due #o$strai$ts o$ the i$stitutio$al #a'abilities of the 5uthorit i$ the li%ht of the limited 'o)ers vested i$ it b its #harter, E=e#utive Order No- 9&7 further defi$ed a$d e$lar%ed the fu$#tio$s a$d 'o)ers of the 5uthorit a$d $amed a$d e$umerated the to)$s, #ities a$d 'rovi$#es e$#om'assed b the term L3a%u$a de Ba >e%io$L5lso, 'erti$e$t to the issues i$ this #ase are the follo)i$% 'rovisio$s of E=e#utive Order No- 9&7 )hi#h i$#lude i$ 'arti#ular the shari$% of fees: Se# &- "ater >i%hts Over 3a%u$a de Ba a$d Other Bodies of "ater )ithi$ the 3a<e >e%io$: Do effe#tivel re%ulate a$d mo$itor a#tivities i$ the 3a%u$a de Ba re%io$, the 5uthorit shall have e=#lusive ,urisdi#tio$ to issue 'ermit for the use of all surfa#e )ater for a$ 'ro,e#ts or a#tivities i$ or affe#ti$% the said re%io$ i$#ludi$% $avi%atio$, #o$stru#tio$, a$d o'eratio$ of fish'e$s, fish e$#losures, fish #orrals a$d the li<eHor the 'ur'ose of this E=e#utive Order, the term L3a%u$a de Ba >e%io$L shall refer to the .rovi$#es of >i/al a$d 3a%u$aG the Cities of Sa$ .ablo, .asa , Caloo#a$, Oue/o$, !a$ila a$d Da%a ta G the to)$s of Da$aua$, Sto- Domas a$d !alvar i$ Bata$%as .rovi$#eG the to)$s of Sila$% a$d Carmo$a i$ Cavite .rovi$#eG the to)$ of 3u#ba$ i$ Oue/o$ .rovi$#eG a$d the to)$s of !ari<i$a, .asi%, Da%ui%, !u$ti$lu'a, a$d .ateros i$ !etro !a$ilaSe# +- Collection of 3ees- Dhe 5uthorit is hereb em'o)ered to #olle#t fees for the use of the la<e )ater a$d its tributaries for all be$efi#ial 'ur'oses i$#ludi$% but $ot limited to fisheries, re#reatio$, mu$i#i'al, i$dustrial, a%ri#ultural, $avi%atio$, irri%atio$, a$d )aste dis'osal 'ur'oseG Provided, that the rates of the fees to be #olle#ted, a$d the s(aring -it( ot(er government agencies and political subdivisions& if necessar#& s(all be sub"ect to t(e approval of t(e President of t(e P(ilippines u'o$ re#omme$datio$ of the 5uthorit Is Board, e2cept fis(pen fee, )hi#h )ill be shared i$ the follo)i$% ma$$erG 45 percent of t(e fee s(all go to t(e la.es(ore local governments, 5 'er#e$t shall %o to the .ro,e#t Develo'me$t Hu$d )hi#h shall be admi$istered b a Cou$#il a$d the remai$i$% 75 'er#e$t shall #o$stitute the share of 33D5- Co)ever, after t(e implementation -it(in t(e t(ree #ear period of t(e ,aguna ,a.e 3is(er# 6oning and Management Plan, the shari$% )ill be modified as follo)s: 78 percent of t(e fis(pen fee goes to t(e la.es(ore local governments, 5 'er#e$t %oes to the .ro,e#t Develo'me$t Hu$d a$d the remai$i$% ;? 'er#e$t shall be retai$ed b 33D5G Provided& (o-ever, that the share of 33D5 shall form 'art of its #or'orate fu$ds a$d shall $ot be remitted to

the Natio$al Dreasur as a$ e=#e'tio$ to the 'rovisio$s of .reside$tial De#ree No- 1&+61Em'hasis su''lied2 It is im'orta$t to $ote that Se#tio$ &9 of .reside$tial De#ree No- 01+ defi$ed the term L3a%u$a 3a<eL i$ this ma$$er: Se# 61- Definition of !erms1112 3a%u$a 3a<e or 3a<e- "he$ever 3a%u$a 3a<e or la<e is used i$ this 5#t, the same shall refer to 3a%u$a de Ba )hi#h is that area #overed b the la<e )ater )he$ it is at the avera%e a$$ual ma=imum la<e level of elevatio$ 1&-5? meters, as referred to a datum 1?-?? meters belo) mea$ lo)er lo) )ater 1!-3-3-"2- 3a$ds lo#ated at a$d belo) su#h elevatio$ are 'ubli# la$ds )hi#h form 'art of the bed of said la<eDhe$ #ame >e'ubli# 5#t No- 71;?, the 3o#al @over$me$t Code of 1991- Dhe mu$i#i'alities i$ the 3a%u$a 3a<e >e%io$ i$ter'reted the 'rovisio$s of this la) to mea$ that the $e)l 'assed la) %ave mu$i#i'al %over$me$ts the e=#lusive ,urisdi#tio$ to issue fishi$% 'rivile%es )ithi$ their mu$i#i'al )aters be#ause >-5- 71;? 'rovides: Se#- 169- Hisher >e$tals, Hees a$d Char%es1a2 !u$i#i'alities shall have the e=#lusive authorit to %ra$t fisher 'rivile%es i$ the mu$i#i'al )aters a$d im'ose re$tal fees or #har%es therefor i$ a##orda$#e )ith the 'rovisio$s of this Se#tio$1b2 Dhe Sa$%%u$ia$% Ba a$ ma : 112 @ra$t fishi$% 'rivile%es to ere#t fish #orrals, o ster, mussel or other aBuati# beds or ba$%us fr areas, )ithi$ a defi$ite /o$e of the mu$i#i'al )aters, as determi$ed b itG - - - 1&2 @ra$t 'rivile%e to %ather, ta<e or #at#h ba$%us fr , 'ra)$ fr or .a-ag .a-ag or fr of other s'e#ies a$d fish from the mu$i#i'al )aters b $ets, tra's or other fishi$% %ears to mar%i$al fisherme$ free from a$ re$tal fee, #har%es or a$ other im'ositio$ )hatsoever=== === === Se#- 667- Po-er& Duties& 3unctions and Compensation- - - - === === === 1PI2 Sub,e#t to the 'rovisio$s of Boo< II of this Code, %ra$t e=#lusive 'rivile%es of #o$stru#ti$% fish #orrals or fish'e$s, or the ta<i$% or #at#hi$% of ba$%us fr , 'ra)$ fr or.a-ag .a-ag or fr of a$ s'e#ies or fish )ithi$ the mu$i#i'al )aters=== === === !u$i#i'al %over$me$ts thereu'o$ assumed the authorit to issue fishi$% 'rivile%es a$d fish'e$ 'ermits- Bi% fish'e$ o'erators too< adva$ta%e of the o##asio$ to establish fish'e$s a$d fish#a%es to the #o$ster$atio$ of the 5uthorit 4$re%ulated fish'e$s a$d fish#a%es, as of (ul , 1995, o##u'ied almost o$e8third of the e$tire la<e )ater surfa#e area, i$#reasi$% the o##u'atio$ drasti#all from 7,??? he#tares i$ 199? to almost &1,??? he#tares i$ 1995- Dhe !a orIs 'ermit to #o$stru#t fish'e$s a$d fish#a%es )ere all u$derta<e$ i$ violatio$ of the 'oli#ies ado'ted b the 5uthorit o$ fish'e$ /o$i$% a$d the 3a%u$a 3a<e #arr i$% #a'a#it Do be sure, the im'leme$tatio$ b the la<eshore mu$i#i'alities of se'arate i$de'e$de$t 'oli#ies i$ the o'eratio$ of fish'e$s a$d fish#a%es )ithi$ their #laimed territorial mu$i#i'al )aters i$ the la<e a$d their i$dis#rimi$ate %ra$t of

fish'e$ 'ermits have alread saturated the la<e area )ith fish'e$s, thereb a%%ravati$% the #urre$t e$viro$me$tal 'roblems a$d e#olo%i#al stress of 3a%u$a 3a<eI$ vie) of the fore%oi$% #ir#umsta$#es, the 5uthorit served $oti#e to the %e$eral 'ubli# that: I$ #om'lia$#e )ith the i$stru#tio$s of Cis E=#elle$# .>ESIDEND HIDE3 V- >5!OS %ive$ o$ (u$e &+, 199+ at .ila, 3a%u$a 'ursua$t to >e'ubli# 5#t 605? as ame$ded b .reside$tial De#ree 01+ a$d E=e#utive Order 9&7 series of 190+ a$d i$ li$e )ith the 'oli#ies a$d 'ro%rams of the .reside$tial Das< Hor#e o$ Ille%al Hish'e$s a$d Ille%al Hishi$%, the %e$eral 'ubli# is hereb $otified that: 1- 5ll fish'e$s, fish#a%es a$d other aBua8#ulture stru#tures i$ the 3a%u$a de Ba >e%io$, )hi#h )ere $ot re%istered or to )hi#h $o a''li#atio$ for re%istratio$ a$d9or 'ermit has bee$ filed )ith 3a%u$a 3a<e Develo'me$t 5uthorit as of !ar#h +1, 199+ are hereb de#lared outri%htl as ille%al&- 5ll fish'e$s, fish#a%es a$d other aBua8#ulture stru#tures so de#lared as ille%al shall be sub,e#t to demolitio$ )hi#h shall be u$derta<e$ b the .reside$tial Das< Hor#e for Ille%al Hish'e$ a$d Ille%al Hishi$%+- O)$ers of fish'e$s, fish#a%es a$d other aBua8#ulture stru#tures de#lared as ille%al shall, )ithout 're,udi#e to demolitio$ of their stru#tures be #rimi$all #har%ed i$ a##orda$#e )ith Se#tio$ +985 of >e'ubli# 5#t 605? as ame$ded b .-D- 01+ for violatio$ of the same la)s- Violatio$s of these la)s #arries a 'e$alt of im'riso$me$t of $ot e=#eedi$% + ears or a fi$e $ot e=#eedi$% Hive Dhousa$d .esos or both at the dis#retio$ of the #ourt5ll o'erators of fish'e$s, fish#a%es a$d other aBua8#ulture stru#tures de#lared as ille%al i$ a##orda$#e )ith the fore%oi$% Noti#e shall have o$e 112 mo$th o$ or before &7 O#tober 199+ to sho) #ause before the 33D5 )h their said fish'e$s, fish#a%es a$d other aBua8#ulture stru#tures should $ot be demolished9disma$tledO$e mo$th, thereafter, the 5uthorit se$t $oti#es to the #o$#er$ed o)$ers of the ille%all #o$stru#ted fish'e$s, fish#a%es a$d other aBua8#ulture stru#tures advisi$% them to disma$tle their res'e#tive stru#tures )ithi$ 1? da s from re#ei't thereof, other)ise, demolitio$ shall be effe#ted>ea#ti$% thereto, the affe#ted fish'e$ o)$ers filed i$,u$#tio$ #ases a%ai$st the 5uthorit before various re%io$al trial #ourts, to )it: 1a2 Civil Case No- 7598B, for .rohibitio$, I$,u$#tio$ a$d Dama%es, >e%io$al Drial Court, Bra$#h 7?, Bi$a$%o$a$, >i/al, filed b Hleet Develo'me$t, I$#- a$d Carlito 5rro oG 1b2 Civil Case No- ;6?69, for I$,u$#tio$, >e%io$al Drial Court, Bra$#h 1;&, .asi%, filed b I>!5 Hishi$% a$d Dradi$% Cor'-, 5>D! Hishi$% Cor'-, BD> Cor'-, !I>D Cor'- a$d D>I! Cor'-G 1#2 Civil Case No- 5;;, for De#larator >elief a$d I$,u$#tio$, >e%io$al Drial Court, Bra$#h 1;+, .asi%, filed b !a$ila !ari$e 3ife Busi$ess >esour#es, I$#- a$d Dobias >e $aldo !- Dia$#oG 1d2 Civil Case No- 55;8!, for .rohibitio$, I$,u$#tio$ a$d Dama%es, >e%io$al Drial Court, Bra$#h 70, !oro$%, >i/al, filed b 5@. Hishi$% Ve$tures, I$#-G 1e2 Civil Case No- 5&&8!, for .rohibitio$, I$,u$#tio$ a$d Dama%es, >e%io$al Drial Court, Bra$#h 70, !oro$%, >i/al, filed b Blue 3a%oo$ a$d 5l#ris Chi#<e$ @ro)ers, I$#-G 1f2 Civil Case No- 5568, for Certiorari a$d .rohibitio$, >e%io$al Drial Court, Bra$#h 79, !oro$%, >i/al, filed b @ree$fields Ve$tures I$dustrial Cor'- a$d >-(- Orio$ Develo'me$t Cor'-G a$d 1%2 Civil Case No- ;61&6, for I$,u$#tio$, >e%io$al Drial Court, Bra$#h 15, .asi%, filed b SE58!5> Dradi$% Co-, I$#- a$d Easter$ 3a%oo$ Hishi$% Cor'- a$d !i$amar Hishi$% Cor'oratio$Dhe 5uthorit filed motio$s to dismiss the #ases a%ai$st it o$ ,urisdi#tio$al %rou$ds- Dhe motio$s to dismiss )ere i$variabl de$ied- !ea$)hile, tem'orar restrai$i$% order9)rits of 'relimi$ar ma$dator i$,u$#tio$ )ere issued i$ Civil Cases Nos- ;61&6, 759 a$d 5;; e$,oi$i$% the 5uthorit from demolishi$% the fish'e$s a$d similar stru#tures i$ Buestio$Ce$#e, the herei$ 'etitio$ for certiorari, 'rohibitio$ a$d i$,u$#tio$, @->- Nos- 1&?0;5871, )ere filed b the 5uthorit )ith this #ourt- Im'leaded as 'arties8res'o$de$ts are #o$#er$ed re%io$al trial #ourts a$d res'e#tive 'rivate 'arties, a$d the mu$i#i'alities a$d9or res'e#tive !a ors of Bi$a$%o$a$, Da%ui% a$d (ala8,ala, )ho issued 'ermits for the #o$stru#tio$ a$d o'eratio$ of fish'e$s i$ 3a%u$a de Ba - Dhe 5uthorit sou%ht the follo)i$% reliefs,vi*-:

152 Nullifi#atio$ of the tem'orar restrai$i$% order9)rits of 'relimi$ar i$,u$#tio$ issued i$ Civil Cases Nos- ;61&5, 759 a$d 5;;G 1B2 .erma$e$t 'rohibitio$ a%ai$st the re%io$al trial #ourts from e=er#isi$% ,urisdi#tio$ over #ases i$volvi$% the 5uthorit )hi#h is a #o8eBual bod G 1C2 (udi#ial 'ro$ou$#eme$t that >-5- 7;1? 13o#al @over$me$t Code of 19912 did $ot re'eal, alter or modif the 'rovisio$s of >-5- 605?, as ame$ded, em'o)eri$% the 5uthorit to issue 'ermits for fish'e$s, fish#a%es a$d other aBua8#ulture stru#tures i$ 3a%u$a de Ba a$d that, the 5uthorit the %over$me$t a%e$# vested )ith e=#lusive authorit to issue said 'ermitsB this CourtIs resolutio$ of !a &, 1996, the 5uthorit Is #o$solidated 'etitio$s )ere referred to the Court of 5''ealsI$ a De#isio$, dated (u$e &9, 1995, the Court of 5''eals dismissed the 5uthorit Is #o$solidated 'etitio$s, the Court of 5''eals holdi$% that: 152 33D5 is $ot amo$% those Buasi8,udi#ial a%e$#ies of %over$me$t )hose de#isio$ or order are a''ealable o$l to the Court of 5''ealsG 1B2 the 33D5 #harter does vest 33D5 )ith Buasi8,udi#ial fu$#tio$s i$sofar as fish'e$s are #o$#er$edG 1C2 the 'rovisio$s of the 33D5 #harter i$sofar as fishi$% 'rivile%es i$ 3a%u$a de Ba are #o$#er$ed had bee$ re'ealed b the 3o#al @over$me$t Code of 1991G 1D2 i$ vie) of the aforesaid re'eal, the 'o)er to %ra$t 'ermits devolved to a$d is $o) vested )ith their res'e#tive lo#al %over$me$t u$its #o$#er$edNot satisfied )ith the Court of 5''eals de#isio$, the 5uthorit has retur$ed to this Court #har%i$% the follo)i$% errors: 1- DCE CONO>5B3E CO4>D OH 5..E53S .>OB5B3K CO!!IDDED 5N E>>O> "CEN ID >43ED DC5D DCE 35@4N5 35AE DEVE3O.!END 54DCO>IDK IS NOD 5 O45SI8(4DICI53 5@ENCK&- DCE CONO>5B3E CO4>D OH 5..E53S CO!!IDDED SE>IO4S E>>O> "CEN ID >43ED DC5D >-5- 605? 5S 5!ENDED BK .-D- 01+ 5ND E-O- 9&7 SE>IES OH 190+ C5S BEEN >E.E53ED BK >E.4B3IC 5CD 71;?- DCE S5ID >43IN@ IS COND>5>K DO ESD5B3ISCED .>INCI.3ES 5ND (4>IS.>4DENCE OH SD5D4DO>K CONSD>4CDION+- DCE CONO>5B3E CO4>D OH 5..E53S CO!!IDDED SE>IO4S E>>O> "CEN ID >43ED DC5D DCE .O"E> DO ISS4E HISC.EN .E>!IDS IN 35@4N5 DE B5K C5S BEEN DEVO3VED DO CONCE>NED 135AESCO>E2 3OC53 @OVE>N!END 4NIDS"e ta<e a sim'listi# vie) of the #o$trovers - 5#tuall , the mai$ a$d o$l issue 'osed is: "hi#h a%e$# of the @over$me$t J the 3a%u$a 3a<e Develo'me$t 5uthorit or the to)$s a$d mu$i#i'alities #om'risi$% the re%io$ J should e=er#ise ,urisdi#tio$ over the 3a%u$a 3a<e a$d its e$viro$s i$sofar as the issua$#e of 'ermits for fisher 'rivile%es is #o$#er$edN Se#tio$ 6 1<2 of the #harter of the 3a%u$a 3a<e Develo'me$t 5uthorit , >e'ubli# 5#t No- 605?, the 'rovisio$s of .reside$tial De#ree No- 01+, a$d Se#tio$ & of E=e#utive Order No- 9&7, #ited above, s'e#ifi#all 'rovide that the 3a%u$a 3a<e Develo'me$t 5uthorit shall have e=#lusive ,urisdi#tio$ to issue 'ermits for the use of all surfa#e )ater for a$ 'ro,e#ts or a#tivities i$ or affe#ti$% the said re%io$, i$#ludi$% $avi%atio$, #o$stru#tio$, a$d o'eratio$ of fish'e$s, fish e$#losures, fish #orrals a$d the li<e- O$ the other ha$d, >e'ubli# 5#t No- 71;?, the 3o#al @over$me$t Code of 1991, has %ra$ted to the mu$i#i'alities the e=#lusive authorit to %ra$t fisher 'rivile%es i$ mu$i#i'al )atersDhe Sa$%%u$ia$% Ba a$ ma %ra$t fisher 'rivile%es to ere#t fish #orrals, o ster, mussels or other aBuati# beds or ba$%us fr area )ithi$ a defi$ite /o$e of the mu$i#i'al )aters"e hold that the 'rovisio$s of >e'ubli# 5#t No- 71;? do $ot $e#essaril re'eal the aforeme$tio$ed la)s #reati$% the 3a%u$a 3a<e Develo'me$t 5uthorit a$d %ra$ti$% the latter )ater ri%hts authorit over 3a%u$a de Ba a$d the la<e re%io$Dhe 3o#al @over$me$t Code of 1991 does $ot #o$tai$ a$ e='ress 'rovisio$ )hi#h #ate%ori#all e='ressl re'eal the #harter of the 5uthorit - It has to be #o$#eded that there )as $o i$te$t o$ the 'art of the le%islature to re'eal >e'ubli# 5#t No- 605? a$d its ame$dme$ts- Dhe re'eal of la)s should be made #lear a$d e='ressed-

It has to be #o$#eded that the #harter of the 3a%u$a 3a<e Develo'me$t 5uthorit #o$stitutes a s'e#ial la)- >e'ubli# 5#t No- 71;?, the 3o#al @over$me$t Code of 1991, is a %e$eral la)- It is basi# i$ statutor #o$stru#tio$ that the e$a#tme$t of a later le%islatio$ )hi#h is a %e$eral la) #a$$ot be #o$strued to have re'ealed a s'e#ial la)- It is a )ell8 settled rule i$ this ,urisdi#tio$ that La s'e#ial statute, 'rovided for a 'arti#ular #ase or #lass of #ases, is $ot re'ealed b a subseBue$t statute, %e$eral i$ its terms, 'rovisio$s a$d a''li#atio$, u$less the i$te$t to re'eal or alter is ma$ifest, althou%h the terms of the %e$eral la) are broad e$ou%h to i$#lude the #ases embra#ed i$ the s'e#ial la)-L 3 "here there is a #o$fli#t bet)ee$ a %e$eral la) a$d a s'e#ial statute, the s'e#ial statute should 'revail si$#e it evi$#es the le%islative i$te$t more #learl tha$ the %e$eral statute- Dhe s'e#ial la) is to be ta<e$ as a$ e=#e'tio$ to the %e$eral la) i$ the abse$#e of s'e#ial #ir#umsta$#es for#i$% a #o$trar #o$#lusio$- Dhis is be#ause im'lied re'eals are $ot favored a$d as mu#h as 'ossible, effe#t must be %ive$ to all e$a#tme$ts of the le%islature- 5 s'e#ial la) #a$$ot be re'ealed, ame$ded or altered b a subseBue$t %e$eral la) b mere im'li#atio$- 8 Dhus, it has to be #o$#luded that the #harter of the 5uthorit should 'revail over the 3o#al @over$me$t Code of 1991Co$sideri$% the reaso$s behi$d the establishme$t of the 5uthorit , )hi#h are e$viro$me$tal 'rote#tio$, $avi%atio$al safet , a$d sustai$able develo'me$t, there is ever i$di#atio$ that the le%islative i$te$t is for the 5uthorit to 'ro#eed )ith its missio$"e are o$ all fours )ith the ma$ifestatio$ of 'etitio$er 3a%u$a 3a<e Develo'me$t 5uthorit that L3a%u$a de Ba , li<e a$ other si$%le bod of )ater has its o)$ u$iBue $atural e#os stem- Dhe 9?? <mQ la<e surfa#e )ater, the ei%ht 102 ma,or river tributaries a$d several other smaller rivers that drai$ i$to the la<e, the &,9&? <mQ basi$ or )atershed tra$s#e$di$% the bou$daries of 3a%u$a a$d >i/al 'rovi$#es, %reater 'ortio$ of !etro !a$ila, 'arts of Cavite, Bata$%as, a$d Oue/o$ 'rovi$#es, #o$stitute o$e i$te%rated deli#ate $atural e#os stem that $eeds to be 'rote#ted )ith u$iform set of 'oli#iesG if )e are to be serious i$ our aims of attai$i$% sustai$able develo'me$t- Dhis is a$ e=haustible $atural resour#e J a ver limited o$e J )hi#h reBuires ,udi#ious ma$a%eme$t a$d o'timal utili/atio$ to e$sure re$e)abilit a$d 'reserve its e#olo%i#al i$te%rit a$d bala$#e-L L!a$a%i$% the la<e resour#es )ould mea$ the im'leme$tatio$ of a $atio$al 'oli# %eared to)ards the 'rote#tio$, #o$servatio$, bala$#ed %ro)th a$d sustai$able develo'me$t of the re%io$ )ith due re%ard to the i$ter8%e$eratio$al use of its resour#es b the i$habita$ts i$ this 'art of the earth- Dhe authors of >e'ubli# 5#t 605? have foresee$ this $eed )he$ the 'assed this 33D5 la) J the s'e#ial la) desi%$ed to %over$ the ma$a%eme$t of our 3a%u$a de Ba la<e resour#es-L L3a%u$a de Ba therefore #a$$ot be sub,e#ted to fra%me$ted #o$#e'ts of ma$a%eme$t 'oli#ies )here la<eshore lo#al %over$me$t u$its e=er#ise e=#lusive domi$io$ over s'e#ifi# 'ortio$s of the la<e )ater- Dhe %arba%e thro)$ or se)a%e dis#har%ed i$to the la<e, abstra#tio$ of )ater therefrom or #o$stru#tio$ of fish'e$s b e$#losi$% its #ertai$ area, affe#t $ot o$l that s'e#ifi# 'ortio$ but the e$tire 9?? <mQ of la<e )ater- Dhe im'leme$tatio$ of a #ohesive a$d i$te%rated la<e )ater resour#e ma$a%eme$t 'oli# , therefore, is $e#essar to #o$serve, 'rote#t a$d sustai$abl develo' 3a%u$a de Ba -L 5 Dhe 'o)er of the lo#al %over$me$t u$its to issue fishi$% 'rivile%es )as #learl %ra$ted for reve$ue 'ur'oses- Dhis is evide$t from the fa#t that Se#tio$ 169 of the Ne) 3o#al @over$me$t Code em'o)eri$% lo#al %over$me$ts to issue fishi$% 'ermits is embodied i$ Cha'ter &, Boo< II, of >e'ubli# 5#t No- 71;? u$der the headi$%, LS'e#ifi# .rovisio$s O$ Dhe Da=i$% 5$d Other >eve$ue >aisi$% .o)er Of 3o#al @over$me$t 4$its-L O$ the other ha$d, the 'o)er of the 5uthorit to %ra$t 'ermits for fish'e$s, fish#a%es a$d other aBua8#ulture stru#tures is for the 'ur'ose of effe#tivel re%ulati$% a$d mo$itori$% a#tivities i$ the 3a%u$a de Ba re%io$ 1Se#tio$ &, E=e#utive Order No- 9&72 a$d for la<e Bualit #o$trol a$d ma$a%eme$t- 6 It does 'arta<e of the $ature of 'oli#e 'o)er )hi#h is the most 'ervasive, the least limitable a$d the most dema$di$% of all State 'o)ers i$#ludi$% the 'o)er of ta=atio$- 5##ordi$%l , the #harter of the 5uthorit )hi#h embodies a valid e=er#ise of 'oli#e 'o)er should 'revail over the 3o#al @over$me$t Code of 1991 o$ matters affe#ti$% 3a%u$a de Ba Dhere should be $o Buarrel over 'ermit fees for fish'e$s, fish#a%es a$d other aBua8#ulture stru#tures i$ the 3a%u$a de Ba area- Se#tio$ + of E=e#utive Order No- 9&7 'rovides for the 'ro'er shari$% of fees #olle#tedI$ res'e#t to the Buestio$ as to )hether the 5uthorit is a Buasi8,udi#ial a%e$# or $ot, it is our holdi$% that, #o$sideri$% the 'rovisio$s of Se#tio$ 6 of >e'ubli# 5#t No- 605? a$d Se#tio$ 6 of E=e#utive Order No- 9&7, series of

190+, a$d the ruli$% of this Court i$ ,aguna ,a.e Development Aut(orit# vs- Court of Appeals, &+1 SC>5 +?6, +?;, )hi#h )e Buote: === === === 5s a %e$eral rule, the ad,udi#atio$ of 'ollutio$ #ases %e$erall 'ertai$s to the .ollutio$ 5d,udi#atio$ Board 1.5B2, e=#e't i$ #ases )here the s'e#ial la) 'rovides for a$other forum- It must be re#o%$i/ed i$ this re%ard that the 33D5, as a s'e#iali/ed admi$istrative a%e$# , is s'e#ifi#all ma$dated u$der >e'ubli# 5#t No- 605? a$d its ame$dator la)s to #arr out a$d ma<e effe#tive the de#lared $atio$al 'oli# of 'romoti$% a$d a##elerati$% the develo'me$t a$d bala$#ed %ro)th of the 3a%u$a 3a<e area a$d the surrou$di$% 'rovi$#es of >i/al a$d 3a%u$a a$d the #ities of Sa$ .ablo, !a$ila, .asa , Oue/o$ a$d Caloo#a$ )ith due re%ard a$d adeBuate 'rovisio$s for e$viro$me$tal ma$a%eme$t a$d #o$trol, 'reservatio$ of the Bualit of huma$ life a$d e#olo%i#al s stems, a$d the 'reve$tio$ of u$due e#olo%i#al disturba$#es, deterioratio$ a$d 'ollutio$- 4$der su#h a broad %ra$t of 'o)er a$d authorit , the 33D5, b virtue of its s'e#ial #harter, obviousl has the res'o$sibilit to 'rote#t the i$habita$ts of the 3a%u$a 3a<e re%io$ from the deleterious effe#ts of 'olluta$ts ema$ati$% from the dis#har%e of )astes from the surrou$di$% areas- I$ #arr i$% out the aforeme$tio$ed de#lared 'oli# , the 33D5 is ma$dated, amo$% others, to 'ass u'o$ a$d a''rove or disa''rove all 'la$s, 'ro%rams, a$d 'ro,e#ts 'ro'osed b lo#al %over$me$t offi#es9a%e$#ies )ithi$ the re%io$, 'ubli# #or'oratio$s, a$d 'rivate 'erso$s or e$ter'rises )here su#h 'la$s, 'ro%rams a$d9or 'ro,e#ts are related to those of the 33D5 for the develo'me$t of the re%io$=== === === - - - - "hile it is a fu$dame$tal rule that a$ admi$istrative a%e$# has o$l su#h 'o)ers as are e='ressl %ra$ted to it b la), it is li<e)ise a settled rule that a$ admi$istrative a%e$# has also su#h 'o)ers as are $e#essaril im'lied i$ the e=er#ise of its e='ress 'o)ers- I$ the e=er#ise, therefore, of its e='ress 'o)ers u$der its #harter, as a re%ulator a$d Buasi8,udi#ial bod )ith res'e#t to 'ollutio$ #ases i$ the 3a%u$a 3a<e re%io$, the authorit of the 33D5 to issue a L#ease a$d desist orderL is, 'erfor#e, im'lied- Other)ise, it ma )ell be redu#ed to a LtoothlessL 'a'er a%e$# there is $o Buestio$ that the 5uthorit has e='ress 'o)ers as a re%ulator a$d Buasi8,udi#ial bod i$ res'e#t to 'ollutio$ #ases )ith authorit to issue a L#ease a$d desist orderL a$d o$ matters affe#ti$% the #o$stru#tio$ of ille%al fish'e$s, fish#a%es a$d other aBua8#ulture stru#tures i$ 3a%u$a de Ba - Dhe 5uthorit Is 'rete$se, ho)ever, that it is #o8eBual to the >e%io$al Drial Courts su#h that all a#tio$s a%ai$st it ma o$l be i$stituted before the Court of 5''eals #a$$ot be sustai$ed- O$ a#tio$s $e#essitati$% the resolutio$ of le%al Buestio$s affe#ti$% the 'o)ers of the 5uthorit as 'rovided for i$ its #harter, the >e%io$al Drial Courts have ,urisdi#tio$I$ vie) of the fore%oi$%, this Court holds that Se#tio$ 169 of >e'ubli# 5#t No- 71;?, other)ise <$o)$ as the 3o#al @over$me$t Code of 1991, has $ot re'ealed the 'rovisio$s of the #harter of the 3a%u$a 3a<e Develo'me$t 5uthorit , >e'ubli# 5#t No- 605?, as ame$ded- Dhus, the 5uthorit has the e=#lusive ,urisdi#tio$ to issue 'ermits for the e$,o me$t of fisher 'rivile%es i$ 3a%u$a de Ba to the e=#lusio$ of mu$i#i'alities situated therei$ a$d the authorit to e=er#ise su#h 'o)ers as are b its #harter vested o$ it>emoval from the 5uthorit of the aforesaid li#e$si$% authorit )ill re$der $u%ator its avo)ed 'ur'ose of 'rote#ti$% a$d develo'i$% the 3a%u$a 3a<e >e%io$- Other)ise stated, the abro%atio$ of this 'o)er )ould re$der useless its reaso$ for bei$% a$d )ill i$ effe#t de$i%rate, if $ot abolish, the 3a%u$a 3a<e Develo'me$t 5uthorit - Dhis, the 3o#al @over$me$t Code of 1991 had $ever i$te$ded to do"CE>EHO>E, the 'etitio$s for 'rohibitio$, certiorari a$d i$,u$#tio$ are hereb %ra$ted, i$sofar as the relate to the authorit of the 3a%u$a 3a<e Develo'me$t 5uthorit to %ra$t fishi$% 'rivile%es )ithi$ the 3a%u$a 3a<e >e%io$Dhe restrai$i$% orders a$d9or )rits of i$,u$#tio$ issued b (ud%e 5rturo !arave, >DC, Bra$#h 70, !oro$%, >i/alG (ud%e Cer#ula$o De#h, >DC, Bra$#h 7?, Bi$a$%o$a$, >i/alG a$d (ud%e 5urelio Dram'e, >DC, Bra$#h 1;+, .asi%, !etro !a$ila, are hereb de#lared $ull a$d void a$d ordered set aside for havi$% bee$ issued )ith %rave abuse of dis#retio$-

Dhe !u$i#i'al !a ors of the 3a%u$a 3a<e >e%io$ are hereb 'rohibited from issui$% 'ermits to #o$stru#t a$d o'erate fish'e$s, fish#a%es a$d other aBua8#ulture stru#tures )ithi$ the 3a%u$a 3a<e >e%io$, their 'revious issua$#es bei$% de#lared $ull a$d void- Dhus, the fishi$% 'ermits issued b !a ors Isidro B- .a#is, !u$i#i'alit of Bi$a$%o$a$G >i#ardo D- .a'a, !u$i#i'alit of Da%ui%G a$d "alfredo !- de la Ve%a, !u$i#i'alit of (ala8,ala, s'e#ifi#all , are li<e)ise de#lared $ull a$d void a$d ordered #a$#elledDhe fish'e$s, fish#a%es a$d other aBua8#ulture stru#tures 'ut u' b o'erators b virtue of 'ermits issued b !u$i#i'al !a ors )ithi$ the 3a%u$a 3a<e >e%io$, s'e#ifi#all , 'ermits issued to Hleet Develo'me$t, I$#- a$d Carlito 5rro oG !a$ila !ari$e 3ife Busi$ess >esour#es, I$#-, re'rese$ted b , !r- Dobias >e $ald !- Dia$%#oG @ree$field Ve$tures I$dustrial Develo'me$t Cor'oratio$ a$d >-(- Orio$ Develo'me$t Cor'oratio$G I>!5 Hishi$% 5$d Dradi$% Cor'oratio$, 5>D! Hishi$% Cor'oratio$, BD> Cor'oratio$, !irt Cor'oratio$ a$d Drim Cor'oratio$G Blue 3a%oo$ Hishi$% Cor'oratio$ a$d 53C>IS Chi#<e$ @ro)ers, I$#-G 5@. Hish Ve$tures, I$#-, re'rese$ted b its .reside$t 5lfo$so .u atG SE5 !5> Dradi$% Co-, I$#-, Easter$ 3a%oo$ Hishi$% Cor'oratio$, a$d !IN5!5> Hishi$% Cor'oratio$, are hereb de#lared ille%al stru#tures sub,e#t to demolitio$ b the 3a%u$a 3a<e Develo'me$t 5uthorit SO O>DE>EDDavide& +r.& 9ellosillo and :apunan& ++.& concur.

S$:ara;$ O:'&'o&)

"ADILLA, J., #o$#urri$%: I full #o$#ur )ith the de#isio$ )ritte$ b !r- (usti#e >- Cermosisima, (r-- I )ould o$l li<e to stress )hat the de#isio$ alread states, i-e-, that the lo#al %over$me$t u$its i$ the 3a%u$a 3a<e area are $ot 're#luded from im'osi$% 'ermits o$ fisher o'eratio$s for reve$ue raisi$% 'ur'oses of su#h lo#al %over$me$t u$its- I$ other )ords, )hile the e=#lusive ,urisdi#tio$ to determi$e )hether or $ot 'ro,e#ts or a#tivities i$ the la<e area should be allo)ed, as )ell as their re%ulatio$, is )ith the 3a%u$a 3a<e Develo'me$t 5uthorit , o$#e the 5uthorit %ra$ts a 'ermit, the 'ermittee ma still be sub,e#ted to a$ additio$al lo#al 'ermit or li#e$se for reve$ue 'ur'oses of the lo#al %over$me$t u$its #o$#er$edDhis a''roa#h )ould #learl harmo$i/e the s'e#ial la), >e'- 5#t No- 605?, as ame$ded, )ith >e'- 5#t No- 71;?, the 3o#al @over$me$t Code- It )ill also e$able small to)$s a$d mu$i#i'alities i$ the la<e area, li<e (ala8(ala, to rise to some level of e#o$omi# viabilit S$:ara;$ O:'&'o&) "ADILLA, J., #o$#urri$%: I full #o$#ur )ith the de#isio$ )ritte$ b !r- (usti#e >- Cermosisima, (r-- I )ould o$l li<e to stress )hat the de#isio$ alread states, i-e-, that the lo#al %over$me$t u$its i$ the 3a%u$a 3a<e area are $ot 're#luded from im'osi$% 'ermits o$ fisher o'eratio$s for reve$ue raisi$% 'ur'oses of su#h lo#al %over$me$t u$its- I$ other )ords, )hile the e=#lusive ,urisdi#tio$ to determi$e )hether or $ot 'ro,e#ts or a#tivities i$ the la<e area should be allo)ed, as )ell as their re%ulatio$, is )ith the 3a%u$a 3a<e Develo'me$t 5uthorit , o$#e the 5uthorit %ra$ts a 'ermit, the 'ermittee ma still be sub,e#ted to a$ additio$al lo#al 'ermit or li#e$se for reve$ue 'ur'oses of the lo#al %over$me$t u$its #o$#er$edDhis a''roa#h )ould #learl harmo$i/e the s'e#ial la), >e'- 5#t No- 605?, as ame$ded, )ith >e'- 5#t No- 71;?, the 3o#al @over$me$t Code- It )ill also e$able small to)$s a$d mu$i#i'alities i$ the la<e area, li<e (ala8(ala, to rise to some level of e#o$omi# viabilit -

[G.R. No. 110286. A:r'( 2, 177=]

THE "EO"LE O! THE "HILI""INES, plaintiff-appellee, vs. RENERIO ". %ERGARA, ERNESTO T. C ESTA, ,R., "EDRO G. DAGAAO a&* .ERNARDO ". C ESTA, accused. RENERIO ". %ERGARA, accused-appellant. DECISION
%IT G, J.5

Hrom the de#isio$, dated 1? Hebruar 199+, of the >e%io$al Drial Court, 0th (udi#ial >e%io$, Bra$#h 7, i$ Da#loba$ Cit , fi$di$% a##used >e$erio .- Ver%ara %uilt be o$d reaso$able doubt i$ Crimi$al Case No- 9&8?985?0 of a violatio$ of Se#tio$ ++ of .reside$tial De#ree 1L.-D-L2 No- 7?6, as ame$ded b .-D- No- 15?0, a$ a''eal to this Court has bee$ i$ter'osedVer%ara )as #har%ed, to%ether )ith his three #o8a##used, $amel Er$esto DCuesta, (r-, .edro @- Da%aRo a$d Ber$ardo .- Cuesta, o$ &5 Se'tember 199&, i$ a$ i$formatio$ that read:

V%he un#ersi"ne# Pro1in)ial Prose)utor of ;e'te a))uses Ernesto %. Cuesta/ <r./ Pe#ro G. Da"aTo/ Renerio P. Ver"ara an# &ernar#o P. Cuesta of the )ri-e of Violation of Se)tion 33/ Presi#ential De)ree No. D =/ as a-en#e# 6' Presi#ential De)ree No. 1 *E/ )o--itte# as follo$s@ V%hat on or a6out the =th #a' of <ul'/ 1!!:/ in the .uni)ipal $aters of Palo/ Pro1in)e of ;e'te/ Philippines/ an# $ithin the Huris#i)tion of this Gonora6le Court/ the a6o1e2 na-e# a))use#/ $ithout an' authorit' of la$/ )onspirin" an# )onfe#eratin" to"ether an# -utuall' helpin" one another/ #i# then an# there $illfull'/ unla$full' an# )ri-inall' )at)h/ ta3e an# "ather fish 6elon"in" to the an)ho1ies spe)ies 3no$n lo)all' as W6olinaoW/ $ith the use of e0plosi1es )ontaine# in a 6ottle an# )alle# in the 1erna)ular as W6a#ilW/ $hi)h 6ottle# e0plosi1es after 6ein" i"nite# an# hurle# to the sea/ pro#u)e# e0plosion an# )ause# the #eath of the sai# fish $hi)h $ere hit or affe)te# 6' su)h e0plosion. VCON%RARA %O ;A>.V

Ver%ara alo$e )as arrai%$ed a$d brou%ht to trialG his #o8a##used es#a'ed a$d remai$ed at lar%eIt )ould a''ear that at about 7:+? i$ the mor$i$% of ?6 (ul 199&, a team #om'osed of de'uti/ed Hish "arde$ a$d .reside$t of the 3e te Hish "arde$ 5sso#iatio$ (esus .Bi$do , .oli#e Offi#ers Casimiro Villas a$d Diosdado !oro$ of the .alo .N. Statio$,

3e te, Hish "arde$s !ario Castillote a$d Esta$islao Cabreros a$d Hish E=ami$er Nestor 5ldas of the De'artme$t of 5%ri#ulture )ere o$ board, L 9anta# Dagat,L a 'um'boat, o$ L'reve$tive 'atrolL alo$% the mu$i#i'al )aters fro$ti$% bara$%a s Baras a$d Ca$dahu% of .alo, 3e te, )he$ the #ha$#ed u'o$ a blue8#olored fishi$% boat at a dista$#e of a''ro=imatel &?? meters a)a - Dhe boat, +? feet lo$%, had o$ board a''ella$t >e$erio Ver%ara a$d his three #o8a##used Ber$ardo Cuesta, .edro Da%aRo a$d Er$esto Cuesta, (r-, a$d )as o$ 'arallel #ourse to)ard the %e$eral dire#tio$ of Samar- !ome$taril , the team sa) a''ella$t thro) i$to the sea a bottle <$o)$ i$ the lo#alit as LbadilL #o$tai$i$% ammo$ium $itrate a$d havi$% a blasti$% #a' o$ to' )hi#h, )he$ i%$ited a$d thro)$ i$to the )ater, #ould e='lode- Dhe e='losio$ )ould i$dis#rimi$atel <ill s#hools a$d various s'e#ies of fish )ithi$ a #ertai$ radius5''ro=imatel three se#o$ds after a''ella$t had thro)$ the L badilL i$to the sea, the e='losio$ o##urred- Ver%ara a$d Cuesta dove i$to the sea )ith their %ear )hile Da%aRo a$d Cuesta, (r-, sta ed o$ board to te$d to the air hose for the divers[&] [+]

Dhe team a''roa#hed the fishi$% boat- S.O& Casimiro Villas boarded the fishi$% boat )hile Hish "arde$ (esus Bi$do held o$ to o$e e$d of the boat- !ome$ts later, Ver%ara a$d Cuesta surfa#ed, ea#h #arr i$% a fish$et or L sibotL filled )ith about a <ilo of LbolinaoL fish s#oo'ed from u$der the )ater- Cavi$% bee$ #au%ht red8ha$ded, the four a##used )ere a''rehe$ded a$d ta<e$ b the 'atrol team to the L 9anta# DagatL statio$ at Baras, a$d later to the 'oli#e statio$ i$ .alo, 3e te- Dhe fishi$% boat a$d its 'ara'her$alia, as )ell as the t)o fish$ets of L bolinao,L )ere im'ou$ded- Dhe a##used, ho)ever, refused to si%$ a$d a#<$o)led%e the #orres'o$di$% re#ei'ts thereforO$ 1? Hebruar 199+, follo)i$% the submissio$ of the evide$#e, the trial #ourt re$dered ,ud%me$t #o$vi#ti$% Ver%ara, vi*:

V>GERE4ORE/ sai# Renerio Ver"ara is here6' senten)e# to a penalt' of %$ent' (: + 'ears to life i-prison-ent as punishe# un#er Se). :/ of PD 1 *E. V%his Court further or#ers the )onfis)ation of the fishin" 6oat of .ario .oraleta in)lu#in" the follo$in" eBuip-ents@ 1 air )o-pressor/ 3 sets of air hoses/ an# the 3 pie)es of Wsi6otW ha1in" 6een foun# to 6e instru-ents of the )ri-e. VSO ORDERED V

I$ his a''eal, Ver%ara submitted the follo)i$% assi%$me$t of errors:



Emilio 3i$de sou%ht to #orroborate the #laim of a''ella$t that it )as a$other u$ide$tified %rou' of fisherme$ )ho thre) the bottle of e='losives at a s#hool of LbolinaoL fish- It )as obvious, ho)ever, said the trial #ourt, that the stateme$t of this defe$se )it$ess )as i$#redulous si$#e he a''are$tl had $ot at all bee$ o$ board the fishi$% boat i$ the #om'a$ of the a##used at the time of the i$#ide$t- Eve$ the rather le$%th #ou$ter8affidavit of the four a##used #om'letel missed to me$tio$ 3i$de- Dhe #ourt a ;uo )e$t o$ to observe that the demea$or of the a##used at the )it$ess sta$d a$d the substa$#e of his testimo$ failed to eli#it beliefDrial #ourts are tas<ed to i$itiall rule o$ the #redibilit of )it$esses for both the 'rose#utio$ a$d the defe$se- 5''ellate #ourts seldom )ould subordi$ate, )ith their o)$, the fi$di$%s of trial #ourts )hi#h #o$#ededl have %ood va$ta%e 'oi$ts i$ assessi$% the #redibilit of those )ho ta<e the )it$ess sta$d- Nevertheless, it is $ot all too u$#ommo$ for this Court, i$ 'arti#ular, to 'eruse throu%h the tra$s#ri't of 'ro#eedi$%s i$ order to satisf itself that the re#ords of a #ase do su''ort the #o$#lusio$s of trial #ourtsHish "arde$ (esus Bi$do i$#ide$t- Dhus J
LHISC53 D5@5ND5N: LO L5 LO L5 LO L5 LO L5 LO L5 LO L5 LO L5 I$ the mor$i$% of the 6th da of (ul , 199& do ou re#all )here ou )ereN "e )ere o$ the sea fro$ti$% bara$%a s Baras a$d Ca$dahu%"hat mu$i#i'alit N .alo, 3e teDid ou have a$ o$e )ith ou i$ this 'arti#ular i$#ide$tN Kes, sir"ho )ere the N D)o 'oli#eme$ Casimiro Villas, (r- a$d Diosdado !oro$ a$d m )arde$ a$d o$e from the De'artme$t of 5%ri#ulture"ill ou ide$tif our #o8fish )arde$ )ho )ere 'rese$t at that timeN !ario Castillote, Esta$islao Cabreros, (rCo) about that em'lo ee from the De'artme$t of 5%ri#ulture, )ho )as heN Nestor 5ldas"hat )ere ou doi$% at that 'arti#ular time o$ this 'la#e fro$ti$% bara$%a Baras a$d Bara$%a Ca$dahu%, .alo, 3e teN "e )ere )at#hi$% for ille%al fishersfello) fish

%ave a detailed a##ou$t of the 6th (ul



"hat is our authorit i$ this 'arti#ular tas<N "e are the ba$ta da%at members of .aloDo ou have a$ )ritte$ authoriti$% evide$#i$% that 'ositio$N Kes, maam, our de'uti/ed ID 1)it$ess is sho)i$% ID No- 16+&8912 Hor the re#ords our ho$or I )ill Buote this ID: Dhis is to #ertif that (esus .Bi$do is a de'ut fish )arde$ vested )ith full 'o)er a$d authorit to e$for#e all e=isti$% fisher la)s, rules a$d re%ulatio$s 1S@D2 3eo'oldo >oma$o, [D]ire#tor, De'artme$t of 5%ri#ulture, >e%io$ 0-


LHISC53 D5@5ND5N: LO L5 LO L5 Si$#e ou #laimed that ou )ere o$ the sea fro$ti$% bara$%a s Baras a$d Ca$dahu% i$ )hat vehi#le )ere ou i$ at that mome$tN "e )ere i$ a motori/ed 'um'boatSo, )hat u$usual i$#ide$t if a$ that tra$s'iredN I$ that mor$i$% )e sa) a blue 'um' boat )hi#h is about &?? meters a)a from us"hat time i$ the mor$i$%N L5 LO L5 LO L5 LO L5 LO L5 LO L5 LO L5 5bout 7:+? i$ the mor$i$% more or less5bout ho) lo$% is this #olored blue 'um'boatN !ore or less +? feet5t about this dista$#e of &?? meters )ere ou able to visuali/e or see if there )ere a$ 'asse$%ers i$ that blue #olored 'um'boatN Kes, maam"ere ou able to ide$tif themN Kes, sir"ho )ere the N Dhe o$e i$ fro$t of the 'um'boat )as >e$erio Ver%ara, Ber$ardo Cuesta, .edro Da%aRo a$d Er$esto Cuesta, (rKou me$tio$ed of >e$erio Ver%ara, )hom ou sa) i$ that blue #olored 'um'boat a$d ou ide$tified earlier >e$erio Ver%ara- Is he the same 'erso$N Kes, the are o$e a$d the same 'erso$5t the time ou sa) these 'erso$s loaded i$ that #olor blue 'um'boat )hat )ere the doi$%N I sa) them 'addli$%LHISC53 D5@5ND5N:



Do)ards )hat dire#tio$N Do)ards the dire#tio$ of Samar5$d )here )ere ou i$ relatio$ )ith that 'um'boat that )as 'addled to)ards Samar areaN "e )ere situated 'arallel to themSo )hat ha''e$ed at this 'arti#ular timeN Dhat )as )he$ )e sa) >e$erio Ver%ara thre) a bottle to the sea a$d after that )e heard a$ e='losio$Did ou #ome to <$o) )hat 'arti#ular bottle )as it thro)$ to the seaN It )as a d $amite 1badil25s a member of this ba$ta da%at are ou familiar )ith this IbadilI )hi#h ou earlier me$tio$edN Kes, sir"ill ou des#ribe this 'arti#ular devi#eN Dhis bottle is filled )ith ammo$ium $itrate a$d o$ to' is a blasti$% #a'So i$ #ase this is used b fisherme$, ho) do the o'erate this IbadilIN It is i%$ited a$d the$ thro)$ to the sea a$d this result i$ the <illi$% of fishes at the seaI$ this 'arti#ular i$sta$#e )he$ ou heard the e='losio$ ho) far )ere ou to this blue 'um'boatN 5bout &?? metersSo )hat did ou do after ou heard this e='losio$N 5fter the e='losio$ )e slo)l a''roa#hed themHrom the time ou sa) this bottle bei$% thro)$ to the sea b Ver%ara u' to the time ou heard this e='losio$ about ho) ma$ mi$utes ela'sedN 5bout + se#o$ds5t about ho) $ear )ere ou to this blue 'um'boatN "e )e$t $ear to a dista$#e of o$e hu$dred metersSo, )hat did ou do at this dista$#eN "e <e't o$ )at#hi$% them first a$d after )e <$e) that the t)o 'erso$s dived to the sea that )as the time that )e a''roa#hed the 'um'boat"ere ou able to re#o%$i/e these t)o 'erso$s )ho divedN Kes, maam"ho )ere the N >e$erio Ver%ara a$d Ber$ardo Cuesta-


Kou said there )ere four 'erso$s loaded i$ that 'um'boat- Co) about the other t)o )hat )ere the doi$%N Dhe t)o 'erso$s )ere there, o$e )at#hi$% the hose that )as used b the t)o 'erso$s )ho dived for breathi$%So, )hat else did ou doN "he$ )e a''roa#hed the 'um'boat it )as Casimiro Villas, a 'oli#ema$ )ho boarded the 'um'boatCo) about ou )hat did ou do )he$ Casimiro Villas boarded the 'um'boatN I )as the o$e holdi$% o$ to the blue 'um'boatSo, )hat else )as do$e if a$ b the members of our teamN "hile )e )ere there )e let the t)o 'erso$s )ho dived surfa#e a$d the )ere #arr i$% )ith them fish$et filled )ith Iboli$aoI fish a$d the$ )e told them that )e )ill bri$% them to our tem'orar statio$ at Baras, .aloDo ou <$o) the s'e#ie of this boli$aoN 5$#hovies5bout ho) heav )ere these fishes of boli$ao i$ the fish$etN 5bout o$e <ilo 'er fish$etCo) ma$ #o$tra'tio$ )ere #arried b themN Ea#h o$e of them )as #arr i$% o$e IsibotI 1fish$et2So, t)o divers t)o $etsN


LCO4>D L5 LO L5 LO L5 LO LO Kes, sir5$d ea#h has a #at#h of o$e <iloN 5lmost o$e <iloSo, t)o $ets t)o <ilos more or lessN Kes, sirSo, after that )hat did ou doN "he$ )e arrived at our tem'orar statio$ at Baras, .alo )e %ave the fishes to the fish e=ami$er a$d )e had the 'um'boat i$ve$toried a$d told them to si%$ the re#ei't )e madeDo ou re#all if ou made a$ a''rehe$sio$ re'ort of the i$#ide$t ou )it$essedN Kes, maamI sho) ou a ori%i$al #o' of a''rehe$sio$ re'ort dated (ul 6, 199& addressed to the >e%io$al Dire#tor, De'artme$t of 5%ri#ulture, Da#loba$ Cit stati$% that the follo)i$% offe$ders $amel >e$erio Ver%ara .ris$o, .edro Da%aRo @adi$,



Er$esto Cueta Dobilla a$d Ber$ardo Cuesta .edrero )ere a''rehe$ded a$d the violatio$ is fishi$% )ith the use of d $amite, the ori%i$al of )hi#h is fou$d o$ 'a%e 6 of the re#ords- "ill ou e=ami$e the same a$d tell this #ourt )hat relatio$ has that to the re'ort ou said ou madeN L5 Dhis is the a''rehe$sio$ re'ort that )e 're'ared o$ (ul 6, 199&-L[;]

Nestor 5ldas, a$ 5%ri#ultural De#h$olo%ist a$d Hish E=ami$er )or<i$% )ith the De'artme$t of 5%ri#ulture, .alo, 3e te, )ho e=ami$ed the fish sam'les ta<e$ from the a##used, testified that he )as )ith the team 'atrolli$%, o$ ?6 (ul 199&, the )aters of Sa$ .edro Ba , Baras, .alo, 3e te, )he$ he, li<e the other members of his team, )it$essed the use of e='losives b the a##used- Hish sam'les from the #at#h sho)ed ru'tured #a'illaries, ru'tured a$d blooded abdomi$al 'ortio$, a$d #rushed i$ter$al or%a$s i$di#ati$% that e='losives )ere i$deed usedDhe Court is #o$vi$#ed that the trial #ourt has a#ted #orre#tl i$ fi$di$% a##used8 a''ella$t %uilt of the offe$se #har%ed-

Se)tions 33 an# 3E of P.D. No. D =/ as a-en#e# 6' P.D. No. 1 *E/ rea#@ VS#c. 99. )llegal fishing4 illegal possession of e5plosives inten e for illegal fishing4 ealing in illegall( caught fish or fisher(6a*uatic pro ucts . P /$ "ha'' # !n'a;:!' :or an& 3#r"on $o ca$ch, $aH# or ga$h#r or ca!"# $o # ca!gh$, $aH#n or ga$h#r#d :i"h or :i"h#r&Ia<!a$ic 3rod!c$" in .hi'i33in# ;a$#r" ;i$h $h# !"# o: #B3'o"i4#", o noBio!" or 3oi"ono!" "! "$anc#, or & $h# !"# o: #'#c$rici$& as #efine# in para"raphs (1+/ (-+ an# (#+/ respe)ti1el'/ of se)tion 3 hereof@ Provi e / %hat -ere possession of su)h e0plosi1es $ith intent to use the sa-e for ille"al fishin" as herein #efine# shall 6e punisha6le as hereinafter pro1i#e#@ Provi e / %hat the Se)retar' -a'/ upon re)o--en#ation of the Dire)tor an# su6He)t to su)h safe"uar#s an# )on#itions he #ee-s ne)essar'/ allo$ for resear)h/ e#u)ational or s)ientifi) purposes onl'/ the use of e0plosi1es/ o6no0ious or poisonous su6stan)e or ele)tri)it' to )at)h/ ta3e or "ather fish or fisher'8aBuati) pro#u)ts in spe)ifie# area@ Provi e , further/ %hat the use of )he-i)als to era#i)ate pre#ators in fishpon#s in a))or#an)e $ith a))epte# s)ientifi) fisher' pra)ti)es $ithout )ausin" #eleterious effe)ts in nei"h6orin" $aters shall not 6e )onstrue# as the use of o6no0ious or poisonous su6stan)e $ithin the -eanin" of this se)tion@ Provi e , finall(/ %hat the use of -e)hani)al 6o-6s for 3illin" $hales/ )ro)o#iles/ shar3s or other lar"e #an"erous fishes/ -a' 6e allo$e#/ su6He)t to the appro1al of the Se)retar'. VSe)tion 3E. (1+ &' the penalt' of i-prison-ent ran"in" fro- t$el1e (1:+ 'ears to t$ent'2fi1e (:*+ 'ears in the )ase of -ere possession of e0plosi1es inten#e# for ille"al fishin"L 6' i-prison-ent ran"in" fro- t$ent' (: + 'ears to life i-prison-ent/ if the e0plosi1e is a)tuall' use#@ Pro1i#e#/ %hat if the use of the e0plosi1e results in 1+ ph'si)al inHur' to an' person/ the penalt' shall 6e i-prison-ent ran"in" fro- t$ent'2

fi1e (:*+ 'ears to life i-prison-ent/ or :+ in the loss of hu-an life/ then the penalt' shall 6e life i-prison-ent to #eath.V
WHERE!ORE, the de#isio$ of the #ourt a ;uo a''ealed from is affirmed in toto- Costs a%ai$st a##used8a''ella$tSO ORDERED. Padilla 'C(airman), 9ellosillo& :apunan& a$d <ermosisima& +r.& ++.& #o$#urG.R. No. 158270 Oc;o>$r 23, 2006



< IS M.ING, J.: .etitio$ers #halle$%e this Court to issue a )rit of ma$damus #omma$di$% res'o$de$ts 3a$d Dra$s'ortatio$ Hra$#hisi$% a$d >e%ulator Board 13DH>B2 a$d the De'artme$t of Dra$s'ortatio$ a$d Commu$i#atio$s 1DODC2 to reBuire 'ubli# utilit vehi#les 1.4Vs2 to use #om'ressed $atural %as 1CN@2 as alter$ative fuelCiti$% statisti#s from the !etro !a$ila Dra$s'ortatio$ a$d Draffi# Situatio$ Stud of 199;,1 the E$viro$me$tal !a$a%eme$t Bureau 1E!B2 of the Natio$al Ca'ital >e%io$,& a stud of the 5sia$ Develo'me$t Ba$<,+ the !a$ila Observator 6 a$d the De'artme$t of E$viro$me$t a$d Natural >esour#es5 1DEN>2 o$ the hi%h %ro)th a$d lo) tur$over i$ vehi#le o)$ershi' i$ the .hili''i$es, i$#ludi$% diesel8'o)ered vehi#les, t)o8stro<e e$%i$e 'o)ered motor# #les a$d their #o$#omita$t emissio$ of air 'olluta$ts, 'etitio$ers attem't to 'rese$t a #om'elli$% #ase for ,udi#ial a#tio$ a%ai$st the ba$e of air 'ollutio$ a$d related e$viro$me$tal ha/ards.etitio$ers alle%e that the 'arti#ulate matters 1.!2 S #om'le= mi=tures of dust, dirt, smo<e, a$d liBuid dro'lets, var i$% i$ si/es a$d #om'ositio$s emitted i$to the air from various e$%i$e #ombustio$s S have #aused detrime$tal effe#ts o$ health, 'rodu#tivit , i$frastru#ture a$d the overall Bualit of life- .etitio$ers 'arti#ularl #ite the effe#ts of #ertai$ fuel emissio$s from e$%i$e #ombustio$ )he$ these rea#t to other 'olluta$ts- Hor i$sta$#e, 'etitio$ers aver, )ith h dro#arbo$s, o=ide of $itro%e$ 1NO=2 #reates smo%G )ith sulfur dio=ide, it #reates a#id rai$G a$d )ith ammo$ia, moisture a$d other #om'ou$ds, it rea#ts to form $itri# a#id a$d harmful $itrates- Huel emissio$s also #ause retardatio$ a$d leaf blea#hi$% i$ 'la$ts- 5##ordi$% to 'etitio$er, a$other emissio$, #arbo$ mo$o=ide 1CO2, )he$ $ot #om'letel bur$ed but emitted i$to the atmos'here a$d the$ i$haled #a$ disru't the $e#essar o= %e$ i$ blood- "ith 'rolo$%ed e='osure, CO affe#ts the $ervous s stem a$d #a$ be lethal to 'eo'le )ith )ea< hearts-; .etitio$ers add that althou%h mu#h of the $e) 'o)er %e$erated i$ the #ou$tr )ill use $atural %as )hile a $umber of oil a$d #oal8fired fuel statio$s are bei$% 'hased8out, still )ith the 'ro,e#ted doubli$% of 'o)er %e$eratio$ over the $e=t 1? ears, a$d )ith the #o$ti$ui$% hi%h dema$d for motor vehi#les, the e$er% a$d tra$s'ort se#tors are li<el to remai$ the ma,or sour#es of harmful emissio$s- .etitio$ers refer us to the stud of the .hili''i$e E$viro$me$t !o$itor &??&7, stati$% that i$ four of the #ou$tr Is ma,or #ities, !etro !a$ila, Davao, Cebu a$d Ba%uio, the e='osure

to .!1?, a fi$er .! )hi#h #a$ 'e$etrate dee' i$to the lu$%s #ausi$% serious health 'roblems, is estimated at over 4ST6+? millio$-0 Dhe stud also re'orts that the emissio$s of .!s have #aused the follo)i$%: U Over &,??? 'eo'le die 'rematurel - Dhis loss is valued at about 4ST16? millio$U Over 9,??? 'eo'le suffer from #hro$i# bro$#hitis, )hi#h is valued at about 4ST1&? millio$U Nearl 51 millio$ #ases of res'irator s m'tom da s i$ !etro !a$ila 1avera%i$% t)i#e a ear i$ Davao a$d Cebu, a$d five to si= times i$ !etro !a$ila a$d Ba%uio2, #osts about 4ST17? millio$- Dhis is a 7? 'er#e$t i$#rease, over a de#ade, )he$ #om'ared )ith the fi$di$%s of a similar stud do$e i$ 199& for !etro !a$ila, )hi#h re'orted ++ millio$ #ases-9 .etitio$ers li<e)ise #ite the 4$iversit of the .hili''i$esI studies i$ 199?891 a$d 1996 sho)i$% that vehi#ular emissio$s i$ !etro !a$ila have resulted to the 'revale$#e of #hro$i# obstru#tive 'ulmo$ar diseases 1CO.D2G that 'ulmo$ar tuber#ulosis is hi%hest amo$% ,ee'$e driversG a$d there is a 6-0 to &7-5 'er#e$t 'revale$#e of res'irator s m'toms amo$% s#hool #hildre$ a$d 15-0 to 6?-; 'er#e$t amo$% #hild ve$dors- Dhe studies also revealed that the #hildre$ i$ !etro !a$ila sho)ed more #om'romised 'ulmo$ar fu$#tio$ tha$ their rural #ou$ter'arts- .etitio$ers i$fer that these are mostl due to the emissio$s of .4VsDo #ou$ter the aforeme$tio$ed detrime$tal effe#ts of emissio$s from .4Vs, 'etitio$ers 'ro'ose the use of CN@5##ordi$% to 'etitio$ers, CN@ is a $atural %as #om'rised mostl of metha$e )hi#h althou%h #o$tai$i$% small amou$ts of 'ro'a$e a$d buta$e,1? is #olorless a$d odorless a$d #o$sidered the #lea$est fossil fuel be#ause it 'rodu#es mu#h less 'olluta$ts tha$ #oal a$d 'etroleumG 'rodu#es u' to 9? 'er#e$t less CO #om'ared to %asoli$e a$d diesel fuelG redu#es NO= emissio$s b 5? 'er#e$t a$d #uts h dro#arbo$ emissio$s b halfG emits ;? 'er#e$t less .!sG a$d releases virtuall $o sulfur dio=ide- 5lthou%h, a##ordi$% to 'etitio$ers, the o$l dra)ba#< of CN@ is that it 'rodu#es more metha$e, o$e of the %ases blamed for %lobal )armi$%-11 5sserti$% their ri%ht to #lea$ air, 'etitio$ers #o$te$d that the bases for their 'etitio$ for a )rit of ma$damus to order the 3DH>B to reBuire .4Vs to use CN@ as a$ alter$ative fuel, lie i$ Se#tio$ 1;,1& 5rti#le II of the 1907 Co$stitutio$, our ruli$% i$ Oposa v. 3actoran& +r.&1+ a$d Se#tio$ 616 of >e'ubli# 5#t No- 0769 other)ise <$o)$ as the L.hili''i$e Clea$ 5ir 5#t of 1999-L !ea$time, follo)i$% a subseBue$t motio$, the Court %ra$ted 'etitio$ersI motio$ to im'lead the De'artme$t of Dra$s'ortatio$ a$d Commu$i#atio$s 1DODC2 as additio$al res'o$de$tI$ his Comme$t for res'o$de$ts 3DH>B a$d DODC, the Soli#itor @e$eral, #ites Se#tio$ +, >ule ;5 of the >evised >ules of Court a$d e='lai$s that the )rit of ma$damus is $ot the #orre#t remed si$#e the )rit ma be issued o$l to #omma$d a tribu$al, #or'oratio$, board or 'erso$ to do a$ a#t that is reBuired to be do$e, )he$ he or it u$la)full $e%le#ts the 'erforma$#e of a$ a#t )hi#h the la) s'e#ifi#all e$,oi$s as a dut resulti$% from a$ offi#e, trust or statio$, or u$la)full e=#ludes a$other from the use a$d e$,o me$t of a ri%ht or offi#e to )hi#h su#h other is e$titled, there bei$% $o other 'lai$, s'eed a$d adeBuate remed i$ the ordi$ar #ourse of la)-15 Hurther #iti$% e=isti$% ,uris'rude$#e, the Soli#itor @e$eral e='lai$s that i$ #o$trast to a dis#retio$ar a#t, a mi$isterial a#t, )hi#h a ma$damus is, is o$e i$ )hi#h a$ offi#er or tribu$al 'erforms i$ a %ive$ state of fa#ts, i$ a 'res#ribed ma$$er, i$ obedie$#e to a ma$date of le%al authorit , )ithout re%ard to or the e=er#ise of his o)$ ,ud%me$t u'o$ the 'ro'riet or im'ro'riet of a$ a#t do$eDhe Soli#itor @e$eral also $otes that $othi$% i$ >e'- 5#t No- 0769 that 'etitio$ers i$vo<e, 'rohibits the use of %asoli$e a$d diesel b o)$ers of motor vehi#les- Sadl too, a##ordi$% to the Soli#itor @e$eral, >e'- 5#t No- 0769 does $ot eve$ me$tio$ the e=iste$#e of CN@ as alter$ative fuel a$d avers that u$less this la) is ame$ded to 'rovide CN@ as alter$ative fuel for .4Vs, the res'o$de$ts #a$$ot 'ro'ose that .4Vs use CN@ as alter$ative fuelDhe Soli#itor @e$eral also adds that it is the DEN> that is tas<ed to im'leme$t >e'- 5#t No- 0769 a$d $ot the 3DH>B $or the DODC- !oreover, he sa s, it is the De'artme$t of E$er% 1DOE2, u$der Se#tio$ &;1; of >e'- 5#t No- 0769, that is reBuired to set the s'e#ifi#atio$s for all t 'es of fuel a$d fuel8related 'rodu#ts to im'rove fuel #om'ositio$s for im'roved effi#ie$# a$d redu#ed emissio$s- Ce adds that u$der Se#tio$ &117 of the #ited >e'ubli# 5#t, the DODC is limited to im'leme$ti$% the emissio$ sta$dards for motor vehi#les, a$d the herei$ res'o$de$ts #a$$ot alter, #ha$%e or modif the emissio$ sta$dards- Dhe Soli#itor @e$eral o'i$es that the Court should de#lare the i$sta$t 'etitio$ for ma$damus )ithout merit-

.etitio$ers, i$ their >e'l , i$sist that the res'o$de$ts 'ossess the admi$istrative a$d re%ulator 'o)ers to im'leme$t measures i$ a##orda$#e )ith the 'oli#ies a$d 'ri$#i'les ma$dated b >e'- 5#t No- 0769, s'e#ifi#all Se#tio$ &10 a$d Se#tio$ &1-19 .etitio$ers state that u$der these la)s a$d )ith all the available i$formatio$ 'rovided b the DOE o$ the be$efits of CN@, res'o$de$ts #a$$ot i%$ore the e=iste$#e of CN@, a$d their failure to re#o%$i/e CN@ a$d #om'el its use b .4Vs as alter$ative fuel )hile air 'ollutio$ brou%ht about b the emissio$s of %asoli$e a$d diesel e$da$%er the e$viro$me$t a$d the 'eo'le, is ta$tamou$t to $e%le#t i$ the 'erforma$#e of a dut )hi#h the la) e$,oi$s3astl , 'etitio$ers aver that other tha$ the )rit a''lied for, the have $o other 'lai$, s'eed a$d adeBuate remed i$ the ordi$ar #ourse of la)- .etitio$ers i$sist that the )rit i$ fa#t should be issued 'ursua$t to the ver same Se#tio$ +, >ule ;5 of the >evised >ules of Court that the Soli#itor @e$eral i$vo<esI$ their !emora$dum, 'etitio$ers 'hrase the issues before us as follo)s: I- "CEDCE> O> NOD DCE .EDIDIONE>S C5VE DCE .E>SON53IDK DO B>IN@ DCE .>ESEND 5CDION II- "CEDCE> O> NOD DCE .>ESEND 5CDION IS S4..O>DED BK 35" III- "CEDCE> O> NOD DCE >ES.ONDEND IS DCE 5@ENCK >ES.ONSIB3E DO I!.3E!END DCE S4@@ESDED 53DE>N5DIVE OH >EO4I>IN@ .4B3IC 4DI3IDK VECIC3ES DO 4SE CO!.>ESSED N5D4>53 @5S 1CN@2 IV- "CEDCE> O> NOD DCE >ES.ONDEND C5N BE CO!.E33ED DO >EO4I>E .4B3IC 4DI3IDK VECIC3ES DO 4SE CO!.>ESSED N5D4>53 @5S DC>O4@C 5 ">ID OH !5ND5!4S &? Briefl 'ut, the issues are t)o8fold- Hirst, Do 'etitio$ers have le%al 'erso$alit to bri$% this 'etitio$ before usN Se#o$d, Should ma$damus issue a%ai$st res'o$de$ts to #om'el .4Vs to use CN@ as alter$ative fuelN 5##ordi$% to 'etitio$ers, Se#tio$ 1;,&1 5rti#le II of the 1907 Co$stitutio$ is the 'oli# stateme$t that besto)s o$ the 'eo'le the ri%ht to breathe #lea$ air i$ a health e$viro$me$t- Dhis 'oli# is e$u$#iated i$ Oposa.&& Dhe im'leme$tatio$ of this 'oli# is arti#ulated i$ >e'- 5#t No- 0769- Dhese, a##ordi$% to 'etitio$ers, are the bases for their sta$di$% to file the i$sta$t 'etitio$- Dhe aver that )he$ there is a$ omissio$ b the %over$me$t to safe%uard a ri%ht, i$ this #ase their ri%ht to #lea$ air, the$, the #iti/e$s #a$ resort to a$d e=haust all remedies to #halle$%e this omissio$ b the %over$me$t- Dhis, the sa , is embodied i$ Se#tio$ 6&+ of >e'- 5#t No- 0769.etitio$ers i$sist that si$#e it is the 3DH>B a$d the DODC that are the %over$me$t a%e$#ies #lothed )ith 'o)er to re%ulate a$d #o$trol motor vehi#les, 'arti#ularl .4Vs, a$d )ith the same a%e$#iesI a)are$ess a$d <$o)led%e that the .4Vs emit da$%erous levels of air 'olluta$ts, the$, the res'o$sibilit to see that these are #urbed falls u$der res'o$de$tsI fu$#tio$s a$d a )rit of ma$damus should issue a%ai$st themDhe Soli#itor @e$eral, for his 'art, reiterates his 'ositio$ that the res'o$de$t %over$me$t a%e$#ies, the DODC a$d the 3DH>B, are $ot i$ a 'ositio$ to #om'el the .4Vs to use CN@ as alter$ative fuel- Dhe Soli#itor @e$eral e='lai$s that the fu$#tio$ of the DODC is limited to im'leme$ti$% the emissio$ sta$dards set forth i$ >e'- 5#t No- 0769 a$d the said la) o$l %oes as far as setti$% the ma=imum limit for the emissio$ of vehi#les, but it does $ot re#o%$i/e CN@ as alter$ative e$%i$e fuel- Dhe Soli#itor @e$eral avers that the 'etitio$ should be addressed to Co$%ress for it to #ome u' )ith a 'oli# that )ould #om'el the use of CN@ as alter$ative fuel.ate$tl , this Court is bei$% as<ed to resolve issues that are $ot o$l 'ro#edural- .etitio$ers #halle$%e this Court to de#ide if )hat 'etitio$ers 'ro'ose #ould be do$e throu%h a less #ir#uitous, s'eed a$d u$#hartered #ourse i$ a$ issue that Chief (usti#e Cilario @- Davide, (r- i$ his ponencia i$ the Oposa #ase&&6 des#ribes as Li$ter8%e$eratio$al res'o$sibilit L a$d Li$ter8%e$eratio$al ,usti#e-L No), as to 'etitio$ersI sta$di$%- Dhere is $o dis'ute that 'etitio$ers have sta$di$% to bri$% their #ase before this Court- Eve$ res'o$de$ts do $ot Buestio$ their sta$di$%- Dhis 'etitio$ fo#uses o$ o$e fu$dame$tal le%al ri%ht of 'etitio$ers, their ri%ht to #lea$ air- !oreover, as held 'reviousl , a 'art Is sta$di$% before this Court is a 'ro#edural te#h$i#alit )hi#h ma , i$ the e=er#ise of the CourtIs dis#retio$, be set aside i$ vie) of the im'orta$#e of the issue raised- "e brush aside this issue of te#h$i#alit u$der the 'ri$#i'le of the tra$s#e$de$tal im'orta$#e to the 'ubli#, es'e#iall so if these #ases dema$d that the be settled 'rom'tl -

4$de$iabl , the ri%ht to #lea$ air $ot o$l is a$ issue of 'aramou$t im'orta$#e to 'etitio$ers for it #o$#er$s the air the breathe, but it is also im'ressed )ith 'ubli# i$terest- Dhe #o$seBue$#es of the #ou$ter8'rodu#tive a$d retro%ressive effe#ts of a $e%le#ted e$viro$me$t due to emissio$s of motor vehi#les immeasurabl affe#t the )ell8 bei$% of 'etitio$ers- O$ these #o$sideratio$s, the le%al sta$di$% of the 'etitio$ers deserves re#o%$itio$Our $e=t #o$#er$ is )hether the )rit of ma$damus is the 'ro'er remed , a$d if the )rit #ould issue a%ai$st res'o$de$ts4$der Se#tio$ +, >ule ;5 of the >ules of Court, ma$damus lies u$der a$ of the follo)i$% #ases: 112 a%ai$st a$ tribu$al )hi#h u$la)full $e%le#ts the 'erforma$#e of a$ a#t )hi#h the la) s'e#ifi#all e$,oi$s as a dut G 1&2 i$ #ase a$ #or'oratio$, board or 'erso$ u$la)full $e%le#ts the 'erforma$#e of a$ a#t )hi#h the la) e$,oi$s as a dut resulti$% from a$ offi#e, trust, or statio$G a$d 1+2 i$ #ase a$ tribu$al, #or'oratio$, board or 'erso$ u$la)full e=#ludes a$other from the use a$d e$,o me$t of a ri%ht or offi#e to )hi#h su#h other is le%all e$titledG a$d there is $o other 'lai$, s'eed , a$d adeBuate remed i$ the ordi$ar #ourse of la)I$ =niversit# of San Agustin& >nc. v. Court of Appeals,&5 )e said, VIt is settled that ma$damus is em'lo ed to #om'el the 'erforma$#e, )he$ refused, of a mi$isterial dut , this bei$% its mai$ ob,e#tive- It does $ot lie to reBuire a$ o$e to fulfill #o$tra#tual obli%atio$s or to #om'el a #ourse of #o$du#t, $or to #o$trol or revie) the e=er#ise of dis#retio$- O$ the 'art of the 'etitio$er, it is esse$tial to the issua$#e of a )rit of ma$damus that he should have a #lear le%al ri%htto the thi$% dema$ded a$d it must be the im'erative dut of the res'o$de$t to 'erform the a#t reBuired- It $ever issues i$ doubtful #ases- "hile it ma $ot be $e#essar that the dut be absolutel e='ressed, it must ho)ever, be #lear- Dhe )rit )ill $ot issue to #om'el a$ offi#ial to do a$ thi$% )hi#h is $ot his dut to do or )hi#h is his dut $ot to do, or %ive to the a''li#a$t a$ thi$% to )hi#h he is $ot e$titled b la)- Dhe )rit $either #o$fers 'o)ers $or im'oses duties- It is sim'l a #omma$d to e=er#ise a 'o)er alread 'ossessed a$d to 'erform a dut alread im'osed1Em'hasis su''lied-2 I$ this 'etitio$ the le%al ri%ht )hi#h is sou%ht to be re#o%$i/ed a$d e$for#ed hi$%es o$ a #o$stitutio$al a$d a statutor 'oli# alread arti#ulated i$ o'eratio$al terms, e.g. i$ >e'- 5#t No- 0769, the .hili''i$e Clea$ 5ir 5#t of 1999.ara%ra'h 1a2, Se#tio$ &1 of the 5#t s'e#ifi#all 'rovides that )he$ .4Vs are #o$#er$ed, the res'o$sibilit of im'leme$ti$% the 'oli# falls o$ res'o$de$t DODC- It 'rovides as follo)s: SEC &1- Pollution from Motor ?e(icles- 8 a2 Th$ DOTC shall im'leme$t the emissio$ sta$dards for motor vehi#les set 'ursua$t to a$d as 'rovided i$ this 5#t- Do further im'rove the emissio$ sta$dards, the De'artme$t [DEN>] shall revie), revise a$d 'ublish the sta$dards ever t)o 1&2 ears, or as the $eed arises- It shall #o$sider the ma=imum limits for all ma,or 'olluta$ts to e$sure substa$tial im'roveme$t i$ air Bualit for the health, safet a$d )elfare of the %e$eral 'ubli#.ara%ra'h 1b2 states: b2 Dhe De'artme$t [DEN>] i$ #ollaboratio$ )ith the DOTC, DDI a$d 3@4s, shall *$B$(o: a& ac;'o& :(a& Cor ;h$ co&;ro( a&* #a&a+$#$&; oC a'r :o((-;'o& Cro# #o;or B$h'c($) #o$siste$t )ith the I$te%rated 5ir Oualit Hrame)or< - - - - 1Em'hasis su''lied-2 Dhere is $o dis'ute that u$der the Clea$ 5ir 5#t it is the DEN> that is tas<ed to set the emissio$ sta$dards for fuel use a$d the tas< of develo'i$% a$ a#tio$ 'la$- 5s far as motor vehi#les are #o$#er$ed, it devolves u'o$ the DODC a$d the li$e a%e$# )hose ma$date is to oversee that motor vehi#les 're'are a$ a#tio$ 'la$ a$d im'leme$t the emissio$ sta$dards for motor vehi#les, $amel the 3DH>BI$ Oposa&; )e said, the ri%ht to a bala$#ed a$d healthful e#olo% #arries )ith it the #orrelative dut to refrai$ from im'airi$% the e$viro$me$t- "e also said, it is #learl the dut of the res'o$sible %over$me$t a%e$#ies to adva$#e the said ri%ht.etitio$ers i$vo<e the 'rovisio$s of the Co$stitutio$ a$d the Clea$ 5ir 5#t i$ their 'ra er for issua$#e of a )rit of ma$damus #omma$di$% the res'o$de$ts to reBuire .4Vs to use CN@ as a$ alter$ative fuel- 5lthou%h both are %e$eral ma$dates that do $ot s'e#ifi#all e$,oi$ the use of a$ <i$d of fuel, 'arti#ularl the use of CN@, there is a$

e=e#utive order im'leme$ti$% a 'ro%ram o$ the use of CN@ b 'ubli# vehi#les- E=e#utive Order No- &9?, e$titled>mplementing t(e Natural %as ?e(icle Program for Public !ransport 'N%?PP!), too< effe#t o$ Hebruar &6, &??6- Dhe 'ro%ram re#o%$i/ed, amo$% others, $atural %as as a #lea$ bur$i$% alter$ative fuel for vehi#le )hi#h has the 'ote$tial to 'rodu#e substa$tiall lo)er 'olluta$tsG a$d the !alam'a a @as8to8.o)er .ro,e#t as re'rese$ti$% the be%i$$i$% of the $atural %as i$dustr of the .hili''i$es- .ara%ra'h 1-&, Se#tio$ 1 of E-O- No- &9? #ites as o$e of its ob,e#tives, the use of CN@ as a #lea$ alter$ative fuel for tra$s'ort- Hurthermore, o$e of the #om'o$e$ts of the 'ro%ram is the develo'me$t of CN@ refueli$% statio$s a$d all related fa#ilities i$ strate%i# lo#atio$s i$ the #ou$tr to serve the $eeds of CN@8'o)ered .4Vs- Se#tio$ + of E-O- No- &9?, #o$siste$t )ith E-O- No- ;;, series of &??&, desi%$ated the DOE as the lead a%e$# 1a2 i$ develo'i$% the $atural %as i$dustr of the #ou$tr )ith the DEN>, throu%h the E!B a$d 1b2 i$ formulati$% emissio$ sta$dards for CN@- !ost si%$ifi#a$tl , 'ar- 6-5, Se#tio$ 6 tas<s the DODC, )or<i$% )ith the DOE, to develo' a$ im'leme$tatio$ 'la$ for La %radual shift to CN@ fuel utili/atio$ i$ .4Vs a$d 'romote N@Vs [$atural %as vehi#les] i$ !etro !a$ila a$d 3u/o$ throu%h the issua$#e of dire#tives9orders 'rovidi$% 'refere$tial fra$#hises i$ 'rese$t da ma,or routes a$d e=#lusive fra$#hises to N@Vs i$ $e)l o'e$ed routesVL 5 thorou%h readi$% of the e=e#utive order assures us that im'leme$tatio$ for a #lea$er e$viro$me$t is bei$% addressed- Do a #ertai$ e=te$t, the i$sta$t 'etitio$ had bee$ mooted b the issua$#e of E-O- No- &9?>e%rettabl , ho)ever, the 'lai$, s'eed a$d adeBuate remed herei$ sou%ht b 'etitio$ers, i.e., a )rit of ma$damus #omma$di$% the res'o$de$ts to reBuire .4Vs to use CN@, is u$availi$%- !a$damus is available o$l to #om'el the doi$% of a$ a#t s'e#ifi#all e$,oi$ed b la) as a dut - Cere, there is $o la) that ma$dates the res'o$de$ts 3DH>B a$d the DODC to order o)$ers of motor vehi#les to use CN@- 5t most the 3DH>B has bee$ tas<ed b E-O- No- &9? i$ 'ar- 6-5 1ii2, Se#tio$ 6 Lto %ra$t 'refere$tial a$d e=#lusive Certifi#ates of .ubli# Co$ve$ie$#e 1C.C2 or fra$#hises to o'erators of N@Vs based o$ the results of the DODC surve s-L Hurther, ma$damus )ill $ot %e$erall lie from o$e bra$#h of %over$me$t to a #oordi$ate bra$#h, for the obvious reaso$ that $either is i$ferior to the other-&7 Dhe $eed for future #ha$%es i$ both le%islatio$ a$d its im'leme$tatio$ #a$$ot be 'reem'ted b orders from this Court, es'e#iall )he$ )hat is 'ra ed for is 'ro#edurall i$firm- Besides, #omit )ith a$d #ourtes to a #oeBual bra$#h di#tate that )e %ive suffi#ie$t time a$d lee)a for the #oeBual bra$#hes to address b themselves the e$viro$me$tal 'roblems raised i$ this 'etitio$I$ the same ma$$er that )e have asso#iated the fu$dame$tal ri%ht to a bala$#ed a$d healthful e#olo% )ith the t)i$ #o$#e'ts of Li$ter8%e$eratio$al res'o$sibilit L a$d Li$ter8%e$eratio$al ,usti#eL i$ Oposa&&0 )here )e u'held the ri%ht of future Hili'i$os to 'reve$t the destru#tio$ of the rai$forests, so do )e re#o%$i/e, i$ this 'etitio$, the ri%ht of 'etitio$ers a$d the future %e$eratio$ to #lea$ air- I$ Oposa )e said that if the ri%ht to a bala$#ed a$d healthful e#olo% is $o) e='li#itl fou$d i$ the Co$stitutio$ eve$ if the ri%ht is Lassumed to e=ist from the i$#e'tio$ of huma$<i$d,V it is be#ause of the )ell8fou$ded fear of its framers [of the Co$stitutio$] that u$less the ri%hts to a bala$#ed a$d healthful e#olo% a$d to health are ma$dated as state 'oli#ies b the Co$stitutio$ itself, thereb hi%hli%hti$% their #o$ti$ui$% im'orta$#e a$d im'osi$% u'o$ the state a solem$ obli%atio$ to 'reserve the first a$d 'rote#t a$d adva$#e the se#o$d, the da )ould $ot be too far )he$ all else )ould be lost $ot o$l for the 'rese$t %e$eratio$, but also for those to #ome- - -L&9 It is the firm belief of this Court that i$ this #ase, it is timel to reaffirm the 'remium )e have 'la#ed o$ the 'rote#tio$ of the e$viro$me$t i$ the la$dmar< #ase of Oposa. Ket, as serious as the statisti#s are o$ air 'ollutio$, )ith the 'rese$t fuels deemed to=i# as the are to the e$viro$me$t, as fatal as these 'olluta$ts are to the health of the #iti/e$s, a$d ur%e$tl reBuiri$% resort to drasti# measures to redu#e air 'olluta$ts emitted b motor vehi#les, )e must admit i$ 'arti#ular that 'etitio$ers are u$able to 'i$'oi$t the la) that im'oses a$ i$dubitable le%al dut o$ res'o$de$ts that )ill ,ustif a %ra$t of the )rit of ma$damus #om'elli$% the use of CN@ for 'ubli# utilit vehi#les- It a''ears to us that more 'ro'erl , the le%islature should 'rovide first the s'e#ifi# statutor remed to the #om'le= e$viro$me$tal 'roblems bared b herei$ 'etitio$ers before a$ ,udi#ial re#ourse b ma$damus is ta<e$WHERE!ORE, the 'etitio$ for the issua$#e of a )rit of ma$damus is DISMISSED for la#< of meritSO ORDERED. Carpio& Morales& !inga& and ?elasco& +r.& ++.& #o$#ur-

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