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:The following statements concerning the liver are true except . a) The quadrate lobe drains into the right hepatic duct b) The lesser omentum suspends the stomach from the visceral surface of the liver c) The left triangular ligament of the liver lies anterior to the abdominal part of the esophagus d) The attachment of the hepatic veins to the inferior vena cava is one of the most important supports of the liver e) The ligamentum venosum is attached to the left branch of the portal vein in the porta hepatis :The following statements concerning the pancreas are true except . a) The pancreas receives part of its arterial supply from the splenic artery b) The main pancreatic duct opens into the third part of the duodenum c) The uncinate process of the pancreas projects from the head of the pancreas d) The bile duct (common bile duct) lies posterior to the head of the pancreas e) The transverse mesocolon is attached to the anterior border of the pancreas The following statements concerning the ileum are true except: a) The circular smooth muscle of the lower end of the ileum serves as a sphincter at the junction of the ileum and cecum b) The branches of the superior mesenteric artery serving the ileum form more arcades than those serving the jejunum c) Peyer's patches are present in the mucous membrane of the lower ileum along the antimesenteric border d) The plicae circulares are more prominent at the distal end of the ileum than in the jejunum e) The parasympathetic innervation of the ileum is from the vagus nerve The hilum of the right idne! contains the following important structures" . #except the a) Renal Pelvis b) Tributaries of the renal vein c) Sympathetic nerve fibres d) Part of the right suprarenal gland e) ranches of the renal artery . $hich of the following is not a site of portal s!stemic anastomosis% a) !ower part of esophagus b) "mbilicus c) Rectum d) #reater curvature of the stomach e) Posterior abdominal wall The following statements concerning the left suprarenal gland are incorrect . #except a) $t e%tends behind the inferior vena cava b) $t is separated from the left &idney by the pararenal fat c) $ts vein drains into the left renal vein d) $t is usually located on the upper pole and lateral border of the left &idney e) The medulla is innervated by postganglionic sympathetic nerve fibres .

:The following statements concerning the abdominal aorta are true except . a) $t bifurcates into the two common iliac arteries in front of the fourth lumbar vertebra b) $t lies on the right side of the inferior vena cava c) 'rom its anterior surface arise the celiac( superior mesenteric and inferior mesenteric arteries d) $t enters the abdomen in front of the twelfth thoracic vertebra e) The thoracic duct leaves the abdomen through the aortic opening of the diaphragm on the right side of the aorta The following statements concerning the abdominal part of the s!mpathetic . #trun are NOT T&'E except a) $t enters the abdomen behind the lateral arcuate ligament b) The trun& possesses si% segmentally arranged ganglia c) )ll the ganglia receive white rami communicantes d) #ray rami communicantes are given off to the lumbar spinal nerves e) The splanchnic nerves from the thora% join the trun&s below the diaphragm #The following statements concerning the lumbar ple(us are true except . a) The ple%us lies within the psoas muscle b) The ple%us is formed from the posterior rami of the upper four lumbar nerves c) The femoral nerve emerges from the lateral border of the psoas muscle d) The obturator nerve emerges from the medial border of the psoas muscle e) The iliohypogastric nerve emerges from the lateral border of the psoas muscle #The following veins form important portal)s!stemic anastamoses" except the . a) *sophageal branches of the left gastric vein and tributaries of the a+ygos vein b) Superior rectal vein and the inferior vena cava c) Paraumbilical vein and the superficial veins of the anterior abdominal wall d) ,eins of the ascending and descending parts of the colon with the lumbar veins e) ,eins from the bare areas of the liver with the phrenic veins #The following statements concerning the ureters are true except . a) oth have three anatomic sites that are constricted b) oth receive their blood supply from the testicular or ovarian arteries c) oth are separated from the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae by the psoas muscle d) oth pass anterior to the testicular or ovarian vessels e) oth lie anterior to the sacroiliac joints *oncerning the inferior mesenteric arter!" all of the following statements are . #true except a) $ts colic branch supplies the descending colon b) $t gives off the inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery

c) $t supplies the sigmoid colon d) $ts branches contribute to the marginal artery e) $t arises from the aorta immediately below the third part of the duodenum %$hich of the following is the obliterated umbilical vein . a) !igamentum venosum b) !igamentum teres c) -edian umbilical ligament d) !ateral umbilical ligament e) 'alciform ligament #The hepatic hilum consists of . a) .epatic duct b) ranches of the portal vein c) The hepatic artery d) The hepatic vein( cystic duct and main pancreatic duct e) The portal vein( hepatic artery and common hepatic duct %$hich of the following structures is NOT present within the lesser omentum . a) Portal vein b) ile duct c) $nferior ,ena /ava d) .epatic artery e) !ymph 0odes :The following statements concerning the liver are true except . a) $ts lymph drainage is to the celiac nodes b) The quadrate and the caudate lobes are functionally part of the left lobe c) $ts parasympathetic innervation is from the vagus nerve d) $t receives highly o%ygenated blood from the portal vein e) The triangular ligaments connect the liver to the diaphragm :The following differences e(ist between the small and the large bowel except . a) The ascending colon has appendices epiploicae( whereas the ileum does not b) The arterial supply to the wall of the ileum is arranged so that it produces areas of wea&ness through which mucosal herniations may occur c) The ascending colon may have a well1developed marginal artery( whereas the ileum does not d) The ileum has a longitudinal muscle that forms a continuous layer around the wall( whereas the ascending colon has tenia coli e) The ascending colon is retroperitoneal( whereas the ileum is intraperitoneal $hich of the following statements is +are) correct regarding the duodenum% a) The duodenum receives its entire blood supply from the superior mesenteric artery b) The first part of the duodenum is completely retroperitoneal c) The bile duct enters the second (vertical) portion of the duodenum d) The lymph from the fourth part of the duodenum drains into the celiac nodes e) The tip of the appendi% cannot reach down into the pelvic cavity #The following statements concerning the appendi( are correct except . .

a) The appendi% is situated in the right iliac region b) )t the base of the appendi%( the teniae coli of the cecum fuse to form a complete( longitudinal muscle layer in the wall of the appendi% c) )fferent pain nerve fibers accompany the sympathetic nerves and enter the spinal cord at the level of the tenth thoracic segment d) The appendi% receives its blood supply from a branch of the posterior cecal artery e) The tip of the appendi% cannot reach down into the pelvic cavity #The following statements concerning the p!loric sphincter are correct except . a) $t receives its motor innervation from the sympathetic autonomic nerves b) $t lies on the level of the third lumbar vertebrae c) $t is inhibited by the impulses passing down the vagus nerve d) $t is formed by a thic&ening of the circular layer of smooth muscle in the stomach wall e) The cavity of the pylorus is called the pyloric canal The following structures form the boundaries of the entrance into the lesser sac . :+epiploic foramen) except a) The inferior vena cava b) The bile duct c) The portal vein d) The quadrate lobe of liver e) The first part of the duodenum # The following statements concerning the gall bladder are correct except . a) The arterial supply is from the cystic artery( which is a branch of the right hepatic artery b) The fundus of the gallbladder is located just beneath the tip of the right ninth costal cartilage c) The peritoneum completely surrounds the fundus( the body and the nec& d) The nerves of the gallbladder are derived from the celiac ple%us e) Pain sensation from gallbladder disease may be referred along the phrenic and supraclavicular nerves to the s&in over the shoulder #$hich is false regarding the ,ermiform appendi( . a) $n the majority of cases hangs down below the caecum b) Receives arterial blood from the anterior caecal artery c) -ay be over 23 cm long d) .as a wider lumen in infants e) .as a base which is said to lie at the point where the three taenia coli meet %$hich of the following statements regarding the left ureter is correct . a) $t has the inferior mesenteric vein lying on its lateral side b) $ts lumen is constricted at the point where it crosses the brim of the pelvis c) $ts entire arterial supply is derived from the left renal artery d) $t lies in direct contact with the tips of the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae e) $t lies within the peritoneal cavity %$hich of the following statements regarding the idne! is false . a) The superior (pro%imal)( e%panded end of the ureter is called the renal pelvis b) Renal arteries arise directly from the abdominal aorta

c) The right gonadal vein drains into the right renal vein (d) The suprarenal glands receive their blood supply from the inferior( middle and superior suprarenal arteries e) The renal pyramids collect urine and empty it into the minor calyces via the renal papillae $hich of the following statements regarding the superficial inguinal ring is . %incorrect a) $t is a perforation in the aponeurosis of the e%ternal oblique muscle b) $ts greatest width lies above and medial to the pubic tubercle c) $t is strengthened posteriorly by the conjoint tendon d) The internal spermatic fascia is attached to its margins e) $n males( it allows passage of the spermatic cord and the ilioinguinal nerve #The s in of the umbilicus receives its sensor! innervation from . a) T4 b) T52 c) !5 d) T53 e) !2 #-n both se(es" the inguinal canal is formed b! . a) The descent of the gonad b) The contraction of the gubernaculum c) The processus vaginalis d) The ilioinguinal nerve e) The contraction of the cremaster muscle . The lacunar ligament# a) 'ormed from the conjoint tendon b) Part of the posterior wall of the rectus sheath c) 0ot continuous with the inguinal ligament d) )n important medial relation to the femoral ring of the femoral sheath e) )ttached to the inferior ramus of the pubis The following statements concerning the superficial fascia of the anterior . :abdominal wall are true except a) $t has a superficial fatty layer and a deep membranous layer b) Scarpa's fascia fuses with the fascia lata just below the inguinal ligament c) /amper's fascia is continuous with the /olles' fascia in the perineum d) $t is continuous with the dartos muscle in the wall of the scrotum e) $t does not contribute to the femoral sheath :The rectus sheath contains the following structure except . (a) The pyramidalis muscle (when present b) The ligamentum teres c) The inferior epigastric artery d) The T4152 anterior rami e) The rectus abdominis muscle :The following statements concerning the epidid!mis are correct except . a) $t lies within the scrotum and posterior to the testis b) $t has an e%panded upper end called the head c) The tail gives rise to the vas deferens

d) $t is supplied by the testicular artery e) $ts lymph drains into the superficial inguinal nodes The .e.unum and ileum can be differentiated on the basis of the following . #anatomic features except a) 0umerous (617) arterial arcades are associated with the jejunum b) The plicae circulares are much more prominent in the jejunum than in the ileum c) 'at depositions are generally present throughout the mesentery associated with the ileum d) The jejunum is located in the upper left region of the abdominal cavity e) Peyer's patches are characteristic of the lower ileum and may be visible on the surface There are a number of features which allow distinction between the large and . #small intestine" including a) The taenia coli of the large intestine( which are aggregates of circular smooth muscle b) The appendices epiploicae of the large intestine( which have no blood supply c) The haustrations of the large intestine( which are caused by contractions of both layers of intramural smooth muscle d) Peyer's patches will occur in both small 8 large intestines e) runner's glands which are present in the duodenum #$hich is incorrect regarding the pancreas . a) $ts venous drainage is via the splenic vein b) The congenital malformation &nown as annular pancreas arises because of malrotation of the ventral bud of the pancrease c) $t is supplied by the arterial blood via the celiac( superior mesenteric and splenic arteries d) The tip of the tail lies in the gastrosplenic ligament e) The bile duct is sometimes embedded within its substance #$hich is false about the superior mesenteric arter! . a) $t arises about the level of !5 b) $t has no branches which supply the large intestine c) $t does not supply the jejunum by its first branch d) $t emerges from the substance of the pancreas e) $t supplies the transverse colon by its last branch #The duodenum . a) .as the common bile duct passing posterior to its first part (b) .as posterior relationships in its third part with the inferior vena cava abdominal aorta and the common bile duct c) Receives artrial blood from the superior pancreaticoduodenal( inferior pancreaticoduodenal and inferior mesenteric artery d) .as an interior that is thrown into folds throughout the length of the duodenum e) $s entirely retroperitoneal #The spermatic cord contains the following structures except . a) The scrotal arteries and veins b) The vas deferens c) The pampiniform ple%us

d) The testicular artery e) )utonomic nerves The following structures pass through the esophageal hiatus in the diaphragm . #except a) The left vagus nerve b) ranches of the left gastric artery c) The left phrenic nerve d) The right vagus nerve e) ) tributary of the portal vein :The following statements regarding the peritoneum are incorrect except . a) The parietal peritoneum is only sensitive to stretch b) The parietal peritoneum lining the anterior abdominal wall is innervated by the lower si% thoracic and the first lumbar spinal nerves c) The visceral peritoneum is innervated by the posterior primary rami of the twelfth thoracic and the lumbar spinal nerves d) The visceral peritoneum is sensitive to pain( temperature and touch e) The peritoneum lining the lesser sac has no nerve supply -f the portal vein becomes bloc ed" the following venous anastomoses are . #important in uniting the portal with the s!stemic venous s!stems except a) *sophageal branches of the left gastric and the a+ygos veins b) ,eins of the ligamentum teres and the paraumbilical veins c) The superior and the inferior rectal veins d) The right colic veins and the lumbar veins e) The middle and the inferior rectal veins #The following statements are correct regarding and inguinal hernia except . a) The inferior epigastric artery lies medial to the nec& of an indirect inguinal hernia b) )n inguinal hernia is more common than a femoral hernia in females c) ) direct inguinal hernia is more common in elderly men than in boys d) The opening of the sac of a direct inguinal hernia is wide e) The contents of an indirect inguinal hernia may be strangulated against the lacunar ligament #The following statements regarding the portal vein are true except . a) $t courses through a portion of the lesser omentum b) $t enters the liver at the porta hepatis c) $t receives venous blood from both the large and small intestines d) $t originates at the junction of the superior mesenteric and the splenic veins e) $t passes in front of the nec& of the pancreas #The following general statements are incorrect except . a) The superior and inferior epigastric vessels anastomose on the anterior surface of the rectus abdominis muscle b) The inguinal ligament is attached laterally to the anterior inferior iliac spine c) The abdominal aorta bifurcates below( in front of the fourth lumbar vertebrae d) The foregut ends in the third (inferior) segment of the duodenum e) The umbilicus is located appro%imately at the vertebral level !7 #The following veins drain directl! into the inferior vena cava except .

a) The hepatic veins b) The renal veins c) The lumbar veins d) The inferior mesenteric vein e) The right testicular (ovarian) vein :$hich of the following arteries supplies the suprarenal +adrenal) gland . a) The aorta b) The lumbar arteries c) The superior phrenic artery d) The testicular (ovarian) artery e) The subcostal artery #The following structures are present in the porta hepatic except . a) !ymph nodes b) The right and left branches of the portal vein c) The right and left hepatic ducts d) The right and left hepatic veins e) The right and left branches of the hepatic artery # The following statements regarding the celiac ple(us are true except . a) The celiac ple%us is not a purely sympathetic ple%us b) The celiac ple%us does not surround the celiac artery c) The celiac ganglia are made of nerve cell bodies and nerve fibers d) Parasympathetic preganglionic fibers pass through the ple%us( generally synapsing with postganglionic neurons within the walls of the organs they innervate e) Sympathetic preganglionic fibers to the celiac ple%us originate from the thoracic spinal segments and travel in thoracic splanchnic nerves #The right idne! has the following important relationships except . a) $t is related to the nec& of the pancreas b) $t is anterior to the right costodiaphragmatic recess c) $t is related to the second part of the duodenum d) $t is related to the right colic fle%ure e) $t is anterior to the right twelfth rib The following structures form the walls of the inguinal canal except the: a) /onjoint tendon b) )poneurosis of e%ternal oblique muscles c) $nternal oblique muscle d) !acunar ligament e) 'ascia transversalis -n the female" the inguinal canal contains the following structures except the: a) $lioinguinal nerve b) Remnant of the processus vaginalis c) Round ligament of the uterus d) $nferior epigastric artery e) !ymph vessels from the fundus of the uterus #All of the following structures concerning the spermatic cord are true except . a) $t e%tends from the deep inguinal ring to the scrotum b) $t contains the testicular artery .

c) $t is covered by five layers of spermatic fascia d) $t contains the pampiniform ple%us e) $t contains lymph vessels that drain the testis #All the following structures are present in the inguinal canal in the male except . a) $nternal spermatic fascia b) #enital branch of the genitofemoral nerve c) Testicular vessels d) 9eep circumfle% iliac artery e) $lioinguinal nerve #All of the following statements concerning the con.oint tendon are true except . a) $t is attached to the pubic crest and the pectineal line b) $t is formed by the fusion of the aponeuroses of the transverses abdominis and internal oblique muscles c) $t is attached medially to the linea alba d) $t is continuous with the inguinal ligament e) $t may bulge forward in a direct inguinal hernia All of the following statements concerning the an indirect inguinal hernia are . #true except a) $t is the most common form of abdominal hernia b) The nec& of the hernial sac lies medial to the inferior epigastric artery c) The sac is the remains of the processus vaginalis d) The hernial sac can e%tend into the scrotum e) )t the superficial inguinal ring( the hernial sac lies above and medial to the pubic tubercle The following statements are true about muscles forming the posterior . #abdominal wall except a) The psoas major muscle has a fascial sheath that e%tends down into the thigh as far as the lesser trochanter of the femur b) The quadratus lumborum is covered anteriorly by fascia that forms the lateral arcuate ligament c) The iliacus muscles is innervated by the femoral nerve d) The transverses abdominis muscles does form part of the posterior abdominal wall e) The diaphragm does not contribute to the musculature on the posterior abdominal wall &egarding hernias in the inguinal region . a) The sac of an indirect hernia lies posterior to the spermatic cord b) The sac of a direct hernia lies lateral to the internal ring c) The sac of a direct hernia lies medial to the inferior epigastric vessels d) The sac of a direct inguinal hernia usually comes down to the scrotum e) The sac of the femoral hernia has a wide nec& #The onl! statement regarding the small bowel which is true is . a) The entire small bowel is intra1peritoneal b) The jejunum is longer in length( large in diameter( and thinner1walled than the ileum c) The muscularis( the muscle layer( provides the strength for the placement of sutures or staples for surgical anastomoses d) Peyer's patches are most prominent in the distal ileum

e) The marginal artery of 9rummond provides the blood supply to the duodenum #The appendi( . a) )rises from the posteromedial aspect of the caecum below the ileoceccal valve b) .as an e%tremely variable position c) $s supplied by a branch from the right colic artery d) $s devoid of lymph nodes e) $s removed surgically through a&ocher incision Below the arcuate line" which of the following structures lies posterior to the . %rectus muscle a) !inea alba b) )poneurosis of transverses abdominis c) )poneurosis of internal oblique d) Transversalis fascia e) )poneurosis of e%ternal oblique $hich of the following structures of the spermatic cord is derived from the . %internal obli/ue muscle a) $nternal spermatic fascia b) *%ternal spermatic fascia c) /remaster muscle d) 9artos muscle e) ,as deferens $hich of the following organs does not receive its blood suppl! from the celiac . %trun a) !iver b) Stomach c) Spleen d) :ejunum e) #all bladder #The common bile duct and the main pancreatic duct empt! into the . a) 'irst part of the duodenum b) Second part of the duodenum c) Third part of the duodenum d) #all bladder e) ,ermiform appendi% %$hich of the following organs is retroperitoneal . a) Spleen b) Stomach c) :ejunum d) Pancreas e) Transverse colon %$hich of the following is not a s!mptom of portal vein h!pertension . a) *sophageal bleeding b) .emorrhoids c) /aput medusae d) $ndirect inguinal hernia

e) *ngorged veins of the posterior abdominal wall $hat structure passes behind the medial arcuate ligament of the abdominal . #diaphragm a) The aorta b) The esophagus c) The psoas major muscle d) The quadratus lumborum muscle e) The inferior vena cava %$hich of the following is not a branch of the superior mesenteric arter! . a) Right colic artery b) !eft colic artery c) -iddle colic artery d) $liocolic artery e) $nferior pancreaticoduodenul artery %$hich of the following is not characteristic of the large intestine . a) Taenia coli b) .austra c) )ppendices epiploicae d) ,ermiform appendi% e) *piploic foramen %$hich of the following statements about the liver is false . a) $ts blood supply normally comes from the celiac trun& b) $t is the largest gland in the body c) $t has four lobes right( left( quadrate and caudate d) $t is connected to the stomach by the lesser omentum e) $ts venous drainage is via the portal vein $hich of the following is false about the normal pattern of arterial blood . #suppl! to the stomach a) !esser curvature; Right gastric artery b) Pylorus; !eft gastric artery c) #reater curvature; left gastroepiploic artery d) #reater curvature; right gastroepiploic artery e) 'undus; Short gastric arteries #The area around the umbilicus receives sensor! innervation from the . a) Superficial epigastric arteries b) )nterior branch of the ventral ramus of the spinal nerve T53 c) Subcostal nerve d) Splanchnic nerve e) ,agus %$hich of the following statements about indirect inguinal hernia is false . a) They enter the abdominal wall lateral to the inferior epigastric artery b) They are more common in the males than in females c) They follow the path of the inguinal canal d) They often result from a patent processus vaginalis e) They involve and outpouching of gut below the inguinal ligament #The con.oint tendon +fal( ingunalis) is formed b! the .

a) Transverse abdominis muscle or its aponeurosis b) $nternal abdominal oblique muscle or its aponeurosis c) oth ) and d) 0either ) nor %$hich of the following suppl! the lesser curvature of the stomach . a) !eft gastric artery b) Right gastric artery c) Short gastric arteries d) )ll of the above e) oth ) and $hich of the following is not involved in arterial blood suppl! to the anterior . %abdominal wall a) Superior epigastric artery b) $ntercostal arteries c) 9eep circumfle% iliac artery d) -usculophrenic artery e) $nferior epigastric artery #The e(ternal obli/ue muscle . a) $nserts on the internal surfaces of the seventh through twelfth costal cartilages b) -a&es up the entire rectus sheath inferior to the umbilicus c) <riginates on the pubic symphysis and pubic crest d) *%tends the trun& e) $s innervated by the inferior si% thoracic spinal nerves (intercostals nerves (and subcostal nerves #0osition of the deep inguinal ring relative to the inferior epigastric vessels is . a) -edial b) !ateral c) Posterior d) )nterior e) Superior #&egarding the pancreas . a) *%ocrine secretions are released into the interstitial spaces b) The pancreas is invested by a prominent and distinct connective tissue capsule c) The pancreas is retroperitoneal e%cept for the tail which is intraperitoneal d) /entroaciner cells appear acidophilic when stained by routine hematoylin and eosin methods due to the high number of secretory vesicles e) )ll of the above . 0rimar! arterial suppl! of which region travels via the superior mesenteric arter!% a) foregut b) -idgut c) .indgut d) oth ) and / e) )ll of the above #The renal arteries .

a) <riginate directly from the abdominal aorta b) Provide arterial blood to the adrenal glands c) Provide arterial blood to the &idneys d) "sually form four anterior segmental arteries within the hilum of the &idney e) )ll of the above The median" medial and lateral umbilical folds of the anterior abdominal wall . #are formed respectivel! b! the a) "rachus( obliterated umbilical arteries and inferior epigastric arteries b) "rachus( obliterated umbilical arteries and veins c) <bliterated umbilical arteries and veins d) "rachus and inferior epigastric artery e) "rachus( obliterated umbilical arteries and superficial epigastric arteries #The following statements are true about the cisterna c!li except . a) Receives lymph from nodes draining the posterior abdominal wall b) $s in direct continuity with the inferior vena cava c) $s a terminal dilation of the thoracic duct d) $s generally located inferior to the aortic hiatus #The following statements about the idne! are true except . a) $s in contact with the spleen on the left side b) $s in contact with duodenum on the right side c) $s located retroperitoneally d) Receives its blood supply from a branch of the celiac trun& #1elect the one best answer . a) The superior epigasrtic artery is a branch of the e%ternal iliac artery b) The anterior portion of the rectus sheath is formed by the aponeurosis of the e%ternal abdominal oblique and transverses abdominis muscle c) The inguinal canal terminates at the superficial inguinal ring d) The conjoint tendon consists of lower fibers of the e%ternal abdominal muscle and the inguinal ligament e) The internal spermatic fascia is derived from the internal oblique muscle . $hich of the following is not true in relation to the stomach% a) $t is located at the supramesocolic compartment b) The right gastroepiploic artery running along the greater curvature( is a branch of the gastrodudodenal artery c) The cardiac notch is an incisure found at the most dependent point of the lesser curvature d) The greater curvature gives attachment to the greater omentum e) /ardiac orifice is at T55 vertebral level #1elect the correct statement . a) 'alciform ligament b) The liver occupies the right hypochondriac and epigastric region of the abdomen c) The quadrate lobe of the liver is adjacent to the inferior vena cava d) The caudate lobe is the bed for the gallbladder e) The cystic bile duct leads into the pro%imal duodenum #The posterior limit of the omental +epiploic) foramen is . a) The free border of the lesser omentum

b) The hepatic artery c) The caudate lobe d) The duodenum e) The inferior vena cava . -ndicate the correct statement# a) The pancreas is located in the epigastric and right hypochondriac regions b) The pancreas is divided into head( nec& and tail c) The uncinate process projects medially behind the superior mesenteric vessels d) The posterior surface of the head of the pancreas is related to the left crus e) The posterior aspect of the nec& of the pancreas is covered with peritoneum and is adjacent to the pylorus #The common bile duct and the pancreatic ducts empt! into the . a) 'irst part of the duodenum b) Second part of the duodenum c) Third part of the duodenum d) Second part of the duodenum (=cm) from the pylorus e) -iddle of the 2nd part of the duodenum %$hich of the following is retroperitoneal . a) Spleen b) Stomach c) :ejunum d) .ead of pancreas e) Transverse colon . $hat structure passes behind the medial arcuate ligament of the abdominal diaphragm# a) The aorta b) The oesophagus c) The psoas major d) The quadratus lumborum e) The inferior vena cava . $hich of the following structures forms the floor +inferior border) of the inguinal canal# a) /onjoint tendon b) $nguinal ligament c) Transversalis fascia d) Peritoneum e) )poneurosis of internal abdominal oblique $hich of the following groups of structures receives its arterial blood suppl! . %from the superior mesenteric arter! a) )scending colon( transverse colon( descending colon( sigmoid colon b) !eft colic fle%ure( descending colon( ascending colon( rectum c) !eft colic fle%ure( descending colon( spleen( sigmoid colon d) :ejunum( ileum( cecum( ascending colon e) 9escending colon( left colic fle%ure( rectum( sigmoid colon $hich of the following statements regarding circulation to abdominal organs is . %false

a) The common hepatic artery gives rise to the gastroduodenal artery and propehepatic artery b) lood from the &idneys returns to the heart via the hepatic portal system c) The superior mesenteric vein drains the ileum and jejunum d) The superior portion of the rectum receives its blood from the inferior mesenteric artery e) The duodenum receives its arterial blood via the celiac trun& and the superior mesenteric artery $hich of the following combinations is not a postal)s!stemic +portocaval) . %anastomosis a) !eft gastric veins and esophageal veins b) Superior( middle and inferior rectal veins c) Superior and inferior epigastric veins d) Para1umbilical veins and epigastric veins e) /olic veins and retroperitoneal veins $hich of the following statements regarding the posterior abdominal wall is . %false a) The iliopsoas muscle fle%es the hip b) The quadratus lumborum muscle receives somatic motor innervation via the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve c) The medial and lateral arcuate ligaments serves as attachment sites to the thoracic diaphragm d) !umbar arteries arising from the abdominal aorta( supply blood to the posterior abdominal wall e) The cisterna chyli is an enlargement at the inferior end of the thoracic duct $hich of the following statements regarding the autonomic innervation of . %abdominal organs is false a) )utonomic a%ons carried in the vagus nerve synapse in ganglia in the celiac ple%us b) The superior hypogastric ple%us is composed of autonomic nerves and ganglia c) Preganglionic cell bodies for a%ons comprising the least splanchnic nerves lie in the spinal cord segment T52 d) The lumbar splanchnic nerves carry preganglionic sympathetic a%ons e) The pelvic splanchnic nerves provide preganglionic parasympathetic a%ons to the digestive tract beyond (distal to) the left colic fle%ure #The ureter crosses all except . a) ,as deferens b) "terine artery c) $nferior mesenteric artery d) Pelvic brim e) Sacro1iliac joint #$hich is true regarding the idne!s . a) The anterior surface of the right &idney includes a colic area b) The anterior surface of the left &idney does not include a colic area c) The suprarenal( pancreatic and colic areas of the left &idney are covered with peritoneum d) The perirenal fascia is a synonym for renal fascia e) The inferior poles may e%tend to the level of the first sacral vertebra

A femoral hernia descends through the femoral canal" and the nec of the . #hernial sac lies a) )t the saphenous opening b) )bove and medial to the pubic tubercle c) elow and lateral to the pubic tubercle d) $n the obturator canal e) !ateral to the iliacus muscle $hich of the following structures ma! be eroded b! a perforating gastric ulcer . %on the posterior wall of the stomach a) The inferior mesenteric artery b) The splenic artery c) The right &idney d) The second part of the duodenum e) The quadrate lobe of the liver

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